ANNUAL REPORT 2016 • 2017 Athletics WA acknowledges the following partners in 2016 2017


• Over 80 years service Sef Lazarakis and Margaret Devine have a combined contribution of nearly 90 years officiating at Athletics WA competitions

• John Gilmour Winner Johnny Gilmour won gold in the 800m and 1500m at this year’s World Masters Athletics Championships held in

• North Beach sub – branch of the RSL The North Beach sub – branch of the RSL entered more than 40 of their members in this year’s Perth Mint Gallipoli Run Table of contents


Programs and Events 2016/2017 International Teams & National Squads 9 2016 11 Go For 2 & 5 Track And Field Season 12 Australian Athletics Championships 16 Australian All Schools 17 University Games 18 World Masters 2016 19

Development PlusLife Target Tokyo 2020 Squad 22 Target Talent Program (TTP) 23 Talent ID Squad 26 Para-Athletics 27 Coaching 28 Officials 2016-17 28 Friendship Games 30 Go for 2 & 5 Transition Clinics 31 Go for 2 & 5 Athletics Challenge Series 32 Go for 2 & 5 Indigenous Development Program 32

Out of Stadium Road 33 Marathons 33 Walks 33 Cross Country 34 Gallipoli Series 37


Life Members The following individuals have been recognised for their significant contributions to athletics in Western and are Life Members of Athletics WA:

Peter Bacich Jackie Halberg Pamela O’Connell S. Bickle Valerie Hancock * Bernie O’Sullivan W H Bourne * Thomas Hantke * Chilla Porter Fiona Brown Joan Harris * Harry Poole Gwen Bull * Robert Harris * Valerie Prescott David Carr Arthur Hindle * Don Rapley * Patricia Carr E V (Dick) Horsley * Jeanette Robertson OAM Jacquie Cattermole Ross Holland Wendy Ryan Rick Cattermole Kevan Hook * Margaret Saunders Robert Chalmers F W Humphreys MBE * George Skeels * Gwen Chester Beris Johnson Noel Bruce Stanton Mrs E. Clay Terry Jones Fred Stewart * William Collier * Don Keane Anne Stingemore Martin Crowe Doug Lambert Stephen Stingemore Frank Day OAM * Mr A W Lang Russell Stranger Shirley de la Hunty MBE* Persephone Lazarakis June Streeter Lee Derby Jim MaCaulay BEM* James Taylor Margaret Devine J D MacDonald * George Tempest * Mr T. Downing * Anne Masters Mavis Tempest Jacqui Dufall * Ray Mawson F A Treacey* Yvonne Flavel Beverly McCagh F T (Theo) Treacey * Brian Foley * Ellen McKenzie * Mr M F Synnot Lyn Foreman Steven McMahon W W (Waldo) Turner* Geoff Garnett OAM Mrs P McWhillie * F C Tyrie * John Gilmour OAM Sir Thomas Meagher * Mr O Waddell* Lindsay Glass Steve Mladenis Bruce Wilson Kate Glass Frederick Napier OAM* Fran Wilson Mr L P Gray Ed Niemanis * * Deceased Jean Gullan Mr E G North*

WAAC Board Members Mal Harford (Chairman) David Van der Walt Mickey Arthur Kelly Botha (D / Chairman) Darren Wright Marissa Bechta John Forbes Teresa Blackman Tim Lyons

Staff Members Chief Executive Officer High Performance Manager Administrative Assistant Wayne Loxley Mel Tantrum Sharon Brown Operations Manager & Development Officer & Book Keeper Competition Manager Assistant Competition Manager Nicola Albrecht & Stephen Stingemore Jake Trewin Alicja Mulligan Social Media Consultant Accountant Consultant David Smith Bronwyn Christie


Western Australian Athletics Commission (Inc)

2016 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 6.30pm Thursday 18th October 2016

Fred Napier Room

WA Athletics Stadium

1. Present: M. Harford (Chairman), K. Botha (D / Chairman), M. Bechta, J. Forbes, D. Wright, D. Van der Walt, T. Blackman, T. Lyons and W. Loxley (CEO).

Apologies: M. Arthur

Visitors: L. Glass, N. Little, B. Mizen, T. Price, A. Doig, W. Salsibury and V. Del Prete

The Chairman opened the meeting at 6.35 pm and welcomed all in attendance, in particular Life Member Lindsay Glass. He then individually introduced the board to the visitors.

2. Minutes of the Previous Meeting:

It was moved K. Botha and seconded M. Bechta that the minutes be accepted as a true and accurate record of the meeting. Carried unanimously.

3. Business Arising: None

4. 2015/ 2016 Annual Report, Annual Accounts and Auditor’s Statement

It was moved D. Van der Walt and seconded T. Blackman that the Annual Report, Accounts and Auditors Statement be received. Carried unanimously.

The Chairman addressed his report contained in the Annual Report expanding on some of the key issues. This included a proposed review of the current constitution to ensure compliance with a change in the Incorporations Act. He advised that consultant Emma Taylor had been appointed to conduct the review that would include a hybrid system of elected and appointed board appointments. He also outlined a proposed timeline for the review that included a member forum to provide feedback on the proposed constitution.


5. Advice of the elected Board Members

The Chairman advised the meeting that K. Botha, M. Bechta and J. Forbes whose terms expire at the AGM had all re – nominated and had been reappointed for a further two year term at a board meeting held prior to the AGM.

6. Advice of the elected Office Bearers of the Board (Chairperson and Vice Chairperson)

The Chairman also advised that he and K. Botha had been re – elected as Chairman and D / Chairperson respectively

7. Election of Auditors and Agree to Remuneration.

The Chairman asked the CEO to comment on the current position and he advised that Francis A. Jones had been the auditors for many years, were familiar with the systems in place and had provided a quote of $3650 (exc GST) to continue. M. Bechta commented that the quote was very competitive and it was moved T. Lyons and seconded D. Wright that they be reappointed. Agreed unanimously.

8. General Business

The Chairman opened the floor to any General Business.

8.1 N. Little sought confirmation as to any AWA staff changes and he was advised by the CEO that none were planned but the structure was constantly under review depending on revenue.

8.2 A. Doig aksed for an improvement in the email communications from AWA to clubs and members detailing the membership options for the coming season. The CEO responded that he would have DO Jake Trewin attend to this immediately and any delay may have been a result of the World Masters organization.

8.2 W. Salsibury commented that the clubs forum had been well received and asked if there were any plans to continue these. He was advised that J. Trewin would be conducting club meetings on a regular basis.

There being no further General Business the Chairman thanked the visitors for their attendance and the meeting was closed at 7.00pm.

Page 3 chairmans report

It is with much pleasure that I report as Chairman on the activities of Athletics Western Australia (AWA) for the past year, the second year of my Chairmanship. I have had the benefit of reading the Chief Executive Officer’s Report and don’t propose to cover matters dealt with in the CEO’s report unless specifically relevant to matters that I wish to deal with in this report.

The positives in the sport over the last 12 months have been the following: (a) The introduction of the Nitro Athletics Series in Melbourne which, primarily due to the participation of Usain Bolt, significantly lifted the profile of the sport particularly in the Eastern States;

(b) Terrific progress has been made through CACWA in developing the One Sport model for athletics in conjunction Mal J. Harford with Little Athletics Western Australia; Chairman

(c) The relationship between AWA and LAWA has never been more harmonious and positive with both organisations working cohesively and enthusiastically for the betterment of the sport and, in particular, the One Sport model;

(d) The updating of the Constitution to comply with the new Associations Incorporation Act was completed and this will now lead to phase two of the governance programme being a complete review and updating where required of relevant rates, policies and procedures so that, as much as possible, everything is documented;

(e) The tremendous performances of athletes from WA as set out in the CEO’s report

Matters that have not been highlights (rather than using the word lowlights) for the last year were as follows:

(a) The loss of the Perth Track Classic and the income that flows from that event to AWA. Pleasingly, the Track Classic is being reinstated for Perth for 2018;

(b) Our inability (not through lack of effort) in obtaining, in conjunction with Venues West, a naming rights sponsor for the Athletics Stadium.

In my view, one of the biggest issues facing the sport in Western Australia and, probably, Australia is the need for all participants whether they be athletes, officials, coaches, parents of athletes to focus on what is best for the sport rather than what is best for their particular discipline. By its nature, athletics is a relatively insular sport in that individuals compete except for relays. Coupled with that there is the fact that there are approximately 22 different disciplines in Track and Field that individuals can participate in and, in my observation, this has led to some participants in the sport being particularly focused on their discipline and not on what is best for the sport generally. Unfortunately, this was sheeted home when a Special General Meeting was convened in June to pass the new Constitution (that a lot of time and effort had been put into) and only one eligible voting member attended and, as such, the passing of the new Constitution now needs to be dealt with at the AGM which means that the implementation of some of the initiatives in the new Constitution such as the provision for two elected Board Members won’t be able to be effected until the AGM next year.

Page 4 chairmans report

It would be remiss of me not to thank the efforts of our staff. Wayne Loxley and his team do an extremely good job under what are sometimes trying circumstances quite often driven by the issue identified above ie people’s focus on their particular discipline rather than what’s in the interests of the sport as a whole. By necessity, athletics is a sport which needs to be ‘managed’ with a firm and decisive (some may even say autocratic) hand as it is a classic case of ‘you can’t please all the people all the time’ and decisions need to be made and implemented.

Finally, thanks to all our athletes, coaches, officials, parents, sponsors and those with an interest in the sport. Without your ongoing interest and support, the sport would not have a future. Athletics has a great future in Western Australia.

Mal J. Harford


Page 5 CHIEF executive officer's report

The highlights of an Olympic year usually include notable performances from our athletes and while Rio did provide some of these, the major achievements of the past year have been two innovations to the domestic competition calendar.

The introduction of the Nitro Series, the brainchild of key personnel within Athletics Australia, reinvigorated athletics from an athlete, spectator and media perspective. Athletics version of cricket’s Big Bash, Nitro was headlined by the superstar Usain Bolt whose energy and charisma was contagious to the athletes and spectators in attendance and the wide television audience.

Secondly, the sport made a bold decision to combine the Junior and Senior National Championships for the first time and this was an unqualified success providing a week of highlights from our current and future stars of the sport.

Leadership and Governance Wayne Loxley Chief Executive Officer Amendments to the Incorporations Act required a review of our current constitution and to ensure an objective independent approach, the board appointed respected sports consultant Emma Taylor to complete the review. The process has included strong consultation with our membership and stakeholders and this will be adopted at this year’s AGM.

The Community Athletics Council of WA (CACWA) continues to be a vehicle for continued collaboration and this year a number of key recommendations were endorsed including the preparation and delivery of a Whole of Sport Strategic Plan and a Communications Plan, a number of combined events and the proposed relocation of Little Athletics WA (LAWA) to the precinct of the WA Athletics Stadium. The Strategic Plan will be executed early in the lead into and during next season.

The first year of LAWA’s CEO Vince Del Prete tenure has provided excellent leadership and support for his Chairman Teresa Blackman and together with their new board of management and administration provide great optimism for athletics in WA to move to a truly One Sport model.

Participation and Communication

The joint delivery of programs through CACWA promotes clearer pathways for athletes, coaches and officials and our numbers in these areas continue to rise.

Our track and field membership has increased this year to a total of 1150, 30% of which are dual LAWA members which is encouraging for their transition to senior athletics. Total membership including recreational runners also continues to increase and is just under 3000.

The coach education program continues strongly catering for coaches from the Little Athletics fraternity and senior coaches in Perth and regional areas with more than 482 active coaches this year and the officials online program increases the member of our volunteers and parents who can attain a basic level of understanding in a time effective manner.

Page 6 CHIEF executive officer's report

A key focus of Club development through CACWA is the formation of the One Club model that caters for athletes from the “cradle to the grave” and while there are variations in their club structure, there are now three of these registered with Athletics WA.

The presence of a genuine collaborative approach at CACWA level this year has resulted in a willingness to promote this message to the sport and subsequently a Communications Plan was prepared and will be activated over the next 6 months.

The final challenge for the sport in this area is for LAWA and AWA to share the same digital platform and IT provider and we are confident this will be achieved in the next 12 months.

Competition and Events

The highlight of our calendar in the past 12 months has been the World Masters held over two stadiums and three out of stadia venues in October which involved 4400 participants including more than 2000 international visitors.

Our role of Competition Manager was admirably headed by Stephen Stingemore and assisted by Jake Trewin to deliver what Stan Perkins, the President of the World Masters, acclaimed as the best World Masters ever. Our team was again supported by our fantastic officials who combined with numerous volunteers from SEDA.

As previously mentioned, this summer saw the launch of the Nitro Series which has transformed how athletics can be organised and watched and several West Australians were able to shine during the series including Matt Ramsden, Nina Kennedy, Liz Parnov and Ella Pardy.

HP Manager Mel Tantrum and her management group led a record high team of 238 athletes to the combined senior and junior nationals and were rewarded with a haul of 102 medals.

The absolute low point of the season was the absence of the Perth Track Classic for the first time in more than twenty years due to a strategic change to Athletics Australia’s (AA) allocation of high performance meets. I am pleased to report that we have been able to secure the return of this Meet in 2018 which will be a boost for our aspiring athletes in particular.

We were fortunate to partner with a new sponsor for the Gallipoli Run Series this year in The Perth Mint who added an enthusiastic edge to the events in Perth and Kalgoorlie.

High Performance

Mel Tantrum continues to be the benchmark for High Performance management at state level, an opinion that is regularly confirmed by the AA High Performance team. Mel’s energy is unsurpassed as she develops able bodied and para athletes with equal focus.

Her efforts are evidenced by the record number of Western Australian athletes that have been selected in the National U17 (6) and U19 (3) squads this year.

The transition from talented junior to senior level has been supported by Mel Tantrum spending one day a week working from WAIS to ensure an individual focus is applied where necessary to assist in their development.

Page 7 CHIEF executive officer's report

Those athletes on the verge of national selection have also received support in their quest for improvement through the generous sponsorship of Plus Life who have partnered in the formation of the Target Tokyo squad and we specifically would like to thank Anne Cowie and her team from Plus Life.


Traditionally state sporting associations pay little attention to this area, focusing more on the development and delivery of the sport however it is through a commercial focus that sport can invest in the required personnel to ensure a range of quality programs are developed and delivered.

I would like to again thank the Department of Sport and Recreation and Healthway as our major long term partners for their on – going support.

This year we have enjoyed a new partnership with The Perth Mint in their support of the Gallipoli Run in Perth and Kalgoorlie and we look forward to this being a long term partnership.

I would also like to thank Youngs Holden, Jandakot City, Matso’s Brewery, Venueswest, Front Runner Sports, Seven West Media, Radio 6PR and Keep on Running for their support over the past year.


It has been a pleasure to lead an enthusiastic team in Mel Tantrum, Stephen Stingemore, Jake Trewin, Sharon Brown and David Smith in the management of the sport over the past 12 months.

I take this opportunity to thank Chairman Mal Harford and his board for again focusing on the governance of the sport and allowing our team to administer their roles without any board interference.

As always, the final salute is to our reliable and ageless officials who continue to provide the opportunity for all our members to compete. I thank you all for your untiring efforts and look forward to enjoying your company next season.

Page 8 International Teams & National Squads

Athletics WA congratulates these West Australians for selection in the following:

2016 Rio Olympic Games, Brazil 2016 Rio Paralympic Games, Brazil Peter Bol Sam McEntee Ella Pardy Kim Mickle

2017 IAAF World Relays, Bahamas 2017 Para World Marathon, London, UK Brianna Beahan Matt Felton Aaron Bresland

2016 IAAF World U20 Championships, Poland Nina Kennedy Julian Konle Lachlan McDermott Emma Philippe Matthew Ramsden Alanah Yukich

2017 Oceania Athletics Championships, Fiji TEAM - AUSTRALIA TEAM - REGIONAL AUSTRALIA Caitlin Blackman Jaqson Dagan Alain Dutton Emily Dixon Jesse Hunt Mikayla Horan MJ Jansen van Rensburg Imogen Kelsch Terrell McKenzie Imogen Taylor Alison Nankivell Jessica Siviour Joshua Wigmore Lauren Wright

NASS National U19 Squad 2016 Brianna Beahan Ben Chamberlain Peter Bol Callum Corbett Luke Cann Clare Gibson Declan Carruthers Grant Szalek Luke Graves Declan Tingay Madison de Rozario Alanah Yukich Sarah Edmiston * mid-year Nina Kennedy Robyn Lambird Ella Pardy Liz Parnov Chad Perris Matthew Ramsden

Page 9 International Teams & National Squads

National U17 Squad 2016 Riley Armstrong Caitlin Blackman Olivia Caldow Tatjana Fischer James Gallaugher Liam Gartlan Clarissa Herbst Megan Hooper Lauren Hyde-Cooling Lara Ilievski Sean Szalek Chelsea Turner

WAIS 2016/17 Brianna Beahan Peter Bol Luke Cann Declan Carruthers Stephen Clough Madison de Rozario Sarah Edmiston Clare Gibson Cruz Hogan Nina Kennedy Julian Konle Robyn Lambird Sam McEntee Ella Pardy Liz Parnov Chad Perris Emma Philippe Matthew Ramsden Alanah Yukich Sasha Zhoya


The 2016 Rio Paralympic Games concluded with Australia’s track and field team collecting 26 medals. WA’s Chad Perris, Madison de Rozario and Ella Pardy were among the medal winners, with Perris also earning a new Australian record.

Perris’ inaugural Paralympic team saw the ‘White Tiger’ make headlines after breaking the T13 100m Australian record twice and collecting the bronze medal in a time of 10.83.

Fellow debutante Ella Pardy also left her first Paralympic games with a bronze medal after running in the T35-38 4x100m relay. Finishing sixth in her individual 100m event, Pardy returned to the Olympic Stadium alongside , Jodi Elkington-Jones and for the 4x100m relay. The girls faced tough competition from the Chinese, Great Britain and German team, but were able to hold off Germany to collect bronze in a time of 55.09.

Seasoned Paralympian Madison de Rozario will not forget her Rio campaign, claiming two silvers in the T53 800m and T53-54 4x400m. De Rozario competed seven times over five days, just missing out on a third medal in the 5000m by 0.12 seconds.

Brad Scott missed out on medalling at his third Paralympics, finishing sixth in the T37 1500m. While Scott was the first to admit the missed opportunity, he did leave Australia with a powerful message in his post race interview.

‘To all those kids back home with a disability. The disability doesn’t have to be your excuse, it can be your greatest opportunity.’ Scott said.

Madison de Rozario leads the pack at the 2016 Rio Paralympic Games

Page 11 Go for 2 & 5 Track and Field Season

The Go for 2 & 5 Track and Field season started earlier than normal due to the scheduling of the World Masters Athletics Championships (WMAC) in October and November 2016. Both metropolitan all weather certified tracks were unavailable for public access for approximately 3 weeks during the WMAC Championships period, which is a peak recruitment period for new athletes. It is evident that major athletic events have the potential to disrupt the athletics season due to the shortage of suitable venues for elite competitions.

The winter school athletics carnivals were still in progress when the season started. The Go for 2 & 5 All Schools Championships were conducted two weeks earlier than normal causing disruption to the athletes in preparation for the Australian All Schools Championships.

During the season 18 regular weekly competitions were conducted, plus Championships and special events, which is on par to a normal season. Competitor numbers were consistent with past results with a peak around Championships periods.

The WA State Championships were conducted over three days, Friday, Saturday and Sunday between 24 -26 February 2017. Competitors numbers were down slightly from 2016, which is understandable considering the disruption to this season.

During the season, it was pleasing to see more para-athletes competing on a regular basis and this can be directly attributed to the DSR funded Para-athletics program implemented over the last 3 years.

Robyn Lambird (NASS athlete) competes in the Go for 2 & 5 Track and Field season

Page 12 Go for 2 & 5 Track and Field Season

Further adding to the disruption of the season was the highly promoted and advertised ‘Nitro Series’ in Melbourne Victoria. A number of WA elite athletes competed in the ‘Nitro Series’. Of concern to the growth of athletics at a local level is the national and international demand on our elite athletes whose attendance at local competitions has declined considerably over the years. The lack of elite athletes reduced the potential of media coverage and visible mentor and role models for further athletes.

Early in the season a special Sunday program restricted to the throws discipline was trialled with some success and will be expanded during 2017-18. This program alleviates the pressure on officials and allows the development of athletes into new disciplines.

Page 13 Go for 2 & 5 Track and Field Season

State and Allcomer Records AWA 2016/2017 Season


Brandon Ford U14 M 1500m 25-Nov-16 4:22.37 WAAS Perth Allcomers Brandon Ford U14 M 3000m 15-Oct-16 9:22.57 WAAS Perth State & Allcomers Brandon Ford U14 M 3000m 2-Dec-16 9:10.41 WAAS Perth State & Allcomers Etienne Rousseau U14 M Hammer Throw 27-Nov-16 41.24m WAAS Perth State Etienne Rousseau U14 M Hammer Throw 3-Dec-16 45.58m Canberra State

Etienne Rousseau U14 M Shot Put 8-Dec-16 15.91m WAAS Perth State

Taylah Cruttenden U14 W 100m 25-Nov-16 12.19 WAAS Perth State

Alexandra Griffen U14 W 3000m Race Walk 30-Mar-17 14:31.70 Sydney State

Jemima Crosby U14 W 800m 7-Oct-16 2:12.90 WAAS Perth Allcomers

Lily Pree U14 W 80m Hurdles 15-Oct-16 12.27 WAAS Perth Allcomers

Lily Pree U14 W 80m Hurdles 3-Dec-16 12.09 Canberra State

Tahlee McVee U14W Triple Jump 25-Nov-16 11.40m WAAS Perth Allcomers

Sasha Zhoya U16 M 100m Hurdles 3-Dec-16 12.66 Canberra State

Kiran Tibbles U16 M 1500m 25-Nov-16 4:00.54 WAAS Perth State & Allcomers

Kiran Tibbles U16 M 1500m 3-Dec-16 3:55.89 Canberra State

Kiran Tibbles U16 M 1500m 8-Dec-16 3:58.58 WAAS Perth Allcomers

Luke Shaw U16 M 1500m 15-Oct-16 4:00.59 WAAS Perth State & Allcomers Luke Shaw U16 M 800m 4-Dec-16 1:54.76 Canberra State Sophie White U16 W 100m 30-Mar-17 11.85 Sydney State Sophie White U16 W 4 x 100m Relay 3-Dec-16 47.32 Canberra State

Isabel Reeves U16 W 4 x 100m Relay 3-Dec-16 47.32 Canberra State

Jenna Bain U16 W 4 x 100m Relay 3-Dec-16 47.32 Canberra State Iysha O’Meara U16 W 4 x 100m Relay 3-Dec-16 47.32 Canberra State Sophie White U16 W 90m Hurdles 15-Oct-16 12.57 WAAS Perth State & Allcomers Sophie White U16 W 90m Hurdles 3-Dec-16 12.54 (heat) Canberra State Sophie White U16 W 90m Hurdles 3-Dec-16 12.31 (heat) Canberra State Sophie White U16 W 90m Hurdles 25-Feb-17 12.56 WAAS Perth Allcomers Isabel Daines U16 W Heptathlon 30-Mar-17 4974 pts Sydney State Tahlee McVee U16 W Heptathlon 30-Mar-17 4974 pts Sydney State Sasha Zhoya U18 M 110m Hurdles 30-Mar-17 13.60 Sydney State Declan Tingay U18 M 500m Race Walk 2-Dec-16 20:11.80 Canberra State Sophie White U18 W 100m Hurdles 30-Mar-17 13.50 Sydney State Mikayla Horan U18 W Hammer Throw 3-Dec-16 49.73m Canberra State Mikayla Horan U18 W Hammer Throw 2-Mar-17 52.19m WAAS Perth State Mikayla Horan U18 W Hammer Throw 30-Mar-17 53.48m Sydney State Declan Tingay U20 M 10,000m Race Walk 30-Mar-17 42:09.52 Sydney State Clarrissa Herbst U20 W 5000m 18-Nov-16 16:54.60 WAAS Perth State

Page 14 Go for 2 & 5 Track and Field Season

2016 Go For 2&5 WA All Schools Championships

The 2016 Go For 2&5 WA All Schools were held at the WA Athletics Stadium on the 14th, 15th and 16th of October. 355 secondary school age athletes took part in the three-day Championship representing over 60 high schools in 149 events. The Championships acted as the selection event for the WA State team heading over to Canberra for the national All Schools Championships, with 113 athletes securing selection.

2017 State Championships presented by Go For 2&5

The 2017 WA State Championships presented by Go For 2&5 was held on 24th, 25th and 26th of February. More than 500 of the state’s best athletes took part in the three-day Championships which was headlined by 2016 Rio athletes Peter Bol, Kurtis Marschall (SA) and Ella Pardy.

The sweltering three-day Championships saw the athletes entertain with Nina Kennedy, Sean Szalek and Melany Smart all clinching qualifiers for upcoming Australian teams. Kennedy returned to form clearing the required 4.55m in the Open Women’s Pole Vault to gain selection for the Australian team heading to the IAAF World Championships in London. While Szalek and Smart both topped off dominant state seasons with Commonwealth Youth Games qualifiers in the High Jump and 3000m competition respectively.

Congratulations to the athletes, coaches and officials who participated in hot temperatures to deliver an outstanding State Championships.

Page 15 Australian Athletics Championships, SYDNEY

A team of 238 Western Australian athletes competed in the 2017 Australian Athletics Championships at the Sydney Olympic Park Athletics Centre, Homebush, NSW from 26 March – 2 April 2017. Spanning eight days, the 2017 Australian Athletics Championships were the largest athletics event in Australia and the Oceania-Pacific region and brought together participants of all ages in the pursuit of personal bests and national championship medals. The event combined Junior and Open aged Championships for able-bodied and para-athletes for the first time. Athletes were aiming for selection for numerous international events including: • 2017 IAAF World Championships, London • 2017 World Para Athletics Championships, London • 2017 World Relay Championships, Bahamas • 2017 FISU World University Games, Taiwan • 2017 Commonwealth Youth Games, Bahamas Athletics WA also selected the 2017/18 Target Talent Program (TTP) and Talent ID Squads from this event. Western Australia won a total of 102 medals with 41 gold, 30 silver, and 31 bronze medals. Seven meet records were also broken. GOLD MEDALLISTS U16 Girls 4x200m Elizabeth Parnov (Taylah Cruttenden, Lily Pree, Ella Pardy Jenna Bain & Sophie White) Sarah Edmiston Jackson Hamilton 2 Madison de Rozario Declan Tingay Abigail D’Sylva Lauren Hyde-Cooling 2 MJ Jansen Van Rensburg Sean Szalek Emma Ferguson Sasha Zhoya 5 Sophie White 3 Thomas Throssell Isabel Dianes Stefan Rajakovic Taylah Cruttenden Lubin Benedict Jemima Crosby 2 Brandon Ford Lily Pree 2 Etienne Rousseau Alla Parnov 2 Anthony Ghiselli Tahlee McVee 2 Drew Whittington Skye Lancaster Alexander Griffin Team Management: Mel Tantrum - Team Manager David Smith - Assistant Team Manager/Media Manager Jake Trewin - Assistant Team Manager Maria Taylor - Relay Team Manager & Coach Lyn Foreman, Paul Sheppard, Tony Walters, Tony Reeves, Jodi Lambert, Lyndsay Pekin, Ben Catley, Bec Le Tessier - Relay Coaches Ben Clark - Physiotherapist Richelle Jarvis-Spinks - Physiotherapist Margaret Gibson - Massage Therapist

Page 16 Australian ALL SCHOOLS Championships

The 2016 Australian All Schools Championships were held at the AIS, Canberra from 1 – 4 December 2016. Western Australia was represented by a team of 113 athletes from 61 schools, 6 staff and 5 relay coaches. The competition attracted over 1100 junior athletes aged 12-17 years from across Australia, vying for the title of National All Schools Champion.

The Australian All Schools Championships is one of two competitions at the forefront of the national pathway for secondary school-aged students. The other competition is the Australian Junior Athletics Championships. As one of the two pinnacle junior events in Australia, the Australian All Schools Championships attracts athletes from all Australian States and Territories plus students from Pacific countries competing in a team based competition with the focus placed on accumulating points for their State or Territory.

The competition format for the Australian All Schools is a State vs State point score competition conducted over three days. WA athletes returned from Canberra with 10 Gold, 12 Silver and 8 Bronze (30 medals in total) and countless personal bests. WA finished 4th on the team point score, behind New South Wales, Queensland and Victoria.

However, the WA Team travelled to Canberra with one very clear goal - to defend the Small State Trophy and demonstrate the depth of athletics ability in WA. That goal was accomplished in style, with WA retaining the trophy won in Melbourne in 2015.

Luke Graves claimed WA’s first gold with a solid performance in U18 2000m Steeplechase to defend his 2015 All Schools title. Graves lead the race from start to finish and was never in doubt, crossing the line 40m a-head of WA’s MJ Jansen van Rensburg who finished in second with a new personal best. A dominant performance in the 5000m race walk saw Declan Tingay claim gold and new meet record in a time of 20:11.80.

The Parnov sisters proved the next generation are keeping the Parnov pedigree alive, with Alla and Natasha Parnov claiming gold and silver respectively in the U14 Girls Pole Vault. The sisters fought it out with Natasha jumping a new personal best of 2.95m, but was beaten for the gold with Alla jumping 3.05m. Jackson Hamilton showed his versatility and claimed gold in the U16 Boys Para Shot Put and Discus events. Sophie White also showed class with a national title and national record in the U16 Girls 90m Hurdles, while Sasha Zhoya also broke a national record in the U16 Boys 100m Hurdles.

GOLD MEDALLISTS Sophie Eastaugh Luke Graves Jackson Hamilton 2 Lily Pree Alla Parnov Declan Tingay Sophie White Sasha Zhoya 2

Team Staff: Mel Tantrum – Team Manager Paul Burgess – Team Coach David Smith – Assistant Team Manager / Social Media Maria Taylor – Team Coach Allana Wignall – Team Coach Ben Clarke – Physiotherapist


Monday 26 September – Thursday 29 September 2016

Athletics WA were appointed as Competition Manager for the Australian University Games Athletics Championship, which is hosted on a rotational basis between each state and territory of Australia.

The Games are recognised as an opportunity for university athletes to compete against each other in a national multi-sport event. As such, the Games has built up a reputation as a not to be missed event attracting over 6,000 participants in Perth in 2016.

The Perth 2016 Australian University Games hosted the following sports; athletics, Australian rules football, badminton, baseball, basketball, beach volleyball, cycling, fencing, football, futsal, golf, handball, hockey, judo, kendo, lawn bowls, netball, rowing, rugby 7s, sailing, softball, squash, swimming, table tennis, taekwondo, tennis, tenpin bowling, touch, twenty20 cricket, ultimate, volleyball and water polo.

Participants in the athletic arena also competed for the opportunity for selection at the 2017 World University Athletics Games in Taiwan.

Athletics WA as Competition Manager were responsible for program development and the conduct of the athletic competition. Over 300 athletes, including National representatives, competed over the four days. Twenty-nine accredited WA officials officiated over the four days and once again enhanced our reputation to host major events. A fantastic effort by our dedicated band of officials.

A number of WA athletes also competed in the Games with Stephen Clough being selected to represent Australia at the 2017 World University Games in Taiwan.

The athletic competition component of the Games was a remarkable success and was formally acknowledged by the Australian University Games management team.

Commercially and operationally the Games were a success for Athletics WA enhancing our National reputation and status as a team that consistently produces positive competition management results for all involved.

The Games provided a perfect lead into the World Masters Athletic Championships, which commenced in late October 2016. The competition management team, officials and venue operators had a unique opportunity to practice and review operational matters.

Page 18 World Masters Athletics Championships

Perth 26 October – 6 November 2016

Athletic WA’s adoption into the World Masters Athletics community commenced in 2011 during the early bid stages to host the World Masters Athletics Championships in Perth. Although unsuccessful for the 2015 Championships, Perth was awarded 2016. Hence the long journey commenced with our WA Masters team working towards hosting what is now described as the best Championships ever conducted. The Championship format was over 12 days, which included two rest days. Early planning and budgeting was premised on approximately 4 000 competitors participating. This comprised approximately 2 400 international and 1 600 Australian athletes. The World Masters Athletics Championships is sanctioned as a Class 1 International Association of Athletics Federation (IAAF) competition.

The event, which was supported by the WA State Government with sponsorship from Tourism WA, is potentially the biggest international sporting event to be conducted in WA. Arguably, it is the biggest international athletic championship ever conducted in Australia. Athletics WA was appointed as the competition manager for the event, which was conducted at the following venues: • WA Athletics Stadium • University of WA Sports Park (Throws competition and warm up area). • Ern Clark Athletic Centre • Perry Lakes Reserve – cross country, 10km and 20km walks. • Swan River foreshore – marathon and half marathon. A minimum of 150 officials was required and AWA recruited over 200 international, national and local officials for the Championships. Language barriers presented a minor hic-up to the process but this was overcome by the relaxed Australian attitude and understanding. Officials’ well-being was a high priority for AWA and AWA is comfortable in stating that every official, whether local, national or international, were well taken care off. The Local Organising Committee are to be congratulated on their support of the officials. As entrant numbers increased the excitement and anticipation increased and just days prior to entries closing our target of 4 000 participants was achieved. Work then started on the scheduling and programming for the Championships. Events were juggled between venues and everything was checked and re-checked. Programs were printed. First hurdle was cleared. During this phase, the LOC were privileged to work with Sandy Paskin from America whose expertise in this area is second to none. Sufficient athletic equipment was the next problem to overcome with urgent orders placed around Australia for additional equipment. Venues West, led by Regan Morrison, were most valuable during this phase ensuring sufficient equipment was not only available for the WA Athletic Stadium but also other venues. Similarly, the support from the City of Canning was equally important for Ern Clark Athletic Centre. The competition started in earnest without a hic-up and ran smoothly – daily team managers’ meetings were short with minimal complaints, unheard of at WMAC Team Managers’ meetings. The officials led by Alan Bell and Michael Serralto were exemplary in their administration of their duties with only minor issues arising throughout the Championship.

Page 19 World Masters Athletics Championships

‘The gathering’

Upon conclusion of the Championship the role of AWA within the Championship was publicly and privately highly praised by many, but in particular from Mr Stan Perkins the President of World Masters Athletics, who in his message to Masters Athletes reported;

‘The success of their efforts has been acclaimed worldwide by athletes, officials, administrators and others who took part. This success was evident in many ways – well prepared and presented competition venues, good quality officiating and organisation, excellent sponsorship support and an environment that was inviting and welcoming to the athletes and their families and supporters.’

Most rewarding was the letter of appreciation from Mr Richard Blurton, Head of the Perth Local Organising Committee in which he stated;

Many who were present and privileged to have inside knowledge of the behind the scene activities, particularly World Masters Council President Mr Stan Perkins, contributed the success of the Championships to the AWA team.

As the Head of the Perth 2016 LOC, I wish to thank and formally acknowledge AWA in their role as Competition Manager, which underpinned the success of the Perth 2016 WMAC.

Budget and financial analysis of the event by stakeholders confirmed the event was a financial success and a significant commercial benefit to the State of WA’s economy. Combining the commercial benefits with the competition success the conduct and management of the Championship by the Local Organising Committee has showcased Western Australia to the world. (Live streaming of the event was watched in 170 countries around the world.)

AWA was privileged to be part of the World Masters Athletics Championship and appreciated the

Page 20 World Masters Athletics Championships

opportunity to confirm AWA’s capability to be part of an event of this magnitude and to play a major role in the success.

In conclusion, AWA wishes to thank the WA Masters for their support throughout the Championship and for their courage to dream of hosting such a world-wide event in Perth and the WA State Government via Tourism WA to accept the challenge to support the WA Masters’ dream.

As the Competition Manager, it would be remiss of me not to mention the support I received from Wayne Loxley (CEO AWA) and my team of Jake Trewin, Shawnee Turner, Sharon Brown and all the AWA officials who participated in the Championship.

Stephen Stingemore

Operations Manager


Athletics WA completed a High Performance Review in July 2016. Three key recommendations were made for athletes aged 19-23 years. The PlusLife Target Tokyo 2020 Squad is designed to increase the number of WA-based athletes selected on the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympics Teams. The program is funded by the WA Department of Sport and Recreation with sponsorship from PlusLIfe, Perth’s Bone and Tissue Bank. Sixteen athletes were selected in the squad and were provided with a structured strength and conditioning program at WAIS with Dylan Powell. Athletes also had access to the WAIS recovery facility and physiotherapy as well as access to the WA Athletics Stadium. The aims of the squad are to: • Increase opportunities for WA senior athletes to be selected to represent Australia on senior national teams within 1-3 years; • Provide support for the athlete’s Daily Training Environment; • Improve athlete performance by accessing quality strength training programs; • Reduce the incidence and impact of injuries; • Support WA athletes demonstrating high levels of performance who are not yet included in the Athletics Australia NASS or WAIS programs; • Address the gap in the current Athletics WA High Performance Pathway.

Athlete Event Coach Chris Barty Shot Put Allana Wignall Aaron Bresland 100m Dane Richter Ben Chamberlain 1500m, 3000m Tony Chamberlain Callum Corbett 110m Hurdles Lyn Foreman Matthew Felton Marathon Raf Baugh Paul Gilbert T20 800m, 1500m Paul Heywood Luke Graves 3000m Steeple Suzi Graves Lachlan McDermott 100m, 200m 4x100m Relay Ryan Purcell Julia Phillips 100m, 200m, 4x100m Relay Sebastian Kuzminski, Adam Benz Nicole Robinson High Jump Albert Cianfrini Rochelle Rodgers Marathon Rafael Baugh Marc See 1500m, 3000m Steeple Steve Purser Melany Smart 1500m, 3000m Suzi Graves Grant Szalek High Jump Bo Szalek, Grant Ward Sean Szalek High Jump Bo Szalek, Grant Ward Declan Tingay Race Walk Steven Tingay


Highlights: • Melany Smart and Sean Szalek selected on the 2017 Commonwealth Youth Games, Bahamas;

• Aaron Bresland selected on the 2017 World Relay Championships, Bahamas;

• Matt Felton selected to compete at the London Marathon (Para World Cup event);

• Rochelle Rodgers achieved the qualifying standard for the 2017 World Championships marathon.


The Target Talent Program (TTP) is Athletics Australia’s (AA) talent identification strand of the High Performance Strategy. The program is fully funded by the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) Australian Winning Edge (AWE) program. In Western Australia, the TTP is delivered on AA’s behalf by Athletics WA (AWA).

The 2016/17 AWA TTP program focused on athletes born 1997 - 2001. Ten State TTP Coaches were appointed within four event groups (Sprints & Hurdles, Endurance & Walks, Jumps, and Throws). A total of 9 TTP sessions and 4 coach education sessions were held from June to December covering nutrition, sport psychology, anti-doping, ethical decision making, athlete well-being, physiology, strength and conditioning and the WAIS Developing Champions Program.

2016/17 TTP Athletes:

Event Athlete 400m/800m Robyn Lambird T34 100m/200m/LJ Rhiannon Clarke T/F38 400m Hurdles Alanah Yukich 3000m SC Emma van der Meer High Jump Clare Gibson High Jump Nicole Robinson 1500m/3000m Clarissa Herbst Pole Vault Michelle Denver High Jump Megan Hooper Pole Vault Lauren Hyde-Cooling Pole Vault Tatjana Fischer Pole vault Olivia Caldow LJ/TJ Caitlin Blackman Javelin Lara Ilievski Javelin/Heptathlon Chelsea Turner 800m/1500m/3000m Melany Smart


2016/17 TTP Athletes (cont.):

Event Athlete 90mH/200mH/100m Isabella Reeves 200mH/90mH Tylah van Diemen Triple Jump Ashlee Cronin Shot Put/Discus Sinead du Toit Heptathlon Brooke Smallman-Coutts 800m/1500m Raynor Keane T/F20 Shot Put Benjamin Lamberto T/F32 Shot Put Brayden Nazzari T/F20 800m/1500m/LJ/SP /DT/Javelin Jackson Hamilton T/F12 1500m/5000m Matthew Ramsden 3000m SC Sam King TJ/LJ Julian Konle 100m/200m Lachlan McDermott High Jump Grant Szalek 5000m/10000m Walk Declan Tingay 3000m SC/1500m Luke Graves 100m Cooper Walawski 110m Hurdles Callum Corbett 2000m SC Bailey Taylor High Jump John Chegwidden High Jump Harry Langley High Jump Mitchell Tassicker Javelin Jesse Schelfhout 100m James Gallaugher 400m/200m/100m Jano Jackman 400m Hurdles/400m Riley Armstrong 2000m SC/1500m MJ Jansen van Rensburg High Jump Sean Szalek 400m Thomas Throssell 1500m/800m Kiran Tibballs LJ/TJ/200m Stefan Rajakovic Javelin Conor McPartland Javelin Jonah Madeira 3000m/5000m Walk Benjamin Reid Discus/Shotput Liam Gartlan


2016/17 State TTP Coaches:

Target Talent Program (TTP) TTP Coach Sprints Glenn Ross Hurdles Lyn Foreman Middle/Long Distance Shane Ellis Steeple Chase Steven Purser Walks Phil Hollaway Horizontal Jumps Lee Derby High Jump Nenad Peisker Pole Vault Paul Burgess Javelin Grant Ward Shot Put / Discus Allana Wignall


The Athletics WA Talent ID (TID) Program is a high performance pathway program funded by Athletics WA that underpins the Target Talent Program. In 2016/17, the program targeted 129 athletes born 1997 – 2003 based on their results at the 2016 Australian Junior Athletics Championships. Sixteen State Development Scholarship Coaches were appointed within four event groups (Sprints & Hurdles, Endurance & Walks, Jumps, and Throws).

Ten Talent ID Squad Days were offered and incorporated a combination of relevant event group training clinics and both general and event-specific education workshops. Topics included Nutrition & Supplements, Psychology Injury Prevention and Injury Management, Recovery, Skill Acquisition, Sports Medicine, Strength and Conditioning, Social Media and Integrity.

Talent ID Program (TID) TID Coach Sprints Paul Sheppard Hurdles Maria Taylor Middle/Long Distance/Steeple Suzi Graves Walks Phil Hollaway Long Jump Louise Rao Triple Jump Matt Dean High Jump Albert Cianfrini Pole Vault Paul Burgess Javelin Morgan Ward Javelin Cruz Hogan Shot Put / Discus Phil Seitz Hammer Byrony Glass/Lyndsay Glass Multi-event Christine Stanton Mid West Academy of Sport Jacko Whitby

Page 26 Para-athletics

The Athletics WA “Athletics for All” Para-Athletics Program was designed to facilitate the growth and development of athletes with a disability in Western Australia. The Para-Athletics Program impacted grass-roots to high performance athletes, coaches and officials. The program was funded by the Government of Western Australia’s Department of Sport and Recreation’s Inclusive Sports Funding Scheme. Funding was allocated for 3 years from 2014-2017.

The program:

• Increased the number of athletes with a disability participating in athletics in Western Australia;

• Increased the number of Para-athletes participating in state, national and international competitions and the state high performance squads;

• Offered two classification opportunities each year;

• Offered an annual come and try session for new athletes;

• Built relationships between key stakeholders;

• Provided assistance to coaches of Para athletes with a range of professional development opportunities;

• Increased the total number of qualified classifiers (Technical and Medical) in Western Australia;

• Raised the profile of Athletics Western Australia as an inclusive organisation.

Para Coaches 2016/17:

Para-athletics Program Para Coach Wheelchair Track Blanche Herbert Ambulant Track – Mt Claremont Russell Mathanda Ambulant Track – Mt Claremont Sebastian Kuźmiński Ambulant Track – North Beach Mark Bannister Ambulant Track – Canning Wes Salisbury Middle distance/ Distance Raf Baugh Throws Allana Wignall Throws Matthew Seitz Melville Roar Ross Keane South West (Bunbury) Brad Scott

Page 27 Coaching

Our coach education program continues to be effectively administered by Sharon Brown coordinating a range of presenters to achieve a 24% increase in the number of financial coaches for a total of 482 and a retention rate of 68%.

The majority of the courses were conducted at the WA Athletics Stadium with the exception being on the occasions where Little Athletics Centres requested a course be held at their venue.

We were fortunate to have a range of presenters this year including Raf Baugh, Lyn Foreman, Ben Green, Maria Taylor, Brad Scott, Graeme Watson and Kylie Wheeler imparting their expertise in the course delivery.

In addition to coach accreditation courses, Athletics WA provided financial support to the professional development activities of 35 coaches, plus provided 10 coach education workshops throughout the year as part of the TTP Program. A further three coaches were fully funded to attend the Australian All Schools Championships as part of the WA State Team. officials 2016-17

What a busy year for officials! Some officials have now been officiating for the full 12 months combining winter and summer competitions and others started with the School Carnivals.

The past season has seen officials officiating at school carnivals, State, National and International Championships. The experience gained throughout this period was invaluable to the development of Athletics WA Officials.

Combining this with the on-line education package principally for new officials, but also used by experienced officials for refreshing this knowledge, presents great developmental opportunity. WA’s results in participation of the on-line process compares very favourably against other states.

During the 2017-18 athletics season, the announcement of appointments of officials for the 2018 will be made and it is anticipated that in excess of 12 officials from WA will be provided with this honour to represent Australia.

The hosting of the World Masters Athletic Championships was the highlight of the Athletics WA 2016 – 17 calendar for officials providing them with the opportunity to work with officials from around the world in Perth. Our officials were able to display their skills and knowledge to the world in their own backyard. The committee of the WMAC are to be praised for the support and recognition of all officials during the WMAC. Officials all worked diligently over extended hours without complaint and at times in extreme heat conditions.

At the end of the season, the difficult but pleasant decision had to made as to whom should be awarded the prize of $1 000.00 as official of the year. Although there were many officials worthy of this award the winner for the 2016 – 17 season was June Streeter. Words cannot express the gratitude Athletics WA has for June who is a tireless worker for the athletics community in WA. June’s knowledge and guidance has been invaluable to the competition management team in ensuring a seamless throws competition each and every season. A well-deserved award, which was presented to June at the officials’ end of year function.

Page 28 officials 2016-17

At the last track & field competition for the season the following officials were presented with Life Membership of Athletics WA for dedicated services over 20 years; Lee Derby, Kate Glass, and Bev McCagh. Life member, Margaret Devine was presented with her 40 years service award as an official. Congratulations to our four officials.

Albeit, Athletics WA can conduct competitions with our current qualified officials, more officials are always needed. The recruitment of new officials is critical to the future of athletics in this state as we continue to rely on the same officials every year, who it is fair to say are moving into the next age generation. However, this a problem reported every year by all sporting and volunteer organisations. This is particularly important as athletics become more reliant on technological equipment rather than human judgement and skills. The role of officials at National and International level is more closely scrutinised than ever before, placing extreme pressure on officials.

Athletics WA is extremely proud of the performance of our officials who have ‘stood out from the crowd’ in a busy and productive year of athletics.

Page 29 friendship games

Athletics WA selected a team of 13 athletes and 3 staff to travel to Shanghai, China in July 2016 for the annual Friendship Games. The Friendship Games are a cultural and sporting exchange program between Western Australia and Shanghai, coordinated by RV Sports. The 2016 Games included two sports; Athletics and Basketball.

Two track and field competitions were held during the week-long tour, as well as numerous training and cultural experiences. Athletes learnt how to deal with the demands of international travel to Asia, changes in diet, as well as dealing with training and competing in 30-degree weather with 85% humidity.

Athletics WA would like to congratulate the talented junior athletes on their outstanding efforts both on and off the track. The 2016 Friendship Games team included:

Event Athlete Sprints John Ackermann Jumps Caitlin Blackman Distance Luke Graves Distance Sarah Hynes Throws Lara Ilievski Distance Sarah Knox Sprints/Jumps Bree Liddell Throws Jack Stanton Throws Imogen Taylor Sprints/Hurdles Thomas Throssell Sprints/Hurdles Tylah van Dieman Sprints Cooper Walawski Sprints/Hurdles Jade Whyte

Track & Field Team Management: Team Manager (Non-Travelling) – Mel Tantrum Travelling Team Manager – David Smith Team Coach – Suzi Graves Team Coach – Albert Cianfrini


Through the support of Healthway and the Go for 2 & 5 message, Athletics WA offered nine Junior Transition Clinics involving disciplines that are not currently offered at Little Athletics competitions. Athletics WA promotes these clinics to allow athletes to compete in new events to encourage participation at Senior Competitions. Events including 400m Hurdles, Hammer Throw, Pole Vault, Steeple Chase, 200m Hurdles, High Jump, Long Jump and Javelin were offered and instruction was provided in Block Starts. The clinics are scheduled prior to the start of our Senior Competitions so athletes can choose to participate in the event that night or simply watch fellow athletes compete in the event. At the conclusion of the event all athletes were rewarded with a Go for 2 & 5 pack which consisted of a pull string bag, water bottle, plate and athlete cards. Once again all of the transition clinics were well attended with athletes participating in multiple clinics which is great to see. A big thank you must go to all the coaches who assisted with the delivery of these clinics throughout the season, your expertise is greatly appreciated.

Date Event Coach Participants 7th October High Jump Nenad Peisker 13 11th November 400m Hurdles Lyndsay Pekin 12 18th November Block Starts Lyn Foreman 18 2nd December Long Jump Lee Derby 16 8th December Hammer Throw Byrony Glass 11 13th January Steeple Chase Steve Purser 13 20th January 200m Hurdles Lyn Foreman 11 25th January Pole Vault Luke Devenish 20 3rd February Javelin Amanda Murphy 11 Total: 125

Page 31 GO FOR 2 & 5 athletics challenge SERIES

The Go for 2 & 5 series was again held in the 2016/2017 season with the aim of the series to introduce new athletes to the senior competition level and allow them to compete in a relaxed environment amongst their friends at the WA Athletics Stadium in three events; the 100 meters, Long Jump and Shot Put. The final of the Go for 2 & 5 Athletics Challenge Series was held on Thursday 15th December with Kingsway LAC taking on the 2015/2016 champions Joondalup LAC. Each team consisted of 30 athletes and the event produced some great results by many of the athletes. Taking the win by the smallest of margins was Kingsway LAC. At the conclusion of the event all athletes were rewarded with a Go for 2 & 5 pack which consisted of a pull string bag, water bottle, plate and athlete cards. Of course, the event wouldn’t have been possible without the support of the Kingsway and Joondalup LAC committees, Athletics WA officials and Healthway so we thank them for their support of this great event.

Go for 2 & 5 Indigenous Development Program

Lindsay Bunn continues to lead this program through regional and remote Western Australia and as has been cited previously, the unique approach of Lindsay demanding his athletes also coach, results in a close connection in the delivery of the program in metropolitan Perth and remote and regional WA. Lindsay and his cohorts aim to deliver and support a sustainable athletics program and in the past year have targeted Halls Creek, Broome and the remote communities of the Western Desert reaching more than 3350 children in their travels. The remote communities of Balgo, Billiluna and Mulan hosted their first ever interschool athletics carnival and the Western Desert Communities are planning their first interschool carnival next year. They have also assisted in launching Little Athletics in Broome. Closer to home they conducted clinics in Northam and have established Athletics Academies at Clontarf and Mirrabooka High School. The Culturally and Linguistically Diverse are catered for with 6 sessions a week at the Balga Recreation Centre and UWA Athletics track for the training of athletes and coaches. The Perth based squad has achieved some outstanding results in the past three years with members winning fifteen National Titles, setting six National Records and two World Records.

Page 32 OUT OF STADIA 2016-2017

Road Running Championships

State Marathon Championship Sunday 18 June 2017

The 2017 marathon, hosted by the WA Marathon Club, was conducted on a new more picturesque course, which was appreciated by the competitors. The weather was kind to the runners and warmed up producing excellent running conditions.

Both the men and women races were close between first and second place getters but a number of runners reportedly suffered from the early pace. It was pleasing to see a changing of the guard with both Stuart Caulfield and Linda Spencer breaking through for a win.

Of concern over the past years in the marathon running discipline is the stagnation of the result times for the men. WA has a sound base of women marathon runners with credible times but the men appear to be falling behind national standards. Of note is that in 2017 30 runners (men and women) were under the 3 hrs mark compared to 48 men runners in 1979 and no women.

2017 State Marathon Results

Men: 1. Stuart Caulfield 2:28:21 2. Francisco Sanzana 2:32:51 3. Ross Langford 2:39:55

Women: 1. Linda Spencer 2:45:37 2. Nera Jareb 2:48:03 3. Toni Heinemann 2:49:26

‘Keep on Running’ State Half Marathon Championships Sunday 6 August 2017

Good conditions greeted the runners for this year’s ‘Keep on Running’ State Half Marathon Championships.

The number of competitors have remained constant over the years for the scenic Swan River course.

Some break-through performances this year with consistent Matt Smith taking out the men’s championships and Linda Spencer completing the 2017 double by adding the half marathon championships to her marathon win. Both Linda and Matt led through-out and running solo races. A great effort!

2017 State Half Marathon Results

Men: 1. Matt Smith 1:08:46 2. Justin Kelly 1:14:05 3. Ross Langford 1:14:20

Women: 1. Linda Spencer 1:16:35 2. Nera Jareb 1:20:26 3. Visnja Jareb 1:23:19

Page 33 OUT OF STADIA 2016-2017

Once again Athletics WA wishes to extend our gratitude to the WA Marathon Club for hosting the State Marathon and Half Marathon Championships. In particular, acknowledgement is made of the efforts of the Past President Mr David Henderson for his cooperation and commitment to cementing and growing the relationship between AWA and WAMC.

Cross Country

State Short Course Cross Country Championship - Perry Lakes 21/5/2017

Winter is the time for cross country running and this was evident on the first day of AWA cross country championships. Light drizzle was the order of the day.

Race numbers for all events remain constant and the short course format attracts more senior runners compared to longer events.

The open men’s race was a battle between Josh Tedesco and Ben Chamberlain with Ben pushing the pace only to be overtaken by Josh with his usual finishing burst.

Tarinah and Kiarra Nazaroff dominated the open women’s race, finishing first and second respectively.

The underage races produced some outstanding results from our developing middle-distance runners. Exciting times are predicted for this group of runners.

Page 34 OUT OF STADIA 2016-2017

Open men place getters with Race Organiser

2016 -17 Results

Open Men 4k: Josh Tedesco JTC 12.23; Ben Chamberlain UWA 12.29; Matt Smith BALD 12.35

Open Women 4k: Tarinah Nazaroff AWA 14.55; Kiarra Nazaroff AWA 16.01; Janelle Konsolis UWA 16.57

U20 Men 4k: Marcus Deakin JTC 13.31; Kai Metzner UWA 13.35; Jack Ball JTC 13.37;

U20 Women 4k: Clarissa Herbst BALD 14.40; Emma Ferguson AWA 15.14; Cassia Boglio TRIWA 15.38

U18 Men 4k: Kieran Tibbles JTC 13.34; Jason Ramsden BALD 13.43; Mitch Thomas C/BURN 14.10

U18 Women 2k: Mel Smart AWA 6.39; Sarah Knox UWA 7.47; Olivia Roberts UWA 8.35

U16 Men 2k: Brandon Ford JTC 6.37; Nathaa Kernan UWA 6.43; Louie Oaks JTC 7.01

U16 Women 2k: Jemima Crosby UWA 7.02; Cleo Kenny C/BURN 7.12; Mia Lockwood F/Runner 7.13

U14 Men 2k: Dylan Bailey MLV 7.02; Owen Hurley JTC 7.07; Ben Stoner AWA 7.54

U14 Women 2k: Noelle Chitty UWA 7.25; Maya Kenny C/BURN 7.28; Ellie Glands MLV 7.29

Page 35 OUT OF STADIA 2016-2017

State Long Course Cross Country Championship - Perry Lakes Sunday 2 July 2017

In contrast to the Short Course Championships, the day was perfect for running with some inspiring races with close finishes. Josh Tedesco took out the double both Long and Short Cross Country Champion for 2017. It was great to see Lauren Shelly back on the winner’s podium.

The underage races produced the closest finishes of the day with MJ Jansen Van Rensberg (20.53) defeating Jason Ramsden (20.56) in the mens under 18 age group while his brother, Jaco Jansen Van Rensberg (13.23) was narrowly defeated by Brandon Ford (13.22) in the under 16 mens race.

2016 -17 Results

Open Men 10km: Josh Tedesco JTC 32.18; Sam Rayner JTC 36.33; Mark Midgley BALD 37.03

Open Women 8km: Lauren Shelley AWA 31.58; Jasmine Long UWA 32.40.

U20 Men 8km: Sam King F/Runner 27.05; Luke Graves F/Runner 27.24; Markus Deakin JTC 27.31

U20 Women 6km: Clarissa Herbst BALD 21.57; Abigail D’Sylva UWA 23.13; India Hooton AWA 24.10

U18 Men 6km: MJ Jansen Van Rensberg AWA 20.53; Jason Ramsden AWA 20.56; Thomas Moorcroft AWA 21.06

U18 Women 4km: Sienna McQuillan AWA 14.28; Gabrielle Toth JTC 14.42; Emma Ferguson UWA 14.46

U16 Men 4km: Brandon Ford JTC 13.22; Jaco Jansen Van Rensberg AWA 13.23; Louie Oakes JTC 13.52

U16 Women 4km: Mia Lockwood F/RUNNER 14.54; Cleo Kenny C/BURN 14.59; Abigail Graham PTFC 15.20

U14 Men 4km: Nick Holmes UWA 14.38; Owen Hurley JTC 14.42; Caden Barnett AWA 14.45

U14 Women 4km: Noelle Chitty UWA 15.10; Ellie Glands MLV 15.13; Makayla Chapple BALD 15.21

An exciting day of cross country races to close the season for 2017.

A special thank you to the team of volunteer officials who have supported the cross country season for many years.


The Perth Mint Gallipoli Run – Kalgoorlie Sunday 26 March 2017

With the withdrawal of our past Gallipoli Run sponsors, The Perth Mint stepped into the breach as the new sponsor for the Kalgoorlie and Perth Gallipoli Runs. As the Perth Mint’s genesis in 1899 was the discovery of gold in Coolgardie and Kalgoorlie and still having strong links to those communities, it was decided to also host an event in Kalgoorlie.

In the initial stages of planning the City of Kalgoorlie Boulder was very keen to become involved and provided financial support to cover road closure costs. After preliminary scoping of a course in Kalgoorlie the course was approved and the race day was set for November 2016. Due to unprecedented increase worked demands (World Masters Athletic Championships) on AWA the event was postponed until March 2017.

The event was reactivated but a major hic-up arose with the road closure costs being increased two-fold causing the course to be changed to Karlkuria Bushland Park.

These disruptions to the event promotion were disappointing. Race day arrived in perfect weather conditions in a scenic bushland setting for the event.

Local fireman and former Open State men’s 400 metres champion Chris Punch, dominated the men’s 8 km race with local runner Julie Gardner winning the female 8km event. Both Julie and Chris are well known in the running scene and were both worthy winners.


Chris Punch, Wayne Loxley (CEO AWA) Wayne Loxley (CEO AWA), Julie Gardner Mr John Bowler, Mayor City Kalgoorlie Boulder Mr John Bowler, Mayor City Kalgoorlie Boulder

All place getters received a cash prize and a special proof coin, celebrating native animals, from The Perth Mint.

2016 -17 Results

4km Male: Kumar N 16.39, Fielding T 16.54, Epis J 18.33, Dyne S 18.41

4km Female: Conway R 20.17, Epis K 20.30, Conway G 20.32

8km Male: Punch C 27.29, Hall N 27.57, Fitzpatrick D 31.42, Hemopo J 36.12

8km Female: Gardner J 31.28, Baker M 37.44, Chileshe W 38.18

All participants of the run were the first recipients of The Perth Mint commemorative medal specially struck for the 2017 The Perth Mint Gallipoli Run Series. This event also was the unveiling of the special The Perth Mint race shirt, which featured the commemoration of the ANZAC spirit.

A donation was made to the Kalgoorlie RSL from race proceedings. A special thank you to the City of Kalgoorlie Boulder and the Miner’s Rest for their contribution and support of The Perth Mint Gallipoli Run Kalgoorlie.

Planning has already commenced for the 2018 event to mark the commemoration and celebration of the end of the WW1.


The Perth Mint Gallipoli Run – Perth Sunday 23 April 2017

As previously mentioned The Perth Mint became the principal sponsor for the Perth and Kalgoorlie events. It was refreshing to work more closely with the sponsors who played an active and personal role in promoting the event.

The concept of a specially struck commemorative medal for all participants was very well received and the design of and presentation of the medal exceeded any previous expectation. A very special medal indeed! This was matched by the event shirt which featured a runner with a silhouette of a soldier in the back ground. A perfect match to the medal.

The event planning went smoothly, following our experience from previous events. The start was adjusted to 8am and both the 4 and 8 km events started together. Certainly, a welcomed move by the volunteers who arrive prior to sunrise.

Race patron, John Gilmour started the race after the playing of the Last Post and Revelry.

Off went the runners up the hill with Athletics WA’s ‘young guns’ leading the field and holding on for convincing wins.

Leading the charge


2016 -17 Results

Women 4km

Position Number Name Event Time 1 40401 Kiarra Nazaroff 4 km 15:21 2 40341 Sarah Knox 4 km 16:19 3 41096 Maya Kenny 4 km 16:36

Men 4km

Position Number Name Event Time 1 40324 Samuel Foster 4 km 12:24 2 40440 Luke Burrows 4 km 12:59 3 40398 Liam Mallinson 4 km 13:07

Women 8km

Position Number Name Event Time 1 80262 Clarissa Herbst 8 km 30:18 2 80309 Tarinah Nazaroff 8 km 30:43 3 80060 Abigail Graham 8 km 31:02

Men 8km

Position Number Name Event Time 1 80207 Ben Chamberlain 8 km 25:24 2 80274 Kenji Nener 8 km 25:38 3 80179 James Whitehead 8 km 27:43

This event, similar to other Gallipoli Runs, is not about volume but about families and the remembrance of the significance of the service men and women who made sacrifices for us today during the World Wars. The Kings Park significance to the RSL is a critical factor in the selection of the venue but unfortunately also restricts the participants numbers below 2 000.

Athletics WA is excited to announcement that The Perth Mint will again be the sponsor for the Perth and Kalgoorlie Gallipoli Runs but will also incorporate the Albany event in 2018. A big thank you on behalf of the RSL, Legacy and AWA for their ongoing support.

Special mention must also be made to our hardy band of volunteers who give up their time every year to support AWA in making this event a success and enabling our financial support to the RSL and Legacy.

AWA was able to donate a considerable sum to both WA Legacy and the North Beach RSL in 2017.


Go for 2 & 5 Gallipoli Run – Albany Sunday 30 April 2017

With the withdrawal of the 2016 sponsor for the Albany Gallipoli Run a new sponsor was sought and Healthways through their promotion of Go for 2&5 message came on board.

New race apparel was designed and produced with green race shirts promoting Go for 2&5 distributed to all volunteers, officials and race participants. Entrants numbers were down on the 2016 event but the event was locally a remarkable success. This event has developed into a great family community morning.

Unfortunately, being Albany, it rained for most of the race. Finishing at Middleton Beach in the rain is a sight to be remembered. The 5km course must be one of the most scenic in WA and the 8km course one of the toughest. Well done to everyone who competed!



2016-17 Results

5km Men: C Pass 17.59, O Camins 18.28, H Mills 19.50

5km Women: C Murray 19.57, B Dixon 23.08, V Squire 23.58

8km Men: J Kennei 26.52, N Gilbert 33.37, J Nakabeppu 37.20,

8km Women: R Shahtamasebi 30.27, A Campbell 34.35, K Barker 35.32

With the support of The Perth Mint all entrants received the special commemorative coin, winners’ cash prizes and an on day donation was made to Albany Legacy.

A special thank you to Healthways, City of Albany and the Albany World of Cars for their support of the Go for 2&5 Gallipoli Run Albany.

Leonora Golden Gift 2-5 June 2017

The Leonora Golden Gift is an annual event, which in 2017 celebrated its 15th year of existence. The event, which is featured around a road mile race is promoted as the richest mile race in Australia. Both the male and female mile winners were presented with $6 000 in prize money and a gold nugget. Total prize money for the mile races is over $30 000.

Other running events supported the mile program, which also offered substantial prize money for local and visiting runners.

Athletics WA sanctions the event, provides development coaches for the local school prior to the race weekend and officials to oversee the conduct of the race competitions.

This weekend attracts the best Australian milers, both male and female, with Olympic representative also competing each year. Each year a large contingent of AWA middle- distance runners and sprinters participate in this event due to subsided travel and accommodation support from the Shire of Leonora.

AWA has a history of supporting this exciting weekend and is pleased to have the opportunity for further enhancing our Regional involvement.

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Page 43

FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORTS 2016/17 (The accompanying Notes form part of these Financial Statements)


2017 2016 NOTE $ $ CURRENT ASSETS Cash 242 316 292 503 Receivables 2 62 482 59 330 Total Current Assets 304 798 351 833

NON-CURRENT ASSETS Motor Vehicle 3 8 498 14 669 Office Furniture and Equipment 3 2 443 3 665 Plant and Equipment 3 24 812 15 865 Total Non-Current Assets 35 753 34 199

TOTAL ASSETS 340 551 386 032

CURRENT LIABILITIES Creditors and Borrowings 35 198 83 310 Total Current Liabilities 35 198 83 310

NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES Provision for Long Service Leave 20 464 16 905 Total Non-Current Liabilities 20 464 16 905

TOTAL LIABILITIES 55 662 100 215

NET ASSETS 284 889 285 817

ACCUMULATED FUNDS Balance 1 July 2016 285 817 268 128 Excess of income over expenditure for the year (928) 17 689

TOTAL MEMBERS’ EQUITY 284 889 285 817

Page 44

FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORTS 2016/17 (The accompanying Notes form part of these Financial Statements)


2017 2016 $ $ INCOME Administration 0 14 498 Accommodation/travel 3 419 40 845 Affiliation fees 6 128 4 055 CACWA income 64 547 82 000 Clothing and uniforms 20 221 19 725 Competition fees 142 645 143 269 Consulting income/courses 36 973 35 651 Equipment hire 57 669 59 540 Food/beverage 3 305 195 Government grants 210 000 225 000 Grants – Athletics Australia 58 000 50 336 Grants – General 0 6 200 Interest received 1 604 3 275 Levy 89 065 78 833 Management fee income 183 827 95 000 Registration fees 32 463 32 693 Spectator fees 0 9 257 Sponsorship 164 275 143 609 Sundry income 0 4 545 WALA Income 2 182 5 000 TOTAL INCOME 1 076 323 1 053 526

EXPENDITURE Accounting/audit fees 22 030 10 850 Advertising/website 3 693 2 515 Athlete support 2 000 9 255 Bad debts 91 0 Bank charges 511 299 Coaching/officials 109 214 33 736 Cleaning 6 945 6 851 Clothing and uniforms 42 323 25 522 Competition fees 18 216 18 935 Computing 7 255 3 994 Consultancy 103 089 68 640 Depreciation 15 010 12 607

Page 45

FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORTS 2016/17 (The accompanying Notes form part of these Financial Statements)

2017 2016 $ $ Donations 17 827 35 763 Electricity 2 714 2 927 Electronic timing 1 027 0 Food and beverage 33 131 41 536 Fringe benefits tax 17 536 19 267 General expenses 6 674 2 852 Grants/scholarships 0 705 Hire grounds/equipment 56 560 54 586 Honorarium 3 750 4 000 Insurances 16 403 15 010 Long service leave provision 3 559 3 287 Manuals/programs/newsletters 0 880 Medical 2 659 7 643 Meetings 4 042 2 583 Motor vehicle expenses 10 751 11 048 Plant/equipment - sundry 19 810 9 264 Postage/courier fees 3 621 3 066 Printing/stationery/copier 11 120 9 969 Prize money 3 685 182 Promotions 5 949 6 028 Purchases 85 870 Registration numbers/cards 3 109 8 119 Rent 8 554 9 495 Repairs/maintenance 490 0 Report expenses 1 515 1 010 Salaries 367 411 368 281 Sponsorship 7 906 13 390 Staff training 6 907 3 359 Subscription fees/conferences 1 897 1 260 Superannuation 34 883 37 400 Telephone/fax 14 443 13 112 Traffic management (events) 3 775 4 177 Travel/accommodation 68 480 122 444 Trophies 5 735 6 204 Wages 866 22 916 TOTAL EXPENDITURE 1 077 251 1 035 837

NET INCOME/(LOSS) (928) 17 689

Page 46

FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORTS 2016/2017 (The accompanying Notes form part of these Financial Statements)



The financial statements cover Western Australian Athletics Commission Incorporated as an individual entity.

Western Australian Athletics Commission Incorporated is a not-for-profit association incorporated in Western Australia under the Association Incorporations Act (WA) 2015 (‘The Act).

The functional and presentation currency Western Australian Athletics Commission Incorporated is Australian dollars.

When required, comparative figures have been adjusted to conform to changes in presentation for the current financial year.

Note 1. Basis of Preparation

In the opinion of the committee of management, the association if not a reporting entity since there are unlikely to exist users of the financial report who are not able to command the preparation of reports tailored so as to satisfy specifically all of their information needs. These special purpose financial statements have been prepared to meet the reporting requirements of the act.

The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the recognition and measurement requirements of the Australian Accounting Standards and Accounting Interpretations, and the disclosure requirements of:

AASB 101 Presentations of Financial Statements AASB 107 Cash Flow Statements AASB 108 Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors AASB 1031 Materiality AASB 1048 Interpretation and Application of Standards AASB 1054 Australian Additional Disclosures

Note 2. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

The following material accounting policies, which are consistent with the previous period unless otherwise stated, have been adopted in the preparation of the financial report.

(a) Cash on hand Cash on hand includes cash on hand, deposits held at call with banks, and other short-term highly liquid investments with original maturities of three months or less.

(b) Plant and Equipment The depreciable amounts of all fixed assets are depreciated over the useful lives commencing from the time the asset is ready for use. The carrying amount of fixed assets is reviewed annually by the Board to ensure it is not in excess of the recoverable amount of those assets. Page 47

(c) Revenue and Other Income Revenue is measured at the fair value of the consideration received or receivable after taking into account any trade discounts and volume rebates allowed. For this purpose, deferred consideration is not discounted to present values when recognising revenue.

Interest revenue is recognised using the effective interest rate method, which for floating rate financial assets is the rate inherent in the instrument. Dividend revenue is recognized when the right to receive a dividend has been established.

Grant and donation income is recognised when the entity obtains control over the funds, which is generally at the time of receipt.

All revenue is stated net of the amount of goods and services tax (GST).

(d) Accounts Payable and Other Payables Accounts Payable and other payables represent the liability outstanding at the end of the reporting period for goods and services received by the association during the reporting period that remain unpaid. The balance is recognized as a current liability with the amounts normally paid within 30 days of recognition of the liability.

(e) Employee provisions Provision is made for the association's liability for employee benefits arising from services rendered by employees to the end of the reporting period. Employee provisions have been measured at the amounts expected to be paid when the liability is settled.

(f) Goods and Services Tax (GST) Revenues, expenses and assets are recognised net of the amount of GST, except where the amount of GST incurred if not recoverable from the Australian Tax Office. In these circumstances, the GST is recognised as part of the cost of acquisition of the asset or as part of an item of the expense. Receivables and payables in the assets and liabilities statement are shown inclusive of GST. The net amount of GST recoverable from or payable to the ATO is included with other receivables or payables in the assets and liabilities statement.

(g) Accounts Payable and Other Payables Accounts Payable and other payables represent the liability outstanding at the end of the reporting period for goods and services received by the association during the reporting period that remain unpaid. The balance is recognized as a current liability with the amounts normally paid within 30 days of recognition of the liability.

(h) Income Tax The Commission is a non-profit body incorporated for the sole purpose of promoting and coordinating the in Western Australia. As such, the Commission is not subject to income tax in Australia.

Page 48

2017 2016 NOTE: 2 $ $


Debtors 45 452 19 697 Prepaid Expenses 5 909 9 752 Inventory – State Uniforms 11 121 29 881 62 482 59 330



Motor vehicles at cost 33 094 33 094 Less accumulated depreciation 24 596 18 425 8 498 14 669


Office furniture and equipment at cost 31 051 31 051 Less accumulated depreciation 28 608 27 386 2 443 3 665


Athletic plant and equipment at cost 96 901 80 337 Less accumulated depreciation 72 089 64 472

24 812 15 865

Written down value 35 753 34 199


The sponsorship revenue from Healthway is $94,400.

Page 49


CASH FLOW RECONCILIATION 2017 2016 $ $ Reconciliation of Net Cash provided by Operating Activities to Operating Profit

Operating Surplus / (Deficit) (928) 17 689

Net Cash Flows in Operating Surplus:

- Depreciation 15 010 12 607

- Long Service Leave Provision 3 559 3 287

Changes in Assets & Liabilities:

Decrease (Increase) in Current Inventories 18 760 (29 881) Increase (Decrease) in Sundry Creditors and Accruals (48 112) (22 697) Decrease (Increase) in Trade Debtors (21 912) 105 853

Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities (see Note 6) (33 623) 86 858



CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES: Receipts from Grants and Sponsorship 432 275 425 145 Receipts from Competition Fees, Levies, Registrations 264 173 254 795 Receipts from Courses, Equipment Hire and Management Income 278 469 190 191 Interest, other receipts 98 254 259 367 Payments to Suppliers and Employees (1 106 794) (1 042 640) Net Cash provided by/(used in) Operating Activities (Note 5) (33 623) 86 858

CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES: Purchase of Plant and Equipment (16 564) (10 423) Net Cash used by Investing Activities (16 564) (10 423)

CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES: Repayment of Borrowings 0 0 Net Cash used by Financing Activities 0 0


NOTE: 7 2017 2016


There is no Members Capital.

Balance 1 July 2016 285 817 268 128 Profit/(Loss) for Year (928) 17 689 Balance 30 June 2017 284 889 285 817

Page 51 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORTS 2016/2017 (The accompanying Notes form part of these Financial Statements)

WESTERN AUSTRALIAN ATHLETICS COMMISSION (Inc.) STATEMENT BY THE BOARD The Board has determined that the Commission is not a reporting entity as defined in Statement of Accounting Concepts l : "Definition of the Reporting Entity" and therefore there is no requirement to apply accounting concepts or standards in the preparation of these Financial Statements. The Board Members have determined that this Special Purpose Financial Report should be prepared in accordance with these accounting standards and the basis of accounting outlined in Note 1 to the accounts.

In the opinion of the Board Members of the Commission:

(a) The accompanying Income and Expenditure Statement is drawn up so as to give a true and fair view of the results of the Commission for the financial year ended 30 June 2017; and

(b) The accompanying Balance Sheet is drawn up so as to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Commission as at the end of the financial year.

At the date of this statement, there are reasonable grounds to believe that the Commission will be able to pay its debts as and when they fall due.

(a) The Commission has kept such accounting records as correctly record and explain the transactions and financial position of' the Commission.

(b) The Commission has kept its accounting records in such a manner as would enable the accounts of the Commission to be conveniently and properly audited in accordance with the Constitution of the Commission.

This statement is made in accordance with the resolution of the Board Members and is signed for on behalf of the Board Members by:

Mr Mal Harford DR Kelly Botha Chairman Deputy Chairman

29/9/17 29/9/17 Date Date

Page 52


DIRECTORS Michael McGrath B Bus CPA Mark Douglas B Bus CPA Matthew Mooncn B Com CPA Report on the Financial Report Ben Paganoni B Com CPA Daniel Papaphotis B Com CPA Opinion Michael Basilio B Com CPA

We have audited the accompanying financial report, being a special purpose financial report of Western Australian Athletics Commission Inc. (the Association), which comprises the statement of assets and liabilities as at 30 June 2017, the income and expenditure statement for the year then ended, and notes to the financial statements, including a summary of significant accounting policies, and management's assertion statement.

In our opinion, the accompanying financial report of the Association for the year ended 30 June 201 7 is prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with Associations Incorporation Act (WA) 2015.

Basis for Opinion

We conducted our audit in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards. Our responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Auditor's Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Report section of our report.

We are independent of the Association in accordance with the auditor independence requirements of the ethical requirements of the Accounting Professional and Ethical Standards Boards APES 110 Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (the Code) that are relevant to our audit of the financial report in Australia.

We have also fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with the Code. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.

Basis of Accounting

We draw attention to Note 1 of the financial report, which describes the basis of accounting. The financial report is prepared to assist the Association to fulfil their financial reporting responsibilities under the Associations Act (WA) 201 5.

As a result, the financial report may not be suitable for another purpose.

Our report is intended solely for the Association and should not be distributed to or used by parties other than the Association. Our opinion is not modified in respect of this matter.

154 High Street Fremantle WA Ph 08 9335 521 [email protected] ABN 19 843 287 PO Box 39 Fremantle WA 6959 Fx 08 9335 5478 AFSL 480497

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation Francis A Jones is a CPA practice Page 53 S I N C E 1 9 Francis A Jones is a CPA practice 3 0


Responsibilities of Management and Those Charged with Governance

Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the financial report in accordance with Associations Incorporation Act (WA) 201 5, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of the financial report is free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

In preparing the financial report, management is responsible for assessing the Association's ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless management either intends to liquidate the Association or to cease operations, or has no realistic alternative but to do so. Those charged with governance are responsible for overseeing the Association's financial reporting process.

Auditor's Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Report

Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial report as a whole is free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor's report that includes our opinion.

Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with the Australian Auditing Standards will always detect a material misstatement when it exists.

Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of this financial report.

Daniel Papaphotjs CPA Registered Company Auditor Francis A. Jones Pty Ltd 1 54 High Street Fremantle WA 61 60

Date: 11 October 2017

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