THIEME e72 Letter

a marked increase in the level of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) production [13]. It is still not known whether Vacuole Disruption as the Primary polygodial-induced lethality is dependent on plasma membrane Fungicidal Mechanism of Action of damage and ROS production. In this study, we examined the fungicidal activity of polygodial Polygodial, a Dialde- under conditions in which cells were protected from oxidative hyde stress and plasma membrane damage. Vacuole disruption was identified as the most likely mechanism by which polygodial ex- Takuya Kondo1, Yusuke Takaochi 1, Yoshihiro Yamaguchi1,2, erts lethal effects against Saccharomyces cerevisiae and other Akira Ogita 1,3, Ken-ichi Fujita1, Toshio Tanaka1 pathogenic fungal strains. 1 Graduate School of Science, Osaka City University, Osaka, Japan We first examined the relationship between lethality and ROS 2 OCU Advanced Research Institute for Natural Science and Technol- production by polygodial treatment of S. cerevisiae cells in 2.5% ogy, Osaka City University, Osaka, Japan malt extract medium. As shown in l" Fig. 2A, polygodial was not 3 Research Center for Urban Health and Sports, Osaka City University, lethal to S. cerevisiae cells at a concentration of 2 µM; however, as Osaka, Japan is the case with AmB, this sesquiterpene dialdehyde was found to markedly reduce the viable cell number to around 0.1% of the Abstract original level at 10 µM over the course of a 2-h incubation. The ! lethality of polygodial was far lower in nutrient-rich medium The fungicidal mechanism of action of polygodial was examined consisting of 2.0% (w/v) , 2.0% (w/v) peptone, and 1.0% in malt extract medium in which lethality against Saccharomyces (w/v) yeast extract (YPD); in the latter, the viable cell number cerevisiae was achieved at a much lower dose than in glucose- was reduced to 15% of the original level, even at a polygodial con- containing nutrient medium. Vacuolar membrane disruption, centration of 100 µM, during 2 h of incubation [13]. rather than cellular oxidative stress induction and damage to In YPD medium, polygodial, at a concentration of 100 µM, re- the plasma membrane, was considered the most likely lethal duced the viable cell number via an increase in mitochondrial event underlying these observations. Vacuolar membrane dis- ROS production in cells of the parent strain, but not in the respi- ruption and polygodial-mediated lethality were similarly ob- ration-deficient mutant with polygodial-resistant phenotype served against the pathogenic fungi Candida albicans and Asper- [13]. We therefore examined the level of ROS production in gillus niger. polygodial-treated cells in malt extract medium. In agreement with a previous finding, polygodial, at a concentration of Key words 100 µM, was found to markedly increase the level of ROS pro- polygodial · fungicidal activity · vacuole · Saccharomyces cere- duction in the medium. The observed increase was comparable visiae to that induced by an isoprenoid farnesol due to hyperpolariza- tion of the mitochondrial transmembrane potential [14], as shown in l" Fig. 2B. At a concentration of 10 µM, polygodial did The fungicidal activity of amphotericin B (AmB; l" Fig. 1A), a not elicit an elevation in cellular ROS production levels; however, polyene macrolide, is attributed mainly to its ability to form a lethal effects were observed at this concentration, suggesting molecular complex with plasma membrane-embedded ergoster- that polygodial exhibits lethal activity against fungal cells via ol [1]. This complex functions as an ion channel, enhancing the modes of action other than the induction of oxidative stress. leakage of intracellular K+ and other ionic substances. AmB- We therefore examined the possibility that polygodial damages mediated lethality is alternatively attributed to the induction of the vacuole, a recently identified fungicidal target, resulting in oxidative stress via the enhanced generation of superoxide anions by this macrolide, as well as to its ability to extract ergos- terol from the plasma membrane phospholipid bilayer [2,3]. In previous studies, for the first time, we found that AmB is incorpo- rated across the plasma membrane of fungal cells, resulting in va- cuolar membrane disruption with lethal effects [4–6]. Such vacu-

ole-targeting fungicidal activity is also exerted by niphimycin This document was downloaded for personal use only. Unauthorized distribution is strictly prohibited. from Streptomyces sp., as well as by polymyxin B from Bacillus polymyxa, with both selective and effective lethal effects against fungal cells [4]. To date, however, vacuole-disrupting activity has been reported only for microbial metabolites, not for plant- derived compounds. Polygodial (l" Fig. 1B), a bicyclic sesquiterpene dialdehyde, was first isolated as a pungent principle from the sprout of Polygonum hydropiper L. (Polygonaceae), known as “tade”, which is used as a food spice in Japan [7,8]. The biological activity of polygodial has been reported to include antifungal effects [9–12]. The biological mechanism of action of polygodial involves structural and func- tional damage to the plasma membrane, which is accompanied by the leakage of intracellular components. Polygodial-induced plasma membrane damage is attributed to the enhanced induc- Fig. 1 Chemical structures of AmB (A) and polygodial (B). tion of cellular oxidative stress by this compound, as reflected by

Kondo T et al. Vacuole Disruption as… Planta Med Int Open 2016; 3: e72–e76 THIEME Letter e73

Fig. 2 Effects of polygodial on cell viability, ROS A B production, and vacuole disruption. Cells were in- cubated in 2.5% malt extract medium containing 7 polygodial at the indicated concentration, at 30°C, 6 8 with vigorous shaking for measurement of the via- ble cell number (A) and cellular ROS production (B). 5 Data are shown as means ± SD of triplicate experi- 4 ments (A, B). Cells were additionally used for mi- croscopic observation of vacuole morphology (C); 3 4 bar, 2 µm. AmB (A, C) and farnesol (B) were used arbitrary units)

2 as positive controls. (Color figure available online

2 None ROS production

2 μM Polygodial (10 only.) 1 10 μM Polygodial Viability (log of CFU/mL) 5 μM AmB 0 0 024 None 10 100 25 Incubation time (h) Polygodial Farnesol (μM) (μM)

C FM4-64

None 210 5 Polygodial (μM) AmB (μM)

the disruption of vacuolar membrane architecture. As shown in We finally examined whether polygodial elicits disruption of the l" Fig. 2C, the yeast vacuole was observed to possess a swollen, vacuole membrane in the pathogenic fungal strains Candida albi- rounded architecture in untreated cells. In addition, no structural cans and Aspergillus niger. The vacuole was found to exhibit a alteration was observed in cells treated with polygodial at the swollen, spherical architecture in untreated C. albicans cells; nonlethal concentration of 2 µM. However, even under nonlethal however, the organelles were observed as small discrete dots in conditions, the entire luminal space exhibited abnormal staining the cytoplasm of cells treated with polygodial at a lethal concen- with the fluorescent dye FM4–64, suggesting the impairment of tration (l" Fig. 4A,B). Polygodial was also found to cause vacuole normal transport function across the vacuolar membrane disruption in the filamentous cells of A. niger at the higher con- (l" Fig. 2C). In cells treated with polygodial at the lethal concen- centration of 150 µM (l" Fig. 4C). This concentration is equivalent tration of 10 µM, the dye was found to be scattered throughout to the value at which fungal spore germination is inhibited (data the cytoplasm, in which normal vacuolar membrane architecture not shown). could not be observed clearly, reflecting the disruption of the va- Vacuoles are organelles that are involved in osmoregulation, ion cuolar membrane into smaller fragments. The observed mode of and pH homeostasis, metabolite accumulation, and macromolec- vacuolar membrane disruption by polygodial appeared to be ular degradation in fungal cells [17]. Vacuoles are additionally in- This document was downloaded for personal use only. Unauthorized distribution is strictly prohibited. similar to that of AmB-treated cells (l" Fig. 2C). volved in autophagic processes required for the degradation of The simultaneous addition of K+ and Mg2+ is known to protect cytoplasmic components as well as the cellular stress response S. cerevisiae cells against AmB lethality, suggesting their mainte- [18,19]. Therefore, structural and functional damage to this or- nance effects on vacuole membrane integrity in addition to the ganelle is considered to trigger cell death [4–6]. The antifungal compensatory effect against intracellular K+ leakage (see l" Fig. 3- property of polygodial has been attributed to its disruptive ef- A,B) [15,16]. The putative contribution of the vacuole mem- fects against the phospholipid bilayers of the plasma membrane, brane-disrupting effect to the fungicidal activity of polygodial which is thought to occur via the induction of cellular oxidative was thus investigated by examining the protective effects of stress. Our findings suggest that the vacuole-targeting fungicidal these ions against the loss of viability of polygodial-treated cells. activity of polygodial may represent a novel mechanism of action As shown in l" Fig. 3C, D, polygodial was found to exert a marked of the compound, which is distinct from those previously re- lethal effect with serious vacuolar membrane disruptive damage ported. Our findings are additionally considered to be of poten- similarly in the absence as well as in the presence of both ions. tial therapeutic significance: the selective enhancement of the The result suggests that the vacuole-targeting action of vacuole-targeting fungicidal activity of polygodial, via the struc- polygodial contributed to cell death more significantly than that tural modification of this compound, should enable its applica- of AmB in the malt extract medium. tion in clinical settings.

Kondo T et al. Vacuole Disruption as… Planta Med Int Open 2016; 3: e72–e76 THIEME e74 Letter

Fig. 3 Cell viability and vacuole morphology of A B S. cerevisiae cells in the absence and presence of + 2+ Addition of K and Mg 85 mM KCl and 45 mM MgCl2. Cells were incubated No addition Addition of K+ and Mg2+ in 2.5% malt extract medium containing AmB (A, B) or polygodial (C, D) at the indicated concentrations, at 30°C for 2 h, with vigorous shaking, for measure- 100 ment of viable cell numbers (A, C) and microscopic observation of the vacuoles (B, D). Data are shown as means ± SD of triplicate experiments (A, C); bar, 2µm(B, D). (Color figure available online only.) 50 Viability (%) FM4-64

05 0 0 5 0 5 AmB (μM) AmB (μM) CD Addition of K+ and Mg2+ No addition Addition of K+ and Mg2+


50 Viability (%) FM4-64

010 0 0 10 0 10 Polygodial (μM) Polygodial (μM)

Materials and Methods bated in the absence or presence of polygodial, at the indicated ! concentrations, with vigorous shaking at 30 °C for 2 h, and then Measurement of cell growth and viability washed and suspended in phosphate buffered saline (PBS). Cells S. cerevisiae W303-1A and C. albicans IFO 1061 cells were grown were then observed under a phase-contrast microscope and overnight in malt extract medium (2.5% malt extract, pH 5.0) at fluorescence microscope with the excitation at 520–550 nm and 30°C with vigorous shaking. Then, cells were inoculated to emission at 580 nm. In the case of A. niger ATCC 6275, the myce- 1×107 cells/mL in freshly prepared malt extract medium (S. cere- lial suspension was directly prepared by inoculation from the visiae) or RPMI 1640 medium (C. albicans) containing polygodial agar slant into 2.5% malt extract medium for FM4–64-treatment or AmB at various concentrations. Cell suspensions were then in- of the fungal cells. The effect of polygodial on fungal vacuole mor- cubated with vigorous shaking at 30°C, and plated on YPD me- phology was examined by resuspending the mycelial cells with

dium containing 1.8% (w/v) agar. Cell viability was determined an equal volume of freshly prepared malt extract medium, fol- This document was downloaded for personal use only. Unauthorized distribution is strictly prohibited. as the number of colonies formed after a 48-h incubation at 30°C. lowed by incubation at 30°C for 2 h. Polygodial-treated mycelial cells were washed and suspended with PBS. Cells were then ob- Vacuole staining served by phase-contrast microscopy and fluorescence micros- Vacuoles were stained with the fluorescent probe FM4–64 [N-(3- copy, as described above. triethylammoniumpropyl)-4-(6-(4-(diethylamino)phenyl)hexa- trienyl)pyridinium dibromide] according to previously described Assay of cellular ROS production methods [20,21], with some modifications, depending on the The effect of polygodial on cellular ROS production was assayed fungal strain used, as follows. In the case of S. cerevisiae and C. al- using a previously described method [22,23]. Cells from an over- bicans, cells were grown overnight in malt extract medium and night culture were inoculated into freshly prepared YPD medium harvested by centrifugation. Cells were suspended in fresh malt to a density of approximately 1 × 107 cells/mL. Cells were then in- extract medium to a density of 1 × 107 cells/mL and incubated cubated with 40 µM 2′,7′-dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate with 8 µM FM4–64. After collection by centrifugation, FM4–64- (DCFH‑DA) at 30 °C for 60 min, collected by centrifugation, and stained cells were resuspended in fresh malt extract medium suspended in an equal volume of 2.5% malt extract medium. Cell (S. cerevisiae) or RPMI 1640 medium (C. albicans) to obtain a den- suspensions were further treated with or without polygodial at sity of 1 × 107 cells/mL. These cell suspensions were further incu- various concentrations for 20 min, and then washed and resus-

Kondo T et al. Vacuole Disruption as… Planta Med Int Open 2016; 3: e72–e76 THIEME Letter e75

Fig. 4 Vacuole morphology (A, C) and viability (B) A Candida albicans B of C. albicans cells, and the mycelial cells of the filamentous fungus A. niger. In A and B, cells were incubated in RPMI 1640 medium containing polygodial at the indicated concentrations, at 30°C 100 for 2 h. In C, cells were incubated in 2.5% malt ex- tract medium containing polygodial at the indi- cated concentration, at 30°C for 2 h. Data are rep- resented as means ± SD of triplicate experiments (B); bars, 2 µm (A, C). (Color figure available online only.) 50 Viability (%) FM4-64

0 020 020 Polygodial (μM) Polygodial (μM)

C Aspergillus niger FM4-64

0 150 Polygodial (μM)

pended in 50 mM succinate buffer (pH 6.0). Fluorescence from Conflict of Interest the cells was then measured with the excitation at 485 nm and ! emission at 530 nm. The authors declare no conflicts of interest.

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Kondo T et al. Vacuole Disruption as… Planta Med Int Open 2016; 3: e72–e76