Seattle Snohomish County

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Seattle Snohomish County SYSTEM MAP Stanwood Stanwood I P&R 247 422 To Camano Island Island Transit 412 Darrington Forestry Building Arlington 230 S A U K 9 R IV 230 Stanwood E R 88th Ave NW S & 270th St NW tillaguamish 530 ve NW A Local Routes Commuter Routes 240 422 80th NW R 530 e NW 247 276th St NW iver Av Community Transit Routes Serving 102nd Island Transit 240 Arlington P&R 83rd NW 230 r. 230 99th 4, 411C, 412 D Community Transit Routes Serving ve NW e 227 Snohomish County A 272nd PL NW dar Hom Seattle Ce 272nd St NW 88th 271st St NW 270th NW 530 Swift Everett – Aurora Village Community Transit Routes Serving 422 University District 532 267th PL NW 247 5th Aurora Village – Mariner P&R Stanwood HS 230 Warm Stanwood II P&R Sound Transit Beach Arlington 240 422 e NW Old 4th Pio UW Bothell – Mariner P&R 247 nee Av r H 240 igh Island Transit wa 4, 411C, 412 y 72nd 3rd UW Bothell – Canyon Park Lynnwood – Seattle Arlington P&R Lake 227 230 Martha 2nd Lynnwood – Edmonds Smokey Point Lynnwood – Seattle 201 230 202 240 1St 240 Edmonds Comm. Coll. – Lynnwood Edmonds P&R – Seattle 227 Mukilteo – Lynnwood Edmonds P&R – Seattle Lake h Ki 67t Cascade Valley Edmonds Community College – Mill Creek Mountlake Terrace – Seattle Hospital Lake Goodwin 9 240 Edmonds – Silver Firs South Everett – Seattle Hwy 531 P&R 240 230 230 Lynnwood – Aurora Village Silver Firs – Seattle Ash Way P&R – Lynnwood Shoecraft Swamp Creek P&R – Seattle Lake Marysville Canyon Park – Lynnwood McCollum Park P&R – Seattle Marysville 421 Marysville II P&R State Beach Cedar UW Bothell – Canyon Park Ash Avenue P&R Delta North Lynnwood – Seattle 116th St 227 421 h 221 247 422 As 821 7th Aurora Village – Lynnwood M 31St Edmonds – Seattle a rin e 33rd 201 6th Aurora Village – Edmonds Community College Mukilteo – Seattle Flyer Stop 5th Northbound Mukilteo – Edmonds Community College 227 202 Marysville – Seattle 227 422 4th Tulalip 221 Smokey Point – Lynnwood Stanwood – Seattle Reservation 3rd Granite Falls Smokey Point – Lynnwood Quil Ceda 2nd Snohomish – Seattle Village Flyer Stop Southbound 1St Lake Stevens – Quil Ceda Village 201 421 Lake Stevens – Seattle 202 422 Marysville I P&R 227 821 Marysville 821 Marysville – Tulalip Secondary Marysville Granite Falls P&R Mays Pond – Seattle Campus Marysville 280 9 Mountain View Ebey S HS lo ugh Arlington – Boeing Brier – Seattle SR 52 Marysville at 5 Cedar and Grove Darrington – Smokey Point McCollum Park P&R – University District P&R 421 821 Stanwood – Arlington 23rd r Marysville – University District a r Everett 24th e rgini Fulton Pine Vi Rainie Broadway Mc Dougall Bake Cedar Stanwood – Boeing Everett HS Mapl Lynnwood – University District 25th Marysville I P&R iew Marysville 821 Gold Bar – Everett 26th Ash Avenue P&R McCollum Park P&R – University District Hoyt Grand Rucker Colby Marine V 227 421 Everett 422 Gold Bar – Everett Edmonds P&R – University District California Snohomish County Admin. Monroe – Everett Mukilteo – University District Hewitt Port Lake Stevens Gardner Bay Monroe/Gold Bar – Boeing North Lynnwood – University District Wall Federal Pacific Granite Falls – Everett Everett – Seattle Everett Lake Stevens 32nd s Station r Transit Center y Swift 3 Oake 221 425 etmore Ash Way P&R – Seattle 33rd Colb Lombard 201 4 W 280 202 5 34th Rockefelle 270 7 Everett Everett – Seattle Nassau St Park & Rides (P&R), Transit Centers 271 8 and Transfer Points 35th 275 9 Broadway Everett – Bellevue h 280 17 Commuter Parking 36th 510 18 Smit Federal 37th 532 25 Commuter Train Service Lynnwood – Bellevue Swift 29 38th Sounder 5 Amtrak High School Island Transit Mc Dougall Skagit Transit Hospital Everett Train Station Mukilteo Ferry Station To Whidbey Island Terminal Ferry Terminal 113 880 190 18 Everett Transit 417 70 Mukilteo King County Metro Station Swift Boeing 227 3 247 70 277 280 Snohomish P&R Gold Bar 271 277 275 424 Snohomish Eastmont P&R 513 29 Gold Bar Mukilteo South Everett P&R Airport Freeway Station Commuter Service to & SR 99 510 29 101 532 Sultan 411 Swift Seattle 9 McCollum Park P&R Seattle 11 105 810 Center 412 860 414 Mariner Monroe P&R P&R 270 277 See a detailed 271 424 101 275 Southwest Snohomish 105 County Map on our website. 201/202 410 Sultan P&R 414 810 Monroe 860 Mill Convention To Sultan Westlake Center Creek and Gold Bar Center see inset maps above Lynnwood Canyon Park Pike Place 21 Market Swamp Creek P&R Ash Way P&R Flyer Stop Seattle Edmonds CC Southbound Public new Edmonds Transit Center Lynnwood HS 532 Library 535 Bank of To Kingston Canyon Park P&R America 105 435 Tower City 106 532 Hall 120 535 121 King County Edmonds P&R Court House Lynnwood Ferry Dock Transit Center Canyon Mountlake Park P&R Terrace Commuter buses serve downtown Seattle using King Street Woodway Swift Brier different routing to Seattle Train Station Sounder Qwest (AM) than they do to Field Amtrak Snohomish County (PM) Link Mountlake Terrace Snohomish County Transit Center King County For detailed bus stop and Community Transit route information, see Aurora Village 401 414 the Community Transit Bothell NE Ave 104th Woodinville 402 415 Transit Center Bus Plus book. Safeco 405 417 Freeway Station Field 408 422 424 311 414 only Kenmore 410 424 Shoreline 237 522 Lake Forest Park Bothell P&R 406 421 238 342 Woodinville 412 425 NE 145th St 312 372 413 435 Freeway Station 342 UW Bothell 416 477 105 312 510 511 372 106 372 Commuter Service to Sound Transit 121 522 238 535 510 513 251 511 Brickyard Road Snohomish County Freeway Station Seattle 532 535 Center Sounder Northbound on Olive Routes 510 and 511 use this routing at certain times; Route 424 at all times. Totem Lake Flyer Stop 424 535 532 Convention Westlake Center Center Pike Place Market Kirkland University District NE 45th St 810 860 Redmond Seattle Freeway Station 821 871 Public 510 511 855 880 Library 885 Bank of America Tower City Hall King County Montlake Court House Freeway Station 424 Ferry Dock Downtown Seattle Commuter Routes King Street 401/402 416 Evergreen Point Train Station 404/405 417 Freeway Station 414 only 406 421 Bellevue Sounder 424 Qwest Amtrak Field 408 422 Bellevue Link 410/411 424 412 425 Transit Center 413 435 532 535 414 477 415 Seattle Sound Transit Routes Safeco 510 513 Field 511 Sounder Amtrak 0610 (425) 353-7433 • (800) 562-1375 • TTY Relay: Dial 711 •
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