Somerset County Councillor’s Report to Wells City Council March 2021

Since the WCC full Council meeting on Thursday 25th February 2021, part of my time as your County Councillor for Wells has been focused of the return of Highways Officers from their ‘Covid’ deployment, meaning that I have had the opportunity to discuss casework, particularly adjustments to the Stoberry area scheme, safety problems with paving in a private area adjacent to South Street, potholes in various locations, considerations relating to Lidl’s application, the road closure in Chamberlain Street, the desire for road closures to assist customers wishing to shop in Wells, ice-cream vans near the moat, amongst other issues.

Meetings attended since Thursday 25th February 2021 (WCC full Council last month)

03.04.2021 SCC Scrutiny for Adults & Health Committee (Integrated Care System; Intermediate Care Model; the CCG’s Covid update) 03.04.2021 SCC Scrutiny for Children & Families Committee (overview of prevention work; Elective Home Education; School provision in Crewkerne & Ilminster areas) 04.03.2021 Meeting with the Director of Adult’s Services 04.03.2021 WCC Staffing Committee 04.03.2021 WCC Planning Committee 05.03.2021 SCC Covid-19 briefing for Councillors 09.03.2021 WCC Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group 10.03.2021 SCC Scrutiny Policies & Place (Births, Marriages & Death Registration Services; Budget Reports; One Business Case update) 10.03.2021 Somerset Schools’ Forum (Director’s update; Early Years; High Needs; Parent & Family Support Advisors’ funding & Team Around Schools’ funding; Direct Schools Grant Settlement 2021 – 2022) 10.03.2021 WCC Annual Parish meeting 11.03.2021 Audit Committee (Risk management update; external and internal audit updates; Charter 2021 – 2022) 11.03.2021 WCC Finance Committee 12.03.2021 Somerset Drainage Boards Consortium AGM 16.03.2021 Special Joint Meeting of the Adults & Health Scrutiny and Children & Families Scrutiny Committees (update on One Somerset Programme, Government’s Consultation Process and Initial Report into ‘Stronger Somerset’ proposals for 2 Unitary Councils). 17.03.2021 SCC Cabinet meeting (Covid update; decision on Schools in the Crewkerne & Ilminster Area; Budget matters, Corporate Performance; update on One Somerset; SRA funding). 18.03.2021 WCC Planning Committee 19.03.2021 Meeting with the Director of Children’s Services 19.03.2021 SCC Covid-19 Engagement Board 19.03.2021 SCC Covid-19 briefing for Councillors

I attend the County Councillors’ update meetings fortnightly, and the Covid-19 Engagement Board meetings, the most recent reports of which are here: * Somerset case rate as of 15th March 2021 is an average of 35.4 cases per 100,000. * With smaller numbers of cases here, any increase in the number of positive cases makes the figure per 100k rise but there is no need for alarm. * Council areas: Mendip is 22.5 per 100,000; is 34.9 per 100,000; Somerset West & Taunton is 27.1 per 100,000; South Somerset is 52.3 per 100,000. * The ‘R’ Rate is 0.5 – 0.8 for the South West. Somerset is slightly above the South West average, and that’s mainly because Cornwall’s rate is particularly low, which affects the average. * Where there are outbreaks outside care homes, they are mostly household transmissions of infection - where one member of the family catches the virus, and then it spreads to others in the household. All are tested, which increases the number of positive results. * There is a clear reduction in the numbers of deaths of Somerset’s residents to 5th March. Sadly, the total number of deaths in Somerset within 28 days of a positive test is 774. * We are clearly seeing the impact of vaccination and lockdown. The most recent figures are lower than the five year average for this time of year. In other parts of the country, the numbers of people lost to Covid-19 are much higher. * The control measures implemented during lockdown have led to greatly reduced numbers of flu and the norovirus over this winter. * There are greatly increased numbers of tests being done, particularly in schools. Public Health is encouraging twice weekly testing to find positive cases as early as possible, so as to enable efficient tracing of contacts. Vaccination update: * The take-up of vaccinations is very high amongst the older population. Somerset has very low numbers of cases for the over 65s who are not in a care home. This proves efficacy of the vaccination programme. * The numbers of those receiving their second dose are starting to increase in the 80+ age group. * 273,002 vaccines have been given in Somerset so far. * The new priority is delivery of second doses. * The proportion of care home residents who have received the vaccination is over 93%. The proportion of care home staff is 82%. Somerset is well ahead of the rest of the South West in this respect. * There is some concern about the vaccination take-up in care homes. Vaccination ‘buddies’ will be set up, especially where there are higher risks. * The ‘target’ remains that the 50+ age group will be vaccinated by 15th April but this is dependent on supplies of vaccine. * The vaccination programme is subject to supply. Somerset was expecting a shortage of vaccine this week, but this has not transpired. * There is a conversation at Government level on possible mandated vaccination for health and care staff - ‘No jab, no job’. * Bus patronage to and from the Bath & West Showground site is very low, and not viable. This will be replaced with a ‘Slinky’ bus service and the use of Mendip Community Transport vehicles with free travel for bus pass users at any time of day. The date for the changeover of these services is likely to be from mid-April. Update on food supplies and support for vulnerable residents: * A revised model for those identified as ‘Extremely Clinically Vulnerable’ was received from Government in early 2021. That increased our number of vulnerable residents from 22,000 to 35,000. Councils have written to the ‘new’ people, encouraging them to make contact. * The Somerset Coronavirus helpline has very few phone calls now but continues to operate on 0300 790 6275 from 8am to 6pm every day. * is using Government funds, topped up by SCC funds if necessary, to ensure food supplies are where they are needed at foodbanks. * Free School Meals will be provided over the Easter holidays. Holiday Food & Activities will be run in various locations for children entitled to Free School Meals. * Food pantries are being developed across Somerset, providing food at affordable prices.

Numbers need to be kept as low as possible before the next stages of easing of lockdown. Testing and vaccination does not removes the need for Space - Face - Hands - Ventilation. Even if people have been vaccinated, they still need to get tested if they have any symptoms of Covid- 19. Those with symptoms and needing a test should ring 119 or go online Whether they have had one or both vaccinations, they may still be able to pass the virus to others.

If you’ve any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me by text on 07714 599669, on 01934 440639 or by email on [email protected]

Tessa Munt Somerset County Councillor for Wells 25.03.2021