
E1776 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 5, 2011 H.R. 2681 AND H.R. 2250 ACKNOWLEDGING THE CONTRIBU- cessities of life because of cruel and mis- TIONS OF THE REVEREND JESSE guided government policies. He was there to JACKSON give a voice to the voiceless. That’s just what HON. he does. Mr. Speaker, this is why I am proud OF HON. , JR. to acknowledge Reverend Jackson on the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF floor today for his life, his tremendous legacy, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and, most of all, for the work that is yet to Wednesday, October 5, 2011 come. Wednesday, October 5, 2011 f Mr. LEWIS of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, the two Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Speaker, this year, a bills, H.R. 2681 and H.R. 2250, are an affront memorial honoring the late Dr. Martin Luther A CONGRESSIONAL RESOLUTION public health and to our environment. , Jr. was finally unveiled on the National RECOGNIZING DR. MARY AGNA When we take our air, waters and land for Mall. This unveiling, which occurs during the ON HER INDUCTION IN TO THE granted; when we show a simple lack of re- presidency of the first African-American Presi- GREENE COUNTY WOMEN’S HALL spect for nature and our environment, we dent of the United States, is, for many, the OF FAME unmake God’s good creation. Over 40 years culmination of the movement for equality and ago, Republicans and Democrats passed the civil rights that began with Dr. King in the HON. STEVE AUSTRIA Clean Air Act because they believed that 1950s and 60s. OF every American child deserved to breathe However, those of us who have carried Dr. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES clean air. They believed that every American King’s dream forward to the present under- child deserved an environment free from toxic stand that history isn’t so neat and clean. Wednesday, October 5, 2011 pollutants that cause cancer and impair their While the arc of history does bend toward jus- Mr. AUSTRIA. Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the ability to learn. tice, it bends only because advocates for jus- people of Ohio’s Seventh Congressional Dis- EPA standards, like the ones attacked in tice, peace, and human dignity have dedicated trict, I rise today to recognize Dr. Mary Agna this bill, did not run our economy off the cliff. their lives to bending that arc through their for her induction into the Greene County EPA standards did not drive us into debt, or leadership, determination, and sheer force of Women’s Hall of Fame. stop the banks from extending credit. But here will. Dr. Mary Agna, along with five other can- we are, ready to stop common sense protec- My friend, the Revered , is didates, was selected from a pool of many tions are 11 years overdue. If enacted, these one of those people. From his days standing worthy women to receive this honor, and thus, bills would make damaging changes to the alongside Dr. King in Selma, to his she was nominated for her great endeavors in Clean Air Act. We would stop future EPA groundbreaking run for the presidency in the field of public health. standards from protecting our children and our 1988, Reverend Jackson’s commitment to an Dr. Agna was the first woman Health Com- families from mercury and toxic air pollution. uncompromising vision of racial harmony and missioner in Greene County, where she 2,500 lives are lost for every year these pollu- economic opportunity for all has in- served from 1963 until 1970. During this time tion reductions are delayed. spired millions. she started the first home care program within Perhaps the work Reverend Jackson is best There are protesters right outside this build- the County Health Department. She was also known for are his efforts to fulfill the promise ing, Mr. Chairman. They want us to take up an Associate Professor and Vice Chair of the of America’s great democratic experiment. Our the American Jobs Act. They want it passed. Department of Family Medicine and Commu- history books teach us that the America estab- They don’t need another attack on the Clean nity Health at the Wright State School of Medi- lished by our Founding Fathers purported to Air Act. They don’t need another attack on the cine from 1979 to 1987, and, continues today endow each American with certain funda- public’s health. We’re wasting their time, Mr. as Emeritus Associate Professor. She also mental rights. However, we all know that cer- Chairman. served on the State Public Health Council tain residents of this country—African-Amer- from 1974 unti1 1981. This council is the pri- It is my strong belief that our country needs ican slaves, immigrants, women, and those mary rule-making body for the State Depart- environmental protections and that real protec- without property— left out of this original ment of Health. Her vision and leadership led tions do not have to come at the expense of social contract. Reverend Jackson has spent to Greene County being recognized by the jobs or our economy. Whatever we do to the his life trying to remedy this failing—to expand Ohio Council of Home Health Agencies and , we do to each other. I urge my col- the membership of our social contract and en- the Ohio Department of Health as one of leagues to vote no. sure that everyone feels welcome in our big, Ohio’s premier home health agencies. loud American family. Thus, with great pride, I congratulate Dr. f That’s exactly what Reverend Jackson was Mary Agna for her exemplary service to doing when he founded the National Rainbow THE BREAST DENSITY AND MAM- Greene County and extend best wishes for the Coalition in 1984 and later ran for President in MOGRAPHY REPORTING ACT OF future. 1988. All of a sudden, millions of new voters— 2011 f the young, ethnically and racially diverse mi- norities, the poor, and the politically PEOPLE’S MOJAHEDIN HON. STEVE marginalized all felt like they had a voice and ORGANIZATION OF IRAN a candidate who spoke for them. For the first OF NEW YORK time, many of them felt like they had owner- HON. JUDY CHU IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ship and a stake in the direction of their coun- OF CALIFORNIA Wednesday, October 5, 2011 try. They realized they had power. I’m certain IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that the young people currently making head- Mr. ISRAEL. Mr. Speaker, this year, more lines with their ‘‘occupation’’ of Wall Street Wednesday, October 5, 2011 than 200,000 women will be diagnosed with owe much of their movement’s energy to the Ms. CHU. Mr. Speaker, last July, the DC breast cancer. We owe them every opportunity groundwork laid down by Reverend Jackson in U.S. Court of Appeals found that People’s for early detection. Information on breast den- 1988, when he reminded America that ‘‘people Mojahedin Organization of Iran, PMOI/MEK, sity can help both doctors and patients better power’’ is the only surefire way to successfully was not awarded due process when their peti- understand a patient’s risk of being diagnosed challenge an entrenched and corrupt power tion to be removed as a terrorist organization with breast cancer. This is why I am so structure that favors a wealthy few. was denied by the State Department. The pleased to join Representative DELAURO in in- Jesse Jackson has spent the last 50 years Court ordered the State Department in con- troducing this extremely important piece of bending the arc of history towards justice. It is junction with the Attorney General to review legislation. Mothers, daughters, sisters, grand- hard work, and a lesser man might be getting the decision and make a decision. mothers and aunts across America deserve all tired. For Reverend Jesse Jackson, the work But I stand here today, over 500 days after the information and resources possible when of creating a more perfect union continues. the Court made this decision, and the State concerning their physical health. When we Just last week, he marched with me through Department still has not given a response. empower scientists, women and their doctors the streets of Detroit and spoke out on behalf Every day of delay means another day where with knowledge, we take another step towards of 41,000 mothers and children in Michigan peaceful MEK democratic leaders and activists finding a cure. who risk losing their access to the basic ne- are at risk.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:54 Oct 06, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A05OC8.024 E05OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS October 5, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1777 Nearly 100 of my colleagues have joined to- laws and standards that protect individuals in employment decisions on the basis of an em- gether by cosponsoring H. Res. 60 to ask the the private sector and the executive branch. ployee’s wage garnishment or involvement in State Department to heed a federal court The Congressional Accountability Act of 1995, bankruptcy proceedings pursuant to the Con- order and remove Iran’s largest opposition CAA, was an important first step in making the sumer Credit Protection Act, CCPA, and group called the People’s Mojahedin Organi- legislative branch accountable to its employ- Chapter 11 of the bankruptcy code. The bill zation of Iran, PMOI/MEK, from the U.S. list of ees, but it did not finish the job. While the also requires employers to provide their em- Foreign Terrorist Organizations, FTO. CAA did bring the legislative branch under ployees with notice of their rights and rem- Because the U.S. needs to use its influence thirteen major civil rights, labor, and workplace edies under the CAA anti-discrimination provi- to protect Iranian dissidents fighting for de- safety and health laws, it exempted the legis- sions through the placement of signage in of- mocracy, Iran is using the U.S. terrorist des- lative branch from important notice and train- fices highlighting relevant anti-discrimination ignation to attack MEK leaders opposed to ing provisions, and altogether omitted impor- laws, including Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, their rule. As long as the MEK is listed as a tant substantive and administrative provisions. the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the foreign terrorist organization, thousands of its The Congress Leads by Example Act of Age Discrimination in Employment Act. The members living in Camp Ashraf, are sub- 2011 is a follow-up to my 2010 investigation of bill also requires legislative branch offices to ject to further brutality by the Iraqi govern- Capitol Visitor Center, CVC, staff complaints provide training to employees about their CAA ment. The longer we wait to remove the MEK and the recommendations from the Office of rights and remedies. Adding the CCPA and from this list, the more we put Ashraf residents Compliance, OOC, which revealed a gap in bankruptcy provisions will deter economic dis- and fighters for democracy at risk. authority to enforce the Occupational Safety crimination, while the notice and training provi- and Health Act of 1970, OSHA, provisions f sions will empower legislative branch employ- against the legislative branch. Last year, as ees with the full knowledge of their rights. STATEMENT CONGRATULATING chair of the Committee on Transportation and Finally, the bill bolsters the CAA’s record- 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF TAIWAN Infrastructure’s Subcommittee on Economic keeping requirements. It extends to the legis- Development, Public Buildings, and Emer- lative branch the obligation to maintain accu- gency Management, I held a hearing exam- rate records of safety information and em- HON. NAN A.S. HAYWORTH ining claims by the OOC of an estimated OF NEW YORK ployee injuries, as required by OSHA, as well 6,300 safety hazards in the U.S. Capitol com- as the employee records necessary to admin- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES plex, as well as complaints by CVC guides ister the anti-discrimination laws. The en- Wednesday, October 5, 2011 that they were compelled to work in uniforms hanced recordkeeping requirements will facili- Ms. HAYWORTH. Mr. Speaker, October 10 inappropriate for outdoor work in the summer tate better enforcement of laws. and winter, and that they had limits on their marks the 100th anniversary of the creation of On the eve of the CAA’s passage, Senator water consumption. Our hearing demonstrated the Republic of China, which is now on Tai- OLYMPIA SNOWE may have best captured the that many of the safety hazards had been re- wan. intent of Congress and the will of the people solved, and the Architect of the Capitol as- Just as the United States is considered a when she remarked, ‘‘Congress simply cannot sured us that they continue to correct the out- cultural melting pot, the Republic of China rep- continue to live above the law and call itself a standing hazards with due speed. Eventually, resents a society that has found success in body that is ’representative’ of the America we the formation of a union local by CVC guides embracing openness and respect for all citi- live in today. After all, what kind of message led to specific improvements in uniform and zens. As closely related and longstanding does Congress send to Americans when it water consumption practices and policies. trade partners, the United States and Taiwan sets itself above the law? What kind of mes- In the 2010 report, Recommendations for sage does Congress send to America when it have a rich history of cooperating to create Improvements to the Congressional Account- economic growth. believes it is beholden to different standards? ability Act, the OOC, which was created by the And how can Congress claim to pass laws in Since passage of the Taiwan Relations Act CAA, indentified additional provisions of fed- if 1979, the United States has been very sup- the best interest of the American people if eral workplace laws and standards that should Congress refuses to abide by those very same portive of the Republic of China, and, in turn, be applicable to the legislative branch, includ- Taiwan has remained a friendly and faithful laws . . . Congress should be the very last in- ing laws that grant the OOC General Counsel stitution in America to exempt itself from living ally to the United States. America’s support for subpoena power, provide whistleblowers with the freedom, security, and stability of Taiwan under ’s laws. Rather, Congress protection from retaliation, and require the should always be the very first institution to be stems from our shared foundation in individual maintenance of employment records. In the liberty and from our mutual interest in defend- covered by the laws of the land, especially as 2011 report, State of the Congressional Work- the body legislating such laws.’’ By passing ing peace and prosperity in the Pacific Rim re- place, the OOC presents the successes and this bill and heeding this wise call to action, gion and throughout the world. shortcomings of the CAA by tracking the As a member of the Congressional Taiwan Congress will help restore the faith of the pub- trends in legislative branch employee com- lic in this institution by redoubling our efforts to Caucus, I am committed to enhancing and plaints and workplace safety hazards in fiscal strengthening U.S.-Taiwan relations, and en- exercise leadership by example. I urge bipar- year 2010. My bill takes into account the OOC tisan support of this important measure. suring that the Republic of China continues to reports, and seeks both to apply the standard f thrive as a free and democratic country. I am of fairness to employees in the legislative working with my colleagues to ensure that Tai- branch that Congress requires for other em- THE RIPPLE EFFECT wan has the capacity to defend itself from po- ployees and to provide a safer work environ- tentially hostile nations, and to perpetuate the ment for Capitol Hill employees by bringing HON. TED POE democratic ideals that inspired its creation. the legislative branch further in line with what OF TEXAS I urge all my colleagues to join me in con- is legally required of private sector employers IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES gratulating the Republic of China on com- and the executive branch. Wednesday, October 5, 2011 pleting its first century as a nation, and in re- As Congress searches for ways to trim the newing America’s commitment to our common federal budget, it would be timely to provide Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, here in defense. whistleblower protections to legislative branch America, we can walk in to our kitchen and f employees so that they can report misuse of turn on the faucet in order to get a drink of federal funds and other legal violations without water. This routine has become so natural, INTRODUCTION OF THE CONGRESS fear of retaliation. My bill provides general that sometimes we forget how blessed our LEADS BY EXAMPLE ACT OF 2011 whistleblower protections, also championed by country is. Americans are lucky to be able to Senators CHUCK GRASSLEY and CLAIRE drink water without the fear that it could make HON. ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON MCCASKILL. My bill also makes applicable ad- them ill or put their lives in jeopardy. One OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ditional provisions under OSHA, including pro- young man in my congressional district be- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES viding subpoena authority to the OOC to con- came aware of how fortunate he was, and duct inspections and investigations into OSHA wanted to find a way to make a difference in Wednesday, October 5, 2011 violations and requiring the posting of notices the lives of those who did not have access to Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, today, I intro- in workplaces detailing employee rights to a clean water. This young man, Nico Kroeker, duce the Congress Leads by Example Act of safe workplace under OSHA. began a business in October 2010 at 17 years 2011, to subject Congress and the rest of the This bill also furthers the CAA’s mission to old, in order to benefit people who are suf- legislative branch to the federal workplace prevent discrimination by prohibiting adverse fering from unsanitary water conditions.

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