20 Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.2004.022012 on 7 January 2005. Downloaded from REVIEW Neurological T D Graves, M G Hanna ......

Postgrad Med J 2005;81:20–32. doi: 10.1136/pgmj.2004.022012 Ion channels are membrane-bound that perform neurological channelopathies are subdivided on the basis of channel type. Table 2 is a list of key functions in virtually all cells. Such channels are genetic neurological channelopathies according critically important for the normal function of the excitable to ion type. Most ion channels have a similar tissues of the , such as muscle and brain. basic structure. All voltage gated ion channels have a large pore forming subunit, which sits Until relatively recently it was considered that dysfunction within the membrane. The pore forming subunit of ion channels in the nervous system would be (also called the a-subunit) contains a central incompatible with life. However, an increasing number of aqueous pore through which the relevant ion passes in response to voltage change induced human associated with dysfunctional ion channels activation, also known as gating. In addition to are now recognised. Such neurological channelopathies the main a-subunit, it is common for voltage are frequently genetically determined but may also arise gated ion channels to possess accessory subunits, these subunits may be cytoplasmic or extracel- through autoimmune mechanisms. In this article clinical, lular. Generally, these have an important func- genetic, immunological, and electrophysiological aspects tion in modulating the basic conductance of this expanding group of neurological disorders are function of the a-subunits. The structural topol- ogy of all voltage gated ion channels is remark- reviewed. Clinical situations in which a neurological ably conserved through . To date, most should enter into the genetic neurological channelopathies affecting are highlighted. Some practical guidance on how to the peripheral nervous system (PNS) and central nervous system (CNS) are caused by a-subunit investigate and treat this complex group of disorders is also , resulting in dysfunction of voltage included. gated ion channels. However, examples of ...... genetic channelopathies due to dysfunction of gated channels are recognised, particu- larly in the PNS and are emerging in the CNS. To date most autoimmune channelopathies affect n order for cells to retain their integrity to the PNS, although CNS examples are likely to water and yet permeate charged ions, trans- increase in the future. Imembrane proteins known as ion channels http://pmj.bmj.com/ have evolved. There is huge diversity of these ion channels. Some proteins are tissue specific, while INHERITED CHANNELOPATHIES others are widely distributed throughout the Muscle channelopathies body. The resting of exci- Myotonic syndromes table cells is entirely due to the presence of such is the term given to delayed relaxation ion channels. It is therefore unsurprising that of after voluntary contraction. In these channels are integral to the fundamental most situations myotonia is most marked after on September 30, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. processes of electrical signalling and excitation initial , and usually abates within the nervous system. It had been suspected after repeated muscle activity (the warm-up that genetic dysfunction of such critical mem- phenomenon). Electophysiologically, myotonia brane-bound proteins would be lethal. However, is a disturbance of the normal excitability of during the past few years there has been an the skeletal muscle membrane. There is an explosion in the discovery of -causing abnormally increased excitability of the mem- brane such that in response to a depolarising See end of article for mutations in coding for authors’ affiliations proteins and these disorders are known as stimulus, for example, a nerve impulse, rather ...... channelopathies. We now recognise both genetic than a single muscle contraction being initiated, multiple contractions occur and this results in and autoimmune channelopathies affecting a Correspondence to: the delayed relaxation observed clinically. Dr Michael G Hanna, range of tissues. This review considers clinical, From a practical point of view a myotonic Department of Molecular genetic, autoimmune, and molecular pathophy- Neuroscience and Centre disorder should be considered in the differential for Neuromuscular siological features of the neurological channelo- Disease, National Hospital pathies. for and Neurosurgery, Queen Abbreviations: CMAP, compound muscle action Square, London WC1N CLASSIFICATION OF ION CHANNELS potential; CNS, central nervous system; HyperKPP, 3BG, UK; mhanna@ Different classifications of ion channels exist. For hyperkalaemic ; HypoKPP, ion.ucl.ac.uk the purpose of this review we have classified ion hypokalaemic periodic paralysis; LEMS, Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome; PCD, paraneoplastic cerebellar Submitted 14 March 2004 channels into two broad categories depending on degeneration; PNS, peripheral nervous system; SCA6, Accepted 18 May 2004 their mode of activation—that is, voltage gated spinocerebellar type 6; SCLC, small cell lung ...... and ligand gated. Table 1 shows how the genetic carcinoma

www.postgradmedj.com Neurological channelopathies 21 Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.2004.022012 on 7 January 2005. Downloaded from sought on examination and may be a clue to a chloride Table 1 Classification of inherited neurological channel myotonia. channelopathies according to type of channel affected

Muscle Central nervous system See table 3 for clinical features. Voltage gated Hypokalaemic type 1 channels periodic paralysis Hyperkalaemic Episodic ataxia type 2 Thomsen’s disease periodic paralysis Dr Thomsen initially described this in his own family in 1876. Andersen’s syndrome Familial hemiplegic Patients usually present between infancy and adulthood with Myotonia congenita Several inherited mild myotonia, which may be constant or intermittent. syndromes Marked improvement in myotonia is noted with repeated Malignant exercise of a given muscle, the warm-up phenomenon. While 90% show myotonia on , only 50% have Ligand gated Congenital percussion myotonia on examination. There is usually channels Autosomal dominant normal power at rest, although some have proximal weak- nocturnal frontal lobe ness, which can present with functional difficulties such as epilepsy climbing stairs. Some patients have muscle hypertrophy while others complain of . Electromyography shows myotonia with a distal predominance, which is present even in early childhood and the warm-up effect can be observed electrophysiologically. diagnosis of a patient complaining of muscle stiffness. Thomsen’s disease is caused by mutations in a muscle is a common and important cause of voltage gated (CLCN1) located on chromo- myotonia but the presence of extramuscular systemic some 7q35.1 It is transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait symptoms and signs usually aid the diagnosis. The pure with variable , although 90% of affected indivi- myotonic disorders considered here do not cause multisystem duals are symptomatic. This channel exists as a dimer, disease. For these disorders, particular attention should be mutations may interfere with dimerisation by exerting a paid to any family history and to the precipitants of the dominant negative effect on the wild-type subunits.2 Since muscle stiffness, for example, temperature and whether the chloride conductance is necessary to stabilise the high resting patient’s stiffness reduces with exercise—the so called membrane potential of skeletal muscle, the loss of chloride warm-up phenomenon or whether stiffness increases with conductance caused by mutations results in partial depolar- exercise—so called paradoxical myotonia (see below). isation of the membrane allowing increased excitability and Furthermore the presence of muscle hypertrophy should be myotonia.3

Table 2 Classification of neurological channelopathies according to channel

Channel Muscle CNS Gene

Sodium channel Hypokalaemic periodic SCN4A Generalised epilepsy with SCN1A paralysis febrile plus SCN1B

syndrome (GEFS+), SCN2A http://pmj.bmj.com/ severe myoclonic epilepsy of infancy Hyperkalaemic periodic SCN4A paralysis Paramyotonia congenita SCN4A aggravated SCN4A myotonia

Chloride channel Myotonia congenita: CLCN1 on September 30, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. Thomsen’s, Becker’s

Calcium channel Hypokalaemic periodic CACNA1S Episodic ataxia type 2 CACNA1A paralysis CACNA1S Familial hemiplegic CACNL2A migraine Childhood absence epilepsy CACNA1H

Potassium channel Andersen’s syndrome KCNJ2 Episodic ataxia type 1 KCNA1 Hypokalaemic periodic KCNE3 Benign familial KCNQ2 paralysis neonatal convulsions KCNQ3 Hyperkalaemic periodic KCNE3 paralysis

Ryanodine Malignant hyperthermia RYR1 RYR1

Glycine receptor Hyperekplexia GLRA1

Acetylcholine Autosomal dominant CHRNB2 receptor CHRNA4

GABA receptor GEFS+, juvenile GABRG2 myoclonic epilepsy

www.postgradmedj.com 22 Graves, Hanna Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.2004.022012 on 7 January 2005. Downloaded from Table 3 Clinical features of myotonia and paramyotonia congenita

Myotonia congenita

Paramyotonia congenita Thomsen’s Becker’s

Inheritance Autosomal dominant Autosomal dominant Autosomal recessive

Age of onset Neonatal to infancy Early childhood First decade

Anatomical distribution Face, tongue, neck, arms Face, arms.legs Legs.arms, face

Exacerbating factors Cold, exertion, spontaneous Cold, rest, hunger, fatigue, stress

Clinical features Cold induced Myotonia generally more usually lasts a few disabling than in Thomsen’s minutes, but occasionally disease. Transient weakness, days some associated some have progressive with HyperKPP weakness

Muscle hypertrophy Absent Present Present

Cold immersion CMAP amplitude No decrement electromyography findings decrement with cooling

Treatment Mexilitine,9 acetazolamide Mexilitine,4 phenytoin73

Ion channel gene (SCN4A)7 Chloride channel (CLCN1)1

CMAP, compound muscle ; HyperKPP, hyperkalaemic periodic paralysis.

Becker’s disease agent would be the ideal therapy for such patients but such a The Becker form of myotonia congenita is more severe drug has not been developed to date. Accurate genetic than Thomsen’s disease with an earlier age of onset. As in counselling is important, especially with regards to risks to Thomsen’s disease there is myotonia with the warm-up offspring and this relies on the availability of a precise DNA phenomenon but patients also have significant muscle based diagnosis. hypertrophy, especially in the gluteal muscles. There may also be mild distal . Strength is normal Potassium aggravated myotonias initially but there may be rapid decrease in power with short This is an umbrella term for several conditions due to amounts of exercise, which returns to normal after further mutations in the skeletal muscle voltage gated sodium muscle contraction. Such transient weakness in Becker channel, SCN4A (described in detail below). Clinically patients is more likely to happen after a period of rest. For patients exhibit pure myotonia of variable severity, which example after sitting for a while a patient may experience a can be particularly sensitive to potassium ingestion with no transient lower limb weakness on standing. The electromyo- associated weakness. Clinically, distinction from myotonia congenita, described above, may be difficult. Various terms gram shows frequent myotonic discharges and the warm-up http://pmj.bmj.com/ effect can be demonstrated. In contrast to Thomsen’s disease have been used to describe these disorders, which are the motor units are frequently mildly myopathic. Becker’s summarised below. disease is also due to mutations in the muscle chloride channel (CLCN1),1 hence the two forms of myotonia Myotonia fluctuans congenita are allelic. However, Becker’s disease shows This is characterised by mild myotonia that varies in severity autosomal recessive inheritance. There is a male predomi- from day to day with no weakness or cold sensitivity. nance, suggesting reduced penetrance or a milder clinical Stiffness typically develops during rest after a period of in females. Mutations have been found through- exercise and lasts for approximately one hour. It is on September 30, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. out the gene, with missense and nonsense mutations and exacerbated by potassium and depolarising agents (for deletions identified. Most patients are compound hetero- example, suxamethonium) and may interfere with respira- tion. The electromyogram shows myotonia which increases zygotes. Expression studies have indicated that the majority 5 of mutations result in a loss of function of the chloride after exercise. channel monomer.2 Myotonia permanens In this condition patients experience severe continuous Practical management myotonia, which may interfere with respiration. There is Many patients with myotonia congenita do not require often marked muscle hypertrophy, especially in the neck and , but in our experience those that do usually shoulders. respond well to . Other antimyotonic agents can be considered and include , but these are less Acetazolamide responsive myotonia congenita effective.4 Mexilitene causes use-dependent blockade of This is characterised by muscle hypertrophy, myotonia and sodium channels and stops the production of repetitive runs myalgia, is aggravated by potassium loading and improved by of action potentials and hence reduces muscle stiffness. acetazolamide.6 However, it can lead to , including torsades de pointes and as it is unlicensed in the UK for myotonia and Paramyotonia congenita approval should therefore be sought from local use of ‘‘Paradoxical’’ myotonia is stiffness (myotonia) that appears committees. We suggest that it is only prescribed during exercise and worsens with continued activity. Electro- by neurologists with experience of its use in this context. myography at rest often shows some myotonia, although it is Mexilitine treatment requires close with electro- often less prominent than in the other myotonias described cardiography. Ultimately a specific chloride channel opening above. Low temperature often precipitates symptoms in these

www.postgradmedj.com Neurological channelopathies 23 Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.2004.022012 on 7 January 2005. Downloaded from patients and cooling produces repetitive spontaneous motor may vary in severity from mild weakness to total paralysis. unit discharges with a decrement in the compound muscle The duration of attacks is shorter than in hypokalaemic action potential (CMAP) amplitude. The clinical features are periodic paralysis (HypoKPP) and typically lasts about an summarised in table 3. hour or two. The attack frequency declines with age but Paramyotonia congenita is caused by mutations in the patients often develop a fixed of variable severity. voltage gated skeletal muscle sodium channel a-subunit The clinical features are shown in table 5. It is notable that (SCN4A)7 on 17q35. Voltage dependent activa- death is fortunately extremely rare in HyperKPP or HypoKPP. tion of this channel results in influx of sodium into the In contrast to Andersen’s syndrome (see below), fibre and is therefore responsible for the upstroke arrhythmias are uncommon, as the ion channels mutated in of the action potential. Rapid closure of this channel HyperPP and HypoKPP are not expressed in cardiac muscle. after activation is critical for muscle fibre repolarisation. HyperKPP is caused by point mutations in the skeletal muscle Paramyotonia congenita is inherited as a highly penetrant sodium channel a-subunit, SCN4A (which is mutated in autosomal dominant trait. Mutations have been found paramyotonia congenita).10 These mutations lead to defec- throughout the gene, although exon 24 appears to be a tive inactivation of the channel.11 Some /phenotype hotspot for mutations.8 Mild depolarisation (.5 mV) pro- correlations can be made. For example, the most frequent duces repetitive discharges (myotonia) while more severe point , T704M, which occurs in 60% of cases depolarisation (.20 mV) produces weakness, either of which frequently leads to permanent late onset muscle weakness. may occur as an isolated phenomenon. Another frequent mutation, I1592M, is often associated with myotonia in addition to paralysis. Treatment Attacks of weakness are associated with high serum The myotonia usually responds to antiarrhythmic drugs such potassium and high urinary potassium excretion. However, as mexilitine.9 The weakness is potassium sensitive and it is important to note that the serum potassium may remain responds to hydrochlorthiazide, acetazolamide or dichlorphe- within the normal range and that hyperkalaemia may rapidly namide, with or without potassium supplementation. autocorrect, therefore measurement as early as possible during an attack is critical. The kinase may be Differential diagnosis of myotonia normal or modestly increased to about 300 U/l. Many attacks See table 4 for the differential diagnosis of myotonia. are brief and do not require treatment. If necessary, acute Many rheumatological conditions may associate with the attacks can be terminated by ingestion of carbohydrate or symptom of muscle stiffness. There are usually associated inhaled salbutamol.12 Preventative treatment with acetazola- clinical clues that point to the correct diagnosis such as joint mide or a thiazide diuretic may be required.13 HyperKPP . In our experience some cases diagnosed with chronic caused by a mutation in the , KCNE3, has fatigue or fibromylagia have turned out to have myotonic been reported only in one family.14 disorders such as myotonia congenita, emphasising the need for careful clinical and electromyography assessment in such Andersen’s syndrome cases. A differential diagnosis of neurological conditions Andersen’s syndrome is an autosomal dominant potassium resulting in muscle stiffness is given in table 4. sensitive periodic paralysis with ventricular dysrhythmias and dysmorphic features.15 The dysmorphic features are often Periodic paralyses subtle but include low set ears, hypertelorism, clinodactyly, Hyperkalaemic periodic paralysis and syndactyly. Bidirectional ventricular is a Hyperkalaemic periodic paralysis (HyperKPP) is an auto- frequent and potentially serious . From a practical somal dominant disorder with an estimated prevalence of point of view, this disorder should be considered in any case http://pmj.bmj.com/ 1:200 000. Patients experience attacks of either focal or of periodic paralysis with arrhythmia. The resting electro- generalised muscle weakness often after exercise. Attacks cardiogram often shows bigeminy. The clinical features are

Table 4 Differential diagnosis of neurological conditions that may mimic myotonia


affected Process Disease Discriminatory features on September 30, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright.

Central Dystonia Idiopathic , Leads to sustained abnormal posture of nervous system task specific dystonia affected limb

Peripheral Isaac’s syndrome: see text. Stiffness is nervous system present at rest, increased on muscle contraction. Fine muscle twitching may be visible. May be hyporeflexic, autonomic features common. EMG distinguishes from myotonia Benign Occur with exercise, stretching overcomes . EMG distinguishes

Muscle Myotonia Myotonia congenita, PMC See text Metabolic McArdle’s disease, Myalgia, and spasms leading muscle disease phosphofructokinase to contraction ‘‘cramps’’ of affected muscle deficiency. Other inborn after or during exercise. May also have errors of painful (hardening of areas within a muscle) on exercise Rippling Cramps especially after exercise, myalgia in muscle disease legs more than arms, stiffness, characteristic rippling of musculature, EMG-silent Myopathy Hypothyroid myopathy Stiffness, spasms, hyporeflexia, proximal weakness, clinical features of hypothyroidism

EMG, electromyography; PMC, paramyotonia congenita.

www.postgradmedj.com 24 Graves, Hanna Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.2004.022012 on 7 January 2005. Downloaded from Table 5 Clinical features of the periodic paralyses

Hyperkalaemic periodic paralysis Hypokalaemic periodic paralysis

Inheritance Autosomal dominant Autosomal dominant

Age of onset First decade, attacks increase in Second decade, the frequency of attacks is frequency and severity until age maximal between 15 and 35 years of age 50 when they decline and then decreases with age

Exacerbating Rest after exercise, cold, potassium Rest after exercise, cold, carbohydrate factors loading, pregnancy, , loading, menstruation stress, ethanol, fasting (for example, early morning before breakfast)

Distribution Usually proximal and symmetric, Paraparesis or tetraparesis, sparing cardiac, of weakness flaccid; occasionally distal and respiratory and facial musculature asymmetric in exercised muscles

Duration of Minutes to hours. More frequent Hours to days attack than in HypoKPP

Severity Mild/moderate weakness, can be focal Moderate/severe weakness

Additional May be associated with paraesthesiae A myopathic form results in a progressive features before paralysis. Tendon reflexes are fixed weakness predominantly in the lower abnormally diminished or absent during limbs, which occurs in about 25% of patients. the period of paralysis. Many older This is independent of paralytic symptoms and patients develop a chronic progressive may even be the sole manifestation of the myopathy with permanent weakness disease. Some mutations predispose to that may go unrecognised, this mainly affects the pelvic girdle and proximal and distal lower limb muscles. Myotonia or paramyotonia in around half of cases

Relieved by Carbohydrate intake, mild exercise

Serum potassium High but can be normal Low, rarely normal

EMG findings Some have myotonic discharges None

Acute treatment Inhaled salbutamol12 Oral potassium, if unable to take oral preparations, intravenous potassium can be given, diluted in mannitol74

Preventative Acetazolamide,75 thiazide diuretics Low sodium/high potassium diet, therapy dichlorphenamide,76 acetazolamide77

Ion channel Sodium channel (SCN4A)10 channel (CACNA1S)19 20 gene Potassium channel (KCNE3)14 Sodium channel (SCN4A)21 22 http://pmj.bmj.com/ Potassium channel (KCNE3)14

summarised in table 6. It is now know that Andersen’s Hypokalaemic periodic paralysis syndrome is a cardioskeletal muscle channelopathy caused by HypoKPP is the most common form of periodic paralysis with on September 30, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. mutations in a potassium channel termed Kir2.1. This inward an incidence estimated to be one in 100 000. It is inherited in rectifying potassium channel is encoded by KCNJ2 on an autosomal dominant manner but new mutations account chromosome 17q23 and disease-causing mutations were first for up to one third of cases. Comparison with HyperKPP is described in 2001.16 The channel plays a part in cardiac and made in table 5. The attacks may be brought on by a period of skeletal muscle membrane hyperpolarisation and interest- exercise followed by rest or by carbohydrate loading. It is ingly, also has a role in skeletal bone precursor cell migration common for attacks to develop in the early hours of the and fusion during development, hence the triad of symp- morning, particularly if a large carbohydrate meal was taken toms. Functional expression studies have shown loss of late the previous evening. Serum potassium is typically low at function due to a dominant negative effect on wild-type the onset but may normalise quickly. However, there is no channel subunits, producing a reduced inwardly rectifying correlation between serum potassium concentration and the K+ current.17 There is intrafamilial variability and partial severity of weakness. The is increased during manifestation of the phenotype is common. Serum potassium attacks. Conduction velocity in muscle fibres is slow; CMAPs during an attack may be high, low, or normal. In those with are reduced during attacks and increase immediately after hypokalaemia, oral potassium supplements may improve the sustained (five minutes) maximal contraction. As in all forms weakness. In some families increasing plasma potassium of periodic paralysis attack frequency tends to decline with concentration with acetazolamide improves arrhythmias at age but a fixed myopathy may develop. Myotonia never the expense of exacerbating weakness.18 Once the diagnosis is occurs in HypoKPP. made detailed cardiac assessment is essential. However, the Point mutations in three separate muscle channel genes optimum management to prevent malignant arrhythmias may cause HypoKPP. The majority of cases harbour one is not certain. Currently, opinions vary from imipramine of three point mutations in the L-type , treatment to implantable cardioverter defibrillators. CACNA1S. Far less frequent mutations have been described

www.postgradmedj.com Neurological channelopathies 25 Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.2004.022012 on 7 January 2005. Downloaded from potassium loading or induction of hypokalaemia, unhelpful Table 6 Clinical features of Andersen’s syndrome and they are potentially hazardous. DNA testing should be Cardiac Prolonged QT interval is common (early sign) considered at an early stage with the patient’s consent (see Ventricular arrhythmia (may segregate in females) end of article for details). If diagnostic uncertainty remains Bigeminy, bidirectional , referral to a specialist centre should be considered. complete block Symptoms: , sudden death Treatment: poor response to classical therapy but Malignant hyperthermia syndromes amiodarone may have a role18 Malignant hyperthermia syndrome is the most common cause of death during anaesthesia, with an estimated inci- Skeletal muscle Episodic weakness (may segregate in males) Age of onset 2 to 18 years; duration 1 hour to days; dence of somewhere between one in 7000 to one in 50 000 of precipitants K+, exercise, or none anaesthetics given. There is an increased incidence when There is no associated myotonia depolarising muscle relaxants are used in combination with Occasionally there is permanent weakness which may inhaled volatile gases.25 It is more prevalent in children, with be proximal or distal approximately 50% of cases occurring before the age of 15. Skeletal Short stature, clinodactyly, syndactyly, Table 7 shows the clinical features. Susceptibility tests (mainly the in vitro contraction test) may be diagnostic and Face Hypertelorism, mandibular hypoplasia, low set ears, can be applied to family members after an affected individual broad forehead, malar hypoplasia The severity of dysmorphic features does not correlate has been identified. The in vitro contraction test requires a with cardiac or skeletal muscle involvement large fresh muscle after which either Dysmorphism may be mild and overlooked unless or may be applied and the maximal contraction specifically considered measured. Disordered muscle calcium regulation is now known to Other Hypoplastic kidney, cardiac malformations (for example, semilunar valve abnormalities) underlie the pathophysiology of malignant hyperthermia syndromes. A trigger (for example, ) leads to excessive activation of the calcium release channel and thus calcium is released from sarcoplas- mic reticulum stores. Calcium reuptake from the cytoplasm in the muscle sodium channel SCN4A, and in the potassium may also be impaired. The increased cytoplasmic calcium channel KCNE3. Mutations in the L-type calcium channel a1- 19 20 leads to excessive muscle contraction, hypermetabolism, subunit (dihydropyridine receptor) (CACNA1S), located rhabdomyolysis, and .26 inhibits release of on chromosome 1q31, account for about 70% of cases of 27 21 calcium from and early administra- HypoKPP. All mutations are substitutions in the tion has reduced the mortality rate from 70% to approxi- voltage sensor (S4) of the channel . It remains unclear mately 10%. Mutations in the ryanodine receptor (RYR1) on how mutations in CACNA1S, which does not have a major chromosome 19q1328 are found in 50% of families with role in determining muscle membrane excitability, result in attacks of paralysis. The normal channel has two roles: (1) as a slow voltage activated calcium channel and (2) excitation- contraction coupling with the ryanodine receptor. Mutated Table 7 Clinical features of malignant hyperthermia channels have enhanced inactivation leading to a very small Skeletal muscle Rigidity and weakness defect in the control of muscle resting membrane potential. Rhabdomyolysis

There is reduced penetrance in females (50%) compared with Muscle spasms especially affecting masseter, but can http://pmj.bmj.com/ complete penetrance in males. About half of the women who be generalised have the R528H mutation and one third of those with the Myalgia R1239H mutation are asymptomatic. In contrast, more than Autonomic Sympathetic overactivity 90% of males with a disease-causing mutation are sympto- Hyperventilation matic. Specific mutations appear to have discrete clinical Tachycardia features—for example, R528H is common, with later onset Haemodynamic instability Cardiac arrhythmia and associated . The other major group of HypoKPP on September 30, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. are due to missense mutations in the voltage sensor of General Fever (may be a late sign) domain 2 of SCN4A21 22 (the sodium channel affected in HyperKPP and paramyotonia congenita). There is some Laboratory Increased oxygen consumption genotype/phenotype correlation—for example, acetazolamide treatment is often deleterious in the R672G mutation. SCN4A Lactic mutations are an uncommon cause of HypoKPP in the UK.23 Raised creatine kinase Mutations in KCNE3 on chromosome 11q13–q14 have only Hyperkalaemia 14 been reported in one family. Triggers Full episodes: general anaesthesia (inhalational agents—, , , Practical approach to suspected periodic paralysis , methoflurane and halothane), A high index of suspicion, an accurate history, neurological suxamethonium examination during an attack, and measurement of serum Milder malignant hyperthermia: exercise in hot conditions, neuroleptic drugs, , potassium in a sample taken as early as possible after presentation are the keys to making the diagnosis of periodic Treatment Dantrolene 2 mg/kg intravenously every 5 minutes to paralysis. HypoKPP can also occur in the context of a total of 10 mg/kg (usually in Asian patients),24 so thyroid Hyperventilation with supplemental oxygen Sodium bicarbonate function tests should also be measured. Other general Active cooling medical causes of altered potassium concentrations should Discontinue anaesthesia always be sought. Associated features which support the Maintain urine output over 2 ml/kg/hour suspicion of genetic periodic paralysis may include dys- Avoid calcium, calcium antagonists, b-blockers morphic features (Andersen’s syndrome) and myotonia or paramyotonia. Generally we find provocative tests, such as

www.postgradmedj.com 26 Graves, Hanna Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.2004.022012 on 7 January 2005. Downloaded from malignant hyperthermia and 20% of all patients with should be postponed until the diagnosis is clarified. malignant hyperthermia. So far over 30 mutations have been However, general anaesthesia can be safely administered if identified, most are missense and 50% lie between exons 39 the anaesthetist is aware of the risk and the proper pre- to 46.29 30 However, there is genetic heterogeneity,31 with at cautions are instituted. Patients should be advised to wear a least five dominantly inherited susceptibility loci iden- Medic-alert bracelet. tified. These include (1) the sodium channel a1-subunit (SCN4A),32 allelic with HyperKPP, (2) the skeletal muscle voltage dependent L-type calcium channel (dihydropyri- Congenital myasthenic syndromes 33 dine receptor) a2/d-subunit (CACNL2A), (3) the L-type There are several rare congenital myasthenic syndromes due calcium channel (dihydropyridine receptor) a1-subunit to defects in the key processes that underlie efficient neu- (CACNA1S),34 35 allelic with HypoKPP, and (4) unknown romuscular junction transmission. The commonest are genes located on chromosome 3q13.1 (MHS4)36 and chromo- mutations in the subunits of the postsynaptic acetylcholine some 5p (MHS6).37 There are also several other primary receptor. These myasthenic syndromes may therefore be muscle disorders with an associated susceptibility to an considered to be genetic ligand gated channelopathies. A malignant hyperthermia-like reaction. The term malignant detailed summary is beyond the scope of this review, but hyperthermia-like is used to indicate that these patients may interested readers are directed to the review by Engel et al.39 develop the symptom complex very similar to that described in malignant hyperthermia but in these cases there is not a Central nervous system primary disturbance of muscle calcium handling—that is, In the last few years an increasing number of genetic CNS they do not have RyR mutations. It is suspected that they channelopathies have been described. Although the starting have a tendency to a disturbance of calcium handing which point for many of these studies were individual families with seems to be secondary to their primary disease. These include rare syndromes (for example, familial or myotonia congenita, periodic paralysis, myotonic dystrophy benign familial neonatal convulsions), there is increasing type I, Duchenne and Becker , mitochon- evidence that the discoveries made will be relevant to drial disorders, palmitoyl-transferase deficiency, common neurological diseases such as migraine and epilepsy. and Brody’s myopathy. Caution in relation to anaesthesia is Perhaps the best evidence that ion channel dysfunction is therefore advised in patients in all these groups. We advise all important in common neurological disease is the recent patients with these disorders to ensure their anaesthetist and evidence in epilepsy described below. It has been shown that surgeon is aware of the potential for a malignant hyperther- a particular epilepsy phenotype know as ‘‘generalised epile- mia-like reaction. Similar anaesthetic precautions can then psy with febrile seizures’’ is more common than previously be taken for this patient group. realised and that it frequently associates with mutations in brain ion channel genes. Central core disease (malignant hyperthermia Familial hemiplegic migraine syndrome 1) Familial hemiplegic migraine is a form of migraine with This is a with susceptibility to malig- aura which is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner. nant hyperthermia. The clinical features include a non- Patients experience typical migraine headaches but in addi- progressive myopathy with facial and proximal weakness and tion there are paroxysmal neurological symptoms of aura . Occasionally muscle cramps after exercise are including hemianopia, hemisensory loss, and dysphasia. seen. More than a quarter of patients with central core Hemiparesis occurs with at least one other symptom during disease have a tendency to malignant hyperthermia, however familial hemiplegic migraine aura; the weakness can be http://pmj.bmj.com/ around 40% of cases at risk for malignant hyperthermia are prolonged and may outlast the associated migrainous head- asymptomatic. In such cases adequate precautions before ache by days. Coma has also been described with severe anaesthesia are impossible. Central core disease is charac- attacks. Persistent attention deficits and memory loss can last terised pathologically by the presence of central core lesion weeks to months. Triggers include emotion or . throughout the length of type I muscle fibres. Missense The age at onset for familial hemiplegic migraine is often mutations in the skeletal muscle ryanodine receptor gene earlier than typical migraine, frequently beginning in the first (RYR1) have been identified in some families with central 38 or second decade. The number of attacks tends to decrease core disease. on September 30, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. with age. About 20% of families have cerebellar signs ranging from to progressive, usually late onset cerebellar Investigation after an episode of malignant ataxia.40 Genetic studies have established that many cases of hyperthermia familial hemiplegic migraine are caused by missense muta- A full blown case of malignant hyperthermia is usually a tions in the P/Q-type voltage gated calcium channel gene, dramatic clinical presentation familiar to anaesthetists. Con- CACNA1A.41 The presynaptic location of this calcium channel firmation of susceptibility to recurrent attacks after such a allows it to function as a key controller and modulator of the full attack can be achieved in specialist centres by the in vitro release of both excitatory and inhibitory contraction test in combination with . throughout the CNS. It is suspected that a disturbance in this It is very important to screen family members related to control is important in the genesis of familial hemiplegic any individual who has had such a full blown attack. This migraine. must include a careful history, including symptoms of muscle disease—for example, cramps, myalgia, fatigue, myoglobi- Episodic ataxia nuria—family history of anaesthetic complications, and The episodic are rare autosomal dominant CNS measurement of baseline creatine kinase and urine examina- disorders in which the main clinical features are episodes tion for myoglobinuria. Referral to a centre where muscle of profound cerebellar ataxia. The clinical features of episodic biopsy, in vitro contraction test, and genetic testing are ataxias type 1 and 2 are summarised in table 8. available is usually required to be certain about status of In patients with episodic ataxia type 1experiences very potentially at risk family members. In the interim, all at risk brief episodes of sudden onset ataxia that may be precipitated relatives should be warned of a possible increased risk of by sudden movement or emotion. There may be multiple malignant hyperthermia under general anaesthesia and be attacks in a day. Cerebellar function is normal between advised to inform their surgeon and anaesthetist. Non-urgent attacks but there is persistent or neuromyotonia of

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Table 8 Clinical features of episodic ataxia

Episodic ataxia type 1 Episodic ataxia type 2

Mode of inheritance Autosomal dominant Autosomal dominant

Age of onset Second decade Early childhood to teens

Clinical features Ataxia Ataxia, truncal instability which may Dizziness without persist between attacks, , Visual blurring nystagmus No nystagmus Associated with vertigo, nausea, vomiting, and headache Weakness may occur during spells and can precede onset of episodic ataxia

Exacerbating factors Abrupt postural change, emotion, startle, Physical or emotional stress vestibular stimulation

Duration of attack Brief, attacks last minutes Attacks often last 30 minutes to .24 hours

Additional features Neuromyotonia (continuous spontaneous Downbeating gaze evoked muscle fibre activity) or myokymia occur nystagmus in all directions between during and between episodes of ataxia episodes. Impaired vestibulo-ocular Some patients have and reflex, OKN and smooth pursuits. seizures78 Some patients develop progressive cerebellar atrophy45

Treatment Phenytoin, , not acetazolamide Acetazolamide

Ion channel gene Potassium: KCNA142–44 Calcium: CACNA1A,40 allelic with FHM and SCA640

skeletal muscles. Clinically, this may be observed as fine It is therefore evident that familial hemiplegic migraine, twitching movements around the eyes or in the limbs. This episodic ataxia type 2, and SCA6 are different clinical often produces involuntary fine side-to-side movements caused by mutations in the same gene—that is, of the fingers in the outstretched . The myokymia/ they represent allelic disorders. Although there are some neuromyotonia is clinically and electrophysiologically indis- genotype phenotype correlations, there is also overlap. tinguishable from that seen in the autoimmune potassium Furthermore, the precise molecular mechanisms underlying channelopathy Isaac’s syndrome (see below). Episodic ataxia the different phenotypes are not elucidated. Some general, type 1 is caused by mutations in the potassium channel gene although not absolute, observations are emerging and are 42–44 KCNA1, which is expressed both in the and at briefly outlined below. http://pmj.bmj.com/ the neuromuscular junction, hence the combination of Familial hemiplegic migraine most frequently associates clinical features. with missense mutations in CACNA1A. Expression studies Episodic ataxia type 2 is characterised by prolonged attacks have shown various consequences of these missense muta- of cerebellar ataxia. The patient is profoundly ataxic and tions on channel function but broadly speaking an alteration often has a prominent headache and a feeling of vertigo and in channel kinetics is observed. Both an increase and a nausea. It is probable that many patients previously labelled decrease in channel kinetics have been reported making it as having basilar migraine in fact have episodic ataxia type 2. difficult to produce a unifying hypothesis for the genesis of Attacks are precipitated most commonly by emotion and the migraine attacks.41 on September 30, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. occasionally by intercurrent illness. The attack frequency Episodic ataxia type 2 most commonly associates with declines with age but some patients develop a progressive point mutations in CACNA1A which are predicted to truncate cerebellar syndrome.45 Attacks are often successfully pre- the calcium channel protein. Expression studies have pointed vented with acetazolamide treatment. Mutations in the to a loss of function and haploinsufficiency as the basis of the voltage gated calcium channel, CACNA1A, cause episodic attacks.45 ataxia type 2.40 SCA6 virtually always associates with a CAG repeat expansion in CACNA1A as described above. Unlike other Calcium channel allelic disorders familial CAG repeat expansions observed in neurogenetic diseases hemiplegic migraine, episodic ataxia type 2, such as in Huntington’s disease the SCA6 expansion is type 6: molecular relatively stable on transmission and the phenomenon of mechanisms clinical (that is, the worsening of disease severity In addition to familial hemiplegic migraine and episodic as judged by earlier age at onset in succeeding generations ataxia type 2 described above a third disorder known as frequently observed in Huntington’s disease) is not observed spinocerebellar ataxia type 6 (SCA6) has also been shown to in SCA6. Evidence has been produced that the SCA6 associate with a mutation in the same calcium channel gene expansion may not only reduce calcium channel function CACNA1A. SCA6 is a late onset autosomal dominant pro- but, as reported in other neurological trinucleotide repeat gressive pure cerebellar ataxia and typically associates with a diseases, may result in abnormal aggregation of calcium trinucleotide repeat expansion in the region of the gene channel protein harbouring expanded glutamine tracts coded coding for C terminal of the calcium channel protein (that is, for by the CAG repeat. an expansion of a CAG repeat normally present in the C Exceptions to these general observations apply both at a terminal region of the gene).41 45 clinical as well as expression level. For example, there are

www.postgradmedj.com 28 Graves, Hanna Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.2004.022012 on 7 January 2005. Downloaded from missense mutations described which cause a pure progressive include febrile and afebrile generalised tonic-clonic, absence, ataxia without familial hemiplegic migraine or episodic myoclonic, and atonic seizures. Any combination of seizures ataxia type 2 features. Furthermore an episodic ataxia type may be observed in a given family. There are now a 2 phenotype has been reported in patients harbouring the significant number of such families described worldwide. SCA6 expansion. Further study of molecular mechanisms is Generalised epilepsy with febrile seizures plus syndrome has clearly required. been found to be genetically heterogeneous, but in all cases disturbed ion channel function has been found to be the basis of the disease. Mutations have been described in the voltage Hyperekplexia 52 53 gated sodium channel b1-subunit gene (SCN1B) ; voltage Hyperekplexia is characterised by onset at birth with 54 gated sodium channel a1-subunit gene (SCN1A) ; GABA that disappears in sleep, exaggerated startle 55 56 receptor c2-subunit gene (GABRG2) ; and the voltage response, and strong brainstem reflexes (especially the head 57 retraction reflex). The exaggerated startle reaction occurring gated sodium channel type II a1-subunit gene (SCNA2A). It after sudden, unexpected acoustic or tactile stimuli persists has been shown that increased neuronal excitability due to into adulthood and is associated with involuntary the mutant channels is predicted to lead to epileptogenesis. (occasionally resulting in falls) and marked nocturnal Since the possible epilepsy phenotypes that may occur in myoclonic jerks. Continuous and occasionally fatal muscular these families with normal neuroimaging are indistinguish- rigidity is also a feature. Electromyography shows continuous able from many common epilepsy phenotypes, many workers activity. The GLRA1 gene (encoding the glycine are now undertaking studies to establish if variations in these channel genes are important in determining susceptibility to receptor a1-subunit, a ligand gated ion channel) was the first gene for a receptor in the CNS to be common forms of epilepsy. identified as the site of mutation in a human disorder.46 Cases Autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy are usually autosomal dominant, but some recessive pedi- This is characterised by focal onset frontal lobe seizures, grees have been reported. almost exclusive occurrence during drowsiness or sleep, and variable severity of symptoms in family members. Milder Andermann’s syndrome cases are often undiagnosed or misdiagnosed as night- Andermann’s syndrome is an autosomal recessive hereditary mares, parasomnias, or functional disorders. Neuroimaging motor and sensory neuropathy with agenesis of the corpus is normal and treatment with carbamazepine is dramatically callosum. This is found at high frequency (1:2100 live births) effective. Although recognition of this syndrome is important in the province of Quebec in Canada. Mutations impair for appropriate therapy and genetic counselling, under- function of the potassium-chloride co-transporter, KCC3 estimation of cases is likely. The clinical delineation of this found in the brain and spinal cord encoded by SLC12A647 as a separate disorder allowed to be per- on chromosome 15q13–q15. There is symmetric or asym- formed.58 Mutations have been found in the nicotinic 59 metric involvement of the cranial nerves with ptosis, facial acetylcholine receptor a4-subunit, CHRNA4 and b2-subunit, weakness, ophthalmoplegia (reduced upgaze), and optic CHRNB2.60 This is a brain ligand gated ion channel that is . Motor neuropathy presents early with hypotonia mainly presynaptic in location and has a role in controll- and severe progressive global weakness; affected patients ing neurotransmitter release. Alterations in the balance of rarely walk independently. Sensory loss is manifest as excitatory and inhibitory transmitters are suggested to be areflexia and tremor. Involvement of the CNS is seen as important in the genesis of seizures. mental retardation, seizures, and atypical psychosis with onset in the teens. Dysmorphic features include long facies, Childhood absence epilepsy http://pmj.bmj.com/ hypertelorism, brachycephaly, high arched palate, syndactyly Most recently, studies in a large Chinese cohort with of the second and third toes, and overriding the first toe. childhood absence epilepsy found mutations in the brain T- Scoliosis may lead to a restrictive lung defect. There is partial type calcium channel CACNA1H.61 Functional analysis has or complete agenesis of the corpus callosum due to a defect in shown that two of the mutations allow increased calcium axon migration across the midline. influx during physiological activation and another results in channel opening at more hyperpolarised potentials, which may underlie the propensity for seizures.62 However, a recent Inherited epilepsy syndromes on September 30, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. study has failed to replicate these findings in mixed idio- There are several inherited epilepsy syndromes which are 63 genetic channelopathies. Here we discuss four of these. pathic generalised epilepsy pedigrees. AUTOIMMUNE CHANNELOPATHIES Benign familial neonatal convulsion For comparison to selected genetic channelopathies, see This is an autosomal dominant disorder characterised by brief table 9. generalised seizures that clear spontaneously after the age of 6 weeks, with no neuropsychological morbidity. Knowledge Neuromuscular junction of this disorder can prevent needless and potentially harmful Myasthenia gravis is the archetypal autoimmune channelo- anticonvulsive therapy. It is now established that benign pathy affecting neuromuscular transmission, via the acet- familial neonatal convulsion is a CNS potassium channelo- ylcholine receptor, a ligand gated ion channel. There are pathy. Highly penetrant mutations in the KCNQ2 gene48 49 on many excellent descriptions of this disorder in standard chromosome 20 and KCNQ3 gene50 on chromosome 8 have textbooks and we will not consider it further here. been found in pedigrees with benign familial neonatal convulsion. Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome (LEMS) is a paraneo- Generalised epilepsy with febrile seizures plus plastic disorder in which patients produce directed syndrome against the presynaptic voltage gated P/Q-type calcium One of the most important genetic epilepsy discoveries in channel a1A-subunit. Typically, patients experience proximal recent years has been the identification of the generalised weakness often in combination with autonomic symptoms. A epilepsy with febrile seizures plus syndrome phenotype.51 common finding is absent or diminished tendon reflexes This is a pleomorphic familial epilepsy syndrome that may which reappear after brief maximal voluntary contraction or

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Table 9 Comparison between selected genetic and autoimmune channelopathies

Genetic Autoimmune Ion channel disease Clinical features disease Clinical features

P/Q-type voltage FHM Migraine LEMS Weakness, some gated calcium EA2 Paroxysmal ataxia, associated with ataxia channel some with progressive (PCD) cerebellar ataxia SCA6 Progressive cerebellar PCD Progressive cerebellar ataxia ataxia

Potassium channel: EA1 Paroxysmal ataxia, Isaac’s syndrome, Neuromyotonia, Kv1.1(EA1), Kv1.2 myokymia, associated Morvan’s hyperhidrosis. As above (autoimmune) with seizures, some syndrome plus psychiatric symptoms have hyperhidrosis (LE) and seizures

Acetylcholine Congenital Permanent weakness Myasthenia Fluctuant weakness receptor subunits myasthenic gravis syndromes

EA1/2, episodic ataxia type 1/2; FHM, familial hemiplegic migraine; LE, ; LEMS, Lambert- Eaton myasthenic syndrome; PCD, paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration; SCA6, spinocerebellar ataxia type 6. repeated tendon percussion (post-tetanic potentiation). the nerve by suppressing the outward potassium current.67 It Weakness, when present, almost universally affects the lower is evident that Issac’s syndrome is the autoimmune counter- limbs. The upper limbs are frequently affected with involve- part to genetically determined neuromyotonia. In both ment of bulbar and respiratory musculature less often. situations the same potassium channel is dysfunctional. In Weakness may be improved with brief exercise and may Isaac’s syndrome this is induced by autoimmune attack, in worsen with sustained exercise, heat, or fever. Fatigability is contrast, in genetic neuromyotonia there is a mutation in the present in a third of cases. Some patients complain of gene for the same potassium channel—that is, the KCNA1 myalgia. In contrast to myasthenia gravis the extraocular gene. muscles are infrequently involved. There may also be an associated distal, symmetric sensory neuropathy. As in Central nervous system myasthenia gravis, LEMS may occasionally be exacerbated Paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration by drugs—for example, neuromuscular blocking agents, Paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration (PCD) usually pre- antibiotics (aminoglycosides, fluoroquinolones), magnesium, sents as a subacute cerebellar syndrome which progresses Ca2+ channel blockers, and iodinated intravenous contrast over weeks to months. There are multiple antineuronal agents. However, in contrast to myasthenia gravis, LEMS antibodies associated with PCD, the most common of which never begins with ocular weakness and usually has more are anti-Yo in breast and ovarian and anti-Hu marked weakness in legs than in the arms. in SCLC.68 Some patients with LEMS have also been noted to -mediated reduction in the number of presynaptic have cerebellar ataxia, implicating the P/Q-type calcium calcium channels at the nerve terminal leading to reduced channel in pathogenesis. This channel is expressed not only acetylcholine release underlies the pathogenesis of LEMS. by presynaptic PNS nerve terminals but also those in http://pmj.bmj.com/ IgG antibodies against the P/Q-type calcium channel a1A- cerebellar Purkinje and granule cells. Postmortem findings subunit (which is mutated in familial hemiplegic migraine, in these patients show loss and cerebellar episodic ataxia type 2, and SCA6) are present in over 85% of cortical gliosis.69 In one study, 9% of LEMS patients had cases.64 Repetitive nerve stimulation shows an increment coexistent PCD and high titres of anti-P/Q-type voltage gated after rapid or sustained muscle contraction that is prolonged calcium channel antibodies (the same channel affected in by cooling muscles. Small cell lung carcinoma (SCLC) is the SCA6, familial hemiplegic migraine, and episodic ataxia type most frequently associated neoplasm. Indeed, up to 3% of 2). In another study of PCD, 41% of patients were found to patients with SCLC have LEMS. Other associations include have anti-P/Q-type voltage gated calcium channel antibodies on September 30, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. lymphoproliferative disorders—for example, reticulum cell with accompanying cerebrospinal fluid antibodies.70 This sarcoma, T-cell leukaemia, lymphoma, and Castleman’s is most frequently associated with disease. The onset of LEMS is usually six months to five SCLC. years before any neoplasm is detected. However, one third of PCD associated with the calcium channel antibodies cases occur in the absence of at diagnosis and do described may therefore be regarded as the immunological not seem to develop a tumour even over long term follow up. counterpart for episodic ataxia type 2 which associates with Such cases may represent primary autoimmune non-para- point mutations in the same calcium channel CACNA1A. neoplastic disorders. Treatment is often beneficial, the However, from a clinical viewpoint PCD is a much more mainstay being 3,4-diaminopyridine. There may be an aggressive, rapidly progressive cerebellar ataxia than episodic associated cerebellar syndrome (see below). ataxia type 2. In PCD we envisage there is progressive destruction and loss of these calcium channels which may Peripheral nervous system account for the clinical severity observed. Isaac’s syndrome Acquired neuromyotonia (Isaac’s syndrome) manifests as Morvan’s syndrome muscle cramps, slow relaxation of muscles after contraction Limbic encephalitis is a paraneoplastic syndrome associated (pseudomyotonia) and hyperhidrosis. Electromyography with SCLC and rarely with other tumour types. The shows myokymic and neuromyotonic discharges (repetitive symptoms consist of psychiatric involvement (personality firing at rates of 5–150 Hz and 150–300 Hz respectively). This changes, , and insomnia), seizures, short term spontaneous muscle activity is driven by abnormal firing of memory loss, and confusion. There is usually hyperintense peripheral nerves.65 Antibodies to voltage gated potassium T2-weighted signal change in the hippocampi and amygdala. channels66 have been shown to induce hyperexcitability of The majority of patients with limbic encephalitis have

www.postgradmedj.com 30 Graves, Hanna Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.2004.022012 on 7 January 2005. Downloaded from Commissioning Agency (NSCAG), UK. Thanks to Dr Everett. Key references Research in our laboratory is supported by the Guarantors of Brain, the Wellcome Trust, the Medical Research Council, and the Special Trustees of University College London Hospitals NHS Trust. N Ptacek LJ, George AL Jr, Griggs RC, et al. Identification of a mutation in the gene causing hyperkalemic periodic paralysis. Cell 1991;67:1021–7. (First neu- QUESTIONS (TRUE (T)/FALSE (F); ANSWERS AT END rological channelopathy described.) OF REFERENCES) 1. Consider the following statements regarding myotonia N Ophoff RA, Terwindt GM, Vergouwe MN, et al. congenita: Familial hemiplegic migraine and episodic ataxia 2+ type-2 are caused by mutations in the Ca channel (A) It may be inherited in either an autosomal dominant or gene CACNL1A4. Cell 1996;87:543–52. (First an autosomal recessive fashion demonstration that brain calcium channel mutations (B) It affects tissues other than skeletal muscle may cause human neurological disease.) (C) It is usually unresponsive to antimyotonic agents N Shiang R, Ryan SG, Zhu YZ, et al. Mutations in the (D) It is caused by mutations in a voltage gated sodium alpha 1 subunit of the inhibitory glycine receptor cause channel on chromosome 17 the dominant neurologic disorder, hyperekplexia. Nat Genet 1993;5:351–8. (First CNS neurotransmitter 2. Periodic paralysis: receptor implicated in disease.) N Steinlein OK, Mulley JC, Propping P, et al. A missense (A) Attacks of weakness are always accompanied by a mutation in the neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine recep- change in serum potassium concentration tor alpha 4 subunit is associated with autosomal (B) Attack frequency may be reduced by acetazolamide dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy. Nat Genet prophylaxis 1995;11:201–3. (First epilepsy ion channel mutation.) (C) Patients may develop permanent muscular weakness after a few years of attacks (D) May be caused by mutations in a ligand gated calcium channel on associated anti-Hu antibodies. Morvan’s syndrome is the association of limbic encephalitis with neuromyotonia, 3. Malignant hyperthermia: hyperhidrosis, and polyneuropathy. Antibodies to voltage gated potassium channels have been found in the sera and (A) May be caused by mutations in the gene encoding the cerebrospinal fluid of these patients.71 Reducing the antibody ryanodine receptor of skeletal muscle titres with plasma exchange has led to symptomatic (B) Is characterised by excessive release of calcium from 72 improvement. the sarcoplasmic reticulum of skeletal muscle into the skeletal muscle cytoplasm CONCLUSIONS (C) Is allelic with central core myopathy The neurological channelopathies are an important and (D) Is precipitated by dantrolene therapy expanding area within neurology. It is evident that the PNS and CNS may be affected in 4. Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome: isolation or in combination. In addition, it has become clear http://pmj.bmj.com/ that either genetic or autoimmune insults to the relevant (A) Is an autoimmune channelopathy caused by antibodies channel may underlie disease pathogenesis. Indeed, it may against a postsynaptic voltage gated calcium channel well transpire that for each genetic channelopathy there will (B) May be a paraneoplastic disorder frequently associated be its autoimmune counterpart, for examples, see table 9. To with carcinoma of the lung date, autoimmune channelopathies affecting the CNS are (C) Usually presents after the age of 50 years relatively uncommon but are likely to increase as further antibodies are identified. For example, the true incidence (D) May be associated with thymoma of Morvan’s syndrome is not established and it is likely to on September 30, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. 5. Episodic ataxia type 2: be under recognised. Furthermore, the role of antibodies directed against the CNS in the genesis of epilepsy has not (A) Is characterised by brief (1–2 minutes) attacks of ataxia been fully elucidated. For many channelopathies an accurate (B) Is caused by point mutations in the voltage gated genetic or autoimmune diagnosis can be achieved. For calcium channel gene CACNA1A muscle genetic channelopathies there is a national centre for diagnosis in the UK. Genetic diagnosis is clearly impor- (C) Is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner tant in order to allow accurate genetic counselling in (D) Is rarely responsive to carbonic anhydrase inhibitors appropriate families and will often inform treatment choices. Finally, new insights into the mechanisms of epilepsy and ...... migraine are being gained by the study of genetic channe- lopathies. It seems probable that genetic susceptibility to Authors’ affiliations T D Graves, M G Hanna, Department of Molecular Neuroscience, common forms of epilepsy and migraine may be determined Institute of Neurology, and Centre for , National by variation in ion channel genes, which are critical in Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, London, UK determining neuronal excitability.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS REFERENCES Further information regarding the UK national diagnostic service for 1 Koch MC, Steinmeyer K, Lorenz C, et al. The skeletal muscle chloride channel muscle channelopathies (NSCAG service) and regarding DNA based in dominant and recessive human myotonia. Science 1992;257:797–800. diagnosis in neurological genetic channelopathies is available from 2 Kubisch C, Schmidt-Rose T, Fontaine B, et al. ClC-1 chloride channel mutations in myotonia congenita: variable penetrance of mutations shifting the voltage Dr M G Hanna. dependence. Hum Mol Genet 1998;7:1753–60. The DNA diagnostic service for muscle channelopathies is 3 Wu FF, Ryan A, Devaney J, et al. Novel CLCN1 mutations with unique clinical supported by the Department of National Specialist and electrophysiological consequences. Brain 2002;125:2392–407.

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