as a judge. This person must be a This as a judge. within the precinct registered voter and must represent the same political party as the assigned You has not arrived. judge who a person earlier cannot swear-in than 6:15 am. It is possible that the assigned judge is simply running late. If the assigned judge the swear-in does report for duty, and the assigned judge must leave Both of judge must begin working. will sign the Pay these individuals 194) indicating the (Form Voucher (for example: exact hours worked judge 6:15 am to swear-in 8:30 am and assigned judge from 8:30 am to the close of the remains judge polls). If a swear-in in the polling place after working in the Primary that they in the Primary Election that Day, represent on Election not approve political party may of the Board by their appointment . Elections for future Judges Swear-In of election If an assigned judge does not report to the polling place the other judges on Election Day, a person to serve “swear-in” may

for the political party that they are representing (be sure to fill name and the precinct in your are you where and ward assigned); Judge of Assigned Office for 9); Election (Form Voucher of Election Pay 194). (Form Wear the appropriate badge Wear Read and sign the Oath of Complete and sign the Judge Primary Election of Election are required, by Judges in the Primary Election to vote law, for candidates of the political party they represent on Election Day. If a judge of election does not same political party for the vote the precinct indicated on your on your the precinct indicated Reporting to assignment letter. are not you a precinct where result in either no assigned may If in payment. or a delay payment assignment, are unsure of your you call the judge of election department at 312-269-7984. judge: It is important that each 1) 2) 3) It is imperative that you report to that you It is imperative

/Assignment Republican judges are assigned; in odd-numbered precincts, 3 Republican judges and 2 judges are assigned. Democratic more have Some precincts may than 5 judges assigned. are assigned of election who Judges outside their home precinct to work should call the Board of Elections at 312-269-7967 to find out about to Election Day. prior voting department at 312-269-7984 prior department at 312-269-7984 been have If you to Election Day. judge, assigned as the key envelope the responsibility, but do not want call the judge of election department at 312-269-7984. appoints a Board of Elections The minimum of 5 judges of election election precinct. in each to serve precincts, In even-numbered judges and 2 3 Democratic JUDGES OF ELECTION JUDGES OF ELECTION Appointment been assigned, but have If you of election, as a judge cannot serve of election please call the judge Informationabout Judges Election of and Administrators Place Polling

receive payment. receive

after Election Day. 5:00 am on Election Day. 5:00 am on Election

CHAPTER 1 the alderman, or any other the alderman, or any Election judges and PPAs are Election judges and PPAs leave class early, you will not you class early, leave receive payment for attending payment receive appointment period. You must You appointment period. in a precinct other than where in a precinct other than where the polling place no later than the polling place no to the election judges or PPAs. they are assigned, they will not judges and PPAs should receive should receive judges and PPAs have attended a training prior to attended a training have receive the training pay. Election pay. the training receive Election Day and within the new Election Day of Elections, the committeeman, remain for the entire class; if you remain for the entire class; if you If an election judge or PPA works works If an election judge or PPA training pay, election judges must pay, training All judges of election and polling All judges of election drink on Election Day. It is not the drink on Election Day. their payment by mail 4 to 6 weeks by their payment responsible for their own food and responsible for their own place administrators must arrive at must arrive place administrators all day on Election Day. Judges also Judges on Election Day. all day training. In order to receive the $45 In order to receive training. individual to supply food and drink individual pay of $125 for successfully serving of $125 for successfully serving pay responsibility of the Chicago Board All judges of election receive a base a base receive All judges of election

the assigned judge reports to The swear-in judge may work duty, the swear-in judge will only while the above information is Student Judges Responsibilities of Judges receive compensation for the time being examined by the Board. of Election worked before the arrival of the In the event a swear-in judge A student judge is a high school assigned judge. is ineligible to serve, a Field junior or senior who may or 1. Conduct the election fairly and Investigator will be dispatched may not be 18 years of age or a properly. If at least five (5) judges have registered voter. Student judges to the polling place. n Judges of election are required to reported to the polling place, must have submitted, prior to follow the instructions set forth in you may not swear-in any extra A high school student or a polling Election Day, a student judge this handbook. If you are unsure judges. If you feel you are in need place administrator cannot be application, signed by a parent/ or unclear of any instructions of extra help, even if all of the sworn-in as an election judge. guardian and a representative from or procedures contained in this assigned judges have reported their high school, and must have handbook, please call the Board to the polling place, please Stand-By Judges been assigned to a polling place by at 312-269-7984 (prior to call ELECTION CENTRAL at the Board of Elections. A college Election Day) or ELECTION 312-269-7870. Stand-by judges are trained student, who may or may not be CENTRAL at 312-269-7870 agents of the Board of Election The swear-in judge must complete a registered voter, may also serve (Election Day). Commissioners and do not all sections of the Application as an election judge, if the proper represent a political party. They n If an election judge is exhibiting For Swear-In Judge of Election application was submitted to the are available to any precinct that improper behavior, is not following and Oath of Office, Form 4, Board of Elections prior to Election may need assistance in the procedures and/or is causing a including the checklist in the Day. Student judges share the same opening or closing of the polling problem, contact Election Central middle of the form. Once Form 4 authority, pay and responsibilities place, where assigned judges have at 312-269-7870 immediately. The has been completed, an assigned as the other judges. Student judges not reported and you are unable Board of Elections will dispatch judge must contact the Board of cannot return the materials to the to swear-in another person to an investigator to go to the polling Elections at 312-269-1620 and receiving station after the polls work. Please call ELECTION place and observe the conduct provide the required information close. CENTRAL at 312-269-7870 if you and report back to the Board. for verification. The judge of require stand-by judge assistance. On Election Day, the Board can election who administers the oath Once the stand-by judges have and will remove an election must make the phone call and

Information about Judges of Election and Polling Place Administrator Place of Election and Polling Information about Judges assisted you in opening or closing judge from the polling place. must supply: the name, date of the polling place, they must return After the election, it is difficult to birth and social security number to the Board’s office. It will be the remove an election judge who is of the swear-in judge. determination of the Board if not following procedure, acting

CHAPTER 1: stand-by judges are needed. improperly or causing a problem.


2. Assist those who need n Election judges must leave the n The polling place must be n If a polling place room is 1 additional help, including polling place room in the same opened promptly at 6:00 am located within a building that voters with disabilities. condition as when you arrived and not be closed until 7:00 pm. is a public or private school, in the morning. If the Board of Voters who are in line before a church, an organization 3. Keep control of polling place. Elections is required to cover the 7:00 pm must be allowed to vote. founded for the purpose of n Election judges are in control cost of cleaning a polling place religious worship or a private n If necessary, judges may leave of the polling place. Election or repairing damage caused by business, and the distance the polling place, one at a time, judges should not use cell the election judges, your pay may of 100 feet ends within the for a reasonable amount of time. phones* while voters are be reduced. Please be respectful interior of the building, then and courteous. If you borrowed the cones shall be placed present inside the polling place. 6. Maintain the Campaign Free Zone Also, while voters are present, items; extension cords, tables, outside the building at each election judges should not chairs, etc. please return them to Electioneering is prohibited within entrance used by voters. Also, engage in political discussions, the polling place staff before you 100 feet of a polling place. Such a church or private school may watch TV (this includes movies/ leave. behavior includes the soliciting of choose to apply the Campaign shows on handheld devices or votes, wearing candidate buttons Free Zone to its entire property. laptop computers) and must 4. Share election duties or badges, hanging campaign Then the cones must be placed posters, distributing sample or keep the noise level of the n All judges must share the near the property boundaries campaign literature, and talking about polling place at a minimum. responsibilities, by rotating leading to the entrances used candidates, political parties and/or *EXCEPTION: The use of the cell duty stations during the day. by the voters. phone is related to calling the referenda. n All decisions must be made by n If the polling place is located Board of Elections for assistance. Each polling place will have two a majority vote of all judges. within a private or public 18” blue cones with the wording n Make sure the voting equipment building, other than a school, n is set up properly and is not There is not a chief or head “No electioneering beyond this church or private business, tampered with during voting judge. All judges have equal point” printed on each cone in and the polling place room is hours. If any voting equipment authority. English, Spanish, Chinese, and Hindi. located on the ground floor, or materials have been damaged A 100 foot cord will be provided for then the cones shall be placed 5. Keep the polling place open you to measure and mark off the 100 100 feet from each entrance or are not working properly, and operating between the foot area. to the polling place room. If you must immediately call hours of 6:00 am and 7:00 pm EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES at The 100 feet is measured from the the 100 feet ends within the n All judges must report to their 773-247-4065. room where voting is conducted. building, the cones shall be assigned polling place no later However, the following applies: placed at the exact spot where than 5:00 am on Election Day. the 100 feet ends.

3 n If the polling place is Remember: Only the area within n Working in a courteous and n Following all rules governing located in a private or public the Campaign Free Zone is the cooperative spirit with fellow Election Day as instructed in the building, other than a school, responsibility of the Judges of judges of election and any poll Judge of Election Handbook or the church or private business, Election. You are not required to worker assigned to the polling electronic poll book; and, and on a floor above or monitor or patrol the area outside place by the Chicago Board of n Relying on the Judge of Election below the ground floor, then of the Campaign Free Zone. Election Commissioners; Handbook and/or directions the cones shall be placed 100 from Election Central if there are feet from the nearest elevator n Honoring each voter’s secret Code of Conduct questions or conflicts over how to or staircase used by voters on and making every effort to avoid proceed. the ground floor to access the Judges of election are assigned to viewing the voter’s ballot choices, floor where the polling place uphold the electoral process by even if the ballot is rejected by the is located. If the 100 feet ends conducting a free and fair election ballot scanner; within the building, the cones in the precinct on Election Day. It is n Using the electronic poll book shall be placed at the exact imperative that judges also follow a and other paper records of voter spot where the 100 feet ends. Code of Conduct. names and information only for Electioneering is allowed, by Intentional violation of this Code of the purposes of serving the voters law, beyond the Campaign Free Conduct may result in disciplinary who arrive in the polling place Zone during the time that a action, including termination, loss of where you serve, and never using polling place is open on Election pay or other actions as prescribed by the electronic poll book or other Day. Individuals have the right to State and Federal election codes and listings for random searches or for engage in political discussions, privacy laws. personal use;

pass out literature, etc. on any n n Being punctual and arriving at the Utilizing personal information polling place property while the polling place on time so that it is only as needed to process a voter’s polls are open, as long as they set up and fully functional by the ballot application and never are beyond the Campaign Free opening of polls at 6:00 am; exposing that information outside Zone. the polling place; n Respecting each and every Board of Elections personnel will

Information about Judges of Election and Polling Place Administrator Place of Election and Polling Information about Judges voter with consistent, courteous be available on Election Day assistance and instructions during to assist judges who are having the hours that the polling place is difficulty marking off the scheduled to be open for voting; Campaign Free Zone. Please CHAPTER 1: call ELECTION CENTRAL at 312-269-7870 if you are in need of assistance.


POLLING PLACE The polling place administrator 1 ADMINISTRATORS Stand-By Polling Place Responsibilities of Polling CANNOT Administrators Place Administrators n Serve as a judge of election n Initial paper ballots Polling place administrators (PPAs) Stand-by polling place administrators Check the voting equipment on n Verify voters’ signatures are assigned to every polling place are trained to serve as polling place election eve to ensure the proper n Render decisions on challenges to assist the judges of election with administrators, report to stand-by and complete equipment has been n Sign affidavits the electoral process, particularly the central on election morning at delivered to the polling place. n Sign tapes or paper rolls set up, operation, maintenance and 5:00 am, and are transported to a n Sign closing forms or envelopes n Arrive at the polling place no later shut down of the polling place in need of a polling than 5:00 am on election morning; equipment. place administrator. They serve at n Remain at the polling place all day. that polling place until the polls Election Day Tasks The Board of Elections assigns one It is recommended that you bring close, the equipment is put away, and PPA per polling place. In the case food and drink as you will not be Assist the judges of election with paperwork is complete. They are then where a polling place holds more able to leave; various aspects of the Election transported back to stand-by central. than one precinct, the PPA is required n Make yourself available to Day processes and procedures They receive the same stipend as to serve ALL precincts in that polling communicate between the including: other polling place administrators. place. In some instances there may polling place and Election Central Please call ELECTION CENTRAL at n Setting up the voting be more than one PPA present. In this especially in cases of equipment 312-269-7870 if you need stand-by equipment; case, each PPA assists ALL precincts problems or serious malfunctions; polling place administrator assistance. n Powering up the voting as necessary. It is imperative that you n Serve all precincts in a polling equipment; report to the polling place indicated place; n Printing and reviewing, along on your assignment letter. Reporting n Sign the Polling Place Adminis- with the judges and poll- to a polling place where you are not trator Payroll Card (located in watchers, the zero tapes; assigned may result in no payment. Envelope 1); n Setting up the voting booths; If you have been assigned to serve n Wear the Polling Place n Hanging signs and posters; as a PPA but can no longer serve, Administrator ID Badge (located n Changing printer paper rolls on please call the PPA department at in the Polling Place Administrator the voting equipment, if 312-269-3253. Packet); needed; n Be alert and maintain the voting n Clearing jams in the printers or equipment throughout the day. ballot scanner; n Ensuring that the voting equipment remains plugged in all day;

5 n Clearing voting card jams in the The polling place administrator is to touchscreen units; sit in the polling place wherever they n Reminding voters as they are in are most helpful. The best location line, to wait for the voter card to is usually near the electronic voting eject, to make sure the judges equipment so that if the equipment have initialed the optical scan malfunctions the polling place ballot, and to use the ballot administrator is aware of it and is marker to mark the optical scan able to assist quickly. Remember to ballot; respect the voters’ privacy and not n Closing the polls on the ballot sit anywhere you can see their votes. scanner and touchscreen; If there are multiple precincts in n Assisting with the consolidation the polling place, the polling place and transmission of election administrator is to sit in a neutral results; location so that they are able to n Assisting in preparing materials observe the happenings of each for delivery to the receiving precinct and to make themselves station including overseeing the available to the election judges in checklist at the end of the night each precinct. to ensure all required materials If the equipment is not malfunction- are sent to the receiving station ing and the judges need procedural in their proper carriers; assistance, polling place administra- (The judges of election are tors may stand near the judges’ required to perform these table to assist them. Polling place functions, with the assistance of administrators are not permitted to the polling place administrators. process voters, verify signatures, or They may be asked to assist sign or initial any paperwork, includ- with crowd control. Please do ing ballots, but they are able to read

Information about Judges of Election and Polling Place Administrator Place of Election and Polling Information about Judges whatever it takes to keep the instructions to the judges from the polling place running smoothly.) handbook and call Election Central with any questions or clarifications. CHAPTER 1: