PRESENT: Councillors Emma Hall (in the Chair), Mark Hastings, Glyn Jenkins, Andrew Foyle, Nick Craddock and Graham Duffield. County Councillor Michael Morgan. PCSO Sion Summers

1 (529) PUBLIC FORUM: No member of the public attended the meeting.

2 (530) RECEIVE APOLOGIES: Councillors Ann Thomas, Peter Castle and Inspector Rice

3 (531) DECLARATION OF MEMBERS’ INTERESTS: Emma Hall signed a proforma declaring an interest in planning application 2020/00223/FUL Glanffawydd, Heol y Mynydd, Welsh St Donats and left the room for any discussion.

4 (532) MINUTES AND AGENDA: Minutes of the meeting on 14th January 2020 and the agenda for this meeting were approved and signed.

5. (533) POLICE REPORT: PCSO Summers informed the meeting that he had been reassigned temporarily to Welsh St Donats. There had been no recorded crime in our area since the last meeting, however a resident had been the victim of a scam email, this had been referred to Fraud and PCSO Summers advised people to be aware, particularly the elderly. It was noted that there had been burglaries on two nights in stables in Peterston-super-Ely when a significant amount of valuable tack had been taken. Thanks were given to PCSO Summers for taking time out of his evening off to attend the meeting.

6 .(534) REPORT FROM COUNTY COUNCILLOR MICHAEL MORGAN: Council Tax: It has been suggested that the Council Tax will be raised by 4.9% and £1.7 million had been allocated to improving the highways in the Vale. Castel Talyfan Planning Application(16/00335/FUL): Michael Morgan had discussed this with senior members of Vale Planning and had been told that a new Enforcement Officer had been appointed. He was assured that an update on this outstanding application would be forthcoming shortly. Glanffawydd, Heol y Mynydd, Welsh St Donats Planning Application (20/00223/FUL) Michael Morgan asked to be included in issues raised by this application. ACTION: Clerk to forward details. Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for (Electoral Arrangements): The Commission is proposing to move St Brides and St Georges from Peterston-super- Ely Ward into St Nicholas Ward (see item 17). Michael Morgan is still intending to arrange a meeting between the Community Council and Mike Clogg (Vale Highways) to discuss highway maintenance issues.

Fly-tipping: Glyn Jenkins said he had recently paid £15 for a mattress to be collected by the Vale Council and was concerned that high costs for collections would increase incidences of fly-tipping. Nick Craddock noted that the Vale Council website was not well set up for reporting fly-tipping (see item 7). County Councilor Michael Morgan left the meeting at 8.05.

7. (535) MATTERS ARISING: (1) CASTELL TALYFAN: Glyn Jenkins told the meeting he was intending to get in touch (as a resident) with Vale Planning concerning this application. He reiterated his concerns over the danger to pedestrians and cyclists created by the large plant vehicles associated with the business at the Farm. (2) FREEDOM OF INFORMATION/FLY TIPPING: Councillors discussed at length the response from Neil Moore (Leader of the Vale Council) following the Community Council’s FOI request and fly-tipping concerns. It was agreed that Nick Craddock would draft a response to Head of Visible Services at the Vale Council. ACTION: Nick Craddock to draft response for circulation and approval Glyn Jenkins noted it appears manure has been tipped on the adopted highway at the Stables between Ty Mynydd Barn and Welsh St Donats Village. ACTION: Clerk to report

8. (536) HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY: Glyn Jenkins reported that the overgrown hedges at Penffordd-fawr had been cut. It was noted that potholes at Catreglas had been reported to the Vale but as yet no repairs had been made.



11. (539) CORRESPONDENCE TO CLERK: See attached list. Youth Offenders Team: The Clerk had contacted the leader about litter collection as a suitable project for the Team. As our lanes have no footways this could not be considered however it was agreed the Community Update should include a request for possible projects. ACTION: Clerk to include in Update. External Audit fees: The Clerk told the meeting that fees for the year 18-19 had increased by 89.7% from the previous year and had been informed by Wales Audit that in future there would be fluctuations due to the type of audit performed each year. For the year 18-19 the auditors had looked into our Standing Orders and Financial Regulations. The cost of fees each year could not be predicted by the auditors. It was agreed that the Clerk should get in touch with One Voice Wales with concerns over the costs and the problems for the Council when setting the precept. ACTION: Clerk to contact One Voice Wales Emma Hall agreed to review the model job description and contract for the Clerk and circulate a draft for approval at the next meeting. Action: Clerk to forward models.

12. (540) TRAINING: No discussion

13. (541) FINANCES: (1) Payments approved:- Hall Rental (£250.00), Wales Audit (£346.75), Clerk’s salary (£2198.96) and expenses (£258.69), Councillors’ costs and expenses (£150.00 per Councillor). One Voice Wales subscription (£68.00) and Bryan Hicks (£40.00) for repair of bench. ACTION: Clerk process online payments. (2) The proforma for AD Williams for the internal audit of accounts 19/20 to be performed in April 2020 (£250.00) was signed and approved.

In accordance with the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales Annual Report - Determination 40: All community and town councils must make available a payment to each of their members of £150 per year as a contribution to costs and expenses.

14. (542) WEBSITE: No discussion

15. (543) PROJECTS: The pond Log Book was signed for January and February.


17. (545) DOCUMENTS FOR DISCUSSION: 1. Welsh Government: Proposed Orders on Changes (minor) to Sustainable Drainage – no comments 2. Auditor General – future Audit Arrangements for Community Councils in Wales – consultation to 19.3.20 – Councillors had serious concerns about the burden on Town and Community Councils in terms of both time and money if the proposals in this document were implemented. 3. Welsh Government –Minimum Pricing for Alcohol with effect from 2.3.20 – no comments 4. Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales – review of electoral arrangements – comments by 13.5.20 – Councillors supported this proposal and felt it would benefit of the Peterston-super-Ely Ward. 5. Independent Remuneration Panel Draft Supplementary Report - consultation to 9.4.20 – no comments 6. Vale of Council – call for candidate traveller sites – consultation to 30.3.20 – no sites were submitted but Councillors requested they were informed of any suggested sites as soon as possible. Action: Clerk to submit comments.

18. (546) PLANNING: Applications considered:- 2020/00022/FUL Parc Newydd, Tair Onen, St. Hilary – no objections 2020/00178/FUL 3, Heol Y Mynydd, Welsh St Donats – no objections 2020/00147/FUL Cherry Orchard Farm Watery Lane, Welsh St Donats – it was agreed that

the comments made to the previous application are still relevant and it was noted that in the documents for this application there were no constraints mentioned when Councillors felt that this was not the case. Comments submitted should include the previous response and be copied to Michael Morgan. 2020/000069/FUL Loos House, Watery Lane, Welsh St Donats – no comments Emma Hall left the room. 2020/00223/FUL Glanffawydd, Heol y Mynydd, Welsh St Donats – as this application had only been received a day before the meeting it was agreed that any response should not be made until residents had been given the opportunity to make comments to the Community Council and then a response would be submitted.

There being no other business the Chairman thanked those present for attending and closed the meeting. (9.05pm)


FOR POSSIBLE ACTION: *received by mail Council: *Provision of Legal Services Jct 34 /A48 Transport Corridor – study update Neil Moore – response to our email concerning prosecutions for fly tipping Welsh Government: Proposed changes to two Orders on Sustainable Drainage. General: Grant Thornton – regarding increased cost of 18-19 audit Michael Morgan – request WSDCC views on changes to PSE Ward boundaries Independent Remuneration Panel – Annual Report (finalised) 2020/21 SW Police – PCSO Angela Stone replaces PCSO Summers [email protected] NRW – Tree felling in Hensol Forest Glyn Jenkins – copy emails concerning Castell Talyfan 16/00335/FUL – Clerk saved in google file, not circulated *Air Ambulance Annual Review - unsubscribe Resident of Welsh St Donats – concerns regarding application 20/00223/FUL NO ACTION NEEDED: Vale of Glamorgan Council: Precept received Local Housing Strategy Planning invitation – 14.2.20 – Chair declined Michael Morgan: Requests for Police presence at meetings following recent burglaries in PsE One Voice Wales: Summary of services provided by OVW Response to consultation on the Local Government and Elections Bill (Wales)

Innovative Practice Awards Annual Ceremony 2020 Training sessions SLCC/OVW Joint Even 20.5.20 – Seizing Opportunities to Develop and Enhance Service Delivery Recycling Events around Wales Registering defibrillators – forwarded to Sian Evans Vacancies within One Voice Wales Welsh Government: General: *Allan Williams – signed contract for 2020 and LL insurance policy for 2020. Planning Aid Wales - events Ann Thomas – identity fraud concerns Residents reporting potholes between Llwyddu and Catreglas Farm 20s Plenty for Us – update Keep Wales Tidy – Spring Clean, Local Places for Nature Green and Growth Funding South Wales Fire and Rescue Service – Strategic Equality Plan 20-25 Mayor’s Charity Event Resident of Welsh St Donats reporting potholes near Catreglas Farm PMSA February newsletter Advertising: Grounds and Graves – to contact in September. Fields in Trust (Wales), Running Imp – commemorative medals for VE Day, Barry Town Pan Disability FC, Nemisis Firework Displays Phone calls: Youth Offenders Team – regarding request for help in clearing litter – the Team would only consider those roads with walkways.