Johannes Himmelreich

McCoy Family Center for Ethics in Society [email protected] Stanford 559 Nathan Abbott Way Stanford, CA 94305

Academic Positions Stanford University Postdoctoral Fellow (part-time at Apple University) since 2017 Humboldt-Universität zu Postdoctoral Fellow 2015-17

Education London School of Economics and Political Science Ph.D. Philosophy 2016 Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education (PGCertHE) 2013 M.Sc. Philosophy and Public Policy 2011 Konrad-Adenauer School of Journalism Journalism training including feature writing, investigative reporting, 2007-11 interview techniques, video editing, multimedia publishing Bayreuth University B.A. Philosophy and Economics 2010

Publications Asylum for Sale: A Market between States that is Feasible and Desirable Journal of Applied Philosophy forthcoming Agency and Embodiment: Groups, Human—Machine Interactions, and Virtual Realities Ratio forthcoming The Paraphrase Argument Against Collective Actions Australasian Journal of Philosophy 95(1) 2017 Epistemic Landscapes, Optimal Search and the Division of Cognitive Labor (co-authored with J. Alexander and C. Thompson) Philosophy of Science 82(3) 2015 Book Reviews “Understanding Institutions” by F. Guala Journal of Social Ontology 3(2) 2017 “From Individual to Collective Intentionality” by S. Chant, F. Hindriks, G. Preyer (eds.) Economics and Philosophy 31(3) 2015

Scholarships, Awards, and External Funding Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) 2017 International conference grant (€5,500) Gesellschaft für analytische Philosophie (GAP) Workshop grant (€1,000)

1 of 3 German Academic Scholarship Foundation 2012-15 Research fellowship (full funding for 3 years, merit–based scholarship) Workshop grant (€3,000) Fulbright Doctoral Fellowship (offer declined) 2014-15 LSE Student Support Fund, Research Studentship Scheme 2014-15 PhD completion grant (£4,600) Travel funding (£1,000 p.a.) European Charlemagne Youth Prize 2011 Awarded by the European Parliament to online magazine Europe & Me; co-founder and editor of the magazine. Fellowship of Konrad Adenauer Foundation 2007-11 Journalism training fellowship for multimedia editing, feature writing, and investigative reporting. 1.5% of German students receive this scholarship.

Selected Presentations • LMU Munich, European Congress of Analytic Philosophy (ECAP 9) 2017 • University of , Workshop on Political Philosophy • University of Duisburg-Essen, Departmental Seminar * • Umeå University, Workshop on Responsibility in Complex Systems * 2016 • Universiteit Gent, Workshop on Agency and Causation • Princeton University, Conference: The State as a Collective Agent and Citizen Complicity in States’ Actions * • Den Haag, Conference: Collective Intentionality X • Schloss Dagstuhl, Workshop on Engineering Artificial Agents • US Naval Academy, Conference: Future of Just War Theory 2015 • University of Minho, Conference: VI. Meetings on Ethics and Political Philosophy • Rutgers University, Conference: Society for the Metaphysics of Science • Osnabrück University, Conference: German Analytic Philosophy Association • Philadelphia, Conference: APA Eastern Division Meeting 2014 • Indiana University Bloomington, Conference: Collective Intentionality IX • University of Helsinki, Conference: European Network on Social Ontology 2013 * indicates invited talk

Teaching Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin • Political Ontology: State, Law, and Gender 2017 • Authority, Democracy, and Freedom: Themes in Political Philosophy • Philosophy of the Social Sciences 2016 • Transformative Experience and Hard Choices Bayreuth University (weekend courses) • Equality 2015 • Agency, Responsibility and Artificial Intelligence 2014 • Ethics of Markets 2013 • Ethical Aspects of Policy Evaluation and Cost-benefit-analysis 2012 London School of Economics and Political Science (as teaching assistant) • Business Ethics 2013 • Philosophy of the Social Sciences 2012 • Reason, Knowledge and Values 2011

2 of 3 Professional Experience Freelance reporter For Spiegel Online, Die Zeit online, Jüdische Allgemeine, and 2008-13 taz.die tageszeitung as London Correspondent Europe & Me Co-founder and editor of European online lifestyle magazine 2009-13 (project won the Charlemagne Youth Prize of the European Parliament in 2011)

Service Journal Reviewer Economics and Philosophy, Journal of Social Ontology, American Philosophical Quarterly, Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie, Journal of Applied Philosophy, Journal of Political Philosophy, Synthese, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Social Philosophy, Hypatia, Moral Philosophy and Politics, Australasian Journal of Philosophy, Dialectica, Analysis

Book and Encyclopedia Reviewer Oxford Bibliographies

Event Organization Symposium at European Congress of Analytic Philosophy (ECAP 9) 2017 ‘Responsibility for what? How individual moral responsibility extends in collective contexts’ Workshop on agency and moral responsibility at HU Berlin Section on Philosophy and Economics at 24th meeting of DGPhil Workshop on responsibility and artificial intelligence at ZiF Bielefeld 2016 Annual graduate conferences between LSE–Bayreuth and HU–KCL 2013-17

Administrative Postdoc coordinator, HU Department of Philosophy 2016-17 Referee and selection committee work for Humboldt Graduate School

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