La Parada Pkwy • 4-1-49 . "^7214/9^7 Rec mtnce ^ yrs to 6-'^0-^4 - Law Clk Typist 11/14/50 45825''?-^^^ Bd P/W Atty req auth fill pos vac by La Paz 3/21/51 47472 resignation of -Marguerite Krebs L J Donovan cites need for joint i-toxic-n-/i;..,^ric^.n military hiway Lav Clk Typist 11/14/50 45824 Atty req auth fill vac as tiiey fi'O ! San Diego to - occur in pos of Inter Legal La Tuna Carap 11-29-49 40689 .qtsr..-. f- - . Protont r.mew permit for Law Clk Typists 11/27/50 45971 .iuvenilc delino - T Morehead A ttorney req auth fill 2 pos La illina Canyon 3-27-52 41132 & 1 Inter Dep City Atty & 1 Dep Addn .-/2-pi-op annexation portion Citv Attorney Lot A Tr 1881-L,-.wen Auo' , Law Clk Typist 11/30/50 46022 City Atty req authority fill Laundry 7-21-49 ''7007 position of - Hesol Atty Interoret State Fair T, -4 ^j,j re* chg 20'< per shin, Li.yoffs 3/.L9/51 --:7A14 - --...rt lary 8-26-52 5.;827 City Zl\-: roq -I'-'ond r::t ral-;5. ov rn senioi-it;. on - ' C ro def.'.nitp,c ",'':tean ."..lundr-" Layover Zone 9-26-52 _^5243 # 4317- Olive St Nly of l5th St- ""a:C: :.,a-jndr-/ - Linon Gu^l-.-" - -dry I,:otors 6/15/5C 43670 Pac Elec Rwy req auth estab L G Davies resol ara.end Sec 12.14 , -PU&Trans Bd • -6 MC re automatic auto motors •• Lead Guard "l-4-49 ^6099 3d P/W req realloc "^ Guard b.. .irjl Canyon ll '30/50 A-UC I Custodial Divsn - Mayor 33,..r rorce 'R.v.r ..i'-'. „!'. '•or.d-^- ILI.C nr lijll., Pl-t. i.l-v -i- sub Leash 11-17-52 SSM orot re i-Lc.r :-t..t .v i.- r- it. - Law for dogs -EG Grant req i,vx -.,,,-•,..-1 -,.1 .„p., n-_-i:^_r". ",3Q5 enforce

Leave of Absence 2-'^-49 "^6431' Lloyd Aldrlch req Feb la. to Laurel Elem School t^-10-!{9 '7779 May "^1 re candidacy for Mayor Resol study hazPrdous traffic Leave of Absence ^",-27-51 49^*76 cond re net R Kiloatrlclc-G Cronk olicv esta'--'iit-- A "-lin v-fficer

Leave of Absence 12-20-51 51307 Mo CAO raake survey re dual sal of eraployees on Mil -Javenport -1 -.J -jli^l !;•: ..vr. filter it , --1 -'..-.-- Lfev'-nin.", Dist 8/17/50 44541 2-l':y r-r- T HT: pn '.•,'ater c Po'.,^er Dept-Resol 117-Req -31-49 39430 arp Ord-sale uninp prop-sev-n-'re .-.o .^clrajn . ,-itt ,-.etro ,.ater 'ini t site Jist Jed --. • „ car - J Hollar Left Turns 10-17-49 4001C .ieq rescind 30.15.1 i'lC re one­ i' il way Sts - Traf Eng Co.-nsn Left-ving t^roups 6-1-51 46232 ne . -. .. . u oec .',1.26 .-iC for -• Boo,-: Z/1S^51 4'7886 n.nvp aceouate couti'ol .cct->-.tty req approp .:;35?.il ,ity nizorney office fcr - Le.^al Adnin Sec 1-3-50 4IIIO .-Ieo s,3l adjustnunt ros occ by - Clk r-.nint 8-10-L9 7910S Les .'Jeretv - nttv :q z-.i J 1-v ic-^-nt by rosi •n;'tlon-

Law Clk I'ypist lJ-11-49 39997 -teq fill all futur vacancies- l^egel Services 1-4-49 '^608' Resol ^^17 auth cjntract with Jlk -ypist 11-1-49 AO272 Stephen 3 Robinson - Wtr & Pwr C eq rzp - rc^-i-n S^iirlev ii it^enbere - Atty ( LegislPtive Acct c-a-49 '^771! i:o S'^OOO tran to acct in Jl. r'< '-'ypist 10-21-49 40154 Cr.l'fund - J C Holland - c~,p ''ill vacanc-- r-isi'-n •::l e Stephens - Atty Legis Analyst 6-l'^-49 ''8220 S J Gerbovaz anpl for Clk i'ypist 10-2.;-A9 40125 DOS City LA id xzend ord auth Dupl iiach :er in lieu of - Cit- /-.tty Legis Analyst 10-17-49 .AOOO6 - --ist 1-3-53 41110 -3J.-U -t : nt ros occ )l-i ,,'^O'irull' - .-.ttv Le<.ls .-.nal.,'st 11-4-49 33014 ..-./...lyzlt i: report on garbai \-x)--)3 .'.1230 aisposal contract-Alliec Li Legislative Analyst 2-3-50 41598 i-iesol rept on parking .raet( ,aw Clk Typist 10/2 5/50 4557; installation Dro!:ram-LG Davies Atty rec auth e..:.t 11-1-50 vac bv resign: tn Faye Oliver Legis Analyst 6/20/50 4-Si.-^Fi E J Davenport mo rept b re Pub Rei burs ores 6-22-50 Legls Analyst 9/8/50 iiBuO/fj^ Lemongrove 5-1-51 48022''?Jo JV/ Austin reo sub rept re Costs, ^' Playground -Bd Pub V/ks req auth bet W&P & other City Depts as Pet County ool tax vs Lot 6 Tr rept. in. Ford .Bacon,& Day.isrept^ .. 1253,.a o.C b.y Bec.& Parks , , Legis Bill 2/28/51 47169 ! Lettering 7-17-51 49271 .Mun Ref Library sub bill for Course- Columbus Ohio 6 wks *lb4.30 for subscription to 1951 start 9/17/51 Raymond A Kasten seryice & Binders for - attend -Citv .Clerk Legis Bill 3/1/51 47181 Library 7-14-49 , Clerk rec auth pay $164.80 re service & 'cinders furn Chf Legis ' Bd P/W £24.000 acq Lots 4S6 Analyst .of, Ccl •ii^^kfiMfs^^^str^'rt^^p"^^^'^^ I Legislative Com! '15-12-49 37835 ' Library " '10-7-49 39921 1 Req Leon David & deputy att hrgu ' Req app site Foothill Blvd bet - 5^£2i^°txB^i^^t5y.^^"'^^ Sacramento Machrea & Wyngate Sts bet .. Cun-.^nd-'^i.^unea.-LA, "ub Librarv Legis Comt 3/2/51 47197 Library 5-4-50 43075 1950 Grand Jury-Sub plan V.'hereby Resol Bd Library Comsnrs invest Chf Police has auth to appt Trial < feasibility joint service-Bd Ed '• , Boards of the Police Dept _ 1 Supt Schools co-op - K Hahn Legis Exo Aoct 6-1^-49 ^S21i9 Library " 5-16-50 " 43238 Mo §1000 tran from Sal Acot of Req approp for bldg serve Encino Col fundfor bal fiscal yr needs WoornanH Hills etc - Tarzann Co^Ct _ J C Holland Legislature 1-4-49 ''610^' Libraries 6-8-50 " " 43567 1 Mo Cclmen Debs-Holland-Davies Ftesol Library Comsnrs present attend Sacramento l-6-49-Davle8 economy budget to keep ooen all branches - K Hahn Legislature 2-4-49 ^6497 Library. 11/1/50 16396 Arthur A Ohnlmus sub cooy House Services period 1/1/51 thru «f Iglj^Zl adopted by Calif '• 12/31/53 bet Glendale & City LA- ', Legislature 4-4-49 373-^3^ Lib Comsnrq sub agrjit regarri-lr.f?- Mo Cclman Debs attend Sacraraentc Llbrary 3/23/51 32417 Aor 1.4-1 S-l6-use City car-L Davlei Dr Copp & Sons of Revolutn prot ' Prop "C" re Bunker Hill cevelopmnt-" "Legislature II--14-49 "^74^5 affects Geneological - Ko Don Allen attend Sacraraento Library „ 7.3.57-3-511. ..,4903..,,450311 Aor 15 to 22-$2t50 exp - E E Debs Sunland-Tujunga - $19,866 PIF const bldg - Library Comsn Legislature 4-2"5-49 ^7607 Mo Cclman Davies excused Ccl Library 8-13-51 49641 aacrnnento - Resois re const underground Legislature 5-4-49 ^7718 1 garage central prop - Library Mo $'!;000 tran to Legls Exp Acct in Ccl fund - J C Holland >J Comsn Library 3-24-52 52549• "Legislature " S-12-49 "^7827 W L Colby prot quiet censorship Mo Cclman Debs att Sacramento of LA City P Library re seleetn 5-16-49 re amendmts to Calif 4 var b.ooks nedevelop Act - L 3 "'.'arburton V; Library 5-20-52 53396 Legislature-State 7-8-49 3S607 ' Official Bldg Program for next 'e various matters discussed J' 5 yrs-Resol adopt plan(att) -Librarv Comsn Library Services 12/6/50 22070 "Legislature " 9-14-49 "39"585 LA Pub Lib sub 4 Agrmts City LA Rept 1949 -Reg Session of State- • & Long Beach for reciprocal serv Atty I fr 1-1-51 thru 12-31-53 for. - Legislature 12-5-49 40799 \ Library Survey 1/8/51 46444 Bur Budget & Efficiency submit Assembly Calif advises spec ratp '' Vol X LA Pub Library Survey Oaklann„„ Ik^la l- -^sserabiH^IP fr ..Ir-yP aP^l-- 1,e-. 111--ii ^n I Legislature 12-28-49 4IO63 I License 5-16-49 " •^'' Resol 24 re p:rade seoarations Mr Monteleone pet restrain t Los Feliz-Glendale Blvds etc - 14947 Nordhoff owner Seymour Asserabi--- Ca: 'e-is. , . ., Rosenthal Legi-l.tare 3/9/51 47311 License 11-23-49 40596 ; ic-t -. -.-10 Davies att Lejls Contractor -Sua new regulations 3acra,:; begin 3-12-51 , Richard R Beer ~ Legislature-State 4-9-51'47713' License - . 1-5-50 41132 short term-Sui; ord protect ' Mo E E Debs attend Sacramento - retail stores, from Arajs tree 4/11-13 51-aith City auto-Cronk v.eniors etc - erne ..c-ntvre License 9-1-50 44780 Legislature-State 6-4-51 48579 for Mech & Steam Equipment Oper-- Debs sub rept mtg Sacramento & BccS Comsn req amena MC - Mayor sug addl City representative to D»:o.tec.t.'..s -i.nt-.oroRt.f. .. License 3/22/51 ' 47498 Legislature-State 6-4-51 ' 4858I Bennett resol Pol Corasn sub Ord • Davies rao be auth att reg & to reeulate licenses to he iaanei Comt mtgs & be excused fr Ccl rental auents,-;- , fr 6/5-8/51. & use Cj,ty car_. Licenses 5-9-51 48133' "Legislature-State 6-6-51 48614 Business- Bd Pub Util & Trans Holland mo auth Atty send rep sub draft Ord Tax for Utilities to o-fesent Charter Amends elect 5/2?)/.51 to- ... Licenses 5-21-51 48324 Legisleture-Jtate 6-8-51 4864i; Business- Broadcasters Network Debs mo City Clerk drav,- demand Studios req pub hrg Art I Chap Legis Acct Ccl Fd $125 D Allen exp Sacramento mtg af f ecU.n.g .LA License " 1-24-52 ' " 51657 Le.iiongrove ' '12/14/50 46197 Business - City Clerk rec araend Playgrouna acq by Ree & Parks- MC Sec 21.192 re Lot 1 Tr 1253-Bo P V^'ks req cancel-- i«iiii,!Wj|ljj,i.j.. S^ cJUo^3^^^ License • ll-2i>-52 Business-Req amend MC thru , Lic & Sales Tax 7/14/50 44088'^-^ repeal certain sections -City Cli Inspector-City Clk req auth ; ^ fill pos -r Mayor License ' 12-2-52 " ' 56'll5 i Lie &"Saies" '" 10/3/50 "'45221 Business- Resol amend Sec 21.99; ' Tax Inspectors-City Clerk req MC re 4-family flat bldgs per amend Pers Ord permit to work req Chf Dep City Clk ' -Allen .. over.time „ . Licenses " ' " 12/18/50 ' .^6227 1 License-Sales Tax 7/26/50 44253 > Second Hand Dealers-San Fndo Val.; Parking Meter collections-City Used Furniture Dealers Assoc-Rec var amendmts to Ord 77,00p re - 2K"|/W8'^,'!p';"'°''^". Licensicense 9-3-50 44895 1 License Tax '2-28-49 35751' for .= = nf- 11 qpf^ mric ' Rec amend MC add exemption from' amend Sec 24.01 of MC-Elee LeagueN term "gross recelmtn" -Bev fr'iax .. Comt License-'Dusiness 2-1-52 51731 License Tax 12/18/50 46229 20tn Century Fox Film Corp req US Credit Bur Inc req hrg for a '. a.,iena .-iC re loaning pei-sonnel reductn in rate of business - other stuuios - Sec 21.109 assessed to collectn agencies . LicenseAgreeraent 2-9-50 41713 v.^.. 1 License Tax ' 2/2/51 36086 : Sug a.grrat re exch sewer capaci- i Calif As.-'oe Indepencent Schools - ties with City-Co Sanit Dist #5 'i.=^» •iVrtVj s req adoptn amendmnt LAMC re -, exemptn fr paymnt - Occupatn Tax & |."f-' License Fees 4-13-50 42733 License Tax 2-26-51 ^ p4° Order 2303 fix amt ferries LA C of C req amend MC re busine» warehouses LA Harbor-Harbor Corasn lie tax on goods shipped out of License Fees 6/16/50 43680 , Ciclnse •Tax ' '9-'2b-5l' " 50209 , L H Phillips req amend Sec 21.75 On bus rentingpers prop- City • of Lic Ord re oper Carnivals i Clerk req amend I'C impose , Lioense fees 6/21/50 43725 ' ' License 'Tax" '" 10-5-5l" '"50359 " Gilford Telev Producers Assoc City Clerk .rec Ord re overpaymt pn hTcr pmpnci K*.n. PI ,190 ' & refunds '^ License fees 8/11/50"' '44476 fe,^'-.-" Snader Telescriptns Corp req I License" Tax l'0-30-5i " "50S86' ' 1 lower rates for TV film proaucers City Clerk rec araend MC include ' in City LA bus tax on gross receipts ^ License Fees 10/23/50 45521 second-hand, goods P.ct'ure Projectnists Local' 'i License tax 12-7-51 51162 -1 rp --aiver Ord re fees while ^ on subdividing of real prop and .i,/i-=;i. osiusnt in miilitv,ry service sale of bldgs thereon Lic Fees 12/27/50 '46317 City Clk rec disapprove req for • License Tax 12-17-51 51263 waiver penalties arat of $4281.02 "• Vernon Kilns req amend exempt on .-Larabert HousLng Corp ^ outside City if reciprocal ^ License Fees l/12/5i "46501 exemptn allowed No A.merica Credit Assoc req License Tax 2-1-52 51781 red-action in City LA - ,^ Amend See 21.109 re loaning nersonnel to motion picture studio License "Fees " 2/13/51 " '46912 License Tax 4-11-52 52906 CV Funaerburg of AC Greene Elec- • Rec amend MC include wholesalers Prot acdtl a.00 perrait fee stove \ i»1.00 yearly licen..;e fpp . . . ^ f§ic"^2f^f|flf^ ^'^"'"'^-c'ltyCJerk " Ac Fees 4/27/51 - 47998 License Tax 4/22/52 5302C, Order 2403 fix oper pub ferries- LA Bd of Bd req Student Body wcrehoar-e & P Sei-v Util water frontv LA Kar'por-Harbqr Comsnrs ... > oraanizatns be exemptd from bur- License Fees 7-16-51 49254 Mo increase for junk-dealers License Tax 5-5^52 ' 53186' -Debs V IVholesale- Sphinx Mfg Co req License " " •6-221-51 49807 info re overpaymnt Special restricting guide dogs • License Tax 5-13-52 53285, I to those properly trained-Prof & City Clk-amend MC Sec 21.08(t) ; , Vpeatip.nal Standards Stnte .Calif ' "selling wares or merchandise" ^ License fees 9-13-51 50058 ..include meals for fee ,.._ Amend Sec 21.167 add "Retail License Tax 5-29-52 53508 selling" - City Clk -< Re businesses cashing checks- Brinks Inc rec amend Sec 21.103.1^ ' License fees 9-13-51 50059 .Qr.d..873?.l.A..TP i^ip c=« .. • Araend Sec 21.156 MC add I License Tax 7-16-52 54129 , "'/i/hn.l.= .qa le .-'^PI.^" — Cit.v CiV Marshall & Clampett req hrg before Finance Comt re paymnt License Pee 12-29-52 56436 Li"ceh3e'"Tax ' B-26-52 " ^~S4tl27 s'pl2 per yr pay telephone- Rec • City Clk req amend Sec 21.08 MC - Atty pres Ord amend MC fix ^ re definitns "Hand Laundry"-"Linei.., Sup_ply" & "Steam Laundry" business Lic & Sales Tax Colle'ctns^'" """ -City Clerk ', Lie Tax ' '9-4-52 54953 Monthly Repts City Clerk req amend MC re inc 1949 2-23-49 36726 41786 penalties for del after 1-1-53 1950 2-16-50. 46955 1951 2-15-51 52066 iLicense'Tax 9-18-52 55119 1952 2-21-52 Rec araend MC Sec 21.199 re emp & Sales Tax Insp 5-9-50 43153 conducting en^Jloyers business City, Clk req fill pos - death , outside City LA -City Clerk C H Mathews - Mayor \ License Tax 9- Ltg Assmnts . 11-2-51 50729/^-5/ •,ubdivlaing- Lot 106 Tr 3911 -Realty Bond ^ illipg .real prpperty , Service Corp req reconveyance License Tax 11-25-52 56023 City Clk req amend iiiC repeal, ; I Ltg'Assmnts 12-19-51 51286 certain sections pertaining to I Lot 16 Par 543 Arroyo Seco Park business licenses #1- Realty Bond Service Corp License Tax 12-2-52 56115 req reconveyance Amend Sec 21.99 re licensing Lighting Diets 1-20-49 3629.6 4-famtly flat bldgs or other Drafts of Ord of Int for ltg .? 29 Sts & Dists - hrg -^-14-U9 ' License Transfers 8-13-51 49623 Ltg Dist o'rd 1935 5-12-50 43217 City Clerk rec amend Mun Code ; Ord amend Sec 13 Ord 75,000 - Sec 21.14 spec assmt deeds - Atty Licensed Engineer 2-1-50 41601 Mo B&S Comsnrs inform Ccl if Ltg Districts ' 9/14/50 44976~ mandatory hire on 5 HP boilers-Del St Ltg Eng sub drafts Ord Int re 15 dists & Benedict Canyon Dr - Licensing ' 9.1-50 • AA780 Protest hesrinK 11-6-50 B&S Corasn req amend Li.MC re Lighting Dists 5-28-51 43433 licensing of equipt q-,erators Mo BPW review procecure re ' spreading & coll assessments & Lleutent-Follce 7-14-49 J&G&5 furn cur lighting districts Pol Comsn-req exxmpt from 5-20-49' Lighting Districts 6-1-51 48491 1 Resol 2 -pos- auth emp 1 Manhattan Place & Century Blvd Lieut Police' " 5-9-51 " 43153 , J E Van Camp et al pet prcdgs Bd Pol Comsnrs pet araend Ord -(n.-shoii ^tTa Dn.=;ts-furn cur & mtnc 97,107 Sec Ka) to delete 4 nna Li,r-,htin,5 11-7-51 5079? Lraer'-ency-Duc to power failures- Lifeguard 6-1^-49 '^830'^ Geare-iiarston Inc sub Ord as -^ Mo ord enclosing any body of passed by City of Phildelphia water unprotected by - K Halin , Ltg Equip Oper 10-9-52 55432 Hyperion Plant Biu- Sanitatn-BPW Lifeguards 4/24/50 ' 42764 req amend Pors Ord re "K" rate Rec & Park Corasnrs Resol 828 req -CAO Co LA app $24,000 approp defray r Lighting M'tnce ' 9/23/50 ' 451^6 salary fund & mtnce cost for Assments-Bd P Vks req auth grant refunds dup paymts & overpaymts on Lifeguard Ser. 6/14/50 43622 I $480.60 Sup Bd LA Co resol ext services ' "tg Mtnce 4/26/51 47996 Venice - Del Rey - Cabrillo > Be P Viks if City purchaser prop LifefeUarc il-5-5i 50354 sale 5-14-51 non-payiant assrats for services-heo County api.rop | ltg Monte Mar Dr Ltg Dist c29,667 for'l'^51-52 -nee -i: Park , Ltg Htnce' 8-22-52 54799 Co.nsn \ Liens- Sub Assessmnt Bur rept Lifeguard 3-28-52 52665 rec cancellatn s,;300.90 against , Service- IA Co Bd of Supvsrs Housing Auth City LA prop -BR-/ req info re -^ Ltg Repairs 12/12/50 46155 Bd P Vks req bal in Bur St Ltg Lifeguard '8-6-52 ' 5i<4.89 Fund be exe.raptd fr 1/12 Chtr , Services- Alloc :;^50,000 for I provsns for - Msyor 1952-53 -Co Bd Supvsrs 'J Ltg Repairs 3/20/51 47450 Light -Cntensity 10-2-51 26'739 Bd P Vks req trans ,^1600 fr Sal In restaurants - Bd Health Acct //I to Exp Acct 63 for - 1 Comsnrs req amend MC re -Mayor '-J i-,t(^ Standards 11/3/50 45715 at cor Manchester & Budlong Aves ; Lights - 1-25-52 51693 Messiah Evangelical Lutheran J ,/m F Drew sug elec lights be Church pet Install new - « installed elec service poles on -c, Ltg Standards 10-31-51 50688 joint rear prop lines ) Display of posters on-Mo refer Lights-Desk 7-13-51' 49244 1 P V/ks Comt -./arburton Mo BPW report re install both J sections Press in Ccl Chamber \ Lighting "System 2-20-52 52043 Overhead- A L Chase prot within ' Lisht Truck Drivers 12-7-49 40818 City limits Req raise salary schedule - United Pub .lo.rkers N "Liiy-Whlti" 1-14-49 ^6225" Woman's Political Study Club of - Lighting "7-29-49 77026 Calif re personnel ouerpting Ord delete ltg Figueroa St bet City ".c\l' Cafeteria 6?&.,St^^ Vernon Ave from 911,177- Limitations 9-19-49 39528 Refunds-Req new MC Sec 21.27.1 Lib'hting" "• 1/12/51 46504 (sales & lie tax) City Clk & St widening of Vesper Ave fr Vanowen to Hartland-R Hucko cites^. need of improved -_ N Limited Hours 5-23-50 42184 Resol 122 for oper and train Ltg Assiiits '7-12-49 •';S641 raovements over sour track Bd P/W-City nurch prop-non-oayrat Injile.woQd-Redpnd.q Rd -. PU&T.ran. Genesee Ave & ISth St Ltg Dist iLincoln Heights Jail 9-1-50 44775 Mo advance auth be granted Bd P/W' •Ltg Assessmnts 9/12/50 44934 emp pers overtime 9-4-50- EJ Bd Pub Wks If City LA sole bidcbr Qavanpjsrt.^. ^ . ,. ~ .„ . prop sale 9/18/50 re - i Lincoln Heights II/2/5O 45697 Jail 11-23-50 Bd P Wks req adv , "Lighting 5-28-51 48438 overtime auth 8 hrs each Elev Onrr assessments-re procedure on & Bldg Oper Eng in Bur Pub Bldgs ^-v-p hp.qi.c; fr. ppnup-}. 1 ppt.^l pr. ^ »swp J ipi 1 ^^jfu^^mi^

Lincoln Heights 10-24-49 40121 ^f-iT Liquor - Tax 11-28-49 40695^?* Resol 695-req condemn prop addtn Supreme Ct decision^ re Purch & —' to playground - Rec & Pk Comsn Use Tax Ord - Atty,.

Lincoln Hghts 7/20/50 44169 'lAguor Tax 7/10/50 43964 Playground-Bd PA' rei cancel Adelaide Koch sug 20^ & not taxes Lots 3-4 Becketts Tract acq" permit sales in markets hv. Po-rtro. fr .Ppp fpT ^- - ... Linedex Inserts 1/2/51 46349 I Liquor Tax 12/3/50 46II4 Atty req approp $1612.98 fr J Ingelman sug 25^ or 'SOJK to euib Traff & Safety Funds purch - spreading alco'nolic menace Liquefied Petroleum 1-17-50 32331 Liquor Tax 5-29-51 ' 4844-6 - Gases-rec Bi:S Comsn amend Sec E F Novak sug liquor tax 91.0516 of MC instead of cigarette tax Liquefied 1-19-50 40352 petroleura gas cylinders-amend Liquor Use Tax 12/23/50 46336 i-iC aua Sec 91.0516 includng Sales & Use Tax-Atty prep Ord increasng tax fr l/2(i to Liquor . i2-il-49 234^'^' 1(4 Var'Durtoh mo- Statisticfa re cost of services ' Literature 12-1-49 . 407l8 cora.pileu from Hlth Comsnrs req tran S2000 Depts « Recvg Hospital " Spec St Pub Hlth Asst Fd to Liqour 1-18-49 "^6257 Pu'b ""d .Literature - "ayor . Mo B&E rept re cost enforce Litigation Acct 12/27/50 46314 law for violations - E E Debs City Attorney req approp $13,500 to- Liquor 9-6-49 39432 Resol Bd of Equalization officers close dives I'ith Di.=!t - E E Deh.-? -, Litigation Acct 1/29/51 ''46'^38 Exp #10- Atty req approp $7500 Liquor 9-13-49 39539 to - Mrs A F Tho.raan naraes Drug Stores selling to minors Litigation Fund' ^ 6-m-ii9 -!;S25S Req release $3,000 for general :.iquor * 9-22-49 39710 litigation expenditures - Atty Cl^t,, Letter re charges against the on & off-sale retail dealers- Litigation Fund 3-29-50 42492 "o "al ''-etaiT T inuor "ealers ".ssoc Req $7500 approp to Acct #10 Liquor 12-1-49 40730 City Atty Opposes further tax - G B Shannoi. Little Hoover Coiasn 7-22-49 38779 Liquor 12-1-49 40752 .4ayor invites 75 citizens to streamline City govt- Uavenport Mo Lic & Sales Tax Div raake est returns consumers use tax-Holland^ Little Hoover Comsn 12-12-49 40900 Resol recognize LA Corasn for re-^ Liquor 12-1-49 407531 ,-*-?' organize City Govt-J C Holland Mo City Clk inforra Sacramento S&-: Officials rev from State taxes- Little Hoover Comsn 8-31-50 409OO ' L '^ '"'m'-ier'ake Req Council rent office space in Liouor 12-2-49 40783 Heilman Bldg Mo memb att Berkeley 12-8-49 re cities adoDt Ords for consumption '. use tnx - 13 Z iiolland Little'Hoover Comn 1-10-51 46485 1 Liouor 12-3-49 40853 1 Progress Rept nl & prop ords Sug cheek profit & loss liquor and resois reconimended estab before imposing tax-PW Hall -, Progress Kept r3 - 2-9-51 , Little Hoover 3/19/51 47415 "Liquor ' 12-9-49 40831 Corasn-Cor.isn for Reoi-ganization tax - Sug City veh lie tax & 'M of City Govt-Rec anend Ciitr higher tax Ins Cos in lieu of - -, -'i*l .cvj^Lte Adiijr.i.^.ti-t.tive .Oificer. . _ !i. .rant '.ittle Hoover 3/27/51 47538 Liquor 2-16-50 41774 Comsn-Mayor rec approp to LA Protest addtnl tax - Corasn Reorganizatn City Govt- Louie P Leonette , .$2.0,0.00.& a-raend contract^ ^ Liquor 2/6/5l' " 46356 Little Hoover Corasn 5-16-51 47533 VCTU Resol pet Ccl decree hosp Req araena contract to use fuiia- care exp for alcoholics be borne \ for rental outsiae office spac_ .by interests of - . . Liquor 11/14/50 ' 45836 Little Hoover 7-26-51 49408 Bd Police pet amend LAMC permit , Comsn- Mo Controller furnish control of "after-hour snots" Ccl list of salarieSpemployees ^ _ re sellln after hours of - 'liquor License 8-19-49 39246 I Little Hoover 8-15-51 49694 Req present cose unjust revoca- [ Comsn- Monthly letter re tion show-liquor lic"Little Mew > activities & work Yorker"',/J jumett.;:: IF . G.eor.:e . Liquor Lie Fees 7-I3-49 3S656 Rec $650,000 reed frm-be anprop ,' rLitt'le'Koover ' 9-27-51 50237" Sal Acct-Police Deot- Mayor Comsn- Sub 2nd monthly letter

I I •iiitiiitf' Little Hoover 10-29-51 50b57'^37 Loading Zone 2-19-52 5204O/^jy- Comsn - Sub monthly letter re i 2935 W Broadway- Pacific Union activities & work Supply Co req parking be marked

Little Hoover 12-3-51 51082 Loading Zone" " 2-2)-5'2 " 52062 Comsn -Sub rept activities to '., Mo Sec 80.58 M: be amended re date installatn & auth placed under . Bd Traff Eng Comsn -Hahn _ I Little Hoover 12-28-51 51372 Comsn -Sub monthly letter re "Loans 1-86-50 41470 activities & work . Hept will not take adv of Govt Report su'uraitted 1-31-52 offer funds for future orojeots 'Little Hoover.Comsn 2-4-5251805 Loans 10-19-51 50562 1 Req (.10,000 com-plete study To Veterans-Mo Vets Affs & P - Housing Comt start movmnt ro aira.-i-loh-i 1-i tv Inan.t! -'tA-irhnrt.nn . Little Hoover 6-23-52 53309 Lobby Regulations 2-20-50 41876 Coiiisn-Sub.nlts recommendatn re Joint Interim mtg LA Feb 27- Lept Public Works ' San Francisco 2-28 & in Mar-Thos ,.rwin reo nams dele"--nssem ^al.Le, Lobbyists 4-22-49 '^7^78 i-ittl'e Hoover " 8-8-52 54549 Res City Plan notify on .ill Comsn- Sub recoraraendatns re receipts-representatives not nee reorganizatn LA Pub Library hsve auullcatlons fcranted-E E Debs . Locker Rm Attndt 9-23-49 39703 Little Hoover Comsn 8-13-52 51410 Grant req Rec & Pk Comsnrs Rec increase salaries elected exempt 209 - C S Comsn Locks ' ' 5-5-50 43086 Views on changing on«doors in Little Hoover Comsn 8-13-52 42102 City Hall - Maynard Gunsaul Rec 4-year and' staggered terms •« for Counciimen Locks-City Hall 7/24/50 44212 . Little Hoover 8-21-52 ' 54-774 Bd P/W req auth emp R Clapsaddie Comsn- Rec reorganizatn Rec ,, Sat & Sun to 10/1/50 re-key - Hosp & Ambulance Services Lodging 3/26/51 47516 Little Hoover 11-17-52 55866 • Velfare Fed of LA area req include Comsn- Sub rept on Real $25,000 in buaget begin 7-1-51 to Properties Control provide for transient &_- Loitering 12-20-51 51297 For Unlawful Purpose- Police Little Hoover 12-23-52 56412 Corasnrs rec amend orH re -< Comsn- Sub rept reorganizatn Municipal Art Dept. "" Lomita Addtn #3 6-14-50 32804 Little Hoover 12-23-52 '" 56413 Resol give notice proposed anne:. Comsn- Sub rec reorganizatn 10th St & Elsnita Dr -^ Rec & Parks Dept Lomita Addn #4 1-5-50 37162 Little Hoover 12-24-52 56425 Prop annexation territory in Comsn- Mo urge Charter & Admin Rancho Los Palos Veraes . _ '' Code Comt expedite rec -Cronk Lomita Addn i!-5 9-19-51 46373 Av.r.exation lo L A-wly boundary Little New Yorker 8-19-^49 39246 line San Pedro District Req present case unduet revbcation- \ show-llquor llc-WJ k Irene Barnett Lomita Addtn #6 2-6-52 48927 ) & li-j Geortre Miraleste Dr & 9th St area Live steam 12-15-52 56300 San Pedro Dist-annexation to I' - frcnehise-7th ot Co sub appl maintain nlneline - .__ „._. , , _. -- •1383~ Livestock 5-7-52 532I6 ojvn Hlth permit fee- LA Co Farm Bur jQ.uer Consn req chg to Inspectn fee ' "LolTe-Pine' '9-21-51 '50'173 ~ ' L'ording ^' " r-24-5? • 51676 W&P Dept req auth sale 2 par Co-:; -.ere ial-Rec prohibit Alameda no advertisng for bids -Resol 3t bet College ot & Slauson Ave 221 -Traf Corasn Lone Pine 8-20-52 54739 ' Loading I-24-52 51679 1 of-Resol 141 auth Weller St bet 1st & 2nd Sts-Rec , easmt to State Divsn Hiways oonst prohibit -Traf Eng Comsn pub rd over -VikP Coinsn Long Beach" ''i-'5-49 36l2£~ Fred V/hlchello rept re Invest Loading Zones . 4-27-50 " 42920 pollution of harbors Rec amend MC re days & hours use - Traf EUK Comsnrs Long Beach 8-30-49 39359 Urge prevent closing Naval Lnsding Zone 11/16/50 45359 Shinvard - ,1 R ,Smith i.egent Restaurant prot zone at 625 S Olive & obnoxious fumes fr Lopg Beach 4-19-50 42806' PE Rwy buses . . . ^ Hrg 5-11-50 re harbor & channel Loading Zones 2/lc/51 46966 imp - Corps of Eng LA Trjlff Eng Comsnrs rec add new Long Beach 12/6/50 22070 sec LfMC estab wn_t9-ye_lo'.-'-green & City LA-LA Pub Lib sub 4 Agmts _ curb ,-narkin s-delete sectn re - _ for reciprocal lib serv fr 1-1-51 Loading Zones 9-25-51 50193 thru.12-31-53 between - to taxi CO - L J Gerick prot Ord Long Beach 1-11-54 61926 City - Resol prot sewage into L A River Flood Cont Channel Long Beach Line 5-10-49 "^SZlT/fsf Req $507 City's ptn PE Rv;y Co IA Comsn Reorg 8-15-51 49694/7<'<) City Govt - Monthly.letter re ,V Lone .Beach, Ave -. Pub Util &. activities & work • ^ I Long.Beach 2/2/51 46809 Parkway & others-Regional Plan ,, I LA ComSn 9-27-51 '56237 ' Comsn-Hrg 2 20-51-Sup Bd LA Co \ iRe organ ization City Govt-Sub 2nd cons .amend. .Plan Freeways ,re monthly letter of activities Longshoremen 9-5-50 44760 Resol commend for Joining in ban i LA 'Coirsn"Reorg" 10-29-51 ' 50657 "^ - of red cargo- E 4 Davenport ' City Govt - Sub monthly letter re activities & work : Lopez bara Project 8-27-51 49875 Financing-resol memorialize Chft I LA Comsn 12-3-51 51082 ' Lng US Array & Budget Bur ^, Reorganization City Govt-Sub _ -WarJ-iiiv.r.nn rept activities to date : Los Angeles 11-19-52 55929 Dist Office Internal Revenue- 1 ILA-C'om^ Reo?g "12-28'-51 51372 | Mo Ccl urge Secy Treasury locate - City Govt - Sub raonthly letter -Davenoort. re activities & work LA Airways 11/17/50 45878 Report submitteci l-ji-5.- Appl for ext Terap Cert 5 yrs authi ;LA c'omsn 2-4-52 ' ' 51805 carry passengers over pres routes _ Bd Air.aort.Corasnrs Resol 495 ' Reorganization City Govt- Req LA Aqueduct 5/4/51 48095 ^^10,000 complete study • W&P Co.rasnrs Resol 865 auth perm i I LA Comsn Reorg 6/23/52 53809 ' r/w to P Gas & Elec Co cross with City Govt-Su'Dniits recommendatns Gas & Telenhone lines in ICern Co- re reorganizatn Dent Public Wor'-rr • A Centennial 12/27/50 46320 Plaque-Harby mo notify BdPW perm . LA" Comsn for '" 8-8-52"^ 51;549 to attach plaque walls City Hall \ Reorganizatn City Govt- Sub Sgring St side 12-23-50 recomnendatns re reorganizatn LA city Jr College'/^-12-50 42584. -<•>-, . LA Pub Library _ . . . , , Dist - Will pay const 8" toward; 1 LA Consulate 0 5-2-49 37647 1.8" sey^er Qxjjard-Burbank-Fulton ; Republic of Philippines - letter of appreo for condolence on .iiA' 'city School ' 2/20/51" '47067 - mur..der .Ur s.. Que zon .&. daufrht er Dist-LA Co-Bd of Ed req City County of L A 1-24-49 •^6345 convey ptn Lot H Tract 475 in \ - Bd of Pol Cpmsn sub 12 mtnce Tract 15532 to - (Vestrainster Ave) agrmts rer traffic signals eto LA Citizens Housing 3-24-50 42441 Ccl - Req use Ccl Chambers 4-19-50 for mtE - Mser O'Dwyer damage LA Citizens 12/3/50 46II2 I County LA """ 10-3-49 39843 Housin^, Ccl-C-.^miends Ccl actn in Req contract with City School app sites for new pub housing ^ Dist re sev;er line school site orocrain ] Cohasset 3t nr Caticoy-jd 01 .d Los Angeles 4-4-50 42577 County L A 10-13-49 39996 Resol on 100th anniversary of Req use Fire Stations as polling .incorporation - G H Moore places for Spec Elec 11-3-49 - . uhf Admin Omcer Los Angeles-City of 7/5/50 43913 County L A 10-18-49 40083 J W Austin resol week of Agrmt City-PE Rwy Co-PE Land Co 7-3-50 be Centennial Week - ^ addtnl excavation Civic Center Hill & junset -'rarie-Civ Center Auti Los Angeles 8-31-51 49943 L A County 3-28-50 16622 170th Anniv - resol join Adopt Ord remove ignition keys celebratn opening San Francisco -^ on parking cars - Probation Comt ,. Pear P. .Cnnf.g-L-'^.X . -.Davenport. County LA 4-19-50 42808 Los An.-^eies City li-2l-5l 50908 Req vac Transit Ave fr Ely line Financial Rept - 3ub 1st , Zonal Ave to NE line Lot 27 blk B quarterly \ analysis & .!?r?Ji3.vt_Tr_- .... ,- reeo".-endations -CAO ^ County of LA 7/6/50 43922 LA City Comt 8-I-51 49490 Hlth Comsnrs sub agrmt Co-City on Narcotic Control- Resol claim State Hlth Funds alloc create -Navarro "' "~Los"'Angeles Comsn' 12-12-"49" 40900 °Com€ on Kuman'Rei^tions-endorse tiesol recognize for reorganiza- prop ord of non-aiscriaiination n i;ipn„C4.5y Govt-(Little Hoover Comsr Com.nunit/ Reaevelopment Agency .--i—.^ .-.0 ,arn4 . , '. . A County 7/21/50 44190 L A Comsn for 1-10-51 46435 Reorganizatn City Govt- V/ater & Power Co.msnrs Resol 57 - Progress Rept J:,1 \j Easmt deed to ratn nub st re Iran . _Prog_ress Kept f,'2 -^ 2-9-51 \ of Redondo Blvd S of Compton Blvd County "LA 10/13/50 45366 Ln Cothsn for 3/19/51' "474^5 ~ 1 & City LA-vs Queen of Angeles Reoi-g.-ini-atioM City Govt-i^ec Hosp Atty req warrent drawn araend Cntr create Administrative -^ ..$1.54...02 obtn satis of juagmnt. _ Officer , osition ...... _ County .'LA 10/20/50 45504 Lk Couisn .3/27/51 47538 Bd Ed-City LA-Bd CS Co.rasnrs sub • Reorganizatn City Govt-Little agrmt for inter-agency co-op Hoover Co.-,isn-Mayor rec approp testng_§erjrlce.s-req trans $2'iOp, . ,$.iQ,000 & araend contr..ct County 11/1/50 20336 ; .'.A Comsn for Reorganizatn 47538 Lib Comsnrs sub agrrat Lib serv - of City Govt-rec amend 5-16-51 fr 1/1/51 thru 12/31/53 bet City contract to use funds for '^•, rental outside office space ^ LA. and . . . County LA 11/14/50 45341 LA Comsn 7-26-51 49408 Co Rd Dept sub Resol grantng juris Reorganization City Govt- Mo to acq easrats for widening of Controller furn Ccl list of Stocker St bet LaBrea & LaCiene"- salaries employees -Roybal., '. County LA 11/30/50 46020/9^/ R/V across Seal Beach Power Un. L A County 7-10-51 49124 ;^^i Vic Park Ave & Lakewd Blvd-W&P Hlth Comsn 1951-52 pay City ' eoms;ir5 Resol 4A67.A6rmt .to- . State funds to oper cardiac Diag County of LA 12/1/50 46040 noetic Clinics children -Mayor Air Pollution Cont Dist Auth- ! L A County "lO-il-51 50428 Invites Ccl visit Lab & observe '- • & City L A V Union Oil Co Calif | prpgr.ess of wk-fr G.ordon.P Larson City Atty req auth enter into County LA 12/11/50 46149 . stio for .iudCTient Inglewood & City LA-St Traff &ig, L A County 11-13-51 50854 sub Agrmts forratnce interse c - • Approp i 29.667 defray cost Arllnj?ton-Van. Ness .& Cenfury Blvds — i.-._ -.'1^. C 1 -LJ -1 1-1 .Co iCounty LA 12/12/50 46I56 . Rec & Park Comsn .... & City LA-Atty req auth enter -|LA County 3-4-52 52216 I S.tip for Judgment VCiTU Howe for ,, Pet assist loc space for Branch v'oraen vs - Sup .Court Case Dist Atty in City-owned bldg Cbunty U " 1/17/51 4b583 ..Van Nuvs St Traff Eng sub 8 Agrmnts re |^ ; County LA 6/23/52 53803 signals at intersectns Lomita •^,^ Hlth Comsn req auth neg renewal • Blvd-Normandie Ave-executed by Aermnt State funas handicanned County LA 1/24/51 -46580 children services County Counsel submits Air County LA 6/24/52 53821 Pollution Control Policy & > Bd P Vks req auth Dir R/W pet Procedure. . ... cancel taxes Lot 8 Tr 1336 acc '• Coiunty LA 1/25/51 46636 cros^sing ovei- Tujunga Vasn Lihannel Controller sub rept re collectns County-LA 6/30/52 53891 City Taxes April-May & June 1950 -^ Traff Eng Comsnrs rec approp sura of $11,194.14 $639.55 mtn traff sienals vai County LA 2/13/51 46910 Iftcutns 11/23/50 to 6/30/51 with St Traff Eng sub 11 Agrmnts bet '. IA County 10-22-52 55571 City & Co re'traff signals for ^ Hesol 308 auth easmt nr Boulder • • var streets-190th St &.Verraont etc- Trans Line Tower 259D7-yio LA County 2/20/51 47067 Florence Ave &. Cla—:. -''t . -V/&P Bd of Ed req City c.nvey ptn Lot LA County 10-27-52 55621 1 H Tract 475-Tract 15532 to LA City,^, ^, Sub resol grant consent imp ' School Dist-(Westminster Ave.) \ 223rd St & other r/w -tng "coun'ty "LA " " 3/3/51 4V293 LA Co 11-10-52 55765 3d P Vks req auth R/V Land pet Req app agrmt bet Co Bd Supvsrs to cancel taxes Lots 58 to 62 d & State Cont purch Lot 155 Tr incl in Tract.6659 \ 22.73-llOth StrDenver & Hoover Sts Lh County 3/15/51 47376 LA County 12-19-52 56372 & Cities Civil 'Def Plan Bd-Sub Financing Local Govt- Rept for bk Ojier Plans prep by LA CO Dis -r-j 11-52- Assembly Interim Comt on Relief Authority , \ Mun &.Co Govt, sub . . County LA 4^6/51 47703 Co Air Pollution 11/29/50 46OO6 V&P Corasnrs Resol 753 auth easrat Auth-Davenport resol req vol co­ for st parposes re ext Stocker St 'd op all industries to elira smog & • Vic LaCiene?a & LaBrea - N secure information from - Coanty-LA 4/11/51 47764 Co Air Pollutn 2/14/51 4668O Sap Bd LA Co & ot.te Controller ' Dir G P Larson sub rept on sab Agr-cnt for Co to p-urch Lots 8 kd steps taken to elira smog by 9 & Lot 4 on Manchester B]vd _ \ Co Air Pollutn Control District County-LA ' 4-12-51 47778 TJounty Assessor ' 9-7-49 39457^ Bd P/Wka req auth R/W Land pet. Grant branch CH space Eagle Rock • ccl tax Lots 121-122 Tr 11556 re ,J • 1-18 to 4-19 - Tujunga I-I6 to Imp Expstn Bl bet Motor-Northvale \ 4-1.':^ 1?5C - 3d. P/W County-LA 4-12-51 477'79 County Assessor 9/7/50 44859 Bd P/W req R/W Land be auth pet Bd Pub Wks rec grant req of to County ccl taxes Lot 46 Jacobus -^ use Eagiie Rock & Tujunga Br City ... Tract etc tier Eyhihit t) \ Halls 1/17 to 4723/61 County-LA 4/13/51 47311 LA County Assessor 8-7-51 49551 Flood Control Dist-V&P Bd Resol , Use Branch City Halls Eagle 773 auth grant easmt over ptn of -r- Rock Dist & Sunland-Jan-Apr '52 Seal Beach Transmissn Line r/v to- > County-LA '4/27/"5l' "47'997' - P.PV.' bd P Vks req institute prcdgs vac LA Co Assessor 9-2-52 54923 i^ev High St Sly fr Republic St & R Quinn- Req use office suitclaira City's interest to - . space Branch City Halls-HaKle Rock & Tujunga Dists -DPI// LA County 4/30/51 48017 LA Co Assessor 10-6-52 55350 Fair in Poraona-Hall of Health Req temp use Venice City Hall Inc req City contri'cute funds for V 1-14 thru 4-15-53 -Bd Supvsrs 'i _ 4th annu.fil. .exhl'Dit_e.t=.. .__. County of L A 5-3-51 48I3O County Auditor 3-21-50 42285 Bd Pub incs sub a.-rrat v/ith Memo each par sold where City for acq Far 322 in County li mun taxes included in tax sale _ . D-jded L.-1'ii Sale 66A ...... " County Auditor 1/18/51 46590 . L A County 5-9-51 48180 Sub list prop for cancellatn of Resol V,'&P Comsnrs-875-auth taxes & req consent of City Atty grant easmt port B-C Transmissio" _ I-lna R A.- imn. Hfidnndo-Bch. Blvd 'Sup Bd L A 1-21-49, 34508 L A County 6-22-51 46900 Resol $40,000 for acq r/w to collection city taxes $62,520.81,. widen Norraandie Ave bet Controll'='v TP.r.n-rt tP? refunds Manchester Ave & 92nd Street | Supervisors Bd of 1-24-49 33373 ' L A County 7-9-51 /f9117 : ftesol auth $142,219.16 for imp Police Corasn occupy Market St Hollywood Freeway Civic Center Garage & adj offices -.vhen 3up Bd L"A*C6' '" '"i-'2"g-49''' '75405 vacated Req consol Spec election fill vacancy 64th Asserably Dist with Primary "lec k-^-kq nipMRiifip I Co 2-18-49 34905 /ffj Order rec Comt rept on pollution „ iup Bd LS C0o g-25-49 39310 'riV .ReReq epenp ppror op agrmt tiurch taxt&x- 11 ^ problem LA & Long Beach -Harbors deeded lahSd. consconstt BallbnBallbnaa CreekCreek-- ^ put into effect LA Co Floo''. Control ''"ist ' Sup Bd L A Co . 2^15-49 366-^9 7 copies agrmt County purch Sup Bd L A ifo "' " 8-31-49 39324" State's title lands within -. Resol make available §320,000 Playa Pel. Rey Reo Area . . . ' imp 'Western Ave LA & Torrance 3up Bd LA Co 2-21-49 "^^686 I Sup Bd LA Co "" 9-15-49 '" 36641 Order pay City $320 reconst curb, ' Resol making available $2500 Hollywood Bowl entrances ^ imp 256th St within City limits "Suo Bd LA Co 2-21-49 36709 Resol approp $-^20,000 imp part , Sup Bd LA Co" 10-6-49 39893 Western Ave lS2nd to 250th Sts ^ Mo wish speedy recovery to Leonard Roach - D Allen 3up Bd LA Co "2-21-49 "•^6710 Resol delay action Co Civic Sup Bd LA Co 10-13-49 39944 Center site East LA until confer • with SC&FA Comt - EJ Daven-^ort .Dist re Par 27 const Ballona Cree. Sup 3d L A Co "?-7-49 •^S6S6' Resol approp $320 imp curbs Sup Bd LA Co 10-24-49 40109 Hollywood Bowl exit tiesol auth approp $1100 imp Lassen St within City LA -'"Sup Bd L A Co 3-8-49 •'6850" I indorses Assembly Bill 111 & Sup Bd L A Co ^ 10-24-49 '40153 Senate Bill 81 form College of Resol approp $109,327.67 imp Anolled Arts & Sciences-City Colle var sts within City LA Sup 3d L A Co 3-10-49 36604 Assignment of lease by S&R Corp 1 : Sup Bd LA Co 10-25-49 40166 to Occidental Life Ins Co re Resol 224-agrmts & resol City & _ "" Courts Bide County purch prop protect 5up Bd LA Co 3-2^5-49 27196 domestic water SUDDIV- ',','&? Dect, Adopt order realign La Tuna Rd •' Sup Bd LA Co 10-27-49 40219 ' Req City abandon old for new Agrmt grant option purch lot 15c _ location Tr 7134 and 94 par for $10,560- Sup Bd Ln Co 4-11-49 ';7'^9ll "ayor Adoot order anp realignment of Sup Bd LA Co 11-3-49 40317 Hill St W Bdry new Mun Court 31dg ^ Agrmt purch par 640 Tujunga Wash tax-deeded land-Flood Control DistJ '" Sup Bd L A Co R-lg-49 •?789r SR2tS0 paymt Hyperion Treat Plant "Sup Bd LA Co 11-3-49 40318 SS25Q reconst sewers N Cynthia J Agrrat Bd Supvsrs purch tax-deed het Clarke & Larrabee land Corapton Creek const-Flood ..ontroT Cist ' 3up Bd LA Co 6-27-49 '^3373 Resol addtnl aoorop §17,522 "^S Sup Bd LA Co 12-2-49 40599 Hollywd Freewa.v'bet Hill A SnrlnK & • Resol object sale 12 par & agrmt , Broadwav bet Temnle & 'Sunset " for acc tax-deeded land-P/W Bd Iiup Bd LA Co 7-5-49 33373 "Sup Bd LA Co 12-7-49 40822 Req Bd of Ed join salary survey with City & Co & include pos in i3up Bd LA Co 6-27-49 38426 _ "onst industry . . Resol make $107,124.24 available Sup Bd LA Co ^ 12-8-49 '^0?'*-' Imp Ln Cienegp Blvd in City Resol approp .?327,9S3 mtnce & imp var Sts Sup Bel LPTCO G--'.0-k3 3S490 "ub agrmt pur land Bandini & SuD Bd L A Co 1-5-50 41125 asin Sts in Harbor Dist for refuse App e.tch Co garajje iiarket St .-r.tnsfer station for City garage i-igueroa St & on '"emnle 'it Tor 372.300 :3up Bd LA Co 7-15-49 38663" pfHc^hS.^^?'^ proration of costs Sup Bd LA Co 1-13-50 41291 ?U?5.,erlef s re bank vault door Resol approp $327,933 for mtnee 11 olga t,±on & irap streets in City of L A 3up Bd LA Co 7-13-49 33719 .Sup Bd LA Co 1-19-50 41325^ Resol making available $10,000 Re erect plaques along streets of eradicate noxious weeds San Fdo historical interest-app Figueroa _ valle'' area •^t Pleque _ Gup Bd LA Co 7-28-49 38827 O^^^ '<>J Auth pub auction sale No 5S-A-tax "SupBd LA Co ' 2-3-50 '" 41600 del prop- Co Tax Collector Agrmt sell to LA Flood Control .. ~3up 3d LA Co 8-1-40 -msiC- Compton Creek-Dorainguez-Haines- .Cr-rm-h TMir. t nv Ar^r.A)CA 1 J Santa Monica Channels-Tujun,ga 'Jn°.e Haines Canyon Channel-LA '-. Wash-LA River --...... V-J.-.U..J ': .:.uui'. U';:iVZ-UX "-.r "Sup Bd LA Co 8-1-49 3SSS1 " Sup" Bd 'L ' A Co' *" 2^5"^50' ' 41598"1 Resol auth public auction sale 1 Agrmt Bd Harbor Comsnrs acq No 59-A- Co Tax Collector tax title lot ,^, Tr 2817 develop -harbor .-_Bd T/ '/ "sup Bd LA Co 8-12-49 " "34502" Sup Bd LA Co 2-16-50 41812 Resol grant use of nrop nr Norwalk 'invite Cel att unveiling model Fort Moore Pioneer Memorial 2-21 ' as..s.lte for alcoholic rehab farm- ~ .rv nann "Sup Bd LA Co 2-21-50 '39515 Supervisors Bd of 3-15-49 36027 Will reassign funds Livonia Ave hdvite iiolding matter of alloc ^ Sewer Mtnee Dist to other pro.iect of gas tax fu-nds for Cit-y empl in abe.,ance- $1,093,126 ."Sup Bd LA Co 3-7-50 41897 Sup Bd LA Co g_i9_ij.9 -^t:;c^g Iesol req Civil Center Auth act Resol declare ptns Osage Ave'& g^ , as corelating Agency re Fort Moore St within City-no longer part Co . monument _oystem of i.irnways Sup Bd LA Co 3-23-50 42380 -3up 3d LA Co g-24-49 "^8911 Invite Ccl att install plaque i'lo advised City will -oay ^ cost , honor Gov Gen Jose Figueroa install air conditioning-SE Debs Jarkejr 3ma 3-27-50 Sup Bd LA Co 8-23-49'39273 . Sup Bd 1-A Co 3-30-50 34248 - Resol ntn Freeraan Blvd within , Resol City assume iuris imp City part of Co Systera of Hwys ^-N Meyler St bet 6th & 7th Sts

lLk.«JL. ,4-7-50 426l4/'?<3- Sup Bd LA Co 10/11/50 45355 /^fie. W&P Comsnrs Resol 281 req Ccl Pedro County hwy & Co auth imp enter agrmt re purch prop Stone Sup Bd LA Co 4-18-50 20336 Canyon Reservoir, drainage area. Reciprocal library service agrmtt Sup Bd LA Co 10/16/50 39273 with City 7-1-50 to 1-2-31-50 Resol declaring ptn of Freei Blvd with.n City LA no part of Co 3up Bd LA Co 4-18-50 42768 System of Highways , . , , Resol approp ^327,983 mtnce & Sup Bd LA Co' * 10/18/50 45442 imp var Sts W&P Comsnrs Resol 298 Req City enter Agrrat purch land Tract 403<» , Sup Bd LA Co 4-20-50 42795 re, r/w transmission line .with . Resol declare ptn 6th St (San i Sup Bd LA Co 10/25/50 45577 Calif Co Cl'ub sub copy of letter intersect at *,. re sale of prop & ptn Rancho de '" • Sup Bd L A Co 5-3-50 43027 ..Los ... Rejects coast 5 storm drains Sup Bd LA Co 10-27-50 31633 Dorchester-Citv Ter-Bixby Slourh >>, Advises no funds budgeted for ex­ & Downin"-.-Gaffe.y St-Tropico. iDlst panded recreation orogram this yr Sup Bd L A Co 5-4-50 43079 8 agrmts with LA Co Flood Contrl Sup Bd LA Co 10/26/50" 45595 ~ Dist ourch var tax deftded land .-Flood Control Dist . , . Sub resol assigng $371,250 to Iup Bd LA Co 5-11-50 43194 City LA fin 1/2 cost const fac 88 Resol trans $1,000 to control St & Vermont Ave Flood Control Dist weeds San Fernando Vallev Sup Bd LA Co 10/26/50 45591 \ Resol auth approp $1,152,621.72 forratnce all streets within City T' 3up Bd LA 'co ' 5-26-50" " 43421" Los Angel'es Res 795-agrint City purch prop re • Sup Bd LA Co 11/3/50 45703 Stone Canvon Reservoir-V/&P Cdmsn Resol 10-31-50 deelarng ptns La Brea Ave & Stocker St within City .< Sup Bd LA Co 6/14/50 436S2 LA^to,be pt of Co System Highways Resol ext lifeguard service Sup Bd LA Co 11-1-50 4566? Venice - Del Rey - Cabrillo Sub agrmt estab higher rates for prisoners at .jail- iiayor , Sup Bd LA Co 7/7/50" " 43920 Rept on storm drain & ditches Sup Bd LA Co "ll"78/50 ' "" 45735 • req comments on bond issue plan Hrg date on Proposed formatn of Zone 1 of LA Co Flood Control Dist-(' Sup Bd LA Co 7/10/50 43954 set for.11-28-50 . , , Resol ^10,000 control weeds Sup Bd LA Co 11/27/50 26828 • San Fernando Valley '^pp use Lugo Hou.'ie rental for deraolitn & assign $3397 of Co Fds-, . Sap "da L„ Co 7-12-50 '41163] .. tn City. LA for Sunset.Blvd ' .pei-.iiit City suomit ora at i-iov Sup Bd LA Co 1/2/51 263^8 Giectijn re pounu animals Resol reassignmnt C'napt 20 funds | (vlviseetion) arat of $4405.35 imp Sunset Blvd- Sup Bd LA Co 7/13/50 44079 Los A ngeles & Alameda Streets Agrmt County purch tax-deed Supervisors ria of 1-3-^51 23953 land Lot 8 Tract 9384 Reassign ci24,lU0 for Aliso St J fron. VIICOA j^ve Storra urain X Sup Bd LA Co 7/14/50 44091 ' Req City vacate Henry-State-May Sup Bd LA Cb 1/12/51 46503 & Hancock Sts-Juvenlle Hall site Req City LA consider Hollywood Bowl as Borab Shelter site Supervisors LA Co 7/26/50 20820 ' Sup County-wide Major Disaster^ i Sup Bd LA Co 2/2/51' 46809" "''it'ial Atd Pl^n -^ Regional Plan Comsn-Hrg 2-20-51 cons amendmnt to Master Plan Fr» Sup Bd LA Co 8/3/50 -44374 ways chg names var locations Invitation att plaque ded re S-up 'Bd LA Co 2/3/51 46384 start V/ilshire Blvd in 1769- Co Tax Collector sub Resol of .8/19/50 at Wilshire„&._Grand . "uction Sale on 4ia,x-d^^ipqu9nt Sup Bd LA Co 8-22-50 44616 .real property '^" ."' . ~\ Req vac st easmts for new Sup & Su? Bd LA Co 2/15/5.1 4.2795 Re:ol ptn 6th St-San Pedro ^l^lWllPlls**"* Bdwy-Grsnd & y within City LA no longer to be Sup Bd LA Co 8/23/50 40083 ' part of Co Systera of High^-'ays Req conveyance City to Co real 1 Sap 'Bd LA Co j/15/51 47334 r.ror r-t I.'.un Ct Bldg site-Temple Sf" Req i-ity ..uitclaim stor..; drain Hill-FJollyv.d F;-eey;ay & Broadway easrat bet Eastla;-ce & '-onal Aves- Sup "sd LA Co '8-24-50 44662" _ Juv.3nile.Hall sif.e Sub agrmts Co puroh State's title Jup Bd LA CO 3/22/51 47501 certain lands Orange Slope Trfor ' Resol auth approp $57 5 for irap off-at pkg for Genl Hospl-tal _ Durkee Avenie within City LA Sup Bd County LA 8-29-56 44711 Auth pub auction sale 55j acre Sup'EC "LA'CO 4/5/51 47693 tax del real property-Co Tax -« Order adopted 4-3-51 req City LA _ Collector , . _. ^ revite Master Civic Center Plan r Sup Bd LA Co 9/14/50 44992 Court House site Co Counsel sub 3 copies Communist. Tup Bd Li-. Co 4/11/51 47764 ^egi|tratn 0rds-#5578-5579 & 5580 Sub y» vith State Controller to iiurch Lots 3 &-9 Tract 9309 & Sup Bd LA Co 10/2/50 45184 _Lot 4 Tr 9671 on Manchester Blvd _ SC&Fed Affs Comt resol req approp^ Supervisors Bd of 5-1-51 k8031 for mtnce of sts in City 1950-51 Sub names contestants a.-arded $1,152,621.72 - prizes for Designs Ft Moore ' Pioneer I-Iemorial Competition •n;-.HJ^i • n iwjiwii •i^>.>p.^n.w>tpi

Sup Bd LA Co 5-3-51 43054 ' Co Bd Supvsrs 2-5-52 51833 /^*^ I Re auction sale 500 tax-deeded ' Resol req storm drain projects "^i.-^'u ^-, 9^f °ev GlP" ri ,.,1 for Nov 1952 ballot ' . Mulholland Hwv . , Sup Bd IA Co 5-14-51 48228 LA c"o Bd of " 3-14-52 " 52406 I Submit report re City-County- ., Supvsrs--Req City LA install Services & expenses clarifying tanks re waters into ; _ Hancock-.Park .f r .6th St . . Supvsrs-Bd of 5-23-51 48435 I LA Co Bd Supvsrs 3-18-52 47136 Resol jj.rant' consent to City LA Order ad opted app footbridge to const curbi. etc ll6th St &' Anza 7th St School in San Pedro be Ave I'oo Dist _llmited-to-sidewalk onlv- . - Supervisors-Bd of 6-1-51 48567 LA Co Bd Supvsrs 3-26-52 50724 Sub Resol making available to LA Resol amend auth approp imp $17,500 as portion amt budgeted Exposition Blvd within City LA . for Hill St &. Broadway . . to include, Rodeo Rd 'Supervisors Bd .of 6-13-51 48765 r LA. Co Supvsrs "3-28-52' '52665' Resol recom study development Bd of- Req info re lifeguard Playa de Rey area service for 1952-53 bupei-visors Bd 6-19-51 43353 LA Co. id Supvsrs 4-7-52 45595 Agnmit Co purch prop Veller St &' Resol re-assign $371,250 from Secona St aaj pkg lot i-ounty Eng "" SSth St to Imperial Hlway-El Biug ...... Segundo Blvd-liioriiiandie iive ; Supervisors Bd 7-13-51 49296 [Lk Co Bd Supvsrs 4-16-52 52958 & Hollywood Bowl Assn- Resol Resol auth P Auctn tax delinq confer re reorganization Bowl prop- Auction Sale 70-A Activities -Navar-rn _ Supervisors Bd 7-18-51 49299 LA Co Bd Supvsrs 4-23-52 43438 .lotice of Intention sell tax- - Re Joint Powers Agrmnt for coll deeded prop Public Auction 67-A •• annual St Ltg Assmnts on tax bills', Supervisors Bd 7-S6-51 49417 iLA'Co Bd S'upvrs' 5-2-52 53167 Resol approp §10 000 weed Resol place Storm Drain Bond eradication San Fernando Valley ^ Issue on Nov 1952 General .Electn BaL lot -Gibson Supervisors Bd 8-6-51 49545 LA Co Bd Supvrs 5-13-52 53348 City patrol Dominguez Slough Auth approp §1,000 for mtnce sts Victoria St E of Figueroa St & hiways in San Fernando Valley -prevent children .drownina. within City LA Supervisors Bd 8-9-51 49588 L n Co Bd Supvrs 6-5-52 34326 Extend Shorehara Ave to Sunset App change title to Hill St- Plaza Drive Castelar St i-.lnine to ext cost 547,000 Supe'rvisors Bd " 8-''l6-'51 " '49729 U Co Bd of 6-16-52 53713 Resol declare ptn LaCienega Supvsrs-Agrmt City LA -BPW req ,, Blvd within LA to be part of Co -< auth exec re acq Lot H Bungalow -f System Highways., ...... ^ Land Tr &.others for st mirnn,= es Supervisors Bd 8-20-51 49417 LA Co Bd Supvsrs 6/23/52 53799 Approp #1,217,707.74 ratnce sts Auth 'inc compensatn mbrs of , City LA fiscal year 1951-52 'i Coliseum Comsn to $25 ner rate -^ I Supervisors Bd '8-28-51 '49892 LA Co Bd supvsrs 6-24-52 4OO83 R/VI Land agrmt acq Parcels Resol approp $431,213.22 imp tax-deeded prop for Housing Hill St-Sunset Blvd &c to Unin-n j Auth City U . -BPW, station Supervisors ba 9-13-51 5uoAA LA Co Bd of 7-10-52 54035 Cominun re bixby Slough Supvrs- Sub copy Sal Stand Ord adopted for Co emp effec 7-1-52 Supervisors Bd ' 10-4-51 50339 LA do Bd SupV^rs" 8-5-52 54i4-89 Resol declaring portion Budlong Alloc 150,000 Lifeguard & Beach • Ave part of County Mtnce Services 1952-53 L/i Co Bd Supvrs 10-31-51 50"698 LA Co Bd Supvsrs 8-6-52 ^1;507 City Atty req auth pet- cancel Sub statement re Sales Tax not taxes on prop at Carap Valcrest «- advocated by Bd . - ^LA Co Bd Supvrs iO-31-'51'50702 ;LA~CO Bd s'upvsrs'~""'8-6-52 ^l+Joff I'lo Ccl prep with - joint rept Sub CO Sheriff Questionnaire re re decreased local taxes-Allen County-City Relationships ^ ""LA Co Bd Su.Dvrs 11-1-51 50724 "LA Co Bd Supvsrs 8-11-52 54568 ilesol approp :,307,600 imp J Req City lower grade 1st St bet I Exposition i,-lvd-Gramercy Pl & Hill St & Grand Ave & vac Olive Crenshaw Blvd St bet 1st & Temple Sts & Court LA Co Bd Supvrs 11-29-51 51055 St bet Hill & Grand Ave BPl'/ req auth execute agnnt bet Citv LA fr. - lA3ts 52-5"? St Albans" ,',LA' C'O Bd Supvsrs 8-'i5-52'"~5468'o Co Road Comsn sub views re imp Resol approp ^29,667 aid mtnee Marianna Ave fr Valley Blvd to p beaches owned by City LA N Ramona Freeway __ LA Co Bd Supvsrs' 8-21-52 547'73 \ LA C'c'^Bd of Supvrs 1-23'-52 26828 ' Resol auth p auctn Sale No 'ri-A Hesol- .,3,397 fr State for i tax del prop -Sale Sunset Blvd & Plaza ot O&W Dist ^

•-• "•- -' • - •^•' LA Co Bd of 8-26-52 54836/fv

LA Co Flood Cont 8-14-52 54651 LA CO Flood 1/4/51 " 4639i Dist- BH-/ req app const access Control Dlst-Bd P Wks rec app r/i, ramp to Pacoima Wash via Beachy Sf acq Cooks Canyon Channel bet St.- y 'LA Co'Flood "Cent" '8-14-52 54544- _ Carlo.tta. Sly Honolulu Ave bv the. Dist-BPW rec app land acq re LA Co Flood 1/9/51 46473 Pacoima Wash bet Sharp & Haddon Dist-Bd P Wks rec app prop ^^ relocatn Valleyheart Dr bet Kestei-., Aves _ _ . .. _ Ave & Sepulveda Blvd by - Li\ Go Flood Cont 9-11-52 55001 LA Co Flood Cont 2/20/51 47031~ Dist- BPli/ rec acc quitclaim List-Bd P Vks rec negotiate agrrat •' deed Tujunga Wash (Central Basing, 3 alter Anahe-Lii St bridge & -^ Sly Sheldon St _ nlargei.ient DoraiOKiez Channel .LA Co Flood 10-7-52 55382 Flood Control 2/28/51 47125 Cont Dist- Pars 53 & 98-Brown's Drainage channel area bet Redoridc Creek fr Hart to Saticoy Sts-Atty "" Beach Blva-Figueroa & Vernont- -rea .autb..exec..S.tiD..fon. Judomnt _ Stangsr Luitber Co off aa.<^rant const iLA Co Flood Cont 12-15-52 55312 LA CO Flood 4/3/51 47622 Dist-1952 Storm Drain Bond Issue Control Dist-Bd P VKS sub spec Program- Req app City sched of const Cooks Canyon Chanrel -oro.lects. .. i .. - - _. .^BPW & De'oris Dam by - U Co Health Dept 4-10-52 52885 LA Co Flood ' 4/13/51 47311 Reports epidemic animal rabies - Control Dist-V&P Bd Resol 778 auth, in LA County grant easmt over ptn of Seal Beach'- County Highw'ay S-19-49" 35519 " _ Transraission Line r/w to - . Resol declare ptns Osage Ave & LA County FiLood 4-23-51 479'23 - ' 83rd St v,-lthln City-no longer part Control Dist- Req vacation un- . - SuP B-=l LA Co named st Sly fr Rinaldi St 600' • Wly Laurel Canyon Blvd Co System 11/3/50 45703 'fS'J County Sanit Dists 10-3-49 39886 I'Js''/ •? of Highways-Sup Bd LA Co declare Resol Harold Henry serve on Bds —' ptns of LaBrea Ave & Stocker St to'. of Direetors - J C Holland • be .cart of ^. Resol 10-31-50.. . _ • County LA 11/28/50 45975 County Sanit Dist #5 2-9-50 41713 Hiway System-A Brovn pet Anza Sug lic agrmt re exch sewer Ave bet Iraperial Hiwy on N&S cvN capacities with City , of V".ll6th.St, be raade.part of - •"LA County 8-16-51 49729 LA Co Sanitation 11/16/50 45867" Highway System- Co Bd Supvsrs Dists-LA Times Pictorial Edition. resol declare ptn LaCienega Blvd N 11-9-50 cont man of-Bennett TP^OI .within City LA as oart Co Svstem . Citv Cl.k nurch 20 nnn.-\p.<; .<;hn-u.-ine LA County 10-4-51 50339 L A Co Sanitatn 9-20-51 50158 ' Hiway System - Resol declaring , I Dist - Re raembers of bd of portion Budlong St part of Co Directors - pres of Ccl & system , rrBd. •SuDvsrs_ alternate • LA Co Sanit Dists 6/30/52 53889 ' bounty Hosp Jail 11-29-49 40709 Req permission use City sewer Rec Pol Dept advise Pub Defender, line in Vestern Ave in Tract each prisoner held - Fin Comt 16582 ' County Jail Store 4-24-51 47946" . LA Co Sanit Dist 11-7-52 55752 Resol req City use Harbor City Refund ;,^2,218.44 sales tax fee , fac relieve Hyperion sewage fac load -Henry IA Co Marshal 12-1-52 '56080 , LA Co Sanitatn 12-16-52 56311 Mun Courts- Req removal 3 I Dists- Sub resol app La Cienega parking meters front of Van Nuys #2 Annexatn to Co Sanit Dist #5 Courts 14428 Sylvan S.t _ ^ County L 'A 7/20/50' ' 44172 County'LAjMech Dept 1-27-49 36'^96 Sanity Sewer Ord #1396-'/:arburton - Req install Itgs llbth St frm mo re'fer copy tp PA/ Comt.fpy 5S§J^H8°Sd^5lilj:e'£t^"5lir°^ ^ ' •' eonsideratifins & reooramenaations ; LA Co Mechanical 12-23-51 51366 1 LA Co S'her'iff ' 8l.5-'52 ' ' 545o8 Eng -Rept re central heating Sub Questionnaire re County- plant civic center ^k City Relatlonships-LA Co Bd Supvsr County-Mech Dept 6/14/50 43631 LA Co Sheriff's 9-30-52 55289 Req const Tunnel N Hill - Office- Sub notice adj rates Broadway - Temple Streets ''C care of prisoners County Probation 3-28-50 16622 County Tax Colle'cto'r 2-4^49 3647^ Comt- Adopt Ord remove ignition Pub Auction Sale 55-A keys, on parking cars v delinq real prop LA Co Dept Prop 9-26-52 55257 County TaxColle''cto'r l).-29-49 3766? Managemnt- SUP resol grant Pub Auction Sale i^6-A of tax consent Co acq easmnts req open I delinq real property Fairfax Avo bet Blackwelder & Bodenl County Records 2-3-49 ^6485 rt.iMl-ir T..V P.s1 1 A«*-**. O ir in 'iridrir. Resol re agrmt maintain prop Resol auth Pub Auction Sale 57-A S80 Ssn Vicente Blvd - B&S Comsn J tax-deeded real property U Co Regional 3-28-52 52668 "County Tax 'Collector 7-2S-49 "^8827 Planning Comsn-Invites Ccl mtg • 3d of Sup auth pub auction sale 4-14-52 esta[b Heliports LA Co V, No Ft-A-tax. del'prop LA C'o Road cdmsn 8-l5-52 54680 County Tax Collector g-1-49 "^SSSl Resol Bd of Sup auth public ' Sub views re future imp Marianna, | -auction sale No 59-A Avo fr Valley Blvd to Ramona ',' Freeway -Co Bd Supvsrs . :o Tax Collector g-15-49 39183 ' Co Roaa Dept ' 11/14/50" " 458"41 I Demand funds paymt delinq assrats Sib Resol grantng juris to CoLA ^ projects under Imo Bond Act IQli; . acq easmts prop -..-ideng & imp ,, StocKer St bet LaBrea & LaCienega Co Tax Collector ' 9-6-49 ' 39455 Co U Road Dept 10-22-51 5O58O Bd Supvsrs resol auth pub auctiou Heq Ccl app annex var Co St Ltg sale delinq prop 6O-A Mtnce Districts #669-760 1007 &13V County Tax Collector 10-6-49 3991'/ "L'A Co Road Dept 5-29-52 ' 53506 Auction sale 57j tax-deeded prop Resol Eng neg re barricade mtnce & const curbs La Cieneea •-, County Tax Collector 10-7-49 39955 & Alladin St -Harby Co LA Road Dept 6/20/52 53795 Auction sale 63-A tax-deeded prop Sue statemnt Aid to Cities alloc -"Co Tex Coil'ector g'-i6-'49 39181 fr ''as 'lax Funds & new provsns > Demand funds paymt delinq assmts re allocatn 1952-1953 - under Refunding Assmt Bond Act LA Co Road Dept 8-12-52 54-605 il9!!.8-49 . ^ Sub notice Resol re approp r Co Tax-collector g-l6-49 391S2 -jlljOOO mtnce sts & hiways San _ Demand funds paymt delinq sssmts Fernando Valley_ ^gUiv|r.^Clty Bond8"-191c; and 5 County' Sjmit Dists 2-28-49 36'764 Appl for "$143,570 State Funds Tax Collector ' 6-29-50 4336V City Clerk deputize in Bur of for ^4 & #16 re Hyperion Plant- Tree Planting "County Sanit Dist #4 S-il-49 39120 Agrmt bet Clty-for sewage dlsposel- Tax Colleotor-County 8-29-50 44711 Bd F/W Bd of Sup auth pub auction sale 65^ acre Tax Del real property ''Co Sanit Hist Act S-26^1^9 393II Req emend-permit separate frm ^ "County Tax Collector 10-7-49 39956 arpfifl annexed to citleB- Bd P/'V Auction sale 64-A tax-deeded prop . «i,.'" >*:.?*'":.• •__•":-

County Tax Collector 3-27-50 42425'^ Resol auth pub auction sale e^ L A River 2-3-50. 41600^»2 #65-A tax delinq prop Agrmt purch tax-deeded land from Countv for const-Flood Control Dis Gounty Tax Collector 8-18-50 44553~ [Los Angeles Hlver " S'-az-^Sd" 44614 ; Demand prov funds.nay delinq assmt ' Req oanoel taxes ptn Lot Id-Tr "Culver City Bonds" 8267-acq. const Lankerahiia Blvd i County Tax Coll 8-17-50 44554 Bridge over- Bd P/V7 Re funds pay delinquent assmnts ' I LA River II/I6/5O 45865 ' • under Imp Bond Act 1915 'i bet Moorpark St & Woodman Ave- ^ . 3-16-51 -Req for.1950-51. . Bd P Vks sub for app dist maps of County Tax Coll 8-18-50 44555 i crop r/w to be aco for imo of - Re funds pay delinq assmnts i ILos Angeles River 9-1-50 44770 under .Refund Bond Act 1935 •« bet Silver Lake Blvd & Fletcher - Re funds 1950-51- 8-16-51 Dr-W&P Comsn Resol 156 auth acq Co Tax Collector 1/18/51 46607 ' r/w fpr transmission line Ed P Vks req auth issue demands ,^ I LA River ' ' 11/3/50 45741 ' fr PIF $18 to City Treas paymt ^ bet Silver Lake Blvd & Fletcher ^..1 F.rr.^l-r. t. it.ltC 4-^ _ 1 Dr-W&P Comsnrs Resol I55 auth acq > .prop for Rec Stat ".G" Nly bank of Co Tax Collector 2/3/5l" ' 4-6834 I LA River 1-24-52 51650 Sub Resol of Bd Sup auth pub , , at White Oak Ave- E K Leu et al. Auction Sale tax-delinquent real -, pet const paved DIP crcssing property Sale 66-A . over Co 'fax • Collector i2-'7-5i 51l"57 ' , LA River 2-28-52 52157 Hesol auth pub Auction Sale 4-lane bridge on Kester Ave- 69-A tax-delinquent prop Van Nuys C of C rec to elim traf - Co Tax Collector 1-23-52 51630 block major _N & S Val ley., sts Resol auth pub auction sale r LA "River' " 3-ll-"52 52327 72-A tax del real prop ^i ' Bridges bet Sepulveda Basin & • Owensmouth Ave-Req app US Corps ., . of Ens ..imprvmnt policy -BB'/. I LA Co Tax Collector 8-14-52 44555 LA River 3-17-52 52417 Snh IQCTl-CrP f^PPPl ,rT. Aprr.pZA P . at Reseda Blvd-San Fernando delinq-aent taxes under Refund -^ ^ llpll r^..r^ParTA pppl VIP-t-pT P pl 1 iit.P * — Bond Act 1935 Cont Bd #4 re bypass pf sewage in LA Co Tax Collector 8-15-52 44554 Demand 1951-52 for delinquent : L A River Bed 7/6/50 43932 assessmnts under Imp Bond Act "\! Pub Util & Trans Bd rec Ord 1915 > redefining official bed Sly Bndry' County X-Ray Survey 12-28-49 41069 Foundation-Req use parking adj I L h River l^nannel 12-1-49 32772 944 Wilshire emp Hlth Deot-Hlth ' •' Req conaeiiin ai-ea oet Landers..!... Corasn and nve - 6PV. L A Co X-Ray Survey 3-20-50 42118 River Channel 7Vl4/50 44089 Foundation-Invite Ccl attend LA ceremony open cnest x-ray program Bd P/W reo app realignmt I Persuing t^quare '' ^ bet Woodmnn & Van Nuys Blvd , County X-Ray Survey 3-27-50 42118 Foundation- Req approp $200,000 "LA River-Compton 10/18/50 ' 45426"" Creek-SC&Fed Affs Comt contract K-ray all adults in County bet State Divsn,Hiwys-City LA & County 10/27/50 45616 JLA^Co Flood Control Dis-sub name A-Ray Survey-Bd Hlth Corasnrs req LA Rive'r Inte""roeptor'8-24-50 44655 City agr.rat re assigning City X- Sewer-& Dilling St- Heq qcq Ray equipt & pers outside Citylinit- sewer easmt re const of- BD P/W LA Employment Conf 3-24-50 42439 Req approp $775 for 4-1-50 - ~ LlTl^'k" io-24-51 49504 Mayor Dilling St Interceptor Sewer - "LA High School "4-1 "^-49 371484 ~ Ord auth condem sewer easmts Resol permit Bd of Ed move to .. (Bond Issue 5-51) . -Attv Teraple Hill & ded ground as Park - LA River 9-15-52 55071 E J Davennort Trunk sev/ers- VI L Halverson of LA High School 10-18-49 40086 Calif State P Hlth Dept sub Bd's Memorial Proiect Day-rtesol Mayor- opinion urge eompletn p-'-oclaira 11-9-49 - G P Cronk LA River "• 9-30-52 54561 ~L A Homestead Tr 4-18-49 ^7488 N of bet V/oodman Ave &-. Van Nuys Req cancel taxes lot 3 oik 5 Blvd- Woodman-Van Nuys Freeway acq Rec & Pks playground Igth & N Comt req pla.ce freeway, . Toberman - Bd P/W LA Sewer System 11/22/50 45933 'LA Homestead Tr 11-21-49 40535 Resoi 488 surrender ptn Lot 596 'Req cancel taxes lots 5-6 blk 6 - Tr 1000 San Fndo Airport to City - Toberman playground - Bd P/w > LA for st & sewer lines be cart of LA 'Homestead Tr 1-26-50 41509 Los Angeles 3-13-52 52379 Req cancel i Lot 3-Blk 6-18th & State College-Debs verbal rept Toberman Playground- Bd P/V/ \ on action in Sacramento re sites ^ I LA c'ity Port ' 3/30/51' 47''6"02' LA Tariff No 1 12/4/50 ' "46O62 Moore resol call attn to Vash Do Bd Harbor Comsnrs sub Order 2330 re lack govt oraers & repair WO'-I'N amendng Foreign Trade Zone wA by , , fo.r LA ilarbor. _ .. , increasing certain rates of - LA p'ub "Housing " 6-19-51 48860 "T-A Trade-Technical 5-2-52 53163 Admin office-Eagle Rock Ccl Jr College-Resol LA citizens Civic Unity oppose trans to San visit 5-7-52 on 25th Anniversary , Francisco -Navarro LA River 1-26-50 41482 "Lots 2-7-50 ' 4167^" Req approval sell Par 1202- LA Pet wider than 60' for homes ^!^.ll.rl-^.-^^ •R'lnnfi Onn-^-^»*Ol N of Stagg St - R V Engel

.-.^Mj.. Lots 7/14/ou ttxiiij/f:sy I C D Maclntyre sug City continue , - Monument Comt-Req alloc ,) Machinist '" 1-^16-52 51554 Hyperion Plant-Bd- P V/ks req Loyalty Oath 10/3/50 45197 auth fill pos during sick/lv City Atty rept re addtn Chap 8 .P.L Mauldin .. . . -CAO to Divsn 4 Govt Code req all pub ^ Hackinac Island 8-30-50 44745 om.n1r.vooc tn t.slro- Ulch-Sug member Ccl attend Moral Loyalty Oath 4/17/51 47353 Re-Armament Assembly-Sept 2-9-50 Atty req approp iif450 for Alan _GL Eastman Campbell to att hrg Vashington CC v ,Maelay Rancho 3-1-49 on 4-23-51 re- Req Co cancel taxes Lot 2 ac Alameda St 7Hails 11-21-49 40501" Res confer FBI & Postal Auth re Lumber 1-10-49 35178 use for attack.,LA PQI Dept by Req amend MC re using treated Biib ..elations .omt-.-avennort below sub-floor of bldg - B&S Com'i Mail 9-t.ij-j.i. ju^jj. ,fj Mtnce & Const 9-2-52 54920-'»3 City outgoing - Treasurer req - Helper-Code 31l5- Rec amend Pers auth use slogan on-Do You Want A Ord Dept Bldg & Safety delete 1 . City .Job ? . - Elec Helper & add -CAO Mall Room 10/2/50 45181 I Mtnce & C'ons't ' 11-26-52 56028 Centralized-Treasurer req auth Helpers- 2 in Sewer Mtnce Divsn- fill pos Inter Clerk in - BPW req auth delete re overtime -CAO Mail Room 6-4-51 " 48573 f.Mtnce "Laborers ' 4-12-49 ''Z'^^'i -Treasury- CS Comsn req 3 mo k.,'* I Bd p/W req realloc pos for 2 sick leave Fred D Conner eff St Mtnce Bur - Mayor 6-1-51 Mail Room 5-29-52 53499 I Mtnce Labo'rer 4-20-49 375"^4 ; City Treas req auth fill pos ' Bd P/W req realloc 1 pos in Inter Clk -CAO Refuse Coll Divsn-Sanlt Bur-Mayor |.y!tnce Laborer" „7-l8-49 , 38707 ' I Mail Room 8-26-52 50869 ' Req fill 3 pos Refuse Col Divsn City iiarain Offer rec transfer IJGC^t^'- control of mailing service ec Bus Sanit - Bd P/W luessanKer service • .^,- A :4all Room 12-3-52 56138 I Mtnce Laborer' g-3-49 '^gfsi Req auth erap 1 Inter Clk -J- basis • Bd P/" overtime-Bur Sanitation- -Treasurer -7_i-1 _-i o_-i T_-i nlin- ti».r»«« Mtnce Laborer , „ 7-2g-49 „3§g4 Mailing Equipt 4-10-52 52882 Req fill pos & Truck Oper-Refus^ City Treas- LA City Emp Fed • Divsn-Bur Sanitation & all future , Credit Union req permission use ypc-ncie's- 3d P/W twice yearly IMtnce Laborer g-2-49 38943 ' Mailing Service 4-20-50 42804 Req St Traf Eng auth fill pos- I Postage Acct - Treas req approp , . Pol Comsn $8,000 from Unapprop Bal-Mayor Mtnce Laborer 9-3-49 39469 |2tnco & Const '7-12-49 386-^5 Helper-Bd P/W req realloc 5 pos- , Req fill pos St Mtnee Bur-Bd P/W Bur St Mtnce- Ma.yor Mtnce Laborer 9-14-49 39551 , Mtnee & Const 10-19-49 40075 Req fill pos Bur St Htnce - Helper - Req fill pos Bur Sanit; Bd P/W ^'\ Bd p/w Mtnce Laborer 9-14-49 39562 Mtnee & Const Helper 1-9-50 41195 Req fill pos St Mtnce Bur-Bd P/W Reo fill pos Bur Pub Bldgs - Bd P/W Mtnee Laborer 9-21-49 39642 IMtnce Const Worker 1-25-50 41498 Req fill pos Pub Bldgs Bur - req aid restore Edw C Myers to City pos- Mrs Edw G Myers Bd P/W Mtnee Laborer 9-26-49 39748 Mtnce & Const 6/21/50 43730 Req fill pos Bur St Mtnee- Helpers - Bd PA' req realloc 3 Bd P/W pos Bur St Mtnce - Mayor Mtnce Laborer " 9-27-49 39762 Mtnce & Const 7/10/50 43962 Req fill 2 pos Bur St Mtnce - Helper- CS realloc 18 Bd P/W pos to Bur St Ltg Mtnce Laborers 10-13-49 39992 , Req pay carfare for 225 Mtnce & Const 10/10/50 45324 Bur St Mtnce - Bd P/W Helper & Mtnce Laborer-Bd P Wks reo auth fill nositions-vac by mil Mtnce Laborer 10-31-49 40237 leaves. - Bur Sanitation. Rea fill pos Bur St Mtnce - Mtnce & Const 10/18/50 45414 Bd -p/W Helper-Bd CS realloc 4 pos in Mtnce Laborer 11-1-49 40255 Bur Pub Bldgs-abolish pos Bd p/W req amend Pers Ord emp Carpenter .Helper 25 Code 3112 sch22j elim 25 .Itnce & Const 8/17/5o" ' 44546 sch 22-'^t Mtnce 3ur - "ayor Helper-in Bur Sa.nit- Bd P/V'/ req Mtnce Laborer 11-7-49 4O363 auth fill nosition -MmmT. Req fill pos Bur 3t Mtnce-P/W Bu

i:tnce & Const 5-10-51 48186 Mtnce Laborer 11-10-49 40384 Helper- BPV.' re'" realloc posi­ Req fill pos Bur Pub Bldgs-P/W 'uu tion :.:tnce Laborer Bur St ;:tnce t-.<^— . , ...... I,irvirn.-- Mtnce & Const 7-12-51 49230 Maintenance Laborer 12-7-49 40818 Helper- Sanit Bur req fill "Req raise salary sehedule - BPW Iln-'toH Pnh I'/nrVoi-a Mtnee Laborer 12-16-49 40957 Mtnce & Const 7-13-51 49215 Req fill 3 vacancies - • Helper- BFW fill pos in Bur St Lighting Traf Ens Corasnrs Mtnce Laborer 1-9-50 '41195 Mtnce & Const 8-21-51 49786 Req fill pos Bur Pub Bldgs - Helper- Fill pos Bur Sanitation Bd P/'fl -BPW fjtnoe Laborer 1-23-50 41360 :;tnce Const Helper 1-31-52 51'768 Bd p/w req auth emp 2- Mayor BP,/ req auth fill pos Bur St Ltg Bur Sanit -CAO :itnoe Laborer 1-26-50 41512 Req fill pos Bur Sanit- Bd P/W Mtnc'e & Const "8-\-52 "*'"""5I4J.64" Helper- Sewer Mtnee Divsn-BPW rec be auth emp 1 addtl -CAO Mtnce Laborer 2-7-50 4l632'»/ Mtnce Laborer 7-9.51 49098 '^^'^' Bd P/W req emp Bur St Mtnce i Pos Bur Sanitation- BPW -Mayor I Maintenance Laborer 2-14-50 41740 Mtnce Laborer 7-12-51 49229 Req fill pos Bur Sanit-lv abs , St Mtnce Bur- auth 11 positiont Jas R Pierson - Bd P/W BPW • Mtnce Laborer 2-20-50 41856 3d p/W req elim 2 pos 3112 add Mtnce Laborer 7-27-51 2 DOS 3112J-St Mtnce Bur - Mayor ^ 1 pos Bureau Sanitation • Mtnee Laborer 2-24-50 41926 Overtime for 2 & others Bur Eng : Mtnce Laborers 7-30-51 49445 Bur Sanit Feb 10-11-15 - Mayor Fill position- Traff Eng Comsn . Mtnce Laborer 3-16-50 „ A2255 i .in Bur of St Mtnce-Leroy Braay- req addl compensation-BPW-.Mayor 3 Mtnce Laborer 9-4-51 49957 Sanitation Bur - req auth fill .4tnce Laborer " 3-20-50 42309 | pos absence LaFauncie Johnson -BPW Req fill pos Sanit Bur - P/W Bd I Mtnce Laoorers 1-31-52 43932 HUth to eiiiploy extenuea to Mtnce Laborer 3-23-50 42357 6-30-52 Bd p/W req realloc pos Bur of Sanit - Mayor Mtnce Laborer 2-26-52 52137 Mtnce Laborer 3-24-50 42386 Req unfreeze 4 vac pos St Traff Req fill pos Bur Sanit - P/W Bd Hopt -Traff Fn-^ Gomsn Mtnce Laborer 6-16-52 53702 Mtnce Laborer 10/6/50 45298 Bur St Mtnce req auth emp 1 addl . Bd P Wks req auth fill pos in during incumbents Cclmanic Iv Sewer Mtnce Divsn-Bur Sanitation ^ -CAO Maintenance Xard 6-27-49 38445 1 Mtnce Laborer 10/10/50 45324 12th St - req addl funds • Bd P Vks req auth fill pos & pos re sale - Mayor Mtnce & Const Heloer in Bur Sanit -r vac b , mil/lv ' Maintenance Yard 9-7-49, •39488] Mtnce Laborers 10/10/50 45326 Bd P/W req revised est ,^40,000 Bd P Vks req auth fill 4 pos in • to const sewer Thatcher Ave & Bur Sanitation vac by mil/lv -^ Princeton Dr - Ma"or Maintenance Yard 2-27-50 41945 Mtnce Laborer 10/24/50 45546 E 7th St - Req acq prop for Code Sched 22-J-Bd P Wks req $1260 - Bd P/W araend Pers Ord by adding 2 pos \- Maintenance Yard 5-25-50 43392 of - • > Req cancel taxes ptns Rancho Mtnee Laborer 10/24/50 45543 San Rafael Watts Subdivsn & Bd P Wks req auth fill 2 pos Dreyfus Allotmt - Bd P/W Sewer Mtnce Divsn of Bur Sanit ^ Mtnce Yard Site 8-6-51 49532 V,"ilmington San Pedro Rd-Harbor Mtnce Laborer ' 10-31-50' 45618 Dist- agrmt remove earth-Bd • Req 3 mo sick Iv P J V/alsh-Bur Ha.rbor Comsars- -....- -BPW "Major City St 2-14-49 3662r Sanit eff 10-13-50- CS Comsn '-^ System" - Resol State Dept P/W ' Mtnce Laborer " 12"/14/50 " 46198 include Verraont Ave bet Knox St Bd P Wks req auth fill position ft. DelAmo Blvd - G H Moore in B-ui-eau of Sanitation ,, Major City Sts 11-2-49 40321 1st Supplemental Merao of Agrmt • Mtnce Laborer 12/15/50 46221 Kas tax expenditures for 1950- Bd P Vks req aiith fill 2 pos Citv "nE ... in Bur of Sanit.-.tion of - Major City Street 1-19-50 34034 Systeui-resol induce portion Ocean P^rk Ave fi-au Centinela Mtnce Laborer 1/22/51 46640 Ave to '.\alf;rove Ave Bd P Wks req auth fill pos in Bur Sanitation of - v -tejor City St 4-12-50 42726 Ene resol reg St P/W include Mtnce Laborer 1/26/51 " '^46'73i Fairfax bet Pico & Adamas Blvd- Bd P Vks req auth fil_ 1 pos I'iajor City Street 6-20-50 43710 ' in Bur Sanit vacant by resignatn -, Henry resol state include 3rd St - .for - bet Gardner ec Fairfax .Itnce Laborer 4/6/51 47706 in Bur of Sanit-CS Comsn req 3 Major City Street 9-5-50 43799 mn ai r\r 1v fnr Oroor. Fo-lr ofTof» Resol include Terminal Island • . 4=9=51 - Freeway bet bndr.'/ City no Cerritos' :.:tnce Laborer , 5-15-51 48229 Channel .& no of Grant St . . Bd Pub ',','ks reo auth fill 1 pos Major City St System 9-26-50 45122 in Bur Sanitation (Sewer Mtnce Resol Eng rept re including Arleta ¥Q a 1 ov \.. . , . Ave - LA Warburton KItnce Laborer 5-15-51 48230 .Major St Systera 10/20/50 45499 BPV; req auth fill 1 position •- of LA-Harby resol State P Vks inc- "ur of Sanitation (Venice Yard) "~ Pac Ave bet Kidnward & S Monica Maintenance 5-25-51 484I8 City .Bndry, in - . . _ Laborer- CS Dept req 3 mo sick Iv Frank D W?lker Bur Sanit ef.' Uajor City Street 12-1-50 37737 . Kill Jt bet Santa barisara nve 6-11-61 , and 42nd St Mtnce Laborer 6-6-51 48520 BPW req auth fill pos in Bur lajor City Street 12-1-50 37737 of Sanitation of- Grand Ave bet 42nu St & Vernon Ave Major City Street' 1-8-51 45974'^-^ Management 7-18-52 '54233 /Jfef Resol Include Anza Ave bet ^ Personnel salaries under Cd. Imperial Highway on no & so line Jurisdictn- Rec CAO study . of^west. ll,6lh St -..- „ ., - ..-Eers. Corat ' Major City Street 1-22-51 45976 Manager-City 9/6/50 448H| System - include Lacy Street . Invitatn att 36th Conf Houston i. Tex-ll/26-29/50-Intntl City Mgrs . _ . Assoc. -_.,.„... -.lajor City" Street 5-15-51 '35360 Managers 5-8-50 43154 1 System-req include Santa i. City Depts-Mo salaries not Barbara Ave bet 2 former City \^ increased - E E Debs boundary lines -_ Mayor '•• Major City Street 3-17-52 30043 '.%nager Secretary 3-1-50 41966 Hesol include portion in Mun Art Comsn elim & req pos System Secretary Chf Acct Emp - Mayor

.-lajor City Street 3-20-52 44571 1 City Ccl - Reso re under-pass 1 ,„. V.estern Ave bet Riverside 43377'.,^ Sepulveda,Blvd thru LA Mun Airoort Ur & Holl'.'V-rjfid i:i1 un-ro^inl 1 Ti(--! n.-io ' .Oppose reduce, widtn traf ..lanen,. • Manhattan 'Beech 3/13/51 47309 Major City Street 5-16-52 46212 City Ccl-Resol LA Cel cons Pac . r- Resol include La Brea Ave bet '•• Coast Hivy opening-closed durirg , Rodeo .Hd & Stocker St const Hyperion Plant : i-ianhattan Beach 8-27-51 .49362 , Major City Street 5-^29-52" 50757 ' City of - Resol req immediate Resol El Segundo Blvd from attention City LA re e.^-pansion Fieueroa St to Vermont Ave . H.yperion o.ewaee Plant .. , Manhattan Beach 5-23-52 47309 tejor City Street 7-15-52 48546 City of-Resol prvsn be made .^^. Coldwater Canyon Ave bet Sherman, handle coast-wise traff Sly of V/ay & I4agnolia Blvd-Resol include^ term Vista Del Mar . . Manhattan Beach 10-9-52 54313 ' Major City St 8-14-52 " 54477 City of- Resol app rec Metcaif & I W A Nelson et al pet Canoga Ave ( Eddy re prop Sewage Treat Plant bet Chatsworth & Canoga Pk be made -Austin .'lanhole covers 7-29-52 51705 Major City' St 11-5-52 55715 Bd P '«ks rept re inspection La Tijera Blvd- Resol req State throughout sewerage K storm ' • Sept P Wks incl in System arain systems -Timberlake Mann Bill 5-31-49, 38056 Major City Street 11-12-52 5286/ Resol commend Paclf Sw Youth Resol Fox St bet San Fernando Rd• for Christ combating Juvenile ,' anii r.aiiT-ol C.anynn R.l.Trd i .. delinq r E E Debs . .. . .Major city'St 11-18-52" 48797 Manual Arts 5-2-52 5244S • Resurfacing & Htnce-BPW req • High School-Faculty Assoc-Sub s;7,000 imp Victory Blvd & 'N protests re bombings on So Bellaire Ave -Mayor ..Dunsmu.-i.n &..urire .Pol Deot. arrest Manufacturers 1-21-52 5I6II Major City St 12-23-52 50966 Advertising- Resol newspapers ... Resol declare from San Fernan' urge defeat of S 3 2170 re r Rd to Laurel Canyon Blvd - Eng -Davenoort fejor Disaster Cel 3-3-50 15826 • Manufacturing 3-10-52 523IO Commercial-PC 4026 amend Comp Sub Major Disaster Plans - Zoning Plan estab new "CM" zone 'y Citizens Eraerg Corns -Plan 1 Major D'isaster Cel 10-24-49 4O192 Maps 3-4-49 36822 , Resol Col H E Yates confer with Mo all City Eng commun req app lUSIl UUUVI of Tracts nlaced on calendar -nebs .ara-e to safety sta- - ... avenport Haps ' "1-11-50 '41260 Major Disaster Ccl 3-23-50 42399 (subdivision) '3d P/'W req repeal' Invite Ccl att install var nar h .=;Rr-, 7 Ord 7Q,^^.T0- Mavnr Disaster Hdqtrs & critique .^lajor Disaster Plans 3-8-50 I5826 Maps'" " 9-22-52 55158 Sub Major Disaster Plans - Tract- Mo all interested depts Citizens Emeriy Cnma \ give preferred attentn for ..proce-s.qine . -Doh.q .iajor Disaster 7/26/5o" ^20320 Mar Vista Tract 8/1/50 44328 Sup Bd LA Co sub County-wide 3d P/W req cancel taxes Lot 9 Mutual Aid Plfin - ^, & others for Harbor Freeway I.-Bjor Disaster 8/15/50 44519 Mar Vista Addn s4 12-11-51 49565 ' Liayor reo adopt Ord re Civil Prop annexation uicConi el Ave - Defense & Chtr Section 433 - and Beethoven St-Mrs L Vessels

•.•r,pi,pr T.i.saster 1-30-51 46759 Mar Vista Addn #4 5-12-52 53255 -edness & Plans of Operatns Mrs L Vessels sub Notice of Int for Civil Defense - Hlth Dept pet annex Walsh Ave bet McConnell • -Ave & ;illa-Rd.. -..,,.. 'Major St Gas 6-15-51 "" 48797 Har Vista #5 3-15-52 50113 Tax Fund- SC&FA Comt alloc re v Resol annexation County strip iri year end 6/30/52 ^• bo-ondarles proposed WLA Housing •^ Project Malibu ' • ll-g-51 508il Mar Vista Addn #6 12-11-51 50681- PC-l3l5-Chg HI zone 00 Pac RR Annexation Aila Road & Co's R/'.l bet oanta Monica & Beethoven St - iarsL Vessels -Plan Comsn March of Dimes 3-24-50 " /^24l2~ Thanks for support to March of Dimes-Natl Fndatn Infantile Paraly-, •' ,T».---vmp»..-5isw5'''^T'^'^'^^"''^P^'^^-''?'**''*'^^

larch of iiiiMnT;iBimifi^'>iHMC'^Dimes 1/15/51 4DP4J-yj'e-Eiia-arse,'3 Civil Def Prog Materials 2/13/51 46920 leiiij; consu,.s.uat'id in City LA-off Te:;t ng Aice-Bu P Vks req auth a.',. Lstance-LA County Cornell of- fill pos In Bur of Standards ^ ;-^u'ino Corps 11-0-51 50.^31, ..esol Ccl n-'iourn 'neraory h.eroic I'.':ateria.1s Testing 7-11-51 48979 -.-'-.lien Aides- Bureau Staridards-auth employ Fers Corat .larine Corn Reserve (^.-10-49 "'9105 Ofy- Mo Don Allen t-tt-Camn Matl Test Eng 3-1-49 2g'S92 Pendleton S-17-49-use city err . EC '"ebs Bd P/W req realloc pos C W U S Maritime Comsn 1-7-49 ^'^S'^l Beardsley-Stands Bur - Mayor Advise ho;.r-contracts for ship .-iatcrirlfl Test o-l?,-li9 -^9218 builders LA port may 'oe awarded • '^ng Asst-Req fill nos-Bur •nndi rds- i^d P/'il ' f,-;art-ets 7/io/50 43964 Adelaide Koch sug 20^b tax on Materials 'lestin-; 11-1^-49 40526 liquor & pro sales of in - Lnc;ineer Asst - iieq fill pos liur Stand,-ird,=; - Bd p/./ I'uarkraanship 11-1-50 45665 (Salary Account)-Bd Pol Corasn Materials Testing 9-23-50 45161 rea aoprop --SgjOOO- Miayor Eng «bst - rteq fill position in Bur of Standards - Do P 'v.ks larshall J Hi School a-20-49 '^72^1 Letter apprec use Ccl Cha.rabers .Materials Testing 5-15-51 48C31 Students Congress Apr Sg-'^O Eng Asst- Bl',,' rec auth fill 1 nns-Bnrfian nf 9,t.pnrlPTr-p Marshal's Office 8-23-50 44557 LA CO Mun Ct-Req space in Br City Maternity Service 9-26-52 12367 Halls estab office-Van Nuvs- V/LA- Agrmnt bet City & Co - Bd Suji & San Pedro sub notice of termination

^ivic t^ontei- il;.n - Ji'c-3r .Isternity Unit- 7-7-49 38599 Uo Hlth Dept be exemot 6-20-49 revlG.3 - Co DU of ^upsi'vlf.ors resol-auth fill 2 poo - DA ALLEN Master Plan 2/2/51 / 46309 Freewa.,-s-He^ional Plan Comsn-Hrg '~May Canyon 7-19-51 49308 2-;-.0-51 by Bd Sun LA Co cz)zs a-nen Channel bet Pacoi.raa '.•,ash & N of cht; na::iefa var locations on - Astoria- IA County Flood Coatfol Ma-ter Flan U.-27-49 '^761'^ Hist acn r/v; imn °'''" of Hiways - Regional Flan Comgn May Canyon 7-19-!.-l 49306 sub nrint of prop amendrat #1'^9 Debris Basin- LA. County Flood . Control Dist acq r/w irap BP'// /laster Plan Hiways 1-23-50 41337 Proposed Araendrat No 152- Ree , May Canyon 6-16-52 53639 Jcbris Basin & Channel to I Master Plan Hi',-/ays 1-23-50 41338 Pacoima Wash-BP.'/ rec app LA Co Prop .''iii.endmt /flAB- Reg Plan Flood Cont Dist specificatns Corasn ...lyor-s C.-nl^ercncG 9-lo-5l 50117 o;.p-i:.-,3r ?i ciflc Cisl-Gov faster Plan Hwys 5-1-50 42991 ..trren irvi^te ...jyor i^o ron Trans Amendmt 153 - Regional attei.Q in •xokyo uct-j.ov '51 Plan Cnmsn McColluras 10/11/50 45358- .1 Subdivsn Lots 1-6 & Lot 16 in 'faster Plan 'riv;ys 5-1-50 42992 Griffin's _Addtn to East LA*Bd P Trans Amendrat 159 - Regional V.ks req R/V Land cancel ta:-:es on Pl.qn Comsn '--.Cornack Array Hosp 1-26-49 •'6"^79 .Iesol meraoriallse Pres & Congress •laster Plan Hwys 5-1-50 42993 onen for veterans - K Hahn Trans Anendmt 156 - Regional Plan Comsn "McManus Addtn #1" '^-g-li9 36834 Culver City pet annex McManus Park to Culver City McManus Park Culver City pet'annex "McManus Medical Center 6-18-51 48853.9^^ . Addition #1" to Culver City UCLA- Mo annex area NWly Wilshir Mead Wm Federal 2-13-52 ' 51920 Blvd & Wly Veteran Ave -Austin Homes- A E Valdez req pub i^ apology fr H Harby re -comraents \ Medical" '" " -'" 1/30/51 46767" on comraunism at ...... Evangellsts-Req ext Murphy Ave to Alhambra city limits new site Meals 5-13-52 53285 VTiite Memo.rial hospital-College For fee or charge- City Clerk i Medical ' 12/6/50 46094 I rec amend MC Sec 21.08 sub-sec (t)- & Hospital services for Police to include ...... Officer Harry LaBrow-Rec Hosp req - Meat" " "'2-15-49 3663O approp tp_pay a_ccount .for._- .. Req Atty opoose oassage Assembly, Bill 114 re" City'or County Juris • Med'Investigator 8-22-49 "9236 ' re .standards .- JHlth .Comsnrs J^d i Hlth Dept req fill vac created by Mechanical Engs 4-27-49 37628 re.tlrement- Mayor Resol re retire C E McGinnis & \ commend long servlce-GV Bennett ' Medical Investigator 1-20-50 414I6 / Health Dept req eraploy - Mayor Hech Eng Assistant 7-9-5'l 49100 Req reinstate in pers ord 9-1-50 Pos Bur of Eng -BPW I 9-20-50 - Terminate in Kith Dept for civil defense as of 12-31-50 (_Grant V Jenkins) Hech Equipt Oper 9-1-50 44780 I (Medicaal Laboratory 5-'5--^0-4^ 9 3S'522| B&S Comsn req amend LAMC re ' Hlth Comsn-req blanket auth emp licensing- Mayor personnel also Technical Divsn i Mechanl'cal Helper '5-16-49 "^7874 Iv;edical Research 7/31/50 ' 44310 . Bd P/W req overtime for bal yr Aniraal Allies req repeal of Ord • Bur St LtK - Mayor to release pound aniraals for - "iech Helper 11-30-49 40707 Medical School 3/14/51 47369 Req emo Temple St e;araf--e - at UCLA-V-arbarton resol endorse Pnt Cnmannp RH passage of A.b.3345 estab rehab yiechanical Helper '6-7-50 43508 center re. - . . - - Animal Reg Dept req fill pos - I MedicPl Service 12-'!!0-49 "^30^2 I Mavor Receiving Hosp req §6500 Acct #13 for Police & Firemen-Mayor Mech Helper 7/10/50 43962 Medical'Service ' 5-2"^-.49 '37974 1 CS Corasn realloc 18 pos to - Policeraen & Firemen - Rec approp Bur Street Lighting ft2000 to Rec Hoap Fund - Mayor Mech Helper 10/20/50 45506 Medical Service 3-14-50 42200 Gar Supt & Gar Att-Bd P Vks req • Pol & Firemen - Ree Hosp req adv overti-iie auth erap on 11/7/50 approp $4600 to Exp Acct 13-Mayor & .2 Gar .Attendants .on.11/6/50 . Mech Helper 1/26/51 46732 Medical'Serv " 1/22/51 '46642 & 2 pos Garage Attendant-Bd P Vk. & Wkran Comp Accts-Atty req^ each rec auth fill nosition in City be approp 130,000 & $10,000 be ..Hall -Garage exerapt fr Chtr provsns in each Mech Helper 10-11-51 50431 Med Cervic'es ' '4/19/51/ '47395 Bd Aniraal Reg req auth emp 1 Acct-Atty req approp $10,655.70 -City Admin -Officer Acct of Vorkraen's Compen.tatn Divan & *4679..22 to- ilech Helper ' "1-3I-52 51768' Medical Services 1-9-52 51473] BPl/ req autii fill po.=5 Bur Jt Ltj Pol & Fire Acct fr423 -Rec Hosp req approp $6500 -Mayor Med'ic'al 'Social" """8-'29-51 "49"922" Kech Helpers 8-21-52 54771 Service - Bd Hlth Comsnrs req Rec .

...jb Meetings 9-11-51 50043>%;f Mesa La Ballona 1/12/51 Ab511/f7d) Subversive in City parks - req Tract Lot 12-Rose Ave & Cabrillo - Police advise controls re Ave & elim 30' set back-line- .-Davenoort., M Rozanich req ded_.l' Future St ^ I Melrose Addtn #2 9- '5-51 47260 Olive-V/illoughby Sts .Hayworth Av. I Resol Pub Util & Tran urge Pac & City Limits-Ord approving Tel & Tel Co consider itemize - . E J lavenport .... - . I Melrose Addtn #2 5-26-52 53426 I Messenger Cle'rks 5-2-49 "^7707 I ' So Calif Edison Co fac- W&P ( i Resol City Eng be auth emp Comsn Resol 877 file actn eminent 2 bal year - Don Allen , . . . ._...... ,. iMeaeenger Clerk '7-'7-49 38,6051 I .Members 12/20/50 46261 I Mo exempt City Treasurer frm Bd Harbor Comsnrs-Sub prop chgs i^ 6-20-49 Resol-auth emp 1- DA Allen Chtr amendmnt estab $25 attendarct fee oer mbr, of the bd . . iMesse7iger 'cik'" '4/17/51 ' 47365 I I Memorial Arch . 6/24/52 53825 .; Treasurer req auth fill position -'. Atwater C of C req info re park . estab on Hynerion Bridee call(4d ^ Messenger Clerk 6-13-51 48761 lemorial Bldg 10-18-49 40086. vacation relief-City Treasurer Resol commend LA Hi Assoc for r plans erect LA High Campus-G Cronk^ Messenger Clerk 3-25-52 52573 I Memorial-Calif V/ar 7/11/50 44027 Treasurer req fill pos .-CAO H Harby resol wire V/ash DC preserve Giant Sequoias for - ^< , Messenger Serv 11-16-51 5O869 Memorial Cancer" '8-3-49 39007 • Research Center- Resol const 1st ; Rec CAO conduct survey re unit 3rd St & Loma Dr- EJ centralized -Govtl Eff Comt • 'Oavenport Hemorial 2-16-50 41812 Metal Workers 1/21/51' ' 46662 Invite Ccl att unveiling model : Local 108-Sub copy Standard Form Fort Moore Pioneer Mem 2-21-50- Union Agrrat & copy of Addenda t'nereto - Sheet I Memorial 5-1-51 48031 .Meters 3-31-50 42181 , Ft Moore Pioneer design compe- Req solve parking problem by tition awards names sub by Bd use,of-or other meaijs-Vermont- i.ollvwoqa jusyiess. /issoc ,„^„, I Memorial Day 2-4-49 36495 Meters ^ 3-29-50 ^ 42503 Hemorial Day Comt req §1000 for Parking-Mo Advise Wm Neal favor I Bill in Legis use rev for off- parade & ceremonies ';t rarkln.^ fac - L.S V-'ar.burton Memorial Day "•2'-6-50 " '41530 Meter 4/12/51 47794 Req §1,000 for parade & Cronk resol congrat So Cslif ceremonies-LA Mem Dav Comt Edison Co & W Mullendore on installatn of one-millionth - Memorial Day 5-25-50 43395 !Metropolitan Airport 2-2-49 35644 Invite Ccl att services Navy Yd Airports Dept req auth accept San Pedro - Navy Post #278 Deed of Conveyance re acq easements Saticoy St &c 47236 Met Airport 10-28-49 40270 ! Resol City continue support for paraue tc program developmt - Van Nuys C of C

Memorial Day" 2-25-52 ' '52090 Metro Airport 12-15-49 40935 5-30-52 - LA Memorial Comt Oppose chg narae to San Fdo Valle, 'Day Airport - San Fdo C of C req $1000 for parade at Coliseum , -Req ,^1000 approp 5-:30-53 Metro Consolidated S-25-49 39'^01 < Hen 4-18-49 '749.'" Pol Diet- Advocates - Mrs Gerry Welfare Federation req annrop : Deal 1949-RO bydget provide increase "^ . feea.& loagl Indiaents Metro'R'ei'ion-LA"l72275i ^46636 ! Men 4-25-50 4286? , Bd P Wks sub Eng rept rec prop (Jobless) Sug City supply jobs i / Metro Transport tn Eng Bd re futiu^ for erouD at 3rdfr, Ls Brea-Ei, Bur St Ltg Fund - Mayor '.-licropho'ries ' '8-17-49' 39214 Demand Atty recover money spent ' Mileage "" 5-4-50 43053 ' Instsll-Mlckey Cohen' s home " ' -s Bd p/W req pay Chas R Cooper AL Wirin ^ ^ _ Overhead Ltg Supvsr Bur St Lte - Mayor ' Microphone 7-12-51 49222 ' Mileage 6-1-50 43453 - Identification Cclmen making Req ^1000 approp carfare & drivei^ addresses - P Sheedy \ service Ccl Fund - City Clk iMldget-Autoa" ^^2-21-49 "36712 Mrs M L Roberts protests ooen Mileage Acct 1/15/51 ' ' 46531 I race track in Culver City ' Bd P Vks req trans $3000' to Equipt & Supplies & $3000 to .\5idget Auto Race 10-14-49 ' "'40015 .M.llea«e-.4cct. jn .St..M.tnce..Fur)d_ .. Track - Protests in '^/enice - i ^"^ leage 3,/26/51 47527 ' Mrs M L Roberts ^ 3xp #4-Bd P VJks req exempt bal 'Mile oFTennle's" 7-6-51 ""49078 frora 1/12 Chtr provisions Program 7-28-51 raise funds for "^"^-'•'-e Acct 3/7/5T~~4Y.;-55 I Youth for Christ camcs-Christiar.N ' Vks req bal in Exc #4 Bur • .. .Business_Men, ; exe.-i!pt fr 1/12 Chtr nTP^,ap. mie of the 8-13-51 " 49'647' ., ...... M^i^'n Presidents- Wilshire Blvd Wly I '«jiioai7Mileagoe 5-15-51 48245 ' from Bronson .Ave- Hanum K ,sn req amend - _.^J'lEi3i?Jl_§.^Sg..ests I Mileage ^' "i.^-i^^'-- 35-124 Ord 86,626 to increase present :• Rec exempt $R02 Exp Aoct #2 S T ' ' .-a.Uowance.for.- - -Mayor • Mileage 10-15-51 50452 ' Rates-P Wks Local No 413 notify. MileagLieaKeB 1-12-4x-xt^-ixy9 ^619'i0X))2d Ccl City erap cannot use cars on Social Serv Comsn req exempt ^^ . __pre.<5. af-ter ll/l9/51 Exp 4 Soc Serv Fd charter - Mayor^ Mileage 11-13-51 50851 | Mileagleage 5-20-49 37910 Repts City emp -Estab policy B&R & SS Comsnrs req tran $8,300 copy be sent CAO office -CAO to Exp #4 Dept B&S Fund - Mayor ' N [Mireii'e Rate's 5-14-52"~ 33312''' i Mileage 5-24-49 37975 Bldg & Safety Comsn req trans Bd p/w req oay to Safety Eng " $13,000 to Transportatn Acct fr Exec Off Bd'p/W - Mayor _Sal_ Acct re -Mayor ' Mileage 5-19-52 53376 1 ; To City emp-Bill Froelich Motor Co sug City lease cars under PHH- Mutual Life Plan in lieu of viileage Auth 10-23-52 55587797^7 Fiscal year 1949-50 33514 BR"/ rec amend incl 1 Electricn " " 1950-51 43940 Foreman & 1 Sr Mech Ropalrman- " 1951-52 4909490955 Sevfer I-intnce Divsn -Mayor " 1952-53 5402540233 Tlileage Auth ' 12-12-52 56275 Biur- St Mtnce- BPW req amend incl " " 1953-54 594059404 1 Hotor Sweeper Oper & 1 Heavy '•', rMiie%e' ' ' ^ 3-f^-49 _, 36849 Hlth Comsnrs Bd req amend Col Duty Truck Oper- -Iiayor resol auth add Bacteriologist MlleaKe&Carfare '"4-5-49 3Z''66 • -7 Pub Tilth Lab Technicians - I-icyor Bd Hlth Comsnrs req tran $550- - I Mileage 11-23-49 40623 re mileage 5 med soc wrkrs-6 Hlth Corasn req add 25 Stundent 7- sanit Insns - Mayor Nurses to Pers Ord & furni§h-Mavor. Mlleage^ 4-15-49 ^7452 Bd P/W req amend Ord re pay 'Mileage " 3-2-50" 42001 for autos Include carfare-Mayor B&S req 4 new pos-Prin Elec Insp Prin Plimib Insp-Sr Heating Insp- ^, Mileage & Carfare 4-11-49 37406 Prin Iiniler.'? msD- ...avor . Bd P/W req bal exp #4 Bur St Mileage 10/19/50 45467 LtK Fund exemnt cherter - Mayor Bur St Ltg-Bd P Vks req be amend Mileage & Carfare 6-23-49 3S3S3 eli.ra codes 1 Gen Foreraan & Foreraan^ Acct-Fln Comt rec $2000 be trans aut'n 'ce ersntpri npndino pmpptlmppt frm Sal Aoct to Mileage Resol 10/24/50 45550 Bd P Wks req araend resol Bur St Mileage & Carfare 9-5-50 44734 .Mtnce-delete 1 pos Screed.-rian-add Mayor - Ba Hlth Corasnrs req 1 DOS Field Eng Aide , exempt .?750 - Special Public Hlth Mile--ge 10/26/50 45586 B&S Corasn req Ccl grant re auth Mileage & - 5-7-51 48il3 for period 11/1/50 to 6/30/51 Carfare-Exp Acct //4- Bd Health -Mayor Comsnrs rec trans $2400 fr Sal , I Mile'age Auth ' 11/3/50 " 457lo Acct Spec Assist Fund to- .Mayor Hlth Dept-Hlth Corasnrs req amenu .Mileage & 5-7-51 49115 Carfare Exp Acct iS6-Bd Hlth incl 1 Sr X-Ray & Lab Technician Comgncs r?q tr%DS 33500 fr„Hlth , -Mayor runu .al Acct ffl Gin to- I ayor ^ Mileage 1/3/51 43940 Bldg & Safety Dept req extend Milit£ry"Credit 7-29-52' 54383 authority addtl 3 months to Of 10 points- Aqueduct Post A- l-'il , , #342 Amer Legion oppose reraoval -^ Mileage 2/20/51 47017 future Civil Serv exaras Bd Kith Corasnrs req a.nend r--"- Kilitary Credit 12-11-52 56272 by adcng 1 X-Ray Tech .^iobil- of 10 pts CS ejonas- Roc chg Unit & 1 Photogi'apher Charter amendmnts re -CS Cor Mil rage 4/2/51 47621 n.ito Hesol to incl'.iue 1 pos Military Lvs 7/21/50 44177 Social bervice Investig: tor- Pol Comsnrs req sub Chtr Nov Dept ^oc Service rec^ a,;ien.d - 1950 amend Sec 17-189 amend - Mileage ' 3-8-51 49554 BPV; pay auto .mileage 1 Automo­ Military Leave 3- 3-50 44337 tive Foreman in lieu of 1 Truck -^ Allen rao Atty rept re leglsiatn Operator inBur Sanit -Ma.yor to reactivate City Orainances foi Mileage 8-13-51 49642 rignts of City eraployees 3P','.' auth pay 1 Asphalt Plant ( [,:iiitary Leave 8/14/50 '44490 Foreman 1 Field Eng Aide 2 St L/i Fire & Police Prot League Mtnce Foremen 2 Assist St Mtnce giib nron amend Chtr re - & ae-sreg Supt Bur St Mtnce & rescind for time toward pensions 1 Screedman -Mayor Military Leave 8/15/50 44522 ;-;iieage Auth 10-10-51 ""50/^08 Bd Police ^omsnrs pet Ord be Bur R/W Land - Bd P v/ks req draftee re- & auth comp tirae or r.r.r.V. I r. lip,, *-hP-r.ppf araend include 4 addtl R/./ ji;-ents ./liHtary Leave 8/17/50 44545 -i.iayor Bd P/v; req auth fill all pos Mileage IO-I6-5I 50468 wn^.nnt hv - In Bnr Sanit - Mayor Bd P .Iks req auth pay Janitor Foreman Ni^t work'er-Custodial Military leave 10-11-50 44545 . Divsn . -Mayor BPV req extena auth & include ..ileage 12-18-51 . 51279 filling alj. positns unaer Dept BP'./ req for 2 pos Sewer I-'ftnco Divsn-Bur Sanit -;'ayor\ •lili'tary Leaves 16/11/56 ' 45>49 Pers Comt rec Atty prep Ord i-iileage 1-3-52 51412 1 recealinE Subdivsn Ord 39100 re , Iteq auth 1 addtl pos Inter filling positions vacated by - 'Jeputy P Defender -Pub Def end er- Military Leave 7-21-52 54260 City emp mbrs Naval Reserve for -ileage 1-22-52 51629 ] 2 wks-Fighter Squaa 772 US Naval - BP./ req auth pay 3 Janitor i Air Statn express apprec '.•.orl:in- Foreman in Custodial Military Materials 1-3-50 41122 Diysn . . -liavc Resol not tran production from private to Govt-unite preserve Mileage 7-29-52 54381 aeraocrotlc "rincinles 1 Sr Automotive Foreman-Refuse Coll Divsn-Bur Sanitatn- BP'W req Mil Paraaes ' 12/11/50 4713 Bd Police Comsnrs req reiieal ptn auth pay -Mayor LAMC elim all pai-ades except thos Mileage 6-28-52 54090 of iiiilitarv n=it,irp Resol- Health Comsn req amend , Military Port 1/12/51 46506 add 3 code 2353 X-Ray & Lab Tech*- G A Snyder sug Harairal Jelly -Mayor make sfudy of Marina Del Rey for . Mileage Auth 10-3-52 55340 Dpssible military port ... ,„,^, Bd P V/ks req amend add pos Sr Refuse Coll Foreman to Sanitatn Milk 5-7-51 4^8122 Bur list -Mayor Chino Unified School Dist com­ mends men fr milk divsn Hlth , Dept for work re Dairy Sch progrm Milk .SS universe -i lcn:V'.^^B.1K*K. . . . I.,,, , Bd Hlth Comsnrs req amend Mv Beauty Pageant- Long Beach , re permit for marketing - Mayor Pageant Inc asks if LA will entei float June 23-29 1952 Milk'- ' " i.l'-i9-51 " ' 50938 I'<"obiie "unit " " 9-27-50 "42447"^ Bowl Fund-Hesol commend lOth '. Hlth Corasn req add X-Ray Tech . Dist PTA re sponsoring annual N . Ca.mival 11-21-51 . . ~BaVer. ' Milk Inspection 7-24-51 49371 Mobile Units 4/6/51 47696 Agrmt County of Kings covering ' ' Vm Lindsey sug for Police Dept tt charges milk inspection , clean de'oris following an -^ ••-'lk Inspection 9-i2''"^2*"'' ^5^037'"' ..acjjidgnt...... -__..- ^y City LA-Bd Health Comsnrs I Mojave Camp 8-!;^52 ^kk58 ' ' agrmt with Co of Tulare re -Mayor , Dorms- Rec Ccl confirm W&P resol T re exemptn part time pos Janitress'' Milk-vending Mach S-9-49 39064 IMojave Pub'Util*"'6-£fr:51 "" 4^0 Rec install lobby International •' Dist- Resol 1035 easmt across Bldg- 3d Pub V/ork6 > prop Kern County -W&P Comsnrs , Milwaukee " ' ' 7-19-49 38750' Mo Cclman Moore att Amer Port Money-Public "7-17-51 49282 ' Auth-Propeller Club-Natl Foreign ,^ Certification of count in City Trade Ccl 10-11 .to : "l-4-''.'arburton ' r Treasury 7/3/51 -City Treasurer i Milwaukee Wis 9/12/50 44928 Purch Agt req auth use $310 att Money-Public 1-14-52 51514 Conf 10/7-11/50 - Mayor N Certification of count in City iMlnlmum Wage 7-8-49 ' 3S609 r Treasury I/2/52 -Controller ^ Resol Ccl aopt rep Sal Stand Ord., Comt-cons 750 hr for city emp 'Mono County " 'I2/4/5O " 46O64 K Hahn . . . . - - & Inyo ^o-W&P Resol 451-Req app •"nisterial l/22/51._ 46112 for easrat r/w to State certain i prop .owned .by W&P In - & Housing Auth re slum clearanceN I Mono County 11-25-52 56038 1 nrog.& low-cost uro.iects. I Resol 435 auth easrat for hiway Minneapolis 6-20-51 43138 > over City prop to -W&P Comsn ' St Paul- Direct Air Service MonoVa'il " " ' 5-17-50 /f'3272 as Solution to LA Trans Problems- Minors 9-13-49 39539 , Invite Ccl hear Geo Roberts 5-1"* -. Engs Const Society Mrs A F Thomas names Drug Storet' Monorail" " 9-26-51 ^"^ " 50211 sellins; liquor to Details for sub -by off called Minute Clerk 9-21-49 39707 T' AIRTRAIN > Mo install loud sneaker Council ' to Minute Clk office-J Holland I ' M6no"rail 12-14-51 51254 Geo G Brown opposes prop Miracle" Mile ' 5"-S-49 ' ' ' •';S106 Req orohibit parking 4-6:1R PM Wllshire-Olympic Blvds-6th St- _ .var traf imo - Pol Corasnrs Bd Monorail 4-1-52 52727 1 Miracle Mile 1/23/51 38106 A F Vinje sub copy of rept on Martin Radoff prot No Parking Vinje Monorail Transit System Signs on Detroit St & var sectiori, of - Monorail " ' 4-14-52 52930 Mirador Tr #2 12-3-49 40841 Monorail Eng & Const Corp will Ree Mrs J B de Gonzalez redeem • set date for presentatn of plan assrat lot 13 blk K-§34.10-P/w Bd • Monorail 11-5-52 55712 Mirrors 1/4/51 ' 46396" H B Barber sub views re outside rearview type-Rltz Mills- sug all City vehicles be equippea, with - - Monrovia 1-10-52 51495 '.liscl Equip Acct 8-23-49 39283 RE iu-.y Co abandoned tracks- Mo exempt §300-City Clk- J C Resol' Bd PU T: Trans urge removal "ol'i.ond . .-.-Up-ha Hontecito Hills 12-5-51 51112 i-iisusxeanant r'ar.Ti 11-9-51 50371 Dist - W k P Corasn Resol 441 re • 3c Police Co.,isnrs autii uriil securing tax title Lot 684 Tr oil - aonexli Cattle co 104 in • Misdemeanors 11-22-49 40630 Monterey i.'anor 8-9-51 4959^- Mo Atty opinion on responsibility PC 3750 chg zone 2 lots Ely side care of prisoners - Don Allen Tobias Ave Nly Parthenla St Plan Comsn Iiiisdemeanor Farm 7/13/50 34502 Monterey Park 12-30-49 41095 Bd Police Comsnrs resol app site Notice of decontrol hrg 1-10-50 "Sky Castle" for - -City Clk ' Misderaeanor Farm 7/24/50 44191 Montevideo 6-16-52 53692 Grand Jury LA Co-sub specs for Feb 1953 IV Mtg- Inter-American - pi t.p.-vp.a R/w Land sub rent before -r Mun Organizatn sub questionnaire .any Col action . _ - r.e_Ccl's yi^ws on topics Misdemeanor 9-8-52 " 54982 Montevideo-City of 12-31-52 56481 './arrants- Req amend Ord re bail , Ext invitatn IV Congress Inter- acceptance procdre (estab spec . Amer Municipal Organizatn mtg trus t__ fund) Feb 20-28 .19F;3 . ^ , - .. 'Mission de San Fdo 4-12-49"" 37346 Monticito Park 4-18-49 37491 • Walter Lohmcn pet City annex Paul Schram re City vacate easmt lot 1 blk 1 Mosher Ave tionument • 11-24-52 48140//-?; ~¥otlon Pictures '2-1-52 51781 ^^/T to Genl MacArthur to be erected 20th Century Fox Filra Corp req in Mnri&rthnr Park amend MC re loaning personnel 'Monument Cap's 1-12-49 ^6193 .. other. studlos.tSec 21.109 . ' Bd p/W req $1850 (survey Equip), 1 Motion Picture 2-19-52 52023 to (Hardware) Bur Eng Fd purch- "Ten Thousand More" on Pub -Mayor ^ _ Housing- The Women's Repub Study , • Moral Re-Armament 8-30-50 44745 Club.of LA.req info re . ^„„, Assembly-G L Eastman req member , I Motion Picture 4-17-52 52993 ; Ccl att mtg Mackinac Island Mich ~ ; Scripts- Miss J M Coats sug Sent 2-q7';o . .. , . -' retristration by LA P Library Moral Re-i'irmament 7-5-51 49073 Resol welcome & commend overseas delegation -Allen Motion Picture 8-19-52 54699 1 '. Leaders-Resol confer with Ccl re use films in television • .Moratorium 3-8-50 42129 .-Davenoort .Resol declare' 5 yr const immed Motion"Pict-are '*^-10-52 550l6 garages in conn with,wartime hn^l.t^ .vpiiidpnrp uniT.a - alien Relief Ft Moratorium 1/17/51 46581 celebratn 200l;h .Anniversary Aner Bennett mo Atty inform Ccl re . ' - T'neatro 9-24-52 -Davonnort juris on evictns or inc time neCN Motion Picture 11-24-^2 55983 . to consummate evictions . 3-Dimension Week- Resol procaliit, . I week of NOV 25 -Davenport ,, Moratorium 1/18/51 46588 on evictions-Tentants Council req City Ccl declare a - -i, • .victor Grader 5/7/51 ^^^ ^8111 ' Bd P Vks req trans 5P2367.63 bet - Mormon Battalion 3.-17-50 42300 equipt Accts Bur St Mtnce Fund Invite Ccl att flag raising Hotor"swe'"eper Oper 8-23-49 39278 City Hall 3-18 - Sons Utah Pioneer- • Req fill pos-St Mtnce Bur- Morongo Basin 8/4/50 44394 7 ' Bd P/W Assoc C of C req aid estab hiwy ; ' Motor Sweeper Oper 10-25-49 40167 thru - to Phoenix Arizona Rec fill pos Bur St Mtnce Morris Vineya'rd ""1-9-50 ' 41193 Bd 'p/w Subdivsn -Rec acc Lydia Mascottd Hotor Sweeuer Oper 11-21-49 40541 redeera ItE sert of sale lot 7 Bd P/W req emp Bur St Mtnce Ilk 1 -*'^:a.31 T 3d ">,. _ death H A Christensen - Mayor Mosquito Abatemnt 12/14/50 17086 Ballona Creek Dist-Francis L 'lotor Sweeper Opr, h!';E9» iML Colburn appt mbr Bd of Trustees effec. 1-1-51 2 yr term ', add pos Code 3585- Bur St Mtnce- Mosquito Control I-6-49 " 28984 Req amend contract I94S-49 with - Motor Sweeper Opr 7/12/50 44046 State Hlth Dept - Hlth Comsn Bd Bd P/V/ks req auth fill pos Bur St Mtnce - Mayor Mosquito C6ntrol 6/28/50 43849 Bd Health Comsnrs contract • Motor Sweeper 11./17/50 ,45897 Operator-Bd P Wks req araena Pers for 1950-51 - Mayor ^ Ord 97183 provide for 13-day pos . Mosquitoe Control ^28-49 38450 &,17-night.positions of - . Bd Hlth Comsn sub contract re ' Motor Sweeper 9-24-51 50185 1949-50- Mayor . Oper-BPW req emp 26 - Sched 33 & 18 Sched 33-N -Mayor - Mosquito ^ 6-I4.-5I 48779 Control-Hlth contract Motor"Sweeper 6/24/52 53319 19'il-1952 . 4 Operators & Equipmnt Operators Renew contract vlO,000 5-I9-52 ' Arthur ''^ason et al cet salarv hotels 3-22-50 42379 ad.iustiiint Object to Judge V W Hunt's :totor Sweeper 12-12-52 5bd{i, article - Motor Hotel Assoc , Oper- Bur St Mtnce Mileage Auth- Req amend incl 1 -Hayor Motels 9/13/50 44956 & Trailer Parks-Bd Hlth Comsnre ' Motor Transport 12/11/50 ' 46147 sub prop Ord amend Sanit & Bldg 4 Police Divsn-CS Comsn req 3raos - Sens, re- -Ma.VDr ' sick Iv effec 11-1-50 for E M Motion Pictures 2-10-50 41749 Program drive out racketeers falsely^represent Industry & T V- , Mot^or^V^T'eles 12-20-51 51297' , ot-!on ic .nd -cl Police Co.rasnrs rec amend ord re Motion Pictures 3/27/51 47545 repossession Hlth Co..,snrs req Ore cioo-^erng Comsnrs to distri'oute for nub hlth Motor Vehicles 12-10-52 56231 ea.ieatlon - ' ' .' ' Restricted uso of freeways - "otion Picture 9-25-51 50204 Roc repeal MC re -Traff Eng Coi.ujn I Industry Golden Jubilee known as HOVILTIHE USA-congrat on , ::otor Vehicle 5-25-51 /;"'4C5 .-Allen Resol_ Div:n- Pvt Util L T'-nns r .-.; -U'tl. Motion Picture 9/18/50 45005 Jo,':troy -bt',.;!!t?t3 reco'",iH of- Relief Fund Inc-Atty req auth enter Stip for Judgmnt-SC 559942 -^ KOtor Vehicle " 1-15-52 51529 Insp- 3d PU & Trans req chg Motion Pictures 9-17-51 50100 titles var classes -CAO Ads on oversize billboards - Mr.« H Fritsche prot -^ Motor ''Veh 10/9/50'" 45307 F Legis mtg Sacramento 10/2-13/50 - Motion Picture 10-4-51 "50334 Holland mo Atty be auth send D M - Studios over 5 acres - Hec amend Redwine & app $75.00 .expenses I^ re as Cond Use . -Plan Corasn - Motor Veh Legis 11/29/50 46002 Meeting-Sacramento 12/4-8/50 Atty req $110 exp & for DM Redwi to attend Motor Veh Legis 3/12/51 A7322797f Mundt-Nixon Bill 8-28-50 44672'^<«? Atty req auth D Redwine att mtg c^ Civil Rights Congress oppose Saei-amento 3-14-51 & approp $65 ^ as proposed by E J Davenport expenses to .attend ' Motor Veh'Ll'c Fees 4-21-49 " 37528 I Mun 'A u'ditoriuni" 1/5/51 46429 I Sub estimated apportionment ; Atty resol ballot titles bond fiscal yr end 6-30-50-State \ prop Spec Electn 4-3-51 A-Sports C-introller. . Center-C-Redevelopinnt.Fund .etc- Motor Veh Lic Fees 6/16/50 43686 ;Municipal Bonds 2/16/51 46991 ' Controller-City paymt of fees i Mun Fin Officers Assoc of US & leaves bal $95,496 for next fisc yrV Canada-Bulletin calling attn that -, Copg USA..coBsidern£..taxine of ^. I Motor "veh" Legis I1/17/5O-' 45885 I Municipal Bond 5-12-50 43209' mtg Sacramento 12/5-8/50-Pol : Registrar - Treas req fill pos ' Corasnrs req lv/abs for Dep Chf -^ death W 0 Houeen - Mayor . to att.-& ,$11G expenses \4otor Veh Lio Fees 6/26/50 37528 State Controller sub est appor- i I Municipal 6/15/50 43655 ti-onmnts 12/1/49-5./31/50 'V Bldgs - Van Nuys C of C rec B&S be given offices on prop adj Motor Vehicle 6-25-51 48906 Lic Fee Apportionment to Cities : iMun Central Parkng 8/16/50 44530 1 12-1-50 thru 5-31-51-State t3 Lot-in Pershing Square J ' ,ControlJ;er reot ... V/elch sub suggestions re - Motor Vehicle 5-15-52 53315 'Municipal Court 8-10-49, 3908"^ Lic Fee Fund 1951-52 & 1952-53 1 • Bd P/W req alloc $1100 R/W^Land fis yrs 'In Lieu' Tax-State J rent fund-pai-king aoace-Wall St & Controller sub est rept • \ Cecelia St- Ma.yor Motorcycles iS-5-49 ^ 37740 ' Mun Court Bldg 4-11-49 3"7-^94 Bd Pol Corasnrs req tran $1'=;,500 Adopt order app realign Hill St to Equip Acct #14 purch 24-Mayor , - W bdry new bldg - Sup Bd LA Co , Motorcycle Repairs 12/1/50 46035 Mun Cts Bldg 6/16/50 43631 ' - Bd Police Corasnrs req Exp Acct County Mech Dept req const #20 $10,000 be exeraptd fr 1/12 7 Tunnel N Hill-Brdwy-Temple Sts Chtr provsns -Mayo.r Motorcycle 5-24-51 43370 ;.Municipal Courts •';-29-49 ^7l67 Repairs- Bd Pol Co-isnrs req trant. League Calif Cities sub list .1500 fr 'Jxp ,.18 to ,?20 for- V Assembly & Senate Bills re ' Motorstair I-4-49 3509"^ Municipal Courts 3-2-50 42027 Multiscope Ino req explain County rent space branch CH new model features WLA-Van Nuys-San Pedro - P/W Bd ", Mott Tract " " 4-IS-I1.9 371t8R Municipal Court 8-23-50 44557 Rec acc off Dept Wtr & Pwr pufcl IA Co-Req space in Br City Halla ( cert of sale lot 5 Blk B-$639.47 '-, ' Mott Tract 1-5-50 41162 /25/50 40083 Reo cancel taxes SElv 50' lots ' site-Sup Bd LA Co req City convey 9-10-acq by Ree -^ Pks - P/'.l Bd to Co real prop Dt„of-Temple-Hill -r Hollyv.'a Freeway & Broadway > Mott Tract 3-22-50 42352 'Municipal Court 11-14-52 55846 1 Req cancel taxes lot 10 blk R > Inglevood Calif-Survey re traff 2nd St playground - Bd P/W j citatns by Calif Hiway Patrol -^ Mountain Areas 11-2-49 40337 1 Mo req U S For- "t Services bar 1 Mun Court 10/9/50 45310 except to residents-EJ Davenport | • Judgeship-L T David acknowledges '. ' kindnesses of Council during 16 yrs- .^overs-House 1-10-49 36177 | City service before. assura.lnK .-.. Bd P Wks req amend LAMC re | reglstratn & deputizing of Blastn^J| ilun Court 3/23/51 47506 .Inspectors & - _ p sessions beginning 3-31-51-Pub Defender req adv auth for 1 Dep '^ Movies 11-27-51 51026 \ .P_n«Lfoi,iri£\r ,. ^ Resol coraraend movie producer ' | Municipal Ct Site 8-S2-50 44616 Ed.mund Grainger for historic ''^1 Req vac st easmts bet Bdwy & Gram . DJ.cture^ -i-i-ic-r, a & Hill & Calif Sts for new Sup & _ (Movies 4-24-52 53063 1 Uun Ct site- Sup Bd L A Co ^ - Mo City Clerk be auth sign 1 Mun Facilities Bldg 4-15-49 '^0683, release permit use the film "Tte rA Req §2.920 approo acq Lot II- Rose Bowl Story" -Holland H Tr 140'7S for site Sunland-Tujunga Movietime USA 9-25-51 50204 i ^Ist-Bd p/w - Mayor Congrat Motion Picture Industry I Mun Facilities Bldg 9-8-49 39513 Golden Jubilee - known as - I Req acq par 2 for ^5,850 -Allen Resol ' V/atts Dist - Bd P/W Mufflers 3-15-50 ' 42229 Mu'n Fac Bldg \ 10-19-49 40074 Invites Cel att tests alleviate Rec approp $21,700 acq lots 7- noise •-..,r 16-17-20-Motor Truck Asc-. 8-9 Freraont Tr lot A Tr 3538 Mufflers 1/3/51 464'55 Iiollywood "1st - 'id r/;-; Cronk rao instruct legal rep at Municipal Fae Bldg 11-23-49 40641 Sacraraento pet State Legis prob Req ord desig lots 7-8-9 Freraont elira noise created by raotor veh - *' gtij ]jOt A Ti;_^^38 Hollyi-rood site- ,. xo..:oUO - r,'•, od . Multilith 9-19-49 39624 Mun Facilities Bldg 6-6-49 38127 Req approp ,?1310.44 purch dupl Re acq prop adj Van Nuys City raachine - Atty Hall from So Calif Gas Co Multiple Dwellings 4-3-50 42547 M-unicipal Facil Blag 33943 Protests on hills - underpass not serve as freeway-Mrs G McCune\ Canoga ParK - acq prop 11-24-5. Mun Fac Bldgs 2/23/51 47110/»?" Hun Sewer Bond 6-10-49 38208/^ I Bd P Wks states $1427.70 nee obt' , Fund 1945 - Consolidated stotemt. tax-deed prop Owensmouth Tract & Sewer Bond Elec 19l4« Fund-May '49 - req instructns re Canfisa Park-site- IMun Facilities Site 1-18-49 36263 Mun Sewer'Bond' 2-14-50 41739; ' Req acq parcel 13 Holywd Dist i Elec 1945 & 1948 Fund 1950 $1-^,115 - Bd P/W exoenditures Jan- I ;iinicipal Facil 9-29-52 ' 55258 I Mun Sewer Bond" 2-11-52 51900 ' Site-Van Nuys-Re acq Parcel 5 ' Elec 1945 & 1948 Fund 1952 expenditures Jan- IMun Facilities Site 6-10-49"38221 iMun Var'eho'use" '12/4/50 ' "A6066 ' Req acq par 3 for $6,0'';0 for . ; . Tariff-Bd Harbor Comsnrs sub Watts Dist - Bd P/W Order 2379 increasng rate per man I Mun "Fac 'Site 6-13-49 78222 per hour fr $3-20 to $3.60 Req acq par 1 for §5,080 for i IMun Wat'er Systems'•^-17-49 36967: branch in V/atts Dist - Bd P/W > Stone & youngberg req Ccl endore Senate Bill 85I Uunicipal Funds' '5/11/51 " 48211 Henry Resol urge State Legis Municipalities 5/11/51 48211 favor AB 3217 re Urban unincorp ; Henry Resol urge State Legis favor AB 3217 re Urban unincoro Mun^Imp Diet #35 4-21-4? " 37561 areas Notices for bids "5-26-49 [ Mural 2-15-50 41851 Refunding Bonds - Tres Resol re War Memorial - K Hahn Mun Imp Dist #37" 4-21-49 3756J Notices for bids R-26-49- I Murals 8-16-51 49718 Refunding Bonds - Treas "^ Roland F Platte candidate for wall decorations for civic '.-lun Imp Dists 4/10/51 47729 / beauJ;ifioatlon Treas advises- notice's for sale of Hurray John Estate 5-9-50 43169 Refunding Bonds Dists 35 & 37 will'^* Req cancel taxes on estate - ,be.uablished„ A-lV-^ii ro_ , .. Stste CnntrolTer Mun Imp Dist #35 4-8-52 52849 & 37- Notices for bids 4-15-52 - Museum 2/20/51 47063 , Refunding Bonds -Treas ^ aid cause of Aviation-Debs Resol commend A Santos-Dumont Aeronaut Mun Law Officers 11/3/50 45702 Fndtn established in Palm Desert > Natl Institute New Orleans La Husic 12-29-52 56434 11/25-23/50-Atty req 2 be auth att-^ Christmas Chimes fr City Hall & $400 trav exp for each Tower- F D Grace expresses apprec Mun Ref Library 2-25-49 36757 Sub bill $87.13 for subscription - Music Boxes " 4-2"5-49 ' '37^45 to 1949 Legislative Bill Service Solotone Corp req amend Ord re coin operated Mun Ref Library 10/25/50 45563 Sub bill for "115.45 subscriptn ' Music Center 2-1-50 41602 to 1950 Spec Session Legis Bill N Resol sub plans for auditorium Service P ] p.. 0. L-T.. 0. ... T_^ ..._ 'lun Ref Library 2/23/51 47169 > be voted n Sub bill for ^164.SO sub to 1951 Music Center 1/29/51 46737 - Legislative Bill service & Y P Turnstiles sug City LA install -, -inuei-s turnstiles at prop ne-n- civic Municipal Organzatn 7/25/50 44226 auditorium & - Inter American - Sub application Music Week ' '4-26-50 42873 for membership -^ Bur Music req use 1st steps 5-10-50 - Art Comsn Municipal Ownership 2-16-49" "3'565'3 Transit Lines-Pub Ownership Comt, Musical 5-25-50 43405 prot AB 2023 & req not lease -^ Invitation for 5-26-50 - req System to .prly.a.te.._c.o •si.nnnrt - Sunshine Shiit-ln C.l nh Municipal Ownership 4-15-49 37435 Transit System- Pub Ownership .lutual-Ard"Paet ' *ri-2^-4§, J^'^sf Data re coinbustlble rubbish k Comt rec Assembly Bill 147 re '^ sug Invest plan with County & Municipal Ownership 1-23-50 41354 other, cl.'tles - ''^on A Allen Transit Lines- St Car Riders tiutual Aid Plan 7/26/50 20820 Protect Assoc pet for bus system 1 Sup Bd LA Co sub County-wide - - (4 plans - 2 Agrmts) Ha^or Oisasi I .'-'-anicipal 1-73.5? ' 51653 Mutual nld Agrrant i:-5-50 46076 St Railv.'ays - Pub Ov.Tiership Comt • for uniform tlan for civil LA St Rv/ys pet spec election sub"-, Ord re defense - C^lif civil Defense & .'-'.unicipal Transit 1-30-52 51752 Lisaster Relief Ownership- Resol Atty & PU&Trans "Mutual'Informatn '3-10-52 52301' Bd sub info re revenue bond > Coramittee"- Bd of Educatn sub finanein.'^ . -Tlmhe rla We prop re estab aid governmental Municipal Transit 2-20-52 52041 agencies System- E S Philp sub views

: Municipal Ownership 8-11-52 54590 'Transit Lines- Mrs N Wilson pet place proposition on bal lot Hun Sewer Bond Eiec~2-ld-49'-^6584 194"= Fund - Statement Jan 1949 .tiuuiw Nancy 'Rose. 12-28-49 41059/»» National Newspaper 9-27-51 50233 /9J'3 Rec aec ^320 settle claim again V/eek - Extend good wishes mbrs ^ G Fukuzaki fishing boat - Atty Free Press of America re -Davenoort Resol .'Jarco.tics ' ''2/6/51 ' "46856' l.^atl Planning Conf 9-2-49 39476 | WCTU Resol pet Ccl approp sum Mo Cclman Debs att - Cleveland ; train spec pub school teachers \ re.anti- _ _ Oct in - I, R TimhoT-laVe Narcotics 6-4-51 48597 Natl Planning 7/7/50 43938 Mrs Flora Earl claims knowledge i, Conference-Plan Comsn req of ring operations •'^ !*1S00 n/13-17/50 at L.A

Narcotics 8-1-51 49490 i Natl Plan Conf 8-31-51 '49944' | Resol create LA City Comt on '„ 10/14 to 10/18/51 Pittsburg- ! Narcotic Control -Navarro •• Plan Comsnrs req approp & auth .. E P.McKanna att „, Narcotics 2-5-52 51832 ' Natl Plan Conf 9-19-51 , 5014S Lecture - Miss Juanita Hansen ' •Pittsburgh 10/14-10/18/51 - Auth Ccl Debs att 2-14-52 at Patriotic Hall -AFL '^ -Timberlake Mo Nashville "Tenn ,'5-i9-)l9 "^7918 I Nati Plan Conf ,8-25-^2 ,Jh-8lk . Mo K Hahn att 5th Annual Inst , Boston nass 10/5 to 10/8/52- ^ace Relations 5-25 to 7-12 > Mo auth Cclman Debs att L S '.arburton Katl Air 10-19-49 40094 -'Timberlake Pollution Symposium - Resol patl'pian 'conf 9-11-52 55025 apgt rep att ll-lO-49-Pasadena- . Boston Mass 10/5 to 10/9/52-Req •r. ' Bennett • auth Roger Arnebergh att & v500 Natl Air Pollution 11-3-49 40349' ' trav e;xo .. -Atty S-/raposium-Mo depts narae members Natl Security Week 1-19-49 36286 att Pasadena Nov 10-11-G Bennett • Reserve Officers Assoc req $1000 •.. , ' fin Feb 12 to 22 1948 program Nat'l Conf Cclmen 7-11-51 49169 Natural'Gas " "4/'20/"51 47906 & Aldermen- Annual Conf ; Industries Dallas 5/7-8/51-Bd P U' Cleveland Ohio July 18-21 1951 ^ .. & Trans req $215 approp to Trav Natl Conservation "9-14-49 39590 / • Exp send Chas^_Bean. tp attend rate Conference - Mo G V Bennett att iMaturai Resources 2'-2-49 36469 ' Chicago Sept 22-23 - 4'600 exp - Guy Price pet Ord create area ieo l-Townshln 1 S-Range \v^ W- National Debt 5-15-51 48247 J .BB .& .M * J DePaul i-eq copy tax pamphlet , Naturalization 3-30-51 47597 & sug Court action re > Fed tax , Adele Arbo sug amend Chtr electn, t.altPn p.,,*. .*-... .- . . . ^ rules prov candidates city off Natl Defense 3/21/51 47455 ' show Paners or Birth Cert . , Sffort-Voodling sub Resol adoote. Naval Reserve 7r21-52 54250 I by City Ccl of Cleveland re -* - City emp mbrs granted 2 wk mil . Ask, Inc-Beyond. Line of .Dntv .f*\f leave-FiEhter Squaa 772 Naval Air Nat'l Disc 8-20-51 49770 ''>>' '' Statn express apprec Jockey Week- Resol congrat '.i&^d\m?Ss^' •f,,^*.-' ''lavy'Day ' ., ' r2-21-49 '40986 jockeys of LA radio stations on '^ - Req aoprop $3000 observe with _ .'1st annua.! ohse-rvanfie.-NflVfi.rrn_ L Army & Air Force last day Natl ."Jatl Emergency 8/2/50 44359 .3ec.ur..lty,".'k."ay 1.3-?.0 195Q .. Bd CS Co.msnrs req unfreeze vac Navy Post #278 5-25-50 43396 nos-blanket exemnt re - -^ Invite Memorial Day Serviees ^ Navv Yard San Pedro '" Natl Foreign 'Trade 7-19-49 38'750" V*.- ' Negligent"Empioyee"'s"5--3-49'37~702 ; Mo Cclman Moore att mtgs Atty opinion re City's power Milwaukee & NY 10-11 to 11-4 , to collect from oper of City , L ,3 V/arburton, . . „ . ' . ve.hlcle.. ^.- ,. latl Guard 2/27/51 . 47156 Negro History 1/26/51 46723 40th Infantry Divsn-Cronk Resol , Week-Allen Resol congrat & ext fare-.ell re call to duty in v s commend Authors Club of LA for Japan-Maj-Gen D Hudelson Co.ra. Off ' . snonsor.inE.- National Housing 7/5/50 43896 Negro History Week 1-23-52 51652^ Offer $1.00 yrly re conde.ranatn Feb 10-17 1952 - Resol congrat 5 acres-Central-Hooper Aves,etc "'^ ^ Our Authors Study Club -Allen ^ ; Natl Housing Act 8/4/50 44396 Neon Signs 9-20-49 39652 Painters-^aperhangers etc Union Re investigation fees charged- ; 949 pet City utilize to elim slums- ,'•'' for moving-'Wholesale Neon Mfg Co

:iatl Institute 11-14-49 40460 • Uetherlands 4-5-50 42243 Mun Law - Req 2 .Attys att Kans-- ' Minister Plenipotentiary ackn City Dec 4-7 - ?600 exp - Mavo I resol honoring Dr Hartog Natl ins'tit'ute 11/3/50 ' 45702 'wav'i^da lb-26-5'1 " "50651' J-lun Law Officers New Orleans La -._.jr & Power Resol 307 - 11/25-23/50 Atty req 2 be auth att^ Auth contract with C K Cory re & $400 travel exp for each work in _ Natl Music Week 4-5-49 37339 Music Bur req use Soring St New Admin Bldg S-S-49 39051 Steps 5-4-49 for band concert- W Magnolia-Invite attend ded- M.un Art Comsn ' «-ll-49= City of Burbrnk Nat'l Music V/eek 4-23-51 47909 : New Mexico" " 10/13/"50 45371 Mun Art Comsn Bur of Music req ^ Albuquerque Club of LA req City use 1st St stens noon concerts N name one street after State of . -s.tar.timi 5-7.-51 Nat'l Music Week 4-21-52 53013 ' Hew Orleans " " 8-22-49 '39254 Music Coordinator J Arthur Lewisi Invite att .ratg Inter-A.mer CongresC req use City Hall steps 5/5-5/9 ^ of Hunicipallties-May 195O- Dr CM pres Band concerts New Orleans Newspapers // Alderson att conference ' • San Diego Centenn Comsn req display orig copy "Mun News" 'New^Orleans ' l-5-50._>n31 ..8/1-9/9/50 ...... Newspapers 8/2/50 44361 ; WCTU of So Calif req Pol invest deLessens "orrison _ . •nictures of unclad women in - & ' New Orleans 2-17-50 41836 ..Colony Club ., . . , - . Mo Cclman Cronk att 3rd I^ter- > Newspapers-Old 8/2/50 44331 1 Amer Congress of^Mun 5-l-$500 exp-. I Otto J Sevier sug City collect - '•• r "oore .(Also .RoyDa.T) . . - & resell-elim burning & smog , I New Orleans La 11/3/50 45702 Natl Institute Mun Law Officers ^ 11/25-28/50-Atty req 2 be auth att^ " Newspapers 4-3-50 42564"" & $400 travel, exp for e.-^ch Mo Traf Eng Comsnrs «• St Traf Qfe solve selling from curb-Holland ew York ^ ^'HZ^^r Rec Halsey Yates att mtgs re emerg disaster & Civ defense Newspapers 5-31-50 " 43463 *.?00 exS - Mayor...... ^^^„ Mo Traf Eng Comsnrs amend sec 42 New York ' 7-19-49 38750 (Sts Central Traf Dist) include Mo Cclman Moore att Amer Port , ..more.sts bgn sellinp:-J.W Austin Auth-Propeller Club-Natl Foreign x Sewspapers-LA 1/25/51 46708 "rade Ccl 10-11 to.llT,4--''arburton & Brdcastng Co-Davenport Mo grant New York ^, „S-15-49 ''9174 use Ccl Chamber Primary Elec 4/3 , Pol Comsn req $405-Fred Crowdfer Radio -Tech Foreman-att Pol Com Cff \ & Gen Elec 5/2.9/51 to- "--' •" PA ... p X-U.9- i:a.vor .. . .lewspapers-LA 5/4/51 48O85 Frank Rivera protests sex storiei I New York City 3-19-52 52475 in LA Newspaper-The Key Hole 20th Annual US Conference of ' .'Newspapers ' 10/3/50 "45195 Mayors May 15-17 j LA Newspaper Serv Bur-req amend . :^Iew York City" ' 8-12-52 "34743 ll re • Amer Legion Natl Conv- Aug 23 - . / Bldg_ set-baeklines-elira word dailj 29 1952 -Mo LA Police Band att. -Davenport i Newspapers 1-21-52 51611 ! New York City " 10-1-52 55306 He benate oill 2170 - Pub Personnel Adrain Conf- 10/19 1 Lavenport resol to 10/23/52- Req approp ^500 & Newspapers • 9-4-52 54954 auth Geo W Adams att -Atty Hearst- Resol comraend re "I Air. Newsboys" 4-14-49 ,,''7457 1 An American Day" -Davenport Reeol meet with police-labor- 1 newsnapers etc re traffic lanes '^ Newspaper Veek 10/2/50 45183 •^ew^b^oyV"'" 5-2.-49^ ^7930 r- Annual Natl-Davenport resol re By-Buk Co req demonstrate tribute to Press on - Processed Scotchllte on clothing -, Newspaper V/eek 9-27-5I ' 50233 Newsboys 3-2-50 '42046 Extend good wishes rabrs Free Reo mtg take action elim in . - Press of America re Natl- traf lanes-Jnt Ccl Teamsters -Davennort dp.anl Newsboys 6-4-52 53530 Newspaper V/eek 10-1-52 55315 Cor-Beverly Blvd & Hi^land Ave- Resol commend publishers & Chas Rowlands prot working p?ess on -Davenport l.Mewsmen' -11-13-52' ' 55840 Nev-sreel Fil.iis 3/ 2'/51 47492 Assault & battery attacks- Resol Ciruiese Consol Benevolent Assoc commend Interim Judiciary Comt ^-^ of LA-invites Cel to att exclusive hrgs re -Davenport 1 .showing of Chinese - . 1-.21-.K1 . Newstands 8/9/50 44436 Newsnaper of 7/10/50 43972 I H protests booths & Caiif Inst of Soc V/elfare-Why on sidewalks at 4800 S V/estern not on display in Public library '• Newsstands 10-1-51 ' 5b25'7 'Newsnapers 'i-'l'^-^49 "'"r6'20S Design & locatn standardizatn of John E Cozen sug Ord nerrait auto, on ',/ilshire Blvd park designated afeas .for purch -Traff Eng Comsn "ewspapers" ' 2-23-49 34239 Newsvendors 3-27-50 42404 Atty opinion re payment Gity Req conf with traf Safety Organs license tax (claim of Time, Inc) > re,'traf lanes - Cal Safety Ccl Newsnapers '2-25-49" ''^67'6l Newsvendors 3-27-50 42469 Heo amend Sec 2I.I9O .MC by add ':X,,l^yJ^^ '^ Req advise hrg date prohibit exemption frora term "Gross on Sts-Cal Fedratn Women's Clubs Recelots" re tax llc-Rev_& Tax Com jJewspapers' 5-10-49 37776 Newsvendors Ord 8-24-50'44653 Mo permit use Ccl Chamber Commend Col on efforts re- PTA broadcast elec returns ^-71-49- \ lOth Dist L 5 V/arburton Newsnaper 5-27-49 "';S029 Florence' 11-18-52 ' "' 5501? Req Ccl expression unjust attack on City Eng (L Aidrich) re Nightingale Jr Hi-BPW req rolled curbs- John. Haley . advise if r/w over site be retd - Newspapers 7-8-49 3S590 to Bd of Ed & ff3,060 to PIF L E MAller-statee wltfihold facts : Nisei V/eek 8-8-51 49566 re public officials "*, Carnival 1st & San Pedro Sts Aue 13-26 1951 Newspapers 10-3-49 39383 Aug 22 23 24 1952 Resol salute on annual No Parking I/23/5I 3"310'6 Newspaper ..'eek - E J Davenport Signs-on Detroit St & var sectns Mir;cle Mile-Martin Radoff prot- , Newspapers 3-2-50 42046 Req mtg take action elim vendors & stands in traf lanes-Jnt Ccl Noise 4'-2i-4'9 ' "'^'7^26 ' Teamsters _ B D Anthony protests late hours of vendors in residential zones IMMIM^V Noise b-14-49 "^8255 TfSi M Max Cohen protest grading at M N Hollywpod Hosp 5-29-51 48473 '^^ ^ night L A Airport vie Westchester & Sanitarium- Carpenters Local ' 844-Reseda- req Ccl grant auth • Noise 4-12-50 ' 42697 .. inn.Tapap' >r f.-tp^.l^t.^p- .. Sug for abatement-AE Thornburgh' x ' F M Pomeroy et al pet permit ! place Pioneer Church of Valley ' Noise 7-5-51 49071 on site Bells whistles etc trucks vend '. |!Io Holl'ywo"od-' -T.o;6-52 \ 55351 | mdse risidential dists-Jean B ^ I Pol Statn- Pet approp $70,000 . Cn.<^..tfi/ik- .nmt.p^v.a. .... for p?op site Cumpston St E fr Noise 10-7-52 55378 •Tujunga Ave „-Pcl.Comsn FT truck traff vie Pico & I N Hoover St T~r ~7-19-49 38741 Olympic Blvds- E L Brebis prot ^ Rec aec offer Divsn Hiways purch I Noises " " • 12-1I-52 56'25'i' S^f.t^3f Sale lot 9 blk C-31074.45 Manufacturing- Vic 900 blk 1 I N'O'oii'tf all Sewer ""16/3/50' 45230 Crocker blk- MJP k Mrs Bill Chung '.^ ) Bd P Wks req adv overtime auth - .et elim 1 Sewer Mtnce Supt inspect - Bur I Noise 12-19-52 56366 ..Sanit. .. .. ;. . . -..Ma,Yor Const work Wright St bet 1 I N Outfall Sewer 11/1/50 45687 ; - Venice & Pico Blvds- M Alexander Keystone St & air duet Vineland. ,prpt . ; Ave-Bd P Vks req $39,000 approp const vent station for -. Mayor '''S,^KS??v^i*i^^® ^8-29-50 44696 Rubbish-Sub specifications dis- ; I North Outfall ' 12-6-51 45687 posal for 10 yrs-begin 1-1-51- N Sewer- Nly Guiana Ave -BP'/ req - Bd PA/ . . . addl -:^16,750 reconst Vent Station #1. Sec6 .. .. -f'''ayor Non-essential 12-4-50 46063 functions of City .Covt-Allen I "Northern Coast 4-18-52 52998 • resol study V Calif Nr Trinidad"-F W Blanchard' Memorial Comt offer restore -gift Non-schedule ' 'S-16-51 ' ' 49727 painting to LA . Airline Agencies- Mo PU&Trans Bd, Northern Inyo 10-17-49 40040 prep e.raer legis re -Davenport -, Hospital - Dedication chgd Oct 2 to Oct 23 1949 Norraan Addition 2-3-52 4"8619 Northridge 1-31-50 41563 Wil eor Normandie & 182nd St- annexation resol •-« Req enforce smudge pot Ord in area - Internatl Camera Club :-iorth Bishop 3/19/51 47409 1 I Northridge' " 10-30-52 " 55662 Sanit Dist-Inyo County-V&P Bd Area-Mrs T I Smith pet recons Resol 518 auth se^ line easmnt '"•^ prop zone chg Nordhoff Ave & over pron -.moer control of W&P Dept, Reseda Blvd North Hollywood ' 3-7-49 35S7c Notices 10-5-4? 39910 ' Ind Tubular Equip Co oonose P E- Resol amend Ords so all sent out- abandon rail line to Van Nuys ' ' ,, for imps be under all procedures inc 2r^55 acts—' "-' Austin North Hollywood 1-18-50 41280 Notices 3-7-50 42097 Req acq lots Toluca &Lankershim Req re City purch prop or object tracts for Hlth Center - Bd P/W • to sale bv Tax Collector-A Morris "g»S°?i}?^'°>fv_.,, ,"J-Zrii? ;'38581 • Notices " 3-3-50 42115 Oppose Ord alter notify prop collect park meter fees-Mayor " • " • - ine ..-Sr.i?.nce -. _.enec±ci, ^Hiiv..jii..-?rfSOC 'No Hollywood' lo-"i5-5'2 5546'2 Notices 7/7/50 43944 I So bndry Plobd Cont r/w- R&D i Plan Comt rec amend Zoning Roderick req City vac prop bet NON, Ord re send to nrop owners .bndry. Lots .151 &.152 &. .. North Hollywood 12-28-51 51370 N'o'tices '4/I3/5I " ""47'807 Area -KeCorraick dt-V.'eddington Govt Research Inc rec ado t Ord St & Chandler Blvd-Traf Eng Corasn re hrgs for St & Alley abandonmts • .rep e.x t.. pa.rk in.g ___.. be mailed to adj property owners No Hollywood 11-19-52 54276 I NudeT" 8-18-49 39199 1 C of C- BPW sub resol endorsing Prot scantily clad persons & prop sewer serv chg 'decent exoosure on streets- HP .\'otlce of Pub Imp 8-2-^-49 X N Hollyv/ood Dist 6/12/50 43589 Rec re ^proposed revision wording'! Traf Eng Comsn rec Dorsey rev '-_ re change of grade-Eng traf meters Nursi " ' • ""3'^15-49 '"^6925" 'No Hollpood 1/10/51 46436 Realloc 5 pos Hlth Dept-Jr Pub District-Warburton .mo corapli, Hlth Nurse to Code 2'^12-C3 Comsn . delegates for participation in YMCA Mcael Legislation .in - Nurses " 11-28-49 '"4"0623 • North Hollywood 6-5-52 47910 " Hlth Comsn req add 25 Student Health Center-BFW req cons .to Pers Ord & furnish mileaRe- sale Lots 7 to 11 incl Bl lA Nurtes""" 3-21-50 42298 .JlQluca Tr ,560.000 .for _, Bd Hlth Comsnrs req amend Pers I North Hollywood 7-7-52 53961' Ord add 10 & auth emp - Mayor Health Dept bldg site-Req auth , pet Co cancel taxes Lot I9 Bl I4 -, Nurses 3-21-50 42321 _ . . . -BPW Req salary increases var pers No Hollywood High 4-9-52 52861 "" lOSO-Sl -Cal Nurses Assoc Sdiool-Jjlo B&S advise if use of , land for agriculture violates ^ City Ord -Warburton Nurse 8/8/50 44436''^/'/' Obnoxious 11-14-51 50878^9^9 Workmens Compensatn Divsn-vac by Sewage Gas Fumes- V Jackson et — resignstn-City Atty req auth to - al pet imp vie Acama St & Fair : fill .DOS , Ave , ... ;Nurses 10/3/50 44784 Obnoxious 6-24-52 53816 Bd Hlth Comsnrs req auth trans ,- .; Gases vie Hollydale Dr bet .... funds & emp var positlons-to be Silverlake & Glendale Blvds- .exemptd fr Freeze order . Hr.s n Wells et ai net Rl.-im . '.lurses " ' 11/13/50" 45815 bbnoxious 9-2-52 54934 Pub Hlth-Hlth Corasnrs req auth , .. Odors- Vie Buena Vista St & fill 11 vac pos-trans to Sal Acct Riverside Dr- City of Burbank sub .#1.& emp. up to limit of Pers Ord nrot re . . ,^'Lirse 12/5/50 "46037 I Obnoxious & 1-15-52 5l54l Bd Hlth Comsnrs req auth fill pos Hazardous pos-Req spec H J K & ,, & ady auth overtime-mileage & .trans .of .fds yar positions N rate Hyperion & other dept en^) !Nurses 1/25/51 46684 : Observation Tower 1-11-50 41276 Calif State Assoc of-Sub Sched Resol Bd p/w est cost restore of Emp Standards of CSNA for cous­ .for pub use CH -EJ Davenport in new budget preparation Kurse " 2/6/51" " 46353 ' • Observatory Guide 9-23-49 39703 in Workmens Compensation vacant 1 Grant req Rec <^ Pk Comsnrs 2-14-51-Atty req auth fill exemot 15 - C S Corasn vacancy, of. - . Observers ' 10-24-49 40117, Nurses ' 5-8-51 48148 - Orientation Workshop-Req use P/W Roybal mo amend Ord 8910p to ^^ off 11-18-49-League '.-/omen Voters provide sal increases in- • Obsolete Titles 12/4/50 46070 Nurses-Praoticai 6-14-51 48795 Bur B&E req araend Salary Stand Receiving Hospital emp 10 . Ord by deleting titles no longer needed by budgetary cepartraents , Occupatio"n Tax 2/2/51 36086 Nurses-Vocational 6-11-51 48726 Calif Assoc Independent Schools Hlth Comsnrs req legal rep req adoptn adiiiend to LAMC re Sacramento support S B 1625 exemptn fr payment Lie Tax & - Occupational Tax 10-5-51 50359 Nurses Assn 3/2/51 ' 4'7195 City Clerk rec Ord re overpaymt Calif Stat-pet 3 sched sal incr , & refunds for all classes under 130 Pub Hlth Nursing Grouc Ocean P"ii Heights i/r7/51 ' 4'656'2 Nurses 3-31-5*2 ' 52705 Addtn-bet Centinela & Ocean View Calif State Nurses Assn sub Dec Lots 1-8 Safeway Stores pet vac 1950 Sdiedule of Employment rear Resubdlvsn - Stanclards .& 195?. re.sol sal .inc. Ocean Parkway 1-22-51 - 46274 ' Nurses 4-30-52 53143 Req auth condemnation prop for Hlth Dept & Rec Hosp-Mo amend 1 ne-rt street (also relocation So Sal Stand Ord increase salaries ^ .Calif- Edison D0Wj3r .lines). . .2 schedules . -Rovbal Dcean Strand Tr 8-4-52 5'l•^h5G' ' Nurse 5-13-52 53287 Lot 14 req for shoreline devel- Workmens Comp Dlvai - City Atty , Rpw rec purch extra hazard req delete pos -CAO "-, Dolicies ilursery School 6-13-49 78226 Ocean View 9-6-50 44803 Appeal zone Natl Blvd & Military Amusement Park in Venice-req 18 Ave conduct - Stewart-Cheatham- mo creait on business license Mark'nani - pian Case 2';00 Ocean './ater _ 5-7-51 43121 Nursing Group 7-24-52 . 54286 l-ltin-at. All City Empl Assn req adjust ! Veil que to ..niirif.v . . « —HsrhjT. .. ' Ocean Water 7-9-51 49116 I Oakland-City 12-5-49 40799 , Plan distill domestic use Spec mtg Dec 16-17 Air & •'.-tr Joseph W Calhoon Pollution Comt - Assembly Cal Legi ff-set 8-11-49 39097 ' Oakland 7-25-51 49377 Req araena aec 21.27 MC re State Dept Social Welfare mtg ^ enforceraent Business License & 7/31/51- -Approp -S75 exp Stantoi bsles. Tax .- Clerl? ' Office-City 5-30-51 47597 Obnoxious 8-9-49 39093 Adele Arbo sug amend Chtr electn Gases- Ho use white mice detect rules prov candidates show birth -Davenport certificates or naturali^.at.n oaoer Obnoxious " •II-20-4V "40531 Offices 7/5/50 43915 Pujnes- Margaret Ashby prot E J Davenport mo Bldg & Safety neighbor repairs car in yard & ' I rent re blda addl flonrs-CityKnll• fumes enter horae Office tquipment 4-18-50 42770 _ Obnoxious 4-26-51 47993 Req City donate used furniture- Sewage Odors- R Cosby prot vie , El Segundo Cal Soc 'Welfare Enilenticn ^ Offlce"'"Equip.nent 4-25-50 42653 Obno.xious 11-15-50 " ^45859 Repairman-Rec create position to- Fames- Fr PE Rvnr buses load ina: , service machines in City Depts- zone front 525 S Olive - Regent "•.'• Restaurant prot '' dbhoxio'^us ' 1-22-51 ' 45634 Tobacco & grease fumes- v/ Pegram, s-og Ord regulate'discharge of- Hayflower Hotel / Office Eqpt Revolving Fund ''^^o Oil Drill Dist Statement financial condition submitted by Purchasing Agent 20^^smmssn^mm4 to Jan 25 19'^5_^ Harborm Coms n 6-30-45 21609 I Oil Drill 'Dist 4-27-49 37597 6-30-46 25762 ' Standard Oil Co req area Nly k I 6-3U-49 39316 6-30-50 44715 Ki»lgHiil3 427.rPC ' 6-30-51 50047 ! Oil briiiing Dist 9-27-50 45153' 6-30-52 55111 ,, Rec est Nly side Rinaldi St & bot'u 6-30-53 60281 Bldes„Balboa Blvd-Plan Case 3316- rian C.omsn ... •- ,, « Oil Drilling 2/5/51 46313 | Dist-40 acre parcel SVly cor Office Expense 7-14-49 3S674 Stagg St & Brackenridge St-Plan tJaaaaiBBBferaail r-cover expense & . Corasn- .F estab - puroh tpol.s- .Mayor Oil Drilling 2"/27/51 47158 - 1 Office 7-18-50 ' ' 4414I dist-both sides Louise Ave Nly hours City Clerk-repeal subdiv i. Rinaldi St-Los Nietos Co req-Plan (c) of Sec 13.2 Ora 89,100 re ^ Comsn Plan Case 3487 . Saturcay AM Oil Drilling 3-24-50 42410 .'Office 10-2-52 55323 Req continue with gas motor hours -Re closing Civil beryifi instead electricity Dist 22-Miller Public Counter on bst mornitij Oil 'Drilling " 4/13/51' '"44052, Dlst-Atty pres Ord amend LAMC Office Machines 3-21-50 42293 estab bndries for slaughtering- r. Req tran $580 to Acct #5 - Rock & Gra.yel,districts & -.. Attv Oil Drilling 7-26-51 49399 • Office Machine ' 12''4/50 ' 46060 Dist- Los Nietos Co PC 3737 Mtnce Fund Bur Eng-Bd P Wks req estab both sides Balboa Blvd Nly ' Exp Acct be exerapt fr 1/12 Chtr ..,.St .. -.P1 =-. npr,...^ provsn- Mayor Oil Drilling 8-21-51 49795 Office Mach 2/26/51 47n7 • Estab Dist Chase St Tampa Ave & Repair Acct-Atty req exe:,.pt Exp ' Corbin Ave- PC 3755 chg zone ^S frora 1/12 Chtr provsns ' .. Riehfi_° Cn .. -Plan r.nm-^n ' Oil Drilling Dist 8-22-51 49809 , Office Price 2/7/51 46376 ' Estab 10 acre parcel SWly cor Stabilizatn-Davenport Resol So , Tampa Ave & Chatsworth St -^ Calif be treated as sep unit purp- .. P.C 3767 -.^ ., TPTpn.C.Ojnan .corod, var agencies Oil Drilling 10-4-51 50344 Office Price 10-16-5I 5O488 Dist - Sly term Pomelo Dr - Stabilization-Gel Allen prot 1 PC 3822 - Plan Comsn estab , bureaucracy & methods regulating ^ Oil drilling dist 4-21-52 53019 small businesses Nly Devenshire St & Vest ' )ffice space 8-31-50 4090C Reseda Blvd-Sunray Oil Co rea for Little Hoover Comsn-req in Holl.mpn Bid a Oil "'Drilling Dist 5-12-52 53261 Officers 7-18-49 ' 38731 Nly Rinaldi bet Louise & Zelzah- - Pet amend Sec 80.01 LAMC (Pol Aves-Standard Oil of Cal req chg^ Duties) re traf control-Pol Comsn, .estab-.PC 4097 . Officials 1-2-52 5l'410' Oil-Drilling 5-19-52 53372 Elected -All City Employees , Dist-66 acres Nly Rinaldi St on Assoc Resol Chtr araend increase Zelzah Ave ext-Standard Oil Co et -, Cclmen sal 1_ req estab - PC 4103 .rPlan Crvmai Of f'i'cia'l "Bond ' '4-21-49 " ' Oil Drilling' 7-21-52 54262 ; Sub for Ray Chese'oro City Atty' - Dist-Nly Rinaxdi & V/oodley Ave- by Fidelity & Deposit Co for Standard Oil Co of Calif req \ i'lo,000 - Controller estab- P.C 4l52. . -Plan .Comsn Official Bond 4-14-49 37463 6'il Tri lling" 7-23-52 54304 ' Sub for .Dan Hoye City Controller.' Dist- Lomita Blvd-Dodge Ave- by Fidelity & Denosit Co for 253rd St & Broadwell Ave-P C 4195 , ;;i0,000.. - C_H.. Lebcnv req. -Plan Comsn 'Official Notices 6-5-50 43517 Oil Drilling Dist 9-io-52 55295 City Clk req 515,000 approp Nly side Devonshire St V/ly 6-15-51 - City Clk req s?22,500 Reseda Blvd- PC 4284-Standard Oil • Co.of-Calif.xea^.^ -.-.^ Official Notices 12-28-51 51371 Oil Drilling 10-21-52 555k.3 Treas req approp *6ou - i-.iayor Dist- V/est LA -Amer Legion 24th Dist prot appl Universal Consol -. Oil Co PC 4310 . Official Notices 6-16-52 53693 Oil Drilling 11-10-52 55780 Publicatn in Chatsworth Review- ; Dist-Nly side Plummer St Ely De • City Clerk req auth City LA use , Soto Ave-PC 4362-Sunray ail Corp - reo . -Plan Comsn Oil " " 4-3-52" " 52788" Mo congrat Senators Knowland i oil Drill Dist 12-16-52 55314 I & Nixon for endeavors return 10 acre par Nly side Devonshire .tidelands to states -Davennort St Wly Zelzah-PC 4391-Sunray Oil • Oil Drilling 10-8-51 50371 Corp reo, .„-Plan..Comsn City-owned lands - Bonelli i , Oil Drill Dist 12-23-52 56420 Cattle Co offers City 25% \ Wly Reseda Blvd bet Devonshire interest proceeds & Lassen Sts-PC 4419-Sunray Oil Oil Drilling 9-3-52 54-939 Corp req estab . . .. -Elan Comsn Red amend KC re rain area & , o'il brill Dist 12-29-52 55428 royalty distributn- PC 4299 '"-^ Wly Figueroa St Sly "Q" St & ..—... — -Plan Comai Nly Pac Coast Hiway-PC 4390- J R '- Oil Drilling 11-13-52 55839 Neaves Jr req estab Permit Ely Berth 195-198 LA Harbor- Bd Referred Powers Ord 2472 grant Zephyr Oil Co •jll &• Gas 2-21-49 36686^i^ m Bd PA req $7000 approp to Acot i " On-The-Job 10-24-52 55594-'^^-^ Const Mtnce Bur - Hayor ^ , Training Program- Req araend MC provide for all City employees 1011 Pipeline 8-1-49 • 3SS9S , . . -CS Comsn, Req ord grant Richfield Oil easmti' 1 One-Man Cars 1-31-50 41525 Install across Arroyo Dump bet Avea^ Sub letter to PE RR re - Valida Davila ,011 Pipe Lines 1/19/51 ' "46619 of Refiners Marketing Co Ltd-Bd i One-Man Patrol Cars 8-11-49 39098 Harbor Comsnrs grant 10-yr permit \, Sug-and^consult auth on Pilloe use land as r/v for.- . Or.der 239I Adfilnistratlon- V W Bennet lOi'l Refineries 9/11/50 44901 ' Eugene Gaosaly protests sulphur •, 0"ne-Vfay Sign 8-36-50 44720 | fumes from - '^ , Reo emend LAMC-K31y roadway Santa Barbara Ave bet Victoria Ave & ! o'il "supply " /I0/27/5O 45611 Hilloreat Dr-Traffio Ccman Station LA Harbor-Order 2373 per 1-V,'ay Signs 4/11/51 47762 Union Oil Co use wharves & land Bd_ Traff Eng rec repeal Par B-G • to 6-30-70 by Bd Hur.b.or Comsnrs . ' LAMC install a centerline & remove Oil Well 1-20-49 "^6299 all 1-way signs on Sher.raEn Grove Av Resol Ord re-estab oper Chavez Open Book Account 3-3-50 37636 Ravine Rd Wly Figueroa St-E Deba'o Atty opinion re eliminate in relation to City license taxes Ion Wells 7-28-49 3SS73 • Reo amend LAI-IC re eliminate tBzarde Open House 12-29-49 41082 connected with operation- Fire Comsu Notice being held 1-3-50 Mayor's Office - Mayor ,011 Wells 7-28-49 38850 , Bd Fire Comsnrs reo amend LAMC Re• Dpen House 12/28/50 ' "46327 regulating drilling & mtnoe- Mayor's invitation on 1-2-51 I Oil 'V/ells' 10-24-51' 50615 Bd Fire Comsnrs req amend MC Open ""House 12-31-51 51392 increase bond -,•^3000 re -Miayor -< Mayor's invitatn 12-31-51 I-layor's Office Oiler 9-3-52 54938 Rec araend Sal Stand Ord Hyperion ' 'open House 12-29-52 56445 Plant elim class & add class Mayor's Office 12-31-52- Ext Plant Attendant . . invitatn -Mayor Old Age Pension . 2-15-49 36640 League Calif Cities req support •., Openings ' ' 4-ll-^49 47408 amend Social Security Act Resol Atty advise legis hold owners responsible - D Allen Old Men''s Home ' '6-2'7-49' 38402 . 2427 McClintock Ave-Kprean Church; Opening & 11-29-51 51056 lgg?Sit^giv°S"S^LS^?^-^*'°" "''^^^ "^ & Widening St'reets Fund - BPW rec re-estab Olympic " 12-23-51 51375 Industrial Area Bli^t-Coramun '<. Opera House 2-1-50 41602 Redevelopmnt Agcy LA annual rept Lafayette Pk-resol sub nlans to ' yr ending 6-30-51 .re . . Comt to be voted on Fall Eleet- Olympic Games 5-17-1^9 '^7888 .. J i^avennort Resol welcome Champlom Mrs Opera House 5-1-50 42973 Blankers Keen & husband- H Henry '' Opposes const Freeways - Fort Olympic Games '7-15-52 "5if092" Moore Memorial with tax oayers Athletes bread supplier -Mo Ccl ..moneyj-.Mr.s. S.Aldays recognize honor bestowed Helms , Oner Plans 3/15/51 47376 Bakeries . . -Harby LA CO & Cities Civil Def Plan Bd Olympic Games 6-15-52 54582 sub book prep 'oy LA CO Dis Relief - Resol Ccl commend Ed Sanders , i-.uth entitled - re Dis Relief "Operation Safety '^-27-49 "^8044 winning 1952 World Heavyv-zeight Month" - Resol declare June - Boxing Championship ^ -Hahn commend merchants "Check Your Olympic Games 8-19-52 . Car" camnalKn - L G "^p.vles . Hahn resol coraraend US Team mbrs t. ^ "Operation 7-7-52 5396O Paula Jean Myers 54715 Skywateh"- Calif State Office Juno Stover Irwin 54716 of Civil Defense sub official 547154'717 Air Force notice Pat McCormick 54718 Opinion-aavertising 6-9-50 40605 Sammy Lee 54719 Re aavertisin^ signs on 40119 Parry O'Brien 54720 parkinij .meters in City streets 54721 Opinion-A'dvertising 9-28-51 48017 54722 re approp public funds for Mai V/hitfield 54723 Bob McMillen 54724 Ployd~Slmmons "55725 Opinion-amuseinent 5-4-.© 36494 raachines in cocktail oars - .Arthur Barnard 54726 re legality - Atty 54727 Op i'n ion-Amusement 5-5-49 36494 Bowen Stassforth 54728 Machines-re legality in 54729 coektnll bfirn ; Olympics 10-1-52 55314 Opii-iion-assessraent 10-2-51 35323 ' 1952- Resol commend John i of prop under juris Housing t McCorraack for part - -Halm \ Authority

Onta"rio-"'clty' of " ll-20"-5'2 5'5'94i" Opinion-billooarus 7-9-51 42905 Resol req Bd of Supvsrs Sari | Re Ju P V/.S power issue Bernadino Co estab Air Pollutn perraits - jitty Cont Dist W end of Co Opinion-Bldgs . . h^:^'^ 37924/??y Opinion-Fire Bonds 11-28-49 39477.*; Re Council.Jurisdictio n over i^ Re validity of $1,500,000 Fire .i^|§l^ti^f8-?^^^Mlt;j|?3?,i939) Prot Facil Bonds 1947 - Atty Dplnion-building 2-1-51 ^^ 45195 I 3pinion-franchise'"7^2b^56^ 36505 | lines - Atty re publication , ; Re amend after being sold and ' notice of intention estab / awarded - Attorney Opinion-bldg permits 4-4-50 41447 ! O'ijinion-fr'anchi'se 3-7-50 ' 4'218'4'' Revocation of builcing permits ; or spur permit may contain clausi penainc zone change - wtty provide for liquidated damages Opinion-bond funds 8-17-51 49312 (AT&SF Ry) Atty Re use of se',';er bonds for . I Opinion-freeways 8-19-49' 38082 | ' Re liability for damage caused ' revolving fund for imps by excavation Cahuenga Freeway .vicinity..Barham Blv.d .. , Opinion-change ord'er "3-3-56 44076 ' I Opinion-Funds 7-19-51 49312 Validity $4985 from Mun Sewer i Const Fund favor Case Const Co N Mo use Bond money guarantee I, and narry Cast .^ contractors for sewer install -Debs Opinion 6-13-51 48762 l.lpinion-Games 7-27-49 29185 Atty re City Admin Officer & ^ I of Skill & Science - Atty B&E Mo Holland Opinion-CIO 4-5-50 , 24059 I Opinion-gross receipts 4669'7 I Re Controller make or pay re computation of license tax 1 checkoffs for United Public Vkrs-• Attorney «tIorney Opinion-Claim 10-11-49 39390 Re payment of claim not presentee j Opi'n'ion-Harriman Ave ^-22-49 24193 within 6raonths - James Loudon • bet Yoakum St & Cudahy St- 38541

Opinion-claim 5-23-51 46576 'Ith Center 2-16-49 35115 for back salary caused by ip funds for Hollywood "••"icalculation of anniversary Hlth Center uy motion or resol- ^ o employee . - . Atty Opinion-Power collect 5-5-49 37702 I Opinion-Hospitals '8-13-51 48123! from emp money paid for negllgen render emergency treatment with­ oper City vehicle out compensation Opinion-conditional 1-26-50 39473 I dpi'nio'n-Housing 7-15-52 54001 use of property foi- school ; re compliance with writ & claim purposes - Atty "^ for damages - Hsng Auth vs City Opinion-conditional 10-13-52 51395 use - re extend 130-day tirae I Opinion-housing 7-15-52 43481 limit for approval Re closing sts & alleys in San Pedro and v/est L A Housing Opinion-contract 9-30-52 45035 Projects Re termination with Ksng Auth- Oninion-houslng 7-21-52 50118 tax-deeded lands - Attorney "Annexation territory in proposed Dpihion-Convention 3-4-52 '53427 site for West LA Housing Project Approp J35O Natl Christian Opinion-housing 7-31-52 45035 Mi'sai.nnarv Convention Re conveyance tax-aeedea lands • to Hsng Auth as per contract Opinion-Co-op 9-20-51 44816 agrmt with LA Housing Authority; ,..o.f_3.--22-51 . . .. - . re-City obligation '^^ ' Opinion-housing 8-5-52 49390 Re tax-deeded lands & contract wit'n Aiithority Opinion-criveways 5-11-49 37630 Re const on residential lot to ; serve service station in ^ Opinion-Hyperion 2-1-52 50762 Inj.lewood_- ^tty _ . ._ ._ Re transfer of to Bur of Opinion-Bd of Educ 12-20-51 51014 Sanitation Re amend Sec 267 of Charter provide fill vacancies by electn "' )inion-Atty 3-24-49 33176 ! Re final tests of incinerator Opinion-Emergency 8-31-51 48123 Ave 21 & Lacy Street treatraent from hospitals v;ith- out co.rapensation 'x Op'ihroh^i'ncinerator l'-27-'5b 41273 Re use funas frora oonds-election, 'Opinion-employee 4-19-50 4039i 1947-for repairs to Lacey btreet suggestions - re cash prize Incinerator awards - Attorney '-"•" • '"-' •" "'"• '-^",20-51 '5OOO6 OfficeUX.LJ...^s^^..rApprop^ Ac- .- t- ' VB rlghtS .Opinion-employees 8-25-50 4I868 ' of City Ccl under Probationary period-absence or ' I lv/abs - discharge ^ Opinion-Jail 1-31-50 4064O Re City's legal right to ibpinion-evictions 1-30-51 46531 Re jurisGietion Council 1-30-51. "Citv Jail" - Atty aeclare moratorium '\ Opinion-License tax 10-27-4V 40160 Re valiaity Sec 21.30 - oail Opinion-fences 12-23-49 38138 "oona Qrokers a.nd agents - Atty Re enforcement of violations around abanaonec pits &c Opinion-Liquor tax 2-1-50 40695 I Re taxing use and consumption Opinion-Fertilizer 8-16-51' 48O52" Hyperion Sewage Plant - Contract of sale Opinion-L A River 5-3-49 36520 Re liability of City if child - drowned where no fence exists Opinion-metro sewer 1-31-52 5076Z'*!fc district-re create - Atty rept — -Jpinion-sales tax 7-26-50 40255 7997 to Govt Effcv Corat refund-claim of Robert L Vylie ^i M n ^ Opinion-newsDoys 12-13-49 35543 - Re legislation control sale , "Opinion-Sever Bond„4-'4-S.O'^ ' 357501 qf newspapers„on public streets •% Re use of Sewer Bona Fund 35424: (To Police & Fire Comt) ' for reyolving fund for ,. ,., suDQlvision Sewer connections-^tty ; Opinion-newspapers 2-24-49 "34289 Re payment of City license tax i I Opinion-Sewer imp 2-14-49 25138 I (Claim of Time Inc) ^ Atty "^ Gloria Ave-relnstltute proc for sewer^only,after prot agnst sewor I Opinion-Open Book 3-3-50 37636 ..ana .other., imps, in proc ee.dini< 5-A tty Acct-procedure necessary ; i Opinion-sex laws 3-22-50 40516 1 ! Re adequacy to cover prison to elLalnate in City license taxe£ psychiatric hospital care for I Opinion-ordinance 3-1-50 32484 sex offenders Time in which Council may pass , I Opinion-Attorney 10-14-49 39071 over Mayor veto (To City Clerk) \, I Re legal rights of City to order construction of sidewalks '"Oplraon-Pension 7-26-49 38511 " - Re filing of appl for pension ! O.Dinion-repeal" 11-28-49 35163 when applicants conduct is under I slaughter house district ord- .scrutiny - Atty il Opinion-Pension 5-19-52 53356 ' Opinion ' 5-5-52 " 50259 ! Fire & Pol Fund- Sub copy re cost actuarial evaluatn ^. Atty interpret phrases "Sole -Pension Dent . Pnrnoae" & "Purely for Private I Opinion-Police 3-14-50 40033 Profit" Cha'-re auth to discharge empl Opinion-solicitatn 8-6-52 52846 ' in Traffic Eng Bur of business from doorways of establishments Opinion-police 11-10-52 55606 Re compulsory statements of 1 Opinion-sound 10-9-50 41323; incomes & assets fro.ra employees vehicles - re grant & deny to Chf of Police permits to operate - Attorney Opinion-Private 2-20-52 51809 Property -re cub funds for Opinion-Special 10-13-49 36027 survey or v/ortc lalary Comt-Re power of Special Sal Comt eons ord fix salaries Opinion-pro & con 2-10-49 36592 Opinion-storm damage 1-24-52 51610 arguments on Charter amendments ,- re time limit for filing req-Atty>, Re public liability & use public ' Opinion-protests 3-10-49 31929 Opinion-street 2-27-50 19039 Re legality of withdrawal - '1 improvements-re auth modify work sewer improvement - Atty > proposed under Debt Limitation /ici Ibpinion-Pub hsng" 9-3-52 '" 54433 of, 1931 (To Lloya Aldrlch) . , ' Re validity of election to auth • Opinion-Subdivsn 3-9-51 k831k abandonment hsng program and \ Map Act - tine in which to issue "jonus pay InGeotedness approve tract raaps Opinion 3-7-52 5175^ Pub Utilities-Can City aeq by , Opinion-Subdivsns 7-31-52 ' 5'3875 ' issue of Revenue Bonds \ Ded of sts not part of subdivsn as cond approve subdivsn , "opinion-publication 2-l-5l" 45195 notice of intention estab Opinion-subdivisns 9-25-52 '54-921 building lines - Atty Re Council approval tract laap with deed restrictions Opinion-Business 4-25-49 3'7335 , practices-Ordinance regulate 'such ' OpinTon^s'ubpoenas 7-10-52 39066 as radio repair & television-Atty ^ Re power of Cel issue on Hsng Authority members Opinion-Rec Hosp 7-17-51 "912I re separate site from General Opinion-swim pools 3-17-49 37963 Health Center \- Re legality prop ord 38303 ' . require swimraine nools 33396 Opinion-renters' 3-5-51 ".46737 &c oe enclosed by fences or Re landlords aiscriminate walls - Attorney against tenants with children

' Opinion-retire 6-30-49 38511 I Opinion-tape 11-27-50 44209 ! Police OffOfficei r under scrutiny ; recordings-re legal character 01 Grand Jurv / in connection with rent decontr: (Opinion-tracks 3-29-50 41444 Opinion-Rewards 1-18-50- 406I3 J Re money reca in xleu of 33330 Payment frora Police Secret : removal tracKS - create funa Service Fund for such purpose - Atty Opinion - de River 3-8-49' 36315~ 'Dpinion-Tract Maps 8-9-51 48314 He Council auth investigate and discharge Dr de River-police time in which to approve - psychiatrist - Atty Subdivision Mao Act Opinion-Salary 2-16-49 34624* Opinion-traffic 9-21-49 38731 'ncreases autn by Council- , Regulation pedestrian & ffect upon auth of Police Dept " vehicular traffic - Attorney tp nire aual Police officers-Atty 'Opinion-Salary 9-12-50 44469 Opinion-Traffic 9-20-51 3885(193.' to Police Dept-re salary exempt ; I Safety Fund - use of for employee for period of suspension'" I Opinion'" 5-10-49 ' S'TSOI J Re transfer bet budget items in Dept of Public Works (to B&E) Opinion-Transit 3-3-49 31268/?*'-?; Oratorical Contest 2-1.6-50 4181]/?^ Plan in Hollywood Pkway-re App 4th Area Dept of Cal Amer legality $123,300 approp - Atty LegiQa use Ccl Chamber 3-10-50 1 Opinion-transit lines 5-12-50„„„„ Re acq by City of 33882 ^ prch'esti'a'" ' -' 4/2/5I ' 47612 Req approp $10,000 for 1951-52 transportation systems '\ season-Los Angeles Philharraonlc ' Jpinion-Treas" Deed'8-30-'51 " 47809 Ordinanc'es 1-31-50 41586 for Cert of Sale for St use prop: Mo Govt Eff Comt consider copies- -re City Liability available for distribute-E E Debs , Opinion-unclaimed 1-13-50 39822 ! Ord-Proce'dural ' 10/18/50 "45445 | property-re care restitution ; Bd P Vks rec adopt whereby acq sale or destruction by Police Dept, title & costs of r/w local proj tp be assessed - Mayor Opinion-uniforms 8-3-50 40817 He BPW requirement certain ! Ordinance 85,500 4-24-51 47936 emoloyees wear \ "To permit oonst of sewers- Motion Ccl give consid to amend .)pinion-use tax ' 1-20-50 22073 I Organization Charts 5-19-50 43310 - Re exemption in intrastate Req Library & Rec&Pks Depts furn commerce - to City Clerk - 2 conies bv 6-1-50 - Fin Comt Opinion-vacation 3-3-50 40703 Organized 1/19/51 46618 ' Re City ooligation vacate ] Reserve Corps use land as base Lenawee nve - ntty by US Army-Bd Harbor Comsnrs-Order- ' Opinion-Vacation 7-20-51 49319 ,.23.90 .erantne lO-yr permit, for -r Debs mo Atty give opinion re [Out-of-state 2/26/5I 47140 LA C of C rec amend MC re public streets or alleys .^ business lie tax on goods shippc- Opinion-vacations S-17-51 49319 of streets and alleys - I Outfall'No'rth "2-3-49 36478' payment demanded - Attorney -^ Bd p/W req $1500 approp for Interconnection with 4th & Opinion-vacation 8-22-51 ' 17978 . F.l,ower ..St..sewer,.-.Mayor..,,.. ^. , Re adoption ord 6 years after Overhead Electric 2-26-52 51753 , orainance intention -r, Transmission Lines- E M Egan et­ al sub prot re prop thru San Fernando Valley .Opinion-Vacation 6-19-52" 484SI Overiiead " " 2-28-52 52160 streets in Rancho San Pedro Ext 1 Transmissn Line Installatn-Resol Hsng Pro.iect Ccl be auth restrict W&P Dept Opinion-vacation 7^15-52 43431 power condennatn re -Davenport streets cc alleys in San Pearo & - 't iOverhead 6-23-52 '" 5'3802 '.Vest L A Housing projects J' transmission lines-L A C of C submit views re installation Opinion-Vehicle 1-31-52 51697 I" in San_Fernando Valley. identification permits-»Bank Amer . I Ove'rseas 7-5-51 49073 claim ,3110 V Delegation Moral Re-Armament Resol welcome & commend -Allen Opinion-vivisection 5-9-50 4OO43 .., Atty report on validity of , --* Overtime 2-28-49 ""36762' Dept of Public Works rept 1949-' Opinion-zoning 1-26-50 39478 Jan Re grant conaitional use permit inconsistent witn aiaapproval purcn of prop for school ^ite ' "Oonbrtunity Drive" '5-I9-49 '^7917 Overtime '2-4-49 "^6490* US Sav Bond Divan req exhibit Civil Service Comsn rept Jan ' - Covered 'Wagon May 19-lst St CH -Treas "'ept 1949 Optimists Clubs 11-7-49 40393 Overtime 2-8-49 2°'^§^ Resol congrat on I3 anniversary ' Police Civilian Personnel Rept - D Allen 1949 -Jan Options ' ' " "2-11-49""•3S614 Bd P/W req tran $1500 Sal Acct I Overtime 2-8-49 35R3T #2 to Exp 60 - Mayor Pub Util & Tran Bd rept Jan '49

Optorae'try College "12-1-49 ' 39503 OvertTie 2-10-49 ~ "^GF&F Req buy or lease prop vacated Receiving Hosp Rept Jan 1949 by Fire Engine House 15 Oral 2-23-52 52159 Overtime 2-14-4, „ exaiiis-Haiin mo Civil Service raake- Health Dept rept for 1949 - I recordings Jan - Orange County 6-27-51 48942 Overtime ^• 4th of July Parade- Invitation ; Req auth for overtirae ^prll 1, Huntington Beach & May 31 1949 transport el ection suonl .Bd..P/W.. "Chrarige'Slope" Sac'f^S^S^^S'O" 44'662' Overtime 4-11-49 . "^7^92 Sub agrmts Co puroh State'.s title Rec Bd Hlth Comsnrs pay 60 hr certain lands for off-at pkg for \ Genl Hospital-Sup Bd LA Co wk bal yr Pub Hlth Lab Teen - -Ma.yor.. _. —.r-..- Oratorical Contest 2-16-49 36632 Overtime Amer Legion req use Ccl Chambers' Mo Colmen furnished quarterly' 3-19-49 Fourth Area Finals overtime rept persons sch '^7 k above by Controller-K Hahn Overtirae 5-15-49 "^7874 Bd P/W req for Mech Helper bal yr Bur St Ltg - Meyor Overtime 5-19-49 , '^7913.2<*>o Overtime - 7/25/50 44216-300/ p Hlth Comsnrs req work 576 hrs T B Control Divsn - Mayor Bd p/w req auth for - at Hyperio Sat Sun & Holidays • - Mayor i Overtime ' 5-''l-'^? ' "^3052 N C Pyrne claims inefficiency !Overtime-Hyperion 7/27/50 44267 Mayor Office - Secretary pay Bd P/W req trans $11,000 & $4000 to Eng Fund re overtime aoct I Overtime " 6-10-49 " ' •^819'^ Req Include Eleo Tester (Code 'i • Overtime 3/3/50- 44411 7513) in 1949-50 budget-B&S Comsn ' BPW req overtime personnel in St Mtnce Bureau - Mayor Overtime 7IX4-49' 37913 11-27-50- BPW .req amend re Bd Hlth Comsn req ext auth to ' ' street cleaning & emergency trucks work Perponnel " Mayor for .nlgiit personnel Overtime' S-3-49 3S749 •time 8/10/50 44474 Bd P/W-var personnel-Const Mtnce ' Rec Hospital req advance duth Bur 7-14-15-1949-Venice Diet-M^yor '^ for var personnel Overtime ' ' 9-14-49 39593 Pol Comsn req bal fis yr for | Overtime 8/11/50 44483 Irene Meek-3r Clk Steno-Intelligen^ Dept Bldg & Safety req exemptn ''ect-'on - "ayor fr 1/12 Chtr. provns var personnels Overtime 9-16-49 39599 Assoc- - 4 Civ Eng Assts or Eng Overtime 8-18-50 44561 "ra'tsraen - "a--'or Req auth var personnel-9/18 to Dvertirae 12-1-49 40754 10/31/50- Bd Pub Util & Tran Req reasons for excess'B&S-CS- Controller-Hlth-PU&T-Pub .irks- Overtime 8-18-50 44562 '"urch AEt - Pers °; Fin Corats Bd PA' req overtime pera in Bur Overtime 12-1-49 40755 Acot yr end 6/SO^O-Mayor Mo req Atty opinion re money "exempt charter provisions Overtime " " "-' •"'8-36-56 44716'| , Req advance auth-all emp Exeo Overtime 2-8-50 41692 Dept- Mayor Dept Animal Reg req for Codes '310-11-15-17-19 Shelter Divsn- Overtime 8-30-50 44717 Req advance overtime all emp -Jvertime 3-21-50' 42330 mayor's office be peid in oashr -< Protest method of paymt Traf Engf Dept - Intnatl Brohood Elec Wrkrs Overtime 8-30-50 44718 Overtime 3-23-50 42423 Bd p/W req advance-pers Bur Sanit Mo Bd p/W rept on Lacy St Incin Mayor "" for Jan & Feb - E E Debs Overtime '* 8-31-50 44765 Overtime 6/27/50 43813 [ Mo Controller be auth v/ork yar Personnel & Finance Comts reo Atty personnel- S/T Davenport '' p--ep pe-"°onnel Ords ver r>epts Overtime ' " ' ' 9-l-50" "44775 Uo advance auth be granted BD P/V/ . 1 Overtime " 7/3/50 " 44008^ euro pers 9-4-50-City Hall & Lincoln-" Bd P/V/ req auth 16 hr all , employees-Hyperion - Mayor -< Heights Jail-EJ Davenport Overtirae 9-12-50 * 43824 Re administrative head 44033' • Overtime 7/6/50" '43921 prescj-ibe schedules of 44044 City Atty req advance auth 1 hours of cuty for employees4392l Dep City" Atty & trial attys -, not to exceed 40 hours per week Overtime 7/11/50 44033 Rec Hosp req exemptn to Ord i Overtime 9-15-50 44991 ' 96561 for regular employees -^ ; Purch Agt req for 1 Clk-1 Inter - Clk Typist-1 Sr Clk Typlst-1 Prin Overtime 7/12/50 44044 Clk Steno period_ena 10-31:50 Pub Defender req auth Dept Pub Overtim'e " ' " 9/l4'/50' '~44983 Defender & trial Depts Sunday ct > Rept on earned not compensated for oeriod 7/1-8/31/50-Bur B&E Overtime 7/12/50 44045 Overtime 9/19/50 450S7 Bd Pub Util & Trans req auth Earned-All repts fr Bureaus be overtime var pers during July '50^ sent direct to Personnel Comt 'Overtime 7/20/50 ^ 44174 • City Clk req $10,000 to Election Overtime 9-13-50 45009 Fund & $2,000 to City Clk Fund for' BPV req bal exempt frora 1/12 exemctn frora 1/12 Charter .nrnv nh.Brter nrnv for hnl.1.rinv.«i Overtime Acct 7/20/50 44173 9-20-50 - BPV req auth employ Bd P/VlkB req $200 in Acct be 'N pers for holidays bal year - Mayor .fgat^^ti.^i i^\ °^'^. p.^°!..^^ !/.*i^°' ' Overtime 9-21-50 44141 ' Overtime 7/19/50 44164 City Clerk Office for Saturday Bd P/VI req auth employ employes \ morning work Bur Stds at Hyperion & aoprop $700 Ov'ertime " 9/2"o/50 4503'7 Overtime 7/24/50 44210 ; Bd P Wks req auth for Oct-1950 • Bd Pol Comsnrs req auth adv for ^ 1 Inter Clk & var erao-Clty Hall 3 Stenos-July.Aug-Sept 1950 - Garage - Mayor .____. Mayor Ove'rtime 9-29-50 41485 , City Clerk req auth for recall ' OvertLme 7/24/50 44212, election work Bd P/W req auth emp R Clapsaddie^ Sat & Sun to 10/1/50 re-key locks' Overtime 10/3/50 45186 . in City Hall • Bd P Vks req adv auth for var pers Bur Inspection - Mayor Overtime ' 10/3/50 - 45221,^^,^: Overtime 12720/50;.-' 46262^<,<7j City Clerk req amend Pers Ord Bd B&S Teq auth pay $11.-37 for , • perrait Lic & Sales Tax Inspector, 12-17-50 Elev Inspector E.;V Tubbs , . work overtime Ibvertlme 10/3/50 45222 I Overtime " " 12/27/50 " •'44483 , Bd Hlth Comsnrs -req adv overtime L ' B&S Corasn req adv auth work 2 auth Acctng Divsn & estab Sal AcctN, Fire Alarm Operators when nee - .for nvertl.Tie 1 Accountant, SD.OO . ; Overtime 10/11/50 45348 lover'time 1/3/51 '" " 4"'637'4 Acct-Hyperion Plant-Bd P Vks req Dept B&S req auth pay emer - , 'oal in Acct be exemptd fr l/l2 12/31/50 & 1/1/51 amt of $37.30 , . Chtr .prpvsns .- Mayor, to J L Pearson Fire Alarm O.per 'Overtime 10/11/50 45345 I Overtime ' " 1/9/51 46474 ' • Traff Eng Corasnrs req auth work i Dept Bldg & Safety req auth var erap Sat-Sundays & Holidays as^- pay $229.55 emergency - .necessary ...... I Overtime • 10/16/50 45393 I Overtime 1/16/51 46546' Mayor sub copy letter fr Chief '' Bd P Vks req adv auth for 2 Alderson re araendments to Ord re ^ Elev Oper-League Calif Cities .flexibility of adi vnrk uoei. . , ..dinner at City Hall,. . . , . 'Overtime 10/19/50 45481 I Overtime 1/23/51 46650 I • Pub Util & Trans req auth for 1 Dept Bldg & Safety req adv auth 18 employees period of 11/1- \ for 2 Conduitman Code 3812 re - .12/12/31/so - advanced Overtirae IO/20/50' 45505 I Overtim.e 1/23/51 46658 ' Id P Vks req auth for 7 Elev Oper Dept Bldg & Safety sub emer & 8 Bldg Oper Eng-Bur Pub Bldgs- ' rept for Jan 20 & 21 1951 for - ' for Election Dav n /.zr/r^n . . Overtirae 10/20/50 45506 'Overtime 1/25/51 ' 46685 i P Vks req adv auth 2 Gar Att . Bd P Vks req adv auth 1-28-51 11/6/50 & 1 Gar Att-Supt & Mech '. pers Bur* St Mtnce resurface work -. Helper on 11/7/50-City Hall Garage 5th St & others downtown district Overtirae 10/25/50 44212 Bd Pub Wks req adv auth for erap : I Overtirae Acct 1/30/51 ,46772 1 certain classes of pos in Bur Pub-.,- City Ccl Fund-Pers & Fin Corats Bldgs. - . . . . Mayor rec req Mayor app trans $2 50 fr Furniture Acct to - ...... Overtime 10/24/50 45544 : Overtirae 2/6/51 46842 Bd P Wks req app emer 8 hrs on • Acct-City Clerk req trans funds 10-12-50-R A Kunz Const Inspector' fr Election Sal Acct $13,500 to , . in Bur of Inpnertinn City Clerk 'oudget acc.t o.f -. ""proTn 10/25/50 45565 Dvertime ' '2/8/51 46903 ?1 .y^^ ^^q a- auth ...... 18 10 20 1052 Overtime 9-19-51 50144 , Overtime' 1-21-52 ' 51580 BPW req var Bur Eng emp period • Sr Clk Steno Chf Invest Office- 21 wks sampling Hyperion sewage • Req advance Jan Feb Mar 1952 ' , . . , . -CAO, ' -Pol Corasn Overtime Shifts 9-20-51 50167 'Overtime 1-25-52 5I688 Animal Reg Dept - Thos Sullivan ' Rec grant BPW advance for emer,., claims back pay due for "•- repair sewers due storm damagei- • -Mavor, 'Overtime ' ' iO-"8-51 " '50363" Overtime 2-1-52 5I8OO ' Bd P V/ks req advance - 1 Sr Bldg Sr Tel Electrician R A Cai'ile Oper Eng in Bur Pub Bldgs 8 hrs - - 1-31-52 -Jupt of Bldg . . 9/30/51, I Overtime 10-10-51 50425 Overtime " " >'10-52 52306 V/ork - Pers Comt sub rept & Mo CAO be req pres recommendatns.^ cominends 10 City depts re elira re policy change -Cronk unnecessary ' Overtime 10-11-51 ,50435 Ov'eVtii^' 3-12-52 "52347 Bd P Wks req advance IO/I2/5I i Req auth pay to Prin Accountant Bur Pub Bldgs & Custodial Div A B Trudeau 3-8-52 -B&S Comsn & exempt ^125 fr Charter prvsns Overtime " " 3-12-52 52358 ,^ Bur Assessments May & June 1952 , Overtime 10-16-51 50486 BPW req auth work vars pers -CAO.^ Hlth Coinsn req approval overtime wniked Niir.«?ino- nivsn Overtime " 3-17-52 52430 , .T . . .1Q/.12"'& in/l.3/'-il ... BPW req auth emp var pers Bur Overtime 10-18-51 50539 St Mtnce for 5 days start 3-14 -. Req auth to move materials to .; reoair storm damage -Mayor Union Hdware Bldg for Store Div Overtime 3-18-52 52468 -Purch _Agent ' Var pers Bldg & Safety Dept Overtime ' ' l'o-'2-6'-'5l'" 50317 3-15-52 for Armistice Day-riur P Bldgs & Custodial Div-exempt <;125 - CAO Overtim'e' " 4/23/52 '53037 ^ Police Comsnrs pet auth 832 hrs Overtirae "'l0"-'30-5"'i 5'0B7l civilian emp pos of Hearing Police Comsnrs req auth var .Refi.orter_ ^_ ..__.. . CAO . pers Jan-Feb-March 1952 Overtime 4-29-52 53107 ' / Emer for 4-27-52 sub for Survey I o'ver tiiae ' "io-'30-'51 50685 Divsn-Bur of Eng -BPW Aavance Gity aepts xi-1-51 to i-31-52 o've'rtlme " "4-2-52 '"52760' ' . E.xtenaec 2-1 to 4-30-5.2 . . Mo City Eng be auth to apply to Overtime 11-19-51 50924 assmt prcdg projects -V/arburton Bd P Vfl Overtime - Statements of- •^ers & Fin Comts^rec grant var Bd P/Wks 7/5/50 ' 43912 r !ity depts period 7/ to 10/31/5; Bd P/Wks 7/6/50 43925 11-1-52 to 1-31-5.3 Bd P/V/ks - 7/7/50 43939 Bd P/Wks 7/10/50 43978 , Overtime ' ' 7-22-52 54289 7/11/50 Emei- nee repair bldgs damaged int Bd PAiks 43968 .7/12/50 44049 _ earthquake- Mo BPV/ be autn -Allen^ 7/13/50 It ms 7/14/50 44071 1 I Overtime 8-7-52 53851 7/17/50 44095 ', Bd P/V/ks 44110 Bd Police Comsn req ext auth i Bd P/Wka 7/18/50 Sept-Oct-Nov & Dec 1952 7/19/50 44135 Bd P/V/ks 44150 Bd P/V/ks Overtime " ' 8-11-52 " " 54585 /LA-im mm^ 44206 I Personnel Divsn BPW July-Aug- 7/24/50 Sept-Oct 1952 - Req auth emp -CAO"'- li im 7/25/50 44220 • Bd PA'ks 7/26/.50 44249 I Overtime ' ' 8-13-52 46763 Bd P/VIks 7/27/50 Pers Comt rec BPV/ pay 66i hrs i 44320 Chauffeur Milton Anderson worked ^ 7/28/50 it mt 44398 during Vets Foreign Wars Conventn i Bd P/V/ks 7/31/50 Overtime ' 8-26-52 ' 53627 44408"' Bd P/V/k's 8/4/feo 44447 ! BR-/ req auth for Milton H , Bd P/Y/ks 8/7/50 Anderson 8/24 to 8/27/52 re 44487 Amer P V/ks Assoc Congress -CAO % vm 8/9/50 Overtime 10-3-52"' 55346 3d p/vks 8'-2l'3 44637 Electn Divsn thru Oct 31 1952- ,, Bd P/Vks 8-23-50 j./.knc^. Mo City Clk be auth emp Bd P/Vks 8-30-50 44736 -V/arburton Bd P/Wks 8-31-50 44768' ,Overtime 10-9-52 55433 Bd P/vks 9- 1-50 44774 Advance - BPW req for Pub Bldgs i id P/®E2 9- 5-50 44790 Bur Armistice Day Prograra 1st St - Steps City Hall 11/11/52 -CAO Bd P/Wks 9-12-50 44926 lOvertimo 10-16-52 55510 BPVi req auth emp 1 Chauffeur in . Bd P/VJks 9-13-50 4496E; City Hall Garage -Mayor -•

'Overtime' 11-5-52 55708" Bd P/Wks BPW req auth emp 1 Guard i Bd P/Vks Custodial Divsn Election work ^ Bd P/Vks r..lty Hril..l 11-)L-'2 . . . -CAO Bd 'p/V/ks 9-27-50 45135 Overtime 10-28-52 5o534 Bd p/V/ks 9-28-50 45165 40 hrs Thelma Swanson, Hrg Bd P/Wks 9-29-50 45177 Reporter-Auth prep transcript hrg Bd P/Wks 10-2-50 45132 Eagle Rock lot burning fire claims' Bd P/Wks 10-3-50 45199 • Overtime 11-25-52 56028 Bd P/Wks 10-4-50 45244 BR-/ req auth Sewer Mtnce emp 1 , Bd P/Wks 10-5-50 4.5258 Sr Elec Pump Plant Oper 1 Sr Mech ^ Bd P/Vks 10-6-50 45271 Repairmn & 2 L'ech Helpers -CAO Bd P/Wks 10-9-50 45309 Overtime 12-2-52 Rrl p/UVo in--in_«r\ BPW req auth emp 3 Bldg Oper ' Bd P/Vks Bd P/Wks Eng & other pers B\ir P Bldgs Bd P/Wks 10-16-50 45394 . 12-24-'^2 . . . - .CAO Bd P/Vks 10-17-50 45411 Overtime 12-22-52 56391 Bd P/Vks 10-18-50 45441 Custodial Divsn 12/24/52- BR-/ ; Bd P/Vks 10-19-50 45478 • req auth erap var pers -CAO in-on- Bd P/Vks . 12-29-50 ur-ii »9 Bd P/Vks 1- 2-51 4635^^W4 i^m^t Bd P/Wks 1- 5-51 4>M^p ' Bd P/Wks 7-20-51 49320 Bd P/Vks 1- 8-.5I ?6'453 Bd P/V/Ks 7-23-51 49352 'Ud P/Wks i- 9-51 46465 Bd P/VVks 7-24-51 'rid P/Vks 1-10-51 46484 ^ Bd V/VlkB 7-25-51 tim' Bd P/Wk.,BS«vf;«c^^ 8-10-51 49598 - 8-13-51 49621- Bd P/Vks 1-25-51 46712 Bd P/V/ks Bd P/Vks 1-26-51 46722 Bd P/V/ks 8-17-51 49754 1 Bd PA'ks 1-29-51 46739 Bd PAICS 8-20-51 49771 ' Bd P/Vks 1-30-51 46773 ; Bd P/lVks 8-22-51 49810 • Bd P/Vk.,<; 1-31-51 A6795 Bd P/Wks 8-27-51 49874 Bd P/Vks 2- 1-51 46301 Bd P/Wks 8-28-51 49904 Bd P/Vks 2- 6-51 46854 Bd P/Wks 2-13-51 46928 Bd P/Wks 8-29-51 49919 Bd P/Wks 2-16-51 .46992 Bd P/Wks 8-31-51 49950 1 Bd P/Vks 2-19-51 47005 Bd P/V/ks 9-4-51 49963 1 Bd P/V/ks 2-20-51 47059 i Bd P/Wks 9-5-51 49936 • Rd P/Vk.=; P-P^-"?! 1.71 M. Bd P/Wks 9-6-'51 •innn/. - Bd P/Vks 2-27-51 47157 Bd P/Wks 9-1.1-51 50031 Bd P/Vks 3- 5-51 47221 Bd P/Wks 9-13-51 50068 gt ?f il^i §--ii:e} ^^^ Bd P/Wks 9-17-51 50106 1 Bd p/,/ks 3-13-51 47346 Bd P/Wks 9-18-51' 50131 1 Bd P/Wks 3-19-51 47418 ' ; Bd P/Wks 9-20-51 50153 ' Bd P/V/ks 3-20-51 1.71,1,0 ^ Bd P/Wks 9-21-51 50179 Bd P/Vlcs 3-21-51 4746^ Bd P/Wks 9-25-51 50200 Bd P/Vks 3-22-51 47500 Bd P/Wks 10-1-51 50268 3-23-51 47509 Bd P/Wks 10-2-51 50306 ^a^I?AW 3-26-51 i752S . 1 Bd P/Vks 3-28-51 47572 " 11 Ws 10-3-51 '50319 Bd P/V/ks 3-29-51 47531 ^ Bd P/..'ks iW--^ -0.3 ri /i.n.r. h'm • ' _'^_^1 "^^16 Bd P/vVks 10-9-51 50390 47690 Be P/Vks 4-5-51 Bd P/Wks 10-10-51 504I8 Bd P/Vks 4-6-51 47700 Bd P/Wks 10-11-51 50437 Bd P/V'/ks 4-9-51 47714 ( Bd P/Wks 4-11-51 47768] Bd P/Wks 10-16-51 "" 50487 1 Bd P/Wks 4-13-51 47808 " Bd P/Wks 10-17-51 50506 • Brt P/UVc i.-\f.-^l i.n^oa Bd P/Wks 10-18-51 50546 Bd P/Vks 4-18-51 47883 li ?//,^s 10-19-51 50560 Bd P/Vks 4-25-51 47975 ^B^d f//;i^i 50575 Bd P/Vks 4-23-51 47917 \Uf-^ 50653 " Bd P/vTks" 4-30-51 ""48019' " Bd -P/V/ks " To-29-"5f' 50666 ' . Bd P/V.ks 5-2-51 48048 ,^ Bd P/Wks 10-30-51 50683 ' 5-3-51 48069 ^ Sd ?/A''i^s °d P/''.1v-S 50701 Jd i/.'(ks 5-7-51 48I25 l'--31-51 •nwaag^H 5-9-51 48177 Bd P/Wks 11-1-51 Bd P/,'/ks 5-14-51 48221 Bd P/'./ks 11-2-51 Bd P/V,'ks 5-16-51 43259 Bd P/Vincs 11-5-51 50758 Bd P/l/k's 5-18-51 4'3293 Bd P/Wks 11-13-51 ' 50l50 1 • Bd P/./ks 48320 '.. Bd P/Wks 11-15-51 50897 Bd P'A'.'ks 5-22-5t-^-i\1 i.O.%i.^ Bd P/'.'Vks 11-16-51 50912 Bd P/V/ks 5-2/^-51 48400 Bd P/Wks 11-19-51 50934 Bd P/Vks 5-23-51 48440 Bd P/Wks 11-20-51 50947 Bd P/Wks 5-29-51 48475 Bd P/./ks 11-23-51 50992 1 3d P/Wks 5-31-51 48484 " Bd P/Wks 11-25-51 "51009 ~ 6-4-51 48576- •^V/^1^ 6-6-51 48616 Bd P/'rfks 11-27-51 51027 Bd P/V.'ks 6-8-51 48644 Bd PATCS Bd PAVks 6-11-51 48721 Bd P/Wks m--ii mm{^ M Piwks 6-12-51 ^^EisratK^ Bd P/Wks 12-5-51 51105 Bd T/ma 6-\4-^ 48785 1 Bd P/Wks ." 6-15-51 48809 • Bd P/.'/ks 12-6-51 ' " 51135 ~! • Bd PA'ks 6-18-51 48852 - Bd P/Wks 12-7-51 51161 ' Bd P/Wks 6-26-51 48931 •> Bd P/Wks 12-13-51 51227 Bd P/Wks 48940 Bd P/Wks ' i'--'.m 49033 12-17-51 51265 ^ESM^ua^ Bd P/Wks 12-24-51 51338 Bd P/V/ks 7-6-51 4goq-! Bd P/i/ks 12-25-51 51343_ Bd PA/ks 12-27-51 Bd Pub Works Bd P/Wks 12-28-51 Bd Pub Works Bd P/Wks 1-2-52 51406 Bd Pub Works Bd P/Wks 1-3-52 51421 Bd Pub Works Bd Pub Works 5d Pub Works 8-8-52 Bd Pub Works 8-11-52 Bd P/Wks 1-161-16-5- 2 51551 Bd Pub Works Bd P/wks 1-18- "a-iz >11 1-18-52 51575 Bd Pub Works '8-13-52 54628 Wd P/Wks 1-221-22-5- 2 5I626 Bd Pub Works 8-14-52 54659 Bd P/Wks 1-231-23-5- 2 51650 Bd Pub Works 8-15-52 54686 Bd P/Vlks 1-251-25-5- 2 51689 Bd Pub Works Bd P/Wks 1-2S1-23-5. 2 51726 ^i %H>1ffis 1-29-52 51742 im I Bd P/Wks 1-29- TBd Pub Works 54818 1-30-52 ' 8-25-52 • Bd P/'v/ks 1-30- 51754 : Bd Pub V/orks 8-27-52 54852 1-31-52 Bd Pub Works "-^ PA'ks 1-31- 31776 2-4-52 51804 Bd. Pub Wor CS Bd P/Wks 2-4-5 Rd, Pub Works 2-8-52 w Pub Works Bd P/Wks 2-11-52-8-5 2 518'., Bd PA^'ks 2-13-52-11- 2 51923 I Bd P/v/ks 2-13- Bd Pub Works 9-10-52 55013 2-14-52 55026 Bd P/Vlks 2-15-52-14- 2 ' Bd Pub Vi/orks 9-11-52 Bd P/Wks 2-15-; Bd Pub Works 9-15-52 ~4 PAlflcs Bd Pub Works 9-15-52 Bd P/V/lcs 2-21-5 Bd Pub Works 9-17-52 (Bd P Works 2-25-5; Bd Pub Works 9-19-52 55142 52093 Bd Pub Works 9-22-52 'Bd P Works 2-26-5: 52134 55155^ Bd P Works 2-27-5; rid Pub Works 9-23-52 55174• 52151 Bd Pub Vll orks 9-25-52 Bd P Works 2-28-5; 52158 55223 Bd P Works 2-29-5: Bd Pub Works 9-26-52 55246 52180 9-30-52 Bd P Works 3-3-52 52204 Bd Pub V/orks 55290 Bd Pub Works 10-3-52 55344 X ' Bd P 'Works 3-4-52 52222 - Bd P Works 3-5-52 52259 i~Bd' Pub Works " 10-6-52 Bd P Works 3-6-52 52280 ' Bd Pub V-/orks 10-7-52 Bd P Works 3-7-52 52295 Bd Pub Works 10-8-52 ^5,39,1 Bd P Works 3-10-f 52304 Bd Pub V/orks 1^10% 1 Bd P Works 3-11-5 52333 Bd Pub Works fo^^ •55505 ' Bd P Works 3-12-: • Bd P Works 3-13-' ~?d Pub Works 10-21-52 55557" Bd P V/orks 3-U-^ ,3d Pub Works 10-22-52 55561 Bd P Works 3-17-5 Bd Pub Works 10-27-52 55622 Bd P Works i-ia r Bd P './orks /• ^ ^ vl°fM Bd Pub Works "Bd P Works 3-20-53-20-522 52499 V •Bd P Works 3-21-53-21-522 52522 ~3d"Pub Viorks 11-7-52^ BH P \llpr~lr.p •> 01 rp Bd Pub Works 11-10-52 Bd P ^iiorkl 3-2f:^3-7h-l'&2 Bd Pub Works. 11-12-52 Bd P Works 3-26-53-26-522 Bd Pub V/orks 3-31-52 ' 3d Pub Works'Works'""" '4-7-52 52824 Bd Pub V/orks Il-l8-i2_ 55.911 . • Bd PuPub WorkWorks 4-14-54-14-52 52935 [""Btl'Pub'Works 11-19-52 55930 Bd Pub Works 4-21-54-21-5,2 53001 I Bd Pub Works 11-24-52 55980 Bd Pub Works 4-25-54-25-5 2 53077 Bd Pub Works 11-25-52 56021 Bd Pub Works 5-2-52 53I64 Bd Pub Works 11-28-52 55062 Bd Pub Works 5-12-55-12-5;2 53253 Bd Pub Works 12-2-52 56109 Bd Pub Works 12-3-52 56140 Bd Pub Works 5-13-52 "73286 Bd^'Pub Works" "" i2*-4-52 "56166 Bd Pub i'/orks 5-14-52 53309 Bd Pub Works 5-20-52 ' Bd Pub Works 12-5-52 56181 Bd Pub Works 12-8-52 56193 Bd Pub ',>/orks 5-29-52 Bd Pub Works 1" " •^'' Bd Pub Works 6-3-52 53518 3d Pub Works ic 53541 Bd Pub Works 12-11-5 Bd Pub Works 6-4-52 Bd Pub V/orks Bd Pub Works 6-5-52 Bd Pub Works , 3d Pub Works 12-15-52 Fk->ni Bd Pub Works •Bd Pub Works 12.16-52 5 Bd Pub Works Bd Pub Works 12-17-52 5 Bd Pub Works 12-18-52 56352 rid PUD VorKs 4-18-5? Bd Pub Works nri Pi.l-. I.:r.r.\r.. b-.clj-o2 Bd Pub Works \ Bd Pub Works 6-23-52 Bd Pub Works 12-22-1 Bd Pub 'Works 6-^26-52 53861 I Bd Pub V/orks 12-23-52 55417' Bd Pub Works 6-30-52 53898 I •iionk •Bd Pub Works 12-29-52 55446' 3d Pub Works "^-..7-5? Bd Pub V/orks 12-24-52 55424 Bd Pub Works 7-8-52 54000 7-14-52 54081 Bd Pub Works 12-30-52 56459 Bd Pub V/orks Bd Pub Works 12-31-52 Bd Pub Works Mm Bd Pub Works Bd Pub Works Bd Pub.Works.. 54258 ' I Ulceus River "4/12/51' Bd Pub Works 7-22-52 54287 Bd Pub Works -••nst Fund- 7-24-52 54316 Is Povier 1 Bd Pub Works 7-25-52 54358 Bd Pub Works 7-26-52 Ed Pub Works Owens River Gorge 5-31-49 "^8057 7-30-52 Transmission Line - Resol 939 auth condemn orcdgs r/w to . Rec Station "E^-V/ur & Pwr Comsn Owens River Gorge 9-22-49 39&93 , , Resol 165 araend Resol 939 auth condemn prcdgs Transmission Line r/w - '.-.'tr k Pwr Sent