Does'hel'rusv'desoF=-#^.A..Eft}.,l'l.l,qi,t''ffi ll,ifl';'olii,r''""f"$li"rTi ilt E lhllon of seuarnlod cnrl$ E

.-.-----.------.-I.IIf}}:az.=.:ltlll.l=-E"v,'Et-:-.':gTEEi== lhe 14rtclrarist. the banqur-.t and "r-* sr"_r" ^ ,/ E f,ttlti?t^^.Y,,7,,Alltll.l ttE"-r{rEf==f fE:E5SE-==!!EI = d,,,,voj,,,r E l;flllllhs-,zrlllllllrl E=.E'E-Er-E fESGE?-'#EiI i .= -r: :..-*::: ""';--'^'""':'rr'adllt r.)ictl,liol L'dlll'clllion ;;=of ='";;";;';'ui-;;*^*u". rr''n''xh'!!'otrrrcM= lrlllfll9i,islrllllllf EiEr'E'=E IEAffiEEI = ,';;ii;i';i'-'i;';i;;r;;r-;;';;; $llltll_%ilN7trrrry Elg!.lEl|Eie- lK=$Egt rvill hc opett [o shorv dccpor un. ;.;:"'.,"'i1il;,;.;;il.",*,*:EvwwEllhll"lillilr]#tl$il dcrstantling [or' [hc sctraratctl

ililililililirililllMililln[lilnnilililn[ilx = r'trion Nith lhe scPar.tcd clrir' = = 'l-lrat = orvnowll [,ilut'g]'. Ile n'ill irlso hc this is :1 topic of itttport- 3

trcnhlF strr!,ni.: No{ nralcslrr ,;jif'riili:l''*l.l*il,Nll,",lj.-i;T[ii'5'ii',lil]i'l',i,ll,1l:llilr;il'';ii

rlr Dfrcsr rnd snxrnl Inftrr *,1;p:**'tffi$,*"l.i',..'..uu;,utl,,l,:',t* "o|.[iilii*ry$ffi;$il r,{4t#)::5::: 1;e:rtfrilnriilt'.-; ll ",i,* -ti,ilil:'i*r**lfl:t.l[*,ffi1 tll:l,.:N:,irffir-**l :1,:ril.,l';tl"r:,'ir,ijl. Tfi,tll;ll i[d]lj,Il{jk. ;*#;ffi*,Jiffiinil[i*lli iif ""*:i,'t"il,l'i;i:'l$l"il":IiFtill!ii;';r i-\oils"-:iq'""l,,jrt'':ii:t s1rtr a Sordotr cilpi $1r3r ot burh 1i,{rnr1ils: rls ;houtd of his nr$of. Ih. l,itqrFr is nt l.r th. h.rnb.r ol chrii'r : lltliJTii'")t'"tJ:il :t'i"ri: "#il;fy":

or rnc r8ngtral l. b. rbl. l. u5. .sr moil tcw- r{uI.'5.l',.'|ongr!!u.r|i\tDoct.|'ll'it\|ii.l.n|hc.rdinlIyo'w8€RCTH|s|s'lir'nli|iUF.

tremely hard lo lnrtyer. u'orshipping as a- flmil!' of Cht'i:t lctlcr.s rr{ .St. pni,i or. flonr llu- \\'e rvill at once teel at liorne. bre*.s, lf sonrcthini has bcorr tlone nren of ilre trventieth t.entrrrr ll',}].j.l".,i"",,li,il;iilii..t',illllll:.:i]i1i:,i'.l,:.-".*.Jil,li'li.i.l,:''jJ,l:..il",,i:T'1".lll.lllJ;if1ri!liil:.'li*ii:iIHl:li ilrclitrrt.gica|IIl0\.tnlc]lt.ili'1;ilni;lgltrtrr'lt.tlrrtt'slrlnrvit|thewi|| t i{' "],I..,il.:i.i.:,.:lill".l"T"oxni"|liiji]I'.'|nlI.3lcn,on(-uu}1.'#I.j;.l1I"r"#-;;il;li|i|-';|;;t4"fjt:l.ll]'1ll1:.l]:,il':1.'lt.l::i ,6 I v l- \= \-\_) - c'{rnlrlhflrlatchcnliesoltlc r...., it rh.uld n..t6r.rt i. \ilncrahlc nld okl trl.n therr ratoD0, .\Ur.rcr(. oI rh. (,trur(h u, il* lrcscnt(enhry,sinilir|iturFil..'L.i.h|.lh.l.rt5uPF..,h .rr n,orcmcnis rod soiln,c nn r'(rcr. IororrhciroNnrorrdF ,,' r "i*ilii""i,. ii-i,.",i*iiri,"iii l= iii"'"i1"*""ii"i,":iX"i"rl';liLl.,ii'"jt_l"i,i,iii".) " tr---- \.nc or rh. lmdocesson \r.s sa crcar and ilnd.Nraildabro. I hd ,;i 1;;;, ; i;,,; ;il".i; sri :1.,:'l'.ji.i:',.::ll"'.:..::.,,:jll:.'::;i r igottus antl successful ns thc tlte intinracl' and closcness o{ Pf Ittscttt uroleu)ent rllrich is still friendshtp and lolc. In lltt'uoltls in lilclt' plogress, ttris time cui(l- of Jesus and IIis actiott. it rvas ,! t'tl anrl contlollt'tl by t5e itoly cloal'15'related to tlrc cnrel frr- q1 See sirrct' thc nritl_for.ties. s i ture, his death on tlre cr.oss. \\rittr ntrtter o{ faet, tlre su[)ret]te nll- a thottsand or evctl {ervcr tt'orr tlt(}r.rtres ol the Chut.clr are far shippers atound. this inlinrac.r is irlrcad of r!:c jocal thurches in possible only thr.ough a laith that tttattl' c0uut|ies tvith lhe relorms ltlot'es ttrottntains, llrit arc needed to urakc intelli- The Last srrpper r.ePfcscrlis nli gt'nt. rvor.ship possible. ideal extemat- iornr rvhich nray ,l '\ll lef.r'urs that are {nlly salu- never be lenchcrl in orrr larqe arril lat'1' urust cut illto the estab" even oul. snrall parish chrirclrt,s; lishcd patter' of '-\age and rt- but in spite of tire rich tler,clr.;1r- tttove lhe outcroppings of habit. nrent of ihe extelnal changcs, tlir: ,risuutle.s.tanding, sloth, antl an spirit of the upper room niust lte trttiustifierl.. "con. and spuriorrs aitainerl, In no othe' rvay docs scrvatisnr." 'I'r'rre conservatism the church col.rle to life so irnnris. Jll'esel'ves tlre esserrtials, trrrt is takably aiid can be cxperiencetl quite rvilling . to shear off l.ilrl as in this great nr1..ster.1,. Ilcre grosth. True progr.css tloes not the realitl, of the Ch,r..h is er. t'itle rortghshod o'cr goorl pe'ieneed *'hat is in spite of the fragrntu--us and ntature. iation that has overtaken in -f -t - I tast' soMEREFoRMS rrave Fresh rom he harne bet.n fttlly digcsted ili:..,r),,.,i1i11,ll,Tfi,i1il,,,i;.,,r.e unrrer. anrl. assjnri- -trir,l i-i pa'ticipation tatcd bj' the clttr'ch rj"iu1, antl It't llke hayind your own booFtapl Wiedemann's irrl"i.tlt:'h or lay resl)o.sbiliry freqrtcnt and eally conrnrunions,:l-..t:,T-"-, i'i- ,r'iiJj_rv relatc6. \Vhcn does taste different,,,yet tastes the eameoJaFy tllc reiofm of thc Clurr rve tra r., trr e,. o,nn *i,G .i,," *"; :'.1; i,lj'fr 3:'. ti ma,f he qu a I i ty narc r oh I n got,,, i t' s Ee (,i $ erad' in the larrs of fasr anct ,!.1\it,.";n9., i:ijl., r$slllil'i"11, xl "r ;i;r;,ri-;;';'.e ready 1or tle tlia_ 17 tlte elerring i\Iass-alilrough-!ll:r.. i;;il';ig,'"ur separatcd bfarl- at'e still a pockets of resist. .{erv i*?i'_,fi"^i.fi.ve iii Chr.ist. ancc ol' untlue restrictions against SJrlelous rnterpretation of ttris THE PATTERN of the liturgy WIEDEffANN :r lleirltlry adilptation to the trvcrr- is rcally sirnple and dilect. Its tieth'centul'y living conditions 6f ccnter is God the F.athcr. Its ('l)fistcn(lorI. fII{EMBEER ln soute places it approach to the Father is throrrgh is still rough going for the nerv the Son. The pou,el ilrat nrorii,s Iltily Woek, for the Psa|1n Ver, is the I{oly Spilit. Gorl is tlrc sron of I,ius XII, anrl the latest center here as in our fornrulas calendar. and CAPITOTCITY SUPPTY tlre Ilitual in the of laith in our Cr.ecds: it is an tnothcl tonguc. approach in conrrnon to Gotl anrl llrrt *,ith patience Distribuiors and tenacity. in God. 'fll(il.tAs [t'tn1c11d6n5 help is to be expectetl flris is quite a tliscovery for tI. FITZGEIt.\LD, I'rcsitlettl Iront tlte imurinent second Ecu. protestants, u,ho aro often ririslerl Indianapolis,Ind' nrenical Council of the Vatican. by Catholics 214 E. 5t. Clair St. 'l'lte $,ho are rcally fol. Litulgy will l.re installed in tdrving beu,iltler.ing b,rpathi anrl il.,s righlful place, entl the peo. habitrially stlaS.ing in'to fietAs of ple's fuil palticipation in it rvill minor ttevotion. The lloman Iit- be achieverl irr a geqcration or urgy is Cori,cenicrctl in ali its THE CR|TER|ON,JULY 7, 196l PAGETHREE 'concerned'-African Popt seminar-Protestconuiction censorship 7 = Government contrst "oquliablo I THE VATICAN UnlvcHlty, SFk!t.' tuch holp ls callod for by Ans tor rn slutior lordlng t.!i Sfth p.tr.tqr, Alosbltc lnornv.Ic1.i,"l.1i.,:n'#[;li::i.:l}."l'l'1l.Tl"ll"ilillll."#.i$$}.:"::::#Ilij,'li"x'iH::1":*Tlll'':::l'Tjll"Jj'jliilllli""i".'i,liIitj;.#f rssue rn DParn J li*n*l***$],*,il.""r';*;]lffl,,iifiil'fr ili:i.3;#$jh,ll"1.;l{{ii l-fj*ffi:j:i_.._***",*","u,"*:,'*"'*

oNEoF!vEiYttrr.'i.IIi.'f.rs..rnrcri|'rxU|lidx|||'s.ncycIic!|onsocl.lmrt.monLiix;ijli:lil']'L ll:lilillf""i:."*,."1'l'f|["i h"il'lLf,'.:h"':i"*.i'.: li:''".::fiillli?xTi:$"i*f

i*':iil1'uLtm"nrril'iii*;H"";'t":r*:'1,[T"1,"'$i": ix"ilx"Tll T r'r'r5'u'i''i'.tonor relntl()ns. tne government trle Uto torcslllll rurc stntesat ,r: tr )illl.l L-hrrrch.stlte nnd exrrlrriuin{" doctrine to their unitctr b'i"ii"ril"..illji,ll. bisholts ltlto pressure for prcss frcedom by tima. I'hc scminar herc i.r"f,ri|,i:l-lf,ii".i,l,'.T[-,I|f:,,: inr,:ir^:ill'nlly,l,:k"**l iu flcl, st'vt ral ;;;;;;: ur* which Catlroljcs.have cntrusting a eonmittetr with ilre hcltl nt Xavalian Collcge and tvill 0 IIBItLIN-Officitls^-'f'""" of.-'r;;i;iil Wcsteln "Crcck,lirrv, in his own n;;;;;;;;,1"il il;;;i llllllllllllllllllltllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll of Ec. claimerl as unconstitutional, Iiut rvith tlie csccption task of tliofting a="eir-pr*rr tn,u. bc sponsorulliy thc Irorcign Vis. powels fro.o lorre aft lfilipiiro Catfrolics. il^s.rr A..i^-1 .-. ir.-- lr^li^r^t ?!nth ^.idi,r-. tt,-- -.^,r.,i,..i^.- ^r - /r-!r- tto chtllch tnnv hn lrilill ruilhnrrl rl.,.n/ror,"l*tn!tnl."s.lr.so!tonrnUostilo.|otchotpo!.dtolc8Llr|oonhhIrtci.|l$']I,l!!]l.r.,ly:lIT.-' tlrc pelmissionof thc lllinistry of

" ""'" !d t!t:"11,1:^l-^'"-T.,,jih"ri"- ii"iliiii'riii i:" Protcstarrl jnurnnl T::i:* :'::::::.::::::,... ""Ix;l;i."1;"i*!:t"H:["o.5.qwns a trea,uockt',,11]:ar urc ;irt,jlil[tixi,ly;**l *lf"*Hi'nillxli'l*,ifklniiiTjlliii\ii hlifi'il:!;'lY sttryeserlrcuishi:11.;i':i:',l'll'1i'll;1Hl;i""a"n.rei.icincn;riF;]:iillii.il-' - lOfre, nith(itlllllE (ltlltol-cdilor omadlusclllul-lltIS \vlt(tvto Glana.ttllilllil, i Lin rnirv ,fld rjnd nor ; stnlt; Tot.., tstitntSostrnls n0[nol lOl; artcildat{Cnfl tlfCrtc noeLnteet.

!.trerodclosEsp:rnoles(Stirrrtish:lrl\'onoclsctofot'lrtitschnractcr,r'apntvoltlntcerSlor"^.'li]l];I;$l'H:''l.,f'"il.i*''Jl]i1iij,ii$l?.lii.i:''iii:,,,llT.iln,,l'1]l]l,.|,,"',?.:1}Y,,:i':,1 C-lrartcr),ullicrriuvsirr-nrtictcl2:\\,irsnotpr'cst,tr|,at

ideas{rcclynslongnstlroydoitisonr:cfh!..i.Ill.cnlcstp|e.itsttrc.s notattackthofrtndarncrrtiItt!.netstorclaxltttlllt.orvsethr.otrglrl.,..:}..'u'.' of the statc." il'hc chnrter nlso Half proelainrs lrigh anrl tofty nirns to ',iiilH:":::':::,i,itliii:ii*'$ii'l# nftiirr,rl't*-rl iilg;il$[l$1ffillPdpsi Quarts I

''"lii'i:l: p;iiilliiri'"''iii"i*'"iii "**-- - "'"1ti:;,il"l"'"T,:,i'li"il"1';ii::ffi'::# ll*mll*w;:;,i;1;;t,t",,n".,1""1i:i'i ^c,iorn, ,rn,y, oirrn'a'rrr,,ctr. *-*ififfis*cin,ist.ttnn ndv*ornnd nn "uii",ii,iillil $tXlx$ilru ll\ f,1\ lf\ )A l- llll{. I fr,.\K..t)h\{J,i I qetswsq \'rh\:r' colr"r's flil$i.;$'i,i';;,*:itfd J'rrbrr"'r r"!"r.r""'!' sccrecy. l|incil$ijslhtltliil|iil.i;il antl theolcticill :rrrtl plilcli. i,ilii*,*,',*r***,r,rlil P,ffi | ,)otttlt{tlcsc nttthot'itit-'s to llsc ;llili'li:ll'Jiiili,lll1,';,llil;l:Hlll,.^r -.,,i^-\!,ir.\., ..,r ^,tr., ^. .^,.-.:,..,. :",1'i:'*"?'l,,ill",'i"i..i':"":l'Jl:i; I'i"1',XiiH.*J*"H;:.;:.ill,],1.,t1],tlju,.:n'i*,,,1:i,l,J''.l;llki ilvc cvl(lctlcc t() sul)port ArH.ME :[l'::'il,:llil'll,'.1$;';;i'il."t'-" ii. ilt;ist)rral ltttssngc t6 11 nrcctiug of I l,rN-l,!i,li,,,tl 'j,iffilXl;i,lLii;"i"'Ti$l;'.g d::?:ftil"";ill;'"tiff,ti:;l#;i'.j*l.n"i :jir!"itliilftT;",i,,iii1ir,:;'ii i;lilll^ill;,'iii1i:*,lf,'*iililil snvx2wrvs::-.:';::n*- ffi :%, irlir,!:t%,iit!iqii{{ili;l o,y.vj:::!ry!t:oty!:{v@r'7j tu.(nruToPtayTIrPiaao | ilt1ili'iil!$il{Lli::ii[i#iill-i*;ii;i[ itn,ll*l*f}.'rx'i*ffi1 pni^eaE'pourcv | 11"1111"'. titblci:l,l':ri'lti::l;il,ll.i;_q-lt thc nrr,ilsure rvltich n,ould llucsc!rrr-;rlrj!,i:J:iijr;lt*t:l settlcrs by rebcls attrl also hrtt'cnilr'c incrt'itserl|llcf('ilse0 tlreillc riltcsrittcs forlof sritlslll(l thatilrat I'ortu(rtcst'l'oLtugllese artthorilicsalluloflilcs Ornrotrr poli,rypoli(ry rr,rwn()w elyi+i up :iill]:S "savngc I nrailin.g relil;ious ncu'spitpcrs anrl l[1rr look mca-.ut'cs of ovcrcrx;[of sev, i ta26r:6 Iratcversottre "-- foa $$r,ffiffi tuat]azitltts. r'r'nlr.ssirrrr:rnrl rctrrisal." | ,--*^r -.,.t:^:.* *lt. --,^."

',il*i',*-*".**|trTI,il:il\*,j::'iiii],':l*u|lff'l."'ff#ffiimlw'fuilffi";;:;nutuuldtui&:nds! \r. nankluptcy, artil .:rii'.'.'*:iii l;:;,i'j'1,"-;i;,;i t,n;i:i. orr tnc l;r'ink of '}|,1;\,;- . '.\::':_:'i'\ ...t\ rvithotrt nny .i.i.'-...ir'i"til"i..i.*.l''.i*$i.i;i;nIl.lll.*1lljl;;:Flll.ilt*t:ililiiiliii'l,iii,]ij,'illlll,ilI{i;il;;::":ftstimaredl1.;i.#can Jcsrrit rrrissiouar.y r.ffolt in strtrggliilg along Eov-l J,bl^ rolcs and rstimated | \;-. lcgal political pnrty), a scrvc,,",:[if:",i"i'r"rii$il$r'iiia.'c"'';;. It'Lisctdt'b'Er"d'i'bx!4!"'il' "F'rcr:do i;;;;,*.il:] BishopBisltop sees little hopeltope-- "ui,lil]*tii:i-^"^l Acrn(y,Ng .rr'\ nrfor tl.hal.? I |I ry I| qh i'li"ilHr'",i[],tlliir,ltll'Lt,l:i,. . | E,c'A,,h'ca^&fr..:i,fr:A;*el -idffi:.ffi0/-&i l:;:;;';:;;; x*ulillq*glp,iiryil':;r^.. ..:,.*,.,,.,,*. - l ttoo-":"-Il:-1*"I I rrre(.'rrrrr,.h,,,.,,,";';u,,,,, lOt' COt'pQfUte feUtltOtI i i sttclt attart altelnativc.attelnatiric. .Errriquon,i;i,r,';'i;;':C,ir. "/"f I.l iI WAlnvfWalnvr 3-2453 | tlinal-I'layDcnicl,r\rcIrbishop.ofi\tAYN()o.I.If.IrtlIantl_Antcl.i'gr.lrtiotror.llyfot.ntntiorlufatrcru|n 'l'olerlo 'i]'irl*r;i"r:,t;i and Primrtc ol sprin, ':$r*;::'::":;:Hlli"lijl;ill\i$ititd*ij,:iilii**;rr,r'r***1*iliffiffi",,i,"iriri,"n'iiii,,., luniarc ri,,c.,,

far.t'cachittg cffccts tltrotrglrottt A Flillti NtiW I ill'i^ll'?'ili;:fl::,1"'.1:l:,fji':i thc .r\nglicrtrr t:otttntttniotr atrd It'rvcrsion. of unbrirlicil !iccir. 0rl a scric-s of h'ctrrres,orr Clrlis- cvc'tually cvc' i' thc Cl'r'clr o[ tiousncssof n press engagcd irr uTlli]I" plANo xll"l"m**,ffim,i *",o",.n",.* \Munr,il}rR I fit_i,rtH,rlii,liilrj-ffiarc.Dor.onry r.raio{s rn'irs {i;;irccr{L(,sonctrri6rirrunily I ntidtllcll:,.Ii"':,.;.:tl|sqcxtsks,fnir 't'hus of lhc road, tlrat ol re. sociologir.al aurl histnrical. at-t5c iUaS,rroo6 llnion Surlntcr Or OISGAN ;H:'J?,i:iTT'tilJr,i,lfii:il:riiilir,','"li;ti",J\,i;T";,"'ii,:''T,,ll UIIIOII FEDERA1NECMRES I society.asproposcd by thc vitlual, than groups, iilyi.;i*l;-rl.mli:.j:lli:: Clrar- rathcr thc ifini, firb i;r;;;i; finni tt," ti.S., ter itself'" THF pnq(rA1 trv nf ^nr.rnr- r\rrstralia, tlnglantl and Irclanrl The I'ittsburgh prclatc, a nrenrber MIU.rcI DOT1ARDIUIDEIID! rJ+5srvrc!'ndtinishct J,iiii d,,tJ'nrs'rsr 58 *.iccvlonese rur.--s. lighlcrrr rg r l.rl orr,onry?ifJamonh A Month ii;:llx;:[ll'li;llll";l:;l'l y:,i:.: i15,000 |I Council,i,..lri":,1'r.l"'ii:r said that the present I Moro than Hooslors are rharlng ln &'usilqr., scrcws on Churcl i.iliiiii;".'iiL'.'*r+o,csiin,hm lhese record earnlngs ol $,|,.|46,000'Open your I [Llil,f"'i-ij,"'ll'J,llil"1il"!fi; by lr ruil (lucidcr' bily . . .,ilmon!'v Dnidin I r'ii;i;;;;";i;;;ii,';;;i;ir"iiii :ltl.l",t""*."ri'nc.Drobrcn, Unlon Federal Insurod ravlngs accounl i"iti uc i1,pti"rt-iiiviiai h,ria-ltc cr- i;;;i ^;'eri;;'i'c1,i;;;i;;'i;-ii;; ii i oNrri'iv tor c{{hrhs ,,luly lOth, enrn from July {stl To tranrler any r;i'il;;6 i;i* | , ry-tllltt, savinge account from lnywhere In The problcrn, he said, is tltat of klnd oi a cours6orrrssons wi,h.ach r.n,ar lhs U.S,, lake your passbook to tho Unlon liltUll I l,[::i,ljii:Fi1i,;tnl.'i;l lit*:l"r'*',tJt'"llilltt] ;::1":ll,'il_J,ll;*iFJ,ii";F_ Foderal ofllco noa:est you and thoy'll harldlo dttties of fidelity to the apostolic all tho dotallr for you. JttClAt A oniapernit,everoutsirii:schootnTI'i,* ricirtii"ii,i.'i,u"*tr,inrte iai*, lxo opiorrutrityis the i'i.u.nsoxI lnrtrsrc c:o. *,",'.".***"u " l"'li:',Ji,lil,*,T*fiii'"1l"liij:iiilJi"Tfil'li,,lliililf"llT,Xil: E"'rr.H,cc,rs,,rc.#. u.N. FENwLvAN,a. ilil::! tililrlli flitiii_ii!,,* !!*fi:i!ii"Jffi,:-,',li:j:!faith,;:jrTilt;".iffii.liTi therc must bc unity of ltlve ,;i'lf#:,#::j,it11l",T"iil:'."","tff,,," lr':":lili*lilnllll:triri{x'{*: ffii-,iltdtj$t"inn"*ril | I lllltin":trullil',*il piro. roaion. cithor bv cohlr.re inrc an - JewyShine BernardMcGinty ,THE Billffioldthan MaryltilcGinty $ffilLtilG IRI$HffiEII' 301N. Delaware fYeut& [-fsedCars flile.5-7264 f,te.7-4378 RoyMattinglY THE CRITERION, JULY 7, 196I PAGF FOUR

'I'hcre cxists a plan whereby the United Presbyterian lution in thcsc days of revolutions; a turning away from an I Iloc'trinal nnit5l Church rvottld invite the Protestant Episcopal Church to join attitude of doctrinal dispute u,hich, since the fifteenth cen- rvitlr it in forming a merger in rvhich thc Methodist Church tury, has rneant a splintering of Christianity and its Influ- "looking,torvard pttlllit and illlitr Cornrrrent Doctrinill rliscussions anrl lhc United Chut'ch of Christ would be asked to par' ence for the good health of human society; a turning toward = Iiu.tlrel'all cn\ll'ch an(t tllc coh'mnl rop' Icllorvsltitt" bctrvccn tltc Amcrican the evolution of harmonious relationships among men of Thr oPlnlonr rxprtutd In thur rdltorirl bc held by reprcsen' ticipate. F L,iii,;;i1l Chtrrch-l\'lisso.ri Synod will goocl n'crewlly THE Cetholic 'Ihcsc lvill. = rc3.nt r Grttrstlt Ylrwpolnl-nol tativcs of the trvo dcnominations next year' anrl similar firo\rcmeRts ltave R great itnport- rdilorr lo llrvo public 'lhey = vlcwpolnl. Thry em lfforfl of fhl 'l'hc may not leatl in the foreseeable futut'e to that Catholics cvcryn'hclc would do well to welcome the nunrbcr of l,Icthorlist botlies in Jhi5- courttry listctl ancc. oplnlon wlfhln thr Ghvrch rnd withln thr Nrlion' is 21. appearance of rnovements of this kind and to pray for their in tfij-iVaiionit Councit of Churches' 1961 Yearbook trnity of One !'lock ttnder One Sltcplrerd, the concept lvhich = .succassful developmant. In thc samc spirit, the prayers .t,'trc"qriestion of rtlaiving-these gl-o!c.l together into one Orrr Lorrl put befora u,s all, but thcy are certainly part of has of Lulhel':ills, Pfr-sbylelians, Mcthoelists, Episcopalians, "nt"iotiii"r,nii' iritcr iratton:ii'nity of Illethodist Chut'ches I univcrsal tondcncy in that gettct'al dit'ection. more lh:rtt antl all good Christiitus tnight bc invited I'or the success of iiiioii'iii'ti""[y'purs*ert for sonie time, and noy snd Staac Tltey nrat'k lvhat may rvell be the most, importani revo- thc llcumenical Council to bc hekl in next vear. Church ever. oneoftheexcitinBthingsabouttlrecomingUctrrrrcnica| hishoos of a nott' counciiis ilre tiit ttiit torinc^ii,liii..-witt first_timc Armclrcir athlete O STRAYLEAVES llteir cott' . QUESTIONBOX Euronean trattition iiif tt" makinb revelntion' r rri6"iioil- [o-a netter undeisianclittg of llif | .I t . sn;'ittg IVIUSTCaItnougnts For years, Fulton J'. Sheen has bccrt use the Fishop \t'hen lha Vhy that the" flotvering oi Ctrristirrn-ity-tne rvill comc minds nonder the iiiiirrl,- trrii'inoial ina African . atttl rpessase of tlre Co.pei'in,i'e\pdiii riopt.ls of nr'cr.rti.g 0n the Rosarv functiottirt.g itt Mass? ;iiili"inr-icfii,. '.if'v"t'thought. grnspcrl by ririrrds in clialoguc ,) sy BOWLES Wcstern pa-itcrns of Bv M$GR. J. D. CONWAY

for us-.ttuy-bc rbouf fhr l\lusiciatts. to use thc Scots'phrase, ale kittle A Drevierv-ioint of rvhat could bc in store Q. Thrcr monlhr rgo I wrolr rrking Indeed, some tim' leltcr issttctl by Caldinal iltt- no lnrwcr'. Wc catl.lc; tctctty, hartt to drovc. rouna' iii-o trastoral ;fanganvika'' dirloguc Mlsg, end et I oxpoclod, rhcsc Al'rican frirndr o|ous souls havc n firm notion that the better the ;;Ht';' ;,i"iii; iEh;J. Jr o.u iln"y. told lo lnrwor our Prolcrlrnt posili.n, of 'ln trr' rnusician, thc falthcr he is ottt of his mind. ffirrtJnl-ci;e sui,t"n"" io their p6opic on.lhc when lhey rrk ur questionr. Pny, how qurllion wrr It is true that mttsicians often look at things Catldlics- in C pluralistic strcietl'. when we crn'l gef lhc enrwrrr? My .discttssing..lllo .\'cxnlg peo- ol ll'a(llllol)ilt uillll- Marr hrvr lo br diffclently flom nrsny other nroblems arising from a confrontatioll why our responset in thr dirloguc 'l'hc tlte q:ivic plc. inrtcrial of their trade, ;ii;;tiit.a;J]oi"ard church'state telations and made in Latin when ?596 of thr peoph don'l know tlctno' [lusic, r'orluilcs [o llc looked ii:i.ao-nil-ii-rltigion, specch, etc,, of tlte nroctcrtt what lhey rra rrying. al in all sorts of ways. It$ eratic state. "in' A. l.lcnse I\Iadnnr, rvill yott cxc\lse thc dclny? concepts - or shoukl I say problems hnve tlteir tlucstions I hRve on hnnd, and - are of what is both It woultl sppear that most of tltosa 'l'he I sta|tetl to cortnt the luitiotts"? source'iji'-i ririsrrnrterstanrling of thc rtrodettt slale' thcn tlccirletl to rveigh thcm in- :rllstlact an(l l eal, It can rep- iiiii,iAe oi the Roman Curia,'as of nrost tltcologia's trttd stcnd. titrt thcy cxcccdcti Ilte ca- loscnt nrobility and stability. move- caninists, has treen inflrronccd by the,rt'ay thc l'uodt'rtl pncity o[ ntY Postnl scnles' There nrent antl stillness, at thc same state eame to be. It is diffieult for wcstelrt cltttt'chtrreu nrust bc ,tcvct'al ltottnds of thcm- time. r\ pieea of rnusic will have io lorgct thtit the revoltttiotrary ltrovctnt-'nt tltal 'stt'cpt nol cottnlitttl tlte filc lolders. iu'iv ij,* okl urouarehies and irispircd tlte tttrt' statcs of \:cly trliefly, the resPonscs are itu.one wils as godless irnd as vi-olently attti'rcligious as nrndc in t,atin bccnuso the IIoIY is Cottturuttisrn todaY. Scc hils givctt tts cxplicit inslrrtc- lf mrrsicians occasionally scem lo bc a llit rvay' l ions that tlrcy rntrst be irt this far-orrl.-rnan, it is because thcy nlly-as thcy do- lnngun ge erclrtsivcly. Our basic bling tbis habil. of mind to contcmplating othe r 'l'his things, gtves tltcnr a factrlty of sensitive appre- lrtrlision tvlticlt clrn, end tlocs, drive thcm mnd Con' f ,ii,i,:r$"' issttetlon Sopt.3, 1958,lly thc Sacred rvith flustration: lltcy so sttlrlttltr Itave thc rlualities of g,'"g,iii"n of Ilitcs. rvith the spccinl npproval nccdcrl lo pcLsuatlc otlrct's to theil rvay of thinking. 'l'hcy I'ius II[. sinrply scc, and can elo nothing ebout it. I'onc 'l'he 'l'hc rll the rvor'ltl--tlrnt is, lhe conlciotts and, therclot'e, Saclcrl tfottgt'cgation hns nol toltl trs riiviticti into thosc rvho knorv anrl its irlsisLt)ncc on this point' civilir,crl rvorltt-.-is lonsons rvhich pt'ottrpt 'l'ltose *'ith a

It il true lhat tho Church dir' carefully in ortlcr to avoid undue covroges long engegements? Lor' strcss and tertsion. Tlris rnay in. volve somc linritation on thc nrtnr- rainr and I slarled keeping com' ber of rlatcs, going on double prny in high sclrool bul can'l dates or rvith a gloup, and avoirl- "parking" plrn on mrrriags vnlil we finish on engegements ing pro. Churchbsttilnd long or spcnding college. How lonq is it permir. longed ptriorls alonc rvith cach siblc lo go sleady before gefling other. Unless you use colnlnon merried, espocillly in lhe case b.y lohra L. T'hont,as, S,"l| sense in rcgulatirrg the conditions of college rludenfc who ean'l gcl under rvhiclr you sec cnch other merried YerY soon? anrl iq contlolling I'our tilutlral a displal's rrf affcclion, l'ou mA)l 'llrrr ..inr. (llrrrrclr rkrt's rrol takc arty o indeed firut 1.our situaiion possiblc. " arrat'c, Jack, Yort are nlso rvell (ln oI cottt'tsltip or li'inalll', I llusl har c r.e- prn.vef, engitg (! ul rr tl t, cotrse ttr sqlilittrirl ni([s. .l nek. tltouillr freqtrcnt, rcception of thc sacra. llrt-Lt'ntt'clcnr- rulglts, tnnking plans lor the grentcr cut nrornl ftrtur,e, application to youl nol't)ls 1'1.gttlal. strulit,s. anrl so on, tyill all pt'ovc ing lll ptertrlt'i' hclpl\rl if 1.rrrr alr. sincere. Yottt'grlttlllt'nt is ontt tlrrl rtrnttl' t ir I i't'litliott- Ilctnctnller', srl(!(:cssful Christian crrlkrdt: stttrl()irls ilorv face. Ilt a sltips.'l'ltt' ittttr,r- mauiage r:;r!ls [or n gloori dcal lr.r.'lrnicnlly lrlvirtrccrl socicl5' srrch tions of tlltin{. of self-dcrtill lnrl self.con;.rrl. ll its ()ur' o\\'n, pltrpalation fot' lifc yottr'lovtr ctittt'tslti1l. t tt rl rloos not lcatl yort to In oldcl lr| gifr' tt tlt'linitc an. r'r'rlttilcs lontl ]'oitrs o[ lormal ang:tg rr nl r' ll t. t)racticr: thcsu vir.luas nort', it is s\r'tlr t{i .\'orlr (luosti(}n cr}it(.ci'ning t|ainirrg. r\ltlultrgh yurt tc:rchcd ttot strong. cluluqll lu rrivo Surt Itou' krng il is lrcrirrissihlt. lrr (u llttltorll' atottntl lha lgc of 1ll ot' llapl)lneijs tn illill't'lar((:. strla{ly l)0f{)f(! !ulrtl'inil, tltcr'tr- l.t. lntl nppat'cttil5' st.at'tetl dating Frlher Thomas will be unrblc [ot'e, I s'ottkl ltitvc [o kruxv rvltitt slurt'tly a[tc't', 1'ott rvill not be lo give personal replios. . l'ull Y'AIIDS'l'I{lli. O WIIAT OF TI-IBDAY Illurgieal lVeek t_l-fi* By REV. ROBERT W, HOVDA ops ryhich sifts anrl iurlges thern The Coldwater mission clecrsion lrrrl rvhiclr interplets both Sclip- Looper I JULY 9-Seventh Srtrtrlll' irfler The tulc arrrl'l'r'atlition to thc l)l'esent. By REV. JOHN DORAN hccri to rvhat his political phil- Perttccost.'fhtr l|ailsloIrniltiorr 'fhe osoplty aclttally rvirs. of life tltut .ksus :rslis lrtd tltat I THURSDAY, July I3*l\lrss us untiortal rvlitc-ups rvhich !y MSGR. GEORGE HlGGlNs clrl citttscs u'ltrclt lltly ttltpttst'tl. o 'l'hc IIe rffocts rr'ilh our coopcration on Sunelrrl'. llur:k to sincci'ity Scnaior [ioltlturtcr of r\rizonrr Sttprt'tntt Cottt t ilcirictl by tlre f)enrocrats 'l'ht' G('rrr{iil and l!.S, Srtptetttt' (itttt t ltlts lhlortgh llis \\told lntl sl(inl- itr ilrc ur:rltcl ol oul Litrtlgl., Sin- has bccn receiring irf llte point t'rrlt'rl tlutl lltt' ttttiott sltrrll 1r1pfi- allarrtlrxtcrl lly tlro llepublicans, fivr' l(] lltlt. lltltl :r t'ltl' cct'ity t'ctlttiros tlt;rl, lltt-' cotrgre- oul onc pnlticrrlar thirrg: thcr.e is lttlorl, sirrrrs oI tlrt Rltilrvrtl' |,xllpt' [1[ lhe spirit of Consorvatisnt has I nnriwcr the celtrll'tnt rt}arl rvoLkt't tIlto is ttqttit!tl lit t;illl'll6:t fiatiort still consirlerahlc conscrv:rtivc "ttttiiltt urrrrlrl hc un('rlnslilrlli()tlltl if :tn1' :rliscn again. Like tlre nr!'thittal ioitt R ttrtiott ttittlt'r ll sholt" lli,, 11'[11'1'clllrr liltn'i{}' intlicitlcs thlt scntiururt in thc ol llle \\'()rliers'rlttt's \\r\f0 tlso(l l'lroeiiix hir(l from rvlrich lris citn lllocli th(l tllllt)ll tlto uortglcgntion shortltl tns\\'cl Iurstings. tgttlclll{'nt hrr' ppllIi1.x1 Srt- hornc torvn is nanretl, Golduiatcl I]1rl](r.\('.\.'flrrt Ilte ct'lclrlant anrl rcr1trires tl.'rt ('()ul'l I rb rtrrl pro- llr('nl. ttvr'tst'tl lliis dcci- It:ts arisert frotn tlrc ashos of a Ihc (rongrcl]atiuu sing anrl pray pose lo analyzc siolt itt)tl lltt- citse rvlts scnl ltitt:k ilr'rr*l$iliiilM'$l sccnringly rlcarl isstrc to conlnrrnrl political ac' \vhelu thc lilrrrgy irulic:rtr-.s that toda.y tiokl. ior to tlro (icoIgiu cr)uft lo rt'otk ottl j the Libct,rls. Timo Megerine re. l,",ll"ll:':'lrv,yilllil!.,,, ..)i\i.i Illlri til(:t, ll, Ili-trsi . \'r:i'r lht congrel;ltion slroulrl sing antl \rittcf's plriloso' "hottt,st lilitics $'hiclt s1'slt'trt lltitt I thrt's t:rrllL'etiott play. "lhis fcls to Ooklrvuter as the 111'lrppostls. is not a minor maltor', plry its scon 'l'lrr' rvorrkl lrt' l;til lo uttionisls t\,lur tkr u political figulc this sitle of Jack (louri did 1ls l'L'c('l)t tcfottns anrl ittsl.t'ttc- ftotn ltis rvrit.- nrrl rt'itnl tri supptrt'l uniorr politit:ll Iicnnctll'." Ile is hot because he iiil::,:'iT::'t,,ll tiorrs of tlrtr Ikrl5'Scc lrirrc pointcrl thul tltr: ittgs. \\rtr ryygy not rule nlso pt'tl. "",i,1'ii"il nctiritics itrrtl l'ottltl gucs hts art issuc, ttnion slurP is *,',,,,",E out. lt. lo lhc hcat'l of tlrc pcrtaps rlo tlrirt st'r'r c llrc liglrt oI tlrt' nltjolil.y \\'hlt (loklrvatcr tllanrrrtizes is thut e unnut bc plrtckotl ftottt lrriat's, so sitcl'llntontill sl sl.cnt gi!cn tts lrl' irr ariothel illtgul. uot t() rt((' the l tlrrt:s fot put'- col. lloliticltl cntl <:itltnot llrt ltt- ottI l,o|tl. Si!Jns oI nrAtliC? Acls a pr-rlitical position rvhir;lt hus taih'oud uttiorls a tlrt Clu'istinn ullln. I rvorrltl l)()s(ls. 'fhclc Iortg lleen llclrrft of ir spoke.sman. operatittg trnrlcr is prob:rbll' sonrotltirtg to tirinctl lty rlttcstirrttalllc ltlcilns' of llrc Ilystical Ilorll' or incarrtl- prcfr:r to corrsirlcr nol tlre phc- o 'l'lrtr Ilrtclr nrorc pelsonahle tlran'l'aft, runion sltup I)r'cly slcp nlottg llto rt':ty is as tiorts of sorrrc t'lilo? liclrt ttorttcual r'isc of his populnlity, '.1'he br' slid ior' .luslice l,'rankfut'lcr's (bkhvattr trstt nt llrc setiottsttt ss tlttl fttllti lrrs\r'(:r p;trtir:iltirtion (lokln'attrl takrs casily to a stel- ilglc('lnctlts t:illt llr!l 5|('l)rl lll0llo]' lnti opinion. Ntvellhclcs$, I thiuh it inrportitttt itt it st'ttst';is rlcrrrattrls tltt: plrtscrtts nn is-suc-- plohlt,nt htntrqllt goal. 'I'his llt Itltr in rvlurl shoultl he tlre fol polilir';rl l)rlrl)r)s('s. ll rttt'tclr' of lltc rt'lticlt llrtr is jrrst ns rvell thrrl lhe nrtjorily All rtf ottt' ttitlttt'itl llo\r'('l's of nll. fbrtsct'r'alisnt. issuc has rtot g;1s1' ('tttt!'f "ttltl(lt' qlerl rlubltrt of .{rrrelican pnli. -slrid th:rt 11 nn ilqllirirlrr:ll u'irtlict l.o1i1l11 tr) the fitrl)r('lllt' ol llrc crrrrtt ntlcrl llrc o{lrcr- rvitl'. ntrrst ltc t)\'t'l'." t't'ttt'wt:tl. itcclt pt'esutttctl to llto pooplLr {}t! lrccrt f FR IDAY, July I,l-.St. llona. 1ir.s. No utatter rrJral lris orrn ([r]0s nr)t $itttt ltts rlttcs sltt'ttt lrrt' Iun t' r\lliijcf ltr!(1. t tlrink. I rhirr'l st.r' nrrl' clcitr anrl tl'ililsf()l'lll(!(1. r\rttl tltis is its It'tttr a uatkrnlrl eltrctiorr selle sirrr:e 1l'escnt !rnlrrt'c. lli.slrotr. I)ot:t0r'. Ne i. politicll litturL', if (lrrltllvatcr tltis or llurt it'ul purl)r)sr', Ir)' opPotrt'nls o{ llte ttnirrtt sltolr irr orlt pttltlit tvufshil) lts itt ltttl' AlI l,antlon's ill-fait,tl till Itolil rlirrrlttr Ih:rt .\nrclicatr rrrtlons. lrr ('ltlisi grcat arllirrst. (bnservatisnr, untlrt'lstiuuttctl ll1' tle ftndct's attrl lltr't' nol Ilis altrrst[. '.1'lrtr stantls fit'nr itr lris citltet' llrr ulrioll nlusl ttot spt'tttl antl t'rt.r'r'isiuX tltt'il liFlrt to cttl"luilc itt ollrel lclir il5'. Sittct't'it.r'. tlrc llooscvcl{ u'irtrlrrrill. ol thc uuiotr slrop, itt tltc I'attl \\'cft lorttltttittisls. .lcstts hc will tlo this countrl' a grcat- il or lltc \\'ol'ht'l' Ittttst bc girt,tt it prrliticll uction, rvill wilfully tlis- tht:tt'fot'c irtlclligibilitl. isstltr wits lle\'(lr Pfes(tntelcte seminar,r- .:+iii.-{(' nlrrrr: is inrpoltattt to Lhc Calh- tltkes six .ye.ari;- SCHAFER irll cost of llle cnlirtt eour.se. pe.r strrtlcnt. olic. llut lte knorvs 1oo tltat Iltc is CtiOO, CO. Salvage Spilit still spctks irr thtr Clurlch. CONSTRUCTION 'l'he 'I'heLe pr'ollltctic FL 6'9700 Criterion ate voiccs arrd Also Conerele Drivewayr Bureau thclc is the illagisterittnr ol bislt- 0f licial Neu:spaEr ol tlrc Alchdiocese of lrrclitl[apolis t 12{ W. Gcorgir, P. O. Box l7f s AI}OU'[ YOUR \\'II,I, t/s To [Ielp Others l'o mahc srrre your Indirnrpolir 6, Ind. I $ishes are reslrcctrd rfler ileaih, it,s rell 9r qrrkc a *'ill, MElrorc t Perhaps tou hayen'l much to lcare . yon 5.453i l|nl rrry$.al l{ t ieavc it s'isrlv. Rememlrei, :lou cun Still lakc furnilure, Dfit rlt r your L l\lember Audit t need clolhing, dea{h in ihe work of lhc missions . . . yotr con I]SHER lraln Prieslr, yon Siste.rs. build chorrhes , . . can s1it| benefii c?f.l"r1ti&', ia lhc pralers rnd sacriliees m '$lember I items. ol fire missiotraries yon helD, fn IE Catholic and household oaklng your u.iil, rrmr:nrbcr out legal tiile: CATfrOLIC NE^R E-t Press Association EAST IlELIrlRt: ASSO(.I_{TION. I nest lssured that rhat yoi Enlrrli r! Sltand Clrrr Ftlllr rl Funeral Seruice nved rill not bc stnnt (oolishly. t Thc doilars ,os tivc fo Ccl Porf Oftir!, lndhnrrolir, lni, Iro not wasted, ftDITOR, Rev. Raymoud T. "the Eosler; ASSOCIATE EDITORS, Finest Possible { Rer'. Paul J. Courtney, 8ev, I frllgetEstO)issions6 Jarnes Doh€rty, ll icba e I r, FrANgs I cARDtNAt tpcttt AN, pnidrnr I Llorvles: ilt.{NAGING I:DITOR, At Louest Possible Cost I Xrgr, Fred W. Fries: ADVERTISING ( Jorpl l. fic. tali.l t c'i ilIAN.\GER, James T, Brady. - trrd oll eclrrrrlccilot b; -, €AtHOtlc NE.{R EASI WE$ARE ASSOCrlilox Price $4.00. yr.r, USHERIIf,ORIUARY i8O Lrxington Avc. or 1|6th Sr. y. Publirhrd Evcry Fridty Naw i;r{-ii, N. 2313W. Washingion5t. ^tlElrosc2-9352 fr,lE.2.3155 @.l PAGE SIX ,l I t t r! City-witie dance ",' Cy Cipher Junior CYO'ors from all over nmnnunrnnlnnnnnmnnumuunnlumnmurrt'il:' t" :1".r:?;t:H rr?:::f : Xl :I REI{INDER-The deadline lor cchool yerd Fri.dey evening, I entries in the annual Archdioce- July 7, lor lhe annual Ciiy-Wida t Dance. ,,Asphali ran Junior CyO Swimmins Meet 9.rl{":r Am. : theme t is Friday, July 14. rh" ;;;i;; i#';.'; "fho.rPProPrialc event is scheduled for Monday Bcrnic Herman, popuiar disc 't. Brdcn €ollcar Edltod by th. Ct.ric Scmlnrrirnl of Wcsl and Tuesdoy, July 17 and 18, in iockey from Stotion WFBM, one o( the "dis. the Broad Ripple Pool, Indianap. will rpin fhe records for danc. lt terms himself ing' 1 youths olis. According to CYO officials, which.will begin al I p.m. 't The $ork turbed. hard-to.reach" .'x who has been reclalmed bY the morethan s00 boys and girrsate il,:s;ltilir":J;i,tl":'[;."11' :' social workers. He has been to expected We've been working all rveek' to compete lor a bushel- * almost as many high schoolsand llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll $ and we're darn tired, Bttt we full of trophies, mcdals and rib. colleges as he has had years of -=l=--*-_- - t'i think that a ferv imPressions school. Ilttt hc's settled now, IIe bons. St, Joan ol Arc parish i. ....- ,'i this time might 1:1 received during has rvonderful contact with the just make interesting reading. ! young people ol the area, knorvs ;l any rate, here goes' At their problems because those Recall that this is scttlement- problcms wcre once his orvn, ,{ house rvork, ir'hich is a tYPe o[ shols a marvelous. aver-matur- ,i rochl work. Wc o'I'TO are vol' ing concern for their welfare. Wrrrtn, unteers for the sttmmt'r, semin' Mlchlgrn "on o the Archdiocese (including stu. arians lhe !oose," soeing a This jusl.out'of-teons-agcrproh- dents of Brutd Latin School) arc bit of real life heforc going back ably does not gct the highcst invited to competc in thc annual to the books and the kneoler lor malks available - he is no Seminarians' Golf Outing at the another school year. \Ye inigltt dummy, hon'ever. IIe has Willowbrook Shoi.t Course on ad

THE CRITERION,JULY 7, 196I PACE EIGHT t|||||ll|l|||||||ltlll|l|llHlIl-ilIlHlllI-}H$ll''lHIIl|||lll|l|||llll||||||lllW Tffihnohc'nover #eil$ilffiffi; rarblacksttitsand M |tIs.hn.n!|cxitl..l?JI'9.l!}!"1.]'tll9}":.'.lIl:.,l::,""ii.llJ'iilill"llll".i'lilT'll''H-i;""bxc*fltm|Ptn|'.'',"llii:j'riI[lfi:ffi ||Fo-ffiilffi

l::.,.:illl ;,i.1':i. ,1,.- '.*,r"r. r"" ilil'N-ril( r\

llt,,l,lll'lll'.,itffiT .li'ilil "u'ill TH;"t&ffi;""il;io';lueilo* .l{llll6i[,i'l;..,1,{'Jii,'.".,'\1,,'J"i:iri:r;:ili:l;:liltF :r{i{[iiffi.'l:p;qrlt$::iiiltr"ll,l*"i;hi,iliriiiil cltiltlrcn."*::1.-q;,,::lit,.lT,tl:,u,'tl::t,ii,,IT: hrr statcrl, Iiurl | | r jssbilxnoiso,Nolotrlylfllt.r f ait6 o[ ltussia*^ u*t*:ri, |:-".f-.- \rortl.\h.ilcrxhilninil,cntilrlll{8w,c.orsi.sr, lndi.n.FtblS [[iiril*[*rl l$--lii$;iilj,,,]fJili: "il--,;*ui* "rl r*r*:ill'.:'r'r'tu" iiili'lriiriii; i,. N' ll:l,ltlli',li:ll"ll,il',,'"lll-i1i;:ll*"glll;tlli;J'lllli,lll',"'"fi$]lri1,i1,ffiilH i,c spirir,a,rro,,rc h's'nnir,"i,r,f:;t'-::"- [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[l:$,:+i:-_iq$$i$i$f'N;i$,:t$*fi$ii:$,-#r,',f i:iiMfi$lH i::::':;;::#,

Sco||rrnrlsn;t1rtrt.ls|*-**k;i'i;Iii|."".f""''.fl.t1.i:'l',iljllld:i.'"1f:l"ii1ili1"i'ill.I'#.jl.il,':'fl,'i,-!:: illayllle,Srrt!/cst.,. A Ncur Aduerfiu,te h Dinns Clflxrlicl'ir|rr,||(s(||l'r'|ni.(uil.d.ll|tillhN schrxrls IiriciavFislr Buffet

5 P.M. to l0 P.M. ,{ I,'icslo Deligltt of Your b'aaorite .Sec ltooris

I ."-*""* lW I Hors O'Ocuvres, Assortcd | | Children (Under l0) | I AFpetirers rnd Relishes I I Portions % Pricc I

INCOIIIIARr\BLYTnRITIIJlC for' lhc l)ropngltiort ol llrc vlttAliErilt{ 2lrt and Arlington FL 7-1184

,1ll l\ew

I CAIHOTICDIRECTORV ANNUALRETREAT and BUYER'SGUIDE For the Archdioceseof Indianapolis In llurerblc llooh llorrn

=* Mr. Adverliser, }lcrurSctles r sil .:ai Mr. Account Execulive,

Mr. Media Director, Will Rocket Mr. SpaceBuyer, "[ntoOrbit!

NOWYOII CAN BE Oil IARGEI tVtRY DAY FORA YEAR. . thc,reskorrrre rotorr"' '::::,:'l,t'#,i,'i,ll";;-;T,ii.r1.!';?:l';.lll?l'o,r .iiliiifiitii'l.liilffi ;::il: e.,]vc,r,s,,,ospi,,,,s,c.,,eses, antl high schools.

sl{ttEYvtttE AlEl StrildrY grdio

i2rl5 p.,n.-Hour ot 5t. Frincrt ",,,,.(,!SVl 'fEt'L illl Attl trdio-DrilY rrlro D.[r.-flra Roiiry ..'.'...... WTU Rrdio-lutrdry TIOO rJn.-Sactcd Hcrrt ...... w1t2 7rl5 r.nr,-Iht Chrlslorhatt ...... 'WIIZ YoLt!'SalesWill Rocket 7:30 !.m.-Hour ot lho Ctucltlrd .....frJlI: fntu f.'10rlr Orbit! Hout ,..'...... W!1L 9:3O l.rn.-Ava lir0O a.nr.-Sludrnlt 6t W. Erdrn ...'wlll ttrlS !.m,-Hour ot Sl' Srtncls .,.,...w1T1 SundrF-ftlevi:ion tr30 t.m,-took Ut' .nd Uvo ..'...WTHl'lv For more informafion, give us a l!dio-5undrt cartNow. .. tIB 5-45|i1 7.t5 !.m,-lhr Chri3loDhtri ..."'"...TiTHl

trtt[ t{aull AIEA SrlurdrY-l.hvitltt! o:rl0 r,,lr.-5s;rro Hrc:t'.'...,.."...,'r?iil SundrY Iel:vhion 8rC.J o,r'lr,-8ltti,r:a'/ Gre:llicl "...... (l0i . . . A yerrfyad thrt will keep you on rarger DAYI lrdio-trlurdrv EVERY " " tr4Jt r,m,-Riligrcr, . ..-.....: " ".. "Vr"Illl Frdlr-Dalllt !:,a,ll .t,m,-{ilhillc Heut , " -.i'".(.., .VIIH! THE CRITERION, JULY 7, 196I PAGE NINE

Iilrillilillilililililllllllllllllllllllllll Movies Noru lteody to Serue Yorr in Our Neur ttCodern Stropi I)rcsitlcttt t'ct'ctls [noughto makea Redcry K&KBARBERSHOP Tic Tacker . . . I{ENNY STICKELS,Ownar "a I\IOSCOW-A Conrrnunist publication in Vilna tlcnouncctl as 1762N. EMERSON (Rear) couunittec hends "religion Lt 6-7t06 statc rrf rffairs" tlto f:tct that still tlisglnccful flourishcs" a CompleteBartrer Scrvice a Ladies lloir Cuts 'l'. iii Luihuania rvhich has bccn unclcl Soviel oecupntion sincc 1$.10. OPIN-8 A.M.'8 P.M. I\lrs. .Iohn l\lcQttaitle, lricsi- Moo, thru ffl. ticnt oI tlrc Indianapolis I)t';tnt'ry (louncil of Cltholic \Yonren iru- ttottnced her staf f of tlotttnlittt-'e chrirnrrrn this s'ertk to sr'n'c lor tltt eontinA trvo ]'t:nrs. PURVEYORSOF FINERFOODS Int:lur-k'rl Rrc tlte follotr'ittg 12 irerrly appointed chnirnlctt tttltl eo' chairnten: Itlls. Julitrs At'ntbt'tts' It exprcssed pnrtit:ttlar con(lcfll ovct tlre fatt that cvc|y nronlh tcr and ItIrs. l\lnrgttet'ite Wllslt, of Catholics nlakc a pilgt'itttngc ilurrsust trIrs. B. It. Illinn, Lihrlrics tlrottsrtntls to tlrr: fnmous Nlarinn Supplicr For Cof,eo,Teo, IJlanrn in the llaltic capital, and l,iloratttre: l\lrs. (iecilil lrlsch- shrinc of Ostrl once a I'olish r:ity, arrd Spicerond lN THE NEWS'-Willirm C. Pvle, r gtatlttate oI Crrhe' "oftcn ehurchcr NAMES cnblch :rnrl r\h's. Il:ryntontl Ilitll, usc stirtc.orvnerl trucks fot' tt'attsportrtiou." arrrl tlrc llnivt't'sit1'of Nrltre I)amc, has becn A Completc drrl High School i\lissions: I\[rs. lVilli:tttt I\llhlin, Schooh gtadtlnte'sttrtlics at llutler University. :r$.tfrlc(l x sr.lrrrlulsltip for Youth vice-cltnirrttirn: illrs. l"lav' lins of prrish... iltiililfiiliiiiillliilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliii Hotolt Ilt ir lr tlt,rnlrt,f ot Christ lhe King Ottr Richtttottd intt Crattcy, it-ssistitlg I\lrs- sillil Inrtltuflonol Fessler, is the tnotlrcr oI a bally girl, (ienco, ilirs. fol.rgst)r|111.11. $rs, Waller llctt'enls cltnittttnrr; Clubr.Inllitutionr And Groccry ,\h('sollt rrs:r cliPping rtf the rlaily vits! statistics Frrtncis r\. Willtclnt lttrtl il[t's. I)ttn bnr.rr.luno llri. Barsilica Rosfquronfr SizaConned Goodr r\ nlarginal notc suitl: l\kiran, \\trrys rnri trleatrs; 1\lrs. lloly Scpulchcr tronr :r Iiiclrrrr{)n(l [)irpr,L i.ontlinin!.: tlte rxrticc. l,l\r'loss.'lclelthone; anrl .'[iiqrest norrs lltrs rr'frk.". . ' It \\'ils also a girl last rveek {or Mrr. lVillianr Itlrs. .1. llcrbc.r'l llartmnu atrd trliss C, T, Lockhrr'1, r'{r{it(lrll:rl(}r' of spct-titl erlttcation for the Archtliocc' 50 souTH Ko-WE-BALANE tiE. 6-450t Jcnn l\tlrinn. I'toilt'itttts. /\ s.ru Scltorrl ()ii rf o. . Sir lcae hirtg Sistct's nrr-' altt'ndintl fi sllmmer 'l'ltose [0ra [r() r] \'v()I'k reapptritttt'rl itl't! ltlrs. rcs in-ilinrlr. of ,'hcrlrrsli'f ir'ilthlnii tltctltrrds nt Enrlham tJollege' llir:li- IJ DTIII0NS \Yillinm J. ilorgirri nncl r\li's. Iltlv' I scltotrl. .tl':RU SALI':NI, .Iortlittr==.Iicsl ora' nlond, F t)ti;tllr't' arrl Fletcltt'r, OrAan izat iort antl (Contiuued fronr page 4) (illyllll, bcgttn in tltc llasil' ('ollege l)cvclopurr.ut; Niss Ilelcrt lion tvot'k has cRADUA"I'F scHoOL'-sl. l't'rncis in I'blt Waync ltts c'orrsoling otu'selves lhaI we are \\tolfart-; i\h's. ('arl tletclsott attrl ira of the Iloly Scpttlchcr, opon- ils gl'ir(ltfSte |rcr.'rrcil p|t'lrnrrttarl lccrr'rlltltlon lol' stU(lios lrtogrilnl (-otn- lcss rvickrrd than our neighbor. illrs. Willi:tur J. lilrrett, .Ir., llrc rral' lrotli ftn' ltcllinil lltrt Ntl[llt ('{'nll'ill r\ssocintion of (.-ollcgcs and ing in r,lrt('i.tii(rll ir.rrtn 1hc (loollttt'ltirrg tltc Cotr- Iiut slty cxlrcct thc (jlrrrrch or' luiltcc s'ith rlillpitlatctl clturclt atttl fot' cott' sccrrnriirrl Srll.rrls Jt'col.rlittg lo Sistt't' l\l' llosanna' O.S.F " collcgc (llrristirtr (lltttt'ch frntcrnity of l)octritlt': colrl lrt'trvcotr tho vnriorrs L'lrtis papcr to act :rs tiur altcr II{EOl|T OFTEII yrrt'srdtrlt. tlrr' tu'flinritrar'1' :rcct'otlilation catries rll the rigltts lnrl Ilolnrnan, I'ttblie ity l\liss Annn lir)u 0()ll)lllurlilits fot' rvlticlt tlttl cgo in our efforts to plcase only :rcCl'rditltion rvhich rvill be mntle fls soon plivik r:c* i]i l,i'r'rrittl('ltl arxl Pulllic llclations: lurs' NIRL' ('hnst's ltt'sttt'rct'tiott It:ts site of otrrsclvcs? Could rvc love any :rs sr)dil as St. I r':tneis lt:ts !rirdtllita'{l ltro or tht'tre clflsscs tln(lcr its L, li't'nunbcrg. Lcgislntiort; r\l-rs' botle trf cotttcntion f tlr 'lho hcr.tr ir (llnrrch gt'adttate progratu .lllttt: that. corrltl oi' rroukl, for glatkurtr: l)l'rriririn. collt'gt' initiated tlte in l,oren I'rlliclt, Ilistoriatr; ccnl trties. Ti{E 1958 lglecmcnl. pl'ogratils (1) Ladios of thr'NCltlS, VA llos' plovirlcd rny rcason, cornprorrrise rvith -lil Scpl(.riltrer. l1](i(]. l'hfoc rlistittet at'e nvailable : sn cntitr: pitrils-\V- Tenth. I\lls. Jcsse IIig- for tlrc cnrction of sr:nffokling 'l'r'tr n('o r)t. ( i\rl:'s(\s ill !llli(l{lnao lntt cottnseling, k:rtding to ilIt iI.S. in t hs? s(.qllf (lltntrtbers; *irrs and 1\lrs. t'lo5'd l hc south rlr':'t'(.r'. \f illl .t nll iot' itt qttirlitllcc and counst'ling; (:) fl progl'ntll tr.arrscpt to ntake u,ay Tltosc rvho *'ritc lettc'r's lo Tlre nttiItLANo ltNN (lold Splings Ilontl, illiss llosc' iil "Sinc for t9.14"-Poul & Alory Modoficrl. lullint iol lS ::r'rrrlrr,rlc :onr('st(\r ttttttrs itt l't':i(ling nntl allietl sttlrjcct"-, testin5l thc' rvalls nnd founrla" plain lil Propr. lil tnaty Ilrcnttan nntl Ilt's. nlorglltt. []ritct'inu nrakiug il. thcy llrrrirs rrr rrtlrr'r frt'kls. lcadiug to nn lLS. dcgrec iu cducittion, tions to lroqinning Reolholion irith 1-) lllttrelll rill scn'c 1it'ior. tlre actrral are rlttr:rrninerl to hokl fast to iil lil trh's. Ilussell 'fltc ' . \\.ith s rfiirlln.l frlnsullirnl ltccltse; nnd (3) n gcneral progrnm of edtt- rrork. sr:rflnkling SposhetliRaviolo Pizzo as sorvicct'tlLrtt's ct'ttter chairttrntl, was cotir- lheir bigotry antl thcir sclfish bc^ lil lil olir'rlllg t.otltses in Dreadth nnd depth in vat'icltts fttion lbr-tfx(ll('l's irn(l NIrs, John A. illrtt'plty rvill plctcrl by Iatc u'inlor. rif l9Ig. Cocktcils,Wine ond Baar "Ilttl Il. licfs on whul. r,onrpronrises social iil lil of kttlrrr 1r'111,'. tltr' fitrkls corttintte ns chaittuall of ('os{ s{)lll(! (lnth, $12.900, anrl lhc justice, nrust rlo so on their own. ,il 231 5, ColleseAvr. ME,2.8834 iil ('hrist Itnck .ltrto (lht'istutits" (llrtclt olic. oltlrodox an

to pilgrinrs a few weeks ago: solve {|llInllllllllllltllltlltlllnlllllltlltlFARME R'S Vr EW [illnnnntnntnunnnnlnlnultg 7 young women your own problems cooperatively go lVho's ahead? with each otirer, Quartcrly rnecting set Englishnuns may on strilte receive habit at = = LONDON-Irtany English nttns tvlto ntc tltctrtllt'ts of profossitlnal By DANA C. JENNINGS Doubtless she was honest iu her About tlrc tinre the U.S. mattc trade unions rvill hc expectcd to strike lvith llteit' sccttlar colleagues Our Lady of Grscc conviction that food, farm and its first manncd stab lnto the {armer amount if teachers hcro camy ottt a ptotrosctl nltional rvnlkottt for higher to naught. She lowcr fringcs of space I chanecd probahly thinks food comes from rvages. BEECII CROVE, Ind.-Seven young to overcome a stenographer from the store. "It will bc a difficult dccisitrn," thc (latltolic il'ittrcs ltct'c sairi in womeo rcceived the habit New York and a rvriter from The moral "tndividually itrtlilfcrcttt' [o ntonctarv gain, of thc Sisters of St, Benedict and of this true fable is an editorial. thcy alc Kansas discussing thc rclative their new names in religion last thist The New Yorkers outnumbcr bul lhey will not \vant to be

* Ullrich Drug $tora Of,i.o 2791 Servita J89l BENEFIT; St. Joseph's. Corydon; )tl go Most Precious Blood, New Middletown; Ictl rl To Ullrirh'r for Sorvicr ZENIIH HIARING AIDS and St. Peler'$, Buena Visla 301 - ?nd 3?r€€f ph, 2t SUNDAY,JUIY 9 Rrndy Atcher, Crclus and Troupe will enterlrin. SavageAppliances Fun for Kiddies and Grown.upr, All rides 5 cenfr. JOE CHRISMAN Sr'r\,intT Stat'ts at .10:30 A.NI.--*ltain or Shiiic Your Grncrol Adults $1.15 * Children I5c * Pre-school Children Frec Ucclric Droler - Clolhier - Shedy, Harrison County Fairgrounds, in Corydon 116 lloln St. Pft,3O9.n Stale Road 62 West from New Albany

Patronize SCHUIER'SSTORE sttr'lt t'ii:his ;rttti rrvaril tt-; Clifr Jchslrr THIRD ANNUAL Our WAI.IPAPTR.PAINl Ire fURNIIURE.GIfIS Iforne (,'onrin6f Itl. Adaertisers 212 C. Mrln !r. Ph. J6O-r CONTRIBUTORS IH[ CRllliRlOtl will carry ! llrl of prrlrh rId orginrriliondl corre5pondenl! rnd olhrr! who hiv6 rrfrrlrd ncwr lor lha cil']edf isrut. the lollowing lerron! rubmillod llrmt lor lhlt ws rl.

PAUtINI t. (0II0li. ltov PICNIC l\ilSS IULr\ LllRlfr6[R. Sllef!bur0 luRS. { l \uf r t:5f 1, l}r,t,ri,r,l

HOLY CHURCH Hargol|il Company Cleaned Filtered M"r,tJT*i Seelyville, Indiana FUELOIL One Block East of Stop Lighl

r{vl.Eortr :- SCHELLEY'S HALL {2 Poorf5r. Ph, WIl.4-0581

FASHION Sunday,July 16,196l CLEANERS VARIETY OF AMUSEMENTS -'_ GAMES _ STANDS For Retter ljryclcaning Use Our COIN LAUNDRY CountrS' F'rittcl Chickon Dinner Ph.CRslwd. 32125 Highwry7 PhoneWH.4-2285 Adults $1,25 Children 75c Under 6 Yrr. Frec gERVED 5ldt6 ond Mair llrealr ll:00 A.M. TO 5:00P.M. I'itrt tr'r ee-*Cl.i rtg b're c Opcn !lvenlnlr !ry .{gnolatnrr! Norr Static DRYSIEAN|NG George f, Shrader fr'uneral IIonrc Paul J. Peddie €rfobfirlcd l8fd 122W. 5fh Ph.63 MADISON Orygcn [quipmonl lwo-Way f,adlo Chie*en dinner Grorgc J. Shrcdor AI.iDULANCE SERVICE Poul Y, Shrodu rTlt oAr gt. wH. 4-21t9 soyrr wirhr.owERS set at Corydon I'qtronise I XfOO BrozitGreenhouses Insulance CORYDON, Ind. *. Plans- lrc Our I Agencies complete {or ilic annual chicken !5 N. Walnul phonr 2384 dinner and picnic hckl annually | c.no..l lnrurqncr - londr trorll, Ind, on the cool shady Ilarrisorr Coun. Aduertisers 16 N, Wotnur Sr. ?hono 220t I ty Fairgrounds locaterl at -Statc l-j Road ti2, West ironr Ncrv r\lbany, 'SerYlcc The affair is sponsorert by St. Jo- r,n AnYlhing Elcclronlc' scph's Church, Corydon. The Ridclell National Bank Bill's TV Itatrons s'ill {ind a rvitlc varicl.v of entertainmcnt provitle rl fo-r. Sqles snd Service of Brazil, Indiana their diversion. The evcr popular lYlvcnic tV & Hi'fl Ilandy Atcher, and Cactus antl Member FDIC tSol €entrql On' 6't550 Troupe, of radio and TV fanrc. will entertain again this ycar. TheEger Sludio Western Auto Beginning at 10:80 a.m. a dclic. G"nfTili6.nd ious chicken dinncr rvill lre "Podroils - Weddings' Associote Slore Delicslessen served. All procccds rvill be rrscrl "Evcrylhing 739 Moln Sf. For The Aufo" for the benefit of St. Joscph's SpeciolCokes & Porlticl PhonoKl. 7-.{881 rEIt CIIY A CANNETION Church, Corytlon; i'r1ost l,rccious 525 Worhingron tt. Blood Church, l-r D{/&nt, DR. 6-4828 New l\Iiddletorvn: and St. Dn.1-5JIl Petcr's Church, Buenii !!3 W. Jsckon Ph. t2to ""'J;:*':""1,:i::" 17622sthSt, Vista. FISCHER'S i THIRDIVE, Tell City H&SHETERIA Benedictine nuns Feed & Grain furniluro & Applionccs N. l5th St. & 3rd.dva. "frlgidoirc Patronize G6E9? ,Drflliltt fEtDg ond Moytog Disttibutor' f.r DttlNlIE NIlDt" Mcytog Equipped jubilees observe 910 lr{oin51. K|.7.2351 Our ond Phon: Kl 7-2i3! @JEED, sTREET [ourrtli'y Picked-Up Aduertisers 702FIFTH ond Delivered Self-Service Loundry U. S. BRICK Palronize COilTPANY HomeFederalsavings andLoan flssocialion tlqn. f, Fri. 7 o, m. ro 7 p, m, focl lricl Wirh llr. 0ut Tuer,, Wed, & Thurr. lnsuredSovings Accounlc Morlgi:geLoons 7o,m, lo9o.m, Color STmd lr Greenwoori, Ind. 7U, l-2t77 Sol. 7 q. n. to 5 p, tlt, Ph. Kt t€256 Idverlisers 5{4 Woshington Streel _ BUTTZ-HIGGINS (ITRPEIITER'S tEE SCHOOTSUPPTY CO., tNC. MUSIC CENTER Zoercher-Gillick Funercll Home REIILI I|RUSSTIIRES School Supplies - Jonitor Supplies trh I WA3HfNOlOll tt, - 273e clNlnA[ AVl. ATt Wilgro Shopping Cenler - Ambufonco Servicc - TQUIPMENTREQUINED rORYOUR SCTIOOTS {Junclion lords 431 f tl} Phonr Pfrofo SuppllorSundricr-Giflr Pfionr OR ll9-123 touth 3rd St, Phonc llncoln Sl36.8lt PhoneTU l-2975 Kf. 7.251i fELl clil, lND, O*. 6.1177 Pt.rtlplionl-Otugt-*Colmolic! 2'7851 THE CRITERION,JULY 7, 196I PAGE ELEVEN

t Priest sentenced Remember Them In Your Prayers lurvlvo[r p.rrntt, Mt, rnd Mrr. Jorcph L in Czechoslovakia K!nnelly, broth!rr, Iord, Kavln, Srlant rlr- leIs, Gland6, Clara Annl qr.ndp.r!nlr, M.s. Alma l. lord .nd Mtr. Anne V.nderra.. K.n. VI|ENNA-A contmunlst court n.lly., in Tabor, Czechoslovakia, has

t MAIY l. 08tn0tILl, 7d, sr, cilh.rin..r serrteneed Irathcr l"'rantisek Ralt. Church, July 3. Calvrry trnrttcry. Sur. iska to four years in jail, vlvorrr hurband, John C,1 daughttr, flortncc accord- Mullent sonr Edwd'd 0.i rl!l!rr. Mft. Arlhut ing lo reports reaching here. 0.Yl$. rnd Mrr. Albrrl Aik.n. The Pragrre newspaper, Svob. t frtAtY t, *,Orrr,--t, *o', Spirll Churrh, otlne Slovo, said the priest was July 3. Holy Crott Crnlel!ry, Survivorlr "illcgal diuglrlsrt, rldrgdr!L rnd Mrt, H!lao loor. convictcd of machina. tions" for eollccting money for t 54il llAYItr SS, Prt.r rnd Prul (lthrdrul, july thc Clnrrch. Such collections are 3, Holy Crort Crnrllcry, subject trr strict linritations and t orxxrt ,, tuoilil sr, Jo.n of Ars Church,July 5. - H(,lyCrorr Crm:trry, Sur. taxes in crrmmunist-ruletl Czecho. vivorr nolcc, Uralilc! filr0dtrlrk, slovnkia, t rttrtrtA osrrnfrI'iifr 77, !r. prrrick'r (lrurch, July 5, Sl, Jorrph (.rn.kfy. Sut. vivort Sclly V.nn!llr.

piltfl,l'., t MAfY WHltt. 98. \t. fhutclr. Julv 3. ltDly (ross tnnretery. Survivorr' ParishShoppingList druqhlcr, l,lary f,'lurfnyr sonr, lco J.. Joe Indian.apolis A,, rnrf Willian [,

-t 6ntooRY rrHxrrir,- rn, lir. Jorrr trf Arc (hurch, July 3. floly (ro5s (arn?lary,

Ladyof Lourdes *l* Little Flower * St,Mark For Those Expecting a Blessed Event rf;axD ltrrl ato rAliloxl0 We've Planned MEAT MARKET Ejnr{rfl " . . a Special 0urlily Mrrlr - frrrh ProCutr frorln loodr EASTSIDE BIKE STORE Yotrrfrltnniiga wr CdrncstlySoliclf .:itH$llllN ! t{UffY SlCYqtES-tllv. lilm i . eUALt'fy t)ALOt (lnfn r.nr.d p.m.-Clor:d Wrdn?riidv and Sheltsn /rilo , l Fulfon {111 l. Mithlsrn $t. ll .{11?l NURSERYFURNITURE @ THALI JHITL 506? t. Miqhitrn !t tF.tl.n E-_ srRVlct SAIE * Crthedral * ;{nr coLLuoE oL l-acat WOLMAN'SDRUGS Morrow's Pharmacy --- Rotor T\rn..trt\ COnrplcl. t lta BruLo Srrv.-Of.,rn l{ llrr, 7747S, Meridian TU l-9339 L'l.llltl l!\-idglen'r ittifilrriion e!ntrl cRlBs. . . @ lVr llot-up rtrd PmscilPflox SFIcrAuIIt IRE6 OTTIVTRY * * S*I',,T,ii lT*'S'fi'!: THAYER,LULLABY COSCO,DAD,A.WAY s?oREY'S FOOD SltoPs '-Yl*.i!no {ltecb-Up-Ttmr Etaftdrr Ind ! t'lcur6 . Frxldl l^wfrt l's.ittila l'rttct CHITD'S PURE Ht-cHAlRS. . . rtti' t'le-lr Littlc Flower llE. |$Jil olt SERVlct COSCO,THAYER I STANDARD PLAYPENS MULH ERN'S DETBODRUGT | 4l|,% SERVICE l5ll N.lmarron CHILD CRAFT,COSCO I fitn roeAlnx c[Ar3's llriatirv srla)tl St.Michael Ar Well Ar Crr Bedr, I irrsl l6IH st. KAY's BEAUTY SHOP f!. 9.8265 I Ml I.Or6t Owner DorolhYGormrn 4lllf5 linst | Orh St. car $earr,srrouerr, Nnc Lrmpr A tltt l.:s(;lll lt l'r()N ri jljrrmrt, \t f-,r'rri-rrrd !,lttrlCdtl,rg I Tlrr C^orlcnr ovnrt Sll% F;tten SttYtCf CARROLLTON Accumtelt rtlled. Sofcway Foodr I 6263 lfhonc I'1, ?-6ii{l(f lor rottr Quatlty Crt Wrh (Rrst of R[hsid Ben|lll furililur[ Co') Nort Ro;ruty Appolntnlent XIBXSlVlL rl LlfiYr,lr'tS HD, cL l.d96l flrnd Hondrtr-0lcn lrn. lhtu 5rl, Oholrl. Ktr'r..h (:rtl.all.ra. Hore Io Serve You ..,l(icldic Kor:ncr'... l\r Vrty B:rr I iLl'Jrv C':("'lrir Iauils. :L,ii,_ * Lady of Lourdes * St. Ann V.rel:bls\ e i\lrrl.( 5t, Monica LES & GAR\"S BABY f:URI{ITUR.E& ACCESSORIES ',"rrrrr l,ltll {ir'rsr: lelr. DIRKTS MARKET WALIER'$ P{ARMACY 'l'lte (ln lht ti- Rr{:i) MI. {-lolt It lleort of Itroul ltiltple Villug,t Cqr..8oll ltd. !i tr'rrtrraurlh {hulltt rnil sorvtc. cll, a-9000 'l-4592 840 Broad Ripple Avc. CL Holy Angelr I1REE DIIJYDNI r QttAt,tTY l.)lttJ(;:i r r |]It'[ttI IIIiIISCRtl'flOl,itli'lS . rt. r.so36 $544 g, Il{h' !lt. LEoil'STV [,i'un ll(t\\l]lll(l 8Rr\LlN & SC[IO'I*[ Guorcntocd letvltc LAUNDRY tvlAllKET PAT'SCOIN.OP 4012 iarl lcnlh Slrrol 5t. Bernadetle ili+ lv. rdth s.. lv.l. 0{06! Indirnrpolis'lartt!t €oin'0i 0ml 0ll l!rYl3r It. t.l6 | t St. PhilipNeri o c * Fine Meati * tll.tHlXC rnd lAtlllpRY Reol Estote AIIINOARI Gillic Hardwaro & Srrpply Qualttt h'uitt ,rnil Veiietnblr| OAY TI\IT 0n.n t{ Hrs.-f Da}J 130"1DDgtlsh dra. l{i }r{lJl MAYS PAINT JOHANTGEN'S T:-:1-'l:I:i 1 :::1"*.-::.1i: & WALLPAPERCORP. PAIN'I'aud RURAL PHARMACY HolyCross * l{ouraclcunlng lupplirr lLYGlrtrot D Fllolllt 3923E. lorh Sf. FL 6-2415 ,ur'uoN REALTYco. Iurnrar Prrra, llllnt I flttrdts | I .'ELLED.MAGIC * DllftlltrloR tor f0t.J0HHSl0X ftlNI * I rUYrnd Illl. I ooetrFridrv €rtnino till 8,30 ,."1'tif',h1., "Ylt[ crr{norxcr" Norr ffi( Business llo Orlp-No Stltvts8*Ho I I fui All9ft W .#l;,1"11ii,. I Jack Sullivan I Paint Stcr'e "i'r'-i'il- Berw Bror. 0pportunities rt. r.to:rr ti.rr. roqtrrtri. 163l f\l srNcLAtR& soNA I I 1fr -/ HASSE'S BAKERY i "l{r,lpprxirtr \?/t Servico Station lour 8urltraiJ" tJrc L l0th dL rtr:, rlimt I MOTEL f{9tl 4 lnglirh & Incrron tl sllrTiln.At ,Jj i!\l Yr.jfly ,l'oS1 516 0{[J 0n li- fzlmfttlutlt . CAKIS i -',,,. NEA! ISIAIT, eiienl 10,. ll.rl. en la',v I F r tlFiDtllN(l C-{X})S Holy Name t'0501 ?,{ i)!riet IiOr.l t-trl,,,rr: or tffii-a rtttt*SOx ,rt' NENIs, INSURANCI BUYING SELLING Con!lrlt ALrtomoblla tclllrlnq McKIAND Df,UG SIORT IIO'J D(>NlIl'S i:ll{.} f,l|i ! out 29lli Y0ir EVEBI T)A} I Erhh "\ You" "lottr RESTAURANTSA,I Rrcl Strst(c trclr [o Servr Pttrlsh lih()rl'lllc (:altitrD A. lTelchCo, t'tutsi)lttl|ilr)Ns, st(;K nr)rllt Nl.;l!l)s r0.iftiT0,,!ll. 1r,q1r "r,!nr. 5,r':rc orr$ ?5 fhomas CATL (.,o.r .rvr. P,r"rr lic. ( js, lt Dri !r\ 1di_r)Jtl !fiy, s0{ Intcnd Sldg. ita.6'6164 JO'IPH H. cr)s.\t li l't l'{-}\ s. {1,\l_,Ll\lA tt l( cA {'r,, t tr't!rir,1 '!n .lSll:rSdtrth.rrtrrr .{ve, l'1. 6-?ffl rli.)(lti I ASt !i.{ r'r:' I I .ar. !rll: Y0| Anou$ !r l,!.irifr.. lif r,i l,,if Inquirc I'Jf SiFf qlFtIfR i. rliirq c'i.,1, ll,l;. 'r',r ilirriIr; li, , ' lJlrjq fttrC 4'191p. rboui out q. ll". HOME t-,irl,r !.,lrl() :LEGANT honc lradc. 5t. Catherine ttt trt t{ a,RLl'.,1,t,,il. rrrr,l irot|,lrai rl/,r if |r];l !,)1i. Sltl,lLl l-r" In plon. Location "Dnrt Oulstanding l-{r vr suFph }(nrr NGGd/ TAVERNSA,I f27,500 AMERICAN MORROW'S PI{ARMACY SlUltl. Br.,r lrLr.i,r' (,-o,!,,q lBir.il{)0. ESTATESCO. s'l. .\iLo Fine.a,iitr. lrl. l,arl.rr',| i'rl, Ro.l5. icrrtls. \. lnvPrr'\. rJllUlt(iHrtAX (tl ili,,(,r \,(jr !4?0 N. Collago Ct' l-940r l?01 llevoond) FA5T, t,.{,,5irE Sl?c),1r00. l- ri prrct trlO,' ll0O.'1fr,,,.. Oll).rr ii,i,1 .ill- P.O. Sub.Station /Ji 5I llr3il 91n I lJr'i l,i:er15e. Pati.ln( lol. i.oo j lirtlr.r LrJrirlr'.!. * (,..J\ t Prert:ription Specialirts I'jORIfi. S.r{l rttlr ilnr l;r. ..\ir. St. Matthew ,on i Parf.rttq lr,l A I' dl i)1,! l0/Jtil{l'.tll. Otrqr trill -!d{trlrce lo( (i|:Ilfi St. Francis :dlc. aall I,otv. NO LISTING FEE 'r" - - 0rrr I'urr"':.' ,' \oli,r,l !ur" l: ". (llltu'r'lr Scho$l- IJome frlainteuattt:e Della-Penna & Owens NuSrt{tssBRoX[Rs 504,1I. lolh ft 6.6192 lL 6.7257 f! 6't690 tlort tractors - Srrppliers - |:lectrir:ians - (hrpr' nl{)rr lrltrtrrllt,rs- lrlrstt:rers- Iluirrlers- Ferrcirrg

NEW ROOFS Wolfe Shell Service Station

Christthe King *

4.BEDRM. .2 BATHS (hrl'rd ! blockr"'&111"' (hrirt lh! NinE rnd " t" ; i';,1: l. lil ln.o'.'illl':.lli t"' PERRYMEEK CO. St. Roch rlAtr0ll 648 E" 49th AT" 3-6371 SPNTEY ttl ut SuPPtYfout oRUGlltt0Sl o Roorur Sultt RADIO-TV_HI.FI PHARMACY Atller Fidrh MORROW'S r,l. o GuttGn, Sales & Service t'rascriplion SPftldlisls Plunrb int, 'l'1515 t96l S- $trlDlAfl St N l\lrnrcea. PHII KTIINTDY'I CAPIT|ILGLASS posloffrc, Sub.slatlon ilos, 0D.f,) tt G ir t{r r. T.V. lvlART {U.S. I h Hon.t l\)r! I'rthcnlr C0ltlPAIlY,lll0, E l^tt "txperls St. Thomas il o Siorc Fron?s In Cr16llno Aa lnexpensive Waut Ad I ("1 l.lair Slv,e5" Does o Bis lob I r Furnilure Topr THE PIXIE T Rocky RippleMidgot Mkt. CAI.L Mlt. 5-4s3t I l r Window Gloss Beauty Salon 841W. 53rd CL l'0504 Asf r:1-n j"'t'"\1*_. 3902 Colleqc tA J.5t14 (l "Stttvifl!i [{it]el 4,,'\cDouEi}rll lc StrYo Ydu tlclrtr" i r Mirrors I O'unal I P li' H I tlor O!.6 Jurt!v-ll ltoon lo i Fibre Sury Fishcr, rudl o Alsyniie Gingr lerslry. Mrri. Enlot r Boiley Glosr Sliding ffi Furnaces Inslalled Doorr iliflif,rilrrn r@-l I rorrENDERs I I,AH0SCAPIXG Ait-c::3IS' fre. Irimm;n9, SPlaYing I r.rstalled o lhermoporrc o,o' ''1,3i;oT8..,V1iiil,Sscrvrc' Shrub!, ":";H[i";gniil9Eg Criterion I I [?l'iJ'ri,,3E Cornpletc IJt'na-Vat: FL e-551e c.lt 0Elltll5 iJAllflAHAr{ f'Hwi:gl I I ltt. l-9526 flleanlng :jon'tcc *- :--" - LEADED GLASS rI tr"]-; t, o-:iiii[ l----o.i*rtd ttjH(lt;Nt.L's I'HAN.rlACl : STAINED GLASS Acl\icrtising ,ro'11;'liiuir-''L':li,l,ll: Ptirs,'titt't luN Io us - 1ft:illir.""",l"hll,,S!,, PEE:TESS Hond'Pointrd SorEiol Dariqn:'tiodr t-:l, t33tl t""r*rr t*"".r r6ri'-c it,t,tl6ts I I For Chutch Widdo* I fhr moit .flErivr 'riuiai,:i \nortr lo I HEATING& COOLING TTPIR' FAPtTi{ANGING I ron-al a6 ?,?tbliihrj ItlCC. I _ WORK ME 6.3431 '-. rrc'iae"anJ *ri!t r!'.hr!ir REPAIR | c. cAssroY& soN,tNc. I Pays l:;!T., ' l.l llr lkrr|o lirspirlclrerl Serujce I cH r{39r I Iti t. A{imouri fill' !'!!Ol " avex-ur crro.i lro-rooi tioi- jlra! rn old llrlrrbr. Lc,rcrxv i5 a!ltnlaIa, I'lrtlir: r-rr I I lndisnogolir .. r,':? I r.. r ., f 0n Jloclcl i,,rr, ,r '.:: iri I l03C S. Holi Rd. I ivi: :.: 1i!i PAGE TWELVE THE CRITERION, JULY 7. 196I

Pal'' \/isit lrr lirrc to hctrl changes lisled Clergy ecluealir.rnin rnusic l)ushed Ctrll:rn sr:lrisrntlics 7'hree l,'runaiscan

to Orthoclox Arclrbishop Schultc has an- rrourlcc(l chnngcs in assignrncnl of lhlte lflnncisan li'irtlrcls of ilrc (-'inr.irrtrati Patriarclr Pr.ovincc,,l'lrt_. trppoint- lnonls \','crc nratlc in Cincirinali \r.\'l'lL':\.\ Cl'l'\'-'l'hc r isii of :t b.r' Ihe \tct'.y Ilc\f, S),h'un l]cckcr, (ifock 0.1,'.r\t., provincial. Pilpll rcpt't'settl:tliVo trr l"alhr:r Jc lo ()l'thodo\ I'irtriure h ..\tltottltgolas nr c Kirclrer. ().1,'-r\1,, lrns been naurc(l dil'ccl_or HOME MADE BUTTERCANDIES in I-stlttllrtl Itas lrr't'tt tlc,sct'ihrtl of tlrc St. Joseph's llr.othcrs' Crrarncl Crisp Cfeillny Itt'Lc ns o Sr.strtr(' ol' ;ll)l\fo('i:ttioll Sclrrrol in Okk.nlxrr.ll, rcplacing t,roliner '}oltn ChcPsc (;orD Rritil.rr b1' l lis llolirrcss l'{}l\o \\IIL Iatltcl r\rlolplr Iiir.sl, O.l'.ilI. l,'a. 'l'ltr' (1,1,'.[t., \'lliritrt I'ross t)[iicc sltitl tlrcl Lcopokl Skorrillotl, rvill lleconrc ltssist;rnt oI thal thl Iltilti. rtltttlt'ti to slloll rlt' llaslor lkrll l,'arlil1, 1r;rlish, {)lrlonhur'11, Ir't'r'i;rtiort for' lltr' ttsIcr'lIttl tttltrl' attrl assistirnI rlilr,clol of tlrc ttcr itt tvlttrit I'rtl tilttr'lt r\1lton' lir-ollrtls' Sclrool, r'cpllcing l,'a- tg(!fits ft'r'r'ircrl ltis illllt()tlltfLr' tlrer Odo [,:rrnnrcli, O.lr.ll. li'ir- nltllt ol tltt lrrtttitl'l o(:tllltt)lli('ill tlrt,r'Ilarokl (iccls, ('rlllllt'll. O,l,'.11., has $ It lS lrct,tt nanrorl assis{alr{ lf I I'l'' U- [rnslor o{ l)ttt'tttg lhc r istt -\rt ltlrrsltop St. Lrrrris p:uislr, Lifetime Guarantee Plan -l'i'.i;i. l!n{esville. tlc (inlt'otttrt iot'tttt't-,\pirstrriic sllcr:ort(ls t"allrcl' (llarule IJettcn. -l i Re{erences: Numerous Calholic Churches l)clc{alt' tn'l'ttt-lirr'. lltrc lltt' lt;t- rlrrt'1,O.l,'.11. St. Throughoul lhe Slale {t'i;tlclt t'rtt'iirtls tlot'tttttt'trls ('(lll- TELEVISION CLASS*S|sters of Frrncis are alfending special closses at lhe Oldenburg mother- i F R E E Sf ccrrtin.q tirt' r'rttut,'il irl lllr' I)()l)('s house llris sulllnler lo proFira thent for lhe use of Educational TV in lhe classroom nexl fall. The rte.Wide lnspection For All Insocl rnd Rodent Pesls l] il lll r\. inslruelions are broushf lo lhem-lafurally-by felevision. (See story on Page l,) ${O,OOOGRANT -l Day or Nisht ,\t'r'ltlrt.lt,rlr'l"rl.t. llr,\\ I'r'r'ri- I tlcnt ol tlrt' I'otttrIrr'lrl l']t'ciesi:rsli- t'al ..\t';trittlll. $ Jr it('('itlrtl)illlit'tl CnrtlroIics 3.3383 Oll thO \tsil lrr- tlrr' r\llirslolic ltt' l\trrc; c:lruplaitt n(ltn,cd iwA i '['ullir.1 (irn{irlrt'rl Irirlluncr() lo , ,\r','lrbi:ho1t ( llont Plrtc 1) A-l Termiie Control Service, lnc. ,0t iteCARrXl l. l';illcr'sc{) l-lrt'(loll('. :rtttl lltt' pt'r'si- Iions rnust hc t'lisctl atrrl an- 230J ll. Meridirr 0wncI " Indirn,rootir ricnl of tlrt' I'ontifical ()rlorttll ln. -qtt't'tt'tl. slitrrtt, I"rrlltci' .\if{}nst' li;rt's. S.,l tlfoscllu Catholics MR. O'TOOLE rr';rs rritit,ll rrf l':rtlttt li:rt's ttt:irlt' r'lt'irt' lo thr' ('irlll()lics olt ir llunlllot' ol issttes. for 'flrt "a l)lr,5s llrir' Ilrt r,llir r;rl tll\'rtitlirrtl 1'o11'pos{. ollrtls u'r.r'r' l'lt. lle t'hurlt,rl thtr' ltitve onl1. Jor'r'y nI il lcr's lrr llts {'(\tltl(tl u;rs tt'itrlt.lt,tl ltr lltct' [.t'oltoltl I]riltlll. r\.r\., Irllillcr r-lllrt.r !inrrlt'rl irrtct'r.st" itr sttp. "lltc CarpcL ['rrlrilrrclr,\tltt'n;i:.,rr';is ;r1 tlrc (it'ot'1lo ..\. Lrltrl'lt'. r\,,\., Iutlri,t' rr! fttll 3839 E. Washington "()llf lttttt fnlSC ol r\nttt'i- Qrrrrlity \rstt rlsrt (). lllr'r'llnl- r-srr 0l r\t'lhttr Ilritsslrtrl, .\.,'\.. lfltltcr' ctrr t'ivil lihcltics," llc suirl. Ior' c('trflcsi, lrlit' I lrrit rrl I)t' ljtsltcr Nissottttt't1r :rnrl lfutlrt l l)itrn. t'rlttnplt. tlutt. tlllltolics fail to Specialisls ilft:rchirrrrlise {l{}rnli.l' r\nS(.1i,'iut :\rr'hlrr.htrP tii' gi\'(' sulll)0t'l lrr .lcrvs ot' Otltcf ) 1o t'ilntffilufJ th. l':ilril('h." hc irllti{)r'll\' S|ilil1)s rvlr{)} rtrrt}lltlAill r,\l)lrnlr'(1. \\'lttlitt'r' tltt. I'ltr'r:rr'r'lt Nt'Iltt't'lilttcl.sitlrottl lx'ittrt Inarlc tu Pnt'ticilltttc \\ lrrilrl c\ r'lll uiill\' \ lsrl I il(' l'()l)r' irr lt,litliorrs lrt'tivil ios. srrr'h rs irt llttrrr,,\\:r\ ilol rirs.'rrsst'iiat tlrr liilrlc lt'lrrlirri:. irr llrrlrlir' scltrrols. lltl'('li n it. llt' s:iitl ('lrlltolils ltuvo tlr :tpllllrr' ('{}l}('('lltitl( ittlt,t'tt;r{iptlrl irr Iil()\r'illollls. lo0 Iililt'lt ol .\r'r'lrlrislroplo r' Llnrtlrolir,s a {cll- 5^ir tlt'ttt'r lo t('lr'r' (llrr,stronsltl ('i\ i(' Irrrrl ollrt't ntllit's 1o lrlicsls [ot' litr ittrilr'(ls Srrrtrlirr- Ir,arlt't'-sltiplttttl l:ril to rk'linc t'lrlr'. "socrrla " tlrc tnajoril\/l rrlll l lrc l fnn t'isrrr rr'lrit,h tlrrr.s rrol ;rltt'ir1s tc[ct Itt .\1.1 l1i,;1i,1,1r Si.ititllr' l rll t,ottlt't. 'l'lll,l Il.\(;t l'1.'l'lrc Nt'tlrt'r'lirrrtls r.r'il. ilrf htllrrill o \'. (;:r'{r,t'\ rl(,('{rlir- -(';ttltoltcs ()lltnullll)('t' I'lillt's- irr,ll irilrl illr' ll{'ri(,rlr,rt'rr1t ll|rl;tl tlnls ln tlrc Nctlrtt'liln(ls lr)l til(! HE ALSO SAIO tlrlt rrrisrrnrlor'- lrl) n1n{ :tt t'lirjlrrt r,s:ltt l;lr t}lIn Itt'.t lttttt' llllr'(' llro ll('l"l illirli')rt. slittl(lillls sl('ilt Irr)nt tltt' r,flo|ls ol iiriri \\il:]]('il SIliii.r.,. .lrr]r it. Al :l pfr'linlin"t') ('cllslts ('irtltolics l() (loal rrilh tlrc plolr- ('ltlirc il('('()r(lllt!: to I r). rn :5. I't'li r llnii I':lrrl llltir'(,s t(,k,tst'tl lrc|c. I0ilt ol obst'r'nit\', Sl illin:l llritt lhc {ii iti. FATHE R liit'lrrlrl sll(i llts t'('lt- t trilr,tl Sl:rlt's llirs (,{)l}stilltllr)nitl littlal ('r.ttslt: ft,sttlls ltt r. tto{ rltilLlS )ill\i'l l!itS ltslit'rl ltttlt lltts plrrr i:iolrs \\'lri('h stlilir. thc lllrl. Icl lrtillhlc, lrrrt tlrt' Plt'lrnrru- "lr0lr|r,r'rt ,.1)llll{ t1} l{rl lllc ll()s('(}\\' ilrrr.t' lIt'r.rhlilt l)lrl)llr(' a t'.r ttrt a ls sltorr' : lttttl t'o- itssl:ttlltl('lll ;lll(l llr' :tl)l)li('(l I()l llis sll ilillt \ or']' lrr.lrrrll 0rr lhr srrlt | ('rttltoltcs trrrrrrlrr,r .l.flil{r,il(li} \lsit llrr'lltrt rtt'r'li rtr .\lrtil. ll rif llf('ri(llll." ltt' r'otrtn)r'ttlt,rl: (rl l{1.;) ('('nt ol il tolal poptrllr- ",\s \\'lls l\rllr'(i rr il lillt I rr() lllrrlllll:. l}('r a consr'{llr{,ll(,r,.lllo li)fce 'l'irt. ( Itrut rtf l1l Illillr(r1. l)l'r's('ltl .\tr,'lIt'ittt irllroli(' ol l;ril crut lrr';rl)l)li{'(l trr 5,,,.t, a .l.,ril{1.(ltll) r'lr.rpl:ritrltt flrrst'rrtt. l rttltt'r' l)trrn, I'lul0stitllls ltttrrrhor' lltuttls itr llro\ics iln(J l)oolis rinlv ()t $ltrti,tl nr,rtt' ililiii l!tt','t' Jeilrs l()f .:;.:) l)('f <,t'rrtrrl lhr' Irrpttlirtttrtt. ttt ('it5('s ol hltt tl-t'tttt' 'l'hrlc lx)flloll- itis Sli ir,l \ !\it- llt' t t'lilltt't'tl l"a- a llrc 2,1{r{1.(t(r0l)r,l s(}ns l'itl)ll\. (it'ot-lt's " oNTHE llrr't lit::rrttttr'llr'. .\,.\.. \\'lth()tlt t't'ligir,us llfilillirrn trnrl l'lro (li\alllloirrlrrrcnl ;rrtrl s0trte- "qlltot"' \r lrrr r\ lts stutttrrirrrl.r r.rpcllcrl lrt ,llltl.{)l}tlttt lltc ('itl('{(}t'}. lirrrcs lrrr..lt'r'in sorr'tt'(':rrlrolrc t,it'- $fiUE 0ARPET llrt' Iiirssutns lll )l ltIi'lr. lll.-,:r. '\t lhc lrrnt'oI lllf liolonniili')n, t'lt's oIt'l' lltt' t','111.1.of .ltrtliCial irlir'l s('r'\irlr: :rs t'llirplltttt [,r1 stlllritti()lltsls-lrr ttrlit. tlrr.,\l0s- o Maple Sugar s','. It.,\R\--()1.'.'l'ilI,t . \\'(){}t)s. 0PT0[ttTRl5rs 1lr,'Uti5 O a $$ll- 8.t0-5 0t'ty Winter Green O Rose Beige NrAR1[t Nlyi \rtDNtS0AY B,.t0.l ?,00 l,'?11;,-l,lilil;il Tl;il':i ;:i;r'.lil:l Shu rp i ho Iunrt, CONN ORGAN l')lizitlrclh'l'lrt'rost' (Szalial) rvlro I Ioosit,r' WINTER SPINET ^t'"'anirittt:ss'f S1runiuruls urgttd prdno5 lllli,lli1:1i,.1' . Ultlirul Co. CAMIi'l' lfil t)I)I N{; s'l''al_, l_,,['l'.' | (E 1r Marion Music Co. llt'r'p 1,' Ilrrn{ar'.v. Sisit'r'r':ituc lli\l)lttl)-.\ llislrolr has ulj:ctl ?6 N, Penrrsylv,tnia ME 5,96?9 to llnrun)on(1. lnrl., rvitlr hcL llurr. (l\\ llot.s ol ltrr.i{t' r,slatt's irt tlrc At One 108 5. Pf.Nt{SYtVANlA .:_,I,il ih' Irt hr-r' chikllrr,orl. Sho oltt(,fo(l Iitr'lll r.t'ri(tn ol s()tiilt(,rn Splin to tlte notili;rle oi llrt' Sistcls of lrt'l1l lonrt,rly rllral. lrc clllt'tl tht: I'r'ovitlenct'on,lanuur.r',1. llll)0. :i('illt(litloils pli(lrl 0l lhrlrrsartrls 0I Termites- - []ttt'tttg ltt't' cilft\r'f, slrc t;rrr!lrI sr,asonal rvolkcrs tlrt'r't.. 32 SQ.YDS. COTVIPTETELY Roaches itt lltc inttlrnctliltt'glarlrs at Sl. .\rrrilian. lttslrop .\nlonio r\rro- $284t0 .,\nn.'I't'r'r't'lllrrle: arrtl St. l'lrilip tt'r.os .,\larrr.rol ('lrliz arrrl ('errta Rats,Etc. n-t'l'i. Inrliitnapolis. She also slirl it ls irrrgrt'r'irtire lo artl llrc r;r'ii t(l :is i;orlt'r'ss irt Si. .\{ncs slaltirril falnr rlrrllicfs u'lrosc INSTAIIEDOVER RUBBERIZEDPADDII{G Froc'lnspe:fions .\cttle tttl, lrrrliarrpaolis. itvcrag(' dlil], inr,ornc las( 5.car-, cALL Sttt'viving is ono sisler'. llls. rnt'lurliltg nrontlrs trl urrt'nrplu1,. 5T4-3236 cour-Ecr A.''lll':ll:11:lll'l'1""11.___ "l Y.J. VALUE $7.95Sq' Yd' VALUE HUB ST.ATE _ ll'l't. l l-'llllli1l :l'l!, PESTCONTROL SERVICE lwist l3l E. PileTweed 10016Nylon Tabor lndianapolis, Ind, Chrrrch ilnd Sder{r: t"'''' 3li;:l;ii"' S(gS FEENEY'sFINEST FUNERALS s3?"1 o opal so."o ," O All Irellcct (lttitlttr rJ "\\'c CaLholics ntusl nraintairr llcing " tl*;olf;';.jlstallerrjver thirl. cont incrtl of $254.50 Iutvittg thc contlllctc lcligiorr.sInrtlr, uc hlrlc-llre rluly tlrrtl " Pay only i2.02 Per week itll crf us rlo hai'c this rlut.r.) ol trclping :rll othcr.s to- slrarc Kniqhtsof St. Gregory this t.l'tttlt artrl to live accolcline t{) it. Ollviousl.r' this rc- (ltllro-s us to lir,c itr closc contirct riith tlrc yrcroplcalountl tls. \Ve carr .d. neither lctile to aru irtncr cilt.:lc oi Uathr,lics VALUE living in isolation Ir'oru tlre rcst. ol thc uollrl, rror'-u,hicl'r $6.e55q. Yd. VALUE n'oukl bc cvcn mofe rrn-(lhlistlikr:*isolale ourscl\'cri in su- - ci;tl islauds. . . 10096Nylon Pile Tweed Wool Pile "'l'ltc 'ghclto-ccn.- illusion o[' cor.ulor.tanrl sccrrr.ity ot ;r a a Benemerentilliledal [t't'ctl'cxistcl]cc is al sou'.y t.r'pc oi p'cacc ariit niit thc tl.1'uauriclovc ot rrciglrltor a $7?l ithiilt shoulit take us to cr,cr,y $4H"" YD o ,\,,')' pl:tcc $llcl'c \ve cilll sol'\,e. Orrl5,f1, livirrg in thc rnidst oI O r\ll l'ellcct ottr Iellou'men, anrl slrox'ing pr.acliial iute'r'estin their u,el- yds. over [at'c, c:itt ri'e lroilc tt t*1olii,;Ji'f"Jl"r'1"?"".. 3t Sq. Insrailed g,50 cach oi trs to ltccomc irr surtre srlall 9224.00 RvbberiredPaddins $3.| tltcilsl.rrcthc'salt of iht: carrth,'tirc'ligirt ot the worlrl.' n ^ only week Pay only $1.77 per wcck PaY $2.55Fcr

'.A,ll P.rynrenir Basec| on Monthly Paymenl Plan and Wood Floor ALL MERCHANDISE SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE

OPEN NolUloney Down! MON. & THUR. Up to 5 Y"":-t to hY Harry J. Feeney Firsl Payrrtcrrl and Martin T. Feeney EVENINGS Not Dtte Urrlil Nov. I You Conlrol lhe Cosl vrhen you Coll (Balance of Week 'til Ul'A3-4504 5r30)