

ft If You ^1 Alcoholic Beverages, Do So in Moderation

United States READ ON FOR. • • Department of — What Are the Risks? Agriculture Alcoholic beverages such as , wine, and whiskey What's moderate drinking ?p.2 j PREPARED BY Alcohol and calories p.3 Human Nutrition supply calories but few or no nutrients. Heavy Information drinkers may be malnourished because they often What's in a name? p.4 Service do not eat enough food to get the vitamins and minerals Making the choice Home and they need. Their bodies may also not be able to absorb all not to drink alcohol p.5 Garden Bulletin When you're pregnant p.6 Number 253-8 of the nutrients in the food they eat. Drinking alcoholic beverages is linked with many Recipes p.6 July 1993 health problems. Too much alcohol may cause of the liver, inflammation of the pancreas, damage to the brain and heart, and increased risk for some cancers. (Continued on p. 2) DIETARY GUIDELINES FOR

Some studies have suggested defects have been seen in babies ■ Individuals who use that moderate drinking is whose mothers were heavy medicines, even over- united to lower risl< for heart drinkers while they were the-counter kinds. attaciis. However, drinking is pregnant. So *^''"'. Alcohol may change also linked to higher risk for women who are the way medicine high pressure and . pregnant or try- works in the body — Finally, drinking alcoholic ing to become lessening the benefits of beverages is the cause of many pregnant should the medicine or even mak- accidents and can lead to addic- not drink alco- ing it toxic. Also, some tion. For all these reasons, holic beverages medicines can raise the level drinking alcoholic beverages is because we don't know how of alcohol ■ Children not recommended. If adults much is too much. in the and adolescents. choose to drink them, they blood or Like adults, children and ado- should drink them only in mod- ■ Individuals vi4io plan increase lescents who drink alcoholic erate amounts. to drive or engage in other alcohol's beverages risk harming their activities that require atten- damaging effect on the brain. health and development. If Some people tion or skill. teens drink and drive, they risk Most people still have some should not ■ Individuals ^10 having an alcohol-related acci- alcohol in the blood 3 to 5 hours cannot keep their drinking dent. Also for children and drink alcoholic after even moderate moderate. teens, drinking or buying alco- beverages: drinking. This is a special concern for holic beverages is illegal. recovering alcoholics ■ Women who are preg- and people whose nant or trying to conceive. family members have There is not adequate proof alcohol problems. that an occasional drink is harmful. However, major birth

What's Moderate Drinking? WOMEN: No more than 1 drink a day MEN: No more than 2 a day

Recent research indicates that women have higher Count as a drink. blood alcohol levels after having one drink than men do. Women have less activity of an enzyme that helps metabolize alcohol in the body. Thus, women are more vulnerable to the acute and chronic compli- cations of .

12 fluid ounces of 5 fluid ounces 3-1/2 Huid ounces 7 Huid ounces 1-1/2 fluid ounces 1 (see chart regular or light beer of of wine of light wine of , rum, whiskey on page 3 for size) 180 proof) YOU DRINK ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES, DO SO IN MODERATION Alcohol and Calories

Alcoholic beverages generally contain calories but few nutrients. The calories in alcoholic beverages come from alcohol and . Limiting intake of alco- holic beverages makes room for foods that provide important nutrients. The table below gives you an idea of how alcoholic beverages differ. Be sure to check serving size when comparing beverages. In general, the amount of alcohol in a serving is about the same, though the serving size may vary. For example, a 12-fluid-ounce regular beer contains about the same amount of alcohol as a 5-fluid- ounce glass of table wine.

How much alcohol and how many calories are in aleo holic beverages? The table below will give you an idea:

DRINK ALCOHOL CALORIES' (fluid ountes) (grams) BEER Beer or , regular 12 13 150 Beer, light 12 12 100 DRINK ALCOHOL CALORIES' Beer cooler 12 12 100 (fluid ounces) (grams) Near beer 12 1 30 UQUOR Gin, 90-proof 1-1/2 16 110 1-1/2 14 95 Rum, , 1-1/2 14 95 CORDIAL 80-proof OR UQUEUR 1-1/2 12 160 Whiskey bourbon, rye, scotch, 86-proof 1-1/2 15 105

WINE MIXED DRINKS 2 Dessert — sweet Margarita 2-1/2 18 170 ,port, Gin and tonic 7-1/2 16 170 , etc. 3-1/2 16 160 Whiskey sour 3 15 125 Dry, table, red or v/hite burgundy, chablis, Daiquiri 2 14 110 , dry sherry, etc. 5 13 100 1 The number of calories from alcohol may vary due to variation Light 5 9 70 of people's response to alcohol. Wine spritzer 7 11 85 2 Volume of mixed drinks is without ice. Actual serving with ice could be much larger. Wine cooler 12 14 180 NOTE: There is a wide range of serving sizes for alcoholic beverages. Nonalcoholic 10 Those listed above ore typical servings. DIETARY G U D E L I N E S FOR AMERICA

and , but fewer calories per gram of , calories than fat. The table , and carbohydrate, DID YOU KNOW... below compares the approx- A gram is a unit of measure Alcohol imate number of calories about the weight of a paper Alcohol provides more calo- per gram of alcohol with the clip. There are about 28 Fact or ries by weight than protein approximate number of grams in an ounce. Fiction?

To see what you already know about alcohol and nonalcoholic beverages, take this quiz. Check your answers with those on page 6.

9 calories per pam of 4 calories per gram of 4 calories per i^ram of 7 calories per gram of True or False FAT PROTEIN CARBOHYDRATE ALCOHOL ^. Heavy drinking may lead to malnutrition. D True 7!^ False WhaKs in a Name? 2. Cutting out or cutting What's the difference between light beer and regular beer? Does light back on alcoholic bever- ages is a nutritionally wine have fewer calories than regular wine? Here are some descriptions: sound way to reduce calo- ries. LIGHT BEER — light beer generally contains about one-third fewer calories than the D True [H False regular beer produced by the same brewer because it contains less carbohydrate. 3. A can of beer is much Alcohol content is about the same as regular beer lower in alcohol than a glass of wine. BEER COOLER — a beverage made of beer flavored with citrus or , or Ü True D False carbonated water 4. A can of light beer is NEAR BEER — a malt beverage that has an alcohol content below 0.5 percent by vol- much lower in alcohol ume. It is labeled "nonalcoholic" when there is less than 0.5 percent alcohol and than a can of regular "alcohol-free" if there is no measurable alcohol content. beer. D True D False (or ) — a wine that has brandy or distilled spirits added to it. Dessert wine has a higher alcohol content than table wine. 5. A wine cooler has ¡ust as much alcohol as a LIGHT WINE — a wine that contains about one-third less alcohol than table wine. glass of wine. The calories are less because the alcohol content is lower G True G False

WINE SPRITZER — a beverage consisting of wine and club soda. 6. During pregnancy, it is safest not to drink alco- WINE COOLER — a carbonated beverage containing wine, fruit juice, and added holic beverages. sugars. A typical serving contains as much alcohol and more calories than a 5-fluid- D True ü False ounce glass of table wine. bip YOU PBINK AirOHOIir RPVPPAr. P< no ÜQ ,f^ ^^^^,f|Tffl^ Making the Choice

4 Not To Drink Alcohol

Wondering how alcoholic drinks you will fit in days. at a There are many alterna- try tomato juice, club soda, where everyone's drinking tives to alcoholic bever- or mineral water with a alcoholic beverages hut ages. Askfor your favorite DID YOU KNOW.. of lemon or lime. you? First of all, eveiyone mixer or fruit juice, com- plete with the garnish but else probably isn't drink- Note the calories and Contrary to popular belief, ing alcohol. More and without the alcohol. If sugars in the nonalco- when with alcoholic you're counting calories, holic drinks belov\^: beverages, the alcohol does more people choose non- not all disappear. Some alco- hol evaporates or is burned off, but some remains. It is DRINK SERVING SIZE CALORIES ADDED SUGARS (TEASPOONS) usually too little to cause con- Club soda, cern to most people. carbonated mineral water, The amount of alcohol left in seltzer water 12fl. oz. 0 0 a food after cooking depends Tonic water, quinine water 12fl. oz. 125 8 on the amount used and how Flavored mineral water, long the food is cooked. For example: -sweetened 11 fl. oz. 115 7 • A roast cooked for several Cola, regular 12fl.oz. 150 9 hours in wine has less than 12fl. oz. 125 8 1 gram of alcohol in a serving. Sparkling 8 fl. oz. or 1 115 0* • A serving of a flamed Orange juice, unsweetened 8 fl. oz. or 1 cup 105 0* dessert such as Tomato juice 8 fl. oz. or 1 cup 40 0 jubilee contains about 2 grams of alcohol. Pina colada mix 8 fl. oz. or 1 cup 250 9* • A piece of pie such as a Frozen daiquiri mix 8 fl. oz. or 1 cup 150 9* brandy alexonder pie that is *Does not include the sugar that occurs naturally in fruit juice. not cooked after adding the brandy may contain as much The sugars content of these beverages is translated into equivalent teaspoons of table sugar (sucrose). as 3 grams of alcohol. The actual sugar used in the beverage may be corn or another form of sugar. I©' DIETARY GUIOEL NES FOR AMERICANSJ Recipes

Make festive nonalcoholic beverages when

you entertain. Use these recipes to get start-

ed, then experiment on your ov/n. Remem-

ber, such as orange and tomato are

good sources of some vitamins and minerals.

ft Mock

WHEN YOU'RE 8 servings, about 1-1/4 each v/ithout ice Per serving: Calories 140 Cholesterol 0 Total fat Trace Sodium 15 milligrams Pregnant Saturated fatty acids Trace

Drinking alcoholic beverages an can drink without harming Sparkling juice 25-fluid-ounce during pregnancy may cause the the fetus. This is especially true Cranberry-apple ¡uice 3 cups infant to have low birth weight, during the first month of preg- Orange ¡uice 1 cup reduced growth rate, birth nancy when the central nervous Lime-flavored sparkling water 1 0-fluid-ounce bottle defects, and/or mental retarda- system is developing. Also, no Orange slices, cut in half 1 orange tion. "Fetal alcohol syndrome" one is sure of the harm caused Lime slices, cut in half 1 lime is a condition sometimes seen in by occasional . infants of mothers who drank Studies show that the more To prepare: heavily during pregnancy. The alcoholic beverages the mother 1. Chill ail ingredients thoroughly. syndrome is characterized by a drinks, the greater are the risks 2. Mix all ingredients except fruit slices together. Add fruit slices and specific pattern of physical, men- for her baby. Thus, it is safest to mix well. tal, and behavioral problems in avoid drinking alcoholic bever- 3. Serve over ice. the baby. No one is sure of how ages during pregnancy. much alcohol a pregnant wom-

Alcohol: Fact or Fiction Answers to quiz on page 4. 1. True. 2. True. 3. False. A can of regular beer and a glass of table wine have the same amount of alcohol. 4. False. A can of light beer is lower in calories than regular beer, but the alcohol content is about the same. 5. True. 6. True. i V¿U bk\\i\l ki¿6ti6L\é IIVilASn '•WWTfTTTyir-l

Orange Smoothie

This nonalcoholic drink provides nutrients from milk as well as all the nutrients in a serving of orange juice. 4 servings, about 1 cup each

Per serving: Calories 165 Cholesterol ... 5 milligrams Total fat 1 gram Sodium . 35 milligrams Saturated fatty acids ... 1 gram

Frozen orange ¡uice concenfrofe ó-fluid-ounce can Milk, 2% fat 1 cup

Water 1 cup Sugar 2 tablespoons

Vanilla 1/2 teaspoon Ice cubes 8

To prepare: 1. Place all ingredients in a . 2. Cover and blend until smooth. Add Zip to Your Sehzer 3. Serve immediately. ■

Make your own seltzer beverages. They're more nutritious than a flavored seltzer water when made with fruit juice and no Peachy added sugar For example, try 2 tablespoons offivzen orange ■ juice concentrate mixed with 1 cup of seltzer water.

Peaches add flavor and texture to this punch, a tasty treat with- out any alcohol. 4 servings, about 1-1/4 cups each

Per serving: Calories 110 Cholesterol 0 Total fat Trace Sodium 15 milligrams Saturated fatly acids Trace

Sliced peaches, ini light syrup 16-ounce can Apple ¡uice 1 cup Lemon ¡uice 1 tablespoon Ginger ale 12 fluid ounces

To prepare: 1. Chill ingredients thoroughly. 2. Blend peaches and syrup until smooth. 3. Add apple and lemon juices; blend. 4. Remove blender jar from power unit. Add ginger ale; mix well. Serve immediately. Supersedes HG 232-7

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