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MAP:Ahmadnagar(Maharashtra) 73°40'0"E 73°50'0"E 74°0'0"E 74°10'0"E 74°20'0"E 74°30'0"E 74°40'0"E 74°50'0"E 75°0'0"E 75°10'0"E 75°20'0"E 75°30'0"E 75°40'0"E A L O AHMADNAGAR DISTRICT GEOGRAPHICAL AREA E Y S (MAHARASHTRA) D N R " N 0 " ' A 0 0 ' ° W 0 0 ° 2 O 0 T 2 Dhamori A Rawande KEY MAP IK U *# # H CA-10 R * *#Bramhangaon S A God A N av N G ar A i B KoRlpewadi A iv CA-09 D e *# Suregaon r *# CA-11 Singnapur ± Kopargaon (M Cl*#) CA-01 CA-02 T H CA-12 !."/ A CA-08 *# N CA-10 E CA-13 *#Kokamthan N S " 9 H N 0 3 " ' H 0 0 4 S ' 5 7 0 ° RE 5 CA-14 9 K THA ° 1 I S PA Pohegaon Bk. A 9 ARD Wari 1 CA-03 TO H TOW *# *# U CA-07 W S D Sawali Vihir Bk. A R R R A *# Rui D N A S N O Nimgaon Korhal*#e P B N A *# N U ID A G Shirdi (Np) N N R Puntamba G E D A U P !. *# A R O B S K H - R CA-04 I R A N U CA-06 D G E D A O N Sakuri P B T M A A E A *#R CA-05 N AH G G ATA RD Ekrukhe A N !."/ N M A *# S S A O SH Rahta Pimplas (M Cl) G R 45 U N P Wakadi S " Undirgaon A *# N 0 " L D ' *# # 0 0 * O CA-09 Haregaon ' R S 4 *# 0 ° Nimgaon Khairi 4 9 Astagaon A *# ° 1 9 Deothan W 1 D Pimpri Nirmal O eservoir Shrirampur (M Cl) R # A T Total Population within the Geographical Area as per Census 2011 n * *# e O h Khandala*# t R *# CA-11 45.43 Lacs (Approx.) *# o I *# *# *# Takalibhan e Mamdapur !."/ Ghulewadi (Ct) L D # Total Geographical Area (Sq KMs) No. of Charge Areas A *# Ainatpur Bhokar * Belpimpalgaon !. Sukewadi J Babhaleshwar Kh. *# *# *# *# Jawale Kadlag N Rajapu*#r *#Lohgaon Nipani Wadgaon 17038 14 *# # O Loni Kh. *# *#Sam*napur 0 *# A *#Loni Bk. *#Bhagwatipur 6 Kolhewadi G Nimgaon Jal*#i Pachegaon *# H !."/ M Sangamner (M Cl) 4 Ukkalgaon # S I * lwande H 4 *# *# Karegaon i S D N *# Charge Area Identification Tahsil Name Charge Area Identification Tahsil Name N a *# VARKHA Ar m Akola Jorve Kolhar Bk. Belapur Bk. Nevasa Kh.(Rural) DE RD ke thu *# *# a s Dhandarphal Bk *#Kolhar Kh Padhegaon !."/ L Rajur (Ct) *# Ashwi Bk.Dadh Bk. *# CA-01 Akola CA-08 Rahuri LI *# Mukindpur N R 46 *# *# A N U !. H CA-02 Sangamner CA-09 Rahta " # H S iv * N R 0 a K A e T " ' S N ar r I A CA-01 G 0 0 v Dahigaon Ne. AM a A ' CA-03 Parner CA-10 Kopargaon 3 S N r 0 ° E P S R P *# ar 3 9 AS g ° 1 D HW Bhanashiware a S 9 CA-04 Shrigonda CA-11 Shrirampur R 1 A CA-02 I RD Guha Deolali Pravara (M Cl) S D W *# h R O *# SH D t A CA-05 Karjat CA-12 Nevasa T T !. R a 4 W H S Malichinchora 4 H Takalimiya *# Bhende Bk. E N O CA-06 Jamkhed CA-13 Shevgaon N T A 1 0 *# CA-12 *# N Kotul Kharwandi N CA-07 Nagar CA-14 Pathardi Gunjalwadi er Kukana O E *# iv *# A *# R *# la G u Deogaon E M # H Mungi * A # CA-08 D * Rahuri Kh. Sonai 8 S *# 14 H H 49 *# H H-50 S !."/ Shinganapur Bhatkudgaon S N 5 S 0 *# H *# Dedgaon # LEGEND Umbre * ¤£ 66 Chanda *# Baragaon NandurDigras *# # Sakur *# *# Ghodeg*aon Shevgaon N " CA-13 N 0 6 # *# " ' * !."/ 4 0 0 ' 2 0 ° H 2 9 am S D ° 1 a l 9 LANDMARKS u 1 M 49 Bodhegaon H S S *# *#Balam Takali H 4 Vambori T R Palashi 9 Miri O /" DISTRICT HEAD QUARTER W U *# A T *# S *# 8 R O H 4 DS 1 S 4 8 S H 21 5 H U S 6 M D AP R Dehere H U /" TAHSIL HEAD QUARTER A S R W *# O T KELE WADI RD Jeur .! MAJOR TOWNS A Pimpalgaon Malvi T *# A *# ORI H Tisgaon MOT P DS N E *# R " Dhavalpuri A W N 0 8 L 4 " ' 2 H 1 TO Pathardi (M Cl) 0 0 # S A * Vadgaongupta ' VECTORS 1 H 0 ° S SH *# !."/ 1 9 S Takali Dhokeshwar 1 ° 1 4 D D 5 A S 9 # O 1 * Nimblak R R CA-14 H R GA 1 A *# A 4 N N Karanji 7 W HA 8 NATIONAL HIGHWAY !. R 6 O BU *# T Bhalawani Nagapur (Ct) H T # !.Nagardeole (Ct) S OWARDS * ALEPHA SH 2 TA Burhanaga!.r (Ct)Wadarwadi (N.V.) a Rive *# in r STATE HIGHWAY CA-03 !."/!.Ahmadn*#agar (Cb) K S H Ahmadnagar (M Corp.) CA-07 T SH 5 !. O MAJOR ROAD 0 W 51 Darewadi (Ct) A RD K S uka Arangaon GH I rd S A R RAILWAY i *# H TA P N C 1 7 " P M 4 I 4 N 0 Parner I " ' 2 a M 1 P 0 0 Chichondi Patil P ' n ° R H 0 9 !."/ I A ° a *# S 1 T 9 l A 1 GA BOUNDARY T H O G Nighoj Supa Walki W S N A A *# *# D T *# R R D A O S K D W H O S WATER BODIES Jawala A T D 7 N R *# 2 O SH R A A W O P T U L A A T N O R VILLAGE POPULATION R W M E I A U N " H R N 0 H " ' D S 0 0 ' S G 5 Mandavgan 0 ° S C 5 S N 8 e # ena ° 1 * B H Dam N 8 r D O pu im IN 1 g I A n a R D C *# VILLAGE WITH POPULATION 5000 AND ABOVE a S o H G s H n A i P Kolgaon 1 R Pimpalgaon Pisa 4 D U V 1 W *# a R A m D *# P O LJ A T S A O I D R D R E R G D N A A S Ghargaon E H REMARKS:- CA Name Village With Population > 5000 Road/s Passing Through H E W C 5 B 0 *# Jamkhed (Ct) O PA Mirajgaon T Ghod S S D *# !."/ H D CA-01 Deothan,Akola,Kotul,Rajur (Ct) SH 21, SH 46, SH 44 a Belwandi Bk. R m 1 A i. Landmarks are indicative in nature. *# 0 55 W 1 Wadgaon Pan,Samnapur,Kolhewadi,Nimgaon Jali,Jorve,Ashwi Bk.,Jawale TO ii. Each charge area is depicted in different color and is enclosed by physical H CA-02 Kadlag,Rajapur,Gunjalwadi,Sukewadi,Dhandarphal Bk,Sakur,Dadh Bk.,Sangamner (M NH 50, SH 44, SH 45, SH 46, SH 50 S CA-04 S 5 features such as roads, rivers, railway tracks or administrative boundaries 5 3 N H " Cl),Ghulewadi (Ct) H 4 N 0 S " ' 1 1 Loni Vyanknath 0 as shown in the map. 0 S 4 H ' 4 1 H 0 ° *# 1 5 4 8 CA-03 Palashi,Dhavalpuri,Takali Dhokeshwar,Kanhoor,Bhalawani,Jawala,Nighoj,Supa,Parner SH 2, SH 27, SH 50, SH 51, SH 145 ° S CA-06 7 1 8 iii. This map is a part of 'application-cum-bid document' for the Hangewadi 1 5 Pimpalgaon Pisa,Belwandi *# S SH 5 Kharda H Ahmadnagar District Geographical area. CA-04 Bk.,Kolgaon,Mandavgan,Pedgaon,Hangewadi,Ghargaon,Loni SH 10, SH 50, SH 55 5 *# 0 Vyanknath,Limpangaon,Kasti,Shrigonda (M Cl) Shrigonda (M Cl) !."/ SH RI CA-05 Mirajgaon,Koregaon,Rashin,Karjat (Ct) SH 55, SH 67, SH 68, SH 141 GO Nannaj ND *# T ON A O MGA - K CA-06 Kharda,Nannaj,Jawala,Jamkhed (Ct) SH 55, SH143, SH 155, SH 157 S INA Limpangaon UL W MAP SCALE RD DH WA *# A A TO RA Dehere,Nimblak,Vadgaongupta,Jeur,Pimpalgaon Malvi,Chichondi Kasti N R CA-05 R 0 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 SH 2, SH 10, SH 27, SH 45, SH 60, SH141, OA Jawala D D K Kilometers CA-07 Patil,Arangaon,Walki,Wadarwadi (N.V.),Ahmadnagar (M Corp.),Ahmadnagar *# !."/ S SH 142, SH 145 O *# D R Koregaon (Cb),Nagapur (Ct),Burhanagar (Ct),Nagardeole (Ct),Darewadi (Ct) A B awad T # h i L Karjat (Ct) * H s a I B k ke - T N Pedgaon a A O " O A N 0 R L T " ' Guha,Baragaon Nandur,Rahuri Kh.,Kolhar # O * 0 0 S ' CA-08 SH 10, SH 49, SH 66 W O N 3 U 0 ° M Kh,Takalimiya,Umbre,Bramhani,Digras,Vambori,Rahuri (M Cl),Deolali Pravara (M Cl) 3 8 A di W ° a A Lak N 1 w e r 8 e D 1 R M S h A TA T E Sawali Vihir Bk.,Rui,Nimgaon A 8 D S P R DS 6 R R S Korhale,Sakuri,Astagaon,Ekrukhe,Puntamba,Wakadi,Babhaleshwar WA H D O TO S D CA-09 SH 10, SH 39, SH 44, SH 45, SH 47 S K PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS REGULATORY BOARD Kh.,Mamdapur,Lohgaon,Bhagwatipur,Kolhar Bk.,Pimpri Nirmal,Loni Kh.,Loni A Rashin K R Bk.,Khandala,Shirdi (Np),Rahta Pimplas (M Cl) SH 6*#7 A M D R Dhamori,Rawande,Kolpewadi,Suregaon,Bramhangaon,Singnapur,Samvatsar,Kokamth UN 1st Floor, World Trade Centre, Babar Road, New Delhi-110001 A M D A CA-10 SH 10, SH 39, SH 47 DS a River L R m A an,Wari,Pohegaon Bk.,Kopargaon (M Cl) WA i h A TO TO L B WA Ranjankhol,Nimgaon Khairi,Dattanagar (N.V.),Undirgaon,Haregaon,Bhairavnathnagar RDS A KAR (N.V.),Shirasgaon,Ukkalgaon,Belapur Bk.,Ainatpur,Wadala MAL CA-11 SH 44, SH 47 A Mahadeo,Bhokar,Takalibhan,Nipani Wadgaon,Karegaon,Padhegaon,Shrirampur (M Cl) N " R N 0 " ' PNGRB/CGD/BID/6/2015/29/GA-Ahmadnagar District 0 0 Map No.
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