·It stands at the foot of W oodbury hill, and was the work of Lord Foley in the last century, when the beautiful park of 400 acres, and the young woods, about 200 acrel!l, were laid out with great taste. The mansion, which is in the Italian style, has been rendered palatial by the expendi~ ture of more than a quarter of a million of money by the present noble Qwner. The internal decorations are in a style of the utmost magnificence, and, at the same time, of the most exquisite taste. Her late Majesty the Queen Dowager took up her abode here in I 843, and remained for three years. The gardens, which are ornamented with beautiful fountains, were laid out by Nesfield in the Italian style, to correspond with the edifice. They cover the immense space of ten acres. The central fountain, designed by Nesfield, and executed by Forsyth, is the largest piece of sculpture in Europe. It consists of a group representing Perseus and Andromeda, the fountain sending forth a jet to· the height of 120 feet. The park is well stocked with deer, and studded with. gigantic oaks. The Hund1·ed !louse Hot-el is within I· mile of 'Vitley court, and near to the far-famed and Woodbury hills. This famous old hotel affords every accom­ modation for picnic and other parties, and in the coaching days was an insti­ tution of no small importance, being close to the high road from Worcester to Tenbury nnd Herefordsliire. Redmarley is a hamlet of Witley, distant I mile N.W.; Wallsgrove is I mile W.; , I mile N. E., was formerly connected with , though several miles distant, but has recently beeri. added to ; it comprises an area of 786 acres; annual rateable Value, £1,415; population in r86I, 158; in 1871, 145 j inhabited houses, 30; is a chapelry belonging to Holt. LisT oF MAGISTRATES AcTING FOR HuNDRED HousE PETTY SESSIONAL DIVISION. (The justices meet in petty sessions at the Hund'red House Hotel on the last Thursday in each month at 11 o'clock, and under the Criminal Justice Act, I 8 and I 9 Vi et., cap. I 26, every Thursday at I 2 noon). Rev. William Francis Raymond, M.A., Stockton rectory, Cltai·r~ man/ The Right Hon. the Earl of Dudley, Witley court ; Ed ward V er~ uon, Esq., Severn house, ; James Nash, Esq., M.D., 'l'he Noak, 1\Iar~ley; "\V alter de Soddington Blouut, Esq., Mawley hall, ; Rev. John Pearson, M.A., Snckley rectory; Joseph Jones, Esq., Abberley hall; Rev. Josiah T. Lea, Far forest, Bewdley; Sir Francis Salwey 'Vinnington, Bart., Stanford court ; and Rev. John Parsons Hastings, ni.A., Martley rectory. Clerk to the Justices Charles Hugh Watson, Esq., Stourport. • Tlte following Pm·ishes and Places are comprised in Hundred House Division: Abberley, , Clifton-on-Teme, Hillhampton, , Martley, , Rock, Sapey Pitchard, , Shelsley Kings, , Shrawley, Stanford, Stockton, Witley (Great), and Witley (Little). · · - PosTAL REGULATIONS. John Moule, Sub-Postmaster. Letters arrive by messenger from Stourport at 9·5 a.m.; despatched thereto at 4 p.m. Money-orders are granted and paid at this office. Stourport is the nearest telegraph office and post town. Parish ChU1·ch (St. Michad's). Rev. David Melville, M.A., Rector.; Rev. Arthur Rice Gwyn, M. A., Curate,; :Messrs. Thomas Hillman and