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' @ 4 t . ,s+ A t . l Xr APW I L u lf 'v,j .- *#k T H E 0 F F I C I A L GAZETTE 0F THE COLOdY AND PROTECTORATE 0F KENYA. Published under tile Atltheriiy of His Excellency the Gnvernor clf the Cnlnny and Proiecioraie nf Kenya, kol XXIX.- NO. l 1 60 ) NAIROBI, August 3O, 1927. ( PRICE 50 CENTS. Regisiered as a Newspaper ai the Q. P. 0. Publisied every Tqesday. T .X B L E C O N T E N T S PAG E Govt Xotice N o. 450- Arrivals D epartures, Appointments . 1040 Proclam ation N o. 57- The Fopest Ordinance . .. 1041 ,1 't 58 The Townships Ordinance . 1 043 '? )1 59- The Townships Ordinance . 1044 A ) J 1 60 -The D iseases of A nim als O rdinance . 1045 ), '' 61 The Diseases of A nim als O rdinance . 1046 Govt. N otice No. 451- The Public Trustees Ordinance- ltules . 1043 ' . ,, 452- The Justices of the Peace Ordinance Appoilltmen; 1047 453- The Liquor Ordinance . 1047 451 N on- European Clerical Staff . 1047 455- The D etention Camps Ordinance . 1047 11 456- -1-he Detention Camps O rdinance . 1 048 457- I-he Nàtive Authority Ordlnance Appointm ent . 1048 458- -1'he Public Travel and A ccess Roads Ordinance- Appointm ent of D istrict Road Board . 1 048 459 The Registration of Trade M arks Ordinance- Trade M arks Renewed . 1048 46O- The M ohamm edan M arriage and Divorce Registration O rdi- nance Appointm ent 1048 General Notices Nos 763- 792 . 1049 1010 TH E OFFICIAL GAZETTE August 30, 1927. GOVERNMENT NOTICE N O. 450 Name DEPA RTU RES. Leave do do do do , do APPOINTM ENTS. ERNEST M' EIREOVTI.I H'&:tlz-csAqlcl, to be Assistant District Comm:ssioner, W est Suk District, witlz e'ffect f rom 8th August, 1927. Josspl.l EIIGAR H trclo LAMSSRT, to be Assistant District Com- missioner, M asai Provinae, with effect f rom 9th August, 1927. J . 11 . S . )$1 hl I l 11. IC 14 , J()?- Colbnial S6c?-t?f ary . Colony and Protectorate of Fcenya. PROCLAMATION NO. 57 * xm k . * .*& &, $ f ' . a' 4. r .a* z ;,i 4 eyw., . .* x > TH E FOREST ORD INAN CE , PaOCLAMATION. ED W ARD D ENH AM . BY H is Excellency Sir E dward Brandis D enham , L K night Comm ander of the M ost Excellent . s. Order of the British Em pire, Com panion of the Most Distinguished örder 'of Saint Michael ancl Saint George, Acting Governor and Comm ander-in-ohief of the Colony a14d Protec- torate of K enya. IN E XERCISE of the powers conferred upon m e by section 3 .of the Forest Oriinance, (Chapter 149 of the Eevised Edition) , I hereby declare the area described in the Schedule hereto to be a Forest Area within the m eaning of the afore- m entioned Ordinance. GOD SAVE TH E K ING'. GW EN under m y hand at Nairobi this 18th day of August, 1927. T, . E . S. M ERRICK , /oz Acting tln/ozàïcl Se'cïetaïy. SCH EDU LE . BouxoAulEs t)lp q?HE M OTJNT KENYA Folxxs:r RssllltvE. The boundaries of this Forest Reserve are delineated and colbured green on Lancl Surveys Boundary Plan N o. 39 deposited at the offlcc of the Land Surveys D epartm ent, N airobi, a copy whereof is on record at the offtce of the Forest D epart- m ent , Nairobi . The general description of these boundaries is as follows :- Com m encing at the south-eastern corner of L .O. No. 4634 on the eastern M arania (or Lukululu) River ; thence bounded by .that river up-stream to its intersection with the K azita M arania track ; 1042 TH E OFFICIAL GAZETTE August 30, 1927. thence by the centre line of that tl'ack (which also forms the south-western boundary of the 'M eru Forest Reserve) in a generally south-easterly direction to a point about 1,000 feet north of the junction of tlle ATuni a'nd Kazita (Kathita) T-tivers, where it intersects a cut and beaconed line ; thence in a g'enerally southerly direction by that c'at line to its interseetion (about half a mile south of itg intersection with the Traru lRiver) with the old P.IV.D . Roatl ; thence south-easterly by the south-western edge of tbat old road to its intersectiou with the M utonga River ; thence by t'hat river up-stream for about one mile and a half to its intersection with a cut and beaconed line ; thence by that cut line in a generally south-easterly and southerly direction to a point about two-thirtls of a m ile beyond its intersection with the Ttugtzti River ; thence still following a. cllt line soutll-westerly, westerly arld southerly to the Ifii T'tivei- ; thence by a very irregular cut line which follows closely the forest edge in a generally westerly tlirection to the Sagana River ; therlce by tllat river up-stream to its intersection with the eastern boundary of L .O. N o. 2266 ; thence by the eastern bouudary of that portion to its north-east corner ; thencp by the south-eastern, lnorth-eastern antl north- western botmdaries o.f L .O . N o. :263 and the northern boundaries of L .O. N os. 8 449 and h2262 to the intersection of ' the latter with the N airobi River ; thence by that river up-stream to its intersection with the south-western boundary of L .O . N o. 1784 ; thence by tlle soutlc-western and south-eastern bound- aries of that portion ; ' tllence by the south-eastern boltndaries of N os. 1783, 178: and 1781 ; thence by the generally nortlaern bounclary of the last portion ; thence by the soutll-eastern boulndary of L .0 . No. 3800 and the north-eastern boundal'y of L .O . No. 435:.3 to its inter- section witla ihe Naram oru Eiver ; thence by tlaat river down-stream to its intersection with the eastern boundary of L .0 . N0. 1Q:0 ; thence by t'hat bounclary to its intersection with Buguret River ; thence by that river dou'n-stream to its intersection with the southern bounda'ry of L .0 . N o . 128382 (outspan) ; thence by the southern and eastern boundaries of that outspan ; thence 'north-easterly b y part of the south-eastern boundary of L .O. No. 1.232 alad the south-eastern boundary of L .0 . N o. 123 1 to the intersection of the latter with the Nanyuki River ; thence by that river up-streana , forming part of the south- western boundary of N anyuki Township to its intersection with the eastern boundary thereof ; thence by that easterlr/ botp dary to its intersectiop Fith t. he Liki (or Leki) T-tiver ; . thent!e 1n- y that :,1' ver. t'Iow' ll-st l'etl. 1 ) ) to its ..t- ntersecti on with the zenerally soutlle 1- n ilol l ndary o t L . O . (N o . 5103 ; ' uhence by the generally southern and south-eastern boundaries of that portion and tlle southern bollntlaries of L .O . N os. 2882 arltl @2886 ; tllence by the sotltlt-western boltudary of L .0 . N o. 2888, and the southern boundaries of L .O. N os. 2895, 2894, 2893, 2816, 2817, :820 ant'l 4634 to tlle point of com m eneelnent. The area witllin the foregoing boundaries colTttprising L .0 . Nos. 3379, 5260, 3377, 3878, 31:47/R, 2281, 8442, 3443, 3444, 4402 and 5115, as delinepcted on Sheets 16 and 17 of the aforesaid deposited plan, are )a()t part of the Forest Reserve, and are excluded therefrom . PROCLAMATION No. 58 COLONY AND PR OTECTORATE OF K ENYA . *r !' . ! H .w ! = '* TT-JE TOW NSPH PS ORDINANCE. PROCLAAfATION. W . C . H U GGARD . BY W altel- Clarence I-luggard, Esquire, Actiug L Governor's D eputy of the Colony and Protec- .. S. t orate of Ifenya. IN EXEROISE of the pow ers conferred upon m e by the Townships Ordil-lance (Chapter 8: .of the Revised Edition), and by the Tnterpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Chapter 1 of the Revised Edition), T do hereby declare that Proclamaùion No. 1, dated the 30th day of Decem ber, 19Q1, is hereby am ended by cancelling the boundaries of the Township of Gilgil set out in the Schedule thereto and substituting therefor the botm dazies set out in the Schedule annexed hereto. GOD SAVE TI-IE K ING . GIVEN under m y hand and the Public Seal of the Colony at N airobi this 24th day of August, 1927. BY com mand of the Acting Governor's Deputy. J'. E . S . M ERRTCK , joç Rcffzlg Colonïarl 'SélczérfcTg. 1044 TIIE OIPFICIAL GAZETTE August 30, 1927. SCH ED ULE . GILGIP Towxsz1lp. Descïiptioyt oj Boundaries. Com m encing tlae southernm ost corner oî L .O. N o. 5624 ; thence nortllerly , south-easterly, southerly and. westerly by lines bearing 3520 45/ 07/ for 12,775 feet, 1270 45? 07// for 1,541.5 feet, 1720 45? 07// for 1,805 feet, and 2620 45' 07/ for 1,090 feet to a point bearing 1720 45 / 07/ for 120 feet from the point of com m encem ent ; thence sotltherly to a beacon by a line bearing' 1720 45/ 07// for 63' 5 feet and onwards to its intersection with the generally southern 1.00 feet R ailw ay Reserve boundary ; thence south-easterlj, by that boundary down-line to its intersection with the eastern boundary of L .O. No. 423 ; thence north-westerly by part of the latter boundary to the north-east corner of L .O.