
iiliiilkiiMeaBi oar nATM - -- "" n afaeaafeaaaratfa.- " u .)!, aMtaraUTeaa I w 1 an t m Mm .la 11 Jamtii.tn(!3azdtJ! ' '' 'J J... ' EV UUmm ltata awia'aa" 17.3 .11 If LI rt'IiUSIlED fm U Uaea- -4 tacaaH a? T .h ...... 1 Wl aa. aoa4f la l.raK liant Ilea -. M Uaa-- tMhM. 4 r.P jm'jtoaa km naatai. ROBERT CRIEVE.S CO. I a asontaaaa Qaarter Cataaal lTtJiaralhrjaaa aa aal m iVcdMe-weli- JIornlnK. Taaracaraa aati'aal la lrry nrraiaaa nanrai-Mwi- i. "," ANNUM Twa.TMrtCW.ara U aalrsat. M aw K FIVE DOLLAR? I'KIt 9 Cola.a 1 eVlMt aaf as ntm MM M war. prtrmtf fyr yean ara PAYABLE iy ADVAXCZ. at aatfaeat Caraa t leaa.laeM.trwaaw.aav.vaha.atlMwa.1. Mwlwcrlbex . - Alot.re, inaiMa.iu,iDrra.w,Mrp.rwimi aeeawaaal.. rarclKH X. B. all l.lia adrertlaaaeala ara.l. Pb, der-- 4 ta. wa wHna far wa e.a.allew4lt l. Iheaa. Taarareaafeharte.aettatlhaaaMara.a. ArMrkaa aaaarUeaaaata. a ew L rawuaaaeM fa. tuaea awer 1001. Kilfftlaa. aa, a. aiad. r haah hnie.eeAa ae lea eeat OEn in new Gaettj Ball dine. 25 and 27 VOL. No. 12. HOOl!0MlWIJnESDAfc;m-KCi- 19. 184. WHOLE No. Mercb&nt Strt XIX. A Conceit. $tthamtal jrds. tfjtthsttkpl $Ardi. jfiisttrsttre Jaittts. gnstxmirt e'to Jfortigtt $etxtis. rBfn-'!-3 I're onie here read in olden tale -- 12 or hitch a the reretan to" t tin J, F5.V'rtrt L.'A."Wtrlxjt3 tpT edVcJrowk ! Coslon Board rndenrrltfrs. UNION INSURANCE COMPANY That la the f rajrairt atera Tale SMITHk'i'UTHtrRSTOrT. and Sljrn Pnlnter, Paper Haiieer. CONPECTIOXKRir t.E5T. for Ibc lltwalUa lalamta. .Are bird flh bat a Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, Hoik C. BRKWKB CO. or AA-a.j- Sblyplar and C.bsUb IrWttMrats KB Hon-- g Mreet. Ifonolaln ly y 1H7 Ktag Prwl. n.w.1.1. A tSh ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Ullj CaUfarala atraet.Aaat'raaeleaa.la And hook and Hnla ol folid bone VT, X BS M Hnnol.l.. 11. 1. tl 3E?. 3VEOIJM JH!3aJiF"5rT PalUdelpIiU tm ft. The mifrin; cai'ldy. A: Mrrch.t ;. :. noard orrndfrwrilfr?. viitt tf lnt i;i. iioriciiiAi:;i:n co, ciilfjim. & BSO., .And tha. hm ell her bird alone IXFOKTEBS AKD COMMISSION MERCHANTS L.A. Tacasroi. BLA'OrCSX(CtrfWHP;MACHINr5T 71 Fort St., ahoy. HoteVSt., tor the lliwtllan laUtwIa W-- H. CfiOSSHAS Eetaya thronb bound lea, enact to flj . Jo. AOKXT. I2ICORPOHATED. 1903 VO Honolulu. Palm. H 1 ly W. O. SMITH CO. . ll.peUi.l(trrUien-.rli.- r KEEPS ALWAYS ON HAND C011MISSI0S jrEpCHAKTtv Krfa lack tW other, better rut. Roal Brokers, ri.l(to'll.nl?rhllirrT. and r. a. c;iiArrru. .CASTLE & COOKE. ACENTS a: co.. Stock and Estate - ' An ortmenl of tie bert Preoclt Cudi-wrlt"- . -. CA.aaar atrea, Xew u hleh beta- - by f t mate iiajuii.ki yire.1. CifcrV. a 9T- I It. ii. TO5 on Ca.tl. C.KITofTtreMCH l.aar4af Tei ieo."38 MfrttiKBt ft,1tonoliilB.ir.I- If Kj shop Kl.c a.il California maaatactRtcd r.r th. It.wr.ll.a t.laa... JCirmate-Caa- They, linked heart to heart, GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS. V orTirwdet? Doanl of Ua V'oeaa, .a J. T Ttitrwt. y .lireit rndfnmteTf With hojtefal wing can upward elide at tjiwen Mrert. Uonolaln. ll.l. ly CLAREXE W. ASHFORD, JOHN WOTT. Oorufeo-tlortoir- 2, Actatcf Vlmaa Hoard ot Underwriter. General Com'py. - cfco., Importer and Healer la Stores Baajffc Clainiaaa1silIjiasraBcrConipaoJea within lie Insurance (to At Lttoxmojr; Solicitor?,- tradt. oV at retail Lrk Mrd. defending Male, r. T. XXXEHAN CO, SlrtiM. n-- nn.IBo1l.rrarijf.l.iaiaaa Which he offrri for ale to the , of the a bore Hoard or Underwriter wtll haTB Far Sea. Rtwar aad XAndtraavrpart H. W. SEVESAKOB, Thaa fuel the ireed of hrrenreare Importers autd Commlaalon Merel.Ai.ta, OFFICE-- I5 Kaaainntaa fctrtj rt,iJ.n..riiiict.oiorioiHiii.ii. I. id nre eertinetf to r thealMTfj tomaxeiaei Each trearatn part the tbrr'a weight. VIA II. 1. II ' , wrr Comnl n il Ilosolala. !C.l lr I wild. ij at DRESDEV. ll.Tf IUs And tbna la formed a pair Ttonann Ptreet. .lonoiniii AT REDUCED PRICES .t WH. A- KIHWEY, j M. OAT & CO SAILMAKERS, ' ' AU.U ' ' TTAvrxts K8TA1IUS1IEI) AN an r. a. a. o., J. Insurance Notice. I Aceae. Itoaalal. for llawallaa COMMISSION" rrTSrrCKr.T AM I've ttiwt'ht, the faatnau heart sciiAi.ri.it X A"W?- Fir Proof palldlnjr, foot lb. letaa... Will elleni In tta prtrttn dwell. Importors 6. Commission Merchants ATTOnirHT'AT IxrtlnA F. Cooke'a Nw the best biiasds orrtidin; ncuis tb. nnderriraed teeneral Ateat..areaatafllaed tn tafc? ;iaLalllea.rHi. raMawanaica, Cat lf rpiiK AOaCiST And h till tta roanlerpait e II on olt I a, Hawaiian miana iy mnCE.s. lIKAJlmAS;TIlBET,, To be had la the market. a n nut'TiiK nitmait vr tn lr, btoa-- within Ui aprlL 13 lloaolilajlljl.i V, '. It Minn Intranet Conrtany I'l.tmitedl kai li tablle . received iaatrnetlnBa lha Ratai-- or In- Blaka Sao-- ar of Saaa at tha jaat ICE SODA WATER UGROULS la Htlne ti. ti. L11e i: u, iUT;ncotK, icrtptlliva mad j nd rtaatre4r THE BEST CBEIR, rarance between) al Imtm t the lhoe rare bird of Eastern clime HAWAII. A. ROSA. Cl Flai UU raelacaBd Moat HaaaoaaU. Rata, aad DR. JORDAN & CO; It attire In rain I leave earth ATTORNEY AT LAW, HILO, ' J 1. anw preparpd roliclea at the loweat aataa the HID ROTIRT PUBUC. atLASDTnrTHiqt.M 1 t. Inu rale. Until at Fate' appointed time Hill prow fitly tollerled 1TT0IIIIET IT UW PIONETrRSTEAM wltha.Hvtafrerlaetlaa.nrer4ebt per .leaner. Ifaat FaraeaUa Taraaa. aw Hind a mate of equal worth CtMtrfil, . Bakery T1IEO. IJ. D.VV1E9. rrta, rwrretort FRANCIS M. HATCH. flfr. trith tkt J.lormtf .lWrtai Candy Manufactory and lr Ageat Brit- - Yar Mar. laa. fa. Limited A W t Aiatnaif ("I.. W cWMBtte--iffl y And then lmnnd (apt T i lta with bond love '- ! 917 iwiMla, II. I. . 3M Areat far the llawalla.lri.aa. irtier.OceltIll.ariJt..!CMl)r More la tins far than hooka of bone. Xjvst. CoafatUaner. Cook and Baitr, UAHiuint.'u. iinn-ni:- 1 alttwala. .rn the WH OT real- ikttorxioy at Fnttlcal Putry iVi&fS,"",- WCaKCtli. Th" twain can nar to - abwee i;. O. A F.II3. Frnt. ly wtwunim Two aemla In forta Ja our r: No 11 KuhnmittD Hml In IIAI.I. yri 71 Hotelatreet.rjtftween Naoina and FLEE' axd DlVKAiKtorTIIK.rami.HKlX lvc bat U311TKV. mstraANCE COMPANY. xozTnzxmiE xacisrux AD JUV EMMELTJTH & CO- - uiiuaxsorxxx. S.B.DOIX. IKrOBTZES AM) DEALE1S II HARDWARE J. rinii. r.iDKitsii.nr.D nti; r- In.urAnoo OonApnny and MoUrr Public. No.S Noniaa Street, M. of 1arhboTeiivti.uC CDixncKuii. v BOOK xsTvstYik.$ittpt Mlaeella.ii eon Counllor t Xw Dowf, ralalf. U1U and General Merchandlfr. or unnox a.d Ilffic. allkr corr ot Fort and llrrcliaDl Mierta. Ho ambers. Store tiarerf tn iB.nre riika aratnit flrttnn Xli t4 ly Corner Tort aadKlaeMf: Tin. ml tin and PI Dealer In IlMllUlnx, and on MQfliiai.la4 atoeed therein, rm aggwrt. ir Tlie rnckern of bamboo rocking chairs are n.l.u "" IUn- -, and Cpper Ware, keep eon f" 4)', E.tabllah.a 1800. Tta, Sheet lnra faTBrawlstqrit. fncBaartlCaUar appty Ut Died a fall aiwwtment of Tinware, t.alran. "i" thamoat al note pit cither a lirtclit blue or red. PRESTOk. A.G.ZXLXS. Unt1y on hand at". VJU aT. ya.H.aVr It EDWARD Ued Iron and Lead Pip. India Kabber Iloee. e At iy J. ctrrTAt. nt it A little tomato caUup is a great addition to Attomef and Cennaellor Iaw. Kl Iy HAMBURC-MACPEBUR- C Aeearaalatedand taee.led Fand. l.MT.il StoolcOR'KGLLBroltorlrlaASTATIOS Fislierifial. . a mi si a re ol cold boiled ham, etc, ly . KaahawJiaa alrcet. Itopolaja. m vvrii.t. itfl' ..wW ' mintani, T MMkP.Hoadf. and other Marketable ecJllea .LAWRENCE & FREETH, UaVDEatftlUXCA 1IXYK for Bandwicbc. Market Valae foe Caah. WITH K VJ ,FIEE mStniACE, COMPANY, OU3 l'WDarmaU&l.nlr-Xaa'.- at OPriCE C 3? I- - i- - 3? " THK ac.EXTH fr Ihe aaBdbB..llmM(. TUB . e 7 wTb. castle. APAllh, AncUwneet. ZllZL. O Jt G O H...... , Loose pointed jickcta and plaited blouse of Con andaraaihoriaedlaInBTearatat in nrfanM ATTOBffKT JVI nn i and Ertlmatea Fnrnlrted for Wotli ti'i'riMU.H. Tetma. - '' "' DoaicM win be worn in wool dresses made as VIXXIAMATTLD, . I ir:itfiiAwni.c' any part UUtutajm NiiUij Altmer all lk limrt. ot toe traction. TL'RKandi Xaehraery rrnsi. nr ftila Uka la si thf rlaat sotpit t'rtej aod rWlt taJce Acknowledgments to Con. Tnaaredarala.1 Flrana lb. aoq mBai Meer TKS'Si.mT.rmrm were daring the summer. OTl T Acnt tk D. LANE'S . raaat favarihla tertaa. . . oooueai j.aixnnra, aanaief tioeea Klacdom trmcta lor Labor CIvij Engineorlngand Surveying J. . Jlaiaea aad FBrnltavfLj Tlnhtv toala, Literary matron: "TOial does Shakspcare A frrlhe tlawaltaa I.laad. bblpa In repair. Ti. i...nciyrvni: a; iikwtiii:u. I n the )itr let of Kona. I Iand of Oihn.at tlie Office of (iVfICEvs KACriLA'STlIKET, next to JA.r.t.''t ra u;' harrirwiUoTwtlhetearx9a cruder mean Iy his freqacnt use of tho phrase 'Go BAKERY the Hono.Btn M ater w orkt". loot 01 .naann pirrci. M'ldeman'a Prick Warehoni-e-. MAlU5LU;fcmiK& If '" X. IIorTaCIlLAEtlEB A CO, or (,V)Uon UtBjf, MaUer-of-fa- OROCERY. FEED STORE and Iy - r?mtnr.iij,!.ilu ' .lfarthBllaB-alwIaUa- llishot tirade to?1' cl Imsbaud: "ITell. tr- - n v. o. nux 101. lag roirT.vriiKirTJ.'eiEAH.utli:l,(nvTr il a i viiicj bins anu f eu " lups bedidaU tlunV itwoaldJiajiQlUciflJiL. ir ". wia ji t r pnRcrvfcTro WILLIAM TURNER. THE PACIFIC MUTUAL .5Tl.58tTrTrJ isn the sentence. CHANDLERS ft COMMISSION MERCHANTS INSURANCE COMPANY. A: CO., SHIP & Clock MANTJFACTORER OF MONUMENTS A VII.li:it A CENT rOK Practical Watch Maker Head Office. M) Wall St. Naw York. certain little Pharisee, who was prajing C I neen Meet, lloaolnlu Nets and Seines to Order, ornrr ol Foil and ITrand'f Onnt. aud Bomb Unci'?. Headstones, Tombs, LIFE INSURANCE COWPANY for his big brother, had a good deal of human Building I)ala , Killer. and Jeweler. Thoabare Corapanr haTlnsettabll.hedaa Arcar. al Lumber, Paiatl, Olll, KaUl, Salt and Perry rtn x. ovrrhu peetea f Plh, large and amll, nature in him if he was only six years old. II. I., the Tablets, Marble Mantels, llonolala the Ilaaallan l.lanri. the unilrriTcne.'t I. or "v ttaiy atatariali of e.ery kind. leu No.lOQaeen tt.. llon1nla. Jy .Jo 8J kins Slreei. Honolnln. (oppolt aatburlaeiltoaeceptfr aad write Marina on Xrj. CALirmt.'iiA. flaracliOcMi. He prayed, "Oh, Bill ploieer Cirriage Factory ) Washst&nd Tops, and ltl.ke Lord, bless brother and HOLI.ISTER & CO. cha&ilUc, Fmslit.. TTeaenre Con.ml.lna. aad Ilall.. beelee ti .all the partlenlar .tteatlon eTerlwidr, w. al enrrent tali . IVALKEIt, Cotton is lighter thin Hemp, male him as good a boy as I am." v a. ikvo. order attended to with proiuplnea a and Tiling in Black and White Marble. J. Ic IYT liland VM lr Aeent fno lha Hawaiian l.laad. TO t. (tirard, Director Druggists Tobacconists, Cummisfhn Merchant ami Gctieriil Dcahr Good parked rarefnlly for UantlU We. Tllltn and leu XxpenuTe. of the Parii Municipal WHOLESALE AND uXTAlL Oroeerlff. Hardware. Sutlonrry OfIvIrY TTZsnooxr Laboratory, says that the chemical knowledge Street, cor Fort Merchant St. InHry Good. CO., MARBLE WORK DESCRIPTION 1 applied S.S'.Banii t. t2 Patent Medlrlne. I'crf nmery. and LYCN&. Tontine Investment Policies UniTcraallr uatl In tha Unit! Sta.tanw to the concoction of spurious foods and Ulaifware. f DKALKRa in MADE TO OIlDEn Fire and Marine Insurance Company drinks . MRS. A. M. MXLXIS, Which coalala the - ladl.rataMa VraaM." is of a Tcry high order, and would suf- W A I MALI. iy General Musical Mercnandlae. tinea, Dreaa Cloak Maker, im ll'al", Pln LOWEST POSSIBLE os r.v zr.tr.Aw,. Iteetrklloa on Trarel or American Not and Solno Co." fice to male tho fortunes of the adulterators a TatliloiiaUe and Encravlnfi. Chromo, tcu feV otc AT THE KATES. So ItaaMrace. lttl Fort etreel JIohnlnlB II I M. S. GRINBAUM fc CO Fnea from Daaget of Ftiffctlare Wl ly BwdBf. dozen times urer if applied in an honest cap- The Cheapest place to Boy CAl'ITAI. : : . : : 111)11, 000 Wl 1) nii.l tlenitett ait.l I0. acity. - taruBTina or 111 HONOLULU. n.itnit.eula llenl.tue ALL MNDS OF FURNITURE AN DR. J. COUIS BROWNE'S CHlORODTNf. W. AUSTIN WHITING. K Itret. l.SrAlll.lMIIMl .tlll'.XtVal A good way to extract the juice of beef for Merchandise and Ommlwlon Mer-- of an kinds n.tll.MI Attorney and Counacllor AtLaw. General rirrruK filmes for Ihe llawallaa I.land tha aader Thr llcjMisit Eniltinmrnt I'ollrj anil Ihr TUB uKU.INAl. WkOSLT an Invalid is to broil the beef on a gridiron Al nude la order .lned are prepared fe. aecept rl.k. agnlnl Bre In OKtlK for ckanta. Honolnln. H. I. e to take AclnowlrdsemeBt. of toetrBIuent. for dwelilnE.toree, warthoo-- and merrhaad!.e. on fa M11I0.I h a few minutes and then squeeze the juice from A2TOI Ui No 107 Port .St., lloi.Blr.lli. IntrMmrnt I'ollrj. Adilce u Invalid !f yott tn ohtaln qalet th. IrUnd of Uahn M. S. GRINBAUM t CO ut.ble tern... ftr fmM headache, relief froBB pal and if with a lemon squeezer, l'nt a little salt 97; No. KaahBBianB Street. HoboIbIii l?r MRS. THOMAS LACK, llarlue lll.ka on carjrm freight, tnittomrr. Jwoala aattlh. tn ealn and a.aate ib weary aching of WORKS CO. aud cotnmi.f Ion.. prat ratted the aervoManedla, and with it. This may be given,. as the sick one Commission Merchants, HONOLULU IftON Thl. the wm.1 rellaaie CeaiBaale. t intlcoraic .1 .11. .11. 1 . i.u ealaal Ihe ,reulaltn( of th body, wlit lrillTMSV. !., 1. St- No. Ilonolnla. lataar..rorn.IIw nUiialrtlniiil pnxnblc tier.. baa no aatwrwr. aad feweai "elUe. all Cralax reolale yalaa ran prefers, cold or hot, or it may be frozen and No. 121 California - San Franelico. Cal TJ Tort SU Tomrarlf I ManeUtaaa teBretl dlaewvrr Dental Enorai eu Foit Street. STKAJI KMII.M. MIHIl JIir.LU J. S. WALK Kit. nranpllr: art. hoaealr aad fairly hj ttfottda Bit, lha given in small lumps. wr iy) fff Uoller...Wr.. Iron, Tlru, and Lead Caitlap al. fdbyUr J L'ollta.fiBPUtArmrHllcaIMa2tai UKceln UtcirrW.BIuck. corner Hotelaad Fort elreetr DEALER Foe faith ar iaforraalloa. write ta at call aa ,N" name i v ."ijv, I IMPORTER and ifr Din a,r iiawui.vi'i m " "Job printing !" exclaimed an old lady, the !.w ly EBtranee. lloti street Dr. N. B. EMERSON. Machlnory of Every Description The City of London Tire In- B. W. Ut.lK. la adanltten hy ihe prof to be the nteal wondeiTal other day, as she peeped over her spectacles 131IV&1CIAN J SUUOKOX. aMalel.OrJer.'a, is Ill I.,., ral A;el f Ik. llaatllaa I.l.ada lad talabl rcHeily etrr dlfeeetred. IIOI.I.IIS A CO.. No. S Kntul Co., at the advertising page of a country paper. X Contoltatlon Room and Itcildcncc ParUctlar attanUon paid to 8Mp' Blat limltliiiif; Sowing surance Limited. CULOHCUT1BlaUflwalrintlrUiBroiCehar Skip Chandlara and CommullonktercbaaU. M reet . coner of Port Machines, and Ccnuino afrattfltth. Afthna. Toor Job! They've kept p r.il ConBptln. him printing, week CtOlFKEIIorK-S-tS1- ! latO'.ia m.l!,to3, Oil ' UlLOAODTTtK Dlanhata. And m Telephone No ly Parts, Attachments, CAPITAL, : ! arharnilR after week, ever since I Iarnt to read; and if U. n. r.uunoEss, $5,000,000 la the only peelac tn Cholera aad Dyaeatery. he wasn't tb man CI.IU-IIOIt- eVfa" patient est that ever was, A. ... A A Co.. M. TJ. and Accessories. fllLOHOUTNK effnTMllSr hrt all atlacka af SARAH E. FEIRCE. Ep.tepey. Hysteria. PalplUtlaB, and he ecTcr could have stood it so long laruKTEES aao ocaLrur i ' Shop on Kins blreel, oppoilte Iloee'i. paanis AND PHYSICIAN, llonolaln fur the Hawaiian Islanl. tha nnder LADIES' CHILDREN'S on all kind, of bnlldfnz,. When re- I UalW 1I1LORODTSE Ulhe only palliative In Xenralsla, Tho knot or nautical mile is variously esti- ZbXoxcli.n2lcllno, Efllmalee cleen White, New Home, alrnoi prepared In acre pt ire on UhrBBtatixM. uoar, Gouorol Street, be- paired. Uffice. and star, fitted op la the late.t Ea.t Fttmltara.ritMachinery, on the vanvr.TalKacne,: mated at from 607G to CI25 feet. According Kt fomer ijneea and KaahBBianB Street. Office and I!eidence. No. il School deeerlpllon ot SAMUEL tween Port and Emma. ernetylc. Ilepalrlos pi erery done la TJavis, Crown, Howe, and farorable ternu NOTT, to the standard of the Uritish Admiralty, the the heel poet loir man! er. and al reaeonable rate,. VmmSBr.Jtlo, riMraucealiral t hemUta Medl .IOII.A II. I'.VIV. orncniioiite-ioanioiii- A. I'roniptljr Here. laila. January To T. knot , i.i.o4r Ij Florence Machines, Loch I'jjalik calllall V.l J is tho length of one minute of longitude PUBLIC and C0MMISSI0SEE ol DEEDS 1 la K . V, f.reat Knrii rtml. liromaaoBry, I.mos, K0IART 96 OT .TELEPHONE 2QI.-- i3 V t ltLKGLlt. UlM U I lY(., lttmt We tnheaee ihU rrtaoertaaltt f at the equator, or C03G feet, 1.1537 Btatnte For of California and Ne uri 'offlcea. ' t. rtkamtatat. the Slate ix Howard's Machine Needles, 851 UawaHaji IHC upon Ihe thl a4ty miles or 1655 the f ltlthop a: V. Ilonolnla. VJZ ly TJ. HITCHCOCK, iVII.I.I.v.ris. ly fur tho UUad. Jb metres. The mean length of rnk H. 9 latfOEIER. MANUFACTOEEE BPHOLSTF.EIE ataemed iHedlettvftjJl) J. CuUta ! a ChtWadytra, latitude, sometimes reckoned as a knot, is 5076 Attorney nt Law nnd' Notary Pnbltc, all kinds & sizes; haa rarned for HeeU ihH only In Illadotaa. hat all JIND ttXISB. IN Gas FrrriiYG, An ntedy utility. feet, L151 statute miles or 1652 metres A mi.i;ac, lUe opened an OSice In Hilo, where te will promptly ' The l.onilon .mt! Provincial orer the Xat a for ceneral ajul COMMISSION MERCHANTS attend to all l.ninc entrnfted to him FURNITURE'li OF' EVERT' DESCRIPTION, Corticalli Silk, aUM'tim whi thi r a (Ml. ate rm triad It It ii marine league is three of these sea miles. of and in Hay. (train antl Will attend all the Term of the Clrralt Court, and SI ad shall hear of trllaa a nlaea Aud Imiaorttif . Fnrnlturi Ware Fort St. Work Shop at hora- - lira 1 llotlnee. Ilt'Bolnln II I. ly will Ih-- attend Ibeiacal Circuit Cocrt In Kau. . lna.ft. in all colors; TliYS..IlTlI & every The other ad war So many of the small fruits, such as plums, taMicral thf old Mand ob Hotel Street 37 lEt 33 lioOFEIt, u now paan T,t DONE rROMPTLT. ly, orr are mri.iruiniiirii.inr bbq bCCVEYl(S 11m: other Nlaodi promptly attended to. I )adzlnz frw their .ale, we faney Mjaan. etc., are ucliciously pickled that a general rulo curaarascKELa e mix. " Order Intm CLAKKV .MILE E.M,3IAl'IIIE COTTOS. tieir theft ly ! he but iViconJd nalilply for making a sweet pickle is CO- INSUEANCE COMPANY will paneacriu1 Initairea desirable. To S. J. LEVEY it - AOESriOK md inflmUmm .f the eitraordlaary etneaerof lf CeJlla seven iounds of fruit take lwt kuim1s of Commission Agents Browne l'hlorod tn IHarrha aad ITeaterr. Sugar Factors and M.dan.e I n.ore.t'. Celiable Cat r.p. r Pattern.. .Ta1.rri.toca... tptMM. CruBpH, the Voaalt Ibs; f I'nxBaBey sngar, one quart of vinegar and ppiccs to your llonotaln. II I. Wrf Wholesale and Retail Grocers. PHOTOGRAPHS 5ralttia. Hcnolala. H. I AtJAiN iti.rirri;n rni; and rubrlcatlonr. Dealer In and a a geHetal Ba44tfr thathaTroerited aader our tante. Cassia buds make a very delicate fla- PORT iVntEET HAinJ ion year KASSINGEK, . porjKi-- e of atttnUIaito Phol(orny. CAPITAL Sri.UOO.UUU prroaai oaaerrMMN mrtaf Btaay tn Lnaieraio JNO. A, klndt-o- Sulwrihiil btaatvliBM. evrn In tha awee form thot- vor, hut arc somewhat extensive when com- Cow FrcbbOroccrki'.aDdrro.Uiona of all landi prepared to p to any part or the Uronp, tamake Jjewi, ItiCi. I'lrlol. (Innr.aad .rlln7 Ooudr. aad terrlhte to take Acluiowledcinenta to and recelred resnlatly from Earope and American I'oriranrr- or any kin 01 wot . uw.w eraltavlf. e have linerd li iirptldaslv coAtr! pared with other spices. Acnt til Ce het. Powder. Cape A Mrtalh C.rlrltUce. 1.000.000. J uowrr an rorw travcta for Xabor. which will be aoid at the lowest market rate prspny vnij nri-ei- iirounciiom . made. lax " u1' tttrfr nrfl j 4ber ! lala (Inoda drllrered to all partr of the city free of charze II. L. CHASE. Medic lor- Ihaa olIU Drovmr from a arm IrBafiaUaai If the recently published conclusions of Dr. Vt Interior Office. Hon. lain ly 'l.oiiolnnfeurcngtli.lc-- The aho- Compaay hav. anw an a Ifand i.nlen eoliciled, and prompt attention VJ13m - hal Ittarirrlileir trehel. and rl front rae ofaaly tT are prrnarvdlolaVi- Irop-- n Joire, tho physician to a large tobacco factory EMPIRE HOUSE, will be c.ea lu 'lie earne. ' ly KEROSENE STOVES! Aeney here and KUkaon ae owe (o Ihe aad tha pabllr, aa e ate ol at LUIc, France, are based on accurate obser- In all Sue IJ 01 wnoin iui'im i.ianu. opinion lhat th- of any other than LolUa J OL.D. lTutrmor J. T WATKKIIOM.. Jk., Affenl. BroBnr l. a tnuaKtuTB PaiarM r as they DR. E. H. THACHER, SIMPSON &REILEY, .avavtt .MU iLa. Hvt r t.s.. f1 a'3H rrrn ral vation and full statistics are very import, iok.m:ii sru.Mi.iMiiiom. .sTUinrrs. NO F9 HOTEL bTUEET, .mJ raarr r iaa eMaaiar m aas rariaar ant, because they dispose of a great deal TJEPJTIST. and LrtrLamllb and !tirron;I. Met bank, I am now pre ana W ar. faith fatly jour.. Hynte Co. of No UN'. Port Mreet, (next doraboe l. Hlckeoti'e narnltodn etk In that line, with prrapln'-- aad ttrti,Tiinf the oelely oT Oreat Drlttaa. Ilia sentimental which CHOICE ALES. WINES AND LIQCORS Oallcry.; dUpalch. Island onlera folic ted. Ute Him claptrap has been published Pliotoaph PLUIVIDERS AND CASFITTERS, E.icHenr the lrer4ChMat from time to time. He asserts the paper Satisfaction enaranteed In Prices and . - t J. U.KAWAINDI, IN IA1 I'lO.N !rr liam rUtN ",r W Wj;,, Wr4 may read in its entirety in the Annates t ! tf Agent to take AcknowIrctRTncDta to Lftbor Quail Work. 'tated that J t olll. Ilrnwne . tit.dou birdie, tha Hygiene Ivhtt?ucili&l tobacco exercises no Contracts 1'urc Mlra Oxide tia administered for palnle Stovea nnd Rauccs. Tin, Sheet Iron and TiCOlIlEBSoH InvrnKtr of Chloroilvne lhat Ihf I'itt oflhetUfeae deleterious effect upon icmales during their IW extraction to teeth. Copper Wnro. dant freeman drlllremtfly nntrne whlrh, fee lor tUc Uli. triit of Koni tHIIir ortr !h IVlt Oir.cc feKTetteil to ar had hren wtntt -- Hce ThtTlil,' fiecaljar physiological conditions nor ujnm the !C2 Ij J.UU.S 31. .IIO.NSAKKAI, Kev? I'onruntty on hand a Superior ..sottmcnt of July H. Ihcir ofTapring. V B OltT0X Vti Tin Ware, Iron and lead ple ly Jin botti-- u a fttL. 11a U W. NOBTwX. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. tjlraaUrd in i. ,,i i. tj and c;t Special atlriitlon paid to the negotiation of arh Nono i!frtnin witbotit tht warda 'Uf J. Cat? A lady preacher says: "L'terr time a loung a. w aoKTo.i a f LmnO tii.Tmliii i'ti th- UoTiTanieal alamp. - appertaining to Real ll'lltemni . ritv Kaiith Drali r In t'holcr Oro- acMimpaDlca man takes a glass of beer ho swallows about Mot riifttitUiii (.Ertate William B. McAllister i rath crricr' and I'roTinionn t- ral Mrrrhandlf i J S'i l)VKS, IhiIII five bricks. Calculate how many bricks yon trri ly Notary Public and Commiialoner of Beeda nt jl w at 'i swallow in a day and then calculate how many 1" 'ini if ('iatiiic Por the Stale of California and Sew York. CF LDNOON.EWSLA,a"' H.il ' DA". 38, IN MtnnfMliiri T ESMJUT Ual you swallow in a 3 ear. Count the brick by iciiiaici i itn;ij;iti4. , No Merchant SL, Honolola, II. I. PERMANENTLY I.Ul .TEI IlUSOl.lLl naa.ll tlofimbn. I rrtrtitn bbt. C OR I.. ltAitjrES, Hirrct. 'tt and jon will find how long it will take ATTOESEY &HD OUKSEt AT LAW ' ly ZXIjrCAXl jeais Will stlrnd thpTcrrni of Cuotta on tlie other I dan.) l.ll.i MllfT..t.t.,aawFi to sn allow a house. Roys on the street cor- VVrtit-- W Irhd oil Mortsagra of Kit cliold. VrOl 1th 11. Ac Co.. OPPUE Corner Hotel and Fort Street. rter U.S. tiii:o. i.wii; - St, KINO AND niRT STKEETS ner smoking burn up brick after brick and de- Xo i" Mmliant MS(Mt from lr MansrnwaM Late Jasios. Urees X Co. Trccloan- t'lothini: tor Lntrance on Hitel j 5,000,000.1 Lamps, (JIi;ui(lelicr.s, stroy their manhood." TW 1m - A. JAECER, A ?STTI IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, IS? Pariicuiar AlUnlia paid lu rettoration android lIl.I.l-llaV3- A. Tho Louisville Courier Jwrnal Bas rap- f CO., ixd A(.ETs ron oiimr. CHARLES HAMMER T II K L!dlA turously of an actress: Galatea ben-is- UrORTERS AND DEALERS IK HARDWARE Uojd aLd lae pndcrwritrrh. tn "Her is a I.lrnaool Kelyinconjwilvroikat naaonable charges sain tlAVIXO LIVERPOOL and LONDON and GLOBE like a that opens its wide eyes Catlrn . lrj Ootnl. lalnta and Ulli. and Unrra) lin.ioa anu roreijrn .marine insurance .onipanjr. tueconnnence or ine pnmie Jin ll for And nrfhrrti A.anr.h. l!..mr,.nr 17 t) GrOIiOirtal a moment on the ttorld, and leaves it with a iy llouslit for Caslt, a Ltirgp Slock INSURANCE CO. j sigh; like a fiefwer that breathes in fragrance C. BREWER & COMPANY, ' CEO. S. HARRIS, HOUSE FURNISHING for a day upon tho earth of which it is not; ..!'. (LIIITEH of ..VUW.W,Aserafs ... Ml ini (inn XSrORTEK AKD DEALERIJ? GENERAL SHIP AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH. ,v,.u.,www MntaVllTlV.1 like a grand strain of music that floats and ilvrraiitilc A CommNMon Arpnt. I iillrMh'ltm'mi MERCHANDISE. (rnrrjl First-Cla- ss ;M(lill!!fS ! T throbs at twilight, and sinks away iuto the 11. 1 1 jtiiim..:. v Harness Claims Paid, 588,714,000 .T.miiii.ii..'..-a.aiiia,.- Qnrrn htrtft. Ilonolnla. 11 Jj HUEKN STKEET, HONOLUI.U. I. 1. iioim; ani mi.ti dim reaches of which we dream, but in which "1 Si Wir-- Work, Jlouldine Ellt. Plan In? Knln. i.sT.ni.ism;i y ix ! cr AnrhorK and Anvil iroalred. t(DOeneckl. Crank Axlea .ti:.iv i9.fl.BWAISi. or timcECi. Uavi: for the Hawaiian Manila and the in we cannot walk; too pure tho world, yet raTrrtJ ut and Axlea maae lor toe traae on reaonauu ic now rnahta'd tti nunnfaetori fr to Con- - JONES, Waon dentsoed are prepared to write rtks apalntt leaving behind a memory, perfume, a har- Agent to take Acknowledcments P i jn President audManarer term Corner Beale and Howard Sis., a JcivEI'll li. ("AirrElv- - Treasurer and Secretary ox CAM1MIKMS NKW MAV fiiii. ui'iluings. Jii:ucniMiM:.v JIMK'K. mony, tenderer, sweeter, mora exalting." etc. II HEMtv Andftor Heavy for Traction Engines Tlio IBost M llonolnlu Wagons TTarnoss . i I' s Dock E).Unatli, STKEET Wiid-.t- ' ALirortMA official retnrns I'ICECTOES. cvei: I'Kuurccu I)H'ELLI.CS FoItT Oip.rli f rn!' Kecent gtvo the following as AND here. proportion of English, Scotch and Irish hos.ciias .(.r.isnor. iioy.u.A.r.vAirrEit. On fiTontblctrrm XnrlllitcIIII.nNirrinIlly r.ujius ,5i wii W H. TAT10II. JOSIfH XOOIZ. the I'tttacheddwclHa-;- . nnd content loitireil for period Prit'l I. soldiers in tho British army; Cavalry Kng-lis- h, V 4JABi.sonn, rituritiirriiK. ' ARTESIAN WELL TOOLS Cheaper than any House of three yearn, for In Iiei 7,068; Irish, 1,024; Scotch, 6S!. Koyal VICT0K FKSKUROSS, v. .rnmpllx MrtJnolwHl .ml iryn,lH iter. CORNLR OF FORT MO HOTEL STREETS, HONOLULU. With all :li. ir ntunse a Special! IX TOWS. v.a(ira i.iniiur v DI.GBfflDflBTDTflEFHDl.TI Artillerj Knglish, I;5G5; Irish, 2,373; Scotch, cmiftatitly on band. BUILDERS Or STEAM MACHINERY Thr Alr. tnra and Liqnorr All Orders 1'rnmptty AltcmM to, ttml Work v!66. Koyal Engineers KngHsb, 2,633; Iribh, M lt Llvrry Malilci atiacbrd to Ihr Hold ly Practical Watchmaker and Jeweller, " HOX'T lri.CHASI., UNTIL 1H,:.. 1SH1 33S45cotch, 218. Infantry Knglish, 31,621; c. (ttttmtntecit. IN AIX IV DU.IM.III1. ,4,650 Cav- Aro.ii. CST'Shopon th Epplanade In the nar of Mr. iteo (JOOIKS." hotlij Irish,llf070; Scotch, Uonseitold No. Kins Street, Honolulu, opposite VOl' IIAVK SKEV Importer, Wholesale and Eeta.1 Dealer a.nca i laninc .win HIS Stoambont. Steamship Land alry English, Pllj Irish, I'D; Scotch, IS. J. T. Vaterhonre. " FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY General Merchandise and Itimblc Koot Guards English, 1,2C0; Irish, 335; in Fine Slnclc lUtMf tuna Uood In Ibe lire Mori-- cornri Mm, Watcher til" all kindt Itrpalrrd in a Si til factory Concord and Male I tame., OF LIVERPOOL. ENGLAND. Scotch, 626. Audi GO, Eipre and riantatlnn lUrnrer, ENGINES AND BOILERS Mannct and at Jtca?onablr Prlcea. Island Order J. WILLIAMS & lit Idle?, Whip. Crnry Combe. From English statistics extending over E. S. CTTNHA. to Proraptnet t, and all work: done by at I l!nihei l"pnr. Urcstlrf-- e. ete etc Capital .$10,000,000 & 1IIL.II PKm ittt uitcuatrcLTio. sci- so, io2 iiinT.vritiiirr. UNLIMITED LIABILITY. WHITMAN WRIGHT, thtiry-si- x years, n writer in a German XTLotn'H ,CT7ia3.o (Itiarantrt-t- l lo'cire Hatifactton. fi Wl entific journal concludes that the wheatcrop Doftlor. wlJI . . UNION SALUUI.I ALBERT SMITH. . Leading PHOTOGRAPHERS of Honolulu. TtrXosdctan. Sadcllos, Fir- of all he effr. Ud at 'Siirtfaw.ra lii Jl. J. HOSE,. ftrr.tJt VILVtlll-o- r allklt-- r. Wlltcompleta with mainly determined by tho state of tho a TIIE IKLANUtf " i premium, oy ma nnaerimeo. If - . is f ' Hawaiian GaartU " IrUUdlos. THE llEhT IS all- f Wd. or orapaetu lu llir trar the O onvoyanoor. WU11K KIXIS1IE11 IS J. 8. WALK Eli, Atrent for Hawaiian Nlande weather in July and August tho higher the be- -l tb W gl Mfrtliani J?tryt. J ALL KINDS OF LEGAL WHITINGS carefnlly done th nianncr.and at Company OlinnAHT ZXlitXtt eawpvaarl when wlrla temperature-an- the Bmaller the rainfall in f Loircjt Kate Only Flrf t Clare Workmen Employed V. The Koyal Imoranee baa the larrtte lu cither English or also. Watcr.Colors, Crayon, ntlnrplmof any In the world !M ly able. those two months tho better the harvest. The Hawaiian; ci:(;ii i.now. '' India Ink. or Oil. ton- was that of lbCS, with a tem- AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, CUPVING AND TRANfeLATINU. sri:..JI Uir.tIirj.rWtraaaiflUaTac best harvest ATT0RNET atroetrd lth to lha Trada 1 which thary months of 4.1 3.UTA1.Y I'l'DLIC. Land and Court l.ecotd earthed for Title tu Land or Puoto. Colored &c GEKMAN LLOYD rrfmoara perature for the two Fahrenheit CEO. LUCAS, jr- - lOBkajP of data In Suit at Law. tn hr rmplnjed. Ip?et. aad draft af degrees above the average, and a rainfall of And Aint Cor aktnit Atlno Ifdrmmu Inrtrunitntf Only t'ollt'ctioit oT Berlin.-- tit IdindolOnhn Iff-- Order left with Mr. T. 0. Tnrttm. 33 sod ZH .Me- Tlie Cuiiiiilclc Marine Insurance Company of nalrr guaranteed 2.71 inches below tho averagcjwlnlo tho fort & BUILDER M currant, H . Jlonclula 1) rchant street, w ill receire proinpt attention. PW ly COKTRACTOR attratloa t was thatof 1W0, with a deficiency Cami'lrtll lllock, Manil Vlcn?, IHTian IlOlI.ntS, Pcrtlcalat it ten c- F l U N A the ejnalliy of laa malrrlal aaul warhaiaaiblp, aad of 1.6 degrees, and an excess jniBT. " lw- Ferns, MirlN, 0 T or temperature txm LYONS & LEVEY, bobo prodaaed. 12,6 indies of rain. I. I. IV I. IK V General Insurancejompany of Berlin. bt wk AUCTIONEERS J GEN'L COBJllSSIOfl WEFCHINTS t'nrlo'Itlc, ar. MIMaM .fA- - ' i:..a.aM la IirtrrBaJt." tHI.,- litrKinH- Carriage Manufacturers, ftll.th ..If) fltUHVM.1Hl.Sli librarian uf the Killiotheca Laurcnliaiu cmitrrw n Bearer DlocL. Qnrn Strrct, Ilonbldlit. ' iro The LUMBEU rinii: aiio.i: isstitiMi: ii.iim.iix I IfI.li:flT made af'er tka meet apptore4 plana has made discovery he IMPORTERS & DEALERS IK SALES OK PUKNITUKE. STOCK. REAL ESTATE trrciinrEOH ltloclorto.l Honolulu Mills, JL hare a tleneral Azeiwy here, aad tha ot Florence a tht Mcain Flailing . etahllbetl Ah all Holler Iron Wath raaaecUd tWrawllh. lie has unearthed a man- Ana an kino oi laqtiums ..a- " and Uenera) MerebandlFe properly attended to. nndtri-ned- General .centa, are aathnl-e- d to take Wheelwrights thinks important, H..1 IT Ilonolnla. gomtslit Hi educe. HATKK IllM-fp.t- er or Sh .y many and pencil des- P.artMlwl. II. 1. IIItltB tlitf I,ntt;errf llif nt I tie all. uscript containing rcn .. hole ..rents for American and Enropcan Esplanade, Honolulu, icl.att fet A.tl, atada la unliable lejflia fof cosaretlajr, toietlef, ay architectural i iv a:i,i.n:ir. JIotl ltenonnble llMe. anil iu llie igns of ornamental and object, 917 MERCHANDISE HheeU rolled, punched aad patted for hlpnieaf. ram. . - KAUPAKUEA PLANTATION .Miaafac?are- - all Lln.l- - ul Tfot JT.?o ruble- Teritit admirably written text treating or ..raiTi.. j. TTTTtT.TC. T he nd also an COM INC. IN nntl for ante In yA .V. Jb CO . rrady to rlrrtrd oo Ike trwaad. 10 take Ae.aowlMKmtnii to Labor ContracU iiv.ii.i." SttW Iy r ClIAErEU Uenrral AtreaU the manner or measuring, distant objects, of ASrnt into.. qnantltle totolt pnrchaterf, by Mouldings. Brackets, , GKNEIiAL HLAGKSM1TIIS, IITIiUAl U RIVrriMM. IMhrtTMlaMW preparing artillery, and rf$ j j. L. AONU. fortifying town., Importers of General' Merchandise Window Frames, ter Pie rnaao hy thl etaVi life meal, tlvvted ay and proportion to daggers. The pcuroil RllfitNFSc. ACENT. ' " & giving form sod Kajhawano 1 FROM Blinds. Doors WILDER CO., IVos. ; 7.) nntl .Si Jung St. Ilydrtalk lilretlmt Vaehlaery, (hat aulftfaf work doubt author of this Office In Milret Block, corner 0.actn HAWAIIAN SOAP WOKKS! Sashes. Ifmiolnlii, Jlattnlljiii lalnittla.lieu ?r, tinder has little thattho Ilonolnla iT - belas fat fNperlor to hand work. Cellini, because, besides FJ!AXCE,SGLAyi),GERMAXr,AS2i Aad all hind, of Woodwork Flnlfh. erI tteuta of h- work is Benvcnuto T T! HOJVOI.UJ.U, HURK. nhle aad ( apataw studies, the diction, am the II. I. allll DtM 1Mb the nature of the ttEmplopnrntBitrcan US1TED STATES, Turning, Scroll and Band Sawing! ilulual Life Insurance Comp'y WlaehM. Afr aad I Ireahttla piaapa. taadt aft"T III the words "Cell. Flor," arc to be RealEatat Broker & fffijk; designs, CotU- -, and atll and lcaa No-- 23 Merchant Street, - Honolulu, II. I, GREY CO., aoetpfroYet1 plaa 1kV, showing that we have to do llrat Boomi. Hoaf. AM, IlIAll 111 read in the .tfMPnracturera anrl Dralrra In or m:.v Tonic. Tht ahorr dm. ha i Mr parebpd fim the Eaecatwr, tHrtt .Utln Paanp. for IrrlgaUon or City of an unknown work by fooTid for th twklns k tn all the varimia and Sawing, e Wn with a rough sketch tnmt hofinepaeonnected with t Planing Larcost. Safest and Most the rtioeh sad arlll of the Mof Water Worha parpoaaa. ballt Bit goldsmith. trBchefr bye IraiHl. ii.niA iii:o., Tenanting. of the lata ?1it. J lftrlS, cm.I.uk wf th tWcWfarat4iavr the great Florentine I K. D. lriral lnCBmeiii armwn. Minwia, ALL KINDS OF SOAPS, Morticing and TaHaXotlan. flpertortwaar orher parv auu - WHOI.KS.VLK GROCKH. ECONOMICAL LIFE INS. CO The deepest over made, sajs Itouke and ACCOOIH arpi, .tmi.iomv-.- " I.rleo. Klnrt Street, llon.lnla. 4 gen ( iar Warthlactaai'M Daftex f"tlN acted. Utronisc-ollclle- fommUMoni moderate. nanlcd. Order, left ORUKl'J! VllOMPTLY ITEMED TO Carrlago Shop. wai made in the Pa- ;iaDdriS California street, P.f Malton and Goal Tallow " fnaaa-- f. ft the Scientific itntrrao, HonolalB, li. i. - Uaeea Mrr.1.illl Beet.llh P".Ptalt IN THE WORLD! near tho entrance to the Beliring " a rnA-it'inco- . t C. .litil .Vnrk ni.rni.ler!. Wheelwright Shop, cific ccean & SON i trallon. mij from tbetberIalaodo!kttctI Cash Assets, over S90,000,000 I was struck at 4,653 fathoms. M. "W. MeCHXSNEY rrrder m tea. Bottom I) EALE IIS IN ISIartlcnltraltcntlonpald to tHHn; and f hipping Ilonolnlrj. Nay 3, 18T9. Blacksmith. Shop, The cast was nude from tho United States Itiand ardera. jun'atoroi.i.:. .ii,u".i. Bif fur ,n formation ronreriilnir tie 1'oaanratir. and ?Z. for lUtea of Iainrancr. apply to WlLVZlt A. Ci , Paint Shop, and TOBACCO. CIGARS chool-hi- Ttt$mrom. The shallowest water p Leather, Hides, & Tallow H.CACTLC 1. B.ATBEBTO O. WALLER, Proprietor, SPRINGFIELD iteB'IAftata, or in the middle of the Atlantic, 761 fathoms, .v J B.VM.HriilA. Trimming Shop AMJ i;.isTi,r, cooki;. fClnft Street. Wl ini noltrtUBrAcTBt. the subsidence of mountains 10,556 SHirPINQ AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS ll.r..ll.. s rder-- aaaar shows Cholceft 3lealfmmrine.tllerd. G-a- Arc rum wtrMa tomato for work or rial fait. rOK IMPORTEKS AND Machines TIlAAS'ATl.A.'VriC I lay af tfet flaw braaf kev sjioKUiiS glucose been Coxup'y & LEATHER. nmm a considerable time lias in General Merchandise, SOLE SADDLE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, For noyiil - ajBITTIqotliwwwimn. J Dealers Family. Carriages, J JP. in Germany from old rags. Sulphuric No W Kin- - Street, Ifonolaln. II. I. Sheep Skins rtri or iLtyincKu, A made Tannctl Goat and . tiic LAnuorr id converts the rags iuto dextrine, which' is Ttm.' JTarbiii. r, l De- -t aud CieUlef tlwCotnaylUe..IWcha'arka'-- Phaetona. ot acid ll'l'ltI.Ai:A AGENTS TOR AXIrrt rAI.n Th'.eC.ltbratd their ' Wlfi't with a milk of lime, and is then sub- MERCHANTS,!.. CinXNTAATI.VOXIIA.M) trealtJ IKFOnmii AND C0HHISSI0N Tii(.Koti&Ia StiratCo, It. HaUtead, erWalaloa Busies, new bath of sulphuric add, wheu -. P- Praafr. T'llal KekftB.ark VKJ&KIW Varied Assortment jected to a KoblnfOQ-- f nre-11- i noimin- Trelllkn Plantation. WalmeaTaniierj. J. f.rhtr, 1I()Sl lU'OMOIIliCJll.lll'SC Hx glucose. glu- I. rald-wi- A. II. Smith Co.. K- - pretax s, becomes converted into The Oncen Mrert. HonolaIa.il The Alexanders Hll.Tantterr, I'.N- Lyman, l'mprletar. TO it AtaKKTB M'B rianuttona. ola, KanaLi " SI Is identical with thatof commerce, and M.Alexander, Hal ko, Sail, A..CLE01IOimtCO..AeeaU. NORTH GERMAN Oninlbnaca. cose Ilonolnla Llneof llamakva PUntalian. J. 1 same way for confections. Tli lla2ww and racket. Mini. may used in the and Undon rsckiU ThellilthcrxfeatCo.'a Being Worked Automatically. , FIKE INSURANCE COMPANY, Breaks. nuniber of substances nrc John Hay Ca's UTrrrwol llantatlon. FOUND IN HONOLULU ! Jces etc A Urge Tb Waltapn Plantation. PATENT NOTICE. ofinjinrniJT rianUtU-n- , IIllo. The Pnlo Innranc Coropaay of an PranciM-o- They Introdated on l.latHte. IB Truck. capable of similar transformation into glucose. Tne hpenrer or iri-- ara well thec tapitaloftheCompanyafctrtere..IUtcBinarkajlfl,(i) We ar" t'onoUnlly la Rete.pl of HakaUa rUBalln.Hilo. The New Life Company, Ioton rni:ni:.5j a patiixt was - nearly of the food V 30th - lie- at tb their Corn pan lee , Kice constitutes onelialf Mlrrleea. Tall X Waiaon, oa JlachluetT. The BUke Mannfartnnr.2 Co of Dorton. V t N. Jarl.wi the Jann- MilkrWacons. to lnehCBinpaBy- we , port'le of Japan. Bnt as food and rnsloa Mteen w I). 31. ton mienivniTnui;"' "...-- Palace, . H.eWUH ! of the Thf n..V.w VnrL and llnnolaln PaeLttl.tne. for a Oaa and Cane Trifh onsorntp K07.I Total fr.tJ.vmul. PlanUtlonVaRonf, climatic conditions and industrial de- nt thla t ' l Fresh Supplies driuV The MerchanW Line, llonnlnln and San Franc jkb. I'nrnare, thia I tn warn all peroon ajalnd an Infrins' ' 'HawalfcmIIoUL,jL-t- do not as yet exercise their doe iuflu-en- .CUliF- - Jayner .itn,ninrr. it 'l.tllClAIlllitMlli'lllan.i.laXIaKAI.atl.ll.H Mule Cartf(OxCarta. mow Tile mands it. Jton iwawiini and UtltaldlWinL . M. of the aoooa three comp a tea for tha IfawaHaai writers or works on hygiene when ....iil.fcil. WllcoaAUIbba. . lla.aa ... n. rmfM-aa.. 4cc on tho JWI ff.-- Jt Wli aewlag Machine. ly A cent of the JaiTt r"nraeeCo Ilakda. are Brepared t tatar Iail41ns, ITaraltBra. IJana'Ciarta. , may Ir W Antl a Xnnilicr or l'riratp IIcmiIciiccs .fee., conclusions. One race live Lu'mber lerJ.O.CiirrrB,het'y. MmhaBdtean4 J'rodDcr. Maehrnery. mUo&wtit Deileri ia and sJl kinds cf Soildias HKlHlciillllfl.aiHleaella U axalntt Imt Vatte to ofT , la tke hwal awkatH-ITh- f avwarr it Most Keliablo Manufacturers LTlnd..veitoIftbljt.cfol.ii.Cnce ...... a., llonolala. lebraaryie iy,, hhr, .!-- w.n. a. fa or damage by ire, on the nott fanrahW taraaa. aort tk. aad am tha aaaat faaaraHa latan. tM ormtneice BtBI. HID&EHOTJSiE3, y II. HJtCKKgLD A CO, kl ly in a wttain rrei, "P iitav. arflfina t.w to MoOicr Ha-vrat- C. C. STRATEMEYER, csrrr.oirrATCi. ItoiiUier ioadcqaiU. r.M UALEAKAI.A, SoutOi Kona, Mr rot etrcBtan. price. Ac apply to BLACKSMITHING in 'all Us Branches, tiie SoriMf?r""V,nM:i",,1, KILAHA.M . I'ltACTlCAL .luraW roi qwslion .Imply KEK.MX101II. Mutual Life Co. "- Hi. iirpottint and the pabllc in ceneral ft C. O. BERCER,,. New England Insurance -' ' HT1THII i n in- - ELLEN. X Inform hie friend, ' ' ' aSte TaWnC of n tsjmm.ux.iid HBV -n 1, read, t reeelef: Wat A&rnHMft .tronslj, th. diet hi. irll kno- IIOISE ajalo Of BOSTOX, UAM Carriage ITorL, & SIGN WRITER & GLASS EMBOSSER P. Lorillard Coe 1. united elle.1al.e.d fnm Ke.lal.eLa. - jj. .Ufcun, would II I. The Hon. f f BONE MEAL! BONE MEAL! rm, Work, th. .trench of loci wniurr LEA TUT. al an eleratlon r armat feet and nr a icnror.A lloii i raxrluDr th 1! lalandf. iy l." pare and Tag Tobaccos, ... .!...... ri-l- unco.! r oaolals.lUwaHaa neit thamlnc lr la addllloatotherrrr rOr.'0Fl0?JI'llie'ST,- - BONE ilEAL! 7A OA"i Purely MttmtLeIit$urtme Co. in Tin - ana ' ' ' Ship Work, lone of of hal ear mr uituimtHo inn.a,r "" ....- IK, " a ,n I rrmre 1 cqul, nJ lie lih ir.i lloatev connected with the eftablifh the Unit&tSt'itti. bot -- . let; .11. laralld. Catb Vanity Pair Tobacco and loth Ucoraid.nUr .uonencu; r ii s. Dose 3eal wairaattl pnre In m :ht manftlory of IrtraUn Well Work, HITallJIV aavaaatrtiia.e. ! roliciea lined sa the mart farorabla Ttrsu. - An acli till, of w'1 P "d.l STAnOKEB. HEWS A0EKT, AHD BUCK A. OHLAWDT, Or Mneblnrrr fonrlay. Cigarettes, - The Steel Rails example of.on.rrfeliare fiau editor .ml .toprnl " PTr- 1nl IMEU SliUJi. ISTOTIOIEL HAS KRASUhCU. in llono age. u j:T Lire .v ! Knld Li. min below n.rkct price. Merchanl - near Fort, and Fort M. neat HoleL lNsi'KED ar.a.n.i l TLAX: g othora.ia. 11. 1. to aelratrd Horse-shoein- AIM) SMO oot of He Uxt track of lala. tlalia. The undersigied effers OlderaforthU hte,''fd FoMcy year tfaya Mjd Jcket. Arntaal-- 18 IAt. per Vat.nl. with raafcntns. fcy the BBderteBe4. art reqBMted to eo. 1 Amtaal premlam contlBBea a Specialty. l"i" and of tie n.aaHa. Alaae and riaole will he no delay la I'aOJey He timenl limit in "Inch to par Uxes, raMl'bet aad thalr ontera ia early o that there j.tialBea.lBaaaeot1B 4jar 19da ,nd Hawaiian Directory ic. Sell or ILease them m iot ic-- praairap IAnBalpreinlBtBf eontlaaepoHey yearJ7tya WeratlayB4anrfaat4wf Hkllfaf XecfeaaV. up bT nuni pnlij Fort etrtet store haila; tiled ue mw. Byeart Mdaya .A. fnuired pir"? "; m ltrrcailrtreetSlorP The .ill LYIazatlan I Aitul Dremiuia toatliM Poller aid m JlATr.UIAI. k.1. Uonlol)UMM"i'll-"een- t .hootins out ol Fine stallooetj. Just received per i Aanaai preaiamf coUflrltey yaaxi i day attested, before riue.errwS.VlS.kvlf-.t- a. Merl f oflM--r fluted. .1 . vu liauled Artleu; - Urderr the uimh. Iwoart-rlo- ,. ;- HILO TAiiKRY SUPER-PH0SPHATE- s l.ad THE 5, tnari.trale and molded in . round tin of Bi.d'at eff And fr aaV br lrwotB' 810,000,0001 CIGARS. TnEERSCIflUil Lm Axturj, lllWUMUlUmi CUiaiHTEtO. r co.U. nepaid?J0 fw.lolofforCTd A fertlfiirtTr c ir.e a.MllirrJSfa llonatnln a fine and iix . tat " lCO BUTcruneu lur mo ix tio SAO. 000 Mitor jlPtta-ia- j' or nuie. Ihlt M GOSSIP. PtTpartiiBiarr apph to Co. received qiiaatitiet07wit. ptraa srve ninli eoatrac' . -- .. IDLE "r COSSiii) Orden ia ; and tlie public caution m. LTMAX, elaeaaere ..vS...pnlh on F S. CASTLE & COOKE. AGENTS paid c Ws Iri.bman, foot d -1-11 ror.oUt... III., .arSXh O. He then 'Hi. .a.. ...e ...der-toe- Ue Itawiii Kl FOR THE HAWAII AX ISl.AU AnENTIOK GIVER TO REPAIR WORK. him like Tor a hammer, to kick him all the BEEF and PORK.! "Ecc 'ereliepud nwloasphle Art. d n the Mt Tersta aVTCW TORK KXTIIA TAJIILX BCtr IJT ADDEtM otoitv to r o bojm. & iraTlo IU newpapc'' RMc WANTED ! JCM UN., aa rraarteea JIKW SARDINES! r Hollister Co. advaance. and mill b wili.n? t . .ur. a . for lour Tear..uu5Crili.'n " and v tftVa,inM-,n"- '' IB lawn. H.'aa. Blocks, a i. to and treaied is a rniVATr.rAMiLT. "" Oars, be ntcitii mrdisc llBMtjairimt eoaji made tlie editor also an ..treeaicnt lreVlVcaabiaUeB. tTf rl' Vt.n.r.itM-- to teweh t Saffibh braocbe, CUAIXW, A3i CIIORh AM) Qaarter aad Halt I "JWHITMAH & "WEIGHT. Tornetoa. kiii ST2To way- andtaererwill "yy bom, hm 11 rob him if be CTer ordered bu rrrarfh and Eefrene Wbawj-e- qunn v;'..b mi SUA Cable; a a. ". I i him down and ttZ!ZlE mf X. Y., Wallakm TAL ! COIXLA ... EUXXI3 A 1U, sntf . acvAse paper .lorped E"ra. Such i. life wilhoul. 39 W n) H, L. CHASE. V3SU 01. cewfp.peif twrx. Igtgtt g? gnlhorili. abovM be ctiardd ajainat by erery rrecantano. earljr in the morning Xo investigation hir $drtUsmtiif. 3.Axtttistmtnt. gfrplismtnti. Employ one vesael for tfaK bomMe work, and let was held that day March Sth the ten !" 4fei Dniuaiian (5utit a Medical Hoard sit in Hawaii. Uani and Kanat, okt; mav to decide on the spot in respect to fnapected cases, lepers who had been engaged in the attack 11ounnaiKwaltan lalanda courtIn Probate In 1Wtht...... and send them direct to Molokau were shipied off to Molokai It was not e'teoflIKrUIANscHRIEKRorilJoJBla,o,h. kT woprs ijc SKiitra. CO. deceaet, lnteUte BcforeCbler Jnatlce JwbC 2i In- till Tverlogj March 12th, that the President The editor of the 'vltvu certainly wilder On iradln and tUna; the petitlutr or ft r.Gla nniNCsiiAY, Mncn m, dulged in sensational writing But tins of the Board of Health thought fit to hold (Jernun toitanfof Howvloln, allecln? thai Hermann, isi his investigation, tho fifth dav Importers and Scalers in srsjierer of lloaolnla. (Una died latrrtaie it Mfit Irj tne waj. tuc eutorot the-- A is NOTICE ofREMOVAL. lloaoltla. en tbe 4th day of Xarch. A O. I'M. and vVJ Last ca. ajiutcd ont that Molokai now the Premier of the Hawaiian King after the occurrence On the face of it praTl- n- tbat tetter of adralnlatratloti inetoIt f w seems most lax, but when wo look titade and la the meanwhile he b appointed lianv onplit not conMiVrml n dom. If as he carried ont refnrms such as this raryadtntniatrator Sw1sh1 Tender. to be ilnccof pun clcnely into the matter we will see r he proposed in 1873 He cannot complain more It la ordered tbat U F Glade be and he la hereby ttenlrdTendframltl V rrceiredat iht Office tha lslnneut, yvt wo loarn front the ptatcment the surface repeated iJTJMiSEli appointed Itmporary administrator of aald dadeaaett legislature thst the lixness on is KlnHtfrot the InletW aalll HATLKIiAl the SWa that all he asked of the last HYMAN BROTHERS WILL and It la fnrther ordered that HIIDAT. th 1 of Uiv Mwanl nt KnloaL.o that KatliLajm throughout REIVE 75th da or March I 1 o eloch a. dty f Mairnlnat at IS o clock Bonn or the erection was not granted him Yet wo 3o not see lM.at beaad investigation held, and what wit herrbe I appointed for hearing aaid petlitaai before WaVa.M.acfteraJlcc aad Matloa lloar pa had boru wnt to Molokai for nnrnlj ecu thnt he has any objection to employing The is aid Chief JaMice, ConrtKoomor ? lathe thiaConrt,at tterrtant alter, oppn-tl- e thc halkiea Home nesses are called .Is far as can be judged pUce IlnnllM tlnd, nntl had come bad. This is vessel for this homble work which is llooolnla. at which tine lad all pemnt tea flan, and MTtCenA f bwildinc makes from the very garbled report whjehjias cerned may appear and thoarcanae. If Hrlhrhrtv t afterwards used for the healthy He BUILDING MATERIALS! wbr aald pettttoa ahoald not be crantrd. and that lila will Vetradr for a wowjincp A man wnt from JnrTtlo on THlTtMik the Sola been nnblished. ther re all on one side TIxoIt' Flaoo ot order be pnbllahed In the laaswa-- e i on no objection w to having the lepers of Business Snellen for three a.i1nrr,nf irubation. to Uio tomb ot hws the Islands" Ivonght to Honolulu. Far Tne wide of the? steward heardclmt-- aaceeaalva woeka la tha Havana Gaarrra aaarapaaaMV AmI'W bond baM po Ihe amoanl ! lb con- MoloLai nrnl after bavin" frvolj II AIJ. in llonolnla. mixl from He certainly has not shown that that of tho unfortunates who were sum IIN. Ditedlloaolnla II InXarc<ltb A D 1N. tra. UI f-c- repaired Vpne xerntion of tb with the tliMi nllowrd to return it hir( IrorB xnarily shipy-e- off without h chance of ntXTCM JCDD k indHtwd tnt ft- - faHhfnl he was desirons that separauon of all onct wore to the ilaee of jimbation The their of theaffair, But C hlef Jaatlee of the apretne Conrt, f AlllrKlaennHtU..wryewdorict confirmed cases should be ngoronsly car giving version To 58 Queen on April 1st Vlteat "Tderfor coming: p.IaUirr will harr a line chance " UECEIVED Street bat Mint jpotiee ( lieen nnbLclv stated and even the evidence that has lexn giim JUST tajtTw Pcpnlr Clerh wrt ed Matt. IIwe to inYptiateIf this of management rind nnl It has IltwT inn T iiml shows an extraordinary condition of affaire. TM Wlhratrr the Interior does vet Md hlm-c- has never Ieen denied that the Premier COURT OF THK to lww.1 Md The charge which the patients made SVV11YMK krorft tk or er has on his own anthonty, overridden the lejer t la the matter or of t HA T 111 (Ilk. r tf It.-rt- t Tut countrj is btinuinff to fetl the against A an comes to light Tlie (rsro3:-- 1 VKAI.efllonaapA.kam. Hawaii an alleged bank lBtrrforVcr. St opinions of the doctors, and lias given a Gsen Sa Oo.) rnpt, VarUiJwlifI?ne 11 natnrnl of it financial meth witness, Moikeha. says that ho went to Door to before Xr Jaaihre Vnittn, it th amber Order nnwie permit to a man who was considered br rrwln of abeartneof ciedliora AnewpreifrhrtfatrriMfat endatther prroat taU Exchange on han Francisco i now be frtate to b abroad. assist in the row lcca"ise ho was toldllmt LATE ARRIVALS llraua I rotber. of llonolnla hatin- - filed thefrpe t) wbwt nwww W ita at ik Hawaiian them not to in a fit I it f erifled. thl V Van committing fornication " ln. dnlr la eonrt,allesTnthat Akal, w eber-r-e ! AIM f Slat, lTi,,arr rrnnratrri la fonr and a half nn five ier crnt and ia Consistency is a jewel, bnt it is a jewel Geisen was Thanking the public for their Liberal Pat- of lInnnapo.Kaa Hawaii, owe a dab to the Belltlo. iw TifwnMi iviirpiMI1t which fiads no place in the Premier's ras Fnrther on in his evidence, he says I was era to th amount of fSKXZi, whkb, npnn tta namrlty 4ft f IilMj tolc higher With a falling off of crowd capture waapreaeated for payaieat to the aaWt C Akat,aad HiMMl are ftsaarvtrd n tnatv taeir rf arna promptly ket of piocious 4ones The fact is the Pre- told toxj and join the and ronage during the past seventeen years, they foe ten day after the aaid claim wa matured amt pre tamlftjliil there mu b nt ,. Inch-!,- ?, thrar a million of dollars in the existed mine has cared for tlie people, they Ynn fieisen Kniana. an outride nohco (e nted for parmfnt, railed and rtf naed to pay ike $mt IhrfV-- at piiit ajd.n Marthlt-- t lfcl of mier ncvr LARGE AND CARGOES aad prajlnxtnitlhe htarthal he ordered I take poaarw fontfr 1 1 of the sugar crop, and the coming in the nngleader do I ? vTT hare Nth bat a stalking horse for him, man stated that Kaihknpu will their best to retain the same at their tion of the aahl kal property aad that the aaid Akal Infc i dollar, hilver it Wlai fcffVtrar Areoant. another million of in coin nnd once in power he calmly disregards in tne asqinji on tne siewam, saiu to mm badJtHledalMnkrpt.anditch farther proeeedlac ovoid coin in had aa tbe law la aneb enae preeenbea and tho aaid Expiring may le diflicnlt to exerting every and every he "we want to have him (Van Geisen) ar new stand. in haling mlictasw in MtxclU88C debts abroad promise suggestion n petitioner tied aa approved boad,CodllitnMd a fen months in jiayiiient of has made in the past the amelioration rested for adultery' This then is the forthe pajtvieatofall IbecoMaof tbe procredtar and trrAii vm This would mean exchnrge at twenty jer fr charge nghtU or wrongly that these men damage ti the parte petltlonetl asaiaat. la cae of Lame Cat JLenlaaad of their condition He a lover of the Ha bankrapt.and an order I Hereupon 4 nt prices, or a !W ) Atan,W,Maa cent, a rise in wanan I'rfala ' made This was the ostensible reason for baln: InnedtotheSfarahaltoUke posaeaatoq fr tba ig gtKxl. aald propertr. AtofWfagt lm com-indii- low on sales of and the attack Thev broke into the house INDIA RICE MILLS W Ilia hereby ordered II at rRlDIV, 3fareh ai Tntrr kin lrt ' case ditrcKs "Van St, at llMR:1WAlrirHt-i- Manrakr in either general Tire theory of exchange is lietter nnder hoping to catch Geison fagrntttt .Din In the Conrt Koomof thetonrt lloaee In Ho. a Iwti Kit lmUa'a t Tlie only remely is for Uio Ix'gislatnre Here is certainly a reason given, and they ivimusiMi notnln.be the lime and plaee for hearln; proof of the Ho kee I hbo stood than its practical details Itisnn allegation In eald petition, aad thai the mahl C kal l tk lfrl to iiw n lull reininng the Trpasnry to laeen to Ibea I i. ba .aaaa atrrn derstood that who pav furgools should have examined seewbethcr befonhallh inmmmrd and there to appear, at l It th mIvct rtiin, rephaiig it with thoe they could smVtantiatc their charge "Now 0 whkh time and plac all eoneetned may appear and u) 'ilnrt U. USUAL &70CJC rhowraa-- e If any ibey hare why The tllnLlAnHart ttr ItiH'i-- Match gtld and another bill by abrmuL, or nso money aliroad for any lilt iJZS mM prtilMm 1 I viae X Joanae, ti Unibtl fnm we come to the other part of the evidence ahtwi d not be rrinled and tbat t copr of aM petition itrt i a m which Tinted States pMcnW is made pui"posc do not send or taLecoinetl money A nn Geisen says h slept on the lietl with I J, T-t- l hr forthwith etred the (jtdC AkaL Jnd nropenf en- bU imlrr be iiabllhpd In Ibe Mawaiiaa l.aaefit tcud'-- r all h Ms five ten t a 11 KiMlrt. kamaLrl. leCTl fir ovit awav but bnv drafts tir bilLs of exrhangt. his rlolhcs on two yonug wtmien on H newspaper pnUUheit t llatlBla foribree mtmln la l Uari lrrt alnllnr Tin mvulta a itpm nt b. f the floor one of these vonn women, nc week nrrftna ( nM hmtrlns !1 a country from ' VIarrb4, s It H P fw 4iniake A. tleretaara rtreeu IhiI that a It whit h had usually of broker in the : CD llaiedlIonolnlH.il - 1 Klog A wtv J1HJH. is corthng U theevideneoof tin mhcrmati .. tt:. n. r. .'.CAni. Ma Attea CKNJ II llw rnwtilwl-- de-i- re afiraar.igrlaaT ''BBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBB. 1 lsTI. Vt.w which they to h nd inyable Czrr3SCr Pjji rasa MaBBBBBBBariaBBaaaHr kiwerffiyr. .1.1 1 Mtcr 1' nut mm while the ctmntrj is luonev is 12 or "t years of age Thi tn certainly wirf WJ an i Hrkl Saint J nit Ice of snprrmet mil Tt VHfTOyaftnTdRCTrtr4t r T the conn bv which j j 1 t ? j i j i Q Deputy Clerk. fn sx 25 - nbletniinot it fJiantiiwaitniitil atuther lmikaln tlie nutintry lu to 4iv the hsbd of it It would t; P a t r Wol.VWTtret eil-wln- SB It e Anana, Naat irv lifts -l thnrtuli tie n In CM"ii:.t.M-- 1111. - rrrt the money i hireI to iit The nsinin n very high moral characteTiudettl - tornr vr II. v wailan lUad la lrtMt In lfa ftiattet "f BCTAII'-M- in l vienms mm tit entails tliihin ejHir1t which would not lw to ; d h O broker is nsnally a latnk or n mercantile oan mi 3.;;.;.- i a Ihe Erlaieiti l, m N s tin. Victotli K s Jn Mil Jn Kra4Ni ka fnllofTm value der such circumstances. It must le n d t k s 1 IU mtmar ihlhltea of t ha- - k 1 Iti- - Weartl Wat house, miking n of buying aud Chder o ( rfnyf ineiuln-n- alM tnaidia for 4iu.w), l n l tint tlnse vitnesses all go si i mipoi wrnt Man- Maalin Hit A ncTMuiiT n, n rnlhsl nil utioti to M'lling eichangi for profit, bnt the same - 1ltlttnSiit i me wnv Had uhm ten men liet n tine- ila readin:andaitnstheirt!liaaiaf VJCaitwilsbt llin K a hailna SvflU )mm can In done by any one who lias money aeulor or tbe property of the abave natnd an article in the Wfrft .which then i liavo lardtatt nlftAkim Kaannv ttt katl available to him abroad The planter tionil thev in ''lit thrown consider hiifc OF WALL PAPER il minor tirajin for an wder of ale ofrrttaln real Taltkon- - kakaltl llil in They rMuhMM allnatrdat near the .' Im was rejtstm frtmi the able light on the matter have not eetale kahookane,'Naaanaalley V AkaMM, IU tolabexeimamttsl stead of meivmg hut money directly from reaervolr. bekinln lu aald want, ami (cilia.? forth 3TI Alt. Kafaolla knwa question!. Tlie only person they Oflice, in which it wk inlimjtd tlie pnycr oi Ui" mgar in an r been KT1IJJI. certain rentivihT each real eatato ihweld bo ti,rtit-t- i l'ttn'in rancico could properly have Invn qnestionetl In ITtT oklt .ba not a nt wal lnarinvothc merchant here, who has im 107, & It la hereby ordered, that the kin aald that thisconntrj iWrf n ore was the Police Jnstice of ilouolnlu. N.1L. LOCKS 109 111 FREMOWT STREET neitof of the 3 iwrtetlgtwds an onler on the buy of the f wjrda, and all ptrona Intererlrd In the aald eatate. AaarTauk. f thctrratx. owing to the nncertaint of ir e denounce this investigation as a trans sugar nceiving the money din-ctl- from Son Jtfx It wf kawaapa Ma Law aixoisco. States Sugar Tariff 1nngrp sham. It is no investigation and BUTTS. HIKQES, - i. f ft tlonolaln, Kh9g ll9tm, aflaka theUitsl the merchant liarent rpm: i Kiel, mills., hl- i ii:-,o-i im: i. isi-mt- Court Koomof thl Court, then and there consists of three or four statement, X ment iha aiti:h nt n ic tnbowcan why an order tboald not be granted for 1M ri l IM tainl Wv are happy to mi tuatour If the value of txiiorts ex.ietlr eauals ,nilwlttilbfitlaparitjt.rr.tlJi.nUn;nlbnrcetil Iniiim.r-- rr norttltit.l llolffftllon tbe aale of anch eatate has been held a cor BOLTS. SCBEWS. i,tc or.nrl.ireMUIAii9.il Iwr Thuronshnrt nd 1 rrfrrtion of Untlihf .Ian I niirlv tiled jlcw at i IltRft kaftan kanala nothing mon It in 1. ,1 Th. !hfe nd It la farther a copy of thl order bn biu Mlggcstion. that the attention of the Cham the valneof imports, exchangt neelnot ;' Mill. h lo smiidt of UmUintable Klco tnm lll linn.l. t r I .Oil .cc: lo omlllj of I". IT. .Well orderrd.that mlln; tbr WwrMn HfHl ner the only account of it is ftirnished by U grrittTthsn pnbtiahed at leat three neresslTewrekfl beromthe ) U for that reason nectssanly lie at lor Stonprrrtnt thatof in) othrrMlltf Itj tbeUt.r,an,pa sail im the Pntptfctot LaaalauiUi.in lieruf Comiinrce and llanter lmipanj iar a dept ndeut of the Pnsident of the Board aald day of heart as fn tho lUwauat Uajbttk and MIikjIImi Halktia Haul iiitetl. is- the cummis.siuu or prttfit which knukoa newrpaperapnbllabedln aald Iloaolnla Mltltaal lloth-lr- UnHlam to the matter, wasad ami thre even we Is enabled & Dated llonolnla II I rebrnary ' rn lluecleil make, c of Health nnd that gentleman, to Largely Reduce the Rates for the Hulling Cleaning of Paddy. Ja.lwi JltMltcl- - c JUHri (lmthriai us we learn, wmsijuence of ttursnges the broker must for the tronble DRY A I. JIDD 1 in lieheve has said that it is garbled When It A" ttatatfti kati n?use andnskof buying and selling the REDWOOD! ttet Chief Jut Ice Supreme Conrl KinlaiH- - TUnm kM ihH tion the lullowiur: reomlions mn such an investigation was held reprtxnti IOfi Till. MAM A 111 lTtlJI III MIUTIM1 I'tnilT TO VtV HtM.IStl tift II HnTSrni.Depnty Clerk tl AUna. II exchangi Moreov er the publisheil values 1M II 1 VI V IT 4 I 11 AT N IJ fttotrrt aiidjuv'itteil to the Almtster of Toreign from the newspaper press of Hono RIM Till v IKtVIIMU nil of exports and imjxjrts mtui t furnish tives btJDtlmg; sarface and Tin. ituntiv(4 nu in un i CUI'JIKMK COUHT OF TIIK IIA- - liniMTtreo llM'Inmi tlnnlM Annir lnln should have been present The pub Plant, rough kj wallan lalanda In Probate In the matter of the H M anal but httle guide to show the cost of ex mat aa,aj tkrtal 4icA. YfnKfttAr- qaciaim- - aaTreliiii. the Ireati of he cannot be satisfied that this Star Cham Ml Milerlorlty of Work al th. s(n f rnei?ct. flth inbllll lltrell. FmieoMOHN JOfcS,te f kallRSwll Kona, lt ( Oiled at of ituiurt change 1 he nason of this is that the lHiartlr surfaced and rough , iJjtteni, Mills Tth-- 1 ii lire I reetlom from Mitt smell," ao IUcall drcetard Before Cb It f JnatkeJadd atCbam ?itM-1-1ltll i Lmimmtv mlh tbr Mate t thiarTti t llwfeotaln con- - In r business of tire IVenuer s w as fair and 4ml aiMTlnff In lliejlelilof MerrhanUble Kite often coiaiplaincd of In eleane! Kite beM aoec t thin and ept-nl- iU custom hon- - invoices of values are kcts, Lattice, Clailwanl, o 111, 31 iii it. oofttrr lucor aboveltoard. perfectly free In llustic, of j la 8 per cent. tinned wtlti aoarfar-- Ob reading and filing the pet and accoanta or mil irce and rect VAe have ofttu ajinted toihe in unless there is 3rl-Stl- In Hate for llnllin; and Llranln 1M tilt rti- ltnt- - il slaaya torn- - ttrren Vdmintatrator with ihe 'till annezqt of John I ttrw lirfltt Nana knaiala Itamail tk anaildlitv of the Con access to the evidence by members of the llh Ireailiiieaa anil Iteiiura In Una lit y of nun I over Iland t leanetl pattlenlarly In Jonee, late of kallaa, North Ron. HawalLdeceaaed, NMtW WalhfLa Ml tteoanreAiaa a?Jd treaty for a definttepinod haa voice values of our exiortel sugars as far Itlce Unravel' wherein he aaka to be allowed Rt. and charges XI.iM.ikf a i flMMlktai of mdejH'ndent Hl.tlhtJ ttaltt dwcnu-aw- local t. alwve estimated, Mini 4 Irniilliicmof &L and aaka Jltbe Mine may be ft fca Knelltna ItanaM kaaui latelt IWn pArttatlT tnthi their actual value It is ins. latkar hlmelf wlthiiAl that th"1 of Aedo not assume for an inUut that sti, ia sit t tsanilned and approTed,anddlaehar:lns him ami bt? S3 hMi hafarla Itotn. kaaai it tvta prot1' " prwn that the invoices, nvenigt at least twtnty nrellea from all farther responsibility aa anchadmlnie Opt OHIO lUCTVUU KIMHIIU IIUU charge we hi W uM'"-- five ctnt more than their lit t value an Geisen is guilty of the ' V trator rhimi it. tbrrf orv, ! it ier only say from hi- - own evidence the ;mt irti hitcwash Brushes Itlaotarred.thatrlllDVl.thetihdayof Vprll, Tin fnin kiacahm of CtaAitiber There also the fact that much of the that CONSIGNMENTS OF SOLICITED. I lal kMV)m htmtrrit Tbal il H tor tpinhQ this is PADDY H Ihm at ochKk a nube'ire the aaldChirf Jo circumstances are suspicious It seems VI III I I Alt bo Tn, H KlngiknH lhat the rtaereial and cmwal mtereals of this money for which our export an sold is II tlrr.at Llumbersln theConrt llotita at Hosiilnln. it Ttal Lam cimntrr wvoWbeproHKrtcd bran acreeroent be as if nn attempt was being inade to iur 7i"i-i- . - and the aamc hereby I appointed aa the lime and inve-te- d or expended abroad and then nniTi a mutMniAi twren'tbe InrteO Mate aud lliarinf-er- n stiade the public that tho attack on Van Wm. M. GEEEJNWOOD- place for hearing lit I loo and aeennnts and that rinit. l eiteud th tareaeut Treats of t.ecapriantT fore not balanced by an equivalent value all pertona interested may then and there appearand C t A bttwtVr Mrnrbaat A Jv4)MWill t twiU Geisen was made because those ten men I'AITWII. General Commission Merchant and Proprietor of the ebow ranae. If any tbey baTe, wby the rame sbonld not AUw far a Orfttu If ttna of of imported, good- - On the other hand. yrK had been ordered to Molokai, and that INDIA RICE MILLS. San Franc Uco, Cal. be era nted And that thla order in tbe JEn;llh lad nll.lttnpN. inijKirters are inclined to undervalue the llanaliaa languages he pnbHahrd in the Haw a itAt commercial article the their motive was revenge, while really the METALLIC AMI O'JliLK PAINTS I t.aiiTrs ana anom ncnipapcrt printrti ana pan I - rtplwla lnalna Vaai As nniirtl" in invoice values of their dutiable goods m ! In llonolnla, forthreeancteaafee veekaprerlona -- that of ex K-ROISTT- llabed II Hart Itw llcHrt t IImhHiIi government organ last Saturday iaU? order to lessen the duties evtn goods ex men had a far different niotivi to the time thrretn appointed for aald heart ns Illll Rlt empt from duty are opt to be undervalued posing the stewanl us have an inv es Class. TO DatedatHonolaln.lI.I thla ilat day reb. D 1SSI J1 ktlamalkk Kmm Uiat the claim of th owners of the Jtftt It THE A.F.JIDD. ligation we can put faith and not this Uu m onler to save the consular fees There in. Salt. ttteal Chief Jnatlceof the tfnpretne Conrt. n pre-ent- r. lias Uvu to the Govermnint. on. hole and corner affair filtDLLL. sarnt. Deputy Clerk PM 6t kaaMaaakt.lflln llanatt is also a large importing always going Iliat and that the latter is Hillaig to have the which the cnUmi house statistics do not lew ed calmly from the position of an Firewood. Mortgaeea' Notice of Foreclosure of Ihmvhila outsider the whole matter has an nsjH-c- t of ud t ihwt matttr bronght before the Tlu.s and cannot show Kvery one n'turmngor Sale. hi tun "i r i it it here brings his trunks full of ar a bit of Jedwood justice, i first the tie a W krj-ta- airnrintelj l. for uo tuit can lo coming 1 na It lkrt ManwtilN is tides of wear and and many bring cution nest the sentence and then the tnal DOORS SASH BLINDS ACCOIIIIAXCB WITH A l'OW- - vt fiaai in this matter against the Gov ue if H,of aate contained In a certain mortjrape made by HI. bnrnht coiir-id- t sum money, which there is time for Lhnrk tSanf towirmar to Han Tin and Un Tnnr T r t llolittn rable of in the it xt I. iniment without the consent of the Privy aggregate are life, si rut. dated the Slat day of Febrnary. A I ISiO. recorded fn U1I I IM large The tire and General Commission & Liber T, et 42 to 43. Notice la hereby clrrn lhat cauuot iwfol JJotues. Purchasing Agents aid Intend to foreeloae aald fur 33 J It fflawd ktn4i and theUoiemrocnt jhjs manne insurance premiums, commissions Of Castorn and California Make. mortzaeea morttfare. to Francisco so con tit tion broken, and npon aald foreclosure wtll tell at onRH III II ill li wbly say what may U the decision of that Iud San merchants are FURNISHED ROOMS Neat and t IU tut 101! l TO MTT lO-i- Public anetlon at the aa lea room of K p idamaia a lljwati MIX Ql'lftTlTIEh TSTo. llonolnla, ALau avta knit k "rractically Court are not much against our txports. and are not nithed Imom- - can be had tarlj-u- i plication at Stroot. onHTLUDV. the IJtb day of April, mt. the brau Port M lal by any goods All at If of said day, tbe premlaea deaenbed In aald GOVERKMKNT LOA ! OIH.il n presented imported (fV 0 lOVKUEN LNE mortjaje aa below apcclfletf. that claims these things operate to kep exchange AV1, Ot R&RLV A lll.FOKI, l'lllj I'LllI.K 1V1T1I Till) totthfrpartlcnlariMnbehadof if IltltTWELL. HM RTMI VTt 11XAML It max lie in jioiut to notice Jj 0"VV lRLi:T LI ' Ve call the atlrntion of Honolulu bnilnena men ami Inirr 2Sth higher would from A CARD. vvrillCBByo of" Live and Lot Uomey 1t4UH Ac lil of the Vmted btntoh against the Spanish than K exjected o (aland residents to tbe fact lhat we are CuLLEITIUN & IlltCirSIN BlblhEss alt-- l SvNTlNanJIII TLSt " IUI aitlk-aiiv- for any - i propose to niakt iliniini r r Iteen large a nominal excess of our exiwrts ovnr iloxtiLiLt tttij j;ih oni arrclcex ivrfui tn ibi citlaena of thf r and ni lirhborin iBiiiia. Mortgaseea m tf Ibf H1 mtKl)k'Vr IA1 bi. to (Jim niiuent iiate rvcenth rraiiy in dm ai nmcri- eni io a i Ktcurc , )Ik-- 11 IUii.rti.oJi to,llowi-i- rarr ciiarsincreaonabH comiaifeion ma tomM lo ttoudi llonolnla, March tllitnUi trrri al th-- tlir in Madrid. thtse claims arising from the mijiorts TIIELmbbTLMllKI( E U. inclndrall claec of Oootl Hay Oiaioand (rncraltncrthandUe vr any 1I,1L rit T fhtrtft In ait at (Hi M trot wr annnm Drac siij. i lirrelir bv? to tender tuy tllTe article of Household Inrnftn 1 retniaea to be aold arc t All thoae certala lease of ahl an) annaalh ami th. Culm Ac Weytt to fmm tlisturkinco in For those who have neither time norm Ihank for tbe im mediate liberal pcltKnu il f tht lu H.HaGKFELD&GO tlce land at kahakn. In tbe Ilia ml ot Oabn. heretofore a l.o ma lTtmlu "- learn that the biwnr-- h Government has bel by tbe In; Wo Hop Company and by II aaalned M I chnation to study the whole correspond I Mained tbnai-- h tbe dtuuctiou y ar uf iuy i Ijc I In )i tothe ealdChnrk ttnasCosipaay and mentioned In aal i( klItnutr-- t finaar the Unitel istates citizens to the of batnei in KobaU daiin Hie ntshtof tbr IFth mr OFF1.U FOI. SALE Xatciloni ol her mortzajre deed, belns subject to an annnal rental of Sjiauish Conrts. nnd it is extremclj donlit euce Ixtween Mr Wm llowenlew on the I tTnldri it niv dntT lo rvctinitnend tbe In urai VI ho may be in nerd of anyartkb however mall infonnaticn u to tbe prices oi any tin- of (.ooda T..fna.L 4t WM - w the- State, loirpany which you arc the to all jarttif vj m iiiisoriuii nm m inviu tj iuiniviit-- nun inrrdtnrtrsi'aij inivrmaiiou NOTES. fill hither Vmted citizens one and the successne of fr Arnt U e general Mortgagees' Notice of to Torecloae hamt ciccupitrs dirc tf TouHn their pn terty by Ijieurancc INVOICES OF NEW GOODS aolicit all bnainreK and br rtnrt attention hnm in c tbr iUtiu.ta.e uf tk public Oivr na Intention , wonld ne am a.taperirany a uiai arm yon wiunnu ns acn lit, "u tl.LL of Sale. 1 Mi. tnacliin invrDtrtl ly the Inttnor chink of the kaleidosoujw on iear iocr iiunn and tb ntutlt the JaWim claim will trjHn tjfcv 9tM)t.iuiu JiT" nt t"licj!"tlnti wfairli ItTt lmlltr4 m l Iit ThM31.iWl for .ii.hr iuttivi.il I'tii Addreat nil orders to AttuitntttK WITH a oi HDd iiaid the other, concermng ctrtam rail or tram contained In a certain rtinumade by lrirrnat tmccntl ri- t njiawr an namu, have to le pauL and the wkjih r it is BANKING NOTICE. It sale mortsacc lviilnt atniLaHc. M tbf itb-- JiaJ A m?k)of kalihl, MandofOahn toThrmaa It. Lnca. la trt the light i r will la? the jhiuuent long ways projosod to le constructed "in or Tin have formed a lo-- aitut itinj G. & 13th May, a iTdrttml lml ttttli wr undtTi?iird l BARKS "KALE," AND RIEDEL.L Co., ditedthe day of 1M, recorded la Liber H, tril trtiiama tltf K1t motor likeH fi Hos 411 i, Notice Is hereby ciren tbat the aald mott-st- ! atMlaxrf! navtffalfron atdrrnni in nod of waiting is tohwellthe upon the streets or roadway s of Honolulu indrrth firm name uf Sprockets A Co., r ' O. No .11)3. HONOLULU. , MfttifitttitT 11 AI MAZATLAN " P. llOX II. intend to foreeloae latdmortza-e- for condition Hmba f Jnkntnr tbr crval rafiter of tWHtrrt! claim YAotider whtthtr the mister of nnd its suburbs," the following abstract? hr i tow at carrylos on a Ornrral UanLitrs mid k.x broken and npon aald forrelnvart will hII al Iak tohmalnliltidawtTT i". tnrrnlrJn trait wtnulrr loivign Affairs has re.d Lorn tirauville n change rninct at llcmolnln and nch otlirr lr in netlnn at the salesroom of LIONS X LE E V, la fnl iu m may help to splain the of tho case, FROM BREMEN, la raid Island of on rnHitrif. which ta ny qaitp m rttmml deMwdeh aud comiunmcaled it content t mints tlir llaaxttan Klnd &i a amy be deemed utrieabl'' Oaht, iuftrTntli'tnrrntHinortlH "hirji(? dl WEHNESDU inun Tltw to the President of the Jloanl of Health freed from legal and other technicalities tLAls &I ELI kELs lont lin:;ln part of a follow PniL9, ll, inacuina twvirra tb ran raalctial ruiriHlr M irLa WM It IRVI WUM vf aald day the premise as deecrlbrd 1b said of nt aajw tot ami aftf--i wlnlt pirra np at The IVmiiT should to it that hisMib First. Mr F-- a gentleman with means mortjase as tvlow aptelnM. inrtber partfenlara tan Ih nI lb malHit-- nt t LOW A AnsI. bcfaadofJ M viusMR.T,Attornry-atU- Atrr tttW atrnncl in thru ordinate officials are ktptpn'itrh ostcd and leisure at hia disjiosal, thinks he sees n IlniiolBlu January I lUi I'M l.a.irtr of Drj Goods, lanvn. irmlr t1wtlijtclHdtotlrntt rnnMtt-tH- THOMAS IL LLCs, iftf e. Umjtrid lltfinaL wliirti In lb rnu vf way of employing both in such a way as hrrrrrinlatheabore to Inform (bt i THIS SPACE IS RESERVED FOR Vlorta-f- A lmmigndiun of male Chinese Mill Uonolttln, March litat raimMf nlirmciit tpt tn Jitikitftrtt, tn ! Luai may prove to pablic that we are prepared to male Loan Ii9coont U ls niada2inta mntdirat. ti-o-i otnciiciai tne community l)ennu. ltrowii and bite Cottons, hlll inIk1.(hT njiou witii alarm Vprro-rr- Note and rnrclia'e. at bo coo a or valaable ftfilit Mllititt rrwwla Ihw ai1li imrf into tbiemntri and nt the same turn prove a fair invest t xchane tawltet Drills, lickings, Turkey lied, Jtc, rremlaea lo aold lit rice laad n(ttrii triitrltt Rate Onr arrancement altnate at knmnuta kapalama I aland of Oahn more nrp thi-t- n bi all tlose who Inve m.ule their went for himstlf He acconhngly pro fr SrlllnifKi ininiat bf iiim?um itnua rhane oa tbe print pal points In the tailed particularly drrcrlbrd lo Kojall'atent. Land nent home this cvnuti? Ky the itonnus an outline oi ms scheme, in a China Japan aud ntralla are tirinj ruadr MerniGs.blackand colored, 4 qualilies CotntnltloQ Award, No, 91 Apana , Irtard to Ipal in and a hen perfected due notice a be ciTcn Wr aadcoatalnlnsanareaef HUtb of an acre tffff t inendly convtrsation his rooms at the l!ilartimr;i-a- mitifnll tW fWf J wr.rr ftix litiiidrel male Chin mien were in tball aleu be 1 reparrd lo ircelTe p ern ar C. In luai an-- !ciaif FISHEL'S hnal ! hotel to. lremier, Unsh a Itaok J. Jrmt lmdtm na of coniM. the Mr roant. tnaki Colleetloni and eondnei General a.V',Jl'(i tlt J' v lit hht -- &, 2a29"nwil- - TworrtitartMnh.! nltalf Uter introduced more are nil txjHcledand the of ln and Kxckancf rntlueap rKLLkkLs CO 3Iort?a;ctsotIccorintenIIontoIorrtlose Jjmnl'TOniTi ostensible Minister Intenor lieinc trtlwlol dtl a ajiv i.faii wuari it if the floodgates haxe again absent The influential vtit TVJOTICK lis IIKIIKIIY OIVKX nJarft.pneitenU llna Hm. 1 rnard simsas Premier and the IDiress Goods, thatnnranantloa nower of sale contained In a baSiiad(-M)- f ln nltiiM-- IVtwrt-- tlnln lain (Kiicd The government had an personages present are cnchantoit most AmericAn Waltham Watches MCI! As certain tnorljaf deed, dated the day of October. 1S ma'te be Lokt (w an I Malhnl w)of VVaiaoae lnvt,1wtMrt lb til- - witli Pacific Mail delighted. vrilL w hen Intenor" aardTan. totd Medal The only medata award Twenlj-rh- e tm Itrtmh ai. t arMnliiHnli nrratigeinent the bteam Idtic) rrin1, "New, Mjlc, 3ST33TV A.NT) land of Oahn toll I VVldemann of llonolnln la wm W SP'LKjSir)!!) rnnirf thtr limit r ed for a rlie Vlrlbotirut- Internationa? Fihibition Oaho, In office womhT reappears, recommend Mr Fs plan for aaldltlandof of record tbe of tho Bee tit nwttt"ra i b i nni in ill shtj tomjiam foroiilv a hunted intixxlnc Printed Sitlptns, l'omivi Jonrs, Flaids, Istrar of Conrryancea In liber 57, on page 2U aa 1 311, Uutt ltkC ! t favorable consideration Itllf tt It mill 1wmii Thrnnlj t.old Medal, also, tbrct fprviul and foci (Jinfihainn, ictont Utwna, talin btnpett, and for a breach of the conditions la aald mortense U tion. to keep our latur market supplied 2nd tltalCrtyjirtff (mfr i ti nirrrini. iraa Ostensible Intenor7 returns, list firt prize sydnrj- ancy M nped Grenadinea. deed contained tbat all and alnsntar tbe land, ten Mmltat1n3a,tiavcwnillc tliftttlk of IhkW till Tins arrangement thev have lropMHi and ns. ajiproves. receives and entertains Tbettotd MU1 I ariai. 1S lirt rtixe VI d White Silk Japanese Twills, berce. nent and hereditament a In said tnortcage dad con- Itiairau m nncwt wqanrr it did in 1M ihlladribta is.fi tained and described will, after tbe time limited by vr tiiilt. we have again no tlieck Once the China formal apihcation from Mr Further, il rojdin", Stm and Moire, law be sold at nnbtie anetlon nn arennnt of th hrearh f Miuru it did in 1134 itinw (milt npm nn F The unequalcd uceef of lliei t eli liratrd jlclicr Mad and Colorrd cItcIs, men know that the gato of this celestial officially grants and secures to V hatrodncrd a hot of aortblra Imiutlonv Cdjcti of the condition ai hrretntofore nrntlontd ntraF wrfneneTTtitrorrielitt aiiuKrv mtleft.ntitl ilr The pro party In mort jra- -e dear bed lirtl i alill jt aradiNC nrr open, and may expect a iraae war wan nam na rn ri belngtltaate rnntr frmarkal b ratt- of inrrniw w neces-ar- rights, franchise. Ptc- - for the on the plate f all !,rnntne WaltLam Wairliri n.vi: at Tahoa Hafauaaaforeaald and more pantenlartr de craved silks. GOODS In Royal STOCK OF scribed KJOu. aakaiMi(MiiKTtaMtai:tatlivr than tlirajnnbini; swarm In Apnl of last the W 1IL. and Talent No si knleaaa llelo jear pnMcution of his schtme carefully lim MiMearer are rlatnpcd to l"s r . Iwrfect sihereape are alamped Vmerlcan Wnt h Cooiiaur lUtck, OroKcrain, rnncy, Colored and btripcd Dated llonolnln, rebrnary Zlat and Jliuister of Foreign Affairs Ilnrege, It fultmtincrirncnn-Tttt- i wtllowie neo iiy uie requiremenis oi law Waitlutu Strrliiis M ly Crcrtp,c , vrtncif Inr lfUa framed a resolution of which the following iittt Cecil lirown. vttorney for jitrtga Iftaw,jt f - nlannif nniiarka in tMir uf atvlitnr "nl Mr r fortified, and one might TAILORS' GOODS. j lal i t firkl lia attanl fmmlant mmnnj; fnr u is the substance think justified by the hand and seal of c Mortgagre't Notice of Intention to Foreclose WltlitKlt any -- JJm tivtrUstnnt'i, . Ar ttra tMIMt dHrimwit. ll iindu W Bixrus. There ia now in the tiralatiou of the Osttnsible Intenor," goes offstraightway UncLkina, Diagonal, lirwJs, Corda rr vi i i ia p i en. ' wf Ptcirk. ilirtt, lKHaa and cattle, are food an injnnuaa disproportion orthefsexes, and of Bale. ln, ntsap hincdoni to San Francisco there t ngages exjwn bcrscs SdefwSjDocstins, Caiwiraeres, Jtc oi iiPiHiionwnpm iu pwi ir into buy amotmltng to aloat twenty thousand more males Jlortsaffee's Notice of Fnrechtsiirc A. of sjIp t accoui)a'ck with a 4liQR ft l BlTaJoatnV, A4 H At enceil contracts rails, cars, X er of aale container! in a rrrtaln icnr.Am hW bTtlt ant than female, iti a inpuUthri of about serentv engineers, for l'OW- - Mmi. i.. C n tta iMrtnwiit or tlMMiMnd. T ACCOM VNTKIVIII A A Splendid As of hekrpeklandKankl,w)orKailna, KoolaawAo, Is cmitti ttliat etc- - and n'turns. not without heavy exjien In a by st. Shirts; Ilia iw at imcv 1 J. erof eal contalaed certain maifcase made land of Oabn, to Mete sterena a trnardlaa ot tba Hao cntatli and tbiuk l.futrrJ Tint the Mlmt f of ioreim flAirabe (.ham 1 In Leon; toAa4an dated Uie Vllxpd, Calico, IIIcLory minors, tt ia aft t aaj tliat tt tnictit ! rot twi litnn, to put into practice his approved and Won: iHoulm Denim Ac) Vona dated 29th of Octobrr, law, recorded In ln anlhotized to not if t the aotlKtntiea uf Hunskonc I thdarof IVeemtter recorded la Liber liber 63. folios T and 47. notice la herebr Hr. that .1 timaa, jot aiMlinc, tt VT plans for street railways, 11 Cndtn-tiirti- -- toTf Hioitlaaraatm U Ihronphonr (ajntnfteiterM al that iwrt. and to itc l to Notlre I hereby ptrrn that fjld mortraree Merino and Cotton s M 31onarrat tbe present nardUn or aif Hao Naene UtKaanlatMlKnt flow of neb uilL frw fnnn 4th A some fntend t aald inort;ae for rQDaition liite Bosom Jtv, mm. roinorajnteadi to foreeloae laid nottfr other aDthontie tlint lb .Vlitiitti(tT twist of one s wnst former forerle Sliirts mortca re for condition iuit laid natwr, tnd citmi m n tieTrt MUatc ir emnietit protest aeaitist the cxceaiitTe iimctcnt Ost nsible Intenor disappears into chaos broken and npun aafd foreclosure will e II atpnbltr Vjcks and stocking Handkerchiefs broLen, and upon aald forecloanre will tell at pnbik Etlls on tbf Utr. I ban- jot thu day 3nlt tion of torn alone and will take trpa to prevent anetlon at the ralearoom of 1. P Adam In Honolulu lonlanl. Glove m auction at tbe room of Lyons A Lerej. on S VT ftrtU 1 of Kaleidocoje Premier and other nsATtl.DVV. theWthdayot April at Hm of L KD k MA BL II J9tb, at U no. at aaU day lb mT cat tine of it for liar nf !.pnl ita tntrttdncthm in premise rsi 1I. tt nnd tt baa mrffl In tbta m ptkiraltj elrj wam llnential jersonages begin to think that ealdday the deaerib fn aid nnwle a V MlIOi: IMOICKOFt'JaOTIIIMw premlsra described mortsajaa below epveified tot TlielVemur has strangelv changed m below aneeined i""i )aiiii.ii.ii van " uu ui at.jt ii'Strai. iVimlbanmittvuitt the crr A dnmtlt oiiIt the terms granted by former " Ostensible lull pnrtkntirf ran lw bad of lfnJS Hartaelt ttorner at Law J. if sots tttir.tT dlTabcjthortoi. Tlw root i not nflrrted his views since April 18SJ Chinese are Intenor" are too indefinite and elastic, Mtornrv at Un Unanlian of minor children of IlaoXaone.deceaaed. by bmij drcratb Itoareirr Trr. needed, but there should be restrictions on IsW M"rts tine Black Cloth rrock Coats and rants, mira iionoiaiB, irn ain. o .and that the shortest way ont of the diffi llonolaln Marrb 1j is UncLskin Ntcka, 1'anta and Saita, rrem'aes to bo Mtld conlt of valuable laroland from ttwrotomnaiif W IUrtjliaa their introduction Apparently nt pres nt sttaated at aald Eallna, conUlnlns an area of I (fviun J.w.r. culty is repudiation rremleea lo lie anld )earlnnl at Laio, In the Felt, Molwir, Dnll, Flannel Sack and Fant crea and are more otarly r .(, Jlie foilnwins there ire 1 panic deacrlbett in Royal r aUtilKH to tlie are none Mr official 1 aland of Oaau drtnlaed to tbe by John Vy" blurt and Cliildreu's JncLeU, I3KS5 xniOQntJ( Next F still reiving on the morta:or Next Week. Talent o,. UC Ward 1IJ7 to KabewahewannL .miTaiihoi tncar troil3Cfrtl. rltnonl Tarbir be dated Jii1t3 and recorded tn Monkey and Niilor Jftcleta Particulars 5 W document his iiocket, signed lae IsI "tl It 11h tnlitur M. nr in lb balrtt of tvckunitic Ui the last week nuv one crossing in saled. Liber SI on pare" lfito31? contain !eff laerea of 1 'I, Coats and Lriijcs, Carpet blimier. uuimo4MijM an atenc rtw lor lliia iut. and delivt reil by Intenor. nn Rlee land wltV all tbe ImproTrmentr thirorn.andalM wdkandl C Umbrellas and raraaola, ilonT and tin mmt likt-l- j i (nam th oneiutl bridge nrrovs the Nnuanu all tbe ntenll Itaptrmentff and chattel of tbe mort Adzziinistrator's Notice, mlnW It. aware as y et of the kaleidoscopic tenure thereon oped of rtre rancy and Traveling bhawlB, . WO Acrra) of plant canm, aihI 1. mi o and aror In the culture "ald leaae rowelx, Cigars, Cigars u"DKitoiGNi;jj nearlv ISfl Cotton and Turkish Special Notice rUin stream could Itwk down into a lry or office, n!ont to aold an n rental of until rrin: iiavixg rn Airan-rac- of nnr a gives notice that heis ia anbJecttAan nil Jann Xbeen doty appointed temporary brtr and half ton jwr arr 1 and of M a rear for the retidne of It- - bite and Fancy Qailts, administrator of W Thja ahort qoantitj W TOjviaed rtn?k strewn lasl with occasional stagnant commence work, but objects to a too com !" the estate of wm Ilnckle, of tlonolnln. deeeaard.no totari'Md t Tm. via. TaJannaryl ivti. tbe entire term beias Felt hucnd Hrtcld Catpetinp, The Lndcreined. Iroprletor of tht lie- - hereby dTen to all at a total ort m tJO cw which rnavladiri pnhensive of free ? Tpjii-- from Jan nary 1 andaloo Mihjftt to th- - Eest Brands in the Market praont kartnr clalma 10 rr lools of soapv water ht jKisseugirs lZ. anlnatthesaldeaUleto preaent the same, duly an dfd into for labor 13 life for cbraitcaf manure new tterrormanee of all the eorenaitia and condition en . . thenticated. with the proper and 17 10s wJiat ara mtDallr cnlled by Ostensible Intenor. who - a part In ald contained It UJVZVjSlS'X'nS: noiKT-EJiiun- sua $, Toechera. whether recnml for tnerchAnU On Sumlav to nun. at tbr lret- leae I1 rem, by mortrare or otherwise, to the Bnder-ijn- opfltA. avvrntl evening it K'au thereupon applies for and obtains an ter in within t vf jrin thf ATrrac Taloe of HorM Itlanletn, bite and Fancy Blankets six month from thedatethrrmf.or they will be for- tasr haa 3) jwt ton, wlitrb hrst gently then heail.v within half an tm valuable to ttnIirsio ever barred, and all peraona Indebted ancai Ln aUnt onlr jliraso injunction nstnun Mortgagee's Notice of Foreclosure & of Sale Fancy btriped oolen two atzea. Noblesse, to aald eatate are Irtwaj a clMrano of 13 nrr acr aftr dfdnrtinc came down Mr and all others be scarlet, Oranpe. Wlute Woolen, 3 and point. STEAM CANDY FACTORY notified to make Immediate payment to the nnder!? all hour a freshet and the former engineer from TN AtC()M)AXCi: AVITII Yl'OH- - a - fie nl at hla olaatt? nf banlnHaL lLllilB Mr t w. t llfnrHp tnrarrcd in rrodncinc F. X in a certain warlt bv Threads Tape. Elastic, bcaiis Acf liro, ThhiHTiM 12W,uro to bouMfrwrnlnjald level was live ginning the undertiking. so warmly ertf alconlaleed mortr;'" CUrk.wlralfdnlydepatlaavibrme lo- collect monry- - Hl water raised wine or nix sn Mol lolnbDlnr- as kwtm- - fctoti Wat Company Silk and elvet I!illons .zacL X3n.li.ox-3?- " 1'onase 4nfe, daetbeeiUte II lllCkLE. addi.lttUXWforUntraT he iralizrd rrom jwtroniscd. in wonls, by the lrenner and to Kaon Man Comsanr riav fett the Kinks on lioth sides wt re soon inenand dafd thr ltn Nations for Shirts Coats I'antJ, Drrsaes to Inform public gencr errel Teeiporary Imlnlttrator Estate Wm Cockle deed and th irnt of tla? land orraptrd n othtr influential parsonages, nnd broth uf Vusucf, lssi, recorded In LtberT pae m "nilee leire hUpntronaand the llonolnln. tebrnary l valne tlw land ally that notnttbatan line Ihe recent dUaitron (niinmlrn, W7rn Tb. of o! lUruadr in cn nnder water for several yanls width Cat cial document Signed by former Kaleido PEIlFOMEItr, FLORIDA WATKR, tire v i I t 1W r ttcrv and tbrre are eIo raid mart! nt. ii Kitreri pmIa In the Supreme Court ofBntlih Columbia inXlMiacrra,bqtwetliinLfhal tie were tlrwuned. and shnilts scopic mala rorerhtMire lattic I ihermntt th aTrrajp! ailca jnng tnes Ustensiiue intenor Vdama (Jtutun ban de Cologne, Lnbin's Litncts & 31 rootnof E. r In Honolulu on V!ONDA the A NEW FACTORY BAKERY fjcnite 1 TS TIIK ATTKIl OF TlfE iTATK f Mtalaafor tbelaal ftt Mt will br ( ond to washtxl Iinally Mr. F V appeal against Vpril, at - Toilet Smps 1'hilocome, Hair Oil, Combs, lira lecnnte of FD1TAKD KELLT r awav KOI riat djyof Um ofaatdday tbesretn1ed A In the matter boat mi ar artr, th crop. rfocV, and build first and second decision that second is to wribed la aaid moera-- e aa below iireified Fnll par Mirrors Looking GIasscs, 1'ipes On a ranch nwe eitenalre scale wbku la now in fall Tor Sale at Reasonable Rates, by or the rrtlllon of MAUI SCOTT and the Mir tns brine thrown in Tlir intrreot vn Tlie doi.l n rnpnllv as had titular- - ran br had of W JL C I K operation had nhtch will b In complete working or tins latter nlsldel it atle ttorti" at IJ Halls HanwmicAs inank ibioks new Machinery Tn. jaKmt.tti. prra-m- t oar oaal rate wonld bo maintained, seeing that first with Albums Gold Leaf, Jewelry, Watches, order by an early arriral of and Tools Wlma - NOLTE. IWrrr mock llr ordrrof II.U II aorabte Court tbe beira or Edward ris n In less tban nn liour from Uio first r c- "J- Kelly, late or Nanalmn, BrilUb Colnmbia. arbo died aud iKorduic to tltrw oUERntntwearv and other distinguished person And la now Prepared to Manufacture or awtiglnj:UM.nb?mit on Uit mialal, which th heavy nun it had reacliod its maximum, age behind him. had exceeded his IcgiU VIENNA FURNITUIia cb co., abrjnt the lith day prll, are to aead In their r prnperto to be --old mdlt of the Ili nUttm (mil in .rnrn,Hiri. rrfTiwi1,mi Uelatrar Of the il?Btf ' worth, bat are hort !30L twenty fallen several uisnor V mT '"d minutes later it had mate pow vr tinn of niortnrorat Kaneohe koolaarMiLn.rnn?rlln- - rro, DimncIEouni and l'arlor BANKERS, tanrt or (o Meier Darie WHaon, of Las?ley street tWSlutaalU a larre aerea of well il tborouhly cultivated Choicest Pure Candies Victoria Attorney for the within feet Meanwhile many tons of earth had Mr Chairs, a t VN Total. Ilowerdew considerably rice laud now planted rHh rieeaad In Ibntonb ctder Settees IIONOLtIL i II IU frnrntbedate hereof otherwfaethe estate will f&ri to provide work tor the Calfskins Girths btirrnp Leathers tl km be reaQaed gjne ltarlw damaged, stret t railways inthedimtUs all of tbe leac iherTwtih connected. hiTiu- - Ion; DiaV EXCHAXGCoN and tbe proceed a thereof paid to the said and whole reservoirs, full of fresh terma to run several rood honm rice fionr rattlr petitioner who claim lo be tol-l-y entitled thereto. fuMowioc rrmtrla from .Varfriw a tlredgc. tance, former Ostensible Intenor eon Dated tbe 1st bnrrra.toola Implamrnt andaljof theparapbenulta UIMTEa Or ASSORTED CISOCKKHY, IHl BANK or CUIFOMIJ, : . . SAM FRKISCO lAh day of Xorember A D tWk t?qaip are quit applicable i"be water were lost m - ny order .ME 2TVU here. victed of not knowing the extent of his "i itrr- piamjiiinti, IW'i 11 Vanilla Chocolate J CIIAULEH PRtOT, j1PjViD ft aramUf of andebieratuonc It is no exaggeration to sav that had fnnclion--. IVrmier. present Containin natra, Cops Teapots IluwU, Creams, v 1IBTHI1R AOIKT It rl3m MriatrargnpremeCwTirt.nrUlah CoIamhU IUertt,hEVtin?rV. ltlU aiarrlHltrtjdbow and available the 1 Chambers Uice Dishes and Bakers. Cocoanut Candies, Netv lark, Lncliahnnm do trnun the time nioaiy since Intenor aud influential xeronages ! DcTnijob.ns3 5 ; NOTICE. frlT naak all matlars ran. vote was passed for Heiwurs and Improve- 1797 1884 and galls Simple Bottles llMlnu, ASSI.EES weird wjttb. jojalt.T it icertAiaJy th itotIht their knuckles and chuckling over VaRcaand GlAssware, Manila and Tarred Hope, Rich Niigal, in bars; lloiiskonx, 4 LI. rEKftOY IDK1TTEU Til TIIK C& auow w ater snpply proierly ntil AX. Ute of oi a lojai ttm to wufiv rum now in roral ments of been the ierietration of n decidetUy smart Hemp and 1. IL racking. Coal JJukets KtSSRS.H M ROTHSCHILD I SfiaS. LOXOOX l c KERIt, Cankrapt. are heraby nam in ttard to nnrr H haa brn the izeil the storm of la-- Sunday evening Sugar Roasted Almonds m'k Immolate to B. f UIL. rpfriqn a por4 poniah tnck at tlie expense of a mere foreigner Tbe Commercial Ilanklna; Co, of Sydney, Londoa LlVoilAMnr J O Astlcneea f frnat to lu Kln& wbn would liave gone far low anls us &1X&EL? c&3 Honolnla Matehlth by hav acted ttranieallj Ttie folloniiij 1 tb carrying Morak for would be investors. Iut not JELlco Bags CREAM CANDLES, great variety; TbeConnnerclal EanklnsCo of Sydney ydner lal ritraet- - In nultanc th nnmcntr uneramt held through the next dry mmisou yonr tntst in ilinisters or influential per Uf All size and qualities, The Hank of ew Zealand lackUnd,and fta Crown, w Ot THE Marsh-Mallow- s, Notice to Planters!! ender tb bar rec trd an mormon iiutuie iiorse navmg invnutioose h Cnal Twine, Soft Prancbcs tn Cbrlatcbnrcn Danediu and ttellinztoti aT sonages though their wonl may le, as in Baps Gnnmes Barlana annart fwjrpenuoooa-f- xtitli arxrcel an i to shnt the stable door Xear two W oolpack Sacking, Hose, The Tank of Crftlh ColamMa Portland Orrnn nduai kraurATlnc feif the renurka w bav time mis case, as good as Uiar liono. and Twilled Linen mnJr have slipped by. the nppropnation Cum Drops, and Tbr Acore and 3Iade1ra IIand Wet Trash Furnace. Automatic Feed. In ttroa ppntkinc broadly and phunlr w Incnrml German Besidents (iKOCKiUES- - Stockholm swetjrn. lb nat o( Mime cnarpM totUr expended, the stonn water wwasteil, La Cum Fruit Bon Bons VrdtraniactaueneralDaaklngBaa neaa wttnuiuTaltj is Thc rrunlicT bwn imlnlging tbe ire ly 3IO&T WITT horwrrrxn and diMitccti m to lb Crown, hot we by turn of the our en rr Inritnl to a in half nnd qaarter boxes, Uf atl Ml thoM: Home MaJe fresh and 'PUK SUCCIbFLJa aud the n Vnp town witli one of Lis little tliimblengging dr.crirtion X Traab Farnaceia the hlands If the farsaee la e dincbtini aJij ioch (evltrtj: toward' cither o on H. and P. Biscuits bait in jars, pBrclonimibO 1 aellatouccnu prt ltmud. t awor gmeer is to rtturu with plans, etc for ! at lb "preckelsTllle Mill, and patenvd byCUa bat reatwet fir th (jneu. as a wfnen which ho Castrr Oil in Tins bteanne Candles, 1, 5 and 6 True to the Test piekela and Joseph Moore ran - -. work. tncLs in invites tho imbhc to It attached t and a horeteacn. than e hare becan- In her stvend months So that if matters Malchea. Cocoanot thl- - Wash Woe, RICH WEDDIHG CAKE OF THE FINEST FLAVOR ooiier now in wimp! ta bollfr rjriYnt -- it reretttns chnmctrr, b f a pattern of all U c dv proceed favorably we may come into pos cjaimiic the llirve uttlc Uiiniblcs and one Garden Party HnbbnckLind Taint Oil, H White Lead, & air'! ip ii n cin - arrB ai iae orace or rtrtvea. whtl in her tmblic fche In all sixes alway on band, and mim mealed Macneale Urban Safes. Wm IUW1X k. Co or by application W mratie capnatt session of an improved water system at htllo - white Zinc Faint. t Z tihtbtUnuAlttira larfittipc herlifch ia iva," and rcqucU them to pnt their On th" rrrmle- uf the in tbe most art l tie atyle EOWELL TWJlm atatiia,aud clo&o dry season. matalacd bj ray ne of tne vuxm which bare th of the coming nner on tho snot where the iva is. The - LIQC0RS : sa manJ of bcr ravaieceaanra. V e are 1oily Meanwhile ? GERMillU- .WINCE PIES always fresh OTIC& aware that f HtX Jlajrirtj i tn cm public pnt its finger on tho thimble la CLUB, Ve IU SU and IkmUUeaa Brandy, and om-aXT- UiO TbUKUKin Ahh FhK. cnd tr the ntlpoihicliweoiodemD,itf anther J tsr how consistent the mier, in and KOed rctfiwi," and iThold when tho other brands is JLaontthat I have appointed my rreond eldest son, wtrwrttircly or wwwiIhnjHj, and w are ronnnced In Uam. Gin, bL laul Beer, Ale and I'orter, C. O. BXBGEXt, an . Aeent ? VKOI tnaanertnlraff m boln4.s at kan. Hawaii that ant reraarka w hat mad iu out of office can 10, may In? judged from Premier hfttl it nis why, it was as hollow I'crt Win. hherry Khino Wine, - MavcntiaJe Urban Saf- -. - my llnr.f Cattle Male. Danker. aLinctorint Home Made 11 tha baiqaitooa juatrtM E ainecnrea, of which Fine and Table Clarets Champacns Mince Meat t llo'VOLLLtf I J aamwitH i - rpipiarm w COIlrCa M following e we and as empty as a thimble eould well Afternoon of March 22nd -- all ontataadins debt a me 1 will not hr- i tml made lb and the which came le' G, H. M crura at Co., bptirkltng Hock, ror al M Ccata per rotmd iJrau bia I ukr rrat ptrarore trr inform yon that "'" bat rmwn t& vaiffi nrctait initrntueo ible for aardeW rimtracted Ly the at 14 Akof I or Kotal HoaaeboM which A This investigation CtWen Irry Ueidaeick, Monopole, the No 3 Macneale If and to render the that it aero in the of Apnl 11th, 1S73, a is asnredlv In Iloavr of the Aanlvcmry of the Cb. Farre, Will rccclre per Conanelo Ihe balance of my new I rbaa fie proof Safe partbaaed my son tlNlsbonldretnTHfrom Chhta Akotapewer to a model to las followed, fnate u--t, Miascllo, thedlaa-tro- my a ! tmsht be. ad of a a canons anair 1 as detailed last IcAc niM.aiuTTj 01 lot ntwrmifn;Bi lor manniacinnnaii ome yean to baaf afe4lbroash Are ofmaaaln fair will then rerokM t eaono f Vaxulax I h aroaded, we haT jiaper wbted and published by the jmr-en- t deacrlpUons of plain Candies. tr week, an attack is made bv ten letters in ofl4itnl;htlemy rathe eattia faction I opeacd tbe Howolaln rebrnary lWL - .formed the prut f both lojal ctttzena and loral IVemier, then n man huugnly eeking Gcnudii German and Havana Cigars Thankln the inbllc ror prerloaa liberal patroaaij J 9niar- TkV Inal of thoac the KaVaalo Hospital, npon Van Geien, Emperor's Uirllidaj fame on the WmWoa tion ftlpe eu handle barlnr Udtijeru. fnetme roTaltr r rUted arepoons. Forks Cmets, Tea and eolicitia a eomlnnanee of the tame who, with csnlwrant prof esamtia of lore and Ten alter what oCinal jnckings were to bo got thc Snperintcndent. TL attacL is foiled : bets cry Ueapectfnlly Hiunaiij anuiotinuj contenis lloiimlarjr CummMfonrr's Xotlce. eratton m their nA onlr thir own benefit Uie cells O la condition oara rrj Trnlr. in,cCaaa hold of. men are locled nn in and snm From 3 to i3. at JfrLlCATIOX IIATCSU and that of the vhieb thev taMoncand ti. - " L. WAT PROI-C- BCFS "Lencojrt. article, most manly shipped off to MoloLai bo far for HAKOWAISK- 1 the andaealjaM fwr tbe etUeaa'at cjRiinjinawr areijpncj by thf Owws, aat2ie "is about the SJT" The Cnnmlttee 11 I WIDFMAJO ' ' rao!U&o!tu5.T i, I a.trj Cook. Hoaolnln II the boaadarie of the Crown of important now before us tbrae island. -- IJaa34h IS. IlUIn Kaneohe Xotriev defend, wtilltrfj ntBirerretnaleabt)eeacalitted question in theiirologne of tie play II 1 t.LAPK Fuckct and hmener nntres, baraorg, TKElU T5W,tl IltfTIIaM; laland of Oahn Kalnapshl, and oocoant into 11ns Jearlol toslatly calls foresprctil II W I, Cho. Ilaleko. to btltnj tba Throne ill dtacredlt - The silence of the grave wonld no donbt stiiMinr hheep Shears, Needles, bpnms. Files, o ,IC1.J.U haabooaltlwl AH owner of nrKh Ui enmrtranity nt tare. lbeaFteoitf ex and cnercetKJ acttin. The separation of F A.st.IlErEK. TEitrnoE j. 71 r rax o 75 A "'! laOreatad have on the matter, bnt nnfortn 1ST. Sjmrs Galvanized Basins Hoop Iron lfW ljn;r of llicf Jtillj aaLmzJa?4t-- V la the "toyb0ft Mrariea; ainectm plaraM, nnaanieilran all confirmed eaew aLoold be nurooalj earned rctcd lltnoluru. March 17th. it tIf d boaadarlea.P1"are hereby aotlfed. that f - And tfata we must express our natelv the Etorr leaked oat, and more nn ri hep lirrets Rammers the raid come en for my alooa and nnoVserred "Tetirea alJowanc,' ahoald out in eonnrcUan Tut law Metal arid Composition Iiratcd MlOICnnslantlr on hand. M;ttrwllt heirlnf at onVe A objection lepers of the islands Nails Merchant street. Haaoivia on rriday.MarchJti l"of lie at once and Itarerer atopraaj trt?nd and to the bnocinc of all fortunately still, a conpleof newspaper Rtbbttt Me Ul. Election Notice, Kawailoa Ranch totionoiUD, empi(yinff ainermi faawonrrs Columbia River hntr Coolers KICHD Y UICKEItTOX AoTTOtim pf it nxratitBUonal monarchy, and as knu rrnorlers tool the matter mi and Iron Tanks CUnfier Ac Also, djvbo lor tbcir transra'tiatKin. ii me oe conui inter f f 'Company. EXCHANGE. r, . .f'wwilVlBlefo'lfcB'triepforIlanlofOah TjiM&Walttlfofthelaojal oia?e viewed" the steward of the hospital, thus "! iirniwin aiarcnarn amzt tr aj&wortbaiT vecatpit the Throb, wiuoh she cioaa. aa we moat briiere it in we are frSSSSt vt aadorna b her talenta nod her Trtnea. w protect certainly nralliplTihz the opportunities of infets paining an earlv insight into the affair RPGUnAIS MKKTIXt. OF COa-BERCE- j flesh Portland Cement. ATA - XOTICE. O S aoattiat a aralem. whtch, Urjbrld VDdrr the falr two bT carryinivtbont rotten men mhwe is a The reports fnrnished by the Gurm and itoca nowrr 01 ivawatioa lunch Cenpaay of horror inTcSAelsth&taroiwd;orhealUieriaMen. Fire Clay, UUck smith Coal. Fixs heM at their office ooTneyday rebrniryrMh IWLthe tm A"ntllawaitaa Ilanda A T A MEETING OK THE STOCK. yrtBrnucwf KataUhinthiotwrnddicnirj Ettltti set penple thinking, and a very 18 Bricks followla oflicerf were elected for the year Crown, and cuntnbntlnc ti the enmf ort and traffic, just UunL. a poor wretch n MJLi.3i.oar TUr. Empty BarreK Oak Boats Ac eanrlas the jr AeAc, ! JS' bapifigts eX aTueisn, U nmcoodndTeto whoa hands are w a state of horrid decomposition widespread opinion was expressed that an rretMeat - Jnw l paty NOTICE l"lOmceT,rlretrtfwlbee.iijrmr JJ lb tJooshinj; awaT, VTiTe froat other Islands caref ally Xanaeer H Dfckoow t1 TatljawpBrxa?fcttnta and th fleh oi wbow Snsers i mvesti cation ought,tohave been made 41 sT BE HTH the .Aaqiior . rHiiiR ST1?."1,. awrtOTOW a Laid upon a rail or poiot of njsnnfT and th attended to by Kijapei .olc.miirBMniih.t b. ku 1. 6.. p.r,iWoiinRtnr. r.UtultraX.r. TltPtt0.t. - W. I K mod wnlj adrantapeonj to a rrumiivi "mob of plc to the deportation ot the men to Molokai secretary and Ttetaarer J II Flaber I K Pln , a Iiealthy hot abraded handmtttinon llbT.otoll. btiiil Ik Tie cini.r .111 pleaae JsatfT Jobs Wilder I pbichimUiv"iwiKlhitowTiitndJOTt-jT- Xow comes the next part ot the story ltAJefrfe--sX- rfn.tr Jaf fl optacer X Wckon L cllaadobulnth- - ram- - - at cwnlwit aod Vtreurj AidrewXeVafrt , I in nttr diartrd of the tne utereaUof both tut cpot, and ts inoculated viih lit desoUuns H.KACKFELD&CO. Pauen. J H Fir her mi Ttras. SnchaUiiiUB poiMecoiitinit,ncj and The disturbance took place March 7th, a UM peepi 4 U FlfUES, Sxey Cl.p.lakw. Xaw Xatrk a. 1SSL ynn Iloaolal Xar tal. IBM. CW7) 41 frerrttarr, I

.itm --Vfc,T t . iaamaal Biepnoi, -- ,. . S w 1 -- ..rrir , . a- "aK rfaaTTMBtaaMmmMX HTi ,t,,...JM. V "' n JF" aaaaaaaaHaaaaaaaaakaaaaaVl ? . " - mu aa.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa a IvRanm, . - ayTaaTTIIMMirT"TBWtfaaaa:aaTf1i8.W.lTK ' ilawaanaaaaaaaTaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaala SSfe . a!. .. . t '' ini. &SB iWV VlS Vj j &

COMMERCIAL. ISLAND LOCALS. daughter to enjoy tbe benefits of a change of air. were in the audience. Mr Do la Mondne clowned IJtir gdmtiitmnilf. gattitm atts. During Lis sojourn abroad Mr. Grieve will prob- bis part Tery well, his comical mishaps on the bars valuable affording amusement. The edocated borae, siSLShSSSS&u jtovmrzc xAXCirn.it iBorx ably have an oiporturiiy to obtain in much ! ton itland interests, which will Ikirney waa agiia introduced, and, after Mr sher AS AH 3. (latin la aeral mired lc IIw-7nwd- towBnli tbcaapt last formation relative to Consignee Wanted ?h.rl PS bt be duly chronicled in the columns of this journal. man had securely tied the feet and nose of PACIFIC RUBBER PAINT 11i noticeable iarlii tht pan iDocvoairy aroona iionolalo and dri'seas i ulalla; as a chip. waaidrj illameyi undid the knots which bound H. 1 to 10 twwmonthf ha thlaappeared, trade la. all llaet pre II. H. 1L Prince Lydia and Ills Lxcy Got LUn. carrying the ropes to hi roaster. perfonn-anr- e Mixed Beady for Use, Any TH1h icty, Spooial a annre acUre appearance w lib. Ewd prwwperU The jail erra to trapeze by Messrs, and Mondue Sale tenting cct alone ibont retoroed to this city, from Maul, on the Scott -- j Oortiur, JohnO Ikwiinis Clothing CwawtercU ly lij not ftt-a- received it well 10 Pkgs. of wt the artlrity cnniBC eta bateea do wiLh the position ami ctilue the cm tbe 15th inst. was interesting and the applause One Can Apply SALE -- CREDIT v deserved. Jack the down horse and Tommy were It. bn toelliwed co the trem teeer "om ; ivi wnocuocr pOTpOUtt Laade4SzSVa-trsilB?etiteinbe- r Is notber iwiformance at (he. circus tomorrow brought and after a little mAneuvering ii v lac crwpa rar andine. frw then la txi.Li-- x r Jtn .' UtcntioniacaJnltothfldecuioo lire UiBfil evening Go early and see the alack wire acex-sio- were Induced to tat one another on a board r pwdt will be thlafwtttwwwr chief iwathel in theor-der- a, Flovrrdear om. rhlcn. Kppran in foil on tbo aUide, bj ! la Mondae. for the purpose, the maimer tn which M la to day frowt dalr i defray cbar-r- a aad ex Use The arrira'a .dtcHiTiihrwaietwthcharm fourth leading up to the acccrorltbxaent of the peases on tamr If applt atloa be not mad fne de- the Pacific ! On Friday, 31 rR of tha ivw , Karek Jarwb A. UtwUML .brnha lVarkrf aad Klr Tar, Tbe time allowed for the presentation of claims uik,wereooe?eu, snoweu caretui train---- wi livery, aad alt ekarrea uadenlcwed befort GROCERIES rWtir , 1 l K Klw Janeiro frewt Ilanekenr. with XUO.h..JJ.-- e. anj the 1' good Vfter Mr. had interested the the expiration ot thai ttIs-- U II I U S.lnn,a. 4n,Mll ,Ut, the ateaweir M.S.S.jt. for damages accruing to property owners on the results. bcott 11 JICO are both tltie at thU port Intra 1 rana-c- audience with an the "lltEO lHVff Chlwrwe ImtnlcranU. tfec Zcwlaadia iU a larrx q nas- frM Sau line of projected widening of Merchant street, exhibition of llwwlala lb. 1WI "1 llubber Faiut jn SatnrdiT the TommT was appear ndbMr Marttl wswnD &moma. tily ol from I Cwwowhre. and. lb liaiWf 2ml iBt. at noon y bone announced to ON WEDNESDAY. -- futwf on a wagon himself being the driver. The feat bURlBLE; GLOSSY IND ECONOfticXL. MABJ3 liawTJeea wm-- Amelia fro lort The bark .r M - II W. sjilej frutu New The band concert at the Npiare on the evening waiacoomriffjieusucce r .1 T Jryi nnB!ii Twd, wtajera tally, ue equine Wc wtU tell alaablle tacit t The tVparteres haw the Ibrer abete CMtle. W FeU-Ti- h, horses, SURVEYING 4lotr mth 1XJ toniof coal of the 17th inst, was well attended and tbe pro- beinc drawn around the track by two he i tairnMai fVarer Bior k ai Wan.paarLfberai Hi Janeiro aad Zealaa-di- a for thii port. It-d- Tim netlwaaidlbataBera gramme of piece was gone through to tbe entire holding the reins of the team In his mouth. The ji i larxe eoaalrnmewtAfaBaiiaiff wa rortlf M1BHA CIGA1S in nh. the rteanter Marip Tb ateamera art all Tire Qoeen'a satisfaction of tbe large audience present, who performance given waa Tery mltresting and tbe boapital is Terr fall jost now:, the degree intelligence which is f ' Ink I. I bewwd t FYaBcfac ihZeamaRaand"alarlpaa Bomber of patienta is JmJeJlj on IncrrtLoe, tendered marks of approbation by freiuert an- - horses display a of .U'HITLTER, FULLER & Co. .rSe-f?v31VX- 3 tlte almost human, sbowingwhat may be accomplished ZXj.tlx.'U. IVEnxxl. Uklac "d wwaklitle t tntr Maple predeet. anJ tbe inttitctioa popular ptauAe OVrRIllNl-(aeaiiarIl- ' TSKH" i 1! by ratienc and kindness in the war of ma king a Map Francisco, Cat. tad r The ateanwr Vlamed U hrreontkeSM An- Ar..., Lrrvllas San armro4 remPeaat ta Xtiibfnean du lttl During tbe freshet of last Sunday evening, a bull domb animal appear as lt it could on 'hgtrPI'T r. f. iwrt. tw The ItQfncan batk Jaiat It Artrrr ianuw4np WH1 U inn. with date tbe lata aaia alawlheweeamet Amanita. auul loading" at Hoston, for llonolnlo, and a calf belonging to Mr AV.Friel were drowned other performance was given on 1 riday evening. Mtac.Etc S.rrrr UI learins tbe penoon-ane- IK Qniji. ' Hath fnww aw KrawJru home port aUxit tbe 11 of Jane. V bonwt holruncmo la a nstirw was also washed a maunee on aiuruay afternoon anu e yrt of tk. Ipl.lSlbla 'CU IJtS lb tin. away drowned. one of tbe highest In the ermine, and another on Tuesday eve MfS and This is ti.uiiiMtnaK rEiLoltnU'L m Mads maey, View tnfwtJ PORT There haa been ccmtaJerahle rooTetuent real xre&hets that have come down the stream lor two ning, all of mhich were well attended. The next 0L0T?rp a4 Or HONOLULU. in FLOOR OIL I bflho Materlnl,, aaaaeew, a men.tBiwttai a rwUte ilonnj; tbe k JaJcinc from tbe great years part. perfonuacce will be given (inursuay; OeitPlJr.t a aator mm i ia neatiwa WM rut evening with an entire change of programme tni tpliU Arrtwd. cktadi of dart Tlaible in all part of tbe etty medals awarded success! ul ex bibitors of urge iiirucTiin tat ream Tartar Ca MMrtoat arrto rwwM Ibe to 'lonerr White Lrail. Oxiilr of Zinc, t a Tewiaiaa m on Mar tYBBtnuk I rw F - nrrii Pnwee tnebwete. IIlu4. tnetsU-rso- nna- Ilostonrx Newra a temww and C iirww Iw Uti sAiTmr&F&mwarwwwa I will awe(T7 fffU HRT Barker Tbensoal tnonthlr roeetinc of tbe Hawaiian -t atulnroducts at tbe of the Jnil. Vcrj HaniNonu- 1'attpriH, Peel b Una at n boww ai waf at Af Tebry ftommUr Oil, (Irnulnr a w ihUAuwhNfarrare Whitman fmnHF tbe Miuion rhilJmia bodetj va htlJ at the bibltion, have at last arrived, being brought to I'lire Lliiiecil Color ''a tad tni, in piaia and rdatt t U4wKaBalaaAfeaww,liBwwaa M It distant isles of seas, news oleman Maatard 0 ,"B a aaa U4Imm II tm lite f Km d Janetm. rre frwn residence of Hon A JnJJ on tbe erntiiu port here by the steamer ZelaJ on the 16th rout the the southern It tat Vapara -- yntttjaaj BjaHaBP via nwiaiaiaj rraueia movements of the Ha- Just ltcrcheil rmnbhffU .lib a lTC0O MILDTMY f imbed llama, a CSkaJ Hfww. 1 a w llocxV"zvla Ywkwhanta VI UJB 1DBU inst. They will probably be distributed in A few baa been obtained ot tbe t l "I 1 lapiiirrVBaf ia( irvawfc im m Zewlandia Wrbl IUl Jnltm, which port last ttt a wppa weoa, t a ttetana aaH areaa n4 a dewaa wl aai lee. Thlw learraww . frtm Lohmir uays to taose lor wuora iney are inienueu. waiian schooner left this T11EU 1L a Am teia Amelia freaw I"wetTowaeiid It la reported that a number of Vrani, frctu July, ou a junketing expedition in charge of ltoyal DWTEt ato. Tho Beat India Rubber. t rur in hwrrela an4 H barrel, BleewaS prMweel Utwdlreeily wwwalt tM BwahwBK ililcfcfll. from rBe:arfba---- t e UrtaMr t eell Uewwa awdT tleywtaa M tbe MbrniDf Araeric, lloston,t ViII arnre at The Government ofBccs and schools were closed, Commissioners. 1 ho vessel, after making tbe cir- rfceTrnaiffwewr the LxwaUlo Kaiate aawt laM aal inocminj; Unmni Uae of the was sailed to Fiji ty"TerBl- - erj nb! h will he mwa kaWB at - tbuportontbe stcAiuer flags were displayed, fired cuit Line Wands, SAJ)DLES,SADDLES awwlherarenae baek of ihi- tnt M thai II will haee Sailfrd. (.onsolar a salute by was there, PIONEER WHITE LEAD! tlnte r Ml Waive eaa be iildalaW rrwwh 51 here on tbe 2nJ inat. Islands and a stay of ten days made hHiiMMimdiwu. tr IS lmwrwathrTae "AitbaBa.ftrthe tbe bUttvry at noon, and a concert at Emma waa all Anik during which "high jinks was iodolgrJ in by v KTKICTtY h awV tMHBael Jae Camibett. t J llewlawd. tvntmaa fur tbr IIeTY nun act tbeeTeninjof the 16th Square the evening all on tbe 17tb inst and in rvu. tock; ADurtktMllULMjMWA rrKE l.wnrArLCTinr. lwiwrer Ka Mrvt .rt TetStw Dee expewaw nkbk laoa insl in some of the party, tbe vessel finally sailing for the XRTlt Lt., 1TKK UmiN TC LK U trownd l Vtia perfrrt. tak at rcttc la thli city, nccoospanied by thunder and ltcbt rommeiumoration oi tne anniversary ot tne naiai t or wf wwr a.br New Hebrides onOct.SIst. Recruiting was made II lvEl;kFlNrilLINsIKDOIL.andlt ia aeM haer MhH llailrr Twber tee tbr Arctic nine The abxraers ere boVerrr of abort dor daT of Kamehameha IIL will lie Sold "" li matnr Slaiipop Haward rr I subservient tn tbe collection of curios, and, as a Jnt ltcrpitcil, whlrli ni tu Chemical aalyals .id the Blew Pipe Teat ONTHTJESPAY,MAB,20, " :?T'yrt" City ation. and tbej were cUJIj ejeeted. 16 people mtmr of Kiwdr Junrv vnrw typograpUical error in the in consequence, up to IxemlerIVth only ts tact a nw tr &lnlf rw be boys. PIONEER WHITE LEAD X. at red ' l4 W had been obtained, IS of whom are said to Loir h t lir Fraael-c- Ait iliu ao tt- tranc. The Hon. llubop U make n of Claude Jones, liowntt, ly la aw here and Xeatandla ebbi 1m r F Mr. Clt intfuda the obituary notice tbe late (They way however Ire conaidersbly grown before arrlerr feah aati be -m MttneM Jl HiiwnMt HoirfMi V trip to tbe coast by the tieit lUtmMn Mr C K cauwd the and t4rtrtur sharps to prwstpUy and la qaao title aa aatet. rHtt they here.) U llsrbnr negotia tiieoIii t . w will remain in Uonolaladannz the ctHuicc poance upon the item and display its accidental arrive Hannnih JMIliu nwir-- tit-- lie rrtbnesa la hroaomkak In tost the tNI ta blch Wo Will Sell by Auction, Ilihon tions were entered into with a Captain It tb wood paeka rttt) mi LpfsUbitarr nonsensical it v will probably have liuip, WtfrwondliBotaoalted lato et the VrwfU In Port, of tbe Ibe cnticwms a thwerter schooner .vm-j- t UTICK evs nnd roaaee)Bratly foratallon ef aklaa If t unbr a bcBcncial effect on "readv llalpb1 and make him from the I'ntish Ira the For San Francisco. lit kt -t and who being wanted by a Ilntbvh man-o- f war Irotdrd man wbu bad ttotli fe- taken 0 io a mill carping 1teni iretlcs. 1 lire lr4 in the 3 wasctMiceiledonbtardtheil-un-ti- l ASXITAL MtirriNU tt" Tbel lONRrn WHITE LK in PtrtK WlirTE trt.rwtrtklIow- llilo. i now tu tneeu a btaspital l tint JLTOi r llAlkt Is HME11 any wSher Itwe Wbalr nwal wilbntat wtl war TH A iTUWAIIAt irear to tbe dav of sailing) to act as mate and re- lhtM.k.Unf th. ttllAUlO UltOtNIl lhani In Ihta Market t trw MEMORANDA. hewann a very prteanon condition bot Ibere Alejo IludlKl", whom old will .tu 1 rbni.rr mh ilfbrofflcf itf tb. Ike fol fllwsLIEUlUK IIUDi "crtOVEKIM. I KoTEU aad rodder ewwaplete cruiter, and the business was settled, the.'-'- ' wrrr tltt,y..r eijaaT r a tmr FTat twrrtmvd boned" now rtxn ert ry tntprrt of hi rtctTTcrr ns bring ooubi-cte- with the Mgreatr rir Jwliie rtlffr. rtrrHtnr ntf mlnr riK1 artdit wlthcataa i tVairr rbt. m again being larued for a over the ground . tttputnplaaiilb,Vlb,liaLbaitdCai tb kega In a w.ioavaB- -i , cus that bt Id forth in days of Tore ou the E?pltn oruii XS..ltX. tt.tU -- gun .tt1L,-l- l i4pi dlH I It tn w SMh tire jlentv t tlti already mi Kllboah the instructions to lc.rrr.tdr.t. JlPlUUMln lr.lb and S lb tin sail, aatt atwall Una from I to TITWI Theciretis baacitm "bo adr of winch lire "great Lnnrotl'" waa the tbe Jut inclutled TrMwrr .. N C..1I. Itl lb each tlr l .y .t. .. t.e r h iMt. !.. n the Ibe p Ulr come from retire-m- ei the iatrr tf Aernietnlhr II i.n aart f nishtaof rfonuance ii uvaser has forth his Sulttruoit Utaedt, official . J lk.rtiK' ' A full piw U twa.uaity kept ba llwck, by the trW It df , IKCi n Hp n ini ib 1inL lite mih rtratnt, mi I that hitr, N.urrlllnr ImmI Hint atoii4-i!uit- t at ttJ3n are roil altotir rari not W itterry i and now npfwirt with Miermu s circus.' vvnbj por PI Prlwow i lkalcsale mi llosnlula, to Tbora w eertlally Inw Lrvcr amrfet rmtir sound imttniubU-- bsssttui fitlo t the owners that that ii "vrilrimi eremnteiidltendtiig'bayers'.llte ealy by J?Yi io ,.rrf 31 lih t btrn otbal aWpett are Hudwi Ixidea an adept at balaucing bwry j iimm' Xaisfactered y&sftvt&r Lti iji,lain jtltn tti itttedbyhiui goes i rm ) ttoniftht tnpi'tbH If all " M M3T at m pj..fl V tin nud lt.ta weihls. ueiltttf aneieellent brc well tbe may to arrive hero by REGULAR rtfWirt Mar li m Tkhai Ibe hcrub alomt ltn wtwl Mamta, vlle-- Ua iMtek ntler J WHITTIER, FULLER &.Co., "Jl!!il: I 1 ftn m tbe first of apnl. and the will then be Claools. X.ools. " Natt xm ttwii. t"'f iM afirr Tbei'wmnted bare Irerti lorn-lr- iiWii.- imik ttdb Iw7ifire. itior rru to WelomuQ tlto much wedded Captain WkluLeaUanlMjwwULrera of tlt&4 tlifcar;- mat Mti 1th at Joyed titiiiroiJiinj; eH rt IuorM 1 atnek, al hoogbthrowu the --eld lbd W , rrtrltr iw in tbe flme. Tlirir into f:iTcnwho successor of Psinta Color, hit Zinc, swd I at poet Tot Apia, SamoaiTHanaV p in rrtriri H"" Ht Ht4ala at W I r is npottnl to worthy - ai ben ancctsfot 1 the Jrfa-i- as candidate lor rrprthtnUtion ba TAILORING efaeirreaeb aad HKtaa Wtadww trtrWakrtd- harf j t Ihe'Menr departed Capt. I rreniantalsoof rtwmth INriLLlTS BRANCHES v ta ir and honor on Ute occasion of the (tccurrenee of his VX r t ajt fraacJaco. tallfofnla. ly iMvotutHwn wbtrh were kiat, entered mtu soj labor" fame It Is djubtful If even the histo- v ' ' lit , sapphwd birthday, not n single note of was Mh ' IMPORTV. by Menra Halt Hro-t- lukinc to tbe control of praise rian who- tecotupanies tbe expedition will ever Hotel, a piped to fats niMaort ve tbe two tnnws, poblUh the cruise. WHITE the Hawaiian hare coin to stand still Day, afuUttconntof theincidentsof Ieat rrlToftci"l prt mrlia Xarrh and celebrated bostelrr will be cmititmrd nn and "bt Patrick's j laved by Maybe the Gaxeztc will sometime in the future Maroh 22, tbe lUnd at concert in the 17th ILirN .sjyfejroxi. ssa.XjBi Saturday, iri inirq iiinvrr tier the present management. tbe the the Njuire on UI.anil St ITt inst Tbe representative Imhmen in this cttr did No or nitllLI Jftljii tu al lc ttuont mil be .old at awctlwa health with intctive liver and urinary X.J. Mtif.ctnrv .nd rr.&o.btr 19 n,nnJ from Mn la fit, Trn package of clothing rr steamer 31 ui not enthnse worth a ha'penny gins, take Hop Ihtlera. Sew adTertiseniertt, lllc. lu rrclt landed at this inrt in September ISO, are How "Ory Goods, Clotbbasr, ran .( ii.n.i.iVvki.t TraaclK. Vartpoa VatrA I Dr i hitnty met with an accident last Thurs- "WANTED ! ..Aavifi. lo'aa f awaiunp an owner or owners at llrssri T II gihtrliUMtnls. Ml Ufc M p.M.ttSrr larraatapleprtMliH'r doiantlt talai JitlUl Danes A Co. If not claimed bv the tiUt int the day evening While he was bung driven home S"' QUANTITIES TO SUIT Groceries, Fitacx Goods, CO wit mill be sold at auction. from his other, his hon shied at a poi barrow, A SCOTCH PASSENGERS. dragged by half a dozen Celestials. Tbe carnage SHEPHERD, OH.TJEI. . BT OCEANIC Tbe II 11. J ewrf with tbe smndjus party on wusttialediaaditcb on tbe side of tbe road and - J.nv--- . One Superior Bedroom Set STEAMSUrS CO; rrvmMaeimad Voh4.ai pnUhu Varrhll-If- H board retorned to Honolulu on nday List he tbe front wheel was smashed. Dr Whitney was i?ii:-i- ACTIVt. AM) IIlI.VI.riIt; MIT Ue CiM (. Urkr A I Tart on I I 11HNL3T 11 z !Slli monlb d Eilra'Xawl Haear PeUlwca. Etc Xtv J kat "d llo. k severely bruised He sus- X ind LMiINLLIt.fthr4ftaition I omSjrmat .r ltr ai "SWltWEBS COOKE Mt. Lincoln aadthJd MJVrLrn and enjoyed exceptionally fine weather throughout her thrown out and also ltpt ot ltt frtriier Iddrtfii board Dhb, prime talmew, r drtl entire In she haa extremely tained aseTeroinjary on his right side fortun Ff rptmtbrColonlr iwt atratnthlp Zralaridla lUrch crniv this Urn for l"l ln 130 FORT ST. J T W TkMlUlM, la P II llrnrr r II alarT l. ICilaad V iitk (j Innate atrly no bones were broken ly latest account fc'fnn t, the Doctor was favorably but it will ! I RUBBER Ouo TJrny, AJxuoait Ifotv J M ltMns bUittng i4HmImii ndw start progiiiig KxccntorN Notiri READ TALL. if paipTtn iwt aa x raanac rain be some lime before he can be about again. Utt iKKT IMltE S yara M bank Iw aadwla- ttz lod ocr lnhabitanbi on nnday morning It threat ii. i;xhctrT- - wound and aalublr for a tady tVtmKaval Iwalant Martta 1 'J'', rii:usu.xi:i rat the ii.Mii! tiu" jr icriibrr" tned darkly, M ainae way bet cleared eodjenly, The district Judge of Waisnae, Oaliu, was 6ued of the III ef SimaeiU lla!er lata of flal IT MAY SAVE YOUR tetfS" ist isw ifm'nti,ll AbXr rl Inks hereby LIFE. AbrBa.aldek the snn Rbining brilliantly two of J4asi.deceaed ritei notlretoattperwni - rhr Ml Tbe i?ala damages by one of the Portuguese laborers claims II IYUN- A LCME rraat Kabalal iwr kilaara 11m itjrrfc II tbander were certainly very cations for wbo bare aala! the Lttate of aald arnarl nclr Whtt7 M WrK and rkiU V IlrM.a t whom he had bad arrested and fined for a breach ltmJuey o present lhem to the nndrttlgn-- l within alx Hop "Pioneer" Line ami AliiMed?1 lipau XrTrakaadCch!Mmt Law was iwunUit fmwtdat of thlf publication oe they will be Bitters llariposn rW r limm lliere a rnroor enrrrnt of tbe banday The case triod before thtMaafl Mrraal andftdet i that the German reai Judge Oickerton on the 13th inst, and the plaintiff foretrer birr-- UILLIWO MITII Thoroughbred. dents intend to honor the anniversary uf the - t xrrnutr Hill oi ll Will at TriNN Maai and Hawaii per ktmti Marcbl-l- lii was awarded the sum of (JO damage- Other liaifry uecraed Loavo Honolulu San Francioo birthday of the Lraprror of Germany by a lloitolalu II I Marth a, IsH H"l It XaJeI kataLaaa aad arrraata. II 1 II rimcrr LUla f'th catiosariung from the cause assigned for the dam r Akalaai (Jo J O IhtnlnU and Una A t ortian fewtire Catherine of fnendsto "latberland at The Purest and Best On tho t standlSthof Each Month , ran aces, via. a refusal bv tbe defendant to take bail drr Ilaabl.KllderBillf-- HfMaJkaae khalrhaa the German (lob on tbe rjnd inat. liable ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE and wire Vl It Uickr. Ml U Jordan when offered are to be broaght against the Medicine, crer made PltHKNOKUH mat bae ibelt nawtea brtnkrd lwa JJltcLr Mrtma, t $ianae judge In the instances above cited, an i"xi)ri:sn;xi;n raarv by anpltfaaat the oHUcnlihe AvThJaV MiMthran TUwuaa I rdlet JWrltht the New Hebrides Ubonn who birr 'purJ- iiavixo ! peal was Court. - been apiolntetl olr I irealrli of tbe Letateef HORSE L r and mtrr SInJt Uood V r noted to the Intermediary THEl I.E ItT faaatnsfra lWt Llwarkethjfil andlff W been employed ou llantatlon, Hawaii la brrepy perona UCbr Mralrrria. kokl and aeblldmi Mr T tbe OokaH llollta seoit actIce ctven that all B dr W 1L 1 " .IB "II .1 rHU Bey ttlNBwMJMWfd UBBn IS wf ktjawUJtla air Ifaat and - cblldr-ft- 1 okr 1 at I their contract!! being at end hare at from General Comly of Toledo, of SwchtL, Majodrwika liv., lbUwetwia4sMTway.wlataT lawSWakt lal letter tells them within ti month from this date or ihey will Heps, and Dandelion. lbUSlUp4w MiMh.rM4dai MrokAn. tt K)m4 Waiauae Jlantatton Oabn laborerw lutwr be tw foe rwwwJ t Tbee eldest sou Guv formerly iwpII 11. . Kxrnral Tickets ta trlw. Slfi. Ddvllr Mrtllaoifki Ukaaialo ill Prolln r IWtram great Mtifaction at the plantation hu of Mr Ukia roretfer bam-- Miied. K til UTT The tlklevt Ileal moat jaf pten former eon, at St, Mban's and rort street, Ibe General bireniiix renwwaetl On Monday, March 24th, rrtarn by aaj the t Mwpaay "taaer wlihlwfO Inrkaaal and Uaiaaar prr Jamr Mate? ilarrh llonulaltr March .")! IlMllhi aaaiaJble'4etltelnea Ib ih1VorM days. W say ou will be interested in knowing that Guy M II Viwlllpdf Mr kmrr J latrr and ttlf"- Messrs. Jackson and Freetb tbe surveyors, con If B't Watpthal k prevlwwalyl M KKl II HICK lwlJett IW attlpmeBt by IhU tla 1 associated me and is doing good work and In addliitm rualaln all the beat J Ennt Jndxr J kaktit tifr and rfaildrm netted with the soanding for the projected d is ailb on will bv recri, I frrc f charye la Ike t ntwpaay a ew and lelegraiJi Editor, two Notice. and curilttc lropertlee - abonldecV. cable, left this citv last evening txrr steamer tbeKiieras after yeirs Seven Head of the Finest Horses arehwt- aad reeelpla tae4 fne wwma Hnh - J Moti Lrlimn for the Wand of Mulokai forihe purjioso of at the Ohio State I oiversity for which your wise rpuia i x i;i ii v K of all other bitter beIni the creak t and wire. Z Mlortiv.rd off and sympathetic had prepared him " Smith 1. IliHday Odti!!;uiehi r ltllli f tmie.1 a partnership Liver Kegalatur, ULOUll - En r tn 1t ihU Klagdwwt "a5"""""""" ' i"r"'rt'iTri,jrW .rrall !TiIt completing their sorrtv the north west point ltKlfll.I. SKSaar- prt4. IV M A IvMd VrM SroiUt Mr- - A Jarrer tomly was in a class two years ahead of his age nmler the name of lkI O I I. mwix It of that island. nrui III hLhP IN and life and beattb restoring a gen I on o (I alien) A Mlneal, andabvol dnk at the I mversity, and has been ordered to take a IhM)NAON" for Ibe pnrpotr ef rarrylngon a Sler-- Ilntlbyltof vuaroed.at INlt lta Santa I lara l . IjjHil, IBCi earth FROM LIVERPOOL. .anrutnia Fcr taa Fraiicic prt IiriH. Man.1 sending unruly mtienls from Ha usko to Mol years rest by his physicians, the above will be raauie itnaineaa aiikaitnn mm Hawaii J m ki aati aeierteanr ii i ifww ftaH,HwtCecUI(rttitteui okai and tbea reiurning tbem tn nglfu of interest to fnends of the two boys. laemakaht J K kawalwaf S K UUpl N U Ahoal J f. o ioii aat II tnte-- IIkvJmllb1 L tout Abla J M Kawwil Wloa They GItwNww Llfa and Vigor to tho Aged " yrffi Ilnbri On ViUn seems xo De oz me iwjltj or jienltn a J IIKmhe Jo Kehe Jr I oaledl- tet by lUbbwed Own. Tea IkaderkUUaad 3laaW1Dtt iMitloa ine rresiaeni Tales 3llaa h liUa,MU N Kamaoea MlrsLarykaa sua by on tllenewe $wfm, it t and Infirm. foreignerril nf imparted ingenious method of srgregAtton Other fhe of the llth inst, Will Mi. I Ml Keabl wife and ttnrwjJaJr Pender lr J II Mallard totile Unit! MiaL1ii1 KanwiU Ura GO. Tea m llaai va Mary nt by latpocled Turkablre AIU1 consider it barbarous and dangerous to the health boo MIm wlbl Mrs Uls Mrs Mann. Mr Kahaaa, To tkrfjmeti, Lawjrrr, Utriary , 4 , rthnrt. TnnMi Mrlahl IVaJua. vuiaMB rports to bo the report of an "investigation at lilW " "" tvmyit" mm ; II 1. (i t J 4 1 X A communily Ileana Uabalatnana arah Mil Uartwll,wn tortfce In Jauraon alrnr of tbe withal ikaako. presumably indaced br tbe exposures itra ilra ilr Men, Labunrcrr Ladles and all tbovt Jrd iUwa Uel be latpwrted MarWw nail. Xi Eitea Marpby tnara, txlle at- -. 4rbl - I spend I Mat kalkalpua kaawa Mr Kamalnnl Mr Itbdawt KilaJ rittnp lHtprrd I lllaen II M off tunde by the Gizftte nnd lMfoti It Is nowerer mlV. whwe edentay mi loymenta can Steamship Cojppiny II Andrron aad JSchlWn, J I Thel Jmr arrived MrahoaUIaa. ilr Laea Mrttnl MrMahala OFFER FOR SALE IU by n dm S.s.f.rr- t known report as Irfrer-ttt- M dint Mnlth Mr k Maun L II klft Atlbnr EllU J this port on tbe 15th inst, from Hong Kong via that the publubed in the ma an of kalniu una J katna U K kahaslello, irrrgalaritlea of lbs Uluud Motnacb nth daiuby wTmia. Ulhlatr V. is mutilited, and. if tbe steward anGiesen SMakua Mary llecky rearnen-- ht nikrr Mlrrrick II Ta lor and wife Mnlajt okohama, having on board OU Chinese aa inctim tklllhmna Slalua kalni Ikincla, or kl Inrya, or who require an th dam tiT Imported II ttCttt-- Nonaaod 1 II hide Ml. Mart Loaaa ing initaigrants. immigrants were landed made some of the sUUracnls mentioned, hUpres let Kalwl Maria kalahoot tva Mlaahapnankahlklna ! Hit tlani by IamriM Jaana Ilia Ml llaleakamann I Mas 'Nafcanaks Xppedaer Tonic, and wild MimnUnl I.IMITHD da JoaWllwtD Jltal L IlMxt Ltt nWi lr and the vessel sailed, for tranci-tc- on tntTrrsion differs very much from the version Mr illkalani. From the Cargoes ' II LharlraYwd II aaith Iark- U J Lbrhardt F bn the Mail kapaakra J II kahar of kalapaaa I nna ihee inner are terminable beh g nvtriLLIV rolMUMVHt iwi roornicg of tbe LSth tnat, piven by him to the reporter n attache of the ; V Cwlt nderaoau P NvIIopti II Mr u J ( T Latra " g Vlit Hannah kalul 311a I iwl Pntiahow kowaaol blfhlyearatlve. tnnla and atlmalatlag ur uiaau by MMlay.4m af w by nuH ttfrerft-- ri was clerk of tbe court, Tiir Bw lxl, hreni X H Mt II - t Ml. Walk.- and tils kaoaohl kan&e ol kapaahn 1 nna I I'ea wfthoNt In toxical Ing . IvaTanJ Xeftlle Jackw. andl t. I Limtll ParwT II ill the ilan "liter nt tr amongst members which, pleasant I wba - daaa trniti"! the of it is not 1! k lVi ilr KrJtIMi Poukapu of I ansa I ana JM o matter what your icritnr, it Shtm t ahft Hy Iraprtiawd Awvtnllaw t - Walter fltft, the pnnnpal of the lleforniatory to notice the name of the Utorner-Gener- No kahala. ef Kehena. l'sna J Nnhl Jr MU keatno-al- BARK MALISGATE Iletlle ant by Leilnstnti on rilbu-nn- s Hop ltltlera. luA tbint by Marr I a br whalebone Jd hcboul. tavsrted to tbe "land of shadows" the result was arrived at so far as known ol keahlUka iljtl kanlitwale. tr font lnra VID aVaa 13th inn. after a short but fatal attack of croup. IIHrt , laslsa ( IV Ira a llilo J II Ulna wall Bnlllynn are alek bnl If on only d dam by imported ttb by Plato l a It-- Mb- 'KIN m oran rraie Zeilti Mnl Iobert ine bereaved parents nave tne sviupatnv o The Hon. ( apt lkiker and a posae of native sol holb. of II molatw Oab feel bad or BilarrnbU nae (be Itinera al Mini U Wllltnai nf Trwmnwal, dana by Inanoetwal STEAMER AIT OHete and wife it J Mmk J J IMekrt - I M ILi lTerltrht onee It nut rnnt life be Know ley lb dan thoeowajbbrM bred Stare brwwehl fiir-.- MlJri A large arcl- of friends. were engaged Moan uit a and Mlaa UickrT.M J Mia II Tb rt, diers in a grand man hunt at kairon m a Mxr II Iyl kt KD1 ll drrd bate been saved bv to iloln; ai from lrslnla to henlaenybY Mr lley Ul4fa, I I being Other recent Vessels ibU - tf tUnilllllKH, lur kiaal and Miim r Ittalanl Manh I 14 rumored lVcmier erect aluatwo wetbiago the object in pursuit a rillnrrt., ta will been aetn alley has a doahlt rnii"- la It that the intends to trxln-tn- n lMltc.AbrtdvrM-KrcW- t louri. Mil.. M Unit: either a private dwelling or a branch hospital fur deserter from the ranks of tbe Household troops - lildj Will kair II.HluiH(u at.lt Tferadayat tT.yiFwla I - 11 n; Ask your Drnggist or Physician. IULLOWIXU a.a-B- 1 t .( k. lUJrrdmw.il ar Jr- Peter. epers xne Ticinny in, ue uavmg Ibe deserter whose name is Kaui eluded the ef cajjfl jGe- Tilt Y tuLT WLXI halww Maalwea MakeBa Uahahawn kaS4daa Lawpa. XtrKlflt-.- t in oi rt mis island Hon Do not after or let year -- lllln, mrfy Tnaraday paid sereral visits lately to that nrimty acoom forts made to captnrt him and the Captain ti fonrelf r 1 Idle )v ImBwrted wairallnu daaa burkii' and rrtvlNs at lllba (Mends y wwww gwecptbe chase Having more leisure on his anBer bat Baeandhrze thein to ft by lwll Kale ft I ft a daaa waa Baby by nawrnlntf Will lrT lUw wk panied bv his keener of the lazaretto DRY AND Katet. M M the Xaui housebreaking Hop IJltters GOODS CLOTHING Wian liaco .'ntj ilant Xllea Jsewswi by Hlac hawse 3nt Manwhwb Krldajai Kawaihaeat MARRIED. tttt hands turned hit attention to I.cmembrr Hop HnranLay s IlitV MaalaeaatT at rtaaaaao Hitters la no vile ilam Kniiiy Jnruaa &y iBtpwrteai v. Ire of Makes a and succeeded in effecting entrance into the resi ..aeiaa hi cm M Bit dragged drank en so trant bat tbe Prints ol litt at styles, faut colors , . V 11 j - ILat.B - ,. and UbalM at B retclitn- - lloawlBia each ilia cnTlarralMB. ai Parke, instigation several dences Major rt rougbton and Mr Geo. ltrown, ! T,rtr my ....(..m mm. .,. jih. j titmmmIb.1.1.. t rim Marshal at tbe of resi of FOR SALE lnret and beat medicine ever ma le HIuo Rth by Itellalr flh daaa ywaar by tntpawaed wiwedw arurauMaw lb Hcmaa ttbollc hitren Matthew Kii akk uf now offers reward of 300 stealing from both places. a second and aw person ot family Ucninti, AVlnte Crtxlon Sheeting dani eavll rVNtKNfSCtt THalNhwwtallkwtlUwrd Maw 3f t r n dents, a for informatioc articles On howld be llrdfwrdt Nb llewwa by iMuaiwta PaaUbwaa ntt0tta la crnt visit Mr Urown's place gentleman roan without I lor rock's Lt d Clotbs,Hrown Linen Drills da ftWitt VHtofwKiwTlhlhUrMt)Mjiaw- - raptra pleat- which may lead to the arrest and conviction of to that rnbibtuW iBipetled VaaleaFlepbwaj tfth daaa W bw at IP l"ritiio tp who on aged to capture him nnd now Kauf is in durance One New York Phzeton t wof Tweeds, Tow els & Juniper tMpnrleit Ihrleheaa ay Ibe the parties committed the mccndiamrn CO., atcrf Towclm, p.trttl lllh dan II Tile reward offences HOP BXTTEKS MANUFACTURING (alien rabfaa tlan rieouila Lady Tbta;h by TbeMtianl'tlir TOH at Id n kaiaHd fa hit ine premises oi i iv jtrunsjron inemguioi tne awaiting the dae bis With Pole kiuI Shafts i (llasa Tablo Cloths, tlo N'artina, llh nw Melbourne. Auatrmlia, Racheater, N Y U Towel, I tth daw ttrevhwnBd want ften trlf fur Bn2--r If a tlnal la made frwnt of Col Kiuimakm. inst. cw anal Ii rrofl lartarr, lT llth rBral ntn ret feet suitable fur a family Sq Pare Linens, h lit wis, (trcnailioca, dan by twiy wy the ahnr Amongst tbe thronnb passengers from Japan - Toront. JLondon. Antwerp, Paris. sophonlataw tarwan intra mi nm Klwau hewry f aJ fcv Xrey a Arabian ISlH km Whiteahlrt will not lake frele ht fW lbe fmittal the Ute Itrerit Lt Colonel I) U Considerable interest is desnlayed with regard :T- F.r It cBranat h, LaapwtwwhweI!"nnrr for s,in Francisco per ( Wjr of I to were sey Kail A. tlOkfc lTihdam tibl Voatajrne Mai- - Lhlbt rrrliht aad awB,aaly All KuuinaVA frura to the ocean race between tne steamers .Vanwmr Jtnv CTIL beaay fawitfbl ( www pott bwUkawvhy ta UKLfUc iLe lkrrackv olUie cral J tpanee gentlemen of note bound on Tarious HOLXlbTEk A CD , Ibitolulu DRESS GOODS, WHITE4C0L0RDSILKS Tbe aire lVIMIdlr dam Idlewlhl hrteiinelna waa the will , JtMtu-- the having left I Ike Ik" lloutbolJ trwpc on tire afterowm of the K4h and 7wf Wt, three missions to different parts of the world and ac- acreat raeehweae awl aereaafHl aire be lat brain wf this port within 24 hours of each other and all a - HIM aukl tlie foiirrml credited by tbe Imperial Government. Assistant CoIoreU (Irass ( loths, aneh nnl htre Jlnt Ihtnsla KllaUimn- iot. tl cttrpse betas buid. bound for San I ranasco. The 7ttmJ in tbe paymaster Book Bindery Stia. Idler Owe' ttaaiwrd' firiey Pmlte ireewea of imr wttlf plxoe Inkeichi Ilazaschi of the Japanese Vrtlflcitl lluwersaml reatbers, Ma It tiaa-- e wtile frocetwKwi beuc forroeJ ai that ttie ho of favorite in betting circles. Newcastle-o- n I tt attwRi MrmMi with l STKAMKR ' naTy, goes tj Tyne England to join (otton llandkreblefa, Silk llanjkercbiefs, lnS.JH l'i LlKKliIKE 4 1 betnstnfBtawaawlhlarMLwwet march wlcn op at 12 otkk ruin ILe the new gunboit lately built there for his Govern THE CHAMPION oolen Tnble Cotcts, CoI'U .Salter A, liti Amateur Musical Kicuty met at the M m Cnjtt 1 n TULT T04UB MIIHJII 14- - i i Tbe ment Messrs. is njiro and S Tokudo proceed to ALVIN H. RASEMANN N. UEivniiiTit ttnjijorB. ItnrrarlatlMi iuothI to KawaiabAo A. rooms HuxinebS Af an f TancT Hiiturw, ltlae anil Gray Hannelm, MTrnt ixtmun C last Friday lienor lEussia, vj,. UiMIdle Jaai.MewtBwahynarrytrf Ike itwwtwVftVr fwt Cfcwthin Ml wti ortler ht lVterubnrc carrying with them spec! ictoHt Iiwnii, IlrookV bpool Cotton, . altar LaahUSaw iawM roe Will ii U ly re( ten Hay. Ik tbt tant nature relative to the future of tb society, It wiif fy ihr public that lit V.miiDi dam n br Makeww of t. mens of tbe finru of Japan for exhibition at the i. Iaco Cnrtaina, blue ami wblte by 'itwpnftea. lbwww X'dwm MhawltiKlfparte Lalalna Mawlw Mahw HUfknnil aialr wBtduraved and themeelmg adjoarned till that nd dam Hrhottlwtb W II ajwbwlalelw Jl a horticultural show to be held nt U Petersburg in ( h tllewCW- - th tBkWt C4llllnw ww hawM. Kawaihiaa MtokaUl watt an Mlltiarr IUnd, day fortnight tn order to have m full an attend beck UaladdX fancy Preaa tluuJa, Ibirr Imw t!vd Onkala l.awBahwfcaajLrala raakaa, The Ktap a Own Guard May and Mr 11 "talnn goes to New iork to KcjrUbi tNHled )rUlbaifT Vh dan iBtptrirtt OwlkapawV llkia.'wmew. acre of members as possible lias UR'iiu(l liook lancy PliiJ. Shirts, uotMntts, V IwBBlkiM fiiai(itwinit.lt3viilo'tllHji.kat The Prince Own Qetrd study Tetennnnr practice a limdcry bite anJ Colore! Cotton bbirts, iaitoa lh tam by l.wttllbM, rthtlaa by The rtblanaaCaaawalby tarrMlr 9tbwVwt all lkwabnrBaitw. tlaaehd Tbe which Fire and Pilot Heefers, llabber Cunts, Capes anil tmdeDko III l - klppwtt b) Ih I soundings hare been takm in the A carnage was driven up hastily to the police InJii Wenlhepwet daanotwfy Matejaewa, ww4 B.Wawfiww.hwalht' adrnakrr , now by If lllb Ukellke . .Kauai Channel shew that channel to be deeper station on the night of tbe 13th inat, and Captain la the OtZLTTt bl ILDINU and ie I re Lecirfnc. by Turk lilt dat by t wb; tab ahtaa ha Alrwwetbyt MenB While, Krowrt and llutte, wwwr WUwkwiy than anT other surveyed. Near Kauai a depth of McKinnon the station keeper was called on to Iiarrd U do all kind- - ( Colore! Half tfih dawa brHarttwat tSck .(attach. 175 fathoms was found Nawilmili Harbor was haTe tbe dmcr of another Lack immediately ar iAdics How Meii's IteaJy 3 laJo CJotblnp, Hthrtam byl.ieihoMd 17th dMai 1ewB)wawjwy nelly aurreyed and hopes are entertained of I eing able for over The ifen s Hits Pine anil Gray Horse IlLinkets, br I lntiii liar lair rested running ccmplainant in Book-Bindi- ng STEAWER 'LEHUA' to obtain a more suitable landing place ebnated condition of tbe complainant induced toolen Uhnkets, all colors, sizes .t weffchls, nWriLLEt r0Lt:iMlTl,lrW bim to ae languace which was very emphatic, ii Hm1 lij ffiilli on l Lrjsnrtww' aiii Miitrixi.x,. t tcmflkiiiKii, The mencan schooner I'nyr Captain ttttlum and on a request being made for bis name so that Proof Vt'Ut-- t .rlre br luipotl'di.l nrir Unat IUrWjat by lUr.tll Burglar ihct t'tirprts, i'lut Hiis, dam by Imp. Mad, JErlrSBe ind dana jv ItgawMWraiBWeN al S P M fnt Kan from bxjx Francisco for tbe bouth Sea Islands be could be found if wanted as a witne&rf, he spoke Hit diet, lWit Hull i off port on the and sailed Paper-Rulin- gs uuau Ulpaey by lmpfrtel M rraj led dwwl Mpaey by aakakal Pnkallat,l!aB.SIakaaU. Klpahaleaatt arrived this l.th inst still stronger epcially denouning the newspaper ami Dour .Mutt, ilam l lh Uaka 4an ami Kaawa erer; on age 13th. Tajic(r) AwerUaa EellpW Hh titan; Uldf hi 4 ie in Carrw again her to; on the Ibe is publicity lint might be attached if he gave it, and byhnpotwtiKipediti.il ih laM MaM f ibe una by llrtnrnlnr vrffkl iwcbt 5Iaeet amongst Mar- ( - h"i1 fewtatV blotarwrra bound on a trading eipedition tbe refused consigning tbe tation keepe , tbe hack U r.iniililels, ('jii.ilont's, imported Hnrrad Bask- Clh dattaAawttr t. ImwnrtMl hk- - rb ttWwSBlw Male Maimer shall and New Hebrides grout, man who be said ran his wagon over him and tbe 'thark Ih dana hy Korhinrham ih daaa by tin la mi GearaLvr?nHc press of the city to everlasting perdition. The lUc.t ! Mb dam by frne Wlila: Hlb ilim In latporied Kejnlna Mr A iJ loseman has narchistti the entire out Itipori, Ktc. SADDLERY llthtiam imporlnl llnrtieaa by t alien Arabian at KawaUbao Church the omciating occurrence was noted by a knight of the noill as rrinnc fit used by Messrs. J lloUrtson 4 Co in their dam by rrfl a Partner Itth daaa by t.rei STSAMER 'MOKOLU' clercjnjan read tbe bnxial --tirioe afUrtbe com an addition to bis items, cfM oicei of the Sight." Uonhil nd r P LaIfklo M rorco Leather VFoll twrtnwntnfatnb' liidiiii Girl. Itay Bnrb, 3th, 4am by waaafc-d- and has transferred tbe material to hoenil iltk dam brlurweB plUaitr wfaica tbe.lBiv.f tnarrh taken GkztTTTiE where pre- SAFES! and lb... It are rablaBt Ifth dwm b Whllewblrt JfeURLUOU. t CUJtn l4 0i:il, building (upstairs) be wp KawwiarrtoVeFBeteTy body tbe an I SKDIILKH, I for wberetbe of the book paper Hawaii 4 ituott tobaalatHB moderate W.JH M. I, lb dan hl Mowtaxwf Man- li IIihi Monday M wind- pared to fill orders in binding and rul t i fttr har uf I tatrona-- e iru lain 'aeh r fneth. deoeaaed ai deported, the lart ntce of a soldier s very dry, rep- ih i hi UnJlM, tUJJIo nolbs, Uliaruoin Minn, r wav oi tng to the satisfaction of patrons who may give llilo ia still it is quite losing it a heretofore beflowett upon Xo IUMIVR il .'"I winl lde labt Will thy WaUlaa whea being daly performed bj the attendant toliberailT J UItohert ndrl'-i- l nt iff r funeral htm a call utation as one of the spots on the islands. Kill Hire M m4ay by t ..Una dam tbbir W bj Ibni ktnt r lilac ni 'araia,. tver Oof Kinimaka Ibe rainiest aanttla. 11 M n.ilttry In tbe death of Tbe mills arc still shut down owing to lack of MaaaUrtattd by the tlbclnoatl bale and Snsar II.KIS, 2Ht:ili; Co.il Uib. nf tnd dwwt Mary I bilbo by taaprte4 rrWayl Fousehotd trorna lose a. faronte and respected After the rain of Sunday eight, a heavy frcshd t irKiiir Vdaambr tmerU-n- aellpar Ith daat Uweew water JCxST daaa Lad V by Htimmar twteartii afaithfrniaKryaLU "Mj came down the Nuuanu stream, the first for many Mary by Bertrnnd 4b nnnr , w it it If m Mr tm tw HUjey Hoodpea-kr- adam by nt no ted mr Tb mpJl theVartn Ilgtrt on him " a long day boelng the dearth of water we some- Hon fc G and Mrs. Wilder reached llilo on the Cigars! Cigars! Deard th rr laaaka-f- - wwlaw twraltleil Int. lit Lock Company a (ifrwd hatch! nafa.nacwi. seems liaaard Ttkjaw Thrrawn by train; U f t, times hare it a nn to see such a quantity CLhut.per hi from Honolulu, to spend a OUdaan hwgatf'Snlt .tot Bags, djablplaawkvfwleyBKlBtfnewH fwT buwv-- of the precious flaid running headlong to the sea. week. Mr Wilder is very busy looking over the Filter Press brlatporte7lT;VejVi ifthdan by latewtied blttlrtf at LATEST FOREIGN NEWS ben Major llender gets to work he will probably route for bis railroad to be built through llilo dis- -- twViflllh itaaw .Z: . "v nutw. 'V5aiuA.a n rn-,l- ll - nrJ.VU - save some tat He Waimea A NEW In V III Ut'a Lne I- Z of trict. left llilo for Hamakua and ENTERPRISE. 8 Tbla ally la 4 foil later ntanf rl t wi an t n nr a twewT;ct I aa 6. will : t i 1 tr rt nirir Mar s anl half auamn. 1 PTT1MU1 UALAP1A. overland, on Saturday, tth. klna" niLUKU. reahtewt rt Kapebi a native poUce-of- r lost bis badge IVI Adams, : : : Agent, SuiiU'llilimNcir ami in (Ircit lli'iii.uiil u . MY HI.I El rl.ll 1 ll UMt Mecrrugr Lorxrv, March M. Another infernal machine. No. CO, at the on the occasion of the first w E. F. Pl areas The harf at Hilo has been Improved by having W ( it) k I jroerrtftanCVStlVHu ideDtieal with those already seized, was found at close of Mre ll I Idle, dam I liH h tCalrrt Uffli performance After tbe tbe entertain the latform or landing of the stairs extended to W. HINGLEY & CO., 1 lwd dam Twe IfwiM rn I fnaa Itailway staUoa. on Marcb 1st suc- i J. i Vf. 1 t,irl wmwaeyti4aBwhjrJoewt nn lr Lodcale Hill went he made search for the missing star and the shore. tberebT allowing tMasencera to walk lllltl,IM.. Waahlwalnw by HeTrnMr Jtd dam aiah ahlntfl'Ht rkxv?. Marco X. The cnthn5i5m at Kbartoom ceeded in finding a gold bracelet, buckta pattern ashore from boat landing being oT by liarrtrawa Zlwawwrv ,ih dam - la bj I nntwttow the without Maunfactnrerw all Grades of O'TlirccDAl.aartM.dt-lolllOtl- . .wl ' ff Wbbndrng, and tb mlire troops beyond that which the ladr loser may obtain on appljicg to obliged to ciino over tne boxes ana bundles on Tbeaeafet bare all u( tbe sond laatttlca of otbtr Irani KB iUh h Iwbntlcd WDexnlalur Mb lana PiimtwdttM tidrcnle Geoertl Gordon's ttroclamations Colonel tbe Deputy Marshal the wharf ue of tht liht .). imI rvpcr tcitnrv by Imported aliaat lib daMlBnmrtSfl jwwwy Laaaetww brLaddy mb Mlaa hr Itnty irantbam Stew-ar-t retvras to the H hite Nile at tbe bead of a dan Bllr Tenders for building twelve mule cart were The lung sailed from Kona to Kawaihai in tbe Slhdam by PaMl Tnrh imb Um I rrifal by mm KvcBo,twotbonsandIiashi Haaaks. The ci RICE BAGS AND TWINE. opened as per agreement at the Interior office, at steamer lantrt . urnrma at the latter nort Mon LrqAfVSlkltth waMbw iak t pednron wnder Graham is march V al iHWtlaaw noon on tbe 12th inst. Tbe following bids for the day, Marcb 10th t hawaibai he remained till the Fine Havana CIGARS TTit!rr-- a4 afaBMafW - a?? ids on Tokar Hewcastle $131 Whitman GALVANIZED u lb ffBIMfawf It A igw. wWWT lenaaela work were received T evening of Wednesday He was in- I ile Hlitsc wrttt-- B tbe inst. A l'jtent Ilnltnork ami pilftit sad Klela attreta rrthaaera taa safe a Luntjon, March Z. Latest telcRram to hand and W right 120 Hawaiian Carnage Manufactory aPEtlALTl - "tiya INTEE-ISL- been pickeu upoyine AiNtwanawent to jtuo return Baantaiee a- lo ped)je Ac and will iftae Ihltly j from bonakim bring the newt that Tokar has flO) James Morgan $104 The bid of the Hawai tag to Mahukona on Fnday He sailed tunaathit rnnnlrlea and aurer i fiwi It It iaat If thr T-- morning ttohaer nude ltlt,f ufcMENTS with ant reJwred. Hntiah trwtpa left El yetcr tan Carnage Manufactory was accepted. front Mabukona to kawaihai his private boat IUlt. CORRUGATED ROOFING khgter-xoi- naltrenetwwted lleand marcbe! tolokar, wj ich they in daymorntng, where be awaited tbe Aam arrival on Friday tap liirtks ami I(Uf LTUw at LEVET oocopwddnriastbe afternboa wiltoat ofiliou A Chinaman at Kailua while ecgtgeJ in tJioot evening when be took passage for Honolola MifkeL e are prepared to maaatattarf a bennine our I lie,! t JfLleDfftha ttljpaal HcrewaJt Uaaber wclluweert STEAIVI NAVIGATION CO. Tbe Arab rebels who bad inTested tbe pUce with ine at chickens ruised his mark and the contents Article at much lees than the coat of imported tl-- ar i drew before the Hntuh ameed and offered vo of tbe gun were deposited in the face and chest of ThenewbriJgesintby thepowers that be in Having conaiderrd thi long Beeded want 1b the OALVIMLU UlIXHNU, check to their advance a who was near oy, engaceu in Hon lulu, for tbe stream at Paoaikoa Hawaii. rommaalir we have enged aaperlorsaaUUBce from wounded man was brought to completed, Van tranclrcolaatakln. H e gwarantew lo SALE OF LEASE It ii stated that owitttlfTa USreaUning letter carpentering Ibe broke down before it was on tbe morn allfy eTeryene who will glveaaacall Unrnana AricJtleJ lenoa "Aire, us. t,, ft, 7, ami htai les, baTing been rweiTtd at windwr Castle the 2nd town, by way of the Tali, on tbe 13th inst and is tosoitneciu inst. it seems mat air Graham. factory and More ia located In lodalfebai tnanyvwrwaWw laaptewaawaita. ilalr Iron Ilackets. all sizes. rUttalion Coldstream Goard. who now form part now m tbe ocen a HopiUL the heid carpenter, prior to putting down the floor O i!v Wash I taws, Gale Garden lribrrmgs of tbe garrison, were recently ordered to bold to tl e bndge went out on the structure to straight Lincoln Block, No. 108 Eing anj etUKs, Lodet inalrucllrw from the lleaorafcle Hwwd uf Eds- - tbensetreB in readme to torn oat on bearing the Tbe tenders made for tbe erection of a court ea ooe of the braces of tbe bndge which bad be- St rinnM 'ryn all hues, datlwn weh11ifwVr al nnblfc aacllva Stim'.PLA2STT3i!K house and lock no at Lwa Oahu. were opened at crooked I at 'al ariawt aa Ijarew wtreet OK "aasenbly" while all snFpacioas stringers come and in so doing be probably tight rarOrdrr from the other MaaJ aollctted and mch Solid Angle-Iro- n Covers Front and Back, reahettlec, Jteal Japan lack ins iu the rvrenncta of the palace were nar the office of the Minister of the Interior on tbe ened up the nuts tou strongly when the thing col will have our beat Care and prompt attention rowly atcbed by the eraUaajs on idaty and tbe 12th insL , The oomDetitors were as follow Gar lapsed and be was precipitated with the wrecked IIICKS,(IAIII)K Saturday, April 12th, next Will Kim Kenfar Kona v Loyal Household polices rett?IA-3- Hardee r Barges-- (1 bndj onto tbe rocks below It Is a wonder be W. HINCLEY & Co., 1MUMJ TILKS fr U $IA J. V II ltarges flft'l. Lake 1XiX HDeertes escaped with his life as it was be was badly March i-- Mr V m. V Mamott, M IjVO, Arnxtrong 11 Honolulu, H l (ianlen IrfUcn,It'U Seats and Cbatrs, At an oi l.earri Honolulu at i p.m. on lrtm, J MC5. llie tender of tbe eepeeiauy oter ine laigns. jie was tl f yrarly la for Knghton who rtsigned his seat after sapirt named was accepted and work will be pro- And heavy walla thereby lacfcarw la Scrtnent. wdtnee in but brought into Hill for treatment. Ibe bridge will ! giving frtet Prtdar ing bir buHord Nortbcote a to!e of censure ceeded with at once UTICE Hat Hooks and Hails, UYiH XI VMM bLlH, TwwaWy l soon put in pJacs and ready lor travel Un Important arrant all 4a regard to i.yFtian affairs has been in LPS UllllRwI.H atrfurth frilly or tlotbea IldJikeU, Hand JJaskcts, H prk Iktsttts eb i fill!.. x.t,k interest by a majority harv U is noticed that tbe President of the Hoard of ItMMIAtIMJt Tn A Loaso for Ton Years rrldar tbe lory of fourteen Nothing purifies de-- ten tha Landa of lloaokohaa other "tfra la Tweadwy Prb a T.nd.7 Muik Health a man of medical skill or considers him and enncbes the blood and AI kaaaapail Man are nntlSetl dred. is all inisons In the svstemlike Hon llittera. and lloitotoa to hate tbe Of thai Droiratilr Dwlkllnj Lm LnNPot, March Ui acadenla) explosion has self so. ccordingto the l he retained a t. .. . , - aame removed by April lat alter that date all anlmata Crockery and Glassware, TO Kakaako who were on jieaa aavertiereuieisewncre. ftqadnmBlagouUiesbotcUads will be taken ap for Vrrlfcat MojtypUg Turred on board the - fcerVrrs bound for Adelaide number of patients at the etvtlie MauTaav aMe of Klae Street, jf Molotai, becaue befthought tbentJikelv irefnaffing SltoaU fild., Jo Hi rrtbjr til list for Glass Flower etc, Tbe captain and several of the crew were iitjureJ T1I03 tDIprjElL. Fancy btands, I era lUvktb, Honolulu. Tw4j M.rck and tbe Tew4 has returned to GraTesend to be further benefitted by treatments Kakaako. The Great European Circus The Patent W bo is be to decide in such a matter and of w bat rart- eppearte tbe peewjlxa formerly bebowttas U Tikll "IIW.J HIRII A between tbcAtistralMU team bVywwMa riHrr match at ervket, ralne is in such cases ilia first performance in tbis city of the "Great ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE, & la-- Ut 3fr EngUnd and a orambintd team from bvdney opinion T PORTLAND CEMENT MHE BRICKS Tl.. for Circus which Messrs IMirUFKIl Till. Tbia ha froniai-o- f VMttrwtum Rlwa; Steeet VSn played Mdney on the 15, 16 and iuropcan of Sherman AMIIUSit4 LoM Raakrapta, .S at ltn Tbe receinis in cash fTim the performance ai KUr,EinU. with adrpthtt ef L f t andconialng an wm w l In with Brothers are tbe proprietors, was given on are hereby renn sted In make immediate payment tb I Wlutlntf, 1 .11. of rebroary, resulted a win for tbe former ready pren by Sherman's circus amount to over tbe Double Clirunumelir Fin CU j, CluUk, Oclirc iware feel 3 wackeU to sparcv jm bOLTk w fcif-- XbooratouIw8t flltiSw as ftllowa. Tborsday fITIl Fndav evening of tbe 13th tnt, oa tbe grounds situated L not TK llfclldin by in mat XWALANI Majesty tkMXtwew'jwaiw awe kaa'- Mr (liles. the sarviTor of the police party who Saturdar (includiniz matinee) H oa His fl. at the foot f I.icbard street and to one of the M at " I a penciled inibeiolerJT of boutb Ao'tnOu, has and members of the Koyal Family will probably 11 piU .talgneea OFtoofiLro.gr V 1 largest audiences that has ever been gathered to Slates I jf ft.pftat IX. tT laaarti, f , subsequent search for evening, .MrT9SBmi3 rurniabed naitxsUrlpf the attend the performance suit .MaztiPtlranilAiilumatic' LiTsryuuI auj JIuck Hall. the Uwiles of feturky, and Cuorge able arrangements for their accommodation bav gether on a like occasion in this at r, within the DZSLRABLE COTTAGE TO LET Learei Ilonolola ntij Tnevlaj, at 9 p. nt, ?! lliillipw. Two letters were found near MiirleT s ing been made memory of tbe oldest inhabitant. The introduc- fa crsi Wtur ZINCS. PAINTS AND BOILED OILS for aM Wiimet, iX which gaoJ-hj- seTeral hi s tory performance before the of the doors, s VIA YORK NiinliwUi. Xtloa. ZI1 body, in he bade to of M S opening r i. ii tu lEK-- f iR FOR EUROPE NEW u. ti that w;. ..,itiii Theh s. 7lmm4tm attired here at lUm. n was the ascent of a slack wire rope, 1(0 feet in X.inLea- - Heat Ibat altsated Dilek Lot KstaL HawillwlU ).. 16th Colonies, and sailed again Il.lllk aii'l S.ife I.ucki, Wuraur Smbcc uid Orvcciiei. Btitnilsg. Lnrti ,ttrj paklii,t baa fcotber and endjeollf reeonciled the inst from the length and cnguyed, by Mr Debt Mondae, who tare fa nL.aa Aveose jnt above bis owe reefdetce Satnxda. Efenln? Infe . lorwin rraccicoai t run aameoaie uuyaicT saocessfuilv DerlormeU the comDieuon The CotUe ha all the modern Improvement a, lnclab httfate dnxmancev-c- tob - leat. Ibe ia H.iiTaiian KI.1,--8 rery affecting passengers were taken from this port, the aecotu- nf tfca niffirnitftMi waa a. tirail for rrv nn In In'Ont bnnaea Tbeiot vparloaa andtbetnrroaod KiigliilijAmi'riraii.V "make wagon whichl lars arc all thai eoW be de I red MaeUy amounts a rush for the ticket in Mr 1 or partlcnlar apply raoi'i3riwldtsa-- at tarough passengers. The usual maiU and about f -- t roM Hull- -. tolt,ltWOtons.wbjchi3 WJOtons less than estima J tm Wiseman, was sareiy ensooncu anu giving tor Kins and Nnnarsn Irrrla (wpatair,! Willi ItrTiilthi 3, 5r anil 7 janl. lengtba AKjCE? to tons of sugir were taken forward paper passport for Kalakaua and other dol HoBolaln Irn IV. CUNARD LINE Stmr. JAS.' XkW the lflth3iartb.ll ted, representing a loss oi " lars, until at 8 pm, after having received 133, "" Tbe Monlague-Tum- Company commenced TbefJ isb.Jerf;M sailed from this icrt for orders were given to stop selling the interior be- COTTAGE TO LET. TOPSAIL SHEET CHAINS 1840. their opera season at Hnsbane leb-J- with the 15th noon, carryicg IjOO IfQO elabllh8d LeiTes p.' tan I ranasco on the inst, at ing crowded, between and people being Tab Lock Is ce ef rfae most Honolnln trtrj TaamUri at 3 at. LwjvBaian GirV wad bad an exrWleait receptton. 30 cabin and 25 steerage paswengers, the mails, Tbe arrangements which Mr Jewell, tbe rplIAT PLLVbAMin I.OC VTKIl Admiralty Tewt st2cs H and 7 10; & Kilaaea. Tbeiowas a crowded audience, indudmg Ladj and a cargo ot sugar, nee and bananas Talced at reeat. X. CUTTAOE. it prr,ent otenpt by Mr Ilobert iH Twi riailmgb Every Week. for Xapaa Etnrnljic. btra agent bad made with regard to , of the circus, the ditUnca aj Uuscrave tnd suite $219,017 Amongst those wbo took departure were detention of carnages outside tbe street on which Lewers, aimated on ixbwol treet a thnrt I'OIt 1.11 I.Itl'OOI.I Kaui trtrj Mondaj-- at 4 p. n. tai Unth-i- Hon Cecil Brown, Major Eer arrt of Jbonana niplr accaauaradallwa laeladlBZ Tbe KS. Austral has been chartered for the noticed Bender, tbe main entrance was situated tended greatly to tetlUn-'i- For f nil parties I Powell Duffryn Steam Coal aCWaiaoa, both ' A. who go forward a oat boaaes Itttwf r n V' Vdtk Wohotlif, wajc Atlantic trade J Smith and C Tnrton, for tbe oofsfort of patrons amvum and departing. :aawrrerftUIlUrr BOAT mt McLean Pewthra . Simple Reliable t'ron tKry season, to to Honololo Swa and The Victorian torpedo boat Chdders haa arrived short return again Tha evening's performance waa commenced by MShiii eiewl 8TATJ0NEKY II.ON JEU'CTI.IDK, Frvm ttntfen rrtry Mr John hhermaa introducing to the andiencv, fn, atJlalta and joined the gunboats ictona Jtnd Bender 1 Ah K.N0LISI1 1ILXTIN0, 3 13. Major lett by the Xrp on the two of his famed educated horses "Harney1 and PACIFIC "HAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY LKATHFlt lo Albert." The Admiralty has politely declined the lufi. The Major has taken a rapid and rough tar RATES OF PASSACCl Stmr. C. E. BliJHOP,, offer, oo tbe part ot tctorta. of tbe gsmboats. on Tommy" who were put tnroogh their maneuvers Combination Locks of the topography of our water shed On his bowing, and finally the two tbe ground that the ltnlish force Is ample for tT sys- of running, stopping, return be will commence more thorough and and Mr Sherman lay down to tha music ot For San Francisco. work even rough look be horses FLOOR OILCLOTHS tematic He says tbe me my little bed, The spe-i-al perform- Jjc-u- "Pet in - J.cath.. LeaTta Eonalala ErinrXoexlAfjAt 4 p. n erj .beau JaaU Jataj i oa has bad will suppfy trm with ample food for ances which these two horses went through with, rm MTIUHMIH- TICKCT, V",rA)u.lll,E ItMl Queensland. 4iaicJ thought expected MADE, imn forKnlnlliAeIe,HonoAaW tin his return. He may be on displaying a wocderfat intelligence, would occupy EVER Mr.s 2, urr.H.7 PaaVIuil The acbotner taoUea Isle. hacii arrived in the down trip of the AferteAi. too much space to detsx, so that all that can at STEEL EAILS, IKCMiMwUII.MU.l.ir" W M 1. .. inlf m Hcaoiala Saaday . from Tonga, bnogs news of a Is audience were highly b. WILLIAM. it treiy ockland, Z Ma present be said that the !i.r IMT, t.lkMI. OlMOSIIiia sever which over tbe islatidoa The Minister of tbe Interior, jrC T Guliek, testified appreciation long "5fc"J lrt. Lrail.. ..4 I!, pn Xr4 ... P....-W- Horning hurricane swept pleased and their in thwjaajaart ff Ub lanUng to the 10th The exhibits a desire to be open and abore-boar-d in. coctxnued Alter the horse had AadbylbepccaaUraytfaUaaeJ J - AJ IXAMlfB. the of rebruary. applause. retired. tail Tl IHff?, storm, wbich was of a rotary nature commenced his award of contractf for government work in Lis Mr Charles Morosco wart presented to notice and entirely the newf aw iaatrameai Fish Plate3, Bolts and Nuts, .Ul. Hnti at i- and endtnc ha tbe westward, did consider department, tenders having been called for, dor rf need very difficult en the slack wixe verxu. 11 Eturvm a i urttMMnt i:.n..T m ixiun.,mt r fau apphed! tawkwl Tbete W Bte I tr lug tbe past week, from master mechanics for the wunoui uaiance pone, auiu ai umra uiinmotoea, CITY OFSY.KV! eenetlma akiiaf mil u u fifiuij. tu niTni IMta, lin.. . Ink mviIw PHH.WbHl mir. bufldinga, lltUUlIU.CMIllHI.C arewow-aect- ItbaaWendecti'ed'tobolJla Manzjtin In the erecUon of butldisg of mule carta, etc. accomplishing his acts gracefully- and without a aaylo-flo- r arwerlalbemaawarrtelwwre most commendable, no grow ling w WILL LEIVE HOIGUIIU FOR FMICUCO HORSE-POWE- u. Imm. 10 December an IctereoJoolal Tbe action ts and mishap. Tbe Morosoo brothers, alter and liar Sit anal pswree W 'bwwajr aajeatlj' ONE SIX Vo... Vtrmirr A..I..II. 31. Z..hl firrt days vt tKit, regard which by aa armalsre tb XOEl Lxbibtboo. Tars exhibttton will be andcr tbe has jet beta beard ia to tbe awards ry followed with a performance in which the Oa oi about Konda; April 13. .Unil.1 Tatnu4UaHtafaw..lk..aM.I OH.BAM! have been made. kicked ac- iBcreaaed. fMiHtl. lo IftM. inm TfB.IMlM autaptces of tbe Jojal boaety of Arts and Nnencea - younger brother Harry) is into tbe ,CPf .11 by bigger FOR SYDNEY VIA APCKLAKD! l Ik. ttrmrrj f It. Mfatntt nll.lag and every ecTort U betng taade to make tbe thing Again our Island boys are to the fore. This complishment of rarious gyrations tbe We have reowfrcw a naalT tvicr wf ttte aboye eek- - PORTABLE ENGINE Illy .1 4.Ur I. X.. TwA rL . ue-- I a saGcrssw. luviottiona go by this marl to the Aus- brchexs feet, ending witi tbe youngster turning Mit.t uurriiA jtx it New Zealand that is the arena of their btaled a aa4 aaw ttU sraVn twaae--f J aUlaM tbeu Tbe time u a double summersault from and to his pedal perch. rm: irtV, HOUSE-ruWE- tralian oaoatM'Baktnc exploits. At the Tborndeo aquatic sports. N Z in tjinui htladiiiii llSil, 0T, THIILE exhibition will be intej&jlonial as regards augars. Thnt portion ot the performance must be more or IB.II.ffllt.ra Frank Hutchinson won four prizes, his brother less injurious to tbe little lad, and if changed, and 1rl( ! p George second to him tbe first race pleas-in- Cream On bunday a smash-u- occurred inJvuaanuav running in grotnd tumbling substituted, would be more c. ALTSTEALIAroyf7fADKK Ice Saloon At the Wellington College swimming sports a few bhexman now iDtrodoced bis trick, corse c.ncT, VERTICAL ENGINE e4iw close to the lbT A. Mackin Mr ! tbrfJeneeoi davs After, George Hutchinson carried off two "Jack who performs actions in direct cottranty On or March 22, 1884, At l'rlcrt that Urfr Cumpelitinn Paints and Paint Oil. niLav tosh. The bort attached tu tbe expirse of a spoken of "in grand form. about &.1 &c " went races, and is as winning to tbe commands given, which mightily pleased aad applyte if. ic r.i i. riii-i- I Cbtnaman. took; fright and fall speed down Bravo youxg Hawaii Both lads were pupils of far rreshl rasa"e r.i. ot f Mtuifs. wagon collided with ornamental the Youngsters and oldsters in the audience by the n Hi' urELoato ascbu. rv THKO II 0 !!; riK V tbe hdl. Tbe tic Atkinson bav many among tin. -- and fnends -- tl alone aide the aad Mr comical manner in which Jack intell gently 9cJw rtlpieMt Mcwwer atow abew ita a a Sale m4 wwr i Awwawi 4ri wmterptpe rlaced ns bo-- s and girls here a iter m ;1 The.EtLfSm wrecked. ldwas his master command. Mr bcott, a etkrew1lr at I thw i completely Tbe lhinainas thrown At BABCOCK. gymnastica. gave free fbana.la fire ami iwaUUnf lire can im OSc GEORGE L. vtU jammed under tbe wagtn. wbere be would Mr lloLert Grieve of tbe (iurnt. and famur of an exbibiboa of bis TTirvrrtate aptr toe ttewawer nnari. Tta AOTWM and - ult if Oil vA C.l Hemp and Flax Canvas. TIIL none Xnus lint tm. kit. haeebeea scJocated but for the ttracly awrtanoe went forward to San Francisco by tbe It M t agility and muscular ability ou the horizontal bar II Ajea k r ar- w pr reared ta i. r id ins iW-W- performing many difficult feats with an ease and j "f daektntush, wbo dragged tint f rota bis on (be IGth inst. the gentleman for the to San i rantiM-r- and Rctaria ,"U f x iUr Ilasal ai I Ua TonclxcrronZ'lano 3foirto. a AtiMiirruitr; ia ihimi.ok ., Vr. tdJJ-tio- raptditj which stabhahed bim in the faTorol vntTwcl IMid d i aSwrw'O.jt. prKwJwes jxKrUon. The step of the exprrss was purpose of gtttmg an insight islo the latent HOLM) Lol.. rtsuut. BVTI TAIll .. .. many member ot tha Atblatie Aaaociation. who TCir. . VEWinWMtW pressing on, bis throat. to the "art prvserratiTt and bis wife and l6u8liTDE Vntt biJ.mk Vi. Dmfau Cui. Bunt m Jl txituMru ij null ll..! sidcring that the capital of this kingdom to establish in the streets ot Honolulu and inent domain. and Iwhef, and as lo Umxp wallers Mr, your obedient servant, rt at, 37 N. Y, 188V tion should not longer withont such accom suburbs, and over and nion every fool of See Milhan ts. Sharp gjnjrw believes Is? (Signwl) Jorrs E. Bcsh, le 1M-- JjtnkittiM (gazette he it to true smaller tuxo and im those streets, a system of street railways KeJlinger ts. Forty second Street jjaiuaiian Minister of the Interior modation as cities of SOO-- Sea- (Signed) Caxaus T Grxrcr. request such as are nsnal in San Francrsco and KailwayCtv, 60 If Y Ik, pp. me this This defendant then wrote and wnt to portanco possess, I respectfully OF Snbscrilvd and swum More and authorization Jicw York If it were to be conceded that ls,-. Storey ts, New York Heratcd. B. It A CHOICE SELECTION WKH.NESDAY, 5IAECU 1. IM 1K83. the said John E. Bush a letter in the tho requisite permission 27th day of August, any others who may asso- the Minister of the Intenor hail power to Co.. 50 X Y It, pp. 122. 15lro. 11 Avsn, words and figures following, that is to for myself, and will be found ample and T HawalUm lieu ciate with me, whether incorporated here- make such a grant it would be an ex In these cases SFrra. Cut tax Jnstico Supreme- Cowt. authonty to show that no snch la IJI Hoxoixir, July 2, 1SS3. after or not to lay down tramways and traordinary, nnnsnal and unprecedented conclusive Zaltr. Let process and injunction isne as which onglit not to bo made, and meagre words tiro containeil in the sec- or I at my Minister run cars for the conTeyanco of passengers, grant j HOLIDAY GOODS! Ouius T Gcucr, MisiTts Tnr prayed for, returnable before me. His Excellency Jons E. Bcsn, and suburbs, of which tho public might well complain. tions quoted, can give to the Minister of Z Monday, 3. 1SSL - have the etc, in this city of Honolulu reuun is. "Wiuim Futwxkn:.. chandlers, on September of the Interior, etcSir.- I undersigned Tcntnre to sub- The right eonght to bo eonvrycrt is per the Intenor the right to grant the fran- Brw H. Arsrrs, acknowledge, receipt of your to which the let- ' V - (Signed) honor to mit a synopsis of a general plan for con petnal, because no time is mentioned for chise which he sought to grant by n Oonslstrus ci Justice Supreme Court letter dated June 30, granting permis- discontinuance, and exclusive because, ter of June 30, ISSt Honolnlu.Augnst27.lSS3 tramways in this city, and I tract and agreement viz: its & rqtufyto'U'tain sion to make riEST if fully exercised, no other person could On examining the and the Tbnit in action thank yon for you kind wishes for the the special rail- JLiaceH, Embroideries, an lmnnction. All the facts in thr casr Exhibit A. That he jiposes to lay ttreet railways exercise a similar nght law as to rorporations and la,w Uigonir, Angttt-r7,lSS- success of the nmlertaking such streets at The authonty of the Minister of the In road acts of the legislature, I can find no araiadmitted. OnJr condttsioajjf for San Francisco by the mail and run cars upon passing TrinxnxinBs, Tidies, Itxts are cvntroTtrsT. His ExeellencT C.tUa"T. Qrucs. Ilcavr present selected as follows: To commence tenor to grant snch a right re-- Is if any enactment which think would authorize frwa those in etc-s- due, and shall make the f t - facts in Minister of the Interior, tir jl hats, steamer, now front at bottom of Fort where in statute. the grant of a street railway franchise Nearly nil from tho nater nw S3 1 01 tbr cvntial rrt I1JI fl,st 1 arrangements for proceeding - Satchels, Fans, qnttl at Itrpq in th " U.Mn v.4. i,v.Ai.n necessary street np to Knkui street, thence along On examimng the statutes tho only pro- To obtain such a grant I think resort must air wpll the terms of the authority granted to me wiUi this undertaking. find be legislature. Tbe granting - i4amp anJ esumet l .pitonUHpA. Kukui street to Nnuanu street also along visions I can which could possibly be had to the have the honor to be, sir, your most j rest- Childrens'- Dresses kliill thwvfura, qnoto the UU mil ansnw br vonr prrdeccs'wr. under dale of Ihjr I Beretania street front Fort street to Nun supposed to anthorize such u grant, are of such a right I think might well be I obedient servant where foil Tin- - are s fo!knr urm pi .tunc, i propose io anu street thence along Jfunanu street Sections 31, 42 and 1C7 of tho Civil Code. ed with the King in Privy Council in tramwavs, (Signed) tV. FiowT.ar.rw bo attached and HawalUa IJaaa-l- a preiiarations for laying horse towards tbe Pah. also along King street Section 31 says: It shall bo tho duty such conditions could Sasrra. .r ta. engineer. Sii-T- hat acconlingljr ren- Crt ImltT. an.1 have inslmcteJ mr Mr this defendant from beyond the Oahn Inson road to Wai of tho Minister of the Intenor to have a such specifications required as would Smith, accordingly. I J proceeded i San Francisco, anil incurred tho laying general supervision over the internal at the exerciso of it not opiiressiTp, as it ALMuiiiiii;iiiin;iiwTisTiiiMiF In JnHlL kiki It is under consideration, der Caiioxs T (Jruoc, Momrs the I protoo to commence work al thei considerable expense in the purchase of of rails and running cars on Beretania fairs of the Kingdom, and to faithfully would have been under the letter of Jun e teeiob i"b. AViUJUt Fumim corner of I'unchl'owl and King streets, material and cars for tbe purpose of the street but if this is decided ujion, due no- impartially execnto the duties assigned by 30th. and have to request that yon will instruct said undertaking, and engageJ an engi- the expiration of law to his department ' The defendant say, he has expended Btfrrt 3lr. AIm tice will lie given before Beaver Hats, Jl, the road supervisor not to interfere with neer for tho purpose of superintending the six months allowed, as well asof any Section 42 says: Tho said minister, by largo sums of money npon tho faith of that the work. the laying down of such tramways, acting to with the nnthonty ot tho King aroisfortnne,anditmaT To th 1 lonoraHc X Ytaa J trn. other street or road it may le decided and in letter. If soil is ChinctJlor. or other I have the honor to be. Sir. yonr most upon the belief that ho was properly run upon. Cabinet Council, shall have power to lease, bo that he has a claim for By that let- Feathers and dueIJubra and said John E. Bush, by car it Jntice of the buprrme Conrt obedient servant authorized by the It is intended nt present to lay a single sell, or otherwise dispose of the public ter there was in terms secured to him a Uoner: llnmljj (Signed) W. Flow..!!. , his letter of the thirtieth day of June last lino of rails only, three feet and six inches lands and other property, in snch manner most nnnsnal franchise, the nature of JInj it pfcw lonr the same Flowers, raniiuaittittg. toot orator, ChrlT On And this defendant acting npon gauge, the cars to be drawn by horn's or as ho may deem Imt for the promotion of which, it would seem, might have led him Hosoixxx, August -- 7. lS5vk belief, caused the plan mentioned in the locomotive will bo used. agriculture and the general welfare of the to greater caution than he seems to hare lick of Honolnln. n-i- ally rcirent mules only: no Received ex " Mariposn," Minister of the To His Excellencv Crurxzs T Grxicx, third paragraph of the plaintiff's said bill Should the application of comiiressed hingdoui, subject, however, to such re-- exercised, liefore making so great expend Just that he is Ht 3Uutr" Interior, Having-- . to plain as tnch SIonisUT of the Minister of the etc. ir to bo prepared and forwurded the air or electricity bo considered advisable, strictions as may from tnno to timo bo ex liurc Interior. ukI J. com the files bill of cumplunt and verlsUly notified you that proosll tiff And this defendant snbmits that this will bo a matter for considrtation with prcssly provided by lair Tho other documents and facts plead -- he thu suffi unto the Court mencing work and brenking grodnd for said John E. Bush had good and the then Minister of the Interior, or by Section 167 says: Tho Minister of the and quoted, though proper as evidence in And Now Opened For Inspection at reviU the purpose of laying rails for the tram authonty to give the permission is hereby charged specially important in Itm That It law there is vested in him aent arbitration if necessary Interior shall le, and the case, are not of the Interior the gen way Mr llowerdew intends lay ing uisjn contained rh his said letter of the thirtieth Although at present only a single lino with the superintendence and manage- deciding as Mich Miniver 2oth, have that the carry it end and control of internal Saturday August it iui I dav of June, and he denies of rails will lw laid with the necessary ment ot tho internal improvements of the Tho plaintiff in this caso sought to in MijTiHa now the honor to notify yon that Lvas ing out of the said undertaking would shows he may, with tho approval duce the defendant to submit the contro- within thu locgdom. turnouts, still if the traffic that the Kingdom: and ' MELLXS', public imiTovemrnts not to do so plaintiff's rights as A. M. and that hi anthonty in that regard ex ordered by Mr Flowerdew lw in contempt of tho public would bo better served and nccom of the King in lrivy Council, an versy to the King in Privy Council, which but shall, Tue-ila- y. August Intenor, to tends to and includes tbe construction. that day, upon llis Jtajestv's Minister of the modated by a double line, that will lie laid officer, to be styled the Superintendent of the defendant refused to do. and repair of all public streets. 27th, cotnnienco snch work at or near control sud streets or that the same if necessary lieforo tho expiration of tho Public works to assist him in tho dis-- ' Thereafter on Angnt 20 and 21, the MiiTTMion Kmg street ami lunchbowl bo other public and 104 FORT STREET. road' and bridge-- , within thi kingdom. the corner of would a violation ol time allowed for tho construction of the charge of this branch of his duties. defendant addressed letters to the plaintiff now resident within street pnvate nghts, or 'destructive of His road, except in these streets or portions of These sections do not anthonze the ' by which, in the letter of August 20, he vnNuf That therein your obedi to the I 1 K. B. Store Open till 8 P. DL During: the Holidays. this kingdom one "William Flow erdew. who I hai e the honor, Sir, to be ilajesty's highway, or prejudicial streets rather narrow for a double track. grant of such n right proposes to erect a street railway, which synrant - law, to the fur some tune past contemplated and ent . . dignity of the or a menace In fact everything will be done that tho The definition of franchise hy Bonvier, might, it may bo, provo beneficial to the has (SigncO) IL Kr determined ujon the project of eon Jrurs SairnfG. public ivace. engineer considers right and proper for is a "privilege conferred by grant fromi public, but in the letter of August St, he Hawatlaa - this defendant farther people. individuals. to retain all the franchises r Mructinr uj vn. along and throngh tanotis 5pre Cart .f ta. Iluid- the comfort and convenience of the the government and vested in still claims - li sub-nrl- he gpibMdl,J-wA.Ti-.N- - advLsl and believes that I the of Honolulu and , Imljgltr. saith that is The rails will lie laid in the center of Tho rights to operate railroads are such which are to him by the. letter of jj? frtrtn't. in otv t ' succeed in preventing kmRilom. a MMem of tram lliMs-n- should the plaintiff the streets as near as may lie, audit will and can only bo granted by the June 30. The defendant further says that m thi Cuiulis T Grucx, or rax I said franchies or nulwiijs for the jmrpi of this defendant from carrying ont his not be necessary at any point to interfere government Sec- - 3. Paige, 1314 2,. Y, ' he transmitb-s- l to tho plaintiff through ns; stnvt tuioe vs. Wnxux Fioaranrw undertaking, according the jiermission running thereon carsVr other Tehicles for with the free passage of vehicles of any 506; Cooler on Constitutional Limitations, llis Majesty, a proposed contract which of auJ kin KALiKJirn, by the Grace of God of the grunted as aforesaid, the Hawaiian Gov kind pp. 276, 27i, 193, 3SM, WG. was not rctnrned to him ami that eoon tbe transivrtataon iiasenssiv, will to this tired purjses Hawaiian Islands King. eminent is and be responsible In the more croiuled liortions of the What are knunn as the surface railwav thereafter ho received a copy of a proposed Flowenlew, attorneys, defendant for damages sustained by him work lw at State of Xew York, are lead- contract which the defendant deciinwl to JAinl That said William To AYiiiim Flowtjuiew, his routes tho will done night or cases, in tho ' defendant herein has caused ta be .1 sohatops engineers, agents ami all others in consequence thereof. early morning, so as not to interfere with ing cases on the matters involved in this vlan draft Iwhirh act . under his EtyktU That this defendant admits the vehicles. cas,, and those case, all hold, and is not proved that this paper was pro-par- a certain or is acting or claiming to fifth, the free passage of Leret'j offertsJ for the msjiection of the authority, greetingrln accordance with a several allegations contained in the SECOND. no well considered case can bo found by the plaintiff or vrilh his concur- - seventh paragraphs of tho said I ourtli purporting to l- a map of the prayer in a bill m equity this day hied sixth and Tho rails nsc-- 1 will not lw under eight against them, that the granting ot a rence, "it is quoted at large. Aside from of llonulnln and suburbs, against said "William Flowerdew in this bill eon pounds per yard, and whero necessary, street railway franchise is vested in the the fact that it proposes that n termbe streets uiwn plaintiff well knows, winch plan or map are indicated the ito Court by Charles T Gnhck. Minister of VmI That the heavier rails w ill be employ ed They will legislature, and must be directly or indi fixetl for the continuance of the franchise, osed r. rates of his said proposed sj st.-n- i the Interior and at the" time of tho filing of his said laid flush with the streets, aud in a recti made by tho legislature Those it admits to exist nil tho other features I de- be of tranwavs. along and ujion wluchstni ts You are conimaiidod. under nch eii bill of complaint well knew, that this proper and workmanlike manner cases hold, as has been held in England, in tho letter of June 3a Tha ex and Mlis sanl defendant intends and ally as the Court may see fit to tnihct for fendant held the said letter of the thir The cars will bo of the best American and in most of the United States that a elusive nature of the franchise is conceded. . cvnstrttct a system of tram contempt of this wnt, to alIutebjwesit tieth day of June And this defendant some have lieen ordered franchise to n surface railway The whole matter hinges upon tho legal t hreatens ui to type, and already oierate JrfajyoftfenKxicanViatch wars as aforesaid and abstain from anv act of destruction r admits "that he does claim such letter from a leading builder iu San rrancisco. where tho rails are flush with the streets validity of tho letter of Juno 30. h-f- have the effect stated to bo claimed by the to grant tk That said defendant li no an other interference with the surface of the The cars after sunset, will carry tho and the cars drawn by horses nion tracks Tho views I havo stated lead me thonty from your orator as such Minister streets of the city of Honolulu or suburbs defendant in the eighth paragraph of the Usual b'ghts of strett railway cars. which can bo used by other vehicles, it the permanent injunction prayed for in of the Interior, nor from any other person and from any act of construction thereon said bill Bridge blocks will lie provided for proper duly granted by the legislature, is not in j the plaintiff's bill. or source thereunto suflkaentlv authorized, or thereiu.of any iron orothertramayor Tout That on the 11th day of August protection of the fire hose in case of hre consistent with" thu ordinal use of the Clarence . Ashfonl for plaintitl; tvrmitting or licensing sanl defendant to street railroad, or any entry ujion'anj of last this defendant received a letter from Should any matter arise, not mentioned public streets, if reasonably exercised, and Messrs. Ed. Preston and Cecil Brown for SBLX. fol I I so construct such system or any system, or said streets, with the intent and purpose the plaintiff in the words and figures or provided for in this memorandum, they that those who border on the streets are defendant any iart or twrtion of any tramway in. of committing any such act until the for lowing, that is to say: shall le arranged hereafter br agreement not entitled to receiu compensation as Honolulu. Sept 10, 183. ujioli ur along "the streets, or any street of tber order of this Court Dzrumcxyr or the Isteriob. ) the Minister of tho Intenor and for property taken under tho right of em 1SS3 between s&id city of Honolulu, or any of its sub- Witness the Honorable Btwiitis 11 HoourLC, August 11. ) tho engineer in charge of the work. WALTKAfVl WATCHES -- anil any stick unauthorized con ArsTix. Supreme Court at Mr Wii Floweepew, Hawaiian Hotel urbs, that Justice of the The buildings and site of stable of tho 3JtlcTi).intlist. strnction ujwn said streets, or any of them. Honolulu, this 27th dav of August 1SW Owr tir In reference to the scheme of undersigned will bo established within the grrr.i SO S"TO PLACE THEM of such system of tramways or any part (beal (Signed) Wuxux FosTta laying down street tramways in the city city limit of Honolulu, as regulated by thereof or" any act of construction of such Clerk of the Supreme Court of Honolulu, for which you claim a ruin law, and that a license be granted him nn to tramway ix any interference with or entry "rt M Gibson. Attorney General. istenal authonty. and which you desire der the rules and regulations governing The Oldest, Largest, Best and Cheapest ujwn said streets, or any of them, with ihc C "iV Ashford. Solicitor for complain inaugurate, and which has been the sub such matters And it located at such place Within the reach ofeverybody late conversations, I would soy purpose and object of undertaking such ant ject of our as is necessary to lead tho water thereon, defining act of construction on the jwt of said de TBI JUiSWEK. that our laws are qnite clear lu that a supply necessary for the Use of tho - powers minister, and especially of FOILVE fondant or those acting under him, would Ia the Sapreme Cart of the Hawaiian I- - the of a establishment shonld be provided, the un Furniture Store in the Kingdom.- THE l. in contempt of your orator s right as laad.,Ia Eoaltr, the Minister of the Interior, in any work dersigned paying the usual rates. Majesty s said Minister of the Interior, of internal improvement distinctly stating THlED. Time-Keepe- His 1'ir.sirs T Urxica. MuiTIS Mt TUX Iv r to the Finest to control such stretts. would be a iola that his action must depend upon the necessary, the government is to grant Simplest tekioi!. is. "iViiiux Flowtjuiew If ' Uon of other UK.aad pnvato rights "Consent of tho King in Friry CouncU," the privilege of taking of sand and stones the destruction of His" Majesty's highway, ilr JitrtKr .larfif and does not confer on him authority from any quarry belonging to tho govern Watch. law. and frfirt to act independently, consequently His accord PIONEER T'inished Adjusted prejudicial to the dignity of the ment tho quantity of which will be a menace to the public peace The answer of William Fiowenlevt. the Majesty's Government feel, that in justice ing to its requirement, at every irregularity - And your orator further shows above namod defendant to the bill of to the interest you represent, as wellas to of tho street or road, not to exceed tons, FURNITURE to that he is informed and believes, and so complaint of the above named plaintiff enable them to sustain your enterprise and if a larger quantity is required per Warrant them all Perfect state the truth to be. that said defendant This defendant saving and reserving t advantage, they must conform stnetly to mission will bo at once supplied Also, I has engaged and employed one Julius H himself all K'nefit and right of exception th tpmt of the law, which requires that for the temporary uso of its carts, wagons WAREROOMS, hauth. a vil engineer, to superintend and to the said bill of complaint for answer your proisjsition should I e submitted for and machinery, if not otherwise occupied ft) in Frivy Every Way. direct the construction of said system of thereunto, saith. the consideration of His Majesty the government receiving such compensa jaJstciTDlltslaeta. in tramways That upon the 21th day of t'tnt That he admit, the allegations Conned tion as may be agreed upon, together with 18S9. have the houor lobe your obedient August" instant said bmith called upon contained in tho first paragraph, of the I the privilego of prison labor if required : : : : : Money, office the servant, C. E. WILLIAMS, PROPRIETOR, If yon Want tlio Worth of your your orator, at jour orator's in said bill of complaint rOCKTU capitol. in Honolulu, and informed and srrf That lie admits the allegations (Signed) Cais. T Gnicr, The undersigned is willing to concede notified your orator officially and on be- contained in the second paragraph of the Minister of the Intenor the pnvilego and extend the courtesy to Will Give to You. in alleged) defend complaint "Which letter, was answered by this de- de- I it half as said bmith of said said bill of ' those personages passago freo as are I Have Just Received. ant. that said defendant intended to and TXin-l- That on or about the 13th day of fendant on the sixteenth of the said nominated in the following tables, viz. FROM would commence the construction of said June last. alter Murray UibsOH. jlmi moath, as follows: Their 3ljesties tho King and Queen HovotrLC. 16, 1663. WATCH. sTsteai of tramways upon the street of ster of Foreign AfUirs and Attorney-Gener- August and the lloyal Family, to Government A WALTII.UI C StCn the said city on the morning of the then of this Kingdom, called npon His Excellency T Gcucx, Minister Omciols, l'olico and Messengers ouEpe ANDFranolsoo"THE EAST, 3VE. JMLcTNJnjUTY: following day. and your orator then and this defendant, at his rooms in Honolulu, of the Intenor, etc - In answer to rial duties That tho Government will be th'-r- e of the 11th forbade" such threatened acts on the and conversed with this defendant as to your communication instant allowed free Use and run cars on their Another Large Addition to my Already large 'Hiti rt of said defendant. his views in projecting and carrying out m regard t iiermiseion granted me by rails, though not interfenng with their s rtk And your orator farther shows his scheme for laying horse tramways in Ills Majesty's fate Minister of the Interior trafuc j "Vnxrloca. that, on the ".Tth day of August instant. the slrei t of Honolulu and the snhurl, to lay down tramways and run cars in the Ijx ' nd Stools. nmi "msFfiftss&j 0-r-- sanl threats on the tiart of said defendant thereof, and expressed his"ehera! con streets and roads of the city of Honolulu Tho term or ptnod of the franchises t comniefice said construction on August corrence therewith, and gave this defen and its snhurlis, I lieg to say that I have granted shall not exceed years Ii.i-ib.I.iii'- c, JSUi tet having been earned out. I jour dant to understand that His Majesty -- no objection whatever to yonr laying the sixth. Fpliotetcry, Piano!,, orator received from said defendant a let Government would help this defemlant to matter before the Frivy Council, if you so The passenger faro will not exceed ter and from said bnuth a letter, each no carry out the said undertaking wish the fares enumerated in the following ufying" your orator that defendant Fntih And the sanl Walter Murray I have the honor to be. Sir. yonr most tables, viz Jiusical Siistruiuciits. Sewing would commerjcesJthe construe olssbent servant isitively Gibson informed this defendant that the -iti of (Signed) W Flowiktew Frotnlor! ,us--l In MaiLILlbriajCv uuttlsr'aal.t- Hon of said tramways at the corner matter was within the Deartnient of the 111 lSBf!MCk . . is fcc. King and l'nnclibowl streets in said city Interior, and that the defendant should Anil this defendant is informed and lie Ta kiptobn! I'ark 1 lMaeliines, &, l .... Tvkslt-t- jEws 3 i., 1SSS. isaid neve- - that the said matter ha, never been ends. rwl ij tell on tbe 25th day of August. let aptilt to the Minister of the Interior II lUainlniJ "7,rse-,rrit.nc- in lb. Farnilor. IIoameM in llonolala, I Bra jepued to meet lb. liefore TalUililiRiUBiOiiHil 14 tecs (copies of which are hereto annexed, (then John K. Bush) for snrh authonty, brought the honorablo thtt Privy TDiasuiitmllaHiBpi ,llr,i .... . or all. as I Ibe UU'GEsr STOCK, llw batesl Mjlra, and bELL A LOWEST HtICE8 AEslrrHBH -- -- IV touI bite t resjiectively KxhiUt A" and Ex wrjidil lie favor Council T. marked aail stated that the uattor And s ithla toe prtfcrlbctl utiou boic .mbUm- - hibrt U." and made ul tlusouipiaiutl ably reifvscntcd to thy smdJobjiii'l Bush H.rrMi, -- That on the 3Xh and 2ltli nliadthecilj-itols-- f . a I Keep in Stock a Full Line of irtfor ihiys if August this defendant wrote and X.4 rmrsddlttas.l nllr ri the stwrr .aBterl are berel.v tendered the inspection of ftfU In consequence of the above in station .Ball bscbsrswl rxtr to est. tolle ! plaintiff" letters in the words the Court AikI yon r orator llieve5 that. terne . a formal application tn tin Mini stnttothe SEVEXTU. said dIeiKlant will execute his threat of ster of the Interior was prepared, to be ami figures following, that is to say: Tho undersigned have fully authorized WalnutjAsh, Painted. Stained. Varnished so entering ajoa said streets anS then and presented to him on his.returoJroni Kan Honolclc. August 20, 1SS3. Mr. Smith the engineerrcgularly employed Excellency C T Min i 3Vtl3E;3r. there digging up the surface of the same at. andfthis defendant wrote andent To His Gcucx, in the service ol this work to concur and CEt SETS, and constructing therein and thereon said such application, in thewonls"and figures isUt of the Intenor, etc ir Having re- agree with your Excellency any further tramwars following, that is to say - ceived report and outline of street railway matters that" ore not expressed in this A Complete Assortment Cheap Furnitnre, JOHN NOlrT, .vntt-A- nd it is farther shown to the UoxoLrxr. June uth. LSS1. from the engineer. I have the honor to memorandum. Court that your orator is informed and His Excellency Johs E. Bcsh. Minister hand you copies for your information. have the honor to be, sir, your most A Largo Assortment of - You the rails will be I No 8 believes, and so states the truth to be. that of the Interior, etc. ir Considering will observe that obedient servant, At the Old Stand. Kaahuinanu Street, said defendant has imported into this the great public benefit and convenience hud from the water front at bottom of 7airfrUJ That this defendant declined & Xnn-an- n Parlor Sets, lounges, Patent Bed Lounges Sofa Beds, kingdom and now holds m readiness for that street tramways have proved in the Fort street np to Knkui street into to document and caused notice also along Beretania street sign such such purpose large quantities of iron rails cities and towns of Europe, the United street to be given as aforesaid of his intention to Easy Cluin, l'altnl -' UUt , pitonuns, Foot BwEayhta5Ml&, and other material appropriate and neces- States of America, and elsewhere and from Fort street to and up Xuuanu street commence work. along1 Oahn TIN, COPPER. & SHEET IRON WORKER sary to the construction of said proposed considering that the capita! of this King and King streetfrom beyond All which doings and pretenses on the of Waikiki A Full Asstortmcnt Upholstering Materials,' tramwav. and that said defendant has dom should not longer be without such inson road to part of the plaintiff this defendant submits dedareil his design to Use said material for accommodation as cities of smaller! sir It is intended to lay a single hue of are contrary to equity and good conscience, CoDiprtsm'? bilk Colelinav fe'Ik Hashes, lUw Milks, Csatimeres, Scree, Hsma-k- lisp., ' AI-i- iriD-ea- . "" such purpose and importance possess. I respectfully re-- rails' only, threa feet six inches wide, flush and prejudicial to tho nghts of this de- llxur UoU and Lcalber. Cora, Gimps and ; And shows with the surface of tbe streets, the cars , s PLUMBING, in all its branches Eifkih. your orator further the requisite permission and an fendant and tend to subvert His Majesty's btra-r- KiccUmr, Mo LoitLi, rnlo. llaix am Feather iUtlresscs and rtflo-r- on band ami mad. to that he is informed, and beheves. and so lonzation for myself and any others who drawn by horse powey only. Government and the good faith thereof Order. ChaiBiaua Hcdi,'-- Itcst in ass; will laat ahf.Ume. klbOVwktorm mai to that said defend The cars after eunset will carry the Sur spnD-- - IVda and Woven sire HltrtMs.aBswrted sizes. bprwgUattreuB'u'ADe.10 states the truth le. may associate with me. whether incor and the proper respect therefor Winduw Plain and feprmfc Hollers. ? al UUUL1C bbadei. latcnt t Artesian "WeU Pipe, all sizes: ant professes and pretends to hold a letter parated hereafter or not. to lay down lights of street railway cars or any Edwasd Prestos. modifications may be desired by or other written instrument received from tramways, and run cars for the conveyance that your Cecil Bbows, Having Secured the Services of MR. D. SANDERS, E. Bush, your orator's predecessor m department S John of passengers, etc in tbe usual manner, Counsel for defendant u Solicitors and of The Well known Sva Franc-so- rpbolatcrcr and Draper, who hai bad larce expertonc. in the office as such Minister of the Interior, and 2s ew York, To insure that the undertaking is 1 R&NC3-E- as in San Francisco in DectHonofUt Cmrt Ij Asttto, J 1 meet hind o rrbolaterv, an prepared to do all kinds of Work In that Lias STOVES AND which instrument- - as is claimed by said the streets of this city of Honolulu and earned on in a proper manner, I have se IN TUB mm AhD LATBiT STTLE. lam, the said cured the services of Mr. Johns II. Smith, The defendant first objects, in abate "" defendant fully authorizes suburbs. -I 1 i - ' f OramflTUr so system of San Francisco, an who is well ment, that the plaintiffis not the proper IndftoM - ir Nu l -- - V Uiir-- Back defendant to construct a of In view of the expense and trouble in engineer ? KHsl-s- Hera- ! IV.II C..r"j r,,I,arj . ."Lambrequins, tramways upon the stnvts of Honolulu and volvcd in this work and preliminary ex known for his capacity and ability, and party to bring this action. Curtains, Draperies and G.Wsus1I.t.uiu - ,.Ejui .T3 u tf. ir- AU IUtasl aial nam suburbs as aforesaid Bat your orator pro- penses. I would request that a reasonable who has laid several street railways in San I believe he is. AISO-La- ow Guvus Cat and Hade In the Latest btjlea. tests, and avers that ncb instrument, if time be allowfs.1 to construct the tramways Francisco and elsewhere. Section 33 ot the Civil Code says the d be. OP OalT-nnixe- Iron Water Pipe, all sizes, and laid on at any such defendant has, contains, and can and open them to the public before any I have the honor to Sir. yonr most Minister of the Interior shall have the A LARGE ASSORTMENT MIRRORS,! no legal or valid authority or Is? obedient servant chaige, custody and snptTvision of all gov contain, further permission given, say qi OLuv- -a great so V FujwTjtcrir eminent property whatsoever, not express- Mirror Ilates and i'lclore ALbO- larul, of Fauci Picture Frame , card, cabinet and . hcene to sanl defendant to construct months, to make surveys and select the (Signed) very latent of Cornice Tictara lowest Kntc. Cast Xron and lead Soil Pipe, Engineer's report; charge of some other ofii larcer aire. ; Ui. r' llclaia Frame r Window CorcioM tramways or any tramway as aforesaid. streets and reals, and three years to finish Enclosures: Fint, ly placed iu the made to order. A larct variety of Ilibj Carructs nnd 'lobes, Coildren't tip Wasoea, Carta and A'wtt AUVhich doings and pretenses the construction of tramways. Savufl Map of Honolulu, with outline of cer. Wheellnmm. IVuc IUI iUU, Ac on the part of said defendant are con- Naturally, however, so as to get a return street railwav. marked in red. The government has a property in the aU kinds; 1SS3. prop- PIANOS FOR SALE OR HIRE ! House Furnishing' Goods, trary to equity and good conscience, and on capital invested, the concluded portions August 24. public streets of Honolulu, and the , tend to the manifest wrong and injury of of these tramways would be opened to the To His Excellency a T Grucx, JLn erty is in the custody of the plaintiff, un Violins, Arxordiani, GtuUra, Ilanj-H- Tambunrinea, and all Unda of JlrHiral fnitron-en- 39. , HOW U.I Ma I." VM l." His Majesty Government, and the public public as speedily as possible ister of th Interior, etc Sir. Referring der Section aicaTaonnanaanu lortxue oeapci .usucwstsuciv. .auiui. uDiiaiua istno alrjaa of KHHIT provides the IIE-- T MAKE, at Ti cents per .Set or lT)f Cent each Litl lasler i i - t i upes--r Stars lm& at large. If it is considered necessary. I shall be to my letter of the 20th instant covering Section 10 of the Civil Code !(; FH.W rafMarls - raj BnaBls Wash IsUasi. 'jrenl Itr 1 IVIr .If rtfc buM In consideration whereof, and to ihv prepared to enter into a fair and reason engineer's report to me, and plan of Hono- that the Minister of the Interior shall be VirAljXi "EJa."E-UH-. I end therefore, that said defendant may able guarantee that the tramways shall be lulu, I wish to say that the statement and accountable for the preservation and safe X. Blr-a- if ta" Nes-.-- aad Lalnt stjlca aiar b fvsa! on Show IcK. true, direct and perfect answer make we specweu. report is relative to the work intended to keeping of the government property, and consirucieu wimin lime any per -- to all and singular the matters and things As it important for me to know be- oe proceeara wuu at prwoi. auu is uwue it shall be bis duty to prosecute A A "AVK A IaA KG KH STOCK is rir-h- V; PT4 TIIAXALL. Chandeliers, Lamps, Lanterns hereinbefore stated and set forth, and that fore arrival of the mail steamer, whether withont rtreiudice to the srrantcd to son injuring, trespassing npon, or wrong i. 1irirWiil? JL hare tae late Minister of the Interior, full Liking thi same IVitJIaUieM Maker BBdtB. obit llr.vtu. I phel.tef r Is lb" kiBrlon. uw rrtca are the LUWEaTaad all as fully and rnrttculariy as if the same cr not I am to lie enabled to commence rae by the work Ora-- i from la trth'-- Urad prompt' to were hiere repeated, and he there- work, which rights I do not waive; and only The defendant- threatened to go upon -- again this kindlv permit me to solicit an C r. WILLI M.S. Hon.IaJa, IL V7V interrogated (but forward th report ami statement for your one or more of the public highways of the UWkr , , I, I 3ff unto particularly not early decision- - I have the honor to be fa. aad Warrrwo-- TclephoM, .?. Workshop awl 7. Haul street HA J. I upon oath, answer on oath being hereby sir. your most obedient servant information. city of Honolulu, and tear them up for the expressly waived) iSiraed) V FiowranEW Tho ennneer advices me that it mar be purpose of establishing a street raDway And that your orator may have a decree And this defendant received from the found desirable to go or return by Bere- This, if accomplished vnthout right, would Carriage Manufacturing Comp'y. perpetually enjoining ana restraining saia said John E. Bush an answer to the said tania street; I rat if this is decided upon. be a permanent and irreparable trespass IS. uefendast his engineers ami agents from letter, which answer is in the words and due notice wui be given belore tne expira ami injury to me rjropeny oi ice govern O. WILLIAMS, interfering with or entenmr upon anr of figures lollowing, teat is to say turn of the six months allowed, as well as ment ln the public streets, and the plain ia (.ID 1X1 ft WEST. TO QUEEN STREET. decided" was duty, lit. the streets of the said city of Honolulu or DxTJJtTalST OT TBI IXTIal la. f of any other street it may be to tiff had full power, and it his if its suburlw with intent or purpose to dig HovoLcxr. Jane'Sh 1SK1 run cars upon the defendant proposed to act withont ALL KINDS OF or tear up the surtaoe, or construct or Sifi: Having considered your apphca Although the engineer advises only a right to bnng this action to restrain him place thereon or therein any iron or other tion for permission and authority to lay single hue of rails at present still if the from so acting. Undertaking i(s here- think therefore that the action was r in nil Braicta MgrJiiVfj Wagons aiiclv .Carls railroad or tramwar. exeept as may down tramways, and run cars in tho traffic shows that tho public would he bet I s$f $4 & after be authorized by law . streets and roads of this city of Honolulu ter served and accommodated by a double properly brought by tbe plaintiff atVrl is- j 9Uifaxlrl.r ftUcitW t ' N. anal Daralaic And that, pending the hearing Jierexn, a and suburbs, and recognizing that this line, that will be laid before the expiration The second question - had the defen street railway Dra-r-s- . temporary injunction may issue to said work is one of public utility; you indivi of the tune allowed for the construction dant a right to establish a defendant, his attorneys, solicitors, eo dually, or with such others as may as of the work, excepting always those, in the streets of Honolulu or any part of COFFINS & CASKETS Fluelos. Ox Carls. gimvTs. agents, and all others acting, or eodate with you. whether incorporated streets, or parts of streets, that are rather them or an D rnjt, rat 4 tk l Sljt ( Ttimmigt, churning to act. under his authority, cxn liwwftj nr ,rp belelit aniiwmr.s-- ff. Tiarrrrtr for a double track. say upon the facts. I think not not I Ltrla. and CnrUI RVw on Utai. Ba--J Waciu manding tbem to absolutely desist and lay down tramways and run tars tor tliel In fact, everything frill be done that the Briefly those essential facts arc that the !yt refrain from any act of destruction or conveyance passengers considers nght and proper, and Jluuster of Foreign Affairs and Attorney Cane; V Carts. oi in such streets engineer , sSgSyg!? Ihp other interf ereace with the surface of said and roads in the dry of Honolulu and far tho comfort and convenience of. the General f ito-i-- called npon the defen Hearses and Carriages for Funerals conversation gave iS-A- T AUSTyt - A Complete Assortment streets, or any act of oonstrnction of said suburbs as you may select ) people. dant and after some REASONABLE H Sal. of i r RATES "W "i3 rr tramwavs therein or thereon till the fur Ton are hereby granted six months in charge is fully author defendant to understand that His Ma s agreement at would help the cW en OiSce, go. Fort Strett Telephone and High: Alana, Ho. cfc :3VIr-to:r.n.l- tiersoriier of this Court. from date hereof to make surveys and izeil to enter into any any jestr'a Government Ill 76. CJarx'lo.sro Wagon And that youroratar may have such select streets and roads, and three years time as to the detail of the work; that it dant to carry out his scheme for laying THE LOWEST MARKET RATES, fartherrehef" jot uch other relief as the in which to finish the construction of said will be conducted in a true and workman horse tramways in the street of Honolulu TalceNotlce !!! AJ bike me FOR SALS. nature of the case may require, and to work, and until the expiration of said manner, and according to the usual and tne tnereoi. iiut uinis - ASD - - h xtairv. w.mn may seem meet and method of similar roads in other cti-sj- - ter of the Interior had charge of the mat suim- oak iuiity periods of six months three yean ! Fowler's Patent Tramway, an mh r rue tk kimnt ?k.i "May it please the Court to grant unto respectively, no sirmlar psrmission win be Ihave the honor to be. Sir, your most ter to whom defendant shouJJ apply, and . N.'kMVV IKON ud BOfe-HO- E SHArK-- . be favorably repre Mules Horses! yourerator the wnt of injunctioll. also granted. obedient servant , that the matter would I Xso aa-- ear rijaois . jUwirtnHiiii T t i.iir.ii iiuuii the process of summons of this Court, You are authorized, and permitted to (Signed) W. Fumxiz-ri-- sented to such ministcr WithPatent Steel Sleepers AH airt " feait--d W VafcTaals kri tV tn wt n citing said WrUiam Fkrrerdevr at a time, operate any portions of said tramways as rwIA That on the twenty fifth day of Tbereupon the defendant applied to the Both Native lc California I i and under a penalty to I therein named, they may be finished. August fast this defendant eanseJ to be then Minster of the Intenor, Jlr. John E. Oono Oars. !' 4-- Wl II fc , d quoted, GOOD aM o bm a " to aprssar and answer the premises, and Considering that the permission to lay prer-are- an agreement carrying out the Bash, in writimr as above who an FAMILY H0RSKS c4t2nneaL "Wix- - xo farther to stand to and abiro tbe order of the tramwavs wiU lapse for any streets terms of the sail letterof the thirtieth day swered in writing as above quoted, and to t ols Tado OrderLOW J - (.urrnl-- it nr Cotbt tf . . jy SIAXp 4W KOH.H VhAOE it EKT tlTfc. herein. - ' or roads not operated upon within threi of June, and forwarded the same through which the defendant replied in writing as rlfllVrI XI BS.kaM mi (Signed) ( to abore quoted. Hie Tolists, Eetreat, . CUViU iSLEi at aU aim. wiiirs T Gcucs. years, and Xeeiing assured, trom the tenor IBs Majesty 1 .jw t nJMtiyin!.. mul. - - , sr-- a .1 1 -- -. t CaQt. C. Cluney. t 1 John Kraaapsv It wv w ll.ian waawaBMuiailil w "' vkv MM'g A Minister of the Interior ollovrinj receive-- a doenment for XI We ri ul uit, Vl UU O.U At Kaa. a' JJVfHEruj ...uwnm .bl - of your letter, that you intend to com th f day a IIW ill rniim- V" Cnbson, Attorney GeceraL coricnTrence and signa thontv to do what he did as shown bv bis met to hqt to jr, mence the work without any rmnecessarv Una defendant's KNOWLES' inr. isdipcnubi "W words defendant, of 30 1SSJ. i owawui" w vuew. prauur m Macx C Ashford, SoKalcr for complain delay, da not deem it necessary to ask ture. which ilocnment is in the and letter to the July it ntlt the YsleaM. will a&a 1mU-1i- rm w. ndtkttac. d fcmaff v I letter and the defendant wSaro.. Sa44ls O cc. al Tlla KETXEaT. ant for any further guarantee. figures following, that is to say: roar be thatthat STEAM AND YiCUDHPnMP8 The cUBMte e Kxwxrux rsLxxre, In the event of vou desinng to form a TT VCC1 ly to it constituted a valid contract I.TBH4a. Aisee1ewUka4ef Ikea.rre.BoijirlKcne-rT- . Chiiuj-- i !... tch would anthorize the defendant to lorlaaia-- tt Tntcari front tloase iKKmuxr. corporation yon will have to make a com Wis Exceflency airTItrJIs nOptJElTI. la. Kesi Jfilaeksiiiilhs' Coal Charles T Gcbck. bang dahr pony, and apply for a charter in the Usual vl the Interior ?- - Crrisid-nn-- j proceed, as he threatened to in this case L vctTtt'iM w Amr Tvnt trtrm tmmUm. full J J vr. imit rmnm lJTHS mm. defendant rlairrn that the Mit'raKa.t "t ! rrMmtrtrd rBap. VaHefe w deposes, and states that tie has heard manner the great public benefit and convenience The minister 1jU mj sdwr jt ! roe AiJix gwnnffi toun will efforts street tramwar hare inthe had such authonty. and if so, then the (vamB laraiautla-il- Tit till Lhea All'mWimy mt tiiaatarr Hemp and Flax Canras. read this foregntng bill of complaint, and Hoping you succeed in your that Piaip whkk U Im out to ,.-- , towns of Emuce. the United mimsier has granted to the defendant a iHltflrtrrtlMTinin ASsoirniKjrr, iiosD.on Jwo-lTlie- cI "Beits, Uanuiacturcd in our own Factory, 25 per Cent thattheara0 xstrue. except as to those to initiate and carry this work a A DtTT FAiB is exclusive option, tB matters therein stated to be on informs enccessinl issue, I hare the honor to be. States of Anerica and elsewhere; and con perpetual ana right if his 71 UJtt LEJt LV. T tnlUlarft. .Vacancr mail nauwn ma.

t ;"Hfc-4W- 7Q$: t'-- jli4kjarra,is.. Jaiuaiian(6uzrttt ftMMj.MJ has IiMttd (tr f&lb & & ,HLn" Hmatrnt Ijas, tw at J ta rCBUSHES j( s s. .oa&itl rsf lnUiats.'MilttMiKII( jrt CO. , ifcita, s k fit ROBERT CRIEVE.& - v 1 MUtstltTskstack! tta- -- UTcry Morula;:. MaW-ai- 5i Mffia1.1a it IVrdncodaj ttaittitakJ HeVtaW iur OtiMtrofesTsittl Ml. I'll FIVE BOLL Ut$ UX ANNUM Tssrdsfcaetttn 0tkattM!iwifarjaa utu U MaMtf Ctlten ot- - tso'tfM'W 3Ci ri v NTIMN IkoKtttt -. ' 9 C.etw tr .. ll i i raV'Ofsdktv rorelca JK-o-a la Ad .nee. . i; 4 .. IMIMM tet OttO HMif telhl fcrter df Birr , a ? j f $ 4 tHtsrstlaiHwtsiBiretBlketorMttkliatf trait 1 1 ' ; f..i . . wTsrtttatatt.atnsMteotiaHiaa ' S. , Alt taraltt tdsilMaiaiats ym r 1 ...'. rla ate akts) ti 1W1 td m. ttaan.) m":i ta I OBh Is arw Garctto Biliia;.2J attd T, IBets, ?iaeBOtfktttlstohito-!ttst- l Street. VOL. XlX.-- No. 12. 10. ittstttteMt tw asHti l Mrrrluutt KOMW&WAimi)ml):l;m:lim 1884. WHOLE fto. aooi. tmpmtttjiektsstdstjtiwktiir.itt.i't:-":i- , aasnwtit. A Conceit. Jtasjarsi gjtrds. . imart TT VMM IB OSO!. I? ,43tthtttkal gtffc, j$risnrantt gafitrs. ' I tBWMTC Mlt -- - -- ffliAMHff Joints. 4frtift oJrtrW ck s ate rerrta ptl .BBC. - ae 3: sr--- a Tkat ta ske RftSfMl luMt WH ,TC- E.1VAUAJ1S. , r Are a4tk kat h f5wZ?TTnvr ! Boston Board of rndfrwiiif rs. a, Mb Mill ka. Anciioaeer and Ccasiuio: Merchant. SMITH Jt THURSTOS,iSSrf Hostsa and Sign Fainter, Paper Ilaacor, cto CQNFECT1 py13R Y WTT.r.rawa...- -, nrwastt . m , . tjaeea Hrert Hsotethi 1 (1E3TS for tbt lltwallaa Islands, ,.,v. ABdkee4.ta ATTORN EYS AT LAW. aw ly yo WT Krai Street llotolt'.t ra. . re riTtKwin OT JaAJLJsULXXCAajPO. laaasttt s t f am Salpplavr aafl Cobbbb4tw Merr: Tk sraae. aiasest ff twaakt. i:i llllJTl'lil.itc:rp .i-- S So. g Xeitat . Uwtlltt. 11. I. tf 3E. o. tttoo C. , COI.E31.J. Phibdflpbla Board IWTivx-lrk- W T TrtH-- , ' ArfM.kfl imUBi MXFOXTXSS A5D C03MISSI05 XESCHASTS f P. Sura L. A. TmrxjTT is&onsisusrsr orrnderwrittr?. r t:tKheat strtrt.San - Snatknkti toateft B L ATC tfjKH R M CM IN IS Tjl is. 71 Tort St.. atoTo Hotel- - St., for the Itltnels, llet.i.lc K I It "V rlsHft e - Ar.KXT.t llawalUa - 11. O. SMITH Jvotettir-iarTtta- TttB. p, iKOOitponTrsD. isos W- B. CSOBffisUX kX?Ai SkMilUttK.MktMiL ii.vciit-i:i.-i llrr"" ruuttr.u71rhli.ery". KEEPS ALWAYS ON HAND it. jt co.. and Roal Estates Brokers, Jlr .1. .SGII.lKFEIt, COMJtlSSIOBT JfSSCHAFj Iks . asked sscrtaee. Beats COJ1XISSI03 AGISTS. y y:aXfrtktiM.wieii.iri' tr H ske eo Ktt- - MtT' aril taitTe A Cookr Aa artrarat vt tie Vt Frearfc and r. CASTLE fit COOKE, ACENTS kMA CatlOraly A ISKXTorUrestica sr U Ckamkee atv-T- l. I .ask a."i'eltl wast r-- SlJIall 1, aaaUcitW noarrftrradtrwrlltrt, K.rlhp Ittandt. 1 5w tor. i Mmt. CLARENCE W. ASHTORD, , JOHNNOTT. V .rslrrrT.Jt.Prdotriirtwrlters UttH Hn HJ.i. II Oc2xreo-tlc3CL02rjp- ' 3 Area! of Koard A'jgr.ait CaMeACtarJ T Sjtsl e. n wnw w T. T. LTKZHAX & c?o-- , Importer and Dealer In StOTe-v- . Ranees. naa ol Uadera rtiets. Siott III td BmI CO. Attornoy; Solicitor; 1 UIb General Insurance Com'py. IHf tae id OFMCE-- 13 1, Xciilj, tJ'k&irweOs.Cwtktrt'.Cisj.tad Wkltk ke for e , t retail tftUiaUtartareromBaaJotaltala tae irt, Impoeivrt asd Ceataxisaloa Merchants. Kiaamtax itre-- ! n4 ofrts .'a to the trad tl dlcttot of Ike tkore Boards f raderwrlttrs atll atee UltWlftBMntttl 99t Ctef. tVtre rrMBeabXtetakles,' lleso&ta. B. L For Sea. Ultrtr and LantltraBaport iWIMril "NtaBtrt,HTI UasJx. U. L tr TH to te entiled tt ky lbs ltx.se .Vteot tomke tkett H.W. SEVERAKCBJ It AT REDUCED PRICES! ' . . t i, of DTtESDEN. a. WM. A KINNET. 3 CO- HaTratka CoHstti sail AriolVikicM. kthMtaM r. a. ciiAi:ri:n to.. T J. M. OAT Jt - SAILMAKERS. sskral la ITS Bell SB OliaV A.rrrron.a-ET"A- s KSTAlir.tSUKlJ AN (.Importers A Commission Merchants .V T Cookr-- yew f feol Insurance Notice rW 1 1 iQl Aid t xiatc, Loft ta Calkliix. TnF. HAVrXtJ ItoBSrtt fw IB IrttBds. C OIB 3 IT MT H laptlt tattH IMMIW T y IxjUABrVAXT TSKET best bk.wws omiijiri: ncuts -- HmlHa 0 It teesxrM sr&kkt. i sSBtstrtaaria, BsstoWvHisiaiBta Hmfc Ij UlMttS. t . pifAtsxaB street 'ranuK tkt tdrnliBid Ueaeetl Aertl..ar-to.Ue- 4 :tw 0 Boatlalv-lU- I ' ty re Bad ra Ike kuiTthk nrtiTisli For. louee aii'orttoSa truufraritieee - . . i a , ! lta... t , T ststkrl aubstititlBe Like tkee rare Vera of TaLaiB can. i: H1TCIUOCK. ll "S? iB.arstce Ctmatas Lltalted ktt ATTOSSIT AT EIXO, HA VAIL A. ROSA. ffart !. tad THE BEST ICE CEE1R, SOD! WATER 1C0R0ULS reesiTed Ititrteiltat to Rrilsie (nrlliletrf I TUskt aaataat Ue Saaror of Stat at vt ItunnlimklimacM UT, i Bdj rtftBrd. jirtBte kelweealli.l.t. senVHses. Hie rarltx. aad lit tkt gH railsBcttsje.IT collected Ij ITTORSH IT UW DID H0T1RT PUBUC. ts tKw Most RoasonaUo Itatoa. on I II b aster vsssau PIONEER STEAM AMI THY THIilt.-- prrpaml lo TMlllles at Ike losreM rate. and tao DR. JORDAN & CC. isds f ratal SKI Sot Ilk a .rvetll redttrttaatar per -- T - U- fretrkt .tesmrr. Most FRANCIS M. HATCH. lee tlu J.hu-- Cterr, -f Candy Manufactory Bakorv tUHIi a DAV1E3 FaToraalo Ttrau, l'lTiiji riionsttii JuianbtMIMwikMMtiillat. It and u . o' -- XswatttlBS Hit U. J. Irjj - Aeeativii for Mir 1b.i v l.ittii-- 1 A t"l RicaHia.of pmi. rior striata bata(H. n.t Xi itWrJ.. rCHStm . Xmloail' 111 Is uf i- -i TVNMCtlWMIIMlt lit 1 Attornoy r.norusr V 4c tf tr v PrMtical CasiKaexer, Paltry Caok axi Baiar, .T.7.' V ' ir Aosm foe tke ltiosHiR IttaiHW. letter, our-a- ll TnMhltlm-aliRHti- M. 3K N. n . It. O. ItALLA i K.i3nnn.iiTnnnjiir est l riila.ni mi 0. 9?t tl Bote! street Detwen 'yBBIBB tad Fort t ly t tltfvettt. n Ike Kllski--nilt r ! S.B.DOLE. Lunrii. Fit 1 FIRE' INSURANCE COMPANY, 3I0KTO BMniH AHB "IKCASTUX snBnuo saard)' 'l II EMMELUTH & CO-- y- i trllscollajieoBts. Coo&tellor 7fotaxy- ntTOTE5 AM) DEALESS IX HA5DVABX J. n"i! at and Public ysBtt-- t Ul.tSAsrs ttT Hi Ofltcr Lit Merctt. Ho ralalt. OtU tjui Geatrsl Xmatadlst. ' Street ritm: rxnutsiuxcD hvtimi .r. Iiiaurnnoo Ooxapnu tl. ta Xvrtaaal F1e. - twlBtrefAtetls of ni.t pre - ssaasfcoo ctT lrt t4 w arkVotf fompit' art or Lo.itrnx cniBi:Ruii HOOK Ttrerasonof twckiar; ors we ly crer rrt ta Kiae Mfr Tinsmiths and Plumbers. Dealers In Storoo Eftr? ? mtirarliks irtKlSreoaMoneaad Brlek tin SST0THr- ttTi Ware, keep eoa x, ww puatti tataer a Wigat Mat or Blares. Tts. Sbeet IroutBd Copper lltillillBarstB4tMexehaMltttsrrdtkerrla a-e- ti. EDWARD PRESTON. A. G.ELLIS. stsatly ea assd a ttl! aortiBet of Tttsrsre,liilTS- - l&ouottfi.araBletertts, FicjwrUcalarsapMT al tke Eatabllahett 1800. X Kttf toetato caUsp m a groat aatUtsta lo - Ceansellor at !' Ited lnm tad Lead Pipe. ItdU Bsbber note, At . Jtc- - ks Attaraer- aad Lit. -- rAPtTAt. a C aaixtantTccHbjOed 114.Stoblr.OKSrolxorSCIJ. rlASTATlUX M It 3aoOfkoo L I hs, Basts, c, BIT HAMBURC-MACOEBUR- C AcrtawJatrdltd ttTestrd i.our.ii fcr tarriwrcfe-- s. W! toek. Bcd.tsailfrT Xutetsble ejiriut , .XAWRENCE Jt TREETH. rtd Fiskerttt W. B. CASTLX. tt XttkK Vatee foe Vlsk. UFrifE WtTU K T; FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, ITUn- - rj.wDEBtiiuacra potaeeel jack aasl klaahai v tetltam. sniy :v 11 jv us.TK aECS L'.lDtrBMnBsMI,a.f:i!,t.l Ifcos Woase "VTX? xv-r- aiulx. c o T c o n ts. . n X tppolBttd AUtTTn fw tke fcodrres watt Ik is wool wWsrs ATTOJVmCI Plats tad EtiBtttet FarBtsked tfor Weeks of Cob . L ofttvittt-ftt- are J.twstkJria.Jv THE . . I taaele as TVXLLIAMAULD. 4 ltd ttlkortaed 1. iBrare sctlast art a ISrtrtM m At't m ' .SSfetr-ta- tier were f- tae tMi.'iuiy Ptb: Con rtractSca. IiS?i?iUiu-s- - 3tatoi.nwE.,"ri;awi. Tetttt hmk. It Aent to.ttOco Admowledcnxents to orrBTiT's' srwss4lt.aB.aos,as. a-- - .; Tl rtKttd asekTBtrr Itinuaraltsl rtrara tke tts lartersrj- raatroo: "UTaat does SaaispoxK tractt for Labor Civil Engineering and Surveying J. D. LANE'S SBOslfistriklt terras , ataa.ms.rs tllM,w.,.l bis f of "Go It. tl.JlclXYni:; UltOTIlf.U. IataeIH1trklatKMt.I9UadvrOaka.tt tke Office at oVTICSeaKAOVlLASTBEET. ta a JAr.cKn,. ,t ttuTv liiwlriii "" VaTifSrrtK w t rroeirt bm tae nWite Hten-H- fi W Belt i,utd. ttktpt 1. ktrL, NaKer-eCJa- tke mkt. t aum Mircl. B..U TntktwmmleBrr?irertw! ct GSOCEET. PEED STOKE and BAKEKT r trtrt WWraiaii Bt'ck Warekeerfe TSSei to?" kasteaar. "WtV, per. tit t jl a? UnVwrklI11.ft as ly net EOS -- rtlVM srtr. ke tlaafc v.cmvr tr iai Yvt. tiirvt. Hoac .a P.O. lot. 130 MHghpst ktr &1 it wyHJrKt,,,!, J , "A7"tr: PIXRUII'JB V&Z. LGBJAX!BEESnBBX. drafW'3f,'tt!rgfVVi'i. Untile of Itottwt tirsjj ua Uk nattm " WILLIAM TURNER. XllAiKK A. CO.. SH1F CHAXDLESS A COnXIJSIDXXISCHAXTS INSURANCE THE PACIFIC MUTUAL ITOTnoaTSTW A rUi )iMte Pktrwee, Trio & MANBFACTORER OF MONOMBNTS COMPANY. v5 t. nr o: Ftrt ta4 Cmrs Merit. Practical Watch Clock Maker rc Baila. BrsseTt Ut tt4 Baiv Ltacr?. Head Office 50 Wall St. Now York. HKal?rKaVrrki4&:tdaaIef LaaWr, Oils, Salt Sxildixx Headstones, Tomls, We knu Faiati. 3iUi, axi rtTrj dutu rata tautt, and Jeweler, LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Nets and Seines to Ordol asters ie kas if j It ix vU. Sfiuiy - Tkt tKm tainiiTkaitiij..tiMi.kedu . tus gauriauettTerT kial- KtK ly Tablets, ArrB. at He pn.Ti, Ok, Lerf, VretWr MUotIt Xo. Kmr strict lloaoiatu. H. L. toppo,ite tke MarUa Mantels, lloaclaluf Ythr lUatiin l.tantt. tor nr,! f Um Kit iai - Or I'ALIIIIIl.M.l, l'evrlB vterr saecs Ha. larr" Slid :m1. ante kea HOl.T.rVTER & CO- - Ploaeer Carriage Factory iVaatist&Bil Tops, and to trcept tad wttt.- Vtrme Ki-- oa X, t is se4 Wt I , . Ckltdtse. Irrultt. TtM.nrr I iOBmi..liD. and Halt, ..tlkrlssOten a" j. it .;ikvi. nd . Desire to nil tkt parHetUr allo.il, .( N. Crirartl, Director of Paris Druggists ic Tobacconists, orders ttteaiKtl to wttk prottptBrs tad Tiling in Black and White Marble. lrrrB-st.- J WALKKU. 'SsssBodr, Cotton is tit Xcakspal WBQLEAIJ: OwttaiMtw Hrrxlunt ivut Gextrat J)atrr Ueod picked careful y foe traBlt. scp. T Arel too the lUwiiiia lighter than HetipMnore Jha al AT RETilU l.tiad TO I a Lataratcrr, mjs Salt tie Vaawinigt km MatJoBtrjr Till 'MMtaa Mreet. A ctr Ftrt Jt Xereata: c? JtX Vcr Utedt. txrocerle. Utnrtatt. OFEviRY ani lets EipsnuT. Hid to tfce caacectiaa ofprwaj foods awi ralrac XriSeiae. FvtrcBiery.tse VffftT?ft-c- MARBLE WORK DESCRIPTION of Tontiiia Investment I onils it a kig osier, wi wtW . MRS.A.M.MXXX1S. lUwsrr MADE TV OKPER Rre and Marine Insurance Company Policios UrUsetNallx ntod la Uto TJnltod SUtoa. I ttj sf. fTlooV s WAILVXtT, XACI ly Gcuer-v- Merclianillsea PjainllnpSa ScetoaaletketBrtmawaftkeaaattonlors a PaOLionabl Xrss mud MaXer. l Mnslcal Wkttk oaatata U ItdbparsMt C tsat,- - I ItncraTJiigto CliXTxao, tc- AT THE LOWEST E0SS1BLE RATES. m:iv anatamoTerifaaBlMBiaB koat ca? 91 FtTt ttTFTt. Btltllll. It M. S. GRINBAUM & CO. - Jtc r r zu.u?ii. So Mestrtttlta ao TaSsts te ItssOarMt. Amorlcan Net and Col sot rt Seine aciljr. 1? Ttte ptt t Bay : : : trot trots tsrverxas r Jtoniittteitls tiit.1 I'lenitrtl ami CAI'ITAI. : 310.000,000 Durer of rttrtslart tiy Cosi,, W. ArSTEf WHTTDiG. ILL KINDS OF FURMTURE IK HONOLULU. llratl.tour Ae4irartoeitnctikjoJecaf keef for Mer-!-ft ALSO Attorney and Counsellor At-La- General Merchandise and Commissi oa PliTTRK FRAXES of sll Mod; Itrei. ENrAttLIHIIEII AS AUMCTbI DR.J.C0UIS BROWNE'S CHLORODTKil ittokrotTtaerceofoaarMiromfor Orders frost U.OI.MI aader-rira- ""W o( tvr chants. Honolulu. H.L ly Slide to order tkt ulktt llafid irompt.T for tke IttnaJiaB I.laado. Ike The I)raxtt rJniltintticnt a feir Btstes aad tkec tke jocc iron azrat t taa1' AetatwWx.Hnolt Itutaftt are pteptred tn aceept n,k. asalatt tre to l'ollrj and the Till uRH.tMVLaa,lSl.l hinic tke Ifttat r Utat. CO- Ao 107 Fori M- torrs and II iS witk a itwoe Pot M. S. GRINBAUM Jt - - llouolnllt. delliaL ttrrkoa.rs. nerebitdt oa Mutual IitTfc-tmc- vjwwkt. a Iktl salt TT Nu. a Kttaoaua trrrt. Hvajvin It, Itrtst. I'ollrr. Adslce to ItrtllaW ! real wt.b Vata earj5 hi i& ft. Tkii f jiTeaas tke tick aae Cominissioii Merchants, MRS. THOMAS LACK, 3t nrlur Ittsks oa nnm. fretkt. Mlumrj proku teesaitstieep. treerrMH Beadteae. r i Totsrttnaal 1 HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO. ,. -ft prefers, eaki orbtket, or it be J .'I WIHTSKY. 31. !., l . tad ronatl?loa tasalsk. to raits ltd aaaittasi tko ic ir- tl ait from aai J3caXiI No. 1S1 California S-t- San Francisco. Cal No. TO Losses TkU Uoato' Ike sttM niiaale Cttaasaktt BettrtelFd dtwt., laslotealt la t. rro j. ttvi:!T prea is. ci Tixt Street, Tort St Ilonolaln. proinptlr mUuslnl it ml iwj nble lierr. -- Jil sanll IWT ty - sTKiJi .on.it3in.L( kat 00 ItstMltf. aad fttt ttttl) tetOes 111iCktlaw rtawlatt Ike clrralatlaa asMtsto f ino trste us of I Isf. tUver ia. BiKk.jietrstt Ratttaaa VWt tuvrt: DtflIrrCWfr1Ki:ir.Irvw, Brus a4 CalTt. a preatolr. ; sett taatotts tadTslrlT -- I. roaoswit awaaiiiki Mnn't. Lti w.vlkkr. ke ro,iw "Jok oriatap!" exdaimej as old t"r BT Dr Colli. , Jaor, tke Eamaee.Mtm Smt Dr. N.B. EMERSON. IMPORTER and DEALER d J Adi 5lj Machinery of Every Description Isar t rtaskte lafoeemloB. write to. or call aa . otkeriij-- a ske peeped ot ber soectacies - The City In- wkkk kt ratr the tats of l nLVIHfDYti. tad .it.-!- UUI.LKi .V piIYMCIA .VXD SUIIGKOX. J- HJ- - U Ortlr is of London rixe R. VT. LAINB. Is v ,, , ke at tke of CO.. tdmlttnt hr reiwlto .0 the ai w WvaC..el aatertiuBe pat a coeairr X CM9tilat!a Sdau tni Eetldeace No : Kaxat 5Idp istaeral .total for tkt BioalU Tiisonir t nr . TfceT--T- o ar. Si;? Cxxxllirs PxrlicsUr xtUattios paid to BUctJmitidnf Co., lilatai ! ..ratM "Poor Job! top has prarimc, Vek lirrf cocarrtrFert Sowing Machines, and surance Iaimited. . - v lBttirtT ta4 tVtWn ia btm! Xt&iir. utve t'itoJS At4rwte WUKKxecBlr4 n tb.ibocl.tttiwt-to- . Tz J Ccnuino IHlORtlllTM. ..,1,. I after week, eer tiace I lirst to rood; aai if t3 MHt.a!a.B L tj a T.tepkoaeX.1 II. ly Parts, Attachments, Oil Coastautlnit Brotirti'iio. Xrtassa. I ke wass't tkt Batieatest bmx tkt tret was. A. . CLK;il01t. A Co.. N.T. BURGESS. CAPITAL, 85,000,000 ! tMtOMDDTK ll irhstmli I'aric iat he ser roteld kaTc stooj it so loag an haw?"' SARAH E. PETRCE. M. D. CSL3L1XJ3rra7i2H. t TiTTTT.T-iiaT- i and Accessories. w iMrniT a Boieet sao lrsri. - aruarsss aa -- nuina u KioMx-v- r CHLOWIUTNK (f .fVartj e TVs mfl-- SSropon opposttf Kwe?. AG.HTtn? 1A11M; l.Sr.ULlMll:i rtTt .n. .. u nrioaslT UDIES" AND CHILDREN'S PHYSICIAN, yon raniit I .x At;ct!Y at Kpilep,. 11,. , ' a oHattso, Gcxtorol Morcllnndlso, tied of boiWla. When re- - lloBolllB for tke lltsraiLia lalsrdt. tkt Baelor tad ta.as froai oittaieta. - at to 12S feet Accordmc Utter KesMltfiic0 vi-- &n 3 bit en ao ta i White. New Home. la prepared Intecipt ritkt aratBrl rv na Btlra-tk- c iHLiilttimM. j- tad ". 3 k)I Mret. be Viiw. si itt ia - . ob'tbbIIIii ; .1 to tke staaiara of tke tw.eB Fctt Stlaix rrmstT1;-- ' IOdai-- i 01 -- tiifKiiMitmtitioeme entBiiart. jitcBtaerr Moot Kketaa- m 1. W.TMktcli M - Brrrek Adariraltjr, tke asl tttt la Davis, Crown, Howe, faruraoJc terat? SAMUEL t "? U tke J OH .I II I'ATI, oFFlvEHOnt-t''t.'- U Ttfs. 1 x tke Wt pojtM nuBBer asd at rraoaibl ratts. and NOTT, kot leagtk of oae aiuta of loagitaie a, UtoCr aw ly Tmrn v Berakktrali,, Ved1 50IAST FtTBUC axi COJatlSSIOSIS tf DEE3S t.-S- I'rontptlr AdjusteJanil IMjaMf "! at tke or ses Z2T .TELEPHONE J- Florence Machine?, Lor llrre. cal Hall n l"Te I .. J 1 )ater, i ieet, tJMT siaiste For Ctblucn -- YMtk OflKc 20 is rs 1 :b'Mlt I tat . tk i.r aiooaif 0tr t Biles or Bctres. IVe r Jt . g V A t l IIIIItULlt, PlaUMBliYG, In., ti teot. Tsoot, wu kagtk of ii.i Btttjht. it $ U IIoI.lAJl.H, Howard's Machine -- Dew air cs tot aaf D. H. HITCHCOCK. Needles. Agetl for hi. poefsaiir UUUr, seoMtiaes redueed as a kaot, U S76 A Attorney Law and Notary Fnhlic. I31P0HIEK.2U.SUFACIC5ZS UPHOtSTXKEK "Ut ta. Istsmiuta l.ltada. rootuti a k j 1 CO . at kinds Rll tlf.l,-- , tiy Btnwm Jst feet, IJl statate raSe or 1SK awtres? A ivi.m: Ut- - Kile, wkere ke wilt ' ,4HD DtAtER IS all & siirs; Ittmiril .. JtrrM,! tfoeted la OJi''' io proaptly :igSI Gas bat rsrnrl ' r ' a COMMISSION MERCHANTS tu-n- tl The London Fittiiyg, uiani" ar I ssaiioe ieaae tkree of tkese sea to a'! boi eotrtftetl lo kim FDRSirURE OF EVEflY1 DESCRIPTION ami Provincial K - ' ;j m a aales. of VUJattcB-ttlllkeTer- oC CorticalU Silk, oTrla Aa LaffMncn at4 Iteatrs ts IU7 lrtlt ta ts Ikr Clretit Coart,is'I tktoovpitittli tt'i sjlf So raaT of (be sokU fraits, sack as w n iti uttmtja. a 1. t toram 18 lita. I'riraltarc WarKtNat- No. W Frt M. Wetk bltop at alaats, mur. ntitt nruxsiiifcuti loans i tar a'i uu in" airtolors; tfc Ml ttJ tu ami j jrr U. I BOSErEOXrTLY.; itti uvtri cirni TuvsMiTii I t - -j I etc, are aelKmjIjr ptci W tint a taecal "etars x l sCKVEVIMo i - VTTTJ ll.l oth' r a te- aP- raic Tesacasu taror Or4fi- tTCtt orfert liOltMli peoaipdUy t- Roofer, Jer W er aHcs4tI - CLAKKV MILK rj u i if n a - aaliag a sweet ptcile dWiraUe. To 31. . IK1VIA A CO.. CO- yw ESI,3IACHI.K C0TT0X. jr rd if S. J. LEVEY A - ly ! 7 inrw ;etea pooad of take INSURANCE COMPANY W.IIJM- . - i -- ini bait tv oaa4s of Fictors aad Ccusszo Agt-- ts ( .h u 1. Wn 5: togar. ece isar ! .a&ts. ttiiMV"'" crai m ur of Twegar aod spices to Wholesale and Retail Grocers, iTil-mltod- - ' qrt Tr Hwtimit. B I. K2 PHOTOGRAPHS Mtdtat Deatorett HeUlMe Cat Paper rstteras. Browat Uste. soke tT''" i - N n e4s a xorr oelicite" la. FORT Uoaoltla. H. I int. ai.ai.n i;i:iirrt:n rui aad raklleatletu. Unlet la laiti HpaatA, r.niii- i HNttti. - JNO. A. HASSTNGER. TWrlaf IOeUjaf11Ca.r. 4ml . iLi ' KJ rer, are soaewkat expeaeiTe wbea coa-par- eii aflasliaat0 ,intrJ U.l ttViKftJli,U 15-- Fietk Iriwcene?. ta4 frenbte& ( til kiati ea k&it, 10 -- Iti-- s SutiNcrilii'il (.AL'ITAI, S,"i,00(l,000 or., lt otker Aent to take Achnowledcents ta Con - prepami o to aav pan of taetiroaps to BMtff Virwj, ritot Gtae. aad batrtoe iMiods. nMtfial d wk spaces. sad recTTt- frees Esrooe tat Amrneta Portraus or any kin. J of work twlonria- - to ITita- - Dmninit iii tracts for Labor. wkJek wtll be tke naAet -. t44 at tovrsl nlt ZTaphy On.T Skot. Powder. l'aM A Mrulic Cirtrldre- v. i i - -- tke paUitkeii Uee-- I vvh i.ticnt wilt be made. tr ltiir ttrpri- Ufc US If reccatlr cuoclasioas of Dr Tl tatgrw OCer. Bqa UJn ty dellTere-- to til part." of tke city free of cksrre "" ti.ooo.ooo. W tke rj vraers solKited. prueasi tttealioa &. . I- I- VHAM5 Ittatpem i D ill U s Df jtre, pk;sciaa to a Urge tobacco fictorr l4a tttl OO" 1h" mrHlchi t f EMPIRE HOUSE. will be ztTea tw 'ke time. ly toit loritpaar haf Buir un Har,Jtr M icjm at IiHe. Fraace, are based oa KEROSENE STOVES! Asetey tn r tail tre prepared to lakr Kl'ks il.al.tis f'Bt 0 .W T aocaratc olW. oa flop t . In r it -i- thvMr wifO(tjr i Tastoa aM foil statistics tkejr insert-ao- alt tars cttrof ti rtntiou witktB I.liBds .N.I'. It I' M are Terr t, CUItSEK .Tttl.M'AJDIIUrLl. DR. E. H. THACHER. "'SIMPSON! REILEY, TS .r T W Aj (piati'ii my oth - ,, TKiarr. TEK1I0K Ja. nt . . recaase tker dispose of a great of X)33KrTIST. SO 59 HOTEL ts7nlBiuii'til !n mcrJ.ttIir''tt.la5Sl.aB llrow. . ,tm , d! I DkLi-M- -- ltd LorkmhB suit tb ronrk MihanU. I tot now d i CHOICE ALES. 'WIKES AM) LIQUORS IM4 Fort Mieet. teat devr tbore X t Co- - y wara srr testmeaUI ciaatrap vkkk kas beoa pablisked TELFPW'SE St 333 su to Tl. 11 tt h W - S PaoltfTspli Gallery tba" iiir pTiaiptur. aad At IB 00r tft ,J " frets Hom to taae. lie asserts It ditpttch I' n'i tnt- - - ln.;! '.so f-- I". r Or , tbe paper L LUMBERS AND CASFITTERS, l( T..a U.KAW-AE!fU- Satisfaction guaranteed in Prices and Ba ar be read its eatuetr jo. tbe J. 111 ' Ki.cli 5 a Aiuhu DEALER IS IBM3 f Quail of Work. 'iRTPi Hyi tobacco Agent to take Acknowledgments to Labor tr v PtUfK-- exerciets ao Ptre Mtrtu Oxide Gts toaiiBitercti for ptiale StOTes t.vi no tcic hac4iV-- T sit vr?4 deleteriMs eSect apoa Contracts and Ranges. Tin. Snet Iron and TiCDIIlilSuSTDBE mtr4 that Or J Colli Bkmbo a-- -- ieawiu dariap their li.-:- r Egoa. ant exttactioa fa tretk pecaJsor Tie tar tl uf OOk" crrt Sr fMt Wjct Copper Ware. In ten tor f rhlorrKlTti that I in t - t. f pbjsialagieal coojiitioas aor apoa tke SIS I Prprman w 31. KeT7 un band a tlant lrl.hri(l tn-- c rbetr tempting:. J.UIIIS JIOSAItII.T, Cea.UBlIr &cperitr A;9ttneM of ---i - t koltk sovrtjr. a-- sooxvs rnrrt'tta'tl to sat ha. l Tic . t s ZS Tla Ware. ba.aourd lrtaaadlead Pipe. 13 - A Udr prucker - Attorney and Counsellor at Law. It Jil sajs: "Eterr liaae a V. IV. ."tOKXO.'t a- CO'Jt ,. -- toaar pecial ttteatiefl pare tt tke Bececlttlea LimbO ji - Vl aifd J, t- mas takes a'waOows - I. J tf; J lUIiii "f aass of beer be above itr- ,rtfTv Ktacfe Plaautle XKi7rV : k4 On CeoeytatiB tad til Butters tpferttiais-- to Best etsgaataagl-ialRIT- t etejtata; t 'ac!l INnrtr grnalns Jlfhrni. tbf wonl! Or . s William B. .w7i7 UaVc.i-.- Sre bricks. CafeaUte bow (.Estate J McAllister MiSfc i hlnnj)i n llu .oi tancaf finp. attar bricks too - .1 ewaMow STI Ij Notary Public Commissioner Deeds (Ktrri mm,- t . imnnr ,. Tipas - cmk a dr aad tbea calcslatc bow akj . and of S'iOYKS, Fee tke sutet ef CaBftraU aad Xr- - DENTIST, ' BaatnrjtsptBsjBJ.' f tt1 A swallow a uit:iij:ttio.-i- tsMnxai Hi , jra i. jear Coaat tke br br iticiiAitn r. Int ..'. mi wan i m f - lad wiD fiad tvag ATTOESIT COTTSSELOS AT iTOmiK. Se 3 Xerekaat St, Bts-ta-it, B. t. PEBXASKSTLV LCK .VTED 15 IIUSOLCLf. cf Lana3,c.tSLANa Teors tK bow it wiH take A5B LAV ti" ty .' SlattaiiKluc J rNtV T 13ctai Ctortt aa Uc taarr CVXaZTXVaXi Kii-- i. it trrrt, Blawmabdi r.l-- n Kj toswabW a koese. B s oe tbe street eor-- er M tat Tnu -- iiaNges, te4 - ei. miCw Xtrrxiznt trrinWa. irWrhS T II 1:0. II. a- Co,; ' OKFIlE-toro- er Botfl au.. Fort II. sawkiac; bora ap bock after brick aad Xff K wvaaala 5 ctor, tnm Dr suasrawaRTt i.wii: - flreete "set i. si. - CO Trelnttt t. oth n.- Mr EBtraare Hotel ronr tbetr nkood." l to iLara Js- Gasxa t im M. kisu asd treet 5,000,0Q0. LltPOalEES A5D COXMISSIOX XESCHASTS, - - j Lamps, Tbe LoafeTitte Comer J;rmd A XST PtttitsUr AtUnI J A. JAECER, II - Chandeliers, MT, III.1.IAUIIA3 CO.. sss sbCxTs roa Blriin. of aa actress: "Her Galatea is a bea-is- oa IXTSSTEiJ ASD DEALEH.S IX H1SLWASE CHARLES HAMMER Utfd tad Ike LxTerponl ITtdertttter. r AND like a bebe tbat opeas Hs wide DrjQma OU. Keljiaaoajt-ww.at- iitoaible ikar,-- to saia ores for CUr- raatb taa an trol Bftusk tad tbreixa Mirite the bo ta .e of tke pnbtir K sts - IIAIG UVERPOOL ToNDOH GLOBE! a Boaoeat oo tke world, aad Xeremaatitc. Jad ytrtkeftt A.g traaee datpsay w-- l tot and and bares it iritk a S3 .aTFrc Mrett. Boot3ia t stjfc; iiouslit for .1 Large ' Ske a iower tkot breatkes m fracraace C. BEEWZE & Cali, Stock Gonoral --r a dttr apoa tke of wbicfc JOIWT lVATEKUOl.iU COMPANY. ' CEO. S. HARRIS, INSURANCE CO. earth it is aob lUXITED. hkt a piaad of mresTEs deales'ix cetesal : HOUSE FURNISHING tiram that iaaU aad axd (.es-er-- SHIP AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH. Assets, 531,161,000 tkrobs bkk KZSCHA5DISE. 1 Mercantile A CoBtntlion Arent--- , at twiat, aad snks awar iato tbe First-Cla- 13 I jsi.iik.1 AM) ss din reacbes of wkicb we dream, ia tj liafra Mrm. HoootaliL It I tlCBES BOSOLCLCB holm: IIC1. Harness Fillinirs! Claims Paid, S88,714,000 bat wbkk Siiii. Wrk. Htikhar BHu. Hib lor Knirc. O we oaoot walk; tew pare fc tke world, Tet S.M. CARTER. usT or errKXB AacWraotl Antitji rcDaiirtL Gttteft- - Crank Ailrx IATAItMSIICn AX AUEM'V IS lluanlnlB, for Bad UAKIIWAKR 3b4 WatM Axles BsV4i for 15 DOW tke a smowct, a perfaae, bar-do- to take Acknowledrxents to Con- - HSK a- - Ike traic dg reajimibk tBabttrl Ut BUDufiCtan HsvttltB lalaodt. tke tobid a Axnt f terms pteptred 10 write tl.kr irtaiBtl lG tenderer, sweesei, anre etc. tracts for Labor. JOErB O. I. JUtTEK. .Treanrasads-eereur-r eiltic." n- UEKY XAT V FIUK Corner Beale and Howard e&csal 00 1 r X s Dock. Efpbntd" ,n 1 B I Heavy Wagons for Traction Engines Tno OXliriLDIXCS, JIKKCHIXDISKA: l VJU'J5l:raLS NKW 1II.OC K. Sis., Becent retaras a DCBZCTOas Best pie tbeMiowiaf as I? Sarnoss) tke prrportioB of Essiisa, Scotck aad Irish S.CBA ItBItOP. na.II.A.T.taBTEE. iSD EVEK rnuuri-El- UEKE, DirELLI.VGS FOKT TBEFT .t.. it. ilif A I .. -- N tKM ll t MT " r -! tke irmr-- Bar-Hs- ty 04 ,vr Ob fasorahlc term P li..i seUters ia Brituk CaTsJrr i, t IltielllnirKisl.sn.SliCTlnlils' v.. I, W H TAILOR. Irisk, I.M4; beotck, : T" 'J.UI).M)ODD, ritOI'UlETOK. r " ARTESIAN WELL Cheaper DttaekeddBelMBrttBdcoBteatelatBttd for t period Prts't JOJSPIT MOOSE las T,i 8ot1 VILTOK FAGEltROSS, TOOLS than any House of three rests, foe Itrn pfraiuas IB adTsncc Isse-- s nerr ;Bsa, 154; Insa.5T3sScolrfi, CSilU BF FE5I 113 KOTa.STSCTS.BSStBLU. Wiii.a.i-Jj- ' rFict'Bjj a Srireeulty. irtnipllr mljn.le.1 anal rmsnblr here, Tt- - Vs Aha. TriataiIjr5eottaatT(jii aas4-- IS TOWS i) KoTal - Tri-- V awtat a ;. ricMeers EacUsk.r.tai- 5M t.i TTT7 txjtcHTa ic 1 r.iiiof BUILDERS ?uma larnsui . STEAM 1W.7Z va IafiatrT-BKrfisk.- Practical WatchmakEr and Jeweller, IB.-)- BMiETOTiniT! Or MACHINERY J 3T3 i&eU, :i. C. ' atm'setl. " DOX'T I'l'IlCHASE, UNTIL IS8I HwssebaWCaT-al- rr Al'OG. lrisb,"HfSTO;Scctci, 1,9. jti Eh. E- - IN IT . Hirhclejale Eetail Dealer . "S Sit; Hsaoftla. oppesiU rr"iaor. m n ar cf Mr. Geo ROYAL Ml. BIIAM llES EegHsfe, Irisk, M-- Scotch, Icporter, aid Lsca PUatnMi i Y01 HATE SEKN HIS (I00IIS." til; J. T Wttnk-iBK'- Gards-Eoc:B- 6b, 1. is Gtzerci ilerchicdue FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Feat j - Stoamboat, Stoamshlp, Land te; jj. SMilLhtmAifKte. ia tae tforc n7CBr &jb? Fine- ifizltr ami Doable ITanms Scotck, eti. ty Ws:ke tf at! kiads Repaired ta a Mtufactory CotHunt ad itmie IhirseM. KZ ta4.ttaMrcttf Price-- .. OF LIVERPOOL. rNGLAND. From statistics Xsaartaadal KetMBakie Ijltad Oroers WILLIAMS & CO, Eipft.i ! PUnUtlon lUtmrtx, E;liik exteadio; orer S. CTJXHA. i. BriftVe?, VWpf. Cwy Com, ENGINES AND BOILERS E. to Tttk wetk dta'byif i tadrT-s- u jears, a writer ia a Ec BrmclKef par. Capital SI Gerau . tt'-ji-tt .10, 103 Iriruiitr. elc eu 0.000. 000 - ox-- UatwiblA atfafttttoa. ' c loirr.vriiEET. & IIK.II H t r. jseraal coociaats tkat tke wbeatcrof Jlctnil Wlno XI oral xi UHLIMITED LIADILITY, WHITIWAH WRIGHT, PHKI UMlUgfl is - deterajacl tke of tire i USI05 SALOOh', ' ALBERT C. SMITH, , Leading PHOTOGRAPHERS of Honolulu. Tko2ciCsa.xx sausT- kf stile " Sacicaos, Fire of , i ipiiDn- - tritl b SfttnJ al U ta rear Stictlc bwlcia:. Coxt-s7-oT"-ra.oox- rB.tjt . weatkeria Jalf aad tbe bisber tbe trrkr Btana THE BEST IN THE IsLlXDs rail i nf prtn.aw ty ibe a4eri--i.rt- l Mirreir lo tt. J. HOSE . vnv(riL.ioi aiittad. tnih .a. r a Aast WORK tTMbHED ( tesperatare aad satzHer Wt So. a Xtrtatat ! ALL EIXDe OF LEGAL IS J. S H ALkEB, for lUwailtm Itlatid- - IltlM of Wod. r m c At tbe rainfall ia Wtm5li5 carertlly dote (SKpMDdrtD'' tn tke )rst ma tint r, ad al the Asrst tfc-e-e two BHetks tbe beUertkekarrest. Tbe CIX'IL. a either English or Hawaiian; Watcr.Colors, Crayon, Ltrwet Kt Uly Fir(-- l lows WorKaceii Emulvrol 1. h. The Uy-- i latiBCc C.otapDr tbe tarr-t- c (lltDIXAItT E.1III.XC.SI (tsapoaBdm u ' a! t iiro.v;,. ti. Bel frplns of n , Fir-- oupany ia U. world S.i U Us: karTest was tbat of lrf. with a teat-Frat- AIT0R5XT A5D C0C35EU.0S AT LAV, COPTTSU ASD TKASsLATrSC. India Ink. or Oil, its, for tke two aeacks of 1.1 Fakreuaat SOTABT rTtUC Ltad asd Coart Bectcd tesreked for Titlet to LJtd or Photo. Colored &c ircilf Ut1L'lir.s.Sr. rtl.a.i . , s decrees afeoTe tke arerse, and a nfajfall of ta Law. GEO. LUCAS, GEKMAN LLOYD trotted wltk reftrtttri in. MW lo ok, Aa4 X.TttltcaiagAcaaoTikaMtlttf ttswacitt dtra ait at - ktf 1 teche befew tke Set Uaa4 Uaka. tsr-- Orders left Mer-- The OhIj- Complete Collection of 4i w he i s v) smmos 2.7 aTerawhile tke ia 1 aitk Xr T C Tlnai. a aad J! Marine Insurance Company of Berlin.- - rniitioTt tad draf tf 15, with a deScteacr yt ctatyoeP KtcA. Xtrceaat. t Mreet. wilt receixe pesapl utenties. TW ly liami Tien?, CONTRACTOR & BUILDER water aaaranteed of of l. degrees, aad aa excess c. a. cooar. IIlMLEItN. . w all.itl...., tesferatare LYONS & LEVEY, Fern;, Shtllj, F 0 T U N A .ITIitJI tl IJS ieckca of raia. 1, i:hkk a cooki;, & tke sssWr of las a .i 1. .1 I osekatt kip lid IKT16IEERS EETL CCBISSIOH BEKCH1STS Ar. 1" tsdsTSI-tlts-k Tbe of fte i&i&XheeiLxiTviiZua. StLLLitrtio Lrvxa & Dtcafr. I Cnrioitie, i. General lnsuranceCompany of Berlin. sesit i.t.Mli'. il lieraruE BtMtr Block. qeea Street ntnefBri kas atade a dtscoTerj be STEES tDEAXESS 15 LDitBEl: J TWIoclor-o.toJ5rj-t Carriage Manufacturers, NtUAh Jlll-fJIA- nltJtlt-n.tHl- JfA erFkrese tbat tseo: KALES OF FLTEXmrHE, STOCK, REAL ESTATE WClinrscs 1: 1.VMR.1M1; - rpm: Allot toniM.iirjs . tfaiaks iBportaar. He has aaeartked a Bac Aad til tiaet of Boiltt- Xtrialf. Honolulu Mcani Planing 3Iills, X. kare a rill.1i:itT BlaOr altet '. rot .put. a;, Gcaersi XerratBdie ptoperfy sties-Je-d e.ublikrd treaersl Aarae, kere. tad Ike Hoootti. tad to. .1. ceataiaiBg maay pea aad peaol des-j- 2t gioduce. aadcrsisaed. CeBertl Aceati. tre aatkssiaed to take Abe all luller Iroa Work sled tkerraiUl nscript Ie Arents for American European domestic Wheelwrights aad arcbftectaral okpiets, aad Esplanade, Honolulu, II. I. Rlshsasalittl the Hansen ol Hie .Sea the Kit .Mler .keel Irot ..t ao c:jK cf onsmeaUl CIIA9. T. Gl'MCK. XEBCHAXDIjE. al t.T l 1t.tr I'llT.of Aad also an adrabi written teattreatuicrof Jr U Host Iteasonable Itales. antlou Hie Made la etluhle lealk. fes tetreiltt- - a j yOT ART HTJC, KAlTPAKUEA "plantation MiBtftc'tre. kiad t tbenaBBerefneasTiriss, distaat objects, or ArtxtUUksAekxewIedjaixutaLiinCaxUxiU IIY.11. TIRO!.. SOW lOJll.Ni; IX ana In ill Jfosl Jfratorable Terms. Ikeets rolled, pntckssl sad i ked Inr it airs SCUAK for sale MX1; A. ferSfjia: towas, preparios artfllerT, aad AMI parrhasers Irr Mouldings, Brackets, . HCIIAEFEKAtO Ueaeral A T.tr. reads to Be rlretrd to Ike STaaat. ImpoitErs of General' Merchandise TlT . AFOSO. GENERAL KUCKSMTIIS, piTfepformaadproteraento darers. Tke CENERAL BUSINESS ACENT. Window Frames, , , IlTIlUtlLIL'nlVI7n.1l. aVtsstr Week tad Wa kas Ixtrle dosbt tbat tbeaatbor of this utter ta Xtkte Blcs cjrar licta aaa Eulausi FBOX " " tw Ma. tsadt as (MO esltMlttraeat ted ke eder SSOly SOAP WORKS! Blinds. Sashes, Doors WILDER & Boaolvlc HAWAIIAN CO., 1 werk BeaTeaato CetGai, tecaase. besides ct? Jfttiiolnla, Jlatvallnn IwIauU.. !u-rr- t Xoi. 5, i?i 70 ami SI liiiif, St. Hfdntllc MselfBt: Wtcklteri, tkat iatl' r r- -i is FKAXCE, KSGLAXD, GERMA AT, A SI) Aad all lln.ls of Wood woti Fml.k. tke satsre of 4e ataaies, the dietiaa, as2 tke J. E. WISEMAN, ,.eeu.W orihc ketott far ttperine to ktad etrk, A: UX1TEI) O. desrpa, tke words "Cell. Flor,'' are to be Real Ettato Rrokcr Enrplorment Baxean STATES, Turning, Scroll and Band Sawing! lioxoiiiTJai;, it. i. tlllf nruilK. skit tod otaats Itastta- - Sletn Bjou. ta4 U aat leases X - - & 31ulual Life Insurance Comp'y WltKktt.AlraodllitBBMia read in tbe book sliewias tbat we bare t do Kt Ctuc. - a Xtrcktal Street. H. I, GREY CO., rutato aadt ri'tnr tkt nol tltce la all fcrtfHt.at tke Kiazrltva. aatartj- a 1.1. ii ix its or witb a rcs$s akttck of aa Eakaowa work by Bwal feac atctfcte teesiaz wtra ta tli Ike vsritot MBrActurcr and Dealers In or .tLtr tiiiik. FfcrtaUae feaidiaalh. inttbM m kotiaft csmaeeltrl wok lane fiiBb II3IAA IIKOM.. Planing and Sawing', rkt. sbivr ino. kaslar rtrrkasrd fi.jts tkt Maecolof. PtlMf-- l. Mrect rtssts.lo, liMgauoa the great - Largest, Safest tke stock tad tat eU.kamHI taskMaO Actli wt. r IS- 5 OF SOAPS, HortirinET and Most Iot4IIIW tfattr Workt oars BadM - The deepest sea- -i aoidm; erer made, kwfcs tA Anaeuilt koc ta4 ztaertl oiBce varfctixat- - WIlOLKSA.LrE GR0Cb'I, ALL KINDS and Tenanting'. of tkt as X. , coasl.iiar. of tat tan, oak tkcJkrtltdOts- sajs iMaentc-- Leleo, King Street, Ilonololn. i Motor Amermm, was eaaae tbe Pa. tcu4. Purtaace oOeilei. CtasiuUms ECONOMICAL LIFE INS. CO Ttlst ttpettae totoy tlketf OBarp the Scxt n BtCKMtU.B.1. iliiUtte CaBftraiasirctt. Beef. Xattea tad Oot Ti ' wiat-- Orderi left a ORDERS PROilPTLT 4TTEXDED TO AzenU for Worttilnajista'a Ooaiea eeeaa aear tke eatraaceto tke Bteet Carriage Shop, ulna cicc Bobria; AS BileeXCor 'n stuk proeaplttt An.t Work llitaraiileetl IN THE WORLD ! aw Pumps. tf Kotaoea wm stracfc at fothoBn. "W. McCHESNET SON rEAT Cisco. teatloo a 'T sea. i&K M. Order froea tke Wheelwright Shop, DEALXEs t Ckta paM tM s rer other Ialsada solicited Cash Assets, over I cast wu aode from the Tasted States I" IS rai rattrala u a; tad tkrotetz jiAisKirr HoBoltlt. aq tea 590,000,000 Tbe . Islaad Bedew. 3 ly iiirri:oiMi.iXA.-- Blacksmith iShop, echeol-ski- p Teaovx-a- The sbaHowest water Car 7ts laformitioo coaeerbio tke t obssmbj sad Hides, & Tallow a. for of W the utaiaie of the Atlaatx, 751 xathjass, Leather, s cuiu. sraxarvx C. WALLER, Proprietor. Kite, iBiaraare. spprt lo ILIir.lt d. Cu Paint Shop, and TOBAGGO, GIGAR is AXD A J SPKINGriELD Oea'lAsrata or skews the soAssdeace of aoaaiaiaa lOM L'llllliC, ICIr J 8 WUrlMAX. &f2rxcxzLurrxs SHTPrTSC AXD C03IHISSI0X BMRCHAirn Street, llonolnln. W Trimming Shop, foet. commzbszoiGESTS FOR Herdj. if atflleklag Aoeal. al o IXFOftTEBS AMI ITkoicett Keats treat riaert Ate aoWpreBsatdWrtlssrdet.fysiorkottrAletlal For a coasiderakie' trae Jmxtx kas beea Ho-ya.- Sorajo Comp'7. Gas Machines TRA Gemaaj- - frees oU rass. SoJpsark Dealers in Ccneral Merchandise, SOLE & SADDLE LEATHER. nmmm cad ia So SIbt street. Hoaohra. II. I. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. xnmim acid coBTeits tke ra iato dextnae, wbicS is Tanned Goat and Sheep Skins r iiAnucitu. Family. fJarTlagoa. asb-ject- . IT. 3IACFAaXLATki: A CO.. !.tttuE-r- r with a asrk of Iteae, aad is tbea ed AOEXTS TOR O.V II.ISD TT.- - braird ir live. and latalt!tketat0rBtaTTe.-)t4csuaw-..HHi- the s.id Jio.tr treated IXPOKTEaS A53 CQXXllilOS XESCHASTS, iXDmlMU Of Vrin Bt l Phaetons. bath of sarabsrie acid, wbea R. trtrat tke xesl&aoaa tkeir Compaaie. " aUHps t a aew Tkt Ktsala tcw Co. Bslttesd. te W.ufcu. BuBRloa, cearerted iato Eteeoac Tke se TkHtfka;srC. ruttiaeo. iVaimra Taanerr, 3. P I"arl.er. it fcecoffie ssreel. Htotttra. n. I. TkeIexnderw Btld A H. sjth co K srl"r. M O.St laCOHOllliCJlilll'liSC Total.... Ketek.asstk M7JW(U Varied Assortment ttna Illle. TanoefT, I 1're.prletor. , is ideatical with tharof ccautcrce, aad taxr r win Pttaatltatfi. '1 lea.KaasL I. J "an. Bxprcsscs, i seed the saaae (or caafectaws. Bttitrm FlswtTttt J. X.AleTimter. Itilta. JStlf A.S.tLEon0K5tCOArea NORTH CERM AN TO ( en be a irar raearu Tke HjtekeseS; a Oinnlboacs. j A large cf sMstxaces are Bar to. Kul. Being "Worked Automatically. , ices, etc easier JoXsK StoLSBK ttiuimmiwi.aTaTsStUaatat. EIEE INSURANCE COMPANY, Breaks', capable of suaEar uaasfMinaaoB iato flacose. Ta feeaetr niseufts, BBo. IwnaceCttBfaayaf Frtxcixct. PATENT NOTICE. - - FOUND IN HONOLULU ! . Jta szc VaJf of tke ...fc rtnJilrf-t- Tftst Tke yew Life XsttzaBCe of V Tk7 wen lotrodscl v tkerc IbtBd. betas ta Kice coastitale searlj oat feed Eazttad Ceejptsy. Eooa TTfHEKK-V- a --V PATENT .rAb Ia-- Iteserte. . Truck. Ttit X XockJatTr. Bortoa. 11- CtoUat of lkcl'teaptar tktcasatrk aajso W ar ItfS'ttwMijr -t at as XBitttt. Wtttta. sa?tr . Ta Bktte Xtaafsatna; Co.. of aaed Enrrtoorj Jarri, 'SB tkeSXke'iaa- - tt " ef tbe TV& rf Japas. Bt to feed aad Tat D X XteklBM to X l, Ikesr (.'osspaalet aSvifuisaa llri rubn Litif KitckCtits-- Wertto' Furat Cestrifxrsl arr 111. BT tke ULtbter of tke Isterjoe. asder Ike Laws MllkJWacons. J-- coadstiees aad ladcttral de- - Tac yew Bfloeitla Picket Use Palace. rttaatk Terk sad tl last EIrisoBx.ftraOtsaBdCaaeTrukCoaa3lB; Boxal Total BeiUiauik tljanutl as their is3- s. r. TkcXcreaxafs' Late. HeaoiBBa asd Sao Frraciece. ' wsra all aa iafrJa;- - "HawalLm PlanlatlonTWraKOnt, I mT-- do cat jet eiarcue dae - actrttoa. &. Celeprsled Faraace. Ikis it to penoat tralBrt Hotel. 'T Jf I ITresh Supplier o fcruur. Dr Jtyaer Sea's Xedidae. BKal Ike ttid Fateal. co toe wntera wbs aTpeae waeo I.,I A KOUI3IO.. WikozJttrfko . SfarXtaaftuarit'CftoipaBy sad tf COKPAST fllllKL'XIJCIUIUXIUI.UIl.al.llAI.AUIXXrtt Mule Carts, ;Ox Carta. tax Jne race aaay Al BilituB't Wlf. to or jt Win Xsckiaee ly C. EEEeTER X of tke abort Ifetee cotsptoiet for Ike HawallM rajM Ttte ferarinstbearcoEciaswaa. Kr aewtti Acale tf tke Juris Tanace Co ire prtomd to latere Baikfjaga, roraltart, Lanier axi aH kixis cf BsHaix; 1 1 1BT1B. ! Anil a Nnntber of I'riTate Irlttdt. Hantl'Carts. etc Werab! sseal eaisteace Staltrs ia FrrJ j Produce. VtalkraerT Ac . &t. aad awre aad i j tc-- 1SW Umaaadtse tad tlo Saaar hn-. Oai, ae, tt, UsBotalu. rtbrsirj ,. n ri- Hoa. tawo a sort f aauaeacce Xauria!a.raix3, 5i2i, I' Jm aadBiullllk.iadsesstslilB tke kltssr. lealoet loat Hide to ofsVr to Ike aal ottrktsao-na- atsoaer at Must Huliablo Manuraeiiwers T ,aaan r Kxsosia ELTOTJSE), &uiii,j&iiJJD oe diatrr. br ait, to Ike taotl faiotlkst lent. korl totter, tad ta tae ssott Urn I. altc-e- ex to asotker race EIDGE ftttltklt Badeijaate 11. ILaCgTELIl CO. HMflKU.t, Ha-vrai- C. C. STRATEMEYER, mllr Seppooe for iastaace, aad u Soutla Kona, Jfif Tm esrrassrs. pracca. Xc ipp.j to r;5rr:uirrATE. KTLAXANC HIE BLftCKSMITHING in all l.f the pet tan taporus imam . aXTASaCaiR. CXIJEnrflCXED BECS JTO PBACnCAL its Branches, THE --vt tCst .tursTrf FSK tee "-- 1 XUtTEIXES. friA xa4 tie pujt ia'nenJ C. O. iBERCERr,. Hew England Mutual Life Insurance Co. rrjert m altaojjr, oh Hi HHaaj-- if iiiB. rcjkfj- to nct-fr- c ju r i i habitant of Itelrapiea were isterciaed, oa PACAHL HOtE n wocld rflAXA. SIGN WRITER & GLASS EMBOSSER 0 03T(M, MAM & Co., tae strtn--th of local sanitary statktks, LEAHL - Carriage ITorl, P. LoriUard ttieeliaieesoreadispecdaTreaciisf the E7. si Ua rbenBmi f xl 1 P feet mzA oKen BONE MEAL! BONE MEAL! isas. am ehtratmz i i 44iQ to tke rrcr par ja4 iscoiiror.irr.il, House Work, eiraal, aad the lease cf life of tJ fboCdVtsiuf,cftl tet, graT be afoot Wfcnr air the rfVrfnd. define im, BONE MEAL! . . ( Oldetl Purely MaltmlL'fe Intmrtmce Co. in Tin Tag Tobaccos, I- -. fi tHt Jie Slifp both Le ccosaJenWj iborteaed? TIIOS. TIlKl'll, tBTtH. Belli ctmstct. lie eiUhHth-- tke Unitel Statu. tTorl, CBJ'jt.itosjroasscrscTraTso Etrir par- - tnm tke maMUcxmj of Vanity Pair Tobacco --hm. of II. U. Ttlll. Xut vinuiH ArteslattiTeinTork, An exebance tH acarawbacsSVaadt STAIIOSXl. STT5TS ACXXT. S AXO ! rdlciea os 'tit sort UitnbU Titni. - Tke Itisia aa editer aad stocced bis paper- test PAPX2 2CXES, Steel Rails BUCK 8. OHtAWDT, Or Hacblnerx Fonrla?. Cigarettes, bis teJow oarkct price, iSTOTICE. Eaacnple of Plan week ke astd crass Xexeaatt M- - tesr Feet tad Fert St. aear kfcicel. Hooo 8AX IRAStlatU. SM out of He lost track of leJa.Otax.B L ISSUltED AGE. S Lirj; tar xX L -- 2X 2 ," ard was racket Ttte undersigned offers to VldenfertkU ulekcslrd Irrulu--r sjil ke txeiTed PLASi O AJtustr assraaT TritE Horse-shoein- g the Imit ia watch to his taxes, aad tke HtvaiUa tad IS Lbs. pr Yard, Faafcninps. kytke BBdertizaed. Plsaler sre renottsed lo trad 1 t' paj Cth-adt- AaattIprrtiltEieostlattFeSlcr2,ri sdtri Specialty. AI0 sad nxwsaaa Dtretttry tad ie. tkat tfcnc be ao deiar a snsared p by a rosad ponitr is Sell or "Lease tktir trdert ia esttr via la --TAaasil prtalani catstfaae I'ottcr I rtut 13ot,t paj? XfttkastttreetStcrr Tke Fert street Store wu! taess ailed ta utse fat Ike araatras tfastw. 3 Asaaal prrsilaral cemttafle Potter assart ZTdijs He west sbooti est cf Ti eetkesce Fto- - kirlt: We essoarroswrlasoiaa asast MMoSXttatowt. wi.i be deroced ta Oeaersl Stumers. received per Mazatlan I Asattl presslaait coarlaae PqAc, eart tt dO eat tor MATKrUAL it A I. the game ieastm. arrested, hasled Were SeCtacoery. EoaksE-- i.. Ajri. Xtteruk. Just S Aaaaal ptrrsjpai cobUbu r0cr to jean SK dtjt lcrelTsZa.rlt3r ralantcted Eiadra;Eat CojJ. THE HiLO TAXKKRY aad aroosdisa of 5ei ail rttrTttadFtar lr SUPER-PHok'PrfAT- - Orseri frost Ike edlKt Itttodt aedelled sDipitnlt a ' tif" And fr? .' E' Xlwnaesoto,- tii.lctftllf He paid r a lot of fcred stem : 0X3,000,000! MEERSCHAyil aeasd costs. MX nCJIIOAACtXTESylS, CIGARS, .. id,! bxj tca adrerutea far two weeks X 1b Certfrlter for esse Looses I'al.l lliron;h Itoooltiln Aieury. lUWMa IM BIIERIU CU1RMTE10. . tl eaatiaied net to nejtiate &ist. ttt,p: GrOSSIP. Cer Fee pertietljzy tppfy lo t&s - ASO ixA lie psUIc CO. Ordera xtxeiTed ia qaantitiK,to.iL 340,000 a call taftetr or wuh foot oa IS "l rDLi: GOSSIP r. . LTXAy. tUm sjrrt ta ponaatloa Hetkea patde MIrishmao, a THERE 1 wUi PtruaKt !a I,"V !uas tie cier.fcw-- air 3 If CASTLE & COOKE, AGENTS jBrtfax' stoo tteo U-i- tara hammer, to kni aH tie say .tyfe or slews to trier la lk test .trie f tk jPi;pe, riVe-rutf- sjeHt BEEF PORK.! POIITJIE I1AWAJIAJ1 JtLAKU ATTEftTiO!. GIVEN TO REPAIR WORK. way to the ce wnereoe'paio c Artaad e tke EesmaHe Tersu -- and Ki newIP 1VAXTEH ! vrrtr miK trarrtut rajju.T nccr 13 - Xa BV. rrasebea Jirxn Kr. Xsa Tnm SARDINES! a- AUPBES" ORDXRft TO f O HOI 3. Hollister fe Co ic I a ctseT'ivtTnm'Aaii.y an.jgresaant to be Htiied aad uorixspw is x rmrarr: rAMitx. untrisiah. rtunc Blocks, A raailc tieeditoc sjso ,!, ,itxa rrcMrf rib be cewseteat tntek Iks EsjiStk kcaaeker. J?-- s-- Bit kkb. Oars, fJIHC UK I. fiAnOISC IS tt earx - SSS Xti u xess. najsic Ji i rn is hiir ANM taut f! rttcscitttnjti. rTLrftseef IHt KfUU Tda!":Mllf t u Do " ZZZTH S Tear", asa BtzsK juireaess ezcaaxsa. aasrser kts.jy tad i0 Tfas CJiAr.T, CIIAKfia, ASCHOILS Oatrter ill WHITMAN & WEIGHT. SerkimTibi sri2rfal'taaisfBaair itMa tCAitr.i X. Y.. Watlata TX. lx. O CkstaCstles; aaaeeurseaxof ft. apsatitirT ?!rZJ3rZr Stilt OtaL ftoLuta Co. EOIXUf CO. MS W BwLLLS tw ttl. rf Sl'TMt mF i . iLre; anar. 7ja. K.L.CBASS.

BKaaBBBB...aBBBBaB--...- -i . - - ' "' BSSSSSSSBBBBaBtBffiSl IIUI1 '. &tt rfgl " tY early the. raorninjr Xo tavestigation am. $htr ti gitkrtitz T)aiuaiian tBfiT ve twt tr t&H bwenv vvefc. aal trt was held that day March cth tho ten r3f!'ntH. ilw --$drtrtuSmtnf. rf 3drHHmtnM. fr alette . Jlrvficoi Mt ia Kunvu. Mau as4 Ksuk who t Vv2 tl nvt m wect to sasprcW cit. lepers had been ensssl a h attack asxlKciI titin i2ct to Miloial. were shipped vff to MvHoiai It was not P. Tk tlitor of ti A ccrtamlj-- ttB March JAh. that thI'rcsklent WILDER CO. of the Board of Health thonght fit to hold mail, (arnuie natwa I ktl JmttttTuS xa seasatJoaal wntiBjr lfet tli f ; a leedht lad Ike pMUKu, f n rOteia, Iqr tlte tray. Tl eJitcroi tkoJVii h sxalled inTCtijrnUon. the fifth djy Importers asd Dealers In - Ueeaua t aaiarwt llaaotaea, aHetHar " HenaeM aio th of Haw&uaa King after the occurrence. On the faw of it NOTIGE rVkrtaret ef ll.aolala, tViha iHe.1 lFUNi at axM List wnrk tvtatal ttot l'ttr?t tt? ofREMOVAL Hatara aa Ike tlk HIT at Hank, It, iv ot j thtsk. swtus meet bat when that f ailmtalatnitati - Oeta. Hssfcecarrtwlout wforaajotha last w kvi njlC Mi". mama vapkt vnMiJrwi & paa- - Otaea f SawJwii Totteaets. vik'iv flawof a in caaaotcomplaia ntoro cke.lT- into the matter wv will see awl la ike aenawhH ke k ippatated letaaa. -- lSw H re urnlai.initae the UCv. i haii rt Vara frvvst popil Seal Slain wMi: t tt ttwUtHM that ail It ai.wl ot t&? tnat tne laxncx on tae srtrtaco is rvrvattxl 11 l. aeilVTed llat It U) be aad ke la Jew a. . teat wwsa ave eeh tat nrtwr w tat. wa apt graated kuu. iw not see thrvHighonl. appeaalfd traapermrf adMlfttalrlre ef aakt aadeaaadw ifijK waawaha..B are"rekxwiiw.mtTae' mum Yt w HY1AN MOTHERS WILL BEHIBVI e.ale aad Ii is ranker atderfd (Mt rtifUt aba yaw fatl Kms seat o he Butralr cvQr taot k iis aajr objvtioB to a4ojriii a The uiTesitxation is held, and what wit nkusjaf Mtiek V IV Wtal to alfcet xm, tiwi " Uthht brarae aapolaied aiie kearla t .. nessw I. aaid aaltlliwi" kefafw i Bwoae ' i toe Uu "fewriW'forV whiA is arccalM' Asfaxascanlwjttdl M Cater Hmnai Baeer-a-wiriH'imi)!jii Tri from the garHed report JaaMe lalka t eaH tbt Cwatt, at pw5HBsSt" "rwWBiJt whjehbas UaaexahK wkkfb tswia and pUea all peveeaa JaiBa awC AiaaM-3tfc- u alrrariii3ttlfvctWWaltIiT Henaiw Tery at aei Jff xlieRSnUi axvewaaew BUILDING ! 9 bk to tao f vl ben rcbHshed. ther are all on one side. MATERIALS 'JCixolT' OlcdLZ3.0-sl- a.pfecttet-pctffati- to tike fevrc toatb us. diwto aanav tvrs O wkj aKTrKuUM'lr.rtfJrTIHlW.l'fwft th l?laB& broaat to HcnohihL Fir The"sideof thai steward wwer be pakHaked ta tka BaiMah ear tkrew vrf avxtis? frvWr xaurd llraaa t - M4rtxi uI alter froat Ht cwtauvtjt aas. sot yfcowa that that of the nnfortanatet nTO were snra r weeks ta tka lUeaauHuim aewayarea ink tfc Wpvrs. tivert". aJfotwl torubsa it. Au.auattv ""'tH -- - - - ae vaiN - that "svivtratkm all raarily shipped off without a chance of Bawl Hwrara It BxkII a. uma( Mart to &r pibei of trcfeofeoat. TW lin.tt- I. Mt ) km .aki 1 -- cuaacaKvI eaw fecwai W ncoronsljr car pTins their erswn of theafair But RAM jrtD, A Btmaia.bailajaBBj .seaii-a- a KTaJssrlela&tm'tnQkaTrtc Ssedbaace niirt f ' AasKjuBpatiJiclY talevla2l cTvn the endertce that ha. bueu ttn--a JUST UEVGIVED To 58 Queen April t letftee af tk. 'aprrwia Cwael to titaW t HkttOOKBt rxlcat." It Street, on 1st radarrlke iu-.- bind BT?ltF tid ka tViNl that tit? shorrs an extraordinary condition of affairs. Ittiavjiwrralarpalp fawk. TV5WaT .Mb. tret BTr hwa Rwniir KA kw bad. The charg." which vr a was A an er a. aasyoa ak aatfeoritv. 0Tvm.Ua tar th patients raarl .- ' Tsat coewtrr i, Kukua to Iwtli? oira " hvr Cl'lMtlUIK OF THK - rvAav vrtbrs. r " Geisen to light. wwHaa tateadf. CrilT Mm- - t tkwi- osajoe of the tkvtecv. aad bx giTvn a against an cvtso The C la ike mailer af Sel.te af (Km XOT.Jm.xx- a 'i?e:3Ct ( VK VI. at Iteaaara, Kaa, llawaH aa baak-.ap- t. w. ptrcsut to Bt&B. woo. wa conr-kJrw- i b"r witeess. Moiivha. says that went to t&s altwd a Door to Oo.' kaeara X, Ja.llea tattle, at fhaeitnt. 6tdee awd ether vOr--. t- ? irvrirt i. " ITuhaM x - assist the row he was taKl LATE af riedVleea. UttMii.i W aw-- ac Be matin I Tr--a :sa Fraanso west aot to h? ia a fit tato to bo abroad. in beoanso that ARRIVALS! eta kearlrar he win ami.' wiaaaf th. r Hraaa UrMbaea, af IIMHdela. barta bled their kalf cvat. aixl is CVstMttoBCT to a but it to a jewel Van Geisen was committing; fornication." I J imr aix sad Stv J?c IT rrteil, la Mratt .. AVit. Pn-mit- Pnt-rona- t.IC icfeiek j!. Further on his evidecee. he savs Tliiuildiig the public ge ItnoaapB- - Kaa. ItawaH,ll a debt aa ra - bbSswb. "ttfc aad ao pfaco in the ca in I for f petrrrea. andeE eraxni J"- sI HTtC wr IW SMr VKi Vrcfer b SXVa.au thoir Liberal wMea, f" lhr Pre-aaW- r told the- ee. ra ikJ aawaal d JSK151. an H mararlte brt f precas stoiy. Th fact to ,7? and join crowd and captors waa fee Ike Mb) tW- r- W ' nf Mfers m tiK ithf tniualwt paraieat ra e tkat, tad Jfcat mf f bm iricteI tane rouco-ma- dtiriiig the past seventeen tew arVae the aabi elatat the aVwl vewd Baa ' avvr has carvd for the people, ther an uerscn. jvaiapa. an oatsiue years, they bw dari wai ailHtrrd aad pea Mi. Mil ftr oF ft-- sacac trwtxaad ttwrcsaaciBcc aare bat a stalkirschor) stated that Kauikapa the rimleader URGEAND WEIL-SEIECT- CARGOES waled pataieat, faHed aad tefaaed tapXTrliaaaiae aaoiWr 4 Mfer ia. ens. it b& forhis. will do their best to lad prartai that tke Mxrahtl kat.lered rotakapnaae abos asd oace caWx disregard intheassanlt on the steward, said to rant retain the same at their ..aa vf the Mtd kal a pravertr. sad thai tka aaMAkat iHi'i air awml is. is at eh ra XsreaUfS-t- an; V to MMttiac eB aad ho want to hare him ,Yan Geisen) ar- ur H. aajadved a tiaakrapt, xad farther priarralai misasaa .Trztraz. iiW - eTy pruatt eterr snjtloa new stand. aaw aa law iw .eew aaa law awatkr- a ( W abroad. "o " laa nun prrriw aiaa I wwat ia. the aaeiteratioQ rested for adultery-- This then tstho petHHmer. kxtSajf arad xa apreaeea aewd, wrhiaY-- y at psti far the rwaillllaae4 lltMUimt fwty yr of their coBsHiioB. He a Vrrer of the Ha charge rightly or wrongly that these men Melhe paxiaeel as aa laeeiana at lae aeateewrawa .aw tiaaa.Ve.lapaaailh rnrr rrr aeetece. iw lae pxitv patltteaed aaieai la Mee af HH-ar- i mnmtTirn made. This was the ostensible reason for iw prare klai a baaktapt. aad aa cadee rbereapww V o aiW wt -iaaad ruw LL11BEH oicrtffMaaaa pi- the attack. Ther broke into thehooso MaiMR. HfDIA aariaa laew ra the Maraaal to tat. pm.r.iraw id Ike i i c , RICE MILLS aaMprapertr m atfc ctw iafcgv. ) jaw Tax theorr of eaeaaap i better oader hoping- to catch Van Geison fifnutt. Iti.aerelHaaderWtl.lPRlrtAT Mareb XI. aBaaiw - - . rvwpwir t-- lee tl LcMaiaiv Bneeaaf ra..l fMuin, III Tar d-t-ait. aaa la the t eart thwl'wail Ileaew la Ife. trr Twaj-ar- ttc.vl taas practical Tta Here is certainly a reason giTen. and ther hv. 1 - a paamap tfc x to t It t anlala tar the llaa. aad paaea tee kearlwa eeaf rd aba faea- Ml shoold haTe been examined M pelitwaw. aw4 aaVa w that thut-- e vkv tocgood to whether allealH. la thai Ike C that h ta mIVt txwo. wpbaaez dervd pjf they cooKI 14 fe. iiYihwllh araaaiwird ibew awd there ha a. l.iLntlWPp WJff" - substantiate theirchargo. Now sfJwSk5s. . s paaee i UT - Uaatra btattv kL aaJ aavtawrbtH by ftwax abtvai. we awaex aiaread fcr ant- .. 7JIK fS'filA $7 OCIC $JZS 0 psKtyA x l itaa. ,arf all nar a. il etev .aicai aad iiIM, - f- to come to the other of the eTaleac'. .ki. .ae-M- if wr laev bare wb the al pH -- .rd-eai.'x-rr Tt. .h.-- SkuW rci-- i. mmJ a pTTt-'- . a-i coiaed kjpFV? v.. d wm rraatvw raw lhal a inaa af ard VS. iKiraaW k set r take atoaer Van Geisea says. ht sJvj't on the with - i. a a.ev ml Bawl iltt Trs grtrtr. r t K5 fl tk JS at- &WiW IwaaePenssFVsaBBBa TL. i. I KTwiTVvi h. r.wchwiia the rasd-- JtVaa. aad . n ttaawHiTea, h. aaa .caa. - (awaT.hat hay of Wehanvt. he-- clothes on- - two yoruag woeaea slejt on s- - I ibi. .wder uetr.brdiWi ra the abawawaa TtaV r- a oC thaiU er hitt f. li Bawr- amt lo tlK-- a.a pape. paall.hed r llimnlaaa. far ilww. ar....r the awn ine of yonag woawa. ae w- fcwaeta-laaa- n) r eWieewaxmai ft hmt taac & asaaliy of a eruer JB,theroaBtr frost . i- I. aeerai. In !I1 Vt. bat .i; .4I Vaerb-O- . S rrVt.wDncC - aWhMaai t cording to the eYJdeacv of the ii4Ictow h. rF. Maaalala H IWI iv- ow- - whiV tav coaatry - vhaca. they detre'to ead aiuoiry .rKx. - Vrrea. KVI tt tv lti at L.ior!;yettrsof agv. This ts cert-io- lv h 5 t . - fcy aaother hrfcVthecoaairjrilhich Htxv arrw Jwatlee af awp. i a.i. pare. ahVaail.daKtotraBatanaB- sttspic to t- the of it. It woW iit:i t i j ii Bepatj l leak. waa a 29 awwewe ewaeas. lk4 liPiHB iiM, a high nnral character iexhtil ! renairv Terx H TitKMK irr ok riu: 11 . iRllbJniiniit fferoker i-- or merrantile which woakl not Iv open to suspicion na a.ct ..Uam l.laeel ttila V Ave.. ! haat a ' V t ke 52Tw,,1,,fcr'3w lnSSBSB.B.HHii the Clare .a Waa K lira- - K M.iaad 4 a h)at-e-. ch circumstances. ' .rNti t r yuiir lw aiatiw" a baMBN of bovtsf and der It mat.llT ., ial)Vrw.a It Htendiere'l wttnvs-e- - V taVantaii VMM. tajS wre railed xtteatNa eichaBKe for profit, bat the" same also that these all g "ejt Complete tteek oi tailre iw .aarw ew... am appaiaaaww M l.aaiataa lae Starve i. recnivarr ass tojwHat; - .Ediff.1' Milrf nt ,ah Wb. A .lair Chen Urn. Imp i. - oy aay wrao. one war iisl u ten men been 'iaes- o - .- - r.l tact AAxaa. SxB.a.B. - KwwaB. caa tv ttoae ose oa raouey a aad Haa ia. prdlaaw af J aetwraxM or- tioned they thrown i.aardrah, w n T twezv kahaaw. MtW aaaahaHe to hha ahrued. TaepIaateriB-:4eaa- l aught hato ronjtdeo v hnb SuhlMLhl UF WALL PAPER ahw. lha areevrlr af the a?aae aaMed tvbew inaatiiit iwa the able light on the matter TheyTiaTo rh't h aalaaea. ararhae bae aa anbe wt aala af maaaa raa X Kxreaww W of laoaey dicvctly from - .Matr .llraeaTwlt KahanUae eem TalrW.aaar ah. iV Kan. way. questioned. Tb only- they Bii r wataa: axed which atttariW hi- been pers.ia ran aer. I.re aa warda,aad laeWaa laeah 1 Oiee. at it the btryer of - m San Fraooco. KCrttLW It Fca 'agar haTe questioned L.VTtT TktX. rretala lcal rvaMw. wh aaah real relate abaakt be TX!MM.bMta that aaV ntaacry --- aaay give the auervhaat here, nho has ira could properly been 107, 109 n ported goods, aa order the was the Folice Justice of HonoluhL NAILS'. LOCKS 111 FREMONT STREET II I. berebiiwweeed. that the ant a baaed Bra aaht afaVftriitj. aaaactoaVaaeiKtaiaty of oatheboyerof ward, aad all panaata ha th-- AVe denounce this inTestijration as a trans !F"i'n:a.c-jijgoo- . talimt.il the aibt tetate. s X Xmm Cat. fc ..i - - sogar. rvceiTiB aaOBey dirvvtlr from Sioxjl aapeae befbre Ihta amart w HMD T the elb da Xtew twrafed bate- acar Tanf hetapie- parent sham. is no inTesiigation. and BDTTS. t March. A. Ik pel. at W alwwk a. ax. at the aterchaat. It HIHOES. - law W are hayp? to --re that ear the Tahae of consist- - of three or forxri-in- statements, rriiK ixwi.v iacKMiTxr. avtk.i: '2n im: vi. txii:i:i- - t uart Heiita af thi. t'aarrt. lb IteaHdaba. Urea aad laare J If exports exactly -'", utii- re akew caaae why erdre abases fie lKtt eoaab .,- aa set be griafcrd cor- BOLTS. -- -' tib Tahae of taiporfe. exchange seed not nothing more. It has bvn hekl in a SCBEWS.Kte kMilVllll'?'yVTttYTn '" al tke rare af aaeb aalaf a. ?'un-i'",'-'k-'-kUicefr- po.aa...t rJ.lJ a,r.wdleJ .gixfli, lkae tad It la tanker entered, thai a caa, at aeae eeder ba aece-ari- ly ner, the only account of it is furn&hed by U S , t.MMja f aavi fhaVT-- Ooataaay for that reacoa be at par. for I. per rrat. xreah tkxa lUl Mt x.r hrr Mill. ,ke.f late aaV lr.1aTtwrrMM pwaalahed at leaal three aeeeeaatve.week. keree lar ac- - . Xw tT ' in ' a dependent of the President of the Board eW. IrrXlei,. af haailwe. ta tke Hawattaa V-- V aaatter. aad there a the coiawi ?oa or profit 'Kluch addar Oxlarta xad -- " aanwtoa t atoafd. Kaakwx. arwipapera pahOaked la aawl Ueoeewre- - T C - the aaake. tor of Health; and even that gentleman, we Is enabled to largely & - ' till if a-- ban. cjai niaaeaci oarsagjw- broker naatt the troobie. ex Reduce the Rates for the Hulling Cleaning of Paddy. Oatrd Henaear. H I, Pearaxre 3, PWk poar-- e ?eiHng beheve has said that it is garbled. When DRY V r dVDO CollnfMMbUa laalam were paised j aad nk of hayiac; aad the REDWOOD. tteat .. --- br . - ka tmaV it inYcstigation siiii-mm- CaeefJajaiaaswii.atat.aael Maklak exchange XoreoTerth pbit-ine- d sach an was neldreprcsenta uiowtiTitt, or i M . vala .nt.ivrUL set HeaaT rovau CknlL aat n J to aW 3fiaater of Fotvwrc from, vsd Jttr rtnotTiw ikimimd Kwrra. of exports and import eeat to famish tires the newspaper press of Hono- iikiuTUCit lOLUIWlTU(iKnin ittiii:hi rmrivii hiilo. Aaa. lulu should have been present. The pub- Scaatliag; PUnk, sBifxee and rcrngh nk ill. MJII.ll: COCKT OF THK mt but htle zmde to $hov the curt of ex St'IMIKMK the W la lil avjatara Ike Trmtr xt tK sxa rraaci-- la rrabxte la aalllll ef tke a chaiage The lic cannot be satisfied that this Star Cham- aft h tit lamer I.UI.IIII.) I. Iter. II. Eetalvaf Mllfi Vale ef Kxllwa, 'Xerek Keaa ?f T ltAa- TtjrM- -r lajaMi Kitiaiw'iLiti ah the t utbei ?6i imfott reosoa of tha t that the Bimttia, rSBtfaccd and rough; Batters, virri Tth- -I rreedwm trwaa ao Jifc. cwi- - ber business and ntlre Mtl.sn.rll. Hawaii eWeard Betwrrrhlef JaatleeJwwdallaaaa mgiB' to f eastern hoate uitoicw? of Talae are lacor of the Premiers was fair theTlrlilet Verehaataklr Kate ftra caaanauaed at la rlenneat alee bera mlmtt.tmi Prrketj, Iliutic, Lattice. Clapboard. ef t49perceat. .timml with abuTeboard. unless there is perfectly frw 3rd-Sl- exrearr Oa rraetee aad attac the petlUae 31. rect We hate often pouted tothe ia ar In fee -, - aadmaaauaf access, Bate Ualltai aaa I treata: V.M sih rtte tlelter Half- il alaxT reaa- tlreea. tiearraratawrae with tbr Will aaaexejt af Awha TOere Tallies of exported -- a far to the eTidence by raemberj,taf th ttb rrewtaneaia aad Gtrnun. ta Owarnruf maaa n.rr Ulaarl I bwerd artfra)arW la lakUtal af aallaaaax tar a aVaaaat sefwd h& oar aar Race Jaaea. Brie af Kallw. North Kawa. llawaH. weaaaaej. 'Liiiai.1. tabw. Wcb4w-t- s- independent press laa.leew viArkel. be Baka aa. a baaaw bxat anrtaaffir aancaii. ad aaake aaSjae their actaai iralue It is estimated ( ef Pat wheerra t be albiwed $al aad ebarae at aba am i.x p.. anil Iraiulltirv. with H aa. xad a.la bat the aaaae h. S awaier. utian rraavr eaariumun. t. that the uiTOecw at least ttteBty We do sot assume for an instant that ta. rixaalaedhtelt aad aapreeed, Mr avaaaaa. aVaa-- aaaaV by Bbk Cbaaaber-- aTerap lo. iti aad wteebxrelBC ban led kta AaaM be Van Geisen is guilty of the charge we ftllra fraat all rartber repoar4bllllr a. awch awaebxte. riatc rciMni. at Se per eeot Baore thaa their set Tame f V atinfcc.be only --ay that from his own eTidence the nnt i'rd hitewash Brushes tratar ru Ik if TaaaaaitaM at There to afco the fact that tasch of the CONSIGNatEENTS lli..wdrred.ihxirHIPT tkeltkda.af Apela. 1 - ran. abll a aa I lit aad pawai aamtt aCtbai Btoaey for which oar exports are sold is circumstances are suspicious It seems Luiit of paddy solicited. II Ml. at w e clock a. at., brfare tk.faMCb4.rJa wwobi araaaaaed be-b- uiurt. lice, at Ike c Hewee Hrwabaka. aaaarv be be an aenceseat M as if attempt being made to I haatken ia aatt at be r.. rnaajwfSbaOM tllYe-ti- or expeatfcM aeroad. toere-for- an was per aad the .awe berebe la ijaaV aad Htwaamt Omra-- aad ntlITa.rl.1tT. app.laard aa lbe tlrae aad balajKed by suade the public that the attack on Van Win. M. GEEBJN"WOOD. place tae heafiaaT aaas aetitxaa sad meases, aad that UV fa-- a Treata it BeearceitT aot an eqeiTaleat Talse iaxpiJcted Chi Geisen was made because tlns-- e ten men niMoru General CommUiian rutd all tt.aa lateeeated taxy thea xad there appear a aa af jaa?. of zvuds. the other hand. Merchant Proprietor of the caere. If aer tber bare, w ha the aaaae abaaal maporters areisdtBed to amiemhie the had bees ordered to Hdokoi, and that IXDIaV RICE MILLS. Saxt CaX he treated. Aad that tkr. order, la Ike Kaewah haw Franclwv tw - -- As euauBercxal article ta the their motiTe was while really the Uawallaa rxaeaun. be pabttabea the tlxwattui aawtce Taloes of thetr datiabie cixxls. in reTenge. HETAIUC AD OTiiLR PAINTS! aad A a. tea aew. papet a Mealed t4lkWaMil motiTe. Utaittt aad aWlmlM.li iW jLlllilawBIBa Ba-- t batBalamy. states order to lessen the duties, even pxxls ex men had a far different that of ex ra Hew u rata. rertkree.aetee.H.weekape.iaaa Cn a the tieae thcrcta aaaadated f aaM haarrac - eaapt fruet daty are apt tobeHsderralBed. poing the steward LetushaTeaninTes Class. bha. V caOaa af th wars- af the Jftm TO latrd at liaavtala. It. I thla fill ilar Feb. A O Itesi tigation we can put faith in. and not this FRONT! .V. cufasnUr THE F JCDIL m order to saw the fees. There har ate nated to the Govvtvateat. hole and comer affair. Salt. tltcl CkierJi.tJceaf tka apreeaalaaec afco a ian tmpurtuag' always going on. U. KIsvDELL, rlaav latra. Bepanj aad that the tatter t-- wttacr to haw wtoeh the custom house statistics do not Viewed calmly from the pcitwn of an Firewood. U. VUOtl. WocBrht the Coajrt-- . and caaaot outsider the whole matter has an aspect of Mortgagees" Notice of Foreclosure aai of cii.tK- - rmrr bfece Tat show ETerToaeretnminjjor h a bit of Jedwecd justice; 1. 1. first the exe- Sale. afWard. fcr aot-aa-t caa be coamnjr here briars has trasks fall of ar-tic- cution nest the sentence and then the trial DOORS SASH BLINDS G. RIEDELL & CO., WHI.--.1- tha agataot the Gtw of wear aad use. and many bring ACCORDANCE WITH A VOW. ta aiartiT if there 1 tare la a bp s ' !m-,4- (i (- - aVantaio awsaderaUe sams of aioaey. which ta the is time for it. t ceatataed rrrtaia wwttaae. maw. in-- i" wrthoat th-- etaaseat f the Frit? XLL.IIIIA. Tke Cbaek sxa: m tea Tta aaw B Taaaj aggregate ire large. The life, fire and dated the Art awe af rearaan. A 11 Wea, rrcwraew la Ciinarfl aad the Goeraaaeat caaaot p- - amaria gctial JJatites. General Commission & a.ieer a, a taaetn. Neatee la berebr etrea that iBswraaee pretmaoas. eoataiissions Of Eastern and California Make. Purchasing Agents rateaj aa . Bi paid to ISaa Mta ararlaaalaa laiiaki.. aaal nam nniK 4Wy ay what aaay he the aVctoaNiaf that Fraasisco saenjhaats are so ea cwadltkaa keatea. xad apea .aHt.ncla.ii. wnVallat nk rUKXISHZD ROOMS xrdtiMlT rar K)U MLK1.V QrASTlTIKS TO MTT awbHc aarataa at the uhraeewaa ef B. tdxraa ta T ftactacaay tne toarw e sot Bach against oar exports, and are not 3vTo. r aioked Stoma caa be bail brxa eartr aepttaallaa at 104S Poit Stroot HeweJe. ea M.Tt KDAT. tke larb die af tpett. rTH, t- - represented by any imported goods. All ilBS SO. I UABDO LAM ASD AT at H M af aab. dsj, tbir.teail.ea ilaectabrd la aaM GovimnnaT lOAxr s aaavaaWwsMa AaV ahtBhW taaaVJaaf(, wwrtwrmr-- E ... these thisg to keep exchange - : ar rrsAM aaay to BMOce (oac caauafe oc;rate oiisEr.Ai-- ukfoki-- raw 1 it i.o"w- xyi.1 V im:eet ruiti.if with Farther pailtearai. e bed af UAtmrklU biiat higher than woahl be expected so A CARP. x.xcaa Hotta of Live and Lot e tall ik ilratithect lleaalala area aaa)the Vttaraee Law c tae Laiaeilfctaba. acaiatt ta frost t o Livo." Va.lar. - xl " &fntB. VUU.EITION rTrermMSO BCslSa- alM 09 rrceBtiy been presented Urge a nominal excess of oar exports over tb tsst prapo.e to Bute ear aerrieea aaefai t tke M'lTIX.aaHt Tl.ta. Hwiltlt fby ct tara af tkis sail a ria I.aaaaia. X XS99&9 a. Tii?r.1SK???-,."vwln;T.''?rM,'.v- --jioa xaa) -- rxn-- af . MatkaA. the ctnaa from the import? C., Baaataxx. 'kr?I,oaxMecuia preaaier lo nare beaab at aNterc b axH ac i !t -r mr Z M at anetsg ,h-- " d-- Ur Maaalala. Maacb It, lM. Bwwt tas- - I benllr bey te leader mty tacsre 7i',E. " xad liraenl airr,kxa.U-- or a.. H lit1 mmi r WomL- - rta-- aor ft thfrtBibaatui. ia Caba. We haTe yet to af ltoBehokl Faraitarr ""' rreaaiae Iw be read are All thoe aetUta bjaaea af '' i.i na Tajr For those who haTe neither time nor Ibaats tar tke UHaedute liberal the H.HaGKFELD&GO at itatwrT learB that the SpaatshGoaeiBBaenthar; d enieaiat af rice haw at kxkaxa. ba tke labwa ef Uaka. kereaafeee af pJjee - keks be Ike Wlat 11. Hep Cwtwftwf aad r H aaataaed Uamted States citiieos to the to study the whole rarrespuad j tw t tV af bafflea ta KefeaU darta tke aizktaf the Bth tact Hessitleni- ol" tho the aaMCbaek aacCaatpaaysadaiialbiaed ta aM SoanshCMts-aaWittoextre-aerydoiii- enee Mr Wm. (jffku rot, &m Other ailxagt weed, briar .abject tw aa aaaaal reatxi af between Flowerdew on the I emiiiMier it bit iaty to mueiaieBd tke latraace xit fad wrbuwbnr tW Si maaa tratla Htct.1 MOTES. raaxwi one hand, aad tike successive occwTpters of j iac wblca. vva are tae AzraU ta ail perae bjxeiaruaWbeMaaaptlTlaraiahdwtbtbeaeeMarriaIorBaliea. wroabi saaj. JmaamefaratectlagUieit graaerty be lainrme. INVOiGES OF NEW GOODS H e B.awn xn zeacral la.tarai. xad be rtncl auaatkiw kope lu sreare taw aattaaaxa of the aahlic .. Mortgagees' Uoticeof latention to Foreclose 1 i Aaa I CKsBectraQr birr Tm i. huant in aim: b; tkc i aiaiin the Interior chink of tike kaleidoscope on aai, Dear sre. Taan. - alrul.aWT.i.tUal.. rBOMtTaail RE.sO.lt)LlL ,S(-t- eO. Sale. ((aaciM' vaaeal frrr hsaifc vm b TBBsnJHO fcr the XrfmtaaawOI Wstm OEU. SXSBESJUb- JT and of fern-- t tike other, pek Jtddress all orders to : s at m. aaU nt nn aa hare to be paid, and Mae signer it as paid concerning certain ra3 or tram- tsr iu.ontD AttoitDt-iri- vtitii a rortca or -- ta taw ton. BAXSXSC JCOTICZ. 1 vie taataraed la a eertxla aiwrtrase made be SriJ. ti.5 k nitrr rr kaat tike wilt be thepajaatat. A toag ways proposed to be coBstrtketed rt Km "ia or Kaahl. Ulaad (aha Lae. yriLtoul bat afcUBM tftc r i.fx hchter Th hATe a rXlikler af twTl...... ' r mwLil xaer.ieii lanaed BARKS "KALE," AND G. & Co., dated the tath day at Ma rrewrded ra ml lawagatpwa.aj aVtaaundwf taaTajp of watting Skely to the upon streets roadways RIEDELL j. blwecla. apii aw 1W perI 'dl the or of Hoeefera aader tki arox ajne af Spreckels Jl Co., lor roitea m a. Vatsre U berebrIf.ariea thai tae ataea. w -r the34jBh-te-r Pfelr O. BOX No. .TOO. rW 4Kbpcar. a e chum. WoaA- wheher of tke aitrwune af carrvtrc en x natbt Mil Ex MAZATLAN " P. HONOLULU. H. taaeeiateaaa.tararitla.1 wldawetaxy bar ciaBllia. " - M SrV and its sfiharbs the foOowtag abstracts laal bawkea. wpwa aT- uuaH x teV Ti-- Forem AaiaBTs has read Lord GiaTtUe"s chxaz Baataeae xt lieoeeaht xail alber alacvl la ml aaM Iwreebieere wait eB at rwaeat af nnettne."fl Mrviaes. at ajaaae asjuti-aia- help ab vwaa. XI lave aatatreiwa. jt. LEVET, K war ai ad aad oiwaanrnwiti'I content; way to explain the merits of the case, tke Bxaatua Ktax4aa be aaeeied fTBjah. FSOM BREMEN, af bltaa la a BV armgin tt e '"hicngi aaaa. Taw its auf I la raM Irtaad af Uabw aa raw nt - freed from legal jsrSETSELS ujactuur frtMiiH as n- nMrpfMf isaaaHr bfaciA to re-B- tae- xtoartl oi xleaKn. and other technicalities. icad CLAB Cii-4--i irttir la part af j Mitr yeh.ne.'day vrnita. IWI, tf rA at ae aaal aarf. afaw 4 arf m Th FrwaBr shoaW --ee to that hts First. 3fr F- a gentleman wx. e. Ihwis At M M of aaH das. the M.lillwa aa aMaxtkeat tw aaiet ei-r tt - with mans aaww e aaitoai naaBiafc-at- Mw taan. rwnaer pxiaaalar. eaa ok araar Mniit J at akear tept posted. aads-isa- re ipwii iaw profrfy at his disposal, thinks he sees a ifcmeJnla. uaarf Mtk-- t.t t Lnio Asst. of Drj Goods, be haded J M Ateaeaep-a- l law tl. THUMAb K. AH. awBaararatkoa way of employing forth k. h a way as Befvra; ta the xftoae we be te aaam tke baataeva tic kmitiwInaairiirkiJ-aMait- br of aei Chtaese THIS SPACE IS RESEHVED FOE " t Auic any prove fcvne&aal to the eommanity pabOc that we are prepared tv atxxc Laa- - Saeraaa! Hwaalala March It. IMrt, tato thae coaatry t-- (rAed opn with alarai Deans. Brown and White Cottons, &&tjtfeg.Tjr . itjt aad at the same time prove a fair invest lafraaedaceaiad Pxriua Sicka: -- Dr9b. Ttcxrns, Tarlej Ked, PtewaiMa tw be U caaalat af ..rathaa rice laad Q azarrf ant naaaraVaV h? tho-- e who hone aaade their pernm Carrat Rtte. Oar xrrxagoaep xt. .1 Kwraaala. Kipadaatx. a.ai ai ant x himself H accordingly pro-p)an- 3tS .Haste Maed edOaka. awre cbxaae an the erraoax! Def&ts aa tke t akeil partbtaaaiy awacrlVd la Rejal FHeas. Sa. an. Lsad aaT aar thas cooatry By an oatEae of his scheme, a Sanape are a 1awJmar Iilia ft ti iiAm afe m theft" in Cbiax. Jaaxa. aad Aasttxfix aebar aa Merinos, black and colored, 4 qualities Ceasaileeraa Award ta, N, tpeax 1 laea ta t pal - PaA friendry eonversatios. his rooms the aad waew perfectpl dae aetfee will Ip STaea We aa rwetarelar an area af af aa acre tWtT)aiaiuuaf- jr - sot haahed aaafc Chiaamnn were in at axB tftwa be prepared t Pepeu is? e ac Jir- receive awat CoboniT-- a, C. Ira Kta) aupaTwwaaaMtlaaaawi 4 hotel to. of coarse. th Premier. Mr Bash caaat. CatbrctieBe. aaif eaadact Baak Bears, ilpacaj, Itatua aoth, and FISHEL'S -- aiax. s lieaeral J. aagte r Bar- art .awK a- -r aativiaared. are shottly expveted aad lriaaiswi - - the ostensSbce IDnister of Interior beisg ta:u4arhxaBaabiew. sPKEtSELS Jt CO. "lort?a;cf?"otIre or Intention to Forerle.f aaiai it naiaai a-- if the aVxfeases haTe m fcM b naae barwacv Us an aata absent. The Premier and the innnential "VOTICE HKIlKm CtVKN Dress v Is attauiataiijir' ma aiuin. .ma a. a a UB The Aiaraamal: hadas. PTsocages present are enchanted, newt. American Walthanx Watches seenGoods.as i. that peraeaat ta a power af aale ewwtslaed ra a aaCkSCaausrnal! :a X afa - certala eetzaze deed, oiled the rah day af Uctwber dehghted. wOL whoa XaxruedTwi Tke swraaJa lata, I cfc? BrWW 1iHBtw-- rft-- a afca, ,i with the Faxnr Mafl Steam Ostonsftl' Iaterisr" eaidXeaate oaN award Faacy rrinti,Twratj-Fit- e and. be Lot ,w aad.Milbaliw af Vfaraaar wc hctL ew, Mjle, H wTotfcr aTvnaa--r u .1 reappears, Mr plan ex Tec yertmiirae tateroxtieea! Exatkitroa ,?!,!,.,' "w Wbteatxaa af IfaaeSwra, ra p , ra n, n, sfep (JmapaBy only a Bauedintrr,iae reommend F". for --aid iaasad of wt "- - JVnt 1. .. frr rrmted iMtteens, Forapadoors. Oaha. record la the etbee of the Bee; III.I tSS a 1'vaSWanrat favorable eocs(deration. pl. Fixids, latrar ef t eanyaacee ba Hber K. aa aad Ml. - -- . . rt- , torn, laiojr alse, pajre f tha if- - j- nfc. g to ijp itsT market sapphed. 2nd. Tkeaai; Geld Xrdil. lbre aaetui xad ban Giactaea. ictorta Lnwss, Sum Etntes. aad lee x breaeb ef the camdrtrowa ra rd awn teas. a Manin, KVteneiblelaterior'retarBs.lfct acTxes. tSTrf ami raalon. tt, nf Thzs they ftrt .piaT Fxncj bttired GreBuimrs. deed rwaiaiaed. lhal all sad staealsr the Uad t- hu. l.m..m HI aaraagement naTe dropprtl aad ens. approwes. receives Tke tMbt XnW PMfj.xa Faar IV VTaite &ak TwllLj, w cheek. e aad entertains rxtle Xet Jxtainevr. Serjes. aad beredltaaaeaU la laid rawncare dead can raamaaanaalH.a.aMafct1. hare agara aj Om-- the China Atfadelpbli. Fbedxaa. tra taeaed aad described will, after the ttaae xa a at detail! formal appfaeatoou from Mr F Farther, ll. Baled Wxrcbxe Si and alotre. Irattled kr betjw eefc--ta- Tke ecce of ix tcirfiraced .k numMkairssi mem that the gates, of (fas l aml t. Hart aad Oofcmd Vrlrtti. 1".w.' "be sacttea oa actoaal af ta. , omaQy grants and secsres to 3tr F xxj rtfaeni x hwc of wertblee laircatavea. Boaan af the coaditlana""I aa heeefartafare ateacSeotd. aa aiaLL aae raa aC pinaahi u are open, aad w may a wtllaeeerr-taeTn- de Mxrt -- Wxltfcm. Xat-- " iiawuiaili eipct necessary rights, franchises, etc-f- or the - FIXE SILKS. ThepraaeelyrarxMraertriileaeribMberaelraxt. April hast en the pjate f all beaaiae Wxftxaat Wxtekea at rxboa. Vl elaaaa afarcxld xad more warlleelttrr V fvrarat swam. Ia of year the of his scheme, Cw wr STOCK GOOD prosecution Km OF caref ally MidtajdiretUafrfAff l't xad Bltcfc, B"?1 "aaeal So. an SaJeaaa Hera MKi Pinaai aad dimeter of Foceiga Atah by the '.Rvercxe' xs etxaiprd Xxiericaa Watch tli.Caaaaaar Grroirram, Fancy, Corsrrd and Striped ,t,',,.'?Dated Hoaerala rekraxr) Tax tatVaans Hfvnnct. not val cane ked rertniremests of law Wxrtxxm. 3Ua sterrra ast tj- Biiesre, Crepe,Ac, Sl.t. aC J1 framel a zesotata ? which the foQowinrr rd. IIttt-- WJDaUtlt iib amaarkl at mw Mr C ir" tt f ar F forti&d. and one might erll Btwwa tttaraey lae Mertesze. T jr' mar X; Sett k atuud luminal awanut lor m b the rah talari' thxak jastznwl bw TAILORS GOODS: - iTaliiiax th haad asd seal of "i aaj iypnw dpbwe. iSljEifa Waxen. Tbeea m. tae (wpoiatam tae SteosaiB Interior. Jlrnr 3dcttjistmni!s, J OK. MortaTag-fr)- Kotiee of Intention to roreelcaa iwcseii asd mill, anai Eatgbiig aT ti goes otTeirarghfway Bseksxras, Ditsncals. Tweeds, Cords, TO ARTJITE JP mgrts.Jtep. i aa atiaiaiaii jbijitacMraHa: aCkiwaeseY. so x and of Sale- - ariL(.u3. emra r inajr intajij aaa a aaaujagd can ranetsco. tnere engages expen fcerjes. Stlestxs, Doesbms. CusictereSjdc. assail BjTaanaafc. ab mt tAuakf aaare xuite Jotire or Jt of jte eriHs3caX. it be cat atajar wah n. aa atoms -- engineers, contracts for rafts, cars. jlrt?aite Firrec!art TX ACCOHIJxVNCE WITH A 1MJW-- X -- an uh thaa b x aintfuralaai af eraasj enel er af axle tae t luauut aVtiasntf nr aw. ACCORD.V"CK WIT1I TOW-r-- ef A reatxlaed ta a certain Bkarteat stide be -- im etc, aad roams, not without heavy expen. A Splendid Asst. of Shirts' Ker.epe(klxadKtakl.wlafKsilax. I r srvrck tuuut at bc aad I 'am. assaz the Maakter a Fareata be aje caataraed ra x eertxrx raartrise made ky Koalaapaka, twM Mxtn dttaze. to pat into Cbmn -t of Oak., to Mere Slereai. aa rsxnrlaa ot the Haa t tkat it atasht a nr K t Hamriase; prati his approTed see tax xad ttm Wen taXswax. axled tke i Woo.- Mliil, CxIko. nktsrr- - IValai, 1c) ! n " a In aatboased nooft the aatsnrsacs d IVeeTBlHT tx. La&et IDIIHRVl" U 0AM UlllaVfUUfil Xace.aBlaar,dalMa9tbot October IHM, rrtwrded ta auji!. mnaa& m iscfi. t aria-m- - aax Tammi Cgaet as plans for street rait ays. etc nebdarer isei. rarieil 3e.pscrs liber a IcJJaa xad aa aamaAiait &ra sbtaab Jt sbat sntt, aadaa XadeebaerebTrtresroxt f ikt Hetaa asd Cottrxx Cttdenairts, C O. aaUce U bereky xlaea last J af nc. miflk. Im tiara it.TtieraiUkoca-- i. i&l 4th A twist of soato one's wrfct. former iateaiie"::ti Ktid awrtire i M Xnwtnl the preaeai eardlxa or .aad Haa Saal -t that JbHr'j ferecIoe narizare. far eoadtttaa Wcite Bowra ii.iiuii, nun zarac lajnii araVi ar- uattra c eraaiiigt Sr kratfia xaa spon. ftngcfamup Sbirta, Jte, iimiuiuoii m InteaditotatitoacaaWaHetiarefortaodHiea J . araeei xeaiavt the xtmaue awamira Ostensible Interior disappears mtoehaos xid win n xt wtklie Soda xnd aaaaac ate ajiteI6anr jrac akat Bvri tam &xbe xaetwmxttae af E. P Bawatabr Stocitai, Hxndberchiels, brakea aad apoa xiM toreelaiua will aatt at pabak bj 3r' af aaainee aad waf aef b prereat areio xdiau la amrat fifia euBUuir ac far aar f laraT 1 of Haieidescop Premier and other an SiTlTBBAT. ttXT AprH. X mt Fonlards. Gknu, sactaaa at the salearoora af Lrens 4- Leeee. 8 IT it irstv Sm aatz9iJli.Law. af I!t. xt B II & aad H feaw at lant fbj tfcmV sxld die tke prnrfs rfewnllieTl rx rant BwrtrX" x tKUVY MARl oil. t"l., Boon efiiV.ctar.tr,. irren waua persoaaces begin to that A preaaltes deecribed Iw axtd atoct-a- se n Jrsta.mtts aaraaa OV aerr A ifcwiSB. ThFrmaer nan-- sSaansif chasgwl ra -- bebyr ip.eif d. IaAKfiE IXT0ICF.0FCI.0THIXI M kaw .pressed aafr tse terms - rartber pitttcalxrs cxa be The i5-r-.i CJaa-iar- e granted by former OstensiHe Fan pofUeafan eaa k- bad or JBred S Bartwen bxdaf J.M Maa.anit MipSKiwniiftop art fa Tiews sabce AaciLlSL Sxreray at taw AS lllorney it Law J JI JiOWSABa.tT aaj aVjruft bja.iM. tit Interior are too indefinite and elastic tsaardtaa or attaor t Kfni aeeiled. bat thetw huiilbe rgstrirtinite on SSWX3T Ifdrtaasee FmxBfact Cloth cblldrea of tiso aanr. deoaaaawL Land that tike shortest war oat of theditTi- - nivalin, j,azi:a u. sec. FroeiCaxtU and Faats, Dated llonalara. Tab X7lb. ISM. Fram Mai C BaraaaSui! - mfewiaetion. ApparnuUj at present Bscbbxn fcitriit, FanU aad Preatleea ta be aa oriamas the khr CBBJ- B5 repHilBtioa. Sciu. canal.t af ralaakle tsea haad A .iJ. Ifcg fcgpi j uae J. that' are be aabf a Latafaat Felt, Moiair. Drill. Flannel Stekx rllaaled aatd Esllax. rwatxlalai: a area at I Xarafai iHaara k aw boo Prnlee la Akfakeldat and Pants. crea it aianaat aad ir snsar at rfcyrwl. exi Mr. F tiB reryins on th ocHeml BnjV Shrrtx and Cb3drens JxrbeU, aad .re arere pxntcaUrlr deeulbed ia Jtera. imfad aforxkej S1 Paxticulars Next "Week, raleat Sa WO. U r ward Tuff to Kxhewshewaaet IkfMarim. wnn n ar Tintiif af ru taiiann deemment m hie pocket-- sealed, signed and SoSorJackets. . K Dcarxarthe last week aay taw eruttag U. and Lessixnrs. wuBaotaciaaaxw trmp tar aw aad by CKinsiWe un- l.Ht J. Cot Carpet Slippers. at unrtot - defireRd iHtersor. raxamremewts flu mi "t iwtpvaaale , enwm aciL aha. awac voajBrvii 31 th- the ,tf . x .- - . . . :.W Silk and I. Umbrellas and KH lm brici an Baaas aware, yet. kaleiioi-copt- c ...... T.c.TirT. tattfwav-av- coanre. sac BMVt C PznwU. BJ er aC pU cuars. CJIBB as of the tenare at Fxney and Trxvetma Shawb, I Administrator's Notice. aa4 at tad str-a- m coaU Vook rKwrtbreoB ti..turd ta tke raJcareiu af rlee. "ataiexae . nc taw ebi nn down mto a Beady dry ofo&e. gives aotire that f ta aa Odtm ami Tnrtoa Towels. Cigars, x MT hebahmtto I M abjret anaaxl af aataUaxBa. Special Notice Cigars "np featpr . reaul t0. LNIKIteIONil IIAV1(. enniiniiULi work, arj-1- ivr aad ef yra x tor tke rnMae af rt Wbite aad Fxmrj QaflU. fllKXbrea dale appatatcd tenparxry hnl with ivrasioiial stagnant hot ohjeets to a too com Tix. jnr " aaaalal.textae af Uatatiiewtef Ttaifc mi'tim terai. Ta Jaaaarr I. the aaure terat kerar Felt Rstciand BmswU Caipetm?. TW - iH ,V".""! " 9rraerc majbvdin prerkPtBHTe Est of free passengers atjexnfrOTx rc t mdTtixntL of herebyJ"LjBt'1''tw eW tsta far 5 Ma rr maarro--i of saiapy wacer Jaxaxrr L aadxlao jeojert aatae Eest Brands in atren all paaa. bxrUr baxr raraaaat pfc perCaraiaaee afall xad the Market aaalaattaeai'detUtelo preaeat aUln asd T Bis T&at aia msn eaaViI jmnrfaiart by new Ostensible Iatenor. who tBeranaxati eeadrraaea ex L i u. xaate. 4a Ir Oa Saataay it bgaa toiata. at th i parr la "XH Iexe ewatxraed Wt tc .V 3T : "l?IC2r-E"Ea"I- SLIH Jtl- - tSratJested. with the proper .eatberx. whether aoTpta Fijrsrrwar aTrae-Taf- ee aC rmi tikKeapoB applies ofetairw L KETiS eexarrd tmt tar foraad an Oarrfa, by aaertrare er otberwlee. la Ike aadetelraed whMa anzauguiTsaifcacnaaViaE9 par geatij- then heaTxry; withiK half an - ttr HoRie UUnieU. White and Fancj Blanxets, aax stents, fraat an. vaarii oorr axt phraee- mnmrtion to restrain Msrtgajee'i "fotice of & imbrtnloa, tke axle thereof, or they wilt u te fcaiw aafeajxncr xerE afiar fciinrtaaa JerKlcsare ofSale. Fxney Striped Woolen, two ran. ever birred, sad all peraaa. ladcbted tw aaH rente are & flag rfDcrr hnar a freshet i naa aVuaia aad tike tornter Mr. F "s aad aH others Jtobleae. cAaiMKa Hii.ttJ.ni ax nwhmgg tagerap. eacineer frsnt be ACCORD.VXCK WITH 1'OW-rr- ef sctrlet, Oranire. Wtita Woolen.3iad 4 potnU. STEAM CANDY " latstedrxlepariaent tw tbw aadenfra - mnderta-kiag- . A FACTORY; ""It II TlneTT ISSMKn to ha bmm;nlniu waaar Jewel wat raised soate fiwe or gsaaaag; the- so warmly ia a eertafft norrraz atsdeee Tartxdx. tape, Fttsue, Scarfs. Jte, t eacte lira., dslhl.aaaceafba.laeax LJaax-- t. or to Mr. C adJrplflnfirr-aantiM- fee .ix S3k Velvet OartwaMlaaaaydepstUadbTaie ta coltect rental tram PaaTornseiL m. wools, by and Eibbotts, d I'oawr Cafe, Baaeyt an. the rjaat on both sides were the Premier and Battocs 3So.ltoxry daetbeeaUte ft. BCCKLE. naaacavaaltBetaiaOae kial som mnnential for ShtrU. Coats, Pints, Drroses, geeeelo, Teatparxr. We, n. TxfasaC (be auad BarixuawnowitiaV other and by oE Dire. uiarmikxapatnmjadtk. paMiczear. tdilai.trator trial. Backia. dec d Ti rf saaier water yards Kaleiilo-scops- t4 tbxt aW4- - Uiroarala. rebrwsry 1 lull Cciafinl ac 38 sa. for eeraf width. Cat cial drenment. sigaed by fornter c berebr rrrn tlH mArtzaee aateada la aire that aotwltktia4iar tke reeeat aiMatraw. Cawaailni, Wf jrjStT pt aa OVerr are eto MM merarlrT for ewiiirtaan broke- - xad xaoa PBRFnMEP.r, FLOBIDA WATER, r-- 111.1 to y-- ag shrab-Trashe- lie KDZCir.lt Hapanafa, PKJMI tfc if am, bat x task taac cac anc- - aaiei were ah JiaViI tnm. aad Ostensible Intener arl wtB reiT a pabSe aMtaVws at tke rate, In the Supreme Court of British Columbia ?f tan far ti birtt 2 9 xal a bnotd a a arc P xduna ra IlVraaaabi. es XOSBXT. the Gtnsine ta de Cotoge, Labia's Extracts, tc fne ri.hermara away FiaaBy Mr. F appeal against Toilet Soups, Fhilocorae, Hair Oil, Combs. A NEW EACTOEY BAKEET THK KATTKI OK THE 6 abmrtga par aera. tie mp, tuiil-Bn- r K.OI "3it.lJTf JsraatKin.f ,aHiar aV traarie or Elrsanfre PS F DVTARO XELLT, ETAT; wl eI arst and second, decision that second to ertk'd fa jaid merrnre .jwna-4- . JCrrora, Looiinj Glxust. Ob r - vtawictt i im deeaaed. sad In th. Baltic benar laiiai il atv Tae aztaraft n aan aificr The ab4aed as rapacoy aa had ii Fan par Pipes. sack at it it- ac fall of JIABr At CITT and the d it - xt I.Tt. Bxlb, s- -i which witl be ta oompt-- workittx ForSalo at Reasonable Rates, by 'dk. Traaaeee Art. JOaaaBXCataxavrraat h saarotamed. seeiag- that first, with B.rxtle Jtrarxer Ow iliiamicu, Bttnt books, - ht onnnutnki amiiiV ra-e- h-- -s KWTjWft XXS TTEW COMFAST rStT by early t ae aatl TooV Mr) CJSIiMI. aad KTKrtsiii to Nana In than an Brxr froei thearst Premier AJbcms, Gold leaf, iewetrj. Watches. imnl lata NOLTE. Btnrk IT '"awwrableCaarl the fcekraaf Edward camuxmn ami other ihttingaished person- i Ji It CaCtt'ai'f H.J. "aT BdfaqatetBaBltrrrat alia vfaacft' Ua rata, ranchuil ats meuoeamu. heUy,K"'.ii'Xanxlav.. BrlU.k Lwrasiblx. who dtad an npttaL beaTj k had age him. rxtprdtd VIEXXA rTTRXITUnE: AndiUncnr Prepared t&l&AniiLxctim ahwat the ? ! boud had he legiti ct; tab day of iprll are taaewd gT a aaw Tina, tot an aanrt E3V twenty saaaates, later at had faBea sereral TkejlnVTtato ae fta B5e pnxta BISHOX CO.. caarau u. Jaete. Chsrtea la. t. tbatt amtppo'wer uwa af nert-rr-xt xjxe-b- eiit.Santaapntn. learpefabrz rermf the Betiatrar af the B t ak flpiaTl feet. MMHhV saaay tos of earth had larr- - aero- weO Extcnaxoc J.nn. Dxrozr &Mra and Partor A rf K E R.S. Caart.ee Meaar. Daele VfUeon at lstrzlae atreel TotaL Mr Flowerdew i af antcrejl. ttWwnrkiy eaWTabd Choicest Candies lb- Catwa- frtWaa. coBsileraWr Chairs. Settees, Xc Pure MCTjelx. Altaraer. - petitioner rwaj.wadi wttbra Ptir Sa Is TarLTn lai. fan I U I.J.S. rrt- L nT aai rife taad. aire pkuHd wttblrtexad ia tenrqash etdW IIII.VUI.I I.t. i t l.Y te three WlJ irawaged. railways dim dis aU af tke Vaara aASe, COfabss, Girths, Stirrap Leathers, "til til the oil' hereof ntherwra. tka estate will stet ia the eanaerteifj ixt Aad wal xlwar. ax.r oa saint au IrriKMa. be reeHied led Ike praucde Ikereef Tax fefinaaj: 2marxa traoz x drwhre. ami whele rrserrwrs faH of fresh taace. former Ostensible t nra. eerxl rod koaaea race Oonrt exu HIDE BltAVr tXEUXSBK US , pxii! ta the raid Interkr eon swm tszsn ''SL'J'yn "A"Jcl"",.,ib" ""Hied tbereta. watsir an acsScaifa - The waterwere lost krre. tenaa. rmpi'inesl. aief tk' praakTaxria CICATEs OF .VssOKTED l. ma hn- wkted of net knowing the extent of his tta wrtWratpCT-- f rieeptaauoyia. CROCKEUY, IKE EUI OF C'UfM-l- : Jt fRICISCO rxtedtb.raibllTerKeTember t 0 lam. Rt a aainbrr af baaixa. aad dtxf aaraar It is no exaggKataoB. to y that had 9ttjt AllEa CU tKLKe) rgJCt CMFa". a ftaincrv. It waT xtail3a av4Mf faactaoes. Frenoer. premt rgntommg Plata, Ccps, Teapots, IfcraU, Vanilla Chocolate Creams, SLT;aai KaalMrarHaprrwi.Ceart.lltrltahCeawa.au cy the taae aad awey ariiluMi iacethe Chambers, Bice ir-- tasnaoBwn an aa raaaarj IaterajT and mBsential personages rub- - ! Duhea and Baxers. Cocoannt Candies, J.w a.rb. tma was pasml for Bopoxrs aad IneprQre- - 1T97 Decnjofana. 3 and S galla ; Ssanrpfe Bottles. AS.SIUXEE'S asii rTjilty it i caaxolr tae tummcr tvO tsntg tnetr taRckies ami orer 1884! rxaea Ilaataia. NOTICE. o a yr-- aa 1iot Trhrra ami asa water y Btu-or- and Gttarware. Ha rrili Tarred Kope, Ridi Nagat, in bars; Ilwaxbaaa 4 Lt, rr aim rorI arao ot ssppt been propeny th- - rrl .a -- PCBboxa ISDKHTCU TM TIIK ttV perpetratwB of a decdeilly smart Hemp xnd I. E. Faebmg, Coal US-S- - fixraaa w mW a oiar anHMnjs. xa & ha h rh the storm af Saaday Butets. L8CTHSCKILOtSaS.:-lOIISe-i t B JtEBB, Eaakrapt. are kei.br a a pB to lat ereaiag trick at the expense of a mere foreigner: Sugar Boasted AI moods paraieat Iw B. r prciaa Kiaas xaen. c TWlVr.Maraes.lBaV.aat'atafia'a.i.laradaw. .llarVfJ"yOMAM "I ,l"B"a r wnahi hase goae far towards earrymg ns e Siis-aj- jr itrESCEat. Aaaeraeee iac-- aav acsrarlSTnasMi; ise left, acre a tae Moral, for woald-b- isTestors Pnt not cSs Marchc 1. the next Hice Bags CUE AJL CAHDLES, great The Baatlaa ta. ef ajaaij kj4mi lleaafara. sib. ISSI riM ci faaota3BgtaesBaerC3meia.fcefcI tfeocgh dry easoe. yosT trast in 3Iimstexs or inrZsesbal per Of all srxet and qsalities. variety; azaiar Baa na aa ennramvet ' The Baak af ew Zeaaaad. Aaeklawd. aad it. ivvb. Bitt the heose harintr bwa fct fcoe. it 'ir thi; Marsh-rflallow- s, munitm k acrreapgerteaer. wan mchtcw sosages. thoegh. word aay fo. as in Soft raacbea ra thrwlekanh Dwaedla aad Notice to Planterat! 'if j aa x is tiar to shot the taMe dVwr Xeartwo thr Coal Exs, Ganmes. Twme. BdrUps Vr.lllaztow ca&ault aexntxac ? a rraixrxa j baa nmi& this eaH, as good as their booL WrxKfsvek and Twilled Stclinz, IxErn Ho, TbeBaakafaMtltbtaraaibrx rwrtarad (Mai la tana apeaimz btwhBt ptamtr are years have sfimnl by. tike appropriatioB Cum Drops, and Wet xal Etcamd German - The Axare aad Madeira l.leada Trash Furnace Autornatii. mx rBHC ec caaac as -- Eesidents UIKK'ERIES- Feel eaanrtl anta a4aaxt7 aa afcr eireleiL ih term water it wasteiL Thx PreETier has imxl-i- a the Cum Fruit Bon rlabraa. tVaaowa. boaamcx aof aa tae but we ren Bons Aad traaaeel a Oeaeral Caatlaa Bar.ae.. tr, I -- AaifOn rma. aad far the letara of the exir Jrr laTrta-- il te xr&xjtx, half j HK MOST OKwaajj coca, mib; lavania aaaVr Jfmft town with oee of hts little thimblerigging ta ard ., Uf ail aVrcnptiaa. All tboec liaaae Vade freeh xad rJCCCKbSVtJe AVET as with arji Ttiaemtx 5.1r x,M - - aoaniTiaipova: axe tfxmi. as a vtmma. to retara plans. Hc for tu r. pare Lealerxlaa.. t fell at ao crate per rwesd- -TrsahraTaacelsthelabadalitberataaawrasee aaii Sijteieiss tfeaa as kai aai 'oaeral nwathe work. So matters tncks ia which he mnlis the poHic to Ctxtor 03 ra Txns,Stearrne Candles, I, aad S True to the I ajtb- are,kelrla. JtlW. .M CI" a evfsiaTv. at aer that if i Test Sfekeb aad Jaaeph Mint It .aapilHS istxelied tw V -- RICH WECOIXS OF arnrxtg rtarnrtar. aoe la ac aat B ji'inira. .jc3mai ia asa rune. CUE THE FHEST FUYOR piltera tbe proceed we aaay come iato ptfc-eo- exatniBe the three fiitle tMmhfes and one Garden tn. ta - wi.owai reaetiraej tae renter Party Hsbbcek's tinxeed OO, t5c ax Paint 7i amaCa. mun. vaaV aer po&5c capnaty fre H White Lead. - i b. Ike efsce of aa sBsfroved water eystem at n fttoaty zm4 Macneale Safes. H? vra at . af" rjkfefa raOi-- brxBme aer baji auxmi.aaa: htde pea." and retjaesta them to pot their Jm - Pimriaj t die White Zinc Faint. Is ft nummtc4. Urban i'rt"oC ' - to"-- i h the of tike afcj la tare Mt tflMr? HfttL. " das cnaamg eaeoc. fiageroB the spot where the pea The LIQUORs csxcBii aep masy eC Aer mTii 'wwii i We are faBj Meaawhde is. : Unit tt act JtiWO M la aar derm n pnarfir pat its finger on the thimble Ia CLUB, ItINCE PIES always fresh NOTICE. Iffl ayateci lVXaa-- e Six xad Ikarttlteaa eeraeiX tn tfte veacft we coodema. it fareoaer - -- Brindr.xod AS e sraeaijr.aealwxraeatrnnrei 1'tsr how oaksisteat the- Prenser. inaad heleil aeafaisrtew." ant! behohl when the OTt THE ether brand, o 4tS vartaam Kasr, Gm, St. Panl Beer, AV aad Porter. C. O. taatagJleiaxxxawaferfegaaJeaaaeexsctocnBt oat of oecw caa hi. may t jedged front Preaaer lifted it tip, why,it was as Hollow Win, BERGEIt, Ta.. 1 aazt&i karaaina af tmrcareavef waxb. Port Ebme Wine, Home - Made Mince Meat MxcneaJe'at Ant Safej. eame-aeniH- Fine lrbn 1(7 axta tjseea fc nJL bxbcbfrataaMarttaxsaod zaatrxaieas, th &rs0wiag passage whach we aad te empty as a thiasHe coaH well be! Afteraooii of Marcli 22nd and Table Cureta. aaarpx-t- llawosxrw. J Ii9mt Ln4. m. llyl Un ta G. H-- llsxam Hock, fee Tewed Una ats -- 1 tab, ptesiar. rmri aad a render tit KjtjI rLsoaHinM tint waaat at -- This i. On, SptxtBcz sale at vrleataper geat jm, ikxt . at the of April IK3. a mrestigatKin asHnredry Dry Hrideexi, Kpcopcle, at2S loua-red- i Cb. Ik. cegrsxar fcst, raodei ta tx raatexd e i lit. h Fara. vria reeerr per Careeta tke haktaee af arr aew Xa.lMacaealex: Vrkaa Prcara awfa parekaaes e aew AJS abewld from Cklaa, - l a csrioei aSarr First, as detaifed Iart t retara Akafa power teams af nxaezr t- be created, we bare eer paper edited and prthtzfhed by thepreMtnt axKhtaerf ef tke aeweat aVrrxxs far aexae'sclane'xll aaoie jean av baa paaaed tkraaah tbaaraMlrwaa fr . ef aaaaaetwx ar aSair wtfl tkea ke revoked. T week, attack CxxdVa. jtJtaml tba part butb. fcrjal estzzena xmi fcal Premier, as k made by ten lepers is. 4rfptlaaaaf plaia cdUatabxbftoiaj eattf. -- , I tfc, AIM.!"., BA!f4 "Tbafnax eoranza then a man hungrily German Birlliday Cermanand Hayana Cigars pabHe prettewe Hberal Haaarala y.braarir Jt BiHfii'ii drmTrrart tbaan the rtakaako HoppitaL rrpori Van Gexsen, Emperor's Tkaallar tke far aulraaare -- -e.rf tc ret lei' exaoanas tc loae xad aea pteirag" to te prt SaperrititfTaleTit. n"'-!T--- -. Forks, Crseti, Tea. ad fl4neruefa coatiaaxaeeef tbeeaafe. T TbiF&mm (? - - vBa,eaa wire the The attack rs foiled: I Sets, Terr lJf , neaaedtKIXwtvstawfaddriBeallteJarlr err &ear benefit ,- - , raateau Itonndarj CfimmNiIonpr'n sara-raarir- y ' i Notlte. caT hold of the raea are kicked ceBs aral Xaroixi. S JO. an, a . "- la fcxt aaot bm etna ts abah bricta&aatt ap ia to S J ' -- t..1tlaa Taan YerTTreer. tbat tan -- i J .a ff.1 iVjfS ft yretrnca-orTtatira- c - - gaabaaaaaar bj lb Crvwa. tecraej aaa tie article. xbont the mnst slriredofrtellWokai. Sofarfor HAKUWARF- ' I 4 4rri.icTio- xbaaea xa Tke (.Kwamrt H A.WTnEaTXSS A rxeuj taak. Haaallis K l..iin-3n- , fr.Ir7!-Lto- ik;"ilLi;f sfcadV ZBaarrxzat perfetaaie caiealateii tsuvmjtsx aira betare aa taeaenuada. tlprolorrne of the play S n.T. r.Lxpe. ... 29 bratc t&a XttraRa xsni its accaraiax into xeieretlzz leaxfai raxtadr eaSs focssorcsti The sitrxce n w roeaetasd rmaiar aniTts, Sezaaori, 5 Turriru) iTAstf, n rr. , - xadcuercuexetiDg. - of the grave would no doubt senixiDT wniv -- pk.p7;.k:Vx"L!.7,,.,?,,.TekT,t.." art tbx Liiilliiil'llltJ at rjrtem of az- Ice eparaiinn- of fcheepKhearx,Htnes,Sporj!is,Fi3ev TELrrrroiE hr. lie hare rested matter, trafortn-naW- y r.i.stHxrpEt s - r.o noxsu ,s A rmirtf neil eaaea aboalif berrsaraastj; earned art the but SpTtrs. Galrxatred n"-- Boop tfases ,. it Cele-brat- - CBKasacaw aBEcncarEVRravaaaaraeiLpen. aS Hcwefeih. axrek tax, att mq n j Iror a . jrs .t.Morlnirnl of tnee Javllj talerMletTla tka a?IftwapcrvttonU "i f t rf ijx taxs I'-- i' i"1" m'mf tfce story Kbt Erretx, llamcaers, SSi2.."Jil.?n xaxf a3terrar"iit- - rl ' va czpresi ocr Wked ont, and mere lr Z.U V atr!ed.thet S.in--on,Unl- 17 MiiZZTiSZif"" nj o eatea aad &3fver;auH.LieiI. aXrsmuxad tAWfiwn totlfcnnpift,irf egterwrTffetf r stiB. a covrpieof rcwrcarr Ttliorx lfttxl and Cosrpoartaca yailt, i. on ttiad. ef a eatBrnStatsniaii uajiuirrsr. uat x ta txcaxDCtITt, xaa erapt(rJIa3, artteraax actnnes Colmnbia Eiver Rtldntt J'tUL stisax Cooterx. Election Hotice, Kawailoa Banch . took the - . LedT IX tbe aaasue b eoatav matter ap asd Tnter- s . wcnD BtcKcimi-f- aasfat tefep tt Baait wSd tbrtbetr 1 IrmTantJ,Clxniersx. Jdso, 'Comparty. 1 OLD SSFES TtKEfl IH EXCHSHGL - r abe SDixa, xx ww iuuxi. teEere ttm we are Tieweo" tne steward of the faoeptial. thas '4 "2Waiiia tor i.isad at frtha iaassBSaeTaraibrbaat - PaVd ..lilTrEr ' 1 bWIL - Bsrrh ah. PWat taESfi sad Btx rktaex. we rxotexc certxinlj- xosltitdTiae tbn ef rznrrsz an rntotne aSarr . jm - eanyrcsigfit A REX'irr.A!: MKKTIXO OK . - mixi.zfbrbl eafcrtSe xL- rotten raexx wbena aeaas tx a The reports Portlarid Cement. . AT af C.,.9.- BEpCER. NOTICE, CV ragtime s rsjHeis bartltbwxiaaaeiv fsrmshed by theGxzrrrxa&d tke KxwjIfcaB, "a Jijiiijiuiiji eC iiwiiiliiiiii tfeltmaaiaatagiityef Imuiir. si arsned tar '"- - ew Sat i tat mrZ W .treat S fr aVfc a ham aai aa Tnaa T ' ' UttaJt. Baan net people tfcinkrag'. asd a Tery Tin CUe. nxeixcnla Coat Fir Bracks. k...... wmj xrarstrr aa, iwi lae leal n.w.liaa l.laada T cnrri r - -- J. pr taiSr, last a paor metdt lifaDjLXMOIV -- tVrtaaarxzeetcetl etVeted fee tke A MEETI0 Of TUB STOCK. tae funmB,a3Q. wrhweaaadaragm-tixtgafbrarfderjauixiiUaj- THeavEerpty BarreU, Oak ea.ala;!..je LA. 'i -- a. m.ii. j.. wufepread wag tsrjrzs'ed EotU.tct.c te beaaersaf lbs Iteaarfalw tae trmi. ra. aa. opinion that an jw. ii rxtr NOTidxTi " lewrsz OaUeri ware tVar. - fau&aag fxtox -t rlVtad fee lha carats afcae afcMga. the ttceXwerfKasarsacaSaosnxacrawaj irrrestisaiien ooghilislaenmadefrer it TttXirtE& r- fixer tke atker IVUads rxttfxB '""' a ifktaow a..a... aejtsjaEaisiaydtaxapszia; "Bjaoet tucex a aaan apon a rail or pasz et ncrati aai . stvadedtaer Asiftter . . . . JiaOfpearer. rgiui; nertr-n-r turt eSMaein raltdft baaJ-fc-T a bealtaj boxxbtadedixaadreitiarajc totjdeportaianof theraeatollofcfc-i- tmrttxrjswdTnatarer dlftlalKT SS?1? r '" " s Bisefc Mvt kIreeMeat BaJar4BBIaraatoareaaaiiaBjety, roB B mUkTmnVoHtfi. 'rl brsad AS Tk Mauser wtStf ontn: taat rsc,arax rnonifaftMf wrti tb Sew comes the next part of the story sxtt j I vbnrrser will Jabs' K. , rmJ Sa. aracr Hwra C tore eaeei at is cxHasdaMxIa tkr atnr aa ta.rtBt"ioJ veeratstr ArarrraOleirsiwf - Sel&ryitfilwrti.i.;-jjTO- The rbiturluaas toot place March Tti. H.HACKFELDwfcCO. mi A TJ.i QtrmKmm!.- rail, Z. t XOXXf. O. f l J FHUIK, fy. nilalu,al.jrck..lMLrTT'."Pi'" t mfrt.j, Uoalai,Xsr.tll.ll. ajovxt SeereUrr aMMHMMI C03r3tE5tCtA.t, ISLAND UQ CALS liaasWwtto.eoiort&y bcoetteofav t4.v3 otait I bj yon aty & Us, wtaicai ttiai.asai vnl tr lb ata bvaraafc. aba Rukmj awa tavJU lB r- - J y, - baa arnaaM auto i a iabtiu wet Mimn ni ut iBKwac,. Consignee Wanted ia A4Jbe Baxttoa- at yiaara socurviyaut Tota-m-j. PACIFIC RUBBER PAINT aajaahi" aaa (ON wi. BltcuBtPt awotafcrcwitiat tt was ftal te ttt aaut bos ifI WI5 ad&iiBtaV mute h liitw- IU kaott aSJcJk bwaaii i a, me. ara-- ti M.ltlQ tL SC kC aat tits Kj . Han. s5isWNWto.jrM9st Vtw-aa- c Xlxtti Senvy for Use, Any X!te3iJSuvfi&.tej:rttfen)btvtifeuuA-- I a - rr-- - -.-- t4-- in (vw t )l43t-- Scwtt aavOtvtsfeM T6f iiMs aiti.ni.-", ? ::i:L.mi guMWjqamaawm t OM-ta- tiM tt " 10 Ptgs. of OlothinR rawuK r at arlcM: One Can Appty eSf !:.o.u , - aa." 3- - tniaaa- "onM wwu VBnc JpS.-M- J Mi WJItorw riwtwj Ml iiwrt J It -i aa .Vautr yHruuvr a cut tyounv !cvj;i:5 u eitattat a. Milal i " inm- asJ Antrt9 lataajaHaalar, iH JlyabvfiMflnllHlBklfcinUMKJUB MMW - tia V saar vn ttnfctci ait 4sji atwIfcK n a Nu4 Satan at korao a iVa w4 to tak &&. 1 swtv iMUfeKtib. lW P b. Mmntor tw lb tk SrtSB i t. w v aarbHif . "- naw M at-- etn. stmvtaft ajvao Mt fcH atv VIB M- Ttaarraaaab aaab-- - VWVAJK atr. Ufrra tiKW&MT accowrvtbAnU3t tb - aw laoitii WfcfcjlBXff BOIIt b taa vt ;. K V t'sellie faajas J"" 0 as art- to Oa PriaAy, Aaaab iUanlimi. tbnaiar " aaal IbsBae abW"J.rtHh7rWBiifiit3rtnt claicw a&uamt Wl miamSt 'WUV IfTlj.u.t kmi- - ivtmae to (UOORHTKS! Hst V X&.is k.m.J ami .- - k.' . VIV da nii . B$ lun"f JtS.S.J.- tWitKWacimji fc vwwttj on iw EwJLNootUv Vitr Hi. cv ba thmWvt lb iia-a- iii Sac rvuw. man ctnJS't-jC;.-b uvix- TtHCO IMllil HlHii'- -' TCUiaLll9tBMMni aiOoc'ith.aaW)Nk.t HaaxhVav St.--. KVE.tVmSJT llubber Paiut w ! ttw aarf ite TWHinT to- ' MV fM, a BWaa aba Veaaaua". aa. fttw at auut cJn.T. bvcw arM aacottacwi rv ccx ON WEDNESDAY,-Mjf- ll T biojeett txtfea Tb aaaaa aaattavBaa.!!' r ct naaaaa. e awajtHt li Juvw." ISu bilFUBilrr HD ECOHOXtCU. Hlulhiaicuutatti5i. thu UB MM vbfa SiDSSt rwaauaiiattt.4dlhtn ! I'tailllji ataau . W. wavJlvSiyvlJs.Ta041Jtj. vim m LWMa MMUft. TV " baa, X S.. tt kmrfewt itw-ti- t raw & SURVEYINGS wt al vtMlntOtk mat. wii lttli ailsaJnt. bolc afaX tb toe Vt i - u . - B ata - ?. aaiitilafiv. bn. t,yifr tv rk t , i Ml nlM MM- !. voismi) itftixv wiiaaunit Ulrvitutt IvMltfimAe-- t fcMJutn js muulb. T4 CIGJUi in " Tba we Si-- ) JLTltf mm alt au-- salinJhe1Mi. pvtftKTBA3csiao. viks r'StXWayr aa "" m Tlw iCowtt' Husgnol 1917 Ml iM ii t lan aa&mtM pnmcat. lift tat?- earvs3t ajitb A. MKCKLVr aai Faacb.-- taWalaaaTaaatXailaaia pifaotB-- htrim tikcfiH AiWv ubJct. I lirrCftH. FULLER & Co, aaWii Swad martKat !Jlsi mm attatom . U - - - b XTtvlIt-vt- T T1- -t ytaise. aknwt bjaana. 5JCxit 3 nHln "i s.ioiB3ti6aan.pvpute. iK"tibMail.'aa orctaiBn; &&&wmxmmvtiirtiMi i ajaau r abn brraaaatballUilral. bTfoll3jjtvto-jit!- l laAaiiswIMTUiAr-lT;ts- vl San F'rnnclsco, Cnl. ITaad -- "MtoSMl,I Xaabaawau. Ta .Itat Pursuit Mitm!iecteBtSa3i2aj tvmktas atttlt ilttab aswtal avvir a at it cvttAJt rwo- - Aa-- fa rai, --Jtffete-1 MM gab, a. y aWtfta aaaamar tiaa.ana, KaXtBCiEtt VflUSriTf T IN W ii Itesw pirn afcuot rtrtiaov V!hrw tvVniita to amttznt vim &W a. tuao& va atan2a aftvrowca aax. (vetvers. jau ti Qrt. '"" ;tlfi Mil 1 t ll 9 aaii omj uf til-- ) hJubentvalI a3ottSeijoa,a-iawavrM- i rrt tiifiT xnr ifenatl Xlut is . rasujT li n i avtx afntTOt. ti u Mado OX 502TOCLCCC. ttnaeMMutthAncvawitwra MhJnast nissv ablet &.-&- Btit ritv POST fctlw li OhOlFlii ( MatorlalB, mmmszmiiyii. i Xbummm , olital ftjteeaux viit inutraivj' JLOOE OIL bttho PurBt lalfcu.. oj btxttt Bt . C - WM Jsret irwdrio 51 jatis vftkv rxmiB)tvia aft tM- - rf - , wai t it tllAiuwhtea'a-astiw-i to nccetsstttt M&jbiton ot frvv"n- White Lfail. OxWo Ztnr, t ttoW, t .jth KMtwa ON JtablalaaaJ. PTnajanail. IT ir jm' tUTUIL12T.X41imi F M BmaWo. S. BtartHJab. r-- badlar-- TatrajL TtinRml nnmtiily mwrfcai u BtNi Iftwuaiw. ifuils ami ftvJttco at Nvara of til JaOls. mwh . iw ia . v tw i W at I ' Mr- - - Jl M bi tiKinwi artiT-I- . btvo-lt- t (HI. ai rH. aa, ' san at trkrc to i'ienwr UnceU tfenntaf Colors ataa ' tafrfftM --4 aUaAan a1 i bt -- fmmi j & at aaa a laaiaBlit A. FMacwiteU. im. ttM stwuwc ZmhunU oaMtv Klil Iwu tbv iliKtaat mac utti btfto .woi fe a at - -- MMMT-- XaaiaaaaBtB. MK Jttwj & ticttsbabnl itt ai bvtt cMahteiiirt tbo uiiaiijtt irt ajn aTKVt DTt a.- WW &M3SU t test. vilt ftvbajljr Jr t VllHtavWta . bv--ts b ciiv-esr- - JtHa. bi(A WA tb laat rbv r. nM . J a 4 af 'M allrWW.wl(lii liiv tisee frrevlWm aoy arv mtemiL. vit - C TBUtW aVlVU.X S"a- . India Rubbor. af wiy xw & IkBilructHlttuk s. amntve . a. jUaAtOttt nywiusvtt w ot 14vai Tho Post motC rtj ntfw"r K tnrat.feia iilf. cvi.f a m M. i ttt to jvym T tmmm wt imcs BoBtBtv" csn at IlK-- ioaiC9mQt vd3cv-- f aaiisdwvlftacwclwijwi. ClNBaassswaae. TV nwoxvi, altof .iXi JiVlSMBBJr' HHbVgtfCKMiliia meixnis? sbnawc JSrtM. irm no u tba Ijim tvLa-nXa.i- tbr frrr--f aSl-- t all) w aaauV av, St&ad. CMtaater ttog if i&v!ajmL a. salatu b iamaaVil SADDLES.SADBLES aW kanwalitti Sfirfmst bitastKaail a 4M5 taailna-- t ara. mwji Cwr. PIONEER WHITE LEAD! I w 5jt. C---bai ?a aetrbbea. m MM VMtetT at aaa. a cuncttct atKmm.i. ai JsjtSit abK-tt a b.T t t- 11 sua sut no. bTMBoic tiw Wife, S,(imm.lBiiTBini iHoataa UVtisst aailia is jiaij" .vrrujcs.--J- Y.V HuatM an a . tTKKNT M KC - t IKTKT. ,(tM-- a Smr at mat simM irf MW um tve 4 AMH-vj.rcx- s tk -- in IfeuKntr uci.'vispaawd IfenouVn aad Bc- - titmaumtmuoOua ado aaaircr-ai- ; ut tee yaitj m. ivHr tiiiani tJ utviv . r Baatrar, bat it sattl X MvtxuSw n,(Vt. Jit- - ewJu Mn. ScruiB viu t .i am..! . ABAgra, 1 )n 3aff aai a. Bw r S3bKnrtet to tttf cvB:nm aal J a Kerf hctl. Wch will Sold ai )ta M rtM aaal HtaMaw Trt r. . atwev aaet w slBtBf KnwtwJ. f rutx Ctorl OTHUKSpAJtMAR.20f 10rJji Ifaw Olar af Baa a iaaamtan aadi-.- I JkQaMaiH1!1 in. MM rw m: tvoxtvtmccvvast to Kfticcly W tv-- tctr Stfftni ?i LEAD ' Vaaataatanat '- aa. nulla) BavL bw tffebusvO; U bMea to ba-- boju. PIONEER WHITE J ji.i.K - TralaaaHa tm. . YktrKm.Xn.CK. MOhw Mm vbicoiic autom uf Ml &to W. Ciinltf Jvnwk. t j a the Lwnot, by SaajlVaiai-c-.anTT- baa YrtaVaaMt aaa M at at. StV, a, mBi Pw Mavr bvwvaiK fc ii Nfvr Li la iV : lhr--- Mm sum K. aattwal to cuosivtcnH" swa tataa--t aa rft kavkrlthuMwtftr X&C. fee awl siarp r t vraaaral la alMaa .iA4. gttt.i MMa' ai-r- bffcv-- V& 3v.--txn- s - t WJL11 KAupmlt tLiiiiup.M.HweMltttinoiit1W ewraat vuinac (fun. MM rat nail" itoftej MsacmJixttat ' ljacmJt Hubcr Mj, lt ia tbal IbaiU1 i vitktb Wo SoU AuoUon, ants, aajtantl latto wiMt a Captain fftuSaav. ft t u aaa Mtta-- I MM vW aai 4 at tb vaaba k ReJ tlWHMB.HC.1Ht avtt iimaiaallt;, IVj eoiiciMjjs Btt frvb.iitlj hu - - faa4 ax Fvr. tllM.tl a aWcta- feuia. tb-- NOTlCKl-b,- Ura la . aacvrBKWftAaar, Foe-So- t sebwibre aat baa-- , ba, a. bnwteaalauL-K- KaJvi." anvt nmao tuot. Blta4 Say lrt. tiaaaa Franctscoi J" batai". -i- aaal ajbu bvuuc anwihnl b.T - AM aaiar- - baaa-t- a. SevbaVl tsAn mat Vat JiMMCiHtB Kakelt leoa k vkvkdSvtft.Sir it - mi amnca&atn tito If ams vtabuuilab JS&u sa-ti- t .TwriwsfMwnrTRisAB r witTt. L. :- - --L. HJilUJt - r..-.- aaaai irw taaatnkaW.'aaai wbata altb aaav aU. m t& ibta ra Ilaotaatna t.ta slUK ".. I- uKu, ii aw aiMnaiaaaJUHjHi aal. r ! m x Kit? Mill JLif KhaVim. irtwm. AL ttidrotn- - wall n-- vt Mdfaate- et a.4 aato aaj UVxvu?Wa,uaa;j-- t Uat -- ."ttr aHafORftlTOA. . ccutoccv aaai eba; ba;aacwA aiik ic&atfej, amaar-- - !" ntrKWK iWTaiVvtmsorlKrn WT RwjimiI WBgT ffWiyiMBC.L-.IJtfMt5- iut "'iccvU1' wai !C wa rafHT- a tnaafttti,laaf T1BT5. aaalta-an- i aea5caa.waiiiciMiiiivttriIwtii.Bii r tbaa &.-- ' WMIPH -- 3 - tMutt tacuni 1 ecta awt uM ecvttsl a aw la. la. na- VKvIv ! r Mn- Ml K?v-Ju-i wstm It aM Mt3 Via. llfeja iatt . -i ,p,J,a?Bmaji,i I namMr l airemiv . t dM to .. , , a)iITBaktaui . tta-s.a- t nvaa I - I iJtli ilWIM. "m-ct- Lus-cvtl-'' xvw WAtnctiMai Vfcawka. aJ B k oaaall Uaa la aaTAaHMK. hnw 1W v&inll MM tfttf l., d - Ml teem fjnniVit im. uc van U ..Mpa. i aWha VtMRM rf3i.- TPfciiiiiMi wsk' an. zemt MM Ifee .a MM Tirtl 1 M ' tH e . M. unL jfcuw Vn as& ijn-- b winMr cj J ' mtmbL cruw to .it- MM uitaximaMn-otta- Qviir Imk K VkViakA ua W H at 1 . , 4k 'I Vrmk lu nulv fCPnmirn. kwcwaefwrlil at-- v3.-u-t .J M1aHapi la Ma4 ka Mr K Mr, nil IMUfcjiw llMliml Mit iaillaNW . Sm. IJuJiti. ta.it iiJrtUJ- AvONttc. VX ' )mt ww Tfc r.?- ptumtir wjaajri b.jv tftPirtMCWwifiiilii aytMitL-aits- ciiiifaB.s utrcuw ? ITS''- - i0K,,?-1- butfra bikMfvaa wcisw 9! ' .U'ailiii tWaV.Bt t,;'i5in a in ii wwwmt 3tW iawrtbvis tb.u tvr- ft 1 1 ! a, aF"f aaajBBBaaa aaa BaaaaBjBaajaBBaaaraaBj . v tJinK iftwiv awrtemftftiit. ttaatom ftmiwnti lnMii baagcwig.tMTy - uaiatraa; a.m MawantnTtal aa M B. tmvluuM Xir. Un 4lriwipi 1. ajtawtit at ttuBuf Ttp i)J t- - KtcXbTkw. UaBai.- taWTar .S7 H.:i- - WMI : "w rt i r-- chZ DbtliM viralMat. .ut.vacv41uitc ae l ir ai, iiuk f P'l. . m.vT IM : REGULAR m JIJttBWUtJit--J4- w ml. a- i,imBiw batH alt wctini to atttt b 05 gar ( m Mmwtm? XI Vbificrvb tK TfcMnltti.trf1iiiii MknlH. I OlXOOlSL WHITTIER, FULLER AtCo., XMgBfc.it ntpMe tHrra KM line it Jprtt. ao ta uyevrttuutr ta tbaa bv XiOOlS. r torn - 3. TUEJg WiiiBt. MUvwti. xtmt to tfrlonuat ktMai.-- l araMevtX'SuHUia.nst- I - VaaAJaaaa4WaiWli4aaUaaiMHB9 at Viwl ijhik.iiii tin it Mm Hkmnt. Thar fict t'uvc SV ?ri- -i attAuBH. 2M WW atajaauav n laaa. N N Wl For Apia, a l! bv.-ai- is tajavctwvl to b a aottHy sccwrnavt t ratatxviawtv adamant; A SftMtt it im btwa iiiijl. Bill bai MM J&trWj: 4o.imsiJaiiuM 6cr?prc?i.'Ufci&LmL . TAILORING IKSLLIK BRANCHES TIIV-- aaal Bl(aaa Wtataa (taau, iki il li l:i acW' MM vt tttu w W tb"ilairrtHrrarivUi.atvf-lSoiitb- S5 , . au rwM-i- a. tattHwta. Ck Tluctt. o 6vtm; imiwml iaac cHaHt f . m ifcttbtfu MM btsto- -' ' nfrtmmma uitH l.jAihij.si-tntmArcuU- ! htut'' It it area AS r i Iw kwkinic to MM auateut ac nCVt ucffcaiwwas aibu accimnjiiaM Mm tajvvbttoa wMl aavr " piBtBcrv MfivC VtMmuDMr saas ttto rsia WHITE ttwBbt-rattrt- ifki paM9.3.CaiIuccviHitiM! utoiaoi2tfBfiMtetTLttV. past. amsTS. JA.TTC3-"CrS- 3 - aM, han wni hi 1 unfail fftoMl PtX im- SdtinlM. Suae a T3JM and "St FatsckV Duj J ffcijwtbr Mar bf tb O jacsrv vtC. tfonwtSBM m. MM Saturday, March. 22, TBL atftonirtaaivvtktKtEitT viK be jg. MMii;ii im.uuilijB. tetiur. ttjrv. .ttATv Jgff Mto yry uuK mnniiiCignalL DanatttMovnirtiaKteiviara tt r.. I XtiK!pr!'iiilT-biii3ii.-a.ia.aiscitTi3:- il aiaJ nlWU SftTS ta. Xtf Iwaith. vitk. mmrSrs uvl w ft aa. at sal ) Itrar ttiaoij jsatiaJSnittfCj aa-- t at yrraa- - Ta Diui4 Frm S I'rtBri-ta- U Exyoias. SiKixusBsa wmt a aafvnn;. za- 'a'ak aW Itutars S-- stilaiuv 'at lit,l InaiitsiilMiat guK St'itiiiiitBcga. am auo Good, QoUalBa;, rail at llnnUltLAltoait (. tsj b Dc WltisiMv tt& a2.aci-ukiix- t Xliaca- - Drx f 5li T"wcmn. twpiMa. mrswr ih: fc aint Itut "WANTED ! - ?f : matf S. Aaat impir pttm UHfMisCc ajia- DnntHutCu. 3icT tha tiity naiHiais Wbjje lie fretiuc iMiia Item J$cw J&ettiwtcttts - aaai4 ma 1 )jlallMILaV acri H:mtinimIt An Jlnt int. Touahtities to Grtxtrlea, Fmj- Ooola, HI.I.IMI, rajwlij 7mmjp nit b wAiat aaonm. Bum assouii ojs aucMsaiml at .1 fuilMzivvv A SCOTCH SHEPHERD. suit PASSETGZSS- - OCEANIC STEA Su r'. 4. AVW mtb Mw suamiaic at m wnaluiulfclia.a.uatek vcMtn snia iC&upau asilf a. o:aa?.Er, One Superior Bedroom Set S99K Vim Xmi ami hwnilw ytr tafciia. 9hm& t fci. (hmci tuHunutattt on. Jt34 lAst fhar MM CNotvlu.'! Or. wtutaur aras ACTIVK HK.VlaTllY; "OT i J 4U wilk. - smuonL JL ana A1 t c ami Eura ?aBjBf. aaj Ha. ftM Ion. IlkWH ICTmnl RMwt ungtBinall-rSo- a Ifewarn aail Hd sok-- tlinsfor X.tXKKK,aait3tatt. ?Jal a. wHeT bar not itfaRlv brxifil. ai Ihr af atofttraevs. I bvnuit. Jaatj ataTavav tUP9fil3afaaaBH utMMw m IT ' Vbvin tlje Voumi!i. r teBBniQlp ZaaianAa. 3larA lsta3B WW ln I2S FORT ST. 1 T RVTMUMM M K akWT r K RgtiwKi. W itt. atvly- vecu britsov Bv- fittest accutuxt XJrray. i S7. aaO-i.l-- m Mieljctvc fitTuciM- hotitaniT Ouo Alnioiit Jotat k 'Vnckl. Wmhb. ihh1 READ I RUBBER -- YvwMimiiMapMXHaecunsaaMi by mas4tai-- TALL. J.iwii.m;i'i i fur ?naeijMu. be sunitt txuu beivn a can bn abunt acnic ta 3LMUL1 aaara aM inc- ItManitv -- Tlawi ID bniriBJtnJaiBBsaanruxhiafrauZ3JS nntK ryuEKsusyEo kxkcit nais aai raaa . raTM.ir- w a lav. VT ! F pf Slimt Paor&tfisLwrs X r tb wu: a. w Ma)- -. TUbtl.H.Ml- Xt I"a" At MmhM.awJl-d-. nsifcirili. Wainw vofv !htt e&amtt wiiiiimly. r t tmi Halt, ut h IT HAY SAVE YOUR LIFE. la ib Mw brittwdj- - Tan rr-- i pwitt irf inJU. XjtavlW4itiU.lvwlyjttia If Fr.I.L. ton siunics tfoawiinf by w lAn F(rta'3 Iu&unr - l.K K . ttianiiw; w ecxtaaiKy way 6c omt Wi - Vlwn- .- Hi-mi- wjwtduW. X Bay . I tsnm& whumba ihllmilarrwatini.aaii daMl2ura.&murii Kalvy tu pttnnnit tihnit to tb iaariffiI wttaia ttJt Hop "Pioneer" Line Hnriposn 4lnmd oflftd Somfitf kvF. Xt cade ilj bvtuw BitMHilf bHaaobif a dua BaUaitKiBm tfrtbflrwiU Tit Bittars and igwit. ThHm ik Mbit Mm trki hax-4- . uaaMaat ami a i niniccniint Soma Tmiuc Bu.Sanmi . tfla KJA. msiv cnl tile plaintnl Utrrm WUtXlX A 3TH. to Uimnc Mw 3Ei',iniuc . H. Thoroughbred YtMn SjMtt astH Binvwl. yar adHat SJ ftu Dant aanrmcMC; "f was atwaroW. bj ram aC dama W''J nf ttjtear. aBL?t Will Lsaae Honolulu A San Franctl Uiw. 7tt tnrtllifny of Mm irf 6 a ?3I ithjc ifcMwluiii. K U Xiuck. u. 1m. a imtwir memo?, torn tfau many aaiiiaed, ftic tba dam-aj- 9t A.Bnu-D- BwtlwilpKiwonir-r- f SceBibto ?atftediuH&'''"a caeaagta: I tMM. r V DNmntmKeiHirvaatvKiMi - wc a. fi3sal IM Sbtt defifniiant frtid The Purest and Best Ontho st and lath of Each Manil Mw Ctah. Mhi SSai miit. te taia . . T1Wr mlUi:mmjam. X,thatllm. (Mtnui a vdvrtid; ADMITvISTIiATBIXS NOTICE - - . .lliS. Thtftt an tbmta to ba brmlt aunst tha - ail x... .5- v--J (. Tlwwiit W T TAcJit Xtntmiu jmhii. In tba mstaci auw cited,, aa TItK IUVVtNG a. aayi.iat i Vaw- -t!,1 rr vrt--.b ton, Btkcnlte tttu ftiftrnrre-iiaj- j -- affpuiniTti n Kxcaatris Ifc HORSES appval. CctxxC i. lMa af SMattaf rI.l va3 Vi !li.I Vn 4 .ilh. InAtOwia, XSaX btMLCTBBwawIoii Mm OiAala najMMSvc Tttcv ae voxrvi'5Dankx g'"'- - n Pircts Kdft.' 4ml 3 ;iullllni. 3lR? W r ttixm. taTaW Aaajr-r- . aa.rilat Limati'l. 3U-- Uhhm. 9wt 4tui oltilitrii. Pkr. Cafft bwtacatttitl. aav MiiBGvvl ac VliKlwc tullHuC batiatj uiMiiB trfun-- t Uitt ruiii cucit. 8wt pcaraaX Kap Bmcba XXutdaliaa. arf tw. ' Efagmr luiw.-- tlm t wfritm :nunrlh fttm, ttti thuv at rihry nflt Mxndrtika xal WmsuiI?tBajHiHiut&k Infeiwta Bvaral- - Im tia- i- I JUnilitai-- .. hm ahlitft 3oa Got- - fimnadypipSut Vp thi. Ttabt ti. t 1 vtwlDi. 3 Sjaiiuiipiil. 8tm3fer Bt!ziub. nnc at son fiicxwr pwatvtiuQ. Ttt Vvat. ma M a.- 1 - ,rnt dun. at St IHhuiV and fcurt stmt. 'Ilia Gnaci 4taafetx. tMni MM On Monday, March 24th, irtaaa ia. waaaai' girT aa. Wa; r 4ickm SmAawu XmJi vi0. Hia.iiHjTr. r4 WVta i4 TAkuM XiaaMt la -- - r Xt-J(C-- , Ion. ba tt. tkaVL 14 ,li BjMjii- 31m Kner- - J Winu-- tad SIhmrs. ftsekaun ami sarrejauci. qui. saf; aitenrittiarniiitt!iatGay iraa f .urt W rvtoaBryi MBBV - tf. aAainoCad wiiir ma and W duimc d "wcit sad to a fcttwa all tlw toat .4 jt'il Mnn. Swtv JTyt'H. wif- ami 3 iluibni. avcse--l iniit Mta 3mTT?iHn;t tor Mlu ffnivccl. intec an onto aa llMlt 4 caaaaar tU- - aa i i Fifflirr." otwatiwi gnnfMHtki 'rrv la aaiiaftuftl av4m:x. bimiil obi&.lttft Mi rtr laufC matmniznvr twumic tita wpew aftac trrv jaaw Notice. "jai um atftallw- Warabaaw.rix'lat aja . ara at. Si - Seven Head, of ttis finest Horses Pr XttW mil.niintw f laniic, JUasaU laW trluiaaii(MiiuiiiitS(rMlu jurswuuf tM Htit InrrraT- nniiiM l'DEi;iLt;yJHD UAYK tA.Wc ht.ta.1 tang aaa Mm a ll bit 'blfibauaj ; TUB lUtttM j4jSfc Slav JUfcaaflKani. wf Mw aurriLxMt (umt aniqoi3valA?ocIttburbaiIpcfpadnifn' mito. X uwaVr i! fm-- i p.uteir4tr 'Una BtlMO rtKIPlKK Uti V Sn w S- - k Ja-- ir 31:- wan? twmiar way nt x cirfd vvuvtsia aneiuLac uu J rnt ta. wHTTt XJUSTA O OC BMC aHIami. oiaatfT amlr ntaif uf ofc ateuttk !b 1 3i;nwil. aoitauvai Shu aail IU3"bwo ocridrwi .' tbe parpM 3ttw at Ai ntMatfac twt aa Uwv. M ISU AMo. amat ai'laia i iiiL at Cnincot?. twtsiisa. f crta . !aMa. Vr R ?taac-nrr- . eajii.Utr9iwinM4S. - FROM LIVERPOOL. Ahlrtav mi Wftr4 I. Aaaaw. Tar &.a Sjuyu vniihur aortlr sacaus tzum u 3ri-at- oi yearVtast by bis gftyKciantf. Ibaxbirra Trdlbe a;SaUiua. Fan. Hatt: JX1C- NO. T01B.K 3 aal Ifceg priprimir Mtna to H.iSauiirnnsi af mtwrwt to many foanila at &a tvbuff. Cir--j TJX ltlT. J: K M KjO'vili, Jou StKa Xfe X X w aaid tu tba N :. T- -x aeans to Mm Mta Aiia. Ste. J Jr Tnr Vi.ir A4 KlW v Hl(a hr lUatof-- J " Am gfcriTartfriaoif Tnepav A- - ht ireskfent of au?i tt &ftlC KaanaW X tJwar Sab- - !! Utamcaj. Xlwaii'tnmia. Vtnoua rbtf MJfrtMm tfCtftai&L pnhlaJije riiifcauw.2tFiiuXa-- tvntl Innrax. f tatMivtaftl UltllBIt'M an-- i im.-aia."- r I Ur J U Snjlsrt. m. aat Q. GO. SaiiiT utance-n- s DU1ES - Anntri. Sri'-ap-r a eneialK at budMiamsasii to tbu aimiilL to ba tfea u biia. 3U Awifti. Xn SM. Xn Xiaa. 31r SjAmi, . Trja, "jatpics apurt an.uiTtiai&m.ac Mj - TixEbfbteUi,',''ki'- trti-- --. f K F ."u I 4 - f sua waauu. - AAAiU. X- Ifaathi, mrtU 3 Calrams 3 ewiuittiunT yrTUiiamaij- ay- ma axpjtKxre Xr Xiatii!aa.tu Jtr Lbigcwt LaMite jtW aU itow , N4i Ul.i Wtt H. imptxMsUm IlaJL .tin- - X - 4Mi muuiu. Laainat, Xas, SatJbjIpiui. 3te Kamatfetaiv Xu Slimi n.ilf uaanv arJ mnda by tfta Sxzsrzs and Butteti. IS ta birwrcc Sima, Xr wajv trltin Ili4-- t iiHiitr-a-- ttir, Gompddl . a 3 cila)n J L Tha F.3L & & ' IN r Aw Jut,- suxermi uif BtU. iTrKaA.mjij. Xr Mr Out, XrXihwIa. iranphiifwu caaa1 OFFER FOR SALE Sf Steamship uiM tikas- cm, knovnx. tluc tba NpHt a pnbhabud far tba hr-ti-a- tr & llk'sMH NBItlt. .ffllBUIIH. ft B. KUHlt. JatttaF- 4 wtt dte 15. mht, ftum Ham; Sonn m uuaii. gf liwwaut. Puto J X imu. ft Kaaaaftrifai 'laRacaJiKiuvfi Btowl. tonara. '4itttH Aiu WUtfetr. - JSK rmitaii.fcd. .tnd VaniHucan. t. it EI aa-- at tt tba 3te:ranl BaJu"- V a. r Tj.- or i nft. Sr-- Coc XUbiHOiUQn. aRTIDff (HI DtHUH. "WW VIUBHf 3tf niCMI- - 9 S,ribtmii.i a'iu. Xasj Xatts. ffec&f Satwt. 'StaWtttcKtir I v au- - SUjwt. W ttnaiK a S IwiMM. F if nu 3tar LdBai mada auma irftfca stotemania munlsiHiad oiagrs-aa- fi ttT KMafir ! 'Hk 'im s- - rt Jinn- X M X X wscrfmr vary Xuta ILttttm.; imftoo. Xoa. UiiiJu.iHu. Xja. otaaxlLs. From, I. T dtffan maca fcmr t&a vanum. the Cargoes N"' .' BVVMULS nU.KDXVKl tl 1, ISW. jovan by bim tu tba repur3?r. Xa. aitactli of the Xastr SapaaJbnu f It Katttr trf SoJapttaj, Paa: Jb Xn AbumaA Xfaw Tvau VanilhM, m t t4n ly Lai- - J tr Mim. J miiiit TucaK irtiwftifrft- watf triexS: at ttta "rriuanahmzT coasts ttaJi. UP TUC u.aaa j XoUy, ? Uar-n- t- X Utmnu - il ?- -l W i, Vulu-- r in.l riitv Kwoufti. Katwa. wf StifaifHi. Paaa: V t rw Wot hriiikth" 1 amtfiut tha meoibea of wniclx, it & not pIisLsinl. B K P'a. Xt S.TlHJnoi. PwltapiL rP&B.ta. I"ad; XX maltar wba yaar fcatiac tadt to - tu mtiM. iaba - tttoa. Wait.K tet, (fin atminpai of tftu Artmufttogy tu annua tba auna at tba UtocnaT-ranatn- Sa Kjfluiiu rt XW or mifcil r PHttf Win! ay LtBj.txn. Mt Pamar i 9aJU Jr Sem "jj'nffMn ac. MATXSGATE H-- twaft aTua arriad at w Sir as Jfcnrra. 'tfoiaMiu h. ru Mm BtttKv vat BARK im4 aJ3i hi Xarj bx r, nrvu Hiin Painit. PlmM. T It Ltiia-U-ri- t. tvsK aatt jaa are et. vat tf raa aJy AID W 0aa by import.! ll awm maiThgni- - - BU: Ursri; I rir $m ?r Zmmniin Xandt Ih Umt Ou Hdo. CapU BiOflc and a. cusw a t sa&ra of ffimoftilit. ivhtftn. aat Ma 9t aatnUi. Mua w a trt Mrwmbax Traapait: MIp STEAMER 'KiNA j "WW. It nay mw war Itfte. Ha ai lvm-.-- :tb bua ikaaaatatHatafbrat aaara Maacakt waca anad. in. a ggiad man. bunt at idsia-ain- a Kiiinn Puna. X.ir II xiLu.aiVbcR toi beva sawtt tiv s ixir at a rraaa Irxiaic to K.ntaai t a?. VIHt. - K. Wt iir Other recent Vessels rrKttau hail, avr Ivani. S.mii 17 Pm 0. Pimitfwi that tka Faemtttr mteniitt tu erect tro- wfo ag7, tba abjact nt pursuit bainc a ia a .i f bKtjl.a ha. a w1 f lol Vbe canJU jf I ' aidttfc x ycyatu liroSfaur & bcaoidt UiwpiteX fur dttsertar boot tna Huusabotd trjc. 'Nlrti vtti Miati C r TLnf, Ask yaur TJingirt or Paytteixn. b- V ;(' rnti tr A m Xmmm. S.imArn Ka't ft Pmni. m. tftis- uiaaui. h Tlie dtawitac. vsgkv namB is abided tba the rvixinrixi. Sax -a VOALK WW aaB8JbBi aaaaabaaBBfaaj, arajaaa, IL.BaBla1.i r- ttf fepta tila TtmmT rf i& Ikavm: -- mada Captain. "& mfer Wt W-- mi trTlt-- l Hii- - l pBHl bibify toteaCncimtv, aocz-paniMa- C 0 cantaia bint irt'f tae Kan vitarIf yr Vr-- Wl J . Ny laaajaalail Aaatraiiaa Ua hrtH HP. - simictl Tiartn at An4 a &iva op tba cbaae Haroiir auirj Jaisxra on bia ftira! bc xr itom a Ki:-- - t.-- ball- - ftln' iaa ba a'itii-B- . nt.. " Irr hm prnini tfti; aefpvr 'if die trcsrattu nr- - tnttt--r r hj !..!.. aa. Kar iua rt.rf rLint bia airanliinx. Bjt DRY GOODS fiND CLOTHING taal KUaa Jaaaaa Blacbajoar 3rd a.SvtktM ,rta Vrttm at H IttaoJio. banda tnmad to bansabrsaim; Stwr&nnWr Btttrr s 1W Wl:ia,ba?a. lal bf k I.uj. af Bt EauT. ba taaaaitad antaa a and siccwfdtid in anaenmr entranca faxto Iffla ru-- l Ua laarbn aaai tllaa , irtxrnp tirun&'i L (wt tte PriaU ul Uttst stjlw, fast cvltm : by 5tb aaaa aVtav Kaaauai-- ba Viraialaa. a H. Jfcirsiiai Farita, dm ssroiiDB6i-JeoiH- Jfapjc Vrocybton. ! -r Trr. thijt at m4ssalRua4 amlHzGaix Stnm. FOR SALE Wwt an4 &v9t 9tlciiif fv- ni irfr a Baaaalaa bWbllr: JTl daaafaaaa ra laaaaataal aow a. crrajxt five aztiataa &rjm batn. placv. "a-- ur miBft Bfae WKla Ctwkn Sbcetiar au tafea of faw ra&csaltiHi staainu thr xsLtaml t aa pfirKi fttr- to leia. bWabMSBtb la I ajii Mi haaSaaa 4 TJzitiiL amy to BrtrvnT-- ptai --ntfcraaamixn-3iid t u Htmick's Loajj; vTctaw.BniTrBLiata Drillt bfaabadV rrtttsv at ! " r Enifai1 'ipy luul tu tbtt arwtaaiteiHrTiEE6K.(rf Tiat Jtr. tbat Mb altaa V laiaaWaalSaalaaaarab'al. a a aaai an tbat Tvtt.i m laVlaaaT j4tia umlaal iTIn ail- n (tan to eaptew Jkhn nx. One New York Phaeton ffattti-ttio- f OaanrKKl lxiu-- .. 3nt aaua y. ,ai.TT iaa .uuuuiaa aut. mmilun" and mrr Kani j durance HOP BITTERS CO. Tvccitt. Toartla Jc Toarlio, u. J aai art. l!lb taaa a ;r Tda. awutaiff tba ravurd dna his oxfencas. and, SlAXUTACTDKniG i al'ao AraMaa. raa laaa With. Fala Sifts; Y-S- Table Clotkt. do. Xaptiiw, uij raiaa j JlaIbiraxaie.AaatTmlIa. li"- - . U. titan Towl, Aaai fcj . Aaai Unt mat. t iiji4ii Racantcr. i ivft ParujtT vab lub .to- - Uia 31F 41la T't ftr taiauT. L.1LW&", banvL. tirenadnMH, xpa.'.H'ta.Trfaaal bj Cara- Blrh Kb baat ba Ajnuo,St bbtanb. pusacrt from. Jupm Tarvait. iMmaan. Antarvrp. Pjxia. Ian Bi (aaal TbB tmittmi it Ujh lubi ITtvt 0. L. Cwamfrirahfa silKaec ifassria.wii. xdfe wsaai Arabtaa: Ittb Ira '.. tTbt!rbln VfaWta il, tath' &JC Sift B EUaffli-C- IJiar ' '4y f Bin StiT- - lwtr t'ATI.K A14XNE5L twt -- r by Bttt'.i:th iLim UM Baataeaa Hjr-- - lttlpblttaar Ltxtu fiHt mmd lAunnkj. fmm tit Stunsiuft. I tti tee otxaa race hefcretsr teu steomes Jftwyw. rm lib aMaja fbaWI a tuwiifiact utdui arat Japane!a xntbfinanaiTnuto. bcundeaTarbms MOLU&Tma; , DRESS GOODS. WHITE COLORD SILKS T Mb. I. wa bOt. (tf Afn ma msas ss au X tu aai MhriM. iftna m tftti jfltmMm VHl j'uirn anil mtmHti. xavmic ma zmagara to dcSEsrant part tba wricUl and ac-- aaal n- - a. itr of Htmhr(f few? af arai: raaara . tl. trfr tfam pwt Tiatbni it Imnrs af aach. atfier anil iff cradttad by tba Imperial &jvecnienfc. ijtiistant aavb D.al Hucaa. aaaaaalalUaala-- Ci.at--- Wllxl bzk. tfifi yr?wi !wwMtietuv?J-- , m taawmi fin: Fcxacfacg. Xha iw Caiomi Sataati. Ufaav UuUat, taBBd Stn XitWff tlte DaWtmurtar raftaiimt Hasarfcnt tbe Jaoinese Book Bindery Ml.r Oa otaajtajf fSaOt iraaaad u' aaaill. fiitarod tfeac (tea tf of .UtiAnal namnaaal FbaihHaV Har -- I , frwssnmL thamr at vJhok. tbe 3wvcaiitia-an-Tyn- I rj. aftate naWMil."! t lib naaii f aii- l- STEAMEJt miry, & w Ensiand. to 51m S Handbanbjria. LlKKLIRE tmi-jrt- Cattoa HandkTit. mttrf ap at 4Jg aVkeiu dm me nw fdunuat mtmy tnmc mere tof am tmaetn- - THE CHA3HPI0K Wcuara SatbaaaM ix. lBlTal sm tm Thtf Aouttoar SfoKcal mat ac t&a I- - X" Tabat Oaran. CUd Jt Craaac x. t JatA'tWUJn 3UM B laSl. : i itt &ror ment: MirstKSS. Eajna-amiS- Xafcubr praceeilto' ALVIN BASE5IANN Bhaa aaal Orajr Flunaaja. iTti.sn.irtii. ttin.tiSBitjt nBcifm conns Ififit Fmiay. 5txsmtas t aa. imuc-- E. Finer. lliitra, - . aMinMl- -. dMMaajtaaabjr aatrn af iba FateEibara; HiiewuL, aurrjiiiu wttn. M. aavaaaBaaaaji--.--i- t- - it?arTtrcr'jrAc; ft iC.Ttattm cn&uxTa In tftn tfc suctubr. t tea Vlctocia Broota Spool Cotton. daaa VWa ' teat Siti f tbababMbaiaii aaM 'a al qf tbe af Japan, fior axbibidnt tba lb.al. Batbarlas Iaarb. iaaaaiiia. BaA...- - ak-- Dl"UKllfBt1tt- "rf ."wly Tsaa izniciaiMaL axe rfr at Iim CttrUiBA. aaai afrit: baa ba a Albaaa In! daai ia anu iceesiiij auiraciKi au bihs Uh K.i - a. a-- r itoDTMtMl 3U2Uv;l - bottKTiitnral absrv to be babl at Sta FeteEsbnrs' ia Cht& LiiataMi. Faaex DraM Ooaaa. - m BlaaaarTTtb afca Catllliaa b baaa. raibaa. Pbaaau. latCnf aSMlitUUUaV IU.VIOEI. lit "3 la fcim KM. mil lll- May. Mr. H. gnu hh yrr Oaaaaa - laccB ftt memftias gutieifefe and TaJcnrt Tact to Paaaj Plwb. Raajataa SbirU. Waol Msna. CxiatbadT. 3lb aaai laaaaataal Hatatl tj all ' as staily Tatsnnaxy ptaencg. Has Upt'Betl a Book Bindery Aim Cfeaiilllaja aaCaaaJMaa' TbbdMabt TO35a3afttt?i. 9w frnMB VibX ami Coiofad Cottaa Shitta, lattoa.atb Iba at-- -. Bint anfttMOaWM TSftWBV aaoi-- ajaai all iE" "Cbw aumuonm TludL Sum &bn. cUtan nLa&t PBot itaafen. IadiallabtHTCuala. Cases and ia iaap aiaaaaaBaajaaa uaaiiia: an abbtaal Ciiiliiiilatnr. X caznata vatf ilmeiatT batdy to tba pidica Fire and aaaa Ui ij- aa-- IaM!.iaay. litotbm. an tbe onzntaf tba Clth. nibiv and Captain. Ex UICTTS BL ILPD't i id ttitw Jlbaamba: m Pfeter otfeta ggrwywL TTanstf x ifegA. rf stataHx-&aeui!- 3aB'a Wtnw. Bwwa aaal Cnaara.1 llatt Moaa. ?ftaT5l X7 aar Star MeJtmnoc Iba caned- - an. to 'ti ail lnnL- - Tf - bars tbe drifarof anodlec back.tumKnediaieiy I Ali- Hase. Haa's BaacVj Maala OotbiaaT. m tTrjtoM: lUfcatofWlMlltal'l .y tor ceraplainanlv Mta'i UaU. Blaa aaai Ora, Ham Btanbata, br R: mnm? over Tba TJook-Bindi- ng - STEALER EHUA3 a amain, a- macs sBt&ttne wnimrg fuses condttxiHi uf tba feTibrmf VTaolea Btaniats, all coiort. sian vajsjal. nu mxtT. ro.uiipiiATi, wt bim to asa Inngiaga 'vnnrn. was ?ery emEbatia,, - viQ ' l01IStl9tR. and, an a ceipieat benic made Sac Mtf ga?nff sn tbat Proof Velvet x..f" itr 'iatwirn,j--ii- r viae Iby KiTwil itntivv Burglar Yclrct Carpet, Knss, Tehet K..-- . - -- r tod HaaTMBaWWMrJb aJB)Bat t Pfemi 2aa Sanasca Srt tiia Smm. Sm tufHCifs aiwiif he H ' M Jt! aaM aili be farmd if ranted as xitnesBa. Odiciika 'p -j ka. thMperr an. chfl met- - amlsaxiea. Paper-Rulin- gi 10",!,f W:WbT tT iinpcttt bbbjbbb uaBBr- aaj aababal. Pabi az3vatf dfc j'aOttstrucssiagpeeiiailyiiH: ami Tapetry Door Jlats, Etr.ip uh tarn " tfai- -t tto UaU Maa. aman. an aer me iji r w ABTacaa f aadal V9fa4 t attt. yniucnij buxia. miijra u iiia.Tn.ni u. iic (cits ii ahu. toiaprflMi Ki?ai'.m fe UaaUMf ttoulilrr B.tnnila aaaxtiiaaBtrajaaafu rafnsed. mmsannn tba statvum-iaep- tbe Xisaiiae, PampkleU. I'atalosiies, Eajl- - lh dJfca"n bi Inptrlrl at .'Itaajaajaa ,T oat r - h" 3i e Sutantuni. sftatt and Ssrv HoftciiBs xzmtgf saint cm. biaTacFntaTarbnn and. lie likart Tth tUtt b tbrkiDti:n f d br (.Unt ! XhtUmbT tttrt-- - pcesw of tbe city to arezlnatmir panlitiuii. Keawt, Etc., Ete., rrawhtr RrslM HLrxasiiwi sits .jafamtsmc Itt A.SEasnaa.IiartgniHtuicti die ntara aot- SADDLERY lltfe Hm lopin"l inrar-a- i y aj.a trasiaui. Antaatsr at taa remit aa dim wsmttodbf x knartttaf . . Ami by liftwuaiiaa raui Mm bnrtni Mm com.-- LMimiL cu iraVr fOlil'Wa1 CaalMaa. Xaama- - Laaxbar A aaJD Latlr Th'fl. to tat't ttth nrj STSAMER 'MOKOLII'I dTW. aAuf tfamk&tTittry mf.brtrf tftn; maftsSXOt IkT as.aoini3im:onsanaf.ar' vaiceaaCKianstt. in Fall Aawftaatot of Gnrta. LkHm. Oirk' h PtbiIU Raaa SoaaUbaa. xma: ilU ii i iraii tirk. Utt.mto Ijfiicnnrt Tniarri!jn4f mina rTwtftfTn'y TrHfiflt aeW-B- SAFES! aati D'Arry- - Aiatoii) 4a H 'irp chtiii W.tahhr iairnair fffftgT afr? HLkTun ?--a A. JOCKtT S.VDDLES, Mar- lJi- pBssa au. omtas om pBper In tm (Un aM XM'xa itl ma-- llowblitt -- KB KM n!eceancd mi isjit nbsd ufeiier. ia at orainmr asti . X t M'-- t c Mirslt.H wf tXt tucrasj? floUM. M4 IU dniunteit ths tf a of puteros &ii may grre Huu sail vary dry, it u itaito Ionian t Bnflca. SoJdie Chaaaoat Skata. Fp! SD HK. it. TTveal ottaW of OaJiM Wtll xu Hy an .r mom-tii-- i tiB&etani a bnauHm- a Ulenilv mjra . - 11 Hi. twine ooijr ar Mm Hyyn IurtTi wtHnVrt- akaWnt imIc:'-i'- i -- .. a fftii a ana tba rainiiwt sputa m. tba adanda . irt MtMUl hy Um W j Dun V t fa. tae thrum .' nTmimita MM af 'ba. Atn !: Frtttayrr P M. GfIedgsSs if Tba wtiSif ara atrfl snot tbrvn. aranc to fack af Xaaataataawl brtbaCiaajawall aia Mat Sugar BAGS, 2x:.G; Coal IJAtSh", --a f tod atoH Xaty CWAna j Uaacjbrtrt. if cy-- " Artiai rain 'if rmiaT audit, a hiarr farahttt arbiftaavbr AatrrirsB aripw, fth bbatt1"11 asrnn Ijub Fcvliui- - by don. ttia Sraaas. s5sm, tba lint far 31.07 Xiry'nr.17 Stvtrua. Hriaar - am L' fey ijamt-- ear ia- :.aaaaai am I l UUlt 3.tmnria.7 ir domb. TKts rajmae-tzmes Soil. &. and. Mt r&acned Hiiii Cigars! Cigars! cVWaVa.nl caUaa WiiUpkSalaai a- fta Wilder fee . lf t. an ay aataii agaya w. ha?);, it uema a sin 1 ea soeiEt a. (pemfity tftJt Kt.Hu tram, tumatobiv to jjpeod x Tawrfve riav AUtaa: lm) ya mstwc fby ibtibbbi , aja aon af &a crsCTim? nnat nnnnnr besdfenc to tfea sea. 'veeiE. vary nosy Filter Press Bags, p;rj far aahm.lcaatltaaja!tot-fa .: jlc wuner&i amainc aarcae la W ! WWiilna wSt ? i WatHt Xaptt Sanier to ba vdL gmbabiy bnt irtflrriait ba bnifa dia- afl 1 ' ' LATEST FOREIGN HEWS sbw Tnri. mate bar to tiitiin. Hftr - iiaTiJtWtB, Ttlf "rl-- J aW5i UkA dTI xi.!J itftfll ' r ifTJo.. ! ',. 38m aania of fites- ttsea A NEW ENTERPRISE. City - tnex. isa tare tor tLimaiax ami wxenaa. 3C l a fan to v 1$ 22 OS. auafrr ' tttt-- i lay 'lab ' 4 iT 91 t awiaad m. ISotonfajr Vtr. $t& 1VJL gjyitjyr natzaa pifiea-a-Bi- st Uwc b badtxs. I. WILUii x Ss'oinethinsXejr : B. LfliDM. iW.ir-T- T 3ti- L- jjfumai mnirfnnw. E. F. Adams, Agent, antlin Ureat Ileiuaml riixKi rKt ti, , tttyiK Autixer a tba an.flba sccaaiotr tba Oxat bat BVft-f-- j 511, arms af lnatetatKtoba3bet3tttnprnTadb?b.tTanr .!. T II .. found, entertani-men- ?ir-- .M BtH KaaqwnT atenBcxT ttnne ausuSEiseii. at gerflimanca. Jfcftor Una of tba fi & lati. wm itiri v BSannl-tta- . E.aratIfc- - aa Tni tswe tbff pfccicnarbuK&itiaf tba &&3 exainiolto W. HINGLEY CO., ?; - wy hb " ba made aeazcii (br star and J. rcrv ttcn.ti.iiMi. aBI ryenitaiya- iaT. tbu mifBnir mic tbe jboot,. tbactby albmn: paienssrs to raCt oilv Watbicia by Ettmiic W djai atik WvUhKm Xtaa2- - ?&b mrHnsiiirtni at S3tnrtuom: nt irnfinc :mfc bacsfet, IhsckCsaattocz. aacma front tbe: bant fcuxdrrur batair xQ Grxadea , ilk try tao. tjfetem Titnant y.i mt fitrtnrtn af af Car Tb SAia aaaaV Fit (Xla aaa. n iarnm tTw tatatm. m$rtL2inr; amf tia anUs towp Iwymid tjwt xteraa. tna bidy bwer may an appiymg to oftfERsd to c&mb aver tba boras ami bnmneaan. TbaaaSatcabaatJtf af tba. 2aial ajaaBtlaBi af otbat an la tiry. jffc ta bt iaapmri SpccaiaUkr; (Lms PiHMBVBf iScniR CmeESf &nfinrs arribdanmaiiu. OricntsT titc Daputy 3Cazai- - aca af tba nsbt 5 t aaal aiaaai uxlaza ay iiKiwt ataisaa ;ifc alwMWwi JiIbbj faiMi TIMS TABLE OF &phtt; to Ac WfotH :ia a tfee bsad, f.k m MtM BrlTofr lr ktmy ifutkaia. STIAIM rfx Xanders fin: banifintt txeira mnia aarsa fc Tatfc by SpiiLtambttiiiMtsaniLSaatii. Snzuoitx. Xaa x tscb Xba Ernie sailed from Sana, to nt tbe RICE BAGS ASD TWCiE. aaai li Paaat ma aaai i apiediaa at tba Zntocur afioc at Haamar BUntrr, azzrrintx at tba bitter pixs Han-da- y, nmmjtc Tba fea.rrmir bids fiir dm Masen. Ifitiu At Exwxinat ba remained tfflltba Fine Havana nytiM Ttirit vms X. Brmaatie SJt; Wbitmnn CIGARS CALVANIZED BBfBl urorwi. af Wednesday- tbe P!th mat. Ha raa B4l KiBBBI . A and. Wngat a?nmtt 2P.-Lsxr- Ptttat faiHe Bltwrt"amt paleat'lUBrt Pmuxn MK frtnB flatit SpraganCtznaga Xjnnfagtoty to Hifo. rtnrn.-- til 2lv thirty 4j; INTEE-iSLAitD- "' fraii Sottairm ftciur shu tfcat lo&ar baa been, 4IHfc Jkniea a t&a Brrat-a- mitKanrbrtbammandwnxt i sen ifrtrxin ?aiC Thu bui f ant to Mafrq JHma an FruLif mnmrnj;. Ej ii&--f la ab( jTtr i fortr.t 1 'Mtf th razsfHBs aecepttd. Wi oav nmfo PSiULl. AnJtAS53C5T wtsfc COEEUGATED EOOFING aitf attf qifar. Xannfiictacy vaa Juinnaana nt nxs ptxraeaenafi x-- car a tfte dn-- smxnimf i Tmtan. "arliieit ttoeT anot n aaj. uoftwa wpaiy rttb ntncaimr. ami vftaza be arvaited t&a KTm .trtrnl an FndaT Ftafisr OAvana 4ait lanrxccat Linr TaHace Fa taa LYO at LSVBT JLCkmoiaaixafi EUSna ex obuofr-nu- t L Cip TerLctatBt Ualb. NAVIGATION von cnCHiZ avannnc; Then: be took puiicur- - tor natntu JtAaAeu. W an at nuaafaetacv a. rnbie laa. :. ft. baztkf. ill laasn. Sarawa a luln aeti'M?nt STEAM CO. M at snieaBtsxa. snaaed bia mask: jfM tfet ean3ste at awiea. as Lbita. cb. lmp.cs-- r Ctirju. ma Amt (uca dcrr ljra tba Encsd. xrsroi; and f wt at tfea jem xma dpijtetl nr dre ica and enst af Tbe saw hmffiF sent by tba nrera tbxt faa rn ttmnj etmrrtaVrrt Ait waat ia tft GAI.VAS1ZED w- - KIDOISO. enedtta UieiraiiTma. x rrba aaa ntmr by. m Ham fisr rtxsEnx cutnmaoiry bsr" npilei fllta9aa fcsnx esaHd inin. tba at rapaisatx. Hxtxix. :nni W ftr SALE OF LEASE .jiu TnnmaiMi man. wna fta sanfoaeuca .3.saauacart-b- jaaraatrr (L T. uyripnTnr; aztKinnc to benfta ito7it UafiH tt Taacnmplatad.eatba 9vraiaaa-faUtaae- y Fauee Tana. Soa. 1. . yifcL Utts. ByTrafof tfea an: t&i 13tfe mat. and tattiflfT fTnr7(niH v& wtU i".b h xcxif. Pin. inst- - It aeema tbat I&Grnbiunv aod sturr u .fKated ui .larf j(. bucsaaar aalaabaa taaaa Calf Iran BceUU. an aiaas at ah rur. stnrizcaia jia9i- tba bead carpenter; priac to pnttmc du-- tiie itxiz aUt Wiii Rie, Galr Gaialam t tbn hdditH Tint mt an tbe ttrtunnrs to straicnt-t- a baa aafet tannrcll-- a. Inaa Ibe Uaaanbla Baart of Ma Sfcmt-.PLAlSrTE- ftmdwH madn Block, Xo. 10S ZIngp St. .iiE3, l aactVaa Sticzmri.-- ox Tnftihieffi !n am unt bmjLi Tha 5w tba asntom of x mrt ao tbe bcaaaa af tba Brides 7bnnt bai&a-a- a Lincln TbiibiiI Iran Sinn'jaiai, a0 ihaa. aallaai. aa arr far aaJa. at aablk l brnxaa laicjiwnrat Ezcx. Otthtu vara opened as f al aai lar-- a atreat, OB and anm&ed and m sw dutnij ba tait-Hrfiiia- ; KcHfea, BatctlagE. at iat ' - ptsnafery SatH Ais5lfr-Iren- CoTetbj'Freat' aad"Bact Tea BATb. fiiMiiiaaVi prwciinnf tfta trciiici rf tba jptinesr wars aor tba fH&caaf tba- 30nlatsr af tfce Itttasaar ontftff toij scrirify Tien tiaa wijJ mtr can aart. ESn. mat. Tba ts.mpeuteci aa finflmF Gar-- tbmcaar tun a: zmrl TaieiiPfC Uy tfan twasnor fn nx nfc tfca Tan wmatamtae-ri- prscnncuieit Ton cne'arrsekAi TAVIXt! UUICK.SaUAHUHN TILBS 12th, next' Will iSifH'Keslifar Wr floss awt Karf 2yni Etimebim pa&aH braiimtotba ncict batmr. Is ar x randirbe J. W. HIMCLEY & Co., Saturday, April E. W. Bnzsa UH. nfta IUBM. S D Fr bis tefc: aa was be CJidJy 3Lcab. --Mr Wa. if. Marmitt. Ml P. T- eeespvob. it txs ( aayalHr .nates Honolulu at I p.m. on Ltotts. fXJBf!. Anitfcanc UC5- - T5n trader at tffee - Koncfuru, H. I. Guden Kaitect. lass Hail aad Chaita, At aa aric lfl unia. Brjpifian. wha nswenad h seat dnppuct-int- r braxwd. twaacauY aaer tbe- tbfsna- - E raa ((half ts ft lhr aOtr Snac aamwl vxx ami Tack b $m aab iaaVaac la Paib.Lga Staad, Iron Scsuao. yarljr a4vmr. SirSaAnrt?flcSi3Btsr aata-- a aBiansa at aca$m tA brnaqnt mbi ISm tor treatment. Tbe bridtfa : Hat LAWS raaW.Jaai.... atesiat Titb. at aaea. mwm pmen traTBL. ifi NOTICE Hfca and Ba, TXXSIS WflU, . . attaaiiakf."!"'V '''Martb Earntuut adazza, baa bn pat at ana osadf tor - Taaaaaa. iaa aairi to bes. at 1 C II O IU C "- Oatfceaj Botbttt, liaad Saitta, Wott Haattct . I ..-- X H x nuiiatjty imrapan bnap- -t ic. tf Bqasd. IJLPJUa Ki Via "i)iyii!'i A fltaai rrt.. frtiaj. tba iry mtsBst af a saiiceit tbat e tba if gnxntea BOfvH raaai tft Latoil Ravakaaax lease for Ten Years T-- it irTaaiaVi. Mairb ftklvaargingwfafa IWthmg and anccacy tba btwal. and de-- Amt rmi f lb Saattb. x man ofmedfest bimv ilBiv aaawnaaaraaaa. yn...ffa-ifr-- mr i aiieitaf a. Jurir nt r au sommrn m ulg rpizznLUZs nap siTZdci- - nai.ia. Of tbat UaalraM. Baiatllat :Lat. SLxjsa 1 An. acrwttnrai exuiatuit baa wiC . WwrnrrfhuE to tbe F. J. ba xataxneti x aantp n jaaanlbr aS aabmttt Crockery and Glassware, Loss. atisatatwment tfuanroezs. raimal au UM aIhivi: irtH a aa Arrios..aJ.t6j(jijK f orcszTvi an btmzn tba j'"Vr--f .iKmnit tor jobuiiuk. anmbaraf sacbsslliac Slttbaain Ttm cmaMc laiuta fiaba btr i t &a aeaaaiMHu Sltuao, 93 th Maaka tM of Klo Srct, wrrtaaa - crna tram mjand. 0 bic Hiritfcu. baaB tbanBt t&an&tBMr rrbaaa.Jaai.... . SxaaacmntandwrentCaf tba IIXTSOL Faacr Glaat Flmt Htaaia. fata Baakatavctt. Hanoi nln. TaaaaajJaav Ha--- and tba baa cetnmwd to Sca'"auL to Tna Graxt Emagtwa Ctmtav tftar IB. The Pitent aTa.i.a,rrMar rd Won m ba to deenfo 3ak x matter and 'if trftat anaatan faraantr aabiatBli aiaaaarr X.rrk A. nmteit at arxfiat ?hTaet tba. AnaCnium suwa. st - ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE, Mr. ltajaMa f lajaaaar r.b. It oney fntns m it oyiuaHiin-KEen.ea;iWt- JTba tost pertocsiUiaB st taw ctj- af tba Gfaat PORTLAfiD CEMENT flHE BRICKS tao Ut. Jr fedand and x wimbinari. team Cam IX. iaDjrcT-E- o-- I - Ensipaan Osana af trbscn. ZUmn Siarsun. rtsmiia9T to tiie Tbu Lot ha. a fraaiaa- af Htrbat aa Kla( aWaal. Ur If nWaTHTStTX Cl. aaUflfc a aa aca af rcwifa-dia- a amiuTpttv Jt. em aia&i- - Ilk aVatb af HI faat. caanalat: Oia afFefeoary mtftir aafticntTTtb. rwid axwaTby Steciaa ansas BoaCbacaxcc tba pfnprietociv x strtn; as tba 'at aaaaiantaat DonbFe Cttronoineter . Pfee Liar. Wktiac. Cbailk. Taftr. ajaara feat. .- -, asmiat to.er BT.HTE. fi Ua. - -- Xxidu&tntima. Ticaujd j 5,1- Xfecficy JUBTa Frafew .B5L aaaniBK af tba Rtfc matv an ftn srsnnda nraa&al :. BJtTE. baiWax. nl'a,tb' I.- - aair b. i.ayavr-- Gfit-- a, if m- macouw USIL 3tr be!UTmnc tba mji- oartTu.. Satnrdiiy mcitiitnuf SaStajiHtf at tba- tone af Ragbag! staxt and to ana af tbe: W3LK-JaCTl- axatfir mxn SuMzm. bmr tbe fmba&ty tiaadiri &aaatrt SafiFanulr wS teagsst anriiTflppa baa gaar been: jgiibersd RpoflTig tacmtfiitd aygfetdbrygf ba iagegienfcwaffign,bir j agand tfte perAirmanca aaanmg; nt-H-ii tbat Slates Ltaatxuul aad Haasb. Salt, JlvaS-.ixnjw- Guaxys-- J tbt-a- TO - p. Mies nt bnie .mti afiU azanasmFnto Six f wLLMuwufat&m. an x Ska aceaaum. m. tb atr. 72bin tba BI5IEA5IS CGflTGZ I2T - 1 vl- Leattt Eosslala trtzj Taeslay. at 3 n. Ik&exs inna Ammi 5mrfrv'4 bran. mnde. masmryaf tba oideatinna&tant. Tba nxtrndnC' Ttt air intt " ZISCS, PAUTTS AZ!T BOILED OILS for HawiliwilL Koloa. aad Waists. bndy. nt x&udt ba bods a eraEil at to-- 4 , T . , tocy paEtormarja. befifB tba npannxcaf tSut dears? CTDuniiviEO or7tt- - rrnt FOR EUROPE VIA NEW YORK tla , X rrtac toua-- f jr.twilhrjlHTtiy ,H raanaattd dwt l&aaiaa myrfitlk JJ-.SijtS- w AaaacLSif af x lcfc sirs rap T Ibl iVet sx JL l- - Baat WafaTabCir Kacai. EttaraiBg. IeT4 tend. ?' , tr rc fetfe? BiC. Bant aiid Safe Locks, saaaa and Cnwariam. fasmtfeand. nncn?ad, by 3fr Da x Itcdo-- vbn bur ra 3auaa AvatiK. ncalM bwra rwOn-c- ftnr aan. grancgen "P-p- e tiav - bietot-ivr- SatartUjr Efentoff. self to bnin-- . "Eife anri!JLiLgi!. tobi t teiyta itnijiiia. ftiiLrr iM.rfhiraift Ifeti ftT Tbs Coctscst i a- auiaesx J4ipwaaiaa pam. Tt WnaadaiwHtvaatfAe.nMEMa.i a AmericaH .fMHtrirr r EaRaniE!S3 vara taaas Ctznn tbxa tbe aoswu faf tfiia garftafiiianrg 734 x afcnal fisrjiTitT one to Oncktnut Tfct use Englhh, Ilairaiian Flags ..j, modalimai up by a sll fitot cavdti arftnC i to tbe baac aff aten ?7Tg &US WOCSaW fr 1 Maaaaaaa.ato gmgii wxi mail ilMU. UiR JBJmtu ia JVC ?or par&aierMrpij on c . AFQ9C'. Tbe nanat and ahant . IL. Winecua. raa safz7 smfomnsd cmf afnair IJVjli. 1, aaal 7 lesgtfc. feI4IWlnnii.'ttuin.ta4M,tonajf3?? tnatfuurRm- - aq j rflrorWiaa tofcan. fccxartl J With I.erplT.iis i, jaita (IAiSi paper pasRpKctir nafaintix anil atber did- - I CUNAIED LINE Oimr. Jl mpnwenbnff x So 0aWL tba tor f lazn. ont3t at r p.m. nxTn recex7ett i.aaaaaaay ?, Campaof jammniiitirf i . part atter JStav The S&mtairaslfazniir ba U. sed tent uua far or&zi Tad arraa imj telSaa; tba cttaairfic- - COTTAGE TO LET. TOPSAIL SHEET CHAINS atabllshod 1840. ItltKll apecx Bca&ana, Fab. ntfL ttta i Fjsancaci crfb-iJis- Thamrkf, 3 p. tf;, tfoar afaaon at 3, itoa same at noraitEKrKur aag&rjmriiisi. &ecxji3x. lS'ftzzd.&VlfaivXa Erati Tbba Learet Honolala erery si SO fJClC-VTK- Utklacararswt Timrnut aczf. and: aat aa axswair ampoae. aabbx and S jtwaragg gaasmgnra. ritff mafti. nwnc asasgrrnraa isaru jataca, ear tc Kllaaea. Htbiralae. ZTsa Tbesa-w- a amfiegea: mefewHfec f lbs itr pr-t- aSaAnt for Xapaa at crKth fdy and x exnzfaf amirir ta and bananatf raftuadat astsnt of tba dxcmt bat! madia TitJt to tba: THAT it mo( to We. Two Saibngb Every Week. and smte. taBM- - Anraucic tbime van tonicdecaSirB nrtri Enrwir. ntoat-- 4 StftoMf Mtvtt itoirt Ajss Eaaai rrery MotUr. at 4 p, ia arf ?se aamonn cxznaea anted tbe ftrset so. wbfeb awetittirattiifittoiibt. i Sv flnr if tf Tmsiaa. laipfa Iwfc'tfai nut t.ivi:ui'ooi. TJbr S AantznL baa lawn ufaanwaii tba tbe mam enrcmca waa ssxatn! fiendnf atitfy to frt a tff Umfly. faff Powell Dnfiryn Steam Coal beta fiic a antftMiM. wttcBna Pr-- : Wottaduj, wjn itfantzecnda; J Siniilxinti J.CfctBit.rta an fttxxsf ate onnftirt or parssna xrrrTnuz aan. naarsmc, a !TLurr7r PwHrex. 3St fork tttry snort season, to cetnm. to SrowCain; nrrftOriTGaUT. Simple and Reliable .ajar .laatantiy Tne aanrain tursoia brwt Thiirtwa baa xraaad acast Tba. naegmjr'.i gagiknnaaca xu ennniancEii by fMuiii jtaatntf. yti SXSrtVTHZiPI, IDOS BEIKfTKibfi, From Baton atLvHait grnxtawta Vjeaien jmt Mat. Taint Siennaa mtniiincinn; to tbe andianca and. Jnnnsf ba !ClirHuiHraby tfca arfaa n eta tsth- nnoay steIsship coapjuiT EXGLfhll LKATlIKi: HELTISO, Z la It: T3L abaXa . fcru bar famed ffrfnrar.ii EarMyTT amf ATnazS. Tfla Aiinniatw aaa jnmy OKeuniiaia Tl.. aT4.raai lkaF.a .v .1 af PinncliirL RATES OF PASSAGES Stmr. C. BISHOP TTiimmy" Tbo- vaea put titzanqn-- tbexr nxanaarazx Combination Locks !?ia:n'mrS1lJt S5rt'ei3ta,1l:33Srrwiar vx&orC Oaba naamc, anally l - tbe uiiHiiirf tbat BdSBH total aa ma. eammence mars maacanan at bofms, atappmtand ttstm fMblM anil f I'alH rstarn ana and. Mn. Sfcexmnn; Eiydo'-fnitofi- a For San Francisco. 9.f cnniaQiantaa mnnix totvfche bmaes mnsnrof FLOOR OILCLOTHS iwaraaiajtt. rt'j Traz. Ee axTt iMt tts ma m. aay Sola bed." Tba ifpemlU ' ' VaiBWlnlMlii. &.TW ,&ntni fjanitnrwt, m r l?at parm Leara Eaaulflla Tan bang.tlJwTa wiK rayT binr anfc ampta" fawE tori wtocfi. tfeeaw few nrw jgns, tbxmazn:T& TTt. KCTXUX V iWKAMg TBaJaJI.. Zbtaeslrf 3' QrasraafcttL - aza may ft azpecxafi ama EVEK HAUZ.I for KalraiSiife, EassktSi had PaasJiax St mcncis l zanint. :a is (gapfarniaixaatciferfai mSavsBSj-vaabttxcnp- , ftiVrraic . -- J "Ut nr Thit eetommac imn'n, ltWtocn ansmd at tan onxdt apaca to aVtad. tbat tbat ean-- -- ff.4-t STEEL KAILS, fail'm. aa-- aaaarid aa aa taralaar, arrlTW at Esartuifl frtry Swdsf & .aaaai' ..'aa. 7.u-'h.- a. . X lirWAmrf. 2U fawn Tmra brnns nawaCx praacxf ba sanl tbat tba ambenoe bicbly b. w 1.1,1 a Wl ajii.ar m ,. Eba jGnxicaaf V Gaiutk tst -r aaktaJia Hi Mom tag. awvanbnrrnstna7bicba9ecc aver tba aajnnian. tbaotoricrMajnrC. piosael ant! tesnned. tuacr aoptanatihn: face iaVe; Mt. Lavieba. Mb aad Mb t- Taial. Has rraaclaaa. nt JUalbfaba-anaabn- tbe Qfi. if Feura&x? burcbnc to dnr lUUc Tna Ttrfria x deatrx to baaptntnJaiArTTa-ifiisril- ermCnned. apnlanaa. XSartbtbotNrbrbi. ta-- t fw iaiU Mtr.aif7 irHlntVaaajtaayr J A titxtaiiCfc. jttrrrn. raSiirti o aimnianeed- - ma xxaxx sar znvammesc m. am ti if mtarr onccz. at enncneta iam X&CbJiAaciao3'aa stsatBi tosctsraraziti aattntf anaf M baatraawat Pish Piatea. BoJts and Nuts, onK)fiit'MeNMtar Jtac f --r and u2wr tba nsfCxxai, deaxuades- - depamnenr. toodecf bs3m.x braat enOsd. toe e ptf5Ttmed ary tSfflcut IWt an tbe rfairfc yasiy ! B. BBtrWTI d .. r I tZ at pxec CITY OF SY D X E Y WMlfcma yacfebaa; fa.1 1bie 1. aam VttoI frraaa. Tart rHat-Wbatf- . 't 'aastv fismx majaarmnamcs far tba xidinct tvuasea pnle. ana at cmex timdfcldavd, jaaja Btir.st nnutn ro nxTCit Baiaflaa Ba twiba ,.,", axacranr bmTiiimx mnla ttit-T- BUEEOIU. rodlJJDtt. T fiaa been dbndad'to bnid nt frnnifet nt tba aftannines af castsv aasn&fbnt? bnF acst r and arjocntt x iwa bj nuwt etmmanibiftie. and TIX LH1E R3I5tHJS ffiS 11 RUlOICa OTTB HORSE-POWE- R r...-.,-- f- dmCBl dny BtaaaSna: next. an. Qirzaiiiiniil actus aamavfimr mxs&nb TaIDsraaaabractlerx WitatramZHar aaal flbr " fc SIX Saatv m fiaaa AaalraHa. Saw aMatavf E'."iE3.3aCt of yac bAMt btruusi mdnC br j aaaaatarTT I a IOE3 ExbnntScn. Tbw axbilntsimj wilL tur ander tbe baa tacsTud.osibaa'vaxrfairbKb ry .tottowad smb. x parcsano? ct vtucb tba- 9n HaaXij 4 13. avaMaWlala Tb. aaait Ua iiaaaaM Itiatiait U-.tt- madit- at asitU cnl faaHMV. ninaagu Haaat xampamnt tba Bdyai Sneiry if Xrat and Scocna bava nnnnsr tontber n.Tfry, uf JuriLaf m ci ao t Ikraaa :faaaafraaa. br tt'ez--r STD5EY AUCEXA2TD ! aaata tba tiatiara BaMJaaji aratt4aeanat. and araryaitiirt ut tuono; mada to nuuca tba tbnnr m anr totanti ny are to the torn. lata BsmpUabmimC tf vaoona gynftwntf by tbe. I0B. TIA Wlaa ct aa--a 'fc; POBTABIX ENGINE jaf t. IMIPfilAs JlHt UF. a ajffrpabw. lgT:tSmM tbg.tn bmtberra feet gmfing witb tba ynmrgstttr tnramg anMiaWfawat MILK. I mm rnwabMavbait o 4 cone at &tar Zatiund tbat w cfae annrn ofsbfr aaal lab atVf 2aa aK ( ataUsar M fn n Ifarar -j- paratsmiI.- it xdimtua annmarxuStcsntanntobzaptctiMpafEa. aaf 3tfZ. ua IWBHE-KiWK- csiAaatrctttWaanir Tlur tba. Tnnrndffli apnrm. Tiiz.ri.r3ntTt nx.MJixntr tfCI, IrtOi T1IKEK B Yayb wdl igiaTtpfa arsfciite. apiasa Tbaa pnttscn af tba purfnTTaanea annc bemnctor aViaaaaK - IBaartHwOtaaaj. 9aa gjfttfrjtarT aa Fnnrx PnM'TTtM?TT' ftinr prsiw. ai batuaaaaaaanalrM' lOa?Hfi- attf, Frmfr iraa bender &B5B inygawa to tba BtiTa IiatfaXStSif gbaagttLaar! ta Cream Suloom ffiti-np- fTpufTfTf fgbKnmf cpbint at tb iSrst ntra Ice If CbLiiilidayx.niaftiiHig at aaweatt tomfeSmr aaxbarnntatLaaxbf &a mnra cleas-- AUSTRALIAr.ncnr. ltbWautaCirflfctW2nnnniE p3Bw mav Sfc tegrmaa.a4OTrm6ritocai bsatrjexflcraa cosmjoa VERTICAL ENGINE i. ijciin dsji aftrfiy Smtss .Eatonnarat d - - Ob or abfftit 22, 1884, Prfew that Wcfj Compffjtion ! and Paint Oil. tr&- - Tag nnrag agaetred. to toe araiyia af x Harch It &t! e. &c. Paints ranaa.anitnyTKarratfagacnngtngartRi. to tfctf cisirxanda vnieb, micCfy pfeaaftf t. aaut aa TIIKMK .injitnianitordcfccbtanil want aH tpHBt darra. Exapmr Bstfa fiufa am jnpAt far stri ZmtAtr. V9S FfXr; WXK Of 0)OJ). Ecarm ynmc t tba yroncBtara and efeLtbrar at TMSU. H. DA, IB1 .o 'at-f- Ta mil- - Traem:isnIhbdtnt&t3laai3amaTiffiii: ftceniJH taut EVtXTZtVB t0 rJcaaSt. ,. a , Off ritmann and base many anuasii slwbuse- aaaa-awia-r at f rrf. M. maanrr wfc THaV claom nnc iuii iaib man. ana va enrnint nt bxttdnasnffrd Cm nt fa wa..iat laay aaj afaYW Va aSaavsat tii.ataa'at taj!tsiW-tKiri- a hnn anil jiri beri!. afMyati bza majtf-- r' anormasdifc Kr.SmtXrXpo- lar aa"JHIl ajrtnssEfieif- - TnaOunannra; AtDTra. rrav f .rtvarxr. - aiaat r0 TaatV ba at at af GEORGE Lv BABCOCK. 'aaaaa alumlarjtaTitluaa.- tb JMarsaaarea- IV fcarnil aaaatia. rV lflUv jacr i Ottuaal t'ai Hemp Flax Canvas, t. ttta-B- - I trr-i-irrMal- a uaf and - SSsSaaidiSnS!:ttetajriaBmcav wit fcpaarf te Sra ffrasoicii 6y arfttTmoarateaasaoCTaaalSaz r. K. r. XOiJlft imi.iI TMK IH.H5H1 raaMMjaJg-;!!-- StUvU !ToSlcxr3l.3C?,ia.aiO :CoartOa A AbMlfaTilliNT. IN JI()JfJCllt ajPIW-- F IK lHte TitieU tit Ota Triswiwi aa Etlirra, i,tr aw Him Jot, I X aalMlraoHbll'bMaarar 3TiSm.-ftSiTf- twaHinftait ta atUcoa: '. XaaaBF TS atasT of ffia arcOTaa ami - cx aitttiaS2t pcustT abas tan p fxmxat t T tftaatt rwtMrt iTr f.in -- - - . a .. ,. , gnaa-maml--ri , . .... Cut XiaBrttaig-arti- oI JFftB SIi5THE KflfCSD TBrP. I SUahlcaee. Xca. tttttxct a n . . -- . - ct Ilafrr Ba(( BtKtaai tutat m gwgMaaK a'l"'aJ'.a.t.'',.t.-- '""' a.

'Hi, fc aaf g " 1 f . ,.. ...,j. taaMBllfe MJ t df BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBValaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaaaHaHaaaaaaaaaaaaHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHHalaaalaaaaaaaaaaaaaa "Il "O tHii)9bart( V

jVriwj thai the caf-tta- ot Uu Kinp.V to rtaUtsh rtt tl Mreets tt 1 tittln awl Bl ikHWtn, j i)airamm (gazette. L6lvfeTnfd tv(tm iwswtt otK.ln shwthl Rol b Kvsgvr Ttxthoat ob, avroca .bttd acd over aal wwiu overy fv ot Se MUteH HHn rt k STT JC, Y, W t A 3 "ioitt ,i C lRSrw.x etcdattca s vt saU-MWdi- t a .illj . 1 iu . tvrtajnv rwpwUvUly If SELECTION OF OTSKTCSKXY. XAKCK M.. ISM jwsseufek 1 rjul A CHOICE tis. sasd JoJwx Bask a Wt ta ti lb i)ttMi l a.lwwlo 4 CHrt AsSawfa for tajWlt, aad ay oth4 who uwit tcso the-- Iintter vt Ihe later Ud ivwer to v n N lb. nn. liEi IS! X. Surra t ti Kaui tsse t lavEraltr- - ct!e with whwer iworjvwtod hw male h pant, it wxmkl lv an wt In thwc casif will be fomad aipl wd it Rwr or to Uy Wa traawy util trsotdiaary. unwwl mmI xaecwleivtol cvMhixe-- BHlhwily to fhow thai wt wh life "Sj.wHwaejf' Jew 3Ss l?ca. "tUaMttf nut cars ft tho cvawyaatw of j.ra$Trrs. mat. whiefe oflvfet to ,1 ttJHi j wr,fc R, nro TOniaieUn tJw n? ttte ia this city ot llcswhtht l rahuhk wtwUwh the fa qnotod. ran to th MlWr feufw. to Uw niWlf iwh, sin Ik rf- - o U adtawWSjjv twvift ci jw which risal watatv to nv Tho nght N8ljlitllto lv cwtrjttl U per UielnierHMr therj;M to jrtanl lh tnw consslstnns plaia svmv 1 - 1WC VWKVV V5 a gwausj jvca tait a syrsofRw ot a jjfaral fr jvtaal. Ivoae uwe ewexl for ehe which he nonchl l jrrsoi by M hi- 4ifc a tews. Se acl)Hsist siwt to ia tHs niy. I tract aal asrwtacaUTU; dtscx'fitwmejiee, W MehWTe Ivwmse, (er ot Juw IH 1SNI ni tn3T a. fully ewrefced, Xiaces, .Embroideries, ix suaaKtwa. AH the facts ia. & ras ttST if m tWt ivrs cxmM , o wmmmlwy the cotwlittiUon. nwt Hw k LA saw ivt Uto- ttaiwialiej?. Xhat k wvpow to lay jlroel railway eAWseuUrrlt. ,tew to vnvtlondlhirillrsJb TriEixnixigs Tidies, Akis aw cvatewwy. Hiv iiK13eu.T OnitM?!.' twins. Ikaw &x SNiaFnawcv by Uw wail assd rtw cars upon wch stiveb t The wtWnty of tw Mitor ot the 1 nwl acl ot tho lesUkdnr. I Rn.J m . rsair tm im t&.v-i- jtcaajv-- sekoted TV to gvast - yay sat tfaf facts rwi it aww hK. sal &aH taalv Uto rcwrat a MKw; cotoawiBce tewr . right wt t any ewwtowt which lUiink toald iraUwriM Ittf S5i.t F? JPans, th fcwnl at vt where slatHle. Satchels, in weick jit (fertwVst.bsjUL tiif. root Mioat Fort in the Rrwd ot tm raxiy tronchfeie Crtildrgns as? eaa wvtv ni3L otk tbwWc5aer stwri ap to Kultti ttvl Uwnw Kmvs OaccuumwtholHlso4driMrA To obtain nwha grunt I think rwwiimwt Dresses 1 iUI iaWCoSSWSta2laaWr XoAxvtW ttfcsr U N sir. vcivt Kului siiwt to Nansatt s4rwt. 1m aloey xim I cn anil whwii wW jBlWy tv Ivhatltethp lelatnrtv The gBUn ML i as Srikw otxvtwat svrvasL lVtvtaata slrtvt txvai Fort sltwl to Nna MppwcAl to MlKmw mwJi w. r fwh a right 1 think might wlllvvet. k It aau siroet, thvace ah's Xuaanu street Svtw ik U aad IK? of the Ctt Oxle. rd with theKinjr in Wty LVuwil whew 5a?7ra CmK rf ti Kw2s. the- - U80RTBD STOPF iCA Xhat Ui iVva2ast avxordicjT towaribt I'ah.alxi alottjrKiasstTTvt Sxtvaisy; lth lv tW dHty Reh cwvlllkw nmM lv Mtwhed And Jagcg-"E- . road to Wal Ayft'UIGLUBmL. 3xtfc3!jr. i treat bejw.l the tahtt l'rbca ot the Minuter ot the Interior to hate a peeiBenUm roinlrwl ( wwH Qataaas X. Gauo:iatr.1&j.-tsb-: r Is Srt. prtxJltvSxal'tstaetcv asvliccsrml wh th I jrejtf h cvaawcof at & wau&wbi Mjvaw ia U jttrcbas vf lib. It t ul cadcraUo thUyinj: sutvrvfewn over the internal at Vr the rewmAv cf it not opiti!Its m 11 evtanfc 5f Itt2ieb.Ki assl Kisxiri siRrtsv auWrtal ca fvc tist pf th vt rad sunl ruaawjc car oalVnrtaaia fair td the Kiugdeau. to ttuthtuliy , wwM Iwve been nwler Ihe Wlet ot Junn wiH al pwjyw strwt. bat if this docidvd uxax, dt rvv iatparUally Mwnto the dnbeeal , ho-Ttr 3jjjiSaTvtenfqctoi Hat i aigted ly sotli. Hats, Btprn if-- JwOm -- jvc issrext aw Uco will gixwt Ivlotv the vapirstioo of law to mtw-wta- Beaver tif rvui ssvriovc W wWcfew wift srr Ssc ttef pctcpoe of safifriatifolic b hi ilevaxtowttl. The .lefewknt ay he ha &. lv.wa uw x moavaik auonvtu a wvu as ot any inxtwa la say : The smiI Minttr. by Jnrgt, nn ot money nivn the failKot UmI taw Baawrakw X ritsw tke isrur of sacii tiaaxars. avtiay tx Peathers and 16311? &f bweue tt? lv Sir. jvacat apoa tfc bebtff that h u rvfrrty other street or nvl it taay tlocidod to and with the thorjlr ot the Kr n! letter Itsvit bin wifortnn.thHRHT - OiWnet power Jat&t? vt tax- Saaraa CVori br th sail Joba Bsjh. by roacarpo. lweil shH have to lee, , lv he has a claim for iL ily thai let aatiravi 3i iaU-e.- lay siaj:k ht Plowers, 3ts- - at jisks.-- Ivor EiMwrt HsxHx kfc ktttrc cf fi thirtivti rtay of Jaao laL It i at psat to a sell or herwo dpe ot the pWie ter there was in emv socnml to him a ha ot rad oaly, throe Iwt aad w inches awl other property, ui wsh Uw omit Jti'anar.T. vvar enMc t3LtrkvT G& JlsjA tW wtifcdtzt. acting Bva the ss kad winner nntwnal franchise, mIiw t f gaapiv the cars to be drawn by horso or a he way hvm Ivst for the prww4k ot j whwh, ' Wi" SoiwMit. nfrjrevtfaEfr rtfgtvt-gafc- caa-w- l ti t&j U rt it wwnM eem. might haw led him Received ex Mariposn," Xo hel. ts&.zsl ta axttfe oaly; eo- - KxoasoUtv vrill kjoA the general the Just taac br t-- K- - 3fafT3ka?Sfflrwi&-laararr.a-a! orr Oasts X Gvxkx. titird pvrara vii of tla plaKstiff" sakl btU lv jgncultHre and weiten ot to greater caution Uan ho wen to hat - snl-iec- tj f Iz-tac- 3Iaaiire-- Sheuki the aprltcatioa ot cotapivssovl Xingdocu, however, to 3fiafc4-tf- few te. Haxis to Mcvtvirwl ocwiUl to tl 4aia-t- t seh re exereWetl.lvforemalinirse groat rapemt at sair. K aal air oc eWctrtcity y coasjvlctvd avUisaliJo, strictiuH as may trow Ume to tawe be ea W : tfac tat rf wmghwi aai A&tX tiu iVfvcdtat abnit that h itHre Opened Inspection at pcvinat. aatc Ctfart. SESKtaywvri: aasi tKoiirr jtvaal See saai feal pxxl sail this will! ansattirr tivrcv6hlAatioAnUi ixrtlwovnWbyhjw The other ami facU plead A saS - AnOow for if &K-t- ta Joha.th the thea ifiaistor the latcrior. by bectMH sys- The ot the ium! fnc-- That itw tawr a iwssetl a:iin. WEjvew of hjtscraS traat cwitt aaasontr to th jvrsaisjK-- a d tv lb Muutr ,imt.l. thongh jwper a evidence in tr - waT-jfc- at arbitration neo1 shall W 3& HMk &Iriixft-pni- lltvr&VKbitro&IaTia va "& kfe it Interier and t herely chnrgnl the ease, are not slvckdly impirtant in 3Baicf roataiuid sail Wstr of Use tHrtiHa Althoogh at pnrsoat oaly a single line ' - :.. SoianiaT AisirsiSjlh. aa Tut-li- ar (JitT of Joskv b iVnws that th earrr with the sHponaleodenee ami manage deciding it mt tfcf Ktclt fc iwtiTvtt t!at L-o- 4 oat of tlwalsail aaikrtaiia roalil ot rail will be laid with theaocosowry meat ot the internal UMprevetnente of the The plaintiff in thia case sought to a. M. MELLIS'. odfrrwJ Ffowwr&r ior taraoats. still it the txa&o shows that the he may. with the approval bx ilr. w act Uti a hMS cvatoapt of th plaiatifT Rght a snl dnce the defemlant to submit the ronton - paNie wwikl tv better serwd aol aceota ot the King m I'nvy iVnnetl. apjviat nn 1 5 He 3IayV Jliabt- of th Iatertcr. to vorT to the King in Privy Conned, which - lice, 2& cocanreice- vtk. at wroeoc coatrvA cxxiaieil by a doable that xrill bo laul iuacT. 10 ty n,iwi tne onpenwemient ot me ilefendaat refnsed t do. ' sat sail stwrts or that th saaw capiratioa - 101 PGHT STBEET. ami teJb-o- - wifeat ttas kragrimi. tbfevrweof as&t lxa;SJti?wi it necessary before the ot the Public works to assist htm in the lis- tnereaneron Angnst 3" ami Jk, Um rcnit Krf trft wvaiiK1 arWaiica ol cthtrr iaNk aa.1 allowed for pnxato Hb-itsrty- tisie the cvastrotioa ot the charge ot th. branch ot his dnties. defendant addressed lotler tothe pJaintifT - rals. or 1fetxwtiT of Open 8 P. 2L During- IIolidsYs. Iiaii? tSIwcwr.feir.t Hr Tocro&vS-- road, oacept ia those streets or portioa ot These section do not stnthoriae the by which, in the letter of Angnst 21. he S. 1, Store tifl He hiAway, or fceilxial toth streets iat $c Vc icw ya: evcssaixtvi! 351X Jiaity of th law. or a awaaos to th rather Barrow for a iloable tract grant ot such a right iwoivee to erect a street railwnv. which vo; aw - la fact orvrythiaj: will U doao that the The deanttton ot franchise by Bouvter, might, it mar tv, prove beneficial to the iMaaau tiboo. jraro; wt't- pbitir jvacw. rijrht -- t ymnuA-JL- Eil eajrineer coasSder aad vtvperfor a privilege conferred by grant trow public, t yafc. afcgg ami thrjggk Tarawa SiErwm Orvrt r t Kwmlfi-- I?L3d- thte iWfcoiint farlhr b , but, in tho letter of Angnat St, ho aiattae the coaifort aad coatvasccco ot the people. the overnBent and veteil in iatfivwhuife. , .(ill nUinu ., .; ll ih f.-K- ;. STfv- Bt van- CZET oc .uitfiii. ii agn ar saith thai hv ulrtftxl acd be!ior that , The rail will belaid ia the crater of The nght to ojvrate raibvwl are such which are secured to by loo. Ducuuei X. (.trtA-K- or Lv sbonbl th phmtiflT uocwl ia pommUm: him letter ot - ilcuxii rst the streets. a sear as may K acd it will fracchie and can only be granted by the V I !!- T;fCK raawairHorsvfc iuunsjHCv- s vct ranrtcj out n sani June The defemlant further say that Tsaxs. ts. Httiux - cot be ceeessary at acy poiat to interfere See. 15; 11 - ttnirtaiitr.urtiiaaeeordiag to thV jratswa government 3,Paie. X Who- tran.niittel to the plaintiff through - with the free passage of xvhicks ot any CtvJoy taw traipucoaott rf jttss?co sal ita- K ieah tta. fey tib Gno; of Go. "f tk iaatod a afocvsaaL th Hawaiian Got o0t: oal'onshMtiulial Ltaritatinas. iua Jlnjesty. a proposed contract which HanraiKLE. - g will bu rvspcaaN bad. pp. 27B. 2?A 1S6. M. SXV w. not returned to him ami that soon E - , . & Liiai- irB3t k aal tothb the mere crowded ot the i aS SLv ?W TSaS jaai WiSia Bhwjw. Xv "Wtttnx ks UKfjeadaat fcr daaiagvs statairnl by hiat Ia , ivrtioos. Yhat are known as the nrfee railway thereafter ho received' copy ot n pxopoKed Fistcwkt attoca?. route-- the work will lv iKiae at aij;ht ox cases, in the tato ot New York, are lead- ooocr- - essis.c&. avtrts- and aB ota-- ia coacviHwoee thsrreof. contract which the defendant declined to r . I .1 tt. i Lll eaxlr awraic:, so as not to interfere with ing cases on the matters involved in this sign. acs3,or mri'Tg m ais ssumc ax aibaitstht. tree passage ot vehicles. j?mot ffi?rvvl $.t the rf & aaefefotj-- . accohziaW'vit& aiWgatio&i coctaiced th Ixfth. the cax anl those cases all hoM. aad It w not nroved that thisnarieTwas nro grwtfiyila a trai ia MCOStV - no well considered case can be found pared by thephnntifforwilh hi concur- - pcavr utabfll tit- - okj ii--- stiih aad of th said ee.bt The rail used will uot lv ucder oiht- - against theta. that the gnutUa ot a ronce. ts qnotoil at largo. Ami from a3SK SLtti WTSoBtPSovvrOWw" tE.tke-- ' txB. eea poonds per yard, where It by X,uA Xkat wvU aad neoessarr. street nulway rranrhise 0 v4ed in the tne tact mat 11 propose tnat a term 00 CoKt CiariX. Gafcct 3EBtflrof tW ckiatii? lcox heavier rait, will be esiployoi.1. t Intifcwr; and at tit ttaw of the tihng of his said Thev wil sunt nrast tv tbreetly or indt axevl for the continuance at tho fmnchiso, be laid noh with the streets, and a rectly nuale by featiumdo-tnihx- jri are- - coamojOfViL of coaralaiat wvU ia the legislature. Those it admits to exist all tho other l j,- is ".dteiQW lent uu&r stfktva bill bw. that thb proper aad wvrfaaaalike asaaaer. PaejaBjBjBj" airr a tiw Cosrt lit tu & kSd th sisd Wttifr of th thir cases bold, as has been kJd in Kwgkml in tho letter ot Juno 311 The. ex- mar ""fir wiu 01 tae tamUMBf a.' . cict-snt- rt ot Jos-- loecars tv Araencan and ia most ot Ihe Tutted Slates that a clusive nature ot the franchise is conceded. isjvwot fcm cotTii'iiyc of tife writ, t afcbofat4JU.M! twtttday of Acd thk dfvadaat type, ami some already wajfc ae a.infaoiL farm, claim to hare Ivea lt ordered franchise to operate a surface nulway The whole matter hinges upon tho legal pdjycftlgsrisEilfesi aa alats. aar act of AtacBoii ahtttts that W dva Mler trust a leading- baiMer ia Saa Franciscoi "n- - tbfimiaai imsmtM-iaxX- T - t haiw W.S to ciairavd where the ratk are flush with the streets, vnMtlity of tho letter ot Jnno 9U. ?ftscasi etfeer ai?rfrsj;tt- witi. tit? 4eao? of th th stated tv br the The car, sunset, will carry trim. eaauc ac-- Jfiac-i- w s th- after the and the cars drawn by hoces upon tracks The views have stated load mo to grant t..xc ?mi ssw? of cftr of Eo&AiIit or sawiri. tfefvudutt ia - euAth paragraph of thr usual light., ot street I Xf hoc from other sajdbtll railway cars. which can lv used by other ehieles, it the permanent injunction prnveil for in IsStax. aaf y!csoa sod. frvm. anr act of eoctractioa t&vca Bridge wiU be provided c hhvis for proper duly granted by the lerislatare. t nut ia the iJamtifTs or titjrtftaxj.'f ozj inc. cr tfth."c traciaj-o- Ta& Ikit. oa th lith day of Aacot bill. ia-s- - protectioa ot the are hose ia case ot are ordinary AV rrnjitC2ir or bgwaaag gaal ajfcmiaab riff-vHil- lass, consistent with the use of the Cmrene" Ash ford for plaintilt I SBLIi f stet r aaj- eairr irfocC'air .f thb defrsdint rewired a letter froci Should aav matter arise, not mentioned conitnuH: sac& "rtintiff" vs. tho- words and public streets, if reasonaMy exerosed. and Messr. hl. IVston ami Cecil Brown for jmt jraajsiiwar.cr soi sSwtj. irita. ti iataS parftf tW aar or provided tor thia. meruorandoto, pact or cucsmk of tnatvaj is. of corwwctwrgr act wtta.ai . to ia they that those who border on the streets are defendant so? aaj aaxsck tb far kwi. that sty: shall be arranged hereafter agreemeat entitled to '.y iJwnir sfcsttjfe.ecaay sfawt of onfcr of tkfc CoaaA Lmswa. ) br cot receive compontatioB as Honolulu. Sept. ltt. 1SS1 aja tfor DmmcoTorm betweeathe Interior - sial CTCrcf - 1SSJL ) ICaisJerot the and for luvperty taken under the right ot em- WATCHES aafuK;ak- Wttef tL? Htc.rabi-- Bssxuus H. Hosotrxr. Aojast IL the engineer charge of the wore. Acsiej. Jjfc&tf- of the Sapreat at Mr Wx FtowrircT, Hawaiian Hot?l -- ia Ctt 1V to The boudiasrs aad site ot stable ot the so S"TQ PLACE THEM Jw Ia refureno thsch;cof undersigned will lv established withia the gjrKrr.? lllmfondisr. rf ?ati ?Ttn. of srajn.waj er aar fur? S!alJ tSerwi Vntttx Fwiist. IxyiB-oWw- tramways iath city fc swt city Enat of Honolulu, as reguhtrd by Aireot cr aay art rf tftt5feattea ts Cferk of tt Sartnx Coert of Hoewtais, for which yoa claim a aua-tti- tBiHritv-'irt:- law. aad that a license be granted him un innrrj or aar eciry M. Gfibbcs. AUoowt-Gbsu- L aBhonty, aad which yea to " JsfewE.iridk.tas-poEpx- iiir der the rales and regulations gOTerning Within tlie reach ofeverybody pHt saal stnet?. tr utrof tHaBssrate. aatl which ha wa the sub- The Oldest, Largest, Best and Cheapest of aaj&aaiis smrk saea matters, jthi it locateit at soca place ahitffrj.t asc ject of oar bto ruarvrsatioBs. I wuold say to l1 of ojotlaraeO M on Sfi? pact of ?a as is necessary lead the water thereon, 'J-'- that osrlaw arsqaitaekar ia dgfimng supply aeeessary H h; 6WH? aQi2 mi&r kirn. that a for the use ot the 'i.Ojvr x Tvi I2 t S?raK Coitzf f t HivulliE th powers of a niinKer, acd etjwiallr of establishment should be provided, the an I lv ia cwmi rf jwac oeakwr" - xs 'Ttt Etmity. tfe Mintstsr of th Interior, ia any ircrir Furniture Store in the Eingdom.-P- rat , ilersigned Usnal rates. inie-EIeep- Eg Tfcjii-qr&rii- "Vfnnr-tero- g tfe?terj-- paying the Simplest er Ofwyr X. of iatsraal iciproTemtiat. disticctly stating ro .Bluest fc rak-tsni- Gtlxs. rlcn?rat or xar raas. the W cyosnrf efe stzvvfc tos&l a x Ii that hi acbos most d?woJ njvn tlw pofe&sasi crras riafc GjaaciL" If necessary, thegoverameat is to grant o&f J thKi25 ia Frity the privilege of tabng of sand and stones, lirnnata of Hb3isjieiT-- fagasirar. Muttn asd deos not eoaf er cs hid th aathority inished Bfim llr Jtutta befcnsnng govera-meatt'th- e Adjusted Watch. Su sbe of from any quarry to the peiaaal cmt? de !T. ia to att iWMoWatly; racsqacctly Ha quantity which a 3WSKV t &f potec- GonnTrrfgt feci, that jestice of willbeaccord oneer ?a. ifjtety 2 iag to ita requirement, at every irregularity Aji ocaccr fetyu l tatijrwst i'tt jar farAr aJbtr rniwi-- ifeferihfM:. to- tlw ktH f to the tog repreecL as wvU as to of the street read, not to exceed that ik? tt mfieaon!. uui cu&w?. ami ?? ,ih vn raffi.il thfgi to to or tons. FURiVITUllE wintffa at of teo ph iatir wnie sastaia yonr ecterrise aad if a larger quantity required per I "Warrant theni Perfect stitsiw&ittAiSo Jfcat aoi Xafc AffesiJaat. to tfcjyaiast coaiona stnetlyto is all k. itfaass sitTm aai resentB: atbasiatt. mission will be at once supplied Also. tot? flc3 aci wnyiujwl om H fenB5bt tt5EHit spirit tht which requires ftSt aS azii nHit of exception the of hv, that for the temporary Use of its wagons SaBsfi. s trnleitrinjr.io asd. to- tib yoorproccsHioB shosld W cart, A 3Eiafecf H2 of et.'Ci Wiiiai for answer soboitted for and machinery, if cot otherwise occupied; WAREROOMS, Every Way. &nuc Ifctf ettebtreefiwect sjoirrici of tfeersHiattt.ii sokk; the eoBstderatioa of His Hafestv ia Prhr In satsvas. "Hat upm. dW ifar of the covemmeat rtceivimr such comrensa ili tint usit af atisiis tiue acitijtis i.oacti tion as may be agreed upon, together with Jilsi:t3llslxca. 1859. JUscsbt sosaat ?al Snotfc caJfeil i'Jti cuataoijd ue th rst pirarapfeof the I hare. the hdnur to be year obdieat you Worth, Money, tiw- - the privilege of prison labor if required Want tlie of your ri jit ocaSor. at jtmr ocic? at S33 OUt CVSaCEUiLi- - SCXIiUU. C. E. If Oi lOCSTH. WILLIAMS, : : : : : PROPRIETOR, eoiscofc. ix &!eouna. ami js!&rni fc (Sisnedf arf Amnf Xhoi uLniti the aiJecatiioc Cats. T. Gcua. The undersigned is willing to concede ccaior ocaarfx asil oa t- - ajefcua-dis- . Will Give it to You. iu nctoti tobt the fcDod paragraph of the 3rTmteref the Interior. the privilege and extend the courtesy to I ba2 tie gawiSmirit.afeiiiif jailifefefiil Whieh letter was aaswvroil tftf de-- saaibtBof cecrfaiat. by those personases passage free as are de- iat saa4 ?ai tfr'ft nfrinr mteafetl TS That oil er aiiwt th ISh Jay of fiesdast ob the 'siateoath of the said I Have Just Received, afer cvmrfraefeM; nominated in the fo&owtng tables, viz: vnil wmaBMKw of saai nae ksw Wafer 3Iamy 3iiai-stffl-- sBth.as wKews; FROM tfe GSK. Their 3Iajestie. the King and Queen A WALTH AM WATCH. frstem of teaotTaf refcr of of ForesmAQirs Attorney-Gvacra- l Hussotxrr. Ansast 16. 1SSJ. asai asd and the Family, to Government of thS Ksi&bl. caBd His EireQeacy C.T. Gfurx. iEnister Royal JStio. r OfSfiaK Police and Messengers spe- ycnE-orato- wtfl f s- - oa Franolsoo" TVT. fj&wac iaj.ioti tfe ete-- IVIcXISrStX" ths: oenalaBt. at his roHss ia H'aotehv.i of the IaterMT. Ia azswer to cial duties. That the Government will tv AND THE EAST, Rr3oimrr f & comwcseil wiih this oieBiiaBt as to yoor eunsKBkatioB of the 11th iastaci. wiTn asi allowed free ase and run cars on their paw of ifr nt his ist propsHaa record tf granted ate by Another Large Addition -- at tots ard earrytB oct ia vcLnioa rails, tho&rh not interfering to my Already large yj JLmi nsr ocatec rarur tfew hes scheme for Byis? hsTre taHBwajs ia HB 3fipsty"i hue Ifinfrter of the Intencr with their tiiii a &tf tUk. &x of JjErati izttaaL & streffej of Hoeoiahl a&i tfc sBtxarbts to fey traotwaTs aad run cars ia the trafic ixxca. "Vnorlota. iMrf gitr'r iws runt. Stools. tfanrat inr thr of ml ArtVnifant ttarstjf. asd esvssed hfe",tcal eoav sirevfe aad roads of the dty of Hocslala v cumwjifi' sani coBEtaactMe The term or period ot the franchises op - ok AatraS eazrvosv therewith, aa.1 gavr (hSs dWcB-liu- t aad its soibbif. I to say that I haT - granted shall not exceed years. KajcstyV-GtrwrajB-a- lr to HBtierstaBd that Kfe t Btj objeetioB whaterer- to yoar laying- the rater neewwwi saa 4eeia&a a togM matter CotaeiL"if SIXTH. ten lt tela this tfefeodaBt to before the Priy jwa so The paaseager fare will out exceed Furi&iture, Fpliolstery, Pianos. Vr font aai Sao& a eaek h s nr- wirk. mi- kr. " c jttith. iit - ja the fares ensBserated the following 'ifjiac- ?war orator tfeai suit &teB&at v;fV-.-- Aad the Wafcr 3frrif Xhe thehosor to be, Sir. year most in i t&g oja-te- tables, via. vxdUl iiwiiiin mi Gifcst ialjraBd thissIoWfusdast that, tfnt ooettwat serraat. Jfusical liistruiueiits, ewiug toHi of --aiii traatwayr at tiu cocao-o- Batter was wima tiw JLpaxtiBBt of tfie (SKraed "IV". Fujwiastw. rras fact M t Wuiti kd, p.ubt aarf PaarcUuwt . m aai tftr Imwcijr. asd that the oWeathtat shooii Ami this deftBdast is iafortaed aatl be TkbiWniPutku.ailnt llachiaics, kv., fct., fcc. .aa&&Fof AacabtViNS. Saiikt ararr to the Xisx'ter of th Betes that the sail matter has aerer bent KiHai Bewef E-- nmiK eotufc.jf Tbaek ac? Iatrr Tm Htitnt i iltm . SI Ibrac: kwl nprncner m the Fanutai Bomimh m Uonuiola, I am pytparrd to Vc bto uui4. Mnfa Jofea El Busht sneti asxhurity. brought befoe tfcefctmocaHe thatPrity T JtiSM Tllvy.. a) Iran meet tbs ami x fr Pxxtrtrwfe waste ot an. a I aan tin STOCK, lbs Latest Stjfe. StiLL AT - auiibKii!ecw&r KifeiiA ajS statixl thac &iriaartec"qfeVIt nar Tn M u fhi 11 tSmxiKtjnJ ... Vt UUI.liT ud LOWEST PRICES- nabit K." wnit- - par: u Inf iitTitb rtif jf frlli if il mm i ! wibIIm tfaBumimatt iMr rwfnrsite'i saeWcfciE. Bat--h- --Thai on the SJth aad 2tth are fearbyai fix . of tth it im tte or t"9" I in a ttfsEki tiv i - Ia eoctiji(nre nf th abTr dy.Js uf Aaeyst this defesdaat wrote acd SwiTTT ifcliliiiwil Brite r tkc jtn mii Keep Stock Full Line of LtfoC)OH-- orator - tilfcm rfetlt vxsim l fe Mtk a Ajuljirr b"6wjtkat. a apptwati-j- n tt- thr Mild seat to thepbiatig letii ia the words le chteC sai 'ttmifflt sS aMOfc fas tarsot of ster of &e laterior prepared, to be aad Bxs foQowia?. that is to say: S2TESTH. -- xis The undersigned have fully authorized Walnut Ash. Painted, Stained, Varnished s eetxiac fjc.saii Cawfc ieS. tint aiii to McLoa hcr4niuak Kaav Hosotcur. Aiurast 2U. 1SSJ. ai. aifthfr. dfeadaa vxS T.i His ExreOfBcy C. TI Grtror. Mia Mr. Smith the engineer regularly employed CJEC A lVJlESIR. " aai cueitaeBDe &nk aa &sx: aai saeh ajjp&aswc ia.thewon?aBdicare:amlst in the service ot this work to concur and SETS, 5jBJitflg. that i to say: eeired nspxt aad octane of street raihray agree with your Exesllency any further JOHN JtfOl'T, arittt ifam'trt-tfe- riatiers that are cot expressed in this A Complete Assortment Cheap" 1tat if ficJfT Hasixxijr.'oae ah. liSJL &um the eoiseer. Ihaie the hacor to Furniture, Cooe: AoC ?oar ocaioc if ia&cil iai ?Ttf r.TCTBEcy Joes E. Bess. aantl yoc cones for joar micnaatioa. . 3Caiter have honor to be, sir. your most A Largo At the Old Stand. 2To 8 S2ahamsHU Sixeet, tiJiwn!.. ait so statos- Aras&.Bot.feai of the Tnaww-- etc - Coatiiiersr Toa will oteerre that the rails win be I the Assortment of $aai mftptliMit ia onfiarwI iai.? :fe the great pofcfec fcvnuat and eacnmeaee laid front the water froat at betters ol cfcedient servant. &BBCiaBt ?w Soiif TltrUtatk That this defendant declined sea ii raiinHtfi lee that sirett traaiways hare- orwl ia the Fort ssreet up to Katsi street istoXas-aa- a Parlor Sets, Lounges, Patent Bed Lounges & Sofa Beds, sk& pnrj.jte farpt apttw- - of kears3 cais aad tirsrs of Earof . the raised street, also aSmrrr Beretaaia street to sign such document and caused notice zeo-sar- j to be given 33 aforesaid of his intention to SpnntC . ami Ar aMtriaf apfrwriafc? arii States of Aawrigx. ard ebewhere aad froca Fort street to up 2C oaasa street ET Omt, Pawnt Koeira, UUxtdaapis Ottonuas, Foot Jtu'15aaoSJt.'Ao TIfl, COPPEE. & SHEET IRON WOBKEE to d rtjaracSMC nf ad commence work. saai pEsii eeBsafccs that the eantal of this n- - aiataieui2?siree&ixoa reyesauaaa eanrvip. aa that 5aai ifefaa &as eSxsshcudi zot ioccr b af&houisai road to WaiHii All which doings aad pretenses on the A Full Asstortment of Upholstering Materials, f frr fr-Tr- Vr - Trni-r- Jmr part of the piaintin'thts defendant submits ti inrf acescnacilaaBC. as ctzas-'o- fxa&rsta It & Etooded to lay a single Ene of ma-- . are contrary to equity acd good conscience, ih mzorstsce pctses. resjctfdry lairs iwei iccnes wni!"r acsa iL&o-Co- rt, i,rp" . PLUMBIDfa, in all its branches: E4ht& Aai tq ocater sbos I icm sii and prejudicial to the rights of this de- lUn CMh anJ Leather. Gimps and Vrissca. otr the rsqcKSe fnpaoc aal 3Sr wis ine scnace ot ice streete. tee cars tfctt he 2 mforannL aai asii so thorizaiaxi aryself drawn fawrse power only. fendant and tend to subvert HisMajesty's StoT. Eucbmr, How, EutU, rata. Hair aad Fealber ilittress aoa IMIows on hand aad tisvt. for asd ay othiers who if Orvfcr. Sprinc Beat mwb to tab- - Ae traaE tr fcv. Sat saai &&iS- - with Government and the good faith thereof CkaBstaa Bnk.tke 19 me: mil I43I a lire time. ALSO Pinatotaa Artesian "Prell Pipe, all sizesi raay ase. whither iaeoc Th cars after etraset. will ranx ihe Star Sanas lVdi aad Wima Wirt UtllnMta, laeortcd auza. SrriailUttrrtMlIADK.vri fljr xat crirfeteef ami crtm to ii& a &tsr ptrateil hereoitar or to lay nsoal lights street raihray ears and the proper respect therefor. OKDeE W&aiOTSd,rkuaaBdrateatSpnfiZl!olIrt. act. dovs of or any rZovAXD Paisrroy. f 3T O&T WSIBMt SBlSiaZfct iwmI fasm traEawys. asd txz. cars for the cscrvraace moiiicatkios thai xaay be desired by jwij J xbl r 3npfc Tocr ctatoiTi prw3wens5cis of pa&ar"rs. i the nsaal Czcn. Bannt, Having Secured the Services of ME. D, SAifJDEHS, TTTJrg- sriarft. etc aaaitr. as 3&s?as' of He as-c- Solicitors aad of Counsel for defendant STOVES AND SaiFraseics asI XewTcct. 'Et that the cndertalrmr is Ttt Wctl known Sta awro rphototanr aad Diaper, who hai had larceiprtncaiatta RNOES xiiek. laisraairtit. a damuMl by saai streets eaty proper manner- Dxumm. tkt Ctmrt jr -- . FrswtKiiRtaf Lwbaburr, 1 anpnrrcd to Jo all kindj of Work s the thif of HoboUb oc in a - have s ia that Lina aJtrfMTwj- f aad earrd I f fit TUB AM) r juJ'-i- j - il r-- 4feaiBBL faSf HBr MTDjT HTTLE. xcfr Swr JD iuntni ttu iir- "if " OWhC. iaat.isii sJbii.Iffs. csred the Services of Mr. Jnlnis The defendant first objects,!,in abate- a " 11 c; a. SbhiJQci-txJr- I' inu- - irp r SLai, V cia Qmiaffi" Bock. iefsfent. si ecestrrarc ssna of ciex- of the aad trosbfe ia.-- of fcaa Francsco. an ergnyer who well ment, that the plaintiff is the proper . Znm,j. jti-- HVmwfafe Is za&e is cot Faer'jfe 3r4Afcv-jh- fctub iipiei'awt- nf jtt.T I "ji?d thi T?oci a2d pce&3aa?y kaowa for capacity and ability, dtCXTOf.g &- -I ia es Hs and party to brmg this action. Curtains, Draperies IfflL Ut""' and JTV "r snfaefce as a&ceaoi. BoSTnnrrratorpro-teiC- . "ia Lambrequins. jeffirs. rejKst teat a reocOstMbie who has iail several street railways San believe he is. ALhO Loose aad AUda ia ar?T5 &at sseft. at I Cmm Oit Ihe Latest Styles. n aci tm aBowed ta the tramways Frasc&co aad elsewhere. the Galvanized. Ir-o- Watei Pipe, all sizes- - laid on agrgiBEfedgfrpAmt hag.wEQiEg.asiicga le ecstrct Section 33 of Civil Code says the and at . er aci Of -- tht?ci to the pA& before asy Iharse the honor to be. Sir. yosrnaost 3fini-t- of the Interior shall have the A LAEGE ASSOETMEKT OP MTRE0RS4 rootiii. ac fecal or ia& antieciy or furr paasiocr be gfres. say six ocHoaeot semat. charge, custody and supervision of all gov &ffis to HHwmfot so - "VV. I Iprest. Sates; Gasl Iron andLead SoilPipe sat to oxtrsct srarths. to aiaie- scrreys aad ri the (Sigaed) Ftowxsscw ermaent propertywhatsoever, not express- MirrK rhlcsaad IVtait Glaaa, ALbO a great taneir of Faacr rjctara Frame, . card, raEsrvar3 oc traarvsr as ; rtyte of Kctara Conura lfootdfas. aT aJassaSi. and roai&.azd three yec: to ftafcfc Qielewtres: Ftnt. Ensi2T"5 reoort ly placed in the charge of some other ofii-ce- ltrer Mrs tie mj btert 4 Fietere Frame. WSlow &raS2 JJTaMft ASV&ijEzs ac4 jcetsctes the otcstrsetisc cf traxaways. snfid. 3Iap of Hanofcia. with outline of can of iifcrjiaai ars- eoc-- Mouse Goods, ail Muds; sai jararairy.aowK'rer. so as-- pw retant street The government has a piuixatt ia the Furnisning Barr a2itgci:lcaBsCisee. oc eas&d iEnstriL the cnncisiiifortiori peblic streets of Honolulu, and the prop- PIANOS FOR SALE OR HIRE ! VBfLta tae riHTfest ant nrnErr of twk of these traEway woehi be cc&i to the ijit ni r.vreuencT i. i.. ucucx. erty is ia the custody of the plaintiff, un- TamtxnnBeK, jfayetr'? G "; jgnat. aed Sg- gtibSg - Tiofms. CooOHtmi. Xaxnhuu, (Man, Banjo. and all kindj or Mailctf asit F'nst f'liupa ta pdbSe aa sjvd2y a? ryabJe fcfer of the Interior, etc. Brferring der Section 33. on aad for Si Cheaper thaa hoe. TWin. BiDlci Imtrnmi. trf Fnv. Lir dimK: fqqwc imfi Lm . r IVU.T- - Z . - hd eixi OttiUr amd et om ripK. -fifirr a.mnr jinr- -- innjl. If it is eonsalered sfeaE lie w jeier.t ot teeit wjui covering Section 40 of the Civil Code provides alr tV BEST MAKE, at JS cent, per Set or 1? ik nar arai iat m taad. casaAi-raftwo- ; to- aaEy. I ttj irtan. &nu . unH il vbtnof. aoi prepiredtoectrhsaa fair aad reasoE ecgiseeri report to me, and pita of Hoco-lali- that the-- Minister of the Interior shall be ith fiat saai defesaat etot aKe tramways wish, say statement tAflT.T. TArJTl-- i i gaarazte that the shaB to thai th aad acroontahle preservation and safe S-- tag. be I for the Aa Meamat M t rt xw tmi--n Si ,! b i sma. dfcet aai perfect asnrer aia ax&lz meted wither the tia sjveised. rejort is reiatrre to tfcs wcri intended to faeping of the government property, and tuj InM m Sbmr. Ciiandeiiers. ips, waaattMnarm'aafegaaiaEg As it is istjortaai to fcsonr. be nmceeded with si present, and is Jtarfs it shall be his duty to prosccte any Ianterns aiKnaiwfare staaal fe4-- afflitfcai !ca? t p? T - aadot fonr irrrrai of the zzail stpsaser. whether witheos prejo&e to the rights gnnied to son injuring, trespassing npon. or wrong RRW FA OTS Mm- tiiajs AM tA UiJjlBlK'!J-la kaiM-ta- asfaSr mil gararafazry as if tfe to be erahtni to me by t 'Hns-ier- - of the? Interior, fully same EXMMXaaMaaiwnr:b.t.kol.it-rlaikKiax4om- . rricSlt? l?LoSVi isa cract Iasr eas&Hhie hie taking the o w an srr5iffac2S: aei fe &er?-isfi- o the tfwffy t soGot ax wharh f7r?ri'lt snt waive; and only The threatened to go upon Mrtmaty,tfcrrl,bwbitmirl7ati-Irlt- rfrti. wi. csrait ae I o defendant ,tnnM fT. VL VX7TT.T.Tae. , , Z2 yhririfttclj iisrotraSAl . 1-- SA"WA.II foot set eariy decaacc Iha-- the hoc- to forward the report and statement for your one or aicre of the public highways of the iHaoiua. it 0.' a2s-n- r b-n-tr aarf Wareia, III F T8. spjB. caii. es e ferbT sir. yoirraacrt'45?:Ej servant. l. ratocaatsoc dty of Hocolum, and tear them up for the f r 1rl T.lTie. . Work tUf .4J0 Utttt mint (Sfeed VT FliWEnicjr The esgineer advises me that it may be purpose of establishing a street railway. JLni that as-- 4scrw 3nr rasar aa; Azd this- deffsdaxt rsceireil froet. the foeod desirabfe togocrrefam byITe-tasi-z This, if acconrpUshed without right, would Carriage Manufacturing Gomp'y. said anacswtr said street; bot if this is decided open, b a permanent irreparable trespass oVfefefi . agggaiI.ua, 7iE.Eaah bithe and is a2 StterTTBhiciarswsrEsia the wnrds ami case acoce wet c grren ceiere toe exrnia acd iajsry to theproperty of the govern G, wtruxSzTosb armifi'il .. apjqagygf foftyr"-- . IL WILLIAMS, to GXBEOS "SvESI s that is to say: rice of the sz. aaeeths allowed. asweOas meat, the public streeU. aad the plain- ffXrnzs winn"f of th eaty Hfleofcrfa s in s. fe strsie? saal of c Dzrxitrjujt: of 73Z Ixrzzz k. f of any other street it may be decided to tiff had fall power, acd was his duty, if ig&eat o-- . it ALL K1HDS OF i sdbarfef wift orpsrfQi HasBtcix-- Ttt2e31 ligl raa cars cpiav the defendant proposed to act without . er hca tfee sc&ft or coattaics ar Ss- - Earir escfirkml yocr appfea Ahhocgn the engineer adrises only a right to bring this action to restrain him m. cl si; fcL j&m (fetteae. jrccht?r c e place or aay eoe. "J iira. twe for aad astfcerity to by Ene of raits at present, still if the from so acting: Jser-a&- he e Wagons and, .Carts ratecaA or tmawiy. eseft as asay don trastwars. j rs exr? m O tnnsr scaonrs tnat tne pufcfcc woulcl be therefore action was n H Ns vmH le ajahcriHd by itw bet I think that the 5fiftU,IlicrakinS Braiclies -- isirfrtixzilztuviioi thwriry of Hnooiaht ter served and aeocmodafed by doaHe brought by plaintiff iau. InnbH! KutMr. JkBdthniLp'mgtfeehgasag-j-imai.- s properly the a&t siBHirts. aad. reeopziinir tfeat this Kae. that w3 be laid before the cicirition Tee second question is- - had the defen tJwL gifieMjPzff?ffl Ttuia;klj aa'4 MU(actll; aUealxt lv Drayi. sMocarT tsiaaeaoc sarsss to said wisri is oce of pnh&r BtShty; yon iali-- ofthetnae alfenred for the cocstrcetion dact a right to establish a street railway -- dsafir. with sefe ethers as a the- always SHeSe. Ox er nay of wori. eaeectner those in the streets of Hbootala or any part of COFFINS & Girts. jLrt. anwf aui as otitis aca. cr rsosate with yen. whether tzaxr.mtA streets. 'X parts of streets, that are rather them CASKETS I herea&er er ccL. are herein-aticrrzw- l Sr. taixa tor a dcefcte trace. say cpon the facts. think not 'f ..I D-- .M u. Uxnl ,,,,,, . tn Tt j-- t ? . C I I mrM, TrlBB, BBtaSsr ftrat atuTal bs ? 7 oirwri crarwayj fact, errerythimr will be done that the Briefly tfcoe essential facts are that the Lin ft"' ISii Bawlal .t, . . r iB!& e azaT3tars lvtfaet Is rfea asy act of jestraoias or ITeaa-naae- and mJffrSwwirg wjfe. gaad ct d sadt strnts ecineer ooesders nAx Drotr. and Minister of Foreign Afiairs and Attorney attr fe gtee- of aadrtads the dry of Knenfciin aad farj isa comiert andeonvetrienee of ihe General imtrrim, called npon the defen r- - - - asy act Hearses and Carriages ffiSlillBSi Sal. k- rSE.- & Orajletc inwrfciieat oT or if cBQriESne safearfas aa yeceay jsiiair conversation - for Funerals &. ihtsrem G&&&sFm efai 3 dant.aivl after some gave tr2- ti.T ,..... taat uif S3jef Ton are herefey ;: j.'ted ait asoctas cSyaathcr understand His Ma RPtnutniF tfcii Cost. Siesh?rraeiarse defendant to that fc rvr xgteCLs fraci doe hereof to state saiityt iznl to enter into any agreement at any jestr's Gorernnient would help the defen Ofitfcgo, 111 Fort Street W Carriage; Wagon n Aai teat yeororatar y fea al Tdephnne Ttirtt ai,- - Hfl. 78. ' iKh sefcctstreeteasd roads. ad three year hBae s va ux ueuu ax as wnzjL, usa it dant to carry out hit scheme for laying AT THE MARKET RATES. reSef. fc- - ff--sfc nrir rash othrr6rf atLe- wham to the cDtstrzetioB of i w3 be corActed in a trns and wtalaan- - horse tramways ia the street of Honolulu stS- - KJbJtiv FXLAB atKv Jill il. of t&? aay acd to TalcelTotice !!! . - Sk.. w a ncee. wri. aad the expzziiae. of aid Klemzmer. andacccrdrng to the csaal and suburbs thereof. That the Mims-l- r FOR S AT.T1 jtJuSA b. XFTL. vmLJ&m tnxtft nt2 the - iSJl - - perJed of six Eccihs and three similar roads cities. mat- ifflOEOtr us no mxt- sixax. 9iVseH yars asethol cf in other rf lh Interior had charge of the &I Jfay it & Coast fer zxaat oatr cosiaafar be, your most Fowler's Patent vwiT aotssmK. ssifes. r repKtniy. ysceisaac. mil I have the hctxr to Sir, ter to whom defendant should apply, and I , Tramway, n. yuE-ra:-- the arri ef iapEicane. afeo ' ' Mules nr .' x3Bg it L i ted. eedjratseranl. that the tsziter would be favorably repre- Horses! tee gnaaea at imiii..my of t&s Uosri. ' Mma- mm ttw ten Bao-ntm- . -- Tec ant nun led, "W. ra k are azd tc. (Sigsed) JJ33i( utnssuuntrft n fag fir An Eafr.wi-- STftBSrSJfS. WiaBaFiwne pezsattted Furwrrscw. sented to such minister. iiu otBeaI aiitcra. ocsrale pxtinia of szal trarrsays a TartfO, That the twenty-fift- h day of applied to a&iipraIiy-til:rtEra- t sct ta Thereupon the defendant the & WithPatent Bteel Sleeprg a& caswL Angd'ltot this defesdznt ezssezltobe then 3Cnsierof the Interior, ilr. JohnE. Both Hative California aailassTEr pnns. asrlf Cocsiisia - an arai tir thai . 2Sa.c3.G taar the feratasaiao to tty nrrrared an asreeczent curj in? oat the Boh. in writing as above qsctod, who an GOOD TAMILY HOESES avwiiik Mw-i.r.j- . "JVlxtclJS xo Order fcztirfc5CLaii?i3tij!isi5 theEilerl the w3l Iarje fer zny Ihe letter the thirtieth SZXX& iSI 3Xjr2. KutGSS. l TEST UT9 JtAIxS. ttjaaj streets tent of taxi of dar iwered ia writing as above quoted, and to J? I mnrmn t. 0 errsr&cnt operated cpra wahnt three Jane, and forwarded the same throngs which the defendant writing Gurln( ai mj lTAKLE5 f raaekVrol IjtCTf tui Caaaxza X. Grxicz. of replied in as torr -i Start afHXESrKtiriXLa fabmu. amiOOjeiILHt if iS. yean, asfflrre.! frees the tij5cr purzun, on above-quote- MjtJessZadsaSBS: IVpMtiBMS ujracrwtw spe maaapaBrsaiv-tb.tawiet- t si.&s tsaEf 3fmyfer ad feefej Bs Majesty to tte tasa. aad The Ifensc if fee eifyearfettr. thai yea tcJerd to enm ttswt received a i' Caftf. John C. Clunnv. Tourists' Retreat, WJI,G3.-Atir3!rp05SE2- i. Mwinj day cscenamt lor If tt Minister of the Interior had an atslarfeiggg'rwrfsmdipw tag. ganceeaaMt St. BHa the werk withens asy aasetasaary ffcw defesdanVi corxcrrenee and sigsav thority to do what he diI as ihewn by Hs C "W. --iiJsfcrf. to- &5ai!r caas4zst deity, Idoscideeaa Eeceysary tnres. wnaett docmsecl is in. the words and letter to ileiendaat, JalySOlSSJ, KNOWLES' Z2. fo ast the of it T&,l?IVt.,, "rnt:w. "TcsBtso fzay fL:therg.:jf.j.'ee. gares foBowinzv thai is toiay: car be thsrthat letter and the defendant's STEAM AND ViCUOM latheereaicfyeadefsiiiE to fcrat z Hasoixxr, Asgsst, 183. reply to it constituted a valid contract PUMP8 !Tet Blacksmiths' Coal Dsrp3diiscy:wiHtaTetoEaii'z enaa IBs Zztt&szcr Cziztzs XGrxiac, JDn-- which wocld authorize the defendant to mmr ir ft.. Cfesdes Gafidt 4 aad fer z charier the Cooadaisg aw r.n X irff siwan. ptay. ajIy ic tswal feter of the Interior fir: proceed, he ihreatosed torn this case. mxtit prr a mt. & la, 7nr tm Ktt, tall 94 Or nMtTltlVtt a i4Tis Heyrsfs. aarl 4tats thai has Jaazi rsazaier yut great potioe zsa. cmTtmesce The defendant claims raattw.vMehanxuna- - J txaxsi that the minister . - r&cferyiwaKriedi2 TooreSwi Ihst ttrrfi. raerwars have craved is the had ach authority, acd if to, then the rum !M jEatas&ctsiEd W'- Hcrnp Flax rTw-iOi- ii in cm Fzctsrj, 2$ perCez. thai fee tfcoH to carry cct wcrt u, Erzropevtbe IT&ited has granted tltmVarlr UtlUVrm em and Canvas. 'ioks cr scar 2ftrst eeffit ato itcit ad tis cities tsA tarns of minuter to the defendant a ma r""fm T "3F- WiiJaTT thrtr?iisf2id to fee SGEifcrm- seseasfcl fcssae. the toaor perpeteal vjdezelasive ("Sii4manttnXnbiiitUttsmpt - Item tote, rigfcl ithit option, " Bxtven co. e tHU.tsurfrc. JSfK Jt". JMTH, W!U. V0 I Uk oiiurstion of Jaw Jo bis deptriawnV Zl i tmtlant wt5 1m ha. oi) rf WISf"T I -,, I !! months alfcvil, ssmliiSSSflSljl SRtTSRCSSW'ntvm T uwkHsasil&iX Jct mil ILW1P' ' TT3LAI C -i- MS..?SL1 ViS" J SaJQn Dim fniLh ..1,.A4.5 . PJn'EUS-.riJB- U)ACV. 1Bf!fCr 'IB SMw'! v 5sLTBawsaff!T- -. i? appiTO''xwsmmfr .. a ami " - "' 8HWf JfST?? a WJ ifK3r&5S7' --TIC .Vf sfO - -- - V .j. ,

T B.af.lo r Trtsttxt. a. Britiai., "Victor. -- ISsfcSSSrfe!a; scnat mt AaSM l awalla a Gazette Supplement Ma ,ea?f t airacgi.if. 04 t ; n. reSgtT.aUtosi3ggitt,Sta Fsasec - tlll X : bom Rv-sn-l fc tkal x ike rlOs?1 yt U(x r ,spw En&fs23ira3ss. rood by TTnlTe Sf.ool "PlrtTtra f if l auarjaragL. lew Iiate Arrivals REM) 03 TrTryg. Xc 1st CaoEsaal imi1ilmi faia rEOM SA2T PEAITGISCO, FURMfillii HALL'S HEA1T STEEL BREASEBS lj'-ict:Kt- HEW YOBS & ENGLAND, ic; Kfiirt. sat tbt ntuli ww ixsasttoiCTfaass. Ijok a i&mUjjj to u Itll 4 HlKk Keeeived by Castle & Cooke V .ioa nswXisk or Tt ii - MtrA iis. Ttafaf Hall's Steel Rock"Breakers tiysSaaag 7 Mt- FenStfetrGb. JLU5Q. ASSXVEBTVTgyrT.S Gniaa' ml- TO DCS rSQg ABOVE PORTS. JLSD A 1 Tin Sr.vpi rn2 Js3fcK I.Ju.1 sC x LY-EC- 11. U imJ W lk. "UlU all a trautt mt ottfr Btnu al cstx e tixi c Faat5 rmrvmt & fn To B-- OJLI AT AT"BS Vr at ttmnanli, all mJ Ait liOWEST II ""kat siiun ruw co. jiuaiM rf list niaca. T4 Gwfac Ei.-lvaic- rf GOODS rc ti & wtsi nv GtSacro aicaGgFiT tt. tt rett& cuc3mc &. 'wcr PARLOR SETS, PIANOS Girastiaice3Giaia:uA(K9r m Esiwcstji Satassoa iw; t sw; Saai Suitable for Plantations, Country Stores BEDROOM SBTS, niacisicf Krrt-- T S.idt vjek: SoauatZ ORGA, tC w 3W mris. Si Tit itectt u fnai SatN-teeii- es TtaHzsrsi in kboss. afeaaaas a & OrFJLHlUES. OrK KIW at Slnrtif-- t lireani with ODD CHAIRS, III GUITARS, rci-- ri tVV ciiri! tmene - -- t ef ut iiaTiicf.tni Is nwfB t rnAiirs. Atttiva i C&1U4 to Onr DIXDCG TAIiLBS, ACGORDEOXS, &aias u.-c-c Sis let . rtwo. Mt MB til j vv GTKB TABLES, &! VIOLIN'S, s:?t.'&!?s,irn"nroTea Jraais j MATTRBSSES, BAXJOS, ai!!Cfns9MibnniBimlt in csxt cestixs rjLxr rut xjs r ricjarj cj.tf tez. ia sunani tT!vi rj-- li 5i Zatei xraae&. tiiii, PILLOW'S, FLUTH?, siccS.VTvd!stbtsKB K-i-r kcs- - PjixKr vj3LxcimK( Runn'SMKCLiuii 1; Jjti nlw ROGS, HARilOXICAS, is; fit sve ii Mi at foaei xc m T wiiir maat. ad. wc ii.'? taSatotra!s.,!.s.vl3iutttcl:exTfcK,. Ill tars. &5S13Cji Jivos S.V tt. fcsai J Ban. Ia Xsb.-tci- 3TATTIXG, STRINGS, .U33! Ju fei traa i. IjXAr3ijiKc3et&xa44r4n3tF&3 ;xv7f. ins ssa ijt Sarafai:e aak sbK it stow- - BuMXttk. ST sirim; COOK STOYES DISSTOX CELEBRATED SAWS AXD ITTES. tt. SIZES; AXD 7v, t uiMf XVo. ExsUMTf nc C4C;ftaK Xu&Ckitfte. KjcLksJ Jt T2fizi&S7caaiKBuvi&&cBrAsasfad4r 3gr Jcim - BTHrii. c SS t3 x iaS was sl ite satas Cttuji'rroi-Xi-.o.- ir Kt 5ir- mi. Xt-- t i&m Sttf. St JCjja, t JKltj, IhN i Xti itH

EANGES1 OF ALL SIZES SS,55S3SS5i,S1 Latest Improvemeiite in Skelf Hardware Y GEOEME-P'- KITCHEN .VXD UOUSEUOLD CIEXSILS-- of

1'ACiTS AND OILS-- ot all kinds? - 2E9 3E5 - . Sp.a.rtmii stBtsB- S O? A-- Zi X3 3EiS S- LDBKICATCCa OILS-b- St stock in tio muietl OODS KEGOSEXE OIL DffrattV, Noondij Jt Lssttal; SILVEi; PLATED WAKE-fr- om KccJ & Baitoai SOUD MLVEKWAKB-tiSBtlisOot&am- Co. STAPLE GROCERIES. GoUn Gate, Star Superfine Hour rOVDEHS-- knuK from Cain. ci tess - ll lwifer Wk liSt2asiKu. i EOLTS-allsu- tea M; -- n CUlUiUCE .VXD MACUIXB nt5r t rumr r jinu-- ?j Juaj --5.txil L3tfv FvnjuM XSi STjzscxir C3tfs iftiteHpiis, cofiMtc- pwJKr jMtcijiu rorKerosene Oil "We Offer THE PAIiA.CE. and Guarantee &nsui3 vat &&. A S4 & it cannot be beat for quality or price: also, THE SHelf spa9K rt&iot xsneae tta rt t tils VU.LCAX". a ood oil and above test: AMD HARDWARE jmwi rented as juecsis ntuivscte. Al WOODWARD & BROWN'S CELEBRATED PIANOS A Splendid Assortment I tSccsoi aras ii" TcmrttCTif isdtbf sats LEATHEK Of All Descriptions; 9S!i it b &rx. lini asw ws. lin cijr Tie Cktf$t Gw4 1'iiso: V HsreH Oma C.s Parlor Omni. in W Omi Goei, ue l tet 1UUIJ: mre tlMgtt UB3adp!EiKl ai 15 irfcTi i -- otr htat,inlwt;itw. ForpOimlr, wcrtlerotr iumoi 1 TBIESDS ! OUJ 1EW DUCMPTin 1 PICTURE wkk& t e rtbul FRAMES ClTlLCttUE. ea4 tops raw 12 acnkdbni ix rxiz. rie w vitl j spa spplt cxtadf vvtrsarsir Tr?ffT T-r- : btfi B.rifti ao., udea, all udcoBiSlsdldSMk0t Goods si & AT OUR WAREROOMS. nratr rtlVnud So. 5 AUUA2TTJ STREET, HONOLTJXTJ. Kl;SUTtt. IIobiIsIs. 9M rax TaisLSC irfi. Stec rssbai ikiITiiiil Tfc agsspamapg.aePry?riait. N3mtEamr Every ZDesc3rixtioxx NEW and STYLISH ssS&eoSr Of iciSnl. is iiS. iaci H3ac S9Ki Agents for tlie Superior? Stove tn. tii al Sr lAarxi&esvaOt L isii iMIiiiiiery koo(1$ icijf AniateKL nerna. En &o, IiaC53oi tt trx tsata. mi ac Ms "eiaA. STOVES ND RANGES Ladies' Underwear and tic rrtri tvni- - slit Gtascsxss ci Xns jSdTLDE TO 2gs!sift X Sttj Erjoa. f ORDER. Ghildens' Clothing v-- Tiff'iUlpn- :- Xbmfosu? ? lgc5SE?r--i , K5 irttt KtiALnAJtt U JIAftU ?M-- Oi XAI'E TV. OBffEE. J ciki scz ttr as! r?qc Jjcs Baxat Sitsc 3' VciL -- Bit-.-- - - sa- "ff-"- i 5 - ,i - eimnj stinnims r.m.umnri 105 & 107 FORT STREET, Mrs.W. H.WILK!NSON - v- B-t- 6Jtt? iv teat - I5e uses. 1'X tni Jk-- ilHliilHlfiliHTllIlII THE lASniWCABLE -- J EVC05TSAT33 TOS. lliiliucr & Dress-Milk- er WATtRFIFEiFirTISG$,nK scoisroxjirrxjTT, x. ALE. ? Slur Ajtas :x lirfs Ifab tictit a OF FORT STREET, , GINGER Bg Mkr - laf "'vX. Montague Range, Itlud. aliBiatimlliMWitkat rkehuMwasTitwtk. LARGESTiri 4 ilOST LEGANT AtMftant f Ot LaUat SijIm f Soda Water aid Sarsapwrilla 11 r rrr ESSTOCS. r "trill HOlisery, OSS3US 1X3 rJKS El KRKHEI Island Orders Receive Prompt and Szn- W &nm3w4. r ate Tlowers, airw TTTTPgnvr Se-- 211 ir featien, Bonnttj,- - J Only Pure Fruit Acid Wm WENNER & CO. S.M.CABTEB&CO., Careful Attention. Eats, Etc, (956) f HO. 92 FORT STREET, Tkt Go wtn Sdtdcd wk Care, aaJ Pure Fruit Flavors, and coreirr Hf?'.ril Swiw u k a.u Hk Ladka of iiatoc the t&clala4f. Dtaihli aid Water, Pure Filtered J S I Coapmtd i. Mjt WTOtM Sock gay W tm4: Hue Jewelry, Watches LEGAL TENDER QUARRY OPiaussES TRYSSES ThijSS.eS LADIES' CADEKTTEAB, csjcDixTai: rtii-AEJiTio- x or Plated "Ware. &c. istaxts xyo ciiiuiiubfi S TBESt CCXJCIO t EITTXSLXCiZS f Sr. FSEJMKXS TO CLOTHTJIG of Descriplions, ex irnls. x all mn .s i4CT7c. UXrur Cg9firr TIT ioor- ". 3r ffitaeittt rcttt Beakl. V--H Lotkct: af & CO. CH Bfiwatu, 38 Stone HOLLISTER J1TB1 Om jafcSHB.. Furnisn Ua 'BI'TT GOLD & SILVER WATCHES. nai. Eanfan.Ac, Jtc. roc ! Stih. with TUw. m. Peatta, rakoaea. Jte. to and. Bracelets, Brooches, A Large Invoice of the Celebrated AlaneaaoiTBt of CkOansa' Sokool Hate.Tnr PnrTjoses, Caca;. and treat raratr of otk Soelt. iarr HOLLISTER & GO. Earrings, FingerlRinss, Building ?12iFn"te.:VrMe llataoof tit Ladfea SXT WTTE JL3B EETJLIL sm::m;u.T AID tnTTStlT Urt JBlT. la & oth.er precises Stores CELLULOID TRUSSES iSSri'v'V"''!to tie Li4W. Mta " to pmMe n Dianocs Trtaalsrtnaitaeat.kicktiaaaaiinste tilt AIXVA2 TJraa: Stia7 rf BALLAST for SKIPS -- - DRUGGISTS l itlxel f1actoxry. anoftfatUMaie. Direct Prom Call and See the Novelties. AX.VO We Have Especial FACILITIES for Adjusting TRUSSES. Tobacconists, WilWG WE& BKHLT H99STED BEAGHAND BLACK SAND &d Irisn Damask ! sirrAxr smrr L at artOBKbHL TltfcU3 Co., awr no? auzsSfffiDC f BEollister -- Mcduc Frrrvrr-- a SEiy 0c&g aeoe aerftfci nr? Sts., & JSTuTiaiiu St. t? a t &a sanir DTJ2IP CASTS Cor. Tort and Blercliaiit 59 t t EjJbisrcaiKiaTaiijaBi Tb bmrt. to E rfsrs as stecc saOcw x&i ss We Have Just Eeceived

nrr t i xs(i A. CO-- S a teet me AMonxinrr w - inn i S Agae Aw an TXTE mmxw. law Mates Emi( KI2XE3SXZ 3CHIII: mmmm' OPTICIAN, JEWELER and? SS MfyMwr. HE S-- s - Double Celebrated Eye Preservers, S" I J?errameryi! Irisli Damask" s BK"G- Perfamery ' ri Perfamery ! jrerramery i fCiuit- - war i nil ii i tax, pk - trKrf. CkdKC.3 UUJ Lt J" . A- - ?JJ33 S- - Tfl9TX TAJBLE LINEN B-W- CI r A .ALi-- WU.WEKXER & CO & CO., EIS EHHT3. ra Ui arrSiIill. HOLLISTER dieect rapx . -- A Fort Street. m. las teBi!r ..cl . SODA WORKS ! SALAMANDER FELTING. : Have Just Received the largest -.- goods btoste - i refz foA,-:- BELFAST,fIRELAND . , so cohss, I- .. -- . 9 ix t(WriMBoUtrs.S!eamPipe n . C05SISTI3G or iii W As PERFUMERY wLa; ACaLCIAl IS StLTEt L jf , 11C UiC ;.UIUJJJJCAO LOT OF per Cent, Fuel- - GOLD & SILVER WATCHES Saves 25 of tocm EfEE IMPORTED DiTO THIS XIXGDOH, COlffiRlSIXU TABLE CLOTHS, of fir 3efid42rxat ti--i. IIcAh!: iC .ESICSBEi)UCSDTOS,.o03SL. Al"UJ-- o A. Co iT.0.,,NJ1A15SX!,. UUU VLLA,3 Tth! I'mnpTfhg,. THEO. H. DAVIES nig Cusical Over Pifty DiSerent Odors of the Celebrated Of an ,u-- to fill an tUet f TtiotaaaBi','"ranE:!tXi3aSKtar?f w"tr . CEILSH23 K - Mala; TaMat. EUSTACE, 31 CT2H6TS 3IEISS T12IZ1T.-- S: C. -- - oT r. fcli-- Xirf ml Wholesale and Retail Crccer,j laindfoorg Manufacture. With Napkins to HIateb El IBSaiSatet.iaO!rrsoBirS. . IS fe ftepKteB SET Hk.j of0!z-- s, ' Odor-Case- cfec. - - up . TTTi aTT CZ raaia z"sbqbb. aa 30 soa lanan sisja affw inmL ymt to aaaaa.t urusa: .mokss Fancy Boxes, Botrtles, -- - -- AUtJa -- T Sot H T oobj r,. .K L"- Twn ttne Tia. U3ZKS ano tio TTSI3T Eror - - Crystal Wor3cs,- to smirf loy . k "Ilie w Soda Iiwrfd tila Kerlt, j, ww5!3E?i,S,?J2'i - r - ar- rraarra' ncnev n of- -i !TrrS. jowfcj . fAov r. TionM AXj-ja- Co., TrUaiM to r.o-sax- m a!? r .- .- fS s. HAarriTEii, & cIto fien Ijapottm, n. - - BSSfKSUT.E.. Hollister .fMKUna .. j.i 2araow.t. :.osSi. t I -- I A W . - n an-oac- nnriMCCIwimjawa-a-wra- a. AT X ilU. g. ..sag of aaJin nltllill Bgpi W V AD. r UUii ..Lf.rr.DJJ. U3U-3- . aa. , --- """Ifar aauJ - I zz SSiSX oa. 1 . . - . G.W.Hacfarlane&Co Bs.tair3a3arotorra:TOraisE (snes-or- atBI? i or KadKSins.. Bjgw, 2maa vook a 59 Hnnanu St, Cot. and Fort and Merchant St. .S-j-- jS s.r" gtar'e.i-J.'HB- r m ttf) i

-- :,'l"J""Tr 'ga?'ggiEgecea;3JcetigEgigggaiom Uus case. i!fes!Ks's"sZte ss fesjss: fte gnerf pcbCc bcest snd eooresaee I Tbs dtteoSzst Tfrr that tie nnmrfer . w, nxtnuz. rm . tiagryg? IsAteuJod in the I had asUberiaj, 25 pa-Cezl- iEstpet tmh and if ,'tBea lie ITsctjsr, ffcsaafStoe.. cttoaj to cSfe sacLtorars cf Enzxrpe.tbe TTmiecllmsaiiterhasvrxsttAln ih Htirrft !JSJP.?L.fnJ..f.,x. Caw .. Mate? -- v jt-- a Vi kM ai ivvjv la.viiuHw. u.U',autiai urc-- ir auaiurreumts tor pnxMmjj uvna uio iuim truni IWUmuUtnrt wnen m siainte tho riant ot a slrwt railway franchise tbo fcrrass ot the aciLontr nail to n- Ksta tnis TiavlcnalaBg. sin up to Kufcni MrreC Ihonco along Oa examining the slainlM tho only m To obtain eh a grant I think rretort maul hxldrens' Dresses -- iferpfcoa. attM crotc iie UU J issarer Ihvreth fcoooc to txv. sir, yooriuojt Kahu street to Nntunn slrxvt. rdo aiocg wiotv Jl can and which ctmM jxwsiMy w had to the leg? Jiitnm Th wrtmliau Bcrclsai:. stncol trwa street to Nun If 'jugerraai, , Fort n niiLuunzT aiirn a srrani im ir tin n noht innrmn twwivftruwiaSZv fcwol j-- r-- r l- ! iwniwi)iiwnfliMtt &P?!ifS!!!L3Bai Iot! Mnusixmiuuaca. aNnc.,u.usaiLsur!cv i umi.. ?ii i ..i ,.t -, t, ,i im iMtniirfiiMnnMt .'.'' "a W HBPBKi-wiHHSraBKyREHKll- "srwHSgj. niat wmxnmn aa",rniiBi' t - "m f iT--t t is? 'p S3N $ r' ";" & oVSt

- 4- -

- i . -- I TUT O JBEjfcBRPS Flet&sra, Fadacea. la. an aiM ImT f 7BTI1TT t MA '4. ef go ! uu Bbj--- o WSkSH gatOtW c&teru rails it t- New as j. x. .w aternouse, uiLLiHiiflam Royal Hawaiian f UaijusiSriiMtiBBcfUtferiT KATE - a u- - or ncnTiutKniioKiB, Frae-ea- s ivnns nwrrcriox tok Vm tatrr W Sse s&m tie GOODS! !BECHVED APTJIL UNE SQCIET lsjjTwvJ.IKiLKSMai . Wets a ISESH AGRICULTURAL 1 Grrarreosr fVncxsI. aad hiErat IVcaiea sear GooJ.Just -- Ftfa TexbtSiseTVeJUiis Wfcre SC ; BdiBi. Yows arxa mat, vtMK fie ana sat FKSSIDSXT. . mita. j S3K . .Drmiox ttDOtJS. a Tf UtTC JtnWTJtUtt BwtStttrr HIS Jl.VJKsTT THK KI5J. - Beit Stlitr 2bJ Pnxw OnKss FANCY COODS, Hot rstaut f Black Prencli Merinos, RICE PLOWS. 5 TO 13 INCH BOARD OF MXXAGSMSST. Stna ?iU?e ls;il Vt 'Kahua JXL. SttrlrTTtraattt.caalti an tltStijx WcermMeatrrMti - ? Di HUHoe.V.r J44 s - atrrliMiA STAPLE COODS FUSROW PLOWS do arrive) Ho. A. S. Chsaora. Ul Iluor L. VtC.Ui. na. -- trtTtrtrt CauU.JJ4,Cr.B. MtKlWa.Xr.Siwt X.tte- - - IrlriiTtTtter pom e? Qsmg PLnvr r ail - vtkTm1 A.1 KwascoiWes, rs.u, OJtU.UVl SOUNKaJtiaT-tr-ruw WUKKS or na, Mr. C&i. Lsta. : JT rtJtww Wrtrtre PlowJUaatKtMT Sir A.t.rgtr - Tteairr fettR"" XxSC Xililarfaa3iCtrtieB,a- Ladies' & Gent's "Underwear, JOUN PKSJUCtie it- RallTmttt li . ' ...--- - Mr J. S. TTb SrcrtuiT II - XuUd af .... O- - WRHUFACT'Y - Dl NtntxaJUad Woolen& Cotton Shirts, WE JSREAGEHTSF0RTH1Sir AbaforotaetDtrttMlMt nMVluat ta.tlMrtttm OF ot tie lim ti-- )aTe esse. 3& ArrBOTaD iTtl.l3 TIIK S0C1KTTS SSCOSD sit. rar, u tiT kili OT ASSTAt Dmsiot XI ict ( L1KUC ASTOCniCIT Jvf n tnknr it cr bt n is t3 KENNEDEY & CO. 1 Bt t rprelmta frea water Fl.a Kaotaatlntot iMr Ggnt TV bid jomwc Horse Hoes - - I ike eoaaUTi il mei White Linen Shirts and Collars, jtivatorS, AGRICULTURAL and HORTICULTURAL Drrtfiox em DAIRT rEODCCK. S:cqstari hstss&n is I Bttt Ftrkla ot Batter, 10 or Bora isos irti ipst ? UVTEST STTLKSt tt W Il'ntT-atwrs- - KiTrriTiita l tK&pfte 9 sco4 btt Ftrkla of Batter, S. ee aoet TssccaXl!xtbkidee. .t Old Moline Plows, poaad ot Dautr. Ike eaklblton btlaj koare Pattern ketptt. aad tkttr owa ust-uuV-; aiaklae batter litXJcteidJdiwi Kte . uri siti Uan' Bus btsiM ut ccka rvn, Plantation Tools, allkinds; SEO"W 4 Secoad best o isft fastcai s Jit-- iknr. Ha ike jkUre brce Standard Fresh. Gioceries Difiereitial Pulley Blocks, vnilbebeM.l 9odbttt4o reii, U nM kr sm mib: tit Isnri Edgings and Insertions, Drreiot MAXtlfACTCRlS. P caltoi: ec r aaj Buclceyo Mowers, 3 " ll.ts lii." at Bwtorkuc J u actaaiauidieaittaBltseiit ji rtNE lot or KAPIOLiANI FAKE - " Kapa J- - taamaaej is bm rsDci r Jioi M ! k HYDRAULIC JACKS, 4 - CaUkadM li Jrr. J - BowU ot Wood tad ot Coeoaaat SCOTCH TWEEDS, (- - Oraiaitat.: Kakal Sktll aad otktr. i tee war. FODDER CUTTERS, T-- - ArUatial noaer. .ad WrralU W9irt, te (Otetr SisuaU eassar ca - CarrlatoaWoodorStoae AeIxl.u: kt Cardon & Canal Barrows, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, - "Uddle ar)c far caen xnzises atvnkUzii5 New Designed Prints, r " HaraeM asi EiafMci II - Ilono!kort eItSL.Jvrasedrn, ' cdLtmawn VcciOm atu t aaC a Sitrt Tirfrtj- Ka OILS, " C ahJ5Air. altwd r 0 LIBRICiThfi 1 t trrUse Tire il te jj e. The 3th and 14th of June. W- - " VTacoa cixHtii jrTfr: dikt tup)fs U374 II " Flteo otFataltare of Itarolia Weed, aad tea aaa&ts&ai is oueiesascs ftra Knsiish and American Goods Tixrpentine, ot aay otkrr koatmade taklblt ot Btrtt m se - HDvaniW. Tat Bwl f Sluumnl aaitae Mearra a kt Loaiac piUct. S we iirt bwa tti- Kerosene Oils, ntutle tttt for tkt jurpose UI tt encKdte Drmiat FRODCCTS. i iri too acjickoistokcxtiox. tiJ tMuiU! txlMc it tat rark ta Ui rrcrp-tt- Cuu i raooccn a. 3tarrTacTrai na XXTtnrv f una txMM. 4 via jiroTlile Tasked etaTtateBCkr Pee taWMtrr. and I Bwl Sacu - P.o-a- . Oil trerr aceMrril ftr A vairatbtd Se-k- m G- SJ- - Paints, will dor were ike -r , Kit. uxnx. r xikxx Paint UepaMK. rD dtUll! ol tiw kBU! taa 5 Klee. 30 To or aMto ibgi-ar- e frrf - SO fe . Ill , m fccft ay Ilwajt Fnance .MMA.MMM ! ifct HbmMrr of iKrcc - CtI aots "Garnishes. wilt tat - KxklkHt. of Fibre frota 4.1 aatln er lalro- - 7 lk QtK9t jmwc and be aralUMe i 'casecsfK'i usi jees r f Dtjot of Wco3iwa Dairr, IS. B. CARTER AND COWP'Y ton f U. KifMial tilt Aodlta. dacoipUBtcrowakero . ske e ! frtaeHptf f tiMMt.aB4 alMfer ef kind ot dried or Stw. tteraxa at BnckM ArTeaaa Ice ! Wagons iBcL. Btt caklMi aiy fumttd fralt Woris. Stndebaker itaet ajraauct UH taeir U0. crona ta tkla coaatrF piic peily l4i wka S9 KOgrr S53acM-7MMt- .H UErttUIVilr .o t.O itr raosrera, sneed.alScrel- Lt& Icxe tac aSmt So JXTt OS Cuu tt Scaaa Caaia oa orata fur I Bttt baadle of Segar Caae StwrfekttaLauwtTtf XF A iZLlT I THK TOLlOWtSO CI LKs boadlt ot do kiMihiK oT ke J Firewood Coal and Feed. cfc bttt X.t".'ar.lwrfKt 3tLMfc n W JLAe JlJAUJUa Safes Boxes S Larrrtt eoftecttoa of dlfcmt Tarlcllts ot 5tcr tit fkfett fa dV. wko if eakmuiti Extinguishers, U.n Wn Ut iia tar tat tUua t exVIMttn, Caae . c aUs.1 m tx Fire autatioa to I. .tatle Jtkk of Caae wiea ke tke telciet, tuiik : Dcur. t&u t let ix ta ui kw la ua itjrUy Kaio Srtr clii tke Caui ot MaaateaMat aa Sw ecsae; ke 11 cktkiieu it , 1 1 11 j bat Kilo ai ir llOQ ! ailowed ta ka eaalMttit 7 Grtalt.lnastbrrof tarlttlr. of Kato Tearakithfse - hllltl IloHseFuruishlnglioods iKdblik rmn S - wkketM4Tei7r- Aaly Bttt Rlec In tar or Faddy aj- a H aall aart beta taterta. - rf aeas. Ad . bet atit StfBkVVEtjCStaa9 41. Sottt rotator, be kt at etwt tke pawae; xai LABPv,ntaNDt:L4Cii.s. IacaKtkaainbasBprtHlaBtaaayckiM to-- - Irltarstaloe. Ittsi ka tke i ' arrUtwUlBotoeanrdra aalttttac ttDrft ukrbtt reaaatt AIM U TV & W Vt c . - II " pji ex palace wtvni aatfcc tke l!l ACTORX ai rirt u?&ce rtirU' ac ic, it it- be, ta lit oalaWa ot Ut JHi. SJtoIf Or bttt of ht otkrr prodact at nrttt SsreretT. kct fer tke SsrentaV rrfttuwi f i-- Go4j W aln to Fraaaca Uxaax !. Scr cwtualir irlri: ( eata-fcc- Cuu ass a Nos 12S and ISO Fort Street,, trry eTBjtaati w oar a i a. To xtare a otort a 4ti'. toarlil rutn. aai eet!3fiu. ffat ha it it St. A tu exatMu Mil Vt nun krntt aja. tn I For tke rrtatrit rarltty af Forajte Flaata, rtpre Stotfegtee, BcXBgfcate Fatpf,MaiftafmgtJ", C1VE US CALL! TtdatUT, lllk J mat etoUae atM. ef aot le. tkaa oat acre ' TW" Lo-wes- t S Fer Ike latradutloa of aay arefal forrlra fence BoGe. OUrrtce Btiitu. n Ltnin. Hitmio Teiepicse S05. DEirices a. Wkfre tkt want aallve" .tptar ta JNvWfaai. I. pUtlprotrJ to netted la aay partottkla Klajdoai ikt Sisc B tkeie, a 5c DILLINGHAM . CO, PrtttT.lt taaU bt Cc ifttmiti &u ulV..ortketa't?aiaottoaitretdtacttaaaa aataMlkttiB ta talt Kt.fJ.rn. a For tko ertaiett rarttte of abraa. plaata prored ic;Bcvej Fail: ikeTkue LveKaMea; CARR1VGEMA.MTACT0RY jco Fort Street trrapccttTv ft yoJtattt. to faceted ta aar part of tkla Klaoaa BaptettKiBitje CtJth.Oxrenwek, Tnwtru tm aniM to UM .to for a orito to Gh. T1L. t-- tke bttt IlMce Flaat prored to larltt la tkl Lccjr--, aad n.k. CU VIII Dtlrr rrooaon, CkM. IS, Doamttc toaatrjr, llntra man be at IriitlCOfttt loar.aod CscdaaJ Hrrwi Swu. rremcc; tkt ptaat atari aot bare tke oaJettleaabU cattle-tttttrlt- a me WHEELWRICHT AND ;mt a. aantaaarai iw Fr tM wil ace af all tkt, tkeer puis. .23l3. CluJtaaaaiT.II. llotttcaltajT. lb exMMUBHHt kaTt btta a tke Laataaa aad Mtaiooe, i9peclata etc. Ike aa jjHay Oats, ralttd. in tat. tuoaur aal tr plaata of tke abate ta be uktbitcd at skew) Eizzaf, Uipt t bt. j ouriwnnLtrinnto rate will be w a Iwj ierc tke tazpajef hli M Cda(ecsuadXewZei!aIt laetakiMtor la exctauoa tklt sd Drraiex tij IGLNEhAL BLAehblllTH. j r 4- --- - latktcaM ot flotal attltaa. tat aowcr I,frM,Hiraai-K-: I CaEkrbafealG:oC2fti;Bi3t ttctdta Cuts a OasaxexTai Taaia a ruxta. tia tan i Eadej. Vkale Wteai, aatca ated aat bt tke rnvta af tke taklViMr. trJ Gre!; .waraoa a ta I Btl eotltttloa of forrlga Fort it Tree, raltakle ! VaMlt-- is asi ctitrrcol. t No eat Eikiktt tkaB be arew am f3t tkla coaatry too? peapK an cavccu3K3oiijar. ZT ft-it- r tie aio thiotsSa taaa eat cut. S Bttt tallectloa of aatlre Fotrj I Tttt. tst Aateult akitk took atiatt at hit itar't Kkow J-- - - - Falaa Garriage Shop j TTLEFHOSEXasCB, am ot aoaKita io cootpew iiaia. 4- - - nikini - 5 " " Draearaaa ?a'"fJktllComPlete and Uews Dealers, S. Taertrktto alttror ataaaatkt aaktltkoa at- w eSeenfUkttkenicbe'j I asiwevxTrtr.t q-- S&vtrp, aad JtH Stationtrs tke are " ' Colored leaf Bloalaa w Iuattut2! Blacksmith Shop. ttti. dalt ot rrtit. at aar Uem btfart mtrln 7 - - - Crotooa rt-- clonl. la bjr Ike Board ot Maaajemeat. S- ! Ih.illaD Cairllenik-aTarknS- t. irTTd - - " Ftra. Paint Shnn tint FSEE DELIVER Y Hi Jat Statin Mxrtpt a Tl Hdoara " -- -- AiarMIt tt- - ilacleFera to aB puts of ti ettr. Xtra. ExklMton af Keek art ittatim to taialik. II - coRtctioa of Caladlam. C. BfiEWSa &" GO. Eeter wktsertautictble. tke peltfrott ot tkttr Exalbtt. IS tratrat eoHtttlea of Flaau. aad aa otktr - - ntriurtoo. ezklblt of plaata aot BteaUoard la r.'"5;!$ S2 Street, ani Telej&oaeXo- 1S7- STA.TI03VTEHY, lb. . rcaJk'JJ.clgB-- i Hiss aboTeH.t cuuu AMOSG WHICH JliT BEJfOtTD Claia n-- Fiowtaj. HATE Expresses, Schedule ofPrizes: I Beat Booqaet of Floarra , Lrttcr S Secand beat da ! Ptr.. - Dubms t -- SAT CATTLE. . ir"- 3 Ben Booqaet ot Rosea j Buggies, Just Arrived i Co. t lapKtrd BtJI, Dutta 4 Sceoad bttt da . tfalCaa, Bi JUST BECEIVED JUXt t AWrctri." ftm linrjod. BJU t Ben Inpccted Ban. a Beat aiazlo Bote Phaetons. fa C., J iapcrttd Ball, e a otalol-oro- Bt Geraalaaa - rjLK jtxaticxA A.aNTjC gJXJ3S ! Brtw(aa4 , f Qairc Best .BFcne4 Ball, Jcner T-- CarBattoai Omnibus e: 033. KraanaJos Bkxkt, it. ic, at. 5 Bet lasorted DIL UbieiB 9 OUdcH ONE MILE OF C Best toMrtMl Ball, Arn&l " Paaalt. nLA-N- booksi T Best BalL Dtohtia. STcanakl k - Facktlaa FaH Btavi. UK BoaaJ. kwt - Eeaxd U Ftoie. BetiaiUrt BitvDluia.adr3jeiMoW II IHkMaa Drays and Trucks Portable Railway Rails, Best biht can, jiemera U " Btfoataa CeyloU light ZAtlTC BaD, Bark ISUSTAMJSt I Best Aarn. I-S- Plaka Ciaam Lrria. Boaltn f3XU. Ball-- Breaking Carts, rs tart, we kara lafcttaaa. tte au. Uftia 14 Aaj otktr exklktt ef Flovtra of m'tit IS Best citf tc Caw. Darttio M-- eakftlt ot pmied Jtotiea, ftrai aad otktr Planution Wasons, LFrTTEU SCA1VES, IJ Bst titlTe Caw. Jerey plaal aad Sowera POST OFFICE l Best Btim Cw of aari-ierbrte- d -Bt Floral deila IS Best tapcrted Cw af hit breed Ctaaa m MERGHAjNDISE : Hsnd carts, Etc, ztcjAHO 10 UGHT SUGAR CAKE WAGONS CAKTXKS Coabtaed Caanas tfrltlaj. IS Eet jk of BAilrc varltsi; Oxeo Farm. la euczu. ptata aaa H fuu , IT Best nitiTe fit Steer I Beatbaack ef Baaaaa. 15t To JT5ST CABTXSS WETTING FLCID. 14beeosd best utrre fil Ste Baaaaaa EaS El FaKalitE TEK5 old a " laoii.ptau.Sfatta4aot.- l BestuilTt Ddfer,aadeTt.jurs BtttOraaa Vhich will be Sold Cff JUl "Wcri " tmV Bt t u u tau A taacs. eft saUtt Heifer, satier a jean old 4 Oocoaaat. at Ai Gcaxaxteed! laaetMe TI BestXUcl.C-- r inpaned or asUre 5 Orapt. -- t Tke Haremai. to WOSS OF AliO F02 SJOE t tfvirts V4 DtTtsnx Ptae Applta LOW EA.TES ! catei ;nx ""T la qaaru. piatf. caats. 7 Altlxator Pear. - h ?au AiiSTOfc-- 5tnirM Steel U t the . 1 Best sported Suffioa far CMrUr bis S " Xaarote Bill. Ik. jar. T v 3 ecrsd best In ported frullien for eaniifft Bse Pratke. 1 Xanax beecixVasaroi ta ftt Wntilr Jora - J taponed MMlHan far draft sse oaaaifcte or ttarv. (iiaraz JaaFiTCa.iaSS- HCC1IIGC: Uiju.pu Bct Flea . eooutotar atabes t sactr vafFtaclLfXurax ll laa ta fcr; r rtf t. hruuftojePtrf VuUift Bectfc. 4 Best iapected bUlttaa fer saddle ose II - Breadfrait "Electric Oil" of Xrciuto. laiXftcroaiT AI XATSLU t caa sxnuii t J fecoed besxisaportedSuntot for saddle me anexirr a22 HAXysCOPTBUOhM ti Oaara. STATU WE-r- X FAEEST Swxjt Gnrtatee ort: Iraitzx a; Xiaatiaaorj j est satiTe Suifiea. 4 aid H ! tiia. re -- aeiafcjnea RilJriltboaaaaaakalfbsnuL cttt jean B Bttt Clusaa PctiaMaf Sa t fail boaad aad kalf tuoai T Best satire StaJKoa itader4asdoTer2Tean3d f It " Lrmoaa xatalarr ulrt. rrfiiaer7z1Kabr. a?J Stelt 5 Best satire builtea 2 Tears od and ncder - ST Jtaaa Coajtzf Unea Dcat tie Place L.GSESt.ce --Eet auHtc riHj oTrrSj'VS aid 1 - Loqaata Ttrsl G MACTA3UJkT ia jtattanettet. 9 Best FlBy - URD,ii5itl0ftL.PAILS aaf :a ran .ipoftt Hj sukteti. T Cu satlTe sader Xjeari od IT VU h. tt AraufaJc&xFvTltiXC.i Fabtr Ftaola blioa". PtatOi. At. 11 Ben satire Mare S jeara od er orer I- - " CaentBotat W H. PACE, DUattISC Pa run: ;uia.Miaoaai. li Best sare Mare aad foal r- - - Dalta Maaila Dtuil Taper. best Batlre Mare ted foal 3- - - Water Moloaa V & McKElVKTEY'S II Best satire saddle aaiaal, terse r man a " M.sk Proprietor. PLATTtG CAKBs rsaad A pUU. 15 fceesd beat aatlre saddle aalsal. berssr ae aaatt Batketaatorttd Fralta etrrr 1 2S-A- ". JIEJIOBADI JI BOliaa luntnnnr, Best satire cariae aataal, herse or nare ad aayotker taklblt of mtiH LAJRJD tw!id GcedLtbtli IT Best iaperted Uare OIL Pacific Coast nvt hi:9 1 Best pair ef Batlrc eirrlaje llorsea Ciaaa rr Tieruavia. sklaeia; Tajr TocrirtTl. is infmri.'S axd cases CO,," 19 Best la ported Jaek 1 BeitAaaaraza. & Envelopes to tnatrh. 3-- lst hjUtc Male S-- - Ptia BMTB Paper S Best ixxported cania aBiaaal, terse or sure " Carrot. BiU larat. Ftacut aai Tarttlf, S5 Best laporicd ratiox StaUlas, tfawowjabrrd 4 " Taralp. Pitcn, Business Directory FlrxiBt X B-- The pates of tke aaimals maraed srHfa a 5 " Oabbare. Tar " and yCESC CAEBS gaAfrrmAT. ssist be exhibited stbem repaired bj tie asaaafm, a OaaHJowtr 7 Paapkia. rSiLCDlSG- - 1ETTEE P2SSS, LASGE & SHAIX Dmsiox m snezr . - Sqaaak COAL 1 Best uaperted Saa itet weet) Btaa. Casks for Family "Use. Eabbrr Eaaai. aB ftrei; S Secsad best tspeeted Ba (fer wool) - Err Fralt In BALLS, EaU 2-- DRUGGISTS BASE US, laporud baa (fer tKtta) I- I- " Badiihta . t tDES aa4 SCOBE BOO UtO.tD-UAi- D 4 Secjosd best iapertedBaa (for matte-a- ) B - Kohlrabi IHEHAWAIIAHISUHDS nlETnDAT 3 Beat tsro ported Ewea ctsos. POCKET KXITES. ta - - Ctltrr 1 1 t Second best tsro laported vea H A No. 13 & 15 FORT STREET T Toaatata IE03a" H1l1S ALSO AstfsaarotAtrirsiclta too U HtatSta Best satire Eaa 1 Prpper SMZZ5 aatra d - Secead best Btdre Saa 1 - Lettsco l JLETO 9 Best to es 17 FOE rrcrtrtd roraajForriia satire - BaikctaaaerledVrrrtablM Dm.C SOEKX STESEvXirs Piscr or ptkasttd. at Alfcler est Urto Fkeces, nattrc CT Directory HOXOLDLD Xanitne zj Broot-riae- Ad ctWblt trtt aot Beatloaed la Cut of aB Papen as StajMet. f. ' tie COAL tat Local Xacuist. Drrtsiwt aDorelutiS z CUMBERLAND Ftallj Wzxit. tie. arnn ea tiaiL .ptelal tor to eriti ai 1 Eenlapcned Boar Vmwa ea--S FECIAL Orfm Ettttrei tor BOOKS. ETC s Secsisd beat laperted Swtse JlACniSERT. lu CARD: HATCHES tcnl PrUeaHlbe-vreaforik- e J Beattaponed Xr Vett Imole-Bea- LlDHMll ffllCIffi,: ALSO best iBperted exklbiu of u 42toz& Saw aad Xackiaerr a petjallj adapted to tke arrleal-tar- --rairbank s blMa icaies 5 Bess satrre Sow ladaatrlt. or tant Itlaada.aadtetke 1 f 5 Jj. in. HiUAVCtjnnfiX cc uo. BED RUBBER STAMP AGEXCT ! C Seccad best satire Sow predact. for - Best fcler of Pix ssder tea BaajM oot, Bative eapeelaRTrsraewIareBUeaiof drpart-stra- RICKSECKER'S S ralaela tkjj l, jlssoctzs irrs. PCBlif-EtKi-. OTvratr-fciER- a St- - Oiattaa. aa4 Ajtau for Ike SatTecfegia Briuaaxa. Best fat Pic. aidrt - " Seccxri best fat Piz. satire . IS- AH liltzi. orftn mtd Preaatlr St Voiluoin rj Strfrt. Saa FraxiKa. Tke foHowts; frtrea CO-- Dituwj r POCLTIaT. eatratt. tke Salt, of tie SodttT ASil OARS. 16.17.1S J. H. OAT. Jr. & arepabHtktdfortke la formation fl'E!K.TJivEEs! J Beat vkiae , Booster aad S besfl ot tkoae wka kart Bagot, tT Gaarrra Stock. Xtrtaaat St. Lebers BotTttbeceaeBtabem Fredericlr ti 2 BestbrovB LezsoTo.. CacteTasd2beBS Axe A5BTSS- axi black 3 si a . Kooster aad 2 hens Bale V lar peraya taaj bttoma a Btabtraf tke Handles, Ctcmstat Atat S5i?T.&;B Jajeat of te dollar.. SA Saa Fer BtTafixa Iiliair I BestDaxastc. Booster adteras BaleZIII U?1TbepajBtatof Pick Handles, - S Best p3ie fowl; Booster aid 2 bes out kaadrtd dollar, la COIiESIOJi- SKKSK & CO. - Beat toree doactle Geese " ""'"r ,ain toaaUUte lie donor a life Cotton Waste. LAINE 7 Best pair satire Geese Beaker HATE A STOCK OT TUG 8 Best pair axr ctier breed JSt'lf?... .VIe B"'?" totn be eaeapt from paj-- UtBCE i Tbrec sscoTT Saloon M Beaver 14 Dt Tbrto Artesbcrr DstU A'ursillg ""C7"ox-- y 11 Tare Caaton Vz&lm Bj order ef IS e Board. A Choice Selection rf Bottle. Sost II TBxeeTa7seTa i. S. WEBB, oVtrrtory. 1 " Tarte Tarieues of Pleoss 3XU H.J. NCLTE. Proprietor. &;c. CHAIRS! Hay, Grain, - WHICH IS OFTZEiTD IT THE We want the Public to under- I JUST Fe ae aaaoaace to kit fncoc aa tac stand BEOEITSB Barrel Shocks A RTI C LE S that the BT EXCELSIOR, g.TaV ia ?sei Lowest Market Prices lie opened Salooa CELITDLED TO JJT CF TEE 071 Union Company, f ReaI That ba tke aboxe U3 WE PUT Peed CONCHEE&AHUiYG Merit ortere Erat-cla- as BefresHaeaU IeEeadjaadWiUlEStoFarabaail tie JPIiceton Carts ACEXTS rott TUC FORT STRZIT, AEOTZ KI50. Instxraace Ccnapaxxjr. HANDY PHVETONS, wtB t trrrri. bsM X a.L iM It ?.- -. xz&riat Pacific Sntnal life HAY, OATS, BARLEY, BRA!,. &.. &c Hew Goods of Various Descriptions OF CAUTOEyiX tsaatgattaafrtlionaeg aCcsuat CXtfi Cuin . ITXATNEED IS Styles Maile "HOOVER TZIEPHO-K.- of Carriages Cologne fcr the " iew THE nSXST G21DZS 07 Ajtzti Chinese and Japanese COHSIISSIOKZR OP DEEDS AT THE LOWEST RATES. Ware! ALSO. LATEST STTLZ OF ! Tobaccos, TOR CALTFOKIA. At are araat to sake rooa for a Larre For file Toilet Slock sa tie way Cigars, Pipes and 1 EUROPEAH NOVELTIES 147. tf Z"ABererapraptatIesdtdts Goodt deKtercd III JEWELRY I A5S- Smoker's Sundries Ladies' Phastons, RAMSAY & LANE E No. l7S."ojrtm tsctratsa some Uieets kr a rtrKoal ert-T- i frxa lrt2aro iaa-- INE GLYCERiVIEL raCDcier aar aesa ciiifiCTL aaa iB be aiteS to froa SETS OF TIGER 0LAW8 CIDER VINEGAR, OF ROSES ttaczaccc General Grocers Silk SteelFOBRalls HaadkereBiet. (hesutiteaed), Ouef EraarricAA BiBa'i AB coton tad HAND CARTS, PORTABLE OR PERMANENT niallUet. 3?j?o vision. Dealers, A TOE aJSORTXBST OT EASTERN MADE OXCARTS', Celebrated Billiard Tables XO.C7IIOTEI.rr. : : UOJOLILC' RaHways ! Japanese Lacquered Ware THE COMPLEXION Goods Delirered to Cnstoaer's Beai- - Alio, 15 ft, lengths; 14 lbs. to the yard So. I Biee for Sale. SUGAR BAGS. dencea. Free Charge. vmij of marred1 per MDakc V5I2C EX Jtit Saxtni lata arrtiab, a fraS Hse of Jaat of Abcrcors.' GROCERIES! a fica Ltrerpool' Cordage: Hemp & Manila. LTS"E OF FAM1XT Garden Seeds & Tiesh Groceries. W L.CREES, 01 A FDX.L. & COMPANY CO- ABSOimrENT OP 2TEnr .BREWER BHS50S. SiHTH - UFULL aa Tlttltti. Geea. nca ai XtaU - rr, jtACTAELAsr M Fratu. FerSak : xs- XU.03EU nufD sitb narntss.-x- 3 c. c, i JM-- fer r azasxstas aoTnaanw in isLAXDOSSZZSSOUcrrzo a AztaU Iza. Co 93 BOLZXS CO.

IT a 11 Til, tC "(Uaer IS Ebi. 'aVIrJ. etieete. noDtMa. nP rra- -a fT - Use lGziisier of an- - ntt Ca(t. C. !TBtrT6uHii"K5C aa If tholsterior tad John Cluner " rzm. I JJ-- S rW-orS- ct a. Mxmunpo, aarvcusasaie S9 P??9?::F4.v1istiaPcdtTriliorf aar csawKsrr cnTrn ? - - II-a- - ta t. A-- X., t- - t '-- Karn. Haaralli