-. '··:. ' ::· .. ·.. ;

·: :'.~;"~ '~: '•.- Williamson Rates · Wake Second .,it~r::tt,; .··a.t In Nation NumberS

'· ..

.WCtil&segibi ~:tOrODoW-B.adyTOidgbt, . _C~m-p Davis Victory Boosts· Stock· of L~c~l Pl-ayer$ ··- ···-- .r>ri~~>!~- ,.llitd As '\itdotj ~Pailn CotltinUes By BILL PRIMM ,Nev/::Quarte·rs ·· __ ·. ·Bonfire, sp~cites PI~cit; · * Tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 p. m. on the green turf of the · · . >: :~,.<:.:· >.. ·. : >·~:·:· ·. • ·. · ·. , . ··• ·-Fieshnien to·Form ''V''. in ·Geer ... ··: .. · ·Staitds·-·ai 'Gaijte Duke Stadium, th~ Wake Forest Demon Deacons meet their first .. President Tomorrow tough opposition of the season when they tangle with <;;oach ' . •· _. . . . ·v;:s hit:'Vi been· ·up ill! the Wake Forest 's high and mighty Blue Devils. ·fGi!eA1t;phlrcftegra~ or e s ·· · · ...... ch~Ik~d· · . o~er-- . c~~pus. · . ;: . :/,:, .. .. : ... · . · . : :duri~~Jhcrwe~k, final arrangements )lave been made for earn~:~ The game tomorrow will mark*,------­ ; .....;. •,. PI~;-~ ~rogram .~hich "?ll: 'ii,tg on~the V-for.Yictory -drive oyer at Duke stadium tomorrow the twenty-fourth game in the .. rea~ hoi¥ to the_ st1.J(ients a.na: :afternoon; .and · Beat Dook Gentiment wi'Il be· fanned to.Jever long series between the two Wake Forest, ,'... :alwruu' M~!l:~~ain c;aub'pr~i~~~t, pit~h-·at i>lllDristrou~ pep rally tonight: · teams which began way back in · Pat· Ge~r, made knoW!(~. week · An things taken into'considera- ·:...·· __ ._. ------. . ''' . . . . ;· •' '' ' ·'. ' . . ' . * . 1889 with tlie Deacons giving the State College the group's inttmtions to be~ an tion; tba~:-:puk~ game _should be . . . '' . . . Dukes a 32-0 pasting. . ext~ive' '~a~paign '. t~ • 0~~~ quite some ~~: fr_om all ~ile~. Rea .Add'r·e~s:St!!; I funds for a: club;hotise. . _ ·. · . .FrC)m @ mdications, tom.ght s .. . · . Wake Forest's impressive 65~0 Will Parade victory over . the Camp DaVIs · · . ,.· .. · . :> . ·. rally should J>e_the biggest ever ·A~· ·. . it G . A goal of twenty':'ti~e. h~~ staged at:Wak~ Forest:. The:ially " um·nl . eleven last Saturda;y night has Activities Planned .. dollars has been set for_ ~e struc will begin at· 7 p. m.;· when stu- · given D~ao:;on supporters added Preceding Game tlu-e,. the. ~ocati?n. of_ whic~- has dents-~ gather, behind the- band Fraternities, Football confidence and has lowered the ·On October 18 not yet been .deterinined. · on·.tlie c~p~ and march down to Are Discussed in .. odds on the Deacs. However, · • t ·ted· th t ·th · · ·. d the gymnasium. Iil 'the gymna- ' · . • Duke still remains the favorite Three campus leaders laid plans · .· Geer. sa. · .a:, ._e D.lam . e-: ·; · .. '. . ··.. · · · · .· _ Greensboro Meeting · · f ch. · cl b · h use is to SlUm .the mam program-consist , 0 with most writers giving the Wednesday for Wake Forest par­ ,. - sll'e· . or s:u a u · . .· . -iDg · of · sorigS, · numbers · by the Fraternities fo.otban·· were ·and Deacons onl;y an outside chance ticipation in State College-Raleigh .provide a in which band;. cheers · and ·the subjectS of ·Fri­ plac~ ~lodge. speeches-~ disc~ssion ~t for a win. Day activities preceding the and to entertam prospective ath- take,place. Following the gymna- day night when Dr. L. 0. Rea, Dr. L. Owens Rea · Saturday's game marks the State-Wake Forest game October letes . and visiting alumni. The sium progrlll!'- there will b'e a big professor :uf economics; and Wal------­ opening of the football schedule 18 , :pre~ldent said that such a struc.:. bonfire on the lot next to the en~ ter Holton, college sports publicist, I RC' .s L D ' .L for Duke. Coach Wallace Wade · ture, with mode~ club facilities t~anc::e 'to Go~e Field. At this bo~- addre~sed th~ Greensboro chapter · 8-.;5 8 ~e has a fine squad of players, fea- Guests of the Raleigh Chamber · · · · · · fire.tliere will be a freshman shirt of the Wake Forest altimni asso- · turing abundant backfield rna- of Commerce at a luncheon meet­ .. and a spacious e_ntertainme~t parade and;'more songs, _numbers ciation in a meeting called. espe- F El • teriai and a good line, although he ing of Raleigh merchants, J obn -room, would d() very much tow~d by the'band,~ch~rs·and speeches, cially to elect new 'officers of the. or ' ectt~ns has been worrying over lack of Elliott Galloway, student body in~luen~g .. future · :athletes to Climax of th~ •evening will· coll_le organization. . . . . ·New members for the Wake good replacements in the forward president, Roy Truslow, Pan:­ come to Wake Forest. .· .when, the. entll'e. student body Will. . D. E .. Buckner, an off1c1al o:r the • . . wall. But the squad i~ good Hellenic Council president, and .. ~ . . . : . follow the band in a parade· dow'n Jefferson StancJ8r"d Life Insurance Forest International Relations enough to ·rank the number one Neil'·lVIorgan, editor of The Stu­ . . _Letters to ..AI. .. by Silrunons dormitory; throUgh Company was made president of Club will be elected Wednesday contender in the Southern Confer- dent, conferred with Wesley Wil- · Letters to the alUinlli whlch:v.lm te>~ and down'the'Raleigh high- the Gr~nsboro association, 'sue- night, Oct. 1, Ke~th ~ames, presi- ence and one of the ten best ill the Iiams, executive :secretary of the . · · tat. · · t way back.. to the campuS. - ceeding Ed Stanley Greensboro ,dent of the orgaruzat10n, announc- nation. Raleigh Merchants Bureau. soon be se:D-t, made the ~ em~ : :At the pep rally tonight and attorney: • . ed .yesterday. Tentative plans call for an af­ that. "last yea;_ ~!t~:: Moll~~ a~a~ ~t- the·~~~- tQ~()rrOW· the 'Other . officers chasen ·by the One week later, ~e ~tated, on Duke Works Hard ternoon parade led by Governor . Club, .. a£ter. hav~g:~ted ,for,~~ ~:.;and,cihe.• vanous.board- alumni 'were Dr. :R. M. Bliie; vice- Oct. 8, a smoker Wlth .a formal ·;hough seemingly .looking to Broughton, President Kitchin, and past' few.years_'ojl neXt to nothirii, hig.;ho~ and'dormitories will be president; Jim Dorsett, secretary; program will b_e given. ~or men the Tennessee game next Satur­ Dean Harrellson of State Colleie. found itself with an=abundance of x:epresented by ~arg~ bann.ers in- Dr. H.· Lennon, treasurer;' ~d chosen t;om .~ h_st of ~gible stu: day, Coach Wade has been drill- Will Have Floats . ere. desll'' ou's corporat~ .the V-for-Victory sign Dr; J. Clyde Turner, chaplain. dents for affibatlon with the .club. . h" d ha d for Saturday V . capable. men. Who W d "The qualifications for member- mg Is squa . r · arwus campus groups are ar- of seeing our. .oWD:.· orgaruza· · ti on an the "Beat,. , Dook" sentiment. ·Fraternities Build Men. sh'IP m. th e IRC are a mmtm· · urn of Scouts who witnessed. theb Wakeht ranging for floats to follow in the . .i rise .to the ·level. of similar" groups Radie B!-'Oadciwt . C?ntrary to· the ·popular belief, 12 hours' work in so~ial sciences Forest-Camp Davis game · roug Fayetteville street program, and . . . ·. . .-hb ,.;., :c.·o,:;eges 'and Tonight's... rally Will not be Dr. Rea .told the ~2 assemb_Ied and a demonstrated ·interest in in- back news that the Deacons have the band has been requested to be m our ne1g or~.,. ·.u . al · · · hi talk frate 'ti ~ f th best balanced teams h d . · . ; ,; · broadcast by radio·atati«?n WRAL! umm m s • rru ~s are ter~ational problems," James said. one 0 : • on an · uruversities...... as eXpected .. As WPTF, the other ~ not mere. social organizations. Furthermore, he added,. member- seen here m a long tune.- So Mon~ Six girl ·sponsors are to be se- The club IS hoping to obtam. a Raleigh sta~on, has exclusive They are. man-builders, he said, ship is limited to four per cent of da~ Coach. Wade held a long lected by the student body to oc- large_ amount from th:ese former rightS for· ·the broadcast of tomor- correcting faulty habits, personal- the student body. • scrunmage m an ~ffort to set up a cupy a float and to be guests of Wake Forest students who have aft · • · · WRAL h · ity qu;rks and developing "respon · defense to stop the Deacon of- Raleigh and State College at the- . shown an ~ter_est. in the. college's ~:med~oon s game,, . as sibilit; of. the -group to tlle in: To Have Forums fense. Throughout the week the evening game. sports ... achievements . of the past . N. . ti t• t t' ·wPTF . dividual and the individual' to the . "Round ta~le dis~ussions, open Blue Devils have been devoting Participation in the day's events ...... · . · ... . · ego a Ions o ge · m- f d b t · d ch ·11 ···few years. . · ' . t ·d h · group". , orums, e a es an spee es WI more time to defensive wotk than by Wake Fore.11t units will mark ... ·. It was also announced~that the ::.ea.· tve.:~t su:eded, as the The criticism that fraternities at constitute the programs for this to their own offense. the first instance in which the . club· has. planned to ask fo~ dona.,. . m;e ~e ~f~fo_r t e~all~~oul~ Wake Forest control campus poll- year," James explained, setting In the Deacon camp Coach D. college has been represented in a . -.,. tions from the students and the nohedul.e Tlh ~ o e bs bll~nt s tics has been .. decreased with .the forth, the Inte~ational Relation C. Walker has had to go rather Raleigh parade, except by the local. merchants. Each student sc e. ere. IS a pro a . l y, organization of the Student Poll- ClubS: 1941-42 arms. easy because of injuries, though band . -~ill be ·asked to 'give .tWenty-five h~wever, !hat WD~C ·~f Durham ti u Important books on current in- plenty of contact work has been .cents t·o the ca'us·e.'· The club· will ste.p .m. _and _fill _the .gap.• al- cal nion, he stated. Wake Renresentation . D R als t ld f d ternational affair~ will be supplied on schedule. Like the- Dukes, the :t' .el th. at. the lo.cal mer- though no·thin·g _final_ w_ as. known r. ea o o o propose . "Wake F()rest, we. hope," Mr. members fe plans·· for the building of Wake for use in program preparation Deacons have been on the defen- chants . will be benefited by the a t Arrpress time this morrung. by the Carnegie Endowment sive while the freshmen ran Blue Williams said, "will be just as plan and consequently they plan . ~ents have been made Forest's nE!w $250,000 chapel, Fund. Devil plays against them. Pass thoroughly represented in the 'k for a fi've-do"ar contribu- for 150 or m. ore freshmen to sit in after a discussion· by Dr. J. Clyde day's activ.ities as will State Col- to as u Tu 1 · · d t d 1 Assisting James in election defense has come in for its share the form of a .n.. antic V m· fl re- rner, a umru a op e a reso u- lege Th c·ty f R 1 · h tion from each merchant...... tl"on t 0 t t M A H . .. smoker plans are Arthur Vivian, of attention as the Dukes are as . e 1 o a eig appre- served section of the stands at the con ac · · uggms, IRC vice-presidentl and Sam Tarl- dangerous through the air as on c_ iates the Wake Forest student ·- -. Plans to Raise Funds game. At the openirig of the h ea d 0 f the ch ap el f un d program, body ,and wants to encourage it to , · d t . ·t· tr"b ton, secretary-~reasurer. the ground. · · game the Wake band· will march m regar 0 so1 ICI mg con 1 u- visit the city more often." ~ther pla~s ,have been mad,e by out onto·. the field; form a large V tions from Greensboro Wake ------.. The Deacs have several objec- The parade, to start at four whtch to ra1se the necessary funds before the Wake Forest side of the Forest graduates. Nominations tives to shoot at tomor.row. First o'clock, will occupy the spotlight for the house. The members have t d' d la th . Thanks Robmso"·n of all, last year's stinging 23-0 de- f 'd d t raf.n ff . ti k ts to s a 1um ,an P Y e openmg or more than an hour. Half- d eel e. ~ . e o SlX c e ts strains .. of Be~thoven's "Fifth The" 22 .former studenta of the It is officially. announced feat on Homecoming Day before time activities at the game, to the Carolina game at ten cen a s· ph " Th fr,. hm ·f college also voted thanks to Pro.;. that nominations for fresh- 21,DOO fans still lingers in the t t t 8 .E ch stud t art..... t ym ony . e es en. orm-. s ar a p. m., will climax tha ch ance a en p 1C1pa - fessor Zon R b" m' an class offi"cers ·will ~-1 -e minds of most of the players. . .. ·-this .' t t will h .ing the· V will then rise, the rest . 0 mson, now on W11!. festivities of the day. mg m con es ave an f th th. Wak F st "d leave, for his work with the place during· chapel period Then, too, the Deacons haven't G · ~ . o ose on e e ore Sl e overnor Broughton will sp~ak equal opportullity to receive for f th tad·. . . ted school's debating team, and pass- next Wednesday, Oct. 1, in been.able to cross the Blue Devil b . f1 'ck to th tud t o e s mm remammg sea , ne y, and President Kitchin will ten cents a tl et e s en d th h 1 d will 1 d th ed a resolution honoring the late the church auditorium. On- goal line in five years. It was in b 1 f an e c eer ea ers ea e ] . . d d • that a Gold and Black team e we corned by Dean Harrellson. sec IOn. · · entire student body in a series of Dr. J. Battle, member of the asso- Y nonunatiOns rna e unng 1936 O'ccupying the spotlight will be the A few ring matches. have also V ciation. this perioo in the auditorium last scored on Duke, though tak- b hedul d d direct 1 -for-Victory cheers. . . 'will be ted . ing a 26-7 defeat. But the big- recently awarded Sportsmanship eenlsc b ed, ant af th BP aty- -The V-for_:Victory cheers have In his address, Walter Holton accep • Cup, dedicated to clean Wake by-p ay roa cas o e os on .. - (Contm· ued on Page s· ) gest objective lies in the fact that College-wake Forest f 0 0 t b a 11 _been. made: u_p by the c_heering ------1X------it has been exactly 14 years since Forest-State relations. 1 game will be given in the gymna- squad and v.ril be practlce~ b~ Wake Forest fans have celebrated Kitchen to Address sium with an admittance charge the student body at torught s ·aarold Tribble To Lead a-victory over the Blue ·Devils. In Of tw'enty-fi've cents.· ·. (Continued on Page Six) · 1926 the Deacons won out, 21-0. Graduating Class MUSIC DRIVE CLOSES College President Thurman D. Big Step Hoped Preston Doubtful Starter Kitchen will leave Wake Forest The Monogram Club said that it AT CQLLEGE TODAY Special Reltcion Week Added to the fact that they will Wednesday for Memphis, Term., hoped through--this movement to Meinb~hip car!ig for the an­ The first "Religious Emphasis I week days he will speak at the be decidedly underdogs in the where he will address graduating ,make another big step for Wake nual Civic · Music · concerts in Week" on the Wake Forest cam- chapel period, which will be game, the Deacons will not be up classes of the University of Tenne­ Forest College in the world of Raleigh are now available in the pus in two years will begin Sun- lengthened to 45 ininutes. He to full strength. Pat Preston, see School of Medicine. sports. · The members expressed office of Thane McDonald at 301 daY morning, October 5, when Dr. then speak again at 7:30 p. m. regular tackle, who received a He will return to Wake Forest the hope that interested alumni Wait Haij, the music director ·has Har~ld W. Tribble, professor of To Present Principles· bad gash in his leg last week, will at 8 p.m, Monday night, Oct. 6. would do evecything possible to announced.' systematic. theology at the South- In a recent letter to Rev .Eu­ probably not start though he will help this campus organization. In · All undergraduates are entitled em Baptist Theological Seminary, gene Olive, college chaplain, Dr. S!!e action. J. V. Pruitt, tailback the club's letter a permanent in- to the cards for three dollar~ the will open a series of. talks on "the Tribble stated his general plan on the first team, still has a bad Prnctice rreachers vitation was extended to the. student membership rate. Profes­ basic principles of the Christian and purpose for the week's mes­ leg. Red Cochran will be in the An important meeting of alumni "to drop in' and see us on sor McDonald asks that all stu­ view of life in terms that may sages is "to pitch my messages on first string tailback slot and all seniors who are now tak­ your next viSit to the campus". dents desiring tickets get them by appeal especially to college stu- the plane of setting forth the basic George Owens will start at Pres­ ing Practice Teaching (Edu­ Officers of the organization for tonight, because money must be dents," Baptist Student Union of- principles of the Christian view of ton's tackle. cation· 34) and those who the coming year are: Pat deer, turned in on Saturday.· ficials have stated. life in terms that may appeal Tomorrow's historic game is ex­ plan to take it in the Sprillg president; Joe Butterworth, vice- ·Professor McDonald attended Beginning with the Sunday especially to college students." pected to draw about 15,000 fans wi11 be held in 103 Wait Mon­ president; Pete Horchak, secre- the-meeting of the association last morning church service, Dr. ~ib- Dr. Tribble has ·appeared before into Duke Stadium, many coming day, September 29, at 7 p. m. tary; John Galloway, treasurer: Monday night. Wake Forest was ble w i 11 ~ speak t w i c e a day the Wake Forest students in past to get a preview of the 1941 Duke Failure to attend wi11 present · and Carl · Givler and Bob Reid, represented by him and his wife, throughout the week, concluding years. Three years ago he led team, and others hoping for a complications. sergeants-at-arms. · · and Dr. and l\4rs. W. J. Wyatt. his messages on Friday night. On a similar week of religious talks. Deacon victory. r'

Old Gold and Black •,

But what if someone were to come up to one ;.· .. ·_;. of them just outside the ticket booth and say: College Presidents Fav.~r · Published weekly during the school year except dur- Here's a ticket to this game and five more just lng examination periods and holidays, as directed by the Wake Forest College Publications Board. as good. 1'11 sell it to you for $3_. Esl:ablishing Officers' Unil: ·Bill A\·ers·------.---Editor Would he take it? You bet he would. In recent years college officials dent to develop objectionable D. E. \yard 7 ------Business :Manager Bill Primm, sports editor; Bob Gallimore, Newbill Now swap the man o~tside the ticket booth throughout America have present- ideas or. habits on account of it." \Villiamson, managing editors; Herbert Thompson, John ed arguments for Reserved Offi- Dr. Robert L.' Slagle,· president l\lcl\1illan, Xcil :\!organ, Santrord Martin, George Stami>S, with a music lover outside a box· office. Say the Lee Copple, Sam Behrends, Elizabeth Jones, Seavey Car­ of. the University of South Da- . roll, Jimmy Shelton, \\'ylie Yarbrough, .Joe Sawyer, Owen music lover is in New York just about to pay cers Training Corps and express- kota: "Military training ·in this.J 1.\lll.....;.L-~iOII...~.:.:.;....I ... L.ll~ Pat•ker, Ed "'ilson, elli torial staft ; John Conley, Owen $2.50 for a seat at a concert by Lawrence Tib­ Hil>IJs, Bill Phillips. sports; l3art·y Davis, Zeb Jones, Dem· ed approval of units already. es- schoo1 is a positive' influence for wit!iw.A.KFi FOitEST ming Ward. J. D. Davis. Riehard Gallimore, Harrel John­ bett, and someone comes up to him and says: son, business staff. tablished at their colleges. good. It develops ·courtesy, obe------Here's a ticket to this performance and five OLD GOLD AND BLACK, believing dience, respect for lawful author­ ft:IPRE.Si.NTID FOR NATICNAL.. ADVERTI81N0 IW By BOB GALLIMORE . more just as good. I'll sell it to 'you for $3. that students of Wake Forest Col- ity and a generally favorable at­ National Advertising Service, Inc. lege favor the establishment of titude toward so·ciety: as a whole. Gone with the draft: Henry Co/kge Pllhlilhm Rf/ll'lsnlt4tifll Would he take it? You bet he would. 420 MADI80N A VI. NIW YORK. N.Y. military training courses here, IIt giv~s the men the ins~ht into Seeman Lougee, ~ast year _presi­ CHIC.WO • BoiTOft • Los ARIII.II ' SA• FIIARCIKO The Raleigh Civic Music Association is of­ presents the following symposium the need for p'ublic spirited. men dent of the Class of 1942. Not gone Entered as second class matter, January 22, 1916, at fering to students for $3 a series of six star­ the postoHice at "'ake Forest, North Ca.rollna, under the of opinion: · · Iin the home communities and with the draft, but neverthele~s .. -...... studded concerts featuring such musical per­ Dr. Charles A. Lory, president shows them that ·patriotism is not . . . h U S , d act of :\'larch 3, 1879. . . . . · servmg w1t nc1 e am s arme All matters of business should be addressed to the sonalities as Tibbett, Gladys Swarthout and of Colorado State Aancultural. a matter of entlius1astic·flag wav- · Business lllanager, Box 218, and all other matters should College: "We consider the work ing. ··In: tlrls ~espect '''it -is the· forces (in the capacity of a second Lauritz Melchoir. Were it not for the fact that be ad

An unexpected part o:f the pr.o- gr1 on next ;ruesday m the!l' smoker M da . ht . 1'1 . •t• 1 Th . on Y mg . gram was the presentation of a IDlla game... •'" e fraternity AJJ w k A Polanski Givler • life size oil painting of President was recently visited by former LAMBDA CHI ALPHA . • . or on ny II Thurman D. Kitchin to the col- member Jim Beaver, now attend- The Lambda Chi's boost a pro- lege by Mr. McMillan. The paint- ing the University o:f Penns:fl- ~essional ball player in pledga Make Radio I ! ing is a gift from Mr. and Mrs. vania. · · · All members are plan- Russel Abitt of Wilson.... All Herbert A. Carlt~n of Raleigh, in ning to attend the pep rally to- members are planning to attend Motorola Radios- I v v honor of Archibaldt A. McMillan, night. the Duke-Wake Forest game Sat- son of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Me- DELTA SIGMA PHI • • • urday.... Former members Jim $12.95 Up I Millan, who graduate~ from W~e "Everybody had a swell time" ~arly and Har~ld Early are now c. P. PEARCE ! THESE TWO BOYS \VILL LEAD Forest last year and IS now w1th when the Delta Sigs entertained t m the Army Air Corps.•.. 'l'om the U.S. Marine Corps: a smoker last Wednesday 'gh~ Jones and Doc Baine spent the THE DEACONS TO VICTORY The speaker was introduced b.y . . . Hell week will be obs:ved Iweek-end at Virginia Be~~h last Htadio Sales and Service SATURDAY Dr. J. H. Gorrell, professor emen- next week for the following _:w~eieki"i'i"i'iTihieiLiaimidiaiCihiiisihiaivi.~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ t~s; of ~odern l~~g:s, who pledges: Lynwood ChelTY, Phil 1 ...... highly pra.rsed McMillaz: s scholar- Harris, Ray Manieri, Frank Me- · ' . -.. ------ly traits as a student here. gougan and ·James Hoyt Dozier FINEs MEN SHOP "V" MEANS THE DOW~FALL OF A Wake Forest graduate of the • • • Brother Eldridge Allen an class of 1909, Mr•. r¥IcMillan has alwnnus visited the boys 'Ia·t Showerproof, Windproof Zealon Jackets at $2.95 THE DEVILS OF DOOK! practiced law in Raleigh for: over week. ' · ' Cor. Fayetteville & Hargett Sts. Raleigh, N. C. 20 years. ------'Other Speakers KAPPA ALPHA • • • .Other speaking for the occasion Lieutenant Governor R. L. Har- 'i~iiiiiiiii~ii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiji were Dr. Henry Hudson McMil- ris spoke at the KA smoker last Ian, missionary to ----china and night and many alumni of the For the Very Best Eats-KEITH'S COLLEGE BOOK STORE,. brother of R. L. McMillan; Elliott fraternity were present.... Foot­ Galloway, president of the Wake ball prospects look good for the I. "ON THE CAMPUS" Forest student body; Ralph Bru- KA's this year, and they're eager- Complete Line of Meats, Fresh Vegetables and met, prominent member of the Phi ly preparing for their initial bat- Society and a member of the col- tie with AK Pi next week. . . . Sea Foods A Specialty ~ijiijiiiiiiiiii~~~iiiijiiii~ijijiiiiiiiifiifi~ lege debate squad; and George The Ka's will i n i t i a t e three \I

Watkins,met to win who the teameddebate cupwith for Bru- Phi pledgassoon. KEITH'S MARKET \ Society on lallt Society Day. KAPPA SIGMA .. ' HOLLOWELL'S Following the program, there The boys on the Raleigh road Ph 2671 Ph 267 1 was an informal smoker held in =wiiieriiieiiiiiireiiiciiieniiiitliiiiyiiiiiiiiviiiiisliitlieiiiidiiiibiiiiyiiiiiiiialiiiuniltrui· l;iiioinieiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiioinieiiiii.Si I the Wait Hall band room. 1 Clad in ceremonial · robe, Ed s th EJ • Wilson, president of Phi Society, mi ectric Cash Food Store presided at t~e meeting. Bryan Le~ves Cooley Shoe Shop Old Gold and Black GOOD THINGS TO EAT SHOES REPAIRED THE Daniel B. Bryan, graduate of CEMENT WAY Wake Forest College and son of SEND IT HOME TO Dr. D. B. Bryan, left his law of­ Our Agents: fice which he shared with Con­ HORACE FLOYD Your Girl, SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK gressman Harold B. Cooley last HERMAN LEWIS Tuesday to take a position with Phone 375-6 the Department of Justice in We Call For and Deliver Your Mother-In-Law, or New Package Raisins------lOc Box Washington. Your Loved Ones. New Package Pancake Flour---- lOc Box Marshmallows------15c Lb. Bag FOR THE LARGEST STOCK OF VICTOR, BLUEBIRD, A BUCK FIFTEEN ($1.15) PAYS FOR Log Cabin Syrup----· ----15c Bottle DECCA AND COLUMBIA RECORDS SEE THE REST OF THE YEAR. Hershey Chocolate Syrup,- -- 10c Large Can JAMES E. THIEM SEE- 1 Lb. White House Coffee------25c Also New Music Craft Records ...... 29e Mgr.~ 1 Lb. Caraja Coffee------22c 3 Booths for Your Convenience D, E. WARD, Bus. First Store on Fayetteville St. Ral~b. N C Box 232 Wake Forest, N.C. Phones 252-1 and 253-1 We Deliver ~------·-·~.1 ...... •.

' . · . , .. .. Page Six Old· Gold. and Black ~~q,,:~eptember ~~' 1941.:: . ~~~~------~------·------~------~~~=--~--~.-~~--~~~~--~--~ Rea Addresses Tatum, W. ·L. Silbert, Frank. L. rick, 'L. s. Mooroe, Ben T. Ward, Gamma Meet Alumni Group Paschal, Julius c.. Smith, · z: H: James·. R. Minton, Bill Hardiri, THE CO-ED'S FIVESOME Howerton;· E. ·M. Jackson; ViCtor Wm. · Buie ~ Mciver, and H. 0; " The national convention of the (Continued from Page One) E. Jones, Roy M. Smith, L·. D:.Wy._ Barnes, Jr. Gamma Eta Gamma, honorary reviewed 1941 football prospects; -----''----'-~-:-~-.:._-"-~-~------.. "· law fraternity, will be held Octo­ I shot a lot of today distributing to alumni a brochure ber 22-25, with headquarters in With joe and Jim and John and Ray; on the Deacon team. the Sir Walter Raleigh Hotel in We all are freshmen-what is more, Raleigh, Lewis Alexander, presi­ Not one of us had played before. In addition to !ormer President dent of the local chapter, announc­ I Ed Stanley, other retiring officers ed this week. One set of clubs was used by all, of the association were J. J. A smoker will begi.;l- the four­ I borro'Y!ed them from Uncle Paul, Shields, vice-president; Ja!fieS day convention on Wedneseday D o r s e t t , secretary; and Sam night, and a business meeting will And 0,. we laughed and clowned and be held Thursday morning. · played, Tatum, treasurer. Main highlight of the conven­ And scores like ten and twelve we made! Members present at the meet­ tion is the banquet which will be ing of the Greensboro chapter, es­ held on Thursday night with Gov­ The aged prof who played behind, ernor J. M. Broughton serving as Was anything but sweet an·d kind, tablished in 1939 under Dr. Roy principal speaker for the occasion Smith, were D. E. Bucker, Dr. R. / and Justice of the Supreme Court And when weputted on sixteen M. Buie, Ja:mes Dorsett, Dr. H: Clarkson serving as toastmaster. And did a tap-dance on the green, Lennon, Dr. J. Clyde Turner, Ed To Sponsor Dance M. Stanley, J. J. Shields, Sam On Friday night, October 24, He strutted past, his head in air,

Beta Gamma chapter of Gamma As gripe-y as a big old bear 1 Eta Gamma will sponsor a dance in the ballroom of the Sir Walter And beat us to the sev'nteenth tee! Hotel on behalf of its brother I thought 'twas r-ude as it could be chapters. In cooperation with the Pan-Hellenic Council, the Gam­ But s'pose 'twas only just his way­ DUMP· DUKE,_ I~as extend an invitation to the He must be forty if a day •••. members and pledges of the vari­ ous social fraternities. A nominal They want to play tomorrow, too; DEACONS! fee will be charged. I don't know yet just what I'll do: Officers will be elected at a bus­ ·"V" iness meeting Saturday morning, Golf as a game is not so hot­ and the convention will end with Still, boy-friends step it up a lot! FOR VICTORY the Wake Forest-Carolina home­ -Edith Earnshaw. coming game and the pledge Let's stomp the Blue dance, Saturday, October 25. I At least one member from each regular Eastern Standard time 1 ROW ... The membership drive Devils in the Dust, of the 40 chapters of Gamma Eta next Sunday is to be used by Ra- of Raleigh's Civic Music Associa­ ... Boys. Gamma in the United States are leigh's State Theatre. It is adver- tion will officially end Saturday expected to be present at the con­ tising a special show which will evening, September 27, at nine No .Cramming Necessary!' vention. Wake Forest alumni start at twelve midnight, run for o'clock. After this time no appli­ TOMORROW IS who are former members of about two hours, and be over soon cations will be accepted. Under­ Gamma Eta Gamma are also in­ enough for the boys who have graduate students may buy tick­ THE DAY • For swell flavor- and vited to attend. dates to get their girls home a lit- ets from Professor McDonald be­ tie after one. The feature picture, fore tonight at headquarters in real chewing -fu_n -the Parade to Follow by the way, stars Charles Boyer, Room 904 of the Hotel Sir Walter "V" Rally Olivia deHavilland, and Paulette in Raleigh. Tentative dates for S6 W. Brewer answer is delicious Goddard and is entitled "Hold the six concerts are November 24, (Continued from Page One) Back the Dawn." ~- December 16, January 22, Febru­ Wrigley's. Spearmint· Gum rally. They were practiced yes­ C. M. A. DEADLINE TOMOR- ary 24, March 12, and May 1. Grocery . - . terday afternoon by the freshmen -::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::~ to sit in the V formation. I Wake Forest, N. C. Eli Galloway, president of the student body, has given to the There are presses and cheerleaders 1,000 stickers printed I with V-for-Victory and "Beat, presses, but no other Duke". Two hundred of these I stickers have been mailed to platen press exceeds Meredith College in Raleigh and Woman's College in Greensboro, the Kluge in sustain­ CRAIG WOOD Galloway says, and they will be I ed performance . . . I. winner ~f the National Open, d-istributed freely to stick on cars I I the Masters' and the Metro­ and in other places where they with its speed, pre­ i will be generally seen. pol_itan Open, three of the cision, and register. most coveted tournaments in Pro Humanitate golf. From beginner to master {Continued from Page Two) it's Chesterfield. · A platen press is a letter press which does not have a cylin­ Columbia's literary contribution der; that is, every bit of the type prints at one time. is "Our American Heritage," an The Kluge (pronounced Kloo-gee) runs stock at the rate of album of thirteen prose master­ 3600 per hour, any size up to a page of this newspaper and any pieces dealing with various peri­ thickness. It is fully automatic, and prints with less than .01 ods in American history. Walter point (.0013 inch) error. Brantjen and Kluge Company (both of German descent) of Minneapolis manufacture the unit. Our Addy, Shakesperean actor, reads Kluge has printed hundreds of thousands of letterheads, en­ "The Mayflower Compact," "The velopes, etc., for North Carolina colleges .. Declaration of Independence," "The Gettysburg Address," Wood­ row Wilson's "Americans of For­ The Record Publishing Co. eign Birth," and nine other selec­ tions. Telephone 2561 CINEMA ITEMS . . . Heading a Zebulon, N.C. double feature at the Forest The­ This is the first of a series of advertisements intended to ac­ atre last Saturday was the movie quaint the public with the. methods of mode-rn printing. adaption of Damon Runyon's ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::! "Tight Shoes," a story about a likeable gan~ter who buys a pair of shoes that are too small and thereby gets into all kinds of MD/ININIJ 10 NIGHT trouble. It's one of those surprise "quickies" that turn out to have . coAAIONw,ra A an entertainment punch not to be found in many million-dollar epics. One of the very best of its kind ... "My Life With Caro­ line" is an ultra -sophisticated DUD·THERM comedy about a man who spends FUEL OIL HEATER , most of his waking hours keeping his frivolous wife from falling in AMAZING... love with someone else. Ronald Colman is the entire show, and POWER-AIR UNIT he is excellent . . . A novel idea SAVES for taking advantage of the change from Daylight Saving tu UP TO 25%! T NIGHT , •• just set your A Duo-Thenn at low for just enough heat to keep the chill v off. A twist of the handy dial when you get up .•• and Duo­ Therm floods your house with warm, clean, odorless heat. Smokers everywhere like their For Victory That's how. simple it is to · have perfect heating comfort with this efficient new Duo· COOLER MILDER BETTER. TASTE Send your coats and Thenn ROYAL heater. And talk pants to us for an ex­ about beauty! New, modern Chesterfield's mounting p_opularity is pert job of cleaning and styling, new rounded contours, new Duo-Tone finish, make the , due to the Right Combination of the world's pressing. Duo-Thenn ROYAL the hand· somest heater ever made! leading _tobaccos ... the best known cigarette The new Duo-Therm RoYAL heater is equipped with Radiant· Zebulon tobaccos from Tobaccoland, U.S. A., blended Wilkinson Doors, patented Dual-Chamber Burner with complete flame con· with the best that come from abr~ad. Cleaners trol ... handy front dial control .•. special waste stopper. See Supply Co. OPPOSITE THE UNDERPASS the new Duo-THRRW heaters today I Easy terms. Zebulon, N.C. EVERYWHERE'YOU-GO -,feyS'tilitll