Cran brook General Information.

GENERAL INFORMATION. PosT OFFICE.- Stone street, open for business from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. ; Sundays, 7 to 10 a.m. Telegrams, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. But with an extra fee of Is. messages can be forwarded at 7 a.m. and until 10 p.m. Sundays 8 to 10 a.m. only. l\foney Order, Savings Bank and Asssurance Business, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturdays, to 8 p.m. Letter box cleared for despatch of 1\fails, 8.40 a.m., 5.15 and 8.-10 p.m.; Wall boxes cleared-High street, at 8.30 a.m. and 8.30 p.m. ; Willes­ ley, at 8.55 a.m. and 9 p.m. On Sundays, evening collection only. E. J. Holmes, postmaster. :Money Order and Telegraph Office. Letters arrive from at 7 a.m. and 12 noon. Despatched at 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Francis Gilbert, receiver. CouNTY MAGISTRATES for the Cranbrook Division.-Sittin_qs at tlte l8.~t1·y IIall jr"1·st ThuJ',\'day in e'rery month.-Appach, Reginald, Esq., , Cranbrook; Atkins-Roberts, 1\'Iajor, Glassenbury , Cranbrook ; Austen, J. Francis, Esq., ; Beresford-Hope, the Rt. Hon. A. J. B., M.P., ; Beresford-Hope, Philip, Esq., Goudhurst ; Courth0pe, G. C., Esq., ; Courthope G. J., Esq., Horsmonden; Cranbrook, the Rt. Hon. Viscount, Hempsted park, ; French, George, Esq., Risden, Hawk­ hurst ; Frewen, Edward, Esq., Brickwall, Northiam ; Gathorne-Hardy, Hon. J. Stewart, Brandfold, Goudhurst; Gordon, Admiral G. T., Tenterden; Goschen, the Rt. lion, G ..T., M.P., Seacox Heath, ; Houstoun, Admiral W., Sissinghurst; Hussey, E., Esq., Lamberhnrst ; Loyd, E .. Esq., Hawkhurst ; Jessel, Sir Charles, Ladham house, Goudhurst ; .Monypenny, R. T. G., Esq., Maytham house, Rolvenden ; Oakes, Arthur, Esq., Downgate, Sandhurst ; Oakeley, Sir C. W. A., Bart., ; Smith-Marriott, Rev. Hugh F., The Rectory, Horsmonden ; Tylden-Pattenson, "\V. H., Esq., Dash­ monden, ; Tylden-Pattenson, W. B., Esq., Biddenden ~ Weller, T. l\L Martin, Esq., Rolvenden. Clerlt to the .liia_qist?·atl's, Messrs. Philpott & Wood, Cranbrook. The district comprises Benenden, Biddenden, Cranbrook, Frittenden, Goudhurst, Hawkhurst, , Horsmonden, , l\Iarden, Rolvenden, Sandhurst, Sissinghurst, and Staplehurst. CoUNTY COURT.-Sitt,ings 'in the Vestry IIall, Cranbrooli, and at 11mtt'?'den alternatply.-Robert Lucius Selfe, Esq., Judge; Stephcn "\Vcller, Esq., Tenter­ den, Registrar; T. Bowling, Esq., Ramsgate, High Bailiff. The DiRtrict com­ prises Cranbrook, Tenterden, Appledore, Benenden, Biddenden, Ebony, Frit­ tenden, Goudhurst, Halden, IIawkhurst, Kennardington, X ewenden, Rolvenden, Sandhurst, Stone, Wittersham, Woodchurch. Cle1'1t to the Vi.~itors of A.~ylu7T~, A. R. "\Vood. Cle?·lt to Boanl nf G1wrdian.~ and Supe1·intendent Regutra1· of C1·anb?•ook Union, Thomas H. Crampton. Cle1·lt to the Commi.~sioners of Taxes, John A.. Philpott ; Assistant Clerk, George Thompson. Collector of Land and Inconw Taxes, William Tarbutt. Inspecto?' of .Nui.~ances, W. Collins, Hawkhurst. Ill.~pector qf lVei,qhts and ]J1ea.~ure.~, John Bourne, Riddenden. SnrLY:yor of IIighways, C. Poole, Sissinghurst. 0l'C1\~ce?"N, Stephen Burnham, jun., and Alfred Hinkley; Assi.~tant 01·ersem·, F. Iggulden . .llcgistrar of BiTtlzs, Death.~,