The City of Reggio : mobility policies and the EU project School Chance

Cristina Pellegrini Servizio Mobilità/Mobility Department REGGIO EMILIA, THE CITY OF… REGGIO EMILIA IN FIGURES REGGIO EMILIA IS….

Located in the Emilia-Romagna region, halfway between and , in the heart of the Po Valley Busy vital town rich in history, art and culture, Reggio Emilia is a city on the edge and people friendly REGGIO EMILIA IS….

 Homeland of “Tricolore”, the Italian national flag born in 1797 in the current City Hall  Worldwide known for the “Reggio Approach”  Strong economy, with SMEs playing a key role; main sectors: manifacture (mechanics, plastic, electronics), agriculture and agrifood, processing, building, ceramics, textile  Among the first cities in for its export and employment rates, as well as a city in continued economic growth, thanks to its many industries  Culturally and socially vibrant due to the large number of organizations, services and the University. A HIGH SPEED CITY REGGIO EMILIA AS NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL HUB

“Reggio Emilia AV Mediopadana” train station, one of the main high-speed stations in and one of the most important junctions in the midst of the Po valley.

The Reggio Emilia-Mediopadana HS Station is the only stop between Milan and Bologna. The HS station is called “Mediopadana” because of its vocation to not be a station for one city, but for all the neighbouring provinces Reggio Emilia > Milan: 40’ Reggio Emilia > : 1 h 44’ Reggio Emilia > Bologna: 20’ Reggio Emilia > : 50’ Reggio Emilia > : 2 h 20’ Reggio Emilia > : 3 h 35’ Easily accessible from the old city centre (4 km) as well as from the motorway (2 km), the high-speed “REGGIO EMILIA AV MEDIOPADANA” TRAIN STATION IS DESIGNED BY , who also designed the three bridges that connect it to the motorway. A SUSTAINABLE CITY - Leadership in environmental sustainability: top Italian city for separate waste collection, green areas per capita, and cycle lanes lenght;

- Hub of research on renewable energy for farming, with business experiences in the production of bio-methane, biogas, as well as bio-building, waste management and environmental accountability techniques;

- high expertise in urban planning, urban regeneration and sustainable buildings MAIN MOBILITY POLICIES MOBILITY IN REGGIO EMILIA

Motorization rate : 660 cars/1000 inh. Km of cycling network : 204 (118,84m/100inh, 1st city in Italy) Number of Evs : 450 (one of the highest vehicles/inh ratio in Europe) 2008: PUM and BICIPLAN 2017: SUMP Modal split (2015) THE 2008 URBAN MOBILITY PLAN

The context • Medium sized city • Short distances • strong use of the car (about 70%)

Urban Mobility Plan (2008): set of instruments and integrated policies with short, medium and long term strategic interventions and high investments on environment, mobility and safety

Main challenges: • improving air quality by decreasing air pollutant emissions, • reducing road accidents and fatalities, • increasing the public transport use, • bringing the traffic out of the city centre. THE 2008 URBAN MOBILITY PLAN: THE MAIN ACTIONS

• Parking plan and Park and ride scheme • Cycle Friendly city: Biciplan and traffic calming • Evs policies • Mobility management for schools The 2008 PUM implementation: main actions

Parking and accessibility of the city Trend centre

• increase of priced parking (+74,7%) • increase of the park & rides (+ 67,9%) • extension of E and G Minibù lines+realisation of a new line (H)

Var Var % STALLI SOSTA 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2008-2015 2008-2015 ZTL e Area Pedonale (A1) 1.445 1.387 1.361 1.360 1.352 1.336 1.321 1.315 - 130 -9,0% Stalli a pagamento 5.089 5.460 5.490 6.391 6.391 9.325 9.297 8.890 3.801 74,7% Stalli P scambiatori 5.983 6.326 6.369 7.468 7.480 10.044 10.044 10.044 4.061 67,9% The 2008 PUM implementation: main actions

Parking and accessibility of the city Trend centre

• increase of priced parking (+74,7%) • increase of the park & rides (+ 67,9%) • extension of E and G Minibù lines+realisation of a new line (H)

Var Var % STALLI SOSTA 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2008-2015 2008-2015 ZTL e Area Pedonale (A1) 1.445 1.387 1.361 1.360 1.352 1.336 1.321 1.315 - 130 -9,0% Stalli a pagamento 5.089 5.460 5.490 6.391 6.391 9.325 9.297 8.890 3.801 74,7% Stalli P scambiatori 5.983 6.326 6.369 7.468 7.480 10.044 10.044 10.044 4.061 67,9% The 2008 PUM implementation: main actions

Cycling and Traffic calming Trend

• Kms of cycling network increased of 58% • 70% of the main cycling network realised • kms of roads in 30 kms zone increased of 132%

Percentuale residenti in zone 30 var % dal % realizz. 30% CICLABILI - KM previsti 2008 2016 2008 al 2016 25% a - portanti/biciplan km 136 68,9 93,4 36% 70% 20% b - secondarie/di supporto km 74 115,5 56% 15% c - greenway km 13,0 37,3 187%

10% Totale piste ciclabili km 156 246 58% Piste ciclabili/ab m/ab. 0,9 1,4 53% 5% d - strade in Z30/centro storico km 49,7 115 132% 0% 2006 2011 2015 TOTALE PERCORSI CICLABILI 206 361 76% The 2008 PUM implementation: main actions

Cycling and Traffic calming Trend

• Kms of cycling network increased of 58% • 70% of the main cycling network realised • kms of roads in 30 kms zone increased of 132%

Percentuale residenti in zone 30 var % dal % realizz. 30% CICLABILI - KM previsti 2008 2016 2008 al 2016 25% a - portanti/biciplan km 136 68,9 93,4 36% 70% 20% b - secondarie/di supporto km 74 115,5 56% 15% c - greenway km 13,0 37,3 187%

10% Totale piste ciclabili km 156 246 58% Piste ciclabili/ab m/ab. 0,9 1,4 53% 5% d - strade in Z30/centro storico km 49,7 115 132% 0% 2006 2011 2015 TOTALE PERCORSI CICLABILI 206 361 76% The 2008 PUM implementation: main actions

Evs Policies

Beginning of 2000s: many barriers (both perceived and real) at the outset

The Municipality of Reggio Emilia thus conceived: • a serious toolbox of well-balanced diverse measures as first city in Italy integrating electric mobility in the local mobility planning process

• a complete package for EVs users to overcome preconceptions guaranteeing Evs efficiency, battery performance and after sale support

Objective : promoting and spreading the use of electric vehicles as a realistic transport alternative , advancing E-mobility and encouraging Evs acceptance.

https:// oXdKWtzc&list=PL66676D3E0293A90D&index=5 Evs Policies

Development of different pilot projects to: • investigate key motivating factors for the acceptance of e-vehicles • developing managing and business models • developing tailored solutions for supply, fleet provisioning and servicing

In brief:

• 5 stages (2001-2015) • institutions , public authorities , businesses • commercial electric vehicle fleet • direct and indirect incentives facilitating the circulation and parking of Evs (free parking, 24h access to LTZ) • creation of a public company managing the long and short term renting. Evs Policies Overall benefits

• pollutant emissions abatement • considerable noise level reductions • economic savings on fuel costs (more than 70%) • creation of a high Evs acceptance level in the city

Economic savings 269,482 € Fleet management Environmental savings: CO = 23,079 kg Year: CO2 = 63,407 kg 2014 NOX = 1,331 kg PM10 = 310 kg less emissions

Kms run Fuel savings 6,340,766 528,396 lt with 450 vehicles The 2008 PUM implementation: impacts

Accidents Trend

Incidenti, feriti e morti • Gradual decrease of the numbers of accidents, deaths 1.800 20 1.600 18 and injured 1.400 16 • 14 Increase of pedestrians 1.200 12 1.000 injured 10 800 8 • Decrease of cyclists 600 6 injured 400 4 200 2 • Increase of cyclists - - 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Pedoni e ciclisti lesi

450 Morti Incidenti Feriti 400

350 300 - 4% 250


anno n. var% 100 2010 1.388.687 + 10% 50 2015 12% 1.529.283 0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Pedoni e ciclisti lesi Ciclisti lesi Pedoni lesi The 2008 PUM implementation: impacts

Modal Split The 2008 PUM implementation: impacts

Modal Split

• Cycling increased of 62,7% • Car use reduced of 15,2 % • Small increase of public transport: + 20,3 % REGGIO EMILIA IN THE EU CONTEXT Reggio Emilia has a remarkable experience with EU projects, both as LP and as PP: Mmove, INVOLVE, SUM, (Interreg), CIVINET and Mobility 2.0 (7 FP), RESOLVE and School Chance (Interreg Europe).

Involvement in CIVITAS: • Several SV and peer review attended and organised • 2 CIVITAS Award • Attendance to three conferences as speakers • PAC member twice THE EU PROJECT SCHOOL CHANCE Europe 2020 strategy

AIMS EU Cohesion Policy •Development •Innovation Reduce disparities •Growth •Sustainable in European •Quality of life •Inclusive Regions HOW CROSS-BORDER EACH REGION

STRUCTURAL FUNDS PROGRAMMES: Regional ERDF funding Operational Programmes (ROP)

Policy learning among EU regions to improve performance of regional development policies and programmes

1. Interregional Cooperation Projects RAP

2. Policy Learning Platforms New School Chance

School Chance is an Eu project funded by the European Regional Development Fund through Interreg Europe Programme, under the priority axis Low Carbon Economy. The project started in January 2017 and will see partners working together for 5 years, until December 2021. Project activities

School Chance gathers 8 partners from 7 European countries whose common aim is influencing and improving policies on children’ mobility.

Partners will learn from each other how to encourage safe, healthy, autonomous and sustainable travel to school. This will be done by a constant exchange among them and by identifying shared solutions to common issues, in particular by: • exchanging good practices on school mobility management; • transferring measures and lessons learnt at local level; • producing Regional Action Plans to improve mobility policies; • fostering interaction between regional/local authorities and schools. Project phases

The project will be developed in two phases: in the first phase, partners will exchange good practices through the realisation of study visits, thematic trainings, transfer workshops and involving at local level a group of stakeholders that will take part in the project activities realisation and in the exchange of experiences. This phase will last 3 years and is aimed at the realisation of a Regional Action Plan on school mobility .

The second phase, lasting 2 years, will be dedicated to the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the Regional Action Plan. 2017 Identify 2018 Observe2019 Adopt

Knowledge Good practice Regional transfer register Action Plans

Mobility Friendly school Thematic trainings: 0. Opening on exchange of experience certification methodology 1. Communication 2. Education 3. Infrastructures standard 2 Surveys per 4. Participation 5. Financial tools and locally adapted Policy addressed

Good Practice Tool Box+ 2 Local Workshops with Schools Finantial model funding solution Grazie! Hvala! Merci! Gracias! Tack!