Musical Twins Come to Centralia Duo Will Perform Tonight at Olympic Club / Main 2
$1 Early Week Edition Tuesday, April 17, 2012 — Reaching 110,000 Readers in Print and Online Musical Twins Come to Centralia Duo Will Perform Tonight at Olympic Club / Main 2 Warriors Stay Candidates, Political Activists Push Undefeated Toward Big November Election / Main 8 / Sports 1 An Explosion of History Civil War uniformed soldiers demonstrate the lighting and iring of a reproduction cannon Saturday afternoon at the Veterans Memorial Museum in Chehalis. Veterans Memorial Museum Brings At left: Aiden Johnson, 10, Centralia, center, History of the Civil War to Life and his father Erik By Candice Stanford shared stories, heirlooms and Johnson, Centralia, right, listen as Bill For The Chronicle battle artillery and equipment with some 200 attendees. The Singleton, Wenatchee, If Robert E. Lee were around day-long event also included lec- explains items today, he might be surprised at tures highlighted with photos and displayed in the the distant relatives gathered artist drawings of battle grounds, artillery display during at the Veterans Memorial Mu- navy ships and generals. the Sesquicentennial seum Saturday recounting tales Roger Wilcox said his great- Celebration of the about him. great-grandfather, major-gener- American Civil War Commemorating the 1862 al Orlando Wilcox, served un- hosted by the Veteran Civil War Battle of Shiloh, 25 liv- der and was good friends with Memorial Museum in ing historians dressed in battle Chehalis Saturday. and civilian period clothing please see HISTORY, back page Holly Pederson /
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