188 A Military History of

THE BLAOK W ATOR (Ron.L HIGBLANDBBB}--eontinued (medal, with claBps "El Teb-Tamai," Iferred to Reaerve 1889. Diaobarged 1898. ••Suakim, 18!U," 11 The Nile, 11184-a,".i: and Re-enliated in Royal Boottlah Beeerve Bagt. "Kirbe.kan, 1886" ; Khedive'a atar). Tr&III- 1900. Dlacharged 1901, [898.]

THE KING'S ROYAL RIFLE OORPS n:116.Rifleman Geddea, Thomaa (Alytb). En­ liated 1898, Served in South African War, liated in the 60th (The King's Royal Rifie Corpa) 1899-1902 (Queen'• medal, with claape II Tugela 1864. Served in Afghan War, 1878--1880(medal, Height.a," 11 Relief of Ladyamith," 11 Laing'• with olaape II Ahmed Kiel " and " Kandahar" ; Nek," 11 Transvaal," and II Cape Colony"; Roberta' atar). Served also in Boer War, 1880- King's medal, with claBpe II South Africa, 1881. Diaoharged 1889. [~.] 1901," and II South Africa, 1902 "), [410.] 699-Riflem&nRobertaon, John (Perth). En•

THE DUKE OF EDINBURGH'S (WILTSHIBB RBGIIIDT) 4417. Pte. Kem:iedy,Jamee (Perth). En­ 4452-Bdaman. Smith, Morgan Jaa. (Perth). listed 1896. Served in South African War, Enliated 1896. Served in South African War, 1899-1902 (Queen's medal, with claBpe "Cape • , • 1900-1902 (Queen's medal, with claape Colony," 11 Orange Free State," and "Trans­ "Cape Colony," 11 Witt41bergen," and "Trans­ vaal" ; King's medal, with claBpe II South vaal" ; King's medal, with claape II South Africa, 1901," and II South Africa, 1902 "), Africa, 1901," and "South Africa, 1902 "). Transferred to Reaerve 1903. [411.] Still serving, ['12.]

THE HIGHLAND LIGHT INFANTRY 1398, Lance-Corp!, Cameron,angloboerwar.com Aleunder liated 1890. Served in South African War, (), 8rd (Militia) Batt. Enliated 1899. 1899,-1900 (Queen's medal, with olaape "Cape Served in South African War, 1902 (Queen's Colony" and II Orange Free Stat.e "). Dis­ medal, with olaapa II Cape Colony " and II South charged 1901. Africa, 1902 "). Still serving. 5456. Pte. Chapmu, Aluander (Pltloohry). 4274-Pte, Cameron, William (Perth). En­ Enlisted 1894, Served in Sooth African War, lilted 1891. Served in Campaign on North­ 1901-1902 (Queen's medal, with olaapa"Cape West Frontier of India, 1897-1898 (operations Colony," 11 Orange Free State," 11 T?ans'faal.," of Malakand and Buner Field Foroea) (medal, " South Africa, 1901," and "South Africa, with olaap), Served also in South African 1902 "). War, 18\19-1900 (Queen's medal, with claspe 6659. Pte. Cl'OIB,David B. (Perth). En­ 11 Cape Colony," 11 Paardeberg," and II Witte­ listed 1898, Served in South African War, bergen "), Killed at Dewetsdorp, Nov. 28, 1900-1902 (Queen's medal, with claaps "Cape 1900, Colony " and " Wittebergen " ; King's medal, 46oo.Pte. Campbell, Aleu.nder (Perth). with claape II South Africa, 1901," and II South Enlisted 1892. Served in Campaign on North­ Africa, l~"), Still serving. [418.) West Frontier of India, 1897-1898 (operations 6437.Pte. Denney, Frank (Perth). En­ of Malakand and Buner Field Forces) (medal, listed 1897, Served in Occupation of Crete, with clasp II Punjaub Frontier, 1897-8 "). 1898. Discharged invalided 1908. Served also in South African War, 1901-1902 512:2. Pte. Dnaney, Patrick (Perth). En­ (Queen's medal, with claaps "Cape Colony," liBted 1898. Served in Campaign on North­ 11 Orange Free State," 11 Transvaal," 11 South Weat Frontier of India, 1897-1898 (operations Africa, 1901," and "South Africa, 1902 "). of Malakand and Buner Field Foroea) (medal, Discharged 1908. with olaap). Served also in South African War, 3686, Pte. Campbell, Henry (Perth). En- , •• 1901 (Queen's medal, with claBps "Cape The Highland Light Infantry

Colony,'' 11 Orange Free State," and II South (medal, with ola•p "Punjaub Frontier, 1897-8"). Afrioa, 1901"). Tnuu1ferred to Reserve. [4'H.] Served also In South African War, 1899- 69,56.Pte. Dow, Peter S, (Dunblane), En­ 1902 (Queen's medal, with cla•pe "Modder l18ted 1899. Served In South Afrioan War, River" and II Wlttebergen"; King's medal, 1900-1902 (Queen'• medal, with claspe " Cape with claspe "South Africa, 1901," and" South Colony," "Orange Free State," aud "Trans­ Africa, 1902 "). [4'21.] vaal " ; King's medal, with olaspe '' South 3377.. Pte. Green, John (Perth), Bnliated Africa, 1901," and" South Africa, 1902"). Dia­ 1889. Served in South Afrloan War as Re­ charged 1903. [418.] •ervist, 1899-1902 (Queen'• medal, with clasps 5693-CorpL I>ufr, Robert (). 11 Modder River" and " Orange Free State " ; Bnliated 1894,. Served in South Afrioan War, King's medal, with cla•pe " South Africa, 1899-1901 (Queen's medal, with olaspB•' JIodder 1901," and•• South Africa, 1902 ''). Diloharged River," " Wittebergen," and "South Africa, 1902. [4,8(), 1 1901 "). Diloharged 1901, Died Oct. 8, 1902, 3161. Corpl. Gril&a, Denllil (Blairgowrie). 6o76, Sergt. Ferguon, Alfred (Logleralt), Enlisted 1888, Tran •ferred to Re•erve 1897. Bnliated 1896, Promoted Ccrpl. 1898, Sergt. Re-enliated in Srd (Militia) Batt. 1901, Served 1901, Served in Oooupe.tlon of Crete, 1898. In South Afrloan War, 1902 (Queen'• medal, Served al.lo in South African War (1), 1899- with claspe " Cape Colony " and " South Africa, 1900; wounded at Spltu:op, Aug. H, 1900, 1902 "). [4'86.] and invalided home; (2) 1901-1902 (Queen'• 498a, Col.-Sergt. Hall, Thoma• (Perth), medal, with olaspB"Cape Colony," "Paarde­ Enliated 1898. Served In Oooupe.tion of Crete, berg," and " Wittebergen"; King' • medal, 1898; al•o in South African War, 1899-1902 with olaspe II South Africa, 1901," and "South (Queen's medal, with olaspe " Kodder River " Africa, 1902"). Still serving, [ilO.] and " Orange Free State" ; King's medal, with 45- CoL-8ergt. Ferpaoa, Donald (Logie­ o1asps"South Africa, 1901,"and" South Africa, rait). Enl18ted In 71st (H.L.I.) Regt. 1857, 1902 "). Still •erving. [U6.] Served in Indian Mutiny, 1858 (medal, with 5783-Pte. Heron, Andrew (Blairgowrie), olasp II Central India"); a1•o on North-Westangloboerwar.com Enli•ted 1895. Served in Occupation of Crete, Frontier of India, 1868 (medal, with o1asp 1898; a1•o in South African War, 1899-1902 " Umbeyla "). Long Service medal ; (relln­ (Queen'• medal, with cla•pe "Cape Colony," qui•hed later on obtaining the Meritorion• " Paardeberg ," and " Wittebergen " ; King' • Service medal). Di•oharged 1880. (4'19,] medal, with ola•pe " South Africa, 1901," and - Pte. Perguoa, Peter (Coupar Angn•). "South Africa, 1902 "), Diaoharged 1902, Enlisted in 71st (H.L.I.) Regt. 1862.. Served in [4'87.] Crimea 185G during Rus•ian War (medal, 7161. Pte. Higcias, Patriok (Perth), En­ with cla•p "Seva •topol," and Turkish medal). listed 1900, Served In South African War, Served also in Indian Mutiny (medal, with 1901-1902 (Queen's medal, with o1asps " Cape clup "Central India"); and on North-W88t Colony," " South Africa, 1901," and "South Frontier of India, 1868 (medal, with o1asp Africa, 1902 "), Di•oharged 1902. 11 Umbeyla "), Di•charged 1872. 5123-Pte. Holland, Patrick (Perth). Bn. 11185,Pte. Gibbons, John (Perth). Bn1i•ted ll•ted 1898. Served in Oooupe.tion of Crete, in Hth (Highlanders) Regt. (now 2nd Batt. The 1898; also In South African War, 1899-1901 B.L.I.) 1MB, Served In Ka.l!ir War, 1861-1858 (Queen's medal, with olasps " Cape Colony," (attaoks on the Amatola •, the Waterkloof, &c.) "Paardeberg," and "Wittebergen"; King' • (Cape medal). Served a1•o In Indian Mutiny, medal, with olasp• " South Africa, 1901," and 1857-1859 (capture of Nurgnnd) (Di•tingui •hed "South Afrloa, 1902 "). [US.] Conduct medal), Discharged 1869. Died Dec. 40(!6. Pte. Hutchiloa, Peter (Boone), En­ 11, 1908 (after aending in record of •ervice). listed In 71•t (H.L.I.) Regt. 1851i, Served in [4,24,,] Crimea 1855 during Rn•11ian War (medal, _,,,. Pte. Glen, Jamea (). with ola•p" Sevastopol," and Turkish medal). Enlisted 1881, Served in Oampe.igu on North­ Served also In Indian Mutiny, 1~1859 West Frontier of India, 1897-1898 (opera­ (medal, with cla•p " Central India") ; and on tion • of Jlalakand and Buner Field Foroe•) North-West Frontier of India, 1868 (medal, A Military History of Perthshire

THE HIGHLAND LIGHT INF ANTRY-oontinued with clasp "Umbeyla "), Dilobarged 1867, of Jlalakand and Baner Field Fol08I) (medal, [432.) with olup). Still aerving. 3975, Pte. Limmer, David (Perth). Enllsted yk,IJ. Pte. MiJlicu, George (Perth). En­ 1888. Served in Occupation of Cret.e, 189~. listed 1890. Served in South African War, Still serving. 1899-1902 (Queen's medal, with olups 11 )(od­ :1:154-Pte. McDonald, James (Perth). En• der River," "Paardeberg," and "Wittebergen" l ll1ted 1886. Served in South African War, King' • medal, with olups " South Africa, 1900-1902 (Queen's medal, with olupe II Cape 1901," and" South Africa, 1902 "). Discharged Colony" and " Wittebergen " ; King's medal, 1902. with olups II South Africa, 1901," and II South 4574-Pte. Milue, W. {Aberfeldy), Enlisted Africa, 1902 "). Discharged 1902. 1892. Served in Campaign on North-West 491k>.Pte. McFarlue, John (Gourdie), En­ Frontier of India, 1897-1898 (operatio111 of lilted 1893. Served in Campaign on North­ Halakand and Buner Field For081) (medal, West Frontier of India, 1897-1898 {operatio111 with claep). Served also in South African of Jlala.kand and Buner Field Forces) (medal, War, 1900-1902 (Queen's medal, with olaspe with clup). Transferred to Reeerve. "Cape Colony," "Orange Free State," and 8417. Pte. McFarlane, William {Crieff). " Tr&111vaal"; King's medal, with olasps Ith VoL Batt. Served in South African War " South Africa, 1901," and "South Africa, with 2nd VoL Service Coy., 1901-1902 (Queen's 1902 "). [416.] medal, with olups "Cape Colony," "Orange 351a. Pte. Reid, James (Coupar Angus), Free State," "South Africa, 1901," and II South Enlisted 1890. Served in Campaign on North­ Africa, 1902 "), West Frontier of India, 1897-1898 (operatio111 7391, Pte. McGregor, Charles (Ranna­ of Jlalakand and Baner Field Forces) (medal, gahion). Enlisted 1900. Served in South with olup). Served also in South African War, African War, 1901-1902 (Queen's medal, with 1899-1902 (Queen'• medal, with clupe " Jlod­ olups "Cape Colony," "South Africa, 1901," der River " and " Wittebergen" ; King's medal, and "South Africa, 1902 "), Dilohargedangloboerwar.com 1903. with clupe " South Africa, 1901," and " South ['16,) Africa, 1902 "). Discharged 1902. 3945-Pte. McKenzie, James (Perth). En­ 4'J8a,Pte. Reid, James (Blairgowrie), Bn­ listed 1888. Served in South African War, U.ted 1898, Served in Occupation of Crete, 1899-1901 (Queen's medal, with clasps II lt:odder 1898; also in South African War, 1899-1902 River," " Paardeberg," "Wittebergen," and (Queen's medal, with olupe " Jlodder River" " South Africa, 1901 "). Discharged 1901, and "Wittebergen"; King's medal, with clasps 7'§4 Pte. McLaughlin, William (Perth). " South Africa, 1901," and " South Africa, Enlilted 1900, Served in South African War, 1902 "). [431.] 1901-1902 (Queen's medal, with clups " Cape 3946.Pte. Rentoul, E. (Crieff), Enlisted Colony," "South Africa, 1901," and "South 1889. Served in Campaign on North-West Africa, 1902 "). Still serving, Frontier of India, 1897-1898 (operations of 3154, Pte. McPherson, Peter (Glenlyon). llalakand and Buner Field Foroea) (medal, Enlisted 1888. Served in South African War, with olup "Panjaub Frontier, 1897-8 "). 1899-1901 (Queen's medal, with clasps " Cape Served also in South African War as Reservist, Colony," "Paardeberg," "Wittebergen," and 1899-1902 (Queen's medal, with clups " Cape "South Africa, 1901 "). [427.] Colony," "Orange Free State," and "Trans­ 7345, Pte. McRitchie, James (Blairgowrie), vaal " ; King's medal, with olaepa " South Enlisted 1900. Served in South African War, Africa, 1901," and "South Africa, 1902 "). 1901-1902 (Queen'• medal, with clasps II Cape Now serving in South African Constabulary, Oolony," "South Africa, 1901," and II South 5374-Pte. Rentoul, William (Crieff), En­ Africa, 1902 "). Still serving. listed 1894. Served in South African War, 5030. Pte. Middlemaas,James (Crieff). En­ 1900-1902 (Queen's medal, with olups "Cape U.ted 1893, Served in Campaign on North­ Colony," "Orange Free State," and "Trans­ We1t Frontier of India, 1897-1898 (operatio111 vaal"; King's medal, with cla6pe "South The Highland Light Infantry

Africa, 1901," and "South Africa, 1902 "), Served also In South African War, 1900-1902 Now serving in South African Constabulary. (Queen's medal, with clasps" Cape Colony" and 6743-Pte. RichardloD, John (Perth), En­ "Orange Free State"; King's medal, with listed 1898, Served in South African War, ••• olaspe " South Africa, 1901," and " South 1900-1902 (Queen's medal, with clasps" Witte­ Africa, 1902"). Disoharged 1902. ["°.] bergen" and Cape Colony"; King's medal, 3768,Pte. Stewart, John (Perth). Enlisted with olasps " South Africa, 1901," and " South 1890. Served in Campaign on North-West Africa, 1902"), Still serving. Frontier of India, 1897-1898 (operations of - Sergt. Robertson, Donald (Stanley). Malakand and Buner Field Forces) (medal, with Enlisted in 74th (Highlanders) Regt. (now 2nd clasp "Punjaub Frontier, 1897-8 "). Served Batt. H.L.I.) 18615. Served in Egyptian Cam­ also in South African War, 1899-1902 (Queen's paign, 1882 (medal, with clasp" Tel-el-Xebir," medal, with clasps" Kodder River," "Paarde­ ~d Khedive's star). Discharged 1886. [425.] berg," and "Wittebergen" ; King's medal, 5467.Piper Robertson, Thomas (). with clasps" South Africa, 1901," and" South ,:nlieted 1894. Served in Oocupation of Crete, Africa, 1902"). Discharged 1902. [fH.] 1898 ; also in South African War, .•• 1901 3140-Col.-Sergt. Stewart, Peter (Banldoot). ·(Queen's medal, with clasps "Cape Colony" Enlisted 1890. Served in Campaign on North• ~d "South Africa, 1901" ). Discharged 1901. West Frontier of India, 1897-1898 (operations [f88.] of Kalakand and Buner Field Forces) (medal, 31)48.Corpl. Rum.gay,Andrew (New Boone). with clasp "Punj&11b Frontier, 1897-8 "), Enlisted 1888. Promoted La.nce-Corpl. 1893. Royal Humane Sooiety'a Bronze Medal for Transferred to Reserve 1896. Served in South saving life. Still serving. [417.] African War as Reservist, 1899-1901; promoted 8423-Pte. Stewart, William (), Corpl. 1901 (Queen's medal, with clasps" Cape 6th Vol Batt. Served in South African War Colony," "Paardeberg," "Wittebergen," and with 2nd Vol. Service Coy., 1901-1902 (Queen's ,, South.Africa, 1901 "). Dieoharged 1901. [f39.] medal, with claspa "Cape Colony," "Orange 3554-Pte. Shaw, John (Blairgowrie). En­ Free State,"" South.Africa, 1901," and" South listed 1890. Served in South African War, Africa, 1902"). ['36.] ;J.899-1902 (Queen's medal, with clasps" Capeangloboerwar.com y,a,,.Corpl. Taylor, Aleunder (M'uthW). Colony," "Paardeberg," and" Wittebergen" ; Enlisted 1888. Transferred to Reserve 1896. J[ing's medal, with olaspe "South Africa, Served in South African War as Reservist, 1901," and "South Africa, 1902"). Dis­ 1899-1901 (Queen's medal, with olupe "Hod­ .charged 1902. der River," "Paardeberg," "Wittebergen," 4039-Pte. Shaw, John (Perth). Enlisted and" South Africa, 1901 "). Discharged 1901, ;J.891. Served in Campaign on North-West [f23.] Frontier of India, 1897-1898 (operationa of 8a78-Pte. Watscm,Ronald(Logie) ••.. Vol. M'alakand and Boner Field Forces) (medal, Batt. Served in South African War with 1st .with clasp). Served also in South African Vol. Service Coy., 1900-1901 (Queen's medal, ·War, 1899-1902 (Queen's medal, with olaspe with olaspe " Cape Colony," " Orange Free " Jilodder River " and " Wittebergen" ; King's State," "Tranavaal," and "South Africa, medal, with olasps " South Africa, 1901," and 1901 "). ·" South Africa, 1902''). Discharged 1903, 3140- Pte. Welsh, William (Auohterarder). JfSS.] Enlisted 1888. Served In Occupation of Crete, 6.to'l,Sergt. Smith, George (Lunoarty). En­ 1898 ; severely wounded. Served also in listed 1897, Served in Occupation of Crete, South African War, 1899-1901 (Queen's medal, 11198; also in South African War, 1902 (Queen's with clasps " Hodder River," " Paardeberg," .medal, with olasps " Cape Colony " and " South "Wittebergen," and "South Africa, 1901 "), Africa, 1902 "), Still serving. Dieoharged 1901, [428.] 5301. Pte. Stewart, George (Blairgowrie). 7r,s6.Pte. Wiaely, Peter (Bridge of Eam). Enlisted 189'- Served in Campaign on North­ Enlisted 1901. Served in South African War, West Frontier of India, 1897-1898 (operationa 1902 (Queen's medal, with clasps "Cape .of Jilalakand and Buner Field Forces) (medal, Colony" and " South Africa, 1902 "). Still ,with clasp "Punjaub Frontier, 11197-8"). •erving. [429.] A Military History of Perthshire

THE IDGHLAND LIGHT INFANTRY----eonnnued SDS4-Corpl. Yoang, John (Kincardme on I(operations of Jlalabnd and Buer l'leld J'orth), Bnlillted 1893, Served in Campaign Fol'OIII)(medal, with clasp" Punjaub Frontier, on North-Wen Frontier of India, 1897-1898 1897-8 "), Discharged 190!.

SEAFORTH HIGHLANDERS (R011-1BIBB BuFl'a, Tam Duu OP ALB.A.XY'a) 6618. Pte. Adams, Jamea (Perth). Bnlilted and "Khartoum"). Served also In South 1899. Served in South African War, , •. African War, ... 1900-1902 (Queen'• medal, 1900-1902 (Queen's medal, with clupe "Cape with claspl "Cape Colony," "Paardeberg," Colony," "Orange Free State," and "Tran.I­ "Driefontein," and " Tl'&DIVB&l"; King', va.al" ; King'• medal, with claspa " South medal, with clasp• " South Africa, 1901," and Africa, 1901," and "South Africa, 1902 "). "South Africa, 1902"), Dillcharged 1908. Still aening. [Ul.] 4784- Sergt. Bi8let, Daniel (Boone). Bn­ 6~1. Pte. Aird, Al8D11der (Perth). Bn­ liBted 1894,. Served with Chltral Relief Force, lillted 1899, Sened In South African War, •.• 1896 (medal, with clasp " Relief of Chltml ") ; 1900-1902 (Queen'• medal, with claspl II Cape also in Occupation of Crete, 1897, and In Colony," "Orange Free State," and "Tran.I­ Soudan Campaign, 1898 (medal, and Khedive'• va.al" ; King'• medal, with claspa II South medal, with clasp "Khartoum"), Aleo 18l"f'ed Africa, 1901," and "Soutla Africa, 1902"). on We•t Coast of Africa with Northern Nigerian Still Bening. Regiment in (1) The Abuja Bxpedltion, 1902, 61169-Pte. Allan, David (Perth). Bnliated (2) the Kano and Sokoto Expedition, 1908, and 1899. Served in South African War, 1900- (3) the Bxpedltion in the Kale Country, 1908, 1902 (Queen'• medal, with clasp• "Cape Still serving. [467,] Colony," 11 Orange Free State," and "Tran •- ,3008- CoL-Sergt. Brownie, Charle • E. vaal"; King'• medal, with clasp• "South (). Enlilted 1889, Served in Hinter­ Africa, 1901," and "South Africa, 1902"), landofWeat Africa, 1898-1899 (medal, withclup Still aerving. angloboerwar.com"1898 "). Now 1erving u Col,•Sergt.-Inatr. on 8.447• Col.-Sergt. Allan, John (Coupar Permanent St.a.ffRoyal Jersey Militia. ["2.] Angus). Enlilted 1887. Served with Huara 1711, Sergt. Bruce, Peter (Brrol), Enlilted Bxpedition, 1891 (medal, with clasp " Huara, 1886, Served in Soudan Campaign, 1898 1891 "); also with Chitral Relief Force, 1895 (medal, and Khedive'• medal, with clups " The (medal, with clup " Relief of Chltral "). Still Atbara" and" Khartoum"), Still 18l"f'ing. •erving, 6712. Pte. Calderwood,Jame • (Perth). En­ 5091. Pte. Alliaon, John (Perth), Enliated lilted 1899. Served In South African War, 1894, Served in Soudan Campaign, 1898 1900-1902 (Queen's medal, with clasps "Cape (medal, and Khedive'• medal, with clupa Colony," "Orange Free State," and "Tran •- " The Atbam" and "Khartoum"), Tran1- vaal" ; King's medal, with clups " South ferred to Re•ene. Africa, 1901," and "South Africa, 1902")­ rfJIYl.Pte. Andenicm, Allan (Perth). Bn­ Still •erring. ['68.] lilted 1894. Served in Soudan Campaign, YJ47•Pte. Campbell, Henry M. (Kincardine 1898 (medal, and Khedive's medal, with clasps on Forth). Enlillted 1889, Served with Chltral " The Atbara" and" Khartoum "). Sened also Relief Force, 1896 (medal, with clasp II Relief in South African War, 1901-1902 (Queen'• of Chltral "), Served alBo In South African War, medal, with clasps "Cape Colony," "Orange 1899-1902. Wounded at Magerafontein, Dec. Free State," " Transvaal," " South Africa, 11, 1899 (Queen'• medal, with clasps "Cape 1901," and" South Africa, 1902"), [461,] Colony," "Trauavaal," and "Wittebergen"; ~',6. Pte. Anderson, Thoma• (Perth). Bn­ King's medal, with claapa "South Africa, lillted 1891, Served with Chitml Relief Force, 1901," and" South Africa, 1902 "). Discharged 1896 (medal, with clasp " Relief of Chitml ") ; 1902. [ 443,] and in Soudan Campaign, 1898 (medal, and 2'§11, Pte. Campbell,John (Tenandry). Bn­ Xhedive'• medal, with clups "The Atbara" lilted 1887. Served with Huara Bxpedition, Seaforth Highlanders 19.3

1891 (medal, l'rith clasp "Hazam, 1891 "). 9'166-Pte. Doig, Charles (). Enlisted Served also in South African War, (1) 1899 ; 1901. Served in South African War, 1902 wounded at Jlagenfontein, Dec. 11, 1899, and (Queen's medal, with clasps "Oape Colony," invalided home. Served (2) in South African "Orange Free State,"" Transvaal,"and "South War, 1900-1902 (Queen's medal, with clasps Africa, 1902"). Still serving. [473.] "Oape Colony," "Orange Free State," and 3437. Pte. Douglas, Robert (Cargill), En­ "Transvaal"; King' • medal, with ola•ps listed 1890. Served with Chitral Relief Faroe, "South Africa, 1901," and "South Africa, 1895 (medal, with clasp "Relief of Cbitral "). 1902"). Di•charged 1902. Served also in South African War, 1899 (Queen' • 564-Pte. Cuai.dy, William (Blairgowrle). medal, with clasp " Cape Colony "). Killed at Bnlisted in 72nd (Duke of Albany's Own High­ Magenfontein, Dec. 11, 1899. lander&) Regt. (now 1st Batt. Seaforth High• sa79. Pte. Dufl', James (Perth), Bnli•ted landers) 1880. Served in Egyptian Campaign, 18911. Served in Soudan Campaign, 1898 1882 (medal, with ola•p " Tel-el-Kebir," and (medal, and Khedive's medal, with ola•ps Khedive' • •tar). Served with Huaza Expedi­ " The Atbara" and " Khartoum"). Served tion, 1888 (medal, with clasp "Huaza, 1888 "); also in South African War, .•. 1900-1901 and with Cbitral ReliefForoe, 1896 (medal, with (Queen'• medal, with clups "Cape Colony," ola•p " Relief of Chltral "). Served also in " Paardeberg," " Driefontein," and "South Boudan Campaign, 1898 (medal, and Khedive'a Africa, 1901 "). Transferred to Reaerve. medal, with ola•ps " The Atbara " and " Khar­ 1535, Bdaman. Dufl', Thomas (Blairgowrie). toum "). DiBCharged 1898, Enlisted in 72nd (Duke of Albany' • Own 1'95, CoL-Sergt. Cook, John (Errol). Bn­ Highlanders) Regt. (now 1st Batt. Seaforth li•ted 1886. Served with Huara Expedition, Highlanders) 1879. Served in Afghan War, 1891 (medal, with ola•p" Huara, 1891 "); and 1879-1880 (medal, with four clasps, and Roberte' with Chltral Relief Force, 18911(medal, with •tar). Served also in Egyptian Campaign, 1882 ola•p "Relief of Cbitral "). Served also in (JDedal, with olasp " Tel-el-Kebir," and Khe­ South African War, 1901 (Queen's medal, with dive'a •tar). Long Service medal. Di•charged ola•ps " Oape Colony " and " South Africa, 1890. [4.44.] 1901 "). Still aerving. angloboerwar.com3149-CoL-Sergt. Danbar, George (Crief!), 5155, Pte. Cook, Thollllll (St. Madoes). Bn- Enli•ted 1888. Served in Boudan Campaign, 118Mld18911. Served in Boudan Campaign, 1898 1898 (medal, and Khedive' • medal, with clasp• (medal, and Khedive's medal, with ola•ps " The Atbara" and " Khartoum "). M:editer­ "The Atbara" and "Khartoum"). Served ranean Service medal. Still aerving. [~.J al•o in South African War, 1901-1902 (Queen's 3478. CoL-Sergt. Edward, Robert (Perth). medal, with clasps "Cape Colony," "O?ange Enlisted in 72nd (Duke of Albany's Own High­ Free State," "Transvaal," " South Africa, landers) Regt. (now let Batt. Seaforth High- • 1901," and "South Africa, 1902 "). Tmna­ landers) 1878. Served in Afghan War, 11!79- ferred to Reaerve. 1880 (medal, with four clasp•, and Roberts' 3330, Sergt.-Maj. Crabb, JOBeph (Blair­ star) ; also in Egyptian Campai.gn, 1882 (medal, ). Bn1iBtedin 71st (H.L.I.) Regt. 1878. with ola•p "Tel-el-Kebir," and Khedive's star), Transferred to Seaforth Highlanders, Served Served also with Huara Expedition, 1888 with Hazam Expeditions, 1888 and 1891 (medal, (medal, with ola•p "Huara, 1888"). Now with clasps " Huara, 1888," and " Hazara, aerving in Indian Barrack Department. 1891 "); also with Chltral Belief Force, 1896 4834-Pte. Farquharaoa,John (Blairgowrie). (medal, with ola•p " Relief of Ohltral "). Ap­ BnliBted 1894. Served in Soudan Campaign, pointed Bergt.-Instr. to l •t. Vol Batt. 1897. 1898 (medal, and Khedive'a medal, with ola•ps Promoted Bergt.-lifaj.1902. Died 1903. "The Atbara" and "Khartoum"). Served 3035-Pte. Cree, John (Perth). Enlisted in also in South African War, ... 1900-1908 72nd (Duke of Albany'• Own Highlanders) (Queen'• medal, with clasps "Oape Colony," Regt. (now l •t Batt. Seaforth Highlanders) "Paardeberg," 11 Driefontein,'' "Wittebergen," 18H. Served in Crimea, 1866, during Rllllllian and II TranBVaal"; King's medal, with claspB War (medal, with ola•p " Sevastopol," ·and " South Africa, 1901," and II South Africa, Turkish medal). Di•charged 1865. 1902"), Transferred to Reaerve. [469.] n. 0 1 94 A Military History of Perthshire

SEAFORTH HIGHLANDERS----t.Ontinued bf4. Pte. Fulda, John (Perth). Bllliated vaal"; King' • medal, with clupe "South 1900. 8en'ed in South Afrlcan War, 1902 Africa, 1901," and "South Africa, 1902" ). (Queen's medal, with clups "Cape Colony," Di10harged 1902. "Orange Free State," " Transvaal," and "Soath 5315, Pte. Halley, John (Oriel!). Bnllated Africa, 1901"). Still lleffing. 1895. Served in 8oudan Campaign., 1898 1169, CoL-Sergt. Fenton, Andnnr (Kln­ (medal, and Khedive' • medal, with olaapl noull). Bn1ilted 1885. Promoted Corp]. 1890, " The Atbara" and " Khartoum"). Served Sergt. 1898, Col.-Sergt. 1897. Served with allo in South African War, 1901-1902 (Queen' • Hamra Expedition, 1891, and with Wamlatan medal, with olaaps "Cape Colony," "Orange Field ll'oroe, 1894:(medal, with clupa " Hua.ra, Free State," 11 Transvaal," "South Africa, 1891," and " Waliristan, 18!H:-ll"). Served 1901," and "South Africa, 1902" ). Btill alao with Chitral Relief ll'orce, 1896 (medal, Nrring. ["9.] with cl.up" Relief of Chitral "). Now 1erving s,s,. CorpL Heard, John (Perth). Bnllated as Bergt.-Imtr. on Permanent Staff of 2nd Vol. 1889. Served with Huara Expedition, 1891 Batt. (1st Sutherland Highland Bille Volun'8erll). ( medal, with cl.up " Huara, 1891 ") ; allo with {"6.] Chltral Belief ll'oroe, 1895 (medal, with al.up 3004, Qrmr.-Sergt. Penton, John (Kln­ " Relief of Chitral " ). Served allo in South noull). Enlisted 1889. Served in Oooupation African War u Belervlst, 1899. Wounded a1i of Crete, 1897 ; alao In 8oudan Campaign., 1898 lifagenfontein, Deo. 11, 1899 (Queen' • medal, (medal, and Khedive's medal, with clasps" The with o1up " Cape Colony"). Diloharged in­ Atbara" and " Khartoum"). Still Nrring. valided 1900. ['60.] {"7.] 95116,Lance-Corpl. Kidd, John(Perth). Bn­ 6713,Pte. Firth, Walter (Perth). Bllliat.ed lilted 1901. Served in South African War, 1899. Served In South African War, .•. 1901 (Queen' • medal, with olup • 11 Cape 1900-1902 (Queen's medal, with olaspa "Cape Colony,'' "Orange Free 8ta'8," "Transvaal," -Colony," "Orange Free State," and "Trans­ and " South Africa, 1902 "). Still aerrillg. '98&1" ; King's medal, with angloboerwar.comolaapl " South [t51.] Africa, 1901," and "South Africa, 1902"). Y,3', Pte. Lamg, Willlam (Perth). En­ Still 1erving. listed 1889. Served with Chltral Relief Force, '°46, Pte. FIJml, Charles M. (Perth). En­ 1895 (medal, witH cl.up "Relief of Chitral "); listed 1898. 8er'f'8d in South African War, alllO in South African War (Queen' • medal, 1901-1902 (Queen's medal, with clasps "Cape with olup "Cape Colony"). DilCharged Colony," "Orange Free State," 11 Transvaal," 1902. "South Africa, 1901," and "South Africa, 1,SS. CorpL Lamb, George (Perth). En­ 1902 "). Still Berving. listed in 72nd (Duke of Albany's Own High­ 6112.. Pte. Gordon, David (Perth). BDliated landers) Regt. (now lllt Batt. Seafonh 1898. Served in South African War, 1899 Highlanden) 1868. Served in Afghan War, (Queen'• medal, with olup "Cape Colony"). 1879-1880 (medal, with three olupe, and Killed at lrlagenfontein, Dec. 11, 1899. ["8.] Roberti' •tar). Dl•charged 1886. 7132.. Pte. Gordon, David (Perth). Bnlillted 3364, Pte. llcFarlane, Alu. (Perth). Bn­ 1900. Served in South African War, 1902 li•ted 1890. Served in South African War, (Queen' • medal, with clasp• "Cape Colony," 1899-1902 (Queen' • medal, with al.ups "Cape •• Orange Free State," "Transvaal," and Colony," "Paardeberg," "Driefontein," and •• South Africa, 1902" ). Still •erving. "Johannesburg" ; King's medal, with clupe 164o.Pte. Grant, Jamee (Orie.ff). BnliBted " South Afrioa, 1901," and •• South Africa, 1885. Served with Hamra Bxpeditiona, 1888 1902"). [i52.] .and 1891 (medal, with olups " Huara, 1888," 5815, Pte. MacGregor, George (Perth). En­ .and "Huara, 1891 "). Served al110in South listed 1897. Served in South African War, African War, ... 1900-1902 (Queen'• medal, 1899-1902 (Queen's medal, with olaspa "Cape with olupa "Cape Colony," "Paardeberg," Colony," " Paardeberg," " Driefontein," • • Driefontein," " Wittebergen," and " Tran •- "Wittebergen," and "Tran •vaal"; King' • Seaforth Highlanders 1 95 medal, with claapa "South Africa, 1901," and 6462-Pte. Matthew-, John (Perth). Bn­ " South Africa, 1902" ). Still IMIJ'Ving.[ 462.] listed 1899. Served in South African War, ..• 4559-Pte. llclDl"OJ,George (Scone). En­ 1900-1902 (Queen'• medal, with claspa " Cape listed 1898. Served in Boadan Campaign, Colony,'' "Orange Free State," and "Trans­ 1898 (medal, and Khedive's medal, with clUpll vaal"; King's medal, with clasps "South " The Atbara" and II Xhartoum "). Served Africa, 1901," and II South Africa, 1902"). also in South African War, 1900-1902 (Queen's Still serving. medal, with claapa " Cape Colony " and 6714-Pte. Mitchell, James (Perth). En­ "Wittebergen"; King's medal, with clasps listed 1899. Served in South African War, "South Africa, 1901," nd "South Africa, 1900-1902 (Queen's medal, with olaspa "Orange 1902"). Ttansferred to Reserve. Free State " and " Cape Colony " ; King's 5051. Pte. MclDl"OJ,Kenneth (Perth). En­ medal, with claaps " South Africa, 1901," and listed 1894. Served in Soudan Campaign, 11198 "South Africa, 1902 "). Stlll lMIJ'Ving.[454.] (medal, and Khedive'• medal, with claspa 1463-Pte. llorriaon, Donald (Aachterarder). " The Atbara" and " Xhartoum "). Served Enlisted in 72nd (Dake of Albany' • Own High­ also in South African War, 1901-1902 (Queen's landers) Regt. (now 1st Batt. Seaforth High­ medal, with clasps "Cape Colony," "Orange landers) 1868. Served in Afghan War, Free State," "Transvaal." "South Africa, 1879-1880 (medal, with clasps "Charisia," 1901," and "South Africa, 1902"). Trans­ " Kabul," and " Kandahar" ; Roberts' star). ferred to Reserve. [470.] Served also in Egyptian Campaign, 1882 ( medal, 6SS7.Pte. llcKeuie, David (). En­ with clasp" Tel-el-Kebir," and Khecli-re's star). listed 1899. Served in South African War, ... Discharged 1888. [474.] 1900-1902 (Queen's medal, with clasps" Cape 6285, Pte. Noble, Fleming (Stanley). En­ Colony," "Orange Free State," and "Trans­ listed 1898. Served in South African War, •.. vaal"; King'• medal, with olUpll "South 1900-1902 (Queen's medal, with claaps " Cape Africa, 1901," and" South Africa, 1902 "). Still Colony," "Orange Free State," and "Trans­ IMIJ'Ving. vaal" ; King's medal, with claaps " South S6o4, Pte. llcXinJay, Alemnder (Strath­angloboerwar.comAfrica, 1901," and " South Africa, 1902 "). braan). Enlisted 1896. Served in Boudan Still •erving. Campaign, 1898 (medal, and Khedive's medal, ~17. Pte. Patenon, Ale:n.nder (Alyth). Bn• with clasps " The Atbara " and " Khartoum"). listed 1896. Served in South African War, ..• Served also in South African War, 1901-1902 1900-1902 (Queen's medal, with claaps " Cape (Queen's medal, with claaps "Cape Colony," Colony," 11 Wittebergen,'' and "Transvaal"; " Orange Free State," " Tranlvaal," " South King's medal, with claapa" South Africa, 1901," Africa, 1901,'' and II South Africa, 1902") and" South Africa, 1902"). Still serving. Still serving. [458.] 6113, Pte. Proudfoot, Jam.81 (Perth). Bn­ 10,56. Pte. McLaren, Daniel (Strathyre). listed 1898. Served in South African War, .•. Enlisted in 72nd (Duke of Albany's Own High­ 1900-1902 (Queen's medal, with claaps "Cape landers) Regt. (now 1st Batt. Seaforth High­ Colony," "Paardeberg,'' "Driefontein," lander&) 1878. Served in Afghan War, 1879- " Wittebergen,'' and II Transvaal" ; King's 1880 (medal, with three olaspa, and Roberts' medal, with clasps " South Africa, 1901,'' and star). Served also in Egyptian Campaign, "South Africa, 1902 "). Still serving. [4115.] 1882 (medal, with clasp "Tel-el-Kebir," and 1745- Pte. Rohertaoa, Donald (Ballinluig). Khedive's star). Discharged 1890. Enlisted 18811. Served with Hazara Expedition, 2599-Pte. llc:Owen, John (). En­ 1891 (medal, with clasp " Huara, 1891"); listed 1884. Served in Egyptian Campaign also in South African War, ... 1900 (Queen's (medal, and Khedive's star); also with Huara medal, with clasp•" Cape Colony" and II Paar­ Ezpedition •, 1888 and 1891 (medal, with olaspa deberg "). Disoharged 1902. [468.) " Huara, 1888," and II Huara, 1891 "). Served 1365-Pte. Robertsoa, George T. (Perth). also in South African War, ... 1901 (Queen's Enlisted in 72nd' (Duke of Albany'• Own medal, with olasps "Cape Colony," "Orange Highlandera) Regt. (now 1st Batt. Seaforth Free State,'' "Transvaal," and "South Africa, Highlanden) 1868. Served in Afghan War, 1901"). Discharged 1901. [471.] 1879-1880 (medal, with claaps "Charilia," A Military History of Perthshire

SEAFORTH HIGHLANDERS-continued "Kabul," and " Kandahar" ; Roberts' 1tar). with clasp " Central India "l. Traneferred t.o Ben-ed al10 in Egyptian War, 1882 (medal, Re&erve 1863. DiBOharged 1888. [465.) with o1up "Tel-el-Kebir," and Khedive'a 3442, Pte. Stewart, James (Perth). En­ 1tar), Long Service medal. Di&0harged 1889. listed 1890. Served with Chitral Relief Force [4116.) 18911(medal, with clalp II Relief of Chitral ") ; s,63. Drum. Robertaon, John (Perth). En­ in Occupation of Crete, 11197; and in Boudan listed 1879. Ben-ed in South African War, Campaign, 1898 (medal, and Xhedive'a medal, • . . 1900 (Queen's medal, with c1aepe " Cape with clupa " The Atbara" and " Khartoum"), Colony," "Paardeberg," and "Driefontein "). Served al10 in South African War as Reaer­ Still &erving. [472,] viat, 18~1901 (Queen'• medal, with clupa 49118.Pte. Smith, John (Blairgowri~). En­ "Cape Colony,"" Paardeberg,"" Driefontein," liBted 1894. Served in Soudan Campaign, 11 Wittebergen," " Transvaal," and " South 1898 (medal, and Khedive'a medal, with cl.ups Africa, 1901 "), Di10harged 1902. [475,) " The Atbara " and " Khartoum "), Tranl­ 5547. Sergt. Stewart, John (). ferred to 'Reserve. Enlisted 1896. Served in Soudan Campaign, - Pte. Smith, Mylee (Blairgowrie). En­ 1898 (medal, and Khedive's medal, with clupe listed in 78th (Highland-Bou-shire Buffs) " The Atbara " and " Khartoum "). Served Regt. (now 2nd Batt. Seaforth Highlanders) also in South African War (with M:td. Infy.), 18H. Served with Suakim Field Force, 1888 1901-1902 (Queen'• medal, with olupl "Cape (medal, with clasp " Gemaizah," and Khedive's Colony," "Orange Free State," 11 Transvaal," star). Discharged 1886. Enlisted in the 11 South Africa, 1901," and "South Africa, King's Own Scottish Borderer&, 1887. Dis­ 1902" ). Still serving. [457.] charged 1903. 3974-Pte. Taylor, Andrew (Xincardine). 486-Lance-CorpL Sorley, James (Coraie­ Enlisted 1889. Served with Chitral Relief hill). Enlisted in 71st (H.L.I.) Regt. 1868. Force, 1895 (medal, with cl.up II Relief of DiBOharged 1877, Re-enlisted for active &er­ Chitral "); also in South African War, ... vice in 72nd (Duke of Albany'sangloboerwar.com Own High­ 1900-1902 (Queen's medal, with cl.ups II Cape landers) Regt. (now 1st Batt. Seaforth High­ Colony," "Paardeberg," " Driefontein," landers) 1879. Served in Afghan War, 1880. "Wittebergen," and II Transvaal" ; King'• Wounded at Kandahar, Sept. 1, 1880 (medal, medal, with olups " South Africa, 1901," and with four clasps, and Roberts' star). Pro­ 11 South Africa, 1902"), Dilcharged 1902. moted Lance-Corpl. 1889. Long Service medal. 4595. Pte. Taylor, Archibald (Blair Drum• Discharged 1892. Now serving as Sergt. mond). Enlisted 1898. Served in Boudan Master Tailor with ... Vol Batt. The Royal Campaign, 1898 (medal, and Khedive' • medal, Scots (Queen's RiJie Vol. Bgde.). [464,) with cl.ups " The Atbara" and II Khartoum "). lil96S,Sergt. Spiers, William (Blairgowrie). Served aleo in South African War, .•• 1900- Enlisted 1889. Served with Chitral Relief 1902 (Queen' • medal, with olupa II Cape Force, 1896 (medal, with clasp " Relief of Colony," "Wittebergen," and "Transvaal"; Chitral "). Still &erving. King's medal, with olaapa "South Africa, Bz45. Pte. Stewart, Douglas (Perth). En­ 1901," and "South Africa, 1902"). Trans­ listed 1900. Served in South African War, ferred to Reserve. 1902 (Queen's medal, with clasps "Cape 1763, Pte. Thomson, George (Cargill). En­ Colony," "Orange Free State," "Tranlvaal," listed 18811. Served with Hazara Expedition, and " South Africa, 1902" ). Still &erving. 1891 (medal, with clasp" Huara, 1891 "); aleo - Pte. Stewart, James (Perth). Enlisted in South African War, ..• 1900-1902 (Queen's in 72nd (Duke of Albany's Own Highlanders) medal, with olaspe "Cape Colony," "Paarde­ Regt. (new lat Batt. Seaforth Highlanders) berg," " Driefontein," and " Transvaal " ; 1852. Served in Crimea, 1856, during Ruuian King's medal, with olupa "South Africa, War. Wounded at Sevastopol (medal, with 1901," and "South Africa, 1902 "), Dis­ cl.up " Sevastopol," and Turkish medal). charged 1902. [476,) Servedaleo in Indian Mutiny, 1867-1859 (medal, .§DI. Sergt. - Drum. Tbomlcm, Robert. The Gordon Highlanders 1 97

(Perth). 'BDllsted 188'. Sened with Cbitral Aug. 11, 1901 (whilst attached to Scottish Relief Force, 18915(medal, with clasp "Relief Hol'le), and invalided home (Queen'• medal, of Chitral "); also in South African War, ... with claspe "Cape Colony," "Orange Free 1901 (Queen'• medal, with olaspe "Rhodeeia," State," "•rranavaa.1," and "South Africa, " Cape Colony," "Orange Free St.at.e," "Trane­ 1901 "). Diloharged 1909. Bnli•ted in Boottilh nal," and "South Africa, 1901 "), Killed in Hol'le (I.Y.) 1908. attack on Armoured Train, Aug. 8, 1901. [il58.] 355- Pte. Wilson, Andrew (Bankfootl. En­ ,3241. Lance-Corpl. Tyrie, Robert (Errol). lilted in 72nd (Duke of Albany'• Own High­ Enlilted 1890, Sened in South African War, landel'I) Regt. (now 1st Batt. Seaforth High• ••• 1900--1902 (Queen'• medal, with claspll landers) 1878. Served in Afghan War, 11179- "Cape Colony," "Paardeberg," "Drlefontein," 1880 (medal, with olaep "Kandahar," and "Wittebergen," and "Transvaal"; King'• Roberts' star). T1'1LD11ferredto Bellerve 1888. medal, with claspll " South Africa, 1901," and Disoharged 1890. Enlisted in Royal Soottiah " South Africa, 1902 "). Diloharged 1902. [4.159,] Re•ene Regt. 1900. Diloharged 1901. [4.66.] 3619, Pte. Watt, John (Moulin). Enlilted 1105- Pte. Wllaoa, Charles (Cargill). En, in Cameron Higblanden 1886. T?&Dlferredto listed in 72nd (Duke of Albany'• Own High­ Seaforth Highlanders 1887. Served with Huara landen) Regt. (now 1st Batt. Seaforth High­ Bxpeditione, 1888 and 1891 (medal, with olaepe landen) 1866. Sened in Afghan War, 1879- "Huara, 1888," and" Hazara, 1891 "). Sened 1880 (medal, with three olaepe, and Roberts' also in South African War, (1) 1899; wounded star). Served also in Egyptian War, 1882 (medal, at lifagel'lfontein, Dec. 11, 1899, and invalided with claap "Tel-el-Kebir," and Khedive's star). home; (2) 1900-1901; wounded at Brmelo, Disoharged 1889. ['60.]

THE GORDON HIGHLANDERS 7183- Pte. Aitken, George (Conpar Angus). 67oo.Pte. Beharrie, W. (Perth). Enlisted Enlisted 1900. Served in South African War, 1899. Sened in South African War (Queen'• 1901-1902 (Queen'• medal, with olaeps " Capeangloboerwar.com medal, with claspll " Cape Colony," "Paarde­ Colony," "Orange Free State," "Transvaal," berg," "Driefontein," "Tran •vaal," "South "South Africa, 1901," and "South Africa, Africa, 1901," and "South Africa, 1902 "). 1902"). Transferred to Re•erve 1903. Still eemng. 'f61o.Pte. Anderlon, Jame • (Auchterarder). 3561. Pte. Bemiett, Peter (Braoo). En­ Bnlilted 1899. Sened with Cbitral Reli1f listed 1887. Sened with Chitral Relief Force, Force, 1895, and in Campaign on North-Welt 1895, and in Campaign on North-Weet Frontier Frontier of India (with Timh Ex:peditionary of India, 1897-1898 (with Tirah Expedition• Force), 1897-11198(medal, with olaspe "Relief ary ll'oroe) (medal, with olaepe " Relief of Chitral," "Punjaub Frontier, 1897-8," of Ohitral," "Punjaub Frontier, 1897-8," and "Tirah, 1897-8 "). Sened also in and "Tirah, 1897-8 "). Sened also fn South South African War, 1899-1901. Wounded at African War, 1899-1902 (Queen's medal, Boemepruit, July 4,, 1901, and invalided home with olaspe "Relief of Ladyemith," "Cape (Queen'• medal, with olupe "Defence of Lady­ Colony," "Orange Free State," and "Tran1- lJDith," "Laing's Nek," "Belfast," and" South vaal" ; King'• medal, with olaeps "South Africa, 1901 "). Disoharged 1902. ['815.] Africa, 1901," and "South Africa, 1902"). a101. Col.-5ergt. Archer, Ju. Andenon ['86.] (Alyth). Bnlilted in 92nd (Gordon High­ ,4968, Pte. Boyd, Hugh (Bridge of Barn). landere) Regt. 1870. Sened in Afghan War, Bnli•ted 1898. Served in Campaign on North• 11179--1880(medal, with olaspll "Charisia," West Frontier of India, 1897-1898 (with Timh "Kabul," and "Kandahar" ; Roberts' star). Ezpeditionary Force) (medal, with claspll Served aleo in Boer War, 1881; wounded at "Punjaub Frontier, 1897-8," and "Timh, Kajuba, Feb. 27, 1881. Promoted Corpl. 1897-8 "). Served also in South African War, 18112, Lance-Sergt. 1888, Sergt. 1884., Col.­ 1899-1902(Queen'a medal, with olaepe" Blande­ Sergt. 1888. Appointed Sergt.-Inetr. to Srd laagte," 11 Defence of Ladysmith," and "Trans­ Vol Batt. 1901. Discharged 1898. [4.77.] vaal" ; King's medal, with olaspll "South A Military History of Perthshire


Africa, 1901," and "South Africa, 1902"). vaal" ; King'• medal, with cla•p1 " South Africa, Dilcharged 1902. 1901," and "South Africa, 1902"). Stillaerving. 8840• Beret•Brown, John Boy (Perth), 5161.Pte. CODDor, W. (Perth), EDll•ted Enlisted 1886. Served with Chltml Belief Force, 1896. Served in South Afri0&11War, 1899- 1896 ; (wounded at storming of Jlalabnd Pus, 1900 (Queen'• medal, with olup "Defence April 8). Served also In Campaign on North­ of Lady•mith "). Still •erving. Welt Frontier of India, 1897-1898 (with Tir&h 6.sa7. Pte. Dingwall, Arch. Fair (Path of Bs:pedltlonary Force) (medal, with ola8pll"Re­ Condie). Enli •ted 1898. Sert'ed in South lief of Chitml," "Pujaub Frontier, 1897-8," African War, 1900-1902 (Queen's medal, with and "Tirah, 1897-8 "). Served also iD olaapa "Laing'• Net" and" Belfut"; King' • Bout,h AfrlC&DWar, 1899-1902 (Queen's medal, medal, with olupe " South Africa, 1901," and with clasps "Cape Colony," "Paardeberg," " South Africa, 1902 "). Still •erving, "DriefonteiD," "Johanneaburg," and "Bel­ - Pte. Dryadale,William 8. (Kincardine fut" ; King' • medal, with cla•ps "South on Forth). Enlisted 1898. Served iD South Africa, 1901," and "South Africa, 1902"). African War, 1899-1900. Wounded at Komatl Still aerviDg. [487.] Poort, Sept, 80, 1900 (Queen'• medal, with 6a8a. Lance-CorpL Calder, David (DUD• olup • "Cape Colony," "Paardeberg," "Drie­ teld). EDlllted 1897. Served iD South fontein," "Johanne •burg," and "Belfa •t ''). Afr10&11War, ... 1900 (Queen'• medal, with Di•charged invalided 1901. clasps "Cape Colony," "Paardeberg," and 3042-Pte. Farquhancm,Alexander(Rattray). "DriefonteiD "). Still serving. [479.] Enli•ted 1890. Served with Chitml Relief Force, ]1568.Pte. Charleawortb,W. (Perth). En­ 1896, and iD Campaign on North-West ll'rontier listed 1891. Served in South Afri0&11War, of India, 1897-1898 (with Tirah Ezpeditionary 1899-1901 (Queen's medal, with olaspa" Laing's Force) (medal, with clasps "Relief of Chitral," Nek," " Belfut," and " South Africa, 1901 "). "Punjaub Frontier, 1897-8," and "Tirah, ,3365. Pte. Clark, Archibald (Perth), En­ 1897-8"). Served also iD South African War, listed 1889. Served iD Campaignangloboerwar.com on North­ ... 1900-1902 (Queen'• medal, with clup • We•t Frontier of India, 1897-1898 (with Tirah "Cape Colony,"" Paardeberg," "Driefontein," Expeditionary Force) (medal, with clasps "Johannesburg," and "Belfut"; King's '' PUDjaub Frontier, 1897-8," and "Tirah, medal, with clupe "South Africa, 1901," and 1897-8 "). Served also iD South African 11 South Africa, 1902 "), Discharged invalided War, 1899-1902 (Queen'• medal, with clasps 1908. "Cape Colony," "Paardeberg," "Driefontein," 5194- Laace-Corpl, Findlay, William (Blair­ and " J oha.Dneaburg" ; King' • medal, with gowrie). Enlisted 1894. Served in Campaign cla•ps "South Africa, 1901," and "South on North-Welt Frontier of India, 1897-1898 Africa, 1902"). Disoharged 1902. [478.] (with Tirah Ezpeditionary Force) (medal, with s.,ao. Pte. Clark, Archibald (). olups "Pujaub Frontier, 1897-8," and EDliated 18915. Served in Campaign on North• " Tlrah, 1897-8 "). Served also ID South Weat Front,ier of India, 1897-11198(with Tirah African War, 1899-1902 (Queen'• medal, with Ezpeditionary Force) (medal, with ola•p• cla•ps "Elandslugte," "Defence of Lady­ "Punjauh Frontier, 1897-8," and "Tirah, •mith," "Laing's Net," and " Belfast" ; King'• 1897-8 "). Served also iD South African War, medal, with clupa "South Africa, 1901," and 1899-1902 (Queen'• medal, with olaapa "De­ "Booth Africa, 1902 "). Transferred to Reserve. fence of Ladyamith," "Laing's Net," and [491.] "Belfut" ; King' • medal, with clasps "South 650+ Pte. Ford, Patriot (Perth). Enli•ted Africa, 1901," "South Africa, 1902 "). Still 1898. Served iD South Afri0&11War, ..• •erving. [488.] 1900-1902 (Queen's medal, with olupe "Cape 5995-Pte. Connor, R. (Perth). Enlisted Colony," "Laing's Nek," and " Belfaat"; 1897. Served in South African War, 1899- King's medal, with clupe " South Africa, 1902 (Queen'• medal, with clasp• "Elands­ 1901," and "South Africa, 1902" ). Still serv­ laagte," "Defence of Lady•mith," and" Trana- ing. [494.] The Gordon Highlanders 1 99

J 56I9,Pte. Fruer, John Chalmen (Amgask). (with Tirah Bll:peditionary Force) (medal, with Bnliated 1896. Served in Campaign on North­ cla•pe "Punjaub Frontier, 1897-8,'' and Wen Frmmer of India, 1897-1898 (with Tirah "Tirah, 1897-8 "). Served also in South Bll:peditionary Force) ( medal, with olaape" Pun­ African War, 1899-1902 (Queen'• medal, with jaub Frontier, 1897-8," and "Tirah, 1897-8 "). claapa "Cape Colony," "Paardeberg,'' "Drie­ Served also in South African War, 1899-1900 fontein,'' "Johannesburg," and "Belfut " ; (Queen's medal, with claapa "Blandalaagte," King's medal, with cla•pe "BouthAfrioa, 1901," " Defenoe of Ladyanith," " Lafng'a Nek," and and "South Africa, 1902"). [f911.] "Transvaal"). Killed a1i Van Wyk'a Vlei, near 3369-Pte. McDoaaJd, John (Perth). En­ Belfast, Aug. 21, 1900, ['89,] lilted 1889. Served with Chitnl Belief Force, 3364-Pte. Gardiner, Robert (Penh). En­ 1896, and in Campaign on North-West Frontier Hated 1889. Served with Chitnl Relief Force, of India, 1897-1898 (with Tirah lhpeditionary 1895, and in Campaign on North-Wen Frontier Force) (medal, with ola8pa" Relief of Chitral," of India, 1897-1898 (with Thah B:.q,editionary "Panjaub Frontier, 1897-8," and "Timh, Force) (medal, with olup8 "Relief of Chitnl," 1897-8" ), Served alao in South Afrioan. "Punjaub Frontier, 1897-8," and "Timh, War, 1899-1902 (Queen's medal, with clupll 1897-8" ). Berred also in South African "Cape Colony,"" Paardeberg," "Driefontein," War, 1899-1901 (Queen's medal, with claspe and "Belfast" ; .King' 1 medal, with claape "Cape Colony,"" Paardeberg," "Driefontein,'' " South Africa,· 1901," and "South Africa, "Johanneebarg," and "South Africa, 1901 ")· 1902"). Disoharged 1902. [f92.] [480.] 7d66, Pte. McGrepr, Frank (Perth). En­ 1122. Pte. Graham, J. (Alyth). Bnlilted lilted 1901. Served in South Afrioan War, .1888. Served with Nile Bll:pedition, lSM-1886 1902 (Queen'• medal, with ola•pe "Cape (medal, with olaap "The Nile, 188'-6," Colony," "Orange Free State," "Transvaal," and Kbedive's star); also in South African and " South Africa, 190S" ). Still •erving. War, 1899-1901 (Queen'• medal, with oJup • 4145- Corpl. JlviotNh, John l. (Penh). "Cape Colony," "Orange ll'n,e State,'' Bnllsted 1892. Served with Chitnl Relief "Johanneebarg," " Belfut," and " Southangloboerwar.com Force, 1895, and in Campaign on North-Wat Afrloa, 1901 " ). Frontier of India, 1897-1898 (with Thah k­ 5930- Pte. Hay, David (Scone). Bnlfned peditionary Force) (medal, with olupl "Relief 1898. Served in South African War, 1899-1902.. of Chitral,'' "Punjaub Frontier, 1897-8," Wounded at Lilliefontein, near Belfast, and " Thah, 1897-8 "). Served alao in Nov. 2, 1900 (Queen' • medal, with ola•pe South African War, 1899-1902 (Queen'• medal, "Cape Colony," "Paardeberg," "Driefon­ with olaspa "Elandslaagte," "Defenoe of tein," "Johannubarg," and" Belfast"; King' • Ladyanith," "LaiJlg'a Nek," and "Belfut"; medal, with clupll "South Africa, 1901," and King' 1 medal, with ola•pa " South Africa, " South Africa, 1902 "). Still •erving. [ f90.] 1901,'' and "South Africa, 190S"). Trana­ 5156- Pte. Headenoa, John (Scone). En­ ferred to Reaerve1902.. [481.] listed 1895. Served in Campaign on North­ 7315- Pte. lt'eckeuzie, Donald (). Wen Frontier of India, 1897-1898 (with Tirah BnUated 1900. Served in South African War, Bll:peditionary Force) (medal, with oJup • 1901-1902 (Queen'• medal, with ola8pa " Trau­ "Punjaub Frontier, 1897-8," and "Tuah, vaal," "South Africa, 1901,'' and "South 1897-8 "). Berred also in South African Africa, 1902"). Still •erving. [498,] War, 1899-1902.. Wounded at Blandalaagte, .p. Pte. Matchett, William (Methven). Oct. 21, 1899 (Queen' • medal, with c1aspB BnliBted in 92nd (Gordon Highlanden) Begt. "Bland •laagte,'' "Tugela Height •," "Relief of 187f. Served in Afghan War, 1879-1880 Ladyanith,'' "Laing' • Nek," and "Belfut"; (medal, with ola8pa "Chariaia," "Kabul," and King' 1 medal, with olaapa " South Africa, " Kandahar " ; Roberts' star). Served also in 1901," and "South Africa, 1902" ). Tran•- Egyptian Campaign, 1882 (medal, with c1asp ferred to Reserve 1902.. [f97.] "Tel-el-Kebir," and Khedive' • •tar). Dis­ -- Pte. HCIOeJIIIU, William (Blair­ charged 1886. gowrie ). Bnli8ted 1898. Served in Campaign 6699,Pte. lliller, R. (Perth). Bnli•ted 1899, on North-We •t Frontier of India, 1897-1898 Served in South African War, 1901-1902 200 A Military History of Perthshire

THE GORDON HIGHLANDE~imud (Queen'• medal, with clupe "Tranavaal," neaburg," " Be1faet," and •• South Africa, "South Africa, 1901," and "Beuth Africa, 1901 "). 1902"). Still Bert'lng. 5985-Pte. Sim, Lawrence (Perth), Enliated -- Corporal Mitcbell, Archibald (Ardler). 1897. Served In Booth African War, 1899-1902 Bnli1ted 1887. Served with Ohitral Relief (Queen'• medal, with clupe" Defence of Lady• Force, 1895 (medal, with cl.up " Relief of smith " and " Tranll't'Ul " ; King's medal, with Chitral ") ; al•o in Beuth African War, ..• clupe "Beuth Africa, 1901," and "South 1900. Wounded at Doornkop, Kay 15, 1900 Africa, 1902 "). Still serving. (Queen'• medal, with olupB "Cape Colony," 232, Pte. Smith, Jame • (Alyth). Bnlilted "Paardeberg," " Drlefonteln," " Jobannu­ 1881. Served with Bcudan Expedition, 1884:, bmg," and "Belfut "). DIBCharged 1901. and with Nile Bxpedltlon, 1884:-1885 (medal, [4:98.J with cl.ups " El Teb.'' " Tamai," and "The 6Sao-Pte. Patenoa, E. Donald (Perth). Nile, 1884:-5" ; Khedive'a star). Trauferred to EDliated 1898. Served In South African War Reserve 1889. Diacharged 1898. [4:96.) ( Queen' • medal, with olupB "Cape Colony" G6o3-~orpl. Stranc, Th011,,(Tulll­ and "Orange Free State"). Diacbarged allan), Bnliated 1898. Served in Beuth African Invalided 1901. [4:99.J War, 1899-1901 (Queen's medal, with clupe 1m1. Corp!. Patoa, John (Conpar Angua). "Cape Colony,"" Paardeberg," "Belfalt," and Bnll.Bted1888. Served with Soudan Expedition, "Beuth Africa, 1901 "). Still serving. 18M. Wounded at Sua.kim, Karch 9, 1884: 783-Pte. Strathdee, George (Perth). Bn­ (medal, with clasp " El Teb," and Khedlve' • lilted in 92nd (Highl&Dd) Regt. 1842, Served •tar). Diacharged 1896. In Indian M:atlny, 1858-1859 (medal, with 7036-Pte. Robb, James (). En­ cl.up " Central India"). DiBCharged 1867. lilted 1899. Served in Beuth African War, (4:81.] 1900-1902 (Queen'• medal, with clupe " Cape :1995-Pte. Taylor, Charle • (Logiealmond). Colony," "Orange Free State," and " Trans­ Enliated 1888. Served with Chitral Relief 't'l&l " ; King's medal, with angloboerwar.comclupe " Beuth Force, 18911 (medal, with claap "Belief of Africa, 1901," and "South Africa, 1902 "). Chitral ") ; allo in Beuth African War, 1899- Still 1erving. (500,] 1901 (Queen'• medal, with cl.ups "Cape 5933-Pte. Robertaon,James(Klnnoull). En­ Colony," " Paardeberg ," " Drlefontein," "Jo• lilted 1897. Served In Booth African War, ... hannesburg," "Belfast," and "Beuth Africa, 1900-1901 (Queen's medal, with clupe "Relief 1901 "). DiBCharged 1901. [f8S.] of Kimberley," "Paardeberg," "Johannesburg," 6ooo. Pte. Tbomaon, M. (Perth). BDlillted "Diamond Hill," "Wittebergen," and '' South 1897. Served in Beuth African War, 1899- Africa, 1901 "). Diacharged Invalided 1901. 1901 (Qaeen' • medal, with cl.ups" Defence of .'Pl9- Pte. Rou, Alexander (Perth). En­ Lady •mith," "Laing's Nek," "Belfut," and lilted in 92nd (Highl&Dd) Regt. 18M. Served " Beuth Africa, 1901 "). DiBCharged invalided in Crimea during Ro111ianWar, and in Indian 1901. . Mutiny. Served also in Afghan War, 1879- 5396-Pte. Welham, W. (Blairgowrie), En­ 1880 (medal, with cl.ups "Charlllla" and listed 1895. Served In Beath African War, " Kabul"). DiBCharged 1880. 1899-1902 (Queen's medal, with clupe" Defence 7619, Corpl. Roa, James G. (Perth). En­ of I.&dysmith " and " Tranll't'Ul " ; King's lilted 1900. Served in Beuth African War, medal, with clupe "South Africa, 1901," and 1902 (Queen's medal, with clasps " Cape "Beuth Africa, 1902 "). Transferred to Reaerve Colony," •• Orange Free State," "Transvaal," 1908. and " Beuth Africa, 1902" ). Promoted Corpl. ]9111.Pte. Wilkie, Wllllam (MuthW). En­ 1908. Still serving. lilted 1890. Served with Ch!tral Relief 146a-Pte. Seaton, James (Perth). BDlisted Force, 1895, and In Campaign on North-Welt 1884:. Served In Beuth African War, 1900- Frontier of India, 1897-1898 (with Tirah E:r• 1901 (Queen's medal, with cl.ups "Cape peditionary Force) (medal, with clupe "Relief Colony," " Orange Free State," "Johan- of Chitral," "Panjaub Frontier, 1897-8," and The Cameron Highlanders 201

"Tfrab, 1897-8 "). Tnuulferred to Reaene medal, with ola.spll " Cape Colony " and 1899. Se"ed also in South African War u "Paardeberg "). Diaoharged invalided 1900. reNrTiBt, 1899-190(). Wounded at Paardeberg, [W.] J'eb. 18, 1900, and invalided home (Queen'•


- t.am:.Seqt. Aadenoa, Jame • (Perth). Enlisted in lit (The Royal Soot•) Regt. 1878. BnliBtedin 79th (Cameron Hlghlanden) Regt. Transferred to Cameron Highlanden 18815. ISM. Served in Crimea during Rullian War Served with Soudan Frontier Field Force, 18815- (medal, with clasp II Sevaatopol "). Served 1888 (inveatment of Koeheh and action atGiniu) also in Indian Mutiny (medal). [1112.] (medal and Khedive'1 1tar). Discharged 3440-Lanc:e-CorpLADdenoa, Jamea (Perth). 18915. [1123.] Enlilted 1892. Served In Soudan Campaign, 3911. Pte. Cumoa, JI. (Xilmadook). En­ 1898 (medal, and Khedive'• medal, with clasp liated 1897. Served in South African War, " Xhartoam "). Still •erring. [15111.] 1901-1900 (Queen's medal, with o1upl "Cape $JOO. Pte. Brown, A. (Perth). Euliated Colony," "Orange Free St&te," "Trannaal," 18915. Served in Soudan Campaign, 1898 "South Africa, 1901," and " South Africa, (medal, and Khedive'• medal, with olupa "The 1909 "). Dilloharged invalided 1908. Atbua " and II Khartoum "). Served alao in po. Pte. Colllu, T. (Perth), BnliBted South African War, 1900-1900 (Queen'• medal, 1897. Served in Soudan Campaign, 1898 (medal, with o1upe "Johanneabarg," " Diamond Hill," and Khedive's medal, with clasp " Khartoum "). " Wittebergen," and II Cape Colony" ; King'• Served alao in South A.frioan War, 1900-1900 medal, wUh olupe "South Africa, 1901," and (Queen'• medal, with olupe "Cape Colony,'' 11 South Africa, 1900 "). Transferred to Re- "Wittebergen," "Johanneabarg," and "Dia­ 181"fe. [1519.] mond Hill '' ; King'• medal, with olupa II South 8'J6.Pte. Brown, Robert (Boone). Enliated Africa, 1901," and "South Africa, 1909"). in 79th (Queen's Own Cameron Highlanderangloboerwar.com•) Transferred to Ruene. Regt. 1878. Served with Nile Expedition, - Pte. Dawson, Jam• (Kincardine). ED­ lSM-18815 (medal, with clasp "The Nile, liated in 79th (Cameron Highlanders) Regt. ll!IK-6," and Khedive's •tar). Diaoharged 181511.Served in Indian Jlotiny, 18157-18159 1888. (medal, with olup " Luclmow "). Long Ser­ 5091. Luce-CorpL Cameron, Donald (Blair vice medal. Diloharged 1878. Atholl). Enliated 1899. Se"ed in South 31599-Pte. Doig, James (Perth). En1iBted Afrloan War, 1901-1900 (Queen'• medal, with 18911. Served in Soudan Campaign, 1898 clasps" Cape Colony," "Orange Free State," (medal, and Khedive'a medal, with olupa "The "TranlVll&l.," "South Africa, 1901," and Atbara " and " Khartoum "). Se"ed a1ao in "South Africa, 1900 "), Stfil NmDg. [521.] South A.frioan War (with Mtd. lnfy.), 1900 !PP- Pte. Cameron, Norman (Blair Atholl). (Queen'• medal, with olupa "Cape Colony," Bnlilted 1899. Served in South A.frioan War, "Johanneabarg," " Diamond Hill," and "Witte­ 1901-1900 (Queen's medal, with olupe "Cape bergen "). Kfiledat Nooitgedaoht, Deo.18, 1900. Colony," "Orange Free State,"" Tranavaal," 3965-Serct, Doqlas, David (Perth). En• " South Africa, 1901," and " South Africa, Hated 1897, Served in South African War, 1909 "). Still aerving. 1900-1909 (Queen'• medal, with olupa "Cape a» Pte. Campbell, Danoan (Blair Atholl). Colony," '' Orange Free State," and " Trana­ Enliated 1882. Served with Nile Expedition, vaal " ; King'• medal, with olupe "South 1884-18815, and with Soudan Frontier Field Africa, 1901," and "South Africa, 1902 "). J'oroe, 18815-1888(aotion at Ginilll) (medal, with Still serving. [501 .] olup "The Nile, 18M-a," and Khedive's star), 4910. Pte. Forbes, Thomu (Danblane). En­ Diaoharged 1889. Enliated in Royal Soottillh listed 1899. Served in South African War, Reserve Regt. 1900. Diloharged 1901. [51!.] 1901-1902 (Queen'• medal, with ola.spll II Cape 1,538.CorpL Campbell, John (Blair Atholl). Colony," "Orange Free State," "Transvaal,'• 202 A Military History of Perthshire

THE QUEEN'S OWN 0AMERON HIGHLANDERS-continiced "South Africa, 1901,'' and " South Africa, 31130-Qrmr.-&ergt. llcKeuie, John 1902 "). Still aerving. [502.J (Perth). Enlisted in 79th (Cameron High- ]636. Pte. Grant, William (Blalrgowrie). landers) Regt. 1854. Served in Crimea, 1866, Enliat.ed 189'. Served in Soudan Campaign, during Ruaaian War (medal, with claap 1898 (medal, and Khedive'• medal, with claapa " Seva•topol," and Turld•h medal) ; also in "The Atbara" and "Khartoum"). Served Indian Mutiny, 1867-1869 (Di •tinguished Con­ also in South African War a• Re•ervist, 1900- duct medal, and medal, with cla•p" Lucknow "). 1902 (Queen's medal, with cla•ps "Cape Served also in Campaign on North-Weat Colony," "Orange Free State," and "Trans- Frontier of India 1868 (medal, with cla•p vaal"; King' • medal, with ola•ps "South "North-We •t Frontier"). Long Ben'ioe medal Africa, 1901," and "South Africa, 1902"). Tran•ferred to '2nd (Royal Highland-The Re-enlisted 1902. Black Watch) Regt. 1876. [616.J 368.Pte. lmoe, C. (Blairgowrie). Enlisted 1644- CoL-Sergt. Mac:keuie, Thoma• E. in 79th (Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders) (Perth). Enli•ted 1886. Served in Soudan Regt. 1876. Served in Egyptian Campaign, Campaign, 1898 (mentioned in despa.tohe•; 1882 (medal, with ola•p "Tel-el-K:ebir," and Distinguished Conduct medal Medal, and Khedive's star). Tranaferred to Reaerve 1888. Khedlve' • medal, with cla•pe "The Atbara" Discharged 1888. [608.J and "Khartoum"). Served alao in South 2183, Pte. Keir, John 8. (Blairgowrte). Bn- African War, 1900-1902 (Queen's medal, with listed 1888. Tranaferred to Reserve. Served ola•pe "Cape Colony," "Johannesburg,"" Dia­ in South African War a• Reservist, 1900- mood Hill," and" Wittebergen" ; King's medal, 1901 (Queen'• medal, with ola•ps "Cape with cla•ps "South Africa, 1901," and" South Colony," "Johanne •burg," 11 Diamond Hill," Africa, 1902 "). [509.) "Wittebergen," and "South Africa, 1901 ''). 1s&, CorpL McKenzie, Thomaa (Bridge of [GOi.] Barn). Enlisted in 79th (Cameron Highlander11) :a~ Pte, ICDubley, J. (Perth). Bnli•ted Regt. 1860. Served in Campaign on North- 1891. Served in Soudan Campaign,angloboerwar.com 1898 West Frontier of India, 1868 (medal, with (medal, and Khedive's medal, with cla•ps "The olaap). Tran •ferred to dad (Royal Highland­ Atbara" and " Khartoum"). Served al•o in The Black Watch) Regt. 1878. Served in South African War, 1900-1902 (Queen'• medal, Ashanti War, 1878-187'. Wounded at Amo&• with ola•pe "Cape Colony," "Johanneaburg," ful (medal). Re-transferred to Cameron High­ " Diamond Hill," and "Witt.ebergen" ; King' • lander11 187i. Di•oharged invalided 1876. medal, with cla•ps "South Africa, 1901," and [607,) "South Africa, 1902"). Tran •ferred to Reserve. 3095-Qrmr.-Serct-McLean, Angus (Perth). 37118,Pte. McFarlaDe,J. (Logie). Enllated Enliated 1888. Served in Soudan Campaign, 1896. Served in Soudan Oampaign, 1898 1898 (medal, and Xhedive's medal, with ola•p (medal, and Khedlve'• medal, with cla•p• " The II The Atbara "). Served al•o in South African Atbara" and "Khartoum"). Died at Cairo, War, 1900-1902 (Queen'• medal, with olaaps Sept. SO, 1898. [605.) 11 Cape Colony," 11 Johanne •burg," "Diamond 41b. Pte. Mcinroy, David (Perth). Bn- Hill," and "Witt.ebergen"; King'• medal, with li•t.ed 1897. Served in South African War, claaps "South Africa, 1901," and "South 1900-1902 (Queen's medal, with ola•pa II Cape Africa, 1902 "). Still aerving. [617.J Colony," 11 Orange Free Stat.e," and II Trans· 5910. Pte. Mcl.ellan, John (Logiealmond). vaal" ; King' • medal, with ola•ps " South Enliated in the Royal Boote1899. Tran•ferred Africa, 1901," and "South Africa, 1902 "). to Cameron Highlanders 1901. Served in South Still aerving. [606.J African War, 1900-1902 (Queen's medal, with 1521. Pte. McIntosh, J. (Pitloohry). Enlilted cla•ps II Cape Colony," 11 Orange Free State," in 79th (Queen's Own Cameron Highlander •) and "Belfa •t"; King's medal, with cla•p• Regt. 1878. Served in Egyptian Campaign, "South Africa, 1901," and II South Africa, 1882 (medal, with cla•p "Tel-el-Kebir," and 1901 "), Died at Elandsfontein, May Ii, 1902. KhediYe'I •tar). Di•oharged 1890. [518,] , The Cameron Highlanders 203

§36a. Pte. llacl.emlaa, Bdward (Perth). star) ; also in Soudan Campaign, 1898 (medal Bnliated 1900. Served iD South African War, and Khedive'a medal, with clasp II The 1902 (Queen's medal, with olupa " Cape Atbara "). Long Service medal. Diloharged Colony," "Orange Free Stat.e," "Transvaal," 1901. and " South Africa, 1902 "). Still serving. 3§8a. Sergt. Stewart, Daniel (Perth). Bn­ 5$12- Pte. llcMaau, Francia (Perth). Bn­ listed 1892. Served In Soudan Campaign, 1898 liated 1900. Served iD South African War, (medal, and Xbedive's medal, with clup11 " The 1902 (Queen'• medal, with clupa " Cape A..tbara" and " Khartoum "). Served alBo in Colony," "Orange Free State," "Tralllvaal," South African War, 1900--1902(Queen' • medal, and II South Africa, 1902 "). Still aerving. with clupa " Cape Colony," " Orange l!'ree [608.) State," and "Trao •vaal" ; King' • medal, with 3SV/• Pte. Macpbencm, Donald (Perth). clupa "South Africa, 1901," and " South Bnliated 1894. Served in 8oudan Campaign, Africa, 1902 "). TraDBferred to Ruerve. 1898 (medal, and Khedive'• medal, with olaapa ;p6o. Piper Stewart, J. (Dull). Bnlisted " The Atbara " and " Khartoum "). Served 1892. Served in Soodan Campaign, 1898 alao in South African War, 1900--1902 (Queen's (medal, and Xhedive' • medal, with clasp " The medal, with clasps" Cape Colony,"" Johann•• Atbara "). Killed at the Atbara, April 8, 1898. burg," " Diamond Hill," and II Wittebergen" ; #Jo. Pte. Stewart, William (Perth). Bn­ King's medal, with clasps "South Africa, 1901," li•ted 1896. Served in Soudan Campaign, and "South Afrioa, 1902 "). Transferred to 1898 (medal, and Kbedive's medal, with olupa Reserve 1902. "The Atbara " and " Khartoum"). Served 191. Laace-CorpL llanball, M. (Methven). alBo in Sooth African War, 1900--1902 (Queen'• Bnliated 1885. Served in South African War, medal, with clupa "Cape Colony," "Johannes­ 1900 (Queen's medal, with clasps "Cape burg," " Diamond Hill," and "Wittebergen" ; Colony," "Johannesburg," "Diamond Hill," King'• medal, with olupa " South Africa, and " Wittebergen "). Killed in action, Aug. 1901," and II South Africa, 1902 "). [611,] 20, 1900. 161, Corpl. Stuart, James (). Bn­ Col. - Sergt. Robertloa, Robertangloboerwar.com li•ted in 79th (Cameron Highlander •) Regt. (Pitloobry). Bnliated In 79th (Queen's Own 1869. Served iD A..•hantl War. Wounded at Cameron Higblanden) Regt. 1877. Served Amoafal, Jan. 81, 187' (medal, with olup in Bgyptlan Campaign, 1882 (medal, with " Coomu •ie "). Served also lo Egyptian Cam­ olaap " Tel-el-Kebir," and Khedive's atar). paign, 1882, and with Nile Bxpeditioo, 1884- Long Service medal. Diaoh&rged1898. 1885 (medal, with clupa " Tel-el-Xebir " and 631.Sergt. Scott, James (Doll). Bnliated " The Nile, 1884-6" i Khedive's ltar), Dia­ in 79th (Cameron Hlgblanden) Regt. 11158. charged 1890. Served in Campaign on Nort.h-W•t Frontier 49'11,Pte. SJ"DUDCtOa,Andrew W. (Alyth). of India, 1868 (medal, with clasp" North-West Bali•ted 1899. Served in South African War, · Frontier") Promoted Corp]. 1874, Sergt. 1878. 1902 (Queen'• medal, with clupa II Cape Diloharged 1880. [610.) Colony," "Orange Free State," "Trannaal," ,36,58.Pte. Smith, J. (Perth). Bnlilted 1894. and "South Africa, 1902 "). Transferred to Served in Soudan Campaign, 1898 (medal, and Reserve 1902. (1118.) Kbedive'• medal). Served alBo in South 1950- Pte. Thoma, J, (Dunblane). Bn­ African War, 1900--1902 (Queen's medal, with liated 1888. Served in South African War, olupa" Cape Colony,"" Johann•burg," "Dia­ 1900 (Queen'• I!lldal, with clupa II Cape mond Hill," and "Wittebergen " ; King'• Colony," "Johaone •burg," "Diamond Hill," medal, with claap11 "South Africa, 1901," and and " Wittebergeo "). " South Africa, 1902 "). Transferred to Re­ ,P,S, Pte. Thomson, Robert (Bendoohy). lU'Ve. Enliated in 90th (Perthshire Volonteen-Ligh, 1644. Pte. Stalker, Wilfred (Kenmore). Bn­ Infantry) Regt. 11152. Tramferred to 79th Uatedin 79th(Queen'sOwnCameron Highlanders) (Cameron Highlanden) Regt. 1864. Served in Regt. 1878. Served with 8oudan Frontier Crimea, 1864-1855, daring RUB1ianWar (medal, Field Force, 1886-1886 (investment of Kosbeh with clasp• " Alma," "Balaclava," and " Sevu­ and action at Glniu) (medal, and Khedive'• topol " ; Tarki •h medal). Di110harged11\66. A Military History of Perthshire

THE QUEEN'S OWN OAMERON HIGHLA.NDERS---cor&tinued S,I, Pte. Thomaoa, William (). Forth). Bnliated 1889. Served in South Bnlisted 1882. Served with Nile Bxpedition, African War, 1900-1902 (Queen's medal, with 18M-1885, and with Boudan Frontier Field claaps "Cape Colony,"" Johanneabarg,"" Dia­ Foroe, 1886-1886 (medal, with olup " The mond Hill," and " Wittebergen" ; King's Nile, ISM-&," and Khedive's ltar). Diaoha.rged medal, with c1upe "South Africa, 1901," and 1888. Now Beffing with Royal Garriaon 11 South Africa, 1902 "). Diach&rged 1902. Regt. [690.] 5318. Pte. Wallace, A.. (Doune), Bnlilted 5,48a.Pte. Wataoa, James (St.anley). Bn­ 1900. Served in South African War, 1901 liated 1900. Served in South African War, (Queen's medal, with clupe "Cape Colony," 190'.I (Queen's medal, with olupe "Cape "Change Free State," "Transvaal," and "South Colony," "Orange Free State," "Trannaal," Africa, 1902 "). Still serving. and "South Africa, 1902 "). Tranaferred to aa.u, Pte. Walla, John (Kincardine on Reserve 1908. [6H.]

THE ROYAL IRISH RIFLES u63- Pte. Will, JOBeph (Perth), Bnlillted I "Orange Free State," and "South Africa, 1886. Served in South African War, .•. 1901 1901 "), Still serving. [II.Mo] (Queen's medal, with claape "Cape Colony,"

ARGYLL AND SUTHERLAND HIGHLANDERS (PBINCBBSLouias'a) 6997.Pte. Andentaa, James (Blairgowrie). in South African War, 1899-1902 (Queen's Bnliated 1899. Served in South Afrle&11War, medal, with clupe "Modder River," "Paarde­ 1900-1902 (Queen's medal, with c1upe "Cape berg," 11 Drlefonteln," and II Transvaal"; Colony," " Orange Free State,"angloboerwar.com and II Trans­ King'• medal, with clupe II South Africa, vaal"; King's medal, with claape "South 1901," and II South Africa, 1902"). Africa, 1901," and II South Africa, 1902 "). ~52- Stqt. Buchaaaa, William (Douae). Still serving. Bnlisted 11!87. Served in South African War 8s,8. Pte. Andrewa, Jamea (Blairlogle). as Reservist, 1899-1900 (Queen's medal, with ... Vol. Batt. Served in South African War, claape II Jlodder River,"" Paardeberg," "Drle­ with 2nd Vol Service Coy., 1901-1902 (Queen's fontein," and" Transvaal 11 ). Diacharged 1900. medal, with claape "Cape Colony," "Orange [Ml.] Free State," "TranBVaal," "South Africa, 1745. Lance.-CorpL Callanan, Thomas 1901," and" South Africa, 1902"). [639.] (Doune~ Bnllsted in 91st (Prlnceu Louise's 6439.Pte. Blain, Thomas I. (Killin). Bn­ Argyllshlre Highlanders) Regt. 1878. Served in llsted 1898. Served In South African War, Zulu War, 1879 (medal, with clup "1879 "). 1899-1902 (Queen's medal, with claape II Mod­ Diacharged 1890. der River," 11 Orange Free State," and " Trans­ 6bp. Pte. Cameron, David (Killin). Bn­ vaal" ; King's medal, with claape II South liated 1899. Served in South African War, Africa, 1901," and II South Africa, 1902 "). 1900-1902 (Qu.een'a medal, with ciaape "Cape Still serving. [MO.] Colony,'' "Orange Free State," and "Trans­ 3891. CorpL Boyd, John (Perth). 4th Vol. vaal"; King's medal, with claapa "South Batt. Served in South African War, with lat Africa, 1901,11 and " South Africa, 1902 11 ), Vol Service Coy,, 1900-1901 (Queen's medal, Still serving. with olupe " Cape Colony," "Orange J1'ree 5139, Pte. Cameron, Donald (Aberfoyle). State," and" South Africa, 1901 "), 4th Vol. Batt. Served in South African War, .'83J.Pte. Browa, Thomas (Perth). Bn­ (1) with 1st Vol Servioe Coy., 1900-1901; llated 1890. Served in Campaign on North. (2) with Srd Vol. Service Coy., 1902 (Queen's West Frontier of India, 1897-1898 (with Tcohi medal, with claaps "Cape IColony II and Field Force) (medal, with clup), Served also 11 Orange Free State"; King'• medal, with Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders 20 5 clasps "Soath Africa, 1901," and "South listed in 93rd (Sutherland Highlanders) Regt. Africa, 1902 "). (now 2nd Batt. A. and B.H.) 1858. Served in 3148, Pte. Campbell, Jamee (Auchterarder). Crimea, 1864--1866,during R1111ianWar (medal, Bnlilted 1889. Served in Soath African War, with olups " Balaclava" and " Sevastopol" ; 1899-1902 (Qaeen'• medal, with clups " )(od. Turki •h medal). Served al•o in Indian Mutiny, der River," "Paardeberg," and " Tranevaal" ; 1867-18119 (medal, with two clupe) ; alao in King'• medal, with clupl " South Africa, Campaign on Nortb-Weat Frontier of India, 1901," and "South Africa, 1902" ). Diecharged 1868 (medal, with clasp). Long Service medal, 1902. [H5.] - Sergt. DvJI', John (Perth). Enlisted 64lo, Pte. Campbell, Jame • (Perth). En­ in 93rd (Batherland Highlandem) Regt. (now listed 1898. Served in Soath African War, 2nd Batt. A. and B.H.) 1862. Served in 1~1902 (Queen's medal, with olups ":Hod­ Crimea, 18114-1865,during Raaeian War (medal, der River," "Paardeberg," "Driefontein," with claspe "Alma," "Balaclava," and" Bevu­ and "Transvaal" ; King' • medal, with olups topol" ; Turldeh medal). Served alao in Indian "Soath Africa, 1901," and "South Africa, lifatiny, 1867-1869 (medal, with clalps "Relief 1902 "). Still serving. [M6.] of Laoknow " and " Luolr.now"). [628.) 6:14, Col.-Serct- Campbell, Peter (Dun­ 4470-Pte. Dmlc:aa, John (), En­ blane). Enlisted 1882. Served in Campaign lilted 1892. Served in South African War, on North-West Frontier of India, 1897-1898 1899-1902 (Queen'• medal, with clasps ":Hod­ (with Toohi Field Force) (medal, with olup). der River,"" Driefontein," and "Transvaal"; Now serving on Permanent Staff 6th Vol. Batt. King' • medal, with olups, " South Africa, [525.) 1901," and "South Africa, 1902 "). 6.\31-Pte. Carmicbael,William (Little Dun• gJs,. Pte. Ellard, Frank (Perth), Enlisted keld). Enliated 1898. Served in South African 1896. Served in South African War, 1899- War, 1899-1900 (Queen' • medal, with clasps, 1902 (Qaeen' • medal, with olaepe ":Hodder " }fodder River," " Paardeberg," "Drie­ River," "Paardeberg," and "Transvaal" ; fontein," and " Tranlnal" ). Diecharged 1908. King's medal, with olupe " South Africa, 7470. Pte. DiDpall, Jame• (Perth). angloboerwar.com En• 1901," and "South Africa, 1902 "), Billi listed 1900. Served in South African War, eerving. 1900-1902 (Queen'• medal, with claspe "Cape 6']o6. Laac:e-Corpl. Ferguoa, Jame • (Logie­ Colony," "Orange Free State," and "Trans­ rait). Enlisted 1898. Served in Soath African vaal" ; King'• medal, with clasps " South War, 1899 (Qaeen'• medal, with clasp " :Hod­ Africa, 1901," and "South Africa, 1902"). der River"). Killed at M:agemfontein, Deo. Still 118rving. [626,) 11, 1899. [1129.) 3098, Pte. I>ocbert.y, Hagh (Blairgowrie). 708o.Pte. Gow, David (Perth). Enliated Enli •ted 1889. Served in South African War, 1899. Served in South African War, 1900-1902 1899-1900 (Queen'• medal, with claspe " :Hod­ (Queen'• medal, with olaspe "Cape Colony," der River,"" Paardeberg,""Driefontein," and " Orange Free State," and " TraDIIVaal"; .Kintr'• "Trannaal "). Di•charged 1902. [H7.] medal, with olups "Soath Africa, 1901," and 1814- Sergt. Douglaa, Robert (Logierait). "South Africa, 1902 "). Still serving. [680.] Enlilted in 93rd (Sutherland Highlandem) 6o79-Sergt. Graham, Thomu (Aberfeldy). Regt. (now 2nd Batt. A. and S.H.) 1M6. Enliated 1897. Served in Boath African War, Served in Crimea daring Rallian War (medal, . . . 1900-1902 (Queen's medal, with olup• with clup, and Turki•h medal) ; alao in Indian "Cape Colony,"" Paardeberg,"" Driefontei.a," Jlatiny, 1867-1869 (medal, with clasps" Relief and " Transvaal" ; King' • medal, with olupll of Lucknow " and "Lacknow "). Served alao "South Africa, 1901," and "Soath Africa, in Campaign on North-Weat Frontier of India, 1902 "). Still serving. 1868 (medal, with olasp " Umbeyla "), Di•- ff, Pte. Jenkiu,William (Perth). En­ oharged 1867. Appointed l •t Clue Sergt. listed 1891. Served in Campaign on North• Inltr. to lit Stirlingehire Bille Volanteem Welt Frontier of India, 1897-1898 (with (now tth VoL Batt. A. and B.H.) 1869. Dia­ Toohi Field Force) (medal, with clasp " Pun• charged 188i. [627.] jaab Frontier, 1897-8 "). Served aleo in South - Pte. Dmmmoad,William (Perth), En- African War, 1899-1902 (Queen's medal, with 206 A Military History of Perthshire


olupa" ¥odder River," 11 Paardeberg," "Drie­ 1899-1900 (Queen's medal, with olupll " Jlod­ fonteln," and " Transvaal" ; King'• medal, der River" and " Paardeberg "), Killed ata with olaapa "South Africa, 1901," and II South Paardeberg, Feb. 18, 1900, [1588.J Africa, 1902 "), 3(166, Pte. llcDOD&ld,Th011. (Alyth), Bn­ 3088.Pte. Kettles, Andrew (Incbyra). En­ lillted 1889. Served In South African War, li1ted 1889. Served with Chitral Relief Force, 1899-1901 (Queen'• medal, with clasp• " Hod­ 18915(medal, with claep II Belief of Chltral "); der River,"" Paardeberg," "Driefontein," and alao In South African War, 1899-1902 (Queen'• " South Africa, 1901 "). Dlaobarged 1902. [MS.] medal, with claepe " llodder River," "Paarde­ 3043- Pte. llclntclb, Jame • (Perth). En­ berg,"" Driefontein," and" Transvaal"; King'• li1ted 1888, Served in South African War, medal, with cla8p1 "South Africa, 1901," and 1899-1900 (Queen's medal, with olaepll "llod­ "South Africa, 1901"). Discharged 1902. der River,"" Paardellerg," "Driefontein," and 2544-Pte. Kidd, Ale:rander (Perth). En­ 11 Transvaal"). Dlaobarged 1901. [1548.J listed 1887. Served In South African War, 7471. Pte. McLaren,Jame • (Xinrouie), En­ 1900-1902 (Queen's medal, with olupa " Cape listed 1900. Served in South African War, Colony," "Orange Free State," and "Trans­ 1900-190I (Queen's medal, with olaape II Cape vaal" ; Klng'1 medal, with clupe "South Africa, Colony," "Orange Free State," and II Trana­ 1901," and" South Africa, 19011"). vaal " ; King'a medal, with ola•pe " Sooth - Laace-Corpl. Kinimnontb,Ju. (Perth), Africa, 1901," and "South Africa, 1901 "), Still Enll8ted 1886. Served In South African War serving, (Queen's medal, with clupa " Cape Colony," 6za9.Pte. McLaren, John (Dunblane), Bn­ " Orange Free State," and " Transvaal "), Dia­ llated 1897. Served In South African War, charged 11101, [1551.J 1899-1902 (Queen'• medal, with claspe " llod­ 2SSS, Laace-Corpl. Kinimnoatb, Robert der River," "Paardeberg," "Driefontein," and (Perth). Enlilted 1887. Served in South African " Transvaal"; King's medal, with olaepll "South War, . . . 1900-1902 (Queen'• medal, with Africa, 1901," and" South Africa, 1902 "), Still olaape II Cape Colony," "Orange angloboerwar.comFree State," and Hrving, •'Transvaal" ; King'&medal, with claepll" South 3952- Pte. McLean, William (Perth), Bn­ Africa, 1901," and "South Africa, 1902"), [1562.) llated 1891. Served in Campaign on North­ 4So4- Pte. Laird, Llndaay (Blairgowrle). We•t Frontier of India, 1897-1898 (with Toohl Enlilted 1892. Served In South African War, Field Foroe) (medal, "With olup II Punjaub 1899-1900 (Queen's medal, with clupe " llod­ Frontier, 1897-8 "). Served alao in South der River,"" Paardeberg," "Driefonteln," and African War, 1899-1902 (Queen's medal, with " Transvaal "). Transferred to R.erve. claepll "llodder River," "Paardeberg," "Drie­ - Pte. Lawaoa, Angua (Dunkeld). • •. fontein," and " Tran1vaal" ; King'• medal, Vol. Batt. Served In South African War with with claapl "South Africa, 1901," and II South 2nd Vol. Service Coy., 1901-1901 (Queen'• Africa, 1902 "). Discharged 1903. [1549.J medal, with claepB II Cape Colony," 11 Orange 7506.Pte. McLeiah, R. (Auchterarder). Bn- Free State," "Tranavaal," "South Africa, 1901," 11.Bted1900. Served In South African War, and II South Africa, 1902 "), Enlisted In Royal • . • 1901 (Queen's medal, with clupa " Cape Engineer • 1908. Transferred to Cameron High• Colony," "Orange Free State," and "South landers 1903. Still serving (No. 6769, Cameron Africa, 1901 "), Still serving. Highlanders). [1581.J 5332- Pte, McNicol, Jobn (). Bn­ 1910. Sergeant-Major Linclaay, Jamea liBted 1894', Served in Campaign on North­ (Alyth). EnliBted 1878, Served In Zulu War, Wut Frontier of India, 1897-1898 (with Toohi 1879 (medal, with clasp " 1879 "). Promoted Field Force) (medal, with olasp " Punjanb Warrant Officer 1897. Long Service medal Frontier, 1897-8 "), Served alao in South Silver medal of Victorian Order 1901. Corona­ African War, 1902 (Queen'• medal, with olaape tion medal 1902. Still serving, [582.J 11 Tranavaal " and " South Africa, 1902 "), 6551. Pte. Macdonald, John (Crleff), Bn­ Disobarged 1902. lleted 1898. Served In South African War, -- Pte. McNie, James (Kinoardine on Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

J'orth). 7th VoL Bat,. Served in South " South Africa, 1901," and " South Africa, African War, with 2nd Vol. Service Coy., 1901- 1902 "). Still serving. [587.] 1901 (Queen'• medal, with cla•p• " Cape 3089.Pte. Paton, James (Perth). Enlisted Colony," "Orange Free State," "Tran •vaal," 1889. Served in South African War, 1899 ..• " South Africa, 1901," and " South Africa, (Queen's medal, with clup " Hodder River"). 1902 "). [5H.] Still serving. r,~. Pte. McPhenon, Donald (Blair Atholl). 3655-Pte. Petrie, James (Perth). BDllsted Bnlillted 1887. Served in South African War, 1890. Served in South African War, 1899- •.• 1900-1902 (Queen'• medal, with clup • 1902 (Queen's medal, with clasps " Jlodder "Cape Colony," "Orange Free State," and River," " Paardeberg," " Driefontein," and " Tran•vaal " ; King' • medal, with clups " Tran•vaal " ; King's medal, with o1up • " South Africa, 1901," and " South Africa, "South Africa, 1901," and "South Africa, 1902 "). 1902 "). Still aerving. 1549- Pte. Macpbenon, Hugh (Blairgowrle). ,5276.Sergt. Reid, James (Jloulin). En­ Enli•ted 188'. Served in South African listed 1895. Served in South African War, War, . . . 1901 (Queen's medal, with clup • • • . 1900 (Queen'• medal, with clup • " Caps "Cape Colony," "Orange Free State," and Colony " and " Paardeberg "). Still serving. "South Africa, 1901 "). Discharged 1901. [588.] [585.] 1,S98.Pte. Sharp, David (Perth). En1isted 734, Sergt. Mcwilliam, Adam (Rattray). ISM. Served in South African War, •.. 1901 Enlisted in 93rd (Sutherland Highlander •) (Queen's medal, with o1up • " Tran •vaal," Begt. (now 2nd Batt. A. and S.H.) 1860. Bened "Cape Colony," "Orange Free State," and in Campaign on North-We •t Frontier of India, "South Africa, 1901 "). Discharged 1901. 1868 (medal, with clup " Umheyla "). Dis­ [550.] charged 1871. [5118.] 33113-Pte. Stewart, Ale:a.nder (Orie!!). 4,18o.CoL-Serct, Matthew, Andrew (Auch­ Enlisted 1890. Served in Campaign on North­ terarder). Enlisted 1892. Served in South West Frontier of India, 1897-1898 (with Toohi African War, 1899-1902 ; wounded near Heil­angloboerwar.comField Force) (medal, with olup " Punjaub bron (mentioned in despatohe •• Queen's medal, Frontier, 1897-8 "). Served al•o in South with olup • "Hodder River," "Paardeberg," African War, 1899-1902 (Queen's medal, with " Driefontein," and "Transvaal"; King's medal, claapa "Hodder River," "Paardeberg," and with olup • "South Africa, 1901," and "South " Tran•vaal " ; King'• medal, with clasps Africa, 1902 "). "South Africa, 1901," and "South Africa, 305.1- Lance-Sergt. Matthew, William 1902"). Discharged 1902. (Auchterarder), Bened in Campaign on North­ 3101. Pte. Taylor, John (Loglealmond). We•t Frontier of India, 1897-1898 (with Toohi En1isted 1889. Served in South African War Field Force) (medal, with clasp "Punjaub (Queen's medal, with clasp " Cape Colony "). Frontier, 1897-8 "). Served al•o in South Discharged invalided 1900. African War, 1899 (Queen's medal, with olup 939, Pte. Watson, George (Perth). Enllllted " Hodder River"). Killed at Hagersfontein, 1888. Sened in South African War (Queen'• Deo. 11, 1899. medal, with clasps "Cape Colony," "Orange '5.57.Pte. Miller, John (Perth). Bnlisted Free State," and "Tran •vaal "). Discharged 1898. Served in South African War, 1899- 1901. 1902 (Queen's medal, with clup • " Hodder 3116. Qrmr.-Sergt. Weller, W. R. (Boone). River," " Paardeberg," "Drlefontein," and Served with Wuiriatan Field Force, 189' " Transvaal " ; King's medal, with o1up • (medal, with olup "Wuiristan, 1894-5 "). "South Africa, 1901," and "South Africa, Served also in Campaign on North-Wen 1902 "). Still serving. [586.] Frontier of India, 1897-1898 (with Tochi Field 6171. Luce - CorpL Norrie, Ale:nnder Force) (medal, with clasp " Punjaub Frontier, (Greenlcaning). Enlisted 1897. Bened in 1897-8 "). Delhi Durbar medal, 1908. [MS.] South African War, 1899-1902 (Queen's medal, '9o4, Pte. Wella, William (Tulllallan). En• with olup • "Hodder River," "Paardeberg," listed 1899. Served in South African War and " Tramvaal " ; King's medal, with clup • (Queen'• medal, with claspB "Cape Colony," 208 A Military History of Perthshire

ARGYLL AND SUTHERLAND HIGHLANDEBB-continued " Orange Free St.ate," and "Tranavaal "). In­ " Tran•vaal " ; King'• medal, with clupe valided home. Still aerving. "South Africa, 1901," and "South Africa, 1448. Col.-Sergt. Wwion, Andrew (Blaolt­ 1902 "). Still serving. ford). Enlisted 1884. Served in South Afrioan 7044-Pte. Young, William (Perth). En­ War (Queen's medal, with olaapll "Cape listed 1899. Served in South African War, Colony " and " Orange Free State"). Still 1~1902 (Queen's medal, with olaspe "Cape aerving. [644.] Colony," "Omnge Free State," and "Trane­ &,4', Piper Wright, John (Doune). En­ vaal " ; King' • medal, with clupa " South listed 1898. Served in South African War, Africa, 1901," and "South Africa, 1902 "). 189&--1902 (Queen's medal, with olaspe " llod­ Diacharged 1908. [664.] der River," "Paardeberg," "Driefontein," and

THE ROYAL DUBLIN FUSILIERS ,ma.Pte. Bom1re, Thomas (Perth). En­ Y&al."; King' • medal, with clupe " South listed 1900. Served in South African War, Africa, 1901," and " South Africa, 1902 "). 1~1902 (Queen'• medal, with claspe "Cape Still serving. Colony," "Orange Free State," and "Tran•- ,

SOOTTISH CYCLE OORPS - Sergt. Johnston,John G. (Alyth). 6th 11901-1902 (Queen's medal, with olaapll "Cape Vol Batt. A. and S.H. (Cyclist Coy.). Served Colony,"" Orange Free State,"" South Africa, in South African War with Scottish Cycle Corps, 1901," and " South Africa, 1902 "). [666.]

ARMYangloboerwar.com SERVICE CORPS I. 13812. Sb.-Smith Coulter,James (Perth). with ola•p "The Nile, 1884-o," and Khedlve's 86th Coy. Enlisted 1898, Served in South star). Diaoharged 1886. [660.] African War, 189&--1900 (Queen's medal, with 1594-Lance-Sergt. Hodge, Andrew (Coui;m ola•pe "Relief of Kimberley," "Paardeberg," Angus). Enlisted in Land Transport Corpe 1865. " Johannesburg," " Diamond Hill," and Served in Crimea, 1856, during RD•Bian War "Wittebergen "). Died at Aliwal North, (medal, with ola•p " Seva•topol," and Turkish Dec. 22, 1900 [667.] medal). Diaoharged 1856. [561.] S. 1,1362.Pte. Gardiner,George D. (Perth). 285- CorpLMcLaren, Andrew (Perth). En­ Enlisted 1897. Served in Soudan Campaign, listed in 11th HDBS&ra1865; Transferred to 1898 (medal, and Khedive's medal) ; also in Military Train (now Army Service Corpe) 1867. South African War, 1899-1902 (Queen's medal, Served iu Abyaainian Expedition a• Conductor with ola•p " Natal" ; King's medal, with of Transport, 1867-1868 (medal). Discharged olaspe "South Africa, 1901," and "South 1876. [668.] Africa, 1902 "). Transferred to Reserve 1903. - Qnnr.-Sergt. McLaren, Frederick - 1st Class Warrant Off'.Hill, William A. P. (Banltfoot). Enlisted 1890. Served in (Glenalmond), Enlisted in 72nd (Duke of South African War, 1899-1902 (Queen's medal, Albany' • Own Highlanders) Regt. 1866. Pro­ with ola•ps " Cape Colony," " Orange Free moted Lanoe-Corpl 1866, Corpl 1867. Trans­ St.ate," and " Transvaal " ; King's medal, with ferred to Commissariat and Transport Dept. {now ola•pa " South Africa, 1901," and " South .Anny Service Corpe) a• 2nd Corpl 1876. Pro­ Africa, 1902 "). Still aerving. [562.] moted Corpl 1877, Sergt. 1879, 3rd Cl Staff - Pte. Reoch, Robert (Coupar Angus). Bergt. 1881, Conductor of Supplies 1882. Enlisted in the Land Transport Corp• (I. Served with Nile Expedition, 1884-1886 (medal, Division) 1853. Served in the Crimea, 1865, Royal Army Medical Corps, &c.

during Baaian War (medal, with clup ferred to 78th (Highland Bou-1hlre Buffil) "SeTut.opol," and Turkillh medal). Diaoharged Regt. 1868. Discharged 1861. [569.] 18&1. - Pte. Wood, William (Buttentone). - Pte. Simpaon, Jamee (Perth). Enlisted Bnlillted in Control Department (now Azmy in Land Transport Corpe 185'. Be"ed in Service Corpe) 1871 (previou1ly in :Military Crimea, 1856, during R1111lanWar. Slightly Train). Served in Soudan Campaign, lSM- wounded at Sevastopol (medal, with clasp 1885 (medal, with olup "Suakim, 1884.," and " Sevastopol," and Turkillh medal). Trans- Khedive'1 1tar). Dilcbarged 1888. [568.J

ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS upl. Pte. Amott, William (Auoht.erarder). and " South Africa, 1901 "). Tralllferredto BnlUlted 1896. Served in South African Reee"e 1908. [667.] War, 1900 (Queen'• medal, with cllllp "Cape 8o61. :and Cius Stal'-8ergt. Maclaren, Colony"). Died at -on way home, Feb. 12, Jamee (Callander). Enlilted 1888. ~ed in 1901. [566.] Northern Nigeria, 1899-1900; aleo in South 13910. Pte. Rucbanan, -l'ohn (Perth). En­ African War, 1900 (Queen'• medal with listed 1900. Served in South African War, cllllp ••• ). Inftlided home 1900. Still NrVing. 1900-1901 (Queen'• medal, with cJupe "Natal" [568.]

' ARMY ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT 4"qa. Pte. Bremner,Peter (Dunblane). Bn­ African War, 1899-1902; (1) attached to ln liated 1900. ~ed in South African War, Scote Guardl; (2) in charge of Azmoury, Port 1901-1902 (Queen'• medal, with clupe " Cape Elisabeth. Wounded at J(odder RiHr, Nov. Colony,'' " Orange Free State,'' " Tranlrnlal,''angloboerwar.com 28, 1899 (Queen', medal, with olaspl "Belmont" " South Africa, 1901,'' and " Sollth Africa, and " ](odder River " ; King', medal, with 1902 "). Still serving. [568.] cJupe " South Africa, 1901,'' and " South 857. Annr.-Sergt. Jack, Alexander D. Africa, 1902 "), Still serving (attached to (Perth). Bnliiited 1898. Served in South Royal Irish Fueiliere). [564.]

ARMY PAY DEPARTMENT 6f6.Sergt. Smith, Robert (Perth). En1iated IKing's medal, with cJupe " South Africa, 1892. Served in South African War, .•. 1900- 1901,'' and " South Africa, 1902 "). Still 1902 (Queen's medal, with olup "Natal" ; serving. [li66.]

ARMY POST OFFICE CORPS 709, Pte. Jacboa, Robert (Birnam). Corpl. - Pte. Mair, William G. (Callander). in Mth :Middlesex (8th Vol. Batt. The Rifle Bight yeare in 4th Vol. Batt. Royal Hfgh­ Brigade). Enlisted in Azmy POlt Office Corpe landen. Enlisted in Azmy Poet Office Corp 1901. s-ed in South African War, 1901-1902 1902. ~ed in South African War, 1902 (Queen'• medal, with claspe "Cape Colony,'' (Queen', medal, with cJupe " Sonth Afrioa, " Orange Free State," " Tran1vaal,'' " South 1902" •.. ). Diaobarged 1902. [669,] Africa, 1901,'' and " South Africa, 1902 "). Dlacharged 1902. II. R 210 A Military History of Perthshire

REMOUNT DEPARTMENT - Cmm. Coadr. Mel.area, Thomu 8.1(Queen's medal, wi\h olaBp II Transvaal"), (Callander). Served in South African War as (670,] CivWan Conductor in Bemount Department

IMPERIAL YEOMANRY 4TB BATTALION 7TB (LmCUTBBSJIIBB)CollPilY · :1183, Pte. Kinniaoa, Kenneth KacKemie vaal," and " South Atrioa, 1901 "). Innlided (Butterflone). Bnliated 1900. 8ened in South home and diaoharged invalided 1901. Died African War, 1900-1901 (Queen'• medal, with Feb. H, 11102. (697.] clupa " Cape Colony,"" Wittebergen,"" Trlalw-

28Tll 00JIPilY (0oKPT<>1"BHoBSB) 149']6. Pte. Smith, Cuthbert Dinnie (BJair-1"Cape Colony"). Di•charged lnnlided 1900. gowrie). Bnliated 1899. Served in South Afrl- [691.] can War, 1900 (Queen's medal, with cla•p

&r:a BA'ITALION 16TB {Wo:BOBIITDSllIBB)OollPilY ~3, Pte. Keir, Jame• (Blairangloboerwar.com Atholl). Bn­ and "Beuth Africa, 1901 "). Dlach&rged 1901. tiated 1900. Served in Beuth African War, Formerly in 6th Vol. :&Mt. The Black Watch. 1900-1901 (Queen's medal, with clupl "Cape (682.] Colony," " Orange Free State,'' " TranaYaal,"

6TB BA'ITALION 18TII (LAlfAU:BBm•)0oJIPANY 11717.Pte. Mackemie,Alexander (Glenlyon). Colony," "Wittebergen," "Tran•vaal," and Enlisted 1900. Served in South African War, "South Africa, 1901 "). Discharged 1901, 1900-1901 (Queen's medal, with clupa "Cape (583,] Colony," "Wittebergen," " Tranll'l'aal," and 8731. Pte. Robertson, William J. (Braco). 11 South Africa, 1901 "). Discharged 1901. Enliated 1900. Served in South African War, (693.] 1900 (Queen's medal, with c1aapa "Cape 8715- Fur. Mel.area, Alu. (Callander). Colony," "Orange l!'ree State," and "Trans­ Bnl11ted 1900. Bened in South African War, vaal "). Accidentally injured ; lnnlided home 1900-1901 (Queen's medal, with olaBps II Cape and discharged inY&lided1901. [6~]

20m {Fll'B ilD FouAB8BIU Lion Ho:ao) OoKPilY

~- Pte. Andenon,George (Alyth). Bn- "South Africa, 1901," and II South Africa, listed 1901. Served in South African War, 1902"). Discharged 1902. (671.J 1901-1902 (Queen'• medal, with clupl "Cape 39443- Pte. Boyd, Robert (Scone). Bn­ -Oolony," "Orange l!'ree State," "Transvaal," listed 1901. Served in South African War, 20th Company Imperial Yeomanry 211

1901-1902 (Queen'• medal, with olaapl "Cape 24fl8a.Pte. McDonald, Alennder (Btralooh), Colony," "Orange Free State," "Transvaal," Enliated 1901. Served in South African War, "South A.frioa, 1901," and " South A.frioa, 1901 (Queen's medal, with ola•p1 "Cape 1901"). Dilobarged 1909. (858,] Colony," "Orange Free State," "Transvaal," 91139, Sh.-Smith Craipu, Peter (Perth). and "South Africa, 1901 "), Died at Tha• Bnlilted 1900. Berved in South African War, hanoha, Dec. 28, 1901. 1900 (Queen'• medal, with olupa " Cape 9328-Pte. Minto, Harvey 8. (Crieff), Enlilted Colony" and "Tranffaal "). (1571.] 1900. Served in Beath African War, 1900. 84B'13,Pte. Da'ris, Thomas T. A. (Blair, Wounded near Heokpoort (in Magalie•burg), gowrie). Served in South African War, 1901- Sept. 6, 1900 (Queen's medal, with olaapa " Cape 1901 (Queen'• medal, with olaaps " Cape Colony" and "Tranffaal "), [818,] Colony," "Orange Free State," "Transvaal," · 23400, Pte. Pla:,f'air, Charles Gordon "South Afrioa, 1901," and " South A.frioa, (Ooupar Angus). Enlisted 1901. Served in 1902"). Diloharged 1902. [600.] South African War, 1901-1902 (Queen's medal, 24874-Pte. Dempl1:er,Hugh (Perth). En­ with olaap1 "Cape Colony," "Orange Free lilted 1901. 8erred in South African War, State," "Transvaal," "South Africa, 1901," 1901 (Queen's medal, with olaapa "Cape and " South Africa, 1902 "). Diloharged 1902. Colony," "Orange Free State," "Transvaal," [809.] and "South Africa, 1901 "). Diaoharged 1902. 9340, Corpl. Pla:,fair, Harry Lyon (Ooupar [812.] Angus), Enlisted 1900. Served in South 9336, Sh.-Smith Doaclu, Charles (Dan­ African War, 1900-1901 (Queen's medal, with keld). Formerly in 5th Vol. Batt. '.rhe Blaok olaaps "Cape Colony," "Orange Free State," Watoh. Bllliated in I.Y. 1900. Bened in "Transvaal," and '! South Africa 1901 "), South African War, 1900 (Qaeen'• medal, wi,h Diaoharged 1901. [814.] clasps " Oape Colony" and " Tn.n•vaal "). 9136, Pte. Pople, William G. (of Newh0111e, Transferred on diloharge to Imperial Military Perth), Ellliated 1900. Bened in South A.fri. Railways, 1900, [1578.]) can War, 1900 (Queen's medal, with o1alpB 2487,s.Luce-Corpl. Ferrier, Duncan "Cape Colony," "Orange Free State," and (Alyth). Enlisted 1901, Served in Southangloboerwar.com "Transvaal"). Disoharged 1901. [608.] African War, 1901-1902 (Queen's medal, with 24886, Pte. Rattray, John (llarlee), En• olaaps "Cape Colony," "Orange Free State," lilted 1901. Served in South African War, "Tranffaal," "South Afrioa, 1901," and 1901-1909 (Queen's medal, with olaapl "Cape "South Africa, 1902 "). Diloh&rged 1901. Colony," "Orange Free State," "Transvaal," [801.] "South Africa, 1901," and "South Afrioa, 9161. Pte. Hai&',Ju. R, Price (yr. of Blair­ 1902 "). Diaoharged 1902. [615.] hill). Enlisted 1900. Serred in South African 23.f/9, Serct, Robertsoa, Geo. Cunningham War, 1900-1901. Wounded at Nooitgedaoht, (Jlonzievaird), Enlisted 1901. Served in South Dec. 18, 1900 (Queen'• medal, with olalp• African War, 1901-1902. Wounded near "Cape Colony," "Orange Free State," "Trans­ Bethalle, Oct. M, 1901 (Queen's medal, with vaal," and " South Africa, 1901 "). Diaoharged olaapl "Cape Colony," 11 Oi:ange Free State," 1901. [808.] "Transvaal," " South Africa, 1901," and 9318. Pte. Honeyman, Andrew Lees Muir "South Africa, 1902 "). Diloharged 1902. (Ooupar Angus). Enlisted 1900. Sened in [684.] South African War, 1900-1901 (Queen's medal, 25530, Pte. Roa, Wllllam (Bridge of Barn). with olaaps "Cape Colony," "Orange Free Enlisted 1901. Bened in South Af(l.can War, State," "Tranffaal," and "South Africa, 1901-1902 (Queen'• medal, with o1alpB "Cape 1901 "). Diloharged 1901. [15915.] Colony," "Orange Free State," "Transvaal," 9313, Trump. Lowe, William (Perth). En­ "South Africa, 1901," and II South Africa, listed 1900. Served in South .African War, 1902 "), Dlaoharged 11109. [1580.] 1900-1901 (Queen'• medal, with clasps "Cape 9158. Pte. Scott, Joseph Garland (Ooupar Colony," "Transvaal," and "South Africa, Angus). Ellliated 1900. Served in South 1901 "). Discharged. 1901, [802.] African War, 1900-1901 (Queen's medal, 212 A Military History of Perthshire

20m (Fin il'D Fo:Uil8JIIU LioBT Hou •) O0KPil'T----continu:I with c1upa "Cape Colony," " Trans'f'll&l," "South Africa, 1901," and "S011th Africa, and " Boath Africa, 1901 "). Dlacharged 1902 "). Dlacbarged 1902. [607.] 1901. [599.] 9159, Pte. Willoa, Andrew Taylor (Boone). *3,,Pte. Thomaoa, DaYid (Boone). Bn­ Bnlilted 1900. Sened in South African War, lilted 1901. Sened in South African War, 1900 (Queen'• medal, with clup • " Cape 1901-1902 (Queen'• medal, with olup • " Cape Colony" and" TraD.1'11&1"). Killed at Hooitge• Colony," "Orange Free State," "TraDBYaal," daoht, Dec. 18, 1900. [811.]

107TB {L.UU,U:BBIBB) COIIPil'Y 30369-Qnm.-Serit- M:,en, John Coupar olup • "Cape Colony," " Orange Free State," (Pitlochry). Formerly in 5th Vol. Batt. The "Tr&D.1vaal," "South Africa, 1901," and Black Watch. Enlilted in Scottish Hone 1901. " South Africa, 1902 "). Di•cbarged 1902. Transferred to I.Y. 1901. Sened in South [817.] African War, 1901-1902 (Queen'• medal, with

108TB (QUDN 18 OwN BouL GLASGOW) OollPil'Y ,31oo6.Pte. Stenn, Aleu.nder (Kinoardine "Tran •vaal," "South Africa, 1901," and on Fonh). Enli •ted 1901. Sened in South " South Africa, 1902 "). Di•cbarged 1902. African War, 1901-1902 (Queen'• medal, with [SM.] clup • "Cape Colony," "Orange Free State,"

angloboerwar.com11TB BATTALION 3'TR (MmDLBSU) O0KPAHY 6346, Sergt. l!dmcmclaton,Chu. Biot (Kin- , cl&BpB"Cape Colony,"" Wlttebergen," "Tran •- cardine). Enll •ted 1900. Sened in South '11&1,"and" South Africa, 1901 "). DiBcharged African War, 1900-1901 (Queen'• medal, with 1901. [608.]


57TB (BUOB:INOJiWWIIBB) COIIPil'Y 34647.":Pte. Graham, Chri•topher (Crieff). "Cape Colon,:,"" Orange Free State,"" Tran•- Joined 5th We•t Middle•ex Rifle Vola. 1899. vaal," " South Africa, 1901," and " South BnliBted in I.Y. 1901. Served in South African Africa, 1902 "). Discharged 1902. Rejoined War, 1901-1902 (Queen's medal, with c1&BpB Vola. 1902. [581.]

17TB BATTALION 50TB (HAMPaam•) COIIPAlfY - Pte. Baplin, George (Perth). Bnlilted 11901," "South Africa, 1902," and .•. ). Di•- 1901. Sened in South African War, 1901-1902 charged 1902. [574.] (Queen's medal, with clupl " South Africa, 70th Company Imperial Yeomanry 213


70m (SuaPBBOO'l'DS)OollPANY u636, Sergt. Deu, Jaa. Beatson (Perth). 1as,,. CorpL King, John (Mathill). Bnlflted Bnliat.ed 1900. Served In South African War, 1900. Served in South African War, 1900-1901 1900-1901 (Queen'• medal, with olaape II Cape (Queen'• medal, with olaap1 "Cape Oolony," Oolony," "Orange Free State," 11 Rhode•!&," 11 Orange Free State," " Bbode•ia," and II South and II South Africa, 1901 "). Died at Pieter­ Africa, 1901 "). Dieoharged 1901. [577.] maritlburg, June 17, 1901. Formerly In 4:th 1a632, Pte. Macdoqall, Duncan A. (Ken­ Vol. Batt. The Blaok Watch. [610.] more). Enllated 1900. Served In South Afri­ 1a537. CorpL Kidd, John (Blairgowrie). can War, 1900-1901 (Queen's medal, with olalpe Bnlined 1900. Served in South African War, "Cape Colony," 11 Orange Free State," 11 Bbo­ 1900-1901 (Queen'• medal, with olupe "Cape de•ia," and" South Africa, 1901 "). Dilobarged Colony,"•• Orange Free State," 11 Bhode•ia," and 1901. "South Africa, 1901"). Diaobarged 1901. [576].

72ND (ROUGH Rmua) CollPilY

14.§73.Luce-CorpL Mel.area, John Hume State," 11 'franavaal," and II South Africa, (Kindallaohan). lllnlined 1900. Served In 1901 "). Dilobarged 1901. Later joined South African War, 1900-1901 (Queen'• medal, Oorpe of Cattleranger •. Died at Pretoria, Aug. with olupe II Cape Oolony," 11 Orange Free 211,1901. [578.]

21ST BATTALION 81ST (BHABPBBOOTERS)angloboerwar.com COJIPilY :m83- Pte. Selby, Robert lll. (Crief!). En- Colony," "Orange Free State," "Transvaal," lilted 1901. Served In South African War, 1 11 South Africa, 1901," and II South Africa, 1901-1902 (Queen'• medal, with olaape "Cape 1 1902 "). Discharged 1902. [596.]

22ND BATTALION 78TB (RoUGB Rmns) COIIIPANY 33419-Sergt. Harris, John Wallace (Alyth). 33,373. Pte. Nicol, William (). Bn­ Bnliated 1901. Served in South African War, llated 1901. Served in South African War, 1901-1902 (Queen'• medal, with olupe II Cape 1901-1902 (Queen's medal, with olupe II Cape Colony," 11 Orange Free State," "Tranllvaal," Colony," 11 Orange Free State," "Transvaal," " South Africa, 1901," and " South Africa, "South Africa, 1901," and "South Africa, 1902 "). Discharged 1902. [588.] 1902 "). Dilobarged 1902. [579.]


- Luce-Sergt. GeJJatly,Wm. Barden 11 Tra.n1vaal," "South Africa, 1901," and (Perth). Bnlilted 1901. PromotedLanoe-Oorpl., 11 South Africa, 1902 "). DiBCbarged 1902. Corpl., and Lanoe-Sergt., 1901. Served In South Formerly in 4:th Vol. Batt. The Black Watch African War, 1901-1902 (Queen's medal, with and lit Vol. Batt. The Queen's Royal Welt olalpe II Cape Oolony," "Orange Free State," Surrey Begt. [575.J A Military History of Perthshire

26TB BA'rl'ALION (Yo111'GRt7BJWO>'sHouB) 1211'1'OoJIPilY 4aosa. Pte. llcllaia, 0. (Perth), Bnli•ted 111011(Queen'• medal, with a1upl " Oape In 80th (Fife and Forfanhire Light Bone) Cv,. Colony," "Orange Free State," "Tramft&l," 1901. Disoharged 1901. En.listed in llllltOoy. "South Africa, 1901," and "Soath Africa, 1901. Served in South African War, (1) with 111011"). Diloharged 190I. 80th Ooy. 1901-1901, and (II) with 121n Ooy.

31ST BA'rl'ALION (FmoAft'LB'sHouB) - Pte. Clark, David (Boone). BDli8ted (Queen's medal, with claape " Cape Colony" 1902. Served in South African War, 19011 and "South Africa, 1902 "). Disoharged 1908. (Queen'• medal, with claape " Cape Colony " [1590.] and " South Africa, 111011"), Discharged 190ll. 43794-Luce-Corpl. Robertaon, Wm.Peattie [587.] (Blairgowrie). En.listed 190ll. Served in South ,19151.Pte. Dum:an, Adam (Blalrgowrle). Afrie&DWar, 1902 (Queen's medal, with clasps Bnlilted 1902. Served in 8011th Afrie&DWar, "Cape Colony" and " Soutla Africa, 1902 "), 1902 (Queen's medal, with olaspe "Cape Discharged 1908. [616.] Colony" and" South Africa, 1902 "), 41099-Pte. Stewart, Jam.ea (Blairgowrie). 3786a.Pte. Forbell, James (Doane), En­ Enli•ted 1902. Served iD South Afrioan War, liated 190ll, Served in South Afrioan War, 1902 (Queen's medal, with claape " Cape 1902 (Queen's medal, with olaspe " Cape Colony" and " Soath Africa, 1902 "). [618.] Colouy" and "South Africa, 1902 "). 3Bo75, Pte. Taylor, John (Perth). Enliated 31653-Lance-CorpL Home, Thomas (Pit­ 1902. Served in South African War, 1902 lochry). En.lilted 1902. Servedangloboerwar.com iD South (Queen's medal, with claape "Cape Colony " African War, 1902 (Queen'• medal, with olaspa and " South Africa, 1902 "). Diloharged 1901. " Cape Colony " and " South Africa, 1901 "). [1598.] Disoharged 1902. - Sergt. Yoanc, Aluander (Oollaoe). 38175, Orderl:,-RoomSergt. Roberbon, En.lilted 1902. Served in South African War, Jam• W. (Perth). Bnlilted 19011. Promoted 1902 (Queen's medal, with claapa " Cape Sq.-Qrmr.-Sergt. and Orderly-Boom 8ergt. Colony" and " Sonth Africa, 1902 "), Dis­ 1902. Served iD South Afrioan War, 1902 charged 1908.

37TH BA'rl'ALION (H1GJ1UlfDHo111B) - Pte. Gilmour, William (Orielf). Eu­ " Orange Free State," "Transvaal," and " Sonth li•ted 1902 for •ervice iD South Afrle&DWar. Africa, 1901 "), Ellli•ted 1902 in 37th Batt. I. Y. - Sq.-Qrmr.-Serct- Keiller, James M. (Highland Hone) for •ervice in Sonth African R. (Perth), Enlisted iD Fife and Forf&rahire War. Discharged 1903. [689.] Light Horse 1899. Enlisted 1901 in 87th Batt. 41164, Pte. Mcl.eul, A. (Perth). Enliated I.Y. (Highland Hone) for •ervioe in Soath 1902 for •ervice in South African War. Died Afrioan War. Discharged 1902. Now •erving at Aldershot during mobilisation, 1902. with Fife and P'orf•rshire Light Horse. [6015.] 43049- Pte. Mitchell, Peter (Alyth). En­ .P,So, Sq.-Qrmr.-Sergt. Linda:,, John liated 1902 for •ervice in South African War. (Alyth), 6th Vol. Batt. The Blaok Watoh. Disoharged 1908. [686.] Served iD South Afrie&11War u Pte. with l•t 41174-Pte. Mitchell, W. (Blairgowrle~ Bn­ Vol Service Coy., The Blaok Watoh, 1900-1901 listed 1902 for active service in Soath Afrioan (Queen'• medal, with olaspe "Cape Colony," War. Discharged 1908. Imperial Y eomanry-Lovat's Scouts 2 1 5

,43048.Pte. Thompecm,G. (Alyth). lith Vol. clups "Cape Colony," "Wittebergen," and :Batt. The Bl&ok Watch. Served in South " South Africa, 1901 "). BnliBted 1902 in 87th African War with ln Vol. Berrioe Coy., The :Batt. I.Y. (Highland Hone) for service in South Black Watch, 1900-1901 (Queen's medal, with African War. Dilobarged_1908. [692..]


- Pte. Roberbon, George L. (Scone). , Africa, 1901," and " South Africa, 1902 "). Bnlisted 1901. Served in South African War, Disoharged 1902. [&88.] 1901-1902 (Queen'• medal, with clalpll "South


~ Pte. Camerou, AleDDder (Fortin­ Africa, 1901," and " South IAfrl.oa,1902 "). pll). Joined 6th Vol Batt. The Black Di•cbarged 1902. [828.J Watch 1896. Enlisted in Lovat'• Scouts 1901. 8811. Pte. llcFarlane, Ducan (Pitloohry), Se"ed in Soath African War, (1) with 1st Vol. Formerly in Scots Grey•. Bnll•ted in Loftt'• Service Coy., The Black Watch, 1900-1901 ; Scouts 1900. Served in South African War, (2) with Lovat' • Soout•, 1901-1902 (Queen'• 1900-1901 (Queen's medal, with clasps" Cape medal, with claapa " Wittebergen," " Cape Colony," "Wittebergen," and "South Africa, Colony," '' South Africa, 1901," and "Southangloboerwar.com 1901 "). Dilobarged 1901. [814.] Africa, 1902 "). Discharged 1902. [623.] 8835- Pte. llcl.•w:bJen, .James (Logierait). 8714-Pte. Crerar, Thoma• R. (F018). Bn­ Bnlisted 1900. Served in South African War, U.ted 1900. Se"ed in South African War, 1900-1901 (Queen'• medal, with olups "Cape 1900-1901 (Queen's medal, with olaapa " Cape Oelony," "Wittebergen," and "South Africa, Colony," "Johanne •burg," "Diamond Hill," 1901 "). Diaoharged 1901. [821.J " Wittebergen," and " South Africa, 1901 "). 8776, Pte. llcl.ean, Boben (Kenmore). B11- Discharged 1901. [819.J ll•ted 1900. Se"ed in South Afrioan War, 8'/31• Pte. Foote, Andrew (Stanley). Bn­ 1900-1901 (Queen'• medal, with olups " Cape ll•ted 1900. Served in South African War, 1900- Colony," "Johannesburg," " Diamond Bill," 1901. Wounded at Lindley, July 1900 (Queen'• "Wittebergen," and "South Africa, 1901 "). medal, with claspa " Orange Free State " and Discharged 1901. "South.Africa, 1901 "). Di•cbarged 1901. [620.] #m• Pte. Simpecm,Frederick W. (Lollg· 8'/54-Pte. Keanedy, John (Blairgowrie). forgan). BnliBted lllOL Served in South Afri. Enlisted 1900. Served in So11th African War, can War, 1901-1902 (Queen'• medal, with o1up• 1900-1901 (Queen'• medal, with clasps " Cape "Cape Colony,"" Orange Free State," "South • Colony," "Wittebergen," and "South Africa, Africa, 1901," and " South Africa, 1902 "). 1901 "). Di•charged 1901. [825.J Died at llaral.sburg, April 9, 1902. 8815- Pte. llcDoaalcl, Aleu.nder (Blair YmfJ. Pte. Thomaoa, James A. (Dukeld). A.tholl). Bnli•ted 1900. Disoharged 1901. Re­ Bn1i•ted 1901. ~ed ill South African War, enlisted 1901. Served in South African War, (1) 1901-1902 (Queen's medal, with clalpll "Cape 1900-1901, and (2) 1901-1902 (Queen'• medal, Colony,"" Orange Free State," "South Africa, with clasps " Cape Colony " and " Witteber­ 1901," and "South Africa, 1902 "). Di•charged gen" ; King's medal, with olaapa "South 1902. [826.J 216 A Military History of Perthshire

LOV A'l"S SCOUTS-continued y!//81. Sb. - Smith Tarner, Dunoan F. Enlisted 1900. Dilcharged 1901, Re-enlisted (Alyth). BDliated 1901, Sened In South Afri. 1901. Be"ed In South Afrioan War, (1) 1900- can War, 1901-1902. Wounded at Quagga­ 1901 and (I) 1901-1902 (Queen'• medal, with fontein, Sept. 20, 1901 (Queen's medal, with clasps "Cape Colony," "Orange Free State," claapB II Cape Colony," 11 Orange Free State," and II Johannesburg" ; King's medal, with "South Africa, 1901," and II South Africa, claapB "South Africa, 1901," and" South Africa 1902"). Disoharged 1902. [622.] 1902"), Dilchargedl902. [827.] B9u. Pte. Wulia, Georre 0. (Boone).

THE SCOTTISH HORSE 3695 Tpr. Mama, George (). En­ ~1~. Tpr. Archer, James (Perth). En­ JJ•ted 1901. Sened In South African War, listed 1901. Served In South African War, 1901-1902 (Queen'• medal, with clasps II Cape 1901-1902 (Queen'• medal, with clasps" Trans­ Colony," 11 Tlansvaal," 11 South Africa, 1901," vaal," "South Africa, 1901," and II South and " South Africa, 1902 "), Discharged 1902, Africa, 1902 "). Dilcbarged 1902. (629,] 315964,Tpr. Band, Henry (Collaoe). En­ 31366-Luce-Corpl. Alesuder, Aluander listed 1901. Served In South African War, (Errol), BnUsted 1901. Served In South 1901-1902 (Queen'• medal, with olaepe "Cape African War, 1901-1902 (Queen's medal, with Colony," 11 Transvaal," "South Africa, 1901," claapBII Cape Colony," 11 Orange Free State," and II South Africa, 1902 "). D110harged 1902. 11 Transvaal," "South Africa, 1901," and ~19. Tpr. Bannerma.a, George (Coupar " South Africa, 1902 "), Dilcharged 1902. Angus). Enlisted 1901. Served in South ~ Corpl. Aleunder, James M. (Alyth). African War, 1901-1902 (Queen's medal, with Enlisted 1901. Se"ed In Southangloboerwar.com African War, clasps " Transvaal," 11 South Africa, 1901," 1901-1902 (Queen's medal, with olupe "Cape and II South Africa, 1902 "). Di•charged 1902. Colony," 11 Transvaal," 11 South Africa, 1901," 36961.Tpr. Bannerman, Telford (Coupar and II South Africa, 1902 "). Dilcharged 1902. Angus). Enlisted 1901. Served In South [6'7.] African War, 1901-1901 (Queen's medal, with 33376.Tpr. Aleuader, John L. (Blair­ clasps II Cape Colony," 11 Tran•vaal," 11 South gowrie). Enlisted 1901. Be"ed in South Africa, 1901," and II South Africa, 1902 "), African War, 1901-1902 (Queen's medal, with Di•charged 1902. olaepe "Cape Colony," "Orange Free State," 42014-Sergt. Bayne, Thomu:lrl. (Cultoquhey). 11 Transvaal," "South Africa, 1901," and Formerly in 6th Vol. Batt. The Black Watch. " South Africa, 1902 "). Coronation medal, lllnlisted in Scottish Horse 1902. Served In 1902, Dilcharged 1902. [682,] South African War, (1) as Corpl. with 2nd Vol 33,383. Tpr. Andencm, Gourlay Steele Service Coy., The Black Watch, 1901-1902, (:lrluckart). Enlisted 1901. Se"ed In South (II) as Sergt. with Soottlsh Horse, 1902 (Queen's African War, 1901-1902 (Queen'• medal, with medal, with clasps II Cape Colony," "Orange claapB " Cape Colony," 11 Orange Free State," Free State," "Transvaal," "South Africa, 11 Transvaal," "South Africa, 1901," and 1901," and II South Africa, 1902 "). Di•charged 11 South Africa, 1902 "). Dilcharged 1902, 19011. [683.] [630.] 44016. Sh.-Smith Beattie, Andrew (Coupar ~ Tpr. Andenon, William B. (Alyth). Angus). lllnli•ted 1902. Served in South lllnli•ted 1901. Served In South African War, African War, 1902 (Queen's medal, with clasps 1902 (Queen's medal, with claepe " Cape " Transvaal" and " South Africa, 1902 "). Di•- Colony," 11 Orange Free State," 11 Transvaal," charged 1902. and "South Africa, 1902 "), Di•cbarged 1902, ~rJt1.Tpr. Bell, Andrew (lrloulln). Enlisted [665,] 1902, Served in South African War, 1901