V/i 1 tu> WIU M hf r» a j—m < ^ » • w m * ^ v • w NORTH ATLANTIC COUNCIL




I. PAST ACTIVITIES / / During the period under r^iew, the NATo/lnformation Service has consisted vor*' large Iy/>f support to /he information services offered by institutions srod organisations which exert special influence on public opinion, i.e., notedly the press, the Danish Atlantic Treaty Association and politic« and cultural organizations. / / Consequently, courses, lectures, Mlm performances, study tours and exhibitions are not arranged and Publications not pub- lished with the Ministry of/Foreign AffaiiyT as the official sponsor. One exception is the annua/ study tour ar/anged by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for studejrcs of the Adva/ced School of Journalism of the University of Ârhyfe to Palais deychaillot and SHAPE. A brief reference to the expérience made in with the Mobile NATO Exhibition will be natural even if the arrangements wore made in the namcvof the Danish /tlantic Treaty Association. This Exhi/ition, which c/nsisted of a big truck with a trailer made avail/ble by NATIS, /oured Denmark from the 11th July to the 16th Octob/r, 1955. It /as open to the public for 55 days and had approximately 92,000 vi/itors. NATO films, accompanied by short lectures, were shown 3m connection with the Exhibition mainly in small/and mediurn-siafed towns. The results are considered very satisfactory, especially because a large amount of articles about NATO appeared in the press in connection with the Exhibition. Lft the light of /he publicity obtained, the cost involved was quite jnodest. /

II. FUTI/kE PLANS / / The current Aear's NATO Information Programme in Denmark is planned mainly witffi a view to Adult Education, An illustrated

DECLASSIFIED - PUBLIC DISCLOSURE / DÉCLASSIFIÉ - MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE LECTURE EN - MISE / DÉCLASSIFIÉ DISCLOSURE - PUBLIC DECLASSIFIED booklet in popular language will go to press in the early part of AprLiL, The historical and political section has been written by a MDurfig historian £f high standing while the military aspects have beifn treated by ?yprominent military person. / The p/blication of the booklet has been arranged in con- sultation with/the leading educational associations and the Danish At1ant ic Tre aïy asa oo i • tion.• SMidy circles are expected to take a large number of the booklet for/their activities next winter. As a means of promoting the distribution of the booklet the Government Film Centre has made ton filmy of the Atlantic Community series available, which will be sent /ut in a Danish version.. Negotiations have also been opened with tho Danish Broadcasting System about a feature IV.T^ UNCLASSIFIED -2- Äc/1èk-p/375

programme based on the "booklet. Apart from these plans no mejor activities are inten- ded. It is possible that, initiative may be taken to mark the mnivorsnry - the Z+th April - of the signing of the , but more importance is assigned to the publicity attending the annual mooting of Ministers in the which will form a more natural background for publicity work. Since the last NATO Inforaation Conference good contacts have been established with the Danish youth organizations and the work omonp youth will receive special attention in the coming months. The coming conference of youth leaders, the Committee of Five set up by last year's conference, and the youth specialist intended for NATIG are expected to render valuable services to the work pnd objectives of tho Information Sorvico. III. RADIO AjCD TELEVISION On 19th February, 1957, the number of television sots in Denwrk wus approximately 55>7QO; by the end of 1957 it is expected to roach 100,000, Television broadcasts covcr about 12 hours a week; ther. are no plans to increase the broadcasts this year, IV. VOLUNTARY ORGANIZATIONS The Danish Atlantic Tronty Association is a very active organization which prepares and distributes booklets and other publications, arranges lectures ^nd lecture tours, seminars, film performances, etc. Established on a very broad foundation, with all the democratic parties represented on its Committee, it is the only organization in Denmark vorking solely to promote Atlantic co-operation. Since the establishment of the Danish Atlantic Treaty Association (in which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs assisted;, undemonstrative and active co-operation has been maintained between the As sociation and the Ministry. The NATO information work in Denmark is based very largely on that co-operation, V. ORGANIZATIONAL ARRANGEMENTS Tho Press Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs i.> solely responsible for the official NATO information work in Denmark. That Department is also the co-ordinating agency for related work in the Ministry of Dofonce, the Atlantic Treaty Association and other bodies concerned with, such matters. DECLASSIFIED - PUBLIC DISCLOSURE / DÉCLASSIFIÉ - MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE LECTURE EN - MISE / DÉCLASSIFIÉ DISCLOSURE - PUBLIC DECLASSIFIED