Journal of Algebra 238, 345᎐371Ž. 2001 doi:10.1006rjabr.2000.8622, available online at on

Bounded Lattice Expansions

Mai Gehrke and John Harding

New Mexico State Uni¨ersity, Las Cruces, New Mexico 88003 E-mail: mgehrke, [email protected]

Communicated by H. A. Priestley

Received May 24, 2000

The notion of a canonical extension of a lattice with additional operations is introduced. Both a concrete description and an abstract characterization of this extension are given. It is shown that this extension is functorial when applied to lattices whose additional operations are either order preserving or reversing, in each coordinate, and various results involving the preservation of identities under canonical extensions are established. ᮊ 2001 Academic Press Key Words: algebras with a lattice reduct; canonical extensions; Galois connec- tions; functoriality; preservation of identities.


Many types of algebras, particularly ones arising from algebraic treat- ments of logics, consist of a Boolean algebra with additional operations. Often these operations preserve finite joins in each coordinate, in which case they are called operators. Examples of Boolean algebras with opera- torsŽ. BAOs include relation algebras, modal algebras, cylindric algebras, and tense algebras. It was in the 1951 papers of Jonsson´ and Tarskiwx 28, 29 that a systematic treatment of BAOs was begun. As a central ingredient of wx28, 29 , Jonsson´ and Tarski proved, starting from a recasting of a famous result of Stone, that every BAO can be extendedŽ in an essentially unique manner. to a complete atomic BAO. This extension is called the canonical extension of the BAO. Canonical extensions of BAOs provide a represen- tation theorem which can be of great use in algebraic investigations. Further, it has been recognized that canonical extensions play a fundamen- tal role in completeness theorems for various extensions of classical logic such as modal logics. For these reasons, an extensive theory of canonical extensions of BAOs has been developed over the past 50 yearsw 4, 19, 25᎐27, 34x .

345 0021-8693r01 $35.00 Copyright ᮊ 2001 by Academic Press All rights of reproduction in any form reserved. 346 GEHRKE AND HARDING

There are also many types of algebras which consist of a distributive lattice with additional operations or, more generally, of a lattice with additional operations. Again, logic provides a rich source of examples. Roughly speaking, distributive lattices with additional operations, such as Heyting algebras, arise from algebraic studies of logics in which the classical negation has been weakened or eliminatedw 5, 6, 8, 9, 12, 18, 31᎐33, 35xw . Lattices with additional operations arise from linear logics 1, 23, 30xwx and in studies of quantum logics 11 . The restriction to operators which has prevailed until recently is not a restriction motivated by applica- tions but rather by the methods of proof. Even in the earliest application areas such a modal algebra or cylindric algebra, one is interested in considering both operators and order reversing operations, such as Boolean negation, or at least both operators and dual operators, such as I and ᭛ or existensial and universal quantifiers, simultaneously. In recent workw 16, 17, 35x it has been possible to address questions concerning canonical extensions for broad classes of additional operations. Here we call a distributive lattice with additional operations a distributive lattice expan- sionŽ. DLE and we say a DLE is monotone if its additional operations are order preserving or inverting in each coordinateŽ note the Heyting implica- tion ª is order preserving in its first argument and inverting in its second.Ž. . The term distributive lattice with operators DLO is reserved for a distributive lattice with additional operations which are additive in each argument. Similar definitions are used for lattice expansionsŽ. LEs , mono- tone lattice expansions, and lattices with operatorsŽ. LOs . In their 1994 paperwx 15 , Gehrke and Jonsson´ introduced the notion of a canonical extension of a distributive lattice with operators and showed that all identities of a DLO are preserved by canonical extensions. This generalized the well known resultwx 28 that all identities of a BAO not involving negation are preserved by canonical extensions. There are, however, identities in a BAO that are not preserved by canonical exten- sionswx 21 and the question of exactly which identities are preserved in a BAO is delicatewx 2, 19, 20, 26, 34 . Gehrke and Jonsson´ wx 16, 17 have addressed the more general question of determining which identities in a DLE are preserved by canonical extensions, obtaining strong results, some of which are new even when applied to the BAO situation. It is the purpose of this paper to introduce the notion of canonical extensions of lattice expansions and to show that many of the results obtained for DLEs inwx 16 hold also for LEs. The proofs in the lattice setting are similar to those in the distributive case and are based on a fragment of an infinite distributive law shown to hold in the canonical extension of a lattice. The simplicity is perhaps surprising if one is familiar with Urquhart duality on which the canonical extension is based. Indeed, it BOUNDED LATTICE EXPANSIONS 347 is by providing an abstract characterization of the canonical extension of a lattice that such difficulties are avoided. The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we define the canonical extension of a bounded lattice, show the existence of this extension, and show its uniqueness. Inwx 22 , Harding had obtained canonical extensions for lattices using the fact that lattices are exactly the images of Galois connections on Boolean algebras. Here we present a more direct construction of the canonical extension of an arbitraryŽ. bounded lattice and give a characterization that simplifies the ones given previously both in the distributive and non-distributive case. For a Boolean algebra, the canonical extension is isomorphic to the complete field of sets that the algebra is represented in via the topological dualities. Similarly for distributive lattices, the canonical extension is isomorphic to the complete ring of sets generated by the representation of the lattice obtained via the topological dualities. As is to be expected, the canonical extension of a lattice is isomorphic to the complete lattice it is represented in via the generalized topological dualities such as Urquhart dualitywx 36 or Hartung’s duality wx 24 . What is surprising is that describing the extension as well as working with it is no harder in the general case than it is in the distributive setting. In Section 3 we develop some of the basic properties of canonical extensions of lattices. Even though their properties are not quite as strong in the general case as in the distributive case, they are remarkably strong and remarkably like those of canonical extensions of distributive lattices. For example, canonical extensions of distributive lattices are join gener- ated by their completely join irreducibles. This is true in the non-distribu- tive case as well. In the distributive case these completely join irreducibles are in one to one correspondence with the prime filters of the original lattice. In the non-distributive case the completely join irreducibles are in one to one correspondence with the maximal disjoint pairs of filters and ideals of the original lattice. Also, the canonical extensions of distributive lattices are completely distributive lattices. This of course cannot be true in the non-distributive case as it would force the underlying lattice that is being extended to be distributive. Nevertheless a very powerful restricted complete distributivity holds in canonical extensions of lattices. And it turns out this is sufficient to get many of the results on preservation of identities and the like previously obtained in the distributive case. In Section 4 we give the definition of the extension of a map from one lattice to another and develop the basic properties of such extensions. In particular we consider extensions of order preserving maps and the inter- action of extending and composing maps. The new definition for extending maps that we use here originates inwx 17 . It has the advantage of allowing extension of all maps whereas the original formula introduced inwx 28 only produces an extension of the underlying map when the latter is order 348 GEHRKE AND HARDING preserving. Inwx 17 several topologies on canonical extensions are explored in order to gain understanding and perspective on the properties of extensions of maps. We have decided not to explore these notions here and leave them for future work. In Section 5 we define canonical extensions for arbitrary LEs and show that taking canonical extensions is functorial for monotone LEs. Further- more, this preserves injectivity and surjectivity, which has as a consequence that the closure of a class under canonical extensions be- haves well with respect to the formation of homomorphic images and subalgebras. In Section 6 we give several preservation results. We show that the main result ofwx 15 holds in the lattice setting in the sense that for any LE all identities involving only basic operations that are operators is preserved by canonical extensions. Notice this, however, does not imply that all identi- ties are preserved for LEs in which all the additional operations are operators since the lattice meet is not itself an operator unless the lattice is distributive. We also show that a variety of monotone LEs is closed under canonical extensions if it is generated by a class K of LEs that is closed under canonical extensions and ultraproducts. In particular, all finitely generated varieties of monotone LEs are closed under canonical extensions.


Here, and in the remainder of the paper, all lattices will be assumed to have a least element 0 and a greatest element 1, and all homomorphisms preserve these bounds. All filters and ideals will be assumed non-empty.

For a lattice L we use FLLand I , or simply F and I when no confusion is likely, for the collections of all filters and ideals of L, respectively. For p g L we use p­ and px for the principal filter and ideal generated by p.

DEFINITION 2.1. A completion of a lattice L is a pair Ž.e, c where C is a complete lattice and e: L ª C is a lattice embedding.

For a completion Ž.e, C of a lattice L, we say an element of C is open if it is a join of elements from the of L and closed if it is a meet of elements from the image of L. The set of open elements of C will be denoted by O, and the set of closed elements will be denoted by K.Itis customary to call a completion join dense if O s C and meet dense if K s C. At the risk of clashing with existing terminology, we make the following definition. BOUNDED LATTICE EXPANSIONS 349

DEFINITION 2.2. A completion Ž.e, C of a lattice L is called dense if every element of C can be expressed both as a join of meets and as a meet of joins of elements from the image of L. Recall that a topological space is compact if for any family A of closed sets and any family B of open sets, F A : D B iff there are finite subfamilies AЈ : A and BЈ : B with F AЈ : D BЈ. We make an analo- gous definition for completions.

DEFINITION 2.3. A completion Ž.e, C of a lattice L is called compact if for any set A of closed elements and any set of B of open elements, H A F E B iff there are finite AЈ : A and BЈ : B with H AЈ F E BЈ. We emphasize that compactness is not a property of the lattice C alone but of the pair Ž.e, C . It is worthwhile to note that to verify the compact- ness of Ž.e, C , it suffices to consider subsets A, B of the image of the lattice L. Rephrased slightly, this is the content of the following lemma whose easy proof is left to the reader.

LEMMA 2.4. For a completionŽ. e, C of a lattice L, the following are equi¨alent. Ž.1 Že, C . is compact. Ž.2 H eSwxF E e wx T iff HSЈ F ETЈ for some finite SЈ : S, TЈ : T. Ž.3 H eSwxF E e wx T iff F l I / л for each S : F g F and each T : I g I.

DEFINITION 2.5. A canonical extension of a lattice L is a completion Ž.e, C of L which is dense and compact.

PROPOSITION 2.6. E¨ery lattice has a canonical extension. Proof. Define R : F = I to be the set of all ordered pairs Ž.F, I with F l I / л. As with any , the polarities of R wx3 provide a ␾: PF ª P I and ␺ : P I ª PF between the power sets of F and I. Specifically,

␾ Ž.X s Ä4I : I l F / л for each F g X , ␺ Ž.X s Ä4F : F l I / л for each I g X .

In general, a pair of maps f: L ª M and g: M ª L between lattices L and M is called a Galois connection if both f and g are order inverting and a F fgaŽ Ž ..and b F gfb Ž Ž .. for all a g M and b g L. This is clearly satisfied by the maps ␾: PF ª P I and ␺ : P I ª PF. Setting GŽ.␾, ␺ to be the Galois closed elements of PF, that is, the elements of PF that 350 GEHRKE AND HARDING are in the image of ␺ , and GŽ.␺ , ␾ to be the Galois closed elements of P I, that is, the elements of P I that are in the image of ␾, it follows from general properties of Galois connections that GŽ.␾, ␺ and G Ž.␺ , ␾ are complete lattices and ␾, ␺ restrict to mutually inverse dual order isomor- phisms between these lattices. Claim 1. For each p g L Ž.1 ␺␾ ŽÄ4p­ . s Ä4F : p g F . Ž.2 ␾␺ ŽÄ4px . s Ä4I : p g I . Thus, we may define maps ␣: L ª GŽ.␾, ␺ and ␤: L ª G Ž.␺ , ␾ by setting ␣Ž.p s Ä4F : p g F and ␤Ž.p s Ä4I : p g I . It is clear that ␣ is an order embedding, ␤ is a dual order embedding, ␾ ( ␣ s ␤, and ␺ ( ␤ s ␣. Claim 2. For any A : L Ž.1 H ␣wxA s Ä4F : A : F . Ž.2 H ␤ wxA s Ä4I : A : I . Ž.3 E ␣wxA s Ä4F : F l I / л for all A : I . Ž.4 E ␤ wxA s Ä4I : I l F / л for all A : F . The first assertion follows trivially as meets in GŽ.␾, ␺ are given by intersections. The second is similar. For the third, E ␣wxA s ␺␾ŽE ␣wxA . s ␺ ŽH␾␣wxA .Žs ␺ H ␤ wxA .Žs ␺ Ä4I : A : I ., and the result follows from the definition of ␺. The fourth is similar. Claim 3. For any X : F and Y : I Ž.1 ␺␾ ŽX .s EHÄ ␣wxF : F g X 4. Ž.2 ␾␺ ŽY .s EHÄ ␤ wxI : I g Y 4. To begin, we verify the first assertion under the additional assumption that X s ␺␾Ž.X . Then surely X : Ä4G : G = F for some F g X , but as X is in the image of ␺ , we have equality. Rewrite this as X sjÄH ␣wxF : F g X 4, and as X s ␺␾Ž.X , this union is a join. Without the assumption that X s ␺␾Ž.X , we have ␺␾ Ž.X s EHÄ ␣wxF : F g ␺␾Ž.X 4, which clearly contains EHÄ ␣wxF : F g X 4. But this final set is closed and can easily be seen to contain X. The second assertion follows similarly. We are now able to conclude the proof of the proposition. We know that the map ␣: L ª GŽ.␾, ␺ is an order embedding of L into a complete lattice. From Claim 2 it follows that ␣ is a lattice embedding and that this completion is compact. PartŽ. 1 of Claim 3 provides directly that every element in GŽ.␾, ␺ is a join of meets of elements from the image of ␣, and partŽ. 2 of Claim 3, in conjunction with the fact that ␺ is a dual order BOUNDED LATTICE EXPANSIONS 351 isomorphism, provides that every element of GŽ.␾, ␺ is a meet of joins of elements from the image of ␣.

PROPOSITION 2.7. Any two canonical extensions of a lattice L are isomor- phic by a unique isomorphism commuting with the embeddings of L. Proof. Let Ž.e, C be a canonical extension of L. The version of com- pactness given in partŽ. 3 of Lemma 2.4 obviously determines whether a meet of elements from the image eLwxof L lies below a join of elements from eLwx. In particular, this determines when a meet of elements from eLwxlies below a single element from eL wx, hence when a meet of elements from eLwxlies below another meet of elements from eL wx. Thus, compactness completely determines the poset of closed elements and similarly the poset of open elements, and further, compactness determines whether a closed element lies below an open element. By density, elements of C correspond to subsets D of closed elements with the property that a closed element belongs to D iff it is a lower bound of every open element which is an upper bound of D. Thus, compactness and density completely determine the extension. Remark 2.8. The results of this section could have been presented in a much more general setting. Let P be any poset, let F be any collection of upsets of P which contains all principal upsets, and let I be any collection of downsets of P which contains all principal downsets. Without modification, the above results show the existence and uniqueness of a pair Ž.e, C consisting of a complete lattice C and an order embedding e: P ª C with the following properties:Ž. i each element of C is a join of meets and a meet of joins of elements of the image of P, andŽ. ii for any S,T : P we have H eSwxF E eT wxiff F l I / л for any S : F g F and any T : I g I. Should the members of F be closed under some specified set of meets, then the embedding e will preserve these meets, and should the members of I be closed under some specified set of joins, the embedding e will preserve these joins. Many of the standard completions of a lattice L arise in this manner for suitable choices of F and I. For the MacNeille completion take F to be the collection of all principal filters and take I to be the collection of all principal ideals. For the ideal lattice take F to be the collection of all principal filters and we take I to be the collection of all ideals. The situation for the lattice of complete ideals is similar. Remark 2.9. One might naturally wish to develop a theory of canonical extensions of arbitraryŽ. possibly not bounded lattices. The easiest way to do this is to consider a functor F which adjoins bounds to each lattice L to produce a bounded lattice FL. There are several possibilities for F depending on whether one wishes to preserve any existing bounds. One 352 GEHRKE AND HARDING then defines a canonical extension of L to be a canonical extension of the bounded lattice FL. The method described in the previous remark could be used to develop such canonical extensions of arbitrary lattices in a more direct manner. Given an arbitrary lattice L one might consider F to be the collection of allŽ. possibly empty filters of L and I to be the collection of allŽ. possible empty ideals of L if one wished an extension that did not preserve existing bounds. To preserve existing bounds, one could require all members of F to contain any existing upper bound and any members of I to contain any existing lower bound. Remark 2.10. Canonical extensions were first considered by Jonsson´ and Tarskiwx 28 as a means to give a purely lattice theoretic description of the natural embedding e: B ª PŽ.Z of a Boolean algebra into the power set of its Stone space. As the elements from the image of B are clopen, the compactness of the completion ŽŽ..e, P Z follows from the compactness of Z. As the image of B forms a basis of Z, the fact that Z is Hausdorff implies each singleton Ä4z is the intersection of elements from the image of B; hence, as PŽ.Z is completely distributive, the extension is dense. It seems that only much laterwx 15 were canonical extensions of distribu- tive lattices considered. In this setting, the canonical extension gives a purely lattice theoretic characterization of the natural embedding e: D ª DŽ.Z of a distributive lattice D into the collection of all downsets of its Priestley space. As above, compactness of the embedding follows from the compactness of Z, and density follows from the complete distributivity of DŽ.Z and the fact that Z is totally order disconnected. For canonical extensions of general lattices Urquhart dualitywx 36 plays a role analogous to that played by Stone and Priestley duality above. Al- though it is a non-trivial exercise, the reader familiar withwx 36 will be able to show that the natural embedding of a lattice L into the complete lattice of all stable subsets of its Urquhart dual space Z is a canonical extension. As the points of Z are maximally disjoint pairs of filters and ideals of L, this shows that a canonical extension of L can be constructed solely from the maximally disjoint filters and ideals of L, rather from the collections F of all filters and I of all ideals of L as in Proposition 2.6. Lemma 3.4 provides an explanation for this phenomenon. Finally, we note that the Galois connection used in the proof of Proposition 2.6 was considered by Hartungwx 24 in his reformulationŽ. and generalization of Urquhart duality in terms of contexts and their concept lattices. While canonical extensions of lattices naturally arise from Urquhart duality and from canonical extensions of Boolean algebras with operators Ž.see remark 5.5 , the results here, and inwx 22 , seem to be the first to abstractly characterize canonical extensions. Next, we develop the basic properties of such extensions. BOUNDED LATTICE EXPANSIONS 353


A fundamental notion for lattices and ordered sets in general is that of order duals. The order dualŽ or just dual as this is mostly the kind of dual we will talk about here.Ž. of a poset P, F is the ordered set Ž.P, G which we will denote by P d. For f: L ª M, let f d: Ld ª M d be the same set mapping as f, but with the dual orders on the domain and codomain. Given an order property, the dual property is the one obtained by considering the original property applied to the dual order. Canonical extensions behave quite nicely with respect to duality and for this reason many properties come in dual pairs. We will state such properties in pairs, labelling one as the dual of the other and only proving one of them.

PROPOSITION 3.1. LetŽ. e, C be a canonical extension of L. Then Ž e dd, C . is a canonical extension of Ld.

Proof. Compactness, denseness, and being a completion are self-dual properties.

Here, and in the remainder of the paper, we shall use the following notation. For a family X of non-empty sets, we let ⌽Ž.X denote the family of choice functions for X. Specifically ⌽Ž.X s Ä␣: X ª D X : ␣Ž.A g A for each A g X 4. The following lemma will be of key importance in developing the theory of canonical extensions.

LEMMA 3.2. LetŽ. e, C be a canonical extension of L. Suppose X and Y are collections of subsets of C such that each set in X is a downwardly directed set of closed elements and each set in Y is an upwardly directed set of open elements. Then

Ž.1 EHÄ4ÄA : A g X s HEImŽ.␣ : ␣ g ⌽ ŽX .4. Ž.1 d HEÄ4ÄB : B g Y s EHImŽ.␣ : ␣ g ⌽ Ž.Y 4.

These will be called the restricted distributi¨e laws. Proof. Suppose A g X and ␣ g ⌽Ž.X .As␣ Ž.A g A, it follows that H A F ␣Ž.A F E Im Ž.␣ ; hence the left side of the required equation is less than or equal to the right. As the completion is dense, each element can be expressed as a meet of open elements. Thus, it suffices to show that any open element y which is greater than or equal to the left side is also greater than or equal to the right. For such y we have H A F y for each A g X; hence, using compactness and the fact that each A g X is down- wardly directed, for each A g X there is a g A with a F y. Thus, there is ␣ g ⌽Ž.X with E Im Ž.␣ F y, showing the right side is less than or equal y. 354 GEHRKE AND HARDING

LEMMA 3.3. LetŽ. e, C be a canonical extension of a lattice L. Then Ž.1 The open elements O are a sublattice of C which is isomorphic to IL. Ž.1 d The closed elements K are a sublattice of C which is isomorphic to FL. ␸ ª ␸ s E wx Proof. Consider the map : IL O defined by setting Ž.I eI. By general principles this map is order preserving, by compactness it is an order embedding, and by the definition of O it is a mapping onto O. Thus

IL is isomorphic to O, and it remains only to show that O is a sublattice of C. Surely the join of two open elements is open, so the task is to show that the meet of two open elements x, y is open. For such open x, y there are ideals I, J of L with x s E eIwxand y s E eJ wx. Setting Y s ÄeIwx, eJ wx4, we have x n y s HEÄ4B : B g Y ; hence, by restricted distributivity, x n y s EHÄ ImŽ.␣ : ␣ g ⌽ Ž.Y 4Ä. Therefore, x n y s E eaŽ.n b : a g I, b g J4 is a join of elements in the image of L, hence open. An element j of a complete lattice C is called completely join irre- ducible if J s E A implies j g A. The set of completely join irreducibles in C will be denoted JCŽ., and dually, the set of completely meet irreducibles in C will be denoted MCŽ.. For a lattice L we call a pair Ž.F, I consisting of a filter and an ideal of L a maximal pair if F is maximal among all filters disjoint from I and I is maximal among all ideals disjoint from F.

LEMMA 3.4. LetŽ. e, C be a canonical extension of L. Ž.1 x g J Ž C . iff x s H ewx F for some maximal pairŽ. F, IofL. Ž.1 d x g MŽ. C iff x s E ewx I for some maximal pairŽ. F, IofL. Further, each element of C is a join of completely join irreducibles and a meet of completely meet irreducibles. Proof. We will show for any maximal pair Ž.F, I that H eFwxis com- pletely join irreducible and that each closed element is a join of completely join irreducibles arising from such maximal pairs. As every element of C is a join of closed elements, it follows that every element of C is a join of completely join irreducibles arising from such maximal pairs, and therefore each completely join irreducible must arise from such a maximal pair. For Ž.F, I a maximal pair in L, let x s H eFwx, and suppose x s E M. We must show x g M. As every element of C is a join of closed elements, we may assume without loss of generality that M is a set of closed elements. Suppose that m - x for each m g M. Then for each m g M s g F the set Fm Äa L : m eaŽ.4 is a filter in L which properly contains F and hence intersects I non-trivially. We may therefore choose an element BOUNDED LATTICE EXPANSIONS 355

g l g H wxs s E F bmmF I for each m M. It follows that eF x M E g F E wx ÄebŽ.m : m M4 eI. Using the compactness condition of Lemma 2.4 we have F l I / л, contrary to Ž.F, I being a maximal pair. We next show that each closed element k is a join of completely join irreducibles arising from such maximal pairs. As every element of C is a meet of open elements, it is sufficient to show that k g y, for y open, implies there is a completely join irreducible x arising from a maximal pair with x F k and x g y.Ask is closed there is a filter G of L, namely G s k­ l L, with k s H eGwx, and as y is open, there is an ideal J of L, namely J s yx l L, with y s E eJwx.Ask g y, we have G l J / л,so by a standard application of Zorn’s lemma, there is a maximal pair Ž.F, I which extends Ž.G, J . Set x s H eFwx. Surely x F k.As F and I are disjoint, compactness provides H eFwxgEeI wx; hence x g y.

In the special case of canonical extensions of distributive lattices, a good deal more can be said.

PROPOSITION 3.5. Let D be a bounded distributi¨e lattice and letŽ. e, cbe a canonical extension of D.

Ž.1 C is completely distributi¨e. Ž.2 Both C and its dual are algebraic lattices. Ž.3 J Ž C . and M Ž C . are isomorphic posets which are directly complete.

Proof. The natural embedding e: D ª DŽ.Z of a distributive lattice D into the collection of all downsets of the Priestley space Z of D yields a canonical extension of D Ž.see Remark 2.10 . Therefore all three of the above statements follow directly from well known results. The first two can be found inwx 10 ; the third follows as the poset of join irreducibles of DŽ.Z corresponds to the poset of prime ideals of D.

Remark 3.6. It is natural to form many conjectures about canonical extensions based on the above result. Unfortunately, none of the state- ments in the above proposition hold for canonical extensions of general lattices. Obviously, a canonical extension of a non-distributive lattice will not be distributive, let alone completely distributive. However, one might reasonably hope that canonical extensions do preserve lattice identities. This is not the case; an example inwx 22 shows a canonical extension of a modular lattice need not be modular. Also inwx 22 is an example of a canonical extension which is not meet continuous, hence not algebraic Žalthough Lemma 3.2 shows that meets do distribute over up-directed joins when all elements involved lie in the image of L.. Finally, even for finite lattices there is in general no isomorphism between the posets of join and meet irreducibles, and examples can be constructedŽ. necessarily infinite of 356 GEHRKE AND HARDING

canonical completions where the posets of join and meet irreducibles are not directly complete. For the sequel, it will be convenient to introduce some terminology. ␴ DEFINITION 3.7. For each lattice L, let L be the1 Ž unique up to isomorphism. lattice containing L so that the identical embedding L ª L␴ is a canonical extension. Note, by the definition of canonical extensions, d ␴ s ␴ d = иии = ␴ s that we haveŽ.Ž up to isomorphism L . Ž L . and Ž.L1 Ln ␴ = иии = ␴ L1 Ln.


In this section, we introduce methods to extend a unary map f: L ª M between lattices to a map between the canonical extensions L␴ and M ␴. The basic properties of the extensions introduced will also be investigated. The results of this, and the following, section are closely based on results obtained in the distributive casewx 16 .

DEFINITION 4.1. Let L and M be lattices and let f: L ª M be any map. Define maps f ␴, f ␲ : L␴ ª M ␴ by setting

f ␴ Ž.x s EHÄ4Ä4fa Ž.: a g L and p F a F q : p g K , q g O and p F x F q , f ␲ Ž.x s HEÄ4Ä4fa Ž.: a g L and p F a F q : p g K , q g O and p F x F q .

If f ␴ s f ␲ we shall say f is smooth.

LEMMA 4.2. Let L and M be lattices and let f: L ª M be any set map. Ž.1 f␴ and f␲ both extend f. Ž.2 f ␴ F f␲ under the pointwise order. Proof. Ž.1 Let x g L.If p g K, q g O, and p F x F q, then we surely have HÄ faŽ.: a g L and p F a F q4 F fxŽ.. Hence fx␴ Ž.F fx Ž.. Conversely, as x g L we have x g K, x g O; hence fx␴ Ž.G HÄ faŽ.: a g L and x F a F x4 s fxŽ.. That f ␲ extends f follows similarly.Ž. 2 If g g F F H p12, p K, q 12, q O, and p 12, p x q 12, q , we must show Ä faŽ.: a g F F F E g F F s k L and p11a q 4ÄfbŽ.: b L and p 22b q 4. Set p p 1 s n g g p212and q q q . It follows from Lemma 3.3 that p K, q O, and surely p F x F q. Hence, by compactness, there is some c g L with

1 Alternately, one can use the axiom of foundation to prove the existence of a ␴ : L ª L from the class of all lattices to itself such thatŽ. i L is a sublattice of L␴,Ž. ii the ª ␴ d ␴ s ␴ d identical embedding L L is a canonical extension,Ž.Ž iii L . Ž L . , andŽ.Ž iv L1 = иии = ␴ s ␴␴= иии = Ln. L1 Ln ŽŽ.Ž..the equalities in parts iii and iv are to be taken literally . BOUNDED LATTICE EXPANSIONS 357 p F c F q. Then, the left side of the above inequality lies below fcŽ.and the right side of the inequality lies above fcŽ..

Naturally, extensions of order preserving maps will play a prominent role. For an order preserving map f: L ª M between Boolean algebras L and M, the definition provided above for the extension f ␴ reduces to the one considered by Jonsson´ and Tarski in their original 1951 paperwx 28 on Boolean algebras with operators. We next collect a few simple, but useful, observations on extensions of order preserving maps.

LEMMA 4.3. Let L and M be lattices and let f: L ª M be an order preser¨ing map.

Ž.1 fp␴ Ž.s HÄ faŽ.: a g L and p F a4 for all p g K. Ž.1 d fq␲ Ž.s EÄ faŽ.: a g L and a F q4 for all q g O. Ž.2 fx␴ Ž.s EÄ fp␴ Ž.: p g K and p F x4 for all x g L␴. Ž.2 d fx␲ Ž.s HÄ fq␲ Ž.: q g O and x F q4 for all x g L␴. Ž.3 f␴ and f␲ agree on K j O.

Thus, f ␴ ¬ K is the largest order preser¨ing extension of f to K, and f ␴ is the least order preser¨ing extension of f ␴ ¬ KtoL␴. Similarly, f ␲ ¬ O is the least order preser¨ing extension of f to O, and f ␲ is the largest order preser¨ing extension of f ␲ ¬ O.

Proof. The first four statements are trivial consequences of the defini- tion. For the fifth statement, we show f ␴ and f ␲ agree on K; that they also agree on O follows similarly. Let p g K. By Lemma 4.2 we know fp␴ Ž.F fp␲ Ž.. Suppose then that a g L and p F a.As a g O, it follows fromŽ. 4 that fp␲ Ž.F fa␲␲␴ Ž.s fa Ž.. Thus, by part Ž. 1 , fp Ž.F fp Ž..

Here, and in the remainder of the paper, we shall have occasion to consider extensions of maps which preserve some specified set of joins or meets. We note first that the join of the empty set is 0 and the meet of the empty set is 1. As f ␴ is an extension of f, we trivially have that f preserving the empty joinŽ. meet implies that f ␴ also preserves the empty joinŽ. meet . Much more interesting results will follow when we consider maps f that preserve all finite non-empty joinsŽ. meets or, equivalently, maps which preserve binary joinsŽ. meets . We will show that extensions of such maps preserve all non-empty joinsŽ. meets . As a final comment, we note that, by definition, directed sets are non-empty. 358 GEHRKE AND HARDING

LEMMA 4.4. Let f: L ª M. Ž.1 If f␴ preser¨es non-empty joins, then f is smooth. Ž.1 d If f␲ preser¨es non-empty meets, then f is smooth. Ž.2 If f␲ preser¨es upwardly directed joins, then f is smooth. Ž.2 d If f␴ preser¨es downwardly directed meets, then f is smooth. Proof. Ž.1 By Lemma 4.2 f ␴ F f ␲␴. Let x g L . Set X to be the collection of all filters F of L with H F F x and set XЈ to be the collection of all fFwx, where F g X. By Lemma 4.3 fx␴ Ž.s EHÄ G : G g XЈ4; hence, by restricted distributivity, fx␴ Ž.s HEÄ ImŽ.␣ : ␣ g ⌽ ŽXЈ .4. For ␣ g ⌽Ž.XЈ there is ␤ g ⌽ Ž.X with Im Ž.␣ s f wImŽ.␤ x; hence, as f ␴ preserves non-empty joins, EImŽ.␣ s E f wImŽ.␤ x s f ␴ ŽŽ..EIm ␤ . But EImŽ.␤ is open and x F EIm Ž.␤ . Thus fx␴ Ž.G HÄ fq␴ Ž.: q g O and x F q4, so by Lemma 4.3, fx␴ Ž.G fx␲ Ž.. Ž.2 By Lemma 4.2 f ␴ F f ␲␴. Let x g L . Then x s EÄ p : p g K and p F x4 and by Lemma 3.3 this join is directed. So fx␲ Ž.s EÄ fp␲ Ž.: p g K and p F x4. By Lemma 4.3 f ␴ and f ␲␲agree on K; hence fxŽ.s EÄ fp␴ Ž.: p g K and p F x4 s fx␴ Ž.. We now address extensions of composite mappings, a topic that will lie at the heart of determining the equational properties preserved by exten- sions. The second and third parts of the following lemma have their origins in the early work of Jonsson´ and Tarskiwx 28 ; the analogue of the fourth and fifth parts seem to only have been discovered much more recentlywx 16 .

LEMMA 4.5. Let f: L ª M and g: M ª N be order preser¨ing. Ž.1 Žgf .␴ F gf␴␴F gf ␴␲, gf ␲␴F gf ␲␲F Ž.gf␲ with equality on K j O. Ž.2 If g␴ preser¨es upwardly directed joins, thenŽ. gf ␴ s gf␴␴. Ž.2 d If g␲ preser¨es downwardly directed meets, thenŽ. gf ␲ s gf␲␲. Ž.3 If f␴ preser¨es non-empty meets, thenŽ. gf ␴ s gf␴␴. Ž.3 d If f␲ preser¨es non-empty joins, thenŽ. gf ␲ s gf␲␲. Proof. Ž.1 We will show Žgf .␴ F gf␴␴. gf ␲␲F Ž.gf ␲ is dual. The remaining inequalities follow from Lemma 4.2, and Lemma 4.3 provides Ž.gf ␴ and Ž.gf ␲ agree on K j O. To show Ž.gf ␴ F gf␴␴, it is enough to show this inequality holds on K,asŽ.gf ␴ is the least order preserving extension of Ž.gf ␴ ¬ K to L␴ Ž.see Lemma 4.3 . Let p g K. By Lemma 4.3, fp␴ Ž.is closed, so gf␴ ␴ Ž. ps HÄ gaŽ.: a g M and fp␴ Ž.F a4. Suppose then that a g M and fp␴ Ž.F a.As fp␴ Ž.s HÄ fbŽ.: b g L and p F b4 is a downwardly directed meet, compactness provides some b g L with p F b and fbŽ.F a. Then Žgf .␴ Ž.Ž.Ž. p F gf b F ga Ž.; hence Ž.gf␴ Ž. p F gf␴ ␴ Ž. p. BOUNDED LATTICE EXPANSIONS 359

Ž.2 By Lemma 4.3, Žgf .␴ Ž. x s EÄŽ.gf␴ Ž. p : p g K and p F x4.In Ž.1 we have shown Žgf .␴ and gf␴␴ agree on K,soŽ.gf␴ Ž. x s EÄ gf␴ ␴ Ž. p: p g K and p F x4Ä. Setting D s fp␴ Ž.: p g K and p F x4, we have Ž.gf␴ Ž. x s EÄ gd␴ Ž.: d g D4.As K is a sublattice of L␴ Žsee Lemma 3.3.Ž.D is directed. Thus, gf␴ Ž. x s g ␴ Ž.E D . But, by Lemma 4.3, E D s fx␴ Ž.; hence Žgf .␴ Ž. x s gf␴ ␴ Ž. x. Ž.3 By Ž. 1 we know that Žgf .␴ F gf␴␴ with equality on closed elements and on open elements. To show the reverse inequality, let x g L␴. We first establish the following claim: if p g M is closed and p F fx␴ Ž., then there is pЈ g L closed with pЈ F x and p F fp␴ Ž.Ј . Indeed, as f ␴ preserves non-empty meets, we have by Lemma 4.4 that f ␴ s f ␲␲; hence p F fxŽ.s HÄ fq␲ Ž.: q g O and x F q4. Then for each q g O with x F q, we have p F fq␲ Ž.s EÄ faŽ.: a g L and a F q4, where this join is upwardly directed. By compactness, for each q g O with F g F F X s H g x q there is aqqL with a q and p faŽ. q. Set p Äa q: q O and x F q4. Then pЈ is closed, pЈ F x, and as f ␴ preserves non-empty meets, p F fp␴ Ž.Ј . By Lemma 4.3, gf␴ ␴ Ž. xs EÄ gp␴ Ž.: p g K and p F fx␴ Ž.4, so by the above claim gf␴ ␴ Ž. xF EÄ gf␴ ␴ Ž. r: r g K and r F x4.AsŽ.gf ␴ and gf␴␴ agree on closed elements, we have that gf␴ ␴ Ž. xF EÄŽ.gf␴ Ž. r : r g K and r F x4 s Ž.Ž.gf␴ x .

Having seen several lemmas demonstrating the utility of knowing that f ␴ preserves non-empty, or upwardly directed, joins, we now show that such maps exist in relative abundance. We say that a map f: Ln ª M preserves binary joins in the ith coordinate if each of the induced unary maps formed by fixing the arguments in all but the ith coordinate preserves binary joins. Recall that Ž Ln.␴ s Ž L␴ .n; hence f ␴ is also a map from Ž L␴ .n ª M ␴.

LEMMA 4.6. Let f: Ln ª L be an order preser¨ing map. If f preser¨es binary joins in the ith coordinate, then f ␴ preser¨es non-empty joins in the ith coordinate. Dually, if f preser¨es binary meets in the ith coordinate, then f ␲ preser¨es non-empty meets in the ith coordinate.

Proof. We show the statement involving joins. For convenience, assume f: L2 ª L and that f preserves binary joins in the second coordinate. We first show for p g L␴ closed and S : L␴ a set of closed elements that fp␴ Ž., ES F EÄ fp␴ Ž., s : s g S4, hence equality. Let X be the collection of all filters F of L such that H F g S and let Y be the collection of all s F g subsets of L of the form GF Ä faŽ., b : p a and b F4 for some F g X. Next, we note that EÄ fp␴ Ž., s : s g S4Äs EHG : G g Y 4s HEÄ ImŽ.␣ : ␣ g ⌽ Ž.Y 4, and fp␴ Ž., ES s EÄ fp␴ Ž., t : t is closed and 360 GEHRKE AND HARDING

F E F E ␣ g ⌽ t S4. So we must show that t closed, t S, and 0 Ž.Y imply ␴ F E ␣ fpŽ., t Im Ž.0 . g F g For each F X, let Ž.aFF, b be some element with p a F, b F F, and s ␣ ␤ g ⌽ ␤ s faŽ.Ž.FF, b 0 GF . Define a map 00 Ž.X by setting Ž.F bF .As t F ES s EHÄ4ÄF : F g X s HEImŽ.␤ : ␤ g ⌽ Ž.X 4, we have t F EImŽ.␤ .Ast is closed, compactness yields t F b k иии k b for some 0 FF1 n F ,...,F g X. Set a s a n иии n a . Then fp␴ Ž., t F fa␴ Ž , b k иии k 1 nFF1 n F1 b .; hence fp␴ Ž., t F fa␴ Ž., b k иии k fa␴ Ž.Ž, b F fa , b .k иии k FFFFFn 1 n 11 faŽ., b . This yields fp␴ Ž., t F EIm Ž.␣ , as required. FFnn 0 Suppose x g L␴ and Z : L␴␴. To show fxŽ., E Z F EÄ fx␴ Ž., z : z g Z4, hence equality, it suffices to show fx␴ Ž., E Z F EÄ fx␴ Ž., z : z g ZЈ4 where ZЈ is the set of all closed elements lying beneath some element of Z. Note first that fx␴ Ž., E Z s EÄ fp␴ Ž.Ž., t : p, t is closed and Ž.p, t F Ž.x, E Z 4. For such Ž.p, t we have fp␴ Ž., t F fp␴ Ž., E ZЈ , which, by the above remarks, yields fp␴ Ž., t F EÄ fp␴ Ž., z : z g ZЈ4.

COROLLARY 4.7. Let f: L ª M. Ž.1 If f preser¨es binary joins, then f␴ preser¨es non-empty joins. Ž.1 d If f preser¨es binary meets, then f␲ preser¨es non-empty meets. Ž.2 If f preser¨es binary meets, then f␴ preser¨es non-empty meets. Ž.2 d If f preser¨es binary joins, then f␲ preser¨es non-empty joins. Proof. Ž.1 This is a special case of Lemma 4.6. Ž.2 That f ␲ preserves non-empty meets is also a special case of Lemma 4.6. But Lemma 4.4 provides f ␴ s f ␲ . Amap f: Ln ª M is called an operator if it preserves binary joins in each coordinateŽ note that this does not imply that f preserves binary joins. , and f is called a complete operator if it preserves non-empty joins in each coordinate. The dual notions are named dual operator and complete dual operator, respectively. The following is also evident from Lemma 4.6. ␴ COROLLARY 4.8. If f: Ln ª M is an operator, then f is a complete operator. Dually, if f: Ln ª M is a dual operator, then f ␲ is a complete dual operator. We collect one final application of these results.

LEMMA 4.9. Let f: L ª M be a lattice homomorphism. Ž.1 f is one to one iff f␴ is one to one. Ž.1 d f is one to one iff f␲ is one to one. Ž.2 f is onto iff f␴ is onto. Ž.2 d f is onto iff f␲ is onto. BOUNDED LATTICE EXPANSIONS 361

Proof. Ž.1 Assume f is one to one and x, y g L␴ with x / y. Assume, without loss of generality, that y g x. As every element of L␴ is a join of closed elements and a meet of open elements, there are p g K and q g O with p F y, x F q, and p g q.If fx␴ Ž.s fy␴ Ž., then fp␴ Ž.F fq␴ Ž..By Lemma 4.3 it follows that fp␴ Ž.s HÄ faŽ.: a g L, p F a4ÄF E fbŽ.: b g L, b F q4 s fq␴ Ž.. As this is a downwardly directed meet below an upwardly directed join, compactness provides some a, b g L with p F a, b F q and faŽ.F fb Ž..As f is an embedding, a F b, providing p F a F b F q, a contradiction. Thus, if f is one to one, then f ␴ is one to one. The converse is trivial. Ž.2 Note first that by Corollary 4.7 f ␴ preserves non-empty joins and meets. If f is a mapping onto M, then as every element of M ␴ is a join of meets of elements of M, it follows that f ␴ is a mapping onto M ␴. Conversely, suppose f ␴ is a mapping onto M ␴. Then for m g M there is x g L␴ with fx␴ Ž.s m. Let P be the set of closed elements of L␴ with p F x. Then m s EÄ fp␴ Ž.: p g P4, and in particular fp␴ Ž.F m for each p g P.As fp␴ Ž.s HÄ faŽ.: a g L, p F a4, compactness provides, for each g g F F s E p P, some apppL with p a and faŽ. m. Thus, m Ä faŽ. p: p g P4, and by compactness there is some finite PЈ : P with m s E g Ј s E Ј Ä faŽ.p : p P 4.As f is a homomorphism, m fŽ.P , showing f maps L onto M.


An n-ary operation on a lattice L is a map f: Ln ª L.As Ln is a lattice, we obtain an extension f ␴: Ž Ln.␴ ª L␴. But Ž Ln.␴ s Ž L␴ .n. Thus, the results of the previous section extend an n-ary operation f on a lattice L to an n-ary operation f ␴ on the canonical extension L␴.

␴ ␲ ␴ ␴ ␴ LEMMA 5.1. For L a lattice, n , n : L = L ª L are both the meet in L␴. Dually k ␴, k␲ : L␴ = L␴ ª L␴ are both the join in L␴. = ª Proof. Let f: L L L be meet in the lattice L. Note Ž.p12, p is = ª ␴ = ␴ closed in the completion L L L L iff p12and p are closed in ª ␴ n s H g F n H g L L . Thus p12p Ä4Äa 11: a L and p 11a a 22: a L and F n s H n p22a 4Ä. As each of these meets is non-empty, p12p a 1 g = F s ␴ g a212: Ž.a , a L L and Žp 12, p .Ž.a 12, a 4 fpŽ.Ž. 12, p . For x 12, x ␴ = ␴ n s E g ␴ F n n L L , x12x Ä p : p L is closed and p x 12x 4; hence x 1 s E n g ␴ F n x21212Ä p p : p , p L are closed and Ž.Ž.p 12121, p x , x 4.As p s ␴ n s ␴ p212fpŽ., p , it follows from 4.3 that x 1212x fxŽ., x . Finally, as n: L2 ª L preserves binary meets, by Lemma 4.4 and Corollary 4.7, it is smooth. 362 GEHRKE AND HARDING

s n k DEFINITION 5.2. Let L ŽŽ..L, , , fiig I be a lattice expansion Ž.abbreviated: LE . Define the canonical extension L␴ to be Ž L␴, n ␴␴, k , ␴ ␲ ␴ n␲␲k Ž fii..g I and define the dual canonical extension L to be Ž L , , , ␲ ␴ ␲ Ž fii..g I . Both L and L are LEs of the same type as L and the underlying lattices for these extension are the same. Note that the extension of a map f: Ln ª M depends on the ordering of the lattices Ln and M. To apply the results of the previous section to maps which are order preserving in some coordinates and order inverting in others, we introduce some notation. Let 2 s Ä40, 1 and ␣ g 2n . We define ␣ ␣ ␣ L s L 1 = иии = L n where L0 is used to denote the lattice L and L1 denotes the dual lattice Ld. For f: Ln ª M we then define f ␣: L␣ ª M to be the same set mapping as f, but with the appropriate modifications to ª s the order on the domain. Finally, for fii: L Mi iŽ.1,...,n let = иии = ª = иии = ²:f1,..., fn : L1 Ln M1 Mn be the natural product map. ␣ ␴ ␴ ␣ LEMMA 5.3.Ž. 1 For f: Lnnª M and ␣ g 2,Ž f . s Ž f . . Ž.1 dnFor f: L ª M and ␣ g 2, nŽ f ␣ .␲ s Ž f ␲ .␣. Ž.2 For f: L ª M, Žf d .␴ s Ž f ␲ .d. Ž.2 d For f: L ª M, Ž f d .␲ s Ž f ␴ .d. ª s ␴ s ␴ ␴ Ž.3 For fii: L Mi i Ž1,...,n .², f1,..., fn : ² f1 ,..., fn :. d ª s ␲ s ␲ ␲ Ž.3 For fii: L Mi iŽ.²:1,...,n , f1,..., fn ² f1 ,..., fn :. Proof. Ž.1 We illustrate a typical instance. Suppose that f: L2 ª M ␣ s ␣ s ␣ = d ª and 120, 1. Then f : L L M. By Definition 4.1 we have ␣ ␴ H F F Ž fx. Ž.12, x is the join of all Ä faŽ.Ž.Ž.Ž. 12, a : p 12, p ␣ a12, a ␣ q12, q 4 = d = d where Ž.p12, p is closed in L L , Ž.q 12, q is open in L L , and F F ␣ ␴ Ž.Ž.Ž.p12, p ␣ x12, x ␣ q12, q . Therefore Žf . is the join of all H F F F F Ä faŽ.12, a : p 1a 1q 1and q 2a 2p 24, where p 12, q are closed in ␴ ␴ ␣ ␴ s ␴ L and q12, p are open in L . Hence, Ž f . f . Ž.2 This follows directly from Definition 4.1 as joins in ŽM d .␴ s Ž M ␴ .d correspond to meets in M ␴, etc. Ž.3 This follows as joins and meets in M ␴ = M ␴ are computed componentwise. We say an n-ary operation f: Ln ª L is monotone if there is ␣ g 2 n with f ␣: L␣ ª L order preserving. In other words, f is monotone if it is either order preserving or order reversing in each coordinate. For a given type ␶ , we let C␶ be the whose objects are all LEs of type ␶ with monotone operations and whose are all homomorphisms.

THEOREM 5.4. For any type ␶ , ␴ : C␶ ª C␶ is a functor. Further, ␴ preser¨es and reflects one to one and onto mappings. Dually, ␲ : C␶ ª C␶ is a functor that preser¨es and reflects one to one and onto mappings. BOUNDED LATTICE EXPANSIONS 363

n Proof. Suppose L is an object in C␶ . Then for f: L ª L a basic operation of L, there is some ␣ g 2 n with f ␣: L␣ ª L order preserving. Therefore Ž f ␣ .␴: Ž L␣ .␴ ª L␴ is order preserving, and as Ž f ␣ .␴ s Ž f ␴ .␣, ␴ ␴ we have f is monotone. Thus L is also an object in C␶ . Suppose L and M are objects in C␶ and h: L ª M is a homomorphism, ␴ ␴ ␴ hence a of C␶ . We must show h : L ª M is also a homomor- phism, hence a morphism of C␶ . Let f be an n-ary operation of L, and let g be the corresponding n-ary operation of M. Knowing h( f s g (²:h,...,h , we must show h␴ ( f ␴␴s g (²h␴,...,h␴ :. As f, g are monotone there are ␣, ␤ g 2 n such that f ␣ and g ␤ are order preserving. Then as h is a homomorphism, Corollary 4.7 shows h␴ preserves non-empty joins, so Lemma 4.5 yields Žh( f ␣ .␴ s h␴ (Ž f ␣ .␴. Thus ŽŽh( f .␴ .␣ s ŽŽh( f .␣ .␴ s Žh( f ␣ .␴ s h␴ (Ž f ␣ .␴ s h␴ (Ž f ␴ .␣ s Žh␴ ( f ␴ .␣; hence Ž.h( f ␴ s h␴␴( f . F s ␤ s s d ␤ s For i n let hiih if 0 and let h ih if i1. As h is a ␴ s ␴␴␤ s s d ␴ s ␲ d homomorphism it is smooth, so hiiih if 0 and h Žh . Žh . s ␴ d ␤ s ␤ ( s ( ␤ Žh . if i 1. Therefore g ²:Ž²:.h1,...,hn g h,...,h and ␴ ␤ ( ␴ ␴ s ␴ ( ␴ ␴ ␤ ␤ Ž g . ²h1 ,...,hn :Žg ²h ,...,h :. .As g is order preserving and ²:h1,...,hn is a homomorphism, hence preserves binary meets, ␤ ( ␴ s ␤ ␴ ( ␴ Lemma 4.5 provides Ž g ²:.h1,...,hn Ž g . ²:h1,...,hn . Piecing this together, we have ŽŽg ( ²h,...,h :.␴ . ␤ s ŽŽg ( ²h,...,h :. ␤ .␴ s ␤ ( ␴ s ␤ ␴ ( ␴ s ␴ ␤ ( ␴ ␴ s ␴ ( g ²:.h1,...,hn Ž g . ²:h1,...,hn Ž g . ²h1 ,...,hn :Žg h␴,...,h␴ :. ␤; hence Ž²g ( h,...,h :.␴ s g ␴ (²h␴,...,h␴ :. Therefore h␴ ( f ␴ s Ž.h( f ␴ s Ž²g ( h,...,h :.␴ s g ␴ (²h␴,...,h␴ :, showing h␴ is a homomorphism and hence a morphism of C␶ . ␴ s ␴ ª ClearlyŽ. id LLid , and by Lemma 4.5 and Corollary 4.7 if h: L M and e: M ª N are homomorphisms, then Ž.e( h ␴ s e␴␴( h . Thus ␴ : C␶ ª C␶ is a functor. The further comments follow from Lemma 4.9. Before concluding this section, we make a few comments about another possible route to developing canonical extensions of lattice expansions.

Remark 5.5. For a lattice M, let B1 be the Boolean subalgebra of the power set of M generated by the principal ideals of M, and let B2 be the Boolean subalgebra of the power set of M generated by the principal ª s F filters of M. Define U: B12B by setting UXŽ. Äa : x a for all g ª s F g x X 4 and define L: B21B by setting LYŽ. Ä4a : a y for all y Y . One can show that L, U are a Galois connection between B12and B and, x further, that the Galois closed elements of B1 are all of the form a for some a g M; hence they form a lattice isomorphism to M. One can then ␴ ␴ ª ␴ ␴ ␴ ª ␴ show that the extensions U : B12B and L : B 21B are a Galois ␴ ␴ connection between B12and B and, further, that the Galois closed ␴ elements of B1 yield a canonical extension of the lattice M. The relation- ship between this realization of a canonical extension of M and the one 364 GEHRKE AND HARDING

␴ produced in Proposition 2.6 can be made clear. One can show that B1 is ␴ isomorphic to the power set of the collection I of all ideals of M, that B2 is isomorphic to the power set of the collection F of all filters of M, and that the maps ␺ and ␾ given in Proposition 2.6 correspond, via these isomorphisms, with the maps U␴ and L␴. These results can be reformulated in a somewhat different way. Let s = ª s B B12B , and define maps f, g: B B by setting fXŽ.Ž, Y M, UX . and gXŽ.Ž, Y s LY, M .. Then, the maps f, g are a Galois connection on the Boolean algebra B, and the Galois closed elements form a lattice isomorphic to M Žseewx 22 for complete details.Ž. . If we call a triple B, f, g consisting of a Boolean algebra with a Galois connection a conjugated algebra, we then have that every lattice is isomorphic to the closed elements of some conjugated algebra. Further, if M is isomorphic to the closed elements of the conjugated algebra Ž.Ž.B, f, g , then B, f, g ␴ is also a conjugated algebra, and its closed elements yield a canonical extension of M.

Suppose ŽŽ..M, hiI is a monotone LE and ŽB, f, g .is a conjugated algebra whose closed elements are equal to M. Note that, as the closure operator g ( f is a map from B to M, we have Ž.g ( f nn: B ª M n.

Consider the algebra ŽŽ..B, hiIwhere, for an n-ary operation h i, we define s ( ( n ␴␴n ª ␴ hiih Ž.g f . One can show that Ž.Ž.Ž.h i: B M and that the ␴ ␴ n restriction of Ž.hiito ŽM .is the canonical extension of h in the sense of Definition 4.1. Thus, the theory of canonical extensions of monotone LEs could be developed within the theory of Boolean algebra expansions.


Historically, a good deal of attention has been paid to identities pre- served by canonical extensions. In their original 1951 paper, Jonsson´ and Tarskiwx 28 showed that canonical extensions, when applied to Boolean algebras, preserve all identities built from basic operations which are operators. A similar result for canonical extensions of distributive lattices was recently given by Gehrke and Jonsson´ wx 15 . Our first task here is to present a similar result for lattices.

DEFINITION 6.1. Let sxŽ.1,..., xn be a term whose variables are among L x1,..., xn. For a LE L of the appropriate type, we use sxŽ.1,..., xn for the n-ary operation on L induced by s.

LEMMA 6.2. Let L be a LE and let sŽ. x1,..., xn be a term of the appropriate type. If all the basic operations comprising s interpret to operators L ␴ L␴ of L, thenŽ sŽ.. x1,..., xn is equal to sŽ. x1,..., xn . Dually, if all the basic BOUNDED LATTICE EXPANSIONS 365

L ␲ operations comprising s interpret to dual operators of L, thenŽ sŽ.. x1,..., xn L␲ is equal to sŽ. x1,..., xn .

Proof. We introduce some notation. For f1,..., fm a family of maps n ª wx nmª from L L, let f1,..., fm be the induced map from L L .We wx␴ s w ␴ ␴ x leave to the reader the routine verification that f1,..., fm f1 ,..., fm . We now prove our claim by induction on the complexity of the term s.If s has no basic operations, then s must be one of the coordinate projec- tions, and the verification in this case is left to the reader. Suppose s LLs (w LLx L s fsŽ.1,...,sm . Then s f s1 ,...,sm .As f is an operator, by Corollary 4.8 we have that Ž f L.␴ is a complete operator and therefore preserves upwardly directed joins. It then follows from Lemma 4.5 that L ␴ s L ␴ (w LLx␴ L ␴ s Ž s . Ž f . s1 ,...,sm .FromtheaboveremarksŽ s . L␴(w L ␴ L ␴ x L ␴ s f Žs1 . ,...,Žsm. . The inductive hypothesis then yields Žs . LL␴(wx␴␴ L L ␴ f s1 ,...,sm , which is equal to s .

THEOREM 6.3. Let L be a LE and let s , t be an identity holding in L. If all of the basic operations comprising s, t interpret to operators of L, then s , t holds in L␴. Dually, if all of the basic operations comprising s, t interpret to dual operators of L, then s , t holds in L␲.

Proof. Assume the variables of s and t are among x1,..., xn. Then as s , t holds in L, we have that the n-ary maps s L and t L are equal. Thus their extensions Žs L.␴ and Žt L.␴ are equal, and by the previous lemma ␴ ␴ s LLs t . Therefore, the identity s , t holds in L␴. Remark 6.4. This result sheds light on the reason distributivity is preserved by canonical extensions while other lattice identities, such as modularity, are not preserved. The binary operation of lattice meet is an operator iff the lattice is distributive. It should be noted that even though this result comes in a dual pair, dealing both with operators and dual operators, it does not allow mixing these. In a non-distributive lattice the join is certainly an operator as it is even join preserving and the meet is a dual operator being meet preserving, but join is not a dual operator nor is meet an operator, so for such lattices identities involving both the meet and the join, such as modularity, are not covered by the theorem. While it is not our intent here to give a thorough analysis of which identities are preserved by canonical extensions, we present two particular cases of interest. The first was obtained inwx 22 .

PROPOSITION 6.5. The canonical extension of an ortholattice is an ortho- lattice. Proof. Suppose f: L ª L is an orthocomplementation on the lattice L, that is to say, that f is an anti-isomorphism of period two and satisfies 366 GEHRKE AND HARDING

a k faŽ.s 1. Let g: Ld ª L be the same set mapping as f, but with the indicated alteration in the ordering of the domain Ž g is the map f ␣ for ␣ s Ž..1 . Note, by Lemma 5.3, that the maps g ␴, Ž g d .␴, and f ␴ agree as set mappings. As g is a homomorphism, Corollary 4.7 yields that g ␴ preserves non- ␴ d ␴ ␴ s s ( s empty joins and meets. So, by Lemma 4.5, id LLŽ.id Ž g g . g ␴ (Ž g d .␴. This shows that f ␴ is a period two dual homomorphism and hence an anti-isomorphism. We next show that y g L␴ and y G f ␴ y implies y s 1. Suppose q g L␴ is open and q G y. Then q G y G fy␴ Ž.s f ␴ ŽHÄ4r : r is open and y F r .. As f ␴ takes meets to joins, q G EÄ fr␴ Ž.: r is open and y F r4. Thus q G fq␴ Ž.. Therefore, EÄ4a : a g L and a F q s q G fq␴ Ž.s HÄ fbŽ.: b g L and b F q4. As this join and meet are directed, compactness yields some a, b g L with a, b F q and a G fbŽ.. Then setting c s a k b,we have c F q and c G fcŽ.. This implies c s 1 and hence q s 1, and as q is an arbitrary open element above y, that y s 1, as required. Suppose that x g L␴. Then x k fx␴ Ž.G fx␴ Ž.n x s fx␴ Ž k fx␴ Ž..; hence x k fx␴ Ž. s 1. The following result about Galois connections was first demonstrated in the case of Boolean algebras inwx 28 under the guise of conjugated operators.

PROPOSITION 6.6. If f, g are a Galois connection on a lattice L, then f ␴, g ␴ are a Galois connection on L␴. Proof. Surely f ␴ and g ␴ are order inverting. Let f˜: L ª Ld and ˜g: Ld ª L be the same set maps as f and g, but with the indicated changes in the order on the domain or range. Note that f˜␴ s f ␲␴␴and ˜g s g , and F ( F ( both f˜˜and ˜˜g are order preserving. Then as id LLg f, we have id g f; ␴ ␴ ␴␴␲ F ( F ( ␴ henceŽ. id LLL Ž˜˜g f˜ .. So, by Lemma 4.5, Ž. id g f˜ , yielding id ␴ ␴ ␴ ␴ ␴ ␴ F ( ␴ F ( g f . Similarly, id L f g . This shows f , g are a Galois con- nection on L␴. We shall present one more preservation theorem originally proved in the distributive case inwx 16 . The proof is based on the following technical lemma with its origins inwx 14 . For background on Boolean products, see wx7.

LEMMA 6.7. LetŽ. Lxxg X be a family of LEs of the same type. If F ␴ s ␴ ␲ s L Ł XxL is a Boolean product, then L Ł XxL and dually L ␲ Ł XxL . ␴ Proof. We first show that the identical embedding of L into Ł XxL is ␴ ␴ a canonical extension. As each LxXxis complete, the product Ł L is a g g ␴ g complete lattice. Suppose x X and p Lxxis closed. Define u , p BOUNDED LATTICE EXPANSIONS 367

␴ s s / Ł XXL by setting ux x, pxŽ.p and uy, p Ž. 0 for y x. We first show ␴ that u x, pXxis a meet in Ł L of elements from L. It then follows that ␴ every element of Ł XxL is a join of meets of elements of L and, by a similar argument, a meet of joins of elements of L.

To show that u x, p is a meet of elements of L, note first that p is a meet ␴ F in LxxXxof a family S of elements of L .As L Ł L is subdirect, for g g s each s S there is some ussL with uxŽ. s. Using the patchwork property, for each clopen neighborhood N of x, and each s g S, we have <

F g s qxŽ..As L Ł XxL is a subdirect product, there is h L with hx Ž. d. s H g F F ␴ As pxŽ. Ä jxŽ.: j L, p j4 d, the compactness of Lx provides some j g L with p F j and jxŽ.F d. Similarly we get k g L with k F q and d F kxŽ.. Finally, using the compactness of L␴ and p F q we get some m g L with p F m F q. Set N to be the intersection of the equalizers of j F h and h F k. Using the patchwork property and the fact that equalizers are clopen, a s hN<

␴ We can now show the operations of Ł XxL are the canonical extensions of the operations of L. Let f be a unary operation symbol in our g g ␴ language. We must show that for any x X and any u Ł XxL that ␴ ␴ Ž fuxL. Ž.Ž.s fuxL x ŽŽ... From 4.1, the first quantity is EHÄÄfaxL x ŽŽ..: p F a F q44ÄÄ: p g K, q g O, p F u F q while the second is EH fdL x Ž.: c F F g g F F d e4 : c K xx, e O , c uxŽ. e4. Equality then follows easily from the above claim. The argument for n-ary operations is obviously similar.

To state the following theorem, it is convenient to introduce some terminology. Let K be a class of LEs of the same type, each of which is monotone. We say K is a monotone class if for each L, M g K and each basic operation symbol f,if f L is order preservingŽ. reversing in the ith coordinate, then f M is also order preservingŽ. reversing in the ith coordi- nate. Note that a product of members of a monotone class will necessarily be monotone.

THEOREM 6.8. If K is a monotone class which is closed underŽ. dual canonical extensions and ultraproducts, then the ¨ariety generated by K is closed underŽ. dual canonical extensions.

Proof. Let L be in the variety generated by K. Then there is a family F ␸ Ž.MiIin K, a subalgebra S Ł IM i, and an onto homomorphism : ª S L.As K is a monotone class, Ł IiM is monotone; hence S is monotone, and therefore L is monotone. So Ł IiM , S, and L are objects of the category C␶ , where ␶ is the type of the algebra in question. By ␴ F ␴ ␸ ␴␴ª ␴ Theorem 5.4, S Ž.Ł IiM , and : S L is an onto homomor- ␴ phism. Thus, it suffices to show Ž.Ł IiM is in the variety generated by K. s As with any product of a family of algebras, we can represent M Ł IiM F as a Boolean product M Ł XxL where the stalks L xare all ultraprod- ucts of the family Ž.MiI.As K is closed under canonical extensions and ␴ g ultraproducts, it follows that Lx belongs to K for each x X. But, by ␴ s ␴ Lemma 6.7, M Ł XXL ; hence it is a product of members of K and therefore in the variety generated by K. BOUNDED LATTICE EXPANSIONS 369

As the canonical extension of a finite lattice is just the lattice itself, we immediately obtain the following.

COROLLARY 6.9. If L is a monotone LE whose underlying set is finite, then the ¨ariety generated by L is closed under canonical extensions and dual canonical extensions.

Note that this corollary also provides an explanation why the varieties of distributive lattices, and Boolean algebras, are closed under canonical extensions.


While this work has developed the basics of canonical extensions of lattice expansions, there remains much to be done. The preservation results obtained in Section 6 are likely only the tip of the iceberg. Certainly a more complete account of various types of identities preserved by canonical extensions could be developed, and perhaps results from BAOs, such as Sahlqvist’s theoremwx 26, 34 , could be adapted to LEs. Another matter deserving attention is the relationship between canoni- cal extensions of LEs and the current interest in developing a type of Kripke semantics for various non-classical logics such as linear logicwx 1 and its BCK fragmentwx 30 . Certainly the relationship between canonical extensions of BAOs and Kripke semantics for modal logics, etc., has been thoroughly investigated and put to very good use. Essentially, canonical extensions provide a purely algebraic route to completeness theorems. While we have not explored the matter, the situation for extensions of LEs is likely analogous. In this case, the advantages provided by the algebraic methods may be even more apparent due to the difficulty in working with Urquhart duality.


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