SANGAM (INDIA) LIMITED CIN : L17118 RJ 1984 PLC 003173 Regd
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SANGAM (INDIA) LIMITED CIN : L17118 RJ 1984 PLC 003173 Regd. Off. : P.B. No. 90, Atun,Chittorgarh Road, Bhilwara - 311001 (RaJ.) INDIA Phone: + 91-1482-305000. 305028, Fax: + 91-1482-305050 E-mail: [email protected], Website: Valu. Illrough valu ... Ref: SILjSECj2019/ Date: 20th May, 2019 The Manager The Manager, Department of Corporate Services Department of Corporate Services, The National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd. Exchange Plaza, 5th Floor, Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers Plot No. C/ 1, G Block 25th Floor, Dalal Street, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E) MUMBAl - 400 001 Mumbai - 400051 Scrip Code: 514234 Scrip Code: 5251 -Ref: -RrurnlatiaD4-7 -af -the SEBl -EListiU -Obl~atiaDs -and -Disdosure -Requircements-) • Re&ulations. 2015 Sub: Submission of copy of Newspaper Advertisement in respect of Notice of Board Meetin~ ln compliance of Regulation 47 01 SEBI {Listing obligation and Disclosure Requirements) Regulation, 2015, please find enclose herewith copy of the Notice published in newspaper The Business Standard (English) and Rajasthan Patrika (Hindi) both dated 18th May for intimation of Meeting of Board of Directors of the Company scheduled to be held on Tuesday, 28th May, 2019. Hope you Will find the same in order and take the same on record. Thanking you. Yours faithfully FarSangam (India) limited 6~ (Anil Jain) CFO & Company Secretary FCS- 3147 Corporate Office:· BI306-309. Dynasty Business Park. Opp, Sangam Cinema. Andheri Kurla Road Y8 run on Andheri (East) Mumbai - 400 059 Ph . +91-22..01115222,28227861-04, Fax +91-22-28227865 nil"""" q9¥1 .~. ~.lB ~ 2019 ~~~:2076 18-qf2019~ fMil ~CIiJ;nq:~ 'fi4'fc;CICbIt4'l'lWol1l W fWIa ~ 1J.Illi~ ~ 3!CR'I& 2.41 Cf<5. ~~~~cCt m~'1941 ~QR1I~_' ~~l)wfl'Jlllt~~~. 3fR ~ ~~:1440. ~.1IRS-~. mr.llOO,~. ~~. ~ tRq.~ Hffil'~ ~~~~II 5.1Im ~:12 3ttr-I:~ ~ CIroJT ;q:~ ~1f1'IlIj~~$T~ 11m :tm!I 3.10 fllli. ~ fIlCf qft'EI ~ ~3l!rl7.l'ltl ~I m 7.I'ItlcCt ~:~ ~~~~'4~JI 3tR~~ir~q~491 ~-q ~1)c flq~ ~ 11GTVl ~ ~~ -q~ q;')~ _.P.JSlu.,201£ ~~~ qfr~ q61cf}~~ 3ICU~ ~I =1: CfiI6q~(1"1 eql{l(i 3lNI ~~~ ~. ~ ~ ~ .m1~~1lfcrer~ ~~~~ ~~~CiiOQ~~if m1l\\ ~ ~ am ~ ~"1lij401 QqlQtlqI'1,~ tili<tl~~ ~~~3lIimf cfim 18~<fi §iJf€w1 t1G1 tftllIU{qOO 3t¥!.if:u~~ _ if ~ ~ wuW en ~Jjj~$t1J~{@Xl11 ~ ml ~ .. rel~q;CJ!?i~~~ ~'~C6W till&<%l<sl 9'~< ~ m~1 W'-q:~,~ tnN~, ~(3IlO' ~.J;!ftql) rr.~. 16 q!if). ~~. U1IIWlIII<U'lCIIIIIJ ~~I~~t1s.~311OO1cm.) ~.~~, ... 91 14112 305000, ..,. 81 WI? 3OCSOSO ~~.~!JTl t.tN I pctltlrl,l@UngameroupJ:8lll ~. _\ ... lIIpnlgfOUJI.colll : . i""':~,~ ~~'H,~ ~~~ ~~~,~. ft'q-~. t].lR. ~ ~.~~~ ~~.~,i ~~.~~~~~, <fflt~. ~ f!~ I 20~~q~HI3l fq)G~('f CfiTc6W~ 4 POLITICS & PUBLIC AFFAIRS MUMBAI | 18 MAY 2019 1 > ‘We will not touch strategic subsidies’ I am completely against that. If Mr do you think of this, do you like it, not omy with the Gabbar Singh tax and So essentially what the Congress Ambani had the skills to deliver the like it?” Can we tweak it? We will work demonetisation. does is that it tries to protect the Rafale contract, the financial ability to with you and try and get an optimal If you have a detailed chat with Dr interests of all stakeholders, so deliver the contract, I wouldn’t be solution. Manmohan Singh, he will tell you how when people say ‘Rahul is anti-busi- against him. We certainly won’t operate the way small and informal businesses have ness’, that’s just a dumb idea. I can’t I think that there are some tremen- Mr Modi does. been destroyed by those twin blows possibly be anti-business. dous businesses in India, that should that sucked cash out of the system. So be world class, and are held back by What is the role of the private NYAY is also a financial injection into Why not? our government. I think that there are sector in the country? the Indian economy. Simply put, when Because India would die without some extremely super-efficient, It's the backbone of the country. Mr Modi took money out of people's business. India wouldn’t be able to super-honest people who own big India in its current form cannot pockets he killed demand. Businesses exist in its current form without pri- businesses. I am not against any of exist without the private sector. got badly hit as a result and with it vate businesses. them. My model is fairness. came massive unemployment. We So I look around and say “where is You have spoken frequently about now need to jump-start our economy. Is there a first 100-day agenda if unfairness taking place?” It is taking the importance of micro, small So our plan is to inject 50 million of the you form the government? place, for example, with the farmers, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) poorest families’ bank accounts with If you read our manifesto, the blue- where their finances don’t work and in generating jobs. Do you think ~72,000 per year. That will get demand print of what we are going to do is they are being left to die. The day I some of the sectors should be going and help businesses and the set down there. But step number 1 see unfairness happening against big reserved for MSMEs? economy fire again, resulting in is, I want a conversation between business, I will be there to defend I don’t immediately jump to the idea increased tax revenues and employ- the stakeholders of this country — them. that spaces need to be reserved for ment. And again for your readers: Not big businesses, small and medium This is because I don’t see India MSMEs. I look to see if we can create a single rupee of NYAY, and that's my businesses, farmers and others. I as one or the other. I don’t see India as structures that support them. Can we personal guarantee, is going to come want a conversation, a process of agriculture or big business. I believe make them competitive? Can we help by taxing the middle class. bringing this country back together India is a conversation and a com- them develop their businesses? One because this country has been torn promise between many different very good idea that we have got in How will NYAY be rolled out? apart in the last five years by Mr stakeholders and forces. And I believe our manifesto is that youngsters who Look, we are not in the business of Modi by the hatred that he has gen- that the compromise can be worked want to start their businesses have to crippling our economy. We have the erated. out if you listen in detail to the voice of take no permission from anybody. best economic record over the last the people. Where did that idea come from? That 30 years. We understand how to do On Rafale while I am not getting My simple question to your read- didn't come from my mind. We spoke this; we have the strength to do this into the scam... ers and the big business guys who to them and they said listen “it's a to forgive our small and medium I would be open to the privatisation on them. and we have the skills to do this. We Why not? Look, I am surprised to read your paper is: How many of you great thing, can you do it?” So it businesses? Why are we not ready to of Air India though it would not be have worked on NYAY for six say that with the amount of evi- did Mr Modi actually listen to, when comes from a conversation and my forgive our farmers? I am posing a something that I would jump on. I On NYAY, it would cost around months, we have spoken to many of dence, there is in Rafale it shocks he said “I’m going to blow your busi- guarantee is that there will be an question of fairness. If you give me a would have a completely different ~3.6 trillion, or 13 per cent of the the world's best economists. We me that every newspaper or TV ness to smithereens by passing a five- ongoing conversation, it will not stop. logical answer to that question, I will view if you ask me to privatise total government expenditure in have done the numbers and we are channel is not after Mr Modi. I layered GST and a notebandi that is But when we talk about unfairness: listen. ONGC, for example. the 2019-20 budget. Where will not going to roll this out like note- understand that there is pressure going to blast the Indian economy?” There are ~5,55,000 crore NPAs that this money come from, bandi or like Gabbar Singh tax with that comes out from Mr Modi's Did he come to you, our biggest assets, have been forgiven, how many Should the public sector exit You have spoken about GST 2.0. Do considering that existing fire crackers at midnight! This is system. In Rafale, the (former) and say “I’m thinking of doing this”. rupees have been forgiven of smaller certain sectors? you really think it's possible? subsidies would not be pruned? going to be piloted, tested and then French president has said that in Did he? He didn’t? He disrespected businesses? I'll answer that question There are certain strategic sectors No, it's actually only GST 1.0, We have said that strategic subsi- rolled out in phases.