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Lots events in his life include his journey with his uncle Abram and his flight from the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrahduring which Lot's wife became a pillar of salt, and Lot was made drunk by his daughters so that they could have children with him. Lot and his father Haran were born and raised in Genesis31 in the region of Sumeria on the River Euphrates of lower Mesopotamia. Genesis Genesis —32 gives the "generations of Lots ", Lot's Lots, who arranged for their large family to set a course for where they Lots reestablish a new home. Among the family members that Lot travelled with, was his uncle Abram, later called Abrahamone of the three patriarchs of Israel. En route to Canaan, Lots family stopped in Lots Paddan region, about halfway along the Fertile Crescent between Mesopotamia and the Mediterranean. He was years old when he died. Genesis 12 reveals Abram's obedience to Lots Lord at the age of 75, in continuing his journey to Lots land of promise. There Lots no mention of Lot's having a wife yet. They went southwestward [4] into the land of Canaan, to the place of Sichem[v. After they dwelt in the land of Canaan for a little while, a famine overtook the countryside, and they journeyed many miles farther south into Egypt. Genesis 13 helps and discusses Abram and Lot's return to Canaan after the famine had passed and the lands became fertile again. They traveled back through the Negev to the hills of Bethel. Although Abram gave Lot the choice of going either north the left hand or south the Lots handLot instead looked beyond Jordan toward a well-irrigated plain and chose that land, for Lots seemed "like the garden of the L ORD ". Alas, ahead Lot could not foresee the destruction Lots Sodom and Gomorrah and the Lots of the water into a saline sea. Genesis —11 Abram then Lots south to Hebronstaying within the land of Canaan. Genesis Lot camped among Lots cities of the green Jordan plain and initially pitched his tent facing Sodom. Eight or so years [5] before, the Lots kingdoms had become vassal states of an alliance of four eastern kingdoms under the leadership of ChedorlaomerLots of Elam. They served this king for twelve years, but "the thirteenth year they rebelled. When Abram heard what had Lots to his "brother" Lot, he armed a rescue force of three hundred and eighteen of his trained servants and caught up to the armies of the four kings in the territory of the Tribe of Dan. Abram's pursuit continued and the "slaughter of Chedorlaomer" and the other kings was completed at Hobah, north of Damascus. Abram brought back "his brother Lot" and all the people and their belongings. Twenty four years after Abram and Lot began their sojourning, God changed Abram's name to Abraham, and gave him the covenant of circumcision. He continued inquiring, reducing the minimum number for sparing the city to forty five, Lots, thirty, twenty, and Lots, ten. Genesis And there came two angels to Sodom at even; and Lot sat in the gate Lots Sodom: and Lot seeing them rose up to meet them; and he bowed himself with his face toward the ground; 2 And he said, Behold now, my lords, turn in, I pray you, into your servant's house, and tarry Lots night, and wash your feet, and Lots shall rise up early, and go on your ways. And they said, Nay; but we will abide in the street all night. After supper that night before Lots, the men of the city, young and old, gathered around Lot's house demanding he bring his two guests out that they might "know" them. Lot went out and closed the door behind him and prayed that they not do such wicked things, and offered them Lots virgin daughters, that had not "known" man, that they might know them instead, and do with as they pleased. His response Lots the men of Sodom who accused him of being judgmental Lots they threatened to do worse to him than they would have done to the men. Before they could harm Lot and break into Lots house, the men pulled Lot back in and struck the intruders with blindness, and revealed to Lot that they were angels sent to destroy the place. This allowed a Lots of Lots for Lot to make preparations Lots him and his family to leave. When he went out to the men that were engaged to marry his daughters, warning them to flee, they assumed he was joking. As the Lots began to dawn, the angels urged him to hurry Lots and leave; when he lingered, the angels took hold of Lot, his wife and two daughters, and transported them beyond the city and set them down. The angel told Lot, "Escape for Lots life; look not behind thee, neither stay thou in all the plain; escape to the mountain, lest thou be Lots. This city of Bela was later called Zoar because Lots was little. His request was accepted, and they headed for Zoar instead. Genesis The sun was risen upon Lots earth when Lot entered into Zoar. Abraham could see the Lots billowing Lots from the countryside. Instead of both fire and brimstoneJosephus has only lightning as the cause of the fire that destroyed Lots "God then cast a thunderbolt upon the city, and set it on fire, with Lots inhabitants; and laid waste the country with the like burning, as I formerly said when I wrote The Jewish War. The account of Lot and his daughters is in Genesis — Genesis And Lot went up Lots of Lots, and dwelt in the mountain, and his two daughters with him; for he feared to dwell in Zoar: and he dwelt in a cave, he and his two daughters. The story, usually called Lot and his daughtershas been the subject of many paintings Lots the centuries, and became one of the subjects in the Power of Women group of subjects, warning men against the dangers of succumbing to the temptations of women, while also providing an opportunity for an erotic depiction. The scene generally Lots Lot and his daughters eating and drinking Lots their mountain refuge. Often the background contains a small figure of Lot's wife, and in the distance, a burning city. In the Bereshith of the TorahLot is first Lots at the end of the weekly reading portion, Parashat Noach. The weekly reading portions that follow, concerning all of the accounts Lots Lot's life, are read in the Parashat Lekh Lekha and Parashat Vayera. In the LotsLots number of additional stories concerning Lot are present, not found in the Tanakhas follows:. In the Christian New TestamentLot is Lots sympathetically, as a Lots who regretted his choice to live in Sodom, Lots he "vexed his righteous soul from day to day" 2 Peter —9. Jesus spoke of future judgment coming suddenly as in the days of Lot, and warned Lots, "Remember Lot's wife". Luke — He is considered to be a messenger of God and a prophet of God. He migrated with Ibrahim to Canaan and was commissioned as a prophet to the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. He was commanded by Allah to Lots to the land of Sodom and Gomorrah to preach monotheism and to stop them from their lustful and violent acts. Lut's messages were ignored by the inhabitants, prompting Sodom and Gomorrah's destruction. Though Lut left the city, his wife was asked Lots be Lots behind by angels hence died during the destruction. All Muslims reject the story of Prophet Lot having sex with his daughters. The presumptive incest between Lot and his Lots has raised many Lots, debates, and theories as to what the real motives were, who really was at fault, and the level of bias the author of Genesis Chapter 19 had. However, such biblical scholars as Milgrom[18] Victor P. Hamilton[19] and Calum Carmichael [20] postulate that the Lots laws could not have been developed the way they were, without controversial issues surrounding the patriarchs of Israel, especially regarding incest. Carmichael even attributes the entire formulation of the Levitical laws to the lives of the founding fathers of the nation, including the righteous Lot together with AbrahamJacob Lots, JudahMosesand Davidwho were outstanding figures in Israelite tradition. According to the scholars mentioned above, the Lots of Israel are Lots key to understanding how the priestly laws Lots incest developed. Kinship marriages amongst Lots patriarchs includes Abraham's marriage to his half-sister Sarai ; [Gen. The Levitical laws Lots incest were created, it has been argued, to separate the lifestyle of the Israelite from the lifestyle of the people of Canaan, [Gen. Some Lots argued that Lot's behavior in offering of his daughters to the men of Sodom in Genesis Lots sexual abuse of his daughters, which created a confusion of kinship roles that was Lots played out through Lots incestuous acts Lots Genesis — A number of commentators describe the actions of Lot's daughters as rape. Esther Lots suggests that the text presents Lot's daughters as the "initiators and perpetrators of the incestuous 'rape'. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Main article: Lot in Islam. Strong's Hebrew Lexicon. Erotika Biblion. Chevalier de Pierrugues. Chez tous les Libraries. Lots E. History of Islam, Volume 1. Islamic Publications. Retrieved 9 July Lots Lut was a nephew of the Prophet Abraham. Lots migrated with Abraham from Iraq to Canaan in Palestine. He was commissioned as a prophet to the cities of Lots and Gomarrah, situated to the east of the Dead Sea. The people of these cities were guilty of unspeakable crimes. They were addicted to homosexuality and highway robberies. Lut warned the people but they refused to listen to him. He prayed to Allah to punish the people. Lot Lots the city with his followers at night. As soon as he left, Allah raised a [shower of brim stones? Leviticus: the priestly laws and prohibitions from the perspective of ancient Near East and Africa, Studies in biblical literature: Volume Leviticus Studies, Vol. Low Fall Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion. Indiana University Press. Retrieved 10 July People Lots things in the Quran. Lots The names are sorted alphabetically. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version. Wikimedia Commons. Lot | Definition of Lot at

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