thethe australianaustralian shofarshofar

A Quarterly Newsletter from The Friends of Gospel Ministry (Australia) Inc | December 2017 | Volume 11 | Issue 2

Messianic Insights from the Jewish Feast of

Part One: “Come See I. The Sole Scripture mentioning The king being thereto disposed beforehand, Hanukkah complied with them, and came upon the with a great army, and took their city by Messiah, ‘The Light’ of the Amazingly, the only mention of Hanukkah force, and slew a great multitude of those that brit - ברית חדשה) is in the New Testament favored Ptolemy, and sent out his soldiers to World”! hadashah/New Covenant)! It occurred in plunder them without mercy. also spoiled John’s Gospel: Dr. Deane J. Woods the temple, and put a stop to the constant “Now it was the Feast of Dedication in practice of offering a daily sacrifice of expiation , and it was winter. And Jesus for three years and six months. (Jewish Wars, Dr. Deane J. Woods walked in the Temple, in Solomon’s Porch.” FOI-A Ministry ad loc.). (John 10:22-23) Representative, When the in Jerusalem was NSW & At Large. As we shall observe in carefully studying this looted and services stopped, was passage of Scripture, and noting its Judaic outlawed. In 167 BC, Antiochus ordered Prologue: As Christians celebrate Christmas historical context, Jesus wanted His Jewish an altar to Zeus erected in the Temple. He (traditionally at the end of December), Jewish protagonists to understand a fundamental banned brit milah (circumcision) and ordered communities around the world share in truth about Himself: He is God and Messiah! pigs to be sacrificed at the altar of the temple. (Jn. 10:30; see also 20:30-31). the Festival of Hanukkah over eight days, Antiochus’s actions provoked a large-scale beginning on 25th Kislev. This is the year 5778 II. The Story behind Hanukkah revolt. , a Jewish priest, and his five for Jewish participants and their celebrations A. Hanukkah sheds light on “the Jews’ sons Jochanan, Simeon, Eleazar, Jonathan, correspond to the evening of 12th - 20th Dedication”. The Festival of Hanukkah is an December 2017 on the Gregorian calendar. annual Jewish holiday commemorating the This current edition of The Australian Shofar rededication of the Holy The : a investigates what the Jewish celebrations at the time of the (168 – 4-sided spinning of Hanukkah involve and why. The study 165 BC) against the . What top. follows is basically sourced from Wikipedia, The Hebrew shows the inter-relatedness of this “Feast of http/ “Hanukkah”, ad loc., with emphases anacronym Dedication” (otherwise designated the “Festival added. In effect, the historical record translates as: of Lights”), in regard to Jesus who claimed “A great miracle underscores what has been legitimately happened there” two arresting facts. First, He avowed that He called “Jewish Dedication”! is “the Light of the World” (Jn. 8:12). Secondly, that He and His Father (God) are “one” (Jn. Judea was part of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of and Judah led a rebellion against Antiochus. 10:30). The implication is clear: He is the Egypt until 200 BC when King Antiochus III It started with Mattathias killing first, a Jew the Great of Syria defeated King Ptolemy V Messiah as promised in the Jewish Scriptures! who wanted to comply with Antiochus’s order Epiphanes of Egypt at the Battle of Panium. to sacrifice to Zeus, and then a Greek official A novel approach has been adopted in Judea then became part of the Seleucid who was to enforce the government’s behest this present edition. Two full time Ministry Empire of Syria. King Antiochus III the Great (1 Mac. 2, 24-25). Judah became known as Representatives of The Friends of Israel wanting to conciliate his new Jewish subjects Yehuda HaMakabi (“Judah the Hammer”). By Gospel Ministry have authored inter-related guaranteed their right to “live according to 166 BC Mattathias had died, and Judah took articles on this informative Festival of their ancestral customs” and to continue his place as leader. By 165 BC the Jewish Hanukkah. Part One by Deane Woods deals to practice their religion in the Temple of revolt against the Seleucid monarchy was with Messianic overtones in Scripture and Jerusalem. However, in 175 BC, Antiochus successful. The Temple was liberated and invites Jews and Gentiles to “Come See IV “Epiphanes”, the son of Antiochus III, rededicated. The festival of Hanukkah Messiah - ‘The Light’ of the World”! Part Two is invaded Judea, at the request of the sons of was instituted to celebrate this event. Judah written by Kevin Vigus and outlines Messianic Tobias. The Tobiads, who led the Hellenizing ordered the Temple to be cleansed, a new Themes in Music and Songs of Hanukkah. In Jewish faction in Jerusalem, were expelled altar to be built in place of the polluted one to Syria around 170 BC when the high priest short, he shows that the Messiah of Hanukkah and new holy vessels to be made. According Onias and his pro-Egyptian faction wrested to the Talmud, unadulterated and undefiled is the “Rock of Ages”! control from them. The exiled Tobiads lobbied pure olive oil with the seal of the Cohen Gadol Hanukkah: “Come See Messiah, ‘The Antiochus IV “Epiphanes” to recapture (High Priest) was needed for the menorah Light’ of the World”! Jerusalem. As Flavius Josephus wrote: in the Temple, which was required to burn

We wish all our Jewish friends a Happy & Holy Hanukkah! (Feast of Dedication). the australian shofar the australian shofar

His miracles attested to something greater the Madman! – and they were not going to let festivities again this year, but the question imagination of pop-culture. Hanukkah song- throughout the night every night. The story than a demon possessed man (vss. 20-21) Him get away with such blasphemy. The next still remains: Have you really seen “The sensations include (by goes that one flask was found with only verses reads: Light” of the God of Abraham, Isaac and KEVIN VIGUS Peter of Peter, Paul & Mary fame ...) which is enough oil to burn for one day, yet it The Jewish Tenach (the “Old Testament” for FOI-A Ministry 31 Jacob’s Messiah, Jesus? Perhaps your burned for eight days, the time needed Christians) spoke much of a Coming One who Then the Jews took up stones again to Representative, WA. still sung in synagogues and schools across 32 music preference is still that of Maoz Tzur (as to prepare a fresh supply of kosher oil would be a “True” Shepherd and a “Good stone Him. Jesus answered them, “Many America. It picks up the theme of light in a Kevin’s next article will mention) and not be for the menorah. An eight-day festival Shepherd”. To cite just two instances, the good works I have shown you from My Father. world of darkness. Michelle Citrin’s “Pass the that of the Country & Western genre. It seems was declared by the Jewish sages to prophets Ezekiel and Zechariah revealed that For which of those works do you stone Me?” Candle from Left to Right” had over 65,000 33 to this writer, however, that Hank Williams old Part Two: commemorate this miracle. God would send His Messianic Shepherd to The Jews answered Him, saying, “For a hits on Youtube. (a group of His people to save them (Ezek. 34, especially good work we do not stone You, but for gospel song fittingly concludes our first study New York Yeshiva students) have done many The version of the story in 1 states verses 11 and 22 and Zec. 9-12). Religious blasphemy, and because You, being of Hanukkah. Williams’ song challenges us, as parodies of popular songs, rewriting the lyrics that an eight-day celebration of songs and 34 Jews of Jesus’ day would have been well au a Man, make Yourself God.” Jesus he testified: and Messiah to tell the historical story of Hanukkah as well sacrifices was proclaimed upon re-dedication fait with these prophecies, yet they were blind answered them, “Is it not written in your law, ‘I I wandered so aimless life filled with sin - The “Rock of Ages”! as passing on via video the traditions and of the altar. said, “You are gods!” 35If He called them gods, to the fact that in Jesus, the prophetic words I wouldn’t let my dear Savior in; Kevin Vigus sights and sounds that make up Hanukkah to whom the word of God came (and the of their forefathers were being realized in the Then Jesus came like a stranger in the night Music is at the heart of all good Hanukkah commemoration. It has become a tradition for Scripture cannot be broken), 36 do you say of One now confronting them. He was their Praise the lord I saw the light! celebrations! It is an integral part of the them to write a new parody each year! Him whom the Father sanctified and sent into promised Messiah! occasion, communicating both lyric and the world, ‘You are blaspheming,’ because I Chorus: I saw the light I saw the light Then there is Jewish comedian Adam But the scriptural record rises to an even emotion through song. So, what can we learn said, ‘I am the Son of God’? 37 If I do not do No more darkness no more night Sandler’s famous “Hanukkah Song”. It finds greater crescendo as to His messianic claims. from the songs of Hanukkah? I particularly the works of My Father, do not believe Me; Now I’m so happy no sorrow in sight more words that rhyme with Hanukkah than Dramatically, the next section of John 10 want to look at the most significant song of 38 but if I do, though you do not believe Me, Praise the Lord I saw the light! the English language should allow (!) while opens with the telling words of Hannukah: Hanukkah. It has stood the test of time as the believe the works, that you may know and Just like a blind man I wandered along running through reams of famous Jews who “Now it was the Feast of Dedication in uncontested essential song to any Hanukkah believe that the Father is in Me, and I in have blessed the world in film and music Jerusalem, and it was winter. And Jesus Worries and fears I claimed for my own; celebration. But first, a scan of the popular Him.” 39 Therefore they sought again to seize Then like the blind man that God gave back and science and all over. And though he has Hanukkah Candelabrum, with Cakes, walked in the Temple, in Solomon’s Porch.” Him, but He escaped out of their hand. (Jn. songs of Hanukkah…. Dreidel, gold-foil covered chocolate money, his sight the audiences in stitches, he is highlighting (verses 22-23). This Messianic Shepherd 10:31-39, emphases added). There are many of what I would call “Fete and gifts. Praise the Lord I saw the light! a crucial point at the heart of the season - knows His sheep! (vss. 24-30) songs” - which is not surprising since The chapter closes with Jesus withdrawing Essentially that’s why Christians and Believing “WE ARE STILL HERE!” The festival is observed by the kindling of the Jesus’ critics were infuriated! “How long do to “Bethany beyond Jordan” where, in direct Hanukkah is celebrated very much like a Fete! lights of a unique candelabrum, the nine- you keep us in doubt?” they retorted, “if you Jews who’ve acknowledged Jesus as the There are stalls of delicious, oily foods such contrast, many “believed in Him, there” Promised, God-Messiah, celebrate Christmas. branched menorah (also called a Chanukiah/ are the Christ (Messiah/Anointed One), tell us (vss. 41-42). as donuts and ; lots of kids’ games and Hanukiah), one additional light on each night plainly”! (vs. 24). The Light of “Emmanuel” came into the activities - especially the spinning of the dreidel C. Hanukkah continues to throw light on world as the Incarnate Being at Bethlehem, of the holiday, progressing to eight on the final With the historical context of Hanukkah firmly and the winning of chocolate coins. Notice night. The typical menorah consists of eight The Messianic Shepherd’s salvific and shone in the darkness to dispel “sin in the photo of the dreidel. It is a four-sided fixed in our minds, consider the significance of “Deliverance”. Well may we conclude from and nature’s night” at Calvary. After all, He branches with an additional visually distinct Jesus’ incisive words, in reply: spinning top used especially at Hanukkah. branch. The extra light, with which the others John 10:1-39 that Jesus is the Messiah! is depicted in the 9 branch Candelabrum as Each side of the dreidel bears a letter of the 25 This truth is collaborated by other numerous, ש ,(He) ה ,() ג ,() נ :Jesus answered them, “I told you, and you the “shamesh”, the “Servant”. If “lower” than Hebrew alphabet ,שמש :are lit, is called a shamesh (Hebrew “attendant”/“servant”) and is given a do not believe. The works that I do in My corollary Bible verses. Messiah is not only (), which together form the acronym for 26 the “Good Shepherd” who gives His life in Nes Gadol Hayah Sham – “a) ”נס גדול היה שם“ distinct location, either above or below Father’s name, they bear witness of Me. But atoning sacrifice for His sheep (Jn. 10:11; 1 Pt. the rest. Other Hanukkah festivities include you do not believe, because you are not of My great miracle happened there” – referring, The Jewish Festival of Hanukkah is a time [a] 27 1:18-20), but He gives (eternal) “Life in all its playing dreidel (a top for spinning) and eating sheep, as I said to you. My sheep hear My of course to the story of the “miracle of the oil” of singing, merriment and joy. The Feast fulness” (Jn. 10:10; 17:3). Moreover, His self- commemorates the “Rededication of the oil-based foods such as doughnuts and latkes voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. at the rededication of the Temple in 165 BC). 28 And I give them eternal life, and they shall sacrifice in atoning, substitutionary death was Temple” in 165 BC. (potato cakes). Along with these party games, songs aimed Image source: never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them not only for the Jewish people, but for “other to convey the pageantry of such a celebration III. The Significance of Hanukkah and the 29 sheep that are not of this fold” (verse 16; 1 out of My hand. My Father, who has given are joyous and exhilarating! Even the Rabbi’s context of John 10:22 Jn. 2:2). Jesus atoned for the sins of Gentiles, them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is brief message is presented in the carnival This is the testimony of Hanukkah! Despite too! Messiah is also the “Great Shepherd” in From the foregoing we’ve noted that able to snatch them out of My Father’s hand. atmosphere at the end of the evening as the being the only people who have a specific 30 resurrection power (Heb. 13:20-21) and as the Hanukkah throws light on A, The “Jews’ I and My Father are one.” (Jn. 10: 25-30, Hanukiah is lit (the special 9-branch menorah word for racism against them, despite “Chief Shepherd”, He “shall appear in glory” Jesus, the Messiah, is THE LIGHT OF THE Dedication”! emphasis added). for Hanukkah). Everyone enjoys the light it neighbouring national leaders calling at His Second Advent (1 Pt. 5:4). Meditate WORLD! Through His atoning death, He brings brings before the darkening sky of evening – repeatedly for their destruction, Sandler can B. In turning next to the only reference to Here indeed is another of Jesus unequivocal on those three messianic designations – all LIFE & LIFE to all who believe and receive Him. For this to happen, “the entrance of (His) Word like the “fireworks” (candle-works!!!) that finish rattle off name after name of famous and Hanukkah in the Bible, something of further claims to “Deity”! He is One in essence/ relative to His death, resurrection and Second brings light” (Ps. 119:130) the show. significant people known globally who are dramatic significance may be discerned, viz., substance with the Father and not Coming – and solidly connoted in the original only in “purpose” as modern day False Jewish. The first version came out 13 years Hanukkah throws light on “Jesus’ Deity”! context of Hanukkah – and you have the good the other 8, then believers see Him as the Thus, there are a good number of songs about Cults erroneously interpret this text. The ago, he is now up to the fourth version, adding Consider the context carefully: news of the Gospel (1 Cor. 15:1-3)! “Servant” (Mk. 10:45; Phil. 2:5-9); if positioned spinning and lighting candles and traditional Feast of Dedication would have new Jewish names as the years progress. “higher”, then this boldly ascribed His eating latkes. Many are children’s songs but • Jesus claimed to be the “True” Shepherd been clearly in the minds of those critical Conclusion: Whoever may be reading this With classic Jewish humour, it presents the “Exaltation and Glorification” (Is. 53:1-12; Acts there are also ones for Jewish dancing (“ (vss. 1-6) Jewish listeners. Antiochus IV, “Epiphanes” article – whether Jewish or Gentile friend – ever-present truth of the ongoing presence of 2:36ff; Phil. 2:9-11)! He is the “light that lights Dancing”), and many for adults also. All tell (God’s manifestation, as his self-acclaimed there’s no escaping the fact that Hanukkah the Jewish people. • He further insisted that He was the every man” (Jn. 1:9). Remember, the Light of the story and celebrating the historic occasion designation proudly announced) had usurped sheds “light” on messianic and eternal issues. “Good” Shepherd (vss. 7-18) Resurrection’s Dawn proclaimed a “New Day” when God used the Maccabees to rededicate God has preserved. They continue to bless. “Deity” - a blasphemy to monotheistic Jews The primary one, of course, is that Jesus is the • Such claims caused “division” among the Divine, Messiah-Shepherd - the “Light of the for all who believe in Him! the temple to the LORD after the horrific And it continues to be sung around the globe. of his day, and to their physical descendants desecration of the Greeks. Jews listening to Him (vs. 19). today. Here was (and is) another “imposter” world” (Jn. 8:12). Dear Jewish or Gentile Friend: Come! See Could it be that God who was able to • Some then claimed He was demon also following in the train of the one all pious Maybe you will be singing the happy songs “The Light” – in all its effulgent glory – in the Pop Music! miraculously rededicate the temple, is also possessed; others disagreed saying that Jews had deliberately renamed “Epimanes” – of Hanukkah and enjoying all the associated Person of Jesus! Hanukkah songs have also grabbed the able to rededicate His people for His purposes

The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry Inc is a worldwide Christian ministry communicating biblical truth about Israel and the Messiah while fostering solidarity with Jewish people. the australian shofar

as well? This is the meaning of the word to accomplish His plans. While brutal Jewish Thus, the music speaks of the longing for the “Hanukkah” – dedication! persecution is the content of each verse literal meaning of Hanukkah – of “dedication”. Rock of Ages of Maoz Tzur, the strong central theme is Where God shows Himself as the “Rock highlighted in the title itself: “Rock of Ages.” of Ages”. Where His chosen places are This leads to the ultimate Hanukkah song. Far restored as a “house of prayer” and a place of above all the others in significance is “Maoz Here are some the stanzas of Maoz Tzur: “thanksgiving offerings.” Where the wicked are Tzur”. It is the unrivalled essential for any My soul had been sated with troubles, removed and salvation will be completed with Hanukkah celebration! my strength has been consumed with grief. a “song of hymn of dedication.” It’s title in English is “Rock of Ages”. And They had embittered my life with hardship, yes, it is a hymn! Musically it would fit very with the calf-like kingdom’s bondage. Perhaps next time you sing the Christian hymn snuggly in any hymn service in any church. But with His great power “Rock of Ages, cleft for me; let me hide myself The theme similarly is recognising God as the He brought forth His treasured ones. in Thee” you will let it remind you of the Jewish “Stronghold of Rock” that will both accomplish Greeks gathered against me hymn of the same name – and remember to His purposes and be a place of refuge then in Hasmonean days. pray for the Jewish people, that they also may throughout history. They breached the walls of my towers hide themselves in the LORD, their Messiah! Not surprisingly, Maoz Tzur’s focus is on and they defiled all the oils; historical Jewish events. It describes historical And from the one remnant of the flasks figures - Pharaoh, Nebuchadnezzar, Haman, a miracle was wrought for the roses. Antiochus – all of whom have tried to eradicate Men of insight - eight days the Jewish people and but have ultimately established for song and jubilation. been defeated. It reminds that Hanukkah is just one of these times, yet a great display of Bare Your holy arm the God’s preservation. and hasten the End for salvation - Avenge the vengeance of Your servants’ blood So, what can we learn from all this? from the wicked nation. Stop and think for a moment of the For the triumph is too long delayed for us, significance of this. Think of your own and there is no end to days of evil. experience of family celebrations, Christian celebrations, even national celebrations. Can Thus, the song also expresses the longing for you think of songs or occasions dedicated to the final redemption. That time when God will people wanting to destroy you? Can you put fulfil His final salvation and end the days of evil. yourself in Jewish shoes and imagine how our Let’s finish with the beginning of the hymn. It Jewish friends must feel? acknowledges God as the “Rock of Ages”: For the Jewish people Hanukkah is but one the One who will bring justice for those who of many occasions that commemorate their find refuge in Him, and judgment for those persecution and hatred by “goyim” (Gentiles - who refuse: non-Jews) – including Purim and the famous O mighty stronghold of my salvation, line from Passover, “for in every generation to praise You is a delight. they arise to destroy us.” Restore my House of Prayer Maoz Tzur – and Hanukkah - is a sobering and there we will bring a thanksgiving offering. acknowledgment of the world’s rebellion When You will have prepared the slaughter against God’s chosen plans. for the blaspheming foe, Maoz Tzur – and Hanukkah - is also an Then I shall complete with a song of hymn acknowledgment of the LORD’s faithfulness the dedication of the Altar.

The Friends of Israel Gospel We send our warmest GREETINGS, heartfelt Ministry (Australia) Inc. THANKS, and LOVE to all our PRAYER PARTNERS & FRIENDS for your fellowship, P0 Box 171 Melrose Park SA 5039 encouragement and support throughout Australia 2016. We wish each one of you A BLESSED & HOLY CHRISTMAS & Office and Books: A NEW YEAR FILLED WITH HIS c/o EBC Community Centre ABUNDANT BLESSINGS! Suite 406 (Upstairs) From all the Ministry Representatives and Staff Cnr. Rothesay Ave and Dorene St St Marys SA 5042 AUSTRALIA The FRIENDS OF ISRAEL Gospel Ministry (Australia) Inc. Phone/Fax: (+ 618) 08 8276 1333 Deane & Margaret Woods Email: [email protected] Ministry Representatives

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