Mora (& Other Low-Cost ) Modification For Better Bushcraft

Categories : DIY, General Prepping, Homesteading, Tools & Gear, Wilderness Survival

It's all well and good if you can afford a high end quality bushcraft/ such as those made by the or fixed . The fact remains that by far the best selling bushcraft/survival are the low cost Mora knives made in Sweden, with the Morakniv Companion at under $15 being by far the most popular of all the Mora knives.

For their price, Mora knives are fantastic knives, I have two, and whilst they are not full-tang knives, I have used and abused them and I haven't come close to breaking one. They make great camp and general around home knives. I wouldn't choose one as my first choice for a bug-out- bag/survival bag, but it would be my back up!

For all the positives about these very low cost Mora knives, there is a quick, two minute modification you can make to them that will dramatically improve their usefulness. Watch the video by Dave Canterbury from the Pathfinder School and get modifying.

By the way, if you don't already own a , check out the Mora knife range on Amazon, I highly recommend them! I have some very high quality knives, I even have a bespoke knife made especially for me, but time and time again, I find myself reaching for the Mora knife. I think it is because it is so dependable and hey, if I do break it, it's only $15...

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