
Journal of Modern , 2014, 5, 534-542 Published Online April 2014 in SciRes. http://www.scirp.org/journal/jmp http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/jmp.2014.57064

Spin-Magnetic Moment of Dirac , and Role of Zitterbewegung

Shigeru Sasabe Department of Science & Technology, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Tokyo, Japan Email: [email protected]

Received 20 December 2013; revised 18 January 2014; accepted 15 February 2014

Copyright © 2014 by author and Scientific Research Publishing Inc. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY). http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Abstract The - of the electron is revisited. In the form of the relativistic mechanics, we calculate the magnetic moment of Dirac electron with no orbital angular-momen- tum. It is inferred that obtained magnetic moment may be the spin-magnetic moment, because it is never due to orbital motion. A transition current flowing from a positive energy state to a negative energy state in Dirac Sea is found. Application to the band structure of semiconductor is suggested.

Keywords Spin-Magnetic Moment, Zitterbewegung, G-Factor, Dirac Electron, Band Structure, Semiconductor

1. Introduction The spin and the spin-magnetic moment are basic and the most important concepts in the spintronics [1] that is new research field in considerable expansion. In the previous work [2], we found that the spin-magnetic moment seems to be caused from well-known definitional equation of magnetic moment. Such a case never happen in the non-relativistic . In the relativistic quantum mechanics, however, the electron has another degree of freedom called Zitterbewegung [3]-[5] that is trembling motion of relativistic electron. Some physical connection between the spin-magnetic moment and Zitterbewegung was implied in the previous work [2]. In this paper, we investigate a question about the origin of the spin-magnetic moment of the electron and roles of Zitterbewegung relating to it. The use of will make hidden roles of Zitterbewegung more clear than previous work. On the other hand, Zitterbewegung in solid state physics [6]-[8] has been a subject of great interest in recent years, since Zitterbewegung-like dynamics of band electron was predicted [9] [10] for electron moving in narrow-gap semiconductors [11], sheets [12], carbon nanotube [13], and super conductor [14]. Our research in this paper is therefore worthwhile on both sides of science and technology. As a result, we obtain

How to cite this paper: Sasabe, S. (2014) Spin-Magnetic Moment of Dirac Electron, and Role of Zitterbewegung. Journal of Modern Physics, 5, 534-542. http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/jmp.2014.57064 S. Sasabe

ec µz,11 = (1) 2Ep more easily than the previous work [2], where µz,11 denotes expectation value of z-component of spin-mag- netic moment of a free Dirac electron in positive energy state.

2. Relation between Spin and Spin-Magnetic Moment It is well known that the relativistic electron put in the external gives interaction energy with the magnetic field H ext . This term [15] [16]

e ext − σ ′H (2) 2mc was understood as the interaction energy −⋅µ H ext between an external magnetic field H ext and the magnetic moment µ . Then, physicists concluded that e µσ= ′ (3) 2mc must be the spin-magnetic moment of the electron in comparison with Equation (2). However, Equation (3) provided merely the relation of the spin-magnetic moment µ and the spin σ ′ 2 by the analogy with classical electrodynamics. We do not still know how the spin-magnetic moment is generated, and what the spin-magnetic moment is. In order to clarify the origin of the spin-magnetic moment, we must deduce it without the external magnetic field which always leads to the interaction energy of the form −⋅µ H . Generally, the magnetic moment for a charged particle moving with the velocity v and the charge e is defined as [17] [18] e µ =rv × , (4) 2c in the classical electrodynamics, where c is . In the non-relativistic quantum theory, the above equation can be expressed as e µ = L (5) 2mc by using vp= m and Lrp= × . In relativistic quantum theory, however, we should mind that we can not use Equation (5) for Dirac electron, because the velocity v and the momentum p are independent variables to each other (i.e. vp≠ m ) in this case [2].

3. Zitterbewegung As to Zitterbewegung, we briefly show all equations that are needed later. The velocity v of Dirac electron is given [19] by Heisenberg equation, 1 vr≡= [ r,,Hc] =α (6) i where α = (αααxyz,,) are the Dirac matrices in Dirac Hamiltonian H= cα p + β mc2 . (7) The 44× matrices α and β are defined as 0σ  10 α = ,,β =  (8) σ 0  01− where σ = (σσσxyz,,) are the Pauli matrices. These matrices satisfy the following relations: 22 αβi = =1(i = xyz ,,) (9)

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{ααi, j} = 2,,0 δ ij, { αβ i } = (10) In order to clarify the role of Zitterbewegung, we use Heisenberg picture hereafter to calculate the time

evolution of any operator. We first investigate the behavior of matrix αi (t) as an operator vti ( ) c. Making use of Equation (10), we easily find [4]

iααii( t) =2( t) H −= 2 cp i( i x ,, y z) , (11)

where αi (0) is the original matrix αi of Equation (7) in schrödinger picture. Differentiation of both sides of Equation (11) by t gives 2 ααii(t) =  ( tH) . (12) i The solution of the above differential equation is 2Ht ααii(t) = (0) exp . (13) i We substitute Equation (13) into Equation (11) to obtain

i 2Ht −−11 ααii(t) =  (0) expH+ cpi H . (14) 2 i Taking t = 0 , we have the above relation in another form. 2 ααi(0) = ( ii( 0.) H− cp ) (15) i We finally obtain

−−112Ht ααiii(t) =−+( (0) cp H ) expcpi H (16) i from Equations (15) and (14).

4. Solutions of For reader’s convenience, we summarize all equations in the following; they are necessary for our calculation. The Dirac equation (cα p +=β mc2 ) ψψ E (17)

has four eigen-solutions. We name these solutions Eps ( ) ( s= 1,2,3,4) defined as  +↑Es,1( =)  p  +↓ =  Esp ,2( ) Es ( p) =  , (18)  −↑Esp ,3( =)  −↓ =  Esp ,4( )

where Ep is the energy of a free Dirac electron with momentum p ,

22 24 Ep = pc + mc. (19) Two arrows ↑ and ↓ denote ‘Up Spin’ and ‘Down Spin’ respectively. The explicit forms of eigen- solutions in Heisenberg picture are given by 1 ipr ψ ss(rr) ≡=Eu( p) s( p)exp , (20) V 

where V is normalization volume, and us ( p) are expressed as follows [16];

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χ↑ 1  = σ u1 ( p) c p , (21) N χ↑ 2 + mc Ep

χ↓ 1  = σ u2 ( p) c p , (22) N χ↓ 2 + mc Ep −cσ p χ 1 2 ↑ = mc+ E u3 ( p) p , (23) N  χ↑ −cσ p χ 1 2 ↓ = mc+ E u4 ( p) p . (24) N  χ↓ with normalization factor 2E = p N 2 . (25) mc+ Ep and eigen states of “Up Spin” and “Down Spin”, 10  χχ↑↓=,, =  (26) 01  3 respectively. The momentum p takes discrete values in normalization volume VL= : That is pii= 2π nL

(ni = ±1, ± 2, ⋅⋅⋅) for i= xyz,,. The functions us ( p) are orthonormalized: † uur( pp) s ( ) = δrs , (27) as well as

EEr( pq) s ( ) = δδrs pq . (28) Next relations are especially important in a frame p = (0,0, p) :

α xup14( ) = up( ) (29)

α yu14( p) = iu( p). (30)

2 Because each component of α satisfies αi = 1 , αi takes the eigenvalues +1 and −1 . This means the velocity vi also has two eigenvalues vci = ± , that is the speed of light. However, states Er are not eigen states of vi . An explicit form of αi (t) in the next section is applicable to the states Er . 5. Expectation Value of Zitterbewegung In actual calculation, we will take z-axis along the momentum of the electron: p = (0,0, p) . This procedure is necessary in order to not only simplify our calculation but also exclude the z-component of caused by orbital motion of the electron. The velocity operator v = cα is divided into two parts. (Zit) (unif ) vtii( ) = vt( ) + vt i( ) , (31) where

(Zit) 21− 2Ht vi( t) =( cα ii(0) − c pH )exp , (32) i and

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(unif ) 21− vii( t) = c pH , (33) (Zit) (i= xyz,,) from Equation (16). The velocity vi is Zitterbewegung part which includes oscillation factor, (unif ) and vi corresponds to uniform velocity. The coordinate operator r = ( xyz,,) is also easily calculated from corresponding part of the above equations. (Zit) (unif ) rtii( ) = rt( ) + rt i( ) , (34)

(Zit) i 2−− 112Ht ri( t) =( cα ii(0) −+ c pH) H expRi (35) 2 i

(unif ) 21− ri( t) = c pH ii t + r0, (36)

where Ri is an integration constant, and r0,i agrees to an initial point of the electron in classical sense. Remembering that α (0) is equal to the original α of Equation (7), we easily calculate the expectation value

of cα z for E1 in our frame, by the use of relations in Sections 3 and 4. 2 † cp Epc1( ) ααzz Ep 1( ) = cup 11( ) up( ) = . (37) Ep Equation (37) leads to (Zit) Epvt11( ) z ( ) Ep( ) = 0 (38)

(Zit) Epzt11( ) ( ) Ep( ) = Rz (39) and 2 (unif ) cp EpvtEp1( ) zz( ) 11( ) = Epvt( ) ( ) Ep 1( ) = (40) Ep

(unif ) EpztEp1( ) ( ) 11( ) = Epzt( ) ( ) Ep 1( ) + Rz (41) cp2 =tz ++0 Rz , (42) Ep −−11 where HE11= EEp is used. Arbitrary constant zR0 + z can set to zero without loss of generality. The similar results occur for x and y components of both v and r . The contribution from uniform velocity vanish

at this time because of ppxy= = 0 . (Zit) (Zit) vtxy( ) = vt( ) = 0 (43)

(unif ) (unif ) vtxy( ) = vt( ) = 0 (44)

(Zit) (Zit) xtRytR( ) = xy, ( ) = (45)

(unif ) (unif ) xt( ) = x00,, yt( ) = y (46)

where the expression of the expectation value for E1 is simplified. Results (38)-(46) indicate that Zitter- bewegung (trembling motion) phenomenon for relativistic electron is un-observable effect in the sense that the expectation values of physical quantities always agree to classically measured one in accordance with Ehrenfest’s law [20]. A question whether Zitterbewegung works or not in actual physics phenomena then arises. The answer will be shown in the next section.

6. Spin-Magnetic Moment We calculate the magnetic moment based on Equation (4). As mentioned in Section 2, the velocity v (t) of relativistic electron is not equal to p m but equal to ctα ( ) . So that the expression of magnetic moment µ must be

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e µα=r × (47) 2 for relativistic electron. It is our advantage that we need no external magnetic field. In what follows, we pay attention to the electron in state E1 , and to the z-component of the magnetic moment.

ee(Zit) (unif ) (Zit) (unif ) µ(t) = xt( ) αα( t) −= yt( ) ( t)  xt( ) + xt( ) v( t) + v( t) z( y x) ( )( yy) 22c (48) (Zit) (unif ) (Zit) (unif ) −+yt( ) yt( ) v( t) + v( t) . ( )( xx) By the use of the completeness condition 4 ∑∑ EEss(qq) ( ) = 1, (49) s=1 q we have an expression of the expectation value of µz .

E11( pp) µz ( tE) ( ) 4 e  (Zit) (Zit) =∑∑ × ExtEEvtE11( p) ( ) s( qq) sy( ) ( ) ( p) s=1 q 2c  (Zit) (unif ) + E11( p) xt( ) Es( qq) E sy( ) v( t) E( p) (unif ) (Zit) + E11( p) xt( ) Es( qq) E sy( ) v( t) E( p) (unif ) (unif ) + ExtE11( p) ( ) s( qq) EvtE sy( ) ( ) ( p) (50) (Zit) (Zit) − E11( p) ytEEvtE( ) s( qq) sx( ) ( ) ( p) (Zit) (unif ) − E11( p) yt( ) Es( qq) E sx( ) v( t) E( p) (unif ) (Zit) − E11( p) yt( ) Es( qq) E sx( ) v( t) E( p)

(unif ) (unif ) − E p ytEqq EvtE p 1 ( ) ( ) s( ) sx( ) ( ) 1 ( )  Each matrix elements of uniform part are calculated as follows: (unif ) (unif ) EvtEsx(q) ( ) 11( pq) = EvtEsy( ) ( ) ( p) = 0 (51)

(unif ) E1( pq) xt( ) Ess( ) = x01δδpq (52)

(unif ) E1( pq) yt( ) Ess( ) = y01δδpq (53) We have also Zitterbewegung part of the velocity.

(Zit) † 22Etpp Et Esx(q) vt( ) E11( pq) = us( ) cuα x( p)expδqp = cexp δδ4sqp (54) ii  as well as

(Zit) 2Etp Esy(qp) v( t) E14( ) = ic expδδsqp . (55) i Substitution of Equations (51)-(55) into Equation (50) gives

e (Zit) (Zit) µ = E1( p) zy( tE) 1( p) ∑ ( ExtEEvtE1( p) ( ) 44( qq) ( ) ( ) 1( p) q 2c (56) − (Zit) (Zit) E1( p) ytEEvtE( ) 44( qq) ( ) x ( ) 1( p) ).

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We find here that µz is made only by Zitterbewegung parts. We can easily obtain each element:

(Zit) (Zit) ic 2Etp ExtEiEytE1( p) ( ) 41( qp) =( ) ( ) 4( q) =−−expδ pq . (57) 2Eip 

(Zit) (Zit) 2Etp EvtEiEvtEic4(q) yx( ) 14( pq) = ( ) ( ) 1( p) = expδqp . (58) i We then finally obtain ec E11( pp) µz ( tE) ( ) = (59) 2Ep which is the same result as in the previous work [2]. It is necessary to recall that there is not any z-component of magnetic moment arising from orbital motion of

electron because of p = (0,0, p) and Lz = 0 in our frame. Nevertheless, magnetic moment of Equation (59) has actually appeared. Therefore, we may conclude that µz of Equation (59) and the spin-magnetic moment of 2 the electron must be identified. When the momentum of the electron is small and Ep ≅ mc , it becomes e E( pp) µ ( tE) ( ) = , (60) 11z 2mc

indicating correct g -factor because of ES11z E =  2 for Dirac electron in our frame; that is e Ep( ) µ ( tEp) ( ) = g EpSEp( ) ( ) ( g= 2,) (61) 1zz 12mc 11 where S is the 44× spin matrix operator.

7. Concluding Remarks As seen in Sections 5, the expectation values of all Zitterbewegung parts give zero or constant, both in velocity and coordinates. This means that we can not directly measure the effect of Zitterbewegung. However, they still survive behind some kind of physical quantities. The magnetic moment is an example. Although Zitter-bewe- gung relating to the velocity or coordinates is un-observable in the sense of the expectation value which corres- ponds to classical behavior, we have shown that it exists and works through the magnetic moment. A crucial (Zit) point is non-diagonal matrix elements: E41 evi ( t) E( i= x, y) . The physical meaning of these matrix ele- ments is inferred as follows:

The initial state E1 of electron with positive energy and up-spin undergoes transition into the state E4 (Zit) with opposite signs of energy and spin (See Equations (29) and (30)), by operating evi ( t) . This matrix element is a kind of “transition current” because it exactly corresponds to the J in the de- finition of magnetic moment [2] which is written in another form [18], 1 µ =rJr × d.3 (62) 2c ∫ In quantum theory, the conservation law of energy may break by ∆E in time ∆t , where ∆∆≅Et . (63)

The electron which has undergone transition into E4 must immediately return to E1 within time ∆t . The period of transition cycle is about ω 1∆t ≅∆ E ≅ 2, mc2 (64) where ∆≅E2 mc2 means the energy gap of Dirac Sea in vacuum. This ω agrees with the frequency of Zitterbewegung (See Equations (57) and (58)). In the classical electrodynamics, the magnetic moment is caused by periodic orbital motion of a charged particles which is equivalent to an electric current. In the relativistic quantum theory, it seems that it is possible to cause the magnetic moment also by periodic transition from the positive energy state to the negative energy state (Figure 1). It then seems that the former is the magnetic moment which corresponds to Equation (5) with

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Figure 1. Spin-magnetic moment caused by transition current. g = 1 , and the latter is the spin-magnetic moment with g = 2 . In other word, the spin-magnetic moment may be caused not by usual electric current but by some new current which yield when the electron undergoes transition between two states of positive and negative energies. It should be noted that even an electron at rest (i.e. p = 0 and L = 0 ) in space is able to yield this new current.

8. Another Remarks Such a situation as described above occurs in some kind of solid state. In the two band model of Cohen and Blount [21], Wolff [22] indicated that the Hamiltonian takes the Dirac form after a suitable transformation, and that the resulting equations are essentially identical to those of the Dirac theory. This fact means that we could apply the method developed here to the spin-magnetic moment of electron in solid state [23]. Zawadzki [11] indeed pointed out that the energy of the electron in narrow-gap semiconductor was given as

22 24 Ep = pu + m u (65)

 ( m : effective mass), where u is maximum value of the group velocity vg of electron in band:

uv≡ lim g (66) p→∞ The Hamiltonian which corresponds to Equation (65) has the form

 2 H=αβ30 up + m u (67) in the frame

p = (0,0, p0 ) where α = (ααα123,,) and β are the Dirac matrices. The above Hamiltonian agrees completely to the Dirac Hamiltonian in Equation (7) if we replace u by c , and m by m . Obeying the Heisenberg equation of motion, it is then predicted that H of the equal form reproduces the same results obtained here with the re- placements cu→ and mm→  . They will appear as a change of g -factor of the electron in semiconductor from new equation corresponding to Equation (59).

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