TPG Telecom Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan September 2021–September 2022 2 TPG Telecom Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan September 2021–September 2022 TPG Telecom Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan September 2021–September 2022 1

TPG Telecom Acknowledgement of Country We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of Country throughout Australia and the lands on which we, and our communities live, work and connect. We pay our respects to their Elders, past, present, and emerging. Message from Saltwater freshwater blend, this Country speaks truth to us, Goanna ambles over hot desert sands, we are one with this land. our CEO Fire burns soft and low, smoke rejuvenates seed, we work together as one. Sweet green shoots rise from rich I am proud to introduce TPG Telecom’s first fertile earth, contoured lines are revealed. Reconciliation Action Plan. The rich tapestry that Community brings is evident today. Stars navigate our path across this vast and diverse landscape.

Country and Culture are connected, our lives Our company purpose is building understand and serve our diverse intertwined, we pass on knowledge of time immemorial. meaningful relationships and customer base, and create an Through trumpeted shell we are called to ceremony, supporting vibrant, connected environment of equality at work a celebration of coming together as one in unity. communities. That’s why we in which everyone belongs. We recognise the importance of look forward to learning from our supporting better futures for all First Nations communities about Australians through partnering how we can embed respect and everywhere in between, this land connects us all. with Aboriginal and Torres Strait inclusivity into the way we work. ‘Listening to Land - The creation spirit known as the Rainbow Serpent Islander individuals, communities Connecting to Country’ is depicted throughout the artwork, bringing We look forward to partnering the understanding of law, culture, ceremony and and organisations. We all have by Riki Salam (Mualgal, Kaurareg, Kuku Yalanji), with Aboriginal and Torres creation of the landscape upon which our people a role to play in creating equity We are 27 Creative. Strait Islander peoples and and our Communities all connect. and opportunities for First Reconciliation Australia to make a The TPG Telecom RAP Artwork ‘Listening to Land The young vine leaves with the goanna refers Nations peoples, the Traditional - Connecting to Country’ is about listening to how real difference, for our customers, to growth and the next generation of youth Custodians of the lands on which the land and Country are Communicating to us employees and our wider society. pursuing their aspirations in Science, Technology, we, and our communities live, and how we in turn respond. How do you listen Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). to the land? How do you connect with Country, work and connect. Iñaki Berroeta how does Culture play a part in your life? The different treatments and motifs represent As a leading Australian Chief Executive Officer and the diverse landscapes and vibrant Communities The Trumpet Shell or ‘Bu’ as it is referred to in the telecommunications company, Managing Director across Australia that TPG Telecom is connected Torres Straits, is used to call people to meet, be it to. The Sun, Stars and Moon help us navigate we believe in embracing different for Ceremony, the hunting and gathering of food across the Land, to respect, listen, learn, talk and backgrounds, experiences and or even for warfare. When blown the trumpet connect with Country and one another. shell produces a deep rich sound that can be ideas. Only by listening to these heard across land and sea, both near and far. unique perspectives, can we best The three lines emerging from the shell represent the values of Reconciliation, Respect, Relationships and Opportunity. These lines merge into different aspects of Country from freshwater to saltwater, desert to rainforest and 2 TPG Telecom Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan September 2021–September 2022 TPG Telecom Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan September 2021–September 2022 3

About TPG Our organisation Telecom at a glance TPG Telecom is a full-service Our purpose is to build meaningful telecommunications provider and is home to relationships and support vibrant, some of Australia’s most-loved mobile and connected communities. internet brands including , TPG, iiNet, AAPT, Internode, and felix.

We own and operate nationwide mobile and fixed networks that are connecting Australia for the better, and employ nearly 6,000 people globally and over 3,200 people in Australia, including 15 people who self-identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people. This includes employees in our corporate offices, our contact centres in Australia and overseas, as well as field-based employees working on our networks and in our company-owned retail stores throughout Australia’s second-largest fixed voice and Australia. data network A leading mobile network comprising more than As the second largest telecommunications company listed on the 5,600 sites covering over 23 million Australians ASX, TPG Telecom has a strong challenger spirit and a commitment 6,500km international subsea cable systems to delivering the best services and products to our customers. We are connecting Australia to major hubs in driving competition and choice for businesses and consumers across North America and Asia Australia. 5G A 5G mobile network currently being rolled out in Following the merger of TPG Telecom and Vodafone Hutchison selected areas of Australia targeting 85 per cent Australia in July 2020, the merged TPG Telecom has greater ability population coverage in the six top cities by the end to invest and drive innovation, service and product improvements to of 2021 benefit all Australians. A strategic portfolio of spectrum assets We believe that with this scale and opportunity, comes an even 27,000km+ metropolitan and inter-capital fibre greater accountability to act as a responsible and sustainable networks in Australia business, and that doing so will be fundamental to the creation and 7 million+ customer subscriptions protection of long-term value. We aim to do business in a way which 1 million+ businesses able to access high speed responds to the needs and expectations of all of our stakeholders – symmetric fibre with nbn enterprise Ethernet including our customers, employees, shareholders, regulators, and 5,805 employees our wider society. 4 TPG Telecom Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan September 2021–September 2022 TPG Telecom Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan September 2021–September 2022 5


Building meaningful relationships and supporting Aligned to our sustainability approach, our ancient First Nations science and modern science, “All the kids and staff are so in love with vibrant, connected communities is our company RAP also speaks to the unique contributions Elders and young people in community, and the the program. It has been the buzz of the purpose. That’s why we recognise the importance we can make to the community by way of our vital need for the value of these connections to be school.” of supporting better futures for all Australians technological capabilities and skills. We seek to recognised and appreciated by all Australians. Shallan Foster, Indigenous Engagement Officer, through partnering with Aboriginal and Torres explore external programs to create pathways in In its inaugural year, 71 girls from years 7-10 Matraville High School Strait Islander individuals, communities and STEM for First Nations peoples and students, in across nine schools participated in the eight-week organisations. We all have a role to play in driving particular girls and young women, and support “It was wonderful observing how so many program. They were able to learn directly from equitable outcomes for First Nations peoples, and those in the community to see a future career in of our students enjoyed the Project. I strong Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander role this Reflect RAP acts as the roadmap for the first technology. think it really tapped into the interests models in STEM as well as female mentors in part of this journey towards achieving this vision. of the students and I was always in awe technology roles at TPG Telecom, who shared the Our partnerships/ of how much the students were able To implement this RAP, our internal cross- plethora of career opportunities available to them to recall because of your teaching and functional RAP Working Group will be accountable current activities in STEM. learning activities. I know for some of for delivering against these commitments in We look forward to continuing this partnership them there is a little pilot light burning partnership and consultation with Aboriginal and Spotlight: The Dream Connection program into the future and supporting more Aboriginal in STEM,for further study at school and Torres Strait Islander peoples. This Working Group As a technology company, we feel we have a and Torres Strait Islander students to access beyond!” will meet quarterly with a Steering Committee responsibility to impact and influence gender opportunities in STEM. inclusive of external independent Aboriginal and Christy Godby, Deputy Principal Instructional equality and female representation in our Torres Strait Islander voices for guidance and Leader, Alexandria Park Community School sector, starting with education. That’s why we’re support, and will be championed by our Executive committed to empowering girls and young Sponsors, Trent Czinner (Group Executive Legal women in the community to realise their potential and External Affairs and Company Secretary) and consider a career in Science, Technology, and Vanessa Hicks (Group Executive People Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). Experience). Building on earlier initiatives to support young This RAP will support us to establish a foundational girls at school, in 2020 we were proud to partner level of understanding and respect for our nation’s with Goanna Education to launch the Dream histories and cultures across our workforce. We Connection program, which aimed to inspire young will engage our people and our leaders to build Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women in high understanding of the positive impact they can school to consider a career in STEM. make through demonstrating respect and inclusive leadership, the responsibility we have to conduct The Dream Connection program was conceived our business in a way which is responsible and and codesigned through thoughtful engagement inclusive of our First Nations customers, and the with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leaders importance of supporting Aboriginal and Torres in STEM across multiple fields from astrophysics Strait Islander owned businesses through ongoing to earth sciences. The program linked First Nations meaningful partnerships. astronomy and storytelling with coding, data analytics and digital creation and its theme was ‘connection’ - encompassing connections between 6 TPG Telecom Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan September 2021–September 2022 TPG Telecom Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan September 2021–September 2022 7

Relationships Relationships

Action Deliverable Timeline Responsibility Action Deliverable Timeline Responsibility

1. Establish and • Identify Aboriginal and Torres Strait strengthen Islander stakeholders and organisations • Research best practice and policies Inclusion and mutually within our local area or sphere of in areas of race relations and anti- Belonging beneficial influence. 4. Promote positive discrimination. Manager relationships December Inclusion and race relations through May 2022 with Aboriginal • Research best practice and principles that 2021 Belonging Manager anti-discrimination • Conduct a review of HR policies and and Torres support partnerships with Aboriginal and strategies. procedures to identify existing anti- Head of Inclusion Strait Islander Torres Strait Islander stakeholders and discrimination provisions, and future and Belonging stakeholders and organisations. organisations. needs.

• Make available Reconciliation Australia’s NRW resources and reconciliation May 2022 2. Build materials to our employees. relationships through • RAP Working Group members to Inclusion and celebrating participate in an external NRW event. Belonging Manager National 27 May- 3 Reconciliation • Encourage and support employees and June, 2022 Week (NRW). senior leaders to participate in at least one external event to recognise and celebrate NRW. Internal • Communicate our commitment to Communications & reconciliation to all employees. Events Manager • Communicate our commitment to reconciliation and the launch of our RAP General Manager September externally through our website and social External Affairs 2021 media channels. 3. Promote • Promote our community partnerships reconciliation Internal (including Goanna Education) within through our Communications & internal and external communications to sphere of Events Manager increase visibility. influence. • Identify external stakeholders that our organisation can engage with on our reconciliation journey. December Inclusion and • Identify RAP and other like-minded 2021 Belonging Manager organisations that we could approach to collaborate with on our reconciliation journey. 8 TPG Telecom Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan September 2021–September 2022 TPG Telecom Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan September 2021–September 2022 9

Respect Respect

Action Deliverable Timeline Responsibility Action Deliverable Timeline Responsibility

• Develop a business case for • Raise awareness and share increasing understanding, value and information amongst our employees recognition of Aboriginal and Torres December 7. Build respect for about the meaning of NAIDOC Week. Internal 5. Increase understanding, Strait Islander cultures, histories, 2021 Aboriginal and Torres July 2022 Communications value and recognition knowledge and rights within our Strait Islander cultures • Introduce our employees to NAIDOC & Events Manager of Aboriginal and organisation. Inclusion and and histories by Week by promoting external events Torres Strait Islander Belonging celebrating NAIDOC in our local area. cultures, histories, • Conduct a review of cultural learning September Manager Week. knowledge and rights needs within our organisation. 2022 Inclusion and • RAP Working Group to participate in First week in through cultural Belonging an external NAIDOC Week event. July, 2022 learning. • Raise awareness of key dates Manager of significance through internal July 2022 communications and intranet resources.

• Develop an understanding of the local Traditional Owners or Custodians of the lands and waters December within our organisation’s operational 2021 area, including all our company- owned retail stores.

• Develop resources and 6. Demonstrate respect to communcations to increase Aboriginal and Torres employees’ understanding of the Inclusion and September Strait Islander peoples purpose and significance behind Belonging 2021 by observing cultural cultural protocols, including Manager protocols. Acknowledgement of Country and Welcome to Country protocols.

• Investigate the visible inclusion of Acknowledgements of Country December in our customer communication 2021 channels, including on our website and in our retail stores. 10 TPG Telecom Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan September 2021–September 2022 TPG Telecom Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan September 2021–September 2022 11

Opportunities Governance

Action Deliverable Timeline Responsibility Action Deliverable Timeline Responsibility

• Develop a business case for Inclusion and • Form a RWG to govern RAP Head of Inclusion Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander April 2022 Belonging implementation. and Belonging employment within our organisation. Manager 11. Establish and maintain an effective RAP Inclusion and • Draft a Terms of Reference for the October 8. Improve employment • Build understanding of current Working Group (RWG) Belonging RWG. 2021 outcomes by increasing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander to drive governance of Manager September Aboriginal and staffing to inform future employment the RAP. 2021 Torres Strait Islander and professional development • Establish Aboriginal and Torres Strait Head of Inclusion recruitment, retention opportunities. Islander representation on the RWG. and Belonging Head of Inclusion and professional and Belonging development. • Investigate partnerships to support Inclusion and employment pathways for Aboriginal • Define resource needs for RAP September Belonging and Torres Strait Islander students implementation. 2022 Manager e.g. CareerTrackers, with a focus on women in STEM. • Engage senior leaders in the delivery 12. Provide appropriate Head of Inclusion support for effective of RAP commitments, including September • Integrate our intent to increase and Belonging implementation of appointing an Executive Sponsor. 2021 procurement from Aboriginal RAP commitments. and Torres Strait Islander owned businesses into our procurement December • Define appropriate systems and Inclusion and 9. Increase Aboriginal and policy. 2021 capability to track, measure and Belonging Torres Strait Islander report on RAP commitments. Manager supplier diversity to • Investigate Supply Nation Group Head of support improved membership. Procurement 13. Build accountability economic and social and transparency outcomes. • Conduct a baseline assessment of through reporting • Complete and submit the annual TPG Telecom’s procurement from Inclusion and RAP achievements, RAP Impact Measurement September Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander July 2022 Belonging challenges and Questionnaire to Reconciliation 2022 businesses to identify opportunity Manager learnings both Australia. areas for increased supplier diversity. internally and externally. 10. Develop a better understanding of how • Engage with Aboriginal and Torres we can improve the Strait Islander customer advocates 14. Continue our way our products and • Register via Reconciliation Australia’s Inclusion and and representatives to better September Head of reconciliation journey services are delivered website to begin developing our next June 2022 Belonging understand customer service needs 2022 Sustainability by developing our to meet the needs of RAP. Manager and how we can most effectively next RAP. our Aboriginal and meet them. Torres Strait Islander customers. Contact details

Kristy Kelly Head of Culture, Senior Leadership, Inclusion & Belonging 0433 132 935 [email protected]