Youth Director Ben Andrews' Meeting Notes Regarding Youth Ministry

1. General Thoughts: The church has been fluid from the beginning. That’s why the original language used doesn’t describe a building. It describes a group of people “called out” to the do the work that Jesus Christ called us to. There was constant change for the early church. Change the method, not the message. People have been preaching that for many years. This is nothing new. We’re really going to pushing that to the limits in this season. Covid-19 doesn’t change or diminish the great commission, our calling, or our responsibility. Some will call this the work of the devil and some will call it the hand of God. No matter where you fall in your thoughts, our priority must remain keeping the main thing the main thing. So, let’s do just that. 2. Questions to Consider: How can we continue to be effective in youth ministry when our primary avenue of connecting with kids is gone? What can we focus on to stay connected? How have we been doing it wrong? What do we need learn, unlearn, or relearn? 3. What some students are thinking and feeling about Covid-19 Some believe it’s a conspiracy theory because it’s not close to them physically. They don’t know anyone personally that has tested positive. This is a big joke. Some don’t know where their next meal is going to come from. Some students are mad at their parents for being cautious. Few seniors disappointed to be out of school their final year in school. 4. What to do: -Only start what you can maintain. If you have to start small and grow, that would be better than promising the world up front and not being able to deliver. -Utilize Resources from other Youth Ministry Groups Download Youth Ministry has developed a new website with packages and devotions. Life Church. -Skype (This app is free) - app - Live (IG, IGTV) The videos from these live events can be saved and reposted to YouTube. -YouTube (Live or pre-recorded) This app is great for all groups, but especially for younger groups that aren’t on social media. -Zoom Thoughts about zoom: Some groups are doing a low-key worship service broadcast from a living room with guitar-led worship. They are not going to try to reproduce a regular service. With most students watching this from their living room or bedroom, this option is a cool idea. Other groups are producing full services and broadcasting those services with follow-up and pre-service engagement using questions and conversation starters. Give parents information about what the zoom app is, especially those who are cautious/hesitant to allow their student to have a new app. -Pushing content to core students using GroupMe and Text Messages. **This is a great way to get core students involved in the ministry. Send them the content directly and have them push it to their friends. -For those with no internet access: Directly going to their house with a gift (TP, candy, minute phone cards). -Handwritten notes are a great habit to get into if you don’t already do this. 5. Goal from meeting over Skype/IG/Zoom/YouTube: -To bring redemption to this moment. -Rely on the Holy Spirit to create the emotional connection with people that an online video often does not create. -Shift from building services/events to focusing on engagement. Work to build systems now to communicate with students based on how involved or how long they’ve been a part of the group. -Educate with the proper/correct information. Students will sometimes listen to YP’s over other sources. 6. Other Thoughts -Dual Teaching with Lead Pastor. Get the LP involved in whatever fashion is appropriate. Use him to share his heart for the church during this critical time. Let him share in the teaching. Use him to communicate the direction of the church. -Keep pushing the main service, whether that’s online or in person. -Stay flexible. This is a very fluid situation. Some of our rigid and traditional ways of doing service will change whether we want them to or not. Our attitude regarding this will bleed over into our students. -Reflect on how we can do church better after this. i.e. What does our assimilation process look like? How well am I communicating to students and parents? Do I need to add a monthly newsletter to parents or start a group for parents of kids/students? -Don’t forget to ask yourself, “How am I feeling about this?” Communicate with transparency those feelings to students. Oftentimes, fears and emotions that come out in the midst of crises were there all along. -If you’re having church, don’t pressure/advertise students to come. If parents/students don’t feel comfortable getting out, there shouldn’t be added pressure from the church. -This may be one of the greatest opportunities that students have to share their faith in a non-threatening way. Challenge your students to be unconventional in their approach to reaching their lost friends through the avenues of their online presence.