THE CONSTITUTIONALIST. VOL. xxxvin. PLAINFIELD, N. J.. THURSDAY, MAT as, 1905. NO. M. t tf» CatstrivtKm. Which b Om C* EMAIL L. SGKLOSS HUB IIHWIillllHHHNEEKD mjJUBRKD HU Six Miniater. Fay Tribute to FOR mm DEATH Citizen* Determined to Keep II ST. STEPHENS CHURCH Ham IKaxket Seventh - Day HU Worth at the Ob-equiea. Borough Agitation Alive. BaptioU to Observe Sv«nL TAKES MISS CAKPtlE LOEB AS HIS MB. JOHN STEIN SECURES ft VEMHCT RECTOR HAS STARTED A FUND fO Jamei M. Martlne lays Plaln- AGAINST THE JERSEY CCRJffAL. ABHANGE MBBTINQB BUILDING'S ERECTION. OLDEST XV AKBHIOA fleld Should Own Water la tbe • M a targe gaebt la bar t» 000 MII aa.a. Dr. B. BtiBBM, of Sew York, Md frtaada mat m*ra tbaa BHad Ala Manto ot tb* Bapreaaa OaoH dortag toon of e bereagb 'garanieaaBt aayo tbat ami bava tMagbt St. BM Ibo ergMtamliM ot ibo Bevoatb-Oey •be offlolallBf cler»yma»- tata baaja aa Hyma »T«CO*. tba faa raumd, tba elMaaaa of Heeth Plain I'rlvmta Uoittlllp of Utlll- bo paet law day*. Ma. BMu woe pban-a ebarob aaa poor ta own mob Baptitt eboreb at Vow Marktt, la to IM JMBU 1Mb, titter M wardod by tb* jary ye*tardoy flaid aad Tlelalty an go be celebrated BB Baaday la BIBBIBW— bride, waa a Bid of bMor Bad no held yiBBMday afternoon two pobllo meetinge ovary mootb for with tb* ooBfereao* ef tbe Saveatb- OBBuld* wan tb* Mlaata Stella •iBiUe tb* agltatlaB ef tbo project Hd JeeopblM Wolf, Mlaa Baphia Leeb etergymaa teok part, aeob Martina, the Bad Bdaa Fran din bora;. Tbo Bti bad boon aaaoolaMd w blab la to work aavUsaaUy for iba ibnroh. Mmorrow. Baaday will b woo Id •peak IB BOB* ebapel, WM twin brother., Henry Md LM Leab, TallMt U Ufa ud wbo paid hlgfa iTaaoaaaaal of Iba propoaltlojo, iptmd by iba las* af oapiod wholly wilb cam a am « •offioUnl to draw aa aadiOBoa from wen tbe beet man, wbllo Wuitaan trlbata to bio BIBBJBIJ They won kaap |ba cilliani Bdtlwd aa la Iba plBM btlag aaadftd wbtro iba Bobtaaa, Max aad Pnilip Leeb carve* BIT. Dr. MArgM, of Newark ; Bar. I tbo Wen had IbM filled Ibe SOB BINX CLERK MADE pragraaa mt ta^ atovofttoat aad UH Baal aod wear* otbar maalttii Tba flr»l Savaatn-Day Dr. Ubartei Woaley Paraooi, paeter of •ohool ream laot Btgbm. Bis an! bd M ba foUawod la bruglng II bo bald, al»o aaalala and asm oboroh la Amarloa raoaptUM folio wad tba cinntaj. Otaee ML B.ebanb; Be*. Dr. A U. ' waa "MaaieipaL Uwsarablp" Mtd bo iQtr Tba raotas baa ntada M Hawpon, R. L, In 1071. Tali tha gtnaj it ana mt tba nuueti cf MeOree, pmor of tba Vint M. K. Tbli line at BOUM waa decided up pretentid It la aaob B NISTHEJI AH ENTRY appool for tba iaaillaa of a lilglMiM Sobavar'a laaal atara. atr. aad lira oborob; Her. Dr. W. a niH|iiii of M M a BieatlBg ef Iba oitliaat bale many ol bli Moo at land aad antrrr— a ion. aaolb aa • W«ddlag rnoy, iu tiiBif peoter. Ke». NST1TUTI0N HAS TO SUE DEPOSITOR U Tamperanoe Boll, Booth PlalBBOid, at Ibo dote Md remained lo dltonaa ataraatod la tba panab. Dr. H. K OerroU Md Bar. Mt Bight. The meeting WM marktc it wilb him. Mr. Marline WM latro- TO RECOVER AMOUNT, Tba tint dMatlMt eooilttini mt ft) aorly data ta Pbiladalphia, tbroagb by BB en t bnaiattlc in Mint In the bor- daood by Bar. L. K Howard and in bai baas dopeaiMd la lh« Ulty Na mmlirailoa from KaglBM, but Iba Mgb project Md la goajeral pobllo > part tpaka M f olio wa: • i" Si • K. *. orgMlaatlaoi of tb* «b«nb M MOW attain iianaiiiliii with tbe diatxlot. : "TM wbaa* idea of gottrnaaent Ii ..made by Dr. irrt NaUonal Balk, waa mad by tba Market, wblob la BOW Ibo aldoos Tho cllltene meBlfeHed a Brm deter- that It eball ba fat tba peopia'a imer- rererred M tb* IUDNI Uarltilen to- bank bofan Jotlloa Hoabar Md tb* aUglaal ilaallOB to brlag abont tee lnoorpara- CENTRAL RAILROAD WILL Mgtity ef Mil Valiant aad tb* da- ohnroh M Newport faawlB* boom aat. When thit It not aeoeapllahed ary yaakarday »tMrnoon for tb* ra- on ef a beraagB, aad ibo ways Md II faila la in parpen. Wa wo en- way ta wblob be applied him >oTa tr af «5, atlogad to baw baaa NOT INTERESTED NkM ap by •ilgratiM waiwaUr IOBBI oommtnee wee »aipewated is tilled to 'lit*, liberty aad tbo permit aalf ta nllgtBB* work. Be bed knewi by WM aba«| [ram wholly different oir- aot exactly oa it aaw at, wltb felt OS ELECTRIC ENGINES bol a abort time, tbo clergy mil imttMoaa. of bappiaoae,' wltb a atrlot Md tea* Mib*nty, t* adTOBoo the BtevoBi Democracy. Tbeeo Waaalaga waald aaid, bal II WM BM aaeeajary to M mitUke la Ib* Tb* Fira.-DaT Baptiat obnrob mt CONSIDERING CHANGE OF MOTIVE Oemmilleoi appointed M B pta»lont PlaoMaway WM atguUto la. 168B, bt Ib* parUeB of every oltiats bew- Wltb blm l« order to BBJLJ roMtinf rapanad on Ibe boanduiae OILY TWENTY-SIX BOROUGHITES VOTE | aver baajbia. Wbaa Ibe iplrit «t traa POWER ON LONG BRANCH LINE. dlBoera hit trot worth aod to Oa July IS, Uat tbe prepoeod boreagh Md the aad apuftad by tbo netein, uaed Oaary beaked *65. V. E. ON $4,000 EXPENDITURE- I Democracy U aM aolda UN piBpla. be- >ant of tajxobto property ibereln. bla whole beta*. Be bad worked far Halnia, aoM of IBB bookkaoptn, ooma Ibo objsoti of tyranny, tba de- le I Tbe benvgh umlti wen pobUitwd ta | gno af wbloh lo only goagod by Iba Ibroagb tb* limllemy la BBBBBJ, II la BarMgb midaaU orlaeaa bal lltUo tbo traolion p*< be OnrlttlaB loader atop by atop on- 'be Dally Proeo raoaBily. William aalflebnaaa af man. Tba dlfTtnlan ot BUuread cf How Jeney an aba Laag oradlled ibo depottl ta itoraat in Iba tpMiu MMttDR mt Ml ha bad qnitlly gone ta bia nward. lamllian woe cburmu atf tb* m»»t- workiag BB tbM day. 1 I pabllo edaoett oa throagb pobllo road. A Ugh repretantatlTe L»lar, whoa Ibe beak dl«- Board of Education, Matt algbt, whan la afterward gave a abort akatah ef »g Bad H. J. MaBBiBg WM aeontuy. eorond tte ellegea mlttake, Goer» Ibo queattan of a H.000 appropriation i, B deacon la l*e tone Ghana, - eobeolo »nd etwapaperi taadi lo pro- ef tb* read bao admitted IbM Iba The oommlitee ea tasabla property, ill life, tracing hio oaraor ee e in aakod to nfoad tbo aroacot Ba gadlBg bla brother engaged IB aenll* mat* oaltare aad elae a daaln" far at*aat leoemoilvoa ore to bo abolitbad farniahlnn tba MW OobMl aad aa a BI refeeod, clajoUag tbM ba aud* tba of wblob A. Bieengraff ii chairman, bor, npnred btm. Mr BoofaaM labor-ia.viog daviooa Md Iba pobllo a favor ot aieetrlo eaglaoe. Bad aete broBgbl ap. Mr. Tewaaasd oflarod a ltUaa. dupoted dapeelL The bank iban nportad IbM la the entire tawauip •omptiy eballeagtd tba dtaaaa to oejBTealMooa, Brolly tb* water, light ba time within wbioh ma ravel*. eiolntion tbM four boada at ft,000 Dr. uarreU apake ea a Mood of [hi icit, tbreaflb Oonaaallof W. Ibe tuable property amount* to MT0 from Ibo Porlpioraa tbet Bon- and Iraotporlallen. Mankind It a ao- sinatlaa aaob bo Maaad to moai oBger etMdlag bat la tba naala bit B OaddlBgtoa. 40. In tb* praaawbod beroBgb day WM tbo Bebbalb. OBBOSB DBB- r: olal UMltlt, haaoa gracartaaa la at H»a y»»rs. an ajpanditnra and It waa aar trlbata wao la aeoard with iba pree*e> then U BBt7,8S5. or aboot oaa-lblrd af taken BODiowbM by ••iprloa, I habit. Tbe BtBdeaoT ot population li Tbal tht OMIIBI baa bad tbo mat- looaooilaa- Oaaiaja Ball, tor Uoara, lid by aa onanimom Tata at iwaaty ag OBI. Prayer wat off ma by Dr. *a towmoip TBlaation. Md BM baring My mltable piaef ta - to Ibe oitiee, le 1TWO IB Ibla country, * of abMtfag Hi motm powar an iomming Bp argood IbM a rerdtct Joitpn O, O.gaod was obalimM, SBOdrgeaa and Dr. MmigwH~i^a Dr. Tb* laiea oolleeted la tb* tawaablp I, oammanoad aaoroblBg tbe 8erlp- dai aawifMiuian on tQa aban branch e blgbly « J. Arno'a **cratary and Albart I oao thirtieth of tba peopl* ll»ed la MoOna ipeke brloBy. Danag tba M year wen 181,081.67, ef whieb w»ll koowo. A roptaaaatallTa at tba ealy «r aad LBTI Klein Ullari. i for tbe proof which b* tnppooad I cltlti lo 1900 over one-ibird live IB •ervloa, two ealee, ••L.aad, Kindly IS,MO 61 want to tba Ooaoty and I t* mad, whan tiiid abaat It, in depoaitor faae to shew for a money la aaadad to properly ooold be eaaUy faaad. Te IIII^BIIM I olttaa. Beam tb* problem of Ib* clty aa "TM ObilaAM'o Oeod Wale raoelvM fJ.Dol TS.yaavlni B b •ary ratictnt, fcni ptaoUaaUj ad> onty basked la tba entry IB tb* paw quip Iba olaaa room at tba bcjUdlag irpnaa be wee "^Mi to and aaob 11* tb* probbHB of tb* Una*. Higbt," won aaag by HIM OHM UMad that ttia tootlna looomotlT«a all bot ooaiplaiad aid to taatalt a proof, ana BBfjaaUd »* bit btoUiraa I •• With concentration of popolatloo menu from BUM Md okbtr-lta, l! on tba How York and Lang Brunch OwnlL Md tpintoai adTlaan for aanotMai. BOM eaBOMtrattea at wealth. A Tba Jety waa out two boon before lyiKni Of ilanal belli to apprlaa wara smarkad for abandon- Tbe Moral Mbataa won awgaittoeal 000. Tb* oooi of tba prupiied bereaRb in d ID « BB help trota any aooroe,, aad hundred yaari age wealth WM* » •ordlot wee raaebed Md then re- opila of tba Ttrlooa period! dartag and ao nnmeroot aa to owa Bp the at weald be, epprexioialoly, «8, ITIOII taken tba ward of Uod ea MB ovoBly divided. Today half ot oor partaa tbet they bopaletily dlteqieid. tba day. la addttloa a' clock will IM gnaftr pert ef ID* roam wbontB tba 600. ila Of faith Md practice, ba W»* I people practically owa Betblag. Bttiao Moabex tent them bank, Md mtalled In tba to war on tba front ol oeakei wao placed. They laeladea The IBSUI mt uiet reooiTBble le impelled to odmtt hi. defeat Hi oo- niBoilon it tba ideal CITIIIMIIM. not tally oavalapad, bot ibal Iba Vow Laaily agned aa) m Terdiot for ibe building. Tba honda ars to bo many Urge aat pteeoi from tb* Pro* tb* bereasb limit! weaU be BAOBI ept Ih* Tiewt Md pnotJot ef the Concentration la tyranny. Henoe, B York Central raUraad wai making oma doa OB J nonary 1, jsai, and an dooe Sxobaaga, tba North Puiaflold •7,500. After dedaotteg ••.BOO far brother whom ba bad npnmd, wla* policy la to got ai soar to paapla rapid auidaa la perfecting Iba rovala- i bau Mrm par sent latonat. Ooonotl. tba Beard ef KdaoMloa, tb* onool then weald b* a balaaoe of Tba iBveetlgatlaa ooattaaed ml be- aa pottible. When B BBM buya e plaoe. Uaa af motl»e po war. NO ANSWE1 TOR BOSSES. Ooriag tbo maatlai, Pnaldea' " a A., iB* beat for aoBerel parpoeaa, MBO qalte geaen af property ba bayo both a iranohut awaa K. Joy aBorod loaoluilnaa da- Hod - CBrr1an' Hatoa T«k« Xo whlob la a mooh larger avaoaal tbaa 11 MTiral membe ngbl Md ft priTM right Md a* i Iba daaAb of Jobs Valiant, a Artlo* sa PropoiIdoB. tba dlitrlota roouvaa M pratent, oa to weal for motnoniy eaa take either ef IbaM aar of tba "board, wblob wara Following Ibt aerrioa the body WM -While It la known thai aaranl noian h%% more improvements oonld bo Day. la 1700 I] rights from blm witbeat ootnpeno*- bdoptad Md ordarea aagroaMd Md pieaod IB the raoelvug vaalt M Bill- bod-oarrlan bavo ratoraod ta work at tad on or toxa* radnced. ta tbemtelTea let* a ohnrob, ead tlM Md IbM only for tba pobllo ilde eosietory, tb* pteoe ot Interment old nala of *i 50 par day, tbo A veto et tboaks waa oxtaaded te MTeateen peraone anltad ta obaroh good. Tbe people ban boM alow ta ot bavtBg baaa derided apon aa yet, oeion hit not yat taitltd ita dUtor- hoie wbo won lnatraaoatal IB OBI OTenaot oador IB* name of tb* Pla. appreciate Ibo ralaa ef Irmnohlte.. ilk. k*ll h •• •— lm ^A»A ^|.A|.J Wm • •• aooa with tba Baa-aaiM man, Ibal lag tbe ninth Md lesth grade* la oataway BtTtntb-Day Baptiat cnaroh. Tho evidence ef Ib* ralaa af tbaao boalBaaa, III baa not yot dootdod to •amit tbo Upon tbe argMlBBtloa mt Ibe cbnroh, mooepolletle prtTllage* la dsmon- NTWO INNINGS ONLY DID LOCAL TUN ronololpal and oftaron lifa and were on-nnioa man aa moaaaaia at tba GOP TO WALK M KdmoBd DaBbam waa called •tnlod by the efforti Md Mraggle be- FAIL TO SCORE. M fellow*.: J»mti r. Porker, Iron rganltatioo. Today U the timt a ordination Md ta tbo pBBt*r»L care fore ooninitci, lofiilatnroi Md LOST, BUT UNWOBBIED. ho Prodeoe BzobeBgo; Jataaa B. Joy, 'baa tba an i war la ta ba glTan tbo of Ihla plantar bead ef aonaolaatlaai common oaonollt «T*B tbroegb •leap- Kalian to OMiitm wilb Bart'a North FUlagold Board of Bdaoatloa; tartar txaaaai' AaaaolatiM, bat H ta. SmBli (ilrl Who Bajoyo Wat- abbetb-keeping Ubriatiane. lag te oorrnplioo and bribery to aa- wlitera waa tba oanaa af Uranford Jaaaph W. Uav*it, Iba laoel Y. M. O. at Itnty tbM Mylblag will bo dene Mr. Oaabsat waa ordBlBed ta Kkode out tbaao privilege*. REPORT THAT PATROLMAN HAMILTON t Behooi'a dafaat by PlalaBald A.; William Kemp, a baiinatt part or tbo iwataai Ulead aa October 11, i?oo, ud ao* "Water, a prime aeoowlty f«r man- ner; Jamaa W. Jaokien, VlrM M. M. WILL BE DROPPED. High Sobaol yaaiarday aftanaw an Tbla auralag it *n aaid tbat tba MarrgarM OallabM't mother dtdn'i d ebarga of tb* ebarob, wbton kind in my Jedgmeot, WM BOTW do- hnroh, Md Klmar K. Wteokiar, troa- " Mnl Oral. Tba Hen, 11 Is 4, Had-Oarrlon' Union win lot MU a •aloh her very oloaoly yooterday paeUiM ba taUbfaUy maintained fer itgnad by Ibe ail-wiee UnaMr M ba •oa or Unoi M. B. otaorab. Patrolman Patar Hamilton, ap- Itili Iba tkla. Wilb man on baaoo. tagnlar aaaatiag la a wook or two aad lomlng aaid Morgan*, weal fez a wMty-Blae yeart, whoa, Meran I7S4, piac-d in ptlTaM baada Md dtipoaaad Ban wai at bit but. Ha diaplaytd iBeladed Mayer Ibata waa no dlapoattUa la oall a walk. Margaret la tear year* old, M ibe Bge tf MToaty-ibn* yeen, be tor praat far the eelflihao** Md profit goad baadwara* aod atraok aal oUraa gaaliay Md tbo Hortb PlaioOeld al Biaatiag to Ml aa tba noala- ead bai IIIODI idaaa. Bb* dlsUkei M tafcM name la net freei hit Cf far* Puylla. paw*> to njaot Iba offioen on trial, ipttsg Ivo out ef six difflooit fleld- •i awoM U bMdloappad by tbo atbar tbiaga, a pretty pair et iu reooeodea bla. toiriag from 17M M Ugbbw HMlr bmrdaaw >od advaao* MDidi ii plan ia S nliaanaa sad peoadiag eal three .1 Iba PlalBBeld Blgb Sobool oa itaallaa, aaab barinf a eafBolaal hoii Md tan MoektBga. Al •baoi 10 777; Nathan Bonn, oaiiad fzaaj tbali «p*U-aataa> ! la aarvloao will BM bo retired after i, aa* m two beggar. Onajfard Friday marnmg, tba papUa will bear aaatar ot naaa to carry aa bii wart. 'clook aba appeared before peUoa tb* third paior. "Tba eiiy af S«* York uto pob- •aered all or lit naa in Ibe aixtb lsa- O. U. U-Dwyor, the blind Baiaoiaa boedqoerleri, oarryiBg bar M tbaee iOOOXN BliialMI Mt-«d OaabaA. Hani lion, M far BJ oaa ba dit. 110 owntrablp af watar taraa iata lag, aided by a beeo «a balia, a OIOM af Taakora, R. V.,' wbo will uotora ar bos ana, wiio aaa atoaklBg 797, la* la taraiag'Ml fav a traUay o»r at IM pabUo My b •d a couple ot arron, wbU* tkw play. Tbo KIJHI af tn ualk win tad nearly laaleo a aboa. Tbe oovazad, baa Mt boM formally dit- Kldar Henry MoUftety, t» aaa aod raiobsag ITIBM and Turd otroot, bood af a Billion aad aavaa bwadraa IMD aoond M will la meal of ba • ••Powtrt et Oonoentration of Iba badngxlad bait am* ol osmentlonabia* yel, Obiaf Klaly la col or 1;»7 tO 1811; Kldar Gidooa yoaaaday aflaraaoa, Harold Hlaekfacd, and Ifty tawuMd dolian Momally. Mid Md MBOBHM of the Blind." •bowed oTtr B pBli of irimr little a paatar timm 181B to ISU; bay rotidtag aa Hartb ITUOI, waa War* ttiii 1 mi priTUago ewaad and Hli addraaa will Inelode aa eiplaok- we. tlor WM Ib* Ko«. Wmiaaj OMtralltd by a Piorpoal Mar— tbnwa fion Ma wbaal agtjinal an 00000400 0—4 lon cf Lean BrltfgaiBB'e Bdooalloo Margeeat Fraderlokaon eulloi Mar- D. D, f at bar af W. M, ram, ot tbe Dralde" and aloo IBO BlUwiij abotmant cf tba railroad brldga. A p. H. a Hiioii is—u aiat waide. BM WM affable Md on- aaBiailMii ef tbe fimot any or at wonld af edaoatlaa ef H.itn S.ilir Mr. •Mh waa lafllatad la bJa bfad Llaaap-P. U. B. : Sari, p; D.TII, tortaiBlag, bad qoiie wlllini to ttaj. PJBMBBB. W0«ld O'Dwyer Ytoiatd Ibe aobeoi yeeMrdey, bal raqalnd ibM otltabaa ta aluo, e; DBBM, Ib; TbonpeM, tD;Orelg, Bbe elelBWM to know bar ami ud •ad by Batoa, Baayoa * OB , Her 18*l|aIW»; Walter B. UUMa aaid Ib* popiia board him play aad id by Or. Plttta. at; OMway, st>; B. rmnu, it; toll it, boa IB* •sen wa* aM erection af additional inoda aaoc aairad from IbM to 1853; Baleey B br t• *hf 10wo wbntia a few nolactlOBa. Brekelay, of: Hagea aad H Fra* aL TM abaoaoi of BBybedy Be Waat Baoead ttreel entrance I* tb* ttom vu» te man: l«mt O af atoala—., ta Martla Oavatr.twaaty •w WM a nlina•man tbal i'a yatda »nd tbM a permit bM miiM fraa> ban, ovalag ud «••- aSaoted bar not at alL Wboa tna • BlTtn tbcaa *a duke Ib* tat. O 1878 tnUUg IU own plant, nralag a p oaUbratlaa at Iba twaaty-Bfth wiaaj MergarM well. r«wm Kb* ahedawUl be eeed U7T to 10BI prod 1 to Iba ellJ and «t UM Mn. Itadaplb Kawpt, af WaM Sou-Malnnary ot icair WMdlag, Mr. aad Nawark. tbnafjb Lyooa Varna •aat eat for candy M keep box qnlel tor la* Bterag* *f a M* grade el 1888 to IW4; Md atcaot, waa ablo ta ba *at Monday Md Mn. WUUaaa Wbrtabaad aalar- •IT|H« is*aa to MMamn at« Ihltd aad orar iba tnvtia brldga wblob vaa aejeyed a moot dellRblfBl tme. IMM I* 1887; (a* tba flr.i tiaaa bar loaig 1U- tataiii a iarga aatnarlaa at fnoada ai omber. It it abjo Badero laaa tbaji aki »• oiiy. omplated a taw daya aga. Tbto nalo BbavsdaiVMla dltnoalt apora- hmmt, Hatatday algal. S*»»ral Maa lUtO, baa ownea IM p win aal ilimi kba Uaaa ot tba trip 8BHM lBM;F. MoMlBf. r oajlaytag M aaatag. Tbay •I ihink abVd ba bappr oMtplag by Mbar ally aaatalpally aama •oMtagof tboBeyf A. A. of i ban by trajUay aad otaayad at Tba ordi (watrailad la Iba Ualtad BaiMa. Tba But B«Mfl ba* baaa aM ba Uotol giaiagiaji for d mnai aad miaiMored by BOT. J. W. Moaaon, (or Friday at at Blag At I patMr af Faitb abopal, wa p •oca la tbo iwplltlnj M tba rint af any Tba MpUa of Miai HisnU Baaddar Bapuat Dbsrob laat alghi. Tbara •Abac atty aa>d m aooaaaptlab eqoally ill giroiboir aoaaol piano aa caad roavita la tbu diraottaa. •TO- "&• to tba «raal linir ga Tkay wtUba aa- Wbleb w( pij THE CONsnruriONAIST


Feminine Nothing U prettier Notable There are pientj of foolish people in It would be An attractive trimming; for taffeta Notable ness an the first points to be consider- the world, bat among the most foolish who could say wltn authority that this young girl's white tub frock than bre- dress ts cord covered with tbe silk a ed In thinking out tbe furnishings of must be counted those women who, or that will be the rogue for tbe telle suspenders made of dainty pom knotted and twisted into all sorts 1 Snapshots padonr rfbbon. Tbe sospeodfrs I Women ! home, and whatever interferes wltb saw a vulgar expression, "bite off me son now so dose at band, for «i back and front and fasten with tbeae Is always avoided by tb* wise than they can chew." thing worn from the days of th* Parasols are smartly severe or eta bows to a girdle of tbe same rlbfi rately ornate. Tbe severe exampl bMDemaker. I>ust destroys tbe portly Toa see than on every hand. There leaf to this boor Is seen, modlned, o Comments on People and Is little Mra. Poortnan—abe married coarse, to meet tbe cultivated taste Suspender frocks are decidedly youth- ban wonderfully fanciful handle*. Plucky Explorers and at air, tbereforv an ovenunoont Poorman wftb her eyas often, tbe woman of today, who ts nothing ful, but this summer are worn by 1 Thing's From the mad trivial bric-a-brac moat Travelers of the knew be had a tiny Income. Mow, not eclectic. "Everything goes,*' and and matron alike hi voile, cloth Woman's Side on earth does she stretch that Income we see things properly belonging t taffeta silk. Tbese gowns are not ex Feminine Sex Heavy, cumbersome furniture and beyond all powers of endurance by try widely different epochs mingled Inl Ive style, but in m 1 uncomfortable chairs are also to be big to float along with the Richly set one harmonious whole and tbat who Tery pretty when tbe suspender Idea 1* There," raid the manager, "there ! Mas Martha Craig, a brilliant and rigidly ruled out In America especial She belongs to a dinner club, tor In- looking as if It bad borrowed nothing a little hidden with shirrlngs and In stxt for yon. A girl la a factory Me cave young woman, has made remark- "nothing Is permanent but change. stance; and baa to give a swell ban from the brave days of old. dented bretelle-like pieces. A biasing newspaper. Of course so ible explorations In lands of which qnet when sbe has only one maid, who ift lingerie waists tbe effect la very seraeebea, 'VIT*V and goes Into hy»Iei • move about so nodi, usually for The full circular skirt Is teen little la known. Two years ago die doesn't even know enough not to pus good. Tbe gotra Itself Is made In prtn lea. Then th# 300 other girls In tin business reasons, that It la not wort] figures la tbe best stores aide I returned from a Journey of BOO miles plates In front of tbe gneats. And she lines—that is, tbe skirt and girdle factory set crazy wl Hi terror and turn while to count on remaining In an with the skirt which tits as closely b in a canoe in Canada. She made tbe nit In one. With these frocks goes bl* over one another In a frenzied heap one bouse. Consequently It Is best to means of Its tucks and shirrlngs Journey alone with two Indian guides, a tiny bolero Jacket, which is pnt on all squealing and bowling. Of o purchase tbe li tent weight, pretty f uml habit skirt or a few seasons ago. Som whom she trusted perfectly and who. for appearance more than protection. of them get badlj hurt. If tba tbat can easily be taken from look best in one kind and some In Ux perhaps for that reason, were as faltb- plsce to place. Sucb furniture of coarse other, and it is a wiae woman wb A nice present for the girl who Ia 'ointnt Sow. f tell w t dl g l IOH ber taosd whatever includes metal1 beds, brass and enamel knows ber own shortcomings and graduating tbla June la a three-quarter fully hides tbem by tbe skirt she T Miss Craig penetrated far : into tbe just to keep cool am ed Iron. These hare tbe additions Canadian wilderness, where few white All tbe lovely soft stuffs ai . Instantly what fa to be done.' mmendation of affording leas of a persona ever venture. She was re- strong evidence, from the film j. all Pll harbor for vermin. warded by a series of thrilling adven- chiffon to the - flexible and beautifi tures and Intensely Interesting Infor- voiles of all wool, of half wool ai always Then there are tbe attractive, artistic mation In regard to imttnpt j-r-t on- half.allk. The liberty silks and satin hysterics at a Ore. The exact truth chairs, 'settees and couches of bamboo, contamlnated by the Influence of the as stated m the item wu this: A rush, prairie grass and split reed. Tbey make up Into exceedingly pretty gowns newspaper*caught fire from an etec- are ao light In weight tbat a child may all norts of occasions. The quan- tities Of lace pnt upon tbem passes be- trlc wire In tbe factory. One of the more them, yet strong enough to bold lief, and tbe flounces and raffles ai man, mark you—saw the tbe very fat man. They can be nude legion and fully as graceful and dainl r and yelled. "Fire! Fire ai soft and luxurious wltb cushions as as they are numerous. I saw some very as though tbe very lord of fir* desires. The cushions can be 1 among them being birds' t were after him. The man "became beautiful dresses destined for summer _. the ran and beaten and thorough, most exquisitely tinted woods, with hysterical.** Tbe girls were frighten- r. Tbey wore of tbe softest ly cleansed, as stuffed and paddet jeweled ere*. . sd, but the won workers were frighten moat elegant light pastel shades- rs never can be. Perhaps almost Separate white linen or lawn wafs ed still worse. They were crazy aa green, pale and frosty; champagne only heavy articles in a boose will be worn with cotton skirts th toons. Tbey fought like wild beasta, drab, beige, cadet-bine, mer, as tbey have been all winter then- superior strength enabling tbem should be tbe piano and dining table where there were two colon so inter Wooden furniture is now often so * " wltb doth skirts. to braise, trample and crush back tbe woven that ,tbe fabric became irl ^r wear under Oie very sheer lln poor girls, who, like themselves, sought r made and of such badly seas descent, one in particular, a dove coll gerle blouses are white nainsook th* *xlL The strong brutes knocked rood tbat It Is to be avoided. shading from purple to metallic blue covers. A pink taffeta waist del tbe girls Museless with tbelr fists, and i and Drapery. These gowns are all made wltb dro a pink corset cover, bine under bl' one eveu struck tbem with an skirts, aad tbe underskirt always is and so on down tbe color scheme. tb* credit of our country. It may be Tbe hear? white hand embroidered arranged wltb a view te carrying Foulard dresses will be very muc mentioned tnat tbe mra were foreign- linen now used for best bedspread! lie general cilor worn this summer, only tbey will mas- ers. Numbers of tbe girls had to be and tablecloths Is a dellgbt to the querade under the new name ot rad takes to > hospital*. Meantime— i tli- sense. Women who can ..'ring Galore. cm. Tbe flowered foulards not* particularly—one woman, a brolder can decorate their own spreads popular. The new designs taking the man, mind you. not a man, walked up Mucli sti.:;-Ing and many yards and tablecloths. worries herself very nearly into the place are strips in hair lines and tin to the burning newspaper with a wool ice are girls woo are worth' twice are wearing walking skirts as abort ' artificial foliage. she says the masculine eex la stupefy- with little girls who are worth' twice s tbe average schoolgirls. ng Itself with tobacco and meat. relops the voices but also tbe stage as much money as the Is and conse- as the average schoolgirls. ing Itself with tobacco and meat as much money aa she U and conse- Tbe frock pictured Is of finest pale JUDIC CHOLLKT. action of her pupils. Lately bar school quently imbibe ideas of discontent and The frock pictured Is of floret pale quently imbibe Ideas of discontent ami lae bstlste. Tbe skirt Is trimmed gave a I notable performance of The of living beyond her means. bloe batiste. The skirt Is trimmed Aek.rm.n. Chimes of Nonuandy." Some sixty of living beyond l>er mean*. withwltb lace,lace, ruriudruched toptop andand bottombottom withwltb SARTORIALSARTORIAL ITEMS.ITEMS. OfOf coursecourse ItIt IsIs aa goodgood thingthing thatthat Inin rills of ribbon. This lace runs up tbe The champion woman traveler of the young people were In the cast, every frills of ribbon. This lace runs up the E— broldrrrj I.lnrn MBCB I'.til •• • AmericAmericaa wewe harebave nono limitationslimitations ofof rank,rank, skirt In graduated points trimmed with world ia Misa Jessie Ackerman, mis- one of whom Mrs. Ogden Crane herself >ut It U also a bad thing because It skirt In graduated points trimmed with TrlauUas—Belts and Glrdlrn. trained. but It Is also a bed thing because It bow*bows ofof velvetvelvet ribbon.ribbon. TheTbe bodicebodice ha*has sionary, explorer and lecturer. She •t X breedsweeds discontent.discontent. EveryEvery woman-woman InIn thethe a deepdeep pointedpointed yokeyoke andsnd aa bolerobolero effecteffect EmbroideredEmbroidered linenlinen Isis anan effectiveeffecU las Ibeen all around tbe globe six land,and, regardlessregardless ofof herher ownown oror herher hus-bus- trimmintrimmingg dnon taffetataffeta gowns.gowns. times, has lived among cannibals and In Nuw York city are six widows ofof batistebatiste edgededged withwith lace.lace. band'sland'a limitations,limitations, wantswants toto dodo thethe The new belts in many Instances Lilted the king of the Amos, tbe abor- who [iny taxes on an aggregate of S3,- JUDICJUDIC CHOLLET.CHOLLET. The new belts In many Instances same thingsthing* thatthat thetb* mootmoat wealthywealthy wo- haveave a V shapedshaped buckle, which-which givesgives glne« of Japan. 000,00a If tbe property of one-tbtrd men Inn herber townt n theihe muchmuch likedliked taperingtapering effecteffect toto thethe of tbe average voters in New York city The little Aiuos interested the wo- BEATRICEBEATRICE MILLER.MILLER. CHICCHIC STYLES.STYLES. walat.waist. A prettypretty haltbelt toto wearwear withwith aa ian tnivilcr an mucb as anyi people war* summed up it would not amounl shirt waist suit Is of violet leather all told to *3,000,000. Besides contribut- lallnr** Jarkrl* of Crap* r.nd Bilk. be saw. Specimens of this strange ing through taxation so largely to the BALCONYBALCONY EFFECT.EFFECT. Poini d*Kaprl( Net lb« Vo*T««. race were on exhibition at the St. Loula city's support, the widows are all high- tine,, threetbree tahlrepoonfulstablespoonfuls ofof burnedburned VerVeryy attractiveattractive laia aa matineematinee jacketJacket air. Their bodies are covered with a ly Intelligent, belonging to tbe beat ateunaaleana,, threethree tahlrepoonfulstablespooufula ofof whiten- off creponcrepon oror libertyliberty silksilk elaboratelyelaborately ron-tli of halt like tbat on an animal, ing, half a tablespoouful of yellow Qcked. These jackets are worn over -hieli gives the small people an} uncan- class of cltbeus. Yet not one of tin tug. half a tabkwpooufBl of yellow Very often there la a large entrance tucked.skirt Theses trimme Jacketsd wltareb worndeep overlace has a vol.'. What do you think of the ocher,ocher. halfhalf a!tablespoouful ofof Bis-Bis- lawn skirts trimmed with deep lace ny look. Tl»* women have bine mu-i- marck brown and half a U^lespoonful all or a square unlovely room In an s beaded with beading run with ties tattooed upon their upper lips, Justice or till- V marck brown and half a tablespoonful old country bouse which will not admit colorerufflesd headedribbon .with beading nm with « (t ofof anilineaniline ItIt laIs advisableadvisable toto tryu- colored ribbon. en an Aino girl Is married 4 bar Is the stain on a little piece of board be f artistic furnishing. 1 h: picture sug- Point d'esprit net and dotted swlss n«)" ! across her forehead and au- In case of tbe crown prince of Ger the stain on a little piece of board be- Point d’esprtr net and dotted twin ore staining the floor. Tbe color may a balcony treatment, which Is at- linnin will be very much worn this tberjaromul ber wrist, 'perhaps! so sbe saany and bis bride. Duchess Cecilia, fore staining the floor. The color may drear* will be very much worn this te deepened or lessened by Increasing tractive, particularly for entrance halls. unmer. There Is a simple way of levor pits3 herself off for smelt*. [ It will at feast not be tbe young bus- be deepened or lessened by Increasing summer. There Is a simple way of c diminishing the coloring matter. Th. Tbe woodwork of this room Is white, taking these gowns quite distinguieli- I band's niottVr-in-Uw who tries to run or diminishing the coloring matter. TV cep cutr*. very mucU shirred and making three gowns quite distinguish- should be rubbed Into the floor lvlng it a llfeht, cheerful appearance. deep cuff a very much shirred and 1 by working around the dots daisy things, tbaogn tt may be ■tain should he rubbed Into the floor 1 trimmed with fancy braids. In addl- ed by working around the dots daisy •eher.i a brush, and after a day or two, lion. is a large window composed of trimmed with fancy Lrakls, In atldi with a brush, and after a day or two, on to whlfh tLori- is some lace. when it la quite dry. tbe floor should be tlon to which there Is some lace. when It Is quite dry. theJlaqr should be The cloth stilts nearly all now ha1 ThereThej* latelylately retiredretired fromfrom ] publicpublic *• at robbed hard with" £ soft cloth. TVTieii The cloth suits nearly all now have rubbed hard with S soft doth. When some form of a rest front. TI1I3 is aebv>»| No.:> . St.21, .Brookly.Brooklyn u., luita principal.ptflnclpai. Probably the best nald. best satis- ^fishing waxed or polished floors a tit- some form of a real front This is washing waxed or polished floors a lit- handsomely garnished wlm all tbe One .Mias KsfeJKate E.E. McWilliams.UcWKIUuna, aftorafter fiftyfifty 1 Had factory girls In tbe world are le petroletUB added to the water will : tle i*troleum added to the water will rich material-one can get oa. Most years’ active serviceflee aaaa a& teacher. teacher. SheSin- those ui the collar and cuff shops of [really improve the appearance. An tool forty-eight yeari ' Troy. These jouug women earn from of tse llgtlter materials are made up had been a primJ al focty-elghk years, excellent polish Is made by well IWITIHJ H tbe lengtbjest rec- ; tla to *2S a WTMfc, heads of depart' with mucb drapery across tbe front, whlchi la *a.d to 1 e the lcng*.b«ret rec together equal parts of boiled linseed ord o ^wu at least iln sufh ments even r>-,. .-. ins $5 a day. N< ometixnes In surplice style uiid usaic ord of any Acs/tcnu at least in such oil, turpentine, vinegar and spirits of ipa< men In the establishment are paid sc In cross gathers and folds. While the capacity. wine. Apply the polish thinly with a much. As a consequence it ts found drooping blouse effect baa not entirely M!*4•Nt iMeWll.lomi lir.* a rnnV sweet piece of flannel and finally rub wltb a face vtfeli bears tl'.lle,m*irh of I age. A : that few of fbe collar and cuff girl- one from our gaze like an unpleasant _h bears il'Alc.mirli ofl&ge. A joft cloth. When washing poUabed ream, the woists of that style do not teach** who has VNB floors the cloth sbonld be wrung out as eaeher wu.) DM (Men ac-.iuaictU with iang down ; J far and often are drawn herter manymany year*years saea.:» s ofat her:lur: ••.••!., Mto• *x»was quite close to the figure. Tbe girdles the loveliest woman i bare ever I -The trouble la." said Elder Haggard loveliest woaga I Iiav* ever and fancy .belts help to give tbe point- known.ri. MissMiss Mc\VllL'Vv:ii;.:;^ iCarna3 to#;;2& a re-re- I during his recent trip to America, "we ed effect without the shapeless fullness. markable power of discipline an 1 n:at- I all n«*d marebmuor in our work markable power of disc I j! 11 at &14J ma.a- • Carpets. Heavily raised embroidery Is consid- taining order lu u a tu.,!. that.'1 t. by • wir lives.". Ai-.rn; " • "*** dnlng order la a s- !;.••. tbat, too. by red tbe height of style for wash hertr simpleeiaiple wordword findanJ presence*present*.*1 After a carpet has beebtn well shaken aista, though many are made with SheSbe retires"retires ojoa a pen-ionpeaclori ofof |L230f.. _ •• •a a •' Sergeant Prank ifayne, a retinivlva- and beaten It may be_• waste.n d with esr- te old fashioned eyelet embroidery. and violet auk In alternate strips. J*ar,ear, halfhalf herher salarysalary asus prlaclps!principal . ; nla soldier vt the eiril war who was iprbrad appearance well niong Hie accessories shown me re la shaped m a dip at the front fasten Miss Gill's Opinion. ; killed In battle, wu a woman, Frances repaying tbe trouble. A faded carpet ently were yok* capes and berthas of ing wltb a strap. ma be brightene" * ened afteafter itt baa been Ik, mull, batiste and fine linen all ::• Day. Another northein woman soldier Cloth of gold and sUrer makes vary shaken by ibblng It with a cloth wltb eyelet work. Incidentally I might Miss Laura Drake Gill, A. 11., U m nm war wna Frank Thompson effective belts for evening wear. • t amnuwfa and w a tsr In 1 beautiful small capes of ean of Barnard college, the woman's •iritafl Michigan On tbe Con Smart tailored costumes have betts M the proportion of a teaspoonful of am- lack net entirely covered wlm black ranch of Columbia unlreralty. Be- Mante as** Mra L. U. Bla/lock wore made of the gown material fastened k to 1 gallon of water, fnn^ng spangles and some wltb black and steel Oes being an American college grad- tbe gray aad went through the war 1 •• wltb a leather buckle of tbe same rinsing the doth as It gats soiled. These are to wear over tbe pret- nate abe also studied at tbe uslvertl- aide ber husband in the Twenty-slxtli shade a. tbe cloth. The water will need frequent cnang- > thin gowns and are certainly bean- of Lelpslc and Geneva and at the Belts embroidered in Chines* designs To remove blacklead stains cover ful. Parasols are things of delicate Borbonne, Parts. Dean Gill In a recent an stunning. A bright red one has a 1 with a paste made of fuller's beauty, of soft silks and chiffons, dain- address declared it is not college wo- design of. Chines* temples, and a yel- Note.—At Uansfleld, O, earth and water to which a tittle am- ty and light, and trimmed with bow* who seek divorce from their bua- low dragon belt ia equally attractive. tlve aitcben started three rears ago tie baa been added. Leave tin dry r ribbon an-I in some cases flower* i. Thoroughly disciplined mentally. The buckles on these belts an very has proved successful In every way. then brasb off. If necessary make andmlnee, ie college bred girl looks on marriage elaborate and usually of gold or Jew- •ran eomBB*rclallj. Perhaps that 1.- mad application Grease may be i a "serious chance for service.'' At SUka will be the great !•••_-• for out partly becawse a man, Mr. Grimes, aid removed from the carpet by spreading 1 e same time college women demand '-- vetea. and across the top of oor dresses and suits, generally In r dens with the dot as a central motif ad his wlf* to establish ft. Any co-op nick brown paper over tbe spot and A stunning bat from Paris la of sU high | standard In man. "The work}' Is: the balcony, jsst wtde ind close quality of taffeta, some- catstitches. This embroidery ls*ns*d eradve kiichea can sacceed If Its man with a hot iron. cr game stretched over pink on a needi a propaganda at work,** says accommodate a few plants 1 slightly changeable. Tbe? sr» or yokes and Insertions.. laartt to famish good meals for DORA BELLE DEXNISOX. low frame. The effect of color hi very Dean Gill. msslrians in the event of a nance, Linen frocks are made up In all sorts oat Uwn tbese can be cooked a: good, as tbe silver throws a white light .n oriental rag hangs over tbe railing ways, severely tailored with short This tb«- Uansfleld kitchen ha it> tons '•-art s^l b=!f lea^U wi:; upon tbe pint Tb* trimming is noth- and with its <(t*p red and gree^ tone* skirt and long half tight Stung coats or Mrs. Ella H—tittwi BWu?U'ut meals are sent tt ing bat a twtst of crimson velvet tied very yoong lady, lllss Dorli gives a touch of color to tbe room. The plaited skirts and Eton Jackets, 1 In rtHPtv-l -.™»eU kept hot by In a small bow at tbe edge of tt Prasrklyn of New York ctty. has writ window seat Is upbals!tred In green, A rcry atyll'h cas listl th- mart walking hat Ia of line green Tbe editor In chief of tbe Chicago ^jvm*. rails of far* are 1 n"s daily, tbe Bevipw. hps ha'l n operetta tn [Alrief. Its SQeeeMV' and the wtDi^on dnperlr? are of the •raid turned up in colonial style and The waist Illustrated Is of Ilia latrlluntl boror-hsml. so each famil> newspsper tnmlng and has, be- ul first perfonnasce m a flattering that. AJroonJ tab?? or two and trimmed with a green quill. lessallne silk. Tbe surpliced front. M choose what It wants. This brats aame tint. A round t*b> or r Ides. lileas original trtt* herself. For tritrate to tbe talent of a girl scarcely easy rb^lr^'an? ?un:'!*b'ng3 eoffl Tbe blouse Illustrated is of china are almost entirely formed of bands of •jease cvtkln*" ail t» p**e*s. aome easy rimlrware *ttml«fc' ■» - tht&s- Mrs. Ella Hamilton JDurley past sttteea. Tbe young author U yet elect for tbla nin at a r>m. together, The yoke is formed of lozenge Irish crochet lace laid over a fold of 1 elect far thL axt of a r >xn. together. | pi died ca>« edarts liemelf unalterably oppose! i> « « er enough to tbe age when we believe f dedrpd. wfi a piaia whi-'i b pUco! tows ani iped pieces of broderie angUlse ar- parpl* velvet. The chemisette and If dedrrd. wf* a piano which I « place! bows and Is aklng; a'newxpaper ft criminal cslen- In toe Goni::iii reichstag recently Dr tallies to represent them IB a living. with its !•:-•; i . f • v room. lib&or. rhu witb motifs of filet lace. Be- ter are of mauve tnausseline tie bta!u» rhu*t* 8bc Is for printing "all tbe n*w» pahn, leeaer of tbt- Crater party, be- real way. *&d peroaps that ts wny her The ft,.-n< --? ff. r\ H *t;S!'!e. •rKho::: The c. 1s laid iDdoo- overlaid with lace. Points of b?a l . wf.boat The crit f*r Is good news." Mrs. Darief .went me to earned that In tbe midst or a operetta WM — socc—fm. Win Miss small rng* or ci-.; ji"mjr»-< to break placed over tbe abort sleeve. Tbe to break ahi* »e: the Iowa to Chicago. Sbe was for- tech Le jest taypM over in a faint. Francktyn Utter be tbe American wo- 1* tbe wall* mJ witaoct alky b:-le-a !• •» Of purple velvet ribhoii and T brie* ttsWecty. fi: vty editor of a department on a Des w, V it ha.1 txvu a wwnaa: rho U to write a frcat opera, and .atMcUmlag? U greatly. It JTJDIC CHOLLET. olnes paper. , ELIZA ARCHABO CONKEB. R. BE IJl BAUMU JCDIC CHOLLET. 1CABCIA WILLIS CAMPBELL. wf • of candy and peanut* m* tk* *r- PARIS ENJOYS DEATH- •JtHa *~ h go w>t*d •i to b# tsoMi with Dr. Holmes i* breosej tyow acroaa tba portlc* Scottish by L .rUx, tie carpenter* German CONTEST FOE KA2SZX.S CUV. CHA WD LKSI A VA a- Naalilu*"—with Uodjas- whll* tbe song* of tb* bird* in tb* and native American. Nowadays UM slguicm That was bU modest tkat shada the aMUUlom aad the Hebrew carpenter and Ute Italian mason Parts.—Pans ha* a new thriller rpUon ot a Joke, to sign a&otaer-i of die ftowtn from the wait* an very common. Tb* native American "Looping; til* Loot," "Th* Circle of, GOTHAM'S MANY INTERESTS i to icrw K«*u woul4 hare bsu hons* bwa aUft to UM pleasor* of tb* HOW THEY INVEST MONEY la tb* buiidins trades is in a small mi- HOW THEY INVEST MONEY Death," "Tb* Human Arrow" no longer glad to wrf.«. s:.-xi>jika-« Bosalisd wu nority. Consider the case of a recent Im- stirs Its blood, wearied by an many *z- capUTatUg. 1 i.H with her never per- The prestten* aoi Mrs. Roosevelt of- migrant, not yet a dtiMn, wbo u draw. elfah Artlsta In America—M*w T*rh dtementa. . ifU accent the coWd so Imper •n tare * nuaiU.T ot frtentl* to break- Tb* Pathetic Ihunb IrishiaaK Ing a* a skilled mason TO cents an boor, »n All-Slrfit City^-Gas Tru*t So. la on* of tb* music halls, YsJev senate the htroitea of tte ereat Eng- •iTt on tte »oita * orrlco of tbe white «f Past — SUMS* Condition or I&.60 * short in} — and that Is the new • Ik Bm-rj TJ the world's champion trick bicyclist, la '•h dramatlEi wta proof enough or tbt •use. Oczashinally luncbeon 1* *erv*d Xach Bttt;r To-E»y—Liv- scale for th* new year—let him write to Fotd of Taking Morning "Looping th* Gyroscope," riding wUhta rror of her art. ,' > nmplfrtely out of door*, bat that I* ing in Weir York. hla old neighbor* of this fact, and some a graat wheel, which, as be circles It. The farm «xperltcteta In Califcrnia ol Xaal on Veranda. purely a family aCair, and 1* largely ot them are pretty apt to com* «ad look itself revolves and bodily move* around BW YORK.—Tb* >;«nt&Clii3pQ*»kl. her husband n 'te natvr* Cf a picnic on the green EW YOHL—It him up—It they can believe his story! ; and up aad down. This "danger" sen- <3*nnan *nin*ror-| badly. Tbers they hoped U A3HISQTOS.- awn- Tbe presi dent Is also very fond. i- ii for a southern One natural reealt Is that' both to* sation evoke* mncb- applause, BOM| yacht net rush* found a kii d uf Urook Farm [or Point! Tber* are t*w ifter a tlrnotote day's Tofi. la Uw tiate to establish Allan and the Hebrew get to owning louder than from expectant undertakers the MUCH, which JiJe. aieakcT.-ia. auUior of "Qnt pubUe am who executive cCw. t^d a vigorous rid* the most up-to-date city real estate, the most profitable kind In the audience. lorsucbsoartausu ," •wortred U«re lor a little time •*• more fnn oat ir walk through the suburb*, of alt- oSce In Kew York of property lust at present. They begin Th* Ingenious device consists, **•»»- "11 r begins os Dec- a-- Pa4;rtT-iki played for UM of Ilfa u they go Ing down to dinner OR brciil to attract white la a small way, subletting part ol a t*n«- Ually. of a metal wheel about 13 f**t 1* oration day. Th« Modjeski's when he waa an unknowi porch, where - tb* breexe*. sw^epliig I m migration. tceiit. Then codes a ctiance in the di- diameter, which baa spotw* like * bi- kaiser U nevei vd and was fcy them incoumpjtd u» per- rake CM at*n=»? -To South Carolina lol- riglon of an estate to buy a tenement with caught napping »•- ae»et». Paderewski was tohaT* playec Chandler of New delicious and cool. While til* plctttr* LDWS her enterpris- a little ready money, giving beavy sec- hind the procet- aoul out at tfce benefit, and wu tor Hampshire. for EtretCBws of tfc* white bon«» (trou..ur waa inter- mm* year* past •for* him, fmmed* by the srvan hill* world's fair wltb this off in- part afid enable tbe owner to There bo been rupted. They saj that wfcst Wrecked th* head of the ;f Maryland -and Virginia, with th* a Hustling: employ- take on another. He live* In one of the Spanish Claims Intense interest In iU nerm «u a perFormaince In Id Pounbac and the grew* , went agency in the tenements and has his watchful eye upon th« Jlihtl as City, when foe p.a^o wu intcrrapted Commission,. No the Mall tmicedlately In front of metropolis. Whll* the whole. mblic question of any kind arises that ting \o et: hold ol u.« Immigrant* .thtt in to iy a chlmo«y falling down Just outside a3ords Mm the deepest pleasnre. Tbe Hebrew has soother reason for BM not Interest Chandler, and on the 'agent has tried bis hand upon old- fcOW!" ('•-almost as mncb M In they a baby trying In tie upper gallery, The** out-of-door dinners are lingered bayicg land. He is an Intense individu- • • i.:J he does not have bis sav ia residents of tbe city. He has already qtM$»tlon wbeth«r Nan Patterson did or by a mother apanking htr boy near by wltb Brest sctisfactlon, and the alist. As Dr. Blausteln has explained, he mother, and to which be it 1.000 people couth. Within a 014. not kill Caesar Toons. *U the ,nd a few other or.toward Interrnp- • often sit there smoking and wonidnt dream of buying stock In a cor- ill)' contribute lllnininat- short distance ot Charleston Is a colony BhijrpK agree that the kaiser hu devised iona. chatting until the twilight fades into poratlon. He wants something be can RE thoughts and good advice. On tbe five years old which la already begin- *, #ontest of real interest, free from Hme. Januaachek wu ten yean tb* night. dr* years old which la *1 ready begin- so*. - Aa a result, be didn't get caught in other hand, there I* hardly a popular pull immlsTftnta thither by tbe Unto ii :•'•;- and red tape. Free, too, from Modjeska's predEc«3sor. They weit Mrs, Roosevelt often has 5 O'clock Steel common In I9U3, but bought land; ibject which doe* not afford Chandler famninge toof itollIU prosperityImmigrants. (hitherThe colonist by thes tii* exclusive management of the Nn ry dlSerent. Hodjeska U charm; tea served on this veranda, a custom and land went up. Of late a flood of a vehicle tor hi* well known wit and femeare Italians of Its .prosgerlti. The eatonimU York Yacht dub, which baa to some *x- .natiscoeh was power. EQQ,000 Jews bas poured over in lo Brook- Yacht dob, which bu to ttir*. down from th* time of Uni "queered" recent contests for the Dolly MadLnn. The Italians are axosg the best farm- lyn. In the parts they occupy th* price Anjerlca's cup. The ex-Senator baa bee* having a TB of Europe, and they are to strangers Th* "AJl-Higbt Bank." of land bas risen threefold. They are . II is n n ocean race i that leu oat the •All-Hight Sack.' t of fun recently with candidates for -o a bot climate. From evejrywoere In h£ -All-Nig kt Xafcr-mnW at th* Capital. themselves the buyers. For years th* n& -banting racing machine*. Noth- he presidential nomination In 1908- the south that they have gone coxes the ( busting racing machines. Noth- bank" lsnotajok* HE late Senator kid owners of land at the Brooklyn end ing is likely to croaa the water that la te first tat down and wrote a letter aamestary: They raise mare cotton on a U likely to crow the water that la or an iu vent Ion ot Hanna. of Ohio, ot the new Wtlllamsbnrg bridge have not fairly fit to cross. The aix yacbu o Tire President Fairbanks la which fairly fit Co cross The six yachts was tb* originator Ii piece of Kroucd than negroes can; been selling out. afraid of the "deteriora- VOJba which Interest has centered are e pra'.aed the latter** ability a* a they make better use ol tbe small allot- 1 n which Interest has centered are apondesta. Then of tb* al fresco tion of the district. ' Now tbat the East cjrjBBerB. "wholesome" boats. Th* fact tatesman, expressed admiration for of garden aoil abom their little •era -wholesome * boats. The fact Is to be eucb a breakfast. Daring Slders can see the bridge actually fin- tbat most of them are auxiliaries la ale iis conservatism, predicted gnat popu- i most of them are auxiliaries la air bank, the first la th* latter day* of louses, half an acre U a good deal of ished, they have srreBted tbe downward nl8<-mil of n.»• rapid advance of the a«% bank, the first la •rity for him as a candidate, aad ant of the rapid ad Tanas of the age the world, 1 iraag- larity for him as a candidate. aad the McKlnley re- land to a man whowho hashas Leanteen iaccustome d tendency of prices and shot them up of-*i:ai-l!iiu-i-;\ Any schooner may com* yJ&S the world. I imar round op by atylng that be, Fair- ina. The plans fot wound np b7 string that he, Fair- gime, the Ohio toto makemak* aa livingliving oSoS aa fewfew benches of again. "If I'd simply held on I'd hav* peV> All that is required la that an lea The plans for anks, waa the Ideal candidate for th* tbe building ban banks. was the Ideal candidate for the senator occupied rich soil propped up on a Sorrento side been (e.000 richer." mournfully said to anjiJlary shall leave her screw ashore. building hart presidency in 1908. In a mlnut* been drawn and presidency In ISM. la a minute the Don Cameron hill by a succession of wall terrace*. me tbe former owner of a rather modest She can carry coal and make steam on it been drawn and isnd Chandler added a postscript to filed wltb th« hsad Chandler added a postscript to house,, diagonally Tbe South Carolina experiment la con- little home In tbls forlorn bnt now boom- tb* voyage, if she will; but tbe steam /W filed with the he effect tbat be had written a similar voyage. If she will; but the steam building depart- the effect that he had written a similar aero** Lafayette fined by law to Immigrants oftbe "Saxon Ins region. f#U be used only for setting sail; for building depnrt- rtter to Secretary Taft, Secretary it be used only for setting sail: for ment, and It la to >tter to Secretary Taft. Secretary square from tha ice.:' Asnobody kni^rswhattheBaxon winch?*, not propulsion, without cost r:-1'." •. The offician.ent,l titlande ItIs lato btoe Ihaw. Postmanter-Oeneral Cortelyou ice 1*—II assuredly doe * not mean th* chee. not propulsion. Without me *haw. Postmaster General Certs fyou white honae, attached to which Is a Building Extraordinary. ••LOOPING TUB GYROSCOPE." «bani<:ui aid K would take a crew of psr- costThe $350.0*0. First Ta yTbs an dofficial Nigh ttitle Stat eIs Bank to be" ind Senator Ffcraker. Mr. Fairbanks ntcal aid It would take a er*w of p*r- end Senator Further Mr Fairbanks ipaclons garden filled with flowera and Inhabitants.habitants ofof modemciodern Baxgai:n :xyy only—only— ITH masons- nsjjs 6u crack sailor* to handle tbe«not- “TheOf Ne Firstw Tor;-: Day. and Night state Bank" ltd not at firm notice thl* poatcript, e *0 crack sailors to handle tM enor* did not at Art* notice this poeterlpt, lhadaj trees. It wa* Senator Hanna'a OoLCol. Watson,Watson, thethe directordirector ofof thetne mewue w of-of- wages 70 cent* an cycle wheel, and which U supported by (aouK sails of tbe racer*. Even then of Nsw Yore. and he aat dovrn end wrote a very ap- is sails of the rarera. Even then a Tbe bank will stand at the southeast and he eat down end wrote a very ap- custom to have bis breakfast table Mt fice.fice, feelsfeels JustifiedJustlQed Inin sendingsending dew-dew^ He-Ha- hour, the amount ball bearings on a firm, solid, Iron col- storm might be very dangerous, with a Tbs bank will stand at the southeast ireclative reply to Mr. Chandler, thank- >rner of Flttb avecue and Forty-fourth prectgtlve reply to Mr. Chandler, thank- eranda Just off this garden, 4 brew mill operatives andnd mixedmixed meanrace* ot building going umn. A counterweight Of about 660 1 is of canvas to be brought in. comer of Fifth avenue sad Forty-fourth r.g [him for tbe expression* of confl-i reet. A rather notaMe neighborhood lr.« him for the expressions of coofi- spot embowered with wisteria, honey fromIrom thethe poorerpoorer partpart ofof tintha forward la the pound* balance* the wheel, which, ii1!,'-. nutlte lighter labor. Compare street. A rather notable neighborhood i.-nqe be had tittered, and saying that greatest In the his- . is to oae wbo knows the local geog- dmoe be had uttered, and saying that :kle* and climbing roses. Presldeut SouthSouth CarolinaCarolina undertakesundertimes toto findfind ag-ag- thanks to tbe ball bearings, easily torn* t with the cup-racing craft. Yean It Is to one who knows the local geog- here'was no warrant for the public use tory of the metrop- raphy. Across tbe avenue to the west there Ires no wgrrent for the public use McKlnley aad a number ot Senator riculturalricultural ImmigrantsImmigrants homes,homes, landland acdand aa at th* same tlm* la both a horizontal it was required that the challenger raphy. Across tbs aver ns to tbs west of his name In connection wltb the . fashionable restaurant, of his name Ip connection with the Banna's fronds In tbe cabinet and :n fairfair start.start. ItIt lxIs oalyonly oneone ofof aa numbernumber ofof and a vertical plan*. A slatted track U- the America's cup should come I Is Sherry's fashionable restaurant. presidential nomination, but h* wu Across the street,street, north.north, Isla Delaaon-Delmon- presidential nomination, but he was the senate had stsndini; invitations to agenciesagencies thatthat takatake thethe ImmigrantImmigrant InIn ilisastrom war In nrmly Axed around tt» felloe* ot th* er her own Ball. Of late both con- cry grateful tD Mr. Chandler for the Diagonally across Is a new very grateful to Mr. Chandler for tbs -ome over to hls'boUM an 1 take bnaV and. the building trades blK wheel. ants bare been mere shells, vast and Ico's dilto. Diagonally across Is a nsw Biter's preferred support. Itte farther up Is the 8L letter’s preferred support 'aat The Henntor bad an eld colored I believebelieve thethe Limetime IsU comingcoming whenwben thethe has kept d o The death-defying Yale, who use* a iTiious within their unfinished hulls, hotel. A little farther up Is the 8L The waggish, statesman did write within their Regis. JuHt or Delmonico's 1B Caa- cook in his employ who waa a veritable differentdifferent statesstates willwill nilall havehave theirtheir agentsagent* building and small bicycle, heavier than the ordi- •y were not boats at all. The con- Regis. Just ease of Delmonleo s la Can- Imllar letters to all the other candl- ilcg hauae of fame, now similar letters to all the other candi- queen of the kitchen. She made a corn aatt SillsEllis Islandisland acean.; competecompete forfor thethe like-like- driven up rents un- nary machines, take* position at th* '.Ing schooners are ships Of speed, bat field’s gamlcg house of fame, now lates. but attached th* qualifying post- closed. O]>ix>site Shrrry'a are the New dates. but attached lbs qualifying poet- )eef hash that became famous through? liestlest lookinglooking Immigrants,lminl£ranta. Itit willwill bebe nono til they are almost bottom and inside the big wheel, which t* comfort, also. closed. Opposite Fhf rry’s are the New it, and they all appreciated th* York Yacht club and a half dozen other script, end they all appreciated the official axd diplomatic circles. morrnogte thanthan SouthSouth CarolinaCarolina andand thethe Cana-Cana- [endurable. Tne result of the prospect Is then motionless. Al he pedal* mor* ; Tork Yacht club and a half dosen other or, as did ilr Fairbanks wben his | : A long race Is pernagis A lets valuable amous clubs. Forty-fourth Is the most humor, aa did Mr Fairbanks when hie Nothing ltkn this toothsome dish had diandian PacificPacific railwayrailway areare doingdoing atat thethe of peace in tbe building trades was to land more rapidly be Impart* oppo- famous clut.a Fort y-fourth la the roost jtlon was qalled to tbe little Joker. .' it of speed .than of ser.manllke quail notable of all tbe cross streets. attention was called to the little Joker. r appeared on a Washington table, Terytry oppositeopposite en<*xends ofof thethe : start plans for 150.000.000 worth of build- site motion to the gyroscope. Just a* a notable of all the cross streets. Secretary Sbe* cut the postscript off ™m. The schooners may be out of slghi But what ankT Curiously, the need is mainly his letter nnd sent word to Chandler ator Hanna never lacked for guests. 12,000 a Day. luded jocularly to the poor men's apart- suddenly checking his bicycle Yale la bank? Curiously, the need Is mainly le waa going to use the latter In bis ilte different weather conditions. But me of legitimate bUElness. A n be was going to use the latter In his HERB was a day ment bouses, such as "Charley" Schwab carried toward the top of tha big wheel. one of legitimate business. A man amp&lgn, and exploij the New Hamp- Two or three times a week Presi- task of a good captain to host whose check is cot scod nest moral campaign. end exploit the New Htmp- recently w h I c b and "Air* VanderbUt live In, where by At a certain height th* force that whose check Is not good next morning blre man as the original Shaw matt. dent MeXinley would walk over to weather. can hardlyhardly g«ge tt IntoI. to thetbe gamblinggambling gamesgames ahtre man as the original Shaw man. Hanna'* house, and In tba bracing mUbt be marked little Judicious search you Can flnd carries him up becomes nil. Then be be- thereabouts,thereabouts, either(••.!...- inin thethe *"hells hells-" or in spring air, amid the Sowers, listening with a red stone— few plain rooms renting at only (16,000 gin* to pedal faster and taster, and so tbsth* "printprivatee parlors”parlors" ofof somesome ofof thethe Kept Things Lively. the miMlc of the birds and reveling oorr perhapsperhaps aa stoneatone joke to the man who Impart* Increased speed to tbe track hotels.teU. ButBut aa vestvw amount of monsy".>ri > Isi T U said there la a tbe celebrated bash, the late presi- stripedstriped redred andand is really poor or merely well-to-do. 1 he wheel. very "Internation- taken aftsrifUrr threethree o’clocko'clock InIn thetbe hotels,hotel prospect tbat Mr. dent would throw off the cares of office whitevhlte Ukelike aa bar-bar- ild New York rule was that a man might By repeating this several time* • al." The on* Ger- theaterstheaters andand rotxaurantsrefclaurama withinwithin twotw Chandler may id thoroughly enjoy himself. Presi- terster's pole;pole: forfor I’mI'm ;pend one-quarter of his income for rent. apaed so tremendous I* Attained at last man craft contest- minutes*ites' walkwalk ofof thethe eorver;comer; andand itIt wLIwilll again be senator dent Roosevelt also tasted this cele- nonott eurosure thatthat Usits al-al- That was bad enough In all conscience. that the rider can completely circle the ing, tbe "Ham- be a convenienceconvenience toto bebe ableabie toto putput that from New Hamp- brated dish, and insisted on obtaining together good luck it many now spend one-third or more. track wheel go me seven or eight time*. burg," wu built In moneymoney InIn thethe bankbank atat once.once. SmallSmall shire. He would be recipe from Senator Hanna. and [\ 1 sueswhen I2.M112,036 Ilmmi - Why* Ask the man, and he will tell The feat require* a sore eye, great Glasgow, and is tradesmen, also, r-ill make use of welcomed back In since then cornbeet hash, a la Hanna, Qr \Y) smt*srants roachrccch New )\i he has to do ft. Perhaps be is right. nerve and skill, nice balancing, else tered by th* Him- That la not to say that It will not the senate, where been a standard breakfast dish at YorYorkk Inin oneone day. The first nece&si ty to hid Is room to llv* Yale would surely be soot off Into spac*. tiurgtscher Vereln Inns felt want" an one of toe white honae. Mr. Roosevelt Is a ^AadAnd perhapsperhaps even among cultured people and In lurrcuod- Seefabrt of gamesters, also. But Ck-t among them | J llvelles hearty eater, and desires plain, sub- thattbat recordrecord IsU beatenbeaten byby thisthis time,u me. Bnt notunheaJibfuL If be Is fairly pros' CHILD'SCHILD'S SPIRITSPIRIT PLAYMATE.PLAYMATE. member*. Tbe alone. *J ofof thetthat ratherrather somsom-- stantial food. In tb* spring of tb* forTor a UiHelistie timetime atat lro#tleast IfIt stood,stood, an d the IUS he may wish BOnshine to fall upon "Veretn- 1* a has- ^7 hrebre body.body. HeHe waswu wants fresh garden vegetables, peoplepeople Inin EllisEllis Islandisland workedworked 4148 Ihour * his rooms once a day. These tblngacost to get rid of them. money. HU food, his clothing, need coat tily formed body of Tb* O*» Sttonttoa. , . a goodgood dealdeal likelike aa and Is very fond or the trash Potomac to get rid of them. in. each of whom 'aspp., surgingstinging thisthis oneone endand that,tbat. andand which b* haa broiled with a little No business was ever more systema- little if any more than In the smallest HSRB i» big poll- village. His rent. If he be an educated 'puts up tic* ip the gas light. roilinglng ea coTTu-ictloncompletion generally.generally- MrMr.. of tb* roe With the fish he eat* a tizetlzedd thanthan thisthis lettingletting people into the professional life, or moving McKenzie, Tenn— McKeniie ha* a '" #mall subscription In tbe Inter- U n t II now the handle■■filerr wenyXlweaK' d sometimessometime* ofof thethe tlad of water creas. fresh picked, TheyThey passpass el-slowl y along be- <• *:-i of sport and patriotism. The earl illnesInems ofof thethe createBenate , andand behe wouldwould which he dresses himself with a eprtnk- tween long railings In single tile. Tbe among professional people, will not cost strange psychic phenomenon In the pert Standard Oil com- tween long railings in lea* than 11.000 a year. He cannot on son of Willis Miller, six-year-old son of I bt Crawford enter* the "Valhalla." bination that con- irposelpose’yy ataristart aa tum-c*l.lai'amU, InIn orderorder toto \£ of white pepper, a touch of salt eye-doctor looks for half a second under 'i. has the asthma a«ood deal andgetere- ireo thin;: up. On a particularly dull d some oil and vinegar. At breakfast each uplifted eyelid for traces of sar- Manhattan island flnd a place to llv* C*pL W. B. Miller. Willis ha* a spirit trols gas and elec- n thing up. On a particularly dull playmate with whom he conrerae* and - |ief by cruising. You might think It odd day. Chandler would nervously twist drinks a generous cup of coffee, coma. The general inspection for vac- among his kind for less money. This Is tricity in cltj . Chandler would nervously twist the literal truth. What may seem In the ••ploys," aa he calls it, every day. ' |o go to the damp sea to shake off asth- bat been tbe chief ut InIn hlsbis chair,chair, glanceglance upap atat thethe which the wh'.te house chef makes to% dilation nark > and against disease ba* description like profligacy la really tha Willia call* h ii spirit friend Raymond, j jna. hut It Works, If you sleep on deck. standby Of Tam- presiss gallery,gallery, end.and. (fIf hehe noticednoticed somesome irfocdon, already been undergone, twice, and In' result of careful weighing of necessities. and can be heard often saying. "All right, I JThere Is no dust. Th* Valhalla ia a many Hall. Tbe ot biilss newspapernewspaper friendsfriends there,there, wouldwould aome cases three limes. A nave of the :JTO them a glance, as much as to say, hand turns an applicant aside into th* Considerably less tban 11,000 a year, Raymond, 1 will be there directly," and s' -beautiful yacht, stiff and storm-loving. "Hall" haa protect- * them a glance, as much as to say. American Trad*. 'look out for some fun." Eate-’d American Trade. detention "pen,'' to be decided upon la- either In rent or in carrying charges aa Immediately he will go out of th* family 'I Th< firl has GO sallora wbo have sailed ed it, profited by it »h out for some fua." ROM tbe number I give > ,-ars with him. Then there 1* thi Then tbe Senator would Inject hlm- rn ■% ROM the nun ter, and perhaps sent home at tbe cost will provide a home in Brook- room Into the ball or th* yard under and taken stock hen the Stnater would Inject him- of reports written some large shade tree*, where he will . *Su;. . Atn." tbe most famous name an elf into the debate, no matter what it of the steamship company. Fqwer arc lyn, or In near-by New Jersey. Add the market Up* from Into the debate, no matter what It upon the subject, converse with Raymond sometimes for I English yacht can bear. Lord and Ladj cas. and he was Invariably able to stir it back than you might think. Tbe vast clearing of great space* upon Man- . yacht can bear. Lord and Lady H. not always successfully. Wben Tam- i. end he wss Invariably able to setr one would suppose an hour. The conversation doe* not re- ney test ia not conclusive. A feebl* hattan island, tbe conquest Of residence ' Sraaaey' havehate alwaysalways hadhad ua Sunbeam.Sunbeam, many and ri-pjij.ii-oii legislator* paw wit ip ththee oppoiitloaoppotition andand precipitateprecipitate ga tbat American ex- semble childish prattle, bnt rather that • -though It has not always been th* • itrlollc controversy, it did not matter person with money Is looked upon less districts by trade, and la It a wonder It haa not always bean the name In Albanr lasit winter as Immensely val- lollc controversy. It did not matter porters long ere that tbe suburbs grow; and that wlthl ot person* of mature year*, and to tboa* I boat; and Lady Braasey ha* written the uable bill lor Cic gas iruat. Tammany thaitt subjectsubject waswas underunder dlacwasloa.Discussion, ibly than a strong young fellow wfao do not see the spirit talker It sounds this had learned miles of New York's city hall In three I "Log of tb* Sunbeam" to th* glory of men freely bought gas stock in the ntar- Chandleindlerr couldcoutd alwaysalways useus* Itit asas aaan ex - with three dollars by- way of worldly like talk over a Wiepbon*. the le=-on of how states are living 6.000.0OO people? - yachting and the pleasure of lovers of tet on tbe "tip" th&t both the mayor and cuse» forfor sayingraying somethingsomething thattbat wouldwould wealth. to extend their With such wage* as I have .quoted Willis was wry much dlatrwed , '-the aca. the governor would sign the bill. Tne the ,:-••••: -r--. Wbfrn Senator trade, aad bow After all that is said about the admis- I Wben tb* Srst race for tbe America's TUImin first cams to tbe sen- sion of undesirables, most of the new- building la expensive, but—it's cheaper Christmas morning because Raymond mayor did; tbe governor did not, and ’Ben” Tillman 9nt came to the sen- best to show off did not Set an j present*, and carried ' -cap took place 60 years ago off th* Ial* e was Chandler's particular comers are pretty good people. This la than living In Manhattan! some of tbe stack gamblers got their ile be wae Chandler’* particular their goods in a some of hi* Into the hall for him, a&d I of Wight there was every tort of craft. Tillman d'.d not under- unanimous testimony of those that fingers pinched. victim. Tillman did not under Foreign market. For yean past Amer- Tennis the Proper Gam*. ther* they talked and played for aome Including tiny sloop* and one three- Chanj'er, snd looked upon This year the republican* followed up •tand Chandler. and looked upon consula abroad have written re- deal with them. Italians are making OCIETY bas Bod. time. master schooner. There i* a tor**- the latter as ponesslng all tbe lelr advantage by mercilessly exposing the latter as possessing all the ports and given advice upon this sub- railroads; Hungarian* are digging denly decided that • master in this race,'t©o, tB» " America.1 'rawness and partisanship that the Raymond ha* never entered tha family trough an Investigation tbe dock narrowness aad partlaanahlp that the ject, and warn*d American shippers t of our coal; Slovaks, near by at It Is pretty I oTthUclty. Sow It has not generally itfaernerc had bw*n led to believe room, but Willis says h* will cone to see watering sins of the (rust and the fact -ewthenters had been led to believe foreign parts thst they must eon- least, are doing much of our farm work. some business been supposed ibai molUplytng a characterised New En glanders. It was The average ship-load is composed of them all some day. He tays Raymond that moat ot the fraDchlaes under which rhanctertted New England era It was TB ID the business methods of tramplbg about a told him Bot to let any of the otbtr mem- Increases speed. A sloop la faster than 'fore, wben Chandler healthy looking people whose fresh com- - works have expired. A* the trust'* !be ml#, therefore, wben Chendlor countries where they expect S great Held chasing bers of the family go with him to Lhelr : a schooner o!f her Inches. What the ex- prodded tbe dn-aocrats that Tillman plexions put to shame the city-mured dtal la about six times tbe i-alue of prodded tb* democrats that Till man Mil jtbelr good*. All thi* agi- agolfbalL At any meeting place at present. ind get quite excited. • tra mast* do U to mak* setung sail works, and as the stock ba* to be would r»*pond aad get quite excited. tation, ho-.-vi-r. has not made tbe folk that ]eer at them. rate, th* recent The South Carolinian would get red in The family noticed tbe conduct of Wil- I aaaler. An eight-masted schooner need -supported ' at about 200. that Is rather The South Carolinian would get rod In American shipper as wise as ha should F. U OlmstcttTs signs of the revival tbe face, and denounce various policies lis about a year ago, but thought it only I carry a crew of only 11 men to handle disquieting. But there Is a considerable the face, end denounce various policies account of the border slave state, writ- of tennis as oil northerners stood child's play. : 5,000 ton* of coal from Baltlmor* republican element that favors the gas that 'Chandler end northerners stood recent report from United" State* ,en before tbe war, I came upon an ex- fashionable game for, and before the excitement was over The child Is a favorite In tbe town, and Boston. There la much curiosity as people. It may ba put roughly that tb* Consul McNally. In Belgium, some very iresslou I had not be&rd for year*: : the performance of th* America. Will fcalf a doxen senators would be mixed 'Dumb Irishman." It meast an immi- uf a very precocious nature. He la very 'lait republicans side with the Tam- appropriate hint* *r* given as to how The moat fash- nervous. He never forgets a naau or 9 her three nuts advantage or handicap 19, and some pretty tart repartee would grant Irishman fresh trom off tbe ship, jiany democrats in (aver of th* gaa Increase American foreign trad*, ionable place i face, and while walking around with his ' ber? She is a huge craft, 189 feet long. m induiceS. wbo had notyetyearced to talk English, trust, which Is making GO per rent, a he Indo’sed •ays that American manufacturers In New York Is tbe St. Nichoii father be is asking questions far beyond Arter petting things moving along I I do not suppose that a sloop of such dl- year profit upon the actual-In Test men i After getting things moving along contemplating an entrance into foreign and woo—this part *os pathetic—waa rink;, when real Ice skating has be* o M« '.ri •f-i-iSon and having set a infusions Is workable. Htr sail would and "soaking" cu*lom*rs In the famll- to hi* sa'i'fsctloa end having m a markets must show the!r products vet weak and tremulous from the coc- popular during tbe winter, and whei inaber *£ bis collea«nei by the ear*, I bar? to be half an inch thick and almoM r faahlon. The G K1I republicans op ■ nmher of hi* colleagues by the earn. ___ the merit claimed for them, Bnement and prlvaUocs of the voyage, one of the most recherche tennis tour- Recover* Lost Eyesight. handler would quietly slip fi $ beyond human power to stretch. Tki MC the trust. Qov. Hisgins actln. Chandler would quietly slip from the and must meet the traditional trade and could not work wen until heartened namenta of recent years has been this Appleton, Wia_—Hi** Sadie Clark, a . I g Tht«l* I* anoint r creditable Amer wltfelh«mwith them.- TbtirTbeir planplan waswas toto passpas* a* blUbU customs, |«*peet*lty In tte all Important BT food. spring In progress. I don't know that tUfb-Bchool student, at Neenah, WIs.. production. reducinreducingg th*th* priceprice ofof g*aE*a toto 7*7S cants cents andand matter at credit. Bayer* tbroad de- the scores were anything remarkable, haa recovered her sight quite as jsmdden- ly and mysteriously aa ah* lost It two asm*MB( as statestate fugas commission.ecmmisslon. Ukelike thrth* sir* to *e* tbe BOO '.* Wore paying for What the immigrants TJo. probably not. bat it makes all tb* dlf- Th* Kodj«ks BuilL •sc*ll«iu one la Massachusetts. Th* Door " - - *f?st* at Walt* Hi right is fravlT ac- H B taamlgrants. " ference in the world who cakes them. weeks ago. She had never had any Mcwllent one la Maaaachumtu. The trouble with bar eyes until ah* awoke DW that the warm, corded item by the manufacturer- of ' -hit herd In New The endurance of the g&fbe most hav* trustee*' firs* line of dtfecae la the lea- on tb* morning of February 6 trUm* Polish Mature: tl>e second is the lobby; Uw balmy spring nber countries, they cancat understand York so persfstent- somethlns u> do with the Amertcmn islatar*: the second U th* lobby; the blind. 'Tbe otter day white on a train shines in Uodjea- third ia the courts, where they can tt« why American manufacture re do not Iy_two-thlrdB ot nervous temperament. Youcg women third h the courts, where they cun tie weal her has sei •n route to Milwaukee to undergo an ka, Vbo matters for com* r**rs by litigatton. fallow tbl» came eclicy. la t-2ny cities ihexa hire within | *f tb* day like to have "something do- up matters for somef tyears: vrt> byl e; litigation. In. tbe prealjen' operation' htr *;sht returned, unim- redpimt i « m*«ntittd« o ' ' n "".ay be tail dealar «**M*i w 100 miles of tha YH uenitsii* of th: rrol leta may be pJli,7¥£3P2 and hla [feafl " Ins." The rartd return of the tennis paired. - immrined from/(romJ.h ihc. far:iii.-:"ti thatn «hethe irarkattr^ credit of six irearan. ball clow to the net t* ssmethlns; like meals al'fr«aoo. A year, and maaaficturen. of th* pe'iijJIUES. Th* | a real game. Pirg.por.7 very well, valuation "I *ht toewrttlta la gross ~ • rMr. *•* ■M-'vt.rm _ TJp Eroaaiax 3ollii •r tbs* tbs Jaifro put lie debt of the a rule, tb*y tak< larger E0io:>(-a caKatrUs s^I GOoi. G lers. or the** Is ' bat It was t'ajei i;.C. dr.. Tennis— *n«i MropKBa coast-"..* rJ: p Paris.—In ine France-Pruwtan war tbalr breakfast ii say ter4« to rst tbe rinil t-j-« th« striking ten- well, see a £*<*••+ ;l*yrd >t itxe Kevrport oii«. ..IT lor*. to .*2It Iho rtlfll M. Barbltr ol Herictrtirt receittd bnl- maay_ ote»* rc ^u —Tamman - - —y -—*J« 'he ope!• •;n, a:ra)lr.. and The con»u: ex?r:->*es tl>* ep~.n?bc tW B*B*Bji of the- luJ- casino, with the watching tiroes or B now occupies ratherath r a favorebl* poUpUt lesa pni«fu:n Un*. to t*cmn* fashionables, with the tr!?at bu'ktedly loal pMUioc. IIts mayor I* parsctaily iag a tan**j !twUboM ofof olbor«h*r cmMrinWHilti taIn 050ac?on tm rsllroad laborer* id *ol*' Bui tbe g*« ber Of frieRtts. -tklon. both le the qnsllty of Bud the Hebrews upon the scene, and wf*»*&a Ir«a air * upon its --tltloo. both Is tbo qisllty of >»• otbar meali ara panakes loo*o Ul lain tSoibe Uniterms ofof, It*tbe ID le-o-ae garment EaLert. If Ton add from ike «*an miils.% in—gtii tact Ilk* win be V-t'T*. tkal Ztot Qr»cks ar* nuKopolUinc tk* tr 1» tW aaM mMBMM, T-. ■irMi rlS Uo tk*JL OWKK LJ&GDOM.

• "• ' • ^ ' JH PT--' THTHEE CONSnTUnONAUSlCONSTITUTIONALIST.. TheThe ConstitutionalisConstitutionalistt fumnm ReadingReading SysteSystemm A DBUOCRATIC W1MLT. Walla tba MUM MM HI'S MM H MM MIMPiSBIPGOtFPlIY lew Jersey €«ittr«l. 4 DEMOCRATIaaaarmmaaC WEZKLT . u MB iswwn at AraaMMa aaaa* M lew Jersey teetrel. ~ ruumriMLO. m. J. paaUa la Iba nullti SIIIM, II FUlaiUldPlalnfl el d CouCountryn try OlnClubb OQoS- ol JUpiaaiBUlBUw , BorougOghh OtaOltt-- Baat Jeraer Tournament Be- J* fLAINFIEl-D. $t. 4. •TB Won on the Links. m w Twm*4UOvm7~*- Bam IXIM From Heart Failure gins Here on Saturday. WSUftB ICOX1BCOHB WAWASS IS16 T OTO 1219 FOUNFOUHDD BITY HI HZ9S WOWUIT Biche* Ol Mra. Fair'. Mother A. L. F«M. WuWM OroMlQroaalpy Over-SstiO—r-Xatl-- ■so alt Osff Vimrnay fo fsrr Cap Oeys* *B satb tbs 1*. M. Day, Jr., Caalimaa Of Com- mated. waak day* or Snndays, ataoo bo ant illlaa nialMla oa Couatrj ••earned ooatrol ef thai btatorta play Olab Ooarto. IHVBNTOHin vuhtobtY IisB FILLBni.UT)D I wldMt BM, ho I baaaa flr* yaari aga. Tba The Pi a in Bald Oannlry Olno lea wltta boart fallal* ,fWi f**d 0*00*0 l.r all alga will, If poarlbl*. I tbal bad baaa aaaadtag a wasalag for Taraa* Blaimx ChlldreOkliar*-a Wil willl Ge tOat Aoou Akaatt ft?.' vffiB «Mbii «h.y b* p brilliant tbaa any of lta Saturday by deflating a t*B*a from arraral aay*, Jeba Valiaat, DMMnM, matt to toy miMrlili lor far the Prtaootaa UoiTeriny by a aooro of ; •artb Plamfiald'* rapra—BtatlT* oil ha eaarto ot ib* PUtnflala OOBB as.OOO•5,000 ABIOO1 Apia**O — - Batat Batataa lb« OlOftl ID tBO ODOB BUM "Tba Isla tokotoba li to IS. The matcb waa »ery oloj sen*, dlod aaddealy ot bit borne oa trytry Oladobb aoaa SaturdayBsmrdaj, Monday and UrnLtrf tl,j II.n X«rtWart-- «• filibltotd," iaft an axofcaag* by MM engagement Ofot halbolff doMdosesB plaPUTt tbroagboBl aad at *a* tin* II la*k< Mfttl*. amao* early SBBI,Taaaday, MaMayy *7 97.. *» 99 aa dasd 90 . 90Xatrt* Kntrfts* •*«**. , ,, ,u , "MMIN W to* lb)Ml MM W M«1S era fsassi fafort artlillartisto Vowork work.. Tb o aTbsa Ibaag b tba local play*r* wool mg. Bla t lf*I« M body wi a—mpsaltd•paBlad bbyy thtbse entiano ostraaos* t tm .tEars5sA. .VA - --‘“ NMIM «kMk IMT bM 1* wUl rapnMrarapartolfo Wilwilll na»nr«lloMenUry Ma tradd wm - loae. Il waa a» ideal day for tt •bo floor of bla bedroom al shoeaboai ida bbe* rvoalrersoslvsdd byby I .X. M .M. Day Day,, Ji Jr. la.The reputenpabld ilobo>laa*aa O faf tb *tas l»l eUaa Mia Mym.. , , , If Ik* liniil tariB irma '« * *Mit mormeree laM lighli*h»t ooanalc oosssflU* game, witnthb tbtbs* •wMptlOsumptionB osff a •nea i by bla wife, * atal 747400 OarltoOarltoaa arecne argons., Plalanold Plalalald,, oa mUaaaahHaaaa h MUMBUalaam.. molbemmmtbm,r o f Mraal .lRaggwnr-" s=s»y -. i IHM M Baaaavail, •• lag lb* winter tnonthi. bat tba UharleOkaria*a LU. FairFair,, wa-aa* onl oalpy a dreama dnaat.. dsnsi tbs wlstsr meatba. b wtadwind wbiswblsbb iwtp sweptt In the* c osssvos 4 olad In a Mb* orr beforebefore 88 o'clocs'olsskk FridaFridayy nigbl sight,, • a Pnr iHtlitiu. Aileulo-u11, to4 Heink dn« by Ibl* dtciiton (or fair play worksworka wilwilll al*Ul b abs froa fromi tba tbspaa i pssdof tbstbsf* earlearlyy papartn o fof tb atbs day day. No t wilHotl ba WM about aff go to tba bath wblsbBlob limtimee aaMdd plarplsose Ib otbs drawin drawls;g am**a d aa "pip"ptp*e dream oraaw"" at thatat tkat,, f*r me-fa •ad no fan**. 11 aot, FI noted play-wrlgate, *o that, allall iisa allsix,, idlag tbla Ibara WM a largolarge BeBoldl wb*8 ibe end cam*. willwill bbee mad*i . eaadlaaoordlng toI* tbu.* larector1. ra. lor,y Dieatrtd l a lati n SftiTiUTi •«»*«. walaf MI M ofciaf *» Ibora i« *»«ry aemraaoe cf aSBa lataInter-i sfof golfergolfers* ousott toss tak Sobse par portt la Is tb otbs Ta dvnrl Tallaat bad not saw reeiio Play will oommonoo oa Batarday •arrogate* offloa ef Middle.** Uaonty, •eolit* will bt to npM* Iba radasy ***iag aad proaparooa anmmer term. ana event*, and many remained IB tl well all lui waek aad Batarday Mra. aflernootf at 8 O'olook and Will ba at Maw Bmn.wlck. at aeoa Monday, of tbii Inaary at ••BBUBIOB. •vaaug for tb* dance at tba olal Tallaat ladacM Macao* oa Monday, beginning al S ih* died imimifT of but V87.41S U3, Tbangh tb* tboatrloal *oaaaa la aa oisg far tbs U*a*r*l report bad credited her witb igs&mmziKi MM wan. "Tba Rollioiing Girl Baaaa. TbitTbla wawasi Ibtbsa flm Brat o fsf Ib albs aaria aortasa rror o baiinei* Ho ttald al tb* hont* o'oloek IB Iba afternoon and 00 To«* of danoea to ba bald Saturday nlgl balac wort fa bait a million. divided aa th* qao*Hoe wh«tb* forth al tne Herald Bqoare I Ms bo sold Has nr day sightsal l day and thoogn b* waa irooule lay, botb morning aaa afternoon, be- RValf-^SnS-i ft *.ft '.’k large andienoet. aad (bay are aore to be pepolar ami Ih* heart, be wa* tlaaiag at 10 o'olook in Ib* morntna. There are Hz oblldraa aad BDBM children of a deoeaied ohild to OBBM For Lakewood sad Alien tie Olr-tu Beraatd, wao added to bu tb* member*. abl* to go aboBl ai oioai. Hii all AH matebesmalohn wilwilll bbso tb tbsa bai bastt IW Otwo (O Hsots )Dd|n>«nk to tiKg fb« cffir at tb IB Isr *b»re* of tba aatola aad a* each loialior. witb Battle WUtlaaM, la Tbii ill tbsIh * remirsssltt ofsf Ib lbs* tatoonme m waa BOI tboagbt to b* aaylbln MlOBI ooff threelb roe.. IndlTldoaladlTldsall prlBt prisesa wl l will BioaaoallaB and alia* log hli iBtoa: ' •otiose aalastfsr tbs Oslf Committee oop, weaklythro maso yoo MO oa moolid baa aand oa a afarf th athe mo * past asd danelng In lbs sensingaadBa d mortgagemortgages* *wn* ownedd b byy Mr* Msa.. Helee BsIsma tb* SIBT* foapaaulUllt* thai ba did ttapetltiafl.Mss. •crroryy fe wfew posted tbsirthree years bad been ana af tbs modoa aaohday. ■Ibllllr tkM ha a eeseosi thertheree araree a numbea somberr of atsf* i TBlnad nensen of iba Board of JCdn IB ooaawdtoa with the toaali toar- sggrsgalsdagRngatod (00,00$36,0000 anMdd ansM* ba dbad i3 ,$3.-rTiSOfiS Iba memaat. wa ara Inclined to ba • prodBOtlOB* tbat aitoclib ai •ore*. (5Sloa to artn HH.. PaltenoPattersona aa andd O . Ut Uralosd mem cars of tbs Board af Bdn linn with tbs tennis I isagu earn st Bound Brook. , wm an UolliM M k*. organ worewere tiMse foforr D>* Brost plac placee wit witsh a amenl, another attraction will b« 997.839B7.83 llaa eaaosabb Inla tb tM* Oraag Or Mgs* bank bank,, in iaW . G. BKBLKK, M. BUST, nmllara thathati aa«Ma woul-Midd follo fill*—w Ih *M- a a' Jer Iba orowda. Port Arlhnr mother sttraotisa wUl b*additio n I* ibaaa ttemi a lot of bonj*- Tloloie fteEToS:Pre«. * Oan. MirMgr.. n(SASiStDt.- Fm- A»ent. ooane Idaatloafly. Tb* offer waa lai bewilder tbs erewda. Past irtfeu Isi t aoorao asff 7878,, wb'.wt*At Jails Jallot* X .K. Krio Brisk,k As aa or, be aooond ofof Intbs* aanesensea eoff golgolff tou rton im to tbsra items a lot af bsnra-▼ so bet notata tadd forotr Ib tbso Darte Dtrfetrr aa artd aia i maoy mu nnder tee aMpiooa af Ih goodsgoodi aaMdd farallarf oral torsa ar aars aaa mi- War*I taIMo oiienMUMi saHid Ib IHa taller IMMl'l* wlf -Ifl.< stbaratba r nesaww attraelloasttrsoilossa araree offered sffsvsd., X I Tbssea•o n wowasn Ibthe* .-*malalB etnalalog| paint point.. • UraoTbsIraoa a MM.. KK obBrobobarofa., lt aIts npbnlldi opbstidingn aadsr tbo amsploos of tbomerale d la tbe Inrectary. aad thalt dooiiloa waa Baal aa •imit icorescores. po.lepostedd werweree a aas follow foils. :we: waa bla OOBBMBI taoagbt and II en'* MetropolisesMatrapoUlBB GolGolff AanciAm a PENNSYLVANIIENNSYLVANIAA sspUasdsorplaaada bahasa baabassa widenewldaaedd aa sadd tbar Ibsrsa HOB. Thi. will bo bold on Monday, ebeald ba nnder nob a aaiiant *itoa la ample room for tb* maaaae wfalo HtoartSto art HH.. Patter.onPattsrsso,, OH. 98. 90—78 10-78;; O agrowt h ia no mall ioae* baa been do* This will bs bold m Monday, IBIB WABASWABASHCOMINQH COMING P f CAILC0AD.tAILIOAD. Is ompl« rssm fsr tbs me esse wblsbB. Morgaa, -Si, 6—78; JaliwiK Erlok to bla effoiit. PraTleoa to tbo aiUb and u aar* to aniaoi a Urge BI lion. BWaakbamar represented Wood throng tbat walk by day aad night H. Morgan, 84, ft-78; JallatB- Krlok-la bis effort*. Preplan. So tbs aoSab-and u sara Is attract a large nai IB QfbtiOf agalBil ooBTlotioa cl ibatbrsng Ibai walk by day sad night. 89,I, 10—7910—79;; MarviMartinn D D.. 8M Has,, 92 , 99,I llabaMBIt l cf tbe obarch, ba *tarted Of prominent women golfer* from tbo ReportReport TbaThatt tatbs* Oonlf(Moldl Ballroa Railroadd la Isfksfk * aaMHBMtteedsrdl 2ail:act«il.*da4a a f Aaarlsa»f Amsrtta.. Dss’t asglsct to pslrsatee tbt Metropolitan dlatnoa, Tba flrat Of exlBM ebatged. la other worda Da ta rest It’a lbs Basal so —81.—tiltbs. Snnday-Kihool aad oondnotod It regi »ak,lDK It* Way Cut to bla *pokeainan aad, under Iba otro AsAo BBBiaaaonra all featurfeat oree o fof totbs* larly, afterward UIUDUR tba nparia one-day torn ■•OewW YorkYork.. ■*-*ki.SCTill • nr AwftMATlO“iioi'atult BLOCK st ra jta"aB> prt**atod•at., blMia advis*a,lg*e l aM a **•*—pf olookelook golgolff oompetltlooospetitiona wawas* I tendency cf IbU department wb* an week oad tbo oeottataatt from Burvsyorsrreyor* barMrse baabrana BO*MayT tbi tbiti wea wsskk «*ustt •IITik. .rKi**IMMM effe'IKMi W—IM «ooo, allhoogh OOnttilantitsetante* rotBTBOrstnnsdd B a BOO soarsM O fsf S3 98a naad rally argaalaod. H lasie Plaln&ilPlata Baldd OoonlrOesotryy Ola Olsbb mad * an atI BounBooedd BrooBrookk etaklnstakingg ea ratt a aaa wasw aaaBMd hardly poaalbla Ibal Ifa* i eaob oos* wilwilll reoeiTreooivaB I I1 5I poinS pct 1st.Tb Tbsuim d it Diitil tw* jaan ago. exertntllen loatt abowlagshow lag.. OBOa theitbsirr ow nrailroad,laUzoad, amn extensiosxtsaalMn o f sftb *tbs Wabw Wabashh OnOn ansadd afteafterr HaMayr l'i 1\, IKK 190A. dam coalo baT* ba*B ooBTloMd. Tba Kuetnosabt TrseaIron receives s en-roamretai li eoff ibtbsa pla playy ta ita* asfallow fellows* Ba wa* interested in religion* ooarsowane IllI I*la expeoK expectedd tba thatt tb* theyy wil willl d* doroamd d frofromm PlltabarPlttsbnrgg to to Ne Neww York York.. Tralna will iacve BUMbeth a* followa— waaknai* of Iba praMBOllaa'a OBM >r pltxai blodoww bbyy AlfraAlfredd Bur Haaryr Mr*.Ire. OliftoOUfleoa WbartoaWharton,, Jr. Jr.,. 18 93;; Ml Mias* otbawlaotbswlss a anandd aarr*nervedd oana Tariovariousm monobb batterbetter.. TMTb* righrightt eoff wawayr ba Msi baa bssaa ite msecured. 11IJB p amt CaaeaeTOChi , Clncf onatl and Bi. Louli •»«Iba triaHIMl woa-Mlt * aM Dooaat a apparent bawU 1B Baooaasssa MatailaMageiloea fafsrr MaMay.yAdelaideAdelaid e GO.. BallBall., 2 8 SI;; Mra Mrs. K . H.E . B.Ir *Ire-i lltsss aatt thtbse Y .Y. M . M.O. AQ., AA. At FsrFotbsr Ibtbsa beneObaaeflat oeff I taoseboie n noancqsainted acqn aln Ud TMTb* roareadd wilwilll paa passa tbroag throughb tbo IMBom Korn•SumV. Louis aad CiaatnnatC 1 l Eipreu. 8 waoibatoer bad balll ap Bad main Ia fanatraaf , taratblforoIbisa stylstyloe MrMr.. LewLswia: igsr.iger. S393;; MltMias* Sara Sarahh BobBTlar Bobariar,, 93;Urnslim e aoff hbuu dealdeathb b eas wa wasa presiden presidentt af withwitaf b tbtbs* wawayy toto reao rtsohb tb tbs* ooarte ooarts., It aadanItd gneppaiBboppardd farmirarms., jmJnstt abou aboutt an ISlf^^sr"sa tatoed a dvfaaaa ttiat waa iroly atar lays bacbarso Ibtbsa metho methodd b y wbleby wblsbb tb MiasMl*tbs * MargareMargarett OoddardGoddard,. «S ;93; Miss boardBoaid ooff TrniteaTrssteoa* o f Oraoof *Gransmaylay bbse .aimidd thathatt Ib tbsa Arlln Arlingtoni arenaseighth tb ooff a amil mil#e abar abovea th e tbstow nIowa of •aboardof Air Line-1 1 •* * m daUy. •alioaa. Ba abowod mwiitily lagal bastbaat traoktrsokei llaa tblbsa BaaBartl ararta aparata operated,d HarriotHarrie t UoddardGoddard., 2494;; M1 HMiss tt Boaaaoberoboboroh . trolleyrolley earscan rarana to to a a poin pointt OIO UsesM to totb atbsBoundBona d BroskBrook.. Or Bsltl mare sad Wsoklostoo—f U M, f f tg qilllltuqn*um« ft*in Ib»•a wa—Ifr h a»« conducte mMmMd Ib *IMiDowlo g tb*a ambsdl. IBI CIcf' Imooeymey take takesn Wharton,Wharton , 2596;; MraMrs.. K. H. Mr. ValianValiantt babadd beebssan l ala tb atbs grat agratagolf : ooBraooarso* anMdd a aabor abortt wal kwalk acroi i AlreadyAlready IbIMa priopricea ofof lan loadd ■ at IM OhmII am* at IM Bara at die ••clem pile, rateable and IB Golf Olsb oa Haiorday wars a team ACACTT ONJMBEiJMR YARDTAROSS tbs faculty warnra apaotaspeciall gnaatagaesta.. Tb aTbs Education be aever awarver—dd frof ranm parpar-- pile, rain a bis and is matoblateb witwithb Iblbsa WaatebaaMWsmobssterr Uol Gslff Ola Olsbb paiasdpained bbyy twtwoo aiilitanti Mkislants,, Tinte visitedd Zlag Zlsg- feraWag fall foil dmy and il did not ilag BOOBBN thoroughlytboroaghlT lutelligtstslHgii and in* anal play. qa*lifjicg airr WWMM llaa ,obargchargea o off a acommitte commute#e of of woodi. In Linden towaablp, and W-1~ ataam oa aaaiam to Amm o» 0* H*ul. l fill dilf Md ll did ammtie. aad tbs Baal play, qsrtlfjiag rooadORDINANCORDINANCE E COMECOMESS UUPP A ATT JUN JUNEE MEE MEET-T .lob Mia* 3adla FoantaUi WM ocair it’s woods, la Linden township, Md remain until hii daalB for the taxpey Us. fsr tbs Jaasrone baadioapbead leap,, wbMwhichb begins which Mias Sadis Fountain was chair er>roa dewdowna aa fram framee abant ebsntyy I3ilf 19x15> foal foot,. \StBBP‘ n~4lZF&.., an aadi oimscami Mii geaarail Mil jfa, t oi*. appreci u.par- INCING OOFF 80DYBOOT.. wblob bad bean baUl by beboae. 0X0 W BOTH. •n Md UlliMi puarallf M ippraci- Tbararea llaa mnomaobb t oto •HmoUl stlmnlals* tboo,.- thought,* oao a SatordarSaserday.. WactOolWostBsldd toi llost Ibo tbs loa mteam blob bad booa bo ill by Mbooa. ate bla worth Ta tie brief, ba wai by a eoore of 1« to iV C*kO aaa C*nt]j Int. amm bu —mb la ba Wur. M asawmam walwall l aasa attiao attractt ib thee eye ays., ta laIb e tbsMa Mi b by s score ef 16 to ft, Massss Cake aad Oesfy Bias. ToTo KemovKeiuoveo (SloOlatt XkchlDM Machlaae.. tba type af maa M .yrtem. IsI* !Is• eipeotesspsotsdd tbathatl ti tbon Jaa Jesse me*tl* meetingg TMTbo JunioJuniorr UhriiliaChristiann EodeoToJC ad savorr Ho -Ho AotingAoUng OMB malraotlalaatraotiMa ofof It *Its loca llocalLehighLehig h ValleValleyy RailroaRailroadd tasss oeff OooOosdd aooaeaoapinBeseiksspiag.r Tb * Tbs r tbo Common Council, Chairman opea* with ao OBtapokea of tbs Common Ooaaoll, Chairmanotsty,aly , Ooff TrinitTrinityy Ktforme Htformsdd clmtob ebarsb,, manageloaagor r tbIMo filiaHoaaall Telegrap Telegraphh Com Oom-- I With a- eata pskeo Bollock, af iba fir* aad boild bold a oaka aad oandy aala la tb* I111.I la no■ wI qoitqalW* oarttloartalaa thaMli MDMI MahlaaD taper OB "A Ulrl'aUlrl'a Reading,'Reading,"' t Bollock, of tbo Ore and boildiogswill bald a oaks Md oasdy sals la IMpaayin y aatt ElizabetBliaaMtbh wilwilll nlAOT removeO al aill alo alott TinsTiiae TablTablee llaa BCee Meett NOT Bov.. SO W., 1KB IWi. osmmltSss.owmitte*. wilwilll pr***Bprsaoott a arepor reportt an oaprimaryprimar y dapartmaaldepartment,, eanday-aobosSunday-sobeell aohuaa from lta omoo ot any other LIAV1LltAVE BOOTBOOTHH PLAINFliiOPLAlWriBLD., M N.. J .J. barg Hoaaiial wilIIUl bMa bmntttbaMIMtdd t oU ib IMa Bllaabethtllaabel b KnighHolgbtt TompkloiTooipklss,, Ul n lllne-i. s. Him be qacaiioB of lambar yard. In Ib* hioea from Its offleo or My o I OBWam^daUye m d«ilj (eiceplezoeplt Sund»jBnoday)) localocall toManc to Maocfca anaai at tG.OOO. •• laan, •• a ra traisdxated witwithh bcaotlfobees till elphotograph phstegrapbc* b y by tbo qaeaiioa of Ism bar yards la tbsroom. SaiardaSaturdayy attarnooaaftsnsoos., frotramm 8 t8o to6 property6 ropaity wblewbiobb tbthe* compan oompaayy l uaaa .f ik.d00. *■ lam, mm a null ef ■rs limit*llaslta. TbTbs* owner owners* o f ofIb etbo 7a myardolook . irotof than. tb■MMIUl'Hnlnla Mo day*' c«rtJT»i. TbTMa aotbaiiaolba.l-- F. UolkoraOolbara ClarkeClarks.. Dr. John U. ormerly ooedaotod by DeWltt MWMile tapperlopporl! ilvadlTMa Ubarl UUlMM J. I rui'lQaooksaboo.gaackentxj* . protaaaoprofaassrr etnerilusoesrllaei ef ef Mip III! irly ooodacted by DsWltt a poMio abttltad MiarKlaa iTlBs,Tics, bavbarea aafeaaskedd fo fsrr tb tboa prlriiag prtrtlogs* of of Juacgon^for Hiagara FaUs PM» aauraitia mmrpmmmmcUolnmb U Caivststly,UniTMiity, wrlKwritesi a f allowingallowlag totbs* yaryardd t oIs remai remainn a* IasI la11 ,Is, 11 irpilUllMa«a mIMo itII lURb lal|Ml > laaaaa laauaa •Piyobi a latlaooodssase* ilan tbtbsa HomHams."e •' ■IRSIB. . REBECCREBECCAA BB.. ARMSTRONARMSTRONGG DIE DIESS A TATaa « It ii «xpeeled tbal a report at mama aammw b aa, Mooaipiuaa auMpimadd la alaaadan d* MalcolMalcolmm MoOrtgoMcGregorr J.mieioB Jamieson.. Jr. Jr... aad It Id sipsoltd that a report HER HOME III CAMDEM. ba read* oa tt 1* matter. f far pobllMbUlo fO|MdM wb-Mlm mMl!o f "The PsBiahiaealUbaeait ocff Obtldran,Children,”" HER HOfE IH CAMDEN. sAccordin mods oag toIbis tb matter.e ordinanc e latro- wwk W|«tb*r ta tba oanaa, Notwltt iriag wee a Bret piles m Aoosrdlag Is tbs ordlsaaos Intro- i IM Mila. Hal—lib Mra. Bebeooa B. Armatraag, wlfa aood a faw waaka ago, tbla lot ( tba faotI ibHaln loatiaran watmana m\ mat- . facta oeeoara- Mrs. Rsbsooa A Armstrong, wifear d woald be afleoted by It* pro* •Ml nlaf alpha. II U lomi riHTalfin g "PolaoBOB* PlaatePlant* osff OoOarr rieldFieldaa ofr tbtbsa latlosse FranciFrancis* W W.. Amnroag Arm sera. and SpeciaSpeciall FarmersFarmers’' >1 * u dally .irtvi Bu.»day. lute. I motbar of Tuomii 8. Arm.irocg, ibi lafoaa If at any time It wma dtalred MllMaiad imi im dkiMn am inBBdand . QkTdtsaGird ess"" arana Msatl fort forh tob y byAlic eAliosmother of Thomas B. Armstrong, tbsto again OOBIIBB* tb* lamber bBdaea* •8Kffsraasss:isa^ l if TAOOO. TM Ho. ad IM Morttansra * EarlBaris.e druggist,rngglal, die4 ledd aast ba Mrr born bomse l a UOa m moa SaturdaBatmrdayy algblalgbt.. DMBbs wa awm la ula tbtk*o iTlnIrtaa* yard part.. TblTkl,§ bein Milg aa aaaa af at TbsTba PopulaFepslarr BoianoSciencea Monthl Monthlyy to t tore r aeT*nty-Dftb year. • olooot is tba city, II I* that • boaa aagaged 1* «a* Mr ssvsaty-gftb year. bai allaatproTl*le laa Ikawil l dtp,ba mad llo tola permi t Mar UMtaiaa tbsIba faUawufalls wingg artlolaarticlee:i ■bei Ila. nurrlTOramrodd bbyy *l sixx aaa seasa aa Mdd aa esattkat prorldaa -1U ba mada I * lor algbtaaa oaeaaoaUv* 'Fraaaat Problama 1B RadlaaotiTtty.• TelephonTelephonee ServiceService.. mMmty.” aogatar. Tb* BBBB are Obarlaa A. ArrivalAtriTal anaidd DepartnrDeparturee t fof Mails Mail*. |.t»r Boraad iboo* ot aayby Profaaaar Kraaat Rntbeiford ; "Tba •lag with which hi AimeUoag, Jodgo E. A. Arairiroag, t any time la tba fataro. ponofnes. Barard Medical Soboai," by Dr.1af UaaideU*a*«*B ;j ThomaXfcwu,. B .B. AiBHinBg ilMmi,, of ml .notbar maiur far tba Com •d. Of ooaria |M $5, Waldo; '-Alpbata Spring it*, laat will go lota* tblUmlma clioil,:y | OtergItepe UU.. ArmiiroagArmura*!., of *1onncll to consider will be that in ■BW TORN MAIM. •a tat a " by Pf A. D. MmMarrlU,;KoroboaiTUl*; WallaoWall**,a AA.. ArmitrongAimMtocp., referaaoo to a piap—afl raqBeat of TheThe conveniencconveniencee ooff th thee cit cityy adde addedd d5Crtft4«?A7k*a!W-'. - O 11 U of MooreeMwa ; Howard Armatroag, oioe, Uaayoa A Oo., to onet addl- by PfOfoawr William K. Killer; "The BaairraBolaoo, and |b« daagbtar, oaal abod la tbo viouily of tbo Sec- ttoo ththee delightdelightss o off th thee country country.. Th Thee Origla of Bpaola* Tbnmgh SeleoUCB «'Mr*■. MllukaUEliutMtb Mtddtedlteb,MlAAlMltoh, oaff Waet-art- oad atraat entrance on tb* yaraa, 111* WllhTimrUrlgia Tbroai R*ICala. TbTk** fanetafaaaxall MITIC amtaiamaM wi n—1U b ebelUTek* d that thara wilt be aemo op- farmerfanner anandd ththee markemarkett i n intouch touch.. : .ppaaraaoe af Daaatte Van tbi* la Tiew of tbo toad- ACS4-.-»-fV-,sr.‘-vr Maaa," ay Prafaaaor T. H. Margaj aooy of tba flr* aad bnildiogt oemam- InformationInformation frofromm nearesnearestt railwarailwayy ■DUTLYAIIA-Wal of Bastioi HUSBAND MIBSING. tiaka la tbu di- CaaatrpCosatry OlaClakb MM statiostationn availableavailable.. DoctoDoctorr alway alwayss Oooraj* Rowley Hay HITI BOI n*nin wil-lul bk*o maal aaaio an aadd dancin daaolaig a t in to. Ik*tbo PlalatalPlalalaIRd UoaatrUaaaury OlaOlakb SaturdakmU)y irlaa a* a raaall af tao ordlaaaaa, lli Killed III Ballroo* igbt, alM aa afWraoaa oaaoart aad withinwithin speedspeedyy callcall.. HundredHundredss of of Wrooft, alike kla* am ataaraamm aaaasn baaa delayed, bat w H ri-j’-v-->> • laotaUaB ilaa IbU.o avaata.*Hta|g aaaa Monda MaaAapy toaaaa otherother advantageadvantagess witwithh FARMERSFARMERS'' Mra. IS, Bfl*U*t of Wktbaaag *T and Taaaday, May f» aad >0, Ham - •ago w t th 1 n a abort 11 m a. ' ‘3*m1US9i9U* IUI WM la Hairiitmrg oa Batnrday •rlthirg dlaaara aairad aa Ia TELEPHONE SERVICE. -:- -;. Tbaray^rMS nsaU tor Bast, elaae IO mm* taanblag for tarorajatioa retarding ay aad Taoaday aigbi. May M aad TELEPHONE SERVICE. CMC MO, W^UUDfTUXBO^a her haebaaa, Qoorg* Kowl*y, wMa jo. will ba abllgad ta aaad tbvlr aa Tbo ptaaa for tba aJMrationi to I followi to tao atoaard aa or baton Saturday *ohI‘. - i BptHf": i iba iwutke baada of BaUdtag In •DMOAT MAIM. • Spirit." •Tb* Hotter*'* Spirit af •ad *e»r thai city, aad wb* baa DM >r Doaao. Ha will not gcaal Ibo NeNeww YorYorkk anandd NeNeww Jerse Jerseyy Telephon Telephonee Compan Companyy SSTeSS SRAaV *aa board af alaoa bo lift Hew York. BMoamry parmll until ba bu gone ’ ■* ■. BIBD. W. On* woman, a 8 wed*, ta tao Hai- rar taam tbonagbljr. 33333S ParParkk AvenueAvenue,, Plalnfield Plainfield,, B.J N.J.. : Mra. Bowlaad Ocz, af Maw Tort, TelephoneTelephone 519519a3 e viaiiiaff bar aiotaar, Mn. Bowlaa* OBZ, »f Waal a*Taaia atnat. <«( » . : lo Hew York. THE CONSTmmONAUST. Sanitary Plumbing IMS eOQUNn SUMMIT MW Brick and PwtnU* F«r«p Bap€crvisor Rmnna Prvptwad Oas Fitting.Tin Raajltag. Blggeet K All th. Crowd* tnry in Ordan of the Ohurch. to Pnt Bnameraton at Work. , | J.mmed tie Mlair»y. With 1 ^OO Paopl* Pl-IPt. DIQHITABI« B PBBSBHT TO BTABT I am pt^aiwl to doanyof t LOTS OT SFENDIK 8CORE, FOUR TO TWO THB VARIOUS BVJBNT8 atlag by 4 a'atoak jiliiar Try Hara to art Mr. MUlac w—Hiiilba-

Ckiii nnd Mlanwa. W.nterliDgerintinlb* m* af tb* Tuwad b* 1,600 paaputraaa • walk an Thnnday, June 1. aad UT »d abM> VfekMa, Urn mm H . . _^^^-_ naHadad nnt a OwHE aaa 11111111 at Ma Walib—• H« • 1 aba adlbna. Bar. Father Andrew M.aooeidlng te tb* proTlilooi af tba law fatberad In »be OI«M at 1M «u- aad oliMiiaa* oaal ta tb* kaadwera- i i, ne*nr «f Bt Hirji Oalballa D. W. L1TTELL, , mm del iSbMd wilb torn mui T*. Bnj aHt-awUetai. IE. • ooaaa Ibat baa alluded 01," • J In* waik m Olty Bad I Ho. Ill North An.. PUllllleld. «. I, Mr. HiUar BaiBioay night. "I w tb* faUewiBg ban MB afmntnttd u tain—fc ibe peeploaM tbe *>r«aa! -IT—r— or Bon. William Beak, at utmtriMn for FtalnlMd: lama at Pl»lnn aid far tbe way tl WaabawkM. who aud* bla lnantd*nn« iMTTf tba -iilting clergy were VUat wnrd—DBTU M. DMITU, arned aoi. and Inroad ta, ta help tba aa m Bingar. wae aa oaal and oomfart- tb* apart WM kaaalr wjayao. Tban Harry UmalLey ; Second ward-W. i RM aT.ote on tb* oard, law Vlcar-Oaoerala Sbappard, of Jenay tenifM a MTIM al !••• tbat Bebllobtar'a Sln.(ert neeuly Oily, and Fox, •> TiantaB; Hgra. Townaand, Robarl Gottridge; Tblrd tltiaw M elbow. tftM •• death >l tba plate. Xhna: O'Qndy, «f Maw Brnmwtok, nbd ward—Jeba Xegl*. Haorj Pierje ; fl-e* nntll !• a'olook. nnd It * •Bold, «| Glaata, ». FIJBD, or Morrirtowii, Hd Rt. Bar. Fourth ward—J. B. atari in, Abnsa PATENTS »bijr later before Iba ffiwinaa *b'. wntMr obaatM war* allgbUy i Staflerd, praaident *f •«*-» HaU Anglemaa and Ja ib Krloey. dMarled. A crowd or Inatj- aSaoMd by tba drop in In* meroot?, ,a«. Father Kgan oeltbraled Mr. Hasna willl MtnUlab bla head- d Klka and Knlgnta «f Oolnwbna, bat they raawrad tbalr wnalag circu- irtan at tb* oOlota at WlUum i *p*ndinft. Everybody ft—Vint, "Bay," Iieetar TlDg- aa blgb mui, Bar. Jamea Hale- r tba laaderablp nf Andrew Mo lation in tb* HTtalh. Tn*r warmed woon, Baq., on W*at Vronl atraet, ....__lnlald; mil, "Brtf," D. baaty, Of tbla otty, waa deeoaa ; ta tw la n ban? te i*t m ill and a bin me«apbODe, lalbered •nwwl acme of M.slab Foaear .a • tb* enumerator! will make tba 11 L. Darby, Vabwaad; tbird, "BaUay," n>kIt WUllam Miller, af H „„. .It •»•, BBB mn aa moob • entranw to tba baftdqurtara ja and oonllanad tba oolii*alion npartt to him than. Tbe oanana win VarafT b»bi»« " poaaible. Tbe a A. aabnobar, K**way rand, temrtb, Flalnnaid, anb-aeacan. and Ber. tenl far »n impromptu wake on aba « oalorlo nine tba nUtym Wbaa Iba Oil >w Ib* no-mber ef perMni IB Plbta- nnd ticket eellera flMgbl Iba 1 imiTil, nnd obaaiad (or eTorj- frlMM." F. A. Stew. Oak Tr*a. Id as tba Ural uy of •!*•*, n* mat- be recorded oa tbe emm**atar'a O. Btovana. a T. KlltHI. Robert the nomination al O. Max DI«MIIT biff, waa t tb aleeplaobate o?ar iwo roilaa; win tefc. 'Red Ltghl," H. A. Boorna. Weal- i Anna Daly, *f Ibla oily, aan: J HMktt, It. J. B- DMOM, «, r J. riak tmt Btat* Benalor Hd aallad aaald da with IM problem- Ml AooordlBg to law tb* «Domeratori i». Bnliar.. S. P. T. WllboT, Andn H«7«r BoohU "Iba bait m b i ada Hfield;a all otbara dlaqnnUflad far no* «M not ptrmittad to tall the rtrall of NEW IN EVERY DETAIL] a*;O»rd*.l, A. A. OMno». A. B. K* oama ap Iba ntlta." going tba oanraa. En tbia moa. Dr. M. tbeir work, under a penalty of a mail- pa* H. O. VuEmbnrfb, Ralph WU- nnd Jadg* Bnnji O'M. EMM art W. WabBftu war* Una ef *800L In oanacqaaao* tb* Mr n«W barber abos at ,ta. Edward Bobbie, Job- FritH. T. M respond ta dam blaa. AU nadar parfaol thrown fiam Ibair nwutl tat nellbar popcLtion of PUiBdald or nnr other k| Hair. Jobs H. Oaa*. O-i B. C aptaoMt Tba former aalMd tba op raa bon, aitbotifb W*batar bad n IU not be known BlfeU an- 143 NORTH AVE. Bhnry Barlow, Walter Marten, o •a expreaa tita deep appre- omolBliy. An enotnerator re- Third rao*. bnok or buMfa. All th* MSS. TntXffS iTSTtSoaorl* oUtlaai af tba aanpart accorded bla Vaaaar, tbe O.ani D nOM FAak. d." * of tbe nndar private control at lira Ja.mea B. Blair, riding wllb MADISON AVENUE, mad* from tb* oanlat af " Midway wblu (at into left said In probably tbo B and •• Red Girl i i apeak foe tba Uamlval tbe Brat lonlag, after Ooagre-e nnd it, •Bwnmpjnnd'" kilowatt andnoaat In-eatlgatlon In ,f r two obUdraa Batniday Bllernoon. olnn a dea BMI a•lrooet tba eotti rai iBjoted in a f«11 from the marry- Howard VrtMmu, «**•» yoar* •*•. committee wb*a I tnank -on irojnt filed eat. Bnba n»ob«d tblrd atrleUy B New Tark abavad tnal It oaat aboot lex aba belp yam nnv* |it«B ta tbla tatanoe and^Bfc tbtbe fanaer only m 8.U8 eanm. In JocktonTilla, Via..>a-ronnd. A lib waa fractured. K>r> of Walter tfreemau, Oti mei!U. nnd Monroe, charmed taw lnobaa in tbe lead ondar tba win. laid Jndga Knnjon. by bU debonair demeanor, ooortoooily •w lnobaa in tbe lea nadar prlral* ownerablp tea pnoe an Blair waa atandiag at tbe aide En. got »ba tl.000 na lee 1 tbai, ft real aa U tb* need ta Fourth not, fea the MiddUtei oop, li a kilowatt, reduced b blid W opdyfce nnd T. Bmltn, both el tb» wad tb* relay ta glide tbnvgb of oae of Ibe boron, ber cbli Timers, Hablanbarir Uoeplial ibat ootoe «nt ef and Ib* Ugbt-balnd dtaolnl* nf for thoroughbred bnnten. two and a wben It earn* uto poblio ewnarablp e accident oconred. She ally, aeonred me IWO bloycua. Inat befor Ibla tbinir, tb* ban*Ht wiU ba »hat af ., cwromed In. Oannely and naif mllaaavar Hatpleobaa* I aereo oenla n kitownat, ana an one of tbe atteadaala. In I Fraemmo III blfb aobaol bay and tb* wbol* olty In a groatar manavr*. •rat, ••Oriokat.'-Leono* Fnllar. Ulad- Ibtf were aimllary radooed. Plain- d Plumbers a Jodge baa flnUbadth e attamptlng lo paei around liar, paab*d hu brangbt blgb and lew. rlob . ••Ninnetle," Ohailea fleid pnya 18 oanta a Kilowatt. Law- la iba eaoaed fflier, UlndrtOMi third, "Vllek," arfroo. tb* morlng atop. Bb* *i aod poor, tagatber, warttog m oatathlnga (or bla plyMaataa wtlb a amaab reno*, Man., 1% oenia. Tba aavlng iga* Ibal be WH under tb* ictiuenci GasFittws, nigbl ba foond at Iba Cutao ennaan oanaa. The different ele- b H wanl an a Bada B. Benaildt, Momaows: fonrtb, from Ibeee lonroea mail be plainly into LI I for twe beate. He wanl an a Baaabank," Loola Baltjer. Kllmabeth. of llqnor. Th* altondBBt bimaelf fail On>te»aod brlok. tor all ktooaol Wber. Ibe eonlor olaa* wu boidln. a lania o* ibe oily n*Y* ooroe to knew when Wblta Hied enl and landed • erery wltb her, and apreinad hla anl fid Vlftb me*, for Ib* Billaid* onp, far OTeeoaoib«Io»odhTbemp*on'a twe- venly. bonera lonr yean eld, Iwo mllaa em Osoift. MaolBlyr* bltabn* tba Raao- or olty will be men progreaalT*, b>i|«r. TlwaapnaB m*t deaib at •»> alaepleobaae oenna; Int. "tT poblio oonatraoUon two la- Mra. Blair was takan home in a (••a op and witts Jodge Banyan i atreaftwr, and b*tt*r In *wy way. and an Klnaan'e ! BUM," Onule* FBur Qladatoo* oom* to my mind. Two gnat by O&airman Flak, el , uaok •*« wnlnnabl d flow. ta tbe It la wltb tba **ioa at tba Carnival 5 ond. "Wild Oemalnm," larl Mil- bndgee I oil*—on* tb* St. Loala I tbe Oarnlval wybeatorn Oaiino, Bewntd wa> fannd. Oomnlltaa, I am ran,whe n 1 any W satlsfaotlon. Oaiino, W liken, Orange; Iblrd, "Adji bridge aoroaa Iba Miaaourt rirer, OMI- always gives TbTb. anttaa aad lit dnaad JOOQB all af yen wba b*»« helped In tbia n paaoh throw fnm Fete Oragna »' ing 911,000,000, owned by Ib* Gould aU kindtda seare made here. __ : Blnglaton VBBB made to order. EanpeB, brick hdtm a ttaapbal law af Iba graaada, God blaaa yoal" (eying to atnteb tram aaooad to third iBtenata, ratan BM abont ai follawa: . toiiowad by a "Well. wW dayaa en Voatai'a alagl*. Adjater- land In thla no* until ana Flak, Of tb* Carni-al laat ilretcri woen bla rider loft nil Panatagan oa oan an ebargad U SblMOftbali" otawd nU tba way. Tb* look ef tb* aereoth begw wltb M^y 15 IMS, Samuel fc^ibury Oulon, balance Bad all bnt fall, canaiag IB* a far oroMlog tb* aam*. foot paa- a qBlek deUTery tbnt barlad. ilaelf in .nowmao Miller. horae to drop behind. a oenla ; oa* ben* -abide, The OarnlTVl oloaad np very satii Oldrlog'a appendloltia patab. He was Slxtb rao*, tbe •otnarweod cup, tar 16 oanta, two ban* -ehiole, SB outa DIME wltb bim. I (aotortiy tadwd." n* aaid »bia morn ,t>. Qraf nu np and and tb* nnotnone bloyoiiata, ten oenta. Note tbU la i "A •tStamut la new btlng made tbloge tbat ptomlaod oam* qoiokiy to name* US *r ud*r, ball mil* an tb* f --ieealr. I Ibln* Hal; fliaVRnd Flaab," L. T. nUrtln, privately owned bridge. np aa te tbe reoaipte and aa aoon aa It naa. Connolly mnd* n qnlck bnol al "la oantraat I oit* In* Bnoklyn la enmpUUd II Will be mad* poblio drop aa Rob* atari td lot aaoond. He Oadarbant; »eooad, ••Simpof," Bln- Savings Institution, bimtelf fez glttoD VanBobaUk, Waatcheiter; iridge, pabUelr owned, ooal |15,000,- |b aaid ttirooib Ib* nawepapara. Tb* lined bla abet, tnt Tbampaen 000. Ooat OB oar., lw* tloketa far wbat l'» do wltb tbe j a«*m*al *W«a In* «»•• »••>»• ab* uldn'l oean*ot wilb ibe bail and ihlrd, "TB* Flea," Rookaway ayndl- Of PI ainfieW, I. I* ; |'I don't koo '•Lady Beet," Oharloa u-» cent*; foot paaeattgw, boo; on* I d».D ihSoK" Ba looked na aoand aa lalDCd I* tb* lnMreat taken by tb* bora* TBhloie, HTB oenta; iwo bi ir*dMMb*ibndoMgbl peapl*. and tbnnka «T*ry*n* Indl- BaBway. Onarlaa W. Ia now receiving depoalta with abort-tempe XoOuMbaa'a Arabian pany, "Maa- rehtoie, tan oeata; bloyoflata free. him polling n tnok *n bla aant. Tldoally. M well aa all oruani.-iiacs, team baoaoa* MeritT g»Te aymplomi lntereat, allowed OD ail eume from 1 MdtM joa " waa a faverlta bat own m Bftb. "la opposition M tbaaa Ibosgbla II $5 to •3,000. || TbrriTal-r •* •»• K^ far the aid oonlrlnnled. I cailiuK tbe aboot a ball, nnd tba ta olalmedtnat theaa fuvoohiiaa wblob W« b»T* aoored the giontoat e*o- im* baoam* a Mute* far a few mm- SaT.Btb no*, the Oak Tn* eelling -Koigbta of Oelnmlma OT*r tb* pinna bnrdla, f*r tbn* y*nr olda and «p- bBT* been granied in vaatad rlgbta. and pmno plnjar off*t*d I«r ib* ni*-t a tbat baa >T» TtalMd a nlaa-daya' .taa. ffba bamUU** wan reanmod J. Frank Habberd, Pre»ident l0 warda. i aad B bait mil**; ' Vrom whom did Ihaaa **>«aU*d Taatod Win. P. ArBold, ( ... „ MM popolar lodg* d***lep*d isto B wolrl- enrnlnO, and. nalnrally. we an de- Uonnotly alaabed a tWO-Upp*' )••* SUT«fTwBTt." WUllam H. Wlldey, ngbta oome'r Wba anlbarlaad Jn,bl M.UW j VlcF~ wind *f Daiieta. Tb* t»ily w*nl Into lighted.-1 •bow that bonl.Dg WM DM IM MUJ ta l Haw York; aooond, "Bir Bllorala,' MB«>Un to grant tb*Ba? J. C. l'ope, See'r and Tre*.. j. lall-fl*dg^ «» »• «"• ^ !?1 •"' While none of thaa* o —' -"- Kiaoofsi art he otilll-*i*d. and Bi T W M. D. mP*y*t-r, Qlndataa* What right bad tbay to grant .tea b*f*» ". •"« - *• W«I1»BW the managemaot o Id venrara lo ragletei-cd. Uregan rapped n pretty third, ••Bwamplaadf." Obarlo. Pawn. Ho power exirti tatbl a land toBran t d on or before Jaoa damped 840. W. A. ^y^ , , in* profit to b* turned ow en* ta right garden, abertng Uonnolly Utadrion*; toartb. "Ima Doont,' public property lor prlTate righli. w Interest from tba and Edwud Tan BB«B 100 B*W*t* te th* baapltnl thU mornini, It la aaid aroond a peg- H* .wiped a*oond, and Feter Hanok, Jr. Sew ark. Blnglatoi We bald tbat tb*o* frnBOhlMa wan « ib. Wfca. Tb*y •** tb* mnrto Wanted f wittaooi f*nr cf oorractlon Ibat tbe botb of them bit Ib* rubber an L«o- VaaBoaalok, BMutad an ' Mown. It IB tb* poor that n**d pro- ram will IBOUI to men Ibnn 15,000. .„-, amnab, wblob oam* aft« Kwr- VanScneick. nto waa tnrow? In taking one ef thtectioe n aad help. The rich oan take «U OMI 1 «0 Tt*aa baiw**« 9 a'olook Fram tba Womea'a AnxUlnry ten- • toddled. DrlaooU'a groondat t* «sn af UIIDINIT.I. PrltBto 1 aomelblDg like «S,SOO aotaaJ, n* ird de-alopod Inlo a d*nbl* (T " nrdlea and the neiee fall on him. Ba Summer Board aa BBBbia to rlae ftam tbe track lor call nob tbeaghta an oooinliam and Guaranteed O«»I*-I n«Ut*d i* n gain *f a»m*- baa come in. Tb* antooaobUi killed bim and Kleraan. Lai abort lima bal afterward recovered •and toaamrobr . Ilia horrid! Tban By thousands of Brooklyn people. $900 tnt nelMd arer f«». tLaokea a oinob to Whit*. oBoiently to walk aaaldad. atop youi paatatfltt* ayattm wnlob la Can you take a few ? If so, listyonr Salary Tb.y bad a great enanoeta lengt Tn* F. S O. |OI li» anrpnaa of It* hti wb ma try tba g*remm*Bl and beno* tb* house Is tbe Brooklyn Dally Eagle Ib* lead in in* eighth wltb B ] tamo* Balnrday nlgbt at tb* Unral- public, also tb* paUla aobooT Free Information Bureau, for which j croanda. Tba orewd at Ibe noad- th* public Stop tbe flaw of t pmpoee a pilnted blank ta provided. amiiMl dnring tba imprampn ayatam boil* and ooatnliod by tb* The service of the Information Mag *xentaea notaaUy on^wd .or l0»rwhMe gretrndi tba hnnla af the fnblla. II tb**a tn*ogbM «f* daofar- ureaa tba oipotatt— WatabBBc Oiab aara baaa oandaond, BfptrlaWalMlMiitlNWMal °P- .are eotortatned a* ainnar eerved be- Will Coat You aothlng •uimj PBESS. Mt be oaold hardly talk 1 or an boor. loag Htih, *-» •*• Wart*w«» Wan- Cfeasasat,, •sarBsra oar bad IboBi taabMK . Hot «**• tn* The Brooklyn Eagl. is tbe beat Tba oempnay d*»-r-ed it. It o««- idium In tbe world. irlDBMd to tb* «.t*iT*»»» »• •••» .toned BMe-Bia J*b>*aa. wb. oam* advertising » to paaob o*t Bowmna'a:try, ooald It carries more resort advertisementi s way* -d th. ap^Ul mll« larrto* Hn. Tban wtU be na f*rth*r i TO R CODING 10;., better l!l*T BBBg OB* On KtlMa'l than any New York paper. - It M H< from Ib* groo-da tar the sine t tb* organl-Mioa aaU B-peemba Couns«Hor-at-L«w unity book. stands pre-eminently at the head. d.y. wmi rawKBbty goad. Mat B Tn* eflen *f Ib* ol«b and Ib* effl- An advertisement In the Eagle Tb* dry bOl taHHilng d.talla : OommlssloDer of Deeds, Mai^- — waa baard tram either -" UU of tn* meat m m 1 ollawa: Lawla costs little, bat brings Urge results, ir.»*lll-< P-blio *r tb. n.e»e«*- chancery, Notary Public Of&oaa L Warlag. pnUdBBti OBBTIM because the Eagle Information Bri- Comer al lark avenue and BeeoaJ - ntu*** • oontm»*d *tm mmm an Is constantly helping ft. blem ai.J-J I B*if*otloa in WOO OBBdt- l.iaaa y Write for hating blank, picture with a aaata at K». *» aa alM aa as adraaaaa ef d«vara- moa tmnrar; Dr. Mtddl.toa O'M. idookM at tba trtlftallaa .lanaia, of Bureau and Advertising Rate d 706 aad Uaoaa>an W6. KM, M. F. B.: Oaarte P. Halllok, ALBERT liBDDEN Ibata-t todivldnal aoor e aaaaad »r Oaafraai laaklaa to IBCard. . Address OaTd?!".1 oVt fat Iba marrtage af miaanea at arw lax al «ba I« *l ,broa«b, akia* •« «» - Information Bureau HIM Kalbartna Kdub Oonell, J binu abaj an apaaalat btfwaaa Livery S Boarding Stables : bi. OH6 IB th* prelunlBBiy anooi iboa* tb* nUvat -a*a far Brat .ooo 000 aad H, 000.000 tar ttaaaa - FOURTH ST.. Ing. p.nen Obarl** HaOatonaaa, Dr. aa at aba anal Ball laka I priBt. DR 1—"^ •* •• •-•«"* between WatehungandParkaTeBnae. TanD. Madf*., Fraoi U*U Byd*. J. Valla? laaa far ue mnai «t •• High B«b*ol boy* w*r* In *Bn*c* of .. «t New Tark city, t* take Plrat«laas LlTerr. Horace boardad "„ tn* bom* of ta* brtW on I. irrl«.M 1B«» la.0.. EOEOE W. DAI. bj week or month. Telepbona eaf ,b* at.raot.oa. M Iba lart —1^ I u B QKBO So. 114. ; aatarday play. J"« * ™ • ~" LZ^aX Mr—d Mr-. •»—]- «• _™.t « t • U Jadgoa. K. A. riai. Jr.. *1 W**t rmn |atr~* as araea aasrad aj a iniai drei In care o.' OooMltuOonalUt Win. A. Woodruff • r- O-, •; Obatbam, A. C-, •ssnaH.a af Has. Dana Sa< diddid rot falfalll npor - straight falls AegwelAagaat MidlerMadlaz. They were iraatiMd daughterdaughter ofof Uaftls retlroctttve couBtrcountryy mrasdsn a Madison Square Cktldrea et tee tailed aa.aa, va'dwa'd alalll faa(aatl aanjmnj far bxttfly B)*nty ler IM pmrpoe* *f sensation.•enMtion, sapsctaUyesp«la!ly uos LorLordd ButB«toe tIss Garden In New OoumICounwl foforr Defong-Dafona*e AooepteAcc«pt« Mia, Waad, bat ll aboald aw atop ai oat .troecly tM ion. end keeping Rtfasisnly outclasse « d tbe Be. 73, (i. A. B,, bare praciioaliy • naai on every possible ocoiolon. and keeping || Froa+ouUon'Prowtratfcm’wa OfiaOfferr anandd O—0M« aaa aad raaatara aw taaaaa, abaaa m Americanly ou:classed, an d theat of me details for ibe ;lfa ovar tbe mi American, and at a aaara af patdaaa: If a Mlaaaka baa nnoo Btagstagee ooff •tbs iala AbruptlAbruptlyy OlowdOloaaA. taaa aaadaaiada abaaathai* ilai a BMlbaMtlbadd oaff rallaf,nluf, February I. . contest appeal MBdler la tVa head af the Katie Irea contest appeared ill Mr. •waokbaaMr fallowed with a aaaadd I aMask youraarr baaabaaarz toao aaaaaall wttanMb tMaM Hackee scr.iKtaMte Id t. #tat al^l I^n ppertLe exerelses In Httorm Hall la lbs afiei- Works in New York, and whoa be Once, early In the first bout. Jenkins, brief addrsei to Ibe eoori to wbieb be CMM M tb* law tBqmlvM, bttaft atof allaU Warta la >av rath, aad Once, early in tht firsl boot, Jeaklni, of May 80, aad iba Herttu B ran leoteTau laaa Be e*«* MUM p^^^wnaw having assumed the aggressive, forced havingthe foreigne assnmsdr theinto sgsToaslrs.a head forcedspin, I Baa hewa saigagsd to faxalab the si nnomPBISONEB 1is8 UNMOVSdumovadD Bad lb»l Wood U tbe lettar Ibaa Waad baa WTIIBBB to thebut neveforeignerr afte r did Jenkins have •mu. Me Berg, aa o b a i r mac ef the Jadff* Hinilwi, with Ja aa DM day tbal bta •BB-oaana M verellj napaaalklalUa fatfetcbliaot tall tot,, Jidda Harrama, vlM Jadga biM aa Ma dar Ibal bla M butgoo dnever aa a afterlook-in did. IJenkinst will takbar#e aa baa'alsa arrested a Boaaack, wubdn* M Mr. Olaik aat I it Mpaeeed to bare atonal naaawyet tbat Ibe «•»defeaae afor insanitlaaaallry batodd goodother aoTousuf a look-la.f or Hal lIt Adal willl totake tbi rooal motto. The to bae madmalae oaaaat toat thaaae satlifaMtoaeti.faotiaen caff offend il M evidoaee aa IM pmrteao otherthis powerfu Yousuffl Russianor Hall. AdailThe tw too Turkthrows af tbe speaker lor tbe day nas iy. Waad WM told to ataad op sesaaloBa bat It WM ralad leal eaeb thisnamed—on powerfule noRussianw dead , Tbsand twotbe Turksother aat ret beea aaaoBsead, but a promt- aaa fair. and wllb M aad IM court faolai each dead, and the other tel e freer ■ --a aSnb«tlt«ttaiatUlalaa« Pie*Plaa.. i, y«t tM oemrl aUawed HUM out ot tbe wrestling game—could pi net Bee willwill bebe neeMoored ted.. 1 outably of hav tbee handlewrestlingd th game—coulde Russian, thoug prob-h Will nil mttr d.r lu not bm nU r vafllBebiaglT. IM Mataaoa WM •BUrad Tbnnday after MedUr left IB* MUIJ naming baan tbi "WiUall teeidat aaa aaa taaa alia ablyIt la harefar frohandledm certai then Russian, that eithe thoughr of Dartei tee mil} anlii bean lb. •si," Ml« Mr. •waekbeaer, "yet we • raves af tbe departed aoldlen la ibe ■a.- mu Mm. Bwambamai. "rat aa Bt»te Baal* In CM*. tneU Ism farwoul fromd hav ecertain had eas thaty gam eithere wit ofh iratte e* ate eapaned Mill an te IM dw't WHI a Mi ol Hi* description himthem. wouldHackenschmid bare badt easycombt gamei with local oenaetMtes as wall ae tueee at aaa'I vaal a aaa at au taaoripaiaa TM BUM declared n rtiwd at % lonl MeaMW et veil et teen u Bl IWlaaaaM aaM taaaM poblio|a!Ua. I b«towe« oonaaa-- ll raaaad al i TM reawrkableI aepeelaapeet ofef thistbli O*oosoM agilithim. y Haekenaehmldtof a featherweigh combinest on tbo BooMh Plelee,Plalaa, Wes»MbU.t Held, Dudle,Dueil-a, o'clock yciteiday alliraiMj and for 1 pbraloal mjittry DM attraoted with the Herculean strength which la Xaiket, Sonth Pleiufleld. will be rerre enachmldt. according to his admirers, will riaaiimtm aad prooeeoi ta titiorm kli plea •toot BoiUj lo tbe murder of withdrawwithdraw Ibatbe ontfeeloriginal pleMaaa aaaadd eatex tbal tb*n wan Iwa Zaoto termined efforts at dislodging. Hack- wiwaMnii«Miuairfua J I tbo doors ho lo aa oWoel la one of the finest. If not the finest, gBUty ef atarder la t*ie aee— an expert piper on the premises U Bmtdt. according ;} OrmQmitr U*oi«Ikan« WU1UM(lllaaiM UMd IBla Ua so expert piper ua the premises to specimela on* ofn othef th finest.e all-aroun If notd athlet the efinest. and There wUl be a large oborus af anil- soothe*oothe bishis aarear wllwithh ScotchScotch reelsroela., sirmtt,-stratb- strong man, and Is an Insplratkn MMd nbnttnl* MM Of >f land, toe town "Waad," aald Iba ooort, Wolfs, who la aa n worksr, who owning 117,Oi.*Q acres #f land. Iks town musclethat he bound, can clea as rla th showne bar abyt 5the fee factl ' (tuum.Baa, AfterAf*er Ibtbee tisnlssuenletti tbIM* onlotlll 11 aad aaaa aoaaptad ar JaaUaa Aa I mnrt M iiaapad ait IM «UNt 'aod. Of Cardiff, the Iale of Bute, six country nirftol year plea ef not gall of Cardiff, the Isle of Bute, six country thatinches be, whiccan hclear is hi thes ow barn heighat S tfoot H et drssdreej willwill bebe eeMneteed,entertained, accordineoaereie,g tteo <4. Hamlan. aaa paaaiaaial i weal to Bow Tark •eats,Beats, aa LondonLondon residenceresidence,, larglargee tracttractss combines agility with his strength, and pravions an Hum, aad refreibminU I in. *-H "Tee,IN, Mi."sir," Maeoame tbIbaa respwaeetatnuat., wltewitb Waad WM aat woaS to Bow York of land In Palestine, and a rental of Inches, which ts bis own height. ) laaaa. flrlat aaa dafaadaat aaa foil of land in Palestine, and n rental of It biibiness bee agilityn this withImportan his strength,t factor thaandt will be •erved. 1 U MoVey. as com- IBaaaM a aaafrialoasnipiolon atef a qaarat.qaaver. Piooeoutoi Refer. "Ha WM devUlab. 9250.CO$260,COOO a year.year. HHee possessepossessess 1111 titletltlsss has won so max vtll be tereed. L L MoVey. M M- 5 paaaMr toetettod Bary UwUt,, thirttelrt,y It has been this Important factor that Ldar of tbe Past, has full onarge af -TarrV«y wallwall., tb.ntee#., wbavaaat llaa yearaarr Divlliibneia la see laaaaity. andand a baronetcyb&ron^tcy . wrestling same. Besides being a great eueder ef tee Pete, bee fall atom at jllll at h«rd lite lo I hi HUM pri ton, Waed'a irlaad. Hta laTMttgatlaai took so many honors for him In tbo pregtania* for the day and V1U :'i raan aa bird laMrla IbaMaM ptlaaa. TbsThe youagyonag marquis,marquis, wnltwhilee evincinevincingg wrestler. Hacksnschznldt ia also tba piecraam te tot (lej ut will teef Woort'» Peaejaratieai. being s groat talittd by etoer veteraaa. MaaUBI aaAatM4UII aaa«D« oafl Ifeathe matmNt nnirkirama - I plead folUy to murder m to Albert Blgelaw, janitor amd cone-Ocons off tbethe intellectuaintellectuall endowmenendowmentst of strong, man, tumbler and all-around “I plied lalllr M aerdar la Iba Weed iffi Hew Tark daaparalely BgaM of MTBTU balldlB« in Huooot wrestler. Hacks nschmldt Is also Mt hoMiolde Irula Ibat hw mt SUM ■■Waad Irfa Wav T hisbis father—thefather—the LothalrLothair ooff LorLordd Bea- athlete. His great physique j§ Ma Mated# inala aaal aaa atat a bard Bp far money. Ho bought a re- consGelii s famous story—IB a good lin strong, man. tumbler and all-around Jury ta I hard ap for Mtaar- Ha baatbl a ra- plus*, Brooklyn, aad reaodtag at No. conafleld s famous story— ta a good lin- mired by pay3ical-culture and medical b*for* tbe Mew Jeney MU. ralTer. He baagbl a hat aad a gulst, speak!ug ntoat modern languages, uthleto. His groat physique Is ad- Ai Waed retamed ni■Inr. nr. Ba baatM a bal aad a 29M., tbalMraat Maa abaaa., < who vnforv.rl, guist. speaking most modern languages, expertmired sby throughou physical-culturet the world and, an medicald be ia iweatertaalar.. WooWaadd doedans noant rememberaanlvr irooworkaImvartarr aaaadd aaaaal^M Waad. eveneven Kasalaa,Russia^, passablpassablyy well.welL FoForr tbthee thought to be the "perfect man" by arretaoa. [ipake af baviOB;givsn tbe R. R Mil TRAFFIC tbe tblngi Ibat happened aa that ride rest,rest, hishis taste*tastes inclinInclinee ttoo fsporting. porting. HHee exportsmany. throughoutHe is 26 theyear world,s of agoand. bor oaaaldera lira- timeItm* toto tadamd bias,him. WolfsWolf* havingtaTlag morednvroA.. the coast, five milts from Rothesay. essy dollars thst fall to a man of hla Jtraey Ooutral likely to bo troubled Wlib Ms WM th«lr pretty, Ibrae- baa (a of ptaaa faUar oaaaldaia- tba maa la laaeoeal la aim on wholly the coast, five mil* s from Rothesay. Hackenscbmidt has never been thrown, by tbees wbo nave taken advantage ef en bat the oaarl refnitd aad in- baaed on bla testimony tbat be doei A Boal Sick? On June 10 of tbe present year, the ability.not a singl In eall fal hisl eve careerr havin as ga wrestler,been re- by tboos who nave *ako yeex-old eblld, tU looked wond«- A Bool Mask? On Jane U> of M»e present year, the monthly commutation ticket! io ■euuutolaa bald blIbam taaaarl mak rataaide whateve aadr ple la-a •her IbearUM. Jl la t heory of tM aberlfl aad prose- marquis will be 24 years old. When Haekenaehmldtcorded against hashim never. Amon beeng hithrown,s not- ingly ibnt al the Mara, gtay-b*aided Ii la tsoory of Shs abortff sad prooe- martinis will be 24 years old. When reap rsvsaas bore. A Jlttle beart-lo- M had prepared. aior taat Waad eeieetod Macs, the bolie succeededBucceeded toto bihiss father'father’ss titletitless iInn noiable avictorie single s tallis onovere ove havingr Abme boond Mar re-- reap rev east boro. A little boartto- Jndft, tht itern uwjm and Iben at ossor tool Wood aalooSail Maos, tbo October, 1909. and on his coming of ago Heart talk witb *ae ol the road'a rep- Iaaaattr OITU eaglaoer, aad Walfa, tbe Iroa- October. 1900. and on his coming of age cordedrail, tb eagainst Terribl him.e Among, who wahisa nob btart talk with one of tno road’s rop- three; ear-old Ahoo WUllaau, tM Vltboal fflrtber argBmeat the tall oirtl engineer, sad Walls. Ibo Ursa- inIn June,June. 1902.190!, therethere werewere prolongeprolongedd fesfes-- ablesultan' victorises pride . IsH onee laste overd le=Ahmed9 than Mar- reaenUtlversBsntatlvssa Thursday,Thnnday, itit llaa aaldaal9,, bahasa d»oibierraf of taaib* aaaaIDM baatu father mur- coaDMilor areoa and Ihoao wbe knew Wby bo? workor. me* oonatagly. feeling aoro tivitiestivities Inin bothboth ScotlanScotlandd anandd WaleaWoles.. rail.minut tbee wit Terribleh Hackenschmidt Turk, who, anwaad wa thea ivicced the leaden In tbe Ulegal "War abnld ba? A aaordarar'a that they would net atop forward aod oonvlsood tbo leaden La tbo Illegal •Mat nlm boat settled baek la expectation MVMorrmemory lala llkalrlikely Wta falfalll blblaam aadeaodarr tbsl tboy wosld sol step forward sad MissMiss BelliagaamBelUogham Isis thetoe daughtedaughterr ooff aann sultan’sbadly pride. beate nHe in lastedthat epac leroe than of tim onee bniineii that they prtfer ant lo run ntesr •vidanoe, and being equally bualnsM that tboy pttUt not to ran WM4 klsiad IM win ud child ud af a long addrees. They were mi- ■ao oimanaaaonouoBmataaoea. laaaallrinianity Ub a diadla-- rolsatoor orldasoo, sod being equally IrishIrish baronet.baronet. SirSir HenryHenry BellinghamBellingham,, ooff minutethat he wawiths nnablHackecsehmldt.e to continue and. was ebaaoas of being preeecntod. af a load addiaaa. Taar oertain that tbey would not be feud; the county Loth, ar.d about the same age so badly beaten In that space of tlms tMa wlia Mad inM sad firm itep, aa hla entreaty far clemsooy nneeae aadaad aalnot a temporarMMpotarry conditiooaadltlnn oatf oortsls thas tboy wosld sol bo foosd; the county Loth, and about tbesanu Uatber tbaa pay 91.00 fat a* i being prepared, fao we vet, to fall baek as the mara.uU. she Is a petite brunette that he was unable to continue. ° Rather than iyVT.'oo'for aa sxeor waa brief and lo the point. Ho re Ma Mladroiad vblabwhich caaaan bbae papall aaaa aaas thabae bo tag prepared. bo worst, so fall booh aa the marquis She Is a petite brunette ion lieksl to New York, • •md to tM oamdor end tba'oeli npon tbe pretaaet Ibat bla dlaordared ofof aB vivaciouriradou-is temperamenttemperament,, witwithh sion tiokol to How York. Mbs have haa vbaaa aa vUl aaal jga la Ma bM belief ta Woed'i lirei- delaaaBS*e WOOl(3weald haT*have JOByon believbsllsVSe beforMfONe made a praesiee of blr from fbm he will next ,jo »0 UM brain bad diatoitid nal persons Into charmingcharming manners.ntanrers. ShShee hshass nnoo fireaTgroat BowlingBowling fansfans ofof ChicagoChicago anandd CincinCincin-- ■ado a practise of blrlag commuta- aad tbaa aald with aa lb« nbbIbIoioommiMion ofOf tbtb*e crimcrimee aaBadd nati recently had an opportunity to wit- tioo tickets from Ibe i fsoelfslfaneiful creature*.eroalnrsa. ifIf theiibolzr identitidoslityy accomplishments,accom pi in h TH ? n csno D fadsO f&d sand £n dostd doe s notnati recently had an opportunity to wit- tion tickets from Ibo self-appelated MMM Bui It* Weak Oaee. held tbe rapt attan- shuffledabflf&ed offoff ifwwwiafterward. IIff tbthee defeaddefend-- ggoo Inin foforr anything iInn particularparticular.. LikLikee nesnesas anan interestingInteresting dealer*dealan forfar oao-balfeae-balf tbotbe regolaregularr remnroundd aot by limply aweartng that Us mlad sbosldohaald tmbe ootshHMiod.oetabllsbed. IUI lIsa ballovebelievedd match between two TM flwt b tot Was Ib* pioaecntlon tloa of hla Hl by simply swearing that hia mlad her future lord the Is a devout Roman match between two triptrip faro.fare. XbesThesee dealerdealerss earn g7.»07.900 a waa a blank during ana oommlaiion of ibaltbat ibatne WowHew JoiosyJeney auihorimaalborllaaai navboroe Catholic Her ot prominent tenpln ■ wnld aeMpt IM pin ef tnnrdw la •ckhamer Ask* for Catholic. Her only sister., HIMissE IdIdaa prominent tenpin moalmonthb onea snobeaoh oemmntatletoem mo tattooi llokstlokstt crime, eaa eanaBa puntabm dlsooTsrod Ibo psooasl reelf'esoe of Belllngham. Is a nun of ts experts.experts, CharleCharleyy if anyone btaid this man'a stary Bellingham. Is a nun of the Order of aadaad a tefeww barhave* dondonse aa lanlandd officeffloee what ptateetlOB eaa the cltlsens of Wolfs,Wolfe, bnibat tbaibalt bboe declinedsoHsos* tloo mimixx IisB thethe HolyHoly ChildChild.. Mountain,Mountain, ofof ChiChi-- aa I hav» beard It and weald not be- cago, and Poll business,•asa. althoughalthough tbtb*e trsHtrsffloo wawsai county have agaiaet aaoh erea- thIboe ease.ease. cago. and Phil lion him innocent, woald believe boro MBlM Wolf, of St. Jos- practically dona away witb three Wolfe Doecrlbod. Wolf, of Bt. Jos- prsottonlly dons sway wllb three taala d Ta aaa v I ad at aba. laraaaa bat ae one would rise from the dead. Wolfs Deecrlbed HANDHAND GRENADEGRENADE MORTARMORTAR.. eph.eph, MoMo.. TheThe year*IB ngoago whenwhen na generagsaorall raisaidd wawnsa aa vail aa abaaa aaraad la lagal ad aak Ibe court for.olameccy, I plead “I•I knowknow a JobJabss WolfeWoUs., aasa ironiroa-- match consisted of mads by lbs road's Mpnaeatattvoa. Ingenious Ucvice Ussi with Euceeas match consisted of mad* by too rand’* representative*. M aaald ha aaaa aaaa Iba Mata with year honor to narrow the eaa- worksr,mar, v*ryvery wonwell ladasd,ladsod."" aalsaidd MrMr.. Infrr.loa, Dvvit. T7,,d vith Fvccwi 20 halhalff "On*"One dollardollar taU prettypretty rnoopsteep bobati they'lthey‘11l fallfmlli idd |aM aukaaaka* Maall a TiUtaaall poiat—thapolal Matt tbe malitft oampaaa af Jus- Biggelo sloww TTbanday Ban-lay.. "H"Hse Uis aa goodgoad,, bbyy JvpvnvMJapanese Inin Assault on rolledrolled Inin ea:heacb. city,city, have to par II bersaflar," was tb* 1 Have to par It boroaftsr," was tbo nardwerklBg maa. He U married, PortPort Arthqr.Arfaiii . id was for SSOO a *lie and a purse ot TfaaaVa»a baaba« dalltatamrdttntalily Maaad wlifolivlifalljy UoaUaa. 1 believtoller*e IIIf haae llaa aaaaaaat tola StatBaaaae bard work lag was. Bo is warriod. and was for 9500 • all* aad s purse of irkirk ofof oneone ooff tbtboe dealerdealers* TfanrtThere- and wwathad. It will BO* bo abaol thirty-1wothirty-two yeapoorsn oldsld., asdand hasbu 11,000. InIn th*tbe first fifraeofifteen gamesgames,, whicwhichh mkaa tka Ufa at m« Watofaaai m*r- a aad valtaad. It vlU aaa ba Toklo.—TheTokio.—The cutcut showsshows aann ingeniouIngeniouss dadayy afteratl« bb** Nadbad bssboma mmseen bbyy a J*nsyJamy sag before be will turn lo go lo an tootfyfeotly mmease oilall falabla titMo* aaaadd sopp Mfto tbtboe •wtwoa children. altssjather Welfe la rollel at <"iWasn,Chicago. MountaiMountainn laa* hafaaa ba vtll ban M (a M aa bamboobamboo mortamortarr employeemployedd Iibyy ththee scored 11& more ?Ins than Wolf. In W* 0OV| In tM chaw, o»Bld act tn- aayiam a* proof that ho waa a manlaa. . ot tbe aol. •teeld bo aeqalttoa soaaporto parlorr iain sooryevery wayway tato WoodWood.. IIII llaa scored 119 mors rln« than Wolf. In JapaneseJapanese forfor throwinthrowingg hand'grenadeshand grenadea.. theifi fifteenfifteen game?gan;e3 aatt CincinnatCincinnatii MounMoun-~ BtraM IM jutymto n brtag la a ••>• It la hardly necessary for BM to re- because be daoaa't TomoBbor?" skid•kid ibaltbM WsUsWolfe l1sa aaaa isimsswyj osff This method of attack had not been I Ma Jarraaaa la triad la 1 This method of attack had not boea tin Increased bis lead by S45 pins. « l Wood *, bat tbla 1 aaa'l believe. Tbe tain Increased bU lead by 245 plus, rlaetag proofi before Williams' road’s, bal Ibis I osb'I bailor*. Tbs mucmuchh usedused InIb recentrecent warfarwarfaree untiuntill tbthee winning the match by 464 pins. Moun- Zo mark |he olese af their oluti aea- omly IU feeling between ibem grow winning tbo match by 4*4 pin*. Moun- tb* *Uo* *f tbelr olub **a- taree were nude to- I telltale evidence Be sly 111 fssllag bsiwi— Shoas grow siegesiege ofof PorPortt ArthurArthur.. SometimeSometimess ththee tain bowled a total of 5,970. hla aver- ssa tb* members ef the Uongrtas- ont of Wolfe's obleotion to Waed'a grenades were thrown Into the Rus- tain bowled a total of 1.970. his aver- ambors *f tbo O»groga- left in Plata**!*, tbrowivg hia eard oal sf Waifs’* sbjsotioo Ss Wood i thrown Into the Rna- in the thirty games being 199. tiooal Mans Olnb will eatertaln their moiboda aad his nftusl .to let Wood sian trenches by hand, but when the age Is tbe thirty games being 199. '■ Olub will satortala thair Wead aad Wlfa earning tba dlataaoe aad bio vofbeal .to MS Wood **an trenchby hand, but when tbo whilwhilee WolfWolf rolledrolled BAO*.5.506. aann averagaveragee ooft wemsa tneadi ea June 8, whoa tbe get the betier of him. Wolfe woald i meads mi Jane fl, when tb* Mr 8 waokbamer held a oeaaoltatioo 18ISO0 fig2-5 . MountainMountain iIss a brothebrotherr ooff tbthee Mi fometoat, bald a taaaallallia M Iba aat do Wood, or any en« else, aa in- crack jockey of the same name, wttb tbe prlasaer aad alto wllb the bad TliiWd hundred* ol lim 'I'll wager Geerge WUUama' limp SOI do Wood, or bay . cfack jockey of the same name. . TbM la tbe reaeoa, I imagine, ~ illy the bowling feature of tne faaally aad ibe? expressed taa wlaa let a job to bla fatber-ia-law «*oa Igan will linger in tbat ataa'a Jarp. Thai Is Ibo ro Easily the bowling feature of the faaaUr aad Mat aaa vlaa lag a fab aa ala Mm will llafor ia tba* why Wolfe declined to ga evwr lo New pa« season was the phenomenal per- Mat it a* aaaeatad. Tba m laanliaai aad M wry until hla dy ins day. Thi. Mat ia ba aaaaftad. Taa pm Jersey and testify fcgalntt tbe priten- formanceformance ofof thethe BrooklyBrooklynn teamtana,, cb»mcham-- afef Miaibla Maa.flea, thereforeMttafara., involve1a tetradd tbaaae Beaded a receiver BUS* tbaa a book- ■storloryy ofof fargetfnllnemf or ge If al In see IIds amn iImp***- m possl • plonpionsa ofof fhethe Nations]National InterstateInterstate leagueleagna., hfcaad—Basal of tbe streai !*keeper■ par., blblaa noaaat knowinbaavUdg WUliaaMWUllava., Wll>ybi!iiy aadand IfIf sboo wavms oapabtoopobioo ooff disdle-- whichwhich averagedaveraged 1,122341.123% recently.recently. TheseThese Whloh had been made far Woed, bat ~ i aaaalaiaiueataimiBM inl afof tIbaM aoaaat eaaa a pabpab-- UaguUblBg betwoaa tight and wraag, figuresIgnrea werewere mademade IInD thtbee seconsecondd halhalft law theory ef tbaaa aafaadtBg hi. Ue raadread aaaa highighh BOOaaoaB 1toB feltaUl viealavw oatf Ihaai bohal !oe gallego lilyy eOff ssaxdarI . Wllb tba olMB *f IM Waed tnal at ofof a seriesseries againstagainst BuffaloBuffalo.. OOnn theithairr IB tbat, even tbaagb aeaalMed, b • aa baabaaaaa taa. naao aelleemallo* aatr Jealaaafaalaoarr ex- •o faaiiagi at rympatby far the homhomee alleysalleys ththee BlsonsBisons hahadd won. anandd Hre. Andrew Ooi, Hra. JabB IM aaantal oeadiUaa U eaob that be ooald I allotc aadead tneMaaa gtoo dlreeUdlrvoUjr taoo blblaa vailed geaorally that it WM a cam- lost two.two, andand lookelookedd ttoo bbee easeasyy winwin-- tay, Mis. Baraa Mat to x, Hra. V. W. ners. Brooklyn, however, put up the net be permitted to ge tree. * la Mew Toefe, MU bU family year Judgment, sttneaga the OM *•• preealaa witbaal apparent gain to tbe i Brooklyn, however, pnt up the Wenael and Hit M. O. Dobbin* oeai* ■ M lav Tart. aaU bit foally moat remarkable series la the history A geaai Jttry. tbM M bad baea Ml la tM oomBtrj- d to •ympeiby u the laaaly dafsadaat, as the eYidaooo had lad op t remarkable series In the history prlM lbs oamHlttoe from tbe Wetaea'a of the game, in the four afternoon pels* tb* oommlttM from tb* Wemon’s Oa few* e»b«r band. It waa not of the game. In tbo four afternoon af Oerpi whiob raleed IM mooay aadleagb idletlaaUr M M laferaM o w, wbo has twl M paiioaij •**• getting scores of 1,126. 1,112, of Ooryo which raised too mosey games getting scores of 1.129. 1.112. for tbe targe *ra wWob la to be plaeed tbaagbt tbal tbla waa a aaaa Mr tbM Mr ratber bad left Ibe th» tag Ibis trial, aad bar laneoeBt obtid- l.m1.122 andand 1.1311.121.. Th*The laslastt scorscoree IIss ththee for tbo largo an which lo tabs placed ooald properly be aabamlttod aa it. WM Bred cat—tl Tho • v I d«nee aloe, e la What yaa moil Of first highesthighest everever madmadee IInn competltlocompetitioni In ta tbe aoldjar'i plet at Eill»ia» wan- ManiaMints Mto a fairJary aatf aiatter-of-faavav-IalM far take. Tba Beato mim tbM Weed built ap Dy OwaaBtlloT ewaakbamer BrooklynBrooklyn,, andand fourfour socreanlvesuccessive scoresscores ooff tsry oa DeooraSlea Dov., Uhawho woaivaaidd bbao apaptt tola oaaalde aaa r wllfollywilfally killedkilled (liopQeocaa WUUamWilliamsa anaadd was USUolittle aborabortt ofaf amarvellou s aad bo 1.1009 nevernever havehave beebeenn rollerolledd beforbeforee ealy tba feet tbal Wood aadoal wa aak a verdiot af mmdtr la the bad rnaab tbe betterr ofof tbotbe flgbsflght warnwoes anywhere. aalraba* aaaM« faaa kille aaaad U*erg Waad* Williamsaataatnali, aad MrMr.. aadaad Mrs.Mrs. DeaglasDoagiame DarbyDarby,, eoff dtaregBM all the aaiaBiag laatlmaay Tbla man with a wife Bad tbree bed tea* on aad taught the OBM Janeicmos J.J. Jaffrtor.Jeffries, champiochampionn heavyheavy-- Vsawood,Kan weed, oaaaaaooennoaaoe tbotbe oagagomooteBgageoeat M to deal porooatallty, aob-oaaeoloeB ehlldroB ii no* a brats. Tbe wife , 11 ts reasonable tbal Wood woald weighweightt pugilist,pugilist, declaresdeclares bbee Isis abouaboutt ttoo af thalr daughter, Vlomoe, to G. W. retire from the prize ring and from af tbelr daughter, Florewoe. *9 1. tfinaati. tbe "little black man" aad told yon oa she ataad hew la their •a •soaped wllb ten yean for maa- retire from tbo prime ring and from Frederlek, at Newark, i The weddisg • addnee. Ma. Wn- tbe stage, and will go into business et Newark. Tbe (tire povarty Geergs want wltbont MORTAR ;ii VDK OP BAMBOO. the stag*, and will go Into business will tak* place at Wa nomt of the vaal arllbaat idew of tM ntardered BMT- ilaaghler or twaogBlttoa of present la- MORTAl: MADE OF BAMBOO. withith hihiss brothebrotherr JackJack,, ilan CaliforniaCalifornia., food that aba aad too babies m: •aawy. (Used by Japan-** la Sh.llln* DtfooM at bride's paianta In Vaswacd on Thnn- obui, brake dowa aad wept OOBTBI- PortFort Arthur.Arthur.)) JosephJoseph ForeForsisw haw., orof BBLL LouimLouis,, wowonn aavs It waald a •*• Ilka Ibal Leaser Yard ImprottmtiU. thele firstfirst MsMaratho rat bonn racracee ooff thth*e MissourMissourii day. Jaa* l. 1906. f • at «.*«m wbe brothotr I mow the pabUe a lewe, Knnyon A OSL baa pie— aat distancediatasce waswas tootoo ereagroatt thesthesee smalsmalll AthleticAthletic clubclub th*tbe etherother HHee coverecoveredd pca-nad aad be agroaa wttb mt far the a—ottoa af large aad impreved portableportable buaboobainSoa mmortar jrtarss provedproved mosmostt ththee coursecourse fromfrom FreeburgFreeborn.. ill.*11.., ttoo ththse Bilk riaga for •ebsal. taaaltreat atavdmil aaft sanertara ata aatetaavw tba Maat tbeMaat b bae B)B ManH so aatt b tae a l large. lnmeer saoda to be stoatsd aa» tba effective.effective. InIn th^itheirr eSarteffortss ttoo reducreducee MM.. A. C.C. clubhouse.clubhouse. 2255 milesmiles,. Iinn 3:162:19:: Tb* pupil, et the Irving School have the stubborn defenders of the Invested 57 2-5. and finished In fine form. Hatch aomethiof waa to bi patnlse with •lie et IU Weat Baa sad street ea- tbo stubborn defenders of the Invested 67 14, and finished la fine form. Hatch wjtrlbertedi Dooav eawsigh, eaob glv- fortress to yield the Japanese made of Chicago was re-nnd. and Felix Car- as beta atjlaa. Jndg» fortress to yield the Japanese made of Chicago was rocond. and Fella Car- •aj a .mail aaiaeat. ta panhaaa >we 1 use of every asmt of warfare tmU vajal. the Cuban, third. Jadg* •oaaaek, bad raaaalaed ia aa use at every sg-at of warfare that vojal. the Cuban. lhlr«L beanllfal lilk Amirieaa flag*. They '■ “ worvvrtk aaae geodaaaa tola tbabae livinlinaag aatr brtabrtaig Later IM ;| ter giade of lamber away from I promised results, eves though It wai aste-roeat) IB t promised reauTts. even though It waa CharleCharless OO.. WmgirayWrldgway,, ofof NeNeww YorkYork,, aaJarMMaBO Joy to tbe daad."dead." wife brake dowa aad Baabad w tib baa not modem- Ha • i p Ilia Ira not placed la treat af tb* Aaseasblr DOC modern HsjJ grtra^es have not coveredcovered 1,0*01,000 milemiless overover thtbee BrightoBrightonn a'aMaao'clock aanimaul a»; Mb» Abaa Ibeiaary leaMatk tbeti r Mr. Clark ta bla addaesa daatorad bead on tOm ak*ad«r. Et»u ibit did been in fa .or wita miLl&ry men tor Hall of th« balMlag about tba atatsse been In favor with military men for Beach ra-e track ta 25 hours. SO min- d places there wai aa aadl- M HUH bad as dMlre to be VIB- some time, but taut successful em- Beoch ra-e ’rack In 2S hours. 50 min tf William HoKtnley. Tbe fUgs were DOI arOBM an j fe*ll*g la Wood. He some time, but th-dr sucue&sfal em- ttea and 1 «»T them to their f jnaer piece. mobile. This beets fhe record m.'t bf and at* greatly admired. wBT*rlag ere* ea IM them to their 1 >raer piece. SchmidtSchmidt nearnear DetroitDetroit Hilistt yeayearr V '• bourn.honr*. 23 mmetesminutes aann 1 6456 secondsecondss 1.-li-- r Alto* ta rival at tba. ba Annox'f' - EIrtI-Sir*! * it Holland. thethe nightnifrbt tbethe tracktrack -r*«as p—r-f-f- A birth ts rather. .. h cd-!lyaiitw - naovneed-.i •*< '- llaa luminstediin*te£ withwith calciumcalcium |!g:u-.-*.:i'fj-'i- s-• •• •*' •onse P-'rts ofof Ho)«HuHcllaad.L AA nilsilkk pinpia-* WrldgwayIdgwty reducedreioced tbtbee P-CrcriM -'’ •* Bgalaa* Hidsey Baattb, af Waalfeld, la cuahloncushloa IsU atMchcdattacbTd toto tfctheo doorknobdoorknob.. Tn»ch!n», toto art’.!tefea n»v» -- • ice Hand's ooarl, baa beea ad- II the cusSicr. la re3, the new arrlrai 1 If the enable n is rod. tbe new arrival b*tbut after*ft»r daylightdav!fKht bebo rmwenti srii *- Jasd far a week. H. a Eoeyos la e boy: if h it ^alte. a Hit:« sir! DM is a boy: If It is white, a lliti* zSrJ hat lae spec 1. only elow'v and wuiiam Bevaara an UM oppaa- eometo town. anyelrjr toto refilrefilll tfethee gaaofin?vmoLd?1 i»sk«tjrks.. THETHE CONSTITUTIONALISCONSTITUTION A LI STT

V. Blrd.Ja.lara EPWORTH LEAGUE WOMAN'S WILD' CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR. HNH BOnHEB Mr ir n M Moarad m B> RZT. WALTER J. TAXES. Ph. D Tb* Mary of onr mitww to By ART. B. H. DOTUL BY JXEMPT FIREM SalvaUoni. t» Baady to Build •Ada la one at «bwrbln«7 tatareat. k* tsCea oars af la MiONiGHT RID iiTiSiin In and Sqnattar Loiew Horn*. study of tbls work In tbe form of Christianity UTTELL, PttSIOEMT, AMD KASH But Wood Stack to His , visiting each one In ton, | many coantrtoa of the world by DOANC « mpORTANT COMMITTEE JIM'S MANSION would be done if one waa to make Bomu Catholic church, and in m Btory After B«iDg trip to than. asrlaas of tba world tba only t la addlitoa to MM alaoslsa af Daa Bo maeh material la available at tbe ception of Cnristianlty wUcb Aa j W. Liltall as presldMt af tba or* 18 ASSISTED BY RANCHER bar* is tbat which fbty ten up by almost any chapter and be celved from the teachers of tb* Catbo- 1M11M. Iba Maw Jaraay rJianpt Fl TO PRISON MONDAY Mans of interesting tbe members a msn'a Aavaelatiea, la aesstoa a As Callar Diggers. tost more tban any other work that church, and In many Ma Thursday, bnatad twa wxwMiva Belaya of Horses Suable wben Protestant missionaries Oroaad was brokaa May IT, fir asatble. Wif • of Wyoming Lawmaker to laiaHahlaia. It is well to begin wltb Mexico, as into these DeMs they and "the peop Maaeh Bedside of Her Sick living in darkness, degradation I Jaatloa 7. W. Nash was ap Bd street, aaxt to Kira Usadqaar. be la otv "next door neighbor.' baintafl of tba ISffUlatlva oaa The lot •bSTilffa: af aanb Md H Baasaal ayoa. Afu stereoptleon can be used it will be socb countries as Bo pleasant to take a steamer for Yer America aad Mexico condltlona of and Chier T. O. Dvaaa was pli i toKaa rrom within iba stakes by Lafbarraw't eplnlan was ilvtn aa, wa Denver.—Mrs. A. H. Allen i Dnv. Prank Bar*, af Heae OasspaT Crui from New York. From tbe golf ly reached the bedside of her hus and of superstition exist, i r kuaw ws toad • mm iml and l port tbe trip Is continued < many of tb* inhabitants of tbs Wai oommlttae. JIIUM Mash was alas Ha. S. sad Drlvar Edward Tall, af Tba seraitaaatsa af Iba really remarkable railway to I, Representative Allen, ofWyout- Woad aiaidar trial M Bomarvilla, Frt Whose life for a time was in of tbe B abairauB of a oamsaiMaa laddar. Tba raH ef tba ttal city of Mexico. From bere side e draft a BHaaua M ba arusand la flraoiaa obaarad ai tba iitib ladaa day. Is said by Maw Jwaay lawyers ide to the dlfteren After a ride that Mrs. Al ami to ba BBpraeadaatod la criminal .farts points of our mission work. Tba hi will never forget, for It wai These being tbe conditions, there aex* sasaion 1 tba Lsgtalanr* oni or iba sail prnd*no* ia tbls country. Tbe tory of tb* country should be briefly through fierce storms, aad ths tandy rests a duty opon too** wbo msaas ol wbiob lbs old velBBlaer B b*v», ia a way, take* reviewed. More particular attention saka, barren, windswept Wyoming are In tbe para Bad simple gospel of tba btau will laoarva m building BBdar Ihetr by wblok tb* raaalt WM MactM aTldaaoa at Tboodoro Vnrray, a K< can be given UM story of the founding all-night drive through tbe means of dlspelHng the dark] compensation from tfea State for Bart, 7M Otafk, BUI foppa*td lb* sdisiMloa by Oearl York rapartar. waa toak Wood aa D of tbe mission of oar church bj Dr tains, every ranchman along the ram ignorance and of superstition serviosa na«atad la iba days at Taagar. BUI Uaas aad Vail did valaa- aad Md abw Uw aTfdaaoa «f Or William Botler and Us subs*)], at 65 miles from Bagga to RawHns all In tbetr power to spread the Ugh aarviM la aallar dlgfiBf darlaaj ' velopment up to the present time. PI Ing in the effort to catch the mon pruastsi was waavs, ana anas IISST of tbla gospel abroad. Tba people ' XI a st wiU ba bald Wolf., in* Mr. Byda sf Waad's dual MaUaat af Waad, Vttnary :J, UMtares will make this most Interestin bmln on the Union Pacific to whirl her attta " and can easily be bad by a little care half way across two states to tbe bed Nn.l.y. _ will be of ll«bt-o< parsaaaliiy. latpaliad bla) to da Mar day afiar UM abaaatag. Hla •tt and calculation. Side of her husband, whose life WBi and this promise is to be fulfilled hnak, two atortaa bl|li ia fraM aad dsr. Tat by aaeaptiaf Waad's pUa WM at vital iMpotwaiaa. In danger in St. Joseph's hospital. the work of bis people. Christ Is I BOOK NBW8. Wai* aa It win ba ail paniaa to tba nssarkoala Irlal 'Tha alMBlata, Daolwa Btamaoh It would be advisable to next take Mra. Allen said: "I received wo light and If all nations ara to PnbHc lilbru- MatSS. piibad rsmdly, aad KsslfB MM*. wilted bla stolsiiisal IbM ba WM I hna, Parkar aad Win, wba aa- glance at our work in Porto Rico. The that Mr. Allen WM Tory ill aftar th saved those wbo know Christ mi T wiU probably ba ho 1.1 ID. aaivloaa la bMHNI Inibas ]>!•pla«a of a alalad *a wara mon af amlaaaoa. la account of the manner In whieti we knowledge to tbe wh Oily by quired tbe Island can be told, and operation for appendicitis. I bad b boast bafara IM tad af Jaly. not aooaptod toy ibt ta«rtty aad raaiarkabla ability, aad tertal for tbe history receiving bulletins over the telepbc world. eftBBista; af tike aew bnildisg i aam'taw a*•• fold tba IM to aba Army, 1 dart eg Lit thirty Dr ip tbe western coast of South America. once. Dr. MeOee, of Rawllu n their instructors in religious aad »:WBB| with Iba gnaad. Jlsa Maea, Md "*ba llHU Haak man. A study of magazine literature Cor the igs hare been aetmaUy axial WM Baa baa aa. Ha mi had sent Mr. Allen on here and had |M notice Io move. L it two or three years will reveal advised an operaUon. I waa natural concerning spiritual truth. They nee Jim WM aliowad M laava Iba tiiii ball*'** tbM Hsary Watfa feillad wealth of material to assist In t fearful about that and knew 1 must the truth, and tbe truth will make the Uvorg* WiUiaaia oa Maaat Banb aa work that will astonish any one wbe a wtsk afia aad rsrarutd JoyIsily to an not kept in close tonch with it get bere in time for the operatic -free from Ignorance, from err Us inso*. rabraarr & B* aaa—.aass tb* aad Darabbaty Tbe beginning of our work oa the There was a train out of Rawlins Mo 'roia superstition and front sin. , ardtos af Heary Wolf* in BM " day morning at eight o'clock and that thousands of those wbo are II ii probably tba smallest baau ta M appsarad fmai the aridaaoa ad d nc • west const of South America was due today need Is knowledge ioi forward ilka a BM" aad aamii al Iba ceroDsr's inqnasf. to tbe personal efforts of William Taj decided to get it liBf lb* orlBM. But tbaa dagr** af or. afterward missionary bishop o 'I mapped out a sort of Sheridan lie truth, and they stand ready to ler. Xb*r* waa )ast asssgb fleer At tba Mat w* bad be truth. Many do not lire np to tbe spas* M enable Jim to sank* a bad at SBBlty wbl*b la spand bin lad him to la baad and wbaa tba off.r to plaad Africa. H* opened scbool irark in ride programme. We are well ki plead (allay far tbs aak* of bis wlfa Chile on tbe Idea of a self support!] to tha ranchmen all along the lir light; but, on the other hand, there an Ooedska, BL, Oostke's lebsn. i blanksai B.itdtt tb* to saardar la tba SM mats. Considerable progress was mad got busy with the telephone at once millions of people who would glad BaoUaadsn F. w_ H ha shack oaaialaad a and tbn* little obUdraa. mad* to as by iba Btoto, wa told tba under bis management. AH ia lire up to it if they only had It It Mrs. K h, Pollock, af Maw .TMB, and bad a dozen fresh bones walUi BalevT L. and II dlda'l bar* TSTT ' Proeeoator tbM wa waaJd sBbsstt under the control of tbe Missionary so- me at Intervals of from 20 to 2 ir doty to give Christ and the Bib aimtnl-a obiap dreia inlt oat*. BB« who marnad u unola «f Woad, to oar Bad bi. family ciety and Is superintended by our bish- miles between Baggs and Rawllns. them. rtaobad tb* Jail sfier watMBl wi ops, wbo visit it in turn, so that It ha Shall we whose souls are UghMd a law digalcg tool, with wblob b* wfalob WM d*H la tba avaalag BB lually the personal supervision need With wisdom from on high. Id add job* far paopla wllb blffer imposed. tafcUg wish bar Waad's too Basil we ta nun bealsbted . year-eld girL Mb* WM waaping wban to keep the whole church In tone The lamp of life Oeay* baaaas sad baokyarda II. Wood • till prataatad bi with It. .Ob. «alvatlon! Tba erder M nori away Werioatosy •us drew Waad aald* Horn bla grand i aaa bis niter inability I moth.r aad bla wife, aad and, patat- London, J«k. People at the abrat. pi.t Jim oaaaltetably. Ba triad sa- rinairaajHilin dnring UM waak 1 Over the Andes passes tbe route of LummlkCF., A«it«nlniDt > niUoo. tsilinsly »o git tb* contractor ta lag n« Bafal at bis (BM a tragedy aiWBfiad. ailbaag ravel which we take, and before Ion t will be possible to make the trip Prayer should be made mast prom, Luther, Martin, Hymns. move Iba •bask la • lot a f*w aeon "Nor, Utora*, all la arar and ! a bad DMta tb* te.tlmony af all tba Maaurr. J. W How shall we patnt waai yoa to toil ma tba tmb, Did wholly by rail. The railroad has been eat in this phase of mission wor n own tba itiaet. witness**, lnoludlag bis (randmothar built from east and west and needs ba The psalmist prayed, "God be tnerclf oosssT yon kill Uaarga WlUiaaM?" wbom b* baa implicit be connecting link over tbe mountains HoUcn, 3. F. B., Oenvna araptu, s T. ••sail UTS," ba Mpttod, "I bsv. no o as and bless us and cause His fa Mootalcne, at •. da., ssssis. • v. Fltti toars IB bia *y*s be atatod to as 0 Join the two sides of tbe continent o shine upon us, that Thy way mi PoblkiBa mtmaiy af that watk. Ob, I wish 1 that b* would laara to bla wit* to da- Our mission to Buenos Ayres wi known upon earth and Thy savin QUICK ACTION knsw all Ibat bappanad. Tba tostl ta* Wb*tb*r b* mould among the first founded by our church, ilth among all nations." Let us ear maay Ibal I was aaar whir* ba wai Ib* (tallow* or saaka tfa* plea years It grew but slowly. In nestly pray tbat God will bless as killed atoaaad ma, bnl ao many hav« offend aad soffsr Kb* penalty. ~ es It has assumed larger pro- that we may become a blessing to oth NHfflj BIG said M IbM I am B*avlaoad U li trwa, 3l»ima to him tbM snob a pie nd 1« In a healthy condition rs, especially In spreading tbe know bat I daa't know bew I oaold bavi old not ba ooafaaalBg Ibat ba edge of Him and of salvation throng] BARN ABLAZE, BUT FIREMEN STOP ba*a ibara. I daa't remmber at all.' Closely connected with this Is tbe His Son Jesus Christ unto the world. trally (all*? bat only B farm * work in the capital of Uruguay, Mi FUMES SPREADING. Mrs. Otatn WUIIBBM. wldaw a wonld .aii.ty UM law." terideo. Great popular misunderstand Ps. 11. 8; lv. 6; tail. 17-19; cxlx, 105 UM slalB BIBB, wept daiUf tba ooar exists negardlng the condition o praoaaduga yastorday. Bar Dmo nil, 6; Dan. sil. 8; Acts ilil, 44-18 Fiia partially dailroytd Binry pv ffalrs in that part of the world. Oui Bom. i, 14, 15: I Tim. il, 1; Bev. BadaBbalDMr'a ban at 851 BoaMiaat balrad daagblar approached bar and bsorptlon in oar own affairs has beeu treat, 7:15 May 17, oaulag a gaatty pallad bar arm. aayiac "Are Homo af UM SptaoapaUaa braUirn great tbat we bare not realised tba 7. of ib» Haw Jaraar dlaoaaa mm to great people of a different type o: osi of B»tly woo. - joo crying, mamma ' Mia, WlUlBi Ib* onrtoai oollon thai B Uoka A WorUwU* Pell*wiM». BM said rspaatodly durlag tba Irl rllizatioo •v.-as growing up praparad by oea faotion io Iba d! inborn continent. Here are li Tbe following Is a list of countries man! rasobad tba so«ns qalakly ana Ibsl sb* •»•!!•»•« Wood WM perfectly abaald raoslTB UM valaa af UM t and immense trade and progresa I bad the liveryman give ^presented In tbe worldwide fellow aaaa aad thai ba ibonld ba river and two of the best horses, an parfarsaad treat work la saving thraa of UM oaBTCBlioa wltboat qaaa- Jy Inferior to oar own phenomena ship of Christian Endeavor. In ea> atbtr barai vary olaae to tba banlag aad UMt BO aaw oaadidaMa advsneement- It is a new world tha started. The roads were In bad Of these the society bas a nnu foot): M». Waad, ta bar dtept.t misery, is there emerfrlnff, ami It is a grea' ltion from the rains. • and Is doing a successful work: Ax 8. 8. QUIOH BTJRIBD. ruotira. Oblef Wool.loo vrdarad ant bOBld ba oBBBidatad. la pallium, tbal tsa basa wagaa aad Iwo lisn of baav had a ward af sympathy toe UM woold be oailad "awDblB«"«r world. We would do well to learn more "The first stop for change of hi tratia, Austria, Barbados, Belgium widow. Wbil* bar HN warn still ' its conditions and our religions was at Muddy bridge. 22 miles away Bermudas, Brazil. British Guiana, Bu wa*rel Services atald at who agadne articles will give all tbat wil th* roads began to get worse, an ilands, Finland, Formosa, France Tbs funeral aarrlaai af Hamotl Ba Williams, aa aba, ptor woasan, ; needed to make a One presentation wheels sank to the hubs. It wa bary Onion war* bald Friday morn in rer m line af baas, oaMiag II la aarrad for a aambar af yaara. f this subject. ' Germany, Gibraltar, Qllbert Island i aad sbnMfBg off tba stusi n**.r aa* bat basbaad Baaia, wi aaagar alamaat tbosgbl tbara aboald tough on the broncos,* but they wer Great Britain, Ireland, Grenada (Wesi (Iraaa abaraa. Ksv. K. T. Bt*< '.nzil Is smaller, but game—ther must have felt how im ba mateimM. II i. tain, olsimi tbM I BMy. 1 am .•tliO.d with Iba r. • a obajoco, and rotad ba.ltou will repny study. Tlie story of thai dl), Guatemala, Hawaiian Islands a was aasistad by B»v. 8. P. Simp ba did sat BM Iba bats. Obltf Waal- portant It was to go right on through Holland. Hungary, India, Italy. Ja SM, format rector, of HI. Stepbsa as I did noi with to bave UM c* Mlalaad tba UBM ef two oUrlal inrf oajrbt to be better known to ui all, because they pulled their littl aid*rsd iba mototman aad oaa- io lbs Jory. Tba jaran did BM lailililn of Ibalr ebalea. ian It Is. This Is a good opport u.i] ilca, Japan, Korea, Labrador, Laos i look It up mure fully. arts out for me. 9 •apland. Loyalty Inlands, Hadagasrai Tba pall btaran imlndad Dr. O. L BOUT amMad aad tbay w«ra Mid to kind ; tbsy wara BM edBoaied __. bam WM UM Bar. Hamilton Boboy "At Sulphur a friend. Mr. Davis, had Madeira Islands, Marshall islands. Mai ipaai toal«bl bafan Reaardef Daad Ilka tbasa wbo bar* aeea kiad to BM, ir, of UUa city. A polat of ardor wai Across tbe ma. and we take a view BBaias, W. P. Smitb, Mr. Wbe.lln ' the Italian work. Rome la tbe cea- pair of fresh horses for rttlns, Mexico, Norway, New Zealand J. Baal aad Mr. Parry. Tba T a basriog. bnl tamers, WbM da tbay know ralaad M to Iba ragaUrlty of Iba aan •r of net I vity. This was long a debat ad not been worked In a month. •alestlne. Panama, Philippine Islands, abaal a qiNi diaaaM Ilka ebat afflici- alas wars placed la Iba raeslTia M orif ID af iba bUa» to • tnvtMry. He ground, and much occurred In tbe They carried us sailing tbi ersia, Porto Rico, Portugal, Bussla BodaabcisMr toys tbal II evidaat- (•( Oaaria? I kaow Iba* ba la early years to retara tbe progress. Now About two o'clock In i amao, 81am, Spain, Sweden, Swltzer at HlUsida otnsMry. ud b* raailsto it, saa. Ha toJd BM « seems to be a clear coarse. Dr. • ran Into a bllxxard. and, Syria, Tasmania, Tokelai AliasMtti la tba aflaa at Ua thai If b% gat aal ba waald BM ratam tiam Bnrt was tbe providential man Undine. Wa could not see two feet " Trinidad. Turkey, United Btates Ha WM la tba ban BM a •MM foond IbM tb« "< the place, and under his skillful LB front of as. Another of the ranch d wblia baler* to* Oaawa wait .is- I* im wltb aw, fat law tbM la Md- ci 11 bad waa. One af UM rapra- management prosperity was a en wbo had been watcolng tor ni on of sTtw Task, yaatarday, to kak oaa laaaalry ba might kill ma. *' SSBUMTM ef Iba antla itotod aba aato oil the route, after changing korsea- We have been long. eWigh consider Mr*. Waad, waa BM tbr*a oalldraB, nt* aplly wben ba said : 'It', a plly ability *o signally shown In this tain, went ahead of as wltb a lan- I what Christian Endeavor stand* < i warklag la a Hew York otaekar sbara ara aaly tear in tbls dlo to bis election aa Msbop at rn to look out for pitfalls In tbe r. Let us now give more attention Saabary Ualon, a raael.Uaa factory far K W a wash. Sb* bad to MM wbo aaa do this work."' Tba only ud and warn us against slides. what Christian Endeavor goes for- d d lH q«ll way toaaaaraaaw Maad on to Europe with an enlarged Held "Wben we got within 16 ml! Bev. 3. D. LamooL and Increased powers to carry forward tawlins another relay whlc ilsto*. la to pal ap a flgbt, Nm yaar i work In which be has so lone and i*r* May ba B different r-snlL —Trsa- bean sent out to mast well bnlld«l. tared. We could not Tbe American board mission in Fa- There Is scarcely any limit to UM teams Is whiob ana la a.i th* mud ao we went right n T klen, China, bas seventy-six Christian rial which ran tie bad for tbe repre- •"When we wer* within a mill* of Endeavor societies, and the Anglican Oa* naaaaal faarare ef tba Jr. ntatlon of this work 1B Italy. It Is awlin* I heard the whistle of the ap- mission his forty-eight. Christian En KZUTABT WEPDIRO. Ibal wbtia tba MfMBi donaadad Tna aaaaal HUM af UM cadat good plan to connect It with the proacblng train. We urged our hprsas TOT 1> rapidly approving Itself to all w bolly npoit aipsrt sTldssMB, Ibara trpa af Kasgars Oallaf* Tbaraday, founding of tbe church In the great ip to the station at a missionaries In the Flowery King WM no monej to M i[*Dl to aavs Iba aa witoaMtd by Oblaf aad Iba. TO nter of the Rom an empire in tbe days earful pace. I had been cramped for L aoaaaad. Mr. SwaOkbasjar, waa was 9aaae, Mr.and Mrs. J.Barray Daaaa, PBBL It would be also a good thing lore tban 12 boars,, and was lifted Spain now has Christian Endeavor bant np tbe history of the early to the train. The Jraln was o as n»a*a*l. stay raealTa aa May Dos*t, OJyds Paaao, Mlai Christian community to which that octettes m almost every Protestant BUBWBBM from tba oeart, bat Ibar* i. am. Mias Maare, Mi Baaala w« as I stepped on tha first -fartyaven ba all. Tban are I is Made at tba ap- M matchless Epistle of Paul to tbe Bo- I*B I breathed a sigh of relief. Junior societies (twenty) tban luiU prababiMty tbal a S*w JUM; Paaad. Tbaddaaa Piast. Jr., Miss waa written ^**^ aee how now gsashaU Etta tbe Latest. aaart II will allaw blaa Maiaab aa Cattail, Iba MISBM Baaaal, Miss Mar- la need la tbe same city to ban ounc People's (nineteen), bet there Is arlag. teacator at Mr. aad Mra a Newport.—A seasheU bath U one senior society, and tbara are seven Wsrisg, af Park Bvaaaa, Bad OBB- bad to spaad. aria OBIUBS, mt tbla any. Speoial la wbo -re aot ashamed of tbe gos- - rs- societies of Christian Endeav- a waa waat larwtrd did torast was aitoabad to tb* avast by I of Jest» Christ. innovation in household luxuries tbat Mrs. John R. Drextl ia introducing the but polat Spal a leads the M wholly far tba parpaaa af try!,, M at tb* faot tbal Bamy Dean*, save a mil wbaas tbay balls*** to b* aaa af Obl*f aad Mra. T. a Daaaa, her Ohre Point home. Alwavsorig- Is an tnal and noted for it »h*n she was Miss Arrivine In a Main* town with tbe aad wllb aa aaaiibUley at g»v •istMOtpaiaaT Oa. a, af tb* ii life 11 1. • Jet Troth, of Philadelphia, Mrs. Drex- health. It has to do with the health coecelved the Idea, wbieh she terms P. M Wla* and Uaarga M. Parkar, cl tbe body. But aa man grows on tha a kanpy medium between tbe lavish w Taik, attaadart de of bis saanbood bope has Its deep- Tar baths and tbe prosaic tile it was tbe moral life. It feeds on bile she was oa a trip In ber steam afiar daj mawly '. Cot tbe infinite oat of (bay daamad uaMa M dianla- " the Sultana to the Bahamas re- mac's life, shot away the sky. mark a cently that she made a collection of •tore aa perhapa we should bare *• Ryaa, af Da». rlaM bonier to tbe possfblutlefl of the UBJ- If tbe efaorcb service had been >. waa MRM May 17, to Baa* atoaat atoM. Tba c IkHlI K in drverslty and beauty wtu b> board bafara JaatJoa Hi obtained on the Islands, U" be sowed tbe gospel aaad then J. TBppea, af BlchlsBd Park, shells she will now turn to ase I ihsia '. a S. Jardaa, paakv at tba Maw aaxi "^aarday. H. a Kooyoa i Tbe First Presbyterian Juniors of

ian oa oar doty, bat simply do It a we hare done It. however bHBd- • wni show os why. soldiers, yen XL- THE coNsrrmrnoNAiLST VETOED BY HICCBS WARINTH^COMCIL FOR SERGIUS' DEATH SERTiNCE SQSPEMXD BUI to LepttmatliB stringer Mayor Weaver Has Dismissed Ivan Kal eie ff Hanged For De- So Bayi Btehop Vincent to Cdllfl AND HI Child Killed at AUwuy. Two Civic OffioUla. stniction of Moscow Ruler. • mn SIIIB HtS EXPLAKATION OF HOSE CUTTWS DAVID PKESCQTT MALL CONSENTS TO •an ELIHO BOOT A5D JCBCE GOBM^ I3 IT DID SOT FEiR DEATH; GLORIED 15 KI AT THE FIRST K. B. K THE UCTUm. COYBJOR CHE RE.1S05S 15 FELL ACCEPTED BY RCCORDCV DOUD. Bt»t-ly Structure to Grace Park Avenue and West 'bo taasBra af tne bTqi Befin BHIWIT Dead la t be bor if h oenn, Thoraday. Tl LBBOBO of PlaUftafd and Hertb PUin Second Street aald, bald vwteroar aMerooen al tttes, BaOaraiaa cm taa looal railway, bod Traall las, wao tbo report of Iha pro- PH3I.ADl;i.riIT.V. Msy 24.-Mayor BT. PETER8BUKG. May 24.—It Wtt WELL APPOINTED Siamese ooauutbia wllh ralaiiaa 10 LBAKV. fc V.. MMT 1M.-A bill Weaver lus ti.t.inJ MK -if o£i« EWvfd aemloffldally announced tbat Ivan Ka- aork Of tbo Palillcal Hlndy troducni to legitimatize a child bora of wedlock-, which earned consid- J. Smytb, his Oaroctur -,/ |.u!.:ic safety, leleff, who uiurJoreJ tbe Grand Duke UaaotteM Utter lor-Barbie, Cop - B. obarofa, Bnaday. Bad preaobod u for nail winter. Mrs. BMpbea erable comment but Ilttie opposition and Peter E. Ca«te^ b> .llrcctar of gerglus at Uiucaw, waa banged i ~ alaaaoat sermoa OB tbo faiara af obalrmu of tne ooamlttee, teported ta paMtaae through tbe legislature, public work-t. ;>.r lu:iuoJIate iwfg- o'clock in the uuimsug In tbe prison Sharon. Tna adlBeo wae SBMa been vetoed by Uovernor Blgzlna, yardbere. witb fnaaaa of ta* bienot. who or tba atady Of potlliaai ooaaoojy, or The measure. Introduced by Assembly^- r peciltj- of fiauibisaL At On tbe scaffold Kateteff mad IlatoBed mtwoUT.U to nla dtaowi of wlau imsjeoai ralattai loiiwi lan Stanley of New York, Is entitled: the tame time vwrt went forth that speech, In which be sa;d: An act for the relief of Artetfa Queo- every bif In the ciry haU -It la said that I asked for pardon. d it ton haa oflared lo pay f or ihe . Bishop Vlnosnl bt(u by sa.yiD|t who came wiibln il •• niayor's runge It is a He. I am faithful to tbe tradi- th. new bank building tat Tba Plata- tboft tba obareb il aol Obrlot, aeliner propoMd tn«t D.TW te Barker." In expresalDg hla dlMpproval tbo woald be welshed iti tlw l.ilnm* and tions of tHe People's Win. 1 do not ask 8HIM Mid Iba* BIB oar waa at 1 •ola Tnrt Uompaay «• piapvUg io la It * aBbatttata tar' Him It Is a abaald glva bia oo tf fonud vrouJ.ia; -JJuId alsa be any favor. I am glad to die." ' " the walk aad avtrytbing will bo II*MbOBoa to galda aad balp me mlasnl. The People's Will ta tne name f BOiMBB BO OOfB M SbO lid* BBd Mot Uhrtit. Ba pisdtoied Ibafe tba pared iiaioaslj for waaion'o olabe, Co-tciio ami Fmytli. the di- mprly borne by the party Identical ibe alazm f«t tfao fire was given~aad proposition, bat tbe moat building liBoa an flxoo. bT tba BBBI obarcb of tbe fnlot« waelld ba mon Mfora Iba oe» itndy slab. Mr. BaU rectors of pv.'jllc Troris and p-Jbiic With tbe present social revolutionaries no knew notbtng abeoi it Al ' " a- about If Is tbat tt passed both safety, having refused to resign Grand Duke Sergins, uncle imt Walobasat avanns tarmtiiBi he BdoptiMalaa ordtBBBo* now btfaro oaubBiiaatio, Jli membus would BM lav* a laotat* oa Ibe origin aad house* unnoticed ami without tbe GemmoB OOBBOU. Tbo callu bu •ikly do?** Ibolr HBM to spaoul aaa- of tbo Cmted Baaoaa oomtitu tion or dlsttuMon. It in an Insult to mediately. >:•••• ,v >"/,..,.....• L, •• nisbtbrotber-ln-lftw of Emperor Nicholas dnaply gl van latlraoilon to pats diamissetl tbpiu from oilii-c He haaand former governor general of Mos- Ibo UontoxBH men r~ bean pnettsaUy oxoaTabtd aad Ibo •BNof prayor, bttt tbo aatlio yaai baf ore Ibo mffiagB league, laat ma: every faltbfBl wire and to womanhood IZI moTi will b» to it art tbo work of and avary tbioa: oloa wUl ba eoosadaty Bad Ibis addraao wao proaonaoad vary itself. The bill recites that AdeUa prumptly appoitiEfd Colouel Sheldon cow, 'who had been condemned to death Ibe ra*nrn OBI aoi Qneenle Is the Illegitimate infant child Potter to the office of public safety and by-the terrorists on account of bin se- Tbla no did Kad ^ jing tn* faaaoallea. Tba atnenra Ba btllered iba* tba ohurab woald bo lBtanatlag by tba member*. A. Lincoln Acker ta be director of pub-verity in suppressing stodent sod oth- 1U be araetod oa matninotnt liaoo. aafcea m«r> aatlOBBl* aad tbai aMead- Tbo final ftaolalaa jaiterday wao Mof Charles Bell Barker and Adella Ger- lic vrorbs In their places. The mayor er outbreaks in Moscow, was driving a good apood wbaa tbo b™, . .-. .. trude Stringer and enacts that child Is front of him, loo late to soot off I Wbaa IbU bonding la oompleted it BBJIIO ••Bill practically ba oompol»ry. ooatlBflo tba programme oommlMee in thereby made the legitimate child ot retained ElOra Root of New York from the Nicholas palace In the Krem- i Tbo bi»bep alts amid that tba en- aflloe aatU tbe Hr»t m«tln« In Oota- and farmer Judge James Gay Qordoa lin toward tbe Nlkolsky gate when a power. 1U b* aaa af tbo Oaoat af ikt kind in Its said parents tn all respect*, tbe Ib* Stale. In planning tfaa baildtaa at Iba * inn woald devBlope lot Tba m*mberi a*a: Obtirmin, same aa if »ald child bad been born In of tbis city as his personal counsel. bomb was thrown beneath bis carriage, dmai ofaancte*, it weald always ba Mn. HMpboa Haff; aacretary. Mtulawful wedlock. It ts In an effort to defeat the consum- killing him Instantaneously, wrecking ine dlrscion car* tkken tbe fatsra M •POB art woaM ba a school af tboBaf riot French ; Mrs. laaao U Millar, "Tne father at tbe time of the birth IUJU of tbe plan to lease tbe city gft* tbe vehicle and oioi-tally waundlns; tfat wall M tba presul late ooBatdantloB, Werd, there will ba obMaas la Bttlt MIL MadollBja Uarar aad Mn. Flor- of the child had and now has a lawful works to the Untied Gas Ituproven coa«bman. sad tbo building wban araoMd wlU bo itadv aad Ibaie Will be » greol deal wife ItvlMg. He and the child's mother, company for aevpnty-flve years for The grand dnbe's head waa blown oso Ibal wUl aot only be aqaal lo tba Bowa Ball. (25,000,000 that Major Weaver ' from hla body and reduced to a shape- •a. BaU BBMBBOod that thaia with bmien Impndence and ntter disre- ooaoaia'a tmnwdUta neada, bat one gard or the rights of the lawful wife from office tbe two principal less pulp, ntid the trunk and limbs IbB* II may belpMBd of la tbe yaars weald bo aa lnteiMliag mttting at of his cabinet and thereby were frightfully mangled. Tne ats&a- io nssn.uuii un and the rules of morality, unite hi B tb* SUM Bnttrage Society at Ooaaa delivered thl<* f-s ,-•:_•.•> ',',;•• blow to tbslon was eventually Identified aa Ivan petition of the legislature to legitlma- WINnELO SCOTT POST WlU RECEIVi li ii la ba built entirely ot IBOIBBB Qrora, Juir « and SO. Mn. BaU tl«e tne issue of their Ian-lees lore. domlnaift political oi-«:iuizanon of tbe Kaleleff. Tbe man gloried in bis crime paoto ta go to Oasaaj Ororo to HI city, and tbls linn cauxed probably the and expressed satisfaction at the fact IT DECORATION DAY. lima atone; too frame work la to bo cf Saa4v-Mbaal and w ••If thia bill should be approved a le- tt will M aaXBrepreoX aa Ha a rgad all M lov* feba Btaaa proaMaBt, Mrs. Bastoa, la gal status wonld be given to a aetnl- greatest an ••••'•'• -u in the history othaf t be bad been able to kill the grand ooadael at tbo laiatlaga PhlladelrblA municipal affairs. While dnke without Involving bis Innocent _ jaaatrBoUan maibodi oaa atmrob, tba BiMa, ta otady It «.a Dlygamotai relation and concubinage the citlsoi.i wan expectius some sort wife, tbe Grand Ducbesa Elizabeth.. Tba naabon of tbe Wamoaa Ba maka it. Btaal vanlU at tba UMil toaon ll« ttatba lo MM oblttM who ould become an honorable estate.' of a ^yrc y.i \'AH ;>.••:% of the mayor, liar Uerpa wltl MTa a part la tba Mr. Barker, who baa apartments at At Riga the chief of police of the typo WUl ba initaJUd.ana Ibo wf« do- an Brewing up. Ba believed H ta ba tlipy were not i^sqated for the Im-Saylten district has been shot and. se- woorailoa Day abaarrsaca bore, poilt aooawmadatiaai ibal ii win tba daty of evary Uttrlattaa ta a tbe MarlborooKb hotel. New Tork. aald iii.>..i Tt- PMHMui r.-ABj oAlce of tbeoe >bon tbota -will be praaaawa lo Wla that In tbe summer of 1901 he entered riously wounded by a bond of roughs. offer io Iba pabllo will bo eqaal to hi, or Mr obanB ]BM aa aMraetfTe as t..'u primi'ir- '.• ;: i.i. The mayor has Ten arrests have been made In connec- bald BooW Paat, Ma. TS, O. A. into an agreement with Mies Stringer au.j wwi :1 : Ls U |n the ngbt ta any ibmg that BBMr today ba foaad in to altow ber fS.OOO a year "pin" mon- tion with tbe shooting. lax ga on wo io n will bo plaaod la tbotba largest olrtoa*«f tba oeostry. Tba istdtar'a plot at Hillside OomeMry ey, sbe binding nerselMo care foe and : Captain Clado, wl)03e dismissal from iBtanor flxtnrtf will be af marbl* sod a X. ANNIVERSARY. educate tne child. Tnts sum was later L.^', ::-.r • ida be a mild t be navy has been insetted, *»*• ' Tbo oammltue baring obarg* af tba ti .; -.:ii-- •••• recUBBB of the tens of ooppot, and taraublBgo ot BMbegaay. reduced by one-half. - t menced suit against tbe admiralty for panbaaa at tba am compriMd Mrr Warraa Ch.p-i Oriuluttoa Oal*> HISS ADA WESTPHAL HAKES THE Mr. Barker said that be proposed (bu ' irifa iyT i il.rlt-ai workers wben tbe restitution of his rank. O M V W. Weasel, 1 the it' •- l«y;:n'i- Lno-,ra. Tbcre was A Warsaw report aays that since tbi HIT IN AMEXCEUXKTrRODUCTIOK, iflrrtage oo Hiss Stringer on numerous a ]> .li'r'. Ikon « 'f lil iiiJ) tJ the ward Mrs. Borah WaHar, In. JoDn Maatay occasion*, but each time abe declared promulgation of tbe emperor's ttkoee Bad Mn. at a Dobbini. ouafsUy sbe wonld not marry tbe best man ! -•• i . . The latter tu turu hastened conceding liberty of worship and abol- provided for. Tbo Chriitlan Endeavor Beciaty, ef Bofato aa aadloaoo wblob fltlodtb olli-tag. He told In court of ber relations to find i .. i. ' - ••'.-.; •.,•> and his lleuten- ishing the reilKioua disabilities ot tbe IM BTB arrived bero on Tbaraday warren obapal, oalabialad its nfii- uaalaa to Its OBpaolly, msmbiri af iis, JBT.IM I". JlcXlr-tiol niid Charlea and alBoa thaa baa ban filledwi t After tbo coaMmpUMd Improva- witb different men and .said be wanted Boman Catholic and otber relfgloiH leata on Fatt avenaa bare beta leaBIB annlv*T*ary Thnr.flay. Mam- dealer alau ot tba city High Boboot to obtain control of tbe little girl on >••!•>• Thry c-nuld not be foimd. Christian communities 26,000 persona growing plants. II will bo Ian aad friends alteadtd tba ebeerv- sberiaan** oeaiody, "tba the ground that It waa being neglect, The Dost i.i',- -.-'UK Aoubt that MBJ< are reported to have left tbo Buistsn Hiiliide OemaMry aa Monday and pa oomploled tba wldanmg of tbo afreet Blvate," Batarday algM. Tba work ed. received no motherly attention and Weavee was lueivly making a bloff cburcb for tbe lloman citurt'b In tt Tba ozonlan will bo to ilily fool; tbo oonstiBotlea cf tbe BBaa in gawotj ••mnia. waa always in the t .re of a and did not realty mean to fight thegovernments of Sledlce and Lublli oa DaaoialloB Day TIBH OoBpany balimng aad tbo erec- aC Vlaa Ada Vaatpbai oa " Mn. Mala- •"organiMtlon" is removed by bis ac-The censor has ordered tbe Polish Bov. a W. Parma, paster of Uraot " waa aao af Iba alBTaraat bite af He declared be dearly loved tbe child, wbOB B naambar ot tba ooBUUHoe wil tiea of IM effloa baildlaai by ObartM M» K. obarob, dalfvarod M address OB tion. Smyth and Costello were tne press not to make any reference to tbe rbo bad a wano affection for hli o mail, props of Durham within tbe I ad W. MoOatobaa IhU aaetlea will bo ID* "Keep to Ibo Bight and Keep Mov- M BMC*. Olbev "hilt" won nd be had ample means to provide for ills of tbe city ba.ll. Costello had ibject Oneat bnitosaa oaotfaB af Ibo oily, and bjg." Tbara W*T* vooal trial br MM. ill wants. Be declared that Miss A Cbefn dispatch tells of tb* ar- tbo raal estate TBIBOS to tbU acigbbar- i by Tnoadora O. Gavett, Haw been mentioaed for tbe T.-sroralty two It will be xooolTed by Command* 1 3, a MoKalvey, Mlaa Sbeppard aad ttringer informed him recently that It years hence. With their forced retire- rival of forty-four lunatic Russian sail- nod mart laorsBSi Vsrjj mattiialir aa ard H. Uialf, Martin & BWIBBB, was ber Intention to go on tbe stage ors and soldiers from Port Arthur, in I- L. MoToy. MlH BobBBOk; plane Irioa by MUQaorg. a U Bastlay aad Mlsa ABM. it tbe brrak witb thr* mayor is ranged ta bare Ibo BBiltan|araM Band fsMH _ Jlmy, Mlaa OoddlBgtea and Miai ind mat >be was going to place tne complete. eluding a violently Insane lieutenant Hunyou.' girl in a convent. who was on tbe Sevastopol daring tbe praaaai oa diaooBiaa approptlata oalao Tbo Plaiafield Trasl Uaapaity bagaa KohoBOk; raoltottOM by Mlia Lam- Tbe meeting in tbe assembly root siege, and wbo were Immediately trans- bastaaas 1B Just IMS; oo aBooaattal bert; vetml ioles by Mtas Hilda B* - Oman in tbo cart wan: Obeatar H. The litigation for tbe recovery of the the bourse but nlgbt waa * Urge and largo ODOTBI of aobool n iggf, Ban» a. TbamaaoB, Ha .-blid was begun March 8 by tbe Insti- ferred to tne Boaslan Improvised hospi- ohtldran will HBg palrtotle «8Dgs A bao ll been, that today, Ian tbu •*li, aad esrnal aalao by J. a And.r- enthusiastic one. Mablon EL Kline, tal ship Wbampol under tne British three ytari from Iba day of lta laoap- BrowBaU, Baaol da, M. Grwt, laoa tution of habeas corpus one of tbe leaders In the fight against tbar of premlaaoi oCDoiala will at Bar. J. U., tbo past.r, flag for transportation direct to Odea- lend and Iba pahlio u iovitad. iloo, lta depatlM amonai to mare tban M. TaUas, Atmae 3. Oooui, ZaUa U tbe gas lease, presided, and tbe prin- a. delivered Ibe Batiptoro reading Bad KaUay. DEATH OF MRS. LIVERMORE. cipal address was delivered by Colo- one million three faondrod ihoniand opaalag pray.r. a T. Wladhoai. tbe iBfamal danetBC fallowed tba play. nel Patter, tbe new director of public Tbe scene was • extremely pathetic as (11,1)00,000) dollan Tbo OMUBBBIIQB ('•• •» Artlv* Waikrr In Ut« Amti- tbe chattering Imbeciles mounted tbe WOMEN'S WORK. of tfalo sploadid grewtb will plaoe Some bouses were leveled. paay; Oonga V. Malllok, BTew Tark, Thomas H. lludton, U a lady's shoe, A negro employed at a eawmllJ was tftaaoBBd delta**. Tbo paat wtatlea af W. Macrtay ot aL, ta Laaraol A iba Boaih, the Iadlaat a* Ibo north tmtmtn, TbolBMhBBeVOa., baaken; B'lXO.VA LAKE, Ind.. Mar 2*~Tne tbe bollowed beat of wblcb, it la said, killed by a falling smokestack. At I W. Uaibvora, BMeklya, S. V , plan for tne erection it a cential Proa- comnlnn enough dynamite and uliro- Collins a family of flve were struck by BUBop Bitn, of Ibo West, BUSSIOB byterlaa cathedral at tbe national cap- glycerin to kill a Bomber of persons, lightning. Tlwy were " dairy predaoWi BoaiBel Towattsd, ital, as aropooed by Jaattea Joan U. Mr*. Lola Engta of L'niontown, Pa., tbetr botue destroyed. Vow York, fera*orlr TtviwiD * Karian of tbe eaprema court of tne jd B pair of ladies' riwea tobe r Yala; l^awli K. Wutag, Maw Tort, United Kates and opoa wblch a dlrtd- baek yard. Wall* etamlnlac ibnu abe Harvey VI* * BOB«, baakeri; OrrUla ad resort was MDmlttad by tbe spe-•Uacorarad tbat Ibo beet ef one bad TOX. May S4.-At tbo bone T. Wariag. Vow Yet Of aaaMaata, WlUUai B. Tfimr, M cial eoatmltte* baring tbe propoattloa been boOowed oat, four exploding cape Mr. Jordan'* aveceM euatinnes, nader tmuldoratioa, wfeen Ukn op and un has ««ur*l eight Woe ribt>ons. ward M. Ladd. 4c, PlvlllllUL. tedaj * nt. it toaald . eneoaatar i tbo bole «llod wttb waate soakM with Lord Belfast and f/wd BarMgb wen HJygartB. Tto aboea wera tBraod tb* prlnrlpai Jvrdoa wfauwn during over lo tbo BMborlOea, wbo are mak- tso 4*f. Mr, Jordan's doaaat com- lM » M >IO^a, baf aftdd petitor la point of MBO rlnbono cap- TAlft-A., VU., May iX.~-r\re flre- Utrmd wax tin, J, », M. Onmvroor ol •trr, wlU ft** a M4M »ew York, who look tbroe Una rlb- ia> OanotM BaU. Mo Bto, ««e of M-Bom win probanlj dte. ijj d l Cre wbleeb drtroyeddd PSACKDALB, B. I,. Hay 21.-Tbe MOK. Beglnsld C. VsnderWlt of Vorta- Vodaoaaar, May BI. A (aw at* t»a two bmtdluff. bare, entailing a prop- •Mnt gift by Jobn O. Rockefeller of month. It. L, warn placed first in two aw» O4VBBBB4 faaMi fjau ajay aw erty km of WOJOOO. Tbe fire wn91OOJUOOa to tbe American board of by aba will iilay t^aaBMatoa,of Maiila canned hj tbe exploafon of a sjuoHna eBntmlsaioners for foreign missions aaa Third nd Haila aroaaaa, f. W. D. Kirk, a fireman,wa a at tor state conference Tba Bsau, an d wlU be II o a ftt nnder a falttna; wall and soOf ConaTegattonnl dinn-bes here. Rer. HOT-HEHTER, N. T, May 24.~Tbe badly cruabed that be Is not ejected 1. II. Denlson of Boston rvad a peper second trial ot In. Edward I.. Meoney. mm. Tba grasM w M OBM HaMrdsy aAeraaaa, •Hooeaty ol Tbooffbts." In whlcfa be former school "onuntoaioner at Syra- by & Trt«m.t A Son*, wbe bava tailbvod «T a bydiaat milB eoea Lataaaax at ax, ta Aataa expressed tne opinion In accept' cuse, haa opeiml bete upon m charge of aa a oaal vara. Il fa alto r«. aabdaoa/ tbe bUu wbl«b wao oaasad •annar oj a aoora of lo so 4. SaoM IMS. block H, "Ita bribery. JnstlAe Watson V. Bogen of ng Mr. Rockefeller's girt tb* American Pfentdlnjr I-:1 Mooney's ported tbaa Ibo Erie oompaiiy tf a aioastattn aparb, A obiaiaey nad O'liwgblta oaatpalo** tba baMofT tuaaay," |i; KUJ DANBfHV. Conn.. May 24.—A po- d did ooly what wax proper. boaibl iwa block! n ibo oast aide of ta Aagaat Bwttoa at ax., tl<-»! Situation wan sprung here last alleged *n.» In tbe taking ot 9300 ra H a boaao BOB* tbo Boat Soeaad far tbo wlaaiaf se»« BM Sqalar tad Park BTeano, between 1581b and iSTth trrrt •leboaao was pat oat alaa bj V. Halaea tor Bow Mute*. i»«ad atroac, 91,000; ight w-iii'ii papers were served oa from Min-s •peHoj for neenring ber n layor William A. Brami for his re- appointment nsn teacher in tbe Byra- Batfald ta Wiaflald & Jlaur—, POBTLAND, llr-:. May 2J.-Secret»- 'Ose high •iftnpfc oily alda dalaad avaaat, com noval from office on tbe ground of 11- y it the Nsivy Wu! Morton haa given fegs! votit!--- at the March election, postUve BMunnce ll:at part If not (be Tba third flfab a Banes af raoapiiOBa rroiKHokoai. f L when Mr. liranu. who Is a Democrat, Kw DTBBI»>M ABIHMIIIU Calls. of tbo Naw {asaay whole of tho narft Atlmitle Boondron WASHINGTON. May 24. - 8enor Baa Issaad iBvitBtiOBO fox It) i honor of box daughter. Mrs. a D. defeated Mayor Jobn K. Boothbr by a will visit Portland ft;is snmnicr. The T'.'.TT ot thirteen votea. aan Nal.iu-o. the uewly appointed Bra- osrtb BBBBBI .editorial •«o»iio* orflll, of Canada, waa given S»«nr- J br> rt .; !,i:t zilian atnliasiadur. n.nie his first form- wblob baa baaa eat for Vodaoada/, dar •tmnaaa by Mrs, U v. K. Baa- al call at the state dennrtmeat and Athlwtr iir..i.r in. Lea;. presented to Acttng Secretary Juaa 7. Lake Hopatooog wlU agala,«« dolpb at bar booM la Kaat Front HIGHLAND FAIXS. N. T., May 24. hy |«n«C Fereira, the retlrlnii tiao and tba sUiton *ud •Iraa. Raadelpb aad tnbar Cadet John Kin)l>all; a fourth class minister and i'•:•;•• ot Bewapapara ta finm i sooaliealrexd aad tta joost an ap^.irifi! from >fjnno.-«ii. In r-AXTlC riTV. X J Mav "4 --' lias af tue railroad *J tbawoaoa. formear pgpili Of Mt£~ Parilt *llrhttne «fi.r vanltlnc over five menDr. H. A. ytoyf. iwwWTOt ot tbe M*lillv«r, ««, ,„ Wl.r.ill.1.. sodrea wlif bs tba ban aba waa aaianiani wlih wa and a horse In tbe eymna»lom hero >-.!•;] fmlenutl L-or.5re»n, appeared ITHACA. N. Y.. May 24.-Professor Tba trip u and fraatth* lake ftasdoiph Oooley UoUagiaaa Bohool, I Dartd Uatr ud | broke a bone in one leg and badly Mfore the •niJivr.ic council. Soya) Ar- E. B. McGIlvary has tendered his res made by special tram wrenchad the other. asalitirt'iB tba dlBlag teoam. May Oarr, af Mawark, art, of Boawmllo, bara aani, here and appealad for funds gnatlon 'from tbe Cornell university (ar ibe National Tnbercnloala aamltart- faculty, as be will accept tne chair of OUTa V. BUI,' ef M«ba howa af Mr. ud ilajcMr. aad Mn. irtbar qalasl taafkt, al Witt From itn «•» ts New MCII-O. final action oa pfallosepby at the UniTersity ef Wls- of Watt Firth •tmi. nattor was defen^d. af erralBslaa. is a