ANNUAL REPORT 2016 • 2017 Athletics WA Acknowledges the Following Partners in 2016 2017
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ANNUAL REPORT 2016 • 2017 Athletics WA acknowledges the following partners in 2016 2017 FRONT COVER PHOTO CREDITS • Over 80 years service Sef Lazarakis and Margaret Devine have a combined contribution of nearly 90 years officiating at Athletics WA competitions • John Gilmour Winner Johnny Gilmour won gold in the 800m and 1500m at this year’s World Masters Athletics Championships held in Perth • North Beach sub – branch of the RSL The North Beach sub – branch of the RSL entered more than 40 of their members in this year’s Perth Mint Gallipoli Run Table of contents ATHLETICS WA DIRECTORY 1 2016 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2 CHAIRMAN’S REPORT 4 CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER’S REPORT 6 Programs and Events 2016/2017 International Teams & National Squads 9 2016 Paralympic Games 11 Go For 2 & 5 Track And Field Season 12 Australian Athletics Championships 16 Australian All Schools 17 University Games 18 World Masters 2016 19 Development PlusLife Target Tokyo 2020 Squad 22 Target Talent Program (TTP) 23 Talent ID Squad 26 Para-Athletics 27 Coaching 28 Officials 2016-17 28 Friendship Games 30 Go for 2 & 5 Transition Clinics 31 Go for 2 & 5 Athletics Challenge Series 32 Go for 2 & 5 Indigenous Development Program 32 Out of Stadium Road 33 Marathons 33 Walks 33 Cross Country 34 Gallipoli Series 37 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORTS 2016/2017 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORTS 2016/2017 STATEMENT BY THE BOARD 2016/2017 INDEPENDENT AUDIT REPORT 2016/2017 Athletics WA directory Life Members The following individuals have been recognised for their significant contributions to athletics in Western Australia and are Life Members of Athletics WA: Peter Bacich Jackie Halberg Pamela O’Connell S. Bickle Valerie Hancock * Bernie O’Sullivan W H Bourne * Thomas Hantke * Chilla Porter Fiona Brown Joan Harris * Harry Poole Gwen Bull * Robert Harris * Valerie Prescott David Carr Arthur Hindle * Don Rapley * Patricia Carr E V (Dick) Horsley * Jeanette Robertson OAM Jacquie Cattermole Ross Holland Wendy Ryan Rick Cattermole Kevan Hook * Margaret Saunders Robert Chalmers F W Humphreys MBE * George Skeels * Gwen Chester Beris Johnson Noel Bruce Stanton Mrs E. Clay Terry Jones Fred Stewart * William Collier * Don Keane Anne Stingemore Martin Crowe Doug Lambert Stephen Stingemore Frank Day OAM * Mr A W Lang Russell Stranger Shirley de la Hunty MBE* Persephone Lazarakis June Streeter Lee Derby Jim MaCaulay BEM* James Taylor Margaret Devine J D MacDonald * George Tempest * Mr T. Downing * Anne Masters Mavis Tempest Jacqui Dufall * Ray Mawson F A Treacey* Yvonne Flavel Beverly McCagh F T (Theo) Treacey * Brian Foley * Ellen McKenzie * Mr M F Synnot Lyn Foreman Steven McMahon W W (Waldo) Turner* Geoff Garnett OAM Mrs P McWhillie * F C Tyrie * John Gilmour OAM Sir Thomas Meagher * Mr O Waddell* Lindsay Glass Steve Mladenis Bruce Wilson Kate Glass Frederick Napier OAM* Fran Wilson Mr L P Gray Ed Niemanis * * Deceased Jean Gullan Mr E G North* WAAC Board Members Mal Harford (Chairman) David Van der Walt Mickey Arthur Kelly Botha (D / Chairman) Darren Wright Marissa Bechta John Forbes Teresa Blackman Tim Lyons Staff Members Chief Executive Officer High Performance Manager Administrative Assistant Wayne Loxley Mel Tantrum Sharon Brown Operations Manager & Development Officer & Book Keeper Competition Manager Assistant Competition Manager Nicola Albrecht & Stephen Stingemore Jake Trewin Alicja Mulligan Social Media Consultant Accountant Consultant David Smith Bronwyn Christie Page 1 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Western Australian Athletics Commission (Inc) 2016 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 6.30pm Thursday 18th October 2016 Fred Napier Room WA Athletics Stadium 1. Present: M. Harford (Chairman), K. Botha (D / Chairman), M. Bechta, J. Forbes, D. Wright, D. Van der Walt, T. Blackman, T. Lyons and W. Loxley (CEO). Apologies: M. Arthur Visitors: L. Glass, N. Little, B. Mizen, T. Price, A. Doig, W. Salsibury and V. Del Prete The Chairman opened the meeting at 6.35 pm and welcomed all in attendance, in particular Life Member Lindsay Glass. He then individually introduced the board to the visitors. 2. Minutes of the Previous Meeting: It was moved K. Botha and seconded M. Bechta that the minutes be accepted as a true and accurate record of the meeting. Carried unanimously. 3. Business Arising: None 4. 2015/ 2016 Annual Report, Annual Accounts and Auditor’s Statement It was moved D. Van der Walt and seconded T. Blackman that the Annual Report, Accounts and Auditors Statement be received. Carried unanimously. The Chairman addressed his report contained in the Annual Report expanding on some of the key issues. This included a proposed review of the current constitution to ensure compliance with a change in the Incorporations Act. He advised that consultant Emma Taylor had been appointed to conduct the review that would include a hybrid system of elected and appointed board appointments. He also outlined a proposed timeline for the review that included a member forum to provide feedback on the proposed constitution. Page 2 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 5. Advice of the elected Board Members The Chairman advised the meeting that K. Botha, M. Bechta and J. Forbes whose terms expire at the AGM had all re – nominated and had been reappointed for a further two year term at a board meeting held prior to the AGM. 6. Advice of the elected Office Bearers of the Board (Chairperson and Vice Chairperson) The Chairman also advised that he and K. Botha had been re – elected as Chairman and D / Chairperson respectively 7. Election of Auditors and Agree to Remuneration. The Chairman asked the CEO to comment on the current position and he advised that Francis A. Jones had been the auditors for many years, were familiar with the systems in place and had provided a quote of $3650 (exc GST) to continue. M. Bechta commented that the quote was very competitive and it was moved T. Lyons and seconded D. Wright that they be reappointed. Agreed unanimously. 8. General Business The Chairman opened the floor to any General Business. 8.1 N. Little sought confirmation as to any AWA staff changes and he was advised by the CEO that none were planned but the structure was constantly under review depending on revenue. 8.2 A. Doig aksed for an improvement in the email communications from AWA to clubs and members detailing the membership options for the coming season. The CEO responded that he would have DO Jake Trewin attend to this immediately and any delay may have been a result of the World Masters organization. 8.2 W. Salsibury commented that the clubs forum had been well received and asked if there were any plans to continue these. He was advised that J. Trewin would be conducting club meetings on a regular basis. There being no further General Business the Chairman thanked the visitors for their attendance and the meeting was closed at 7.00pm. Page 3 chairmans report It is with much pleasure that I report as Chairman on the activities of Athletics Western Australia (AWA) for the past year, the second year of my Chairmanship. I have had the benefit of reading the Chief Executive Officer’s Report and don’t propose to cover matters dealt with in the CEO’s report unless specifically relevant to matters that I wish to deal with in this report. The positives in the sport over the last 12 months have been the following: (a) The introduction of the Nitro Athletics Series in Melbourne which, primarily due to the participation of Usain Bolt, significantly lifted the profile of the sport particularly in the Eastern States; (b) Terrific progress has been made through CACWA in developing the One Sport model for athletics in conjunction Mal J. Harford with Little Athletics Western Australia; Chairman (c) The relationship between AWA and LAWA has never been more harmonious and positive with both organisations working cohesively and enthusiastically for the betterment of the sport and, in particular, the One Sport model; (d) The updating of the Constitution to comply with the new Associations Incorporation Act was completed and this will now lead to phase two of the governance programme being a complete review and updating where required of relevant rates, policies and procedures so that, as much as possible, everything is documented; (e) The tremendous performances of athletes from WA as set out in the CEO’s report Matters that have not been highlights (rather than using the word lowlights) for the last year were as follows: (a) The loss of the Perth Track Classic and the income that flows from that event to AWA. Pleasingly, the Track Classic is being reinstated for Perth for 2018; (b) Our inability (not through lack of effort) in obtaining, in conjunction with Venues West, a naming rights sponsor for the Athletics Stadium. In my view, one of the biggest issues facing the sport in Western Australia and, probably, Australia is the need for all participants whether they be athletes, officials, coaches, parents of athletes to focus on what is best for the sport rather than what is best for their particular discipline. By its nature, athletics is a relatively insular sport in that individuals compete except for relays. Coupled with that there is the fact that there are approximately 22 different disciplines in Track and Field that individuals can participate in and, in my observation, this has led to some participants in the sport being particularly focused on their discipline and not on what is best for the sport generally. Unfortunately, this was sheeted home when a Special General Meeting was convened in June to pass the new Constitution (that a lot of time and effort had been put into) and only one eligible voting member attended and, as such, the passing of the new Constitution now needs to be dealt with at the AGM which means that the implementation of some of the initiatives in the new Constitution such as the provision for two elected Board Members won’t be able to be effected until the AGM next year.