From: , Tiptoe, Sway, Bransgore,

For students who live in , provided that Highcliffe is your closest designated school and you live more than three miles from Highcliffe School, Hampshire County Council will provide transport free of charge for September Intake 2015. This applies to all applications received before the closing date of 31st October 2015. However, you may be aware that Hampshire County Council changed its Transport to School Policy (wef September 2012) - if you are affected by the change in Hampshire policy you are advised to visit the Hampshire website,, for further details.

Highcliffe School has worked with Hampshire County Council to help families affected by Hampshire’s change of policy. As a Hampshire family living in Highcliffe School’s catchment area, the cost of your child’s transport on the Hampshire School Bus Service will be subsided by the School. Please contact Miss Bootman, via School Reception, for further details.

If your child is entitled to Free School Meals and you are in receipt of the Maximum level of Working Tax Credit, you may be entitled to travel assistance from Hampshire County Council. You should apply direct to Hampshire County Council. Application forms are available from the Passenger Transport Group on 01962 846924 or 845332.

Currently, transport is organised in coaches. Arrangements vary according to the numbers travelling.

If you live outside the area traditionally served by the school then you will be responsible for the transport arrangements for getting your son/daughter to school, including costs. Season tickets can be purchased for students in non-catchment areas if places fall available.

All residents are responsible for their own transport arrangements, including costs.

From: Area A public services Wilts & Dorset Bus No. X1 or X2 operates from Christchurch and travels through Mudeford stopping near the school. For the times of the bus consult the most recent timetable in case of changes


If you are dropping off (or picking up) your son/daughter, please park on the school side only to avoid dangerous congestion. Please be considerate to the local residents by not blocking access to their driveways. Thank you.


If you choose to use the train as transport from either the Brockenhurst or Southbourne direction you will need to check the most recent timetable for times of arrival and departure. A network of alleyways provides a 15 minute walk from the train to school.

BICYCLE – see enclosed details