Proceedings of the 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences | 2021 Implementing Global Business Services in a Plural Sourcing Context: Conceptualizing Modes of Service Governance Albert Plugge Shahrokh Nikou Delft University of Technology Åbo Akademi University & The Netherlands Stockholm University
[email protected] [email protected] Abstract During the last decade firms decided to bundle in - house and outsourced business services and create To increase organizational responsiveness, firms flexibility to cater for changing internal circumstances. nowadays seek various approaches in delivering This approach resulted in a plural sourcing global shared business services. Today, global arrangement [7]. Today, plural sourcing is considered operating firms apply a plural sourcing model that to be the modus operandi of firms [8]. Literature consists of both in-house and outsourced business demonstrates multiple explanations for plural sourcing, services. As such, service governance is needed to ranging from safeguarding against vendor opportunism manage interdependencies between vendors, both in - [9] to complementarity of knowledge and incentives house and outsourced. However, as far as we know no [7]. In contrast to make-or-buy relationships, plural study has yet addressed how global business services sourcing arrangements create an inherent coordination are governed within the context of plural sourcing. We problem. Hence, service governance is needed to conducted 68 semi-structured interviews with executive manage interdependencies between vendors (e.g., in- management of international firms and distributed a house and outsourced). survey questionnaire to explore service governance As far as we know, no study, however, a ddressed modes. As a result, we identify five service governance how global business services are governed within the modes: regional, global, centralized, de-centralized context of plural sourcing.