St Joseph’s College, Gregory Terrace


1 The Terracian April 2021


Graphic Design by: Pistol Creative Contributors: Ms Doreen Awabdy, Mr Anthony Barker, Dr Michael Carroll, Mr Series IX, Volume 32, No.1, April 2021 Damien Fall, Mrs Paula Hall, Mr Mason Hellyer, Mr Mark Macklin, Mrs Hayley McBrien, Br Tom O’Dempsey, Ms Cathy Stacey, Mr David Toohey, Mrs Bianca Wagner St Joseph’s College, Gregory Terrace acknowledges the Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples @stjosephscollegeterrace of this nation. We acknowledge the Traditional Published by: Custodians of the lands on which our campuses are St Joseph’s College, Gregory Terrace, QLD 4000 located. We pay our respects to their Ancestors and descendants. St Joseph’s College, Gregory Terrace is Edited by: committed to honouring Australian Aboriginal and Mrs Bianca Wagner Torres Strait Islander peoples’ unique cultural and Publications Coordinator spiritual connections to the land, waters and seas and P 3214 5259 E [email protected] their rich contribution to Australian and global society. Cover photo: Patrick Gleeson - College Dux for 2020

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Welcome to the first edition of the Terracian for 2021.

This time last year, we were experiencing something The outstanding achievements of our Old Boys quite unique, with both the College and our city are also highlighted in this edition of The Terracian, in lockdown. We were preparing to commence including Mr John McCoy (Media Hall of Fame), the online learning for the first time in my 30 plus years Ovenden brothers, Mr Ben Lawson, and others, all as a teacher, and life as we knew it was changing excelling in their chosen fields. It is always pleasing rapidly. Despite all that has happened over the to see the ongoing contributions and achievements last 12 months, including the most recent Brisbane of Terracians after they leave the College. lockdown, a sense of cautious optimism is in the air. Congratulations to the 2021 GTOBA Committee and new President, Mr David Toohey. I look forward to a This edition of The Terracian provides a snapshot successful year of partnership between the GTOBA of the kaleidoscope of activities, achievements and the College. and stories from across the Terrace Family. The start of 2021 presented an opportunity to welcome This edition of The Terracian also includes staff our newest Terracians and, at the same time, profiles, insights into the TLG Mass, an introduction to congratulate and induct our Year 12 students and the 2021 College Captains, stories on a range of College leaders. The Opening Mass and Year 12 College activities and achievements and a thank you Induction was held on centre court at Pat Rafter to all of our generous 2020 donors and sponsors. Yet Arena and proved to be an excellent start to the again, The Terracian highlights the diversity of College year. The introduction of ATAR in 2020 was history- life and the expertise and generosity of the Terrace making for Queensland, and yet again, Terrace Family. students performed exceptionally well. The Scholars’ Assembly provided an opportunity to celebrate the I wish everyone all the best in 2021 and hope that young men who achieved an ATAR score of 99 and our year continues with the confidence and optimism above and those who topped their Year 12 subjects in missing for much of 2020. Let us all Answer the Call. 2020. In particular, Patrick Gleeson, Justin Jeyarajah, Joshua Long and Yang Zhang were amongst only 30 God Bless. Queensland students to achieve the maximum ATAR score of 99.95. This was an outstanding achievement for these Terracians. Fittingly, Patrick Gleeson was awarded the College Dux for 2020, while Yang Zhang received the Proxime Accessit prize. Dr Michael Carroll College Principal


The sun was shining on a beautiful summer morning as we welcomed our newest students to Terrace on 27 January. Our new Year 5 and 7 Terracians were greeted by their buddies as they started their Terrace journey. The Seniors, accompanied by the Terrace Drumline, formed a tunnel for the new students as their parents watched on. More than 400 new students joined the Terrace Family this year, and we look forward to a successful and safe 2021.

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The Seniors of This year, the Mass and senior induction was held at the Pat Rafter Arena, followed by afternoon tea 2021 have chosen at the college’s tennyson playing fields. The open air environment allowed the students and parents the theme of to witness the significant ritual of opening the College year and inducting the 2021 Seniors. Answer the Call.

The Seniors of 2021 have chosen the theme of Answer the Call and affirmed the following pledges:

The values held by the Senior class of 2021 are based on the Gospel values where Jesus Christ is the foundation of a full Christian life.

Individually and collectively, they will strive to reach the highest standard in pursuit of the College Mission.

By way of action and example, they will commit to nurturing a just and life-giving community through knowing and espousing the College’s values, expectations and traditions.

They will lead through service, humbly modelling respect for differences by embracing diversity within the Terrace Family.

They will aspire to excellence by engaging wholeheartedly in the life and mission of the College.

They will continue to honour and value the Catholic faith, ensuring that the charism of Blessed Edmund Rice is an ever-present reality within the College community.

The Seniors and their parents and caregivers gathered at Tennyson after the Mass to celebrate, hosted by the Year 11 parents and caregivers. It was an excellent start to the year for the Seniors and all in the Terrace Family.

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5 The Terracian April 2021


In February, the College held its Scholars’ Assembly and welcomed our highest achieving 2020 Year 12 students. These young men performed extraordinarily well in their studies last year, and the assembly was an opportunity to congratulate them on their outstanding achievements. It was also an opportunity to announce the 2020 College Dux and Proxime Accessit.

Written by Mr Mason Hellyer

2020 College Dux 2020 Proxime Accessit Patrick Gleeson Yang Zhang The Scholars’ Congratulations to Patrick and Yang on their achievements. They worked Assembly sent a very hard, and their dedication has paid dividends. My congratulations also go to all the other young men who received awards. The Scholars’ strong message Assembly sent a strong message to our current students that hard work produces results and that Terrace will always strive for academic to our current excellence.

students that The Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) and the new ATAR score allocation were introduced in 2020. The new ATAR score is more granular hard work and ranges from 99.95 to a score below 30, in increments of 0.05. The ATAR score is ordinarily calculated from three Internal Assessment pieces produces results (IA) and an External Assessment (EA). For mathematics and science subjects, the EA is worth 50% of the total subject mark, while for all other and that Terrace subjects, the EA is worth 25%. For 2020, due to COVID, one of the Internal Assessment pieces was cancelled, meaning that the ATAR for the 2020 will always strive Year 12 students has been calculated from two IA and one EA pieces of assessment. As this is the first year of ATAR, there is no historical data for academic available for comparison.

excellence. The Senior cohort of 2020 gained very strong results. Their median score was 91.65 (which equates to an OP score of 5). Further to this, 8.61% were awarded an ATAR of 98.85 or above (equivalent to an OP 1).

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The 99.5 ATAR Scholars, Justin Jeyrajah, Patrick Gleeson, Yang Zhang and Joshua Long with Dr Michael Carroll and Mr Mason Hellyer

First in subject winners

We congratulate the following students who received an ATAR of 98.85 or above. This is an excellent achievement. We particularly commend Patrick Gleeson, Justin Jeyarajah, Joshua Long and Yang Zhang, who received the maximum score of 99.95. Only 30 students across the state received The Buchanan Medal winners this score.

Patrick Gleeson – 99.95 Justin Jeyarajah – 99.95 Joshua Long – 99.95 Yang Zhang – 99.95 James Cameron Matthew Cho Samuel Weir Samuel Fontes Andrade Dan Migotto Thomas Wick Rory Jennings The 2020 Scholars Hamish Carlile Chazka Tan Fergus Nasser All the students who returned for the assembly recognised that: Henry Tunney Kevin Ye ¥ They had to set their goals and then plan to work toward them. Tom Moses Will Roberts ¥ They had to utilise all of their support networks – teachers, staff tutoring, study hall and study group, their mates, parents and family.

¥ They did the small things – used their diary, logged their study hours and completed homework tasks.

¥ They consistently did the best that they could, every day at everything they did.

7 The Terracian April 2021 MEDAL ASSEMBLY

On Wednesday 17 February, the terrace Family gathered to affirm the achievements of the 351 students who chose to Answer the Call and be the best that they could be in their studies, receiving an Academic Medal for their Semester 2 2020 results. Of the 351 students, 48 received an academic medal for the first time.

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9 The Terracian April 2021 STAFF PROFILE

Deputy Principal Mr Damien Fall introduces three new members of staff to the Terrace Family.

It is no secret that teaching and about pedagogy, the method and growing and improving what is learning sits at the top of the the practice of teaching. We look already a fabulous program. Terrace agenda, and we continue to forward to Ralda’s contribution seek ways to improve outcomes at as we continue our commitment For over 20 years as Property the College. to lifelong learning through Manager, Mr Glenn Brown led his excellence in education. team with selflessness and minimal The addition of a new member of fuss. Glenn’s retirement has seen the College Leadership Team, Ms The College boasts an enviable us welcome Mr Nick Jeffrey to Ralda Deoki, Dean of Pedagogy and co-curricular and classroom the role. The College has grown Learning Innovation, is a strategic music program with a staff who in size and complexity over the move to find new ways to add to come to Terrace with outstanding decades, so the management and the learning environment. While qualifications and industry maintenance of Terrace’s property our students continue to enjoy the experience. We are delighted that and assets requires a high level of strong attention of staff, Ralda will our Music department will be ably leadership and strategic thinking. work with teaching staff to assist led by Mr Derek Rose, who has Nick comes to Terrace with a them with becoming the best joined us as the Director of Music. variety of professional experiences. possible classroom practitioners . Derek knows and understands We look forward to him bringing We are excited that our teaching Edmund Rice education, having a fresh set of eyes, a new level staff will become better at their come to us from an interstate of professionalism and strategic profession as a result of their time EREA school. We wish Derek the efficiency to this position. at Terrace. Ralda brings significant very best as he assumes his new experience and is passionate role and brings his personal touch,


As Dean of Pedagogy and Learning Innovation, Ralda will work with teachers on their classroom approaches to teaching. The role, which was introduced this year, will help teachers hone their practice through professional collaboration and targeted professional development. The aim is to build further capacity and growth in the pedagogical skills of the academic staff of the College, leading to deeply engaged student learners.

Ralda has worked across a range of educational sectors and brings extensive experience in leading school improvement through curriculum and pedagogical development. A passionate teacher of History and Humanities, she started her career at Ipswich Grammar School before moving into international education in Singapore. On her return to Australia, Ralda moved into middle and senior leadership positions in the Anglican sector, first on the Gold Coast at All Saints Anglican School and then at Canterbury College.

It was during her time at Canterbury College that Ralda developed a passion for pedagogy and staff development. As Director of Curriculum, she accompanied the Head of College on a research and development tour of high performing schools in the United States. The focus was to identify factors that led to improved student outcomes and innovative practices for school improvement. She observed that schools that had seen the most significant gains in student outcomes, utilised data driven differentiated learning, innovative learning space design, social and emotional learning integrated into the curriculum, and a culture of reflective, collaborative professional development.

Always interested in new educational experiences, Ralda then moved into EREA education at St Patrick’s College, Shorncliffe. As Director of Pedagogy

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and Learning Innovation, she consolidated existing pedagogical practices into a school-wide approach, implementing a framework for effective lessons.

In her role at Terrace, Ralda will work with teachers to identify and define the characteristics of the Terrace Educator. Research has shown that to promote academic growth and meet the needs of today’s learners, effective teachers use a range of teaching strategies tailored to the learning needs of individual students (Bhowmik, Banerjee and Banerjee, 2013). Ralda is looking forward to working with the highly professional and skilled Terrace teachers. Together they will engage in a repertoire of evidence based pedagogical approaches designed to enable creative, contextualised, differentiated learning.

By bringing teachers together in communities of practice to facilitate professional collaboration and self-reflection, Ralda hopes to ensure that every teacher is given the opportunity to reach their potential (Bhowmik, M. Banerjee, B. and Banerjee, J. (2013). Role of Pedagogy in Effective Teaching. Basic Research Journal of Education Research and Review. 2(1) 1-5) Mr Nick Jeffrey PROPERTY AND FACILITIES MANAGER

Nick’s professional life has been quite varied, with his experience coming from across many high- quality venues throughout the world. Previous roles have been in horticulture - building and maintaining sporting surfaces. Experiences in Hawaii at Princeville Resort, in London at various golf courses and landscaping companies, through India looking after football pitches for the Indian Super League and in China establishing an AFL venue for the annual AFL game held each season round out a dynamic career. Nick also played a key role in the construction and maintenance of Mr Derek Rose the playing surface at Metricon Stadium, assuming the role of DIRECTOR OF MUSIC the inaugural Horticulture and Operations Manager. Most recently, Derek began his musical journey as a Pipe Organist before graduating Nick spent three years at Racing from the Conservatorium of Music with a Music Education Queensland as the Construction degree (BMus, MusEd). Derek completed a Master’s degree at Sydney Manager for the rebuild of the University (MDesSciAudio) and was listed on the Dean’s Merit List of premier racing surface at Eagle Honour. Farm.

Derek has worked in primary and secondary education for more than Nick is married to Meagan, and 20 years. His various roles have focused on Curriculum Music, Concert they have three boys Tom, Max and Jazz Bands, including Marching Band and Orchestra. and Ben. Nick says that they are an AFL family with Tom playing for Studying Conducting under Jerry Nowak in 2010, Derek has studied Aspley (VFL) and Max playing at under Dr John Lynch, Associate Professor of Conducting at the Sydney Morningside (Under 16.5). Ben has Conservatorium of Music and was chosen for Symphony Australia’s Cerebral Palsy, which Nick says is Conductor Master’s Program. mild in nature before boasting of Ben’s impressive Dressage National Derek was appointed Bandmaster at St Patrick’s College Strathfield in Championship title at the 2019 2010. Under his tenure at the College, the Wind Ensemble won both RDA National Horse Dressage National and State Championships. Derek has led three international Championships. tours to the United States and Europe and, in 2018, was a guest Band Director at Denham Springs High School, Louisiana.

When not working, Derek enjoys theatre, the outdoors and spending time with his wife Lauren and their two sons Hugo (5) and Jasper (3).


The College Captains took time out of their busy first term as College Leaders to answer questions for the Terracian so you, as a College community, can get to know them.

The Terracian introduces College Captain Jake Laherty and Vice Captains Luke Ames, Benjamin Chatwood, Oliver Casey-Ryan and Eden Chan.

What do you remember about your first days at Terrace?

Jake - I started halfway through Year 7, which meant that everyone knew each other, and I didn’t know anyone. What I remember most though is that it didn’t matter – boys immediately welcomed me to the classroom and made me feel at home. One by one, these fragments of my early days come back to me, and each one has managed to maintain its vividity despite years of subsequent memories, laughter and friendships. I don’t remember specific moments – what I remember is the aggregation of how these moments made me feel and the impression they left on me.

Luke - I started at Terrace in Year 5 in 2014. I don’t remember specifics, but I do remember being overwhelmed by the scale of the College. The fact that I had just come from a primary school with more than 400 people, to a school that had that amount of people in only two year levels, was a daunting start.

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Ben - I do not recall very much about my first few days at Terrace, but I do remember feeling equally excited and nervous to meet new friends, many of whom are still good mates today. The image that stays firmly in my mind is walking through the front gates and being greeted by the 2014 College Captains, and it certainly was bizarre being in their shoes eight years later, welcoming the new Year 5s and 7s on their first day.

Oliver - I started in Year 7. Myself, Dr Carroll and my best mate Will Greentree, and I all came from St Patrick’s College at the same time joining Terrace hand in hand, so it made it pretty easy to fit in. I remember being scared of all the hallways and some of my teachers. My fondest memory is of my first ever Terrace v Nudgee game. The rain was bucketing down, and since I was in the younger years, there was not enough room for me to sit in the grandstands, which meant I was on the wet grass in front of the grandstand. There was no place I would rather have been, and when we won, we all stormed the field. That day cemented a sense of belonging that has become synonymous with Terrace for me.

Eden - I started in 2016, in Year 7. To be honest, my first couple of years at Terrace went by in a bit of a blur. Coming from a relatively small school, Terrace felt enormous to me, so much so that I often had to ask for help from my buddy to get around. Certainly, in Year 8, I felt a little more comfortable with it all, participating in Football, Music, and Debating. Although these years seem like an eternity ago now, I can distinctly remember all the great new friends I made during this time.

What has your Terrace journey been like so far?

Jake - My Terrace Journey has been, at the risk of sounding like a cliché, transformative. The kid who walked through the front gates in 2016 would not recognise the guy walking the halls in 2021. My journey has been filled with a series of experiences and lessons that will never leave. All of these are an integral part of what I consider my Terrace journey.

Luke - My Terrace journey so far has been an absolute blessing. I have participated in a lot of co-curricular activities, all while making great friends along the way. I have had the opportunity to participate in unique programs like Immersion and many other activities and events.

Ben Chatwood Ben - I set myself the task of experiencing all Terrace had to offer, from cultural activities to sport and community service opportunities. I was keen to have a go at everything. While it can sometimes be a logistical nightmare and quite draining, it is worth it. Terrace is the type of school where you get out as much out as you put in, and in setting myself the goal to put in 100%, I have had the best experience I could have hoped for.

Oliver - To put it simply, full of surprises. Anyone who tells you that a school is just a place of learning and lunch is either lying or very dull. Yes, Terrace offers an education (and lunch), but it is so much more than that. My fondest memories to this date have all come from Terrace, and I know that I have many more to create in the final year of my Terrace journey.

Jake Laherty Eden – It has been the journey of a lifetime. The experiences, opportunities, and challenges I have encountered throughout my time at Terrace have – in retrospect – very much made me the person I am today. Although there is still much to be learnt in my final year at the College, I know that the many memories and mateships I have formed over the years are ones I will not forget anytime soon. Helped along by many great teachers and mentors, my journey at the College is one that I am continually privileged to share with my fellow Terracians.

13 The Terracian April 2021

What does this leadership role mean to you?

Jake - My position as College Captain means the world to me, specifically because that kid in Year 7 would never have left his shell if it weren’t for the leadership at Terrace. The opportunity to pay that forward – the opportunity to provide for the new generation of Terracians in the same way – is an opportunity I intend to fully exploit.

Luke - This leadership role means so much to me. As a young Terracian in Years 5 and 7, I was blessed with two fantastic buddies in Oliver Wightman and Jono Bolton. They made me fall in love with the place and made it feel like a second home to me. My goal when I came into Year 12, no matter whether I was a captain or not, was to make Terrace home for someone else, the way that Jono and Oliver made it for me. Luke Ames

Ben - I am very fortunate to be given a captaincy role this year as it helps me continue the legacy of the Terracians before me. The kind of Terracian that I am today has been influenced by many people and factors. from teachers to coaches and particularly the House and College Captains who I have admired. As a Captain this year, I hope to be the same positive role model to the younger students that my predecessors were for me.

Oliver – I am incredibly grateful to be in this leadership position. It means so much that my peers and staff supported my decision and selected me to be at the helm in 2021. I love Terrace, and over this Terrace journey, the love has grown. This role is meaningful to me because I can inspire the students to reciprocate this love and passion and give it their all for the red and black. I think that’s my job this year.

Oliver Casey-Ryan Eden - Being a Vice Captain of the College is an immense honour for me. Having the opportunity to lead not only my cohort but also the College and my fellow Captains is a challenge I look forward to every day and is something I hope will inspire younger Terracians to do the same.

What are your goals for 2021?

Jake - My hopes and goals for 2021 are something I contemplate quite a bit – the role of Captain is quite open-ended; I can do as much or as little as I want, so how do I gauge where I am? There’s the surface level stuff, which is relatively easy to tick off, like high academic results for the Year 12 cohort, big numbers for support on Saturdays, and as many successful fundraisers as possible. Of course, I hope we can tick off each of those, but for me, the more important hope lies in our legacy. If, after 2021, we can leave the College knowing we influenced its direction, knowing we made it home, then that is a job well done in my book.

Luke – There is a Maori quote that I love, that is, ‘aim for the highest cloud, and if you miss, you shall have hit a mighty mountain’. With that in mind, I would love this year to be the best year possible for myself and every Terracian who walks through the gates. It would be lovely to make lots of friends and have fun with everyone while achieving my academic goals. I know that these are ambitious goals, but even anything close to this and I will be ecstatic.

Ben - My hope for 2021 is to fulfil my goal to be an effective leader at Terrace. Last year made me realise that we must be flexible and adaptable and that we need to be ready for anything, even a pandemic. One of the things I have loved about Terrace is the support of the student spectators; this is where the Terrace spirit is really on display. We must encourage our fellow Terracians to be innovative in the way we show support and that we are always up to the challenge. I am also determined to achieve my best academically, which is aided by the teachers’ dedication to ensure students achieve to the best of their ability. Finally, I want to play well in the mighty Mr Ali’s 3rd XI Football team.

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Oliver - I would love to finish the year happy, surrounded by a great group of mates and teachers who have been with me to celebrate my victories and embrace me in my defeats. I aspire to make the 1st XV and to run in the Open Track and Field team. But most importantly, I hope I end the year, knowing that I have given 110% into every aspect of College life.

Eden - In 2021, I hope to continue to excel in all areas of College life. Be it Debating or Rugby, I hope that all Terracians can excel in their own unique way. For the longest time, I was always hung up on this idea of participating in every activity possible, even if I wasn’t the biggest fan of it. What I soon realised is that you have to pursue those things that you are passionate about. I have found this is the only way to gain the most out of your experience at the College. I encourage all Terracians to find their niche and pursue it endlessly. Whether in the form of academic endeavour or glory on the sporting field, find your ‘thing’ and dedicate Eden Chan yourself to it. That is my hope for Terracians in 2021.

Why did you choose Answer the Call as your motto, and what do you hope to achieve with this call?

The Captains gave a unified response to this question.

We got together as a group to brainstorm ideas for mottos, using sticky notes to record our ideas and separated into three groups; Yes/Right Ideas - wrong wording/No. Brainstorming for approximately 45 minutes, by the end, we had about 40 in the ‘No’, 5-10 in the ‘Right Idea’, and nothing in the ‘Yes’. We were searching for perfection and went home empty handed. That night, we were talking on the group chat about the motto and still had nothing. Ollie was so into the process that he wasn’t taking any calls from his Dad, and when he finally did pick up, his Dad said, ‘Ollie, why didn’t you answer my calls?’. Ollie promptly hung up and sent the motto to the group chat, and we all loved it.

This is a fantastic story. It embodies the help and all the calls that those around us answer as Terracians, whether that be teachers at tutoring, parents driving us in and out every day or supporting our mates in the classroom and on the sporting field.

The motto is a versatile one in that ‘the call’ can change depending on the person and the time of the year. ‘Answer the call to be the best that you can be’ encompasses what we are trying to achieve as Captains in the sense that we want to empower everyone to do their best for themselves and the College.

15 The Terracian April 2021 STRATEGIC PLAN 2021 – TOWARDS 150

Towards 150 was In 2020, the College embarked on the process of developing a new Strategic Plan designed to provide a collaborative clear direction for the College leading into its 150th year. process that

involved At the St Joseph’s Day Mass held at These priority areas are: the College on 19 March 2021, the ¥ Our Faith input from Strategic Plan was officially blessed ¥ Lifelong Learning Through and launched and is now available Excellence in Education staff, parents, to view on the College website. ¥ An Atmosphere of Care In developing this new plan, the ¥ Responsible Stewardship students and the College has renewed both its Vision ¥ Community Relations and Mission Statements, reflecting College Advisory the College’s ongoing commitment Within each of these priority areas, to forming the Gentlemen of there are key objectives and Board. Terrace through knowledge, outcomes that the College aims wisdom and humility. to achieve over the coming five years. The areas of Faith, Lifelong Vision Statement Learning and Atmosphere of Care As a Catholic School in the Edmund are critically important for all within Rice Tradition, we inspire young men the Terrace Family, particularly in their lifelong pursuit of knowledge, for the Gentlemen of Terrace. humility and wisdom through a For nearly 150 years, Terrace has liberating Catholic education that produced quality young men is informed by the life of Blessed with the skills to influence many Edmund Rice. aspects of our society. Towards 150 is designed to ensure that this Mission Statement important focus and direction is not As the Terrace Family, we commit only maintained but extended. to the formation and education of young men who will make a Towards 150 was a collaborative difference through service of God, process that involved input the community and each other. from staff, parents, students and the College Advisory Board. At the centre of the Strategic Plan The development process are five priority areas that will form was facilitated by experienced the major focus for the College over educational consultant, Mr Damien the next five years. Brennan, and I take this opportunity to thank Damien for his skilled and insightful overview of this process.

As the College edges closer to the significant 150-year milestone of providing a quality, Catholic education in the Edmund Rice Tradition, I encourage all those associated with the Terrace Family to view the Strategic Plan on the College website to gain a better understanding of the College’s direction as it navigates Towards 150.

Dr Michael Carroll College Principal


The Inter-House Swimming Carnival is the first House event to be held every year. It is a well-loved tradition and an excellent introduction to the Inter- House competition and spirit for those students who are new to the College.

Led by the 2021 Seniors, the students Answered the Call and gave their best efforts throughout the day. Congratulations to Barrett House on their victory, taking the Barrett Bulls to an impressive three in a row record.


The annual Terrace Jazz Night was held on Thursday 25 March, at XCargo in Fortitude Valley. Jazz Night is an excellent opportunity for the Terrace Family to come together and celebrate the wonderful world of Jazz music. The Terrace Jazz Orchestra, Terrace Jazz Combo, Big Band 2, Big Band 3 and Big Band 4 all performed as part of the evening’s entertainment. The evening concluded with guest artist Brad Lever as Frank Sinatra, backed by the Terrace All Star Big Band.

20 21 The Terracian April 2021 HISTORY OF THE TERRACE CHAPEL

Written by Mrs Bianca Wagner


The first Chapel built at Terrace was a part of what is now known as the Treacy Centre. When the building was first constructed in 1876, it was known as the Brothers’ residence. On 8 September 1876, the first Mass was celebrated by Dr Quin in the Chapel located on the top level of the building.

The Brothers used the Chapel for their daily prayer program, which consisted of morning prayer, Mass, prayer after breakfast, afternoon prayer and rosary and evening prayer.

In the early years of the College, the Brothers and the students shared the Chapel for prayer and Mass. Before the opening of Nudgee College in 1891, Terrace spent a short time as a boarding school with the students and the Brothers occupying the building. Student numbers grew so high that the As the College Chapel, for a short time, was used as a space for the boys to sleep.

has grown over The boys were encouraged to visit the Chapel every day and spend private time in prayer. With the student numbers increasing, there was no longer the years, so too an ability to hold Mass with the whole school in the Chapel. These had to be held outside in what is now known as Treacy Court. has the need The stained glass feature window at the end of the Chapel was installed to accomodate in the 1930s and represents the story of the Annunciation as prayed in the Angelus. students for The 1950 College Yearbook reports on the Chapel in the Spiritual Notes and Mass and prayer Activities.

in a space The Heart of the School. The centre of the spiritual life of this Catholic College, the power-point whence radiates the impulse that quickens every tissue of its unique to the activity is the Chapel, where Christ presides and where His Heart is gladdened by the daily visits of His children, who thus early learn a lesson that will be needs of each invaluable when Earth’s consolations fail.

generation of The Chapel was renovated in 1959, with the boys raising £300 towards the £600 cost of new Stations of the Cross. Terracians.

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1964-1989 1988 – 2001 2001 - Today

This second Chapel was the first In 1988 a new multi-purpose Terrace has gone through a purpose-built Chapel for the learning centre was built housing significant growth period since it students at the College and was the Chapel, teaching areas and first opened its doors in 1875, from located in the rear annex of the new resource centre, named Mt Sion, 26 first day students to just over Senior school building. The College the Holy place of Terrace. The 1700 boys in 2021. The College Yearbook of 1964 states: name was given in honour of grounds had expanded as much Edmund Rice. The new Chapel was as they could in that period. As The Chapel is providing a veritable opened and blessed by Archbishop the College celebrated 125 years, heart for the school and only the very Rush in April 1989. the opportunity was taken to build indifferent or very disorganised fail new buildings and extend those to make daily use of the refreshing The Mazzei family gifted a new already built. As a result GT125 and means of Grace. organ to the College, and the the Chapel of the Holy Family were Seniors of 1988 gifted Holy Water opened in 2001. The Chapel was opened and fonts and presented them to blessed in an inaugural Mass by College Principal Br White. The The Chapel was designed to Archbishop O’Donnell on 26 May key feature of the Chapel was the accommodate 220 people, enough 1964. The Chapel featured a Edmund Rice Icon purchased in for a House or year group Mass. The stained glass window of the Holy Ireland by Br White in 1986. It was Chapel was blessed on 11 February Family donated to the College by hoped that the new Chapel would 2001 by Bishop Putney and opened Monsignor Cremin. now become accessible to all of by Province Leader Br McLaughlin. the students in its new central The Chapel Sanctuaries were location. The Chapel was designed as a restored in 1968 to conform with sign and symbol of the faith of the the Liturgy changes, as was the Terrace Family and to harmonise Brothers’ Chapel, which was with the traditional architectural restored again in 1975. style of the existing buildings on campus. The Chapel serves the With growing student numbers, College and is the spiritual heart there was once again pressure and place of worship for the entire to find space to accommodate Terrace Family. students in larger groups to share Mass.

23 The Terracian April 2021 BERNARD FRANCIS LEE We will remember them

Written by Mrs Paula Hall

Bernard Francis Lee (GT 1934) was a young Australian pilot who gave his life in service during World War II.

Born in 1920, the only son of Frank and Hanora Lee, Bernard grew up in Paddington and was a pupil at St Joseph’s College from 1930, completing his secondary studies to Junior level in 1934. After school, he studied for his accountancy qualifications at the University of Queensland and worked in the Public Curator Office. On weekends he volunteered as a lifesaver at Coolangatta.

Bernard enlisted in the Royal Australian Air Force in 1941, alongside many of his fellow Terrace Old Boys. After completing flight training in Australia, he left for further training in the United Kingdom in December 1942. In 1943 he was posted to Royal Air Force No 247 Squadron flying Hawker Typhoon fighter bombers. Although it was a British Squadron, the pilots were recruited from not only the United Kingdom but Australia, New Zealand, Canada and Norway. While based at Hurn on the English south coast, he flew sorties over occupied France leading up to the D Day landings. Early Early on the on the morning of 6 June, he witnessed the Normandy invasion from the air, attacking gun positions near Caen in France. morning of After the successful invasion, the Squadron relocated to France to continue 6 June, he the attack on enemy lines. As allied forces pushed eastwards, the Squadron moved to Belgium and, by September 1944, to the Netherlands. By now, witnessed the the plans for Operation ‘Market Garden’ were about to be put into action. The objective was to make a rapid thrust of ground forces over the Rhine Normandy at Arnhem. The attack would begin with an airborne assault of British and United States forces dropped into Arnhem and Nijmegen to capture invasion from bridges over the Rhine. Bernard’s Squadron was tasked to attack at very low altitude, the flak positions that would otherwise endanger parachute the air, attacking and glider drop.

gun positions These were dangerous missions and losses were high. Bernard lost two of his best mates, both pilots from New Zealand, and felt their loss deeply. near Caen in Soon after, on 28 September, his time would also come. While attacking enemy positions near Boxtel, he lost control of his aircraft and crashed France. in a wood. He was just 24 years old. He was buried at Woensel General Cemetery on 30 October 1944, with the funeral conducted by a Catholic priest and Squadron members in attendance.

It would be another sixty years before a family member would visit his grave. On a cold December day in 2005, I laid a floral tribute of eucalyptus leaves and red tulips and reflected on the inscription: May‘ the Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on his soul. R.I.P’.

24 St Joseph’s College, Gregory Terrace

247 Squadron, Pilot Office Bernard Lee - first on the left in the middle row Paula placing flowers on Bernard’s grave in 2005

Bernard’s funeral procession October 1944


Written by Mrs Bianca Wagner

For Brisbane brothers and Terrace Old Boys Bill (GT 2012) and Ed (GT 2014) Ovenden, the psychology of ‘messy bed, messy head’ was beginning to take a toll on their everyday working and social lives. They decided to leave their jobs and simultaneously fill a niche in the market while also helping young men– all during the COVID crisis.

When I was at Terrace, I left my room a pigsty every day - bed unmade, smelly gym clothes all over the floor, dirty coffee cups on my desk and that feeling of disarray and disorganisation seemed to follow me all day.

Bill believes the psychology of ‘messy bed, messy head’ is true. I never had a clear head. At least Ed and I had mum to give us a hand, but we realise many men don’t, and we want to help make life easier for not only the boys but their parents, teachers and school principals.

Ed says the mission of their Aussie start-up, The Lad Collective, is to provide innovative and essential life products enabling young men to focus clearly on the important things in life, whether it be study, sport or cultural pursuits. The Lad Collective - with its witty The mission catchphrase ‘Get your Sheet Together’ - empowers young men to take control of their of The Lad lives with a range of essential life products for bedroom, bathroom and laundry. Collective is At the forefront of their vision is offering a subscription that delivers high- to provide quality products to young men’s bedrooms, bathrooms and laundries Australia-wide. Their market research highlighted that Australian men were innovative and underserved in the area of gaining full access to the bare living essentials on a weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly basis. essential life The Lad Collective has changed the game by producing easy-to-use fitted products to sheets with marked corner straps (bottom left, bottom right, top left and top right) to provide a visual reference point as to which corner goes where enable men to and to make the task of pulling the fitted sheet corners underneath the mattress quick and smooth. Top sheets have a logo placed directly in the focus clearly on centre to allow for easy positioning, pillowcases have invisible zips, and a colour palette designed to hide stains. The Lad Collective’s towel sets also the important spotlighted a hygiene issue faced by many men. The TLC logo effectively guides men to use one side for the upper body and the other for the lower things in life. extremities.

We have all seen the horror scene that a young single man’s bedroom can become, and we have all bought living essentials, like bedsheets, that are grossly overpriced or poor quality, said Bill.

We surveyed more than 1000 men before settling on our product range. The feedback we received was overwhelmingly positive - 66% of men surveyed had never even purchased bedroom, bathroom or laundry products, and 72%

26 St Joseph’s College, Gregory Terrace

only washed their sheets once a month.

We also interviewed many mothers of sons who were fed up with telling them to clean their rooms, wished their sons were more independent and were looking for some way to achieve that.

Bill and Ed broke that trend by marketing directly to men: offering a simple one-stop-shop for essential products and a brand identity with a cheeky sense of humour and uniquely Australian feel that resonated with young men.

Our direct-to-consumer e-commerce model creates a straightforward experience for parents and blokes wanting to skip a trip to the shopping centre and instead order a set of our sheets online.

You can find out more about The Lad Collective and view their product range at

27 The Terracian April 2021


Old Boy Mark Macklin (GT 1986) shares the story of his two sons Oliver and Hugo.

My two boys share a common school bond, even though their journey at Terrace was at different times. Oliver finished Terrace in 2016, and Hugo commenced at Terrace in 2018 (Year 8).

Their Terrace connection is a rowing boat called the Norm Clarke.

Terrace Old Boy Norm Clarke (GT 1954) donated a number of Empacher racing boats to Terrace Rowing; the first was in 2015. Oliver was lucky enough to row in the 1st VIII in the Norm Clarke in 2015 and 2016.

In 2021, Oliver’s younger brother Hugo has the considerable honour of being the cox of the Open 3rd VIII and is racing in the Norm Clarke. Sitting opposite his brother’s stroke seat brings him tremendous pride.

Billy J Smith and John McCoy before they Oliver and called the first State of Origin game Hugo in front of the Norm Clarke, taken in February 2021.

The 1966 1st XV, John sits in the front row, first on the right

28 St Joseph’s College, Gregory Terrace INDUCTION TO THE MEDIA HALL OF FAME

Written by Mrs Bianca Wagner

It is not often that you have the pleasure of meeting a person who you grew up listening to, a familiar voice for most of us who grew up in Brisbane. This month, the terracian spoke to Terrace Old Boy and legend of radio commentary, John McCoy OAM (GT 1966), about his recent induction into the Suncorp Stadium Media Hall of Fame.

In receiving this honour, John joins fellow celebrity and Terrace Old Boy, Billy J Smith (GT 1963) in the Hall of Fame. Both John and Billy followed similar paths throughout their careers and forged a connection not only as Old Boys but as lifelong friends. John recently visited the Hall of Fame with Billy J Smith’s son Joel Smith (GT 1989), Joel’s son Jack Smith (Year 9) and his grandsons Hugh (Year 6) and Will (Year 8) Devine to have their photo taken together.

John’s career began with a lucky break – he met a sales manager at Colour Radio in his final year at Terrace and lined up a job. He moved to Mount Isa after graduation to begin his radio career at 4IP. Moving back to Brisbane several years later, John pursued his love of calling sport, his voice becoming synonymous with sport in Queensland and Suncorp Stadium, then known as Lang Park. In 1980, along with Billy J Smith (who called for Channel 7), John called the first State of Origin game.

The wall in the Media Hall of Fame states:

He covered sports with a flair, fairness and complete understanding to listeners from across the country. As a host of popular radio sports shows John tasted success everywhere he went, including being involved with the Commonwealth Games in 1982 through to 2006, covering a multitude of sports in the process.

In 1988, the new Brisbane rugby league team was looking for a name. A fan of the American football team the Denver Broncos, John suggested the “Brisbane Broncos” as it suited the team – a poll showed the people of Brisbane agreed with him, and the Brisbane Broncos were named.

John loved sport when he was at Terrace, playing for the 1st XV, but he also had a love of radio and knew that he wanted to call sport. He has never lost that passion. When I spoke to him, John was very thankful that he could retire from a job that he loved and was always enthusiastic about. Over the years, John has served as a Committee member and President of the GTOBA, and his Terrace legacy continues with his son, an Old Boy, and grandsons. He retires an ambassador of Australian sport, this Terrace Old Boy and Billy J Smith’s son Joel Smith (GT 1989) and his son Jack Smith (Year 9), John’s grandson grandfather now joining the ranks of the Hugh Devine (Year 6), John McCoy, and grandson Will Devine (Year 8) many Gentlemen of Terrace of whom we can be incredibly proud.

29 The Terracian April 2021 CULTURE UPDATE

we look forward to watching william and Angus as rising theatre stars in brisbane and beyond.

William Pyke has been making a name for himself as both an actor and director in the Brisbane theatre scene. William graduated from Terrace in 2011 as College Captain and as one of the highest achieving students in Creative Arts, with a first in Film, Television and New Media. William was also in the 1st VIII, winning the prize for Best Oarsman. He also played Rugby in the 2nd XV. William was an all-round student who succeeded in everything he put his mind to. William started a law degree at QUT before realising his dreams and moving to London, where he gained a Bachelor of Arts (Acting) and graduated with First Class Honours from the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama. The famous institution’s alumni include Dame Judi Dench, Dame Kristin Scott Thomas and Sir Laurence Olivier.

William was due to produce and star in Sam Shepard’s Fool for Love at Brisbane’s Princess Theatre, but as with so many other events in the past 12 months, COVID-19 and social distancing restrictions made rehearsing impossible. As a result, the play was postponed, and a future date will be advised.

Year 12 student Angus Freer has also been making steps towards his career in theatre while balancing his final year at Terrace. In January this year, he played the role of Wally Webb in the Pulitzer Prize-winning production of Old Boy William Thornton Wilder’s Our Town at the Bille Brown Theatre.

Pyke (GT 2011) Angus has wanted to be on stage since he was in Year 7 and was due to perform in the College Musical School of Rock before COVID-19 restrictions and current Year called for the event to be cancelled. Angus has also been involved with Terrace Theatresports and the Terrace Rock Band. 12 student Angus Freer have both been making a name for themselves on the stage.

30 St Joseph’s College, Gregory Terrace QUEENSLANDER!

Ben Lawson (GT 1997) may be working in Los Angeles and starring in the new Netflix drama Firefly Lane, but he has found a way to honour his hometown and fly the Queensland flag, albeit a vintage one.

Ben stars alongside Katherine Heigl and Sarah Chalke, playing an Australian journalist in the series, which is trending in the top ten on Netflix (February 2021). He recently made headlines in Australia when he appeared on an episode wearing a vintage 1991 Maroons jersey. Ben pitched the idea of the jersey to the costume department; it was bought online and express delivered. The Australian audience was very receptive to the jersey and Ben responded with a post on Instagram: Managed to work a QLD State of Origin jersey into the show. Because if you are going to play an Aussie, you might as Managed to work well make it authentic #FireflyLane.

a QLD State of Ben is the third of five Lawson boys to attend Terrace. During his years at the College, he was heavily involved in cultural pursuits, participating in Origin jersey Drama, Theatresports, talent quests and musicals. His Theatresports team (The Love Handles) were crowned state champions in 1997. In 1996 he won into the show. Best Actor at the Brisbane Arts Theatre Drama Festival. To round out his Terrace education, Ben was also a member of the 2nd V Basketball team. Because if you After graduating from school, Ben attended the National Institute of are going to play Dramatic Art (NIDA) in Sydney. He first appeared on television in 1993 in an episode of Time Trax and followed that with an appearance on an episode an Aussie, you of The Adventures of Skippy.

might as well After NIDA, Ben joined the cast of Neighbours playing the character of Frazer Yeats from 2006 to 2008. During this time, he was nominated for a make it authentic Logie for the role.

#FireflyLane. Ben shifted his focus to Hollywood, arriving in Los Angeles in 2008. He has since appeared in several American television series and movies. In 2011 he starred opposite Natalie Portman and Ashton Kutcher in the filmNo Strings Attached.

In 2014, Ben appeared in several episodes of popular Australian television series, including Rake, Secrets and Lies and Love Child. In 2017-18 he played the role of Damien Bennett on the political drama Designated Survivor and played Basketball coach Rick Wlodimierz in the second series of 13 Reasons Why.

In 2019 he appeared alongside his brother Josh Lawson (GT 1998) in Bombshell playing Lachlan Murdoch with Josh playing James Murdoch.

While Ben was preparing for another Christmas away from home, the Black Summer bushfires burnt their way across Australia’s eastern coast. As the bushfires continued to rage into the new year on an unprecedented scale, Ben, feeling angry, helpless and broken-hearted as he watched the devastation from across the ocean, sat down and put his feelings into words. To My Country is an illustrated ode to the endurance of the Australian spirit and the shared love of our country (Allen and Unwin Australia). Ben has donated the proceeds of the book to the Koala Hospital in Port Macquarie.

In an article in The Daily Telegraph, Ben talks about the reaction to his book: People immediately started getting in touch from all over the world. I went from feeling like I was very far away to feeling kind of embraced, in a way that was unexpected. Knowing that people were seeing it and donating to charities, that was like, “Wow, this is actually doing some material good”. Hopefully, the book will continue to do that.

31 The Terracian April 2021 SPORT UPDATE

Congratulations to the following students and Old Boys on their sporting endeavours. the year has only just started, yet these sportsmen have already achieved so much.

Cricket Nazar Angallo (Year 11) and Nick McGill, Ryan Walker and Geordan Papacostas (Year 12) Will Prestwidge (GT 2019), Toby have been selected in the Under Snell, Dylan Kritzinger and Aubrey 18 Queensland South Squad, who Stockdale (GT 2020), participated will competed at the Under 18 in the 13-man Queensland side Nationals from 10-17 April. at the Under 19 Cricket Tri-series Nationals in March. Beach Volleyball Jack Weeden (Year 8) and Caden Cycling Rieger (Year 9) have been selected James Panizza (Year 12) won a in the Under 15 Queensland Beach bronze medal in the Australian Volleyball team to compete in Under 19 Criterium championship. the 2021 National Youth Beach James also backed up this Championships. The national achievement with a sprint to competition was held in the last the line and a top-five finish in week of April. the gruelling road race event. James has been selected for the Queensland Under 19 team to Athletics compete at the Australian National Blake Russell (Year 9) has Track Cycling championships. successfully qualified for the Australian Athletics Championships, Conor Watson (Year 12) was which will took place in Sydney selected in the 2021 Elite and from 12–15 April. Under 19 Queensland Track team to represent Queensland at the Track Blake came third in the Under 15 National Championships held at years men’s 100m, 200m and long the Anna Meares Velodrome, 24- jump with Personal Bests in all 28 March, as part of the Brisbane events at the Queensland Athletics Cycling Festival. Championships. His results were as follows:

Basketball ¥ 100 metres - 3rd place - 11.55 Max MacKinnon has accepted seconds PB a scholarship position at the ¥ 200 metres - 3rd place - 23.88 Basketball Centre of Excellence seconds PB at the Australian Institute of Sport ¥ Long jump - 3rd place - 5.75 in 2021. Max joins an elite group metres PB of young athletes in the program and will be based in Canberra for the year, where he will continue his Baseball studies in addition to his training. Jock Millar (Year 11) played in the We are sad to see Max leave Schoolboys State Championships Terrace in what would have been on 12 March. Metropolitan North an exciting final season. The Terrace won the competition, with Jock Basketball family wishes him the pitching in the semi-final to move best of luck on the journey, and we the team into the grand final. It was look forward to tracking his career a big four days for Jock, which saw in the coming years. him selected in the Queensland State team.

32 St Joseph’s College, Gregory Terrace


Tom O’Halloran (GT 2009) has qualified as the sole male representative for Australia in Sport Climbing at the upcoming Tokyo Olympics. Sport Climbing is making its debut at these Olympics and involves three disciplines—speed climbing, bouldering and lead climbing. Tom spoke to the Terracian about his experiences.

When I was at school, I never really understood the The one year turned into two, Old Boy pride. When I saw the Old Boys at rugby and halfway through 2011, I games or listened to them present at school assembly, decided I would pack up the I always rolled my eyes when they spoke of the pride car and move to the Blue and connection they still had for Terrace. ‘It’s school, Mountains. My love and drive mate, why?’ But more than ten years later, I understand with climbing had set in, and I them. Since leaving, my life has gone off in an entirely couldn’t imagine doing anything unpredicted direction (it is totally awesome) and doesn’t else. have much connection to my school life. Yet, I still wonder how we are going against Nudgee. Did we The Blue Mountains is the get them in the cricket this year? How are the Windsor epicentre of Australian Warriors going? I think of the boys going out in the climbing, and I wanted to live Eddie’s Van and feel a sense of pride when I hear the there, just for a few months. work of Nic and Lucas with Orange Sky. I never realised Soon after I met my partner, we the ties I had until I was out into the world or the had a daughter and bought a connection I would still feel. To feel that way about a house. I climbed, worked and place that taught you Math and English for seven years explored. Nearly ten years later, must mean there is something more to it than study. I have climbed almost all of the I don’t think every school leaves that legacy with its hardest outdoor rock climbs in students; it is a powerful thing. the country and established a lot of my own. Climbing was always something I loved. Starting ‘officially’ when I was 12, it became what I did and When climbing was announced as a new Olympic who I was. Before that, I was in the Mango tree in the sport, I wasn’t sure whether I wanted to be a part of backyard and climbing laps around windowsills. Back it. Being an Olympian was a dream since I was eight. then, I didn’t know rock climbing was even a thing. I However, the competition side of climbing wasn’t am eternally grateful to Mum and Dad for supporting something I connected with so much anymore. For me, me every step of the way. In the beginning, I never climbing was about the outdoors, in nature with friends. dreamed I would be where I am today. Climbing Not strict training regimes and countless hours inside. wasn’t an Olympic sport In the end though, I couldn’t give up on the dreams of when I started in 2004. my eight-year-old self. I didn’t want to regret passing up I competed in State, the opportunity. I never want to live with regret. National and International competitions, but it was Training for the Olympic qualifiers was more just something I did for fun. challenging than I could have ever imagined. I have I never took it seriously, an entirely newfound respect for the athletes and their perhaps because it wasn’t families. It is insanely hard. That time took me so far a serious mainstream beyond my comfort zone that I lost sight of everything. sport. It is not swimming or I am so incredibly grateful that my partner Amanda, cricket. friends and family were there for me. I hadn’t realised how deep a hole I was in until they pulled me out. After I finished school, I got a job and deferred To be able to call myself an Olympian now is surreal. university to have a year to I don’t think it’ll sink in until I’m in Tokyo, wearing the climb some more. It gave green and gold. me a chance to charge my batteries before launching As a new Olympic sport, there is not a lot of funding into a Sport Science available. If you would like to support Tom’s journey, degree. In my year off, I a tax deductible donation can be made through the travelled to China, Thailand AIS and South Africa, climbing 2021-olympics/ in incredible places and meeting amazing people.

33 The Terracian April 2021 AN ALL-ROUNDER

Kath Smith (1915-1993) lived much of her life near the College and became an ardent supporter of all Terrace sport. Her love of Terrace saw her awarded honorary membership of the Old Boys’ Association. One of Tennyson’s fields has also been named in honour of Kath, and the Kath Smith Memorial Prize is handed out to the most outstanding Under 15 cricketer every year at the Celebration of Excellence.

Old Boy and Director of Tennyson Al Kennedy (GT team easily compiled the necessary runs with nine 1967) recently shared this story of Kath he found on wickets to spare. the State Library’s website. Within the official program (which can be found at On 28 December 1934, Queensland hosted the very the State Library) is an article titled Women in sport, first women’s international cricket test match. This which highlights the rights of women to compete historic match, Australia vs England, was played in previously male dominated sports - …the entry at the Brisbane Exhibition Grounds over three of women into cricket is but another instance of the days. More than 3000 curious spectators turned modern girl’s challenge to the supremacy of the male. out on the first day of the test match. Australia batted first and was bowled out for 47 runs off 49.3 The Australian team featured one Queenslander, overs, with a very slow run rate of 0.94 runs per Kath Smith. Kath was the vice-captain and an all- over. The Aussie side struggled against some of rounder. She top scored in the first innings with 25 the English bowling attacks, and at one point, there runs and was the only Australian player to reach were 11 consecutive double figures in that innings. In the second innings, maiden overs. she scored 12 runs. Kath went on to play six tests in England followed her career with a batting average of just under 28. with 154 runs, She also took 13 wickets at an average of 31. Kath scoring slightly continues to be a source of inspiration for Women’s faster at 2.10 runs Grade Cricket, with the Kath Smith Medal awarded per over. annually to the best and fairest women’s cricketer in first grade cricket. The Aussies fared slightly better in their second innings She was the only Australian with a total of 138, player to reach double figures leaving the visitors to chase 34 runs for in that innings. In the second victory. The English innings, she scored 12 runs.

34 St Joseph’s College, Gregory Terrace TLG – THE GLUE THAT BINDS

Written by Mrs Hayley McBrien

The TLG, helping to bind the Terrace family, benefitting our boys and the wider community for nearly 100 years.

The Terrace Ladies Group (TLG) has rallied and coordinated parent and caregiver support for the Terrace Family for nearly 100 years. The group dates back to 1925 when Br Norbert Moore formed a committee to raise funds for the alterations and repair of College buildings. Steeped in history, this group has continued to support the Terrace Family in a variety of ways, including:

¥ The Care and Concern initiative, lending a coordinated hand to members of the Terrace Family and the broader community in need of support.

¥ Coordination of various College functions, promoting a welcoming atmosphere and opportunities for Terrace families to gather socially, The TLG has forging friendships that often last well beyond the last day at the College for our boys. and continues ¥ Providing the opportunity for leadership roles for women in the Terrace to work willingly community.

and tirelessly in The TLG continues to work willingly and tirelessly in service of the College, raising funds, coordinating functions, supporting Terrace and the broader service of the community in the best of times, and importantly, in times of need. The group’s work has grown to organise key Terrace events such as the GT Ball, College. bi-annual Fashion Parade, Years 5-9 High Tea, Cocktail Party, Long Lunch, and the coordination of the Tennyson Canteen for the Football and Rugby seasons.

Our monthly meetings offer parents and caregivers the opportunity to hear from the College Principal and guest speakers on issues relevant to our boys’ lives.

If you would like to be included on the TLG mailing list to be kept up to date on upcoming functions – particularly if your son(s) are no longer at the College, please email [email protected]

35 The Terracian April 2021

Terrace warmly thanks our inaugural Back Red & Black sponsors who have put their support behind College Sport 2021 in a big way!

With a target of 25 sponsors Sponsor funds allow Sports For more information about this year and 22 already signed to boost their investment in sponsorship opportunities at up, there are just three places equipment, facilities and coaching, Terrace, please contact the remaining. ensuring all students have the Sponsorhip Manager opportunity to reach their full E: [email protected] Back Red & Black sponsors can potential, benefit from the personal choose to support up to two specific discipline they learn through sport, sports or our Universal Sports Fund and delight in being part of the (80% of their sponsorship). The team and representing the College. remaining 20% is directed to the Universal Sports Fund.

Your Commercial Property Partners - Tailored High Yielding Portfolios

Thanks also to our private sponsor Mr Anthony Kirk and one anonymous sponsor.


36 St Joseph’s College, Gregory Terrace THANK YOU FROM THE COLLEGE PRINCIPAL

We are preparing Because of you, we head towards 150 years with confidence and strength in renewal the College for

a future that On behalf of the Gregory Terrace Foundation Board of Directors, our staff and students, I would like to thank you for helping make 2020 a triumphant honours the year. When it is easy to recall the challenges we have all experienced during a year full of surprises and unknowns, I am incredibly proud of the past, embraces major transitions we have made together. And despite these challenges, as the Terrace Family, you have once again honoured our Edmund Rice innovation, tradition through your generosity towards the College.

and positions Instead of scaling back our goals in 2020, you helped the Gregory Terrace Foundation advance both the atmosphere of care and stewardship aspects Terrace as a of our mission. With your gifts to the Bursary program, we have supported 24 young men through their education, encouraging them to achieve their leading Catholic dreams. I offer my sincere appreciation for your contributions to the Building Fund, helping ensure we can sustain the costs of initial feasibility funding school. for an ambitious staged development that will future proof the College. We will soon embark on the construction of a new state of the art Waterford, a cultural precinct, new gym and training facilities, a STEM centre, and a new library. We are preparing the College for a future that honours the past, embraces innovation, and positions Terrace as a leading Catholic school.

Because of you, we head towards 150 years with confidence and strength in renewal.

Thank you for partnering with us and each other and for helping exceed everyone’s expectations of what was possible in 2020.

Dr Michael Carroll College Principal and Gregory Terrace Foundation Board Member

Thank you

¥ Gregory Terrace Foundation Board of Directors ¥ Mr John Clifford (Board Chairman) ¥ Mr Anthony Joseph (GT 1993, Deputy Board Chairman) ¥ Mrs Louise Griffin ¥ Dr George Hopkins (GT 1984) ¥ Assoc Prof Sarah Kelly ¥ Mrs Mary Macuga ¥ Ms Christine Maher ¥ Mr Michael Maranta (GT 1978) ¥ Dr Tony Mills (GT 1986) ¥ Mrs Andrea Splatt ¥ Mr David Stirling (GT 1965) ¥ Mr Damian Wright (GT 1983) ¥ Mr Adam Read – Company Secretary ¥ Ms Doreen Awabdy – Foundation Executive Officer

37 The Terracian April 2021

Thank you to OUR 2020 DONORS

Mr N & Mrs C Aboud Mr M & Mrs A Bliss Dr M Carroll Mr J & Mrs D Cox Mr V Adami & Ms B Lazzarini Mr P J Bliss Mr B and Mrs K Carroll Mr D Coyle Mrs Linda Adcock Mrs M Bloch Mr D & Mrs K Carroll Mr M & Mrs C Craig Mr S Alfredson & Ms M Mr G & Mrs S Blumke Mr P Carroll Prof D & Mrs C Crawford Conolly-Alfredson Mr D Boo & Mrs M Liong Mr P Carroll Mr M & Mrs M Cree Mr B & Mrs J Allen Mr V A Borzillo Ms S Carroll Dr A K & Mrs J Crombie Mr M & Mrs D Ames Dr J & Mrs S Boulton Mr D Carter Dr G & Mrs M Cross Mrs L Andersen Mr L Boulton Mr J Carter Mr D Crowe & Ms S Hall Mr C & Mrs M Anderson Mr L Bowes Mr J Carter Mr M & Mrs L Crowe Mr D & Mrs J Anderson Mrs E Bowpitt Mrs S Case Dr Stuart Crozier Mr D & Mrs Z Anderson Mr D Boxell Mr G Cassady Mr C & Mrs C Crozier Nr G Andersen Mr D & Ms T Boyle Mr A & Mrs S Catalano Mrs D Cruice Mr W Andrew Mr Daniel Boyle Mr A Caulton Mr A Crunkhorn Mrs K Andrew Ms J-A Braithwaite Dr D J Cavallucci Mr J Crunkhorn Mr S & Mrs C Andrews Mr J Brannelly Mr P & Mrs D Cavallucci Mr P Cummins Mr V Andrijich Ms J Brannelly Mr L Cavanagh Mr G & Mrs L Cunningham Mr R & Mrs J Angus Dr J Brasch Mr A Cella Mr N Cunningham & Ms R Ms D Aridis-Lang Mr M & Mrs K Bremhorst Mrs T Chakraborty Hoffman Mr G Ariotti Mrs I Bressington Mr l Chan & Ms L Leung Mr M & Mrs J Curd Mr D & Mrs D Asnicar Ms C Bridges Mr Chandrasekara Mr M & Mrs L Curtain Mr C Aspinall & Ms M Partridge Mr J Briggs Mr C Charalambous Mr P & Mrs L Curtain Dr I & Mrs L Astori Mr R & Mrs B Bright Mr P & Mrs R Charles Mrs J Cusack Mr C & Mrs A Atkinson Ms K Broadfoot Mr B Chatwood Mr C & Mrs A Dabelstein Mr D Atkinson & Ms M Trad Mr L & Mrs A Broadhurst Mr M Chen Mr A D’Allura & Mrs M Hughes Ms D Awabdy Mr M Brodie Ms S Chen Mr M & Mrs N Dalton Ms M Awabdy Mr A P Brosnan Dr C Cheung Dr J & Mrs S Daly Mr N W Backstrom Mr J E Brosnan Mrs L Chounding Mr G & Mrs N Daly Mr S & Mrs J Baggio Mr J E Brosnan Mr M A Christensen Mr S & Dr T Daly Dr R & Mrs R Baker Dr R Brown & Dr G Nalder Mr S Christensen Mr T & Mrs M Daly Dr A & Mrs T Balkin Mrs J Brown Mr N B Clarke & Mrs R Cooling Mrs L Dann Mr M & Mrs J Ball Ms M Brown Mr J & Mrs K Claudius Mr D W Darbyshire Mr W & Mrs T Balmanno Mr D & Mrs C Brumby Mr R & Mrs J Clayton Mr K Darbyshire Mr J Barbeler Ms M Brunello Mr S & Mrs A Cleary Ms Clare Dart Mr C & Mrs J Barends Mr S & Mrs L Bucolo Mr D & Mrs C Clementson Mr T Daugalis & Ms L Paholski Mr A Barker Mr C & Mrs E Burgess Mr J & Mrs M Clifford Dr T & Mrs F Davidson Mr D Barnard Mr I & Mrs A Burgess Mr R & Mrs H Clifton Mr C Dawson Mr L & Mrs K Barnes Dr M Burgin & Dr K Herzig Mr C & Mrs S Cockerill Mr A & Mrs L Day Mr L Barnes A/Prof J R Burke AM Mr J & Mrs P Cockerill Mr A Day Mr S & Mrs K Barnes Fr L Burke Mr M & Mrs K Cole Mr M Day Mr G & Mrs N Barnett Mr J Burke Ms P Colman Mrs K Day Mr D Barrett Mr A & Mrs J Burtenshaw Mr P Colwell Ms E Daykin Mr P & Mrs A Barrett Dr M Butler Dr S & Dr J Coman Mr J & Mrs M De Livera Mr E & Mrs A Barry Mr P Butler Mr D & Mrs C Condon Mr J & Mrs S de Lore Mr G Bartley Mr J & Mrs V Butta Mr P & Mrs B Condon Mr M & Mrs S de Medici Mr A Baruksopulo Mr N J Butta Mrs C Condon Mr T de Pasquale Mr D Battams & Ms A Fenton Mr D J and Mrs T Butterfield Mr G & Mrs S Conn Mr M & Mrs D Dean Mr G & Mrs E Baynton Mr K & Mrs A Butterfield Mr G Conn Ms M Deen Mr T & Mrs M Beattie Mr E Byrne Mr R S Conn Mr G Delforce & Dr C Sullivan Mr A & Mrs I Beaumont Mr J & Mrs J Byrne Mrs S Conn Mr P Delibaltas Mr G & Mrs M Becconsall Mr L Byrne Mr A Connelly & Ms P Ryan Mr E C W Deng Mr M Beck Mr D Byrom & Dr R Fukushima Mr M & Mrs C Connor Dr I Denholm Dr M & Dr L Beckmann Byrom Mrs C Connor Mrs N Dennis Mrs C Beehler Mr M & Mrs C Caffery Prof J & Mrs M Connor Mr A Dent Mr C J Bell Mr J Cahill Mr M & Mrs J Connors Mr P & Mrs J Desouza Mr D Bell Mr S & Mrs S Cairney Mr & Mrs S W Conry Mr J & Mrs B Devantier Mr M & Mrs A Bell Mr G & Mrs N Caligaris Mr M & Mrs T Coogan Mr L & Mrs D Devine Mr M Bell Mr R & Mrs F Callinan Mr C Cooney Mr K & Mrs C Dewey Mr M Bell & Ms P Williams Mr C & Mrs K Camilleri Mr J & Mrs H Cooper Mr K Dick Mr J Benjamin & Ms E Bledsoe Mr J Campain & Mrs L Mr J Copley Mrs K Dickie Dr D & Mrs K Bennett Cavallucci Coppo Family Mr J & Mrs C Dillon Mr A & Mrs M Bennett Mr J Campbell Mr R Corkill Mrs J Dillon Mrs K Bennett Mr M & Mrs C Campbell Mrs L Cortese Mr M V Dinh Ms H Besly Mr R Campbell Mr C Cosgrove Mr H Do & Mrs D Nguyen Mr M & Mrs L Betts Mr W Campbell Mr W & Mrs S Cotter Mr G Dookan Mr R Bickle & Ms K Brosnan Mr K Carmody Mr T Cotterill Mr P Doolan Mr J & Mrs S Bienkowski Mr T & Mrs M Carr Mr N & Mrs R Coulson Mr T & Mrs E Dooley Mr M Blatto & Ms J McLennan Mr N Carrigan Mrs T Coward Mrs E Dooley Mr John Blayney Dr D Carroll & Ms P Cowan Mr N Cowen Mr D J Dougan

38 St Joseph’s College, Gregory Terrace

Mr R & Mrs B Douglas Ms J Free Mr T & Mrs M Hession Mr I & Mrs K Kennedy Mr W Douglas Mr M & Mrs D French Mrs S Hicks Mr N & Mrs J Kennedy Prof E Douglas & Ms M Deen Mr F & Mrs L Fua Mr A & Mrs S Hiley Mr S & Mrs R Kennedy Mr D & Mrs S Dowd Mr R & Mrs M Fury Mr P & Mrs S Hill Mr S A Kennedy Mr M Dowd Mr J & Mrs B Gallagher Ms G Moore Mr J Kenny Mr M & Mrs F Dowling Mr M & Mrs V Gallagher Mr A Hillard & Ms T Kelsey Dr M & Mrs M Keogh Ms S Downes Mr P A & Mrs B Gallagher Mr S & Mrs F Hilleary Mr D Kerr Mr G M Doyle Mr W & Mrs S Gallagher Mr G & Mrs A Hinchy Mr S & Mrs A Keyser Mr J V Doyle Mr A & Ms J Gallo Mr J & Mrs J Hindmarsh Dr A & Dr K Khoo Dr S & Mrs K Drew Mr G & Mrs M Galt Mrs J Hinton Mr A Kiel Mr J Drewe & Ms T Collins Mr S Galvin Dr D G Hishon Dr M & Mrs D Killen Ms S Driver Mr D Gambaro Dr M Hislop & Dr K Liddle Mr J Kimmins Mr C & Mrs K Druve Mr J & Mrs A Gambaro Mr M C & Mrs M Hislop Mr C & Mrs R King Mrs T du Preez Dr G & Mrs R Gamboa Mr J & Mrs X Hniopek Mr D King Mr J Dubois & Ms F Stewart Mr B & Mrs B Ganim Mr K Hoeft & Ms S Marxgut Mr T R King Dr T Dutton Mr C Ganim Mr D & Mrs N Hoffmann Mr P & Mrs T King Koi Mr T J & Mrs B M Dutton Mr E & Mrs R Garcia Justice J Hogan Mr A Kirk & Ms L Flynn Mr K Dwyer Mr B Garrett Mr M & Mrs J Hogan Mrs N Kitano Mr S Dyer Mr M & Mrs R Gascoigne Mr M Hogan Mr G Kits Mr L & Mrs M East Dr Z & Mrs L Gaspar Hon J J Hogg Mr A & Mrs A Klatt Dr G Eather & Ms C Jessop Mrs K Gassman Mr M & Mrs H Hohn Mr S & Mrs N Koce Mr J & Mrs A Eaton Mr & Mrs J E Gates Mrs N Holder Mr P Lamont Mr W Ed Mr S George Prof H & Mrs K Homer Mr S Koger Mr A Edwards Mr M & Mrs D Gerrard Mr I & Mrs K Hooper Mr R Kok & Ms A Lim Mr M Edwards Mrs S Giaroli Dr G Hopkins & Ms R Moore Mr S & Mrs T Kosanic Mr R & Mrs D Egan Mr J Gibb & Ms K Trajer Mr D & Mrs F Hopkins Mr S Koziora Mr R & Mrs K Eglinton Mr B & Mrs L Gibbs Judge A Horneman-Wren Dr R Krek & Ms I Gambaro Mr F Eilert & Ms A McCartney Mr M Gibson & Ms E Fowler Mrs S Horvath Mr D & Mrs N Kruysmulder Mr S Elgey Mr C & Mrs J Ginardi Dr L & Mrs J Hourigan Mr J Laboo & Ms T Tomassetti Mr V Ellaway Mr T Gleeson & Mrs J Hull Mr P Houston Mr R & Mrs W Lai Mr G & Mrs T Ellis Mr S & Mrs C Godbold Judge P A J Howard Mr C & Mrs R Lamb Mr P & Mrs I Ellis Mr R & Dr A Godbolt Mr P Howard Dr S & Mrs F Lane Mr S & Mrs K Ellis Prof A W Goldsworthy AO Mr L Hua Mr A & Mrs M Lane Ms K Eng OBE KM Mr C & Mrs J Hubbard Mrs S Lane Mr & Mrs J D Erzetich Mr E & Mrs A Gomez Camorino Ms H Hume Mr G & Mrs A Langford Mr M & Mrs K J Esler Mr B & Mrs M Gooch Mr B Humphrys Mr D & Mrs T Lardner Mr B Euler Prof M F Good AO Mr M & Mrs A Hunter Dr P & Mrs J Larsen Dr C Fairley & Ms S O’Neill Mr S & Mrs J Gordon Mr L Hutchinson Mr A J Latimer Mr N Fairweather Ms C Gordon Mr P F Hyde Mr J Latimer Mr P & Mrs K Fairweather Mr G & Mrs H Gouveia Mr M & Mrs P Ilott Mr M & Mrs A Lattanzi The Previtera Family Mr D Grace Mr I Innes & Ms J Hagenson Mr B & Mrs M Lawrence The Pryor Family Mr I & Mrs T Grambower Mr F Isgro & Ms D Menegazzo Mr B & Ms F Lawrence Dr Z Fang & Dr C Cheung Mr I and Mrs A Grant Mr S Isgro Mr J & Mrs E Lawson Mr B Fanning Mr S J Grant Mr J M Jabo Mr M Lawson Mrs M Farquhar Mr P & Mrs J Graw Mr D Jackson & Ms C Fiacconi Mr J Lazzarini Mr M & Mrs K Farrell Mr B Gray Mr M & Mrs L Jackson Mr P & Mrs P Lazzarini Mr S & Mrs C Farrell Mrs C Green Mr M and Mrs J James Mr C & Mrs M Le Mr J Farrugia Mr B Grice Mrs C Jang Mr J le Goullon Mr S Faulkner Ms A Morrison Mr D & Mrs M Jardine Mr D & Mrs B Leach Mr G & Mrs M Favari Mr B and Mrs M Griffin Judge M and Mrs V Jarrett Mr P & Mrs R Lee Mr G Fay & Ms J-A Braithwaite Mr D & Mrs L Griffin Mr P J Jeffers Ms N Lee Mr Michael Fellows Mr M W Griffin Mr I Jensen P & R Lee Builders Mr S Felsman Mr W H L Grubanovich Mr E & Mrs V Jesi Mr M & Mrs P Leech Mr N Fenech Mr S J Gundelach Dr L & Mrs J Jesuthasan Dr P & Mrs R Leighton Mr R & Mrs M Fenech Ms S Gunew Mr A Johns & Ms N Dettl Mr M Lepre Mr S Fernando Mr B Guy Mr D & Mrs T Johnston Mr W Lerch & Dr M Jessop Mr P & Mrs P Feros Mr A Ha & Dr L Vu Mr B & Mrs R Jones Mr M Lester & Mrs T Chan Mr F Ferro Mr E Hackett Mr D Jones Mr A A Leutenegger Mr M Ficca Mr P W Hackett & Ms S Kelly Ms C Jones Mr D & Mrs B Lewin Mr A Fingleton Mr A Hall Mr D P Jordan Mr J & Mrs A Lewis Mr W Fischer & Ms J Fletcher Mr C Hall Mr T Jordan Mr M & Ms C Lewis Dr B Fitzgerald & Dr M Mr A J Halliday Ms Mikaela Jordan Ms T Liang Mungomery Dr R F Hambleton OAM FADI Mr A & Mrs J Joseph Mr G Lillicrap Mr M & Mrs L Fitzgerald Mr P D Hamilton Mr G & Mrs T Josephson Dr M & Mrs R Lincoln Mr B & Mrs P Flannery Mr J M & Mrs E A Hancock Mr M & Mrs M Josephson Mr N Little Mr D & Mrs D Fletcher Mr S Hang & Mrs S Lin Ms A Joyce Mr P Little & Ms C Giudice Mrs D Fletcher Dr R J Hanly Mr G & Mrs H Kallos Dr J Litzow Mr M & Mrs R Fludder Mr C & Mrs H Hanson Dr D H & Mrs A Katter Mr D Litzow Mr J M Foran Mr R & Mrs N Hardcastle Dr C Keane & Dr S Foley- Mr D & Mrs L Lockyer Mr P A Foran Mr M & Mrs R Harris Keane Mr B & Mrs S Long Mr A & Mrs J Forbes Mr M Harris & Ms C Millington Mr M Keating Mr C & Mrs K Long Mr L & Mrs D Forbes Mr A & Mrs M Harrison Ms T Keating Mr R Long Mr J & Mrs T Ford Mr J Harrison-Leaunoa Mr M & Mrs T Kehoe Mr W & Mrs S Loos Judge M W Forde Mr S & Mrs J Hatton Mrs P Keith Mr R Marsh & Mrs N Love- Mr P & Mrs M Formosa Mrs K Hayes Mr D & Mrs K Kelly Marsh Dr B & Mrs A-L Forster Mr S Healy & Dr C Macdonald Mr D & Mrs L Kelly Mr B Low Mr M & Mrs M Forster Mr M & Mrs A Hedditch Mr D Kelly QC & Mrs S Kelly Mr W Low Mr M & Mrs M Foxlee Dr E & Dr T Heffernan Mr D P G Kelly Mr T Lowes Mr A & Mrs R Fraser Mr S Hellewell Mr M & Mrs D Kelly Dr W Lukin & Dr L Medoro Mr J Fraser Mr A & Mrs K Henebery Mr R & Mrs J Kendall Mr R Lumbanradja & Mrs R Mr D J Frawley Dr K Herbohn Mr C & Mrs E Kennedy Randa Mrs T Frawley Mr Ian Hess Mr D Kennedy Dr D & Dr J Lunn

39 The Terracian April 2021

Mr S Luongo Mrs L McMahon Mr M & Mrs K O’Brien Mr T & Mrs D Rabbitt Mr S Luongo & Mrs L Ruiz Dr M P McMeniman Dr J & Mrs D O’Callaghan His Honour Judge M Mr P & Mrs T Lutvey Mr M & Ms T McNamara Mr J P O’Callaghan Rackemann Mr Richard Lynch Mr A J McPhee Mr D A and Mrs K O’Farrell Mrs L Ralston Mr S N MacDermott Mr T McPhillips Mr J O’Hara Mr D Rampa Dr K & Mrs N Macgroarty Ms C McSwiggan Dr D & Ms L O’Hare Dr I & Mrs C Rapchuk Mr B Macpherson Mr P & Mrs M Mead Mrs S O’Hare Mrs R Rayfield Mr C & Mrs M Macuga Mr C & Mrs J Mee Dr B & Mrs Y Olarinde Mr A Read Mr T & Mrs M Macuga Mrs V Menegon Mr J Oliver & Ms L Ahern Mr M & Mrs M Read Mr A Magill & Ms J Lukis Mr D & Mrs K Merlo Dr R & Mrs L Olivotto Ms E Read Mr B & Dr P Maguire Mr D & Mrs A Merrett Mr T O’Loughlin Mr A Reardon Mr B & Dr P Maguire Judge S Middleton Mr X Olsen Mr M & Mrs M Reed Mr Stephen Maguire Mr G & Mrs M-A Migotto Mr B & Mrs T O’Meally Mr B & Mrs R Rehbein Mr D & Mrs E Maher Mr G & Prof C Mihala Mr P & Mrs K O’Neill Dr P F Reilly Mr Thomas Mahon Mrs K Mikkola Dr K & Mrs A O’Regan Mr M & Mrs J Reilly Mrs Georgie Makepeace Mr M & Mrs S Milicevic Mr S & Mrs L O’Reilly Mr I Reinhardt Mrs A Malanos Mrs S Millar Mr M O’Rourke & Ms S McNee Mr N J Reinhardt Mr M & Dr N Malczewski Dr A & Mrs S Mills Dr M & Mrs M O’Shea Mrs A Rentoul Mr C & Mrs R Malouf Mr B Mills Mr D P O’Shea Mr T & Mrs C Ricci Mr W Malouf Mr V & Mrs J Mills Mr P L O’Shea Mr P Rice Mr D & Mrs L Mann Mr B Mitchell Mr A & Mrs M Ott Mr M & Mrs C Richards Mr W R & Mrs T Manners Mr S Mitri Khella & Mrs I Amin Mrs A Ovenden Mr Peter Richards Mr P Manton & Ms J Mr M & Mrs M Mobsby Mr B & Mrs J Paddison Ms K Richardson Rose’Meyer Mr G & Mrs S Mollo Mr S & Mrs S Pagano Ms Rita Oxenford Mr M & Mrs D Maranta Mr P F Molony Mr R & Mrs H Palk Dr M & Mrs L Roach Mr J & Mrs E Marschke Mr T J Moody Mr R & Mrs H Palk Mr L Robson Mr N & Mrs N Marsh Mr B Morgan & Mrs X Li Dr F Panizza Ms P Roche Mr C F Marshall Mr P & Mrs C Morison Dr P & Mrs A Papacostas Mr D & Mrs S Rodighiero Mr P & Mrs S Marshall Mr P & Mrs H-L Morris Dr A Parameswaran Mr V P Rogers Mr J & Mrs N Martin Mr R & Mrs M-A Morris Mr S & Mrs R Parer Mr A & Mrs M Romano Mr J & Mrs S Martin Mr H & Mrs S Mortimore Mr J Park Mr B & Mrs S Ross Mr J & Mrs S Martin Mr S & Mrs L Morton Mr M Parker Mr C & Mrs J Rossetti Mr J Martin Mrs C Morton Mr G & Mrs J Parle Mr A Rotondo Mr R B Martin Mrs L Moyes Mr S & Mrs T Pate Mr R Routh Ms Robyn-Ann Mathews Mr A & Mrs D Muller Mrs L Patrick Mr D & Mrs P Rowel Mr N & Mrs N Mathiou Mr B Mumford Mr B Porter & Ms H Paust Mr D Rozenbelov & Ms H Mr B Fraser & Ms Matthew Dr M Mungomery Mr S & Mrs N Pavlakis Pakhomov Mr M & Mrs K Maw Mr T & Mrs M Munn Mr G Paynter Mr P & Mrs T Rush Mr M & Mrs L Mazurkiewicz Mr R & Mrs K Murdoch Mr S & Mrs L Pearce Mr A & Mrs L Russell Mr B L McAllan Mr & Mrs J Murphy Mr T & Mrs S Pecoraro Mr A & Mrs M Russell Mr S & Mrs H McBrien Mr A & Mrs G Murphy Mr M Peel Mr J T Russell Mr M & Mrs K McCabe Mr D & Mrs R Murphy Mr A Pentland Mrs M Russell Mr M McCabe Mr G A Murphy Mr D & Mrs D Peppin Mr C J Rutledge Mr J & Mrs C McCahon Mr J F Murphy Ms C Pereira Mr C Ryall Mr P & Mrs A McCauley Mr L Murphy & Ms C Hargraves Ms K Perkins Mr A Ryan Mr G McClain Mr P & Mrs B Murphy Mr & Mrs J Perrins Mr A Ryan Mr C & Mrs S McCluskey Mr P & Mrs C Murphy Mr J Perrins Mr B Ryan Mr J McConnachy & Ms J King Mr P & Mrs G Murphy Prof P D Phelan Mr L Ryan Mr M & Mrs C McCormack Mr P Murphy Dr F Phillips & Ms E Mr M & Mrs K Ryan Mrs C McCormack Mr T Murphy O’Callaghan Mr R & Mrs F Ryan Mr J L McCoy Mr S & Mrs L Murray Mr D & Mrs T Phillips Mr T J Ryan & Ms C Giust Dr S McDonald & Dr J Evans Mr C & Mrs T Muscillo Ms E Pickford Mr W G Ryan & Ms M W Brown Mr M McDonald Dr N Musgrave & Dr A Connor Ms P Compton Mrs S Ryan Mr R & Mrs K McDonald Mr R Nagle Mr R G & Mrs E Pitt Mrs S Ryan Mr R & Mrs S McDonald Mr M & Mrs S Nair Mr R & Mrs G Piunti Mr J & Mrs K Saina Mr K E McDonough Mr F & Mrs D Nardone Mr G Platt & Ms J Ponniah Mr A & Mrs Y Salter Mr L McElwaine & Mrs N Kelly Mr R & Mrs C Nash Mr B & Mrs K Podevin Mr R & Mrs J Samut Mr A McFarlane Mrs C Nash Mr S Poh Mr B & Mrs L Sanders Mr J B McFarlane Dr S & Mrs M Nasser Mr C & Mrs A Poiner Mr D Sandstrom & Ms V Mrs G McFarlane Mr J Naughton Mr M & Mrs L Pollard Versace Mr P & Mrs R McGahon Ms M Naughton Mr A & Mrs A Pomerenke Mr A & Mrs S Sargent Mr A & Mrs M McGhie Mr P & Mrs T Navratil Mr A & Mrs N Porteous Mr P & Mrs H Savage Mr I & Mrs D McGoldrick Mr A Neill Mr H Porter Ms A Savill Mr J M McGrath Mr S & Mrs K Newton Mr S Porter Mrs F Scanlan Mrs A McGrath Dr T Nguyen & Ms K Mr M Poteri Mr B Scantlebury Mr L McIlwaine Richardson Ms C Poulakis Mr A & Mrs T Schmiede Mr G McInally & Ms E Gambaro Mr T & Mrs S Nguyen Mr A Power & Dr F Thomson Ms J Schneider Mr D McInerney Mr N Nielson Mr D & Mrs L Power Mr D & Mrs S Schofield Ms S McInnes Mr G Nix & Ms K Wilkie-Nix Mr J & Mrs J Power Mr P & Mrs L Schoutrop Dr W & Mrs P McIntosh Mr C & Mrs A Nolan Mr M Power Mr D & Ms C Scotney Mr S & Mrs N McIntosh Mr P T Noonan Mrs D Power Mr C C Scott Mr J T McIntyre Mr E Norris Mr P & Mrs P Prendeville Mr D Scott & Ms A Eastgate Mr L R J McIntyre Mr D O J North Mr J Prentice Mr E Scuderi & Ms C Maher Mr R & Mrs B McIntyre Mr J Noud Ms E Pressland Mr P Scuderi & Ms A Savill Mr E McKean Mr E Ntimugura Mr J Preston Mr P D Scutt Mr J & Mrs C McKee Mr C & Mrs A Nugent Mr D Pringle Mr M Sedawie Mr B & Mrs N McKeering Mr J O’Callaghan Dr C Pulle Mr G & Ms A-M See Mr D & Mrs P McKeering Mr D O’Connell Dr M & Mrs T Pulvirenti Mr S & Mrs K Seefeld Mrs E McKenna Mr D & Mrs V O’Hanlon Mr L & Mrs M Puurand Ms K Seeney Mr J F McKinlay & Ms C Duffy Mr K O’Regan Mr J Quinlan Mrs L Seafin-Huey Mr & Mrs J McLaughlin Mr L C O’Brien Mr J & Mrs J Quinn Mr A J Sexton Mr S & Mrs A McMahon Mr L O’Brien Mr R & Mrs A Quinn Mr D Sexton

40 St Joseph’s College, Gregory Terrace

Mr J G Sexton Ms O Thompson Mr W Whiteoak Mr M Seymour Mr A D Thomson Mr A & Mrs A Whitta Mr M & Mrs L Shackleton Mr J Thong Mr B Whitten Mr G Shadbolt Mr D & Mrs P Thorn Mr & Mrs L Whitton Mr A J Shah Mr N & Mrs C Thorne Ms T Whybird Mr M Shannon & Ms L Kuzma Dr M Thorpe & Ms C Clifford Ms D Wilde Dr M & Dr J Sharkey Mr N & Mrs K Thurecht Mr D William & Mrs G Wijesingh Mr B & Dr J Sharpe Mr C Tidswell & Ms M Mitchell Mr D & Mrs M Williams Mr J & Mrs P Sheahan Dr P Tiernan Mr D J & Mrs A Williams Mr G & Mrs T Sheehan Mr A Tiernan Mr K Williams Mr R & Mrs M Sheehan Mr L Tierney Mr C S Williamson Mr T & Mrs E Sheehan Mr N Tierney Mr B & Mrs R Wilson Mr M Shepherd Mr M & Mrs A Timm Mr T Wilson Mrs G Sheppard Mr A J Tobin Ms S Wilson Mr P J Shields Mr S & Mrs K Tollenaere Mr D & Mrs N Wiltshire Mr R & Mrs P Siao Mr D Toohey Mr M & Mrs M Winks Mr R & Mrs K Siddle Mr J Toohey Dr A & Mrs C Wong Dr J & Mrs S Sidhu Mr M Toohey Drs M & N Wood Ms J Sim Mr P A Toohey Mrs J Wrenn Mr L Simpson & Ms N Quinn Mr J Tooma Mr D & Mrs M Wright Dr K Sims & Prof S Brauer Mr P, Mr M & Mr M Toon Mr K & Mrs A Wylie Mr H & Mrs S Sivo Mr M J Torbey Mr N & Mrs B Xavier Mr J R Sivyer Mr P Toscano Mr M Ye & Ms L Lu Mrs A Skinner Mr D Townsend Mr D & Mrs Y Yem Mr B Slack Mr G & Mrs A Tracey Mr C Yoong Mr T Slack Mr N & Mrs A Tracey Mr T & Mrs A Young Mr T & Mrs F Slevin Mr P Tse & Mrs E Tse-Chan Dr J & Mrs D Younger Mr A Small Mr & Mrs R Tucker Mr J Zhu & Ms Y Chen Mr R & Mrs C Smethurst Mr J & Mrs R Tunney Mr G & Mrs C Smith Dr S & Ms R Tweedy Plus 53 annoymous donors Mr J & Mrs S Smith Mr D H Tynan Mr L Smith Mr G & Mrs C Tynan Mr P & Mrs D Smith Mr J & Mrs L Tynan Mrs L Smith Mr M H Tynan Dr B Snow Mr D Usasz Corporations, Trusts and Mrs A-M Soar Mr B & Mrs B Vacher Foundations Mr M Sorbello Mr C & Mrs F Van Balen AA Leutenegger Trust Mr B & Mrs D Spark Dr J Varghese Advance Sprayers Mr M & Mrs V Spicer Ms N Vedelago ASD Electrical P/L Mrs N Spicer Dr B Veivers Calile Malouf Investments Pty Ltd Mr D T Spink Mr D & Mrs E Vertullo Canterbury International Australia Mr & Mrs K M Splatt Dr V Vasudevan & Dr D Balasubramanian CNG Law Pty Ltd Mr S A Sponza Mr R A Vitelli Doug Hall Foundation Mr P Spork & Ms C Howard Mr S & Mrs M Vitelli Dowd Lawyers P/L Mr T & Mrs A-L Spurgin Dr T & Dr N Vivian Eaton Family Foundation Mrs C Stack Dr M Voltz & Dr A Bampton Havu Pty Ltd Dr C Staib & Ms S Gray Mr C & Mrs E Vorkas Hislop Medical P/L Mr C Steains Mr C Vose & Ms N Stevenson Hudpac Corp No3 P/L Mr B Steel Mr T Wadeson James St Property Partnership Mr B Steinfort Mr D Wadley & Mrs E Bickle JDFI Investmests Pty Ltd Mr J A Stephenson Mr A & Mrs R Wagner M&T Pulvirenti Family Trust Dr M & Dr M Stevens Dr J D C Walker Macksey Rush Architects Pty Lt Mr T & Mrs C Stevens Mr A & Mrs C Walker MCCC Investments P/L Mr A Stewart Mr M Walker Morgans Foundation Mr J A Stewart Mr P Franks & Mrs L Walker-Franks Mowbray Hills Pty Lt Mr M & Mrs S Stewart Mr P Travers & Ms R Walker P&R Lee Builders Mrs Sally Stewart Mrs J Wall Paramor Pty Ltd Ms F Stewart Mr M & Dr A Wallace Professionals Vertullo Real Estate Mr N & Mrs A Stiles Mr M & Mrs G Waller SP Financial Advice Dr C Stirling Mr D Walsh Suncorp Group Mr A Stockdale & Ms T Larkin Mr R Walsh Sunfresh Linen Dr S & Dr F Storey Ms G Walter TAE Projects ATF TAE Trust Mr C & Mrs G Strollo Mr K & Mrs N Walters The Flannery Foundation Prof J Strong Mr M Walters OAM & Mrs B Walters V Architecture P/L Mr C Sun & Ms A-W Lee Mr B Ward WRW Plumbing P/L Mr D Swan Mr D D Ward Mr S & Mrs M Sweeney Mrs N Warda Mrs T Sweeney Dr C Waters Dr F Tan & Mrs N Berrell Mr P & Mrs M Watson Dr M Tan Mr S Watson-Brown All care has been taken providing Mr C Tanner Mr A Weeden our donor list and to honour Mr J F Tanner Dr P & Mrs M Weinrauch requests for anonymity. However, Mr G & Mrs D Tate Mr P & Mrs L Weir Dr R P Taylor Mr E & Mrs T Welgampola if you believe that there is an Mr K Taylor & Ms VC Starr Mr D & Mrs C Welshe error, please contact Ms Doreen Mr L Taylor Mr J Weston Awabdy, Director of Development Mr M & Mrs E Taylor Mr P A & Mrs K Whimp and Foundation Executive Officer. Mr R & Mrs M Tessarolo Mr A White Mr A & Mrs A Tew Mr C White E: [email protected] The Gardner Family Mr D & Dr N White P: 07 3214 5210 Mr M & Dr A Thomas Mr N & Mrs E White Mr K & Mrs J Thompson Mr S White & Dr C Simpson

41 Terracian April 2021


In 2017, over conversations at their 30-year reunion, Scott Gardner and Jeremy Prentice led the charge and established the first ever cohort bursary fund, known as ‘The 1987 Class Bursary’. The objective was to raise a full bursary sum of $400 000 to be invested, the dividends of which would fund boys at the College on an ongoing basis.

Blazing a trail for other cohorts, the raised for the bursary support the educational ambitions because Class of 1987 has since inspired the critical day to day costs of College we all pitched in gives us great establishment of six additional class life, including tuition, uniforms, satisfaction, said Jeremy. bursaries: 1971, 1983, 1984, 1985, textbooks and IT equipment. 1988 and 1998. Together, having achieved their first Scott says It has been over 30 years goal, the Class have their sights set Scott acknowledges that his time since we left school, and now the on the finish line. Jeremy says We at Terrace gave him a great start Class of 1987 Bursary provides a know we can do this as we nudge in life: way for members of this year group closer to the full bursary target. The to remain connected and united 1987 cohort challenge our fellow Many members of the 1987 cohort around a common good. Terracians to join the charge and recognise that we were fortunate support the Gregory Terrace Bursary enough to attend Terrace largely With 2020 Giving Day, the 1987 program. because we had been raised in cohort achieved the bursary’s first an environment where, for one milestone: the half-way mark. By For more information please reason or another, there was raising $39 500 on the day, The 1987 visit the Foundation page on the an opportunity. We continue to Class Bursary exceeded $200 000, College website. benefit from our time at Terrace. allowing for a half-bursary to be It is gratifying to provide young granted to one young man. A further If you would like to know more men who are equally deserving $60 000 of future commitments is about the Gregory Terrace Edmund but do not have the same also in the pipeline, which means Rice Bursary program, how the fund immediate access with a similar that this year group is well underway works or how you can be involved, life opportunity. This will be our to achieving their ultimate goal of a please contact Ms Doreen Awabdy. legacy. full bursary. E: foundation@ 87A full bursary supports a young Boys are eligible based on man through their educational financial need; it is not a sporting P: 07 3214 5200 journey from Years 7 -12, and as or academic scholarship. one Gentleman of Terrace leaves Knowing that long after we are the College, a new boy will take gone, young men will be studying up the opportunity. The funds at Terrace and achieving their

42 St Joseph’s College, Gregory Terrace FROM THE GTOBA

As last year fades into history, 2021 offers us the potential to get back to normal and catch up on all the missed gatherings and events of 2020. It is my great privilege to lead the GTOBA once again and to join with our excellent team, reconnecting with our Old Boy community in what is shaping up to be a fantastic year. Along with Mr Mark Christensen (GT 1994), my partner in crime and the Deputy President, we realise that 2021 presents new opportunities and a new focus following a year that challenged us all to be our best despite the circumstances.

At the table, L to R: Cameron Boyd (GT 2001), Nick Cook (GT 2001), Patrick Lane-Mullins (GT 2000), Hamish Harries (GT 2013), Bill Manners (GT 1986), David Toohey (GT 1977), Mark Christensen (GT 1994), Brendan McGrath (GT 2005), Tom Buckley (GT 2014), Matthew Aitken (GT 2014), Matthew Randell (GT 2006), Andrew Splatt (GT 2008)| On screen, L to R: Andrew McFarlane (GT 1999), Sam Dutton (GT 2020), Anthony Joseph (GT 1993) Mr Anthony Joseph AM The GTOBA started the year I am particularly looking forward to to Terrace for only the second time with the Annual Mass, followed our first event, the President’s Drinks, in the history of the challenge. by our Annual General Meeting as we are focused on welcoming and election of new committee the newly graduated Year 12s to the It saddens me to share the news members and office bearers. I must GTOBA. My son Chester was part of that Br Peter Anderson, Deputy admit that it was a welcome relief this group, and I have got to know Principal for many years (including to attend a face-to-face event. This many of the boys over the years. GT when I attended Terrace), has year has seen the return of many old 2020 are a very fine bunch of young passed on. I was able to join the faces and a new crop of energetic men, and I hope to see as many as large group of Terracians who committee members keen to possible on 7 May, as it is our way of farewelled Br Anderson. Inspiringly, assist. I know we are all committed acknowledging them. when most people his age were to a year of renewal and growth, well into retirement, he was still busy and with our largest membership This year will be very busy with in Papua New Guinea teaching and numbers in history, I am confident reunions. It will include the usual helping university students over and we will deliver. I am very proud to be reunions (GT 1961, 1971, 1981, 1991 above the call of duty. I know he will part of this committee, and I know and 2001) and several catch-up be missed, especially in PNG. You the future is in safe hands. reunions, affectionately known as can read more about Br Anderson’s the +1 Program (GT 1960, 1970, life in his Vale on page 45. With the formalities out of the way, 1980, 1990, 2000 and 2010), the committee has hit the ground for those reunions unavoidably Finally, I ask that you please running with our first meeting cancelled in 2020. Old Boys from support our efforts this year and drafting the calendar of events and those years, please communicate attend as many events as possible, formulating sub-committees to look with your old classmates and along with your classmates and after items on our agenda. spread the word that the events are family. You are all most welcome. on for 2021. With your help, we can move on There is a return of some favourites from the difficulties of 2020 and like the President’s Drinks and Br Congratulations to the current fill this year with a renewed energy Barry Buckley Breakfast, Back to Terrace boys on their efforts so far that will inspire and empower the Tennyson and Vintage Terracians. this year. We have already seen our Terrace Spirit that binds us all. We will finally have the opportunity mighty Volleyball team emerge to stage our T-Bone lunch which victorious as premiers, as well as a Mr David Toohey (GT 1977) proved so popular last year as podium finish for our st1 VIII. The Old GTOBA President a concept too. All our dates are Boys’ Tennis challenge this year was published in this Terracian – don’t won by the student team, which forget to save the dates. means the trophy will be returned

43 The Terracian April 2021 GTOBA MASS

It is all about tradition The Gregory Terrace Old Boys’ Association Annual Mass and AGM was held on 14 February.

Memories of Gregory Terrace for 2021 GTOBA every Old Boy are unique and personal. But nothing can be Executive more quintessentially Terrace than gathering for Mass and a Committee yarn. The annual tradition hosted by the Gregory Terrace Old Boys’ President Association brought together Mr David Toohey (GT 1977) generations spanning over 60 years for the liturgy presided over by Vice President Father Michael Carroll. In College Mr Mark Christensen (GT 1994) Hall amidst the hallowed walls shrouded in images of Terracians, Secretary the Annual General Meeting of the Mr Bill Manners (GT 1986) Association saw the induction of the 2021 Executive Committee. Treasurer With the challenges of 2020 now Mr Patrick Lane-Mullins (GT 2000) behind us, the year ahead will bring opportunities to meet up once Immediate Graduate again. Please note the GTOBA Mr Sam Dutton (GT 2020) calendar published in this Terracian and Save the Date! Committee Members Dr Justin Boulton (GT 1981) Mr Anthony Joseph (GT 1993) Mr Adam Carey (GT 1998) Mr Andrew McFarlane (GT 1999) Mr Michael DeAmbrosis (GT 2001) Mr Cameron Boyd (GT 2001) Mr Nick Cook (GT 2001) Mr Brendan McGrath (GT 2005) Mr Matthew Randell (GT 2006) Andrew Splatt (GT 2008) Mr Hamish Harries (GT 2013) Mr Tom Buckley (GT 2014) Mr Matthew Aitken (GT 2014)

Mr Peter Chapman and Mr David Toohey (GT 1977)

Dr Leonard Boulton (GT 1955), Mr Kevin Br Barry Buckley (GT 1952), Mr Kevin O’Hagan Carmody (GT 1959), Mr Peter Butler (GT 1959) (GT 1953), Fergus O’Regan (Year 7)

44 St Joseph’s College, Gregory Terrace VALE BR PETER ANDERSON 1941-2021

Written by Br Tom O’Dempsey

Peter was forever the teacher. He loved to teach above all else.

Br Peter was born in 1941 and died committed to doing a thorough Computing Science. Br Peter was a little short of his 80th birthday. job. He was well respected by the known as a compassionate teacher. He was a gentle man, a very good students and staff and always As explained by one of his many man, a man of peace – deeply open looked to ensure that academic grateful former students Gloria to others’ feelings, yet sometimes a standards be maintained. He Arabagali: tentative person. wanted the best outcomes for the students so that they could achieve Peter was not only the Professor As a teacher, Br Peter befriended their potential. He competently and founding father of two of DWU’s his students, affirmed them, and fulfilled the role of Acting Principal Departments, but he was also, helped them re-set their horizons. for four months in 1978 when I was for many of us - a father, mentor, He raised their consciousness on study leave. teacher, leader and friend. He cared and stirred their hearts to truly more about our future than we love their subject and be proud of Br Peter saw good communication ourselves may have. He left us with themselves. with parents as a high priority many empowering life lessons. It and produced the first edition of was not about being intelligent or During his career, Br Peter was the Terrace News, which is still perfect: to him, it was for us, “to do stationed in seven communities circulated today. During his time at our very best, and do it every day.” or colleges. In most colleges, he Terrace, Br Peter was also heavily taught Religion, Science and Maths involved in the College Cadet If it wasn’t for you, Peter, I wouldn’t in Years 11 and 12. Br Peter worked Corps, which, at the time, was the have graduated - let alone be in Sydney for two years before biggest in Queensland with about where I am today as a senior being located to Bundaberg in 350 cadets (this was disbanded transformation officer in a Sydney Queensland for 12 months before by 1975). Through his desire to based office. arriving in Rockhampton as a senior embrace changing positive trends Science teacher. He spent one in education, Br Peter introduced Br Peter committed himself year in Yeppoon before returning computers to the classrooms at selflessly to the Brothers and the to Rockhampton as a Deputy Terrace. people of PNG. He longed to retire Principal at St Joseph’s Christian in PNG and die in the saddle. Peter Brothers’ College. Terrace Old Boy, Br Peter left Terrace at the end of was medically evacuated from PNG Br Brian Grenier was principal and 1979 and commenced the next on 7 February, passing away on recalled: I was blessed to have Peter phase of his teaching career at Tuesday morning, 9 February. Br as my Deputy. I soon saw in him a McAuley Teacher’s College. Br Peter will be missed by those who happy combination of competence, Peter taught Maths and Science. At knew and loved him. efficiency, and dedication. His the same time, Br Peter competed earnestness for the wellbeing of the his Master of Science Studies students, and his own scholarship, and his PhD in Geology at the especially in science, won him their University of Queensland. When respect. Peter was, by nature, a McCauley College became the rather reserved person of studious Australian Catholic University in the disposition. Not surprisingly, 1990s, Br Peter took on the role of he acquired high university lecturer and Department Head of qualifications, which equipped him Information Systems. for fruitful years of teaching both in Australia and in PNG. In 2002 Br Peter took up a position in Papua New Guinea at the Divine Br Peter was transferred to St Word University. He then spent Joseph’s College, Gregory Terrace the next 18 years in PNG. At the in 1974 as Deputy to Br Barry time of his death, he was still a Buckley. Br Buckley writes: I found dual Professor of the Information that Peter was very good to work Systems Department and the with, very conscientious and fully Professor of Mathematics and

45 The Terracian April 2021 VALE VALE MATTHEW BR FRANCIS BAKER CRUICE 1961-2019 1929-2021

Matthew’s older brother Br Cruice died on 1 March 2021, aged 91. Anthony (GT 1977) remembers By anyone’s measure, Frank Cruice was an Matthew’s life. extraordinary human being - colourful, erudite, quirky, gregarious, extraverted, outspoken, as free as any man I have ever known, deeply Matthew attended Terrace from Year 4 in 1970 spiritual, and at peace with God and within to Year 12, 1978. He played both Rugby and himself. Cricket during his years at the College.

Geography was his favourite school subject, Born on 27 September 1929, he was baptised Francis Joseph. When he and he also played fullback for the Past received the habit of the Christian Brothers at the age of 26, the novice Brothers Junior Rugby League. master gave him the name of Br Julian. But typical of the man, he saw no reason in carrying through life the name of a martyred Roman soldier His original sense of Australian humour and or an ascetical, French priest. So, he dropped “Julian”, celebrated his rebellious rapport was enjoyed by his school feast day on December 3rd, the feast of St Francis Xavier, whose name mates and teachers alike. he received when he was baptised, and insisted on being called plain Frank. When he completed his schooling at Terrace, he worked mainly as a storeman and packer He graduated with a Teaching Certificate from Balmain Teachers’ for the next ten years, until early retirement in College at the end of 1948. Throughout his life, his specialty teaching 1987. After which, he concentrated on playing fields were English and History, with a preference for English literature. music, including the guitar. He also completed His success as an English teacher lay in his ability to understand the a signwriting course. vagaries of human behaviour, in his skill in dramatising everything from the poetry of Rupert Brooke to the motivating forces of characters in Towards the end of 1978, Matthew and I formed novels like Joseph Heller’s Catch 22 and the outlandish conduct of the band The Bent Elbows. Matthew played Shakespeare’s King Lear. He taught history with similar passion and flair, lead and acoustic guitar and performed vocals. always inviting students to reflect on how they might act if confronted We co-wrote numerous original songs. The by the situations that significant characters in history and literature had band continued from 1978-1982 in Queensland, to contend with. followed by another eight years in New South Wales. After the band’s dissolution in early Frank taught at Terrace from 1959–1964. He is fondly remembered by 1989, Matthew joined the Northern New South the men he taught. Upon his leaving Terrace, the College Yearbook Wales Coast band The Mangroovies. stated that: Br Cruice was a specialist in the junior school for five years, where his tolerant but thorough methods made him so popular with Matthew was an excellent uncle to my two his classes. For several years he successfully organised the annual sons and daughter and was appreciated by his Eisteddfod and conducted the Senior choirs. brothers, sisters, cousins, aunts and uncles. Above all else, he was a Christian Brother to the core. He understood the Matthew travelled to and resided in various true meaning of being brother, of accompanying students of all ages to states before finally settling down in 2011, grow into the people they want to become, guiding them to reflect to purchasing his property in Adelaide with his the world something of the goodness, freedom, love and creativity of long term partner, Luita. the God who had loved them into life.

Matthew will be sadly missed by his family. The best measure of a school’s success is surely the quality of its ex- students. So, I leave the penultimate word to one of Frank’s old boys from Gregory Terrace who wrote to him the following:

You will be rewarded in heaven, Brother. Meanwhile, happy memories of you, your engaging personality, your love of poetry, your extraordinary ability to connect, your quick sense of humour, your goodness of heart, and your style of instruction will be treasured and cherished.

46 St Joseph’s College, Gregory Terrace


We pray for the families of the following members of the Terrace Family who have gone to their eternal rest.

Br Peter ANDERSON Mr Gordon JARDINE Deputy Headmaster at Terrace GT 1945-48 1977-79, Acting Headmaster 1978, staff member 1974-79. Dr David KEYS RFD KHS GT 1957-61 Br Francis CRUICE Teacher at Terrace 1959-64 Mr Warwick MCEVOY GT 1982-89 Mr Stephen DADDOW GT 1988-92 Mr Larry MULDOON GT 1958-65 Mr Ronald FINGLETON GT 1954-63 Mr Chris SCHOUTEN GT 2001 Mr Gerard GLANCY GT 1954-57

Mr Barry IRELAND GT 1957-61​


Friday 7 May Sunday 22 August Friday 5 November President’s Drinks Sydney Vintage Terracians’ Lunch Vintage Terracians’ Morning Tea

Friday 4 June Sunday 22 August Friday 5 November Br Barry Buckley Breakfast Sydney Old Boys’ Networking Event Class of 1970 - 50+1 Year Reunion

Friday 30 July Saturday 4 September Friday 5 November Class of 2001 – 20 Year Reunion Class of 1971 – 50 Year Reunion Class of 1961 – 60 Year Reunion

Friday 30 July Friday 10 September These dates are correct at the time Class of 2000 – 20+1 Year Reunion T-Bone Lunch of publication and may be subject to change. Friday 6 August Saturday 11 September Class of 1991 – 30 Year Reunion Back to Tennyson Day For information or to express interest, please contact Friday 6 August Saturday 11 September E: [email protected] Class of 1990 – 30+1 Year Reunion Class of 1981 – 40 Year Reunion P: (07) 3214 5212.

Friday 20 August Saturday 11 September Melbourne Vintage Terracians’ Class of 1980 – 40+1 Year Reunion Afternoon Drinks Friday 15 October Friday 20 August Class of 2011 – 10 Year Reunion Melbourne Old Boys’ Networking Event Friday 15 October Class of 2010 – 10+1 Year Reunion

47 The Terracian April 2021


Written by Ms Cathy Stacey

Thanks to one of our generous inaugural Back Red & Black sponsors, Terrace Sport now has a one-seat mobility scooter available to boys and staff heading over to Victoria Park for sport.

Anyone using a moon boot or crutches or with a longer-term mobility constraint is welcome to use the scooter – which can be accessed by contacting Property Manager Mr Nick Jeffrey.

The scooter is registered and can be used on footpaths, on campus, and crossing Gregory Terrace at the traffic lights.

Terrace’s new Back Red & Black sponsorship program allows committed Team Terrace supporters to back their chosen sport (maximum 80%) and also contribute to the success of College sport across the board (minimum 20%).

It is not too late to sign up as one of our valued inaugural sponsors. Please contact the Sponsorship Manager Ms Cathy Stacey to find out more.

E: [email protected] P: 3214 5439 M: 0434 074 372

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In his spare time, Dr. Alford enjoys being a dad to his three kids: Hannah 15 (AHS 9), Jack 12 (GT 8) and Olivia 9, and occasionally squeezing in some exercise. Dr. Alford is available for appointments at Bupa Dental Brisbane and Bupa Dental Toowong, with late night appointments available.

Patients will find a broad range of services available at the clinic. From simple check-ups to cosmetic dentistry, as well as more complex procedures such as dental implants and orthodontics, the team cater to a variety of patient needs.

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