Catholic Church 650 NE 52nd Avenue , Des Moines, IA 50313 515•265•5001

December 6, 2020 ~ 2nd Sunday in Advent

The All Saints congregation welcomes today’s visitors and invites them to return often to worship here. Please respect our custom of standing in place throughout the singing of the recessional hymn.



All Saints vision and mission is to ensure People knew over a year in advance that the Pope was coming for a visit to America the parish nurtures, challenges, supports, and the preparations began. Security, space limitations and requirements, protocols, and shares our baptismal mission to bring crowd management, itineraries, invitations, regulations, and so much more was about the kingdom of God. The life of our necessary to pull this event off effectively. It’s not every day that we get a visit from faith community, rooted in Jesus Christ such a prominent dignitary. Thought, effort, meticulous attention to detail and vision and celebration of the Eucharist, is all are necessary to make this thing work. After all, he can’t just show up in the exemplified in the areas of gathering for ordinary and normal daily routines of life and catch people unprepared! Tickets have prayer and worship of God; sharing the good news of Jesus in word and deed; to be purchased, buses rented, hotel rooms reserved, and travel arrangements made early because it will be impossible to see him if we wait too long! facilitating the life-long faith formation of our brothers and sisters; building up our We do this kind of preparing not only for prominent religious figures but for political communal life and collaborative ministry; dignitaries, notable sports figures, people of fame, and even actors. If an individual endeavoring as good stewards to cherish and share our gifts, talents and treasure; intrigues us, we are going to want to do all we have to do to get a “good seat” in the and living the faith daily by reaching out in house. Does Jesus Christ captivate this much of our attention? We are asked to service and advocating for those in need, prepare the way of the Lord and to do so not with frantic frenzy but patient within our parish faith community enthusiasm. We do not have to stand on a street corner making profound and beyond. announcements about God’s coming or become overly zealous in our embrace of the ——————————————- Good News. Our task is quieter, more interior, captivating, and consuming. We are If you are interested in joining All Saints, asked to change. We have to conduct our lives with holy devotion. please pick up a registration form in the Gathering Space, download on-line at Is the cost of that ticket too much for you? Don’t you want the “best seat” in the or stop in during Parish house? You don’t want to miss Our Lord’s arrival when he comes, do you? After all, if Office hours to register. he comes while you are going about your daily routines without you even knowing, he

Mass Schedule may catch you off guard. Or, he may come in disguise looking like a beggar, a Saturday 4:00 pm prisoner, migrant, refugee, or someone who is lost. Would you be ready to recognize Sunday 9:00 am him then? Preparing for the coming of Christ requires a change of mind, heart, and Tuesday , Thursday, Friday 8:00 am behavior. It is not adequate to simply do the things we always do. We want our lives Wednesday 5:45 pm to speak of the exciting news of Christ’s coming and the joy that the Gospel brings. It Reconciliation has to do with our demeanor, values, priorities, choices, and how we structure daily Saturday 3:00 - 3:30 pm routines. Of course, it involves sacrifice. All anticipations do! Are you excited, or by appointment (No Reconciliation on Saturdays scheduled captivated, enthusiastic, and sitting on the edge of your seat eager to celebrate his coming among us at Christmas, and waiting for him to come again? If not, why not? for a Wedding or a Funeral)

BǑǠǤǙǣǝǝ ©LPi To register for the pre-baptismal class or schedule a baptismal date call the Parish Office.

MǑǢǢǙǑǗǕ Contact the Parish Office at least 6 months prior to the desired wedding date. One individual must be a registered member for ZAGAR ENDOWMENT SCHOLOARSHHIP FUND the previous three months.

RǙǤǕ ǟǖ CǘǢǙǣǤǙǑǞ IǞǙǤǙǑǤǙǟǞ ǟǖ AǔǥǜǤǣǤǣ CAROL P. AND NICK R. ZAGAR ENDOWMENT SCHOLARSHIP FUND RCIA helps people learn more about the Catholic Church. Any parishioner may attend, CONGRATULATIONS TO THE (7) STUDENTS WHO QUALIFIED FOR THE but pre-registration is required. Contact Fr. CAROL P. AND NICK R. ZAGAR Harris in the Parish Office. SCHOLARSHIP AWARD FOR THE 2020 FALL SEMESTER!!

HǟǣǠǙǤǑǜ ǟǢ HǟǝǕ VǙǣǙǤǙǤ Upon successful completion of the 2020 Fall semester, these (7) current Eucharistic Ministers and Fr. Harris are recipients must provide us with proof of a certified transcript showing that an available to bring the Eucharist to the sick and unweighted GPA of 2.5 was maintained in that semester, and proof of enrollment homebound, or if you would like a visit from Fr. HHarris,arris, please contacttact thet Parish Office. in 2021 Spring semester courses at a regionally accredited college, before the second half of the scholarship distribution is paid for that semester. (The stated AǞǟǙǞǤǙǞǗ ǟǖ ǤǘǕ SǙǓǛǙǓǛ This sacrament is for people suffering from pay-out amounts may vary in any given year due to funds available.) All mental, spiritual or physical hardships. scholarship checks will be mailed directly to the college’s Financial Aid or Contact Fr. Harris in the Parish Office. Scholarship Office. Required documentation must be postmarked or delivered to nd Rǟǟǝ CǟǟǢǔǙǞǑǤǟǢǟǢ All Saints Catholic Church, 650 NE 52 Avenue, Des Moines, Iowa 50313 Contact the Parish Office for availability of any no later than January 29, 2021 at 4:30 PM (for the 2021 Spring semester). room for any meeting or event, or for rental NEW APPLICATIONS ARE ONLY ACCEPTED IN JUNE FOR THE FALL information. SEMESTER.

BǥǜǜǕǤǙǞ DǕǑǔǜǙǞǕǙǞǕ Submit articles to the Parish Office by noon on Friday of the previous week.


ANNUAL DIOCESAN APPEAL PǑǢǙǣǘ DǙǢǕǓǤǟǢǩ Parish Office 265-5001 AǞǞǥǑǜ DǙǟǓǕǣǑǞ AǠǠǕǑǜ Parish Fax 265-5636 All Saints 2020 Annual Diocese Appeal goal is $91,648.00, which is Website based on a three-year average of our assessable income. To date we Office Hours Monday-Friday 8:30am - 5:00 pm have received $73,605.00 or 80.3% of our goal. The purpose of this appeal is to financially empower the Church to serve all the people of Pastor ext. 202 God. Your gift benefits many, such as seminarians in our Diocese; Rev. Robert Harris [email protected] priests needing medical care and retirement income; families of poverty, domestic violence and substance abuse; young people in Catholic Deacon 480-3428 schools and Religious Education programs; and those seeking to serve Mark Burdt [email protected] in the diaconate or as lay ministers. Everyone is encouraged to please Business Manager ext. 210 consider a gift to support this year’s appeal. All gifts, no matter the size, Mary Treanor [email protected] are greatly appreciated. 100% of funds collected over our goal goes back to our parish. If we do not make our goal, we will need to pay the Religious Education Director ext. 201 assessment balance out of our general fund savings. Jamie Clyde [email protected]

Thank you for your generosity and support of this Liturgical Music Director ext. 203 appeal. Please return your pledge card to the Parish Bill Connet [email protected] Office. Pledge cards and envelopes are located at each church entrance. Bookkeeper ext. 200 Sue Christensen [email protected]

Secretary ext. 209 Connie Malloy [email protected] SECOND COLLECTION NEEDED Maintenance/Custodian In response to local and global needs, the Bishop is asking for second Tom Rodd 515-577-8189 collections be taken up as the need arises at all parishes, with a notation [email protected] for which collection it is for. Donations can also be made directly to the Diocese or on-line at PǑǢǙǣǘ RǕǠǢǕǣǕǞǤǑǤǙǦǕǣ

Finance Council Steve Vanderah 515-971-2462

Knights of Columbus Rich Kinter 515-299-0883 SAVE TIME AND DONATE ONLINE! Pastoral Council Online Giving is available for parishioners with WeShare, an easy and convenient way to Denny Treanor 515-984-9122 save time and support the church. Donating is simple, safe, and completely secure. Respect Life With WeShare, you can set up a recurring weekly or monthly tithing transaction using Mark McCurdy 249-8196 your checking, savings, or credit card account.

You can decide how much to give to any collection and make changes any time, day or St. Vincent de Paul night. Plus, you can leave your checkbook at home. Bonnie McCoy 515-480-9630

If you would like to enroll in Online Giving, please visit and click on Watch the weekly bulletin for meeting the box for online giving. If you have any questions or concerns about the program or dates and times. would like help setting up your account, please call our Parish Office at 515-265-5001.


As you are aware, in the State of Iowa and in our country the incidence of infection, hospitalization, and mortality due to the coronavirus that causes Covid-19 is rising significantly just as we as enter the holiday and winter seasons. Per the Diocese, effective immediately, it is necessary to require face masks or coverings at all public Masses, sacramental celebrations, and other events in Church buildings in the Diocese of Des Moines. This diocesan requirement applies to all those over the age of five, who do not have a medical or psychological condition prohibiting mask use. A personal preference opposed to mask use, or the belief that masks are not effective, does not qualify as a condition exempting one from mask use. This requirement extends through February 2, 2021 (The Feast of the Presentation), at which time it will be reviewed. See the Diocese of Des Moines website for more information at:


Readings for the Week of December 6, 2020 The Meaning of Advent Sunday: Is 40:1-5, 9-11/ Ps 85:9-10, 11-12, The word “Advent” comes from the Latin word adventus, which means 13-14 [8]/2 Pt 3:8-14/ “coming.” Advent in the 4th and 5th century was a time of preparation for Mk 1:1-8 the baptism of new Christians. Christians would spend 40 days in prayer Monday: Is 35:1-10/Ps 85:9ab and fasting to prepare for the celebration that accompanied the baptism and 10, 11-12, 13-14 of new believers. [Is 35:4f]/Lk 5:17-26 Tuesday: Gn 3:9-15, 20/ Over time, advent was connected to the coming of Christ. Originally Ps 98:1, 2-3ab, 3cd-4 Christians used this term to reference Christ’s second coming, but by the [1]/Eph 1:3-6, 11-12/ Middle Ages, Advent was connected to Christ’s first coming that we Lk 1:26-38 celebrate at Christmas. Wednesday: Is 40:25-31/ Today, we celebrate Advent over the four weeks leading up to Christmas Ps 103:1-2, 3-4, 8 each year. This year we begin advent on November 29th and end this and 10 [1]/ season of prayerful anticipation on December 24th. Mt 11:28-30 Advent season is an invitation to set your mind off of the stresses of the Thursday: Is 41:13-20/Ps 145:1 year. We can take our focus off of the crazy hustle that can be associated and 9, 10-11, 12- with the Christmas season that often threatens to produce more hassle 13ab [8]/Mt 11:11-15 than delight. Advent is a chance to focus our thoughts on the gift God has Friday: Is 48:17-19/Ps 1:1-2, given us in his son Jesus who stepped down from Heaven and took the 3, 4 and 6 [cf. Jn form of a man so that we might believe. 8:12]/Mt 11:16-19 The tradition for the second Sunday of Advent includes lighting the candle Saturday: Zec 2:14-17 or of faith. Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab/Jdt 13:18bcde, 19 [15:9d]/Lk 1:26-38 or Lk 1:39-47 The second candle represents faith and is called Next Sunday: Is 61:1-2a, 10-11/ "Bethlehem’s Candle." Micah had foretold that the Lk 1:46-48, 49-50, Messiah would be born inBethlehem, which is also the 51-54 [Is 61:10b]/1 Thes 5:16-24/Jn 1:6- birthplace of King David. 8, 19-28 @LPI Express


LǟǟǛǙǞǗ ǖǟǢ ǝǟǢǕ IǞǖǟǢǝǑǤǙǟǞ If you’d like more information or resources about religious The Catholic Foundation of vocations, please contact: Southwest Iowa has released a Fr. Ross Parker, Director of new series of 15 minute educational Vocations webinars. These webinars will [email protected]. cover topics of gifts of grain, stock (515) 237-5050. gifts, vehicle donations, 529 Educational Plan and planned giving. Prior to COVID-19, these in person meetings were an hour.

With COVID-19, this simply isn’t possible right now, but we don’t want you to miss out! So, please join them in a compressed, but informative webinar to learn more!

Their website is: or call them at 515-237-5044.



Per the Diocese and All Saints Regathering Guidelines – Phase 1, All Saints resumed 8:00 AM weekday Masses starting June 11, 2020. The weekday Masses are at 8:00 AM on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and 5:45 PM on Wednesday. Phase 2, All Saints weekend Masses will resume June 27, 2020 at 4:00 PM and June 28, 2020 at 9:00 AM only, due to time needed to disinfect the church after Mass. The obligation to attend Sunday Mass remains suspended. These guidelines are subject to change and will be in effect as we move to Phase 3 parish life starting July 5, 2020, or until an escalation of the COVID-19 outbreak warrants a return to the state of all public Masses being suspended. Following are the guidelines: 1. Participating at Mass is a health risk for any individual. For those who do not attend Mass during this time God’s infinite grace and mercy remain abundantly available. 2. Parishioners should be reminded often that the Sunday obligation remains suspended, and that vulnerable individuals, individuals who live with vulnerable individuals, and those who are ill or have been exposed to someone with COVID-19 like symptoms should not attend Mass. For now, livestreaming will still be made available. 3. Parishioners are encouraged to cultivate an occasional presence when attending Mass, and not a daily presence. This is an act of charity toward others, as it can allow more people to participate in weekday Mass and better serves the common good. 4. Parishioners should only attend Mass at their own parish. Traveling to neighboring parishes creates a greater health risk for all, and hinders the Diocese in its efforts to make the sacraments publicly available in the safest way possible. 5. Social distancing must be maintained throughout the Mass. This includes a six feet social distance between one family/household unit and another. Individuals who did not arrive in the same car must sit six feet apart. We will facilitate this by blocking alternate pews and/or sections, and asking one household unit to sit per pew. Due to this Diocese policy, if we reach maximum capacity and parishioners are still arriving for Mass, some may be asked to attend another time. 6. Parishioners are encouraged to enter and exit the parish in a staggered fashion, to avoid a bottleneck or congregating before or after Mass. 7. During the reception of Holy Communion, a single communion line should be formed with at least six feet of distance between family units, including when leaving the pews. Holy Communion will only be received on the hand and not on the tongue. When approaching Holy Communion, parishioners are to bow, after responding with the usual “Amen”, place their hands out in the usual manner to receive the Host, step to the side, pull their mask down, place the Host in their mouth, and pull the mask back up. The consecrated Host must NOT be taken back to the pew to be consumed. Distribution from the chalice of wine to the assembly is absolutely forbidden. 8. Parishioners are encouraged to take their temperature and should not be ill before travelling to Mass. When attending Mass, parishioners over the age of five, who do not have a medical or psychological condition prohibiting mask use, are required to wear a mask during Mass and while in the building. 9. No basket will be passed during Mass for collection. A common depository such as a basket at each door and/or use of the lock-box outside the gathering space door will be made available for parishioners’ offerings to be placed as they arrive or depart Mass. 10. No bulletins will be handed out after Mass. Bulletins are available on the All Saints website. No one should accept materials from others at any time. 11. Hand sanitizers will be provided at each entrance. Parishioners are expected to use it before entering Mass. 12. Holy water fonts are to remain empty until further notice. 13. All hymnals have been removed from all pews. 14. No one should shake hands, exchange hugs, or in any way make physical contact with each other. There are to be no social gatherings whatsoever after Mass. 15. The church, gathering space, and restrooms will be cleaned and disinfected prior to each Mass using directives provided by the Diocese via CDC guidelines. (11/11/20)


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic impact, all parishes have had to purchase either Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), disinfectant and cleaning supplies, higher grade filters, and/or live streaming and sound equipment in order to continue to serve parishioners during the pandemic. To meet our needs at All Saints in protecting and serving our parishioners during Mass and other parish events, we have spent nearly $20,000 to date on these needed items. Although we have no guarantee that we will be reimbursed from FEMA for any of these expenses, we are still submitting a request to FEMA for possible reimbursement. We do not anticipate that we will receive reimbursement for all expenses. Therefore, we are also asking all parishioners to please consider a special donation to specifically help with these pandemic-related expenses, which funds were mostly taken from our Building Fund/Parish Repairs to date. Donations can be made on-line at through WeShare under Parish Repairs, or by sending in a check designating it is for Parish Repairs - COVID-19 pandemic donation. Any help with this is greatly appreciated.


Virtual In MASS ATTENDANCE Person December Weekday, November 24, November 26, November 27 ~ 8:00 am 142 74 Peace November 25 ~ 5:45 pm 0 0 Saturday, November 21 ~ 4:00 pm 144 48 TǘǙǣ WǕǕǛ’ǣ UǠǓǟǝǙǞǗ EǦǕǞǤǣ ǑǤ Aǜǜ SǑǙǞǤǣ Sunday, November 22 ~ 9:00 am 90 66

SǥǞǔǑǩ, DǕǓǕǝǒǕǢ 6 Saturday, November 28 ~ 4:00 pm 167 71 9:00 am MǑǣǣ Church Sunday, November 29 ~ 9:00 am 79 69 MǟǞǔǑǩ, DǕǓǕǝǒǕǢ 7 Total 622 328 5:45 pm Immaculate Conception Vigil Mass Church November 1901 882 October 1344 746 TǥǕǣǔǑǩ, DǕǓǕǝǒǕǢ 8 9:00 am Immaculate Conception Mass Church MINISTRY SCHEDULE

WǕǔǞǕǣǔǑǩ, DǕǓǕǝǒǕǢ 9 Saturday, December 12 ~ 4:00 pm 5:45 pm RE Little Saints RE Room Communion: Deacon Mark Burdt 5:45 pm Daily Mass Church Lector: C. Walters 7:00 pm Youth Ministry Raising Saints Sunday, December 13 ~ 9:00 am Upper Level Rooms Communion: Deacon Mark Burdt Lector: B. Berenguel TǘǥǢǣǔǑǩ, DǕǓǕǝǒǕǢ 10 7:40 am Daily Rosary Church Saturday, December 19 ~ 4:00 pm 8:00 am Daily Mass Church Communion: Deacon Mark Burdt Lector: Michael Clyde FǢǙǔǑǩ, DǕǓǕǝǒǕǢ 11 7:40 am Daily Rosary Church Sunday, December 20 ~ 9:00 am 8:00 am Daily Mass Church Communion: Deacon Mark Burdt Lector: J. Vanderah SǑǤǥǢǔǑǩ, DǕǓǕǝǒǕǢ 12 4:00 pm Mass Church The 2021 Lector books are in the hallway by the Sacristy.


† Beverly Myers † Michael Zawistowski

† Alice & Merle Huebner † Cheryl Miller Hamilton

LIVESTREAMING WILL † Jean Battles CONTINUE FOR ALL MASSES Cards sent to the above parishioners are appreciated. 10:00 PM CHRISTMAS EVE MASS CANCELALTION Due to the late 10:00 pm hour on Christmas Eve and Covid-19, Fr. Harris has decided to cancel this Mass.

We will still have the 4:00 pm Christmas Eve Mass and the 9:00 am Christmas Day Mass.



Tithes/ACH/Online-giving: Tues. December 8 8:00 am Linda Clark - Budget amount……….…...….…….$490,000.00 - Needed each week…….….....……….$9,423.00 Wed. December 9 5:45 pm Theresa Schultz - Received week 21.…...... ………...... $7,024.00 Thur. December 10 8:00 am Gina Barsetti Amount over (below)……………………($2,399.00) - Collection to date…………..…….…$171,637.82 Fri. December 11 8:00 am Fran Harkin - To date over (below)……………….($26,245.18) Sat. December 12 4:00 pm Fr. Mike Tauke - Plate Received…………..………...…...... $41.00 Sun. December 13 9:00 am Please tithe regularly, as our shortfall each week has Lester Metz to be taken out of our savings (which is decreasing), John Craig and we are now having to borrow from a line of credit with the bank, in order to pay our monthly operating expense bills. Thank you. Tithing Direct Payment forms (ACH) are NǟǦǕǝǒǕǢ 29, 2020 available at each entrance or in the Tithes/ACH/Online-giving: Parish Office - Budget amount……….…...….…….$490,000.00 - Needed each week…….….....……….$9,423.00 - Received week 22.…...... ………...... $10,774.00 Amount over (below)……………………..$1,351.00 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL CONFERENCE - Collection to date…………..……. $182,411.82 The retail stores are now open, and they are also - To date over (below)……………….($24,894.18) excepting any donations that you would like to drop - Plate Received…………..………...…....$146.00 off. Before visiting or taking donations to St. Vincent de

Please tithe regularly, as our shortfall each week has Paul please call first as the hours may have changed, 515-282-8327. to be taken out of our savings (which is decreasing), However, the food pantry remains by appointment, as and we are now having to borrow from a line of only volunteers are not coming back in at this time. credit with the bank, in order to pay our monthly Help is available every day. If you need immediate help, call 211. The operating expense bills. Thank you. 211 phone number is a United Way help line and you will get an answer. Please feel free to share this information with others.

Please contact Bonnie McCoy at 515-480-9630. Thanks! All Saints, Saint Vincent de Paul Conference.


We have a new program to allow Parishioners to St. Vincent de Paul is once again collecting socks and purchase the new 2021 Breaking Bread gloves. If you would like to help, there will be a tub Hymnal with readings for your personal home use. outside the circle drive entrance for you to drop off at any This Hymnal begins with the new Liturgical year time. You may donate anytime up until Friday, December beginning on the first Sunday in Advent, th 18 . November 29.

If you wish to order a missal, please send or drop off a check for $6.00 with your address. Make the check out to All Saints and please note "missal" on the check. We will deliver your Missal as soon as possible.

Bill Connet Liturgical Music Director

7777 77

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