\ t

PALA eeat. l '~.e·2 determinac~ para todos los Puertorr~os. ' Luchamos por el millOn en la eluded de Nueva York, los eientos de miles en Chicago, Cleveland, Hartford, Filadelfia, Hoboken, Newark y Wilmington, Lucharnos por los 1,000 "spies" en Alabama. Luchamos por los 75,000 "spies" EDITORIAL en Hawaii. Esta generacion esu( aprendiendo de la historia. Una de las ~.ones por 10 cuaI Betances y Albizu fallaron es porque dirigierpn moimientos besados mayormente en carisma y liberates pequellos bulJlU8S8S. Para corregir Mil, la rwolve,," esti basadi"" ahora en el pueblo, el pueblo mas oprimido; en principios del socialismo. Una coss tenamos en comO"n con nuestros arrtecesores: Ia pistole. PodriSn SIr liberates pequeno.burgueses pero no estaban usando botelles .en Lares 0 ledriflos eo' Jayuya. Algunos de nosotros IIemos estado' escuchando por demasiado tiempo la propaganda del enem/go sabre 10 paci'fico que somas y ocultan eI hecho que Betances, AIbizu, Blanca. Lolita, estaban armados. No SI he acIIo /a boteIta que pueda enfrentarse aun.38. De modo' que asta .no. intentemos ceI8brar EL GRITODE LARES no solo en septiembi e 23, sino eo todoslos dies. A 1nIV.s del Cornitl LiberaCioii Para :Puerto Rleo Ahora construirernOs ,tin mdlrlmiento 10 bestente fuerte para aplaster eI enilmigo. Nos prOponemos unirnos DOn otras luchas de Latino Amlrica Y eI Tercer Mundo, porque no 10 podimos hacer solo. Cede diS de ahora en adelantedebe _ un di8 perdido para eI ilnmigo, otro dill ganado por eI pueblo. No podemos parder mes tiempo metiendo paquetes. Realmente, esta debe ... fa ultima generacion de "spies". Cede dll, debe traer una _a oportunided para ~.~... ~." . 'it;;'''''' No debemos fallar. Hacer esto _I'ti

condenar nuestros. ~ at ....1 AIIJo que sea menos que fa victoria de ahora en adeIante, nagar' eI futuro de nuestra nacion y de Ie humanidad en general. Debemos hacar la guerra para que pueda heber paz.




Esta edie~ de PALANTE est4 dedicada a 1950, 'tIS1e grupo elir,. por Albizu Campos EL GAITO DE LARES y los revolucionarios empezo una rebelion en octubre 30 en eI que en septie",""'e ~ de 1868 comenzeron fa pueblo de Jayuya, una rebel", que Iucha por Ie liberacilii. Esta aiio, eI PARTIDO rdPidamente SI regO' por los pueblos DE LOS YOUNG LORDS ha cltado para una colindantes. Mientras esto sucedf8, dos conferencia de todos loS estudian. PuertorriqueOOs nos demostraron cuel es Ie Puertorriqueilos en los colagios y _las posiJ:i~ de apoyo correcta' para los superiores, de menera que podamos continuer 1W0lucionarios &que Fueron a Washington ,I trabajo comenzadopor nuestros D.C. para eliminer el presidente de tos e.e. antecesores. u.u. Por esta acciOn est8 aU'n en EI PARTIDO DE LO$. Y. DUNG LORDS Leavenworth. defiende Ie intensiflcecilii de la Iucha que En 1963, Lolita LebrQn dirigio" tres cornenJ en septiembre 23 de 1868. Nos hermanos en 10 que ha venido a _ el acto proponamos estar a. la wefta de su mas aJdaz llevedo a cabo por una persona coRctusiOit-e iremos Iajos. colonizada contra eI '(!II1CIUi, disparandole Todo. nO$Otr05, seamos 0 no mientres estaben>en sesi&n a los legisIados que "*tOIl_1Os, debemos aprender de EI IIOf mentienen lICIavizedos. , • .., De Lares. Estos hombres; JIlIIjeres .. Locos, dices11)k:es que estos "spies" IuGttaron contra asombrosos ebs*ulos para estBft tocos7 Estamos locos de' rematel EI lillerar un pueblo del ultraje de los espaiioJes. PARTIDO DE LOS YOUNG LORDS Y una tmpirade por 8etances Y sus ..,idores Ie nuwa ...,...acidll de ~ Iocosha .PrimIIra ~ de to que conocemos hoy nacido, melhamOiados por los arrabeles de MINISTRO DE INFORMACION ."mo Pu.rtor1'i~ mezcfe de amerikkka, y SI __lando rapidamellte YORU8A ~fricanos. . Indios Y ~n'lIUlIiIO sabre eI enemigo; Luchemos aflora no solo r ~ flII!i:ionallsta. fIM!IIIf en .. para por .. IiIlIr8ci6ft sotcie1i1t8 de PueI10 Rico, [j;{ 1.r ..,.:: *!nG.. ~' ... e1 ...... ,... '~~r>:... '.':'~<;~"~"~ ,,'11 I-""'';'"'''' ~,~' " RICA"



!h 00 - 11)~ 30

lOt 45\" 12:00



12;00 - 1:00



!hOO - 12:00 4: 3ft"" "1: 3~ CLOSING SPEBCHES


7130 - 8:,30: DIBNER

4t00 PM

,,';~"~LARES CELB,SRATION A~, LA PLAZA " , IOM;~ (138t1;1 st. Between nro,9k & Willis Avenue. in the Bronx) . *t~.·..P I ••• ·• EL GRITO DE

For Ciniirift, We have bein taught 1ftat In the middle of July, 1868, a man:had in1D Lares in formation with shouts we .. a small, quiet, insignificant, lIhuffling r81folutionary brother, Padro Garcia, wIIo had of "Liberty or Oaathl" and "Long Liva peopIe.wIIo cannot wen govern ouneIves and been collecting money for the r81folution, got Puerto Rico'" and seized Lares. The who are v.ry happy hlllfing ~ caught with a filt of names of people wIIo r81folutionarias bald Lares for one day. govlll1lR*ltS control our liva We hIIIfe bein w-. donating money for .,ns. The leaders The foHowint day the spenitll military taught that Puerto Rico is a.beIutifut Itfand~ ..... caught by surpria IIId 1IIT8IIIied; all the _ ~in and ".IIIII.CaIIy ~crushed 1h,e for tourists on III11IIMI' vacations. We .. IWOIutlonary records wae confi.ul d. Thav rebellion.fnJm town 10 town. ~ that taught that IWOIution is the work of,...,.,...... beIrayad by juan castanon, a captain of _ not killed _ jailecf. n.jaiIs of AnIcibo end t.wtlcs IIId fill nothing to _.ftiCe, the militia of the .-my, wIIo had end AguadiIIa .... packad. Even before decile spica. Vet we hIIIfe not ~ qytet; the infiItnItId the mQlrem_ coming 10 trial. 38 of thaJa political pri.-n people . of Borinquen have ...... " ~for The diad of a flu CIIIII8d by the filthy, IiIIenrtIon fnJm the time of the T.... '1IIIIfIM aIaI1iId. Soma ~j6rd1ll\11Rd _Ciowdad, unsenltary corGftions of the to the pI'8I8Ilt. beck. HowIIifar, the., dlMrid!atlI!D prisons. Durinl the trials, _.n The fInt IWOIutiolwfaction of the ravoIutfonarIas ..... --.... to daiIth and foraas in ...... Puerto Rican nation took pIeoe on"" ba of the .pnc..... "9~1nad ~:s:::~;:;~= fiva others ware sentancad 10 font ... in 23, 186tJ-:-EL GRITO DE LARE&--wIIIe a the pr~ of Cauta in North Africa. For the Iroup of short, quiet,$lwffUItt. time baing. the movement _ crushed. but mach ... carrying . of .tIIkiat IIhit the IWOIutionary ..... continued among the piBkad up .... __..,.tired. .... ,.... '-to people. RIcant .... ~ .• a Saptambar 23, 1868 proclaimed us 10 the f9rtlng for· ~~~~QI~~~~~ ---:i::;=~O:j?;';:i'~and two years movement in the IU. still, JA6Ioniiald nation continuing 1ha app;allllion of our by ttae u.s. We are the GOI!~IIIq" of the ...0# EL GRITO Di is the dUty ~ Of wary Puerto R lean ~::=:~U:::::i~ .4. dl.ti.U!PJ.lI~'~'_P~"~'$.~:~~' 1'ttfFOl, and ttae YOUNG LORDS PARTY. ~ ~% ~~•. ~ ~ ~ •


nxIIR. Betancas sailed for Curacao to pick up a Ihipmant of rifles. He got them, but still ~ mora. H. nttumad 10 St. Thomas In the maantIma...... CICIIRinuact...... he orpniIed en expadftion 10 llil from '-"ad with the Cuban rIIIfO/utIonarIat in thant to reinforce the fIIIfoIutlonary foraas in New Vork IIId kept contact with the secret Puerto Rico. He coukI coUnt on 10,000 SEPT. organizations in Puerto Rico. H. went /') St. warriors with ~ 4 mortars and en adeq1,1a18 ~ 8nd illutda.proclemation calling for of rifles and mechat8s. He _ 10 Ieav. with 'IftMd _Iution in Pueno Rico IIId a bis expeditionary force aboaRI the staamar fO.point ...... that incIudad the abOlItIon TaIagrafo, but a ftI8Il8IJII stopped him; ..._ 23 of tIavary and the right to carry .,M. From him that the _lution had been ~ctiscovarad thera· he want to Santo Oomingo--tbll and that the entInt .... of Puerto Rico had haadquarIan for the fIIYOIUtifm-to 1IIIct1tla been aIartad and a landing _ impoSsM. R4IVOIutionaIy Committee for Puerto Rico On the afternoon of ...... Ibar 23. 1888. whole purpose_ to orpnIza alWOlutionto nearty 100 men fnJm Mayagu8z mat With 400 .A, . p"" .. maklt Puarto Rico an indlpandent,. men from ...... Most of ~ men !tad no .,IOCtIJtic:·rapublic. ThatI committau .... military _parlance. Soma ..... armed with ...... in .uIn cities: ...... Mayagu8z, rm- 'bIIId guns, and carbines; others, NATL" San SabastIan. Camuv, and ~. The job of recruited fnJm among 1ha jlbaro, didn't have the committlla·_ to aduceta end 0I'IJIIftIza anything but knivas and IIIlIChaIIit. Thav Puerto Ricans for IWOIution. Puerto ricans tIM" lived in their own country as HOLIDAY -=onckIaa cItIzans to spain just like Puerto Ricans todav liv. as -=onckIaa citizens to the u.s. The c:ommittIIas alsO aducet8d Puerto Ricins that they hlllfe 1ha right to rebel .... 1ha IfIIiY8AIIMIIt when ~ is working .... their IntereIts whiI:h is what we tall -.. people today. Out of the L-.s commlttaa C8IlIa the flag of EL IIId the MtIonaI ...... Ie 8orinquena" wriUIm. by ... ;~_J.",*,~.'" _ .....;tofit..,~ofa~ :]:;~:~~;,~~~~~~~I~!~~i. (~~L. '.~ .. ~~ . : : : LARES

Por sigIos nos han enseiiado que somos Del comite"' de Lares surge la bander8 dal una naciO'n pequeiia, 1iIenciose, insignificall18, Grito de lares V 81 himno nacional, La incapaz de gobernamos por nosotros mismos, Borinquefia, escrita por Lola Rodri9uez ., queestamos felicas por tener a un gobierno Tio~ cuva Iatra fua cambiada mas tarda para extranjero controlando nuestras vides. Nos amokIarla a Ia imagen de un Puertorriqueii'o han dic:tIo que Ia isla de Puerto Rico as muv doell. pAIII:iosa V edecuada para las vecaciones· 4e A mediados de ju'io da 1868, cogiaron verano de los 1Uristal. Nos tretan de engefter prisioll8ro a un hermeno revolucionario. dicie1tdonos que ., nwolucionario as coSa de Pedro G:,cia, quian recogia dinero para Ie ~ 0 manilfticos V que tiene poco que revolucion, V Ie encontraron en su podar una ver con los buenos V d6ci1es "spies". Sin lista con los nombnrs 4e las personas que embeI'go, no nos hemos men18nidos callados; habi8n doIl8do dinero para las armas. Los Ia fjIIIlt8 de Borinquen ha luchado por su ltileres fueron tomados ~ por soi-p.esa V I~ 4esde Ia 4I'poca de los Ihdios Taino. arrestados. T ados los archivos V docuRMln1Ds hesIa nuestrOJ .... da Ia revolu.ciOft fuaron confiscaclos. Fueron La primers gran gesta revolucioneria de la traicioll8dos por'~ castan6n. -un cap;um de naciOR Puertorriquelfa two luger 81 23 de Ia miIicia del efI'i'cHV ..-iioI. que sa habta teptiambre de I888-EI Grito De 1.ares-- en inf'dtrado en el mOvtmlento. . que un glVpo de "spies" bajitos, tranquilos. sa Be ioformc{ a loa "'--de loa diferen1as .-on de _ mlerda V, macheta en pIIIIb/OI. Algunos 'espo"diaron V otros sa mana, sa eIzaron contra etpeIIa. Estos retractaron. Sin emh«go, dacidieron Puertorriquejfo$ sa convirtieron en movIlizar JU4 fuerzas en lares 81 23 de revoIucionarios despu4S que en su 18I'lIIt Iucha septiallllbre, en lujpIr del ~ 29 de ...... para mejorar sus condiciones, no obtuvieron que habfI sIdo acordado __... n .... nad8; una Iucha parecida at movimiento de 101 Betanoes embaretfhacie Curacao • butcar estos hombres no teiU8n expariencia millter. ~ civiles en e.e. u.u. un ClliII'..nfO de rifles. lo COItIigIajef. para Algunos estaban armadas con rifles, pistolas Y ~ Emeterio Betances. Segundo Ruu IIICItIit.IIba "n mas. Regreso' a Sen Tcoma's carabinas; otros. raclutados de entre kIs 8elr1a V otrot. por .,,.ro•• cioll8no.fueroA Q~"~ ilUe jibaros, no teni8n. sino cuchiltos V machetaL .xlfados y i8 Ies..n& fr ...... Estos.do. _ ••; •• elli ~haIlia Rico a MarcharoA ...baciaLanls, en tormacioft ,con hermanos sa rehusaron, huyendo hacie Nueva It~ de "L.~ 0 .'1 __17 .., '~\(Ia .. M~jjii£""7i~*!_.If'";~~; ,~ ~.::. y .. _ 'rllllon., larel..t,.os " para la revofu.cic:fn. (EI gobierna {~~==., madIetas. revolucionarios re1Uvieron 81 podar en Lam . norteamericano les permiti6 operK , zarpar 4lDfl su .... 8Xp11dlc:tonatla • bordo par undill. AI die siguiall18 Ia milicia aspiiota vino y Ilbremente porque ilUlIrla a Puerto Rico V a :feI vllpGJ' r ...... ~ un men'" to Cuba para 51, V no estaba praparado para de1Uvo. '. ~. 81 '...... que habi8n aptasto' Ia rebeliOn ~te, de molester a asp6 en _1IlOII*ttD.) En Nuevl! detcubierto Ie ravotuCioft..... tede Ie __ pueblo en puabio. AqueIkJs que no tueron Yorft sa unieron a varlos glVpos que estaban .....en .alerta, fIaciendo imposIbIe 81 matados, fuaron encarceIados. las c&-celes de p'-ndo Ie libaraci6'n de to4es 'as islas del .....'liI;s;e.Q;· .. ,~' .' Arecibo V AguadiUa estaban rapIet8s. Antes Caribs. En .letarde del U de septlenlllre.deI_ del enjuiciemiento, 36 de estos prisioneros C8I'C8 de 100 hornbre,r de Mayagiiez .. uniaron politicos muriaron da una apidemia causacla a 400 hombres de Lares. La mayor parte da . por la condiclOn de suciadad, apmamlanto • Rui'z B81vis v. it Chila a hablar con un insaIubridad de Ie prisiOn. Durenta los juicios, viejo 81 prasIdenta Vicuna amigO suyo, siata I'tIIIOIucionarios fuaron santanciadOJ a .a.ckena, V cansagufr dinero part la lIIU8Ite, V otroscinco • Iargas santanciaS en ~ Una.. .mena ~ de IIu Hagada Cauta. Africa del Noris. . EJ movimiallto .... BeMs We' ..... y mistariosami"fa revolu.cionario habfI sIdo apIastado, para eI ~ muerto en ef cuarto de su hotel. espWi1U ravoIu.cionario sigulO vivo entre fa gante. .' Mien"" tanto,...... continuaba Ef 23 de saptialnt... de 1888 nos proctan[6 ...... con los rBVoluciolllliot Cubenos IIIIts eI mundo como una 1I4!ICl~ colotlizada ;;\..,~y orft V mentanIa Consactoo con , IuchencJo par su illdepa"denci!l, . Ciento del las or.geniaciones sacretas da Puerto Rico. alIOs "* ... somas tociIWl'a una fl8l(i!iR. Fue a Sen Tomaa donda prasantO una cotoniada, continua"c, Ia lteha comra Ie ...... pldiento Ie _CdU.CiOft armada en ~ de nuestra fIIIIItI. ahora, par los e.e. Puerto Rico, V un prognlm'Iute diaz puntos u.u. .NOIOtFOJ somas Ie CQIItinuac:ici' de Ie .. 1nch118 Ia aboIicIOn 4e Ie esclavitud V eI Iucha del Grito de larel. E$ 81 debar de todo· _echo e porter...... De. 811(, Betances P\&'torriqueiio, _ esta' mujer, hombra " marchd'a SeniO Domiftgo-.ef QI8rtaI ...,.. ftiIto, segufr 81 ejempIo de los ravolucionarios ".Ie ~a· gular los Coinites del pasado V de Ioarevolu.cionarios del RavoIucionarios para Puerto Rico, cuyOS prasante, como CAL, MIRA, ., at PARTIDO ~aren 0I'IJ8niRJr. Ie revoIuciOn que DE LOS YOUNG LORDS' ..fa de .PU1II1O Rico una. rep4wica' , in 1rl dianta V dat.iGiiiati.ca. Estos fIOmitlh IE L 0 E B E '!,D i. T 0 Q P Iii .BUaIIluiaron en varias ciudadas: LanIs, PUERTORRIQUENO ES HACfR LA ....,...... Sen Sebastia'tl. Camuy y Ponca. Su REVDLUClONt .•ra __ ., 0I'IJIIIliUr a loS rOUE VIVA PUERTO RICO LlBREI en su prcipirJ_ como 18 ..... LoI Iris Moratas· ." .• 'i=S~~~=... FIISguftda cIas8_~ ...... at ~ Capitan deEducacion • ftot .. como c...... de PARTfDO DE LOS YQUNG LOR~ eM .... - .... u.u. La, ~ ~· ..... ,..... Ii'·.I ..\ ...... contrael r ••1 •••• I BRANCHING OUT

On Wednesday, SepIBmber 16, the EI miercoles 16 de 1IIptiembre, aI Partido YOUNG LOROS PARTY officialy opened a de los Young Lords, abri& of~iaImente un ,_ branch on the Lower East Side. The new nuevo sector en el Lower East Side de branch is the lhird one in New York City. Manhattan. Este sector nuevo es el tercero en This is part of our ongoing expansion to unite . la ciudad de Nuevl York. Esto as parte de Puerto Ricans an over the country. nuestra corriente expansion para unir a los The Lower East Side is one of the most Puartorriqueno$ por todo ..pars. over-organized colonies in the city. Unlike EI EI Lower Eest Side es una de Ies mas Barrio and the Bronx, the Lower East Side super·organizedas colonias en la ciuded. No has many political organizations, poverty como' EI Barrio y el Bronx, aI Lower East Side programs, and social clubs. The Lower Eest tiene muchas organizaciones poIfticas, Side is also .a very integrated community programas para cembetir 18 pobreza y clubes where people corne from an over to live. socialas. EI Lower Eest Side es tambien una . But never on the Lower East Side has comunidad muy bien intagrac:la que etrae a there been a national revolutionary po/iticaI gente de todas partes para vivir. party to try and unite all our people. We.need Pero en el Lower Eest Side nunca ha a national party that is committed to bringing existido un partido po~ revolucionario' together Puerto Ricans everywhere, a party nacional que ha tratado de unir a toda Ie committed to lIII'Ving our people by any gente. Necesitamos un pertido nacional que 58 _snece..-y. dadique 8 unir a todos los Puertorriqueii'os de The YOUNG LORDS PARTY wiD todes partes, un partido dadicado 8 lIII'Vir 8 continue to educate our people around issues nuestre gante de todos modos nacesarios. that IIffect our lives, just es _ did in the EI PARTIDO DE LOS YOUNG LORDS People'. Church. with 1he t.b. truck, and at continuarl educando a nuestre gente Lincoln Hotpitel. Wherever _ 80. we cannot po~ sabre los problemas que eseape the ~ that ...... to crush dlrectanlelite efectan nuestras vides, igual our people. The YLP will ~ to exp0t8 como hicimos en Ie Iglesia de Ie Gen1e, con aI. an 1ttose m.titutlons that conto/ our lives, camion de detecter tuberculosis, y como en ... that IKpIoit and kill us fN8I'y dey 10 that hospital Lincoln. AdoncIequillra que veyamos IOIII8Ion8 aile can get rich. no Iogreremos escaper Ie CJpnIIi&, que Tfi8 Lowiw Eest Side. office is IOCIItIed on amenaze destruir a nuestra gente. Ef PVt. 3nt Stnet __ A_ B and C. It is continuera ....Wi...... a todes Ies _ 1IIrough the brothers and sistIIrs of the instituCiones flUB controfan nuestres vIdA ...... &It Side that the YLP will ..",ive, que _ expIoten y nos esesinen cada "" para . 1IIrough their ..pport and the support of an que otro • ponge mas rico. '.' the ,...... in1tlit CIIIIUfttry. We .... '1."-. ~!~"""_i'_~':;;;'''X'N it "time to -1IOfiIther. OW .... depend r6ca/izada en' Ie ciifle 3 entre tas evenidas B y on it. C•. Sera IOfanatte con eI apoyo ~ trIunfara. Creemos que va ei tIempo para . ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLEt ,'reunirnos todos; nuestres vides depanden de LIBERATE PUERTO RICO NOWI &no. TOOO PODER A r..UESTRA GENTEI Carl Pastor QUE VIVA PUERTO RICO UBREI FillldL~ Cerf¥astor . YOUNG LOROS PARTY Teniente de Campos Lower Eest Side Branch !'ARTIDO de los YOUNG LOROS Sector daI Lower East SWe

On Saturday, ~st 22, the Pbitadalphia Iickness so that we get sick again and they can EI sebado 22 de agosto, eI sector de Branch of ,"""the YOUNG LORDS PARTY charge u. more fees, and by keeping the Filedeffia de los Young Lords dicf "pieces administered Frae Chest )("Rays to our number one threat to our health walking and pecho" (redio gretG.sl gratis a todos ...... Tbis _ the ftnt time 1\D1I-I'8y truck riding in thellOlony, the pig. miembros de Ie comunidad. Esto ha sido , • _ went into the Puerto Rican and Black We went en and to 1tIit MUnter that passes primera V8II flUB un _10ft de rayos x he colonies of Ph!!ec/efphia. ThiJ.",ioe _ also 'for "health care," murder 1hat has IJecorne so a las colonies Negras y Puertorr.... en ~i)y tihiItv'.oftIIIIdy-bmecl-.nctl of open and so intense that it is now genocide. Filedelfia. Tambie'n sa u.v.(. It, cabo una the HtIIJ1b Revolutionary Unity Movement Whe9wer; our peopfe are oppI1ISIed, we wilt, reullid'n,en eI lftisn1&.acter, daI Mwim (HRUM). move to .",. them, and _ heve begun in the Revolucionario Unido de SaIud tHRUM). The thirteenth point of the.YLP 13Point area of health. Et Punto NU"mero t3 de los 13 puntol' PI'OJII'lH& and Platform st:ates: We want a PYL dice: "Nosotros queremoS una socieded sociaI~ society. We want liberation, clothing, FREE HEALTH CARE FOR OUR socialina. Queremos liberac:iOf. rope, comide, fl?od. educetion. health care, trensponation, PEOPLE! • educaciO'n, tratemiento de "'ud., utitit",cempIoyment and paece.... " In a LtBERAT6 PUERTO RICO NOWI tran~, utilldades, trabajos y pat•.• " sociaItst society, the 9OVBrIIft¥IIIt is set up so ' En una sociedad socialista el IObiIrno 48 thet,,'directs its hiIaItti care towards el bltell!iento m&tico adecuedo para _rani'" PREYEIifTING illnesses. Instead of heving the 18 enfarn1edad. En luger de que la gen1l8 ,-people _ to the hospital, the hospital goes al hosPital, eI hospital jn(I Ie gante par J out to the people, through. door-to-doar' de programas·de puerta en puerta, programs,.tJIock hiIaIth _tars, trucks, 8'11:. n*iiCos, .mIones, etc. En Ie socieded­ The atv _live under.now, dIpiteIism, ' estamosvtJiendo ahera,bejo eI ni"~!4I. fIes. a M6iI_lt tbat kills Puerto Ricens capitafista eI sistema- mate Puertorrtq' _ .... WIth its ~ "eare." The enemy «toes 1tIit con til tratamlento de 581ud. through butIlher abortion$. i)y ..... new ... • ,,!IS. i)y keeping cIeedIy Ieed pa'int .. CO"'''',, ~.1. . \W,GII.Iy ~2~""\~.;;;lhl ~/ < <"t<'~" . '<"',' j f:~!t'~~~4-t_-;, \ "'.a"

The YOUNG LORDS PARTY ... always 1ft ant. to ~ JIItapo police like La ...... Y los harmanos fuaron. emphasized 1he unjust tIICtics utId by 1he 11.- from 1IIrrOrizing our communities.with llavadot at preciato 3 para una varWlC8I:i&n "police department" "'-er they dec:idlto their tactIca, we must taka con1roI of our rutinarIa. Los metiaron .. un -.mion y bust a brother or ..... communities and land. The police are the fuaron acornpa;jados par doi carros de ,olicia On MondIy, Septamber 14, members of ones 1ttat are creating &hu...... and they hasta fa estaciOn. 1he ~ bIuebeIIy c:fepIrtnwIt once again will continu. to do so until they are fon:ad to Cuando Ilegaron eI precinto, fuaron damonst.... d their skill in I8tting up a phooy _to the s-pIe. llavados de prisa eI cuarto de lmalogacion and,.., bust. para una sarie de preguntas. Miantras esteban WhIle standing outside our Itor8front on ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLEI an este cuarto, los· Puarcos ct8cidiaron 0n:I1ard and P.mington Streets. brother Jote FREE ALL POLITICAL PRISONERS! mostrarIas ... escopatas V amanaurIos con (Pepo Chow Main) Harnandas, cadra, _ alias. Juana V los harmanos S8 tuviaron que appaoacLad by two pigs who asked him what Angel "Guilo" Cintron he _ doing there and demanded tome quedar .. at precinto hasta que los pu-. Ministry of Information invantaron un cargo para podar arrestarIos. identification. Papo told them to wait outside . YOUNG LORDS PARTV Despu/s de una hora, decidiaron arrester a while he watt in to get his i.el. Diwagarding Newark Branch R~ par metarse con un oficial; .luna fu. P'apo, the bluebellies rushed in behind him. At acusada de un delito de ntico; los dos fuaron this point Ramon RIvIJra, Education declarados cu/pab/aS de a/borotar. Papa .no Liautanant, and Juaw Diaz were ~ing in, fue acusado V 10 dejaron irse. A Ramon 10 _'!I'fIat_happaning,anddemarlctectthat EI PARTIDO de los VOUNG LORDS siampre he tretado de hacar conocer las soltaron despuas de meltratarlo an la guardia the pigs show them a -.:h w.tant or -. de su abogado, y a Juana fa so/taron con tel peIVeI'_ *'-usadas par eI depeI talllento the ~ (Police are not allowed to anter de que pagara $96. .. el juicio que S8 '-' fa de poIicG. cuando decidan arrester a un privata property wiUlout a search wmTant or proxima S8I1WIIt. harm8no 0 una hennana.. parsonaI permission from 1he ~.l By this Pare poder acabar con esta conducta tIpo EI lunes, 14 de 18ptiembnt, miembros del time, more police had arrived on the scane gestapo par parts de como que dapartamanto de barrigones azules de Newark poIicl'as 8stos and joined 1he other cops to f91re out a atarroriz.. a nuestr.as comunidades con sus ..-to bust the LORDS. otra veZ demosu aron au habilidad para lIavar ta6ticas, T _ que tornar control de a cabo un arresto i/egB1. The sister and brothers were than takan to nuestr.as comunidades V tierra:. La policia as la Miantras nuestro harm8no, JorI (Pepa the 3rd precinct for a "routine check up." que esta aIborotando V creaiIdo V ChoW Main) Harnand8s, miembro del PVL des&rdimes Thev _e put into a station w,gon. and all con~ ~ hasta que sean estabe parado frenta a nuestra oficine antra the way to 1he station were escOned by two forzados a responder dil'ectanatta anti la /as calles Orchard y Pennington, S8 fa police cars. gante. When 1he LORDS got into the station, acercaron dos puercos quines I. preguntaron que ,*,parado alii V demanctlronfa they were rutIhact:iIdD 8P intarrogetion room TODO EL. PODER A NUESTRA for questioning. WhIle they __ there, the Papo las dijo que. esperaran ideltfific:llQi&.. GENTEt·· afuera ...... "...... su ~ brought out ~ns ~ .dared1lM ,';,; ",.1'"" • SU E L TEN A 1'(1)01 to'S f'MtION@ROS'ft:'UTtCOSf de .'Durante este -~",¥",·_~f:t"'~~J:II·iIj! "·1IzUf". .. ct8tra. Angel "Gullo"Cintron mismo tianIpo ~1IIIOIl Riwera, Tenian.de sIow-witbId pigs could dream up • c:harge to Ministario de Informacion .EducacIon V JUana Dt'az quianes an .. 8ITISt them on. After an hour, they dec:idId PARTIDO DE LOS YOUNG LORDS with with mornan1O antraban. viefon· 10 que estabe to ...... Ramon "in1IIrfarInt an Sactorde~ offIcw." Juaw. got .II tratrc. ticIcat; both pesancfe y demalar.IaAm que. /os. puercos Ies RIIIIOIl. and Juana _ aIsIt c:harged with enseiianmel ragIstro de aUcorizaci&n & que S8 ...... a cIItturbance." Pepa _ nat ---...... t.... fIOIicia no puede penetrar ,­ c:harged·and _ ..... in his own custody. sitIos prlvadot sin un AI8iIItO de autorizaciOn RIIIIOIl _ ..... (afW beine JOIIIhed up) o eI permiso del due1IoI Va an esta tiampo in his tawyer's ciIItody, and Juaw - habian Ilegado "" poIIc&.s V S8 iuntaron con ...... on $86 bell paneling a hearing I18X1 los primeros dos para avar91ar porque ibart a week. arrester a los LORDS.

On SeptanIber 23, 1868, the Puerto Rn:an nation emerges with a glorious petrIotic uprising in the island', lif;tIa ' __ of Lares. Detarminad to frea Puerto Rico from the ...... , decadant colonial ,0_ of Spain, and to put .. end to the hideous tyranny which that country _ imposInf upon our paop/a, a group of patriots, heeded by Dr. RIIIIOIl EJMtario ·Betatas from his -iIe. rose up in 'arms on 1ttat date. This ravotutioIay action, aaIled ''8fito de Lares," _ the inception of the ..... Rican people', tradition of a IlOfttinuous stJ'UggIe for its liberation. Our national CDIIICiellCI had dava/opad around the ~against stavarv, whose most ~ Iaadars _ Dr...... Ruir 8e11tiL Th. SeptanIber 23rd uprising thus ...... the hIehest axpretIion of our nationality. From 1ttat time __ our people do 'nat __ to deInand its ffeedom and ,.. • .....Ity .... under these ...... end ';.-no ...... 18ft. finally fII'8MId- ;...... 1"bese-_ in the form of the \\ .1I1I.I1t0 1I0Il. __ of 18t7.1he1tenel'kl of ...""...... , ...... • by . the foadtGIf of V.... . ytt'l .....II;a;iL After1he $pInIIhA$uia:_ War, UhiIIIt ItIItaI' Armiad f~~~~,~~';.:~~c: :0,~'r.. %;)'"'.- ~ ~ 7;·'5i;",,-C;0"';'ii~:'/" I .••••• ' _... IaMe r AN INTERVIEW WITH BLANCA CANALES

On AUgust IS, two members of the interview would have to IIxpiain how we gradually Central Committee of the YOUNG LORDS Ouestion.-Where were you born and how prepared and armed ourselves during the years PARTY (Juan Gonzalez and Juan "Fi" Ortiz) was life wnen vuu ...... yoUnger? and how we had thought of the type of MIlt to Puerto Rico, on the fint official trip I was born in Jayuya. My father was the revolution we would carry out and what ,of the Party, with the purpose of establishing Mayor of the town. I spent the first 13 years things would be able to be done. Then when communications with other progresive groups of my life at horne, when I graduated from October 30 came of which I would like to on the island. One of the groups we visited the eighth grade my parents sent me to a high speak more and not only en_ the question. _1f1e Nationalist Party. school in Ponce, from there I went to the Before the 30th, Don Pedro had informed We had an interview with Blanca Canales, University of Puerto Rico ~ I received us of the fact that they had been arresting one of the leaders of the 1950 rebelion. Done my Bachelors. My parents taught- me the Nationalists all over the island and that we BIei1ce _ social worker then, which put her history of my country-They always believed had to commence the revolution. We knew in touch with many of the social problems of Puerto Rico should be free and independant. that we would not be victorious but we the island, problems which were then, es well The schools I w.rt to only taught yanqui had to hit our oppressor herd to show our es they _ now symptoms of yanqui hi$tory. You know stuff like George "I never determination to struggle for the coIoniallllll in Puerto Rico. e told a lie" WBShingtoo,Bunker Hm, Lincoln Independence of Puerto Rico, to the other

...... 1& ...... tie Ia Patria frqte a las ..... tie los eIDeo ...... ,uu... 11 a6eII .. eI I'reIkIIO eoIoalaI tie ..'Ple- Iqrana .. _.aa- _...... dras, ...... Rieo, ... aaetoaaJlll&as _ Dr _ vitia aa__ parelalmeak mtdllades fIsleammk; IInaa aalllellll&je tie reatkmaeI6a 'I ...... en Ia de'- tie Ia 1atIepe..... neta ., IIIIIIenIaia a toda Ia ...... Aparecea e ala _, tie .....nIa a ,,~ _ ...... _ ...... BoIIIes Tenes, (,...... en Ia _), I ...... 1_ BemAn""'. AqeI Dia.DIa. (, .. eaarbola Ia ...... era). Ri...... Diu Diu, I • ...... 08-. BIIo To- neeIa .....e &mael Diu Ma&os. ~ a .... ·ea_trtMu Ia lIIilerita Rlaaea C&aaIes TorresoIa. ".reiaa

Dona beCame a' freed die __ "TJIa schooIs,1II8re run bY countries Of the world. s-. cIIIi:IPIe"o."DOn W. teaIizect we __ already In the Padro AIbtzu. ()ampo$1n the.-Jy 1130's. She yanquis and vendepatrils and they met Don PIIdro while the _ attending the discouraged the teaching of Puerto Rican rntdst of a nwelution when we heard that the Unlveftity. She 10M found that she _ history. But I had 8 teacher once, Carmen headquarters in Arecibo had been attac:ked speadIng fNary free minute in his ... Meria Toms. who used to smuggle into the and that shootings had begun emong the Nationalists and the police. We thought it _ Visitors would come from avery part of the schools books on Puerto Rican history and island to ..... and 1eern about such ..bjeeb as she would spend time telling us about Puerto to take advantage of the time and liberate the. goverllfllll'lt, economics, mathematics and Rican heroes like Betances. and the revolution town of Jayuya...At that time ~ were only four police at the headquarters. It _ pretty .languages. Done Blanca remembers that Don in Laras on September 23, 1968-1 fait re-born. Pedro aIwIIyt,.,sed a great tenllltion emong Coupled with the stories my mother used easy; to hit them unexpectedly was best. The farms led the people' ~ ever he went. His passion to tell me about my grandfather who was also troops that we ga~ on the were and Iova for Puerto Rico, became the passion a ~lutionary involved in the uprising in by my cousin and compenero, Elio Torresola and love of .aII his followars." The men and 1868, you can understand how I developed and Carlos lrrizary. woman who followed Don Pedro Into the" such a fierca love for my country and a desire We tllnt these troops to attack the Nationalist Party fait and experienced the to _ it free and independent. headquarters at noon and there and then the same love for_ people and their isfanct as shoot-out began. We ran our of bullets and the Young l.Orch Party does now. orr .... Ouestion-From your own point of view, what then seized the t!eadquarters with molotGII consutl'Jillg tGve that would drive us to fjght was the tactical purpose of taking the police cocktails. One policeman died and the others end to die; .,. our peopIefrae and quf station in Jayuya? escaped. In the mellntime I was in the middle This is a question of••• ~how do you say it ~~~~\";~~"~:~r now••• of 50 1floutandt dollars. This is a long CONT. 1ft ..8 8sked. Dona B~ C-'es during our history in the sante that to talk about it one , :;:.... e .. b INTIIVIST4 COl BLANCA CANILIS EI 15 de 1IfIOItO, do. miambros del comiV r-, ....."1Di eI bllchillerato ii!' Ie Univenlded e:e goIpa at imperio para que todif los pai':es C8I'I1raI del PARTIDO DE LOS YOUNG de Puerto Rico. 0uran18 tilde mi vida de del mundo iii dierlln cuenta de nuestra LORDS (Juan Gonzalez y Juan "Fi" O~) joven en mi _, mit ~ ere ... en 18 deWminaciOft de luchar P,OI' 18 indlpalldelleia f'*OIl'a Puerto Rico, en 1st. eI primer viaje illdlpandelleia de Puerto Rico, y Iiempre me de Pueno Rico. ofieial dal. PARTIDO p.. entablar ensaiiIben Ie hlstoria de mi petria. Nos dimos cuenta que ya tsta'bamos en cornunicac:i&. con los otros grupos progretIsta Tamblen tenia una nascra. c.men Maria una l'8VoIuclon cuando oGnus que iii habia de la isla, entre 8Itos grupos eI Partido Torres. que a pew que 18 eseuela yanqui no atacado eI cuar1I!l de Arecibe y eI tiro1ao NacionaIiIta. querIa III1I8iiar 18 historIa de ~ Rico, habfa 001l.. 1Z8do entre los naclonelistas y fa Tuvimos una entrevisIa con Dofta Blanca dabII tiempo y trara libros para a"iillis... os. Y policia. Nototros pan:emos que 10 major .. CanaIet, una de las dirigen1es de. 18 1'8V01ucion, cuando yo vf que ten&mos patrio1as como !IPpI'OVechar II tiempo y Ieventar el pueblo de de 1950. Doiia Blanca .. tI abajadora IOCIal Y Betances. etc., pues me :anti l'8Vivir, porque Jayuya. En e:e momenta hIbt8n ..... CUItrO en .. trabajo iii enfrentaba con los muchos me habia :entIdo apIaIIBde cuando solo me poIict8s en eI c:uart8I. Foe bas1an18 1&:0, darla problemas IOCIales del pueblo, problemas qua hablaban de Lincoln y de Washington y de un goIpa de .sorprasIi'ere 10 mejor. Las fuarzas.. eren y sonsirltornastW coIonlalismo yanqui en Bunker Hill y de tode _ oosas. Cuando a.. que juntarnos an las fincas del campo fuaron Pueno Rico. rnHStra nos habkS y cuando en ce:e mI madre diriglda par mi primo y Compaiiaro Elio Detde prinClpios - cf8I aiIo 1930, Dona nos habIabe de nuestro &buelo, que tambian T orresoIa y CarkIa Irrizary. Blanca Canales iii convirtio en disipule de Don. era 1'8V0lucionario, de la c:onspiraci&, que Mendemos _ fuerzas atacar eI culll1Bi • . 00I'8I11II ... afios hebt8 en toda 18 isla para 18 I'8VOluciOn de las doce del dt'e y ahf ~ eI tirotao. Se escolares aHa pesaba cada minuto que tanra de L... todo eso me. fua en:eiiando a mf. a tanninaron las bales y tomarnos el cuertel oon .. tiempo libra en 18 case de Don Pedro, :antir amor par mi patria y eI de:eo de qua bombas rnoIotovs. De los poI_ uno mlll'iO donde siempre habfan visitantes. atendiando a fuera libra y soberana. y los otros iii escaparon. Mientras 18nto yo en )os :ern.s qua al las traia como: I1Obiemo eI medio del pueblo, aI Iado de un 001111, en economta. mat8mitticas, lenguajes Y otros. Pregunta--Desde .. punto de vista, cuel fua un beIcon desp\egul la bandera de Puerto Don Pedro siampre fua, de acuerdo a Blanca eI proposito t&:tico de la tome del cuar1l!l en Rico Y drlIfito "Viva Pueno Rico Libra" para Canalas, una _i&n en cualquiarcempo Jayuya? haeer blsieo que· nosotros habiiunos qua tratara. La pesicSn y el amor que el tanra Esto as un pregunta, de••• como iii dice proclamado J. Republica. par Puerto Rico Ie foe pesade a todos ... ahora. .. de los 50 mil pesos. Esto as una EI pueblo de Jayuya iii reunlO, algunos ....idoreIo *'"' _ una persone iii unle al historia Iarga en eI :entido de que hablar de nos aptau.... otros IIoraban y gritaban, Y PIIrtIdo N8IlIoneHs1a.eI·.... que. las .,.r- eso habr' que '-una explicaci6n de como otros con actitud de actmw.cur.. que iii unen at PAR'fIOO D£'lOS YOUNG fuimos .!"lIpIIIalido y. arrnando • travas de PtesN~-..vo,l"',.">"" par ...... enos. Cod fa 1rIItIIroA eft la carceI ~~!;'i&~'\_~':"l' "e~7~~':=-"'.£1.:. como presa polliice, en especIIiI in refacid'na eI Iiberacion de todos los P!Jertorriquenos. Entonces, cuando IIagIS' 30 de Octubre del las otras pi-esas? ' Abaio tanarnos algunes de las pregun1aS cuaI quiIier8 ..... "* Y flO solo contastar &tuve en 18 carceI 16 enOs con 10 me:es, que hiclmos a Doiia Blanca CanaIas en 18 as1a pregunta.. '., _ 17 aiiOs. EI imperio no JeCI)JIOC8 eI preso • en1rW1sta. f>regu~BIance. donde Antas del 30. Oon~nos peso paIabra poIllico. Me trataron como presa comGn. ~ UI1ad y IlOmOtuUIJvldade joven? que as1abin atntstando los nacionaIistas par ~~J~JJr:imero ochos me:esme tuvleron Nacl en Jayuya. Mi padre fue aIceIda del _ .18 ilia que dar comIenzo y". tant8mos incoInunicade- Guises puedo decir queyor mi .Ie pueblo. ,. los aRos.hasta eI octavo ..ado en a rwoIuc/On. Nosotros :ebfainos que no edad-18nr. 44 aiios cuendo entrt • 18 ,fayuya y estudII en-Iaeseuele ~ en PodIiuno. ti1untar ..- 18nlarnos que darla ciwT. p. 'I. PaI__ '

The f'rograssiye Labor Party (PLP or Pl.) EI Partido Laboral Progresista (PLP 0 PL) is an outfit of ItoIated armchair inteUec:1.1Jals e5 un equipo de aisIados inteteCtuales de sillOn who cIon't kl;Iow the lumpen they talk ilbiiut que no concicen Ie difarancia antre ellumpan, 10 much from ,*' mayor of any city.,They deClllll1l4llJlll!:' tanto V los aIcades de cualquier work to infiltrate andlor disrupt ciudad. TI'IIbiIjIIg para ·-infiltrerse an vlo ,evolutionarv and othe, progressive destruir orpnizaciones revoIucionaries V organizations and take control 10 that the PlI progresistas, tDmar eI control de modo que la organization either dissolves becau_ of organiz~ 0 _ dilUelva por feIta de lucha 0 infighting or is stripped of its revolutionary es .despojada de III posiciOn V fervor stance and farvor. PL has tried this with every rev.ionerio. PL he haecho esto con cada organization in the country, illGluding SDS, una .. 181 All'gllnizaclon 811 el pei's, incluYllltdo • the Black Panther Party, and now the 80S ( Es1Udilllltas Para Una SocIedad YOUNG LORDS PARTY. I>einocn&ica). La PIIIItara Negra, V ahara eI, Lest week, sistar Mickey Agrait. a LORD, Partido de" YOUNG L~ was attacked by • ~of PL. Mickey haS La .m8II8 pasade, le,.herm8IIa Mickey been working with the lqUattan on the West .Agrait, una Lord, fae atacada par un miembro side. PL, having had nothing to do with the de PL. Mickey he estado trabejando con los ..,atter's 1ICtion, sat up a table outside. The arTII "Squllttan" del Iedo 08S18. EI PL· sItt tenar rnalcontants working the table· would harass neda que ver con la acclon de los .~. Mickey whenevar she walked by. "Since she pusieron una me. afuera. Los infeIices que ~Id ignore their remarks. they tried taking estaban 811 Ia mesa hostigaben • Mickey it to a higher level. While she was waiting for a siernpre que ...... Como ignoraba los bus, a PL 1ow·lifeOan up'to her with copies comantarlos, trataben de IIevarIos a ..It nival of ChaIIanga. yelling at her to take one and mIs atto.~M~ esparebe por WI autDblis, shoving it iD her f_. She merely turned un detar!ciado PLcorr16 bacia ella con capias away, but this dude bed a lead pipe hidden de Challenge. gritafudole.que cogiara uno V inside and hit Mickey with it across her back. tinmctoselo en la CIQ. ella ';10 _ vireS para The sister than proc:eeded to wipe the street esta zangano tanG.' un tuba de pkJmo up with this cowvdly chump. liB 8SCGIldido V Ie pegd' a Mickey en eI traao. La Now PL is circulating Mickey's pictufe on hermana procedicf a berret Ie calle con esta a leaflet. More. they threaten her mother at coberde. home and harass her at work. By oppoting Ahara PL 8SfJf circufando Ie fetDgraf(a de and attaIIkJnt one YOUNG LORD. PL has Mickey 811 una hoja suetta. MIs ... _. placed itIeIf Itt opposition to the PARTY, and arnettIIZIIrOI1 a su madre .. Ie _ y Ia by standilll against the PARTY. PL has IIostigBrt 811 eI trabejo. ~ Y decllII'8(l ItIeIf to be an' enemy of· the people. atacando a un y~ LORD eI PI _ he To shoW that .. do not say this merely puwto 811 oposicidtal PARTJOO. PL ...... ,..,. been attacked. and to shoW dec:IanIdo Uft 8II8tIHgo del pueblo. the tRIe lIgIIItHike II81UI'8 of Pk. .. must Para .~ ... no decimos esto unclerilllnd their potiticeI pcIIition. PL bas fIWlIIll8lll8 porque hemos lido atacedos, V said . that 1:hey are 811 In8IIIV of the para. demostrar Ie .riatunIIea de agen18 del PL VietnIImeIIJ people for the IIbIurd I'8IIIIIft th8t debemos ...... su,',..... ~.ElJ'li.. the ~ial"" came to .. neyorilliq.table· ' ..! "fllIi••• - Iii: rgL"~ with ftJ-u;..; ft.. of Course, f.at to realize Vietnamita por 18 mon absurda que los that while ... Vietnam!IIe ..""Paris. they Vietnall'litas vinieron a Ie fII8I8 .• are allO kicking ass at home. PL bas ellO said ~ contos..... L.,:CIaro ... eI PI­ that they are an enemy of the Cuban people. fatle 811 .... cuema... ·mIaRtres·1os In fact. thrOItgt\ its theory, prac'tIce. and Viatttamites habfim en-Paris, tambI8Il asten ...... PL has declared itself to be 811 enemy "pllteando culos" en casa. EI'PI 1:anIbiaR he dicho que son un ...... del ~ ~no. De hecho...... di)so taor.a. pnsctiGa V actitud _he decleredo 8II8tIHgo de las personas oprimidas. cd.:':: ::.: P!;. u; ;::=Jt~: Negro u ovo ~_:r... IltunclciEs ~ ... "....~ ·Cenetiwy'la Liga ...... Rfco _ suhstr".a las idees" PL .'1 ...... npo .~. Challenge (o..tioJ .. V8I'IdicMJ. '" caI1es. Ahara, ... ttUestra (JIIIIti G ...... Ven-efgun..,.~ .

,.'lama Cuando ...... fa rl.,f .•.., .•.•.·,·{te ·.•. ·..... ~'...... ' ... if.PL. am...... _:.'.... uno de ,Iot.~ ~ tenar eI~-"II! d& SIr . ,!'Jli~d.I~~~~ at ~tr;(j.' .~-- ~ ...... ---.... ~ ...... ~. ~ ~"-..-_>-~"'.~...,.,""_",, '""...-.... ,"" .. ';0.."._.,...... _ .... ,..""""' ...... ,. "'''-''''''''-'' "'_~~-~"''''Ii1''''A...... f"'~~~ ...... ~~.'''4'">''''jIt..,~ .' I Pal.ate l'8,ell I

Puerto Rican, Black, and other Third World (colonized) Wemen are ~ monI ..... of their oppression in the past anct today. They are suffering three different types of ~ under capitalism. First, d1ev are oppressed as Puerto Ricans or Blacks. Second, d1ev are oppressed as women. Third, they are oppressed by their own men. The • Third World women becomes the most oppressed person In the world today. EconomicaHy, Third World women have always been used as a cheap source of labor and as sexual objects. Puerto his woman, beating her, repressing and limiting her freedom. Rican and Black women are used to fill working class Because• this society produces these conditions, our major positions in factories, mass assembly lines, hospitals and all enemy is capitalism rather than our. own oppressed men. other institutions. Puerto Rican and black women are paid Third World Women have an integral role to play in the lower wages than whites and kept in the lowest positions Uberation of all oppressed people as _II as in the struggle for. within·.the society. At the same time, giving Puerto Rican ..... liberation of women. Puerto Rjcan and Black women and Black women jobs means the Puerto Rican and Black make up over half of the revolutionary army. and in the man is kept from gaining economic independence, and the struggle for national liberation d1ev must press. fQr the family unit is broken down. Capitalism defines manhood equality of women; the wqman's struggle is the revolution according to money and status; the Puerto Rican and Black within the revolution. Puerto Rican will be neither man', manfIood is taken away by making the Puerto Rican women behind nor in front of their brothers but alongside and Black women the breadwinner. This situation keeps the alwaYs them in mutual respect and lowe. Third World man divided from his women. The Puerto Rican • \ I _ ..1tIIiMIk man eidW __ the houtebofd or he stays and...... lelll III1Jc11ydlpendenton the womiHl, undergoing HistorIc!d .~ ...... He.takiIs~ all of his~on .,I.. de,,',•. ,",' ,,/":.'1",;.,f;, <,,i f,', .' ... _ ....~ISI~· ...... ~ ....inJIi1IiaI# IS" one of whicIl Wis marriage. When a woman married a man she became his property and lost her last name. A man could have several wivas in order to show other man what weatth he had and enhance his pOsition in society. In Eastern societies; men always had _etaI wives and a number of women who __ aImnst prostitutes, called concubi~ Pl:'raIy ~~, objects: Women had no ~ight to own anythmg. ~ evlln tbft:irJ children; they __ owned by her husband. ThIS was true In pJaces all over the world. In many societies, women had no right to be divorced, and in India it was the custom of most of the people that when the husband died, all his wivas became the property of his brother. In Latin America and Puerto Rico, the man had a wife and another woman called Ie corteja. This condition still exists today. The wife was ~ to be a homemaker, to have children and to maintain theJ.mily _ and honor. She had to be sure to be a virgin and·remain pure for the resfof her life, mating she could never experience sexWII ~ The wife had to have childran in order to enhance the man', concept of virility and his position within the Puerto R lean society. La lX)I'tIIja became his sexual instrument. The man could have sat her up in another household, paid her rent. bought her food, and paid her INIIs. He could have IlIliIdran with this women, bu~ d1ev are loOked upon as by-products of a sexual relationship. Both women had to be loyal to the man. Both sets of children grew up veryconfl.lsed and insecure and developed ~ attitudes about the role Women have always bean expected to be Wives and mothers only. They are rflSpaCt8d by the rest of the community for being good cooks, good housewives, good mothers, but never for being intalligent, str~,ecfucated, or militant. In the past, women ware· not educated, only the sons got an education, and mothers ware respactad for the number; of son. d1ev had, not daughters. Daughters MIre worthless and the only 1hing they could do wes marry early to get ~ from home. At home the role of the daughter was to be a nursemaid for the o1hrr children and kitchen halP. for her mother. . .. 1 The daughter was guerdedlike a hawkIJVherfather, ' brothers, andundes to keep her a virgin. In,&.atin America, the ...... Used "duJSsas" or old ..., ~to""the MW"_"''''fIIiIft¥ of the ...... ThIJ __ ...... ,,'.... _...... ,1\11 ~,::~·;,Ft::l;;~

t;,' ~: ;\~, ~S;,:/. >Y,l; ,:~~·{;;<:;~~;~01~~~!d?:if ~~~e~F~~~ Sexual fasI:ists are very sick people. Their Ulness is caused otiler lftditnities .such Kbeingleered at. manhandled, in part by this system which mouthl puritanical attitudes end propositioned, and assaulted. Our sisters are expected to laws and yet exploits tile human body profit. for prostitute themselves and take abuse of any kind or lose Sexual Fascism is tied closely to tile double ltanderd and tilese subsistence jobs. machismo. It· means that a man or woman thinks of tile Everywhere our $isters are turned into prostitutes. The opposite sex solely as sexual objects to be used for sexual most obvious example is tile sisters hustling their bodies on gratification and then discarded. A sexual fascist does not tile streets. but tile other forms of prqstitution are also types consider people's fealings; all they see eVerywhere is a pussy of further exploitation of tile Third World woman. The only or a dick. They witl use any rap, eisp8cially political, to get way to aliminate prostitution is to aliminate this Society sex. which creates tile need. Then we can establish a socialist Prostitution society that meets tile economic needs of all tile people. Birth Control, Abortion, Sterilization=Genocide Under capitalism, Tl)ird World women are forced to compromise themselves because of their economic situation. We have no control over our bodies. because capitalism The facts that her man cannot get a job end that tile family is finds it ~ to control the women's body to control dependent on her for support means she hustles money by_ ~ size. The choice of motherhood is being takan out any means ~. Black end Puerto Rican siSters are put of the mother's hands. She is steril_ to prevent Iujr from' into a situation where jobs are scarce or nonexistent and are havint children, or she has to have a child because she cannot forced to compromise body. mind, and soul; they are then get an abGrtiQt1. called whores or prostitutes. - Third World. sisters are caugbt up in a complex situation. Puerto Rican end Black sisters are made to prostitUte On .~ hand, we feaI that !)8flOCide is being committed themselves in many other ways. The majority of thfiSe sisters against,OUt paopIe. We know that Puerto~s wifl not be on tile street are also han:k:ore drug addicts, taking ctru,s as around on the face of the earth very font if Puerto Rican en escape from oppression. These sisters era subjec18cJ to women are sterilized at the rata they are being sterilized now. that -.Id ruin the ~.~ _ he Marries her, ht;t sexual abuse from dirty old men who are ~ white racists The practice of steriJIzlrtion in Puerto Rico goes back. to the purpose is to have sons 8f\d keep his home but not to be a who vi_ them as tile ultimate sexual objects. Also he has tile tf3O's when docton pushed It as the .only means of sexual partner. attitude that he cannot really prove his manhood until he-has contraception. tn .1$47-48, n. of the women _ sterilized; Sex was a subject that was IlI/V8I' diw:ussecl, and women slept with a Black or Puerto Rican women. The sisters also betwean 1953-54. 4 out of every 25; _ by 1965, the _e brainwashed into belillvint· that the sex act was dirty suffer abuse from tile pimps, really small-time capitelists, number had increased to about 1 out of every 3 woman. In and immoral, and Its ~ funetioo was for the making of who see the women' as private property thet must produce many casas our sisters are told. that their tubes are ooint to be childreft. tn -Africa, many tribes performed an 0pfJI'lIti0n on the largests possible profit. "tied," but are never told that the utyint" is really"euttint" young girls to remove the clitoris so. they would not get an Becausa this society controls and determines the and that the tubes can never be "untied." pleasure out of sex· and WOUld become better workers. economic: situation of Puerto Rican and Black women, sisters Part of this genoctcIe is also tile usa of birth control pills ar forced to take jobs at the lowest wages; at the same time which _ tasted for '15 years on Puerto Rican sisters The Double~, Mechismo,lII'Kf Sexual Feseilm tIIke- insults end otiler ~ in qrder to keep the job. In (guinea pigs) before being sold on the market.in tile U.s. Evan factories, our men are worked like animeIs and cannot now many doctors feaI that:-.pIIis_se cancer andcteath complain because they will lose their jobs--1fIiI!ir labor is fr~Weod cfottinf. "; .' considarad abu~ - ...... 4)!K;.JJOmen AhI,vtions in ~ tlsatare·1Iutctter .."little ... QDmpr'isa 1he.~ .. '" WiOI'tters. .. ,~then the iIIegaI.4Ibortionl our women ~ _get. The. ' lind. .iObI ...... __., ....

«~'" ~"""iwomen·W.,~_~' ~ ~ But the,"'~~.·" :.,.. .. Wf _nowtedgmant -dla"mlf .' . ¥~ ~t'thetlOint of8l1l'lllct1""'_' ..omen W.pnW8d ~.as, hlante

colonial SUltUs of Puerto Rico. She emptied a .45 automatic in "La Borinquena" in 1867. Besides being a nationalist, she from tfIe balcony of tfIe eon.- on to tfIe colonial - a fighter for WO/laI'S rightL She refused to conform to tagiaIatorL She tfIen draped henIIf in tfIe Puerto Riean fteg the tnIditIonaI ~ ~ ~»Jca.nWDfll8l'! .•, and cried "Viva Puerto Rico Libra." The ...... It _ 5 at one point cut her nair very short. ' .' JesIItIators shot, and ona critically wounded. She was BLANCA CANALES _ one of tfIe IeMI8rs of tfIe imprisoned in a federal peni1Bntiary In! I8n18nced to 50 revolution in Jayuya in 1950. v-s. She Is still in prison for this heroic act of nationalism. LOLITA LEBRON, together whft three other pafiIfots, Only recently, a 19 y_ old coed, AFlITONIA opened fira on the Houl8 of RepretIIIItative in an armed MARTINEZ, was killed in Puerto Rico in a demonstration attack in 1954, bringing the attention of tfIe world on the against tfIe ~ of amerikkkan military recruiting tfIe french colonizer, tfIen against tfIe j~ illVllliers, and centers. She _ murdered when she yelled "Viva Puerto now against the amerikkkan 8IJ8I'8SSOI'L Their' military Rico Librel" clipability' and efficiency has beim demonstrated in so ma~ SOJOURNER TRUTH _ born a slave in New York instances that a women~$ brigade was formed in the Nationa around 1800. She traveled in tfIe north speaking out against Liberation Front of the North Vletnarriese Army. slavery, and for women's rightL She _ one of the most LA THI THAM _ born in a province which was femous black orators in history. constantly bombarded by U.s. planes. After her fiance _ KATHLEEN CLEAVER is a member of the Central killed in action, she sought and got a job whft a time bomb " Committee of the Black Panther Party. The Black Panthers detecting team. She scanned the sky with field glaSl8s and ere tfIe vanguard of tfIe Black liberation struggle in the united when tfIe enemy dropped bombs eIong the countryside, she states. Another Panther sister, ERICA HUGGINS, is would locate thol8 which had not exploded and her imprIsoned/n Connecticut for IUpposedly being a member of mmmates would go andOpetl them and clear the road for a comp!recy. She _ forced to have her child in prison, and traffic. _ given no medical attention while she _ Pf8IR8Ilt. Her ' KAN LICH, another VIetnerneI8 sister, fought under very chitd _ later taken eway from her ~« Iter political hersh and dangerous conditions. She beeame a brilliant beNetL commander, decorated many times for her military ability. ANGELA DAVIS Is a Black nwoIutionery lister who is Her paract/ce to "hit at cIoI8 quarters. hit hard, withdraw being I'Iun1lld by tfIe f.b.i. and Is on their 10 IIIOSt wan1IId·1Ist quickly" proved to be velid. becaul8 she hes always defended her people's right to armed The Central Committee of the YOUNG LORDS I8lf-defensa and becaul8 of her MarxiSt'Lenlnlst philosophy. PARTY has issued this position paper to explain and to In other parts of the world, women ere fighting against ed!Icate our brothers and sisters about the role of sisters in imperialism and foreign invasion. Our sisters in Vietnam have the past and how wa'_ sisters in the struggle now and in the strugglecl iIIongside their brotflers for. 25 v-. first .against future. We criticize thol8 brothers wno are "machos" and who continue to treat our sisters as less than equals. We criticize sisters who remain passive, who' do not join in the struggle against our oppression. We are fighting every day within our PARTY against male chauvinism because wa want to make a revolution of brothers and sisters--together--in love and respect for eech other.


CentreI Committee YOUNG LORDS PARTY , GRINGOS RAPE OUR LAND! More ttJan 32 years ago, copper was They sant iR .....ican IIIIGkIIists and workers obtenar muastres de cobra mien1ral quela discoveracI in Puwto Rico. TIIa.1OWnS of - who did the dirty work whiIa the anwikkkan co m pan" "Bear Creet" trSbaj"'; J8fu¥8,Utuado, ..... and Adjuntas were c:ompanies stayed in ~ ~..and silanciollllll8l1te en eI trasfondo, dejancIo"qUe: filled wi1Il it. .. thIt ...... '!fOI1h ofthlt reaped the pIOfits. E~, .. Creek Ia "Ponce-Mining" .. ·enfnIntare ahoraje de ..... _ $2.827,62CJ,OOQ. AIl'1lliamne, changed its .,.,.,. 10 Cotn ~ .. IIite! ~ruertonlqueilOS. '_icanl8l'te, siernpre ,fIoWever, ,...... 3, ...... told .... a pact witftPoncetliUftingi· .....thet. qUe los .iIagoCios ~ pIanaaoen v that their island hacI·.,...... ·or·natura! all the small front groups merged eventually mudairse a un pueblo· extranjero, fa nueva 18$11U1'1111S. _ .1I!I'IIItId .... ,. able 1D. survive uqdar . ttie tWo big boqes, Kennecott' and planta debtS taner un nombra en fa langua withcldt 'die ••Pi' _'" h8tp. Today _ American. Metal Climax. _ikkkan native de ase pats. Luego si Ia _ -ten'- find GUt'that .. "great amerikkkan whi1e finenoed, operated, and owned corporations, alguna queja acerca del negocio critIcariM la fadtar'" _lying 10 us and that for some time isn't it? campen" y no los invarsionlstas de estadGs he has 1Iaen excavll'tinj and $8Iting the ore One also IIagins to ___ if .... tWo unidos que reatmente col1tnlklben" y whose existence he _ trying to denY3 corporations .... interests in the uranium manipulaban todo e-r negoolo. Los On AUIIIIst 1" 1966, the Ponce Mining minas foqnd in 1965 in Jayuya, Adjuntas, and Puartorriqueiios J por ejempIo,; tabfan que su ~ obtaiMd an official contract from Utuado. Uranium almost always has an pueblo habfa lido despojado • IUS racunos the Mining Commission in Puerto Rico to __1.tiOfi Widlii1eiititwailzation of copper. naturalas y atacaron Ia ~ ''POnce 8Kcavllt8 (CItg up and expIorel the land in If the copper minas are -excavated by the Mining" porque no sabi'an que Ia compai. not commonly ...... It _ known, "open pit" metMd which has been uted Up to pertenecra a hombres de nagocios a-er, that from June. 1981, to April 15. now, it meyresult in the loss of the uranium _ikkkanos y que los estados unidos debIo' 1966 the Ponce Mining Company had taken minas and great economic. waste. Not. only heber racibido todo eI peso .... ataque. 181.425 feet of anpIes from 216 hotes bored witl 1tIa pits leave gigantic hotes in 1tIa middkt Es intaresante notar 8' tnMIS de los in the ground. The Ponce Mining Cempany of the island, holas which will lIIIfer be filled incidentas que bubo una difereneia en eI opened and .,... a tunnel to obtain copper up again. but the uranium dapotits wPl lie in comportemiento • Ia "Ponce Mining" y la ' sampIIs whiie ,the Bear Cre!\k Cempany waste. "Beer Creek." SiIritpre file Ia "Ponca Mining" . worked silently in the ~ tearing All the _bla daaliug and shady bua­ (con at IIOIIIbnj Puetitorrlqueft Ia que fue Ponce M"",,," '-the ""'of.thIt Puwto ...... Its prove that '-to Rico Is being ataoada y IuegrcJ defendide pCk1a eorniliO'ft Rioan pe.... Histori.;aUy, Whenwer .. lock, stock,· and INIrNI to the ..... and Minara. La ''Ponce M...... dabe Ia !:ira MWIkkkan .1i,iIiness planned to mare in1D a that the Puerto Rican peopIa have 110 say in mientras "BeerCnlek" •.~ fonIIIn...... _new planiwoQid .... a ~. Puerto Rico Is the united states' name in 11!11;.,...... _dlat~...... ooIoRy In theworld~and. it is :;;•• ~ ithlt·~ halflrly ~~ the maniputat8111 by the u ... The'" ~

Beginning September 4, and encling on Just about every blood from Phllly was the workshops on internationalism, national Ltbor Day, S.pterriflw 7, 1970, many there, and it _ good 10 _ T'- are the minorities; and education. At Philadelphia we I,IIIII'Ibers of the U.s. Revolution swelled into people, the most oppraaed people in the were reunited with our sisters and brothers of YOUIIIJ Lords Organization, ~la. aur PUI'POll i~ coming ..... toCiety, who will lied the revolution and the and .. are _'10 write a _ COfIftitution and 10 throw Inherit all that the _ toeiaIist lDCiety will tighter now then before. The YLO will be at out the old one. The ametikkkan pemment have 10 offer. It is the lumpen that form the the Students' Conference, September 22·23. I'IIU on its COfIftitution; all courts refer 10 it backb0n8 of the YOUNG LORDS PARTY The Constitution iUaIf will 'be pruant 10 .. the higIIeat autftorIty when settlilllJ and the black Panther Party, and that.;s what the people ~ 4th at Washington, D.C. ell.... In the name of the oIdcoMtitution, keeps us rooted in our people. The three or On that date, we will all be able 10 a. .. more police have been kicking In doors and four fools in the workshop on clearly the structure of the _ toCiety we are lIIf.cfetennination for national minorities who

"ORDS AND PANTHERS GUARD HUn __ colonized people.... of our babbled for an hour on ."the yalidity of trying to buM. PIOPIe have been railroaded 10 jail for merxist4enittlst _lysis In .. relating 10 the ..... or no bell, yeers before coming 10 C;ngoing struggle of the workers in a capitalist DEATH TO AMERIKKKAI 'tiiiII; Thfrfd World people, women. pOor 1DCiety" clearly showed that they never mat a lOWER. TO THE NEW DAY • THE _.... gay"and anyone else who doesn't brother or sister off the block, and If they NEW DAY IS NOW! look or think like ..... washIngton have no flier did. they'd die of fr91t. Pablo "Vorube" Guzman f'iFs.. :; SIItur4aY ni8btt tlleM~ .of Delima '8Inae the· foundation of 1trtf gOVernments for tIIe,Stack ftamtletPartY. H";fl~ ,Minister of I~. .... on' the. constitution, by lNriting a new dalivared the preamble to .. ~.' YOUNG LORDS PAA:TY . crmstitutIon We· have knocked out of ~~ ...... alltence the foundation of P.IHIMIi1t ThIs Com ...... ,I 4. y occurs not merely' becaull we have writI8n • de"'-:' terminandoei D' daI Tr8bajo, 7 de _ pIaca of PI!P8f and say that·1t haS septiembr., mudtot .. mI8ITIbros"'ife Ia nIpIeced the 0u,: the YOUNG LORDS RlIYOIuciOft de •••. u.u. 11anero~ filadalfia. EI PARTY is fully '1IWare !1f the cold fact that propcSiito ~ Ia reunMSn _ hacer una IIUfN8 only armed struggle through will our people constituci6n y ~ de Ia yieja. EI 1UCC8Id in toppling this regime of pratBndars. Huay's presanc:e had an eleCtrifying. gobierno _Ikkkano II base flit .. ·Yat it is ~ IIICIh a gatIIerlng" .. the griCIPinIJ itffact. When the bro1trtfr appeared, , c:onstItuciO'n; todes las cortas II nifleren a alia Revolution...., P.op,,'s ConstItutional the 8,000 people inside and the thousands como Ia mas alta eutorldad pare rasoIYer faa Convention PfenIiry SasIIon that messes of listening outside exploded as three years of disputes. A ~ de Ia yieja COfIItituCidIt fa our people..... ItwoIved In the struggle I0Il. for the cat who picked it all up off the 1hat leeds 10 the COIIICiouIl18ll of pick/IIIJ up It WIll a mind-bIQwing 1C8IlII1O CIIiIIiIIi pol"", echa puertes Ibejo y . "at grou_ pueblo c:oIonizedQ;. louMWi.dWl•• the _ UnJiIat.past mIIIIJIR'IIRt ptheIingI; that the Panthers on security that night jotned ...... II las mande .•, fa =·CII:lt:;:=.~:r:~= : =-::=.-~:.~w:.!: juicio;Jas ...,.. ill 'the serna tIftIII: ...... *"".)''11 ·~m. f~ branch.. all IICI'OII 'the ...,.,... los hIaneoI ,.~_(.. ~.

sa"lloo • WII '.'..•... .lffe. '. eO.t ..eu.:::. S · ~ '...... ~.. " "... ' .... 1Ches that. didn't wen. aist at que 119 .. tIief~1 it;y., -flll3!ut.'" :.. ··-,.timeofM.uev" ...... -, nOJI...... ' ;'" ~0:~,\::.. HUey:" that 'the YOUNG LORDS frcIID·.., ' ...... ,., , . .~ MT'ir~.....-ItV with the hrither PWly fumpIIt.,' . ".... .".. HI.:'" About 20 LORDS were 'I' ::L...... ' ...... After _ LORDS pelticipated itt , 'CO","• nueva hemos lanzado fuera de La presencia de Huey 1Uvo un efacto existencia los fundamentos del gobiemo. Em elactrifican18. Cuando eI hermano aparecic( . no ocurre porque sirnpiemen18 hemal escrito las 6,000 personas adentro y los miles afuera 1',." R.I•• ,. un nuevo pedazo de papel y digamos que estB estaIlaron de ~, y _ haeia eI hermano reemplaza al viejo; eI PARTIDO DE LOS que en tres anos lavantO'y foranO" eI partido. YOUNG LORDS est8comcien18 que solo por Fue una 8SC8118impresionan1e eI Vir que las fill medio de la lucha armada nuestra gen18 Pantaras en seguridad duran18 esa noche ., '.,1,. Iogranfllegar al poder sobre este ~men de habt'an hecho miembros del Partido de la presumidos. Pantera N,.... mientres Huey estaba en Ia Sin embargo, es por medio de estas c8rcaL Aun mas. Ia mayor part8 de Historically, many revolutionary reuniones como la de la Sesion Plenaria de la Panteras que esistieron esa nocha ven,," . orgenizations have developed and failed Convencid! Constitucional de Ia Gen1e ~~ ~ ~ el ~. ~iones que ni tan because they have been built around one Revolucionaria, que el pueblo en mesa ., ~ saquaera exastian cuando Huey fue arrestado. personality. This _ true of the Organization part8 de la lucha que lleva a Ia concientizaci4n Huey pidi6' que eI Partido de los Young of Afro-American Unity centered around de tomar las armas. Diferen18 a otras Lords hicieran guardia junto aI Partido de la Malcom X, and the Puerto Rican Nationalist reuniJmes, donde las mismas caras cansadas ., Pantera Negra mientras eI habIaba. Como 20 Party and Albizu Campos. This _ allowed encuentran y saIuden en eI mismo cansado Young Lords fuaron asignados. ~ de to happen with the YOUNG LORDS PARTY language, esta sesiOn de Fifadelfia fue diStinta, esto los 'f oung Lords perticiparon en los and Felipe Luciano. Felipe became a symbol ya que Ia mayor' abrumadora de los tallares sObre internacionalismo minorfas to our people, the main force within the participantas eren Negros. Estas hermenas y nacionales, . y educaci' of eu ~ of the­ ...... Rlj:II'.u:""--____ ~.' .. ":~.': . ':~.' ';0~.~. 1I.";'~' PASn'. ~qur.",""""""~.i" ,Juan; EI 1IIhedo ... tIr'" 81'MinIsito de' . Y orube, Denise, DevIwt, Ft, Gloria, and all Defense del Partido de Ia Pentara Negra, Huey other PARTY leaders will be able to grow and P. Newton, Ieyo el preambulo de la guide.:, Ganstitucidn; All of dtis _ donIt in: an atrnolpheti of !ova and education. The only way to.critlclze is with love, and this love has been Itrallgthelled af18r the criticisms were made and dealt with. Yet oertain jive people who dare to can thM1seIvas "journalists" maliciously printed articles some wwksllgO which made it _ as though Felipe _ "OUSIIId" or as if there _ a "power stru.... ,. in the PARTY. These perverts also made it ..., es though Felipe's demotion __ put-down of "Black Nationalism" and a ...;ydlet ... of l'Puerto Rican Nationalism'" (their tarms). Also; it eppeared as though 1M brother Was dimoted for a wide variety of cIIerges. The YOUNG LORDS PARTY made no stat8natt to the .... except for 1M clarification stat8natt foUowing these myltJlrious a1icIes. The entira story _ made up by a shady outfit I1IIIftId Community NMs Service and given to the New York Times when! -vone else picked it up. Contrary to all the principles of good journalism, no one contac18d the YOUNG LORDS PARTY for information; the first thet _ '-d about the whole thing _when _ read the papers that day. PALANTE, the people's paper, detm in the truth; this is the only source of information on Felipe's demotion. When the people take the power of the sta18, it will be the first time that the media' will give full and honest information. Until then, all that the /'man's" media gives us is, misinformation an.d outright Uti8t


Pablo "Yorube" Guzman Minister·of Infomlation YOUNG LOROSPARTY .... ,.. I. these two islands .. their strategic points from it .,., was ~t the many years or which 10 control ... rest of the Amarican SIrUtJIIe for it.pelldall" The last ten years continent. today, ... re..1tIng II/idence Is .... bean very slgnif"1CInt ones. and a thet thlrteen percent of Puerto Rico's fertife concrete example to lIIustratll the MP.I. (CON".) land is occupied by U.s. milrtarv ...... appraechlng crisis of the colOny Is that of Invadad our ...... took _, IIId forced ".And there .. ItifI more adven1ages fro CuIebra. This Is an Island in the East of Puerto our SIrUtJIIe 10 ..ffer a bac:Itw.d 1nInd. ... lmplliaIIsts; ..... Puerto Rico Is ... fifth Rico where ... U.s. Marines have a training Puerto Rico, unfortunatefy for us. was p-.d biIyar of Nortft..Anaican products in ... beaa, and where they carry out IfIooting on 10 ... United Statas .. a _ bonus. Here, world and ... IICOnd in this ...... 1 ...... 10 eXerclsas of haIIIy artiIIary. The people of the eConomical, political, IIId cuhurel -..-. ... Puerto Rico Is a capitatist's culabra .... repeatedly expressed their ...."atlon began. We do not .... any pow. paradise Is ... outstanding fact thet 8R of GpPOIitioR 10 ... Marn.' pniIII1CII in their 10 decide whitt affects our national Hft. our economy Is controlled by territory. This conflict ...... its peak when Ultimnt decisions .. made in the United NortfI.American capital. ... Marines just -my expressed their SbItas' Congrea. To 8IIist in the yielding of our resourcas intentions of wieting ... people of .!IUIabra ... many humiliations .,ffend by our 10 NortfI.American capitalists, ... colonial from their soil. this Is just one more.Of ... people .. without prai:edent. Our cltizenIhip p ...... l of Puerto Rico has designed a outr1illOUS ~ 10 whicb ... population of was III8tchecI by ... Y.... Imperialists 10 pfOtlWft which II'8IIIIaIIy Inereeses our thet Island has bean ..bmitted en its long lInpose on u. a North-American citizenship country's .....ICI on ... Unitlld States. history. they ..... howIIIer,f'II8Ct8d .. -W without our content or regard for our The unfortunat8 .... Ioration· of our be expected. and together .. one man, with feelings. By so doing, they .....ized the u. of agriculture ct.'ing the pest few decades Is a ... rest of Puerto Rico's population at their our men .. CIIftI'IOnofodder 'in their -s. In cIeer exempla of this. Neglact of it has corne ride... demanding thet ... Marines get out edditIon, and eddIng in.,lt 10 injury, they about .. a direct reaJIt of ... Infamous of Culabra. Mr. Ramon feliciano.... Mayor project our image .. thet of a country thet Operation Bootstrap. It Is with this program there. has stated thet the SCniggIa will not and wiIIIIa 10 continue livina in IIII/try by its own thet an artificial economy gets established in until u.. Marines are not only out of Culabra, free will. They, of cou,., contrOl ... media Puerto Rico. IIinc:e ... development of our but out of all of Puerto Rico .. wall. . whicb attempts 10 rneke this image popular. resourcas played no part in Oparatlon Puerto Ricans living in the United Statas IIId _ this media 10 ~ us from ... rest ·bootstrap's inct.strlalizetlon plan. Thus, with !" atso engaged in ... struggle. TIll colonial . of ... world. ... aid of foreign capital. attrac18d by a tax regime of Puerto Rico fOS1Brs emigration and The United States justifies the exemption. which is used .. belt, an uses it • an escape valve because of its eKPIoitation of our people and our land with inct.strlalizetlon program totally independent inebiIity 10 solve the .tous problems of ... the abused phrase: "We .., after aU, doing of our country's iIIiIids Is imposed on Puerto colony. such .. w ..;nplo,ment. 1IIfuc:!itIon. ' Puerto Rico a fIIIor; what benefits can thet Rico. medicat services, n:. ... criminal emigration : poor little Island possibly rander us?" It's well Till efforts of ... antI-ImparIaIlst #orcas forced on our people has brought about the. 1 worth reminding ... Yank.. pemment thet in Puerto Rico. with MPI at the vanguard. are concentration of _third of Puerto Rico's I. long before ... 1888 War, their political and being dIrec:ted a1 creating a cri1is for the total ~ into ~ Iargar citIas of this I country. Here _ become ....1IJY prey of milrtarv strateaists had aIreedy ex ...... their , colonial system which will assuredly dellre 10 contrOl tfMt.. Caribbean, especially acceiaratII its collapse. Till colony is at a CONT. P. 20· I C\Iba. and Puerto RiI;Io. Their aim was 10 use closer state of decomposition at present than

~J IlIIidi, cia H!stOrm-nente mUch.. oriIan/z8cIones algunos paIagatos que tIenen 18 audacla de abortos; pruebe nUevas drogas en nosotros, ~ se han ctes.nllade y han nama"M periodistas. malislosa"lente deja pitI1ura cia pIomo en las ...... de tAcalldo porque hen sIdo CiDIltruidas _ribieron articuIos atgunas _ atraa. en IiU8III'oI hogaraa, para Ourar temporarlarnenflll aII!ededor de una: parsone. EItO .. 1o que paso "los cuaIas pretendlaron a-- ver que Felipe ...... IIdeda.. pero heclando que ROI01i'ol: nos ...... _ QUaY...... para asi poder; con III Organisecloot Unldad Afro.AmerIcana fue "expulsado" 0 .- II hubIare hebido .'''eIizade atrededor de Malcolm X Y con at una Iuche por at pocIar dentro del Partido...... ,.. ... cfiIWos. Miantras ten10 deja la, IIUeSIra PIr1icto NecIonaIIate PuartorrlquA y AIbiIW Estos pI"WIt1OS tambIIIt hiciarJn 8110. para ...... numaro uno para seIud.: Campos. Ed __ por ...... en ...... crear ala .... quela~de andando y ...... colOnIa: "JIIII8I'CO. tarminen las PARTIDO de los YOUNG LORDS con Felipe Felipe .. dIibido a Ul) .ifi.,temlan1O entre Nosotros quaremos que Lucieno. FeIIpa se convi1'ti6 ... un sImboIo at Necionalismo NegrO y at Nacionatlsmo mue.... que .. ...,., Ii por un para at pueblo. Ia fuerza principal ... at Puertorriqueno. Esto tambIan mentIa cuando .lIatallliellto mediI:D ... • ...... un PARTIDO y ...1 blanco principal para los dijo ..... hermeno tue limandido por una fIIiROCtdio. . pII8n:GI. Por Ia combit1acWn de 8I1Os factores gran cantIdad • ~ . Donde ",lara que IIUeSIra ..... liSle. I FeUpe no se pudG desaroIfar como EI PAttftDO • los YOUNG LORDS no nosoiros JremoJ para ayudarIas y va hamos! RwoIucionario, mleIltn!a era nuestro lidar. hizo ningdn COIIIunicado e IafJrensa excep10 ·-"npIilt_~' '-to en ... anaa de Ie_d. Nosotros IOniOI un Partido besedo en at uno. para ecIarar Ia sItuecion daspues del princIpio de Centrelismo Oemocratico; Ia mistar/oso articulo. . CUlDO DE SAU.tD GRATIS PARA critice vlant de 'iidOi'~ ;nlvates del Partido. La bIstorla complete fue escrita por u""­ NUESTRA GENTIf Traa 8It8I criticas y discuciones IIOIOtI'OIi cfastia'.stogrupa Iiamado "'Community News V1VA PUERTO RtCO· Lf8RE .~ que las fueIus Y dellifi Ii de. de Service" Y fue .cIIId& at "New Ydtk TimIs'l AHORA! FeIIpa • convirtlaron ... las fueIus Y donda Ie informacIdn tcfe recopta por 1Odos dIlIIl'd ., . del Partido. Ella· sItueci&t ,. los damat. Eft contra ..... los princIpIos ..,.V...... permitIda por at IIberaIIsmo y fa 1n.'Iabifided clal buen pariodico se putO en contac1O con vOuNcJ.'LORDi de critIcar, 4e 1Odo at ComIte ...... PARTIDO de los YOUNG LORDS para ;~de~: ,.,..... quaremosCGmlgir las ~ informarse COllectell.ite. Lo prImero que ...... de:-_"'"""-...... dentro del PIr1icto; at prina:. paso para ..pimos de 1Odo 8110 fue cuando IaImos los ...,..." lItO fuI que Felipe fue ~lIta idid& a parlodicos cIaI die. PaIante, .. pariedico de Ia ~ sin mando. para que pueda ...... informo solo 'Ia-ad. EIla .. 1a uoica ..... :1Ia_ entre Ill ...... La ....;or mann luen1e cia infoIli aliu autortucla para para que un~. reeNce .. quit __ 1Il4lstl1UCkfn • felipe. vuatwa at pueblo ....vivir con at y aprender Cuendole ...... PocIar cIaI Estado, de ... Esto .. 10 que ... Felipe heciendo. sere Ia ..... vas que los parlodicos ~ ,.,...... que con Ia eyuda de informacion COII'ICtIi y honasta. Hesta .... fa mIambroa del Partido y ftU8I'IrI en10IIceI 1Odo to que 101 pariodicos del .....Falipe. Juan, Yorube" DeniIe, o.Jd. IiItemB IICIl ... sere mala infomI.~ia n y .... Fi y ... los dames· ..... cIaI MENT1RASt ...... capIIQ8I • desaroIIarea Y .",Ir ...... POOeR A LA MENSA DE LA .. Y_,. sefllllilo en WIll ...... GEffrE! ..~l ...... _ yasta·_ ..·.tfttl' ·r ___ Ill ,.... "Y...... lauImen MIniItro ••IdDIIIIIII_ ~·...... ,. .... l_~ ...... s, •• EDITORIAL ,II'E.',EW of the town, next to a ~' I raised th!JJo This issue of PALANTE is dedicat8d to of PuertO Ric:o and screarnecf"'Viva PUEillfo EL GRITO OE LARES and the RICO L~H to establish the fact th8t we had revolutionaries who. on September 23. 1868. proctamed the RepublIC. began the fight for liberation. This year. the The town of Jayuya uni18d, _ YOUNG LORDS PARTY has called for 'a applauded us, some cried and screamed and conference of aU Puerto Rican students in the others stood around in admiration. colleges and high schools in order that we may continue the work begun by our Question-You were in jail for many years. ancestors. How did they treat you in jail as a political The YOUNG LORDS PARTY stands for prisoner, especiaDy in relation to the other the lP1ensification of the struggle that began priSOners? . on September 23. 1868. We aim 'to be around I was in jail for 16 years and 10 months. : to its concIusion--and beyond. almost 17 years. The empire does not give All of us. whether or not we ant Puerto rec:ognition to the political pri_. I was Ricens. can learn from EL GRITO DE treated like a common prisoner. During the LARES. "F__ ' women and men fought first eight months I was inc:omunicada. against _ing odds to libera1ll a town from Perhaps I .can say that because of my age-I the spanish rapist. Inspired by Betances and was 44 years old when I was first his foII_s. the first generation of what we ancarcerated-I was able to rela18we1l with know today to be the Puerto chance to strike, to build. to organize. the other pri_s. R ican--African. Indian.·and Spanish We must not fail To do so would be to First they took me to the uni18d states. Nationalist Party _ in combined-a new condemn our anoeators to failure. Anything They kept me at the Augus1ll Reformatory the 1930's to overcome the MWikkkan less than victory from now 0(1 would dany the for 5'1.. years and then brought me back to plunderers. In 1950. this group. led by Albizu future of our nation and of humanity in Puerto Ric:o. The only well treated pri_ is Clmpos. star18d a rebellion on October 30 in general. We must WIIfI8 WIll' in order to '-e I the stoof.pigeon, aD others ant tnta1Ied badly. the town of Jayuya, a rebellion that cp.Iickly peace. In fact we didn't even have the right to talk. ... to surrounding towns. While this was Time and time again they tried to destroy my happening. two Puerto Ricans Ihowed us STRIKE TO WINI revok!~ spirit and to do away with the what . a CGmICt support position is for USE WHAT YOU GOT TO GET Iova I Iiad for my country and the right to re';ohitlonarle. here. They went to WHAT YOU NEEDI fight for her. Washington. D.~. to off the prtIIIident of the united stain. For that attamp18d adien. Editor 0uesti0iI-8IiIn in the IDUtIIem part of the 0tcIr Collazo is still in .....welth. uni18d states. __ all the prisofa's Black? In 1tB3, Lolita LeIIron led three bIothers There .. racial separation in jail. In - in .'" has become _ of the most section the white prilOll8l'l. in ~ section ...... acb carried out by a coIonited EII'.E',I" the Black prisoners; I was placed with 'the ..... against the yanqui...... ,at the caceI-pude astabIecar ...... relaciones whites. Af18r 8 few .,... they passed an ...... wtto ... us ...... _ ift IISIIon. wMefhlv• eon las otres ...... ~ taw in the jail. The white prIsoneI:I Ma __ .I!"A~ner~t a Ios,ltst.~ unidfls, , refuse to abide by thatfaw. I and a poup qf cMaclr'..., ••,1' '-1";'" ant me tuvilll'olt an lit' "'fonnaCOrio-de AugusIli white COI1Imdnist prIsoneI:I decided m mad1' .....··ltiimtId iriianel The YOUNG JIOI' cinco aiic»y rnedicty ~ me trejeron struggle against ~ racism and show thoSe people _ decency and the ftality that _ LORDS PARTY and a whole new generation ...... -te a Puerto Ric:o. Ef unico preso que H of crazy Puerto Ricans ... been born "Ie dan in.,.... taa as aI. Hcho1II at todo otrO· are all the sarna. We __ the first, .• tampered 1Jy the fIhettos of -ntkka. and preso 10 tnmin mat. De 1IeI:bO, no 1IInlimOs ni integrate. From than on, united with ,/IIIlf ant ~ing.ickly on the.-.y. We fight aI derecho de hablar. Repetidarnan1ll trataron /31ack compan«as, I enjoyed the best y_,t now not only for the -'eIist liberation of de mater mi espli;tu revolucionarlo y el amor had to do in that prison. Puarto Rico. but for the right to por mi patrie y el debar de Iuchar por ella. seIf-detarrnination for all Puerto Ricans. We Question-What is the role of the women in fight for the miHion in New York City. the Pregunta--Estando usted an aI sur de los the revolution? hundreds of thousands in Chicago. Cleveland. astados unidos eran todes las presas negras? The rota of the women is as ill1JlOl1.8nt as Hartford•. Philadelphia.' Hobokan, Ifawark, En at can:eI habia saparaclM. racial. En of the man. The rfNOlutionary womin muSt and W1tminton. una seccicSn las presas bIancas. en otra seccicin act acc:ordingly with the cIamancIS of ... We fight for the 1.000 spies in Alabama. las presas nagras, a mi me pasieron con las revolution, be it to arm herself, educa18'" We fight for the 75,000 spies in H.-ii. presas bIancas. Despue$ de unos .nos pasaron people or whatevar is necessary. This generation is learning from history. una lay de integra<:i6n an ta carceI. Las prases One ..- why Betances and Aibizu failed is blancas se negaron a cumplir con ta lay. Yo an Question--What do you think of the because they led movements bated mainly on c:ompafit8 con unas presas blancas c:omunisUIs contemporary independence movement? charisma and patty-bourgeolsie liberals. To decldimos Iuchar contra este racismo y I believe thet all of today~s rnovanents are CGmICt this. the revolution is now bated demostrarte a es1ll gente dacencia y la raatidad important. What is needed is unity to.achieve anIorig the p8ORIe. the most oppressed people, de que todos sornos iguatas. Decidimos y the independence of our nation. Some ti_ on fll'incipaIs of socialism. fumos las primeras a integrarnos. Desde ahr posters. other times fires. strikes, V01Is, aU One thinIJ we _e in. conirnon with our en adeIante. en uni&n a mil compaAeras that is necessary. My hopes lie with the ancestors: the gun. Petty-bouIV!!PiS liberals negras Das& los majores .nos det tiempo que youth, because you have the ability to carry they might have _n, but they weren't using cumpl;en ta carceJ. the word onward. bottles at Laras or bricks at Jayuya. Some of us who _a been listaning to "the anerny's Pregunlll--Cual as el papal de la mujer an la propaganda for, too long as to how peaceful revotucKlnl we ant bet1IIr dig on the fact that Betances. EI papel de fa mujer as tan im~n1ll Albizu, Blanca, andLolilll were packin'. The como Ia del hombre. La mujer revolucionaria bottle ain't been made that can stand up to a tiaw que cumplir con 10 que demanda fa .38. revotuciOO, sea levantar armas, educ:ar a su So this year we in18nd to celebrate EL pueblo, an fin, 10 que sea necesario. GRITO DE LARES, not only on Sep18mber 23, but fNary day. Through the Libera1ll Pregunta--Oue cree usted del ~imianto Puerto Rfc:o Now ~_ wiD llulld a i~ eon_poreneQ ~ ftrong ~'to cru. 'the-.my , Creo que-todos los ~imiantos .. hoy We In18nd to unite with other~and Third son 'impOrtan18s.' Lo que se lJIlC8$ita'as la World struggles. because we can't do it alene. unidad pare fograr fa illdependenllia de fa .',' Every day from now on must be another nac:i&t Borieua. Unas v-. pique1Bs;t otras 'the enemy, another day won for ..,..fest to v-. fuego, otras vacas ~,otras v-. lc .. perQpIe. We cannot spend any more time votos. todo 10 que sea .....arlo. Mis ___ -",eon ust8des. .Ia juventud, i;~',,:;::~: ';;;;: :;;:.~ .:: ...... Ia jf,NatueJfS 1a''''''''1a peIabre. 9RINOOS DECIABACION DEL MPI EI 23 de septiembre de 1868 nacKf' la occidental. sin resterle importancia a asto, el patrie PuertorriqueRa. en el pueblo de - ex..avadas con eI metodo de "cielo E. dta, hecho principel,radica en que eI 85% de abierto'~ que ha sido u!lldo haste ahora,p0drf8 Lares. un grupo de petriotas sa levantd" en nuestra '!Cononlla este controlada por eI I'8IUttar en la ~ de las minas de uranio y armas diapuestos a poner .fin a Ie odiose capitell,ltlsentista norteamaric:ano. tiren' que la decadante imponra a un gran desperdicio econ6mlco. No .610 los Espa'l'ra Puerto Rico es un pararso para los Puerto Rico. Este grupo de hombres y ho,Yos dejeran gigantetcos huecos en el inversionistas. Para facilitar la entraga de ln1IIrior de Ie islIiI'O$ depositos de uranio sa mujeres dirigidos por Betanoas desde eI ex ilio, nuestras riquezas a los capitelistes empuJlaron las ermas dispuestos a morir si era norteamaricanos, eI gobierno cotom,d ha. perder'" necesario, haste ver ondear Ie bandera de un Todos los dobfe&.tratos Y los OSCUI"OS dise'liado un plan que aumenta graduelmente Puerto Rico libra y soberano. De este modo sa ac:uenIos de negoclos prueben que Puerto nuestra dependencia haCia los t:.E. U.U. Esto inicie Ie tradiciO'n de Iucha del pueblo Rico ha lido absoIutamerl18 vendlde a los e.e;' sa puede var. muY claramente en Ie'~ PuertorriqueiiO. .u.u. y que los Puertorriquenos no tienen nada ha corrido nuestra agriculture. " . fue eI calor de las tuchas contra la que "-r en asto. Puerto Rico as Ie ~nic:a EI abandono de Ie agricultura vine como __itud como • ~ une conciancie colonia que Ie quede a e.e. u.u. en eJ mundo I'8IUItado de Ie femose Operacion Manos a la nacionaL En detacaron el doctor entero y as menlpulada por asto. EI punto 6to Istas • Obra (Operation Bootstrap). Sa estabIecio una Ramon Erneterlo Batances y Segundo Ruiz del Programa de 13 Puntos de eI Partido de los aconomIa . artif'lCial, va que eI piOgrema de Betvis. YOUNG LORDS est8b1ece que "Queremos industriel~ no surgiJ' como un proc:8IIO control comunel de nuastras instituclones y La ex presion mas elta de la natural en eI desarrollo de nuestros racursos. tIarras." Oueremos a Puerto ·Rico Y 1Ddo 10 Puertorriquefiidad sa resume en eI Grito de La industrializacioJl fue impuelta A partir de pueblo no .... que est8 tenga, nos pertenece. Oueremo. Lares. aHf ei artificialmente, utilizendose para allo eI y c:apiteI cue! atrae Ie' det8rmiRllCi&t propie y 10 COfII8gII iremos 0 demendar libertedes Espaiia no tuvo mas extranjero, eI sa con 1IIIIIrikk1aa • _Itllla' con Ie ira de un elternetiva que garantlzer unes raformas axenc"" contributive, que sa utilize como . pueblo I!I'mado y furioso. mt'nlinas contenides en Ie Carta AlI1on&nice enzueIo. de 1897. T odes IISteI pequenes victorias Este estado de cosas este IIegencIo a .. fin, HEREOAMOS SUS fuaron piloteadas por Ie bote del imperielisrno gracias a '. Ie ardua labor de diverses yanqui, cuendo sus invadieron' TEMORES--CRECIMOS _itos ortI(II1izaciones petriotices, con eI Movirniento nueltres playas a rarz de Ie Guerra AIRAOOS--TRIUNfAREMOS 0 Pro Illdepe: dlliCle Ie vanguardia. La critis Hitpanoamericena. Puerto Rico parS e manos . a MORIREMOSI del ,Istema colonial Ie aproxima yanquis como botIit de guerra. inexOiabfamente. La tuche sa he elC8lOll8llo, LulU Cerreras Ali cornianza Ie penetracion ec:on&mca. ' y cultural Los Puertorriquellbs no 4JIP8CieIrnente en los ultimo. diez aIIos.. Uno C8pitifn de D6lsa po. de los ...... , I,IIIpabIes de iiSta criSis • I'IIn8n'IOs juritd'1CCi6n iIObre las decisiones que PARTIDO OE lOS YOUNG LORDS agudiza 10 vamos 0Utabra.. •.. Este as una afectan nuestra vida nacional. EI poder Ifltime en Sector de Newark ..municipiO al Este de Puerto R·ico ...... reside en eI congraso de los E:E. U.U. marina yanqui tie.Nuna base Las vejaclonas sufrIdes par nuestro pueblo de adiestramiento y llava a cabo de tiro no tienen tt'mltes. Nos arrebataron nuestra pr(ctices de pesada. ciudadenla. para imponernos Ie yanqui sin artIIIeM £1 confticto entre Ie marina y at pueblo consuftamos. De este ~ • Ie daUn visos .... a nuestra,~ ~_de ...... ~JIIl .. IJata 1IIking you 10 attend the activities .. PO&n illite?'" Buenos ~ que de Ie Nacionelidad ~ La ..... ammedfor flatday. Join us at1he ~ deade muello antes de 'a. Wuerra consigna, para eI 23 de septjIInbI. as: ....1 ibe:r 23rd. HiIpII_lII.icella loa tatrategas ~s y Puertoniquef(o, ceIabra.. eI dia de ·tu :tl':' . miIiteraa del imperiO habian puesIO sus ojos nacionaIicfad. No esIttu lit ti'aIJaio.. ' :,." t.ONQLlVE A fflEE PUERto ,UCOt 111 eI Caribe.' 8fP8CHllfIl8ll1i1 en Cuba y Puta10 Rico. su idea are hacfr de IISteI dot isles un TDDOS A LA PLAZA BOafNOU&lAI ...... 1 ...... 23rd~1e7O.T_:·~eo p;m. ~ eI:I)Y~"cornobienlo ALLt EN LA ,.Y8ROOK..AVENUE ! prwilf Jose ..a,.c Aft,I8·1as taIIiIitetIa· aI caE8I!IAIIEMO$NUIlTAA AUfA . . Ptaza ~ ..e.t '. 1Irael. ___ ad ~ hacia aI rasto del .NACfOt'fAt .... ' '<" ...... -...... ~ "~8rontc' ...... ~. Hey «6 allade Ie aukivaIate'de IIUIIIIrO terrbDrio ...... ': ....·1IIIUfI ...... __ ml ..... ya&IqOIs. ,Iaay .... (i) 0 0 0 0 0 0 <:> 0 0 l' 0 """_'1'0 0 SUBSCRIBE lrm' ...... 0 @ NOWI MIIU~TRY Of 0 fllfMtt 1678 MADtSOR AYE. @ 0 rmt YORK, N.'. ap 0 0 ~ -... -.. -- -~- .... -- 0 • : .. •__ •.••••••••••••••..... '.*t-- ..... :::' 0 Cft'V•• _____ ...... ____ ... _",e o IIImMItJ...... 0. 1 YBAa (II auBS' 0\71 a;. .I,' "" o 6 MONT.. 02 1SSUIfS) 03000 C 5.00 '& o • MONTJS (6 ISSUBS) 0 I. 50 0 3.50 o 0 00 0 0 ~ 0 0 e RULES OF DISCIPLINE of the DUNG LORDS PARTY 16. All _ ....doni ...... IIIUIt ..

' ...... ,I.. WIITk .. will e-y ...... of .. YOUNG LORDS PARTY ,.. .0RCa- • a...... follow t.... ruIII.' CENTRAL COMMtTTEE ...... crIdcIrm ...... cumw. .... 8RANQt STAfFS, ...... 17~ All ...... will ...... QIIII of crr.r.rrL ...... ruIII. ~ ..... on. The 0.0...... , Evwy .--., of .. ..perty IIIUIt __ ...... IIIIIIY ..... dilly. AIry ...... found ...... 11. hell ..... will 1IiIIrrIIt ...... -Of ..tl .. ... ,...... ·.....,...IIv .. PARTY. '''0.0., . --- 11...... YOUNG LORD ...... THE ROLES ARE: ...... ooncttr. ZO. All ...... who ...... --., 1. You ... YOUNG LORD 2& '-••• IIIUIt tuIImit ... ""Oil III ...... , ...... ,; 2. AIry 'PARTY ...... or • jiwI' tip ..... of ...... iIIet.1t will be ...... , III .. iIIet ...... dowIt Of' ....., 01 ..... CMI ...... a- IIv .. CIurpeIrt ...... swim .... 21. PoIticII ...... , far 3. AIry ...... found --.. .. will ...... LI_ All .--...... __ ...... ~. No ...... may .... lIIY ...... 111 .. '01 .... 22...... 01 III tIIIIr• .,...... 8ft dIdy. No .... may • ...... at ... turo '- • ., 8ft &l I Wi ..... on dIdy. , ...... - I.. No .--., will .... ,...... offiae 23.. cw, ...... , PARTY ...... III iii .... 01 ...... of .. PARTY ANftHERE. offiae ... .,. All· ...... III ...... I.. No .... will point 01 fiN ...... of lIlY kIIMI u u ii, • dilly • IfIYOIIL ...... out"' ...... '1, ...... 2C. All GIIpJan _ IUIITIIIt ....." ...... III __ 7. No ''--'' .. join lIlY ...... ,.,., of LIIInrIion. • ...... 1' " ... . I.. No PARTY .--., wit -'t criIIIII ...... 21. All ...... PInt W1' 75

' CItcIr& ...... I...... YOUNG LORDS will ...... , .. All a.,e.n ...... _ IUIITIIIt • ....." _ ...... will .... ftOdIIIIt...... aid IIIUIt fInIncIaI NIIII't ... ~ of ~ _undIe XI. No Chiperr 01 ...... ,..., 10. No I'..,-.bar ... may...... in public: __ ...... , -.,. or lIlY aid from lIlY..... _ t ...,. '!Y .. CentnII Co-uaee 01 CentnII St8ff. 28. All T...... PI ...... be 11. The 13 Point Proerem must be .. __ lad ...... tttMDhldDIIIJV ...... PIetfotm must be understood .., 8ICh member. a."" ...... 12. PARTY ~ must _ national ... forms of .. _. .,.. Ii not ... not ...., ...... 1ocIiI. .LORDS. but .. Rauotutiaurv Cal Ip .... 13. f!io -.bar may .... about _dw member 3O.AI tfIiIp1ea _ ..... • .. ,...,., ... __ .. or .... ca pr~ iIIIIqIow .,put·fonb IIv .. CemnI ~ .. ... 14. AI PARTY ~,is to be kept within .. YLP. LikIwtM. "'memben wit know .. II .... aHalli PARTY. puI1Iishad .., the, PARTV. . THE YOUNG LOROS PARTY POLITICAL PARTY FIGHTING FOR ALL OPPRESSED PEOPLE

1. WE WANT SELF·DETERMINATlON FOR PUERTO RICANS· 7. WE OPPOSE CAPITALISTS AND ALLIANCES WITH LIBERATION ON THE ISl.AND AND INSIDE THE UNITED TRAITORS, STATES. Pu«to Rican rulers. or puppets of the ~. do not help For 600 ,.... fint .. and then uniUJd ItateS have colonized our people. They are paid ..., the syIIiem to lead our people our country. BIllions of dollars in profIU '- our COIII1trv for down blind allays. just like the thousands of poverty pilllPS who the uniaId .... -V year. In -V _y _ are slaves of the keep our c:ommunities .-ceM for busi.-. or the dr8et worklirS We ... liberation and the .-- in the hands of who keep ... divided end 1IIowint each other .-y. We .... not "-to Rian exploiters. society where the people soc:ieIistilllHv control their labor. VIVA PUERTO RICO .LlBRE: VENCEREMOSI


Latin BrodllirS and .... inIid8 and outside the We ~ ~ ~I of ..... military forelll,. _ .....-t. by amerikkkan~. The Chicano ... from "-to Rico. ~. and ...... _ ...... ' 'IIuIt the touttt..t. and .. 1Upport their ritht to ifIIIde end outside the u.s. No·'-'to R,,*, shoUld ..... in die· .. and their land. The paopIe of &Into DominIO "'01. army ...,.. his BrotIIM and .... for the only true army ...... cleM I .liJft and hi puppet ...... of 0fIIJNIIId peOple II "~'. army to fIgbt at ...... IItrUtIiIIII lit· Latin. ____ pert of the u.s. OUT OF VIETNAM, FREE 'PuIIMQ. 8JC01 of t ...... i ...... IIIIRI ~"",", 4 QUE VIVA LA RAZJU t. WE WANT f,REEDOMFOR ALL POLITICAL PRISO...... -'*,

3. WE WANT LIBERATION OF AU, TH.RO WORLD .... 'JI"LI:. We ...... Puerto .....·frIIII ...... theY ...... by the .1'IGiIt COUI1I of the ...... and·not by their own paopIe iJust as LatiM lint ... under speiR and the yanqUis. end ..... W. ... all freedom fiIhtM ...... from .jaII...... •...... and' Asians ...... to build the...... FREE ALL I'QUTICAl. .PRISON•• --*'Y. 'or 400 V- ,..., __ foutItt' b ...... and T' _ '; • ....t ~ C...... ). Third World 10. WE WANT EQUALITY FOR WOMEN. MACHISMO MUST the fitht for freIIdom. All the coIonId and 0fIIJNIIId BE REVOLUTIONARY... NOT OPPRESSIVE. . the 'lfCII1d - one nation under GfIIIII*Iion. PUERTO RICAN ts fREE UNTIl. ALL PEOPLE ARE UndIr captellsm, our -.-r have .... opprtIIIIed by.bodt .. JOCiety and our _ men. The ...... of R1IIChiIIno'" IJeen .used by our men to take out their. frustrations IIIIinst their· ...... mothers, and chiIdnIA. Our men .... tuppOtf their _ in their fitht for ____ ..--...... ity. and -- recotni- that our _...... in -V way within the . Latin. Black. Indien and AsIan people inside the u.s. revotutio'*V ranks. colonies fitIdint· for llbenition. We know thl!t \WIllington. FORWARD, SISTERS. IN THE STRUGGLE! dr8et, and city hall will try to ma/(e our nationalism into but Puerto Ricans are of an coIort and _ resist racism. 11. WE FIGHT ANTI-COMMUNISM WITH INTERNATIONAL of poor white people are rising up to demand freedom and UNITY. JUpport them. These _ the ones in the u.s. that are· stepped by 'the rulers and the government. We each organizil our Anyone who resists injustice is called a communist by "the man" but our fights _ the same 8tIII'lnst oppression and _ win and eondemned. Our people _ brainwathed by television, raClo. it together. POWER TO ALL OPPRESSED PEOPLE! newspapers. schools, and books to oppose people in other countries fighting for their freedom. No _oger will our PIIOIR 5. WE WANT COMMUNITY CONTROL OF OUR T lI1CllUU". believe attacks and slanderi. b8c:euM they have learned who the "AND LAND. real enamy is and who their reel frIeiIds _. We win defend our Brothers and Sisters around tfIe world who fight for justice We ... control of our eommunities by our people and prorgrall11il against the rich rulen of this country. to ...... that all institutions serve the needs of our VIVA CHE! .People's control of poItc:e, health servk:es. churc:hes, housing, transpOrtation and welfare _ needed. We want 12. WE BELIEVE ARMEOSELF-oEFENSE AND ARMEO to attacks on. our land ..., urban removal, highway STRUGGLE ARE THE ONLY MEANS TO LIBERATlQIi. universities and corporatioA$. LAND BELONGS TO ALL THE PEOPLE! We are opPosed to violence-the vioIanc:e of hungry children. illiterate adults, diseesed old people. and the violence of poverty 6. WE WANT A TRUE eDUCATION OF OUR and profit. We have asked, petitioned. gone to courts. CU.. ":'l:AE AND SPANISH ~ANGUAGE. demOnstrated peacefullV. and voted for politicians full of empty promises. But _ still ain't free. The time has come to defend We must learn our hist,. 'f of. fighting against cultural. as -" the lives of our people against repression and for revolutionary -ec:onomic fIIII10CIde by the yanqui. Revolutionary culture, war against the businessrnM. Politician, and police. When a of _ ...... II the only true teachint- government oppresses our people, _. have the ritht to abolish it and create 8 new one. BORICUA IS AWAKE I ALL PIGS BEWARE!


We want liberation, clothing, free food, education, health care, transportation, utilities, and employment for all. We want a society where the needs of our people come fitst, and where give and aid to the, P89PIes of the world. nuestro pueblo por callejones sin salida. De Ia ~ POLITICO REVOLUCIONARIO QUE LUCHA POR LA miles de eIcahuetes _tra Ia pobreza son JIIIIIIIfos' para LIBERACION DE TOOOS LOS PUEBLOS OPRIMIDOS. apacigue.n a nuestras comunidades ..... eI benIficio de 1. QUEREMOS AUTODETERMINACION PARA TODOS LOS negociantes. Del mismo modo los trabaIadaros ,___ LIBERACION EN LA ISLA Y DENTRO nuastras ...... y fes mentienen pe...... tre Ii. DE LOS EST ADOS UNIDOS una sociedad en Ia cue! eI pueblo controle su ~ de un socielista. Hace 500 aaos que nuestra isla he estado c:oIonizada: prinW'O por VENCEREMOS! Espeiia Y Iuego por los Estados UnicIos. Billones de doIares en gIIIIIIICias satan todos los anos de nuestra Isla hacia los Estados Unidos. En todo senlido somas _lavos de los yanquis. Nosotros ...-- Ia liberacion Y eI poder en las manos del pueblo. no Demandamos la retirade inmediata de las fuerus .... fes de explotadoras puwtorriqueiios. nortea.,..ikk"- de P,*to Rico. Vietnam y de QUE VWA PUERTO RICO LlSAE! comunidades oprimidas dentro y _tu.a de los ,...-torriqueno debIra inlcribine ..... eI ejercito ____ikk_oi 2. QUEREMOS AUTODETERMrNACION PARA TOOOS LOS para lucher contra _ harmanOI y __ oprimIdeI. LATINOS. _dedero oIfIIrCitQ. de un pueblo oprimido .. eI ejercieo ,...... ,. eI cue! combatira a todos los ....'*'*', _ Nuastras __ y harmanOI latinos. dentro y ...... de los ESTADOS UNIDOS FUERA DE VIETNAM'f QUe, EEW. sonoprimidos por fes -snses ~ __. E1 pueblo PUERTO RICO Ll8REI Chicano c:onstruyo eI ___ de euta pais. Y nosotros apoyad;os derech. a controlar _ vidas y su tierra. EI pueblo •• QUEREMOS LA Ll8ERTAD PARA TODOS don.nica"o continua 50 Iucha contra Ia doIiIiitacion yanqui. y POLITICO$...... titeres. La Iucha ..made .... Latinoamerica f...- • fa ..,. de todos los Latinos contra eI imperill\u., Clueremos' que todos los presos puertorriqulios ...... ,...... QUE VIVA LA RAZAt I...... va que astos no fuaron ju&gldos par ... COl'" iot8o • por ...... 'sino par las cortes i1ICistes del PARA' TOOOS LOS PUEBLOS ....c:Ju.emos Ii...... que todos los que ·lucben par "Ia lilJlfaciouu ...... ,...... LlBERTAD PARA TODOS LOS PRESOS POLiTICOSI como, los Latinos trabajaron como esc:Iavw. prinW'O bajo Y fuego bajo los EEUU. los pueblos Negros, Indios Y 10., QUEREMOS IGUALDAD PARA LAS MUJERES. EL ban Iaborado como esc~ para crear Ia riqueza de MACHISMO DEBE SER REVOLUCIONARIO. NO OPREs/YO. Por 4GO .a'os lIIItOs ban Iuchado contra Ia injusticia y sobre eUo;, par euta 8abiIonia i1ICista Ba;o eI capitalsmo. nuestras, rnujeres baA .ido oprimidas II Tercer Mundo he dirigiclo fa lucha por Ia liE~~4'~ ...mien I por .• nuestrO$ propios- ...... ;-a.. lIioIll.' TodoS los ~ oprimiclos' Y de c:oIor forman una . _ eI macItisrno para ventiler frustaciones nac:ion bajo Ia oprasion. isposas. _ hermanes. sus madr8s y sus bijaL NfNGUN PUERTORRIQUENO SERA LIBRE HASTA QUE ~ que apoyar a _ rnujeres .... Ia Iucha de lODOS LOS PUEBLOS NO SEAN LlBRESI igueIded economica y social. y tienen que r __, Ia de las rnujeres en todos los nivelas de las files revoIuc:ionaRas." 4. SOMOS NACIONALfSTAS REVOLUCIONARIOS Y NOS ADELANTE HERMANAS EN LA LUCHAI OPONEMO$.. AL RACfSMO. 11. LUCHAMOS CONTRA EL ANTI.CCJMUNISMO CON Lea pueblos Latinos. Negro$. Indios y Asiatic:os dentro de los UNlOAD INTERNACIONAL. . lEW son coIonias en Iucha par Ia liberacion. Rac:onocirnos que / MosIIingto;u. Wan Street y City Han trataran de --w ~ Todo eI que sa opone a Ia injusticia es IIamado "-uta" por ~ .... racismo. pero lot ~ so.- de todos· "el hombr." y el c:ondtnIdo. La talevision, la, radio: los los colores y resistinios eI racismo., MiIIooas de pIrSOnas pobras periodicos. las escueIas of loa .Ibros adoctrinan a nuestro pueblo .bIancas sa estan levatatando a exigir, su libertad. y a 8S1aS tambien a oponersa a otros pueblos que luchaA por SU' liberalliolll. nosotros fes apoyames. Son astas las que son pisotaadas por eI mas crearamos los ataqueS y las calumnias de "81 hombre" gobierno y los dirigentes de los EEUU. Cada cue! organize Su pcirque hemos aprendido qilienes son nuestros verdederos enemigos pueblo. ,pero Ia lucha contra fa oprasion es una y uniclos y quienes son nuestros verdederos amip. Defenderamos a nuestros hermanos y hermanes alrededor del rnundo que luchan -.PODER A TODOS LOS PUEBLOS OPRIMIOOS! por fa justicia en contra de los gobernantes ricas de euta pais. VI.VA CHEI 6. OUIREMOS CONTROL COMUNAL DE TODAS NUESTRAS INSTITUCIONES Y TIERRA. 12. CREEMOS QUE LA AUTO·DEFENSA Y LA ARMADA SON LOS UNICOS MEDIOS PARA Queremos que nuestras comunidades sean controladas par 81 NUESTRA LIBERACION. pueblo. y exigimos prograrnas que garantizen que todes las .instituciornlS. mvan a las necesidedes del pueblo. Oueremos que el Nos oponemos a la violeneia . la violeneia de ninos hambriflflfb controle Ie policia. los servicios de salud. las iglesias, las adultos analfabetos. viejos enfermos. y la violencia de la pOI)r.: escuelas. las viviendas, el transporte y 81 bienestar publico. y I~ ganancias. Hemos pedido y peticionado; hemos ido a Querernos que se ponga fin a los asaltos que sobre nuestra tierra cortes; hemos menifestado pacificamente y hemos votado. lIevan a cabo la "eliminacion" urbana. la "destruccion" de politicos lIenos de promesas falsa,. Y todavia no somos Imre.­ car¥eteras, y las universidades y corporaciones. Hegado el momento en que nos tenemos que defender cont'ia LA TtERRA PERTENECE A TODO EL PUEBLO! represion. Tenemos que iniciar una guerra revolucionaria contra negociante. el politico y el polieia. Cuando un gobierno oprime 6. QUEREMOS UNA EDUCACIO~~ VERDADERA SOBAE pueblo. el tiene "I deracho de abolirlo y crear un NUESTRA CUL TURA CRIOLLA Y EL LENGUAJE ESPANOL. nuevo. BORINQUEN ESTA DESPIERTA! PUERCOS. ANDEN .LISTOS! T8f\emos que aprender Ie histona de nuestra luella contra el genocidio cultural y economico impuesto sabre nosotros per el 13: QUEREMOS UNA SOCIEOAD SOCIALISTA. ... yanqui. Cultura revolucionaria, Ie cultura de nuestro pueblo. es la unica ensenanza verdadera. Oueremos liberallion. alimenlQS gratis. ropes. viviendes. 1IQ11CII)"fOl~, QUE VIVA EL BORICUA! QUE VIVA EL JIBARO! atencion medica. transpollte. servidos de gas, luol: y otros y emp!eos para todos. Oueremos una sodedad .. 11 _I OPONEMOS A LOS CAPITALISTAS Y A LAS necesidedes . del pueblo sa antepongan a todo; una, 10cieded At.lAl~l!J~S CON LOS TRAIDORES. de a los pueblos del mu'ndo soliderldad y apoyo, no opresiOf\ puertorriq\tenos, titern del opresor, no ayudan al son 81 . ..d",Allfl,A