The emergence of land change science for global environmental change and

B. L. Turner II*†, Eric F. Lambin‡, and Anette Reenberg§ *Graduate School of and Marsh Institute, Clark University, Worcester, MA 01610; ‡Department of Geography, University of Louvain, B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium; and §Department of Geography and Geology, University of Copenhagen, 1350 Copenhagen, Denmark

Edited by William C. Clark, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, and approved September 5, 2007 (received for review May 17, 2007)

Land change science has emerged as a fundamental component of global environmental change and sustainability research. This in- terdisciplinary field seeks to understand the dynamics of land cover and as a coupled human–environment system to ad- dress theory, concepts, models, and applications relevant to environmental and societal problems, including the intersection of the two. The major components and advances in land change are addressed: observation and monitoring; understanding the coupled system—causes, impacts, and consequences; modeling; and synthesis issues. The six articles of the special feature are introduced and situated within these components of study.

Land Change and Its Science sions, local to regional land changes re- system) as well as the human system be- uman-driven changes in the main important. For example, the large- yond the immediate land use. terrestrial surface of the earth scale replacement of natural land cover by The daunting objectives of LCS (8, 25, hold wide-ranging significance urban and agricultural land uses in south- 27) are treated in this introductory paper. for the structure and function ern Florida has reduced precipitation For each of the four main components of ofH to the earth system, with there (19), consistent with land change– LCS research, we briefly review the re- equally far-reaching consequences for hu- regional climate impacts found elsewhere search progress underway, discuss some of man well-being (1). The antiquity of the (20). Even more dramatically, massive the major implications for global environ- unintended impacts of these changes is irrigated agricultural projects triggered the mental change and sustainability themes, well documented for locales and regions collapse of the and its fishing and outline some of the major challenges (2, 3), and those linked to megafauna industry, with feedbacks that include remaining. Finally, the six research papers losses obtained a global reach by 10,000 wind-dispersed deposition of surface salts that compose this special feature are set B.P. (4–6). from the dry sea bed on adjacent agricul- within the structure of the overall LCS and were the tural lands and even on the glacial sources effort. largest sources of human-released green- of rivers feeding the sea (21). house gasses to the atmosphere until the Changes in land and ecosystems and The Dimensions of LCS: Advances, advent of industrial era fossil-fuel burning, their implications for global environ- Implications, and Challenges and as much as 35% of the human-in- mental change and sustainability are a Observation, Monitoring, and Land Charac- duced CO2 equivalents in the atmosphere major research challenge for the human- terization. The number of and improve- today can be traced to the totality of land- environmental sciences (22–24). This ments in air- and space-borne sensors use/cover changes (7, 8). These land-based research is undertaken by various commu- over the past two decades have funda- changes currently support over 6 billion nities, including , political mentally altered the capacity to observe people with food, fiber, water, and other , resource economics, institution benefits, and they support the highest governance, , biogeogra- global average per capita consumption phy, and integrated assessment, among Author contributions: B.L.T., E.F.L., and A.R. wrote the ever known. This unprecedented level of others. Its most comprehensive form, paper. land production, however, has been however, joins the human, environmental, The authors declare no conflict of interest. matched by unparalleled impacts on the and geographical information–remote †To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: earth system, especially since the latter sensing sciences in an interdisciplinary [email protected]. part of the twentieth century. effort increasingly referred to as land ¶‘‘Land transformation’’ refers to radical changes in land Today, as much as 50% of the earth’s change (or land system) science (LCS) use and cover, usually over the long term, such as forest to (25, 26). This emergent research commu- row crop cultivation, or wetlands to urban settlement. The ice-free land surface has been trans- various estimates of these changes differ owing to the use formed (9, 10), and virtually all land has nity seeks to improve: (i) observation and of different metrics and measures and the uncertainties been affected in some way by such pro- monitoring of land changes underway involved. Regardless, transformations are sizable as pro- cesses as coadapted landscapes, climate throughout the world, (ii) understanding portion of the ice-free land surface. If lands altered by human activity—lands retaining their base land cover but change, and tropospheric pollution (11– of these changes as a coupled human– configured differently than in the ‘‘wildland’’ state—are ¶ 14). Much of this change is a direct con- environment system, (iii) spatially explicit included, a much larger estimate would result. Examples sequence of land uses: Ϸ40% of land modeling of land change, and (iv) assess- include degraded arid lands, pasture and grasslands in- surface is in (including im- ments of system outcomes, such as vulner- vaded by or planted to exotic flora, and coadapted forests and grassland. Coadapted land covers are shaped and proved pasture and coadapted grassland), ability, resilience, or sustainability (Fig. 1) maintained by prolonged and repeated human activity, which accounts for nearly 85% of annual (27). This agenda is made more complex such as burning, that enlarges land use or land production: water withdrawals globally (8) and sur- by treating the environment in terms of its for example, annual burning that expands savanna grasses passes nature as the principal source of array of (environmental) goods relative to woody species and enlarges food stocks for livestock and native grazers. nitrogen emissions (15, 16); 3.3 billion and services, rather than individual re- ʈAs with estimates of land transformations and alterations, ruminants graze rangelands, producing sources (22, 28). Decisions to use land there is little doubt that human activity usurps a large methane (17); and land uses take up 10– affect these goods and services, with con- proportion of terrestrial net primary productivity, but the 50% of terrestrial net primary productivity sequences for the structure and function uncertainty in the estimates remains large (16). ʈ (18). In the face of these global dimen- of ecosystems (and ultimately, the earth © 2007 by The National Academy of Sciences of the USA

20666–20671 ͉ PNAS ͉ December 26, 2007 ͉ vol. 104 ͉ no. 52͞cgi͞doi͞10.1073͞pnas.0704119104 PCA ETR:PERSPECTIVE FEATURE: SPECIAL

given that the Landsat system, with its spatiotemporal resolution (900 m2;every 16 days) and relatively low costs, has been the ‘‘workhorse’’ database for so much of LCS (47). Research has also moved to- ward such land changes as ‘‘cryptic’’ de- forestation (e.g., due to selective logging; 36), soil erosion, pest impacts on land cover, and shifts in practices. These subtle changes pose a series of challenges because they require the detection of trends in biophysical attributes of the land surface within land- cover categories, independent of interan- nual variability in such attributes largely climate driven. Finally, mechanisms by which monitoring systems can integrate information at multiple spatiotemporal resolutions and from different instruments must be improved.

Land Change as a Coupled System. Causes of land-use change. Mimicking debates in so- Fig. 1. The base phenomena and processes examined in and base research components of land change cial science, no facet of land change re- science. search has been more contested than that of cause. Empirical linkages between pro- and monitor land change. Seamless global a measure of the amount and location of posed causal variables and land change have been documented, but these com- data of land cover or its attributes (29–31) potential human activities on the land- monly involve the more proximate factors permit global assessments of changes in scape owing to encroachment by roads to the land-outcome end of complex ex- net primary productivity, flora, carbon (43). planatory connections, such as immigrant, sources and sinks, and , among Observation and monitoring reveal a subsistence farmers and deforestation or other categories of study, the results of terrestrial surface increasingly dominated locally configured common property re- which serve climate and other global envi- by humankind and serve as the empirical source regimes and land degradation (48, ronmental models and reveal such mark- foundation for most claims about trajecto- 49). The distal factors that shape the ers of climate warming as phenological ries of land-use/cover change, supplanting proximate ones, such as urban poverty or changes in northern latitudes (32). Local observations made from ground-based national policies, tend to be difficult to to regional emphases have generated de- surveys. The results inform us that, from connect empirically to land outcomes, typ- tailed land classifications (33) of use for 2000 to 2005, temperate forests registered ically owing to the number and complex- both social and environmental problem a net gain globally, despite substantial log- ity of the linkages involved. Attention to solving, and land change assessments are ging in North America and Siberia. The proximate causes elevates the potential to increasingly ‘‘targeted’’ to specific prob- world’s humid tropical forests, in contrast, commit errors of omission that lead to lems. Examples include the role of lost 5.8 Ϯ 1.4 million ha/yr between 1990 Ϯ such errors as ‘‘blaming the victim’’ in stocking strategies versus climate flux in and 1997 but gained 1.0 0.32 million cases of tropical deforestation by impover- pasture degradation in the Karoo of ha/yr of regrowth, resulting in a net an- ished farmers. South Africa (34), the ecological conse- nual loss of 0.43% (44). These figures do Demonstrated empirical linkages in quences of selective logging in tropical not include the affects of selective logging land change vary substantially by the spa- forests (35, 36), the loss of prime agricul- and burning, which are estimated by some tiotemporal scale of analysis, impeded by tural lands to peri-urban growth in to match the area of tropical forest con- difficulties in obtaining and matching so- southern China (37), and the relative sus- version, at least in Amazonia (35, 36), nor cioeconomic, environmental, and remote- ceptibility of forest loss versus agricultural do all calculations include uncertainty esti- sensing data by scale (50). Globally and intensification to market signals in Ama- mates (32). The global areas of cropland historically (coarse grain), however, land zonia (38). The sheer volume of such and pasture in 2000 were estimated to be dynamics appear to track well with the work and the absence of a universal land- 15.1 million km2 and 28.3 million km2, population, affluence, and technology use/cover taxonomy have given rise to respectively (45). Surprisingly, perhaps, (PAT) variables of the IPAT (I ϭ envi- metaclassifications of land use/cover (39) the greatest density of cropland is in East- ronmental impact) identity because they and translations between different classifi- ern Europe, whereas pasture area is most capture, if coarsely, the demand for land cation schemes (40, 41) to compare case common in Asia and Africa. Urban ex- and resources and the means by which studies and aggregate their findings. Con- pansion is estimated to consume 1 to 2 they are supplied (51). These relationships fidence in detection and monitoring, given million ha/yr of cropland in the develop- are commonly lost at descending scales of the use of standard land characterizations, ing world (46), much of it prime agricul- analysis, however, a situation amplified by is sufficient that the European Union em- tural real estate. the spatial disconnect between sources of ploys imagery assessment as an account- Several challenges confront this cate- consumption and production in a global ing mechanism for tracking environmental gory of research. The first is to maintain economy, as in the case of industrial de- performances across different governing continuous time series of data to generate forestation in Borneo or Siberia (52). units (42). Finally, new metrics have been uninterrupted times series for analyses. Comparative and metaanalyses of place- developed to deal with coupled system This need is and will continue to be im- based land change studies have demon- dynamics, such as the ‘‘roadless volume,’’ peded by the malfunction of Landsat 7, strated the roles of such factors as

Turner et al. PNAS ͉ December 26, 2007 ͉ vol. 104 ͉ no. 52 ͉ 20667 markets (53), policy (54), transportation consequences for atmospheric greenhouse Modeling. Land change models are com- (55), governance (56), and household life gasses, albedo, or the hydrologic cycle plex, owing to their coupling of human cycles (57, 58) on different types of land (75, 76). and environmental dynamics and to their covers (e.g., tropical deforestation). To Research on biophysical feedbacks on need to be spatially (geographically) ex- date, other than , biophysi- land uses and human well-being has been plicit (88–92). The spatial configuration of cal variables have received less attention constrained similarly to that on impacts land uses and covers affects and is af- as causal factors (but see refs. 59–61); (above). Examples include local-to- fected by the processes in question. The rather they tend to be used as ambient regional scale changes in precipitation and prevalent use in LCS of data derived from conditions in which human or social fac- temperature or watershed flooding ren- makes the scale of the tors operate. The major exception involves dered by land-cover changes (19, 77), as pixel, which ranges in size from less than a semiarid land degradation, often called well as the regional reach of ‘‘urban heat meter to several kilometers, the finest . This process examined in island’’ effects (78). Various pollutants grain of spatially specificity in the model Sahel, for example, has demonstrated the from urban-industrial areas reduce crop (93, 94). These complexities notwithstand- synergy between land management prac- yields, often at large spatial scales and ing, a range of econometric, ecological, tices, whatever their origins, and pro- interacting with nitrous oxide released and agent-based models have been ex- longed climatic drought in triggering land from fertilizer (12, 14, 15, 79). Serious plored to meet land management needs to degradation (62). pressure on the environment has been better assess and project the future role of For any locale (fine grain) composed of noted in pig-producing regions of Ger- land-use/cover change in the functioning multiple land uses and covers, suites of many, The Netherlands, Denmark, and of the earth system, or simply to gain in- factors tend to operate in chain-linked or Switzerland, where ammonia deposition sights into a land system from various nested ways (27, 48, 63, 64), and their spe- exceeds the critical loads of nitrogen of perspectives (95–97). Land-use change cific configuration and interaction may sensitive ecosystems (80). Climate change, models allow testing of the stability of lead to dissimilar outcomes. For example, itself partially linked to changes in the linked human–environment systems the same international regulations and terrestrial surface of the earth, interacts through scenario building. These models markets, operating through similar, cas- with land-cover change to threaten ecosys- tend either to apply advanced statistical cading tiers of national institutions and tems worldwide (81, 82) as well as land modeling tools to spatially explicit data- local conditions, potentially yield dissimi- uses, foremost agriculture (83). In addi- sets or to simulate human–environment lar land-use/cover outcomes. Unpacking tion, ecosystem transformation modifies systems based on a set of idealized rules this complexity and rebuilding it to move habitat suitability for vectors of diseases of behavior, although combinations of beyond the variance of place remains a and for animal hosts of zoonotic diseases, these approaches also exist. Statistical central challenge. If single-sector analyses and land-use change may increase human models rely on the assumption that land- of land change provide incomplete under- exposure to these diseases, therefore af- use change processes are stationary, standing but insights about general causes fecting human health (8, 84). whereas process-based models represent (65), place-based analyses provide more These focused approaches (above) not- changes in processes through time related complete understanding but are often withstanding, various lines of research and to a change in system properties. Such void of linkages to the general. Much at- modeling are becoming more inclusive shifts in system behavior can take place tention needs to be directed to the refor- and complex, attempting to incorporate once some threshold is passed or can be mulation of the sector-based concepts by more dimensions of the coupled system. triggered by single events, whether they place-based outcomes. For instance, research on the ignition, are biophysical (e.g., drought, hurricanes, Biophysical impacts and feedbacks. The LCS propagation, and impacts of forest fires soil degradation) or socioeconomic (e.g., community seeks to emphasize the totality has linked the interactions among climate, technological innovation, war, economic of ecosystem goods and services involved vegetation structure, and land use on local crisis) in kind. in land change (22, 28); thus much atten- to regional scales to address impacts on Land-use change models have been tion is given to the structure and function biodiversity and such ecosystem services designed either at the scale of human– of the biophysical subsystem. This ideal as carbon sequestration, soil fertility, and environment systems as a whole [e.g., has proven difficult to implement for a grazing and touristic value, and hence IMAGE (Integrated Model to Assess the number of reasons, including the complex- land-use change (85). Additionally, model- Global Environment), CLUE (Conversion ity and costs involved in addressing goods ing assessments of Europe have singled of Land Use Change and its Effects), and and services holistically. It is more com- out the Mediterranean region as increas- SALU (SAhelian Land-Use)] or at the mon for research to examine sets of goods ingly confronting water shortages with scale of agents that represent individual and services or parts of ecosystems (66, climate change, owing to changes in snow- units of decision making, interacting 67). Examples include the impacts of land- cover dynamics, including the timing of among themselves and with their environ- scape fragmentation on keystone species runoff, and higher water extractions for ment (92). In the latter vein, statistical and the consequences for other biota and irrigation and tourism (86). modeling has given rise to a growing body landscape functioning (52, 68, 69); the The challenges for research on biophys- of research linking people to pixels, such spread of invasive species as a conse- ical consequences and feedbacks are nu- as household survey data to land-cover quence of land use; land-change conse- merous and detailed in other fora (87). data derived by remote sensing at a fine quences for water and food supply and They include the identification of causal spatial resolution (97, 98). Simulation amenity values (70–72); various conse- links between ecosystem processes and models at the level of agents are also quences of increased area of forest edges, ecosystem services and their dependence gaining traction. Environmental change is from the loss of biota to the opening of on biodiversity, and the identification of simulated as an emergent property of in- corridors for disease vectors (73); and the tipping points beyond which the resil- teractions between agents (94, 96). Differ- impacts of changing crop–fallow practices ience of different environmental systems ences between the relevant spatial units on tropical forest succession and nutrient is lost. These and other challenges, of for biophysical processes and decision dynamics (74). This focus on specific course, require improvements in dealing making by actors is one of the method- goods and services or subsystems domi- with complexity of the ‘‘complete’’ cou- ological difficulties confronting the cou- nates research at most scales of analysis, pled land system (see Synthesis and pling of subsystems in these models (50). such as that directed to global land-cover Assessment). Numerous challenges confront the

20668 ͉͞cgi͞doi͞10.1073͞pnas.0704119104 Turner et al. modeling of land change (50). A solid tems and attempts to micromanage the use dynamics to assess and monitor re- framework for a systematic validation of physical world. The results are transitions serves as well as consideration of park land-change projections is an essential from presettlement wildlands to urban boundaries and rules of access and component of this research field (99), but settlement and managed reserve lands (8). resource use as they affect human– it remains particularly challenging in the The most developed and tested of these environment relationships in and around case of multiagent simulations, given the models—the forest transition—shares reserves (119, 120). need for validation data on decision- striking similarities to that of the demo- The coupling of the human–environment making processes and interactions graphic transition: forest cover decreases subsystems and assessments of their between actors. It is also essential to with economic development until the spatially explicit outcomes leads to a understand how the scale of analysis economy industrializes (or obtains indus- number of major challenges for LCS, affects modeling results (100). Whereas trial levels of wealth), in which case forest perhaps none more important than the some models are focused on predicting cover regenerates, although never to its search for sustainable land architecture. the rates or quantities of change, others former extent and often with an altered This search is directed to the overarch- put more emphasis on spatial patterns. composition and structure (107).** This ing mission of sustainability science— Moreover, land-use change models need thesis has been supported by several quan- provisioning humankind while reducing to account for the endogeneity of vari- titative assessments based on country-level the threats to the earth system ables, such as land management technolo- comparisons, including the contemporary (121)—and is captured within the gies, infrastructures, or land-use policies. tropical world (109–111), although an land–ecosystem communities under the Finally, land modeling confronts the need alternative pathway may exist in which rubric of ‘‘win-win’’ solutions (122), or to couple the dynamics of the human and forest cover is related to the need for for- those in which the human subsystem biophysical subsystems with outputs that est products (e.g., plantations). Short- maintains the delivery of ecosystem ser- are useful for land-use/cover assessments. term, reverse transitions are common in vices that society values from the envi- This coupling is conceived in the context economic frontier zones, and long-term ronmental subsystem. These solutions of hierarchy theory, allowing for multi- reversals not associated with high-end de- involve a complex suite of coupled sys- level interactions and feedbacks. The rep- velopment phases have been documented, tem outcomes that, more often than not, resentation of many potential feedbacks such as the reforesting of the Maya low- are processed and delivered throughout generates numerical instability in models lands beginning about 1000 B.P. and the landscape in spatially incongruent (90) that create levels of uncertainties im- maintained until recently (112). ways. The complete array of ecosystem peding their use for decision making. Parks and reserves established to pre- goods and services for a landscape or serve and conserve biodiversity have region can rarely be supplied by setting Synthesis and Assessment. The coupling of drawn special attention in regard to the aside one piece of land, no matter how the human and environmental subsystems, land dynamics in which they exist and the large, and lands optimal for human uses, commonly through the use of models, typ- nature of their boundaries. More often more often than not, coincide with ifies synthesis and assessment research in than not, the first line of research demon- those most critical for providing certain LCS, much of which is devoted to sustain- strates that land practices, pressures, and goods and services. Thus attempts to ability themes. Holistic assessments that changes outside the reserve affect the reach solutions that provision the array address sustainability, broadly interpreted, biota within it (113). For example, the and level of services wanted by society consistent with the objectives of LCS are development of commercial grain farms in require complex patterns of land uses/ few in number (64, 101) but are increasing the breeding lands of wildebeest in Kenya covers specified for the area in question across a wide spectrum of issues. Exam- affect the number of this keystone species (66). These patterns constitute architec- ples include research that informs practice in the Masai-Mara Nature Reserve (69), ture in that most lands, including wild- about such issues as carbon offsets and while exurban development surrounding lands, are governed, and thus their use tropical deforestation (102) and combat- Yellowstone National Park in the United is designed, de facto or de jure. A sus- ing land degradation in arid lands (62). States triggers a complex suite of biodiver- tainable land architecture for one place, Headway has been made on such themes sity responses, such as the loss of riparian however, need not render similar results as the resilience–vulnerability of coupled habitat, elk winter range, and migration if duplicated across different locales or human–environment systems (103–105) as corridors (114, 115). In many cases, the expanded to large units of assessment, well as attempts to identify the character- establishment of reserves affects the sub- such as biomes or continents (123, 124). istics of sustainable and unsustainable sistence practices of people living within The aggregation of the local solutions land systems, ranging from syndromes of or adjacent to them, with implications for could lead to threats to both parts of degradation to land practice outcomes by human well-being and reserve ecosystems the coupled system at ascending scales rules of governance to linking ecosystem (116). For example, the collection of wood of analysis. In a world fast approaching and human well-being (56, 66, 101, 106). fuel and expansion of agricultural lands in governance and de facto planning of the In concert with global environmental the Wolong Nature Reserve of China was entire terrestrial surface, the question of change and sustainability, increasing at- reducing the area of giant panda habitat deriving a sustainable land architecture tention has been given to the delivery of and the connectivity of these habitats constitutes a grand challenge. information that facilitates decision within and beyond the reserve up to 2001. making (62). Case Study Illustrations of the Subsequently, new economic opportunities Dimensions of LCS Of the many synthesis issues under for residents beyond the reserve helped to study, none has received more attention reduce habitat loss there and stabilize The five research articles that constitute than land transitions and parks/reserves. habitat connectivity with the reserve, this special feature provide a glimpse of Land transitions refer to common se- while increasing household income (117, the advances underway in each category quences of land uses and covers resulting 118). Such work demonstrates the need of LCS (above) as they map onto Fig. 1, from sustained development and occupa- for a more expansive assessment of land- and were selected, in part, to demonstrate tion. In the most generic model, ascending the international and interdisciplinary levels of socioeconomic development are reach of the land change community. associated with increasing intensities of **Attempts are also underway to address land transitions Irwin and Bockstael (125) illustrate how land uses that capture ‘‘natural’’ ecosys- for semi-arid lands (108). data drawn from land monitoring efforts

Turner et al. PNAS ͉ December 26, 2007 ͉ vol. 104 ͉ no. 52 ͉ 20669 can be directed to questions anchored in In the second example, Lawrence and change in the coupled and coevolving, the core of the social sciences. They dem- associates (127) examine the impacts of multiscalar land system of the ‘‘outback’’ onstrate that low-density or sub-/exurban slash and burn cultivation on soil phos- of Australia, using the principles of the housing in the state of Maryland, partially phorus (P) in the tropical dry forest of Drylands Development Paradigm (62) to within the northeastern metropolitan cor- southern Yucata´n. They demonstrate a understand these dynamics. They examine the vagaries of drought and livestock ridor, has resulted in a substantial increase marked decline in readily available soil P with the increased number of crop–fallow markets on land management, and the in undeveloped land fragmentation rela- consequent impacts on the ecological and cycles undertaken, such that by the third tive to development infill as measured by human subsystems, linked to learning at edge or land fragmentation metrics. Vari- cycle available soil P is insufficient to sup- the property, state, and national scales. ous factors associated with the expansion port mature forest. Successional forest, in Lessons drawn that link LCS to applica- of exurbia and its increasing fragmenta- turn, captures less P from the atmosphere, tion include not planning based on tion pattern are also explored. They find creating a positive feedback that degrades average conditions in either subsystem, that fragmentation is significantly higher the ecosystem with implications for both and the need for knowledge systems be- in areas with more open space and signifi- forests and farmers. The linkages to farm- yond the managers themselves. cantly lower within proximity to Chesa- ers can be made because this research is part of a larger land change study treating Concluding Comments peake Bay, suggesting that the pull of Approaching two decades of concerted natural landscape amenities is an impor- the coupled human–environment system. A virtual explosion in land modeling international and interdisciplinary efforts tant determinant of these patterns. to address land-use/cover change as a cou- Biophysical impacts and feedbacks are is illustrated by the work of Manson and Evans (128). They integrate agent-based pled system, LCS appears to have moved addressed in two case studies. In the first, beyond an adolescence phase but has not models with other methods to examine Dı´az, Lavorel, and colleagues (126) pro- yet fully matured. It has proven difficult household decision making in south- vide a framework that permits assess- to achieve a theory of coupled land sys- central Indiana and the southern Yuca- ments of the indirect effects of functional tems. Complex systems concepts point to ta´n. The Indiana case links data from diversity on ecosystem properties and ser- attributes of this coupling that are concep- multiple sources, including interviews vices, and they illustrate it through a case tually appealing but difficult to translate and laboratory-based experiments, to ex- into useful land-change outcomes (130). study of grassland systems in the French amine the role of uncertainty, preferences, Subsystem concepts and associated theory, Alps. These indirect effects have, hereto- demographics, and changing experience. in contrast, have proven useful in under- fore, generated considerable uncertainty The Yucata´n case uses evolutionary pro- standing specific outcomes and interac- in understanding land-change impacts on gramming to represent bounded rational- tions of parts of the coupled system (27), ecosystem services. Application of the ity in agriculturalist households to identify providing substantial insights for decision framework indicates that community-level simple rules of thumb and broader social making. The achievements made across averages often explain much about ecosys- and environmental factors in decision the various dimensions of LCS, only a few of which could be illustrated in the six tem properties, and it helps elucidate the making. This integrated modeling sup- case studies that follow, suggest an in- role of other factors and the conditions in ports the concept of land managers as which uncertainty cannot be reduced. Im- creasingly rewarding and significant re- boundedly rational actors in both deforest- search future. portantly, this study reveals that the rela- ing (Yucata´n) and reforesting (Indiana) tionships among abiotic factors, different systems. The models also demonstrate the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We thank the authors components of functional diversity, and heterogeneity of land management strate- and reviewers in this special feature for their ecosystem services can be addressed sys- timely comments. We appreciate the insights gies used by local actors and highlight the gained from our participation in the Land Use tematically. The procedure thus allows a utility of models to provide insight into and Cover Change Project and Global Land formal incorporation of biodiversity as a complex land change systems. Project of the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme and the International Human Dimen- driving factor in the sensitivity of ecosys- Finally, McKeon and associates (129) sions Programme on Global Environment tem services to environmental change. provide a synthetic assessment of land Change.

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Turner et al. PNAS ͉ December 26, 2007 ͉ vol. 104 ͉ no. 52 ͉ 20671