3rournal ofNeurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry 1995;59:55-60 55

Prevalence and clinical correlates of pathological J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.59.1.55 on 1 July 1995. Downloaded from affective display in Alzheimer's disease

Sergio E Starkstein, Ricardo Migliorelli, Alejandra Teson, Gustavo Petracca, Eran Chemerinsky, Facundo Manes, Ramon Leiguarda

Abstract prevalence, clinical correlates, and mecha- This study examined the prevalence and nism(s) of pathological in Alzheimer's correlates of pathological affect in disease still remain to be examined. Alzheimer's disease. A consecutive series For the present study we tested a consecu- of 103 patients with Alzheimer's disease tive series of 103 patients with Alzheimer's were examined with a comprehensive disease with a structured assessment for psychiatric assessment that included the pathological laughing and crying-namely, pathological laughing and crying scale the pathological laughing and crying scale (PLACS). Forty patients (39%) showed (PLACS). We determined the prevalence of pathological affect: 25% showed crying both pathological laughing and crying and episodes, and 14% showed laughing or emotional lability, and examined the presence mixed (laughing and crying) episodes. of relevant demographic, psychiatric, neuro- Patients with pathological affect crying logical, neuropsychological, and neuroradio- showed significantly higher depression logical correlates. scores and a significantly higher fre- quency of major depression and dys- thymia than patients with no pathological Patients and methods affect. Patients with mixed pathological PATIENTS affect showed significantly more subcor- A consecutive series of 103 patients who met tical atrophy on CT than patients with the NINCDS-ADRDA criteria for probable pathological affect crying. Forty seven Alzheimer's disease and had a Hachinski per cent of the patients with pathological ischaemic score < 44 comprised the study affect had no congruent disorder, population. and they showed a significantly longer duration of illness and more severe PSYCHIATRIC EXAMINATION anosognosia than patients with pathologi- After informed consent, patients were cal affect that was congruent with an assessed with the following tests: underlying mood disorder. The study Structured clinical interviewfor DSM-III-R validates the PLACS, and shows the high (SCID)5 prevalence of pathological affect in The SCID is a semistructured diagnostic http://jnnp.bmj.com/ Alzheimer's disease. interview used to assess the major axis I DSM-III-R6 disorders. The SCID was given (i Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1995;59:55-60) by a psychiatrist blind to the remaining clini- cal data, and the interview was carried out with the patient and at least one first degree Keywords: prevalence; pathological affective display; relative. Based on the SCID responses, DSM- Department of Alzheimer's disease on September 23, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. Neuropsychiatry and III-R axis I diagnoses were made. Behavioural Neurology Abnormalities of have been Hamilton depression scale (HAM-D)7 S E Starkstein termed and The HAM-D is a 17 item rated R Migliorelli variably pathological laughing interviewer A Tes6n crying, emotional lability, pseudobulbar scale that measures psychological and auto- G Petracca affect, and organic . Poeck' nomic symptoms of depression. E Chemerinsky defined emotional lability as the sudden onset F Manes R Leiguarda of laughing or crying, which the patient is Hamilton anxiety scale (HAM-A)8 Department of unable to suppress, and which generally The HAM-A is an 11 item interviewer rated Clinical Neurology, occurs in appropriate situations. Poeck also scale that measures the severity of generalised Rasil Carrea Institute added that emotional lability is always accom- or persistent anxiety. ofNeurological Research, Buenos panied by an alteration of mood. On the other Aires, Argentina hand, pathological laughing or crying was Bech mania scale9 S E Starkstein defined as the presence of sudden laughing or The Bech mania scale assesses the presence R Leiguarda crying episodes that do not correspond to an and severity of manic symptoms. Correspondence to: Dr Sergio E Starkstein, Raul underlying emotional change.I Carrea Institute of Whereas both pathological laughing and Pathological laughing and crying scale Neurological Research, Montafieses 2325, 1428 crying and emotional lability have been (PLACS)2 Buenos Aires, Argentina. reported in patients with focal brain lesions2 The PLACS is an interviewer rated scale that Received 25 October 1994 or neurological degenerative disorders,' quantifies aspects of pathological affect, and in revised form 13 February 1994 empirical prospective studies in patients with including the duration of the episodes, their Accepted 20 February 1994 Alzheimer's disease are lacking. Thus the relation to external events, degree ofvoluntary 56 Starkstein, Migliorelli, Tes6n, Petracca, Chemerinsky, Manes, Leiguarda

control, inappropriateness in relation to emo- by the patient's caretaker blind to the J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.59.1.55 on 1 July 1995. Downloaded from tions, and degree of resultant distress. Both patient's answers in form A. The final score is the reliability and validity of this scale have the subtraction between scores in forms B and been previously established.2 The scale is A. Thus positive scores indicate that the care- given to the patient and at least one first taker rated the patient as more impaired than degree relative or caretaker in close contact the patient's own evaluation (the patient was with the patient. The scale consists of 16 less aware of his or her cognitive and emo- items (eight assessing pathological laughter tional deficits). (PLACS-L) and eight assessing pathological crying (PLACS-C)), which are scored from 0 NEUROLOGICAL EXAMINATION to 3 points. Patients were examined with the unified Parkinson's disease rating scale (UPDRS),'4 a Diagnosis ofpathological affect semistructured scale that assesses voice, facial Following Poeck's diagnostic scheme,' emo- immobility, resting tremor, rigidity (neck and tional lability was defined as the presence of limbs), bradykinesia and hypokinesia, pos- sudden episodes of laughing or crying in the ture, and gait abnormalities. The UPDRS was presence of a congruent mood disorder (for scored by a neurologist blind to the psychi- example, episodes of sudden crying in the atric and radiological findings. presence of major depression or dysthymia); pathological laughing and crying was defined NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL EXAMINATION as the presence of sudden episodes of laugh- Patients received a comprehensive neuropsy- ing or crying in either the absence of a mood chological evaluation that consisted of the fol- disorder, or the presence of a non-congruent lowing tasks: mood disorder (for example, pathological laughing in the presence of a major depres- Buschke selective reminding test'- sion). The generic term "pathological affect" This test measures verbal learning and mem- was used to refer to the presence of either ory during a multiple trial list learning task. pathological laughing and crying or emotional The patient listens to a list of words and has lability. Based on these definitions and a clini- to recall as many words as possible. Each sub- cal assessment (for example, was emotional sequent learning trial involves the selective lability displayed during the interview? Did it preservation of only those words that were not occur several times daily? Did it seem exces- recalled on the immediately preceding trial. sive in relation to the precipitant?) a diagnosis The outcome measures were the long term of pathological affect crying, laughing, or retrieval (LTR) and the delayed recall. mixed type was made by a neurologist blind to the psychiatric data. Benton visual retention test'6 This test assesses visual memory and visual Functional independence measure'° . Patients are exposed to geometric The functional independence measure designs for 10 seconds, and are immediately assesses self care, sphincter control, mobility, presented with a card containing the correct locomotion, and social , cog- design among three different foils. The http://jnnp.bmj.com/ nition on a low level scale. Higher scores indi- patient has to select the correct one. cate less impairments in activities of daily living. Apraxia subtest of the western aphasia battery'7 This test assesses the presence and severity of Social ties checklist" ideomotor apraxia. The social ties checklist is a 10 item scale that assesses the quantity and quality of social sup- Block design'8 ports. Scores range from 0 to 10, and higher The block design test examines the presence on September 23, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. scores indicate better social supports. of constructional apraxia. Patients are pre- sented with red and white blocks and are Mini mental state exam (MMSE) 12 asked to construct replicas of printed designs. The MMSE is an 11 item examination that has been found to be reliable and valid in Digit span'8 assessing a limited range of cognitive func- The digit span test examines auditory atten- tions. tion and consists of two parts. Both consist of seven pairs of random number sequences that Anosognosia questionnaire-dementia'3 the examiner presents at the rate of one per The AQ-D consists of 30 questions divided second. In the first part (digits forward) the into two sections. The first section assesses patient is asked to repeat a string of numbers intellectual functioning, and the second sec- exactly as it is given, and in the second (digits tion examines changes in interests and per- backwards) the patient is asked to repeat a sonality. Each answer is rated as never (O string of numbers in reverse order. points), sometimes (1 point), usually (2 points), and always present (3 points). Thus Wisconsin card sorting test'9 higher scores indicate more severe impair- This test measures the ability to develop new ments. Form A is answered by the patient concepts and shift sets, and also requires the alone (with clarifications by the examiner if subjects to suppress a previously correct needed), whereas form B (a similar question- response and produce a new one. Assessment naire written in the third person) is answered of the overall proficiency of the test was Prevalence and clinical correlates ofpathological affective display in Alzheimer's disease 57

judged by the number of categories achieved 13 patients due to scheduling problems). (maximum 6). After informed consent, all CT was carried J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.59.1.55 on 1 July 1995. Downloaded from out on a General Electric 8800 CT scanner. Trail making test20 Scans were obtained parallel to the orbito- This test examines visual, conceptual, and meatal line, with a slice thickness of 5 mm. visuomotor tracking. The patient is instructed The slices were digitised with IMAGE soft- to draw lines to connect consecutively num- ware (National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, bered circles on a paper (part A), and then MD), and area measurements were carried connect the same number of consecutively out on a Quadra 700 computer (Apple numbered and lettered circles on another Computers, Cupertino, CA) using the Digital paper by alternating between the two Imaging Processing System software (Hayden sequences (part B). The patient is urged to Image Processing Group, Madison, WN). connect the circles as quickly as possible to The following measurements were made25 26: control for graphomotor speed and visual scanning. The trial score is the time to com- Sylvian cistern ratio plete part A minus the time to complete part This is the area of the sylvian cistern (left or B. right) at the level of the pineal gland, divided by the whole brain area, x 100. Oral word controlled association test2' This test examines access to semantic infor- Frontal horn ratio mation with time constraint. Patients were This is the area of the frontal horn (left or instructed to name as many words beginning right) at the level of the foramen of Monro with the letter F as they could in one minute. divided by the area of the whole brain at the People's names and proper nouns were not same level, x 100. permitted. The letters A and S were then pre- sented successively, one minute being allowed Ventricle brain ratio for each letter. The score was the number of This is the area of the lateral ventricle (left or words produced in one minute. right) at the waist level over the whole brain area at the same level, x 100. Boston naming test22 This test measures the ability to name pic- Temporal horn ratio tured objects. Line drawings of high and low This is the area of the temporal horn (left or frequency objects are presented one at a time right) at the level of the suprasellar cistern, on cards, which the patient has to name. divided by the brain area at the level of the pineal gland, x 100. Token test23 This test measures verbal comprehension of Cortical sulci ratio commands of increasing complexity. This is the sum of the area of the four widest sulci divided by the brain area at the level of Raven's progressive matrices24 the pineal gland, x 100. This test measures reasoning in the visual modality. Patients are presented with a pat- STATISTICAL ANALYSIS http://jnnp.bmj.com/ tern problem with one part removed and sev- Statistical analysis was carried out on means eral pictured inserts, one of which contains and SDs, by one way and multivariate analy- the correct pattern. The patient has to select ses of variance (ANOVA, MANOVA) and the missing piece to complete the pattern. Tukey post hoc tests. Frequency distributions were analysed with contingency tables. All P NEURORADIOLOGICAL EXAMINATION values are two tailed.

Computed tomography was carried out on on September 23, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. most of the patients within one week of the clinical evaluation (CT could not be done on Results Based on the clinical assessment for patholog- ical affect, 26 patients (25%) showed patho- logical affect crying, 14 patients (14%) Table 1 Demographic and neurologicalfindings showed pathological affect laughing or mixed, Alzheimer's disease and 63 patients (61%) showed no pathologi- No pathological Pathological Pathological cal affect. affect crying mixed No of patents 63 26 14 DEMOGRAPHIC FINDINGS (TABLE 1) Age 74-4 (7 7) 72-5 (7-1) 72-0 (7 7) No significant between group differences Sex (% women) 76 (48) 77 (20) 57 (8) Education (y) 10-0 (4-6) 8-5 (5 8) 12 3 (4-5) were found in age, sex, education, and severity Duration of illness (y)** 4-2 (2 2) 3-8 (2-2) 6-5 (3-4) of dementia. Patients with mixed pathological Dementia severity: Mild 48 (30) 35 (9) 29 (4) affect, however, had a significantly longer Moderate 44 (28) 42 (11) 50 (7) duration of illness (F(2,100) = 5*95, P < Severe** 8 (5) 23 (6) 21 (3) Resting tremor 0-32 (0-6) 0-36 (0 6) 0-10 (0.3) 0 05). Rigidity 0 45 (0-8) 0-63 (0-8) 0-50 (0 7) Body bradykinesia 0-86 (1 1) 0-84 (1 1) 0-60 (1-0) Posture 0-63 (0-9) 0-68 (1-0) 0-90 (1 1) NEUROLOGICAL FINDINGS (TABLE 1) Gait 0-56 (0-9) 0-57 (0 8) 0 30 (0-6) A two way ANOVA with repeated measures Values are means (SD). (factor 1: group, repeated measure: UPDRS ** P < 0-01. scores) showed no significant group effect 58 Starkstein, Migliorelli, Tes6n, Petracca, Chemerinsky, Manes, Leiguarda

(F(2,100) = 2-67, NS), and no significant PSYCHIATRIC FINDINGS (TABLE 2) group x UPDRS item interaction (F = 1-05, A MANOVA for depression, anxiety, mania, J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.59.1.55 on 1 July 1995. Downloaded from NS). Thus, all three groups of patients with activities of daily living, global cognitive func- Alzheimer's disease had a similar severity of tions, and social ties scores showed a signifi- extrapyramidal signs. cant main effect (Wilks' Lambda (12,188) = 0-71, P = 0-001), and between group differ- ences were further analysed with independent Table 2 Psychiatricfindings one way ANOVAs. There were significant Alzheimer's disease between group differences in HAM-D scores = P = No pathological Pathological Pathological (F(2,100) 11-4, 0'0001). Patients with affect crying mixed pathological affect crying had significantly Major depression (% patients)** 16 (10) 43 (11) 21 (3) higher depression scores than patients with Dysthymia (% patients)** 24 (15) 38 (10) 29 (4) either mixed pathological affect (P < 0'001), No depression (% positive) 60 (38) 19 (5) 50 (7) or Hamilton depression scale** 8-7 (7-1) 16-5 (8 3) 8-6 (4 7) patients with no pathological affect Hamilton anxiety scale (score)** 8-4 (7 7) 14-3 (7-5) 11-2 (9-0) (P < 0-0001). Moreover, patients with patho- Bech mania scale (score) 1 0 (3-1) 1.1 (2-0) 2-6 (8-5) Functional independence measure (mean) 63-0 (9 9) 63-3 (6-8) 59-2 (10 1) logical affect crying also showed a significantly PLACS-laughing (score)** 0.0 0.0 1-8 (4-6) higher frequency of major depression and dys- PLACS-crying (score)** 1-8 (2 6) 11 9 (2 9) 7-3 (7-1) thymia than patients with no pathological Social ties checklist (score) 3-5 (1-6) 4-5 (1-6) 3-8 (1-8) affect or mixed pathological affect (X2 = 13-3, Values are means (SD). ** df = 4, P = 0-01). There were also significant p < 0.01. between group differences in HAM-A scores (F(2,100) = 5 37, P < 0-01). Patients with Table 3 Neuropsychologicalfindings pathological affect crying had significantly higher anxiety scores than patients with no Alzheimer's disease pathological affect (P = 0-001). No pathological Pathological Pathological Patients with pathological affect (either cry- affect crying mixed ing or mixed) had significantly higher PLACS Buschke SRT: total scores than patients without pathological Long term storage 25-5 (21-0) 21-6 (14 9) 16-3 (18-1) Delayed recall 2-1 (2 7) 1-5 (1-6) 1-2 (2 2) affect (F(2,100) = 72d1, P < 0.0001). Finally, Benton visual retention test 4-2 (2-4) 4-3 (2 5) 3 9 (2 8) patients with pathological affect crying had Token test 16-7 (7 4) 16-7 (7 5) 13-8 (10-5) Boston naming test 12-7 (5 2) 12-8 (4 8) 10-7 (6-2) significantly higher PLACS-C scores than Wisconsin card sorting test: categories 1-7 (1-8) 1-6 (22) 19 (2-1) patients with mixed pathological affect (P < Controlled oral word association test 28-5 (9 5) 25-5 (11-4) 24-2 (9 0) Raven's progressive matrices: percentile 35-1 (29 9) 33-1 (35 9) 30-3 (29-7) 0-0001), whereas patients with mixed patho- Digits forward 5-0 (1-2) 4 6 (1-4) 5-0 (1-2) logical affect had significantly higher PIACS- Digits backward 3-1 (1 1) 3 0 (1-3) 3-5 (1-2) Block design 2-7 (2 4) 2-4 (2-4) 2-6 (2 6) L scores than patients with pathological affect Analogies (WAIS) 8 8 (6 8) 9-1 (7 9) 6-8 (7 3) crying (P < 0-0001). Mini mental state exam 19-6 (5 9) 18-0 (6 4) 16-3 (8 9) Values are means (SD). NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL FINDINGS (TABLE 3) A MANOVA for neuropsychological tests showed no significant main effect (Wilks' Table 4 Neuroradiologicalfindings Lambda = 0 74, df = 28, 156; NS). Thus patients with either pathological affect crying, http://jnnp.bmj.com/ Alzheimer's disease mixed pathological affect, or no pathological No pathological Pathological Pathological affect showed a similar severity and profile of affect crying mixed cognitive impairments. Temporal horn ratio: Left 31-1 (41-8) 25-2 (32-1) 43-1 (39 7) NEURORADIOLOGICAL FINDINGS (TABLE 4) Right 33-2 (36 7) 22-9 (18-4) 35-5 (37 5) Sylvian cistern ratio: Computed tomography was carried out in 90 Left 171-8 (86) 143-7 (86) 139-8 (60) patients. A three way ANOVA with repeated

Right 140-5 (74) 133-0 (69) 164-9 (102) on September 23, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. Frontal horn ratio: measures (factor 1: group, repeated measures: Left 196-0 (58) 188-6 (59) 213-6 (79) site and size) showed a significant group x Right 188-4 (63) 176-0 (57) 194-7 (75) Lateral ventricle ratio: size x site interaction (F(6,261) = 3X80, P = Left** 602-6 (200) 560-0 (193) 681-0 (234) 0X001). Patients with mixed pathological Right 563-4 (171) 555-2 (186) 589-9 (182) Cortical sulci ratio 3 9 (0 8) 4-2 (0-8) 3-8 (0 7) affect had a significantly larger left lateral ven- tricle than patients with either pathological Results are means (SD). ** P < 0.01. affect crying, or no pathological affect (P < 0-00001). Patients with no pathological affect showed a significantly larger left lateral ventri- Table 5 Pathological crying and laughing and emotional lability cle than patients with pathological affect cry- ing (P < 0-01). No significant between group Emotional Pathological lability crying-laughing differences were found in measurements of cortical atrophy (table 4). No ofpatients 21 19 Age (y) 71-3 (6 7) 73-7 (5 6) Duration of illness (y)* 3*5 (2 0) 6-2 (2-6) PATHOLOGICAL LAUGHING AND CRYING, AND Dementia severity (% patients): EMOTIONAL LABILITY (TABLE 5) Mild 42 (9) 21 (4) Moderate 29 (6) 63 (12) Twenty one of the 40 patients (53%) with Severe 29 (6) 16 (3) pathological affect had emotional lability Hamilton depression scale* 19 0 (7 2) 7-3 (3-6) Hamilton anxiety scale (score)* 15-5 (7 0) 9-2 (8 2) (pathological affect display congruent with the Anosognosia questionnaire-dementia* 8-9 (18-4) 24-8 (27-2) emotional disorder), whereas the remaining Values are means (SD). 19 patients (47%) had pathological laughing * P < 0-05. or crying. Prevalence and clinical correlates ofpathological affective display in Alzheimer's disease 59

Patients with pathological laughing or cry- cant differences between patients with and ing had a significantly longer duration of without pathological affect were found on J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.59.1.55 on 1 July 1995. Downloaded from illness (F(1,38) = 6-78, P < 0'05), and neuropsychological tests. This discrepancy significantly higher anosognosia scores may be explained by the fact that the severity (F(1,38) = 4 59, P < 0 05), whereas patients of dementia was assessed with the clinical with emotional lability had significantly dementia rating,27 which not only considers higher Hamilton depression (F(1,38) = 27-6, cognitive functioning, but social functioning P < 0.0001), and anxiety scores (F(1,38) = and activities of daily living as well. 4 12, P < 0-05). No other significant between Although pathological affect has often been group differences were found in the remaining reported in patients with Alzheimer's disease,' clinical and neuroradiological variables. this is, to our knowledge, the first study to examine the prevalence of this disorder with DEPRESSION WITH OR WITHOUT standardised instruments. We found that 39% PATHOLOGICAL AFFECT of patients with Alzheimer's disease showed Twenty five (47%) of the 53 patients with pathological affect. Most of them (25%) depression had pathological affect. The fre- showed pathological crying and 14% showed quency of dysthymia and major depression in laughing or mixed (laughing and crying) depressed patients with or without pathological episodes. The question that now arises is what affect was similar (dysthymia 60% and 50% is the mechanism of pathological affect in respectively, and major depression 40% and Alzheimer's disease? Patients with pathologi- 50% respectively). Depressed patients with cal affect crying showed a significantly higher pathological affect had significantly more frequency of major depression and dysthymia, severe dementia than depressed patients with- and significantly higher depression and anxi- out pathological affect (X2 = 5.70, df = 2, P < ety scores than patients with no pathological 0 05), but no significant between group differ- affect. Thus the presence of pathological ences were found in demographic, neuropsy- affect crying in Alzheimer's disease may be a chological, neuroradiological, or psychiatric marker of an underlying depression. On the variables. other hand, patients with mixed pathological affect showed similar depression, anxiety, and mania scores to patients with Alzheimer's dis- Discussion ease without pathological affect, suggesting This study examined the prevalence and cor- that mixed pathological affect is not related to relates of emotional lability in a consecutive an underlying mood disorder. Patients with series of 103 patients with Alzheimer's dis- pathological laughing or crying showed signif- ease, and there were several important find- icantly higher anosognosia scores (they were ings. Firstly, 39% of a consecutive series of less aware of their cognitive and behavioural patients with Alzheimer's disease showed problems) than patients with emotional labil- pathological affect. Secondly, patients with ity. Because anosognosia in Alzheimer's dis- pathological affect crying showed significantly ease may be related to deficits in a self higher depression and anxiety scores, and a monitoring system related to cognitive func- significantly higher frequency of major tions,28 pathological laughing or crying may depression and dysthymia than patients with result from a lack of self monitoring of affec- http://jnnp.bmj.com/ no pathological affect. Patients with mixed tive display. pathological affect showed significantly more Our study suggests the presence of two severe subcortical atrophy than patients with types of pathological affect in Alzheimer's dis- pathological affect crying. Thirdly, whereas ease. The first type is emotional lability (sud- 53% of patients with pathological affect had den episodes of crying or laughing in the an underlying mood disorder that was con- presence of a congruent mood disorder): most

gruent with the type of pathological affect dis- patients with pathological affect crying had on September 23, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. play, the remaining 47% had either no mood either dysthymia or major depression. The disorder, or a mood disorder not congruent second type of pathological affect in with the type of pathological affect display. Alzheimer's disease is pathological laughing Finally, about 50% of the patients with or crying (sudden episodes of crying or laugh- Alzheimer's disease with depression also had ing in the absence of a congruent mood disor- pathological affect. der): about half of the patients with Before further comments, it is necessary to pathological affect had either no underlying consider some limitations of the study. mood disorder, or an affective disorder that Clinical criteria for the diagnosis of pathologi- was incongruent with the pathological affec- cal affect have not been developed, and we tive display (for example, pathological affect diagnosed pathological affect based on a semi- laughing in the presence of a major depres- structured interview. The finding, however, sion). Whereas there were significant between that patients with pathological affect had sig- group differences in duration of illness and nificantly higher PLACS scores than patients depression, anxiety, and anosognosia scores, without pathological affect, and the finding future studies should further validate these that patients with pathological affect crying types of pathological affect. had significantly higher PLACS crying scores Ross and Stewart29 have recently proposed than patients with mixed pathological affect, a mechanism for emotional lability. They provides partial validation of our diagnostic hypothesised that depression causes "state scheme. Whereas pathological affect was asso- changes" in the limbic system so that the ciated with more severe dementia, no signifi- threshold for displaying mood congruent 60 Starkstein, Migliorelli, Tes6n, Petracca, Chemerinsky, Manes, Leiguarda

extreme affective behaviours is lowered. They suggestions, and Dr Liliana Sabe, Laura Jason, Mariela Juejati, further that Silvana Dancygier, and Gabriela Kusis for helping with neuro- J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.59.1.55 on 1 July 1995. Downloaded from suggested if this lowered thresh- psychological testing. old is combined with a brain lesion that reduces the neocortical control of limbic 1 Poeck K. Pathophysiology of emotional disorders associ- ated with brain damage. In: Vinken PJ, Bruyn GW, eds. behaviours, pathological affect would result. Handbook of clinical neurology. Amsterdam: North Our study provides partial support for this Holland Publishing Co, 1969:343-67. as almost half 2 Robinson RG, Parikh RM, Lipsey JR, Starkstein SE, Price hypothesis, of the patients with TR. Pathological laughing and crying following stroke: Alzheimer's disease with depression had validation of measurement scale and double blind treat- affect. 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Stroke 1994;25: Medicina. We thank Dr Robert G Robinson for his valuable 1050-2.