21748 Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 70 / Wednesday, April 11, 2012 / Notices

Dated: April 4, 2012. The mission will visit Tel Aviv and Leviathan fields. These fields may have Paul Piquado, Jerusalem, and will include a visit to a the capacity to support Israel’s domestic Assistant Secretary for to-be-determined site (e.g., port or gas consumption with reserves left for Administration. company office). Mission participants , and related platform chemicals. will attend the 2012 Israel Energy and The U.S. Geological Survey estimates Appendix—List of Comments and Convention. Held for the 10th that there are 122 TCF of recoverable gas Issues in the Issues and Decision consecutive year, by Eco Energy and in the region, most of it in Israeli Memorandum Tachlit Conferences, this is Israel’s waters.1 In March 2012, another General Issues major energy forum. The convention offshore discovery was made by Modiin 1. Legal Authority to Apply the CVD Law assembles representatives of companies and Adira Energy northwest of Tel Aviv, to the PRC. and senior Israeli and foreign policy with an estimated 1.8 TCF of natural gas 2. Whether the Final Results Must Account makers, bringing them together with the as well as oil.2 for the Imposition of Double Remedies. Israeli financial and business Israel’s offshore natural gas reserves 3. Whether the Department’s Investigation community. are estimated around 30 trillion cubic of the Provision of Wire Rod and Steel Strip The mission will help participating feet, however further exploration is for LTAR Met the Initiation Standard. firms gain market insights, make needed. The Ministry of Energy and 4. Whether Application of AFA for the industry contacts, solidify business Water Resources’ (MEWR) Petroleum Wire Rod and Steel Strip LTAR Programs Is Supported by the Record and Consistent with strategies, and advance specific projects, Unit and Petroleum Council are U.S. International Obligations. with the goal of increasing U.S. exports responsible for issuing petroleum 5. Benchmark Used for Wire Rod. to Israel. The mission will include one- prospecting licenses in Israel. After the on-one business appointments with pre- Tamar and Leviathan discoveries, Company-Specific Issues screened potential buyers, agents, numerous licenses to initiate petroleum 6. Whether CVDs Should Apply to distributors and joint venture partners; prospecting were granted. According to Wireking’s Purchases of Steel Strip, Which is meetings with government officials; and the Petroleum Law, license owners must Not Consumed in the Production of the high-level networking events. begin petroleum prospecting within 4 Subject Merchandise. 7. Whether Cash Deposit and Liquidation Participating in an official U.S. industry months of license issuance, commence Should Reflect Names and Translations of delegation, rather than traveling to Israel drilling operations no later than two Names Used by NKS for Exportation of on their own, will enhance the years following license issuance, and Goods to the United States. companies’ ability to secure meetings in the interval between the drilling of one 8. Whether the Department Should Have Israel. well and another cannot exceed 4 Found NKS Received a Subsidy from City Commercial Setting months. Consequently, it is likely that Maintenance and Construction and various drilling operations will Education Fee Surcharges/ The United States is Israel’s largest commence in 2012. Because Israel does [FR Doc. 2012–8727 Filed 4–10–12; 8:45 am] single country partner. Since the not yet have the physical infrastructure BILLING CODE 3510–DS–P U.S.-Israel Agreement and technical workforce to support this entered into force in 1985, U.S.-Israel fast growing industry, local companies trade has grown nine-fold. Since 1995 are eager to team up with U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE nearly all trade tariffs between the U.S. companies. Finally, Minister of Energy and Israel have been eliminated. Exports and Water Resources, Uzi Landau is Administration of U.S. goods to Israel in 2010 were $6.7 committed to bringing foreign billion. In September 2010, Israel joined Oil and Gas Trade Mission to Israel companies into Israel for continued gas the Organization for Economic Co- exploration, and its eventual . AGENCY: International Trade operation and Development. The Committee on Energy Policy, Administration, Department of Israel has an advanced market recommends setting aside 50 percent of Commerce. economy. As of 2010, Israel has the 24th the Tamar and Leviathan gas resources ACTION: Notice. largest economy in the world. for export. Final decisions on exports Historically poor in natural resources, will be made in the coming months. All Mission Description Israel depends on of petroleum, natural gas export facilities will be coal, natural gas and production inputs, located in areas under Israeli control. The United States Department of though the country’s nearly total Opportunities exist for prospectors, Commerce (DOC), International Trade reliance on energy imports will likely operators, pipeline construction, Administration (ITA), U.S. and Foreign change with recent discoveries of large logistical services and ship Commercial Service (CS), is organizing natural gas reserves off its coast. manufacturers. Technical training an Executive-led Oil and Gas Trade In accordance with the OECD’s Green services are required to build a Mission to Israel, October 27–October Growth Declaration of 2009, the workforce and there are opportunities 31, 2012. This mission is designed to be Government of Israel formed a Green for academic cooperation with local led by a Senior Commerce Department Growth Round Table to bring about universities and colleges. official. The purpose of the mission is regulatory, budgetary and to introduce U.S. firms to Israel’s environmental policy changes between Oil rapidly expanding oil and gas market 2012 and 2020. Therefore, there may be In March 2010, the U.S. Geological and to assist U.S. companies pursuing sub-sector opportunities in Survey reported that there is an export opportunities in this sector. The environmental protection and pollution mission to Israel is intended to include treatment, for onshore and offshore 1 US Geological Survey. Assessment of representatives from leading U.S. activities. Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the Levant companies that provide services to oil Basin Province. . 2 ‘‘Oil and Gas Found at Gabriella, Yitzhak construction through to project In 2009 and 2010, the greatest natural Licenses.’’ Globes Israel Business News. 13 Mar. implementation, maintenance of gas discoveries of the decade were made 2012. .

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estimated 1.7 billion barrels of Mission Goals and Cyprus. Networking events will 3 recoverable oil in Israel. The World The mission will help U.S. companies provide mission participants with Energy Council estimates Israel’s shale increase their export potential to Israel further opportunities to speak with local deposits could ultimately yield as many business and government 4 by identifying profitable opportunities as 250 billion barrels of oil. In May in Israel’s natural gas and oil market. As representatives, as well as with business 2011, the Russian energy company Inter such, the mission will focus on helping executives of major U.S. companies RAO announced that it had received a U.S. companies obtain market already established in Israel. license to develop oil shale resources in information, establish business and The mission will begin in Tel Aviv, the Negev desert. In March 2012, government contacts, solidify business where participants will receive market another offshore discovery was made by strategies, and/or advance specific briefings and learn about doing business Modiin and Adira Energy northwest of projects. in Israel. Next, the delegates will Tel Aviv, with an estimated 128 million participate in the Israel Energy and 5 The mission’s goals include: barrels of oil, as well as natural gas. • Facilitating first-hand market Business Convention 2012, Israel’s The Meged Field may also contain exposure and access to government major energy forum. Here the significant oil reserves. In June 2011, decision makers and key private-sector participants will be able to learn about Israeli oil exploration company, Givot industry contacts, including potential the market, meet with potential Olam, announced that its test trading partners; customers and network with all relevant production site, Meged 5, was • Promoting the U.S. energy industry players from the public and private producing 800 barrels a day. According by connecting representatives of U.S. sector. The convention will include to a report by the international companies with potential trading plenary sessions, panel discussions, consultancy Baker Hughes, Givot Olam partners; lectures, investment advice and will develop Meged 6 and Meged 7 and • Helping companies gain valuable exhibitions. Commercial Service Tel perform well stimulation for all its international business experience in the Aviv will arrange one-on-one business drillings; in the next stage the company rapidly growing energy industry; and, meetings with potential buyers and will drill up to 40 wells throughout the • partners for all trade mission 6 Helping U.S. companies strengthen Meged field. In February 2012, MEWR their engagement in the worldwide participants. approved continued production at marketplace, leading to increased Next, the delegation will be led on a Meged 5, and development of Meged 6– exports and job creation. site visit. Probable site visits include 14 drillings.7 Ashdod Port and Noble Energy offices. Many oil exploration licenses are set Mission Scenario Finally, the delegation will visit the to expire in 2012 and 2013. Exploration Participants will attend country MEWR in Jerusalem to learn about the companies are limited to how many briefings, seminars and meetings with state of the oil and gas industry in Israel. licenses they can hold in Israel, and government decision makers and key The precise agenda will depend upon given the success of several exploration private-sector industry contacts, the availability of local government and projects, there are opportunities for U.S. including potential trading partners. private sector officials, as well as on the companies to enter Israel’s oil Participants will also receive briefings specific goals and makeup of the exploration market. on natural gas opportunities in Greece mission participants.


Saturday, October 27, 2012 ...... • Tel Aviv. Æ Participants arrive in the AM. Æ Afternoon Embassy briefing, doing business in Israel seminar. Sunday, October 28, 2012 ...... • Tel Aviv. Æ Participation in Israel Energy and Business Convention 2012. Æ One-on-one meetings. Æ Dinner with trade mission lead and relevant government of Israel senior officials. Monday, October 29, 2012 ...... • Tel Aviv. Æ Participation in Israel Energy and Business Convention 2012. Æ One-on-one meetings. Æ Networking reception with Israeli companies. Tuesday, October 30, 2012 ...... • Tel Aviv. Æ Site visit to port, or Noble Energy Inc. offices. Æ Reception and Ambassador’s residence. Wednesday, October 31, 2012 ...... • Jerusalem. Æ Relevant government meetings.

Participation Requirements submit an application package for certain conditions and best satisfy the consideration by DOC. All applicants selection criteria as outlined below. U.S. All parties interested in participating will be evaluated on their ability to meet companies already doing business with in the trade mission must complete and

3 US Geological Survey. Assessment of survey_of_energy_resources_2007/oil_shale/ data/images/Media/ Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the Levant country_notes/2005.asp>. GIVT0001%20Final%20Report%20rev3.pdf>. Basin Province. . Licenses.’’ Globes Israel Business News. 13 Mar. Development.’’ Globes Israel Business News, 30 Jan. 2012. . Council for Sustainable Energy. . 6 Meged Field Reserves Classification. Rep. Baker www.worldenergy.org/publications/ Hughes, Mar. 2011.

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Israel as well as U.S. companies seeking • Consistency of the applicant’s goals Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), to enter to the Israeli market for the first and objectives and business with the Commerce. time may apply. A minimum of 10 and stated scope of the mission. ACTION: Notice; receipt of applications. a maximum of 20 companies will be • Diversity of company size, sector or selected for participation in this subsector, and location may also be SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given that mission. considered during the review process. the S.O. Conte Anadromous Fish Referrals from political organizations Research Center, U.S. Geological Fees and Expenses and any documents containing Survey; Box 796, 1 Migratory Way, After a company has been selected to references to partisan political activities Turners Falls, MA 01376, has applied in participate on the mission, a payment to (including political contributions) will due form for a permit to take shortnose the DOC in the form of a participation be removed from an applicant’s sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum); and fee is required. The participation fee is submission and not considered during also that Entergy Nuclear Operations $3,285 for large firms and $2,675 for a the selection process. Inc., 450 Broadway, Suite 3, Buchanan, NY 10511, has applied in due form for small or medium-sized enterprise Timeframe for Recruitment and 8 a permit to take shortnose sturgeon (SME) , which covers one Applications representative. The fee for each (Acipenser brevirostrum) and Atlantic additional representative is $500. Mission recruitment will be sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus Participants in Israel Energy and conducted in an open and public oxyrinchus) for purposes of scientific Business Conference will pay show- manner, including publication in the research. related expenses directly to the show Federal Register, posting on the DATES: Written, telefaxed, or email organizer. Expenses for travel, lodging, Commerce Department trade mission comments must be received on or before meals, and incidentals will be the calendar (http://www.ita.doc.gov/ May 11, 2012. doctm/tmcal.html) and other Internet responsibility of each mission ADDRESSES: The application and related participant. Delegation members will be Web sites, press releases to general and trade media, direct mail, notices by documents are available for review by able to take advantage of U.S. Embassy selecting ‘‘Records Open for Public rates for hotel rooms. industry trade associations and other multiplier groups, and publicity at Comment’’ from the Features box on the Conditions for Participation industry meetings, symposia, Applications and Permits for Protected Species (APPS) home page, https:// An applicant must submit a conferences, and trade shows. Recruitment for the mission will apps.nmfs.noaa.gov, and then selecting completed and signed mission File Nos. 16549 or 17095 from the list application and supplemental conclude no later than August 24, 2012. The U.S. Department of Commerce will of available applications. application materials, including These documents are also available review applications and make selection adequate information on the company’s upon written request or by appointment decisions on a rolling basis beginning products and/or services, primary in the following offices: May 21, 2012, until the maximum of 20 market objectives, and goals for Permits and Conservation Division, participants is selected. Applications participation. If the Department of Office of Protected Resources, NMFS, received after August 24, 2012 will be Commerce receives an incomplete 1315 East-West Highway, Room 13705, considered only if space and scheduling application, the Department may reject Silver Spring, MD 20910; phone (301) constraints permit. the application, request additional 427–8401; fax (301) 713–0376; and information, or take the lack of Contacts Northeast Region, NMFS, 55 Great information into account when Republic Drive, Gloucester, MA 01930; evaluating the applications. U.S. Commercial Service Tel Aviv phone (978) 281–9328; fax (978) 281– Each applicant must also certify that Ms. Irit van der Veur, Senior 9394. the products and services it seeks to Commercial Specialist, 972–3–519– Written comments on either export through the mission are either 7540, [email protected]. application should be submitted to the produced in the United States, or, if not, Chief, Permits and Conservation U.S. Commercial Service Washington, marketed under the name of a U.S. firm Division DC and have at least 51 percent U.S. • By email to content of the value of the finished Mr. David McCormack, International [email protected] (include product or service. Trade Specialist, 202.482.2833, the File No. in the subject line of the [email protected]. email), Selection Criteria for Participation • by facsimile to (301) 713–0376, or Elnora Moye, • Suitability of the company’s • at the address listed above. products or services to the market. Trade Program Assistant. Those individuals requesting a public • Applicant’s potential for business [FR Doc. 2012–8608 Filed 4–10–12; 8:45 am] hearing should submit a written request in the targeted industries in Israel, BILLING CODE 3510–FP–P to the Chief, Permits and Conservation including likelihood of exports resulting Division at the address listed above. The from the mission. request should set forth the specific DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE reasons why a hearing on the

8 application(s) would be appropriate. An SME is defined as a firm with 500 or fewer National Oceanic and Atmospheric employees or that otherwise qualifies as a small Administration FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: business under SBA regulations (see http:// Malcolm Mohead or Colette Cairns at www.sba.gov/services/contracting_opportunities/ RIN 0648–XB155 sizestandardstopics/index.html). Parent companies, (301) 427–8401. affiliates, and subsidiaries will be considered when Endangered Species; File Nos. 16549 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The determining business size. The dual pricing reflects subject permits are requested under the the Commercial Service’s user fee schedule that and 17095 became effective May 1, 2008 (see http:// authority of the Endangered Species Act www.export.gov/newsletter/march2008/ AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries of 1973, as amended (ESA; 16 U.S.C. initiatives.html for additional information). Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and 1531 et seq.) and the regulations

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