Precisions on ' situation, 2 Precisions on Bill Gates' situation, 1

This file is linked and provoked by an abusive curatorship decided in my back in 2003, which forbidded him to contact me directly and to intervene in actions concerning me. I worked in France in 1989, faced an abusing firing decided by my team responsible, Ana de Maria, accepted by Bernard Vergnes, who ran Microsoft Europe at the time, while Michel Lacombe, Microsoft France's CEO, was opposed to it. June 12, 1990, I worked for his first client, Softmart, and went to a Microsoft event in Acquaboulevard, Paris. I saw that Michel made a move in my direction, was with another person I did not identify, but missed the contact. Phoned him June 15, as I was embarrassed, and we took an appointment for July 12. It was already too late. Years later, I understood through an indirect contact established on the different computers I used that when he came to me, he was with Bill Gates, who, the day after, asked to meet me, appointment to which Bernard Vergnes was opposed, due to my firing. He took informations on me, contacted my analyst, Simon-Daniel Kipman to ask him to give the advice to avoid me. The lie decided was to pretend that I was suicidal, what I never was, and as nothing could confirm it, he managed the possibility to meet my older sister Brigitte Guizard who accepted to confirm, though she, as my three other brother and sisters, who were informed and agreed, could not ignore that it was a lie. My sister seduced Bill Gates, and faced the difficulties this lie could only provoke. She could not let me know the affair she had with him, and could not inform our mother, who knew that I worked for Microsoft, of it. He was in love with her, who was immediately seduced by Bernard Vergnes, who introduced her to other Zionist leaders to obtain that she acted towards him as a Zionist agent. Bill Gates only discovered this treason in 2003, as the moment the curatorship was decided. Between 1990 and 2003, many events occurred which led to the actual situation, in March 2018. While he was bachelor, and desired to marry my sister, he was also determined to meet our mother, what was a problem for her, as she would never have validated the lie done, and she would not have validated it, had it been done for another of her five children. Our father accepted it, as my siblings, who considered a wedding possible without having informed my mother and I. As Bill Gates maintained his demand to meet her, Zionist leaders, and I guess AIPAC, decided to perpetrate false flags to put pressure on him. The first one seems to have been the Mont Sainte Odile crash, January 20, 1992, 18 months after he met her. This crash was provoked from the outside, used Microsoft's backdoors. It is presented in Norbert Jacquet's book AIRBUS l'assassin habite à l'Elysée, online on his website: The use of Microsoft's backdoors does not appear in it, was communicated to me by the bias evoked. I, then, wrote it in very many mails widely shared, always copied to Bill Gates who never opposed anything and sent me from March 29 2017 to January 16, 2018, and it may not be finished, read receipts from some emails, using the address, being his domain. The only address I use in it is [email protected]. This was for me a confirmation that he was forbidded to contact me directly. After the mont Sainte Odile crash, very many other mass crimes were perpetrated, linked to this situation, which I use to qualify as harassment concerning both of us, as he was manipulated from day one, and the actions done had for sole goal to obtain his consent under constraint, and to use his wealth and celebrity to fulfill the Pike's agenda, impose Jerusalem as capitale, what supposed WWIII. From 1990 to October 28, 1997, he experienced the impossibility to marry my sister, was imposed , what was done to humiliate him, as he was fragilized. She seems to be a former prostitute managed by those who targeted him in an aim of control. October 28, 1997, Michel Lacombe, to whom I had phoned the day before, and let a message to his assistant, phoned me back, and we had a long exchange which was followed by signs I could only identify as linked to Microsoft, to him. It began slowly, then became very important, and difficult to experience, what I communicated by all the means I found. I knew that my phone calls were listened, commented what I experienced very clearly as dangerous. It lasted from 1998 to January 21, 2003, if I think to Michel Lacombe. In fact, at the end of January 2003, I observed changes in the signs on my computer, and they were so obvious that I phoned to Microsoft. I needed to understand what happened. In fact, I was told he died. January 2005, as the signs never ended, I deduced that only Bill Gates could be at their origin, once verified that it could not be Bernard Vergnes. Few by few, I went used to question on my computer, and understood that when I wrote a book I titled Eva, in 1999, he red it too, and became rival towards me with Michel Lacombe, none of them finding a way to speak to me, due to the ties they had with my siblings. In fact, as I exposed it in many mails and in the first file done, orgies are used to link political authorities, as well as top managers of companies, and my siblings, as well as my father and two of his own brothers participated to them. Videos exist, used as threats. To make them viral was routinely used to obtain consent under constraint. From 1999 to 2003, this rivalry enhanced and was obviously unsustainable, due to the signs used to let me know that I was observed. They used as well my privacy, at my home, as the public area, by media, adds, and other means. June 23, 2000, I could definitely no more stand it, and told to the doctor d'Assignies to whom I asked help that I would commit suicide. In fact, I understood later that my sister had asked to Cisco and to Google to push me to do so. The doctor d'Assignies did not say a word, let me go away as if no problem existed. I was only prevented from diving in the Marne with my cats by their miaowings. Went back, but I had seen, while I took my diaries and my cats in my car a man who observed what I did with a huge attention. Apparently Bill Gates validated the use of Microsoft's backdoors in the Concorde 4590's incident, July 25, 2000, in direct relation with this suicide attempt, obviously provoked from the outside. It seems that a link existed with Australia concerning this false flag. Some other elements were put online by Joe Vialls, disappeared from the web where they stayed years, soon after I presented them online : responsible-for-911.pdf For-9_11-Sabatoge-Of-Concorde-4590-Was-One-giant-leap-too-far-Joe-Vialls-text.pdf 9/11 was in fact a retaliation against the Concorde 4590's incident. Both towers figured Bill Gates and Michel Lacombe, their rivalry. 2002 was difficult, as the end of 2001. The presidential campaign in France seems to have been used to send messages, and April 21, the result seems considered as linked to it, linked to Bill Gates, reason why François Hollande chose this date in 2017 to give him the Legion d'Honneur, as a provocation. Such a context could only enhance difficulties, and Bill Gates went to murder Michel Lacombe. My sister adviced him to do so, and then accused him. While he had sent me a charged letter which was presented at my home March 24, 2003, when I asked for it, I was told that it was lost. In fact it was used as basis of the curatorship evoked, as he had written me details on the events which led him to this murder. This curatorship seems to have been decided in the US, Microsoft's executives having intervened in it. It was obtained on the basis of forgeries, as I had no more relations with my older brother and sisters for years. My relations with Françoise ended in 1992, with Brigitte in 1995, with Chantal and Jean in 1997. I had not seen the doctor Bravard who wrote a medical certificate since July 5, 1999, and she never had a word which suggested that I suffered of other thing than a depression. Bill Gates had no way to oppose, and had to validate this decision which was, then used to impose him a curatorship, his curator being Warren Buffett, who controls his wealth, imposes him very many things such as the BMGF, which pursues criminal goals, and interviews in which he presents the opposite of what he manages to let me know. Recent examples are his involvement in the January issue of the Time magazin, and his interview by , February 18. The first file I wrote occurred without being calculated, as I used to add links such as some of Joan Brewer writings, and decided to copy the words I considered key ones. Then this file was presented to me repeatedly, what led me to complete it. Once done, I continued when I had time to copy some mails sent, as well as some letters I wrote him on my blog. It is online at this address : Precisions on Bill Gates' situation, 1

I copy below its first pages : Precisions on Bill Gates' situation

Joan Brewer, former Microsoft's engineer gave important precisions concerning Bill Gates. While she did not write since 2005, after having denounced quite precisely the harassment she faced from Gates' senior (She was aggresses by a Misrosoft's employee and faced terrific difficulties, then, to receive the cares she needed, the fees from the company). These words helped me to understand :

There was a small group of people they were calling "The Body Guard of Lies" around Bill Gates. This is a book about Hitler. They had him completely duped. He had absolutely no clue what was going on. There was this group of PR women that include Ballmer's wife Connie who kept him in a state of confusion with the on going Bill Bashing in the media. Fact is, Connie seem to be the one behind the Bashing. It seemed to be a way to keep Gates emotionally unbalanced so they could better manipulate him.

There were all these women who were literally doing nothing but using sex to manipulate the men-- many in other companies and even the FBI. They did things like hire strippers and have them come for bogus interview, just so they could watch them strip in a managers office. All the offices had glass Windows so they would watch. This was an ongoing thing as well as slipping drugs into drinks at company parties. There are some really nasty stories about what they did to Gates personally.

This led him to be imposed Melinda FRENCH, former prostitute only chosen for her name, as spouse, after my sister Brigitte Guizard, once she accepted to meet him to confirm the abusive disqualification done against me, seduced him, but then faced the impossibility to announce me her affair, and to marry him after having divorced, what he asked for. On this imposed wedding and the presentation done:

On Melinda FRENCH and her secret past: date=19950604&slug=2124492

I noted these pages, still available from Joan Brewer's website : 1990.htm (antitrust trial)

They contain many informations, for example : You are an intangible asset at Microsoft Corporation. They use you in marketing and recruiting. Your technical and economic skills and ability to see and setup relationships are priceless. There is a lot of shit going on at Microsoft right now. I don't want you to get splattered with any of it. CEO's are expected to have the personal skills to get involved in cases like mine. I have been doing law for a long time. I gave you the opportunity to protect yourself and you didn't take it. For your own protection, I need a letter from you saying that you do not support unfair employment practices or any form of harassment or discrimination. There is a lot of power in having flaws and making mistakes, if you are willing to admit them. It makes a person more human, and easier for the public to like. ?? Why aren't you protecting yourself? ?? Are you being setup? 100069 WinMail 1.21 janetg Mon May 13 09:21:27 1991 Page:

Now I told you before Billg, you need to clear away from all those people around your father. When you were 17 you said they were all crooks. YOU WERE RIGHT! Move away right now--that includes any of his political friends also. The fraud in -King Co. is massive. Can you say the word bribery? Your father can... So listen to Mother Redmond Rose. < I'm laughing > I'm happy about the donation relief to Africa

Another insight is given, in reference to a known picture, by this article: paul-allen/

Concerning the social situation of his father and the involvement he seems to have had in Microsoft with his late spouse, known for her contacts in IBM: of-bill-gates-sr-a-giant-impact-on-technology-philanthropy-and-the-seattle-region/

Concerning who seems to have been imposed by Gates Sr before the narrative we were sold with Bill Gates' imposed consent and participation : Finally last but not least the CEO of Microsoft, Steven Ballmer, who has served in this position since 2000, has links to another controversial group called the Jewish National Fund (JNF). Here he serves on their World Chairman’s Council, a council that is composed of a “select group of people who have demonstrated an enduring commitment to Israel and JNF” by donating over $1 million. This group was formed in 1901, and is widely considered to be an environmental organization, which as their website notes, has “planted over 240 million trees, built over 180 dams and reservoirs, developed over 250,000 acres of land, created more than 1,000 parks throughout Israel and educated students around the world about Israel and the environment.” However, this benign sounding apolitical description warrants closer scrutiny when it is known that JNF’s president, Stanley Chesley, also serves on the executive committee of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. Indeed, although “throughout the Jewish world the JNF is seen as a highly responsible ecological agency” in actual fact, “JNF was the principal Zionist tool for the colonization of Palestine”. In a recent interviewIllan Pappe put it simply: JNF is simply a “colonialist agency of ethnic cleansing.”[5] michael-barker/

Their real links:

Ballmer resigned August 21, 2013: ballmer-to-retire-within-12-months/

It occurred two days after Cameroonvoice put online this note, after I asked it to do so: I precise that it is an example of the signs I receive. They were quite intense, led me to propose different actions and to verify if they were appropriate by different tests. I did not consider this title and the note ready to be sent, needed some more time, but the insistance was such that I sent it. Two days later, when I saw Ballmer's resignation, I understood.

I did all what I could to help him to run again Microsoft, but I ignored the affair he had with my sister Brigitte Guizard, the abusive curatorship she obtained in my back in 2003, failed. Nevertheless the means used to block him appear in these articles: as-microsoft-ceo-1- Once three inside contenders were evoked, one being not named who could only be he him, a chinese blog was used to pretend that this third contender was Kevin Turner, though had he done such a step, no motive would have existed to hide it: the-rounds--you-call-this-journalism-.html

I presented some of these facts here: reconnu-par-microsoft-nie-par-la-justice-francaise-qui-pretend-a-delire-paranoiaque/

Nadella was imposed in an insane deal which linked the next India's prime minister Narendra Modi to Microsoft. He gained the support to «win» the elections, despite his known involvement in the Gujarat massacres: minister-india against the engagement to sue Bill Gates for the deaths provoked by PATH. On the links between the RAW and the Mossad: PATH: human-papilloma-virus Bill Gates as sole responsible, though he was imposed to leave Microsoft, and to create the BMGF whose criminal goals he denounces as much as he can, paying to have the notes I wrote, following the signs received in google news :

As soon as he met my sister, June 1990, she began another affair with Bernard Vergnes, and had intense ties with his connections in Israël, and among the French authorities. She hid this affair to him, what can be considered as treason against him. Their situations became completely unequal, as she had with her all these persons, while his ties with them became conditioned by his engagement towards her.

When a change occurred which led him to have less feelings towards her, more towards me, what seems to have happened around 1999, in relation with my writings, they considered him as a treator, reversing the position. At this time, he still ignored her ties with them, and was manipulated without having any mean to understand. I faced the indirect link I could not stand what led me to a suicide attempt June 23, 2000, as I could not obtain the end of the signs received. This attempt, provoked from the outside, was used by Bernard Vergnes to obtain his consent in the use of Microsoft's backdoors to perpetrate the Concorde 4590's incident, July 25, 2000. It was planned for long, is presented by Joe Vialls here : Vialls-France-Russia-Germany-responsible-for-911.pdf and here, more readable: For-9_11-Sabatoge-Of-Concorde-4590-Was-One-giant-leap-too-far-Joe-Vialls-text.pdf

As he exposed it in this article, which stayed for years on line, and disappeared as soon as I found it, 9/11 was a retaliation for the Concorde 4590. Both towers were supposed to represent him and Michel Lacombe, who were rival towards me, but who could not contact me, due to the opposition of my sister, probably to those of her hidden ties, too. This impossible revalry was known and placed Bill Gates in an unsustainable position, led to the indirect contact I experienced and still experience, which used the public area, as well as the private one. I ignored his concern towards me, ignored he had identified me, thought Michel was at the origin of what I lived, and when I was not angry, established a link with him, writing what I understood on my computer. I waited for him as soon as I met him December 6, 1989, and did not hide intense feelings. For Bill Gates, it could only be difficult.

I do believe that he was repeatedly humiliated, as the goal was to obtain that he married my sister. I guess I was presented as having suicidal ideations, due to the involvement and the responsibility of my analyst from January 1981 to March 1988, Simon-Daniel Kipman, who validated and communicated to him the abusive disqualification against me, June 1990. His name appeared in June 2001 in Microsoft, with the recruitment of Alex Kipman, holograms' specialist. To pretend I was suicidal was an obvious abuse, as I was 30 in 1990, had never committed any attempt. The first one was June 23, 2000, after months demanding to be contacted directly or let alone, in vain. It was provoked from the outside, as were the other ones, until I understood that it was targeted from the outside, January 29, 2008. That day, and it exposes the violence deployed towards him, he was in Paris, invited by Laurence Parisot, while I had an appointment with a so-called facilitor who pretended me that this day was his sole possibility. I recovered slowly from my last suicide attempt. This appointment was conceived as a mean to obtain that I complete my attempt, disappear. He provoked me as much as he could. But this only led me to understand, and to end my suicide attempts.

Being humiliated and exposed in his rivalry, witnessing what I wrote to Michel Lacombe could only lead him to violence. It, in fact, led him to murder Michel, January 21, 2003, at the precise moment I finished a text titled Retrouvailles. They would not occur, that way. Such a violence is terrific. To commit such a murder can only impact, but I can only consider him as a victim. I can neither understand nor excuse the refusal to speak to me. It was the sole solution, except that it would have exposed the treason at the origin of this insane situation, back in June 1990, and the decisions taken, then, not to announce me the affair which began in my back, after he asked to meet me. A plot existed in his back, organised by the ties my sister had with Israël which seem to have been the most important for her, and which placed him in position of a belonging she manipulated at will, having the network to do so. In 1990, as well as in 1997, after the phone call I had with Michel Lacombe, my certainty is that I would have been able and have agreed to exchange on the facts, have, then, searched a solution. Obviously the sole solution my sister and her gang validated was my disappearance.

Once Michel Lacombe murdered, he sent me a charged letter which was presented in my absence. I evoked it on my computer, and when I asked for it at the post, I was replied that it was lost. It was in fact confiscated, and then used against him in the writing of the abusive curatorship whose goal was to prevent him from contacting me, and to give means to my sister Brigitte Guizard, but also to my other sisters and brother, Françoise Mamet, Chantal Bourdarot, Jean Guihaumé, to obtain the waited wedding. The abuse could not have been worse, as I had no more ties with them for at least 6 years, since August 1997 for the last ones. His attorney, John Warden, who already acted against him during the antitrust trial, giving him wrong advices in full awareness, had helped him to write the charged letter, and was active for the curatorship too, with Microsoft's executives and Bernard Vergnes, but also my sister's lawyer, Bernard Mettetal.

Once it was done, the violence against me enhanced. I wrote in my diary that I was pushed to commit suicide, and it is what I experienced in full awareness. But until 2008, I could not identify the opposition which existed since the beginning between tho origins, what also explains that I could stop my suicide attempts, once understood. I think that the decision to maintain the indirect link came from his aggressors who waited my disappearance, and that he protected me by all the means available.

I could only speak to my mother who helped me by phone, as well as when she came from Montpellier, where she lived, to see me in Paris, what she did twice a year. She also helped me when I faced financial difficulties, as the violence was such that I could not find a new job. She was aggressed in front of her home September 12, 2004, could have died. In fact, never came anymore in Paris. The last time I saw my sister Chantal who lives, as her, in Montpellier, was such that I did not want to go there anymore, and from this aggression to 2011, I have not seen my mother, only exchanged with her on the phone. She had closed ties with Chantal, and I was routinely disqualified by her, what she clearly communicated to me. She feared, for example, that she phoned as we were speaking each other. It seems that my sister would have accepted to marry Bill Gates without speaking to me, but he was determined to meet our mother who had too closed ties with me to be informed and hide me the affair. She faced a huge violence apparently linked to this, was placed against her will in a nursing home, April 27, 2015.

January 28, 2005, I phoned once more to Bernard Vergnes who had phoned me February and March 2003, after I sent him an email provoked by Michel Lacombe's death. I tried few times to ask him the end of the indirect contact, but he did not seem to be informed of it, while he was in fact involved in it. In 2004, I had obtained nothing. January 28, 2005, he told me that he was not anymore in Microsoft for two years, had no more links there, but would phone to an executive to understand, and call me back. I guess he provoked Bill Gates, that way, as my phone was obviously listened at. He did not phone me back, but I saw, January 31, that Christophe Aulnette was fired from his position of Microsoft France's head, and Microsoft EMEA's vice president, announced for spring in Altran. I often told on the phone that I should have gone to Altran which wanted to hire me, in 1989, instead of Microsoft, and saw immediately the link. My doubts concerning what I experienced disappeared, due to these links with my phone call to Bernard Vergnes and with Altran. Nevertheless, I could obtain nothing, always asked for the end of the indirect contact. I guess I understood Bill Gates concerned after this phone call. I used to register and to listen the exchange, when I phoned Bernard Vergnes, as he was the sole other executive who knew me in Microsoft, and I wondered if he could be the one who continued after Michel Lacombe's death. Until January 2005, I faced doubts, then had no more. Only the person who came to me with Michel and whom I missed, June 12, 1990, could be concerned, and Bill Gates was waited for this event. So, it could only be him. Such violence deployed to prevent a contact from occurring is definitely insane, and the origin is linked to Bernard Vergnes, responsible for my firing, December 6, 1989. Instead of recognizing he had made a mistake, he opposed to the appointment Bill Gates asked. He may have considered the profile this situation gave from me, as I voiced my anger against this abusive firing, asked to meet him, met Michel Lacombe, and had quite a long exchange with him. I never was easy to manipulate, and Vergnes proved determined to manipulate Bill Gates.

The way my sister met him gave him a huge power, as it was an obvious treason, and she proved being buyable, that way. He immediately seduced her, who had, that way, the possibility to meet persons of power she could not have met with her sole affair with Bill Gates, away, in Seattle. She developed the secret ties evoked, who gained a bigger importance than the one she had with him, who was considered as a tool. Quite an important one, as he was evoked as future US's president, recognizing Jerusalem as capitale of Israël and so on. Plans were done, and my sister was at the core, diminishing his own importance, as part of her belongings. She behaved as if she had rights upon him and his life, while she hid him her affair with Vergnes and her ties in Israël until 2003, which means 13 years. Worse treason cannot exist.

Around 2010, an attempt to end the crisis and obtain the wedding seems to have been done, with the help of Lituania. My sister's daughter in law, Alice Collin Guizard, who married that year, seems to have ties with this country and to have organized this attempt, which could have been successful, had I not complained, as I did April 19, 2010, what closed the case. Litunia sent me very many not read receipts in such an organised way that its involvement towards Bill Gates appeared obvious, the message I identified being that my disappearance would be appreciated.

From my point of view, nothing can be obtained by manipulation, as it was tried since June 1990. Events, choices, ties, have to be named. The fact is that he noticed me June 1990, that we are December 2017, that I still have no other solution than to write hypothesis on my computer and then verify it they are accurate by tests, proves the insanity. I make obvious mistakes, understood first that his feelings towards my sister changed after the phone call I had with Michel Lacombe, October 28, 1997, what is false. It occurred in 1999. He seems determined to meet me, what I wait for, and face the illegal curatorship which prevents him from doing so. Neither his rights, nor my own ones are respected.

Israël being at the core, behind closed doors, what the importance of Jewish people in the media enhances, three French presidential elections were impacted by this story, in 2002, 2012 and 2017, what proves again the insanity, should never have existed. – Back in 2002, wrong advices given by Simon-Daniel Kipman, Jacques-Antoine Malarewicz, Nicole Bravard, Hubert Picot d'Aligny d'Assignies led to a wrong campaign for Lionel Jospin. It was used to communicate indirectly, failed that way, led Hollande to choose the date, April 21, 2017, to apparently recognize Bill Gates by the Légion d'Honneur, in fact confront him publicly, – DSK and Anne Sinclair targeted him for years, when DSK was candidate in 2012. As usual, I verified the notes I wrote on my blog, and at that moment, I had one on the Nouvel Obs, whose notes could appear in Google news. All of them were there, and targeted DSK, what seems to have had some impact. Would they have not exist, he may have been president, – Then, this year, François Fillon was the challenger, but faced the incredible lynching we witnessed, as he proved opened to let justice be done concerning Bill Gates and I, what involved the MH370's truth to be exposed.

These events prove necessary to name facts, due to the unforeseen consequences the determination to prevent a desired contact from occuring had. We are supposed to decide of our private life alone, what appeared violated in this situation, a man being considered as a property, and a woman as an embarrassment.

Terrific mass crimes where committed, conceived as language targetting either him or I, placing him in a culprit position. The first one was the Mont Sainte-Odile crash, January 20, 1992, conceived to put pressure on him and obtain that he marries my sister. Our parents decided together of their three older children's names, then my father chose Jean, instead of Bertrand prefered by my mother, who chose Nicole, while my father prefered Odile. Other ones were conceived in relation with me, such as the Rwandan genocide, as I had relations with African people. I verified many things, then could not believe it, forgot, as it is so difficult to be informed of such crimes only by signs, hypothesis, tests, and it really has to be condemned, never was, though these crimes were announced by Christine Lagarde's mass emails to all the governments' members and prosecutors of this least, the media receiving them, of course...

They violated his privacy repeatedly. For example, orgies are used for decades to manipulate persons of power, and some were registered with him, my sister and Sarah Bajc, who worked as well for Microsoft China as for Tescom in Israel, before appearing as Philip Wood's partner, after the MH370's so-called disappearance: Two planes were involved, as two towers were on 9/11, supposed, in 2014, to be crashed on Marseille and Manhattan, full of warheads.

The first letters of the two towns, joined, give MaMan, what can have been chosen to expose the link I had with my mother, as it had huge involvements in the story. In fact, the doctor Kipman refused to hear the difficulties provoked by the sexual abuses I faced, as a child, what he did to cover my uncle Antoine Guihaumé, with whom he was in relation, and pretended repeatedly that my mother was culprit. Furthermore, to meet my mother was Bill Gates' condition to marry my sister without informing me, and as written, it was impossible, due to the relation she had with me. To expose the link would have placed me and my relation with my mother as culprit, the damages provoked by it, and Bill Gates appearing of impacted by it, in the goal to denounce his feelings towards me as irrelevant, and obtain that he marries my sister. Instead of that, Philip Wood's message on archive4 [] proved the highjacking and created a panic in Israeli embassies which went on strike, as the narrative sold to obtain the countries in which they worked's consent and participation was quite different: diplomats-strike-idUSBREA2M0ER20140323

I sent numerous emails denouncing what was indicated to me through signs, some of these mails still being online:, filed a FBI complaint against Satya Nadella, July 27, 2014. The day after, July 28, I was sent a convocation by the police. Documents are online here: jagland-le-harcelement-que-je-subis-doit-etre-denonce/

October 21, 2014, Christophe de Margerie's jet was crashed, what provoked intense signs at my home. I deduced from them that this murder was conceived to announce another one to come, Bill Gates' one, filed FBI complaints against members of the Rothschild family and against Naguib Sawiris [], as owner of the plateform AMEN where I had opened a blog titled «9/11, a rothschild coup using Microsoft» where I only put only FBI complaints. This seems to have protected him, but all December long, his murder was again targeted, what lasted until I completed three FBI complaints against Obama, the Seattle's judge, Fred Bonner and Melinda Gates. I described in them the understanding I reached. It was tried to obtain that he accused me of harassing him, to then murder him and pretend he would have committed suicide, for which I would have been presented as culprit. As soon as I sent these three complaints, my first blog, opened since November 2008, «les attentats du 11 septembre vus par une conspirationniste» was closed. January, Charlie's attack occurred, also linked to this insane situation, by Charlie Munger, Warren Buffett's associate. Then Dropped, with the insistance of the media on October 28, anniversary of Florence Arthaud, Camille Muffat: malediction-du-28-octobre-10-03-2015-1911702_26.php but first of all, and motive for their choice, of Bill Gates.

The Germanwings crash seems to have recalled my first suicide attempt, June 23, 2000. I had taken all my diaries and my seven cats in my car, determined to dive in the Marne, ignored that cats can miaow so loudly, as if they perceived that issues are unsustainable. I went back, due to them. As I took them and my diaries in my car, I noticed a man in a car who seemed informed, as he looked at me with an obvious intensity. I saw him, but was in such a mood that it had no impact. He may have been sent by Bill Gates, but what could he have done? I even ignored that he had noticed me, but in fact, had told the doctor d'Assignies that very day that I would then commit suicide, and he had let me go without one word. Wild tales, in January, proved the perversity and the terrific violence at stake. The premeditation and the determination to sign the crimes appear in this movie.

I identified the doctor Malarewicz in October 2014, as AMEN sent me a lawyer, Cyril Fabre, who worked with Hubert Picot d'Aligny d'Assignies. I was sent by Jacques-Antoine Malarewicz to Hubert Picot d'Aligny d'Assignies, in 1999, as I asked help to work again, after I suffered tuberculosis in my lymph for years due to the difficult diagnosis. March 25, after a complement to the FBI complaint I filed against Malarewicz was duplicated at the same second, what only Bill Gates could do, due to the obvious identification by the FBI, which led me to think that he was in fact involved in the false flag, I was sent an email with a convocation for a psychiatric expertise I immediately perceived as retaliation. At that moment, it seems that to murder me was planned. It was tried to open my door, June 30, 2015 at 6:30, what was prevented by my key in the lockwhole. I had no internet during 20 mns.

As written, I send mass emails since 2014, after having sent some to Microsoft's top executives and shareholders, to the press in 2013, after Steve Ballmer's resignation. Some of my emails or notes are still on line, for example here: and here: On onedrive here:!AoJNLxipjCErsilDswsOjnEjM4eV

Two abusive complaints were filed against me, which used the notes I wrote online, and did not respect even one rule of law. I was informed of them by the convocations received to the police, the hearings I had, August, 7, 2014 and June 8, 2015. They pretended I had committed violence, diffamation and so on, which means that targeted by the Jewish community for more than 24 years, I was accused of diffaming it, as soon as I communicated what I faced and the understanding I had of it. The second complaint was filed by the Licra. The goal was to pretend I would suffer paranoia. My sister seems to have represented me in my back, never let me know she did so, while I sent her emails and charged letters asking that she sends me the curatorship, and forbidding her to represent me. She filed an abusive complaint against Bill Gates in May, using it, and pretending he harassed me, though we have no more contact since 1995. He was condemned due to the pressures Benyamin Netanyahu and Emmanuel Macron put on Seattle's judges, as she complained there. These facts explain why Bill Gates had no means to protect himself, once clear that all Benyamin Netanyahu's political career has benefited from his ties with her, considered as the future Madam Gates, future first lady. He is known for having told in 1990, the year he met her, as she had an affair with Bill Gates, and another one with Bernard Vergnes: “If we get caught they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth. So it does not matter what you do, America is a golden calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the world’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control. Why? Because it is the will of God and America is big enough to take the hit so we can do it again and again and again. This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves.” (Credit to the Defense Intelligence Agency of the United States Department of Defense) accident-or-suicide/, the priority he gives to Israël appearing here:, as well as for the ties he had with the late rabbi Yosef Ovadia, known for his numerous quotes pretending that non Jews would only exist to serve the Jews, what even appeared on the Jerusalem Post October 18, 2010. I presented it here: cause-immediate-disrael-fwd-action-is-required-to-protect-bill-gates/

This video exposes important facts on the Jewish culture, and its determination to control the world, using different bias: It is completed by this other one, quite known, of Ivan Levaï : v=_HXuJjKYKsY. These practices were illustrated by the way I was imposed an abusive psychiatric expertise, which permitted to present a biased report, once the Licra had abusively complained against me, as well as by the story presented concerning Lubitz, while the FAA's report presented his therapy as successful:, It led to a journalistic crash: GermanWings-est-il-aussi-un-crash-journalistique-724990

Such narrative conceived and sold by the mass emails evoked before the crime cannot have occurred all of a sudden, and reinforces the questions available online concerning the lies we are told on our common history for decades. It explains the success some book, such as The secret of Hebrew words, from Benjamin Blech: Rabbi/dp/1568219180, and The first holocaust from Don Heddesheimer: have.

Not to evoke the Rothschild family, which is at the origin of the evolution, with the influence it exercices on the political life for more than two centuries would be irrelevant influence-969772.html It is such that denounced in radical terms here: Emile Moreau, former Banque de France's governor let in his memories precise insights on the abuses done: 2764_1954_num_5_6_407088_t1_0985_0000_001

Bill Gates' father had links with this family, was its attorney. Evelyn de Rothschild asked his late mother to manage a relation between him and Warren Buffett. The same distorsion is done, concerning their links than concerning the ones Bill Gates had with Steven Ballmer. He cannot escape from the blackmails done to obtain that he praizes them. Everything is false, what the choice to attack Charlie hebdo, in relation with Buffett's associate, Charlie Munger, proves. Some links on this imposed relation, and on Warren Buffett: mo#.va15OWzV0 mobile-home-empire-clayton-homes/ island/

He is with Gates Sr in the BMGF with Bill Gates, and the spouse who was imposed to him. These articles put things clear concerning Gates Sr former law office : fallout/ and confirm what Joan Brewer wrote, that his clients were crooks. In fact, she recalled Bill Gates his own words when he was 17. The difficulty is that the BMGF uses his celebrity and him as an agent, while it pursues criminal goals, and that due to the curatorship, he is linked to it, can neither leave it, nor denounce its criminal goals as long as it is maintained. Furthermore, my sister's ties with all the persons who put pressure on him reinforce this difficulty.

The violence of the crimes already committed was unsustainable and no explanation could permit me to understand, until I realized that they were committed by the network which promotes the Pike's agenda [], that these crimes would have happened a way or another, as its goal is to diminish the world's population, using health it severely targets with created affections such as the sida or the chickungunya. The Georgia Guidestones and its «Maintain the world's population under 500.000.000» could not be clearer concerning the goal, and it supposes millions of deaths, announced by a forgery done September 2015 by the manipulation of a teen who made a near death experience to which a content was added which appears in no other NDE, though they could not be more documented than they are now, their major characteristic being the number of common points they have: H0MDGIXZ0o and

9/11 and its use of holograms, Alex Kipman having been recruited June 2001 by Microsoft [], and cold fusion [ v=vadSaWyiozg] already shocked all those who focused on it. The involvement of Israël in it was indeniable, widely shared though the article «Israel did 9/11, ALL THE PROOF IN THE WORLD!!» [] and the movie Missing links [], but it succeeded in letting know it and blocking the investigation, everything having been planned before the event. A Seattle's judge was murdered one month later, Thomas Crane Wales, what confirms the link with Bill Gates, targeted, once more: plane-debris-and-murder.html.

A video compiles presentations done by eleven rabbis, which are far from being isolated, and consider that the war between Occident and Islam will permit Israël to success: Those pronounced by the rabbi Zamir Cohen on the last American election clearly expose the reason why each president receives the necessary support to be elected, even in controversial circumstances. Behind , stands Jared Kushner. This video permits to observe how pretending that the propheties are realised, in fact actions are taken to make their promises occur. Without these actions, they would be proven false, the manipulation of Natan's NDE is quite a clear example of determination to manipulate the narratives.

In such circumstances, the urgency to take action and end the escalation is obvious, and requires to immediately cancel the curatorship I denounce in vain since I understood its existence, April 2016.

I observed that I was sent a read receipt from the mail sent December 12, titled «Re: Protéger Bill Gates est impératif, implique mise en cause immédiate d'Israël Fwd: Action is required to protect Bill Gates» yesterday, December 15 by François Heisbourg, presented on the FRS's website as the president's advisor :


I added this file to my appeal in the case Malarewicz-Courtois, online here: re-without-corruption-my-appeal-malarewicz-courtois-can-only-succeed-fwd-israel-has-to-stop-its- mass-crimes-and-threats-to-commit-some/

I never used as much as I could the possibility I have to verify hypothesis, as I was deceived, an example of the way it occurred being here: content/uploads/2017/01/04052016-exconmng.pdf, and the deductions I face being unsustainable. But month after month they appear confirmed, reason why I verified again today, and decide to communicate them: rape is routinely exercized, nobody escaping from it, once identified as having the power to pervert and corrupt. Courts' presidents, such as Song Sang Hyun who runs the ICC and Bertrand Louvel who runs the Cour de Cassation are exposed to it, as well as Bill Gates. It is known, but to date, no solution was found to end these crimes. The victims are linked. No cavity is forgotten. The responsible of these crimes is Robert Badinter who considered it would be an acceptable mean to impose France a Jewish president. In fact, Sarkozy, DSK, as challenger before failing, Hollande, Macron benefited from these crimes, though 1% of the population is Jewish. Badinter even blocked François Fillon April 23, validating the fraud to falsify the results, imposed him to renounced, and then, not to complain.

Furthermore, written proofs exist of Israël's guilt in the mass crimes we witnessed since 1990. In fact, before they were committed, blackmails were done to put pressure on Bill Gates, to obtain that he married my sister Brigitte Guizard. She, and my other sisters, my brother, wrote him to obtain his consent, which he refused as long as he did not meet our mother, whom he never met. The blackmails were precisely written, exist as proofs of the involvement and the entire responsibility of Israël in the Mont Sainte-Odile crash, in the Rwandan genocide, in very many crimes before 2000 I verified, and then forgot, as it is really unsustainable to face such facts alone, in front of a computer. As it appears confirmed, I can only evoke it, and precise my certainty concerning the Concorde 4590, 9/11, the MH370 and MH17, the GA22, the crash of Christophe de Margerie's jet, Charlie, the Bataclan 's attacks, the crashs Dropped and Germanwings, July 14 in Nice. Christine Lagarde also used the mass emailing to communicate the blackmails active, what gives other proofs.

Once admitted that these crimes were planned, I understand why such demands to warn appeared on my computer. They explain the mails sent.

December 18, 19:45 PM, I still send some, after I gave my observations to the Cour de Cassation, due to the insanity of Robert Badinter who continues ordering rapes, as soon as an action is taken to ask for justice by legal means. To perpetrate such crimes indicates the level of infiltration systematically organised, and the certainty Mister Badinter had all along his life, never to be held accountable.

From Netanyahu’s infamous “Fink’s Bar diatribe” of 1990: “If we get caught they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth. So it does not matter what you do, America is a golden calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the world’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control. Why? Because it is the will of God and America is big enough to take the hit so we can do it again and again and again. This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves.” (Credit to the Defense Intelligence Agency of the United States Department of Defense) accident-or-suicide/

I presented writings in the appeal Malarewicz which I sent widely, and no doubt could exist on the fact that I wrote them. I was opposed that I did not sign them, as the law requires it. In fact, I used a model I found online, done by a renown lawyer who did not sign on the copy online. Nevertheless, Bill Gates joined this appeal, represented by Maître Edward Braham, what the Court of Cassation knows. While I exposed the difficulty I faced due to the impossibility to contact me directly, it was used to send me the writings of the prosecuting attorney as if no step had been done by Bill Gates, though some were. I guess Robert Badinter was behind this bias, as Bertrand Louvel, the Cour of Cassation's president experiences rapes, too, and decides under constraint.

December 19, 2017, 10 AM: once again, I was warned. Mister Louvel faced again the violence of Benyamin Netanyahu and Robert Badinter. I sent an email to protect him, which seems to be enough, what proves the revolting behavior of these cowards, ready to endanger each person of power with no limits, but fearing as soon as it appears written somewhere, could be opposed to them.

5 PM : While I waited the validation of my appeal in the case Malarewicz-Courtois, it seems that an argument was presented to delay once more. That it could be legally opposed. Fact is that this gives time to use rapes to obtain a refusal under constraint, and Law was never the goal neither of Robert Badinter nor of Benyamin Netanyahu who only focus on their determination to impose a jewish dictorship on a planet drastically reduced by the means evoked. My demand, due to this new abuse, is that a serious expert produces a detailed report presenting his evaluation on the consequences for a person to be exposed for 14 years to an abusive curatorship decided in her back, by four brother and sisters with whom she had no more binds for years, without any mean for her to identify that it explains why she faces an indirect bind, by which she is severely aggressed, using the means of the state. In fact, two opposite connections exist since 1998 on my computer and use other bias to either reach or target me. Two different periods of time existed : – from a phone call I had with Michel Lacombe, my former DG in Microsoft France, October, 28, 1997, to his death, January, 2, 2003, – since his death until now, still active. It took me years to understand that the duality observed was due to the fact that not only one person was active. I guess that the doctor Kipman is responsible for the decision to contact me by indirect means. I ignore how were the relations before his death. Five years represent quite a time. The Concorde 4590's so-called incident and 9/11 occurred during these years. I only understood in 1998 that two opposed sides existed, wondered who decided to maintain this indirect connection after Mister Lacombe's death. The most plausible, in my opinion, due to the suicide attempts I did, is that it was decided by the authors of the harassment, against which Bill Gates used all the means available to help me to understand what happened. It changed, few by few, after I understood the existence of the two connections, as I made more hypothesis, used more means to catch informations. Nevertheless, I complained for hacking July, 7, 2011, as it was terrific, damages my computers, printers, deleted my files.

This situation is nervously very hard and I complain for years now for the moral torture I face. While Bill Gates is concerned, and I repeatedly asked him to phone me directly, or write me, that I would appreciate to meet him and understand what happened in my back, he is prevented from doing so, endangered, too, as evoked, and I face aggressions to put me in financial difficulties. I was sent recently for the third time an abusive count of charges, concerning the water. Twice I was abusively asked more than 2000 euros that way, had an usher sent.

I wrote you in the first presentation I did of these observations that Maître Laffont was Bill Gates's and my attorney, and this does not seem to be anymore the case, deception being used, in relation to the issues involved, which concern 9/11. She seems having agreed to then betray us. She is not anymore Bill Gates' attorney, and is not mine. I shall write her to ask that she cancel all the steps she did concerning me, and stop immediately acting as my attorney. Due to the curatorship, I only received read receipts from her. I made clear immediately that I wanted that an expert presents his observations on the mistreatments I face, as this curatorship refers obviously to mistreatment, gives power upon me to a sister I do believe insane. This endangers me for years now. Nevertheless, Maître Laffont seems to have agreed with the demand this sister presented for a psychiatric expertise, which could only be a bias to end the case. No serious attorney can pretend to defend the victim of forgery and use of forgery by a psychiatric expertise. This refers to treason towards Bill Gates, towards France, towards me, and confirm me that many lawyers act in the mafia. I shall precise in each complaint I have that Jacqueline Laffont is not legitimate to pronounce one word concerning me.

From Netanyahu’s infamous “Fink’s Bar diatribe” of 1990: “If we get caught they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth. So it does not matter what you do, America is a golden calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the world’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control. Why? Because it is the will of God and America is big enough to take the hit so we can do it again and again and again. This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves.” (Credit to the Defense Intelligence Agency of the United States Department of Defense) accident-or-suicide/

I sent an updated presentation of my observations in the appeal Malarewicz-Courtois in a charged letter online here: content/uploads/2017/12/

December 20, 2017: it now appears that Maître Mullins was no more reliable than Maître Laffont, that this pourvoi, due to its involvements concerning Israël's guilt in 9/11 faces deception, pressures and all the means possible, rapes included, to obtain the dismissal. The curatorship is at the core, opposition to its cancellation, deny concerning me, and abusive use to obtain a condemnation of Bill Gates pretending that he harassment me concerning him. I can only communicate these facts.

I asked Mister Louvel in an email widely copied to French representatives, medias, justice, education, experts psychiatrists and structures focused on strategy to withdraw this abusive measure which should be considered as a destruction measure. It, in fact, permitted to mass crimes to be committed in full impunity, and is used to cover Israël concerning 9/11 and all its mass murders conceived to fulfill the Pike's agenda and impose this planet a Jewish insane dictatorship by crime.

I recall the article Israël did 9/11 All The Proof In The World! by copying it here :

Israel did 9/11 All The Proof In The World!

Figuring out exactly how 9/11 was done is the work of crime investigators or conspiracy hobbyists who will endlessly go on discussing and debating every minuscule and intricate detail of the event to no avail. It doesn't take a structural engineer to tell you that two 110 story buildings and a 47 story steel skyscraper plummeting to the ground at nearly free-fall speed requires the assistance of explosives. All you need is two eyes that can see and a brain that thinks to come to that sound conclusion. This is why it is of my opinion that more emphasis should be placed on the "who" instead of the "how". It should be obvious to anyone that discovering who did 9/11 is infinitely more important than discovering how they did it.

An Uncanny Prediction Comes True First we start off with an unusual and eerie prediction that was made by a most suspicious individual. This prediction, in unison with the status of the person of who made it, is extremely indicative and foretelling of who planned and executed 9/11.

Isser Harel - Spymaster of the Israeli Intelligence Services. Director of Mossad and Shin Bet from 1952-1963.

In 1979, twenty-one years before September 11, 2001, Isser Harel predicted with uncanny accuracy the events of 9-11 to Michael D. Evans, an American supporter of Zionist extremists of the Jabotinsky sort.

On September 23, 1979, Evans visited Harel at his home in Israel and had dinner with him and Dr. Reuven Hecht, a senior adviser to then prime minister Menachem Begin.

In an editorial entitled "America the Target", published in the Jerusalem Post of September 30, 2001 Evans -- a Khazar Jew masquerading as a Christian -- asked Harel about Arab terrorism and if it would come to America. Harel told Evans that Arab terrorists would likely strike the "tallest building in New York City" because it was a "phallic symbol". The fact that 9/11 was planned by the Mossad through the admittance of Isser Harel is well documented and appears in a book written by Michael Evans. (Belief Net, 7th Paragraph).

Securing Control of World Trade Center Complex

The first step in the preparation of the 9/11 attacks was to secure the control of the WTC into private hands. This was crucial to the success of 9/11 because without complete control over this complex there would be no opportunity or possibility of setting explosive charges in place as the coup de grâce in bringing the towers to the ground.

In steps four key Jewish Crime Network assets:

1) Larry Silverstein -- Larry is a Jewish American businessman from New York. Larry obtained a 99 year lease on the entire world trade center complex on 24 July, 2001. The towers were nearly worthless,being filled with asbestos, yet Larry “felt a compelling urge to own them”. Larry had breakfast in "Windows on the World" restaurant (107th Floor North Tower) every single morning. Larry was absent from this routine meeting on the morning of September the 11th. Larry’s two children, who also worked in the WTC, conveniently decided to take the day off as well. Larry Silverstein scored more than $4.5 Billion in insurance money as a result of the destruction of his complex. Silverstein was personal friends with Zionist media-magnate Rupert Murdoch, former Israeli president & infamous Zionist war criminal Ariel Sharon, as well as Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu. Silverstein was such good friends with Benjamin Netanyahu that he would speak with him on the phone every single sunday.

2) Frank Lowy- Lowy, a Czechoslovakia born Jew, was the owner of Westfield America, one of the biggest shopping mall conglomerates in the world. Lowy leased the shopping concourse area called the Mall at the World Trade Center, made up of approximately 427,000 square feet of retail floor space. Frank Lowy has quite an interesting history. He was a member of the Golani Brigade, and fought in the Israeli war of independence. Before this he was a member of Hagganah, a Jewish terrorist organization. Frank Lowy spends three months of the year at his home in Israel and has been described by the Sydney Morning Herald as "a self-made man with a strong interest in the Holocaust and Israeli politics." He funded and launched the Israeli Institute for National Strategy and Policy, which will "operate within the framework of Tel Aviv University" in Israel. He is also close friends with many top Israeli officials such as Ehud Olmert, Ariel Sharon, Bibi Netanyahu, and Ehud Barak. He was also implicated in an Israeli Bank Scandal with Olmert. Frank Lowy steered clear of the WTC on 9/11. More information about Lowy can be further researched here.

3) Lewis Eisenberg -- This Jewish criminal personality was the head of the Port Authority of New York and authorized the lease transfer to his Zionist brethren Larry and Lowy. Eisenberg was a large contributor to the Bush-Cheney presidential campaign, as well as a partner in the Jewish bank Goldman-Sachs. Eisenberg has been both a member of the Planning Board of the United Jewish Appeal/United Jewish Federation pro-Israeli government pressure group in the U.S.

4) Ronald Lauder - Billionaire Estée Lauder Cosmetics magnate. He was the chairman of NY Governor George Pataki's commission on privatization. He is the key individual who lobbied for the privatization of the WTC (Source, 9th pp) -- but he also got the former Stewart Air Force Base to become privatized. Oddly, the flight paths of flight 175 and flight 11 converged directly over this airport.

Lauder is active in the following organizations: Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, Jewish National Fund, World Jewish Congress, American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, Anti-Defamation League, Jewish Theological Seminary. Ronald Lauder was elected president of the World Jewish Congress on 10 June, 2007.

Lauder founded a school for the Mossad in Herzliya, Israel called the Lauder School of Government Diplomacy and Strategyy. He is the key Sayan involved in the preparation of 9/11.

WTC Security In Zionist Hands

The second crucial aspect of control that needed to be established in order to pull off 9/11 was to gain control of security of the WTC complex. This way, Mossad explosive experts -- that just so happened to be in town just prior to and on 9/11 -- could be readily allowed access to strategic areas of the buildings in order to prep for the demolitions.

The contract to run security at the WTC was designated to Kroll Associates after the 1993 wtc bombing. Kroll is otherwise known as "Wallstreets CIA".

Who gave them the contract? The Port Authority of New York paid them $2.5 million to revamp security at the complex. The owners of Kroll was two Zionist Jews named Jules & Jeremy Kroll.

The managing director of Kroll at the time was Jerome M. Hauer.

Hauer was also the guy chosen to run Mayor Rudy Guiliani's office of emergency management( OEM) from 1996 to 2000. He is the key individual that pushed for this office to be placed in Silverstein's building 7.

Jerome Hauer is also Jewish and a staunch Zionist. Hauer's mother, Rose Muscatine Hauer, is the retired Dean of the Beth Israel School of Nursing and the Honorary President of the New York Chapter of Hadassah, the Daughters of Zion movement that is one of the central Zionist organizations involved in the creation and maintenance of the State of Israel.

Pre-Knowledge of Anthrax Mailings

A hardly known fact is that Jerome Hauer is the one who advised the WhiteHouse to go on the anti-biotic effective against Anthrax -- Cipro -- a week prior to the mailings. How convenient.

How did he know?

Hauer is an 'expert' in Bio-Terrorism and was the one who was in charge of the NIH response to the anthrax attacks. His reactions to the anthrax mailings were 'very slow' to say the least, and he took every opportunity to invoke "Osama Bin Laden" in his rhetoric. Who Killed John O'neil?

Former special agent FBI, John O'neil, who was tasked with investigating Bin Laden coincidentally enough, was Former special agent FBI, John O'neil, who was tasked with investigating Bin Laden coincidentally enough, was hired as head of security at the WTC by Jerome Hauer. Amazingly, O'neil was killed on his FIRST day of work -- 9/11.

It is important to note that O'neil had quit his job at the FBI after his investigation into the U.S.S. Cole attack in Yemen was obstructed & sabotaged by U.S ambassador to Yemen, Zionist Barbara Bodine. This is because the U.S.S. Cole was NOT done by Al Qaeda. The USS Cole was hit by an Israeli cruise missile(Source, 39th pp) to sway public opinion against Arabs (Al Qaeda), as well as demonize the democrats (didn't take terror threat seriously) -- so that their puppet George Bush Jr. could be hurled into office in time for 9/11. This was of course completely covered up.

Airport Security In Israeli Hands

The third crucial aspect of control that needed to be established was to gain control of airport security at all of the airports that the hijackings would originate from. Passenger screening needed to be handled by their operatives in order to allow certain people & certain items (i.e. weapons) onto the planes.

Who ran airport security at all three ports of alleged hijackings?

That would be ICTS International / Huntsleigh USA (wholly owned subsidiary)

Owned by Ezra Harel and Menachem Atzmon. Both Israeli Jews.

It is run by "experts" in the security and intelligence field. Israeli intelligence that is. Most employees were ex- Shin Bet agents.

Is this airport security company, who ran the security at Boston's Logan Airport, as well as Newark, really that shoddy to allow 19 arabs on board 4 different planes with box-cutters, mace, and even a gun, or is there something else going on here?

Menachem Atzmon, former Likud treasurer in the 80's, was involved in an Israeli political scandal involving Ehud Olmert and other Likudnits in Israel. He was criminally convicted of fraud, falsifying documents, as well as breaching Party Funding Law. ICTS was also in charge of airport security when the shoe bomber, Richard Reid, allegedly boarded a plane with a shoe bomb. If Reid is really a terrorist and not just an innocent man being used by the Mossad to incite more fear of terrorism, then why did ICTS let him board the plane knowing he could be dangerous?

Another point indicating ICTS's complicity is that a few hours before the Patriot Act was voted on, it was edited to make foreign companies in charge of security on 9/11 immune to lawsuits. This would prevent American courts from demanding that ICTS provide testimony or hand over the missing surveillance videos from the airports.

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab (also referred to as "Underwear Bomber) is a Muslim Nigerian citizen and alleged terrorist who attempted to detonate plastic explosives hidden in his underwear on board of Northwest Airlines Flight 253, en route from Amsterdam to Detroit, Michigan, on Christmas Day December 25, 2009. Abdulmutallab boarded the US bound plane from Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam. Kurt Haskell, an attorney from Michigan, also boarded the same flight and he recalls seeing Abdulmutallab and another "sharp dressed" Indian looking man who helped Abdulmutallab board the flight. Haskell claims that Abdulmutallab boarded the flight without a passport. The security at the Schiphol Airport is also handled by the Israeli-owned company: ICTS International.

Prior Knowledge

Gomel Chesed Cemetery Incident

In October 2000, approximately 11 months before 9/11, a retired Israeli Defense Forces(IDF) officer, and veteran of the Yom Kippur War(1973), was collecting English Ivy Cuttings at the Gomel Chesed Cemetery located at McClellan and 245 Mount Olive Avenue, which is near the city lines of Elizabeth and Newark, New Jersey. The Gomel Chesed Cemetery is a Jewish cemetery. The man overheard a couple of people having what he believed to be a conversation spoken in Hebrew, which drew his attention. He hid behind an 8-foot tall retaining wall and listened in to their conversation as they stood below. Shortly after a Lincoln town car approached the two people -- presumably Israelis -- and the man in the backseat got out to greet them. After normal niceties were exchanged the third man said:

“The Americans will learn what it is to live with terrorists after the planes hit the twins in September.”

One of the men that had been leaning against the retaining wall expressed concerns regarding whether the upcoming presidential election (November 2000) could impact the plans. The man that arrived in the Town Car pacified the doubts by saying:

“Don’t worry, we have people in high places and no matter who gets elected, they will take care of everything.”

The observer who overheard this conversation related it to the FBI on numerous occasions only to be ignored each time. Nothing was done about it, and no investigation into the incident has ever took place.

Israeli Citizens Get Tipped Off

Israeli instant messaging company, Odigo, admitted that two of its employees received instant messages warning of an impeding attack 2 hours prior to the first plane hitting.

This warning was not passed on to authorities, which could have saved thousands of lives.

Odigo has a feature on its service that allows the passing on of messages through a search feature based on nationality, such as Israeli. Knowing these two particular Israelis were forewarned, it is very likely they passed the message on to other Israelis considering that out of the 4000 Israelis believed to be in and around the WTC and the Pentagon only FIVE died. 5/4000 Israelis. Mathematically (if Israelis were not forewarned) about 10% (400/4000) would have died; even as low as 200-300/4000 would not really indicate foreknowledge. Yet only FIVE Israelis died and two of the five were actually aboard the supposedly hijacked flights; therefore only three Israelis died at the WTC on 9/11. An astonishing feat. We're talking about 'Israelis' here, not 'American Jews'. Many Jews died in the wtc on 9/11.

Odigo has offices in New York, and in Herzliya, Israel. Herzliya happens to be the Head Quarters of Mossad. Do the math.

Odigo was later bought up by another Israeli company called Comverse. The CEO of Comverse was Kobi Alexander, "dual" Israeli-US citizen, with connections to Mossad. He has been charged on several counts of fraud.

Goldman Sachs Forewarned – On Sep 10, 2001, the Tokyo branch of Goldman Sachs warned its American employees to steer clear of American buildings.

Israeli ZIM Integrated Shipping Services Forewarned

- ZIM, an Israeli company, vacated its office(10,000 square feet) in the North WTC tower a week before 9/11, breaking its lease. 49% of this company is owned by the Israeli government. The lease ran till the end of 2001, and the company lost $50,000 by breaking the lease. Later, FBI agent Michael Dick, who was investigating Israeli spying before and after 9/11 and looking into the suspicious move, was removed from his duties by the head of the Justice Department’s criminal division, Michael Chertoff.

According to a non-official cover or N.O.C. CIA source who worked closely with Dick, the Israeli movers moved in explosives when ZIM moved out.

With ZIM Israel bailing out just in time, this left one Israeli company, Clearforest, with 19 employees, in the WTC on 9/11. Of the five employees in the building all managed to escape.

Mossad Is Guilty

U.S. Army Study: On Mossad

An elite U.S. Army study center had devised a plan for enforcing a major Israeli-Palestinian peace accord that would require about 20,000 well-armed troops stationed throughout Israel and a newly created Palestinian state.

The SAMS paper attempts to predict events in the first year of a peace-enforcement operation, and sees possible dangers for U.S. troops from both sides.

Of the MOSSAD, the Israeli intelligence service, the SAMS officers say:

"Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to target U.S. forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act."

The amazing thing about this is that this story was reported in on September 10, 2001.

Israeli espionage around 9/11 – Shortly before 9/11, over 140 Israelis had been arrested for suspected espionage. Some of them were posing as Art students. These suspects targeted or penetrated Military bases, DEA, FBI, Secret Service, ATF, U.S. Customs, IRS, INS, EPA, Interior Dept., U.S. Marshal’s Service, various U.S. Attorneys Offices, Secret government offices Unlisted private homes of law enforcement/intelligence officers. Most of the suspects served in military intelligence, electronic surveillance intercept and or explosive ordinance units.

Dozens of Israelis were arrested in American malls kiosks selling toys, acting as a front for a spying operation.

60 detained suspects worked for the Israeli company AMDOCS which provides most directory assistance calls and almost call records and billings services for the U.S. by virtue of its contracts with the 25 largest telephone companies in the U.S.

All alleged 9/11 hijackers had fake IDs. During a joint FBI-CIA operation against the lead patsy hijacker Mohammad Atta in Fort Lee, NJ in 2001, the operation was photographed by Israeli agents and thereby compromised. These Jews were providing cover for the future patsy hijacker teams.

More Israelis caught after 9/11 -- 90 of them!

After 9/11 – More detentions of Israelis

Following 9/11, over 60 Israelis were detained either under the Patriot anti-Terrorism Act or for immigrations violations. Some of them were active Israeli military personnel. A number of them failed polygraph examinations when questioned for surveillance activities against the U.S. Some of them were found to have been spying on Arabs. Five Dancing Israelis

Of the 90 or so detained Israelis there was a group of five Israelis, now widely known as the "dancing Israelis", who were spotted in multiple locations filming, and celebrating the attacks.

The men were detained by NYPD. The police and FBI field agents became very suspicious when they found maps of the city with certain places highlighted, box cutters (the same items that the hijackers supposedly used), $4700 cash stuffed in a sock, and foreign passports. Police also told the Bergen Record that bomb sniffing dogs were brought to the van and that they reacted as if they had smelled explosives. (#)

Their names were Sivan & Paul Kurzberg, Yaron Schmuel, Oded Ellner & Omer Marmari.

"We are not your problem"? According to ABC News 20/20, after the group of Israelis were detained, the driver of the van -- Sivan Kurzberg -- told the officers: "We are Israeli. We are not your problem. Your problems are our problems. The Palestinians are the problem."

They later appeared on an Israeli talk show and claimed to be "documenting the event". Witnesses reported they were set up PRIOR to the first plane strike, and were seen congratulating one another afterward. The five jubilant Israelis were also seen photographing one another. The FBI seized and developed their photos, one of which shows Sivan Kurzberg flicking a cigarette lighter in front of the smoldering ruins in an apparently celebratory gesture.

Truck Bomb Destined for George Washington Bridge

The Jerusalem Post later reported that a white van with a bomb was stopped as it approached the George Washington Bridge, but the ethnicity of the suspects was not revealed. Here's what the Jerusalem Post reportedon September 12, 2001:

American security services overnight stopped a car bomb on the George Washington Bridge. The van, packed with explosives, was stopped on an approach ramp to the bridge. Authorities suspect the terrorists intended to blow up the main crossing between New Jersey and New York, Army Radio reported.

Imagine the surprise of the officers when these terror suspects turned out to be Israelis!

Mural Van

One of the more bizarre events of the day came in the form of a mysterious white van parked a few blocks away from the twin towers on 6th and King Street., that had a mural painted on the side that literally depicted a jetliner crashing into the twin towers and exploding.

(Artist's rendition)

This police audio transmission indicates that the two suspects in the van started to run away when the van was stopped and were apprehended shortly thereafter in some sort of struggle. The police recording also indicates that the mural van subsequently exploded following the detainment of the two suspects.

Further corroboration of this incident came in the form of a reference in the February 2006 Norman Y. Mineta International Institute for Surface Transportation Policy Studies (MTI) report entitled: “Saving City Lifelines: Lessons Learned in the 9-11 Terrorist Attacks”.The relevant quote is as follows:

“There were continuing moments of alarm. A panel truck with a painting of a plane flying into the World Trade Center was stopped near the temporary command post. It proved to be rented to a group of ethnic Middle Eastern people who did not speak English. Fearing that it might be a truck bomb, the NYPD immediately evacuated the area, called out the bomb squad, and detained the occupants until a thorough search was made.The vehicle was found to be an innocent delivery truck.” (emphasis added)

This report was a whitewash of the incident but credible evidence nonetheless confirming the existence of this suspicious mural painted van. Apparently the people who wrote this didn't find it odd that a delivery truck rented to "ethnic middle easterners" was painted up with a mural depicting the very events of the day!The idiocy of their conclusion that this van was an "innocent delivery truck" is beyond words. The police transmission speaks of an explosion yet this report mentions none -- a clear cover-up. The "ethnic middle easterners" referenced in this quote were certainly not Arabs because if they were this would have been front page news and damaging proof against Al Qaeda. This incident was not mentioned in any official gov't reports. If they were Arabs there would be no reason to cover this up. The fact that this incident was covered up and whitewashed is a strong indication that these "ethnic middle easterners" were in fact Israelis.

Urban Moving Systems

All of the white vans were working for the ostensible moving company Urban Moving Systems under direction of Dominic Suter, an Israeli Spy who immediately fled to Israel after the attacks. It was confirmed by two former CIA officers that this Israeli moving company was a front operation for the Mossad. The two CIA sources noted that movers vans are a common intelligence cover. The Israelis were held in custody for 71 days before being quietly released.

Israeli Intelligence and P-tech

Ptech Software systems – computer control backdoor

Most national security computerized systems that would have scrambled jets in the event of national emergencies such as multiple hijackings were running on Ptech software. A list of Ptech clients includes the FAA, N.A.T.O, United States Armed Forces, Congress, Dept. Of Energy, Dept. of Justice, FBI, Customs, the IRS, the Secret Service, and even the White House.

Zionist Jew Michael S. Goff (pictured right) was marketing manager at Ptech and also worked for Israeli database company Guardium (Director Amit Yoran); Guardium has been funded by Cedar Fund, Veritas Venture Partners, and StageOne, all Mossad funding outfits. So, with Ptech, what we had was an American "sayan" [i.e. Jewish agent who works with the Mossad when necessary], Michael S. Goff, who had Mossad agents feeding him information and directing him while he worked with his Lebanese Muslim "partners" in Ptech.

Now why would a young American lawyer working with a good law firm (Sedar & Chandler) in his home town suddenly leave the practice of law and work with a dodgy start-up software company owned and financed by a Lebanese and a Saudi? Goff's family is a well-respected an well-known family in Worcester, Mass. He had it made at a good law firm after leaving law school. Why the sudden career change? Mossad asked him to do it. For the good of the Jewish people, etc, etc.

Under Goff, Ptech software loaded with trapdoors and Trojan Horses was sold and loaded onto the MOST sensitive computer systems that failed miserably, or performed well (depending on your view), on September 11, 2001.

Goff's father and grandfather, Samuel, were accountants who belonged to Worcester's "Commonwealth Lodge 600 of B'nai B'rith". They were both 32nd Degree Masons. Does an apple fall far from the tree?

MITRE corporation (computer software)

MITRE – major defense contracting organization headed by former Director of Central Intelligence James Schlesinger. It has been said that Schlesinger is a devout Lutheran, but his Wikipedia profile states he was born to Russian/Austrian Jewish parents. He is undoubtedly a Zionist.

Ptech was with the MITRE corporation in the basement of the FAA for two years prior to 9/11. Their specific job was to look at inter-operability issues the FAA had with NORAD and the Air Force in the case of an emergency.

Precision guided plane anyone?

The plane hitting WTC North Tower

The first plane to hit the WTC (North Tower) hit the computer room of Marsh & McClennan, which had recently acquired Kroll Associates, which was owned by son of AIG CEO Maurice Greenberg & Jules Kroll. Precision guidance equipment in office?

Rabbi Dov Zakheim and Systems Planning Corporation

Dov Zakheim's System Planning Corporation– remote airplane control technology

Dov Zakheim's System Planning Corporation – remote airplane control technology

Many have insisted that the planes which struck the twin towers were precision guided by remote control. Although sounding like science fiction when first hearing it, remote control technology of airplanes has been around for decades. SPC Corporation provided the flight termination system and command transmitter system, the technology that allows planes to be remote controlled should the pilots be incapacitated or the plane hijacked.

Rabbi Dov Zakheim was the appointed Undersecretary of Defense and Comptroller from 2001 to 2004 under the George W. Bush administration. Zakheim is the man responsible for the disappearance of $2.6 TRILLIONthat went missing from the Pentagon books which was announced by Donald Rumsfeld on 10th September, 2001. The story was buried under 9/11's rubble.

Coincidentally, the specific section of the Pentagon that was "hit" or "blown up" contained the years budgetary information, as well as accountants, bookkeepers and budget analysts; many of whom died on 9/11. What a coincidence.

In May 2001, when Dov served at the Pentagon, it was an SPS (his firm’s) subsidiary, Tridata Corporation, that oversaw the investigation of the first “terrorist” attack on the World Trade Center in 1993. This would have given them intimate knowledge of the security systems and structural blueprints of the World Trade Center.

According to the SPC website, a recent customer at that time was Eglin AFB, located in Florida. Eglin is very near another Air Force base in Florida-MacDill AFB, where Dov Zakheim contracted to send at least 32 Boeing 767 aircraft, as part of the Boeing /Pentagon tanker lease agreement.

Considering his access to Boeing 767 tankers, remote control flight systems, and his published views in the PNAC document, it seems very likely he is in fact a key figure in the alleged terrorist attacks in New York City on September 11, 2001. (Further Reading)

Cover Up

9/11 Investigation in Zionist Hands

Immediately following the attacks of september 11th, the Jewish criminal network was methodically maneuvering in unison behind the scenes to quash any legitimate investigation that world reveal what really happened that fateful day. They made it their goal to control any and all angles of so called "investigation" so that they could quickly cover up any and all evidence that would unveil the unmistakable fingerprint of the Zionists.

All appointed chief judges were Zionist Jews:

Alvin K. Hellerstein - a judge for the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York and has been involved in several high-profile 9/11 related cases including consolidated master case against three airlines, ICTS International NV and Pinkerton's airport security firms, the World Trade Center owners, and Boeing Co., the aircraft manufacturer. Hellerstein is a dedicated Zionist and Israeli nationalist who has ties to the Jewish mafia dating back to 1956. Hellerstein's wife is a former senior officer & current treasurer of AMIT. From its website it states: "Founded in 1925, AMIT is the world's leading supporter of religious Zionist education and social services for Israel's children and youth, nurturing and educating Israeli children to become productive, contributing members of society." Michael B. Mukasey - This Orthodox Jewish judge oversaw the litigation between Larry Silverstein and insurance companies after 9/11. Silverstein was awarded billions. Mukasey prevented full inquiry into the Five Dancing Israelis incident who were arrested in connection with 9/11. He played a role in their release. He was later appointed attorney general by President Bush. He defended the patriot act, and he supports torture policies.

Michael Chertoff - In charge of the Criminal Division in the Justice Department on 9/11. Essentially responsible for the 9/11 NON-investigation. He let hundreds of Israeli spies who were arrested prior to and on 9/11 go back home to Israel. He was also a prosecuting judge in the first terrorist attack on the WTC in 1993. Chertoff purportedly holds dual citizenship with the US and Israel. His family is one of the founding families of the state of Israel and his mother was one of the first ever agents of the Mossad, Israel's spy agency. His father and uncle are ordained rabbis and teachers of the Talmud.

Kenneth Feinberg - set up the victim’s compensation fund ($7 billion); the criminal cabal managed to get 97% of the victims’ families to take the money in exchange for not demanding a legal investigation of 9/11.

Sheila Birnbaum - Another key Jew involved in the cover-up of 9/11 is Sheila Birnbaum of Skaddan, Arps law firm. Birnbaum was appointed 'special mediator' of the legal suits filed by the 3% of families who decided not to be bought off by the Zionists. Nothing happened in these trials though, thanks to her.

Benjamin Chertoff - (cousin of Michael Chertoff) - This Jewish criminal personality wrote the 9/11 hit piece in Popular Mechanics debunking ‘9/11 conspiracies’ using ridiculous straw-men. He claims his relation to Michael Chertoff is "distant" but Chris Bollyn proves otherwise.

Stephen Cauffman - Leader of NIST coverup of WTC 7 destruction. These lowlifes continued to maintain that fire brought down WTC 7, a physical impossibility.

9/11 Commission Fiction: Zionist Myth-Making At Its Best

Philip Zelikow (Dual Citizen of Israel) - 911's Cover Up Man

Zelikow was appointed the executive director of the 9/11 commission -- the most powerful position of the committee. This criminal Zionist Jew is responsible for concocting the contrived fiction that was presented to us as the 9/11 Commission Report (i.e. official story). This work of fairy-tale fiction speaks of magical explosion-proof paper passports, building collapses violating the laws of physics without explosive assistance, and cave- dwelling, box-cutter wielding Arabs with super-human piloting skills -- all the while completely omitting blatant anomalous events such as the self-demolition of Building 7 at 5:20 pm. At first Henry Kissenger was appointed as exec director of the 9/11 commission but surrendered the post after enormous . This paved the way for Zionist operative Zelikow to take his stead. Zelikow has numerous conflicts of interest that clearly inhibited his ability to tell the truth to the American people about the 9/11 terror attacks.

Zelikow was a Bush Admin insider, having been on the transition team in early 2000. In 1989-91 Zelikow worked with Condoleezza Rice on the National Security Council for the Bush Sr. Administration. In 1995, Zelikow and Rice wrote a book together. From 1996-98 Zelikow is director of the Aspen Strategy Group which also included people such as Condoleezza Rice, Dick Cheney and Paul Wolfowitz as fellow members. After George W. Bush took office, Zelikow was named to a position on the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board [PFIAB], and worked on other task forces and commissions as well. In 2004 Zelikow skews the investigation into 9/11 by deciding which topics would or would not be investigated. He was also secretly in contact with one of Bush's close advisors -- Karl Rove.

Crime Scene Evidence Quickly Removed and Destroyed

Alan D. Ratner’s Metals Management and the SIMS group is responsible for quickly scooping up the WTC steel rubble and shipping it off to Asian smelters. Alan Ratner is Jewish. Ratner merged with the SIMS group and the Hugo Neu corporation, and they made a handsome profit. Ratner sold over 50,000 tons of crime scene evidence steel to a Chinese company at $120 per ton; Ratner had obtained them for $70 per ton. This criminal bastard not only destroyed the evidence, but made a lucrative profit off of it while he was at it. More research on the criminal destruction of crime scene evidence can be found here.

Criminal Zionist Personalities

Jews in the Right Positions!

It should be noted that Jews were extremely over-represented in the Bush Administration. An ethnic minority group who only makes up about 2% of the American population had 42 of its people in top positions in Bush's cabinet. This extreme disproportionate over- representation of Jews in the Bush Administration establishes without doubt that the Jews had complete control of the American government at the time of 9/11, and without many key Jewish personalities, that we will briefly detail herein, it should be certain that 9/11 would not have happened.

Rabbi Dov Zakheim – Co-author of the PNAC paper on rebuilding America’s defenses advocating the necessity of a Pearl Harbor-like incident to mobilize America. Served as Pentagon comptroller from May 4, 2001 to March 10, 2004. Two large sums of money disappeared from the Pentagon under him. In the beginning $2.3 trillion was reported missing by Donald Rumsfeld (September 10, 2001) and later Zakheim was unable to account for another trillion dollars. Zakheim also had squads of American F-15s and F-16s sold as surplus to Israel at a fraction of their value. Michael Chertoff – Assistant attorney general for the criminal division of the Justice Department; later, Director of Homeland Security. His wife, Meryll Chertoff, was a regional director of the ADL. Mother was a flight attendant for El Al thus had involvement with Mossad. Father and uncle are Rabbis.

Richard Perle – Chairman of Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board. He was expelled from Sen. Henry Jackson’s office in the 1970s after the NSA caught him passing highly classified documents to Israel.

Paul Wolfowitz – Was Deputy Defense Secretary and a member of the Defense Policy Board in the Pentagon.

Douglas Feith - Headed reconstruction in Iraq. Effectively in command, with Wolfowitz, of War Department on 9-11; Undersecretary of War for Policy. Fired from National Security Council in 1976 due to suspicion of passing classified documents to Israel. "Dual Citizen" of US-Israel. Douglas Feith created the "Office of Special Plans" shortly after 9/11 which was where all of the fake intelligence accusing Iraq of developing WMD's and having ties to Al Qaida came from.

Eliot Abrams -- Key National Security Council Advisor. Associated with criminal Zionist / Pro-Israel think-tanks: AEI, PNAC, CSP, and JINSA. Closely associated with other criminal Jews Perle, Feith, Wolfowtiz, and Bill Kristol. Convicted of lying to congress in the Iran/Contra Affair but was later given a pardon by Bush.

Marc Grossman -- Under Secretary for Political Affairs on 9-11; met with General Mahmoud Ahmad, head of Pakistan’s ISI and 9-11 financier, on or shortly after 9-11; “dual citizen” of US and Israel

Ari Fleischer — White House spokesman for Bush on 9-11; Harlined Iraq WMD lies to the press; “dual citizen” of US and Israel; connected to the extremist group called the Chabad Lubavitch Hasidics

Who was on board flight 11?

Daniel Lewin Lewin, an Israeli Jew, was confirmed to be a member of the special Israeli commando unit, the Sayeret Matkal, which specializes in "anti-hijack" takeovers and assassinations. Supposedly Lewin got involved in a struggle with one of the alleged hijackers and ended up getting shot, which was later revised to being stabbed as a gun on board would not jive with the pre-packaged 9/11 story line. What are the odds that an Israeli Sayat ends up on a plane hijacked by Arab terrorists? Gotta be a million to one shot. I am not suggesting Lewin was on a suicide mission and flew into the towers, what I suggest is that he landed the plane at Stewart Airport and it was swapped for a remote control drone. Stewart Airport was the "privatized" airport where the flightpaths of the alleged planes that hit the twin towers, oddly converged over.

Bush Speech Writers Grossly Inflate Number of Israeli Casualties

On 20 September, 2001, in his address to the Joint Session of Congress following the 9/11 attacks, Bush grossly inflated the number of Israeli casualties in the attacks from 5 to 130.

Does Bush write his own speeches?

Of course not, so one cannot simply blame Bush for this blatant lie -- whoever was his speechwriter is the criminal culprit.

Who was Bush's Speechwriter?

David Frum This Jewish criminal personality was Bush's Speechwriter at the time and is the one responsible for inflating the number of Israeli dead 26x the actual amount. Why did he do this? Because he's a Zionist of course and was attempting to garner sympathy for Israel and project them as the 'great ally' of the United States who are now 'partners' in this global fight against "terrorism".

Frum was the man behind the "Axis Of Evil" label.

He also co-authored a book with Zionist warmonger Richard Perle, entitled An End To Evil: How To Win The War On Terror, which was about the "Global War On Terror"; it defended the illegal and fraudulent invasion of Iraq -- as well as called for regime change in Iran & Syria among other hideous things.

Mohammed Atta Leads Us Directly To Jewish Crime Network Doorstep

Less than one week before 9/11 several of the hijacker 'patsies', including Atta, boarded a Sun Cruz Casino Boat in Florida. Nobody knows why, and it has never been investigated.

Who owned these casino boats? Jack Abramoff- This Zionist Jewish criminal asset was the one who entertained the Arab patsies aboard his yacht. Abramoff is a Bush Admin insider having been on the Transition Advisory Team assigned to the Department of the Interior in 2001. Abramoff is a convicted criminal lobbyist who is a central figure in a plethora of political scandals, fraud, and other scams. He is currently serving a five year prison term for fraud, conspiracy, and tax evasion. He also had foreknowledge of the Zionist engineered War In Iraq.

Al Qaida = Mossad Playing Dress Up Firstly the well known translation of 'Al-Qaeda' is ‘The Base,’ which is actually not the the only translation of the ominous term. Al-Qaeda also translates to ‘The Toilet.’ The Arabic word ‘Qa’ada’ means ‘to sit’ {on the toilet bowl}. Arab homes have three kinds of toilets: ‘Hamam Franji’ or ‘Al-Qaeda’ or foreign toilet, ‘Hamam Arabi’ or Arab toilet, and a potty used for children called ‘Ma Qa’adia’ or ‘Little Qaeda.’ ‘Ana raicha Al Qaeda’ is a colloquial expression for ‘I’m going to the toilet.’ Why would a terrorist group call itself ‘The Toilet’? Al-Qaeda is Zionist fiction.

Adam Yahiye Gadahn also known as Azzam the American is the so called Al Qaida spokesperson who releases videos tormenting the world with his anti-American rants. The FBI even have him on their most wanted terrorists list.

It turns out he is a Jew named Adam Pearlman, from California. Adam's grandfather, Carl Pearlman, was a prominent surgeon and on the Board of Directors of the Anti-Defamation League! This is a script fit for a Hollywood movie. Spielberg to direct?

Ziad Jarrah the Duped Lebanese Mossad Stooge

Still image from "laughing hijackers" video showing Ziad Jarrah(left), and Mohammed Atta(right), allegedly making their martyrdom video just before 9/11, all the while laughing hysterically about it!

Ziad Jarrah's cousin, Ali Al Jarrah , was recently discovered by Lebanese authorities of being a spy for Israel for 25 years!!

Netanyahu Openly Gleeful of 9/11 Terror Attacks

Apparently Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu is so confident in Zionist control and domination that he haphazardly stated publicly that the 9/11 terrorist attacks were "good" for U.S.- Israeli relations, and would generate "immediate sympathy" for the Israeli cause of ethnically cleansing the Palestinians.

The Israeli newspaper Ma'ariv reported that Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu told an audience at Bar Ilan: "We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq," Ma'ariv quoted the former prime minister as saying. He reportedly added that these events "swung American public opinion in our favor."

*NTS Note: There was a video section right here that has been removed from Youtube for its constant claim of "violations". It showed clear proof that Netanyahu said the attacks of 9-11 were: "Good for Israel". It is no wonder the Zio-Jewish owners of Youtube had it removed! If in the future, it becomes re-available, I will be putting it back in here.

Of course Netanyahu's nonchalantness about publicly making such controversial statements is not that surprising considering how much control Zionist Jews have over the American media. The aftermath of 9/11 saw the Zionist-media unveil a relentless demonization campaign against Arabs stereotyping them all as a bunch of fanatical plotting terrorists -- a cause for celebration for Netanyahu and his criminal brethren who routinely look for any excuse to slaughter innocent Palestinians at a whim while confiscating their land in the process.

Likely Architect of 9/11

Netanyahu is considered by many to be the architect of the 9/11, directing the Mossad/Shin Bet. He was Israeli PM at the time and has a long history of involvement in Israeli terrorism and politics. He's been aprominent member of the Likud Government since 1993. The Likud Party is the literal successor of the Jewish terrorist organization known as the Irgun. He was the prime minister to whom the ACB Doc was presented. Netanyahu wrote a book in the early 80's called Terrorism: How the West Can Win (pictured right). He founded the Jonathan Institute in the late 1970's to study (and plan) terrorism. Egyptian Intellectual, Hassan Al Bana, has stated publicly that he thinks Netanyahu planned 9/11 with the Jews at the Jonathan Institute. Al Bana cites a book written by Netanyahu called Uprooting Terrorism which speaks of plans to attack the U.N., and the World Trade Center with small nuclear bombs.

Connected Events Lead to Israel

Sears Tower Incident On October 16, 2001 a group of Israelis were arrested in rural Pennsylvania for suspicious behavior behind a Pizzeria Uno. The manager of the store informed authorities of two middle eastern looking men dumping furniture out of a tractor-trailer with "Moving Systems Incorporated" sign on the side, behind his restaurant.

Police found the van and confronted its occupant who identified himself as Ron Katar, an Israeli. Katar pointed across the street to his compatriot named Mosche Almakias who was approaching the detained van with a female named Ayelet Reisler. Reisler suspiciously began to walk in a different direction once she spotted the police officer. She was found to have a German passport in one name and medication in another.

Elmakias admitted being behind the Pizzeria and said his destination was New York, but he had to make a pickup in Plymouth. However, the clever cover story began to fall apart as he could not provide a name or number of this client.

The police searched the van and discovered a Sony video camera containing a video taken of Chicago with several suspicious zoom-in shots of the Sears tower. Clearly these Mossad assets were planning some sort of false flag attack.These Israelis were eventually taken in by the INS and it was never heard about again.

An important side-note is that the Sears tower was bought by two Jews and one Gentile -- Lloyd Goldman, Joseph Cayre, and Jeffrey Feil in 2004. These men belong to the same group that backed Larry Silverstein's lease of the WTC complex giving Larry $125 million to do the deal.It seems that these criminal Jewish assets are all in on the same false flag terror / real-estate insurance scams together.

Psychotic Israelis Get Sloppy In City As reported by La Vox De Atzlan, two men posing as press photographers, but in reality being Israeli Mossad agents, were arrested INSIDE the Mexican congress on October 10, 2001 armed with 9mm pistols, 9 grenades, explosives, three detonators, and 58 bullets, but were RELEASED from custody because of pressure from the Israeli embassy. "We believe that the two Zionists terrorist were going to blow up the Mexican Congress. The second phase was to mobilize both the Mexican and US press to blame Osama bin Laden. Most likely then Mexico would declare war on Afghanistan as well, commit troops and all the oil it could spare to combat Islamic terrorism."

The Jewish terrorists names were Salvador Guersson Smecke(retired Israeli I.D.F. colonel), age 34, and Saur Ben Zvi, age 27.

These terrorists were released because of a very high level emergency meetings took place between Mexican Secretary of Foreign Relations Jorge Gutman, General Macedo de la Concha and a top Ariel Sharon envoy who flew to Mexico City specially for that purpose. Jorge Gutman is of the Jewish descent.

Israelis, Vans, Explosives... At It Again

On Monday May 13, 2002, Fox News reported that two Israeli nationals in a white van were pulled over in Oak Harbour, Washington, near the Whidbey Island Naval Air Station with explosives in their truck.

Federal Authorities brought in bomb sniffing dogs which reacted first on one of the Israelis and later on the van. High tech equipment was later used and confirmed the presence of TNT and RDX plastic explosive. The Israelis claimed to be delivering furniture to California but investigators doubted the story. Authorities say records for the Budget truck do not indicate any recent rental for the purposes of transporting explosives, which would require special permits; thus proving these explosives were illegal and obviously intended to be used for malicious purposes.

The Fox News article makes no mention to what became of these two Israeli terrorists which pretty much means they were quietly released.

Quotes From Prominent People

Former Italian President agrees, says Mossad did 9/11

Former Italian President Francesco Cossiga, who revealed the existence of Operation Gladio, has told Italy's oldest and most widely read newspaper that the 9-11 terrorist attacks were run by the Mossad, and that this was common knowledge among global intelligence agencies. In what translates awkwardly into English, Cossiga told the newspaper Corriere della Sera:

"All the [intelligence services] of America and Europe know well that the disastrous attack has been planned and realized from the Mossad, with the aid of the Zionist world in order to put under accusation the Arabic countries and in order to induce the western powers to take part in Iraq [and] Afghanistan."

Former Pakistani ISI Director Says it was Mossad

In an interview only a mere weeks after 9/11, Hamid Gul -- former head of Pakistani intelligence (ISI) from 1987-1989 -- tells Arnaud de Borchgrave, United Press International of who he thinks was behind the attacks. Here are a few excerpts from the transcript which can be read in full here:

De Borchgrave: So who did Black Sept. 11?

Gul: Mossad and its accomplices.The U.S. spends $40 billion a year on its 11 intelligence agencies. That's $400 billion in 10 years. Yet the Bush Administration says it was taken by surprise. I don't believe it. Within 10 minutes of the second twin tower being hit in the World Trade Center CNN said Osama bin Laden had done it. That was a planned piece of disinformation by the real perpetrators. It created an instant mindset and put public opinion into a trance, which prevented even intelligent people from thinking for themselves.

An observation: Jews weaken competing groups in a systematic way, per standard geopolitical theory, per Judaic commandment, to maximize Jewish power.

NTS Final Notes: There is absolutely no doubt anymore that Israel was responsible for the worst "terrorist" attack on US soil in their history. It will be only a matter of time before the people of America finally wake up to this terrible truth. When that day happens, there will be hell to pay for Israel and its agents in America indeed. world.html

Precisions on Bill Gates' situation, 2

March 1, 00:10 AM

The MH370's crisis enhanced since January, and an agenda seems active, with the new searches of the plane done by Ocean Infinity, which led me to send emails to Oliver Plunkett its CEO. In fact, February 10, for the first time, Bill Gates was imposed to board in the MH370, which is now in Seattle, by my sister Guizard, Howard Kohr, Eric Schmidt, Chuck Robbins, rabbi Zamir Cohen, all of them armed, and it lasted more than 50 hours, though Seattle's judges and the police went there. Since that moment, I spent even more than in the past days and nights at my computer, sent very many mails, wondered why I could not obtain results -that he leaves the plane where he was more than once imposed to board, that his aggressors let him in peace, while they imposed themselves at his home- more than two or three hours. States appeared involved, Australia, as ally of Israel, in a quite important way. The technical aspect which is a key one led me to write this mail to Oliver Plunkett : RF Control and the MH370 Re: Ocean Infinity's searches on MH370, Cisco and the Seabed constructor disappearance Mister Plunkett, This article which evoked Graham Phillip Bloy and his company RF Controls, was not the first one. It is a serie. You certainly know it. I must, once more, let you know that this search surprises me quite a lot. Many incidents are unusual, such as the mistake done by the journalist who interviewed Ghyslain Wattrelos February 26: raisons-du-crash_2631436.html. The MH370 disappeared March 8, not March 2, as he told it. You received former mails from me, know that to crash both the MH370 and a 777, property GA Telesis, as it was planned in 2014, is again targeted. I ask you to end this crisis, now. No one can trust that you ignore where is he MH370. Wishing that you shall come to your senses, I beg you to believe, Mister Plunkett, in my respectful thoughts, Nicole Guihaumé Nicole Guihaumé | Blog traitant d'un harcèlement au long ... Mon cher Bill, Nous te devons tous beaucoup. Sans ta résistance, la guerre aurait été déclarée depuis longtemps, et elle … continuer la lecture

Then, this other one : Norbert Jacquet and Ocean Infinity could end M370's drama Re: RF Control and the MH370 Mister Plunkett, To end the searches done by the Seabed Constructor seems necessary, now, a way or another, and facts, reality must be exposed. Noone on earth appears more legitimate, in my opinion, to address the aviation's incidents than Norbert Jacquet, whose writings you certainly know. To address the software failures may be necessary: a400m/airbus-knew-of-software-vulnerability-before-a400m-crash-idUSKBN1D819P and he does so for years now. While he faced years of harassment and violence organised by corruption, he appears to many as a more than reliable expert, the kind of rare experts whose evaluation could be recognized. In fact, to erase the informations available in many article such as this one: is impossible. The understanding of the software failures which permit such monstrous plan to be conceived can lead to end them, as they did not occur by coincidence. Your searches were planned for 90 days. If you managed Mister Jacquet's hearing to end them, you would reintroduce a meaning closed to a solution, opposite to the mass crimes planned. Wishing that you shall do so, I beg you to believe, Mister Plunkett, in my respectful thoughts, Nicole Guihaumé Nicole Guihaumé | Blog traitant d'un harcèlement au long ...

Mon cher Bill, 2394 d’un coup sur thunderbird, Brigitte, armée, te menaçant à domicile: Parvenir à une représentation m’est très … continuer la lecture

I sent them as I usually do to Oliver Plunkett, widely copied to different professionals, in his own field, and also other sea professionals, but also insurers, journalists, representatives, and observe, by the receipts received, quite an important attention. This drama poisons the political life since May 2017, after my sister Guizard filed an abusive complaint against him, using the curatorship, though I forbidded her to represent me on my back and clearly denounced it. She dared pretend that he harassed me, the complaint led to a condemnation imposed by AIPAC, and police custodies permit to put pressure on him. It is now quite known, as I sent mails since June, and communicated the receipts received, which could only be understood as confirmations due to the persons who sent them and did so during months. To obtain a firm change concerning this plane is now imperative, reason why I sent widely the first file, and shall continue with this one, asking to all the persons who read it to communicate it to all their private and professional lists, to end this nightmare. False flags must end, require that Bill Gates runs again Microsoft, what supposes this crazy curatorship cancelled. A huge mobilisation is required.

March 1, 1 PM

Once more, the water is used to put pressure on me. I was asked a visit to see the water I used, though I sent a picture of my counters February 2. I evoked it in my 305° letter to Bill Gates : Lettre à Bill Gates, 305 0 mars 1, 2018 par Nicole Guihaumé

Mon cher Bill,

Tu le vois, je suis fatiguée. Je me suis trompée dans ma dernière lettre, le mail que j’évoquais était celui-ci :

Mister Plunkett, To end the searches done by the Seabed Constructor seems necessary, now, a way or another, and facts, reality must be exposed. Noone on earth appears more legitimate, in my opinion, to address the aviation’s incidents than Norbert Jacquet, whose writings you certainly know. To address the software failures may be necessary: airbus-a400m/airbus-knew-of-software-vulnerability-before-a400m-crash- idUSKBN1D819P and he does so for years now. While he faced years of harassment and violence organised by corruption, he appears to many as a more than reliable expert, the kind of rare experts whose evaluation could be recognized. In fact, to erase the informations available in many article such as this one: clique-busted-in-malaysian-airlines-hoax/ is impossible. The understanding of the software failures which permit such monstrous plan to be conceived can lead to end them, as they did not occur by coincidence. Your searches were planned for 90 days. If you managed Mister Jacquet’s hearing to end them, you would reintroduce a meaning closed to a solution, opposite to the mass crimes planned. Wishing that you shall do so, I beg you to believe, Mister Plunkett, in my respectful thoughts, Nicole Guihaumé

Nicole Guihaumé | Blog traitant d’un harcèlement au long … Mon cher Bill, 2394 d’un coup sur thunderbird, Brigitte, armée, te menaçant à domicile: Parvenir à une représentation m’est très … continuer la lecture

Je l’ai complété, ensuite, par cet autre :

Mister Adamczyk, Mister McNerney, Mister Muilenburg, Mister Enders, The searches engaged by Ocean Infinity with the Seabird Constructor were obviously conceived to prepare the crashes. The contract was signed January 11, at a moment I was warned that another contract had been signed with a hired killer to murder me. My emails were a problem. I imagine that the crashes were supposed to occur during the searches supposed to end in April. This article, nevertheless exposed the bias : I copied you the mails I sent to Oliver Plunkett, and in my opinion, only a person such as Norbert Jacquet has the necessary credentials to intervene in this crisis context, as he is widely known for having voiced the software’s origins of many crashs. Would you support this solution, I guess that means exist to manage it with the less damages possible for your companies. States, but most of all AIPAC, are involved. It is not new, if we consider that Israel would never have existed without the micros placed in the UN, the pressures done to obtain the consent of the countries opposed to its creation, identified that way. I ignore what was done since I sent these emails, but would appreciate that you engage steps to obtain that Norbert Jacquet intervenes with your public support. With this hope, I beg you to believe, Mister Adamczyk, Mister McNerney, Mister Muilenburg, Mister Enders, in my respectful thoughts, Nicole Guihaumé Nicole Guihaumé | Blog traitant d’un harcèlement au long … Mon cher Bill, 2394 d’un coup sur thunderbird, Brigitte, armée, te menaçant à domicile: Parvenir à une représentation m’est très … continuer la lecture

Tout ça est difficile. Il a subi, comme moi, une plainte abusive de la Licra, la psychiatrie a été utilisée pour lui imposer silence, comme elle l’a été avec moi. J’ai pu échapper au placement redouté. Tout est tenté, pour contrôler. Depuis plusieurs années, ce sont les photos prises de mes compteurs d’eau qui servent de base, et elles sont cohérentes avec les volumes des années précédentes. J’ai eu trois présentations de charges aberrantes, mais pour les deux premières, ça a fini par se solutionner. On m’a cependant envoyé un huissier, malgré mes demandes de régularisation, en septembre 2016.

Hier, on a frappé ici, et dans ma situation, il est clair que je n’ouvre pas, ne regarde même jamais qui est là, les rares fois où ça arrive. Message téléphonique, ce matin, pour passer relever les compteurs. Le problème est évident, je n’ai plus d’eau chaude depuis le 4 janvier, et elle a été bloquée en lien avec le fait que je ferme depuis le robinet de la chasse. Le 2 février, j’ai envoyé, comme je le fais, une photo. Le 19, une lettre m’a été envoyée par Roger Madec. Je ne peux pas te la scanner, la fonction scanner a été désactivée, et tu sais comme je peux être confrontée à ces abus à distance sur mon matériel. Il me disait informer Stéphane Dauphin qui dirige Paris Habitat. J’ai renvoyé ce mail tout à l’heure :

De : Nicole Guihaumé Envoyé : jeudi 1 mars 2018 11:27 À : [email protected] Cc : Fatna Kireche; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Catherine Troendle Objet : TR: Compteurs d’eau Nicole Guihaumé appartement 208, 9 rue des Périchaux Bonjour, J’ai bien eu votre message me demandant de relever les compteurs d’eau. Je ne serai pas disponible avant plusieurs jours, et vous demande de prendre en compte la photo envoyée le 2 février, comme ce fut fait jusque là. Bien cordialement, Nicole Guihaumé

De : Nicole Guihaumé Envoyé : vendredi 2 février 2018 19:29 À : Fatna Kireche; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Roger Madec; Catherine Troëndle Objet : Compteurs d’eau Nicole Guihaumé appartement 208, 9 rue des Périchaux

Madame la Vice-Présidente, Mesdames, Monsieur le Sénateur, Monsieur, Je me permets de vous joindre une photo de mes compteurs d’eau prise aujourd’hui, à 594 m3 d’ecs, et 540 d’efs, contrairement aux 739 et 1052 m3 indiqués sur le courrier du 6 novembre dernier. J’ai signalé à différentes personnes ce troisième relevé aberrant, et réalise ce soir que je ne vous l’ai pas communiqué. La quittance de loyer de ce mois, en premier plan, vous permet de vérifier le moment de prise de la photo. Souhaitant que les personnes chargées de cet aspect corrigent cette nouvelle erreur, je vous prie de croire, Madame la Vice-Présidente, Mesdames, Monsieur le Sénateur, Monsieur, en mes sentiments respectueux, Nicole Guihaumé Je n’ai pas eu de capcha, comme j’en ai de Paris Habitat, et j’ai indiqué une nouvelle adresse, celle de Stéphane Dauphin.

Mon souci est évident. Mon compteur d’eau chaude est inchangé depuis la photo envoyée, et pour cause, et ma chasse a été altérée par les manipulations faites qui ont permis, du 9 décembre au 4 janvier, de puiser dans mon eau en actionnant une chasse qui semblait à l’étage au-dessus, que j’ai entendu jusqu’à toutes les 4 minutes, là où normalement, je ne l’entends pas. Je suis forcée de l’actionner deux ou trois fois, selon, pour qu’elle s’arrête. Si quelqu’un monte, je ne pourrai pas couper à des travaux, dont je ne veux à aucun prix. L’eau chaude est délibérément bloquée. Peut être débloquée de l’extérieur. Quant à la chasse, c’est un problème que je gère. Je ne suis donc pas demandeuse, mais en tant que locataire confrontée à des problèmes conçus pour m’imposer des contacts dont je ne veux pas, du fait de la situation de harcèlement que je subis.

J’attends solution. En droit, je dois récupérer ce que Michel a prévu pour moi, donc avoir les moyens de solutionner ma situation. Mon espoir, cela étant, est de te rejoindre sur Seattle, et en ce cas, de laisser cet appartement derrière moi dans les prochains mois. Il me semble qu’une évolution doit se faire, impliquée par la fin du scénario MH370. Elle devrait avoir lieu, il me semble, en mars, ou au pire, en avril. Suppose ou implique l’annulation de la curatelle. À partir de là, ma priorité est de te rejoindre, et de voir avec toi ce qui doit, ce qui peut être fait. Cet appartement devient accessoire. Le lâcher, une fois certaine d’avoir les moyens de faire face sans plus en avoir besoin ne me pose aucun problème, et là, ils font les travaux qui sont nécessaires. J’en suis locataire depuis 20 ans, ce qui justifie remise à neuf, aucunement nécessaire, mais de principe, au regard du droit.

J’espère que cette évolution se fera. Tu vois ma fatigue à mes erreurs. Pas un jour ne s’écoule sans que je sois ahurie de ce à quoi je suis confrontée, devant tout déduire de signes, et seulement de signes, sachant qu’il n’y a pas que toi et les personnes que tu mandates qui agissent. Nerveusement, la charge est importante. Si tu pouvais, toi, accélérer les démarches, si Boeing, Honeywell et Airbus le pouvaient, j’en serais soulagée.

Je vous embrasse fort, toi et les tiens,


NB : je ne trouve pas la pub « Vivre d’amour et d’eau chaude » qui a prolongé celle-ci : March 1, 4 PM

Pressures still exist, and to identify who acts behind whom is difficult. At the same moment, I had a phone call from the person who cares my building, and my phone reacts in at least a strange way, and an email from Norbert Jacquet which did not correspond to reality. I never pretended that he had informations on the MH370, and precised him immediately: Re: Cessez de me mêler à vos démarches Monsieur, Je vous prie de m'excuser, mais je n'ai à aucun endroit laissé entendre que je pensais que vous aviez d'autres éléments sur le MH370. J'ai juste écrit que vous aviez la compétence nécessaire pour intervenir. Rien d'autre, sinon, j'ai renvoyé à votre blog. Je vous ai mis en cci des mails envoyés, vous pouvez le vérifier. Je reste convaincue que votre parole sur ce dossier, dès l'instant où vous auriez des informations précises communiquées par Boeing, serait de première importance. Salutations distinguées, Nicole Guihaumé Nicole Guihaumé | Blog traitant d'un harcèlement au long ... Mon cher Bill, 2394 d’un coup sur thunderbird, Brigitte, armée, te menaçant à domicile: Parvenir à une représentation m’est très … continuer la lecture

------Sujet : Cessez de me mêler à vos démarches Date : Thu, 1 Mar 2018 14:49:57 +0000 (UTC) De : norbert jacquet Répondre à : norbert jacquet Nicole Guihaumé Pour :

Madame, Je vous renouvelle ma demande de cesser de me mêler à vos démarches. Vos affirmations sont fausses : je ne dispose d'aucun élément concernant le vol MH370 autre que ceux qui sont déjà connus. Vous racontez n'importe quoi à mon sujet. STOP ! Salutations distinguées. Norbert Jacquet

This is at least strange, as I only sent him one email, in 2014, one January 2015. He asked me not to join him to my steps, what I did. Then nothing until now, three years later, and this mail sent, at the exact moment I had a phone call to which I did not want to reply, but the line was on without my action, what I never observed in the past. I could not end it, just put the phone on its base.

March 1, 6 PM

I, then, wrote my 306° letter to Bill Gates: Lettre à Bill Gates, 306 0 mars 1, 2018 par Nicole Guihaumé Mon cher Bill,

Tout ce que j’exècre dans la vie est décidément réuni dans ce harcèlement. On voudrait faire plus médiocre, plus méprisable, qu’on n’y parviendrait pas, je crois. Aller jusqu’à mobiliser plusieurs structures contre une personne qu’on a délibérément isolée, après s’être permis de la prétendre suicidaire, ce qu’elle n’a jamais été, pour t’empêcher de la rencontrer, me révulse, et encore une fois j’écris une personne parce que j’observe la situation comme si elle arrivait à une autre. Je ne me sens pas concernée dans mon identité, mais bien dans un fait : Vergnes a validé un licenciement que Michel ne considérait pas normal, et s’est opposé à ce que tu me rencontres en lien direct à ça, il me semble. C’est un fait.

Ça fait plus de 28 ans, maintenant. Je paie encore. J’ai consigné dans Precisionsles derniers éléments, puis je lai adressé par mail à Boeing, Honeywell et Airbus. Apparemment, l’Australie semble concernée, impliquée depuis juillet 2000, et le crash du Concorde 4590, et se considère légitime à me pourrir la vie jusqu’au bout, ce qui est d’une obscénité révoltante. Ma stupéfaction tient au fait que personne ne s’oppose, alors que ces faits sont très largement connus. Je me sens de changer de vie du tout au tout, de tourner la page, tout en étant ouverte aux démarches nécessaires, mais depuis un autre contexte, dans lequel me charger comme c’est fait depuis des années ne sera plus possible. Comment soutenir l’enseignement du droit tel qu’il est pratiqué, avec la soit disant égalité de moyens requise dans toute procédure quand tu vois que de telles méthodes sont à l’oeuvre, et si elles sont utilisées avec moi, j’imagine qu’on les pratiquait avant 1990.

Le recours à procédure est impossible tant que la curatelle existe. Guizard passe derrière systématiquement, les annule. Avant donc toute procédure, la charge continuelle, sans aucune limite, toute intrusion permise. Je me sais, maintenant, matée en permanence, ce dont je me doutais depuis 2008, et ces épisodes où mon ordi que je gardais à côté de mon lit était allumé de l’extérieur, et l’était soit juste au moment où j’ouvrais les yeux, soit à des moments où j’étais très profondément endormie. Les moments où j’ouvrais les yeux, c’était tellement précis que je l’observais. C’est aussi cette année-là que j’ai compris que deux connexions s’opposent sur mon ordinateur. Imaginer qu’on aille jusqu’à filmer une personne à son insu dans son intimité, puisque c’est ce qui m’est communiqué, me sidère. Quelle image peut-on avoir de soi quand on se permet pareille indignité ? Encore une fois, où est l’égalité de moyens, et surtout, combien de règles de droit, de principes généraux du droit violés dans ce choix mis en actes des années durant ?

Autre exemple ; j’ai envoyé deux mails à Boeing, Honeywell et Airbus, l’un à 16h42, copié aux procureurs et conseillers d’état, qui ne me reçoivent que de ma messagerie one, l’autre à 16h55, aux élus australiens, avec les adresses récurrentes habituelles. À 17h01, série de non lus d’Alexis Tsipras. Rien que d’anciens mails, puisque je ne lui ai rien adressé depuis le 22 janvier : donc ce ne sont pas seulement des structures, mais des pays aussi. Je suis complètement isolée, j’ai 58 ans, je vis d’une allocation, conséquence directe ET du harcèlement, ET de la curatelle, qui m’a spoliée l’assurance que Michel a souscrite à mon nom. Difficile de faire plus violent, difficile de faire plus inéquitable, et cependant inscrit dans les façons de procéder, toléré donc.

Je vais être très crue, et aborder un aspect que je n’aime pas. Tu as eu des sentiments pour Brigitte, ça me semble évident, mais dans un contexte entièrement manipulé dans lequel tu ignorais jusqu’au fait qu’elle t’utilisait comme sésame auprès des leaders sionistes, après, certes, que Vergnes l’a séduite et mise en relation avec eux. En 1999, tu avais accès à TOUT ce qui me constitue et me caractérise. Tes sentiments se sont maintenus, en ayant ce même accès sans limite, de 1999 à mars 2003 minimum. Je prends cette date par souci de précision. En mars 2003, tu m’envoyais le recommandé qu’on a prétendu perdu, après l’avoir présenté à mon domicile. Quels ont été tes sentiments les plus forts ? Il me semble que la réponse est nette,, ne laisse place à aucun doute. Au minimum la France, Israël, l’Australie et ton propre pays se sont opposés à ce que tu les vives, et ont provoqué des catastrophes pour y parvenir. Dans quel monde vivons-nous pour qu’on se permette pareille violation de la vie privée ?

C’est allé jusqu’à tout mettre en œuvre pour obtenir que je me suicide, alors qu’aucun de mes aînés ne pouvait ignorer que j’ai, à la base, la même solidité qu’eux. Depuis, ça n’a pas arrêté, jusqu’à faire installer ce système pour actionner à répétition une chasse d’eau qui semblait tirée de l’étage au dessus d’où je n’entends normalement pas celle qui est tirée, et puisait dans mon eau. Puis, quand je me protège en fermant le robinet de la chasse, privation d’eau chaude. Ensuite, envoi du gardien pour relever les compteurs, là où depuis des années j’en envoie la photo, comme je l’ai fait le 2 février. Qu’on puisse se permettre ces intrusions incessantes autant que révoltantes, et que personne ne bouge me stupéfie. J’ai consigné bien des éléments dans Precisions que j’ai largement communiqué. Existe-t-il une certitude de ne jamais être confronté ? La confrontation si elle arrivait, exposerait une noirceur sans précédent, que toute nouvelle agression ne fait qu’aggraver.

J’espère un changement proche, écoeurée de cette violence constante, qui semble confirmer à chaque nouvelle illustration la détermination à nous considérer, tant toi que moi, comme définitivement privés de tout droit. Je vous embrasse fort, toi et les tiens,


Precisions on Bill Gates’ situation 2, 03012018, 4PM

I ignore when and how things will change. In my opinion, an issue exists at the core, is linked to the GIF so often presented, which listed the places and dates where the Jewish people endangered other ones who, then, had no other solution than to protect themselves. If my understanding is correct, we face a demonstration conceived in a breath by the intelligence which created us, can see past, present and future at the same time, the way the persons who experienced a NDE told us. Without this explanation, I cannot understand why it lasted so long, contained so many attempts which failed, led to the exposure of the mafia active, more and more known, now. The Pike's agenda supposed to stay hidden until the goal would be reached. It is not, and the goal, as well as the means used are more and more known, what cannot have been desired, and for those who are determined to control everything, the failure is obvious. Either they lacked means, and this explanation is irrelevant, or they are not the ones who really decide. My bet is there.

March 1, 11:30 PM

I wondered on a reliable solution, to end the crisis, as it is unsustainable to send emails for months, to receive receipts which confirm the situation known, and to obtain nothing, though it is question of crime and mass crimes. This led me to write directly to the leadership team of RF Controls, to ask them for the search of the MH370. I first had no idea on the way I could present my situation. Usually I discover it more known than I could have imagined. I decided not to add the url of my blog, not to join this file, as I so often do, sent this email: RF Controls and the MH370 Sirs, The serie of articles published on the nation, with this last one: gave hope to many persons concerned by the MH370. It seems that it never disappeared, but was highjacked, possibility recently illustrated by the Seabed Constructor. Would you locate it, your company would immediately gain a huge visibility, and it would end a nightmare for many of us. Personal reasons led me to send mass emails, such as this one. Boeing, Honeywell and Airbus's CEOs are used to receive them, informed of my motives. Would you locate the plane and communicate on it, they would certainly be as thankful to you as I would be. Wishing that you shall find it in the days to come, I beg you to believe, Sirs, in my respectful thoughts, Nicole Guihaumé Among the receipts received, I observed that New York representatives are more present than other ones. The false flags planned are known to target Manhattan. I may, now add this file to the next emails, to give precisions on the reasons why I ask for their intervention. The difficulty faced seems linked to Australia, which seems involved in the planned false flags and opposed to a solution, but at the same time, the articles on the Nation permitted to idenfy RF Controls as a possible help for the search, and they were communicated, what cannot be avoided. March 2, 00:30 AM

I wonder if the hackers who are after my computer, and those who give them their orders are still able to behave normally, as it is just unbelievable. I filed a complaint for hacking, as soon as I had catched enough proofs of it. It was July 7, 2011, more than 6 years ago. It was classified. It never ended since that day. Right now, I sent an email, and repeatedly, they are blocked, what leads me to close my mail box, reopen it and send it again. Until now, I had no problem that way. This time, my mail was sent, though it appeared blocked, and I sent it another time, so it seems that I sent twice exactly the same mail to the same receivers. I am aware that to say, write, send things twice was a code used in the harassment I denounce, and I am unable most of time to identify with certainty who acted. I don't like it, would prefer to never face a mail sent twice, at the same second. It occurs, and I went to wonder if the persons chosen by Bill Gates could have act, as a language, an answer. Sometimes, my addresses appear three times, and I hate that. Consider, if the persons he asked to act do so, that they have reasons, but for me it is difficult. He is, nevertheless severely targeted. Tonight, I have not the slightest doubt concerning the fact I was hacked to disqualify me. The persons who behave that way pretend to control this world, and target me for 27 years now, in vain, did not reach one of their goals, once considered that the major one was to impose him to marry my sister Guizard, as they had the certainty that she would manipulate him as they would ask her to do. 27 years of attempts and they fail. They used all the means available to push me to commit suicide, failed. And so on. And they are still behind my computer, target me with the means of the state on a regular basis. How can they lack awareness of their inability after so many failures, with the means used? I just cannot understand how human beings can go that far in madness.

March 2, 1:30 PM

I wrote my 308 letter to Bill Gates, aware that to date no solution is reached, what appears clearly with the thunderbird screens I joined in it. At the core of this situation, the determination to prevent him from meeting me. It seems to be done with the determination, maintained, that he marries my sister, but also to prevent him from sharing with me the proofs he has of the evolution, which he cannot oppose, as long as the curatorship exists. As soon as it is cancelled, I can meet him, and REALITY risks to be exposed, without bias, just facts, not distorted, and they are disgusting, no limit having existed in the violences perpetrated. It seems that what was done to make me disappear is just unbelievable, as well as what was done to control him. While he, as well as I, is continuously observed, proofs being kept of each single detail, the fact that he only knew in 2003 the relations my sister Guizard had in his back, since 1990, with the Zionists leaders proves the inequality, and the determination to manipulate him which dominated all the ties linked since day one. This inequality concerns the whole of us, as it can only be considered as proof of the agenda active, and of his position under constraint, whatever he can have done. He was identified before 1990 as a necessary tool -not a human being, a tool- Zionists considered necessary to fulfill the Pike's agenda. What followed can only be understood with this precision, this characteristic being shared by my older brother and sisters. While they certainly enjoy the certainty to be protected and to have some importance, a place they never had before they met him, they are just only tools to control him, lost their human dimension since this mafia put the grip on them. Here is my 308° letter to him : Lettre à Bill Gates, 308 0 mars 2, 2018 par Nicole Guihaumé Mon cher Bill,

Je n’ai plus de mots. Panne sèche. Je me suis réveillée dans cet effroi : 4 frère et sœurs aînés t’écrivant des années durant attendre mon suicide, alors qu’ils savaient pertinemment que je ne suis pas suicidaire, mais t’avaient menti pour te rencontrer. Puis Brigitte demandant à Cisco et Google de me pousser par tous moyens, de l’obtenir, ce suicide.

Ne pas pouvoir échanger directement donne aux faits compris une teinte irréelle. Ça ne se peut pas, donc ça ne s’enregistre pas, reste bloqué dans un espace impossible à nommer, entre le su, le pressenti, le vérifié, l’impossible à croire. Prêt à resurgir à la moindre incompréhension qui pourrait être gommée par ce surgissement. L’impensable existe bien, la preuve. Oui, mais la noirceur, d’où elle vient cette noirceur immonde ?

Peut-être est-ce de t’avoir évoqué dans ma dernière lettre Marie-Dominique Jarry qui a réveillé cet aspect. Je ne connaissais pas cette vétérinaire, conseillée par l’homme qui a incinéré ma première minette, après que le véto m’a imposé son euthanasie, rendue nécessaire par sa thrombose. J’ai gardé un souvenir si fort de ses remarques que régulièrement, quand je ne comprenais rien, elles me revenaient. L’impensable est là : attendre des années le suicide d’une personne non suicidaire qu’on a connue depuis son premier souffle. « Qui vous en veut ? Qui vous a coupée du monde avec vos chats ? » Devine ! À côté de moi, sur ma table, la lettre obséquieuse, puante, de Roger Madec :

Madame, J’accuse bonne réception de votre courrier me faisant part de la différence que vous constatez entre le relevé de votre consommation d’eau telle que mentionnée par Paris Habitat et celle que vous relevez directement sur votre compteur. Je vous remercie, par ailleurs, de la photographie que vous m’avez jointe à votre lettre et qui justifie votre constat. Votre correspondance a retenu toute mon attention. J’en informe Stéphane DAUPHIN, Directeur Général de Paris Habitat, en lui demandant d’y porter un intérêt particulier et qu’une réponse vous soit adressée dans les meilleurs délais. Restant à votre écoute, je vous prie d’agréer, Madame, l’expression de ma considération distinguée, Roger Madec Un monument de foutage de gueule. Insistant sur la photo, et passant sous silence le relevé joint avec deux évaluations précédentes corrigées :

Je n’ai pas la moindre idée du but visé par la demande de passage pour relever les compteurs. Je m’en méfie depuis longtemps. La dernière fois que ça a été fait, je n’ai pas lâché le gardien, et il est resté juste le temps nécessaire devant la colonne, mais on m’a demandé qu’il vienne une deuxième fois, et à nouveau, je ne l’ai pas lâché. Le relevé, la seconde fois, était identique à la première. Je me suis demandé s’il existait un moyen de trafiquer le compteur, et si, sans ma présence derrière lui, il aurait pu l’utiliser.

La difficulté est que la mauvaise foi est centrale. On peut évidemment dire que refuser un passage n’est pas normal. Que dire de cette chasse, sans arrêt tirée en haut, du 9 décembre, si je prends la date à laquelle j’ai fini par l’écrire, au 4 janvier, date à laquelle j’ai fermé le robinet de ma propre chasse ? Que dire de la privation d’eau chaude consécutive, et non liée à cette fermeture, il y a eu un moment où j’en ai eu à nouveau, puis ça s’est arrêté. Que dire de cette chasse qui ne s’arrête plus, que je dois, depuis le 9 décembre, actionner 2 fois pour qu’elle s’arrête, 3 fois depuis le 4 janvier, ce qui m’a permis de comprendre qu’il fallait fermer l’eau à ce niveau ?

Un passage est l’occasion de constater ces dysfonctionnements, et de m’imposer des travaux dont je ne veux à aucun prix. Je préfère me passer d’eau chaude, je m’y suis faite. Reste que c’est une véritable chasse à l’homme, sans répit, sans le moindre respect de la règle de droit, les seules règles étant la déloyauté et l’abus de pouvoir caractérisé. J’ai refusé, c’est vrai, le compteur qui permet un relevé depuis le palier, après avoir vu les témoignages, par des structures, de relevés exorbitants impossibles à contester puisque établis de cette façon qui permet de prendre la main sur le compteur. Qu’aurais-je fait si les 2182 euros demandés en 2016 l’avaient été suite à pareil relevé ? Je n’aurais eu aucune solution, aucun recours, et cette somme, je ne l’avais pas.

Je peux, dans le pire des cas, demander à un huissier de relever. Je ne sais pas comment régler cette difficulté à moindre coût. Mon espoir est toujours de quitter ce logement à brève échéance, et le relevé présenté est censé être à payer en juin, donc espérer avoir trouvé une solution d’ici là. Le fait est que les recherches du Seabed Constructor ont été programmées pour 90 jours, qu’en avril c’est fini. Le double false flag était apparemment programmé dans cette période. Je doute qu’il ait lieu. Reste ma situation, et me réveiller, présent à l’esprit ce fait que mes aînés, après m’avoir prétendue suicidaire, alors que ne pouvant ignorer que je ne l’ai jamais été, ce que l’absence de dossier médical le confirmant rend évident, t’ont rencontré du seul fait de ce mensonge, avant de t’envoyer tous ces SMS par lesquels ils affirmaient attendre mon suicide, me semble indiquer que l’origine de cette violence est là, enregistrée de cette façon dans mon psychisme.

Le fait est que Brigitte ne te lâche pas, en est à te menacer, armée, ce qu’elle a fait du 10 février à ces derniers jours. Il me semble que ça s’est arrêté avec les mails sur RF Controls. Cette nuit, j’ai repris mes envois vers eux. Décider, seule, de la façon de formuler un mail sans aucun élément m’est difficile. Je suis devenue littéralement allergique à ces présentations de fichiers qui me font me fermer comme une huître, de façon épidermique. Le premier envoi, je n’ai su que faire, si je devais joindre Precisions on Bill Gates’ situation ou faire au plus simple, sans l’url de ce blog, sans aucune indication me concernant, ce qui a semblé validé. Je l’ai fait. Puis un deuxième, en réponse, dans lequel je l’ai joint. Je dois décider de tout, entièrement seule, avec des enjeux qui concernent tout de même la destruction partielle de deux villes, et des fichiers présentés qui peuvent, chaque fois, l’avoir été en visant 3 buts différents, merci la curatelle. Nerveusement, c’est très éprouvant. Je me sens maltraitée, alors même que je suis consciente qu’il faut agir. La charge mise sur mes épaules est effarante, indécente, obscène. Il se trouve que j’ai ces quatre aînés. Monstrueux, répugnants. Ce qu’ils ont fait me révulse, la façon dont ils exposent des innocents par centaines encore plus. Seuls, ils ne pouvaient rien. Ils sont tout simplement mal finis, pas structurés, incapables de s’opposer au gang dans les griffes duquel ils sont tombés. À qui la faute quand l’absence de colonne vertébrale se manifeste passée 35 ans ? Il me semble que nous sommes responsables de ce que nous faisons de nous, une fois adultes, que les finitions, quand elles sont approximatives, nous incombent. Leur choix a été de maintenir le mensonge, culture familiale sur plusieurs générations. Incapacité crasse à regarder la réalité en face, à se situer dedans, et non dans des mythes. Me pousser au suicide, moi qui ne l’ai jamais validé, et m’y suis farouchement opposée, leur était pensable. Ma faute ? Avoir, à 20 ans, osé dire à notre père que je le savais divorcé, remarié, père de deux autres enfants, avoir accepté de les voir. Ils ont trouvé préférable, plus tard, de partouzer avec lui et ses frères, avant de te prétendre responsable de ces turpitudes. Allo Sainte-Anne ?

J’ai toujours ces affichages thunderbird, différents sur l’ordinateur qui a un antivirus, celui qui n’en a pas. Les deux sont augmentés de 1 par rapport à cette nuit :

reviennent sur des mails différents, anciens : Il va me falloir reprendre mes envois.

Je vous embrasse fort, toi et les tiens,


I still wonder if Norbert Jacquet, in relation with what he put online [], without any comment from me, could, informed of the reality of the MH370 by persons legitimate to do so, such as Boeing, Honeywell and Airbus' CEOs, as well as Bill Gates, intervene to end this nightmare. If I observe the insistance present on my computer, concerning him, without any other comment than the fact that a file of addresses I opened in 2014, in which I highlighted his address, is repeatedly presented to me, he seems to have means identified by Bill Gates and the persons he chose to guide me, which could help us to end this drama.

March 2, 7 PM

The A320 crash of Habsheim seems to have had a political meaning, to have been a language sent for the second mandate of Mitterrand, after communists failed significantly during the first round, April 24. The European construction was targeted, and planned as promoted by them. This page gives details on the way the years 1988-1990 were conceived and run: Bill Gates, apparently validated the crash, had a prior knowledge of it, what explains why this language was used to target him with the mont Sainte Odile crash. The meaning was that Zionists were determined to impose their Pike's agenda and that he was supposed to behave the same way France was imposed to behave by the crash Habsheim. As he maintained the condition he had to meet our mother to marry my sister Guizard, wedding which still did not occur, the MH370 was conceived in 2014 to let him know that he was supposed to obey, submit this privacy to Zionists' plan, and they decided as soon as 1990 that he would marry my sister, whom they fucked in his back. Australia, Israel's ally, was involved in the MH370's script, as it was, too, in the Habsheim crash, which occurred for its bicentenary. It now pushes for the crash and opposes to all the solutions proposed. What is difficult to understand is that Michel Asseline, the A320's pilot in Habsheim, once released, after almost one year in jail, went to live in Australia, what appears in Roger Rapoport's book The Rio/Paris Crash: Uncovering the Secrets that Changed Aviation History. I can obviously not reach an understanding in urgency, and the MH370 drama has to come to an end, but foreign relations seems to have had a strange place, for example if one considers the Rainbow Warrior July 1985, and what it provoked in the relations France had in the South Pacific. I was much than astonished by the refusal Roland Dumas opposed to the demands I sent him, as soon as 2014. He has, in my opinion, an obvious responsibility in what occurred around Bill Gates and my sister since 1990, seems to have participated in orgies, and benefited from all the advantages Bill Gates' wealth and celebrity could produced. Never accepted to defend me, what I do consider as a tremendous failure of responsibility. Fact is that he was France's foreign minister from 1988 to 1993. I only discover now the importance of Australia and America which both seem to have validated the Habsheim crash, in direct relation with Israel. In this agenda, Bill Gates, once more, was considered, as soon as identified, as a tool to manipulate. What I cannot understand is the determination to control his privacy, though he validated the Habsheim's crash, and by it, proved his consent in the steps done and the means used. Fact is that Joan Brewer gave insights: on the way his consent was obtained, and that it may have always been obtained by his privacy.

If I observe, now the countries obviously involved, Greece, by Alexis Tsipras, appears quite active, and in direct relation with what I do:

Only the three last ones are new on this last copy. The other ones being on the former ones. All the mails were sent before January 22. The receipts were sent immediately after two emails sent at 4:42 and 4:55 PM, copied below :

This may explain the difficulties to reach a solution to the MH370's crisis, but should worry French and American representatives and citizens, as Marseille and Manhattan are supposed to be hit by two 777 full of nuclear warheads, due to blockings imposed by Australia, Greece, Israel, and maybe other ones I have not yet identified. In this dramatic situation, RF Controls and the possibility it developed to locate even planes, appear as an unforeseen element impossible to avoid, and dangerous for the warmongers as it exposes them dramatically, should obviously impose a solution. This may be the reason why such an insistance exists on my computer concerning Norbert Jacquet. While I clearly ignore what he knows and has not written, Bill Gates seems informed of the possibilities of action he has. They seem to have fought in opposite sides, back in 1988, and to be, now, in different situations, which noone can compare, apart that they are both severely targeted. Australia cared the searches, did not ask Cisco its data. Could such a failure have occured by coincidence? Obviously not. This permits to other ones, concerned, to intervene. To make things clear on the way I proceed, I first began another letter of Blog to Bill Gates by these words : Mon cher Bill, Lech Walesa serait concerné, aussi, et depuis Habsheim ? Le projet de contrôle de la planète était donc à ce moment, très avancé, avec identification des pays pivots, et de leurs leaders. Je t'avoue une difficulté certaine à organiser les bribes de compréhension que je glane, et qui semblent faire de ce crash voulu, les problèmes techniques qui ont rendu sa survenue possible, ayant été délibérés, un signal adressé à Mitterrand et à son gouvernement, en lien avec la débâcle des communistes au premier tour des élections. Là où ils étaient censés participer à la construction européenne, le propos sera d'en maintenir le projet, quoi qu'il en soit. Exit la responsabilité de l'avionneur, immédiatement blanchi par Louis Mermaz, le pilote sera chargé. While the MH370's crisis has to come to an end, I lack the necessary means to understand the whole. Would Norbert Jacquet be communicated the required information and intervene in relation with Boeing, Honeywell, Airbus' CEOs and Bill Gates, a solution could be found.

March 3, 2 AM

I, then, wrote an email to Norbert Jacquet, widely copied : Monsieur,

Vous écrire après que vous m'avez demandé de ne pas le faire m'est difficile. J'ignore ce que vous savez, ne savez pas de ma situation, mais sais les logiciels impliqués dans les crashs que vous avez dénoncés, comme ils l'ont été dans la disparition du MH370. Bill Gates, si j'en crois ce qui m'est communiqué par signes, semble avoir validé le crash de juin 1988 à Habsheim. Les logiciels Microsoft ont donc une responsabilité, ce crash ayant été apparemment voulu.

Je précise que je n'écris rien de ma propre initiative à ce propos, mais uniquement en lien direct à ce qui m'est communiqué par mon ordinateur. J'ai dénoncé en mars 2010 le choix fait de concevoir des softs avec des failles de sécurité de façon délibérée dans un mail adressé à Steve Ballmer, en ligne sur le site du sénateur Scott Perkins à cette adresse, dans un mail de 2014 qui le reprenait : 09_Complement_sur_MH370.pdf.

Je l'avais joint à cet autre mail :

La privation de contact direct qui m'est imposée par une monstrueuse curatelle obtenue dans mon dos en 2003, pour le ligoter, lui, et l'empêcher de me contacter, me contraint à ne recevoir d'informations que par signes qui utilisent les différentes connexions de mon appartement, et mes ordinateurs. Parmi ces signes, un fichier d'adresses email de 2014 dans lequel la vôtre figure. Quand pareille présentation est répétée, je cherche à identifier si une personne précise explique cette répétition, qu'il me faut, en ce cas, identifier. J'ai mis votre adresse en surbrillance, et depuis ce fichier, sans cesse, m'est présenté.

Si je n'ai aucun moyen de deviner ce que vous pouvez ou ne pouvez pas, concernant le MH370, ces présentations me semblent indiquer qu'il souhaite que vous interveniez. J'ai adressé plusieurs mails à ce sujet à Messieurs Adamczyk, McNerney, Muilenburg, Enders et à lui qui est en copie systématique de mes mails depuis 2013. Pourriez-vous voir avec eux ce qui est souhaitable, possible, et qui ne peut se concevoir que comme partie d'un dédommagement complet de ce que vous avez subi depuis votre courageuse dénonciation du crash d'Habsheim ? Je vous joins le fichier dans lequel je tente régulièrement de préciser ma compréhension, à jour.

Je me permettrai de faire plusieurs envoi de ce mail en le copiant chaque fois à différents professionnels auxquels je demande, à leur tour, de le transférer à leurs listes personnelle et professionnelle, comme je le fais depuis 2014.

Dans l'espoir que vous accueillerez favorablement ma demande, je vous prie de croire, Monsieur, en mes sentiments respectueux,

Nicole Guihaumé Nicole Guihaumé | Blog traitant d'un harcèlement au long ...

Mon cher Bill, 2394 d’un coup sur thunderbird, Brigitte, armée, te menaçant à domicile: Parvenir à une représentation m’est très … continuer la lecture

And after having sent it quite a number of times was presented the file in which I took the email addresses of representatives from the Missouri, state were RF Controls is established. It seems that they acted immediately after they received my email, and asked to Norbert Jacquet to intervene. Nothing more important could occur. I wrote this letter to Bill Gates :

Lettre à Bill Gates, 309 0 mars 3, 2018 par Nicole Guihaumé

Mon cher Bill,

Aujourd’hui, à nouveau, tentative de compréhension par le contexte politique. À nouveau cette bizarrerie des chansons qui s’imposent d’un coup, peuvent insister, alors que je ne les reconnais pas comme faisant partie de mes repères, des chansons qui m’ont marquée, à un moment où à un autre. J’écris beaucoup moins au papier, je n’en ai plus le temps. Avant, je les notais, et je me souviens que plusieurs fois «Varsovie» de Sardou, d’un coup m’est venue à l’esprit, ce que je ne savais pas comprendre. Ce fut à nouveau le cas, aujourd’hui, et j’ai fait une recherche sur Lech Walesa, avant de faire un test au clavier. Était-il concerné par ce qui s’est passé ? Ça n’a pas loupé. Et beaucoup s’est enchaîné de cette façon non pas brouillonne, mais assurément pas méthodique non plus. J’ai encore complété Precisions depuis cette difficulté constante de mettre en ligne sans temps de recul, parfois sans même me relire, et je fais quantité de fautes que je ne faisais pas avant, certaines, très bêtement liées au clavier, à une touche appuyée, mais mal.

Le fichier dans lequel figure l’adresse de Norbert Jacquet, sans cesse a été présenté. J’ai du mal avec ces fichiers affichés. D’autres seraient certainement plus habiles, là où je ne les supporte que peu nombreux, et quand je n’y suis pas depuis longtemps. Après plusieurs heures de clavier, mon réflexe est le rejet. Comment comprendre une adresse présentée, juste ça, et un autre affiché, à peine je cherche à vérifier le but visé ? Il semblait, aujourd’hui, qu’il faille que je lui écrive. Je l’ai donc fait, et à la fin seulement, j’ai réalisé des erreurs qui m’ont échappé. J’oublie parfois de changer les adresses récurrentes, quand je passe d’un mail adressé à Boeing, Honeywell et Airbus, à celui que je lui ai adressé, ce soir, par exemple. La majorité est partie sans leurs adresses, par oubli, et ça, c’est de mon fait sans le moindre doute possible. D’autres fois, il m’est arrivé d’oublier de les enlever, et donc de les laisser en récurrents, alors que mon mail leur était adressé. Ils recevaient donc deux fois chaque mail. Un autre oubli, et là, je ne le comprends pas, parce qu’il ne figure pas sur tous les mails envoyés, concerne ceux que je reprenais. Les deux adressés à RF Controls ont été repris sur certains mails, pas sur tous, et je ne comprends pas ce qui s’est passé.

Pendant que je fais mes envois, ce qu’ils contiennent est présent, et là, dans celui adressé à Norbert Jacquet, j’ai écrit que tu as validé le crash d’Habsheim, ce que je n’ai regardé qu’hier, vendredi. Pareil mail a un aspect insensé, il faut bien le reconnaître. Je n’ai pas même eu le temps de vérifier si ça figure écrit dans un document juridique, par exemple la curatelle, puisque le fait que tu as validé l’incident du Concorde 4590 semble y figurer. Je fais mes envois, tout ça présent à l’esprit, oubliant parfois à quel fichier je m’adresse, à ce moment. Tout se passe comme si ça figurait dans la curatelle, et permettait, en l’utilisant, de tirer profit de façon totalement illégale d’actes que tu as posés dans un contexte totalement manipulé. Quand je vois ça, je peux me demander si tu vis quelque chose comme une menace perpétuelle par rapport aux assurances, si des dommages auraient pu être couverts qui ne le seraient plus à l’instant où ta validation deviendrait publique.

J’en reviens à mon incompréhension face à l’inaction, et je peux penser qu’il y a, de façon très systématique, voire formalisée, des stratégies pour piéger toute personne ayant des responsabilités dans le but de la soumettre ensuite. Ce qui était visé était que tu valides le double false flag nucléaire des 777, et ça l’était en se fondant sur la curatelle qui ferait donc état de ta validation d’Habsheim et du Concorde 4590. Comme un piège insatiable. Une fois que tu es tombé dedans, tu serais redevable, et devrais continûment valider. Il y a tout de même un problème dans le fait que tu valides quelque chose qui t’est présenté, et a été initié par d’autres qui, ensuite, s’appuient dessus, exposant le calcul qu’ils ont fait à la base, ce qui rend le consentement vicié. Ils attendent leur retour sur investissement en quelque sorte. Vous pourriez, Norbert Jacquet et toi former un tandem dans le but d’assainir la situation, vous avez par vos deux expériences toute la gamme des dommages occasionnés à des personnes non concernées à la base par le plan de Pike mais qui se sont trouvées exposées à lui, soit parce que possible promoteur souhaité tel, soit parce qu’obstacle à lui.

Ma difficulté, tu le sais, est l’absence de visibilité. J’envoie ces mails, et ignore tout de la façon dont ils sont perçus, de ce qu’ils peuvent provoquer. Demain, la curatelle est levée, je suis là, j’agis volontiers si je le peux, et si je peux échanger directement sur ce qui est à faire. Je ne mets pas plus de limites qu’actuellement, et tout mon temps passe au clavier. J’attends qu’un changement ferme soit enclenché, que donc ce que tu me fais communiquer ou me communique si tu es parfois connecté, devienne public. Qu’enfin un chantier commence avec le but clairement énoncé de mettre un terme à ces violences, de poser un cadre tel que chantages et menaces ne puissent plus être exercées, pour obtenir, ce qui est un comble, validation de crimes de masse.

Ce que je découvre maintenant est le nombre de pays impliqués. Pour ces derniers jours, Australie et Pologne. La Grèce, ça fait un moment. Israël et les Etats Unis, comme Allemagne et France, des années. Je suis, là, fatiguée. La recherche de compréhension, telle que je la vis, est douloureuse. Je suis dans cette histoire, non pas spectatrice, aucunement extérieure, dedans. Mon existence a dérangé, et a été à l’origine de choix criminels sans que j’aie eu aucun moyen de m’y opposer. Je l’ignorais totalement. Je sais depuis des mois que la Lituanie me considère indésirable. Juste parce que j’existe et que tu choisis de t’adresser à moi de la seule façon qui t’est actuellement possible. Je te suis une sorte de ventriloque. Si je prends, par exemple, les derniers fichiers affichés, les élus du Missouri, état dans lequel se trouve RF Controls, semblent avoir agi, ce qui a pour conséquence que les assurances, en cas de crash, ne pourraient pas couvrir. Ils semblent avoir demandé l’intervention de Norbert Jacquet. Ce fut donc quasiment immédiat. C’est à l’évidence ce que la journée a permis de plus important. Je le découvre à l’instant. Dès que je suis reposée, je tente de mieux comprendre ce qui se dessine, semble devoir permettre de passer à un autre temps. J’y aspire à un point tel que même difficile à énoncer.

Je vous embrasse fort, toi et les tiens,


Precisions on Bill Gates’ situation 2, 03022018, 7PM

Monsieur Jacquet, Bill Gates souhaite que vous l’aidiez à mettre un terme aux crashs aériens provoqués de l’extérieur 02032018 Norbert Jacquet cc Bill Gates, récurrents dont conseil d’état, juradm

March 3, 12:30 AM

It seems that a solution is in fact found, which i confirmed in my 310° letter to Bill Gates:

Lettre à Bill Gates, 310 0 mars 3, 2018 par Nicole Guihaumé

Mon cher Bill,

Un changement semble enclenché, qui n’a pas été possible jusque là. L’équipe dirigeante de RF Controls, encore une fois, si je ne fais pas d’erreur, aurait localisé le MH370 et aurait communiqué cette localisation aux élus du Missouri dans lequel ils se trouvent, et auxquels je me suis adressée pour la première fois jeudi à 22h49, ici, 15h49, chez eux. Mon premier mail à RF Controls est parti jeudi à 21h38, donc très peu avant. Je les avais évoqués dans un premier mail à Oliver Plunkett le 28 février, mercredi, à 2h13. Il m’a fallu deux pleines journées avant de penser à chercher leurs adresses, et à m’adresser directement à eux.

Ils semblent, ensuite, avoir demandé à Norbert Jacquet, en lien avec Boeing, Honeywell, Airbus, Ocean Infinity et toi, d’intervenir, ce que celui-ci accepterait. J’ai toujours cette difficulté à énoncer sans avoir moyen de vérifier. Je vis ça violent, douloureux. Je me suis déjà trompée. Il y a cependant une logique incontournable, du fait que beaucoup trop est en ligne, si je prends, par exemple, ces trois liens :

RF Controls, contacté, a intérêt à répondre, et engagerait, il me semble, sa responsabilité, s’il ne le faisait pas. Ce serait en opposition avec ce qu’il propose. Les élus de l’état dans lequel ils se trouvent sont les plus immédiatement concernés. Je n’ai, cependant, rien reçu qui confirme, ni même accuse réception des mails que je leur ai envoyés. J’ai vu, hier, que l’adresse de Jim McNerney revenait en erreur. Je l’ai noté dans mon fichier, étonnée. Celle de Dennis Muilenburg passait, donc ce n’était pas un barrage sur Boeing. Le fichier des élus du Missouri a été affiché à ce moment précis, et je n’ai pas su comprendre. C’est une seconde présentation, hier soir, qui m’a menée à questionner.

Si donc ils ont bien contacté Norbert Jacquet en lui demandant d’intervenir, et s’il l’a accepté, on peut tout espérer, il me semble. Il y a une logique. Tu dois être dans les plus informés des projets conçus avec les failles de sécurité, et tu as validé leur utilisation pour le crash d’Habsheim et pour celui du Concorde 4590, ce qui suppose que la demande t’en a été faite, que tu sais tout de l’origine de cette trahison, parce que ça en est une, et des buts visés. Lui, en tant que pilote, a dénoncé avant même le crash d’Habsheim, les dangers du tout informatique. A subi une chasse à l’homme insensée. Qu’il puisse retrouver une vie normale est urgent. Qu’ensemble, vous posiez les bases du nécessaire changement qui se profile, tout autant.

Je serai heureuse, soulagée, quand ces faits seront publics, que je n’aurai plus à m’engager sur des déductions faites à partir de fichiers présentés, d’articles lus, de mails envoyés.

Je vous embrasse fort, toi et les tiens,


March 3, 2:30 PM

A reply to all was sent to the mail I sent to Norbert Jacquet. While the mail was received by the address [email protected], the reply was sent by Rebar O.Hussein: The file in which I have this coordinates is an old one which I did not use since maybe 2014, is quite often presented to me. The mail concerned is this one : The mails sent to this address, from this box : the receipt and answer :

I am aware of the political issues involved in the mails I sent, and Kurdistan may be concerned. What I consider definitely insane is the abuse done of the situation I face, quite known. I have no way to know precisely, to exchange directly on the mails I sent, which I write on the sole basis of signs, after years of harassment, my suicide having been targeted for years. It is due to an illegal curatorship obtained in my back on the basis of forgeries, whose annulment I ask in vain since April 2016. How a sane person could consider this reaction otherwise than as a proof of involvement in a criminal mafia, whose goal is to maintain it, and to maintain the backdoors which permit to murder by hundreds, and were supposed to destroy part of Manhattan and Marseille? The ones concerned are once more those described in this article: clique-busted-in-malaysian-airlines-hoax/. The means they use are the most despicable ones. I shall communicate this reply to Missouri's representatives, wishing that they shall maintain their involvement to end this nightmare, and give Norbert Jacquet the support and protection he obviously needs.

March 4, 1:30 PM

My emails are more and more blocked, what is an obviously difficulty against which I have few solution. I observe an intensity, which may be linked to the agenda. Both crashes were obviously planned during the searches done by Ocean Infinity. As soon as RF Controls is evoked, they are blocked. Then I asked for the intervention of Norbert Jacquet, and reactions visible to the not read receipts immediately sent are obvious. Not read receipts of former mails, some sent more than a year ago, other more recent, are in fact routinely used as language. I have different mails boxes on my domain, hosted by, did not looked at all these last days due to the pressure, but saw the number of reactions March 1, as I asked for his action. Some went from the Bundestag, which does not receive anything from me since the end of August, as it blocked my address, some other ones from my brother in law, Michel Guizard, other ones from the Tavistock relationships' policy and communications manager, Richard Meier, for example: 1832613551.1520165374 :

But worse, as I wrote my last letter to Bill Gates, I received these not read receipts from a HR coordinator of MSF Hollande, Krista Van Weelden: I just only replied by this mail : Here is the letter I wrote to Bill Gates, when these not read receipts were sent: Lettre à Bill Gates, 311 0 mars 4, 2018 par Nicole Guihaumé Mon cher Bill,

109 sur thunderbird, à nouveau :

alors que vendredi à 20h, c’était stable à 32 depuis 14h. Les difficultés de messagerie sont importantes. Je peux prendre des fichiers récents, de 2017, et avoir de nombreux retours en erreur. Quand je regarde, ce que je ne fais pas toujours du fait du nombre et de la quantité de messages un par un qui, à traiter, est fastidieuse, je tombe sur «la connexion a expiré», donc l’adresse est bonne, je ne peux pas l’exclure, mais le mail n’est pas reçu. Si je dois traiter tous les retours, je perds quantité d’adresses qui passent irrégulièrement. Quand Google bloque, la quantité est importante, révoltante. Le changement, à l’instant où, par mail, je leur demande de cesser ces blocages abusifs, est considérable. C’est ce qui m’incite à mettre de côté les messages erreurs, quand la pression est importante.

Je ne sais pas où on en est, concrètement, du fait de ces messages. Il y a des blocages barracuda, mimecast, att, qui ne sont pas constants. J’ai la même difficulté avec. Si je supprime les adresses concernées, je me prive de les joindre, quand les blocages n’y sont pas. Je peux avoir 20 messages erreur, dont 19 avec une adresse, et un avec cent. Je peux, certes, chercher une autre messagerie. Il m’est arrivé d’en avoir jusqu’à trois en même temps, et les adresses bloquées étaient différentes. Là, tous les élus du Missouri, alors que leurs adresses ont été affichées à un moment très précis, quand celle de Jim McNerney m’est revenue. À ce moment, j’ai eu l’impression de tests fiables qui indiquaient action de leur part.

J’ai une difficulté avec un autre fichier constamment présenté dans lequel j’ai des adresses Shell. J’en ai 21 dont j’ai eu des AR. Elles me reçoivent donc. Le fichier dans lequel j’ai ces adresses, avec celles d’autres entreprises m’a été plus d’une fois présenté après un des fichiers de Precisions à l’endroit, dans la 301° lettre que je t’ai écrite, où j’aborde le talmud imposé à la France, et les viols, ce passage qui m’a menée à me demander si dans ce fichier d’adresses, une entreprise avait une responsabilité particulière, à cet égard, les utilisait pour gagner des marchés ou régler des différends en imposant sa loi : Quand je fais une recherche sur adresses Shell, je tombe facilement sur des liens qui renvoient à un scandale, comme celui- ci , celui- là : Il y est question d’alcool et autres dons livrés en quantité dans un but de corruption, et non réglés par Shell à une société OSSL. Ça remonte au début des années 2000. Il semble pourtant y avoir un lien avec le MH370, si je me fie à un autre fichier présenté, celui des liens, avec cet article en surbrillance : qui fait référence à une action bâclée, à un manque de fignolage qui fait que n’importe qui, par exemple, peut identifier que Sarah Bajc est la femme de Steve Bajc.

Si je suis rigoureusement la présentation de fichiers faite, je suis amenée à me demander, j’y reviens, si Shell, dans son déploiement commercial, utilise le viol pour obtenir un consentement par contrainte, et en pareil cas, si les pressions exercées sur Norbert Jacquet pour qu’il n’intervienne pas à tes côtés pour mettre un terme aux false flags sont de cette nature. Autrement dit la réponse à tous faite par cet ingénieur de Kurdistan 24 était-elle de lecture directe en langage codé lisible par les seuls initiés ? Ça supposerait des pratiques régulières, connues de toute personne en lien professionnel avec des sionistes, et signifiant qu’ils n’hésitent pas à envoyer ce que je ne sais que nommer violeurs professionnels, aussi insensé que ça me paraisse, rigoureusement comme je le vivais, à l’instant où je les signalais à ton sujet. La contrainte est-elle pratiquée de cette façon, par partouzes imposées, mais pas seulement ? De ce que j’ai pu saisir du talmud, tel qu’il a été imposé à la France entre 1981 et 1986, tel qu’il paraît notamment dans The other Israel de Ted Pike, il n’y a aucune limite à l’emprise juive. Ce texte est donc référence imposée, non connue du public, ce qui est scandaleux.

Les pilotes, par les destinations de leurs vols, sont amenés à séjourner brièvement dans de nombreuses capitales, et pourraient être plus exposés que d’autres, par leur profession même, ou au minimum, être informés de ces pratiques qui pourraient leur être épargnées, mais évoquées au moindre écart, à la moindre action par laquelle la mafia sioniste se sentirait visée. En pareil cas, Jacquet a dû en subir plus d’une fois. Tu imagines ma gêne à t’écrire ça, alors que lui m’a demandé de ne pas le contacter, sachant qu’il m’a adressé cette demande au moment exact où le gardien m’appelait et où la ligne a été établie sans que j’aie appuyé sur la touche, je n’ai donc pas répondu à ses «allo». Si je ne me trompe pas, on a des scénarios complètement bloqués par ces menaces de viols qui ne peuvent être contrés que par une dénonciation explicite. Encore une fois, ma position ne m’est pas simple, du fait que je ne peux rien vérifier directement, mais qu’en décembre, j’ai écrit dans des mails qui ont été reçus par la CPI et la Cour de Cassation que leurs deux présidents y étaient soumis. Si ça avait été inexact, j’aurais évidemment dû me prendre une volée de bois vert, tout comme tu aurais dû me recadrer si j’avais mal compris en ce qui te concerne, toi.

Tout se passe comme si ma position retranchée, sans aucun lien, me permettait cette dénonciation, avec la charge nerveuse qu’elle implique, du simple fait que je ne peux rien vérifier, pas plus que savoir comment mes mails sont reçus. Un rituel se met en place par ces lettres de blog, ensuite copiées dans Precisions, sans que je sache rien, non plus, de l’utilisation qui peut être faite tant des lettres que de ce fichier à tout le moins étrange, adaptation venue aux fichiers présentés. Je me plains parfois, comme je l’ai fait cette nuit, de ce schéma : Lettre ensuite copiée dans Precisions, ensuite envoyée par mails. Je peux le vivre, si la durée d’activité quotidienne est raisonnable. Je peux, si je n’oppose rien à ce qui m’est demandé, depuis décembre et la chasse d’eau en haut, avoir une amplitude horaire trop importante par rapport au coût nerveux, sachant que c’est depuis le 1° février, je crois, que le pire a été atteint, me menant certains jours à 4 heures de sommeil, en étalant, sans sortie pendant plusieurs jours. Là, je pète les plombs, alors que je peux assumer la même charge avec un repos normal. Je te donne ces précisions qui me semblent refléter un contexte totalement dégradé. Je serais, si j’en crois ce qui m’est communiqué, seule à pouvoir agir, du fait de cette position retranchée.

La déduction qui s’impose est que le mieux est que lettres et fichier Precisions soient de principe le plus largement communiqués possible, mes mails étant bloqués sans que j’y puisse rien. Je peux prendre une autre boîte mail. J’ai eu des difficultés avec toutes. Là, j’en ai deux, dont une est bien plus piratée que la seconde, avec ces adresses bloquées, mais dans la seconde, les blocages arrivent en messages erreurs provoqués par google, mimecast, barracuda, et les éternelles connexions supposées avoir expiré. Je ne peux que continuer, en respectant mon besoin de repos sans lequel je finis par perdre du temps par réaction à la surcharge. J’ai des limites humaines. Elles existent, mais ne limitent pas mon implication de principe.

Je vous embrasse fort, toi et les tiens,


It can take me quite a time to write either an email or a letter, as I verify its content, and files are presented to precise it, as I do so. This letter was online at 11:32 AM, while the not read receipts were sent a Sunday, at the exact moment I wrote it, questionned on the rapes done, at 10:57 AM. I can only see in these receipts the proof that my computer is controlled in real time, and that the rapes are real, what led to this reaction. Then, I received these ones from the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis: I can only observe them as the issues and their dangers are widely known. The determination to crash both 777 seems maintained. I shall try to reach the Missouri's representatives, and ask to all the persons who read this file to send it to them, ask for their action, as well as for their support and protection to Norbert Jacquet, whose intervention is really necessary. I hope he maintains it. To let know to insurances that the MH370 was highjacked and is in Seattle, with the technical proofs RF Controls can produce and this link to my email and its attachments on the senator Scott Jenkins's website: is also required. That way, to cover a planned mass murder would appear as an obvious and active participation to mass crime done in full awareness, due to the prior knowledge and consent.

March 4, 9 PM While the thunderbird screen on one of my two computers is now at 25, what seems to indicate a possible solution, or steps engaged to obtain it, the other one is still at 957. It is on the computer which has no anti-virus. I looked at the receipts I received from hydrographic professionals, and observed that they care. Chose those sent by these four professionals : Yves Frenot ran the Institut Polaire from 2010 to March 1: http://www.institut- Aigars Gailis is Head of Hydrographic Service of Latvia: http://academy.iala- Declan Black is Chairman of the North Sea Hydrographic Commission: Gladys Denswil is the Office Manager of the Maritime Authority Suriname:

They confirmed me that the MH370 was only highjacked, and that the evolution is observed. On the other hand, I received no more receipt from Australian representatives since yesterday, at 2:31 AM: I wrote this letter to Bill Gates, with the first receipts received from hydrographic professionals received: Lettre à Bill Gates, 312 mars 4, 2018 par Nicole Guihaumé

Mon cher Bill,

Je ne sais comment comprendre la position de Ghyslain Wattrelos qui communique largement depuis la sortie de son livre sur le MH370. Je l’ai eu en ligne en 2014, et l’échange m’a vraiment été pénible. La difficulté à exprimer ce que je vis et comment je sais ce que je sais dominait. Je me souviens peu de ses réactions, si ce n’est que j’ai été étonnée qu’il n’accroche pas plus, et cependant insiste pour que je rencontre Florence de Changy alors qu’elle préparait son livre. Elle m’a, elle, laissé plusieurs messages auxquels je n’ai pas donné suite. Plus tard, la réponse qu’elle m’a adressée à mon mail revenant sur ma situation et lui demandant d’organiser ton audition a clos le sujet.

Lui énonce, si tu l’écoutes sur BFM qu’on aurait tué 239 personnes, sans qu’il sache si c’est volontairement ou involontairement (à 3’41). J’imagine que s’il le formule de cette façon, en évoquant une opération militaire qui aurait mal tourné, c’est que des fuites ont eu lieu qui, vraies ou fausses, lui donnent à penser ça, qu’il ne pourrait se permettre d’exprimer sans aucun fondement si tu penses aux 235 autres victimes avec lesquelles il n’avait pas de lien avant le 8 mars 2014. Cette seule affirmation de sa part suppose une énonciation partagée.

Ma gêne tient à ce que j’écris, moi, non pas sous la dictée, mais presque, et aux AR encore récents, reçus de Dennis Muilenburg :



Il ne m’a rien envoyé sur le MH370 spécifiquement, mais sur Malarewicz et Kipman, dont je disais qu’ils devraient être arrêtés, le 14 août 2016 :

Read_ Malarewicz et Kipman doivent être arrêtés [email protected] 14082016 Read_ Est-ce, vous, Malarewicz, qui sifflez toute personne concernée pour vous protéger _ [email protected] 15082016 puis récemment, ceux-là, sur les blocages de messagerie que je subis, ce qui indique qu’il suit ce que je fais. Comment pourrait-il s’en soucier, si c’était dépourvu de tout fondement ? Si ça ne l’est pas, la déduction qui s’impose, il me semble, est que les passagers sont vivants, et là où ce qu’énonce Ghyslain Wattrelos me gêne beaucoup, si je pense qu’il a un fondement qu’il peut présenter aux autres proches de disparus du MH370, c’est que ça signale un projet maintenu de crash.

Si je regarde les retours de professionnels de la mer, ou de l’hydrographie, auxquels je me suis adressée, du fait des recherches d’Ocean infinity, et choisis de prendre deux pays a priori non concernés, tu as ces AR qui n’existeraient pas, il me semble, si ce que j’écrivais était à côté de la plaque :

AR [email protected] 28022018-04032018 [email protected]

AR [email protected] 28022018-04032018 [email protected]

Donc il y a bien une connaissance partagée, au minimum de ce qui est possible, ce qui ne l’est pas, ce qui est plausible, ce qui ne l’est pas. Je ne crois pas pensable que j’aie ces AR si le MH370 avait été crashé, pour la bonne et simple raison que le premier mail m’aurait immédiatement fait passer en spam, le dossier étant classé depuis longtemps pour ces professionnels.

Je viens à l’instant d’en recevoir un de Tom Enders, ce que j’ai vu par ces deux écrans :

Le problème, là, est incontournable. Il ne peut, à la tête d’Airbus, que connaître la réalité, et s’il ouvre un mail qui a pareil titre, c’est qu’il sait le MH370 seulement détourné, les passagers vivants. Qui plus est, je transférais celui adressé à Norbert Jacquet. C’est donc explicite.

J’ai préparé ce nouveau mail que je vais leur adresser, à lui, Darius Adamczyk et Dennis Muilenburg :

MH370 must be released, passengers freed

Mister Adamczyk, Mister Muilenburg, Mister Enders,

As soon as I contacted RF Controls, Mister McNerney’s address went wrong. I wondered if technical data locating the plane could have engaged his responsibility, was presented the file of addresses from Missouri’s representatives, who, apparently, acted. Then wondered on the possibility that Norbert Jacquet intervenes. You received my emails.

If I consider the thunderbird screens I receive, on one computer, it is low, today, with 25 so-called mails, on the other one, which has no antivirus, it is still at 975. These screens are used as language you may understand more than I do. Fact is that today, nothing is obtained. An answer to all, apparently coded, was sent yesterday, not followed, as it was suggested.

My demand is clear, already communicated: I would appreciate that you engage the necessary steps to permit Norbert Jacquet to end his years of nightmare, and to intervene with you and Bill Gates in the MH370’s crisis. I face difficulties with my emails which appeared first received by RF-Controls and the Missouri’s representatives, what changed today. I ignore if you contacted them concerning the MH370. Once observed that RF Controls can locate that easily a plane, no crash appears possible, and a communication is necessary.

Nevertheless, Ghyslain Wattrelos evoked the murder of 239 persons on BFMTV, at 3’42: 1042909.html.

Would you, Mister Muilenburg, send me the receipts you sent me, even if they don’t concern the plane, if what I wrote was nonsense?

Would you, Mister Enders, send me the receipt you sent me today on my last email ? I always feel embarrassed to communicate receipts, fear to provoke anger, but we have to go through the MH370’s crisis, the soonest the best.

If my emails are not pure nonsense, passengers are alive. If they are alive, they must be freed, after 4 years. This is another reason why Norbert Jacquet’s intervention could be very helpful. He had contacts with many passengers’ relatives after former crashes.

If I observe the receipts received from hydrographic professionals who received my emails, I can communicate you those of two professionals who are not apparently concerned, Aigars Gailis, Head of Latvia Hydrographic Service, and Gladys Denswil Office Manager of Suriname’s Maritime Authority.

May I ask you, once more, with these elements, to protect Norbert Jacquet and care the material aspects of his life, engage the steps necessary to obtain his abusive condemnation’s removal, and those necessary to release the MH370? I would sincerely appreciate that this so-called disappearance ends once and for all. If you could, at the same time obtain the curatorship’s cancellation, Bill Gates could join you in these steps. Wishing that you shall accept and that the MH370 will have been released for this spring, I beg you to believe, Mister Adamczyk, Mister Muilenburg, Mister Enders, in my respectful thoughts,

Nicole Guihaumé

Je t’avoue que ces démarches me gênent de plus en plus. Je me sens déplacée, ce qui renforce ma colère quand je ne comprends pas ce qui m’est signifié. Je t’envoie des mails incendiaires, dont il faut bien savoir que quand je suis dans la difficulté, je n’ai pas d’autre choix. Ma colère passe ensuite, sans laisser de trace. J’ai cependant besoin que cette histoire se termine. Elle envahit ma vie, jusque dans mon sommeil, ce qui est évidemment douloureux. Me donne aussi à penser ce que tu vis, toi. Ce que vivent Norbert Jacquet, les proches de victimes. Une issue rapide serait bénéfique pour tout le monde.

Je vous embrasse fort, toi et les tiens,


The least one can say is that the articles on RF Controls were necessary, though it has patents since at least 2013. What is strange is the silence on them. Only here:, and on the websites which quoted it, the link with the MH370 is exposed. It is obvious. Australia's failure to ask Cisco its data exposes it seriously. Would the crashes occur, its responsibility would clearly be involved, and this explains the difficulties faced by Norbert Jacquet, as this country was involved in the Hasheim's crash. To consider the number of years of violence he faced is revolting, linked to this country which uses all the means available not to be held accountable. Once the MH370, the question of the so-called searches it did has to be asked. Who payed Frugo, and all the companies hired? Insurances, maybe. They could ask to be refunded, apart that nothing could have happened without their prior knowledge and consent. To release the plane is an urgency, the not read receipts sent by its representatives proving the determination to obtain the crashes. Ghyslain Wattrelos may have written his book with informations it gave him. Fact is that it was published during Ocean Infinity's searches, what can appear as calculation behind which Australia could be. Some had forgotten the MH370. The Seabed Constructor appeared as a reminder, disappeared from the screen three days, what documented this possibility. At the same time, Bill Gates was imposed to board in the plane, faced severe threats from my sister Guizard, Howard Kohr, William McNabb, Eric Schmidt, Chuck Robbins, rabbi Zamir Cohen, all armed, and it lasted days, only ended when I evoked RF Controls, what I did at the moment Ghyslain Wattrelos presented his book. Not to see the agenda active would suppose to be candide. As I wrote this last word, before a correction, I had this screen, with the word candide: My email and its attachments on the senator Scott Jenkins helped me to communicate, but their removal appears necessary to close the case. I already asked for it in vain. It is observed and may reinforce he determination to crash the planes.

March 5, 3:30 AM

I was presented repeatedly the same file on which, in this document, the first one, page 190, dated February 13, 8:45, AM, I copied the 274° letter I wrote to Bill Gates. Here is the copy : Not even one word could express the torture it is to face, all the day long, this kind of presentations. If I use the file, look what was written before, and take the time, though it is presented at a moment I reopen my computer after having written an hypothesis, and for days now, the mail on the site of the senator Scott Jenkins is evoked, I see that it was question of the decision to impose me a placement, but the use was to present me the certificate. It was not done for days, now. I thought it was clear that I would fight against it, find some protection. I focused on the Utah website. I must also admit that I experience this privation of contact for years, and cannot understand how people informed of it can let it be. I wait for the decision of the Court of Cassation to which I asked in December to decide in urgency, due to the issues. The Agence France Strategie, as well as professionals of Edouard Philippe's cabinet sent me receipts for this mail one month later, at the same time, what is a clear language. I have no answer more than two months later. Still faces this presentations I hate, when to exchange directly can be so easy, when human beings's first characteristic is that they are language's beings.

I still experience the consequences of this curatorship, and now, once again, face the determination to impose me a placement in an institution, what seems targeted now by insurers, due to the evolution, and the difficulty the mail present on the senator Scott Jenkins presents []. Their responsibility is obviously exposed, as no false flag can be perpetrated without their prior knowledge and consent. As long as the curatorship exists, Bill Gates is linked, and they can pretend all what they want. It seems that they conceive to use this mail and its attachments as a basis to impose this placement. I wrote my 313° letter:

Lettre à Bill Gates, 313 mars 5, 2018 par Nicole Guihaumé Mon cher Bill,

Les assurances sont mal, et il y a de quoi. Les false flags qui ont eu lieu n’ont pu être perpétrés qu’avec leur connaissance et leur accord préalables, sans quoi c’était impossible, et ça l’était d’autant plus, si tu prends le crash Germanwings, que le désir de s’exprimer indirectement, d’utiliser le crash comme langage, était tel que ça n’était pas plausible, ce qui a mené à l’article sur le crash journalistique. Elles portent donc une responsabilité majeure. Sans cesse, ce soir, ce fichier m’a été présenté :

j’en suis à les copier dans mon fichier du mois pour tenter de comprendre la logique, et là, tant que je ne joins pas le mail sur le site de l’Utah et le certificat qu’il m’a été demandé une nouvelle fois de joindre à mes derniers envois, ça ne passe pas. Si je note qu’il y a un lien entre les deux, le fichiers d’adresses assurances m’est présenté. Il semble que le projet de me faire interner en utilisant la curatelle existe toujours, et que ce soit un but visé par les assurances, du fait de ces mails en ligne. Je suis ahurie de la violence, quand je vois ça. Si les crashs sont finalement évités, il me semble que mes mails auront été nécessaires. Sans eux, il y a longtemps que ça aurait été fait. Le nombre de personnes qui aurait subi les conséquences directes ou indirectes est faramineux. Et personne ne penserait à m’en protéger, il me faudrait encore faire des mails pour demander qu’on me protège, là où j’imagine, si tu me le fais savoir, que d’autres sont informés aussi de ce projet et de son caractère évidemment abusif ? C’est sans fin, constamment revenu. Quand ce n’est pas les charges d’eau délirantes qui ne correspondent en rien à ma consommation, encore réduite depuis que je n’ai plus d’eau chaude, ce sont les alertes parce que mes voisins sont payés pour faire de faux témoignages contre moi, puis le tueur à gages, puis l’internement. Comment est-il possible de se permettre pareilles violences continuelles sans que personne ne s’oppose ?

Dans cette histoire, tant ma mère que moi sommes dans une situation que j’imagine sans précédent dans laquelle nous avons subi des violences provoquées par des faits qui se sont produits dans notre dos, en lien direct avec nous, sans que nous ayons un seul moyen direct d’en être informées. Une fois que tu sais qu’il se passe quelque chose et que tu as des contacts directs, tu peux agir. Là, après toutes ces années, je suis privée de tout moyen par cette curatelle délirante. Je me suis fait littéralement spolier de mes droits humains, de l’assurance que Michel a prise à mon nom, et même de mon ascendance, transformée, nom Guihaumé supprimé, sans que personne ne considère légitime que je demande l’origine de cette transformation et sa correction. Je n’existe plus au niveau juridique depuis 2003. Maman semble avoir été assassinée, je l’ai écrit, j’en ai eu un AR de Brigitte, je n’ai rien reçu. Je ne sais pas si tu mesures la violence. Or, c’est une vision comme je n’en avais jamais eu avant, et n’en ai pas eu depuis qui m’a confrontée, ensuite, quand je l’ai notée, et ai cherché à comprendre à ce constat : quand aucune des hypothèses faites n’était validée, j’en suis venue à «Elle est décédée ?», là, c’était validé, puis «On l’a tuée ?» là aussi, ça l’était «je ne la reverrai pas ?» encore validé. Depuis, ça n’a cessé d’être confirmé. Pas un mot de personne. Elle avait prévu de nous laisser à chacun une somme par un placement fait à cet effet. Je sais depuis 2012 que j’en ai été rayée par mes aînés. Ce n’est donc pas l’absence d’informations à ce sujet qui peut me détromper.

Rien de ce que je vis n’est normal, et ce, depuis des années. Mon existence dérange. Suis- je responsable du mensonge que mon ancien analyste a fait, et que ma sœur a choisi de confirmer pour te rencontrer ? Suis-je responsable du fait que mes trois autres aînés l’ont soutenue ? Aucun des quatre ne pouvait ignorer que je n’ai jamais été suicidaire, et aucun fait médical n’existait qui confirme cette invention. Ce qui est terrible est que jusqu’au minimum 2008 et mon premier blog, soit 18 ans, je ne peux en aucun cas avoir la moindre responsabilité dans ce qui s’est produit pour la bonne et simple raison que je n’avais de contacts qu’indirects, et que je ne cessais de demander qu’ils cessent, ne les supportant pas. Quand ensuite il m’est communiqué que depuis 1990, mes aînés n’ont eu de cesse de t’écrire attendre mon suicide, je comprends. Ils ne pouvaient qu’être mal, après m’avoir prétendue suicidaire, et je ne pouvais, moi, que me prendre de plein fouet ce qu’ils exprimaient. Maintenant que les choses sont plus claires, je ne peux que constater que quand je me sens mal, et le note, il y a un problème avec eux.

À partir de novembre 2008, j’ai eu mon premier blog, donc quelqu’un qui veut faire preuve de mauvaise foi peut prétendre mil choses. Je prenais une place sur la toile, mais encore là, je ne savais rien de tout ce qui s’est tramé dans mon dos. Si je pense en termes de responsabilité, je n’en ai aucune. Quant à aller prétendre que j’aurais des troubles qui expliqueraient les mails présents sur le site de l’Utah, il faudrait pour l’oser être totalement déterminé à violer la loi. Il faudrait, pour que ça se tienne, que j’aie un dossier médical. Je n’en ai pas. Je vis d’une allocation suite à certificat fait par une psychiatre qui m’a clairement exprimé que ce que je subissais était du registre traumatique, mais que le faire reconnaître médicalement étant difficile, elle indiquait un autre motif, dans lequel des angoisses invalidantes étaient invoquées. Le traitement indiqué était un lysanxia dix à la demande. Je ne crois pas que quiconque ayant besoin de mesure de protection ou de soins qui justifient internement puisse des années durant n’avoir comme prescription qu’un lysanxia 10 à la demande. Ma dernière ordonnance est d’août 2016. Elle portait sur deux boîtes, 80 comprimés.

Ce sont des faits concrets. Après, je sais, puisque tu me l’as fait communiquer qu’il y a eu de faux certificats d’établis par des psychiatres qui ne m’ont pas vue depuis des années, dans le cadre de la plainte que Brigitte a déposée contre toi en mai. Il y a un problème avec mes relevés de sécurité sociale. Je n’ai pas vu de psychiatre, à part le docteur Rigal, le 4 novembre 2016, pour le renouvellement de mon allocation. C’est tout. Maintenant, il est évident que me faire interner peut être considéré comme moyen de maintenir la curatelle, là où tant que je suis chez moi, je ne cesserai de demander son annulation. Tu en as besoin autant que moi. Je vais adresser un nouveau mail à Darius Adamczyk, Dennis Muilenburg et Tom Enders pour leur demander d’en obtenir la levée. Si le MH370 est enfin remis en circulation et que Norbert Jacquet et toi pouvez intervenir pour mettre un terme à ces false flags, ils seront les premiers à en bénéficier. Même si Boeing et Airbus sont des compagnies importantes, il me semble que là où les assureurs valident, ils ne font pas le poids, et sont contraints. Dès l’instant où ils invoquent la sécurité, je crois que les assurances ne peuvent rien opposer, quand bien même il est évident qu’elles ont couvert le 9/11 de la survenue duquel elles étaient parfaitement informées. Or le MH370 est en état, donc le remettre en circulation suppose que des décisions soient prises que Norbert Jacquet et toi pouvez voir avec eux.

Je t’avoue ma lassitude. Il est 2h20, et c’est tous les jours revenu. Je crois que même les drogués du travail ne font pas autant d’heures que moi, dont la majorité n’existerait pas sans cette curatelle. Supporter ce mode a un coût nerveux important. Le temps que je passe à chercher à comprendre disparaît quand on peut demander directement. Ce qui est très choquant, en plus, est que je n’aurais jamais les AR que j’ai si mon état justifiait un internement. Le fonder sur les mails du site Utah, l’année où au mystère du MH370 ne peut qu’être apporté une réponse, quelle qu’elle soit, serait d’une grossièreté insensée. Je veux bien qu’on prenne les gens pour des cons, ou que plus c’est gros plus ça passe, mais enfin quand même. Je sais, aussi, que Norbert Jacquet a subi pendant deux mois l’UMD, ce qu’il décrit en page 190 [Le Goulag «spécial»]. L’expert que j’ai été contrainte à voir le 8 juin 2015 m’a prétendue parano dans un rapport qui défie l’entendement quand tu penses à la brièveté de l’échange. Le calcul y est même lisible par la mention de deux dates, le 7 et le 8 juin, sachant qu’il n’y a pas eu de convocation pour le 7 et que le 8 j’étais dans les locaux de la PJ : suite à la plainte abusive de la Licra. La facture de l’avocat qui m’accompagnait donne une idée de la durée de l’échange, dont il n’avait besoin que pour affirmer m’avoir vue :

Il pouvait ensuite utiliser ce qui était en ligne pour le transformer à sa guise, mais n’a pas mentionné ton nom, alors que ce blog existait déjà sur une autre plate-forme. Sur la décision qui s’y réfère, le 7 juin est mentionné. Il me semble, en plus, que si j’avais des problèmes réels, les assurances, qui semblent viser cet internement, en trouveraient des preuves par les compléments qui auraient été versés. Il n’y en a pas. Que leur validation du 9/11 leur pose problème, c’est évident. Je ne suis pas la solution.

Boeing, Honeywell et Airbus, concernés, doivent pouvoir obtenir l’annulation de la curatelle. Je ne vois pas d’autre solution que le leur demander, une nouvelle fois.

Je vous embrasse fort, toi et les tiens,

Nicole March 5, 2 PM

Atlantis disappeared, and for a person curious of the evolution of mankind, this real disappearance, evoked by Edgar Cayce, the sleeping prophet, the state of our planet is a clear example of what leads to real disappearance, when corruption is at its highest, when wealthes are stolen by a minority determined to put the grip on all what has value, to control everything. It is just only a disaster, and strange enough, few of us wonder why we experience such a downgrade that noone, now, has anymore the skills to build the Gysée's pyramids. MH370's fake disappearance has to be solved, and this supposes the curatorship's annulment, once observed that noone, to date, found the way to oppose to the mafia active. The sole one in position to do so, Bill Gates, is linked by the two curatorships evoked, and as written earlier, the determination to maintain them is active, my sister Guizard pushes for it with Australia, insurers, her gang. For decades, as soon as opposition arose, steps were taken to stop it, psychiatry being often used to do so. The sane Primum non nocere was replaced by Primum nocere by many psychiatrists. I found none able to recognize facts and to fight them. Sent emails to psychiatrist experts without obtaining a move, though what led to this drama was provoked by Simon-Daniel Kipman. The sole possibility appears to find testimonies of persons who knew in real time the meaning and goal of the false flags perpetrated. I shared it with Bill Gates in my 314° letter, in which I communicated him an email I shall send to Norbert Jacquet. In fact, insurers, exposed, seem determined to impose me a placement. The mail I sent earlier to oppose to it was not sufficiant:

Lettre à Bill Gates, 314 mars 5, 2018 par Nicole Guihaumé

Mon cher Bill,

Des témoignages seraient utiles. Si la réalité du 9/11 est telle que je l’ai comprise, à partir des fichiers présentés entre autres signes, j’imagine qu’elle a été largement connue à l’époque. Toute personne qui a eu vent de la réalité des false flags a dû la savoir. Je ne vois pas un seul pilote croire réellement qu’un avion a heurté les tours. Suffisamment de films ont montré le nez de l’un d’eux ressortant de l’autre côté pour qu’aucun doute ne subsiste quant au fait que c’étaient des hologrammes.

Norbert Jacquet a pu, en ce cas, avoir des échanges, à l’époque, même si sa situation était délicate. Des témoignages, peut-être, d’autres pilotes. Je me suis demandé s’il pourrait, lui, en pareil cas, les produire, de façon à ce qu’on obtienne enfin annulation de cette curatelle. Elle est impérative, et la maintenir est manifestement le but. Je lui ai écrit ce mail, long, mais qui pose, il me semble, le cadre :

Monsieur Jacquet, votre témoignage peut tout changer

Cher Monsieur,

De ce que je crois comprendre, votre situation matérielle s’est améliorée, ce qui était impératif. Rien cependant n’est encore acquis, notamment parce que comme vous, j’ai subi l’utilisation abusive de la psychiatrie, le pire étant que je l’ai subie dans mon dos. À l’origine de ce qui se joue actuellement, mon analyste de janvier 1981 à 1988, Simon- Daniel Kipman, dont on retrouve le nom, ce qui n’est pas hasard, par le recrutement chez Microsoft Corp. en juin 2001, deux mois avant le 9/11, du spécialiste en hologrammes Alex Kipman.

J’ai atterri sur le divan de ce psy, alors que je n’avais aucune demande d’analyse, mais cherchais de l’aide du fait des conséquences d’un échange que j’ai eu en juin 1980 avec mon père, échange par lequel je rompais le diktat de ma fratrie selon lequel lui parler était interdit. Je savais depuis le premier trimestre 1976 qu’il était divorcé, remarié et père de deux autres enfants, mais le voyant deux fois par semaine jusqu’en 1979, lors de ses passages au domicile, et travaillant ensuite avec lui, jamais je n’avais tenté de lui dire que je savais.

Ma famille, dont je suis la dernière, après mes 4 aînés, est marquée par le mensonge poussé à un point pathologique, et par la détermination à ne jamais assumer. C’est, par principe, de la faute de l’autre. Ma sœur Brigitte Guizard, à l’origine de tout, semble actuellement active pour bloquer ce qui se met en place. Là où, par cet analyste, je lui ai trouvé les coordonnées nécessaires pour aider sa fille Aude, toute môme, qui souffrait tellement de ce qu’elle subissait de cette mère, qu’elle avait besoin de soutien, elle s’est empressée de valider le mensonge dont il demandait confirmation, pour éviter que je rencontre Bill Gates, en me prétendant suicidaire. Nous sommes tous du même père, mayennais, et les gens de l’ouest sont réputés solides. Nous ne faisons pas exception. Aucun.

En mai 1998, après la mort de ce père, Brigitte a scandalisé notre mère en lui faisant part de son désir de me mettre sous tutelle, alors que nous n’avions plus aucun contact depuis 1995, et que rien ne le justifiait. Quand elle me l’a appris, face à une psychiatre que nous consultions pour tenter de résorber les difficultés familiales, psychiatre (Nicole Bravard) qui, soit dit en passant, s’est permis de rédiger en 2003 le certificat qui a servi de fondement à la curatelle, alors que je ne l’avais pas vue depuis le 5 juillet 1999, elle était ulcérée. Je l’ai été autant qu’elle, sans aucun moyen de comprendre ce qui se passait, sans aucun désir de le demander directement à ma sœur.

Par contre, quand j’ai enfin compris l’existence de la curatelle, je n’ai pu que constater que ce désir de me spolier de mon identité juridique était ancien, devait être plus qu’établi chez elle. Contrairement à mes aînés, je suis habitée depuis toujours par la recherche de solution, et n’exclue de cette recherche aucun aspect. Consulter un psychiatre si j’ai un problème humain, relationnel, dont je ne vois pas l’issue, ne me pose aucun problème, là où, pour eux, c’est infamant. Ma demande d’aide suite à mon échange avec mon père leur a été insupportable parce que pour eux je «mettais en cause la famille»….qui s’est plus tard liguée contre moi, à l’exception de ma mère, dans les bras dudit analyste. Il figure dans ce dossier avec d’autres que j’ai consultés quand je ne supportais pas ce que je vivais sans arriver à le comprendre. Tous -Jacques-Antoine Malarewicz, Nicole Bravard, Hubert Picot d’Aligny d’Assignies, Pierre Sabourin- se connaissaient, ce que j’ignorais, partouzaient ensemble, avec Bill Gates, mes aînés, mon père et deux de ses frères, dont l’ancien curé défroqué devenu analyste que Kipman couvrait avec zèle, me prétendant que qu’il y ait eu abus ou pas, dans le psychisme de l’enfant, ce serait la même chose. Aucun n’a répondu à ma demande d’aide, ce qui m’a fait passer de l’un à l’autre. Ce sont maintenant des pourvoyeurs de certificats bidons, alors que pas un ne m’a vue depuis le siècle dernier, juillet 2001 pour d’Assignies.

J’ai donc consulté des psychiatres, mais jamais eu de traitement lourd, jamais été internée. Le maximum, quand j’étais en difficulté importante, était 3 séances hebdomadaires, ce qui a été très rare. Depuis 2009, je n’ai plus vu personne, sauf demande d’aide ponctuelle, ou de certificat. J’ai fait plusieurs cures thermales dans des stations à indication neuropsychologique, ce qui ne me semble pas possible en cas de difficultés lourdes, et ai, à ma demande, été en clinique psy 15 jours pendant les fêtes de 2006, en sorties libres. Ces précisions pour qu’il soit bien clair que m’attaquer sous l’angle psy, si j’ai effectivement connu des psy qui connaissent mon histoire familiale, est abusif.

Depuis plusieurs mois, je suis informée du projet de ma sœur Guizard de me faire interner en utilisant la curatelle, ce qui serait pour elle le moyen de la maintenir, et de ne jamais rendre compte. Depuis mai, elle a fait passer des mois d’enfer à Bill Gates, dont elle aurait été l’épouse dès 1991 si parler à maman ne lui avait pas posé problème, et avec qui elle semble avoir eu un enfant en 1995, le soumettant au chantage « Ou tu valides le double crash des 777 et tu m’épouses, ou on te bute dans le crash (dont tu seras évidemment prétendu responsable, ensuite) ». C’est allé jusqu’à le contraindre, avec 4 autres, tous armés, à embarquer dans le MH370 et à y subir leurs pressions. Elle ne recule donc devant rien. Je suis sa bête noire. Celle sans qui elle serait déjà grande papesse du sexe de Jérusalem enfin capitale d’une dictature mondiale de psychopathes.

Ses liens avec les leaders sionistes datent de 1990, dans le dos de Bill Gates qui ne l’a su qu’en 2003. Avec l’Australie, j’imagine que ça remonte également à cette année, avec les assureurs, par McNabb qui la tire depuis 1990 aussi, j’imagine que c’est du même genre. Elle leur est le sésame de Bill Gates. Quand celui-ci a demandé au juge Wales dont il était proche d’enquêter sur le trafic de parties d’avion dans lequel elle et Chuck Robbins était engagés, elle n’a pas hésité à payer, avec lui, un tueur à gages pour l’éliminer [ murder.html].

Votre intervention est nécessaire, va vous demander une sérieuse implication. Toute aide de votre part est bienvenue. J’ai tenté, dans mon dernier complément du fichier Precisions on Bill Gates’ situation, de noter ce qui me semblait se jouer. Je suis fatiguée, après des mois de tension, fais des erreurs, maladresses, que je ne vois qu’après. Il me semble que les éléments nécessaires y sont, mais apparemment le problème de ce placement visé n’est pas réglé à l’heure où je vous écris. Sans la Licra, qui a utilisé quatre notes de blog dont elle a enlevé les liens hypertexte et extrait les phrases qui lui permettaient d’en composer une cinquième prétendant que j’appelais à la haine…je n’aurais pas, déjà, un rapport d’expertise me prétendant parano. Vous avez aussi subi les attaques de cette structure dont les buts réels gagneraient à être clarifiés. La plainte déposée contre moi l’a été sur Mulhouse, et non sur Paris, où je vis depuis toujours. J’ai enregistré contre Jakubowicz les plaintes FBI jointes.

I1507161047155821 Alain Jakubowicz, Licra-1

I1507221017410751 Alain Jakubowicz, president of the licra-2

I1508132330414361 Alain Jakubowicz, president of the licra-3

J’imagine que vous ne pouvez me contacter que pour vous opposer à moi, que pour l’instant aucun autre échange ne peut exister. Si vous pouviez voir avec Bill Gates, Darius Adamczyk, Dennis Muilenburg, Tom Enders, et toute personne partie à ce dossier dont le but est de mettre un terme aux false flags, comment m’aider, je vous en serais très reconnaissante.

Parmi les éléments communiqués qui m’ont été le plus difficiles à comprendre se trouve le 9/11, le lien avec Michel Lacombe, qui dirigeait Microsoft France depuis avril 1989, quand j’en ai été virée par Bernard Vergnes qui lui a cependant demandé de signer, en décembre 1989, et Bill Gates. J’ai eu, le 6 décembre 1989 (la mère de Lionel Jospin s’est suicidée le 6 décembre 2002), avec Michel Lacombe, un échange assez invraisemblable, provoqué par un contexte houleux. Le long stage de reconversion que j’ai fait avait été transformé en CDI pendant l’absence de ma responsable, Ana de Maria, connue pour sa misogynie, et qui ne m’avait acceptée que pour que je lui rédige ses mails à la direction, son français la limitant. À peine rentrée de Seattle, elle m’a fait savoir par radio moquette qu’elle ne me garderait pas, et le 30 novembre 1989, jour de mes 30 ans, m’a fait chercher dans l’hôtel où j’étais en formation pour m’annoncer qu’elle prolongerait mon stage. Quand, le 5 décembre, elle m’a demandé de signer la prolongation, sachant qu’elle me virerait le lendemain, j’ai refusé. La prise de tête a bien duré 30 minutes, la DRH s’étant jointe à nous. Je n’ai pas calé. Le lendemain, à peine arrivée, j’ai eu droit à « Tu ne touches à rien, tu ne fais plus partie de la société ». J’ai demandé à Bernard Vergnes de me recevoir. J’avais déjà échangé avec lui, alors que par deux fois, quand j’avais croisé Michel à qui il m’a adressée, et qui m’avait lancé un « Salut » qui, pour moi, n’aurait convenu que si nous avions déjà échangé, je n’avais pas répondu. J’étais donc aussi en colère que gênée quand je me suis retrouvée face à lui, ce qui a marqué l’échange, inscrit une proximité inattendue. J’ai gardé contact avec lui, qui s’était dirigé vers moi avec Bill Gates le 12 juin 1990, jusqu’en mars 1991, puis je suis restée en silence jusqu’au 27 octobre 1997.

Ce jour là, inquiète par l’absence de solution à un épuisement chronique que je subissais depuis des années et que les médecins attribuaient à une dépression pour laquelle je consultais le docteur Bravard, j’ai repensé à lui, et lui ai laissé un message. Le lendemain, anniversaire de Bill Gates, il me rappelait, et le long échange que nous avons eu a marqué le début d’un échange indirect qu’il a initié, désireux de me revoir, mais empêtré dans cette situation mal gérée depuis le début. En 1999, j’ai présenté à la publication un texte qui a été refusé, Eva. Ce manuscrit, cependant, a séduit Bill Gates qui s’est retrouvé en position de rival dans une rencontre impossible. Les deux tours jumelles semblent avoir été visées pour les représenter eux, dans un attrait qui risquait de les faire chuter.

Dans ce qui me choque le plus se trouve ce fait : Bill Gates aurait eu accès à tout ce que vivait ma sœur comme il a eu d’emblée accès à tout ce que je vivais, sa relation à elle n’aurait pas duré une semaine, puisqu’elle l’a immédiatement trompé, monnayant littéralement sa relation à lui qui la mettait en relation avec des personnes de pouvoir inaccessibles autrement. Et c’est cette relation écoeurante, détestable, qui est à l’origine, pour lui comme pour moi, et pour toutes les victimes collatérales, de 27 années de violences, là où rugueuse comme je suis susceptible d’être, le simple fait qu’il maintienne son attrait laissait entrevoir des possibilités d’échanges directs. Tout est précisément là : rien n’étant légitime chez ceux dont ma sœur s’est entourée, ils ne visent que manipulation et extorsion. Leurs buts seraient explicitement exprimés, ils auraient la majorité contre eux. Pas étonnant donc qu’ils aient choisi le biais de la curatelle obtenue dans mon dos, sans que je puisse m’y opposer, n’en étant pas informée, pour le ligoter. Elle nous empêche, tant lui que moi, de nous exprimer de sorte que notre parole soit prise en compte. M’interner leur permettrait de la maintenir et de parvenir à leurs fins criminelles, avec destruction de la majorité de la population, comme indiqué sur les Georgia Guidestones, remplacement de ceux qu’ils prétendent être des ânes par des robots.

Je ne peux que vous communiquer ces faits, en même temps que le certificat que m’a donné le docteur Bravard, avant que le diagnostic de tuberculose de la lymphe soit enfin établi, en mai 1998, et vous demander votre aide. Vous avez, je pense, tous les éléments. Vous auriez été informé de la réalité du 9/11, ou de tout autre false flag, et pourriez en témoigner, avec documents à l’appui, je vous en serais reconnaissante. Dès l’instant où Bill Gates sera dégagé de cette monstrueuse curatelle, il ne manquera pas de vous aider à rétablir votre réalité telle que vous auriez dû la vivre, de ça je suis certaine. Avec espoir, je vous prie de croire, Cher Monsieur, en mes sentiments respectueux,

Nicole Guihaumé

Ces mails me sont difficiles à faire. Je ne connais pas les personnes auxquelles je m’adresse, ne sais pas précisément ce qui leur a été dit, mais les faux établis expriment clairement que la réalité n’existe pas chez ceux qui nous visent, tant toi que moi, en dehors de ta situation de fortune et de célébrité. Pour le reste, ils sont déterminés à la remplacer par les différentes narrations qu’ils établissent, au gré des impulsions de leurs névroses, et elles sont costauds, se nourrissent les unes des autres, sans que plus aucun recul ne leur permette de mesurer que rien ne passe.

Je rêve d’une longue croisière, sans autre chose à faire que me dorer la pilule, lire, écrire quand j’en ai envie, ce dont j’ai envie, nager…échanger directement, entre humains. Un regard, un sourire, une caresse, tout ce dont je suis privée depuis des années. Des mots. À entendre, à prononcer. Quitter cet appartement, sortir de ce quotidien qui me devient un peu plus insupportable à chaque jour qui passe. Y parviendrai-je, pourrons-nous mettre un terme aux crashes, rétablir l’état de droit ? Je l’espère de tout mon cœur…empli de colère parfois, quand je ne peux que constater l’état de délabrement de nos institutions. Comme si les aînés, à tous les niveaux, n’assuraient plus jamais leur fonction de protection de ceux qui les suivent, leur laissant un héritage plus dégradé par chaque false flag toléré.

Tenter est un minimum, celui-là même auquel tant semblent avoir renoncé, quand les élus du Missouri, eux, n’ont rien oublié du sens du mot engagement. Le printemps est à deux pas, nous avons moins de trois semaines pour laisser derrière nous les oripeaux de l’hiver, cet hiver qui pour moi aura duré 27 ans. Il faudrait que nous soyons nombreux à le faire.

Je vous embrasse fort, toi et tes grands enfants,


March 5, 9:30 PM

MH370 is an obvious problem, still unsolved. I was more than astonished by the receipts I was sent, today, some at the exact moment I sent emails to Norbert Jacquet, asking for his intervention. I never succeeded to register all of them, but was quite often astonished by the language used, and the fact that they are kept for months, what supposes to have identified the person and the subject concerned, to have a goal. Fact is that Bill Gates plays with Roger Federer in San Francisco, tonight, and he appeared so uncomfortable on the video released by Susannah Guthrie that I wrote another letter, in which I also evoked the difficulty linked to the placement in institution which seems still targeted. Once I had written it, I verified if Christine Lagarde had sent emails to communicate that the crashes would be perpetrated during the match, as I feared it. It seems that she did. It is now 12:30 AM in San Francisco.

Lettre à Bill Gates, 315 mars 5, 2018 par Nicole Guihaumé

Mon cher Bill,

Crasher les 777 pendant que tu joueras en double avec Roger Federer serait prévu que je n’en serais pas étonnée. Mes AR sont étranges, pour ne pas dire qu’ils puent. Je n’ai pas tout relevé, mais pour te citer des exemples, j’ai trois séries de non lus :

– la première vient du conseil de l’ordre des médecins du Maine et Loire, département dans lequel vivait mon oncle Antoine Guihaumé que tu as connu comme sa femme Renée, dans le plus simple appareil. Tous ces AR portent sur des mails anciens, ce qui supposent qu’ils aient été gardés. Sans Antoine, ma vie aurait été tout autre, et déjà, nos routes ne se seraient certainement pas croisées. Je n’aurais pas eu besoin d’analyse, j’imagine :

AR [email protected] 05032018 [email protected]

AR [email protected] 10072017- 05032018 [email protected]

AR [email protected] 12012017-05032018 [email protected]

AR [email protected] 12062017-05032018 [email protected]

AR [email protected] 13042017-05032018 [email protected]

AR [email protected] 13062017-05032018 [email protected]

AR [email protected] 13072017-05032018 [email protected]

AR [email protected] 17072017-05032018 [email protected]

AR [email protected] 17072017-05032018 [email protected]

AR [email protected] 17072017-05032018 [email protected]

AR [email protected] 24042017-05032018 [email protected]

AR [email protected] 29052017-05032018 [email protected]

– la deuxième vient de Marc Minardo qui dirige le bureau de Sard Verbinnen à New york. Je n’avais aucune adresse nominative, seulement [email protected], AR [email protected] 05032018 [email protected]

AR [email protected] 05032018 [email protected]

AR [email protected] 05032018 [email protected]

AR [email protected] 05032018 [email protected]

– la troisième vient d’une grecque, Fotini Arabatzi, et l’implication d’Alexis Tzipras n’a cessé de m’être rappelée :

AR [email protected] 03032018 [email protected]

AR [email protected] 05032018 [email protected]

AR [email protected] 05032018 [email protected]

Je n’ai tout relevé que pour le conseil de l’ordre, sinon, c’est fastidieux, et je suis vigilante, au niveau gestion du temps. Je ne sais pas les croire dépourvus de sens, vus leur nombre, et le fait qu’ils sont anciens, ont donc été gardés. L’heure d’envoi des deux dernières séries n’est pas neutre, j’étais en train d’adresser des emails que je copiais largement à Norbert Jacquet, depuis cette extrême gêne qu’implique le fait de ne rien pouvoir vérifier. J’affirme des choses dont je n’ai eu connaissance que par signes, mais que les AR reçus m’ont confirmées exactes pour une large part. Un exemple, si je pense AR est Catherine Troëndle, qui me reçoit depuis 2014, a reçu, par exemple, les mails présents sur le site de l’Utah, et continue à m’en envoyer :

AR [email protected] 05032018 [email protected]

AR [email protected] 08012018-05032018 [email protected]

AR [email protected] 12102017-11122017 [email protected]

AR [email protected] 11122017-09022018 [email protected]

AR [email protected] 20022018-05032018 [email protected]

Elle est vice-présidente du sénat. Un autre exemple, très différent, est l’institut polaire. Je t’ai communiqué hier ceux d’Yves Frenot, et regardant le site, j’ai pris les autres coordonnées accessibles, et les ai ajoutées à ma liste. Aujourd’hui, AR en nombre, provenant d’eux :

AR 27022018-05032018 [email protected]

Declan Black m’en a encore adressé trois aujourd’hui :

AR [email protected] 27032018-05032018 [email protected]

Il dirige la Commission hydrographique de la mer du Nord.

Je ne peux pas tous les reprendre. Ça n’existerait pas sans une réalité, tant les non lus que les lus. Rien n’est plus simple que de faire passer en spam ou de bloquer une adresse.

Cette appréhension, pour ce soir, m’ennuie. J’ai regardé cet article, et sur la vidéo avec Savannah Guthrie, je ne te trouve pas en forme. Or, les crashs ont tous été annoncés par mail collectif de Christine Lagarde, de ce que j’ai cru comprendre. Je ne supporte pas le mode employé pour me faire signe, mais s’il y a projet de crasher les 777, il y a de quoi être stressé, tout tenter pour me le faire savoir, ce qui me prend la tête et retient mon attention, là où regarder les AR me permet d’avoir bien plus d’infos. En ce qui me concerne, les AR du conseil de l’ordre des médecins me donnent à penser qu’ils ont été sifflés par des médecins, précisément, et derrière tout ce qui se joue, il y a le gang de psychiatres dégénérés qui a conçu le scénario du MH370. Les présentations de mon fichier Precisions au 13 février, ma 274° lettre où je t’évoquais cette menace n’ont pas cessé, aujourd’hui. Par ailleurs, je me suis retrouvée dans hotmail dans un dossier où j’ai mis en 2016 des mails que je t’avais adressés, bloquée sur une série qui demandait protection contre un passage PJ. Je n’ai pas souvenir que ça me soit déjà arrivé. Comme je t’ai écrit ça, cet affichage, explicite :

Je vais, une nouvelle fois, le signaler à Boeing, Honeywell et Airbus, et leur demander protection, en copiant largement. Je ne vois pas d’autre solution.

Je vous embrasse fort, toi et les tiens,


I must recognize that I went so bored by the phone calls done as harassment, that I unplugged my landline phone and took the battery off my cell one. This is a problem, as I ask for help, and ignore if, in the persons contacted, some could phone. It never happened since I send emails. Opposite, as soon as I write precise information on what I experience or understand, I receive calls to let me know indirectly that I take risks.

March 6, 1:30 PM

My thunderbird screen went from 25 to 40 on the computer which has an anti-virus, while I had none on the other one, the mails being present on it having been sent March 4: It occurs. I cannot continue that way, aware that these screens are used for years to warn me, never correspond to the number of emails received. Some may pretend it is a virus. Today, as I opened this computer, it stayed long with two black pages, a shortened one on en entire one, and the screenshot I took was changed, presents the proof that the antivirus is active:

The page behind is this one, with the address of the article on RF Controls: I received many receipts from the Institut Polaire Paul-Emile Victor, decide to send them this mail: L'institut polaire peut-il agir par rapport au MH370 ? Bonjour, Je vous ai adressé quelques mails dans un contexte de crise qu'expriment, il me semble, les deux recherches google sur le MH370 jointes. Le 27 février, on titrait sur le crash, le 6 mars sur le deuil impossible. J'ai tenté de donner les éléments les plus précis possible sur ma situation, et me suis adressée à des spécialistes de la mer, du fait des recherches engagées par le Seabed Constructor. Comme vous l'avez vu, je m'adresse à Boeing, Honeywell, Airbus, ce que je fais pour Boeing et Airbus depuis 2014. Je vous joins un mail par lequel en août 2016, j'ai accusé mon analyste de janvier 1981 à mars 1988, Simon-Daniel Kipman, de conception de crimes de masse avec un autre psychiatre, Jacques-Antoine Malarewicz, et différents AR reçus de Dennis Muilenburg et Tom Enders portant sur ce mail ou d'autres qui avaient leurs noms en titre. J'en reçois encore d'eux en 2018, rares, mais présents, qui confirment, il me semble, que mes mails abordent un problème réel. Je suis, cependant, à bout. Je ne peux pas tout porter toute seule, il est question de crasher deux 777 sur Marseille et Manhattan, et je n'obtiens pas d'action concrète pour décider et appliquer une solution concernant le MH370 qui n'a pas été crashé, mais détourné sur Diego Garcia, avant d'être à Seattle où il semble se trouver maintenant. Vous avez sans doute vu mon mail et ses pièces jointes sur le site du sénateur Scott Perkins []. La curatelle que je dénonce me met en danger depuis qu'elle a été obtenue dans mon dos en 2003. Je n'en obtiens pas l'annulation, alors qu'elle met aussi Bill Gates en danger. Je n'en ai compris l'existence que des années après, à force de chercher à comprendre pourquoi un lien indirect était constamment maintenu, assorti d'absence de réponse à toutes mes demandes de le voir cesser, et qu'on me contacte directement, si l'on a quelque chose à me dire. Je le vis depuis mon échange téléphonique avec Michel Lacombe, le 28 octobre 1997, soit plus de 20 ans maintenant, ce qui frise la folie, si ça n'en est pas. Les enjeux m'ont fait tenir, mais l'absence de solution, malgré un nombre de démarches ahurissant, m'inquiètent. Je joins les écrans thunderbird parce qu'ils sont utilisés pour signifier, autant à moi, il me semble, qu'aux destinataires de mes mails. Hier à 25 sur l'ordinateur où j'écris, aujourd'hui à 40. J'ai un anti virus sur cet ordi, pas sur le second, pour comparer. Depuis des années, je n'en utilisais plus, étant encore plus piratée avec que sans. Ma demande est précise, inchangée depuis 2014 : quelqu'un peut-il prendre le relais, agir en sorte qu'un terme soit mis à cette escalade dans la violence ? Je n'ai pas, moi, les moyens de le faire, mais ma situation de retrait total semble me permettre une prise de parole impossible à d'autres, tels que Bill Gates, entièrement ligoté. Si l'institut polaire pouvait obtenir les données techniques de RF Controls sur le MH370 et poser les actes qui s'imposent, en lien avec d'autres structures, Marseille et Manhattan seraient épargnées, ce qui me semble impératif, mais n'est pas, à l'heure où je vous écris, obtenu. Par ailleurs, obtenir l'annulation de cette curatelle proprement délirante est nécessaire. Je vous joins un courriel du 6 juin 2017 par lequel ma sœur Brigitte Guizard m'affirmait une nouvelle fois ne rien avoir demandé de tel à mon sujet, sachant que nous n'avons plus de relations depuis 1995, et un échantillon des AR qu'elle m'a adressés, en tant qu'avocate, quand je la mettais en copie, signalant la relation qu'elle a nouée avec Bill Gates, permise par le mensonge opposé à sa demande de me rencontrer en juin 1990 et me prétendant suicidaire. Vous pourriez obtenir qu'un terme soit mis au scénario MH370 et à cette curatelle insensée, dépourvue de toute base médicale, je vous en serais infiniment reconnaissante. Peut-être pourriez- vous contacter dans ce but les élus du Missouri qui semblent agir, sachant que cette information ne m'est donnée que par présentation de fichier avec leurs coordonnées, et que je ne peux rien vérifier. Avec espoir, Nicole Guihaumé