.- r "The Editorially Independent Voice of the DMACC Boone Campus" ACTS March 8.2000 -1 serving the Community Since 1956 Issue 1 - ~ - - Volume 45, --_ _ ~ Problems exist for SAC Boone Campus student government struggles By Arthur Davis accountability and to figure out wliere to 13eur Fucts .Ytufl spend the money." Jamieson's role in all of this is to nezotjale conlracts with wllo Where oh where has our student gov- ever provides the activities and to pay the Total Student Activity Funds for 1999-2000 ernment gone'! This selncster DMACC bills. The students are responsible for Hoone Campus appears to have no Stu- deciding what events Boone Campus dent Act~vities Counc~l (SAC). You kUliOlS UI111181 students get. Women s Vollevbal~ Beam Facts know, these are the people who decide Council member Josh Keller said. "If how the $22.787 of student funds will be 1erry (Jamieson) sees an event he likes. spent. he can get it. This was an agreement The SAC decides what activities stu- between the student government and dents will have on campus. These activi- Terry. Students can bring ideas to Terry ties for the 1999-2000 school year in- to see if it can happen, but in the end cluded $1,823 for Bear Facts, $1,595 for 'Terry has the ." Drama, $228 for the Honors Dinner, Council members Keller, Andy Car- $228 for the International Club, $91 1 for rel, and Jodi Daigh all recall a meeting in Rer lSluden1 Actmon I ntramurals, Special Evrnls which Jamieson was given control. SAC Ralarncl .- -.-.. --.------. President Jaret Morlan, Secretary Mys- "If Terry (Jamieson) sees an event he tique tschliman, and council member likes, he can get it. This was an agree- Tracy Shaw cannot seem to recall this ment between the student government - meeting. Computer lab floods and Terry. Students can bring ideas to The next problem that the student Terry to see if it can happen, but in the government faces is class and work Anybody for 'surfing' the Web? end Terry has the power." schedule conflicts. Council member - Council member Shaw said, "We had a good strong coun- By Patrick Fleming were to be replaced, we are looking at Josh Keller cil at the beginning of the year, but this __ Bear Facts Staf $2,500." semester we have had many members Ann Watts, the head librarian at the $1,595 for Men's RasPball, $1,368 for with schedule conflicts." On Tuesday ~ebrua~29, surfing the DMACC Boone Campus. said. "We .are Men's . $228 for Nursing Stu- President Morlan said, "Every time Internet took on new meaning as the so grateful are lab is set up the way it is. dents United, $684 for Peer 'Tutoring, we have a meeting, I find out about it student computb lab, located off the If are computers weren't raised off the $1,823 for Phi Beta Lambda, $228 for after the meeting has already taken Campus Library was due water floor, we could have had quite a disaster. Rec. ClubIStudent Action Special Events, place." According to Jamieson, for most damage. We may have had td replace 40 $228 for Rotaract, $6,379 for of the meetings, he is left sitting by hirn- On Tuesday and Wednesday, the lab self or with one or two others because the SACIActivities fund, $1,823 for was filled with industrial fans working to johnson said the room would take two council members do not show up. Every Women's Basketball, $1,823 for dry the floor rather than students full days to dry and students could count Women's Softball, and $1,823 for week Jamieson posts the date of the next to finish mid-term papers. on being back in the computer lab by Women's Volleybal I. meeting on the bulletin board across frorn Along with the lab being flooded, ~ h ~ . ~ ~ d ~ ~ Every year the SAC must approve the the ICN room. several DMACC teachers' offices had Watts also said, ,,I think the we owe a activities fund for the next year. This Apathy is the last problem with the water damage due to the flood. big thank you to our maintenance staff budget comes from $6.40 added on to student council, said Keller. ''If the stu- Head Custodian Gary who were here at 5:30 am on Tuesday every enrolled credit hour from all stu- dents don't car;, how can the govern- how the lab have morning. and worked hard to get students dents at the Boone Campus. ment be expected to care?" Keller started with no rain or snow to be seen anywhere back in the lab by Thursday morning... What has happened may be that either feeling this way when he saw the low in sight. "Well a heating pipe ruptured! Due to the flooding, students filled the the SAC does not care what happens, feel attendance at the "5 Bands for 2 Bucks" The engineers who designed the building school*s other computer c~asrroom~when apathetic towards the rest of the student event in the campus gym in January. This had a major screw What is they busy or full, including the body, or are just too busy to serve. How event cost the SAC around $400. Coun- they put the heating units side by side Academic Achievement and cil member Carrel feels the same way. with the many students even know there is a stu- units' When it gets DMA,CC's four computer classrooms on warmer outside the room, it says cool me dent government.. .or even care? Ja~niesonadmitted to having solne apa- the second floor. Several problems appear to exist thy towards some things but feels that down, and at night when it get colder within the student government at this you do not always get what you want. outside, the room says heat me up. Before time: the adviser may have too much Looking at how some of the other you know it the heating and cooling pipes involvement and may have total auton- campuses work could be a solut~onto start competing and the next thing you omy over student activity funds. Council solne of the problems at Boone. Ankeny know we have a flooded computer lab." members have admitted to having work has 25 students who meet every Wednes- Johnson said this had happened and class schedule conflicts, and some day at 320 p.m. They have at least a 75 before. "This is the third time it has have admitted to being apathetic towards percent turnout at every meeting, ac- happened. But it's also going to be the the student body. With only four events cording to Karen Hawbaker, Ankeny last. We finally got the people up here ' this semester the-funding 'appears to be Campus Student Activities Assistant. from Ankeny to fix the problem." almost gone. Ankeny Campus' student government When asked about the cost of the Terry Jamieson, SAC adviser said, board also puts out a calendar of events damage, Johnson replied, "Well luckily no "The students preferred for me to have (continued on page 2) computers were dam-aged, but if the carpet The Editorially Independent Voice of the DMACC Boone Campus -.BEAR FACTS~ NEWS March 8,2000 2 - --.-----...... -. -. -. -...- ...------. -..-- --.------

SAC continued (conlinz/edfiom page I) handed to each student at the beginning of the year. Their council from the year before decides what major events will appear at their campus the following year, but if the cur-rent council wishes to make changes, it is welcome to do so. Joanne Morlan, SAC adviser on the Carroll Campus. said Carroll SAC stu- dents wear a chain necklace that George Dorman identifies them to the rest of tlie student body as a council member. The council members also have mailboxes in her of- Boone Campus fice, so she may contact them if an un- scheduled meeting needs to be called. 'l'lils helps ~Zrlanto stay in touch w~tli journalism thc council members The ('al-roll Campus council also students attend schedules the next 1)ear.s major events, which can also he altered by the current council if' it chooses to. Morlan stated. conference "All 1 am is the contractual Derson: it is S1aflpholo up to the cofilcil to sink or 'swim They George .Dorman. keynote speaker and Phi Theta Kappa members and out-going ant1 in-coming advisers attended the Iowa Regional make all the choices; all I do is make investigative Sp01-tsreporter from the St. C.onvention on the Ankrny Campus: (From I. to r.) Tau Plii President, Michelle Johnson, ad- sure that they (the choices) are legal and Paul Pioneer Press, was the keynote viser Jane Rlartino. Rlicliael Chow, adviser Nancy Woods, Audra Price. Mitzi Shoening, and Aniie HI![[. Also present -ere David Wennerstrom and Jan LaVille, adviser. moral." speaker at the Best of the Midwest The Boone Cam~usSAC at this time journalism conference in Minnesota. Dorn~an wrote the story about the cheating that went on at tlie University of Minnesota. He recently found out he has been nom~nated for a Pulitzer for th~s story. Bear Facts staff members Art Davis and Patrick Fleming. along with adviser. Jan LaVille. attended the conference in Minneapolis. Several workshops were designed to help student journalists. It was a chance for members of college papers from around the Midwest to get together and learn from each other and professionals. There were also planning and discussion sessions for advisers. Another keynote spealcer was Harlan Cohen. better known as Help Me Harlan. Cohen spoke of' what it was like to get . BOONE Travel Agency, Irzc. I started as a syndicated teen columnist. Tl?c Associated Collegiate Press sponsored the conference.

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First Place W~nners Sara Foderberg i3ayroll Accounting Amle Hull Computer Applications Amle Hull Desktop Publlshlng Audra Prlce Desktop Publlshlng Aprll Rlchards Creed Oration Nikkl Scott Telecornmun~catrons Second Place Winners Contributed photo Lori Clemens lnformatlon Management Boone Campus PBL members who competed at the state conference were (front row, I. to r.) Beth Shultz Mach~neTranscr~pt~on Beth Shultz, Nancy Thomas, Rosie Fuentes, Nikki Scott (second row) Marie Dostal, Amber Third Place Winners Keller, Amy Rusnak, Sara Foderberg (third row) Audra Price, Amie Hull, April Richards, Marie Dostal Telecommun~cat~ons Cheryl Simpson, Lori Clemens, Teri Hughes, and Tammy Clark. Also competing but not Rosie Fuentes Word Processing Fundamentals present for the photo were Kim Cunningham and Aaron Foster. Sara Foderberg- Business Law Teri Hughes Job Interview DMACC Boone Amber Keller Business Graphics Amy Rusnak Human Resource Management Nancy Thomas Business Graphics Campus hosts Fourth Place Winners Rosie Fuentes Computer Appllcatlons state PBL Terr Hughes Payroll Accounting Audra Price Word Processlng conference Nikki Scott Computer Concepts Beth Shultz Business Law By Nancy Thomas & Marie Dostal Cheryl Simpson Bus~nessCommunications Contributing Writers Nancy Thomas Telecommun~cat~ons Fifth Place Winners The PBL State Conference was held at Kim Cunningham Business Communicat~ons the Boone DMACC campus on March 3 Kim Cunningham Economics and 4. Eight different colleges from , Sara Foderberg Accounting for Professionals LIMACC BOONE--Beth Shultz, Boone across the state with 80 business student Amber Keller Computer Concepts Campus I'BL member was elected State competed. There were 16 PBL DMACC April Richards Job lntervlew Pai.llamenlarian al the recent PBL State Boone members present. Amy Rusnak . Management Conference hcld on the Roone Campus Friday was the day of competitive Cheryl Simpson Busmess Math last weekend business events and the first general Chapter Winners session. Students and advisers attended a First Place Community Service Project Lives saved social at the Boone Golf & Country Club Second Place I-loyd V Douglas - Chapter of the Year. with Aaron Foster as DJ. Students had the Second Place Local Chapter Annual Bus~nessReport opportunity to meet other PBL members DMACC Boone Campus students. Second Place Event Sponsorship from different campuses and the new faculty and staff may have had a hand in Second Place Largest Local Chapter Membershlp candidates for offices at the state level. saving the lives of 92 people on February Second Place Largest Percentage Increase In Local Saturday the conference offered a Chapter Membersh~p 22, 2000. After all, just one-pint of blood continental breakfast and students finished Third Place Chapter Webslte Award of Merit may save the lives of four people. competing in business events. Then the Adviser Winner This semester, 32 people stepped up luncheon for the state officer, candidates, Second Place the blood bus steps to donate. Out of campaign managers, and voting delegates Llnda Plueger. DMACC Boone Campus Advlser those 32 DMACC people, 23 were eligi- WR<. -- .held--.-. ble. This is only two pints below the fall During- the second general session semester collection. delegates voted for the new state officers. According to Barb Gano. head of the The new state officers are: Erich Heneke, Nursing Department, "The Blood Center President; Ellen Dane, Vice President; of Central lowa would like to express its Bridget Pfiffner, Secretary; Mary appreciation to the volunteers and donors Schneider, Treasurer; Tony Scott, who made a valuable contribution to the HistorianIReporter; and Beth Shultz, volunteer blood donor program." Parliamentarian. Shultz is a student on Gano goes onto to say, "Support form the Boone Campus. students, faculty, and staff like those here The social reception and Awards at DMACC certainly helps The Blood Banquet was held at Scheman Center in Center to meet the increasing blood de- Alnes on the lowa Slate University mands of the hospitals they serve." campus. The Editoriallv lnde~endentVoice of the DMACC Boone Camnus March 8.2000

Travel online over spring break

eral of the best parks in the state are will explain that in a later issue. The search engines. Guess what! There is a within 50 miles of Boone that offer trails, Internet has something for everyone. meta serach engine that searches auction fishing, and great scenery. March Mad- Let's start with shopping on the Inter- sites. It is called Auction Rover. The ad- Are you not going anywhere. but ness will be plugging the televisions with net. Most of us are aware of Ebay.com dress is http://www.auctionrover.com. I liomc. during spring break? I hear it from basl

By Erik Alilquist even though he didn't even stat? for his special qualifications for his job, he writes The future team could then provide an Booi7c .('LIIII/IIIYS/1/de17/ Duke Blue Devil team. for a recruiting service that has both a insurance policy fo~the,player in case the CVot7/~~ih~i[i~7g M'rit~~. One of the major reasons that these magazine and a web site on the Internet. player is injured while playing in college. students are skipping college and going to He was actually looking for work as a Also, the future team could pay for the In today's multimillion-dqIlar business the NBA at such a young age is because radio broadcaster when he basically fell rest of the player's scholarship and give knowr~ as the NBA. or the National of the threat of an NBA rookie salary cap. into his current job. So these unlicensed the players a little extra spending money Basketball Association. there are far too The NBA owners want to stop giving and unprofessional "recruiting experts" for a living allowance. The living many young athletes that are either untested rookie players multimillion- are making these young players think they allowance could range from between leaving college early or skipping college dollar contracts. Because of this reason, . are better than they really are and making $1,000 to $1,200 every semester. l'liis all together in order to declare themselves student-athletes that think they are good them think they are ready for the NBA. could allow the students to, live eligible for the NBA . In th'e 1990's enough are going for the money and So what is the big deal? Why comfortabl) while at the same time keep alone. there have only .bee11three number forgetting about their education before the shouldn't these youngsters be allowed to the amateur status of a college student. one draft picks that were seniors in threat of a rookie salary cap beconies a skip to the NBA whenever they want? With such a program in place, the NBA college. l'hose seniors \yere Derrick reality. That answer is a simple one. By leaving could put a stipulation on the players that Coleman in 1990, Larry Johnson in 1991. There was a time when the NBA for the NBA early these youngsters are .they can't actually join the NBA until and Tim 1)uncan in 1997. That means would not draft students who had not not graduating ,college and in turn not they have graduated. that there I-lave been seven number one graduated. That system said that each earning their college degree . A college Some people who oppose this type of a draft picks that were all ~~nderclassmen. player had to wait their turn for a degree can be very helpful to attain even system might say that there are some In the 1995 NBA draft, four of the top professional career. Then in the early for professional athletes. Take for players who are not sinart enough to go to five draft picks were all college 1970s, as salaries grew bigger and bigger, instance if a player gets injured and isn't college or just don't want to go on to sophomores. Who was the one that the NBA started to accept "hardship" able to play the game anymore, then what college and further their education. A wasn't a college sophomore'? Kevin exemptions to the draft. This meant that will he do? Where will he turn? A good example of this is that of high Garnett. a high school senior out of financially strapped students were allowed college degree can help him land a job. schooler, Ellis Richardson. A 6'4" center Farragut Academy in Chicago, went to the tB turn professional early. So many Even if a person has a long and from Polytechnic High in Sun Valley, as the fifth college players started - declaring prosperous career as a professional California, Richardson made himself overall pick of the 1995 draft. Nine out of themselves eligable for the "hardship" athlete, that person may still need a eligible for the NBA draft even though he the top ten draft picks in the 1998 NBA exception by the 1980s that the league college degree for attaining work after wasn't rated in the top I00 players in his draft were underclassmen, with Kansas' dropped the whole system and simply their career as a professional athlete. state and against the advice of his high Raef LaFrentz the only senior selected in allowed the players to declare themselves I propose a very simple solution to this school coach who said that "he wasn't the top ten going third overall. eligible for the NBA draft and go for the obvious problem. Allow college student even ready for ." Then, in the 1999 NBA draft, there big bucks whenever they wanted. prospects to actually be drafted by the Richardson said he received a few letters were six sophomores that were drafted in Yet another reason that these players NBA and remain in college at the same from colleges, but he wasn't interested in the first round. Also in' the 1999 NBA decide to go to the NBA before they time. This system would let the players playing at the collegiate level. By the end draft, high school senior graduate is because of the so called negotiate a contract with an NBA team of the NBA draft, the heart broken who was picked fifth overall in the draft "recruiting experts.:' These are people that will bind them to the future team for Richardson was not even drafted, but was picked before the first college senior, who evaluate and rank basketball players. at least three years. During those three currently is working two jobs. , who was picked sixth. Some people might think that these years, the student will remain in college For those players who either just aren't The most interesting fact out of all of "recruiting experts" may come from a playing basketball and obtaining their interested in going to college, like these is the story of college freshman basketball background, but most of them college degree. Without their college Richardson, or aren't smart enough to go . After one year at the don't. Twenty-four-year-old Dave Telep, degree, the players will not be allowed to on to college, they can take their chances collegiate level, Maggette was picked is one such example of these "recruiting enter the NBA. at going to the "minor leauges." By thirteenth overall in the 1999 NBA draft experts." Even though Telep has no (Continued on page 6) The Editorially Independent Voice of the DMACC Boone Campus BEAR FACTS --. -

Opinion -- -- - March 8.2000 The ~oundsOfMU~& By Patrick Fleming Stunding On the Shoulders oj'G'j~117t-- Beur Fucts Staf - Oasis. Well, have yo(! ever heard the phrase don't judge a book by it's Boone Campus SAC W,ell spring is here again, and there is Cover? So. don't judge an album by nothing like driving around with your its cover either. Oasis may have just windows down, blaring some great music. released the album with the worst should take control of Today, I'm going to tell you about 4 new cover art in music history. But we'll albums that were just released. give them a break; I mean, in the past Jd MachindMuchines of Cod--- The year both Gallager brothers became Smashing Pumpkins. Two years ago fathers, their backing band quit, they activity monies the Pumpkins released an amazingly started a record label, and now re- beautiful album titled Adore. Al- leased another very consistent album. i- What is up with the SAC? Why does it appear that this senlester we though this album was received well That is the one thing you can count with fantastic critic reviews, the al- on with Oasis; they will never make don't have a student government? bum sold only Imillion copies, which an album as good as their idols, the What gives the SAC the right to give Terry Jainieson total control of falls i'ar short of the 8 million copies Beatles, but they will never make a the SAC activities fund? Giving this kind of power would be like the U.S. that 1995's double album Mellon bad one either. Congress giving Bill Clinton total autonomy with the American budget. ,C'ollie und the lnjinite Sudness sold. And Then Nothing Turned Itself In- "Oh, go ahead, Bill, spend the nloney on anything that you want, we don't Adore was a departure from the . side OUI--- Yo La Tengo. SO the I'umpkins' hard rock sound and a step care," If this happened, the ~mericanpeople would have a fit. Well, . band's name is a reference to what is students should have a fit over this. The SAC needs to stand up and take into synth-pop-piano-rock sound. On said when a fly ball is hit in a base- Muchinu the Pumpkins of the early ball game. Yo La Tengo means "I got that power back from Jamieson and make its own decisions! days are back with massive arena- it," in Spanish. The one thing these Another thing, what gives the SAC the right to feel apathetic towards rock-style guitar riffs. and thrashing guys got is a great talent of telling the the student body? They wanted the positions; they can deal with the dr~rms. Billy Cogan's songs dig into world how a married couple lives. problems. The students who "volunteered" for the SAC need to realize ~OLI~skin with their world themes The new album is all about being such as grace, love, and sadness. married in this crazy world of the that this is a commuter campus. Tt is extremely hard to get student interest rhis may be the best rock album I new millennium. The album is very for any evening event. Most students have a job or just don't want to come have heard in awhile. Fans of hard slow and takes a couple listens to un- back to campus after they have left for the day. and soft rock should find something derstand. but if you dig deep into this And what about these scheduling co~lflictsthat the SAC is having with on this album they like. album. I don't think you will be dis- their meeting times? If you just don't want to show up, then say that and Look AMIUJ~---The Apples (In Stereo). appointed. Like a marriage, maybe resign your position. If you have to work, ask for an extra hour offa I'm a little disappointed with the Ap- there is more going on than you think ples (In Stereo). The rumor was that on your first time around. Minus the week to go to the meeting. If your enlployer doesn't think school comes they were to release a double album 17-minute closing track of noise, this before a part-time job, consider fillding a new job. this year Well. where is it? The album is very cool. In addition, Jamieson needs to stop playing "daddy" to the SAC. He only way I will forg~veyou IS if you Well I hope again you find something doesn't need to hold their hands as they cross the street. Every inember on release something better than any- here worth checking out. Thanks again to that council is an adult. Treat them as Joanne Morlan, Carroll Campus thing I have ever heard before. Case all of you who have sent me e-mails about in Look AIQUJL 'fhe new five- your favorite nus sic and what you think SAC adviser does-it's their organization, they can make or break it. song EP by the Apples is so gor- about my reviews. Send me an e-mail at The SAC is responsible for thousands of dollars. That's a very geous. Try mixing the best Beach wheat lord I @yahoo.com important matter, but it appears that they just don't want this Boys album ever with a great garage responsibility. This semester, the SAC has let down the students on the band like Pavement. What do you Boone Campus. get? Five amazing pop songs perfect for the summertime weather! On-line on spring break. . .continued from page 4

offers 18 holes of miniature golf, bowling, who 'you are. This site makes fun of in what you are looking for and "Rover" snowboarding, billiards, and much more. multitudes of web sites by putting will sniff out the items for you. To use Candystand, you need to download furniture in the place of people. Some "Hey, Spencer, how about something a plug-in called Shockwave. Shockwave people who look at this site will only see dud a Reminder other than shopping, my mom still buys is used by many web sites to animate the disgusting pornography, but people with a everything for me." You've got it! Let's pages. In the case of Candystand, little bit of humor will get a great laugh. You get to sleep in and stay at turn our browsers to some online games. Shockwave brings life to the games. For those who do not see liu~nor,here is Yahoo! and the other major search en- After you check aut Candystand, surf over your sign. gines offer many traditional games such to Shockwave's own game site at If you are still having trouble finding as checkers, chess, and lots of card games. http://www.shockwave.com. something to do online during spring Stay away from the Internet gambling For those of you wanting something break, search from web pages on a topic sites, niany of them are from over seas really different, go to you like. Use the meta search engines that com~aniesand will cheat you out of your http://www.furnitureporn.com. Normally I wrote about in the last issue. Again. money. I would not consider putting anything they are Dogpile and Mam~iia.com. You One site that has caught my attention sexually oriented in my reviews, but this can find them at littp://www.dogpile.com and teachers h for online gaming is the Lifesavers site is an exception. Being that the and http://www.mamma.co~nrespectively. Candystand at content of this site is sex, please do not go Surf on! http://www.candystand.com. Candystand here unless you are allowed.. .you know BEAR -FACTS_ Thegditorially Independent Voice of the DMACC Boone Campus - CAMPUSNEWS _ 6 --- Y? March 8,2000 BEARFACTS Watts writing questions - - March 8,2000 Volume 45, Issue 7 7 ,!ha/. firct~1s '1 \tudent publ~catlonpubl~shed bl-weekly at Des Moms Area Community College. 1 125 1 1ancocl\ Dr~ve.Boone. la 50036 (51j)433-5092 1 for college- textbook ( ~ccirLtcts is dislrihutcd trce to all IIMACC stl~dents.staft' and alumni. Subscriptions can ( hc ~purclinsedat the annual ralc oS$10 to the general puhlic. By Patrice Harson 'I'hc' cditoriztl ofticcs of' Heor firers arc located in lioom 210, on the second Hoor of the and WWW, are in Virginia, and the pub- I3oonc c;lrnl)us. Bear Facts Staff lisher's in Oregon. "It's amazing for me Editorial Policy to see the kinds of things the Web can Metrl. 1,rrc.l~ \+clcomcball lcllcrs ill an attempt to providc a foruni ibr tlie many diverse views do," said Watts. ol' Ill? c;11111~rs.'1'11~' vic~vs c~~)ressedin bear ficts are not necessarily the views or While designing her on-line lnternet znJo~.zcmcntsol'l)cs Moi~issArca Community College or the Bear Facts editorial board. Research class during the 1998 Fall Se- I.cltel.~slio~~ld he no Io~~gcrthan 700 words. signed and brought to the editorial offices or mester, Watts wanted to be sure all was I~~LIVfii~ctsor cirri he c-~nailcdto,jrlavrllr(c~)dn~crc~~,cc.r~.us or rnailcd in carc of the college. Ijr~r~.1'i~ct.sreserves (lie right to cdil 21s necessary Sor libelous content, profanity, copy- acceptable with the authors of the course's firtin. gKrni~ll:rticalnrld s1)cllirlg errors or clarity. text. To secure leg~timacy,Watts sent the Managing Editor: Mandy Olson: Staff Writers: Scott Anderson, Arthur Davis, Uniform Resource Locator information to Patrick Fleming, Patrice Harson, and Spencer Vaughn. the authors. A URL, according to the cur- .t\tlviscr: .la11l.uVillc Executive Dcan: Kriss I'liilins ~ublisger:Boone News-Reuz~blican rent Ackermann and Hartman text Watts teaches from, lnternet Today. is "a way of describing the location of an item (docu- NO 'kidss in NBA .continued from page 4 ment, service, or resource) on the lnternet and also specifying the means by which to i n I I . I mean the lo\vc~.-lcvel requiring tlie student-athletes to stay an access that item." prol'e5~ional o~~tposIsSIICII as tlie CUA. entire four years before tliey enter the The authors gave their approval to C'o~iti~ie~it;~lRasl,ctball Assoc~at~on.I lere NBA draft \vould not work because it Watts and have kept in touch with her per rsn'r al\va)s feasible to the student- tlie players can \vork on in~provinztheir e-mail ever since. In February. Watts re- athlete's financial situation. Many of skills and their Sanle. If they become ceived a phone call from the textbook's good L'IIOLI~~~.then they may lump to the these student-athletes enter tlie NBA draft publisher to inform her that she was first NDA If thc) arc alrcadb cons~deredtu be eal-l!, becausc tliey are in financial on a list of people being considered to good enough to go to the NHA. then they psoble~nsand need to earn some money. write projects and questions for Acker- should srill have to go to the "minor A good example of such students who mann and Hartman's new textbook. leagues" to prove that they can play at the have financial problems would be that of Ann Watts Watts accepted the position and says she nest level 7'1iis \vill reduce tlie clia~ices Ernest Brown. Brown plays basketball enjoys being a bit whimsical in choosing of NBA teams mis.judzins talent. for Indian Iiills Community College and DMACC Boone Campus Librar- her textbook questions and project topics. Another possible argun~ent with lily is goin: to play for the Iowa State ian/Media Specialist Ann Watts is burning Watts sends her project ideas and end- proposed systeni may be that the system is Cyclones in tlie fi~ture. Brown is in a the mid-term candle at both ends while of-the-chapter questions to Ackermann as not in the best interest of tlie NBA. Some tinancial bind because he has to provide producing end-of-the-chapter projects and a word file via the e-mail. Ackermann people \rould argue that from the NBA's for his three kids while still playing review questions for a college-level text- and Hartman review the projects and point of view tliat they wouldr1't want to basketball and attending college. book titled Searching and Researching on questions and then send them on to the do this because there is nothing wrong Secondly, requiring student-athletes to the Internet and World Wide Web. publisher. with the system that they are using now. stay only two years before they enter the Moonlighting as an author is a first for "1:m interspersing topics that I feel Watts, and with a March 17 deadline, five T'liis. Ilo\vever. is not the case It is in the NBA draft would not work because it students may be interested in," said Watts. chapters down (and ten to go) friends, "I'm looking for something a little differ- best interest of tlie N BA. isn't feasible for colleges and coaches. family and colleagues are keeping the cof- ent...something a student may do a paper With such a systeni in place tlie NBA The college coaches would then have to fee (and the moral support) flowing. on or something that's fun to look recruit for every two years to put a co~~ldtake adva~~tageof improving their "It's really been fun," said Watts. "The lip. ..something worthwhile." winning team together. This decreases i~nage.By this 1 mean tliat they could put authors (Ernest Ackermann and Karen Searching and Researching on the to rest all 01' tlie exploitative and anti- tlie chances of winning and, in turn, puts Hartman) are very nice." Internet and WWW should hit college education images tliat tlie NBA is the coach's job in jeopardy. According to Watts, her cooperative bookstore shelves in April. Watts plans to associated with. T'llis would definitely 1 believe tliat my solution is the best authorship is just one example of how the teach from the text in her interim lnternet increase the league's chances at possible solution because it considers the World Wide Web can bring people to- research class May 8-12. Watts' one improvin~their already scarred image. It situation of everybody that is involved in gether. credit Internet research course (LIBS123, is also in the NBA's best interest because the system: the players, the colleges or The authors of the original text, which Internet Research Techniques) is also of- they would be saving money Instead of universities. and the NBA as a business. is an information specialists' guide to fered during the Summer and Fall Se- giving unproven rookie pla!/ers these The player's situation is improved searching and researching on the Internet mesters on the Boone Campus. huge contracts, tliey would only be paying because tliey can still get a degree and for their scholarship and living expenses.' coniplete college while at the same time Of course there are other possible getting hired by an NBA team. The solutions to the problem of young athletes college's situation is improved because NOJob Too Small or Too Big! leaving their education early to enter tlie tliey will no longer have to pay for the NBA. The NRA could require that scholarship of the student. Remember student-athletes have to stay all four years that tlie NBA team will do this, and they in college before entering the NBA draft. will still get the huge income that the Or they could require that the student- athletes and teams success brings. athletes stay only two years in college. Finally. the NRA's situation will also These solutions are different from my improve because they will be making a COMPANY 1 proposed solution because the athletes relatively small investment on tlie players CUSTOM SCREEN PRINTING would not be allowed to negotiate a and improving tlie image of the league at. T-shirts, Golf Shirts, Sweatshirts & More! the same time. contract with the NBA. 1009 3rdAvenue Call 1-800-831-8568 Sibley, IA 51249 Neither of these solutions could work if they were implemented. First of all, -BEAR FACTS- The Editorially Independent Voice of the DMACC Boone Campus 7

Sports - - March 8,2000- -- - 1

To the fans & players-- certainly had'liigher hopes than a 6-24 season, but I call say these guys gave it Itheir all. As a coach, I accept full It's all thev sav and more! responsibility for ou~:lack of success. I felt as though we had several solid scholarship players, and I was unable to By Scott Anderson This season has been a special one for posed of Texas and Oklahoma State by create a winning environment. Bear Facls Sf ax lowa State fans. Both the men and winning both garnes by more than ten The players are not at fault for this women programs have enjoyed much poinls. season. Frustrations and distractions Hilton Coliseum has been host of success this year. The women were ex- The Texas game was one where Texas aside, I simply did not get the job done. many different events. It has been host pected to, after returning every player jumped out to a 14-point lead but The new coach. Jay Slight, will be better to concerts by Reba McEntire, Garth from a team that went to the Elite Eight couldn't hold it, as the Cyclones came for the program. These were outstanding Brooks, and Billy Joel. It has been host of the NCAA tournament. The Inell re- back and won, but gke the fans credit. kids. and I \vish them success in their to special events like the WWF's RAW turned every player from a team that fin- Even at 14 points down, the crowd was lives. IS WAR. It has been host to lowa State ished with a record of 15-15. A mid- cheering louder than ever. and after lowa ,-- Terry Jariiieso~l sports like wrestling and volleyball and conference finish was expected. The State got some fast break dunks, the Varsity Men's Basketball Coach gymnastics. [jut first and foremost, Hil- team was led by and also a crowd and the team had taken Texas out ton Coliseum is the ho~rleof Iowa State couple of guards that people didn't know of the game. Basketball. much about in Jamal Tinsley and Ican- The Oklahoma State game was differ- Hilton ('oliseum became Hilton trail Horton. ent. The crowd was ready to go after Baseball team Magic in the early 1980's when then The season progressed, and so did the Johnny Orr was re-introduced to the Coach Johnny Orr's charismatic coach- victories. It all came to a cul~nination crowd. The game was close in the firsr steps up to the ing and exciting style of play increased with Saturday's victory at Baylor when half, but lowa State ran away in the sec- the number of victories and attendance the Cyclones wrapped up their first Big ond half. figures. 12 Conference Title, and their first con- Don't forget about the women. Last plate March 16 This year Hilton Magic has helped the ference title since 1945. Wednesday the women defeated Texas to Iowa State men's and women's teams to The key week was the week of clinch a share of their first ever Big 12 By Scott Anderson a combined home record of 3 1-1. The Feb.20-26. The Cyclones had suffered a title, and the first title in school history. 13eor F-(JL.I.\. .Sl~fj one loss was 79-71 Kansas victory over devastating defeat where they had a The women's NCAA tournament is dif- Iowa State which snapped a ,26-game three-point lead, only to see Colorado hit ferent than the men in that the tdp four DMACC Bears Baseball open home court winning streak and a regular a three to tie the game. The Clones lost in seeds in each region get to host the first against low21 Central Comnl~111ity season winning streak of over 40-,oa~nes. overtime. They would have to regroup two rounds. The lowa State women College 01' 1% 1Iodge at 7 p.m. on their The fans create Hilton Magic. I have because they were now in a three-way tie should most likely get a home bid. so if it home lield at Memor~alPark. I'he Bears been going to women's games for the last for first place in the conference with happens and you want to find out about linished wit11 a record of 31-31 'last four years and the men for the last two. Texas and Oklahoma State. Up next this Hilton Magic, there should be an- season and hopc to improve on that. The arena seats 14.000 plus, and when were two home games against Texas and other opportunity for you to experience it Tlte Bears have I I players returning the place is filled to capacity*there is no Oklahoma State. In two games where it in person. from last bear: Alex Bowles, Jackson, place that is louder. would be a struggle, they surprising dis- MN: Joe Bolstad. Lakeville. MN: John Bray. Kingsford, MI: Adam Christ. Bear basketball Waseca. MN: Rick Gehrmann, Eau Claire, WI; Justin Hardinger, Boone. IA: ends for seven Brian Koch, Rochester, MN (who will Bears Baseball--2000 transfer to Creighton): Eric Langill, sophomores Quebec. Canada (who was drafted by the Montreal Expos); Cory Meinecke, -IIA'I'E OPPONENT -SITE I'anora. [A; Kick Prussing, Bismarck. Mar. I6 Fort Dodge Boone By Scott Anderson SD; and Scott Wol1.e. Eau Claire. WI. Mar. 18-23 Spring Trip 13eur Fucfs Sfufl Mar.26 North Central Mo Away 1-reshman who are expected to make Mar.30 Bucna Vista Carroll The DMACC Men's Basketball season an impact are Mike FiField, Paradise, Apr I Indian llills Away recently came to a close. The Bears Newfoundland: Casey Meinecke. Panora. Apr.2 Indian Hills Away finished the season with a record of 6-24 IA; Ryan (;ladson, Carlisle. IA. Tracy Apr.4 Morningside Carroll overall. and 1 - 15 in Conference XI. Gefti-e, blandan, ND: David Parsons. Apr.6 Grand View Away Andy Carrel led the way for- the Bears. bander. Newfoundland; Jared and Apr.7 Simpson Away Nathan I-lill. Ames. 1A: Chr~sJones. Boone averaging 19.2 points per game with 9.3 Apr.8 Marshalltown Ogdcn. LA: Mike Joncs. St Johns. Apr.9 North Central Mo Boone rebounds. Josh Henderson averaged 18.1 Apr. I I Kirkwood Boone points per ylne for the Rears. Nc.\r.ib~~ndland:and 'fyler Hansen. Apr. 13 Grand View Boone This was the last year for sophomores Greenfield. IA Apr. 14 lowa Lakes Boone Todd Westberg, Carrel, Henderson, Jason Coach Jol111 Smith said the ourlook IS Apr. I5 Creston Away Icecki, Nick Peasley, Mike Jenkins, and good tor rl~isseason. Apr.16 Creston Away < 1:oo David Morris. Apr. 18 Simpson Boonc 2:oo The Bears will have experience next 1 Apr.20 marsh all tow^^ Away :oo year in Tim Harris. Erik Alhquist, and Muscatine Boone 1 :oo Apr.22 Lance Rennie. Apr.23 Muscatine Boone 12:oo Apr.25 ' Fort Dodge Away 1 00 Apr.28 Mounl Marty Carroll TBA Apr.29 Council Bluffs Boone 1:00 March 28 1 422 Story -, 1I Apr.30 Couilcil Bluffs Boone 1 00 May 8 Klrkwood Away Last day to May12-14 Regional Tournament Muscatine May 19-2 1 District Tournament North 111. drop classes /

BEAR FACTS The Editoriallv lnde~endentVoice of the DMACC Boone Cam~us LIFE March 8.2000 Talk Back Photos by Spencer Vaughn "What is the most romantic valentine you have ever received.?"

Dave Wennerstrom Scott Dukin Kari Rinehart Jodi Bertrand Student Student Student Student "I would like to see them sponsor a trip "I would like to see them bring in some "1 would like to see them sponsor a day "I would like to see a guitarist for luhch to Chicago for skydiving." mud wrestlers." at the Boone Country Club for some and maybe some music between classes."

By Mandy Olson Aries Cancer Libra Beur Fucfs ,5fuff Mar 21-Apr 20 Jun 22-Jul22 Sep 23-0ct 23 Ilappy St. Patrick's Day! For right now, Making new friends will do your body Have you-been skipping class') Ycp. I Capricorn Dec 22- Jan 20 concentrate on getting your grades upmid- good. 1,ook for new buds in the freshly aired- thought so. Your grades reflect this. Mayhc I lapi)! St. Patt) 's [la) 1 With your h,tls~- Ierms didn't go as well as you had thought. If out computer lab. Get in touch with your you should spend spring break catching up on ness sniarts. I alrl sure you havc plent! of )(XI don't wear green on St. Patty's Day: it feelings by walking outside 01. washing your your studies inste2tl of jetting off to see thosc gree1110 spend. You saved nlsel! for spring might get you an unexpected pinch! car-.--it'll give you time to sort things out. two cuties. Don't worry your friends to death hrcah . \\hicl.~officially starts 9 days liom Taurus Think long and hard about people you have . by disappearing for days on end--call some- toda! ! All of'! our hard \\orL paid OW you Apr 20-May 20 hurt and ways to possibly mend the hurt. one for goodness sake. didn't get an! midternis! If you are this indecisive while on spring Leo Scorpio Aquarius hl-eak. you won't have any fun at all. Loosen Jul23-Aug 23 Oct 24-NOV22 Jan 21-Feb 19 up. Take a chance. Do something wild and Only 9 days to go! Spring break my Being realistic is a good personality trait to Congratulations! Your worked hard to co~npletelyunexpected. Just remember that friend; it is coming up fast and furious. Since behold. Your senses are on the move for a succeed on midterms. and you did. Get \.our holes can grow shut. but tattoos are forever! you haven't worked out this year, please be friend in trouble-get out of your own dark- mind off nark by volunteering. Iielp your Gemini wise when choosing a bathing suit to wear in ness to help him. Start a new romance toward elderly neighbor plant her spring tlo\\,ers. Just May 21-Jun 21 public. The whole world doesn't believe that the end of the month--it will heIp the both of al\\ays remember that sometimes boss' have St. Patrick's Day is definitely yours. you are god's gift to women or men you to blossom. to be jerks too! You are, after all, the bearer of the emerald Virgo Sagittarius Pisces green birthstone. (At least the first half of Aug 24-Sep 22 Nov 23-Dec2 1 Feb 20-Mar 20 you.) Your need to go outside can now be Don't be such an idealist all of the time. Happy St. Patrick's Day to you! Did you Happy Birthday to us! Iiappy Birthda! to fulfilled. Plant.your spring flowers or start Make some of those ideas turn into realities-- know that there are only 9 days until spring us! Yep. that's right. your beloved horoscope on your summer garden. The fresh air and they are more fun that way. Play in the dirt break? Nine days is all the longer you have outside while planting some spring flowers or writer is also a fish. Since it's our birthday. slimy woniis will do your soul good. to keep it a secret. I am so proud of you for \ve should go out and have a good time. by weeding the already existing ones. I told making it this long. Your long distance friend Party the night or day away---.whicheverone you not to worry about midterms and I was is in need of some advice-give her the best suits your fancy. right, wasn't I? you've got. ... -- Sledgehammer's Grill & Cof feebar Full Service Menu . . Cappachino, Lattes, & Mochas Beer and Wine Available offee Club Cards: Buy 9 get lothFree Gift Shop upstairs Open 11-10 Sunday - Saturday 705 Story St. (515) 433-1035