金 輪 通 訊 第213期,2010年 9/10月 -1- Gold Wheel Sagely Monastery Newsletter, Issue #213, September/October 2010 ܛ዇఼ੈ! Gold Wheel Sagely Monastery Newsletter

235 North Avenue 58, Los Angeles, CA 90042 Tel: (323) 258-6668


!ˠ..ᒪؠࢋథ࿵˯̳ކ ! 迴光返照

今逢一九八二年 十方聚會來參禪 迴光返照觀自在 萬佛城中選聖賢

Verse on Keys to Chan Meditation Composed by Venerable Master

Return to the Light, Illumine from Within

Today, in the year 1982, From the Ten Directions, all gather here to investigate dhyana. Return to the light, illumine from within, contemplate at ease. Sages and worthy ones will be chosen among the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

ώഇ̰ट!! Table of Contents ! 3!!!̂Ң౤ࢵ່ᚑགྷ୺ᛖ! 2 The Shurangama ! ! ᚗጪགྷ୺ᛖ! 7 The Sixth Patriarch’s Jewel Platform Sutraڱয়̱!!!8 ! ! ॲώǕǕିֈ! 10 Education -A Nation's Best Defense۞઼֨!!21 ! 金 輪 通 訊 第213期,2010年 9/10月 -2- Gold Wheel Sagely Monastery Newsletter, Issue #213, September/October 2010

The Shurangama Sutra

A Simple Explanation by Venerable Master Hsuan Hua

,ăୈᜲᆓ! ’s Freak-spotting MirrorڙҢି۞໰Ӽᙡăࢫᜲ Demon-Subduing Pestle, ! Demon-Slashing Sword !෸ݑٺˠฟϯ˯̼ކαѐ˛˝˘ A talk given by Venerable Master Hsuan Hua ! on 1974 in Vietnam ԧ̫͇Аࢋ೩΍ֽᄲĂԧࣇ ࢋࡁտ˘ొགྷ׏Ă఺ొགྷ׏ಶ Today I will first propose that we need toื investigate a sutra. In Buddhism, this sutra ߏҢି۞˘ࢬ໰ӼᙡĂҢି۞˘ is a freak-spotting mirror, a demon-subduing ĂҢି۞˘ԯୈᜲᆓĊ pestle, and a demon-slashing sword! Whatڙԯࢫᜲ ఺ొߏ̦ᆃགྷĉಶߏĮ່ᚑགྷįĄ is this sutra? It is the Shurangama Sutra. The Shurangama Sutra opens one’s wisdom. Į່ᚑགྷįߏฟംᇊ۞Ăҭߏ఺ However, this sutra is being assailed by the .ࠧЧ઼ጯ۰ so called ‘scholars’ all over the world͵זצགྷனдొ˘ ෛĂިᇹᄲ׸ĉ΁ࣇᄲ఺˘ How? They impugn the authenticity of thisڡ۞ .གྷߏ઄۞Ă̙ߏৌ۞Ą sutra, declaring it as not genuineొ

Even though they have claimed that this ࠎ̦ᆃ΁ࣇᄲ఺˘ొགྷߏ sutra is a fake, why do we still want to in- .઄۞Ăԧࣇᔘࢋࡁտ఺˘ొགྷ vestigate this sutra? It is of profound value It is worthy of study. This sutra uncovers all ׸ĉ఺࣎ιѣι۞ᆊࣃĂѣιࣃ the various kinds of deviant knowledge and ଀ࡁտ۞г͞Ă఺˘ొགྷᄲ΍ֽ deviant views of all the heretics. It clearly γ྽჌჌֢֢ۢ֍Ăԯ describes all the knowledge and views thatܝٙѣय़ are not in accord with the Buddhadharma. ֍ౌගᄲ Hence this sutra is a freak-spotting jeweledۢ۞ڱ఺჌̙ЪͼҢ ଀୻୻຾຾ćٙͽ఺˘ొགྷಶߏ mirror; it is a demon-subduing pestle; it is a -Ăಶߏୈ demon-slashing sword! If this sutra is unڙ໰ӼᚗᙡĂಶߏࢫᜲ derstood by every person, then the celestial -ᆓĊ֤ᆃ఺˘ొགྷࡶˠˠౌ demons and the heretics will naturally disᜲ Ϩ˞Ă͇ᜲγ྽ҋ൒ಶౌ՟ѣ appear, the wars in the world will cease, andځ .ಶπि˞Ă all human kind will again attain peace˵ۋĂ఺࣎͵ࠧጼ˞ !щှ˞Ă Therefore this sutra is most importantזٙѣ˘̷ˠᙷౌГ଀


金 輪 通 訊 第213期,2010年 9/10月 -3- Gold Wheel Sagely Monastery Newsletter, Issue #213, September/October 2010

ܦѐˠனдᑕྍӅ˧Νࡁ Young people should work hard to in- vestigate the now. What տҢጯćࡁտҢጯĂࡁտ̦ᆃ should they investigate? I suggest that all ׸ĉԧ͹ૺЧҜౌႽ͕ა˧Ν of you should harness every fiber of your ࡁտĮ່ᚑགྷįĄĮ່ᚑགྷįߏ soul into investigating the Shurangama Su- tra. If you can all understand the Shuran- ฟംᇊ۞ĂҰࣇࡶਕᑖĮ່ᚑགྷį gama Sutra, then you too will be able to ˞ĂҢጯम̙кಶΞͽ఼˞Ă͍ discern the Buddhist studies. In particular, -Ą the Shurangama is an inconceivװᛉ۞ޥijߏ̙Ξװ׎IJ່ᚑ -ᓁຐ఺࣎ăຐ֤ able mantra. Once, Upasaka Jun Jung al̀ا఺˘ҜӖЅ most penetrated the Buddhist studies but ,кĂ was confounded by numerous thoughtsޝ࣎Ă൑ኢ̦ᆃְଐౌຐ଀ -ijĂҰ˘ؠຐ ruminating between his preferences. Simiװҭߏ఺࣎IJ່ᚑ ̙ԆĂҰިᇹຐ˵ຐ఼̙Ąࠎ̦ larly, you may not be able to turn away from your thoughts of this Shurangama ᛉ۞ Mantra. You can try to ponder but youޥᆃĉЯࠎιѣ˘჌̙Ξ ˧ณĄ! won’t be able to penetrate it. Why? Be- ! cause it has an inconceivable power.

ijдҢି㗗Ψី In Buddhism, the Shurangama MantraװIJ່ᚑ ͛Ă̦ᆃΨី͛׸ĉಶߏӻ̙Ξ is regarded as an efficacious text. What is -֏Ăᄲ̙ਕԆ۞ĄԧࣇՏ˘࣎ˠ an efficacious text? It transcends charac terizations. It is truly ineffable. If each one -ij᝝ሢਕࡦ଀ of us can memorize the Shurangama ManװࢋߏਕԯIJ່ᚑ ΍Ăౌѣˣ༱α˼ܛࣣᖟඳᖠ૱ tra by heart, then 84,000 Vajra Treasury ijߏ౵ will always come to protectװ᜕඾ҰĄIJ່ᚑֽܲ૱ Ăι̂ࡗ you. The Shurangama Mantra is most۞ܜ౵̚װӻ۞Ă˵ߏ wonderful! It is also the longest among all .. It has more than 2,320 characters ܦѣ׌˼ˬѺ˟Ȉк࣎фĄЧҜ ijĂ All you young people! You should resolveװѐˠĊᑕྍ൴͕ጯ௫IJ່ᚑ ᝝ᄪĮ່ᚑགྷįĂԯĮ່ᚑགྷį to study the Shurangama Mantra, to read the Shurangama Sutra, and to commit both ij˵ਕࡦ଀ the Shurangama Sutra and the Shurangamaװਕࡦ଀΍ĂIJ່ᚑ ΍Ă఺ᇹĂҰҢጯ۞ॲΞͽᄲಶ Mantra to memory. In this way, you can ௛˭Ν˞Ą firmly plant your root in Buddhist studies.

Faithful devotee: The Dharma Master has छౌᑕྍ࠻ just mentioned that everyone should read̂זर೩ڱிĈܫ Į່ᚑགྷįĂ҃ͷౌᑕྍ᝝ሢĮ່ and diligently study the Shurangama Sutra. May I ask the Dharma Master what is this रĂĮ່ᚑགྷį Shurangama Sutra about? Why do we haveڱᚑགྷįĄኛય 㗗ᙝᓾֱ̦ᆃĂࠎ̦ᆃԧࣇࢋ to read and study it? Is it acceptable if we ࠻ăࢋ᝝Ă̙᝝Ξͽ๜ĉ don’t study it?

Venerable Master: If you want to know ˠĈҰຐࢋۢ྽ι㗗ᙝᄲ۞ߏ what it is about, then you should read it. If˯ ᆃĂ֤Ұಶᑕྍ᝝ćҰࡶ̙ຐ you don’t want to know, basically there iș .྽Ăॲώ఺࣎યᗟಶ̙ᅮࢋ no need to ask this questionۢ

યĄ 金 輪 通 訊 第213期,2010年 9/10月 -4- Gold Wheel Sagely Monastery Newsletter, Issue #213, September/October 2010

ࣣ Faithful devotee: Why doesn’t the Dharmaܛरࠎ̦ᆃ̙̬௜ĮڱிĈܫ གྷįĉрည̱য়̂रಶߏያ඾᝘ Master introduce the Vajra Sutra? It comes to mind that the Sixth Patriarch, the Great Mas- ˞Įܛࣣགྷį҃ᛇुćࠎ̦ᆃ̙ ter, become enlightened upon hearing the Va- -௜Į̱য়ጪགྷįĉЯࠎ֤ώགྷ jra Sutra. Why not recommend the Sixth Pa̬ -௜̱য়̂रु྽۞͕଀Ąࠎ̦ triarch Platform Sutra since that sutra be̬ stowed the Sixth Patriarch’s attainment of the रಏಏ̬௜˘ώĮ່ᚑགྷį Way. Why does the Dharma Master endorseڱᆃ ҃̏ĉ only the Shurangama Sutra?

Venerable Master: The importance of the ˠĈĮ່ᚑགྷį۞ࢦࢋّĂߑ Shurangama Sutra was already mentioned last˯ ՟۞ night. When the Buddhadharma ends, theڱ୎ม̏གྷᓾ࿅˞ĄдҢ͇ ॡ࣏ĂߏĮ່ᚑགྷįА՟ѣ۞ć Shurangama Sutra is the first to disappear. If ࡶĮ່ᚑགྷį՟ѣ˞Ă఺࣎͵ࠧ the Shurangama Sutra is gone, then all the goblins, demonic spirits and freaks will appear Ӽᜲ੿َౌົ΍னĄЯࠎ఺࣎ in the world. In this world, there are five great۞ ͵ม˯ѣ̣̂ᜲ࢕ĂĮ່ᚑགྷį demonic armies. In the Shurangama Sutra ij there is the Shurangama Mantra. Within theװijĂIJ່ᚑװ㗗ᙝѣIJ່ᚑ Shurangama Mantra there are Five Divisions. 㗗ᐝѣ̣ొĂ఺̣ొߏგ඾͵ࠧ These Five Divisions reign in the world’s five ࢕Ăࢋߏ՟ѣˠ᝝ᄪ great demonic armies. If there is none whoᜲ̣̂۞ ,ij˞Ă఺࣎͵ࠧಶᗼ˞Ă can read and recite the Shurangama MantraװIJ່ᚑ this world will lapse into wretchedness. That ಝనຐ˞Ăֱ֤࣎Ӽᜲ੿َ will be really the unthinkable, in a worst-case̙֤ ΍͵˞Ąனд΁̝ٙͽ̙ି scenario. Those goblins, demonic spirits andົౌ Ұ࠻֍ă̙ିҰ᝘֍Ă΁̙೷΍ freaks will appear in the world. The reason that you cannot see or hear them is because -ijд఺࣎ they are afraid to manifest now due to the exװனĂಶЯࠎѣIJ່ᚑ .ࠧ˯ć֤˘࣎г͞ѣˠົᄪ istence of Shurangama Mantra in this world͵ ijĂ఺࣎Ӽᜲ੿َౌ̙ At any place, if there is one who can reciteװIJ່ᚑ ೷ன݈Ċ Shurangama Mantra, the goblins, demonic spirits and freaks will not dare show them- selves! ᄲ˭ࢫᐝĂྖڌरĊᇃڱிĈܫ -ኛયѣណ఺аְ๜ĉࠎ̦ᆃధ Faithful devotee: Dharma Master! The Can tonese talks of using charms and casting spells кˠᏐ֗གྷ።࿅ĉԧࣇጯҢ۞ on people. May I ask whether not hex actually -ᇹ׸ĉࠎ̦ᆃ exists? How come so many people had perިهˠ၆ណ۞៍ ,ధ఺჌֢ೋхдĉ sonally experienced it? As Buddhist students̯ how should we regard such craft? Why allow this evil to exist? ˠĈд఺͵ม˯Ă˼؈ѺَĂ˯ ᆃְଐౌѣćٙᏜ͇г̝̂Ă Venerable Master: In this world, there existș hundreds and thousands of strange things. -αঔ̝ᇃĂ൑؈̙ѣĄΞߏᓁ߁ Anything can happen. It is said that as enor ੓ֽĂԧࣇˠࢋх˘჌ϒ͕ćϒ mous as heaven and earth, and as vast as the ăπ͇˭Ă four seas, there exist every possible strange઼ڼă࣒֗ăᆅछă͕ ԧࣇ͕ϒ˞Ă̦ᆃय़ܝγ྽̙ົ things. However, in summation, people must embrace a proper mind. Have a proper mind, 金 輪 通 訊 第213期,2010年 9/10月 -5- Gold Wheel Sagely Monastery Newsletter, Issue #213, September/October 2010

,ĄҰٙͽజˠརࢫᐝĂ cultivate the body, bring harmony to one’s family۞ڱѣᏱ ఺჌ଐԛĂಶߏҰ͕㗗А̙ϒ༊ govern one’s country well, and bring peace on earth. If our mind is proper, then all the heretics జ఺ֽ֢࣎ᕘใćҰࢋߏ͕ will have no way with us. The reason that youົ̖ ϒĂٙᏜ֢̙౼ϒĂι̦ᆃࢫᐝ were imprecated by others is because your mind ՟ѣ̦ᆃីរ۞Ą had been improper. Thus it allows the deviant˵ beings to disrupt you. If your mind is proper, as the saying goes: The deviant cannot win against -׎ԧ̖͞೩ᛉЧҜࢋࡁտĮ່ the proper, no matter what kind of sorcery is en͍ .ijĂҰࣇ gaged it will not be effectiveװᚑགྷįĂ᝝ᄪIJ່ᚑ

ijĂ఺̦ᆃ So far, I have just proposed that everyone shouldװࢋߏົࡦᄪIJ່ᚑ ࢫᐝ˵ౌ՟ѣΑड़˞Ăౌົ՟ѣ investigate the Shurangama Sutra, read and recite ijಶߏਕ৔ the Shurangama Mantra. If all of you canװϡ۞Ą఺࣎IJ່ᚑ γ memorize the Shurangama Mantra, then all theܝᘲშĂਕ৔˘̷य़۞ᜲ̷˘ hexes will have no effect and they will be ren- -ఙĂ׎֤࣎̚˧ณߏ dered useless. This Shurangama Mantra can exڱ྽۞჌჌ ఺ tricate from all demonic nets. It can dispel allצҰࣇຐ̙ڍᛉ۞ĄтޥΞ̙ -࣎ࢫᐝ۞ᕘใĂಶ᝝ᄪIJ່ᚑ magic charms of the heretics. Its power is incon ceivable. If you do not want to be disrupted by ijĂԧ̖̙͞ᓾ࿅๜ĉኡਕྕ any imprecations, you should read and recite theװ -ijĂಶѣˣ༱ Shurangama Mantra. Didn’t I just mention beװг᝝ᄪIJ່ᚑ͕ ࣣᖟඳᖠֽጾ᜕ҰĄ fore? Whoever can sincerely read and recite theܛ˼α Shurangama Mantra will have the protection of 84,000 Vajra Treasury Bodhisattvas. هிĈኛયԧࣇд̦ᆃॡ࣏ܫ ijĉ Faithful devotee: May I ask when should weװIJ່ᚑ recite the Shurangama Mantra?

IJ່ᚑ Venerable Master: Recite the ShurangamaهˠĈ̙ߏ޵Ң۞ॡ࣏˯ .Ξͽ Mantra when you are not bowing to the BuddhaౌۻijĂߏҰπॡҖҝӱװ ijĂౌΞͽ޺IJ່ᚑ Whether you are walking, standing, sitting, orװIJ່ᚑه reclining, you can recite and uphold the Shuran- ijಶ՟ѣ׎ gama Mantra. When you uphold the ShurangamaװijĄҰ޺IJ່ᚑװ .ࢰඳᖠ Mantra, you will not have scattered thoughts͵៍هĂಶтҰه΁۞ᗔ ij˵ Correspondingly, when you recite Guan Yinװ޺IJ່ᚑهĂҰه՟ѣᗔ ’s name, you will have no scattered -ߏ΄Ұ଀˞ˬߎćˬߎಶߏϒؠ thoughts. If you recite and uphold the Shuran Ăಶߏ΄Ұ͕̙೸ใĂ՟ѣ gama Mantra, it will also cause you to attainצϒ Ą . Samadhi is proper concentration andه఺ᆃкᗔ proper perception. It can cause your mind free from wandering and perturbation, thus void of .ijĂ any scattered thoughtsװIJ່ᚑهிĈԧࣇ̙ᑖܫ ij׶IJȈװIĴೌهΞߏԧࣇᑖ Faithful devotee: We don’t know how to recite ij the Shurangama Mantra, but we do know how toװijĂ఺˵ߏΒӣдIJ່ᚑװ̈ 㗗ࢬ๜ĉ recite the Great Compassion Mantra and the Ten Small Mantras. Are they also included in the Shurangama Mantra?

金 輪 通 訊 第213期,2010年 9/10月 -6- Gold Wheel Sagely Monastery Newsletter, Issue #213, September/October 2010

ij Venerable Master: The Great Compassionװij׶IJȈ̈װˠĈIĴೌ˯ ᔵߏѝኝ㗗ᙝ۞˘ొ̶Ăҭ̙ߏ Mantra and Ten Small Mantras are part of the morning recitation, yet they do not belong to the ij Shurangama Mantra. The Shurangama Mantraװij۞ĄIJ່ᚑװIJ່ᚑٺᛳ ಶߏ̣ົĂ֤̣ົѣ̣ొĈҢొă has Five Assemblies. The Five Assemblies have ቷරొăᚗϠొăܛࣣొăቫ᎐ Five Divisions: Buddha division, Lotus division, Production-of-Jewels division, Vajra division, Ặొߏგ඾̣͞۞Ą and the Karma division. These Five Divisionsొ manage the Five Directions. ҰᄲҰ̙ົć̙ົĂၙၙጯĄ൑ You said that you don’t know. If you don’t Ă՟ know, then take your time to learn it. No one۞ົ̙ౌ˵ܐኢࣹ˘࣎ˠ༊ ijćϠ knows at birth how to recite the ShurangamaװIJ່ᚑهѣˠϠֽಶົ ijĂ֤ಶߏඳ Mantra. If one can recite at birth the ShurangamaװIJ່ᚑهಶົֽ -ᖠ˞Ąٙͽ఺̙࣎ົ۞Ăಶᑕྍ Mantra, then one is surely a Bodhisattva. Nev ertheless, those who don’t know should learn it. ጯć̙ΞͽᄲĶԧ̙ົķĂಶ̙ One simply cannot say “I don’t know” and be ጯ௫˞ĄҰ᝝३Ă˵ЯࠎҰ՟ѣ excused from learning it. The reason that you ᄲĶԧ have to study is because you have not graduatedڍலຽĂҰ̖᝝३ćҰт yet. If you say “I won’t study” but still want to .᝝३ķĂಶຐࢋலຽĂ֤ߏ̙ graduate, it will not be permissible at all̙ ! Ξͽ۞Ą

(Continued from Page 9) !*ٚҋௐ:ࢱ˯( ! The Master said further, “In the Ta Fan Tem- -୚ъᄲѩ࿲ିĄ ple I have just now spoken the Sudden Teacĥٺरೇ͠Ą̫ ing, making the universal vow that all living -ࠧிϠ֏˭֍ّјҢĄॡ beings of the Dharma-realm will see their naڱ೼ᙸ ဈ྽ܸĄჷरٙᄲ൑ ture and realize as they hearءࢮֹӖᄃ ࠷ुĄ˘ॡүᖃ࠰ሉචݙĄң these words.” Then among Magistrate Wei̙ ഇᛴݑѣҢ΍͵Ą! and the officials, Taoists and lay-people who heard what the Master said, there were none ! who did not awaken. Together they made !!!!̱য়̂र˫ᄲĈĶԧனдд obeisance and exclaimed with delight, “Good ĂԧϺ indeed! Who would have thought that in Lingܝڱ୚ъ྆ᓾᄲ࿲ି۞̂ Nan a Buddha would appear in the world?” ࠧிϠĂдᓾ఺ễ࿵ڱ൴ᙸĂᙸ

After hearing the Sixth Patriarch’s Verse of וॡâ੓֍ّјҢĄķ༊ॡࢮ -ဈă྽̀ăܸˠඈĂ᝘ჷ No-Marks, those who were present in the assemءΫ׶ ̱য়̂रᄲѩ൑࠹࿵ޢĂӮ˘˘ bly, i.e. Magistrate Wei and the officials, Taoist followers, lay people, all examine themselves in ࠷ॄुĂ֭ТॡШ̱য়̂र౤ retrospect, reformed their ways and awakened toͅ Ăᝌಈ៙ሉᄲĈĶ͉р˞Ċ understanding. They made obeisance to the Sixthڱᖃᔁ !дѩᑏݑⱊ Patriarch and joyfully acclaimed, “Good indeedזр˞Ċৌຐ̙͉ Good indeed! Who would have thought that a г͞ĂౣѣϠҢ΍͵Ċķ! living Buddha would appear here in the land of۞⧳ ! barbarians of Ling Nan!”

)˭ഇޞᜈ*! (To be continued ..) 金 輪 通 訊 第213期,2010年 9/10月 -7- Gold Wheel Sagely Monastery Newsletter, Issue #213, September/October 2010

The Sixth Patriarch’s Dharma Jewel Platform Sutra

A Simple Explanation by Venerable Master Hsuan Hua

(Continued from issue #212) )ତ˯ഇ*! ,ݒߏνĄ΁ If you attend to others’ faultsܧĂҋܧĶࡶ֍΁ˠ ܧԧ̙ܧĂԧܧҋѣ࿅ķĈ! Your fault-finding itself is wrong; ! Do not follow others’ faults; My faults are my own transgressions. !!!!Ķࡶ֍΁ˠܧķĂಶߏ֍΁

ݒߏνķĂࡶ Does the Buddha look at other people’sܧˠ۞̙၆ĄĶҋ ྽΁ˠѣ࿅᏾Ă֤Ұҋ̎˵ಶ faults? No. The Buddha sees all living beingsۢ ᏾˞ĄҰ࠻ҢĈ΁࠻ኡѣ࿅᏾ as Buddhas. If you see other people doing wrong deeds, do not follow his example. If you ˞ĉҢ࠻˘̷ிϠౌߏҢĄҰ̙ focus on his faults, then you become part of the .ࢋྫྷ඾Ҿˠઇ᏾ְĂҰࡶ࠻΁۞ faulty enterprise and you will also be at fault ķĂ֤Ұಶҋ̎ણΐ˘Њ҃ Instead, you should have great kindness andܧĶ compassion for everyone. Empathize with all Ъ۵ĂҰ˵ಶ᏾˞Ą΁᏾˞Ұ̙ living beings and resolve to cross them over to .ࢋ᏾ĂҰ̙ࢋ֍΁۞᏾Ă҃ࢋх Buddhahood. It is like a past case of a hippie ຎ̂ೌ۞͕Ă၆Їңˠౌࢋѣ Although this hippie exuded demonic air, hê ຎೌ͕ĂᇔᇕிϠ҃൴ᙸޘ̝ј nevertheless bowed to the buddhas. Last year, he said, “I have a lot of patience for him.” But, ҢĄрညͽ݈ѣ˘ᆮϩĂᔵ൒΁ this year, I have two disciples who can no -Б֗ᜲঈĂҭ΁ᔘ޵ҢĂٙͽΝ longer stand him and chased him away. Nor ѐ΁ᄲĈԧ၆΁ޝѣԡ࡝͕Ąҭ mally, I do not agree with this turn of events. However, since he’s gone, I just let it go. In ѐԧѣ׌࣎वԙಶ̙ਕԡ˞Ă reality, we should regard him with kindness̫ ૟΁ᅁ෿Ąώֽԧ̙Тຍ఺჌ଐ and compassion instead of focusing on his ԛĂҭߊ૟΁ᅁ෿Ă˵ಶზ˞Ą faults. ׎၁̙ᑕ࠻΁۞࿅᏾Ăᑕϡຎೌ Simply cast out the faulty mind, ͕၆ޞ΁Ą! Once cast away, afflictions are gone; ! When the mind is not bounded by ,Ăχੵ໭೗৔Ąᇖ love and hate͕ܧĶҭҋݒ .ķĈ! One can relax, with both legs outstretchedۻҩ׌ཙܜຑ̙ᙯ͕Ă

! Love and hate are forms of emotions. Cultiva- ࡶ૟ҋ̙̎၆۞͕ΝੵĂ֤ᆃ໭ tors of the Way should truly regard all living ೗ಶ՟ѣ˞Ą! beings with kindness and compassion. They 金 輪 通 訊 第213期,2010年 9/10月 -8- Gold Wheel Sagely Monastery Newsletter, Issue #213, September/October 2010

!!!!ᇖຑ̙ᙯ͕Ĉᇖಶߏ੅နĄ should make such vow, “I will not become a Bud- ຑᇖౌߏ˘჌ଐĄ࣒྽ˠࢋৌ dha until I have crossed-over all living beings to Buddhahood.” ϒϡຎೌ͕ຑ᜕˘̷ிϠĂ൴ ᙸޘிϠјҢĂࡶிϠ̙јҢ Today someone asked to formally become a -- ԧ˵̙јҢĄрညѣˠ࠲ֶĂ࠲ Buddhist by taking with the Triple Jewel the Buddha, Dharma and . After taking ref- Ң۞ˠࢋ uge you must follow the rules. Those who believe inܫࢋчఢ৏Ąޢֶ̝ ׶ͽ݈̙˘ᇹĂ̙൒۞ྖĂˠछ the Buddha should not stay put in faulty habits as ົᄲĈ΁ܫҢޢ̪ߏҁᇹ̄Ą఺ they were before. If they are, others will say, “He is a Buddhist, but he still has his same old habits. He ҢĄٙͽԧ൴ hasn’t changed.” Therefore I have made this vow: ifܫᇹֹय़ˠౌ̙ ᙸĂ˲࠲ֶԧ۞ˠĂࡶ̙јҢĂ those who have taken refuge with me do not realize Ăԧ Buddhahood, I will just wait here for them. Youޢԧಶд఺׊ඈ඾΁јҢ ĂΪ must realize Buddhahood before I do. I have noڱјҢĄЯԧ՟ѣय़۞Ᏹ̖ other method. If you take refuge, you should culti- .ѣ൴ᙸඈ඾ҰјҢĄҰࣇ࠲ֶ vate a little faster. Don’t make me wait for you ̝ޢĂࢋԣᕇ࣒ҖĂ̙ࢋጐΨԧ After a long wait, I may eventually decide to wait ඈ඾Ąԧඈ଀ॡม͉˳Ăԧ˵੅ no more. !န˞Ă֤ॡԧಶ̙ඈĂზ˞Ą “One can relax, with both legs outstretched.” ! This sounds perfectly appealing to the lazy ones! ׌੸ཙ However, this line does not mean to be lazy and goܜĈҩۻҩ׌ཙܜ!!!!! ,Ąҭ఺ to sleep. This line pertains to being free. Unchainedק˾ჂᛇĂ఺ϒЪᘄˠ۞ unshackled, unfettered, and free, you “leave upside- ή̙ߏିˠΝჂᛇĂ఺ήߏܑ down dream-thinking far behind and attain ultimate ൑ՁĂ൑ .” Do not interpret the Sixth Patriarch’sٲϯҋϤĂܑϯ˘჌൑ ⁹൑ᘣĂ఺̖ਕᅈᗓᙹࣆĂ҃଀ Sutra as saying that you should stretch out both legs and go to sleep. տౣঠႄĄ̙ࢋ࠻̱য়ጪགྷĶܜ

,ķĂಶ዁඾ჂᛇΝĄ! If you want to transform othersۻҩ׌ཙ ! You must perfect expedient means. Ķ୬ᑢ̼΁ˠĂҋืѣ͞ܮĄ̻ Not causing others to have doubts, .ѣႷĂӈߏҋّனķĈ! Your own self-nature will manifestك΄

! To practice expedient means, one must know !!!!Ұࢋߏຐି̼ிϠĂҋ̎ what Dharma is befitting to be spoken to specific .Ă၆ living beings. To this end, one must not be attachedܝڱᝋμ۞ܮಶᅮࢋѣ͞ Do not cause living beings who hear this Dharma to Ă̙҃ harbor doubts. If you are able to do this, then youڱᆃிϠಶࢋᄲ̦ᆃ̦ ,Ϡ΍ have learned how to utilize your inherent natureޢڱ඾Ă̙ࢋ΄ிϠ᝘ે Ⴗೊ͕Ă఺ಶߏҋ̎ົྻϡҋ and the brilliant wisdom of your self-nature has manifested. ംᇊ۞ځҋّĂ҃ҋ̎Ѝ۞̎

;ன݈Ą! The Buddhadharma is here in the worldّ !! Enlightenment is not apart from the world. д͵มĂ̙ᗓ͵มᛇĄᗓ To search for Bodhi apart from the worldڱĶҢ Is like looking for a hare with horns. !డඳ೩ĂޫтՐ׉֎ķĈ͵ 金 輪 通 訊 第213期,2010年 9/10月 -9- Gold Wheel Sagely Monastery Newsletter, Issue #213, September/October 2010

-ಶ What is the Buddhadharma? The Buddhad˵ڱ׸ĉҢڱᆃΨҢ̦!!!!! ಶߏҢ harma includes both mundane and transcendental˵ڱ͵Ă͵΍ڱߏ͵ม dharma. The mundane dharma is just the ordinary dharma. The Buddhadharma is in the midst of the ڱĂ҃Ңڱߏ˘ਠ۞ڱĄ͵มڱ Ăٙͽ world and yet transcends the world. It is not apartڱߏд͵ม҃΍͵ม۞ д͵มĂ̙ᗓ͵ม˘̷ from all the Prajna wisdom in the world. Do youڱᄲҢ ਠࡶംᇊĄࡶᗓฟ͵มΝԱ think you can find a rabbit with horns? There is۞ no such thing. If you separate yourself from ඳ೩Ă఺ಶрညࢋ׉̄Ϡ΍ൖ worldly things to seek the transcendental dharma ң఍ΝԱ׸ĉߏ՟ elsewhere, that is like looking for a rabbit withז֎˘ᇹĂ .ѣ۞Ą! horns ! Proper views are transcendental; .Ķϒ֍Щ΍͵Ă֢֍ߏ͵มĄ֢ Deviant views are all mundane :൒ķĈ! Deviant and proper completely destroyedؤϒႽχݒĂඳ೩ّ ! The Bodhi nature appears spontaneously. Ąڱ͵Ұѣϒ֍Ă఺ಶΨ΍!!!! Having proper view is transcendental ϒ֍ಶߏᛇुҰ۞஋ᇒ͕ᑕྍ dharma. Proper view is enlightening to the fact ԯιᕝ˞ć֢֍ಶߏᄮࠎΞᐌ that sexual desire must be cut off. When you ׎൴णĄ఺჌֢֢ۢ casually follow your desires, yielding to them΄هᇒึ instead of causing them to yield to you, you are Ą༊֢ϒ holding to deviant and mundane views. Whenڱ֍஋ᇒ͕ಶΨ͵ม ൒ neither the deviant nor the proper remains, theؤବੵஐႽĂѩॡඳ೩ّౌ ன݈Ă̙҃ᅮΩγΝԱ˘࣎ඳ Bodhi nature is spontaneously manifested, and -೩ّĄ! there is no need to look for the Bodhi nature any where else. !

,Ąਜ਼ This verse is the Sudden Teaching௺ڱĶѩ࿵ߏ࿲ିĂϺЩ̂ . ჷགྷ௢ӃĂु݋֤݅มķĈ! Also called the great Dharma vessel ! Confused ones take ages to understand, Enlightenment happens in split seconds. ԧனдٙᄲ۞ễ࿵ߏ࿲ु!!!!

Ă఺˘߱ The verse that I have just spoken is theܝڱĂߏјҢ۞ܝڱ۞ -Ąιਕྻྶ dharma-door of sudden enlightenment and real௺ڱễ࿵ϺΞЩ̂ གྷ໭ izing Buddhahood. It is called the Great DharmaثிϠĂଂϠѪ۞ѩ̷˘ vessel because it can ferry all living beings from ĄҰࡶ the shore of birth and death across the current ofثكঠႄ۞ז೗̚߹҃ .affliction to the other shore of Nirvana ۞ܜޝϨĂ֤ࢋགྷځߏਜ਼ೊ̙ ॡม̖ਕฟुćҭࡶҰਕ࿲ुĂ Ă֤ᆃĂ֤݅ If you are deluded, many ages may pass before˭ٸౌه૟ٙѣᇒ you become enlightened. However, if you can มಶฟु҃ৌϒᄮᙊ˞Ą! instantly awaken to this dharma door and cast out ! all your desires, then you can abruptly become enlightened in the space of an instant. )˭ᖼҌௐ7ࢱ*!

! (Continuing on page 6)

金 輪 通 訊 第213期,2010年 9/10月 -10- Gold Wheel Sagely Monastery Newsletter, Issue #213, September/October 2010

國防的根本──教育 Education -A Nation's Best Defense

!ጌᓑЪ઼ିࡊ͛௡ᖐ઼͐ڱٺˠ˘˝˝ŒѐȈ͡˟Ȉα͟ᓾ˯̼ކ A talk given by Venerable Master Hsuan Hua on October 24,1990 at UNESCO in Paris, France

ă౵ॲώ۞઼֨! Education is the most thorough andغ౵ၔ ಶߏିֈ˞Ċ! fundamental form of national defense.

! Good and wise advisors: Wherever our זЧҜචۢᙊĂԧࣇ఺࣎ဥវߏ delegation journeys, we propagate Buddhist -ֈ۞ဥវĄ఺ education. Buddhist education aims to preିڱЧ఍ΝσೳҢ -჌ିֈߏାˠώّ۞ିֈĂߏା serve human nature; an education that shel -ˠីᅿ۞ିֈĂ˵ߏାˠϠ׻۞ ters human souls; and an education that de ିֈĄ! fends human lives.

! Any individual endowed with intelli- ߏѣ։ۢ։ਕăѣۢᙊ۞ gence, good conscience, and common sense˲!!!! ˠĂ఍д̫͇఺࣎ॡ΃㗗Ăౌࢋ should know that the mistakes made by our current educational system and educators ྽Ĉԧࣇ۞ିֈٙϚ۞᏾ᄱͧ alike can harm society much worse thanۢ ĶຑѪঽķᔘᆖचĂͧĶᒛঽķ AIDS. The errors of modern education af- ᔘᆖचĂͧĶࣧ̄ᇅķ۞խᙱᔘ flicting us are more serious than cancer. They are more dangerous than the disaster of nu- ᆖचĄࠎ̦ᆃĉЯࠎ̙։۞ିֈ clear war. Imperceptibly, because of our poor д൑ԛ̚Ăԯԧࣇ۞˭˘΃୭ education, we are destroying our own ˞Ăି΁ࣇໝ˸Ăౌି΁ࣇεΝ younger generation. We are causing our children to forsake their own natures, to ઇˠ۞ώّĂ̙੃଀ҋ̎۞ីᅿ compromise their souls, and even to forfeit .ຑଓҋ̎۞Ϡ their lives̙˵ٺĂࠤҌ˞ !׻Ą ! That is why our delegation travels about, advocating clamorously at every lec- Ă ture sites: We hope to awaken the people ofײЧ఍̂ᓏ়זனдԧࣇ!!!! ൑ܧߏຐಓᏹ͵ˠĂࢋࢦາፋ࿲ the world, and get everyone we meet to re- ֈĂϤѪ˸ᙝቡГԯ˭˘΃ٛ form the educational system. In this way weି want to pull back the future generation from -ѣ˸઼ the brink of disaster, save the world from exٺаֽĂֹ͵ࠧЧ઼̙࡭ .ໝ჌۞ПᐍĄ! tinction, and keep humanity from its end ! My saying these things does not intend to ԧٙᄲ۞ྖĂ̙֭ߏម͵ startle the world or cause trouble, nor rouse!!!!! ᐦܸĂ˵̙ߏ߇ຍऻᑂˠĄ࠻࠻ public fear. Take a look at our school chil- -Ч઼۞׊ආăጯϠĂд̈ጯॡಶ dren. Even while in elementary school, stu dents have already learned to take the lives of շ another, set properties on fires, and behaveەˠẵەăͫٸᑖ଀୭ˠă ˠĂ̢࠹̙чఢ৏ĄҰᄲĂ఺Ψ promiscuously between the opposite sexes. I 金 輪 通 訊 第213期,2010年 9/10月 -11- Gold Wheel Sagely Monastery Newsletter, Issue #213, September/October 2010

ઇ̦ᆃିֈĉд̈ጯ㗗ಶѣ఺ ask you, what manner of education is this? It is ჌ଐԛĂ൑ளࢋऻᑂ͵ˠĂ఺͵ extremely alarming when these things have taken place even at the elementary school level. ࠧᔘѣ̦ᆃ݈౉׶ԓ୕׸ĉ˭ What kind of future ought we expect of this ˘΃ాॲౌࢋᕝ˞Ă఺˘ᕝॲĂ world? We are, in effect, cutting off the roots of ͵ࠧಶౌ˸઼ໝ჌˞Ă͵ࠧˠᙷ our younger generation. Once those roots are severed, we face the extinction of humanity and -Ⴝć൑ᅮϡࣧ̄ᇅֽࠓĂ the end of civilization. There is no need for nuٺТᕩ υϡ߲Ϟ೻ֽ߲Ą఺჌̙։۞ clear explosions or poison gas to bring about̙ ֈ΄ጯආεΝϒ༊۞͞ШĂε the end of the world. Our present educationି system is harmful enough to a degree where ྽ྮĂֹ΁ࣇ֕ˢโຳ students are led away from the road of light into۞ځΝЍ .྽ྮ㗗ΝĄ! dark ones۞ ! .ጯ㗗݋ӛ߲ăమ߲۰ͧͧ In high school, students learn to take drugs̚!!!! Drug dealers are ubiquitous, concocting poi- ፋ࣎͵ࠧĂమ sonous substances accessible around the worldז࠰ߏĄ఺჌߲߹ .߲۞ˠӀϡጯϠ൑ۢĂΨ΁ࣇౌ where innocent children are taught to use them Νӛ߲ĄЧҜຐ˘ຐĂ఺჌Пच If you think about it, this problem potentially endangers humanity. It is an international men- ߏБˠᙷăБ઼ᅫม۞યᗟĄΞ ace. Yet our governments are not taking care of ߏĂЧ઼ݒౌ଺ώుϐĂ࿰౯઼ the problem at its root. Instead they propose to -ϚĄ׎၁Ă౵ fortify national defense systems against invaܬͽ֨ͤ΁઼ֽ֨ sion from other countries, not realizing that ă౵ॲώ۞઼֨ಶߏିֈ education is the most thorough and fundamentalغၔ Ċିֈ՟ઇрĂ̦ᆃ઼֨˵՟ form of national defense. If a nation does not˞ -Ăѣ߲ educate its people well, useless then is whatٸѣϡĄѣࣧ̄ᇅ՟ˠΝ ever national defense it has. It may have nu- clear weapons and technology for chemical ڠϞ೻՟ѣˠົϡĂ൑ኢѣ̦ᆃ .՟ѣ۞Ą! warfare, but no one will know how to use themٺ࿬Ăඈٺጡ˵ඈ ! Even so, no matter what kinds of technological ٙͽĂЧ઼ᑕྍᅁԣଂਜ਼ေ advancement in weaponry that a country may!!!! have, they will come to naught. ੑҒЩࢴٺᏹֽĂ̙ࢋГՕਜ਼̚ ሄĂ Citizens of every nations should quicklyەჂ˯Ă̙ࢋд̣୬㗗Ыಅ дିֈ఺͞ࢬ wake up from their stupor and indulge not in̙ڍĄтܔ঻ాԞ the objects of the five desires: wealth, sex, Пᐍ۞Ą! fame, food, and sleep. Our survival is more૱ܧຍĂ૟ֽߏڦΐͽ ! than just eating, drinking, and enjoying the so- !!!!ԧд઼࡚૱ᄲĂனд͵ࠧି called “good life.” If we do not pay serious at- tention to education, our world will be in great .ֈ৔ய˞Ą৔ய۞ࣧЯߏިᇹౄ danger ޅј۞ĉЯࠎ࿪ෛ۞ᇆᜩֹ̈ តᗼ˞Ą࿪ෛᕚдՏ࣎छल㗗Ă I often tell American audiences that edu- cation of our world has gone bankrupt. The major cause of this bankruptcy is the negative ޅߏ˘࣎൑ԛ۞ӼَĂԯ̈ٺඈ -ᗼ˞Ăԯ΁ࣇ۞ჟৠ˵ӛΝ influence of television on children. The televiି̄ -఺ sion set in every homes is a monster in disצĄጯϠ᝝३۞ॡม̙кĂ˞ -߲৵ݒ̦ͧᆃౌஎĄЯѩĂΞ guise. This monster not only teaches our chilֱ dren bad habits, but also saps their vital energy. 金 輪 通 訊 第213期,2010年 9/10月 -12- Gold Wheel Sagely Monastery Newsletter, Issue #213, September/October 2010

ͽᄲ༊݈͵ࠧ˯۞ିֈߏజ࿪ Students study very little and spend most of their ෛ፟ගԘ৔ய˞Ą! time poisoning themselves in front of the tube. This is why I say that education has been driven ! bankrupt by the television. זצѣֱг͞༊൒ᔘ՟ѣ!!!! Luckily, some places have so far escaped the ޝăٽटޝᇆᜩĂΞߏ఺჌߹߲ adverse effects of television viewing, but this kind of “virus” can transmit very easily and spread ڍՏ࣎֎རĄтזԣгಶົቺؼ rapidly to every corners of the world. If we do not ޢ࿰֨఺࣎યᗟĂ̄ڱछ̙ຐ̂ ᆃౌᚑࢦ۞Ą֤ᆃĂϡ come up with some preventive measures, the̦ͧົڍ consequences will be extremely severe. What Ă preventive measures are there? The solution isٽटޝΞͽ֨ͤ׸ĉڱᆃ̦͞ ˵ޝᖎಏĂՀ̙ᅮࢋ঎෱ܛ᏿Ą very simple and easy to apply. And we do not -need to carry out a similar US approach of con ޝည઼࡚ઇЇңְଐౌᇥϡ̙ кགྷ෱ֽઇĂ఺̙ᅮࢋĄΪࢋϡ ventional proceedings at appropriating costly funds to solve this problem--not at all. All we ăᖃă need is to employ the eight virtues of traditionalܫăم̼͛Ԃăॅă઼̚ ཌྷăຆăऺ఺ˣᇇಶΞͽ˞Ąт Chinese culture: filiality, brotherhood, loyalty, ,Տ࣎छलౌਕ೩࣍ˣᇇĂˠˠ trustworthiness, propriety, righteousness, integrityڍ and a sense of shame. If every family advocates ࢦˣᇇĂ֤ᆃିֈ۞ᐞࢲಶਕ these eight virtues and every person cherishesڦ ૉॖаĄˣᇇߏାˠώّ۞ី them, then our educational system can be rescued Ă˵ߏାˠីᅿ۞ី̜Ă˵ߏ from its current predicament. These eight virtues̜ are a panacea that can save people’s spiritual na- ାˠϠ׻۞ី̜ĂՀߏା͵ࠧି tures; they are a miracle medicine capable of saving -ֈ۞ី̜Ăιਕ੓ѪаϠĄ! our souls and our lives. They are an elixir for res ! cuing and revitalizing education throughout the world. ϡˣᇇֽାିֈĂ̙ͅڍт!!!! ҃ି΁ࣇలဦЩӀĂି΁ࣇலຽ If, instead of revitalizing education with these ޢтңᔇ౵к᏿ĂтңЩӀ౵ eight virtues, we continue to teach children the kind ᏾ of knowledge that lead them to crave fame andזĂᝋ˧౵̂Ă఺ౌֹˠ֕̂ profit, to seek the most lucrative salary after ҋۢĄ! graduation, and to pursue power and position, we̙҃˯ྮ ! will simply be guiding people down the wrong road .ֈ۞ૄώᑕྍߏିֈ׊ without realizing itି!!!!

-ă̙లă̙Րă̙ҋռă The basis of education should be teaching chilۋආ̙ ̙ҋӀĂ˵̙χнᄬĄՏ࣎ጯ७ dren not to contend, not to be greedy, not to seek, ,ă̙లă̙Րă not to be selfish, not to want personal advantageۋࢋਕିጯϠ̙ and not to lie. If every school could teach their stu- ̙ҋռă̙ҋӀă̙χнᄬă̙ dents not to contend, not to be greedy, not to seek, ฼੧ă̙ӛ߲ă̙շ̃ᑿϹĂਕ not to be selfish, not to want personal advantage, ,ૉтѩĂ֤ᆃିֈᔘѣ੓ѪаϠ and not to lie, as well as to abstain from alcohol tobacco, drugs, and promiscuity, then there is hope -ໝ for the revival of education and the younger gen઼˸ٺԓ୕Ă˭˘΃˵̙࡭۞ ఺ᇹઇĂ͵ࠧ۞Пᐍ eration need not face oblivion. If this cannot be̙ڍ჌Ąт -done, however, then the world would be in un ז૟ߏ̙ಝనຐĂѝ୎˘ؠົ֕ ໝ჌۞гՎ˯Ą! thinkable peril and the fall of civilization would be઼˸ certain; it is only a question of time. 金 輪 通 訊 第213期,2010年 9/10月 -13- Gold Wheel Sagely Monastery Newsletter, Issue #213, September/October 2010

д׹ഈϐഇ۞ॡ࣏Ă At the end of the Zhou Dynasty in China, a wave઼̚!!!! ˠ୬ፖ߹ē̙ͭͭă̙̄̄ă of corruption and licentiousness had swept over the country. Fathers did not fulfill their roles as fathers, Ӗ̙ӖăҊ̙Ҋ۞ĄΞͽᄲߏ and sons did not act like sons. The rulers did not ˠ̙ˠăহ̙হĂ̢࠹̙ܫЇĂ know how to rule, and ministers failed to behave as ࠹ഡᙾĄϒд֤࣎ॡഇĂ͋ ministers. People did not act like proper people, and̢ even animals showed uncommon traits. As dishon- ΍Ϡ˞ć΁׹ྼЕ઼Ă೩࣍ esty and deception became widespread, none in thē Ķ̥ཌྷ྽ᇇķĂ೩࣍ĶԂăॅă country trusted each other. That was during which ,ăᖃăཌྷăຆăऺķ఺ Confucius was born. He traveled throughout the landܫăم preaching humaneness, morality and ethics. He ჌ጏି̼͛ĄЯࠎѣ఺჌̥ཌྷ taught filiality, brotherhood, loyalty, trustworthiness, ྽ᇇ̈́ˣᇇ۞ጏି̼͛Ă̖ਕ propriety, righteousness, integrity, and a sense of ჯᘭ઼̚ᇴ˼ѐֽĂ̙జγ઼ shame. These traditional Confucian values have held ϝ̶۞ПᐍĄ઼̚ਕϠхҌ Chinese society together for thousands of years. This cultural heritage have kept the Chinese civilization ѣ఺჌̼͛۞х intact from ancient times to the present, and evenٺĂࢋᕩΑ̫ дĄ! continued to sustain China that was once divided and ! oppressed by internal dissensions and foreign powers respectively. !!!!னд͵ࠧЧг˵ߏˠ୬ ፖ߹Ą઼ᅫม֗ࠎ઼छ̮ࢵ The modern world is swarmed by licentiousness ᚯନ઼֨࢕ as people indulge in their unfettered desires . SomeٺĂѣ۞Ϊۢѓ۞ country leaders deem national defense as their top ౯Ă̙҃ۢдିֈ˯ࠎ˭˘΃ priority, but overlook the vital matter of the education ඾ຐĂ̙ۢࢦෛ̥ཌྷ྽ᇇ׶Ԃ of our younger generation. Nowhere do we find ,ᖃཌྷຆऺĄ఺ֱˠ̙ߏ leaders who emphasize humaneness, justice, virtueܫمॅ filiality, brotherhood, loyalty, trustworthiness, pro- ੑਜ਼ĂಶߏҒਜ਼ĂГ̙൒ಶਜ਼ priety, righteousness, integrity, and a sense of shame. Ы˯Ăඕ The people responsible for governing our countriesזЩ˯Ăٕ۰ಶਜ਼ז ߏдੑҒЩࢴჂ̣୬˯ are either infatuated with wealth or indulge in sex. Ifౌڍ ᝋဳӀĄΟˠᄲĈ! not preoccupied with wealth and sex, they will seekۋϡΑ͈Ă fame or crave good food. Such people pass their lives ! working solely to satisfy the five desires for wealth, ᖃཌྷຆऺĂ઼̝αჯć! sex, fame, food, and sleep. They fight for power and αჯ̙ૺĂ઼˜ໝ˸Ą! profit. There is an ancient saying:

! Propriety, Righteousness, integrity, ,ٙͽ̙ᓾᖃཌྷຆऺ۞઼ and a sense of shame!!!! .छâؠໝ˸۞Ą࠻࠻னд۞ Are the four pillars of a nation If the four pillars aren’t set up upright, .ѐጯϠĂ֤˘࣎ᑖ଀ᖃཌྷຆ The country will perishܦ ऺĉࣹ˘࣎၁Җᖃཌྷຆऺĉ ࠤҌ΁ࣇా᝘ౌ՟᝘࿅ĂՀҾ Any country that fails to honor these four virtues will certainly perish. Yet no matter where you look, ᄲΝઇ˞Ą! you will not find even one child who actually under- ! stands propriety, righteousness, integrity, and a sense ! of shame. Would you be able to find a student who practices these virtues? Most of whom may not even ! heard of them, much less their practice of them. 金 輪 通 訊 第213期,2010年 9/10月 -14- Gold Wheel Sagely Monastery Newsletter, Issue #213, September/October 2010

-׹ϐഇम̙ Our era resembles that of the Eastern Zhou Dyڌ఺࣎ॡ΃׶!!!! ఍ใ˛ nasty‘s impending demise. Men did not behave asזкēշ̙շẵ̙̃Ă should, and women did not know their proper roles. No matter where you looked, you would find the ەˣᒷĂहଐᓂ୬ĂౌᄮࠎЫಅ ć૖̙ۢē!!!!!!!populace in rampant debauchery and indulging inצሄߏˠϠ۞˘჌ֳ ࡴߏ˞ࡴĂֳ჊ߏঐ჊ķ۞ their desires. People everywhere thought that lifeצĶ pertains only to eating, drinking, and gratifying -྽நĄ͈͋̄༊ॡ׹ྼЕ઼Ăͽ pleasures devoid of contentment. They failed to re Ķ̥ཌྷ྽ᇇĂᖃཌྷຆऺķࠎី̜Ă alize that: ୻ϐזା઼̚ᇴ˼ѐֽ̙ໝ˸Ą Enduring suffering puts an end to suffering. .ॡĂಶѣ˘ֱ೻͛ୀᙷǕǕ Enjoying blessings exhausts blessingsܐϔ ᝋဳӀĂχۋ೻͛۞మ̄Ă˵ຐ ࣆ͋ҁ˟Ăٙͽԯ͋̄۞ጯᄲଯ Confucius traveled among the feudal states of ᖙ଀ೀͼԣ՟ѣ˞ĄЯѩ઼̚ˠ ancient China teaching humaneness, justice, virtue, propriety, righteousness, integrity, and a sense of Ⴝ൭ࡴĂϠី๮ shame. His awe-inspiring medicine had kept Chinaצϔᙹ՗߹ᗓĂ ࠒĄ! united as one governing body for thousands of years. ! However at the end of the Qing Dynasty and the be- ginning of the Republic [1912], a number of dis- -னдԧࢋϡĶ̥ཌྷ྽ᇇķ׶ dainful villains within the intellectual circles con!!!! ,ăᖃăཌྷăຆă tending for power and fame overthrew ConfuciusܫăمĶԂăॅă ऺķ఺ˣᇇĂֽ׹ྼᓑЪ઼ćϡ the Sage. They struggled against Confucius whose good teaching was nearly denigrated. Consequently, ĂֽାБ͵ࠧĂБˠᙷ they drove the Chinese people to a nightmare of̜ីز఺ -ѐˠ۞ីᅿăϠ׻׶ώّĄ! misery and despair, homelessness, exile, and unܦ ! speakable sufferings.

ԧ̫͇၆Ұࣇᄲ۞ྖߏ͵ Now I want to travel among the United Nations!!!!! ,ຍ with these eight virtues comprising of filialityڦࠧх˸۞ღࢋᙯᐝĂЧҜࢋ ఺˘ᕇĂ̙ࢋͽࠎԧдऻᑂҰ brotherhood, loyalty, trustworthiness, propriety, ࣇĄனдߏ͉۩ॡ΃Ăˠˠౌຐ righteousness, integrity, and a sense of shame, using this elixir to save the souls, lives, and inherent na- .tures of all young people throughout the world ˯͇זˠౌວڍΝĄт˯͇זວ ΝĂ఺࣎г஧ಶົ໑ໝ˞ĄЯࠎ ঈѳߖĂг஧˵ѳߖĂͪኳ˵ Please pay heed, everyone! What I am telling۩ you is the critical formula for saving the world. You ౌѳߖ˞Ąд఺㗗Ăˠಶߏ߿඾Ă should not think that I am just trying to intimidate all ऻُ˵ౌតјϨᘡĂౌតј of you. This is the Space Age; and some people have ğˠ˞Ą! thought about moving to outer space. When peopleۏvegetableĞങ move to outer space, the Earth will be destroyed. ! Even if people manage to thrive on this planet, we may all become unintelligible people or ! “vegetables” attributed to the severity of polluted air, land, and water. 金 輪 通 訊 第213期,2010年 9/10月 -15- Gold Wheel Sagely Monastery Newsletter, Issue #213, September/October 2010

ॡมܑ Schedule of Events – September of 2010ົڱ2010ѐ9͡

͟Sun ˘Mon ˟Tue ˬWed 四Thu 五Fri 六Sat

◎ ᖃ޵̂ೌᚚ!! 1◎ 2◎ ͒α 3◎ 4◎ !!!Great Compassion Repentance 12:30 pm ᐷፘඳᖠ! ֈ։͛̈̚ጯ! ཐኚ ! ฟጯ! Dragon Tree Instilling Bodhisattva’s Goodness Birthday Chinese School — (Actual Day) Semester Begins

5 6◎! 7◎ ͒˝ 8◎ ˣ͡ܐ˘ !!!9◎ 10◎ ܐˬ 11 ◎

!гᖟඳᖠཐኚ ̱য়೎ਕ̂र ! ົڱ ᇉৡгᖟඳᖠཐኚ Celebration of Earth Store Earth Store ঠႄ͟! Bodhisattva’s Birthday ! Bodhisattva’s Venerable 8:00 am — 3:00 pm Birthday (Actual Day) Six Patriarch’s Nirvana day !֚ ኚإ෍ำҁ׶ Venerable Master Hsu Yun’s Birthday

12 13◎ 14 ◎ 15◎ 16◎ ! 17◎ ܐȈ! 18◎ !ˠঠႄ˯̳ކ ! ົڱװᚑ່ Recitation of !͟هShurangama Mantra Տ͡ࡔ 8:00 am - 3:00 pm ! Monthly Memorial of Venerable Master Hua !!!

19!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!! 20 ◎ 21 ◎ 22◎ ˣ͡Ị̏! 23◎ 24 ◎ 25◎ ! !༼ࡌ̚ ົڱᚚೌ̂ Great Compassion Mid-Autumn Repentance Festival ! 8:00 am—10:00 am ! ົڱװ大悲 ! Recitation of Great Compassion Mantra 1:00 pm —3:00 pm ! 26!!!!!!! ! ! !!!!! 27◎ 28◎ ! 29◎ ͒˟ 30◎ ! ! ፼፶ΟҢཐኚ ! ົڱҢه Amitabha Buddha Burning Lamp Recitation Buddha’s 8:00 am—10:00 am Birthday !!!! !!ົڱϠٸ Liberating Life Ceremony ! 1:00 pm —3:00 pm !

࠱ᚗᚚຎೌ྽ୖޙୁ 3121ѐ22͡31͟ᝍஐĂ22͡32Ҍ22͡39͟˯̾8:30 am Ҍ˭̾5:00 pmٺ዇ъ૟ܛ

ಞĂᝌܓҢ̓ܫிᏨ᜙ણΐĄ! November 21st – 28th, 2010 (8:30 am – 5:00 pm) Gold Wheel Monastery will be holding the Jeweled Repentance of Emperor Lyang. All faithful ones are welcome to participate. 金 輪 通 訊 第213期,2010年 9/10月 -16- Gold Wheel Sagely Monastery Newsletter, Issue #213, September/October 2010

Dharma Realm Buddhist Association NON-PROFIT ORG. Gold Wheel Sagely Monastery U.S. POSTAGE 235 North Avenue 58, Los Angeles, CA 90042 PAID Telephone: (323) 258-6668 ( www.goldwheel.org ) MONTEREY PARK,CA ܛ! ዇! ཐ! ъ! PERMIT NO. 27

ॡมܑ Schedule of Events – October of 2010ົڱ2010ѐ10͡

͟Sun ˘Mon ˟Tue ˬWed 四Thu 五Fri 六Sat

3 4◎ 5◎ 6◎ 7 ◎ 1 / 8◎ ˝͡ܐ˘ !!!!2/9!◎! Recitation ົڱ ೼ኰ Җᙸݡ̈́װᚑ່ of Shurangama Mantra and the Chapter of the Conduct and Vows of Universal Worthy Bodhisattva 8:00 am — 3:00 pm !

10 11◎ 12 ◎ 13◎ 14 ◎ 15 ◎ 16◎ ! Recitation of Great ົڱװೌ̂ Compassion Mantra 8:00 am—10:00 am ! Liberating Life CeremonyົڱϠٸ 1:00 —3:00 pm !!

17 ※ ܐȈ 18 ◎! 19◎ Ȉ˟! 20◎ 21 ◎ ! ! 22◎ ˝͡Ị̏! 23◎! Ȉ̱ !ˠ΍छ͟˯̳ކ !ঠႄ͟ ૱̥̂र΍छ͟إᇉৡະҁ༼! ෍ำҁ׶ Respecting Elders Day Venerable Master Great Master Venerable 9:00 am—1:00 pm Hsu Yun’s Nirvana day Chang Ren’s Master Hua’s Leaving Home Day Leaving Home Day

24 ☆ Ȉ˛ 25◎ 26 ◎ Ȉ˝ 27◎ 28 ◎ 29 ◎ 30◎ !ࢰඳᖠ΍छ͟៍ !ົڱᇉৡ៍ࢰඳᖠ΍छ Celebration of Gwan Yin Bodhisattva’s Gwan Yin Bodhisattva’s Leaving Home 8:00 am — 3:00 pm Leaving Home Day

31 ◎ ᖃ޵̂ೌᚚ!Great Compassion Repentance 12:30 pm Recitation of ົڱװᚑ່ Monthly Memorial of Venerable Master Hua ͟هˠঠႄՏ͡ࡔ˯̳ކ ※ Shurangama Mantra 8:00 am - 3:00 pm ☆ ૱ം̂रु྽͟Great Master Chang Jr’s Enlightenment Day
