Loving God,

In baptism You called us by name, making us members of Your people, the Church.

We praise You for Your goodness. We thank You for the gift of our parish and the wonderful ministries we have to build Your Church.

You have called us, not to set us apart, but to bring us together with others who need our love. May we bring comfort to those who call You, healing to those who need You and openness to all who seek You.

Send Your spirit upon us to open our hearts to serve You in our vocations as priests, brothers, sisters, deacons, and married and single members of our Church. May our vocations be a reflection of Your light and Your love.

We pray that You watch over us, and bless the people of St. Alphonsus Liguori Parish as we continue to build Your kingdom here on Earth.



ENTRANCE HYMN The Summons #790 vs. 1 and 2 Text: John L. Bell, b. 1949, © 1987, Community, GIA Publications, Inc., agent.

Verse 1 Verse 2 Will you come and follow me Will you leave yourself behind If I but call your name? If I but call your name? Will you go where you don’t know Will you care for cruel and kind And never be the same? And never be the same? Will you let my love be shown, Will you risk the hostile stare Will you let my name be known, Should your life attract or scare? Will you let my life be grown Will you let me answer prayer In you and you in me? In you and you in me?

GLORIA (sung)

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to people of good will. We praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you, we give you thanks for your great glory, Lord God, heavenly King, O God, almighty Father. Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us; you take away the sins of the world, receive our prayer; you are seated at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us. For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father. Amen.


Amaziah, priest of Bethel, said to Amos, “Off with you, visionary, flee to the land of Judah! There earn your bread by prophesying, but never again prophesy in Bethel; for it is the king’s sanctuary and a royal temple.” Amos answered Amaziah, “I was no prophet, nor have I belonged to a company of prophets; I was a shepherd and a dresser of sycamores. The LORD took me from following the flock, and said to me, Go, prophesy to my people Israel.”

RESPONSORIAL PSALM Ps 123:1-2, 2, 3-4

R. Lord, let us see your kindness, and grant us your salvation.

READING II Ephesians 1:3-10

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavens, as he chose us in him, before the foundation of the world, to be holy and without blemish before him. In love he destined us for adoption to himself through Jesus Christ, in accord with the favor of his will, for the praise of the glory of God’s grace that he granted us in the beloved. In him we have redemption by his blood, the forgiveness of transgressions, in accord with the riches of his grace that he lavished upon us. In all wisdom and insight, he has made known to us the mystery of his will in accord with his favor that he set forth in him as a plan for the fullness of times, to sum up all things in Christ, in heaven and on earth.


R. Alleluia, alleluia. May the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ enlighten the eyes of our hearts, that we may know what is the hope that belongs to our call. R. Alleluia, alleluia.

GOSPEL Mark 6:7-13

Jesus summoned the Twelve and began to send them out two by two and gave them authority over unclean spirits. He instructed them to take nothing for the journey but a walking stick— no food, no sack, no money in their belts. They were, however, to wear sandals but not a second tunic. He said to them, “Wherever you enter a house, stay there until you leave. Whatever place does not welcome you or listen to you, leave there and shake the dust off your feet in testimony against them.” So they went off and preached repentance. The Twelve drove out many demons, and they anointed with oil many who were sick and cured them.


I believe in one God, the Father almighty, and the Son, who with the Father and the maker of heaven and earth, of all things Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken visible and invisible. through the prophets. I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Begotten Son of God, born of the Father Church. before all ages. God from God, Light from I confess one baptism for the forgiveness of Light, true God from true God, begotten, not sins and I look forward to the resurrection of made, consubstantial with the Father; the dead and the life of the world to come. through him all things were made. Amen. For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven, and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father PRAYERS OF THE FAITHFUL

Celebrant: My brothers and sisters, let us earnestly pray to God, who freely bestows the riches of grace on all in Christ.

For the Church, sent by God for the healing of the nations, may we proclaim Christ with courage and conviction, we pray to the Lord…

For the welfare of our country and peace in the world, may we always be a beacon of hope to those who search for justice and prosperity, we pray to the Lord…

For all who are ill and for those suffering with COVID, as well as protection of caregivers and frontline staff, may God encourage and restore them, we pray to the Lord…

For the Lord Jesus to be the stronghold of all who serve as first responders and all who are currently serving our country in the armed forces, we pray to the Lord...

For protection from storms during the ravages of this hurricane season, we pray to the Lord...

For Fr. Mike, that he will have a safe and relaxing time in Ireland and that all visiting priests will enjoy the wonderful hospitality of the St. Alphonsus community, we pray to the Lord...

For those who have died, especially Doris Bennett, Bill Gremillion, and those for whom this Mass is offered:

4:00 - CR Wofford, Betty Thibodeaux, Bruce Melancon, RB Maranto, Stacey Silvio, Sonny Garrene, Leo & Sally Nijoka, Lori Boiteaux, Maurice Herpin, Elmer Laird

8:00 - The Landry Family

10:00 - Parishioners of St. Alphonsus, both living and deceased

12:00 - Ryan Lockhart, Marcus Smith

That they will know the Lord’s salvation in fullness of joy, we pray to the Lord...

In silence, we pray for our own needs and for the needs of others......

PRIEST: Loving God, you send us out armed with your authority to do good in our world: hear these, our prayers, that we might be strengthened for the task at hand. We ask this through Christ our Lord. AMEN.

OFFERTORY Only This I Want #782 Text based on Philippians 3:7–16; 2:15, 18. Text and music © 1981, OCP. All rights reserved.

Refrain Verse 2 Only this I want: I will run the race; but to know the Lord, I will fight the good fight, and to bear his cross, so to win the prize so to wear the crown he wore. of the kingdom of my Lord.

Verse 1 Verse 3 All but this is loss, Let your heart be glad, worthless refuse to me, always glad in the Lord, for to gain the Lord so to shine like stars is to gain all I need. in the darkness of the night.

COMMUNION HYMN Taste and See #930 vs. 1-3 Text: Psalm 34; James E. Moore, Jr., b.1951, © 1983, GIA Publications, Inc.

Refrain Verse 2 Taste and see, taste and see the goodness of Glorify the Lord with me. Together let us all the Lord. praise God's name. O taste and see, taste and see the goodness of I called the Lord who answered me; from all my the Lord, of the Lord. troubles I was set free.

Verse 1 Verse 3 I will bless the Lord at all times. Praise shall Worship the Lord, all you people. You'll want always be on my lips; for nothing if you ask. my soul shall glory in the Lord for God has Taste and see that the Lord is good; in God we been so good to me. need put all our trust.

REPRINTED WITH PERMISSION UNDER ONE LICENSE, LICENSE # 737324-A. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED RECESSIONAL Holy God, We Praise Thy Name #615 Text: Grosser Gott, wir loben dich; ascr. to Ignaz Franz, 1719-1790; tr. by Clarence Walworth, 1820-1900

Verse 1 Holy God, we praise thy name; Lord of all, we bow before thee! All on earth thy scepter claim, All in heav'n above adore thee; Infinite thy vast domain, Everlasting is thy reign. Infinite thy vast domain, Everlasting is thy reign.

Verse 2 Hark! the loud celestial hymn Angel choirs above are raising; Cherubim and Seraphim, In unceasing chorus praising, Fill the heav'ns with sweet accord: “Holy, holy, holy Lord!” Fill the heav'ns with sweet accord: “Holy, holy, holy Lord!”


Gathering ~ Blessed Be Your Name Offertory ~ 10,000 Reasons Words and Music by Matt Redman and Beth Redman Words and Music by Charlie Hall © 2002 Thankyou Music ©2000 sixsteps music/ songs Words and Music by Jonas Myrin and Matt Redman Verse 1 © 2011 Atlas Mountain Songs/Sixsteps Music/ThankYou Music/ songs Blessed be Your name In the land that is plentiful Chorus Where Your streams of abundance flow Bless the Lord O my soul Blessed be Your name O my soul Worship His holy name Verse 2 Sing like never before Blessed be Your name O my soul When I'm found in the desert place I'll worship Your holy name Though I walk through the wilderness Blessed be Your name Verse 1 The sun comes up it's a new day dawning Pre-Chorus It's time to sing Your song again Ev’ry blessing You pour out I’ll Whatever may pass and whatever lies before Turn back to praise me When the darkness closes in Lord Let me be singing when the evening comes Still I will say Verse 2 Chorus You're rich in love and You're slow to anger Blessed be the name of the Lord Your name is great and Your heart is kind Blessed be Your name For all Your goodness I will keep on singing Blessed be the name of the Lord Ten thousand reasons for my heart to find Blessed be Your glorious name Verse 3 And on that day when my strength is failing The end draws near and my time has come Still my soul will sing Your praise unending Responsorial Psalm Ten thousand years and then forevermore

Lord, let us see your kindness, and grant us your salvation


Communion ~ Lord, I Need You Recessional~ Everlasting God Words and Music by Jesse Reeves, Kristian Stanfill, Words and Music by Brenton Brown and Ken Riley Matt Maher, Christy Nockels, and Daniel Carson © 2005 Thankyou Music ©2011 sixstepsmusic Verse Verse 1 Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord Lord I come I confess We will wait upon the Lord Bowing here I find my rest We will wait upon the Lord And without You I fall apart Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord You're the one that guides my heart We will wait upon the Lord We will wait upon the Lord Chorus Lord I need You oh I need You Pre-Chorus Ev'ry hour I need You Our God You reign forever My one defense my righteousness Our Hope our strong Deliv'rer Oh God how I need You Chorus Verse 2 You are the everlasting God Where sin runs deep Your grace is more The everlasting God Where grace is found is where You are You do not faint And where You are Lord I am free You won't grow weary Holiness is Christ in me You're the defender of the weak Where You are Lord I am free You comfort those in need Holiness is Christ in me You lift us up on wings like eagles

Bridge So teach my song to rise to You When temptation comes my way And when I cannot stand I'll fall on You Jesus You're my hope and stay And when I cannot stand I'll fall on You Jesus You're my hope and stay