Zam: Dr M feels Najib more dangerous than DAP .com Aug 31 st , 2015

Former information minister Zainuddin Maidin has solved the puzzle behind Dr 's about turn on street demonstrations by making a double appearance at 4.

"Why was Tun (Mahathir's honorific title) present at the 'Bersih Cina (Chinese) gathering? It is because Tun feels that (Prime Minister) Najib (Abdul Razak) is more dangerous than DAP.

"Is this not what the are thinking as well?" he tweeted.

"It is clear Tun's aim is whatever the cause Najib must go. That is why he was present at Bersih. He (Mahathir) wants Najib to go because he loves Umno," he added.

Zainuddin also noted that Mahathir still has credibility and his presence at Bersih 4 must be considered with regard to what impact it would have on Najib's leadership in the eyes of the world.

Mahathir and his wife Dr Siti Hasmah Ali rode on the KTM Komuter train to the city and held a press conference near Central Market yesterday evening.

The former premier said he supported the people but not Bersih.

Mahathir also said that he did not care for Bersih's demands, and only wanted Najib to resign.

Yesterday, the couple made a brief visit to Dataran Merdeka, where thousands of protesters were gathered.

Meanwhile, in his earlier tweets, Zainuddin once again raised the issue of Bersih 4's racial composition.

"Isolation of Malays makes Bersih 4 look like Chinese solid unity. Proven without PAS, DAP just a Chinese party like Umno without MCA, (is just a Malay party).

"Malaysian pushed Malay to unite and move with drastic action. May 13 was the catalyst. Bersih 4 pushing the Malays again. DAP forgets," said the former editor-in-chief.

The lack of Malay participation and the overwhelming presence of Chinese had raised concerns and various speculations.

However, today witnessed a greater number of Malay participants.

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