Published October 3, 2019


Trans Situ Conservation of Crop Wild Relatives

Erin Coulter Riordan* and Gary Paul Nabhan

E.C. Riordan and G.P. Nabhan, Desert Lab. on Tumamoc Hill, Univ. of ABSTRACT Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85745; G.P. Nabhan, Univ. of Arizona, Southwest In the face of unprecedented climatic disasters, Center, Tucson, Arizona 85721. Received 1 June 2019. Accepted 16 Aug. social conflict, and political uncertainty, inte- 2019. *Corresponding author ([email protected]). Assigned to grating in situ and ex situ strategies may become Associate Editor Linghe Zeng. increasingly necessary to effectively conserve Abbreviations: CWR, crop wild relative(s); GRIN, Germplasm crop wild relatives (CWR). We introduce the Resource Information Network; NPGS, National Germplasm concept of trans situ conservation to safeguard System; SEARCH, Southwestern Endangered Aridland Resource CWR genetic diversity and accessibility for crop Clearing House; USFS, US Forest Service. improvement. Building on initiatives to combine in situ protection with ex situ backup in gene- banks, trans situ conservation dynamically ith accelerating changes in climatic conditions in agricultural integrates multiple in situ and ex situ measures, Wregions deemed globally important for maintaining the food from conservation to research to education, security of humankind, plant breeders have increasingly turned to spanning local to global scales. Two important crop wild relatives (CWR) to address heightened abiotic and biotic features emerge from a trans situ approach. stress now affecting food crops (Ceccarelli et al., 2010; Dempewolf et First, integrating in situ and ex situ studies of al., 2017; Zhang et al., 2017a). As a subset of plant genetic resources CWR genetic diversity, adaptation, and ecolog- for food and agriculture (PGRFA), a CWR is defined as a “wild ical interactions can lead to advances in crop improvement and in situ management. Second, plant taxon that has an indirect use derived from its relatively close the complementarity, redundancy, and synergy genetic relationship to a crop” (Ford-Lloyd et al., 2011). gained through trans situ conservation buffer Crop wild relatives can be useful as breeding materials, climatic, economic, political, and institutional rootstock, biomimicry analogs to improve crop resistance and instabilities. Focusing on a case study in the tolerance to biotic and abiotic stressors (Dempewolf et al., 2017; United States–Mexico desert borderlands, we Zhang et al., 2017a), or as resilient alternatives to conventional evaluate three components of trans situ conser- crops (Nabhan and Felger, 1985; Bharucha and Pretty, 2010). vation: in situ protection on working and public Their traits may augment the drought, heat, and salinity tolerance lands; seed and living plant collections in local found in land races or cultivars to improve growth and yield in and regional botanical gardens, arboreta, and arid landscapes. Some strategies for their use include matching nurseries; and genebank accessions in the crop phenology to seasonal moisture availability, improving USDA National Plant Germplasm System. We water use efficiency, shifting root/shoot ratios, selecting to escape discuss gaps, tensions, and synergies that emerge when coordinating these three compo- or avoid stress in critical periods of crop life cycles, and evaluating nents and offer the conservation of the wild secondary compounds or morphological features to reduce biotic chile [Capsicum annuum L. var. glabriusculum or abiotic stress (Nabhan, 1979, 1985; Nabhan and Felger, 1985; (Dunal) Heiser & Pickersgill] in southern Arizona Bayuelo-Jiménez et al., 2002; Ceccarelli et al., 2010). as an example of concerted in situ and ex situ research integrated in a trans situ framework Published in Crop Sci. 59:2387–2403 (2019). doi: 10.2135/cropsci2019.06.0356

© 2019 The Author(s). This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( crop science, vol. 59, november–december 2019 2387 However, just when CWR are gaining consideration Trans situ conservation acknowledges that although for use in adapting crops to climate change, populations the conservation and study of CWR genetic diversity and entire species of CWR themselves are threatened by are best accomplished in situ in the native environments habitat loss from urbanization and agricultural expansion, where species continue to coevolve with their biotic asso- pollution, overharvesting, invasive species, and climate ciates (Chen et al., 2017), threats from climate change, change (Ford-Lloyd et al., 2011). Jarvis et al. (2008) predict land use disruptions, political unrest, and warfare neces- that climate change will fragment or degrade populations sitate safeguarding CWR diversity in ex situ collection of nearly all wild relatives of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.), facilities. These ex situ collections address CWR conser- potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), and cowpea [Vigna unguicu- vation and use across multiple scales—not just in national lata (L.) Walp.] worldwide by the year 2055, resulting in and global genebanks, but also in regional seed and living range losses by half for most species and outright extinc- plant collections at botanical gardens, arboreta, biocul- tion of 16 to 22% of species. Wild across North tural museums, field stations, even hyper-local collections America face increasing extinction risk from the combi- that facilitate direct use by local communities. nation of land use and climate change (Zhang et al., Growing and evaluating CWR in controlled ex situ 2017b). In fact, a rare chile pepper endemic to the cloud settings where biotic and abiotic stressors are similar to those forests of Guatemala, Capsicum lanceolatum (Green ex J.D. in nearby in situ populations helps tease apart the complex Sm.), has already dwindled to just one population over factors that contribute to CWR adaptation, reproduction, the last century—land use and climate change are among and survival. This interplay of in situ and ex situ research the chief causes. Although rediscovered in a single nature at local to regional scales informs active management to reserve, the Mario D’Arcy Avila Biotopo el Quetzal, its maintain and recover CWR populations in their native habitat was conserved for reasons other than its specific habitats. In addition, local and regional ex situ conser- protection (Bosland and Gonzalez, 2000). vation facilities such as botanical gardens, arboreta, and Both nature reserves and genebanks around the biocultural museums play an important educational role world have recently suffered the consequences of climate (O’Donnell and Sharrock, 2018) conveying the societal related disasters, economic crises, political conflicts, and value and distinctive ecological adaptations of regionally social unrest (Nabhan, unpublished data, 2019). There- relevant CWR. Their seed and living plant collections fore it is not surprising that several research teams and support research, conservation, and use of locally adapted scientific advisory bodies have argued for a coordinated plant materials that may otherwise be inaccessible from global approach to CWR conservation, including both national and global genebanks. in situ and ex situ strategies (Engels et al., 2008; Ford- Extra-local national and global genebanks with the Lloyd et al., 2011; Maxted et al., 2012; Dempewolf et capacity for long-term storage and large-scale distribution al., 2014), with priority setting (Vincent et al., 2013; conserve CWR genetic material and provide access for Castañeda-Álvarez et al., 2016) and periodic evaluation plant breeding and crop research. With their associated of their comprehensiveness of conservation (Khoury et laboratories, greenhouses, and common gardens, these al., 2019). genebanks allow for detailed genetic and horticultural In a 2018 meeting convened by Colin Khoury of the comparisons of CWR taxa with one another and with International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) and congeneric domesticated crops. Improving collaboration Hannes Dempewolf of the Crop Trust at Oak Springs between national and regional facilities supports efforts to Farm Foundation in Virginia, participants aptly proposed newly domesticate CWR, especially when experiments in the term “trans situ conservation” for this integrated the region of origin are needed to understand the environ- approach to safeguard CWR genetic diversity and ensure mental adaptations of a new crop. Through this diversity future access for crop improvement. Trans situ conser- of interacting strategies to safeguard CWR genetic diver- vation builds on existing initiatives to combine in situ sity, a trans situ approach bridges gaps in conservation by protection with ex situ back-up conservation in gene- providing complementarity, redundancy, and synergy. banks (Dempewolf et al., 2014). We extend this model, Given the relatively few long-term efforts in the proposing a more dynamic integration of multiple in situ United States that explicitly integrate in situ and ex situ and ex situ measures, from conservation to research to strategies for CWR conservation, we present a case study education, spanning local to global scales (Fig. 1). Three of an ongoing trans situ approach initiated over a quarter main components form the foundation of a trans situ safety century ago (Nabhan, 1990a) in the arid borderlands of net: (i) in situ protection, management, and research; (ii) the United States and Mexico. The United States–Mexico local and regional seed and living plant collections main- borderlands is an important region for arid-adapted tained for conservation, research, and education; and relatives of crops including agave (Agave L.), amaranth (iii) national and global genebanks maintained for plant (Amaranthus L.), common bean (Paseolus vulgaris L.), breeding and crop research. pepper (Capsicum annuum L.), cotton (Gossypium L.), and

2388 crop science, vol. 59, november–december 2019 Fig. 1. Tran situ model for integrated in situ and ex situ crop wild relative (CWR) conservation. Adapted from Oldfield and Newton (2012). squash (Cucurbita L.) (Nabhan et al., 1980; Nabhan, 1985; improvement. We compared the Arizona vascular flora Nabhan and Felger, 1985; Nabhan, 1990b). Of nearly (Kearney and Peebles, 1960) and its current digital check- 4600 taxa of CWR and wild utilized species inventoried list updates ( with in the United States (Khoury et al., 2013; Williams and recent CWR inventories: the Germplasm Resource Informa- Greene, 2018), >1000 taxa from 50 genera (22%) occur in tion Network (GRIN) Crop Wild Relative Project (Wiersema and León, 2016) available through GRIN-Global (USDA, Arizona (Khoury and Nabhan, 2019). Many wild desert 2019b), the United States CWR and wild utilized species plants have a long history of direct human use. Approxi- inventory (Khoury et al., 2013), and the Mexico CWR inven- mately 540 wild plant taxa of the Sonoran Desert, which tory (Contreras-Toledo et al., 2018). Our compiled list of CWR spans the United States–Mexico border, are edible or genera in Arizona (Table 1) was then distributed at a January likely edible (Hodgson, 2001). 2019 CWR meeting of botanists and crop scientists held at the We evaluate three components of trans situ conserva- University of Arizona Desert Laboratory on Tumamoc Hill in tion in the United States–Mexico borderlands: (i) in situ Tucson, AZ (Khoury and Nabhan, 2019). We refined the list protection on public and working lands; (ii) within-region following feedback from workshop participants. seed and living plant collections maintained for research, education, and conservation; and (iii) the USDA National Borderlands Case Study Plant Germplasm System (NPGS) genebank network Our case study of trans situ conservation documented species maintained for plant breeding, crop research, and other from the state-level inventory that occur on two in situ sites: economic uses. We synthesize over a quarter century of the Wild Chile Botanical Area, a special management area in concerted in situ and ex situ research on the wild chile the US Forest Service (USFS) Coronado National Forest; and the Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed, a research site of [Capsicum annuum L. var. glabriusculum (Dunal) Heiser & the USDA-ARS (Fig. 2). Established in 1999 to protect and Pickersgill] in a trans situ framework. We identify gaps, provide opportunities to research the wild chile, the 11.4-km2 tensions, and synergies that emerge when coordinating the (2836-acre) Wild Chile Botanical Area was the first special three components of trans situ conservation and discuss botanical area designated for CWR protection in the United how maintaining conservation-oriented complemen- States. It is now part of the recently designated Santa Cruz tarity and redundancy functions in the face of climatic, Valley National Heritage Area. The site, which protects wild economic, political, and institutional instabilities. chile populations at their northernmost range limit, is located in the Rock Corral Canyon subwatershed of the Tumacacori MATERIALS AND METHODS Highlands and consists of oak (Quercus spp.) woodland inter- spersed with semi-desert grassland and riparian vegetation. Arizona Inventory of Crop Wild Relatives As a comparison with the Wild Chile Botanical Area, We first created a comprehensive list of wild plant species we surveyed CWR in the Walnut Gulch Experimental in Arizona having potential in plant breeding and crop Watershed located near Tombstone, AZ. The Walnut Gulch crop science, vol. 59, november–december 2019 2389 Experimental Watershed is operated by the Southwest The USDA-ARS staff provided a species checklist, list of Watershed Research Center and is part of the USDA ARS herbarium specimens collected within Walnut Gulch Experi- Long-Term Agroecosystem Research (LTAR) Network. mental Watershed, vegetation map, and aerial photos of habitats The research site covers 150 km2 (37,000 acres) of privately found in and around the site. Our own fieldwork in the spring owned semiarid rangeland in the transition zone between of 2019 augmented the Walnut Gulch checklist (L. Kennedy, the Sonoran and Chihuahuan Deserts. personal communication, 2018) and the Atascosa-Tumacacori

Table 1. Major crop wild relative (CWR) genera in Arizona and their uses. Wild taxa in Agricultural Genus Common name Arizona Food use† use ‡ Agave L. Agave, century plant 11 X Allium L. 15 X Amaranthus L. Amaranth 14 X Capsicum L. Chile pepper 1 X Chenopodium L. Goosefoot, lambsquarters 14 X Cucurbita L. Gourd, squash 3 X Dasiphora Raf. Strawberry 1 Daucus L. Carrot 1 X Drymocallis Fourr. ex Rydb. Strawberry 1 Dysphania R. Br Epazote 2 X Elymus L. Wheat, rye 13 X Fragaria L. Strawberry 2 X X Gossypium L. Cotton 1 X Helianthus L. Sunflower 10 X Hordeum L. Barley 4 X Humulus L. Hops 1 Ipomoea L. Sweetpotato 11 X Jaltomata Schltdl. Jaltomato 1 X Juglans L. Walnut 1 X X Lactuca L. Lettuce 4 X Leymus Hochst. Wheat 3 X X Linum L. Flax 8 Lupinus L. Lupine 20 Macroptilium (Benth.) Urb. Siratro 1 Manihot Mill. Cassava 2 X Mentha L. Mint 1 X Morus L. Mulberry 1 X Nicotiana L. Tobacco 4 Opuntia Mill. Prickly pear, cholla 32 X Panicum L. Millet, panicgrass 10 X Passiflora L. Passionfruit 5 Phaseolus L. Bean, tepary 8 X X L. Groundcherry, 14 X Physaria (Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray) A. Gray Bladderpod 1 X Proboscidea Schmidel Devil’s claw, unicorn plant 2 X Prunus L. Cherry, plum 4 X X Ribes L. Currant, gooseberry 10 X X Rubus L. Raspberry 5 X X Parthenium L. Guayule 2 Salvia L. Chia 16 X Sesbania Scop. Colorado River hemp 1 X Simmondsia Nutt. Goatnut, jojoba 1 X Solanum L. Potato, wonderberry 11 X X Stevia Cav. Stevia, sweetleaf 5 X X Tagetes L. Marigold, Mexican tarragon 7 X X Tripsacum L. Gamagrass 1 X Vaccinium L. Blueberry, huckleberry, whortleberry 1 X X Vicia L. Vetch 3 X Vitis L. Grape 3 X X Yucca L. Banana yucca, soapweed, Spanish bayonet 11 X Ziziphus Mill. Jujube, lotebush 1 † Historical direct uses as food by indigenous and other North Americans.

‡ Documented as used in modern plant breeding or as rootstock.

2390 crop science, vol. 59, november–december 2019 Fig. 2. In situ sites in southern Arizona: Wild Chile Botanical Area (left) and Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed (right). Hydrologic subbasins of the Upper Santa Cruz River and Upper San Pedro River drainages are provided for reference. Mountains checklist (J. Dash, personal communication, 2019). Service Tucson Plant Materials Center, and the University of To our knowledge, no historical populations of CWR vouch- Arizona Campus Arboretum. ered with herbarium specimens from either site have been We then evaluated the ex situ representation of species locally extirpated. Additional surveys for CWR are planned in in the NPGS (USDA, 2019a), the largest collection of CWR historically undersampled seasons. germplasm in the United States (Williams and Greene, 2018). We compiled a list of CWR present in each in situ site For each species, we summarized the total number of active (Table 2) and determined which species were also conserved wild accessions in the NPGS that were collected from the ex situ in regional collections. We obtained data on seed and United States and Mexico. We also compiled in situ conserva- living plant collections from the following botanical gardens, tion status rankings for global, national, and state levels from nurseries, plant materials centers, genebanks, and museums in NatureServe (NatureServe, 2019), the List of Threatened close proximity to the in situ sites: the Arizona-Sonora Desert Species of the Mexican Norm NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010 Museum, the Borderlands Restoration Network, the Desert (DOF, 2015), and the Heritage Data Management System of Botanical Garden, the Desert Legume Project of the University the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD, 2019). of Arizona and Boyce-Thompson Arboretum, Native Seeds/ Finally, we evaluated past land use and management in Arizona SEARCH (Southwestern Endangered Aridland Resource potentially affecting the persistence and genetic diversity of CWR. Clearing House), the Pima County Parks and Recreation Native We ranked the two sites—the Wild Chile Botanical Area and Plant Nursery, the USDA Natural Resource Conservation Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed—for active management crop science, vol. 59, november–december 2019 2391 Table 2. Case study crop wild relative (CWR) conservation in situ and ex situ in regional collections. In situ† Ex situ‡ Taxon Common name WCBA WGEW Seed banks Live plants Agave palmeri Engel. Palmer’s agave, lechuguilla X X DBG, NSS ASDM, DBG, PCNPN, UACA Agave parviflora Torr. Santa Cruz striped agave, amole X DBG DBG, PCNPN, UACA Agave schottii Engelm. Shindagger, amole X E DBG, PCNPN, TPMC ASDM, DBG, PCNPN Allium plummerae S. Watson Plummer’s wild onion X Amaranthus graecizans L. Mediterranean amaranth X Amaranthus palmeri S. Watson Palmer’s amaranth, bledo, quelite de N X NSS las aguas Amaranthus powellii S. Watson Powell’s amaranth, quelite N Capsicum annuum L. var. glabriusculum Wild chile, chiltepin X NSS, PCNPN PCNPN, UACA (Dunal) Heiser & Pickersgill Chenopodium berlandieri Moq. Pitseed goosefoot, chual, huazontle N N silvestre Chenopodium fremontii S. Watson Fremont’s goosefoot, chual N X Chenopodium neomexicanum Standl. New Mexico goosefoot N N angustidens Torr. Mala mujer, ortiguilla, ortija X ASDM Cucurbita digitata A. Gray Coyote gourd, calabacilla del coyote N X BRN, NSS, PCNPN PCNPN Cucurbita foetidissima Kunth Buffalogourd, calabacilla loca X X BRN, NSS Gossypium thurberi Tod. Wild cotton, algodoncillo X BRN, NSS, PCNPN ASDM, DBG, PCNPN Helianthus annuus L. Common sunflower, girasol, mirasol N DBG Helianthus petiolaris Nutt. Prairie sunflower N N Hibiscus denudatus Benth. Rock hibiscus X PCNPN, TPMC DBG Hopia obtusa (Kunth) Zuloaga & Morrone Vine mesquite X ASDM Hordeum murinum L. ssp. glaucum (Steud.) Mouse barley X Tzvelev Hordeum pusillum Nutt. Little barley N Ipomoea costellata Torr. Crestrib morning-glory, trompillo X Ipomoea pubescens Lam. Silky morning-glory X Ipomoea ternifolia Cav. Triple-leaf morning-glory X Juglans major (Torr.) A. Heller Arizona walnut, Nogal X X PCNPN DBG, PCNPN, UACA Linum puberulum (Engelm.) A. Heller Plains flax X X Lycium andersonii A. Gray Desert wolfberry, Salicieso X E DBG, PCNPN Lycium berlandieri Dunal Wolfberry, salicieso X X DBG, PCNPN ASDM Lycium fremontii A. Gray Wolfberry, salicieso N X DBG, PCNPN DBG, PCNPN, UACA Macroptilium atropurpureum (DC.) Urb. Purple bushbean, siratro X DBG Manihot angustiloba (Torr.) Müll. Arg. Desert mountain manihot X ASDM Mentha arvensis L. Wild mint, yerbabuena X Morus microphylla Buckley Littleleaf mulberry, Zarza mora X N Nicotiana obtusifolia M. Martens & Galeotti Wild tobacco, tabaco del coyote X BRN ASDM Opuntia macrocentra Engelm. Long-spine purple prickly pear X N DBG ASDM, DBG, PCNPN, UACA Opuntia phaeacantha Engelm. Engelmann’s prickly pear X X DBG ASDM, DBG, PCNPN Opuntia santa-rita (Griffiths & Hare) Rose Pancake prickly pear cactus, Santa N DBG ASDM, DBG, PCNPN Rita prickly pear Panicum hallii Vasey Hall’s panicgrass X Panicum hirticaule J. Presl Sonoran/Mexican panicgrass X X ASDM Passiflora arizonica (Killip) D.H. Goldman Arizona passionflower, scarlet-fruit X ASDM (= Passiflora foetida var. arizonica Killip) passionvine, Tayalote, buli de venado Passiflora mexicana Juss. Mexican passionflower, ojo de venado X PCNPN Phaseolus acutifolius A. Gray Tepary bean, frijol tepari X BRN, DELEP, NSS DBG Phaseolus angustissimus A. Gray Slimleaf bean, frijolillo N X DELEP Phaseolus maculatus Scheele Metcalfe’s bean, cocolmeca X DELEP, NSS Physalis acutifolia (Miers) Sandwith Sharpleaf groundcherry X Physalis longifolia Nutt. Longleaf groundcherry X Portulaca halimoides L. Dwarf purslane X Portulaca suffrutescens Engelm. Purslane N X Portulaca umbraticola Kunth Purslane N X Prunus serotina Ehrh. Southwest black cherry, capulín X BRN

2392 crop science, vol. 59, november–december 2019 Table 2. Continued. In situ† Ex situ‡ Taxon Common name WCBA WGEW Seed banks Live plants Solanum douglasii Dunal Wonderberry, chichiquelite X Solanum elaeagnifolium Cav. Silverleaf nightshade, trompillo N X PCNPN DBG Stevia lemmonii A. Gray Mt. Lemmon stevia, sweetleaf N Stevia micrantha Lag. Annual candyleaf, sweetleaf N Stevia serrata Cav. Sawtooth candyleaf N Tagetes lemmonii A. Gray Mexican bush marigold, Mt. Lemmon X BRN, DBG DBG, PCNPN, UACA marigold, tangerine scented marigold Tagetes micrantha Cav. Mountain marigold, licorice marigold, X UACA yerba anís Vitis arizonica Engelm. Arizona wild grape, parra Silvestre, X N DBG ASDM, DBG, PCNPN uva silvestre Yucca baccata Torr. (= Y. arizonica Banana yucca X BRN McKelvey) Yucca elata Engelm. Soaptree yucca X BRN, DBG, PCNPN, ASDM, DBG, PCNPN TPMC Ziziphus obtusifolia (Hook. ex Torr. & A. Lotebush X N PCNPN, TPMC ASDM, DBG, PCNPN Gray) A. Gray † WCBA, Wild Chile Botanical Area; WGEW, Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed; X, documented inside site; N, documented nearby in immediately adjacent areas; E, expected to be found with further surveys.

‡ Regional ex situ facilities: ASDM, Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum; BRN, Borderlands Restoration Network; DELEP, Desert Legume Project of the Boyce-Thompson Arboretum and University of Arizona; DBG, Desert Botanical Garden; NSS, Native Seeds/SEARCH; PCNPN, Pima County Native Plant Nursery; TPMC, USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service Tucson Plant Materials Center; UACA, University of Arizona Campus Arboretum. Representation as of April 2019. practices that may favor or harm the long-term proliferation and maintenance of meta-populations of CWR as recommended by Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed. Of the 22 species Iriondo et al. (2008) and Maxted and Kell (2009). found in common between the two areas, only seven species were shared strictly inside the sites. We anticipate additional Wild Chile Conservation Synthesis botanical field surveys targeting seasons previously unders- The second portion of this inquiry—what can be learned from ampled may confirm as many as 20 shared species. CWR conserved, managed, and studied in a trans situ context— Only 36 of the 61 CWR species were represented in integrated wild chile (chiltepin) research in situ at the Wild seed and living plant collections at nearby ex situ facili- Chile Botanical Area; ex situ in nearby experimental settings ties (Table 2). Forty-two species were represented in on the grounds of the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum and the NPGS by wild accessions collected from the United Native Seeds/SEARCH Farm in Patagonia, AZ; and ex situ in States or Mexico (Table 3). Most species (50 of 61) were greenhouse experiments at the New Mexico State University inadequately represented in the NPGS, having <10 Fabian Garcia Science Center. Over a quarter century of exten- wild accessions each. Seven species were represented by sive work by various teams involving Nabhan and his colleague Josh Tewksbury has addressed wild chile environmental associ- a single wild accession each, including Palmer’s agave ations (Tewksbury et al., 1999), biotic interactions (Tewksbury (Agave palmeri Engel.), which is used intensively in Mexico et al., 1999; Tewksbury and Nabhan, 2001; Carlo et al., 2009; and was used historically in Arizona to produce mezcal Carlo and Tewksbury, 2014), chemical defenses (Luna-Ruiz lechugilla (Table 4). Other species with intensive in situ et al., 2018), and genetic diversity (Votava et al., 2002). We use but little to no ex situ representation in the NPGS synthesized this work, highlighting the benefits gained from a include wolfberry (Lycium fremontii A. Gray), Engelmann’s trans situ conservation approach. prickly pear (Opuntia phaeacantha Engelm.), and silverleaf nightshade (Solanum elaeagnifolium Cav.). The majority of RESULTS species we evaluated only had accessions collected from Borderlands Case Study the United States, and just five species had collections We documented 61 CWR species inside or immediately from both countries. Moreover, the genetic diversity local adjacent to the in situ sites in southern Arizona (Table 2). to the two in situ sites was very poorly represented in Thirty CWR species were documented inside the Wild the NPGS—only a single sample of the wild tepary bean Chile Botanical Area, and an additional 17 species were (Phaseolus acutifolius A. Gray) was collected from the Wild documented in areas immediately adjacent. Twenty-eight Chile Botanical Area by Nabhan in 1985. CWR species were documented inside the Walnut Gulch Although many of the CWR in our list are considered Experimental Watershed, and an additional eight species globally secure or apparently secure in situ, their conser- were documented in areas immediately adjacent. We expect vation status typically has not been ranked at the national but have not yet confirmed two additional species in the or state level in the United States (Table 3). Of the CWR

crop science, vol. 59, november–december 2019 2393 Table 3. Case study in situ conservation status rankings and ex situ representation in National Plant Germplasm System (NPGS) accessions. NatureServe† NPGS accessions‡ Taxon Global USA Arizona USA Mexico Agave palmeri G4? NNR SNR 1 0 Agave parviflora G3§ N3 S3 0 0 Agave schottii G5 N5 S5 4 0 Allium plummerae G4 NNR S3 0 0 Amaranthus graecizans G4G5 NNR – 0 0 Amaranthus palmeri G5 N4N5 SNR 11 0 Amaranthus powellii G5 N4N5 SNR 8 0 Capsicum annuum var. glabriusculum G5T5 N5 S2¶ 1 3 Chenopodium berlandieri G5 N5 SNR 84 0 Chenopodium fremontii G5 N5 SNR 18 0 Chenopodium neomexicanum G4 NNR SNR 7 0 Cnidoscolus angustidens G3G5 NNR SNR 0 0 Cucurbita digitata G5 NNR SNR 19 0 Cucurbita foetidissima G5 N4N5 SNR 6 21 Gossypium thurberi G4? NNR SNR 4 0 Helianthus annuus G5 N5 SNR 954 10 Helianthus petiolaris G5 N3N5 SNR 132 0 Hibiscus denudatus G5 NNR SNR 1 0 Hopia obtusa G5 N5 SNR 9 0 Hordeum murinum subsp. glaucum GNRTNR NNA SNA 2 0 Hordeum pusillum G5 N5 SNR 8 0 Ipomoea costellata G4 NNR SNR 1 0 Ipomoea pubescens G3G5 NNR SNR 0 0 Ipomoea ternifolia – – – 2 0 Juglans major G4§ N4 S4 30 0 Linum puberulum G5 NNR SNR 1 0 Lycium andersonii G5 NNR S4 13 0 Lycium berlandieri G5 NNR SNR 2 0 Lycium fremontii G5 NNR S3S4 1 0 Macroptilium atropurpureum G5? NNA SNA 0 76 Manihot angustiloba G4G5 NNR SNR 0 0 Mentha arvensis G5 N5? SU 2 0 Morus microphylla G5? NNR SNR 0 0 Nicotiana obtusifolia G4G5 N4? S4 8 0 Opuntia macrocentra G3G4 NNR S3 0 0 Opuntia phaeacantha G5 N5 S5 5 0 Opuntia santa-rita G4 NNR SNR 0 0 Panicum hallii G5 NNR S3S4 2 0 Panicum hirticaule G5 NNR S3S4 5 0 Passiflora arizonica G5T3T5 N4? S2 0 0 Passiflora mexicana G3G5 NNR S3 0 0 Phaseolus acutifolius G4G5 NNR SNR 82 58 Phaseolus angustissimus G4G5 NNR SNR 4 0 Phaseolus maculatus G3G5 NNR SNR 26 14 Physalis acutifolia G5? NNR SNR 2 0 Physalis longifolia G5 NNR SNR 0 0 Portulaca halimoides G5 NNR SNR 2 0 Portulaca suffrutescens G4G5 NNR SNR 1 0 Portulaca umbraticola G5 N5 SNR 1 0 Prunus serotina G5 N5 SNR 6 0 Solanum douglasii G5 NNR SNR 0 0 Solanum elaeagnifolium G4G5 N4N5 SNR 0 0 Stevia lemmonii G3G4 NNR S2¶ 0 0 Stevia micrantha G4? NNR SNR 0 0

2394 crop science, vol. 59, november–december 2019 Table 3. Continued. NatureServe† NPGS accessions‡ Taxon Global USA Arizona USA Mexico Stevia serrata G5 NNR SNR 0 0 Tagetes lemmonii G4 N4 S4 0 0 Tagetes micrantha G4G5 NNR SNR 1 0 Vitis arizonica G5? NNR SNR 2 0 Yucca baccata G5 NNR SNR 2 0 Yucca elata G5 NNR SNR 7 0 Ziziphus obtusifolia G4G5 NNR S3S4 0 0 † NatureServe conservation status rankings at global (G-), national (N-, USA), and state (S-, Arizona) levels: critically imperiled (G1, N1, S1), imperiled (G2, N2, S2), vulnerable (G3, N3, S3), apparently secure (G4, N4, S4); secure (G5, N5, S5), rank not yet assigned (GNR, NNR, SNR), unrankable due to lack of information or conflicting information (GU, NU, SU), or rank not applicable (GNA, NNA, SNA); ? denotes inexact numeric rank (NatureServe, 2019).

‡ Number of active wild germplasm accessions in NPGS by country of origin (USDA, 2019b).

§ Threatened taxa in Mexico (DOF, 2015).

¶ US Forest Service sensitive taxa occurring on National Forests in Arizona considered sensitive by the regional forester (AZGFD, 2019). with state-level rankings, three are imperiled and four are Studies of bird, micro-moth, and fungal attraction and vulnerable in Arizona. Two species are listed as threat- small mammal aversion to chile fruits demonstrated how ened in Mexico (DOF, 2015): Santa Cruz striped agave secondary compounds such as pyrazines and capsaicinoids (Agave parviflora Torr.) and Arizona walnut [ Juglans major favor efficient seed dispersers while repelling seed predators (Torr.) A. Heller]. However, neither species had active (Tewksbury et al., 2008; Schulze and Spiteller, 2009). Each wild germplasm accessions collected from Mexico in the population of wild chile may be selecting for a different NPGS. Santa Cruz striped agave, which is ranked vulner- mix and potency of these secondary chemicals, depending able at global, national (United States), and state (Arizona) on the frequency and intensity of visits by the species they levels, did not have a single active germplasm accession. are trying to attract and repel (Tewksbury et al., 2008; With the exception of the wild chile, none of the species Schulze and Spiteller, 2009; Luna-Ruiz et al., 2018). Such ranked vulnerable or imperiled in the United States had knowledge could guide use of wild chiles in not only plant active wild germplasm accessions in the NPGS. breeding, but also integrated pest management. Finally, population genetics of the wild chile identi- Wild Chile Conservation Synthesis fied genetic variation relevant for crop improvement, ex situ Turning our focus to the wild chile, we synthesize a conservation, and in situ conservation and management. quarter century of research and conservation efforts in a Votava et al. (2002) identified unique alleles found only in trans situ context. Integrating in situ and ex situ research populations at the northernmost limit of the species range in from the Wild Chile Botanical Area and nearby ex situ the Wild Chile Botanical Area. These alleles could be further facilities revealed the importance of biotic interactions for investigated for associations with adaptive traits related to in situ conservation and management. Namely, that wild climate that may be useful for crop improvement, such as chile populations cannot be conserved in situ without freeze or drought tolerance. Knowledge of the genetic varia- conserving or restoring the nurse plant guild and the birds tion found throughout the species range, from Guatemala to that use these plants for roosting, eating, and defecating southern Arizona (Votava et al., 2002), could guide reserve (Tewksbury et al., 1999). The clumped distribution of designation and collecting efforts to improve both in situ and wild chile plants under nurse plants results from directed ex situ conservation of wild chile genetic diversity. A history dispersal by frugivorous bird species, most of which are of pre-domestication human management of the wild chile migrating southward after breeding or fledging (Tewks- has been associated with reduced genetic diversity (González- bury et al., 1999; Tewksbury and Nabhan, 2001). The Jara et al., 2011), suggesting that in situ conservation should phenological sensitivity of this biotic interaction suggests consider past and present human use. In situ sites like the a potential vulnerability to climate change and has impli- Wild Chile Botanical Area provide an important reference cations for in situ management. Climate-driven shifts in to compare with heavily harvested areas lacking protection the timing of either wild chile fruiting or bird migration or natural resource management plans. by just 2 to 3 wk could disrupt the directed seed dispersal necessary for successful germination and recruitment DISCUSSION (Carlo and Tewksbury, 2014). Trans Situ Conservation in the Borderlands Studying the biotic interactions and secondary chem- Arizona and the United States–Mexico desert borderlands istry of wild chiles in situ and ex situ lent insight into traits harbor important CWR diversity, including many species with potential use in plant breeding and crop improvement. significant for food systems from local to continental

crop science, vol. 59, november–december 2019 2395 observation observation observation observation References Nabhan, 1985 Nabhan, Hodgson, 2001 Hodgson, 2001 Hodgson, 2001 Hodgson, Seiler 2017 et al., Nabhan, personal observation personal Nabhan, Hodgson, Seiler 2017 2001; et al., Hodgson, 2001; Nabhan, personal personal Nabhan, 2001; Hodgson, personal Nabhan, 2001; Hodgson, personal Nabhan, 2001; Hodgson, personal Nabhan, 2001; Hodgson, Metcalf et al., 1982; Hodgson,Metcalf 1982; et al., 2001; Nabhan and Felger, 1985; Hodgson, Hodgson, 1985; Felger, and Nabhan Hodgson, 1985; Felger, and Nabhan 2001; Nabhan, personal observation personal Nabhan, 2001; observation personal Nabhan, 2001; 2009; Nabhan, personal observation personal Nabhan, 2009; Bemis et al., 1978; Metcalf et al., 1982; Metcalf 1982; Bemis et al., 1978; et al., Hodgson, Seiler 2001; and Gulya, 2004; Hodgson, 2001; McGranahan and Leslie, Leslie, and McGranahan 2001; Hodgson, – – – – – – – – restorer genes Agricultural§ content of seeds oilseed production wood grafts on alkaline soil lung disease in cotton ginners cotton in disease lung Hybridization develop to fruit with Screening, selection, and crossing crossing and selection, Screening, Rootstock for English walnut scion increase resilience to Verticillium wilt, wilt, Verticillium increase resilience to Backcrossing with domesticates to to domesticates with Backcrossing Crossing with domestic sunflowers to sunflowers domestic with Crossing tolerance soil to salinity, broom rape, Verticillium wilt, downy mildew, rusts, with domestic sunflowersto increase extra carpels for higher seed yield for soil salinity, and drought; increase to oil Hybridization with domestic cotton to tons of fruit to binational spice markets spice binational to fruit of tons rusts, mold; tolerance sunflower to moth, of cytoplasmic male sterility and fertility and sterility male cytoplasmic of obtain domesticated chiltepin provide to reduce chaffy bracts which cause brown and increase oil content of seeds; source Ex situ

– – beetles gardens Xeriscaping Economic‡ and root for starch Edible landscaping Edible grafts at Hereford, AZ Xeriscaping (common) Xeriscaping (common) Xeriscaping (common) Xeriscaping charco reservoir banks bat-friendly pollinator gardens pollinator bat-friendly trap crop for cucumber beetles Bee-attracting plant in pollinator pollinator in plant Bee-attracting Sales of painted gourds as crafts; Rootstock for English walnut scion Grass as stabilizing ground cover on Potential use of seeds for cooking oil Ornamental in xeriscaping (common); (common); xeriscaping in Ornamental root for starch; trap crop for diabrotica Potential use of seeds for cooking oil and – In situ dark dye fruit syrup fruit syrup Artisanal† historically eaten historically “cooked spinach” “cooked food and for fruit syrup and other artisanal products other and of greens for salads or cooking Intensive use and sale of tons of Grass as stabilizing ground cover on charco reservoir banks; seeds gallons distilled mezcal lechuguilla mezcal gallons distilled Moderate use and occasional sale Rootstock for English walnut scion Occasional use as fresh and for Occasional use as fresh berry and for Intensive local uses of wild greens as Eaten as raw seeds or oily seed paste Eaten as raw seeds or oily seed paste Intensive use and sale of thousands of wood grafts in small orchards; nuts for Intensive use of fresh or frozen berry as green and red fruit for seasoning, salsa, Gourds as ornaments and laundry soap and ornaments as Gourds laundry soap and ornaments as Gourds glabriusculum var. Table 4. Artisanal,Table economic, and agricultural uses of case study crop wild relatives (CWR). Taxon Agave palmeri Amaranthus palmeri annuum Capsicum Chenopodium berlandieri Cucurbita digitata foetidissima Cucurbita thurberiGossypium Helianthus annuus Helianthus petiolaris obtusa Hopia Juglans major Lycium andersonii Lycium berlandieri fremontii Lycium

2396 crop science, vol. 59, november–december 2019

2018 observation observation observation observation References Hodgson 2001 Hodgson Hodgson, 2001 Hodgson, 2001 Hodgson, 2001 Hodgson, Suatmadji, 1969 Suatmadji, Yadav et al., 2011 et al., Yadav Toledo et al., 2018 etToledo al., Contreras-Toledo et al., 2018 al., et Contreras-Toledo Contreras-Toledo et al., 2018 al., et Contreras-Toledo Nabhan, personal observation personal Nabhan, observation personal Nabhan, Hodgson, 2001; Nabhan, personal Nabhan, 2001; Hodgson, personal Nabhan, 2001; Hodgson, personal Nabhan, 2001; Hodgson, personal Nabhan, 2001; Hodgson, Hodgson, Riaz 2006; 2001; et al., Jennings, 1995; Narina et al., 2011; Jennings, Narina 1995; 2011; et al., et al., 2013; Contreras-Toledo et al., 2013; et al., Nabhan, 1979; ThomasNabhan, 1983; et al., 1979; Hodgson, 2001; Singh, 2001; Porch Porch 2001; Singh, 2001; Hodgson, 2013; Nabhan, personal observation personal Nabhan, 2013; Hodgson, Martínez-Ruiz 2001; al., et., and Somaatmadja, 1989; Hodgson, 2001; 2001; Hodgson, 1989; Somaatmadja, and Nabhan van and der Felger, 1985; Maesen Balasubramanian et al., 2004; Contreras- 2004; al., et Balasubramanian – – – – – – – – – – aftertaste suppression gene transfer Agricultural§ disease bacterium Source of disease resistance disease of Source diterpene glycosides without bitter bitter without glycosides diterpene Proposed source of frost tolerance Cover crop for root knot nematode leafhoppers; bridge in gene transfer and higher starch content; bridge in Source of tolerance or resistance to Rootstock for resistance Pierce’s to wilt resistance, ashy stem blight, bean blight, stem ashy resistance, wilt Potential source of breeding for higher Proposed source of drought resistance resistance drought of source Proposed heat, common bacterial blight, Fusarium Fusarium blight, bacterial common heat, golden mosaic virus, bean rust, bruchids, Ex situ – – – – Economic‡ secondary molds vineyard in Elgin, AZ Xeriscaping (common) Xeriscaping (common) Xeriscaping (common) Xeriscaping (common) Xeriscaping Xeriscaping (occasional) Xeriscaping (occasional) Xeriscaping (occasional) Xeriscaping (occasional) Xeriscaping Rootstock for merlot and cabernet quality cheese with protection from from protection with quality cheese Emerging use in edible landscaping edible in use Emerging landscaping edible in use Emerging landscaping edible in use Emerging Verified as safe as rennet in producing – – – – – In situ basketry by children Artisanal† as livestock forage livestock as food; fruit for syrup and leaves in cordage Leaves as culinary herb parching or boiling eat to Minor use of fruit as food cultivated; fruit for vinegar for fruit cultivated; Berries as food and for juice Fruit as fresh food; fruit for syrup Incidental use as fruit eaten fresh Historic harvesting of wild beans for Historic harvesting of wild beans for Blossoms in salads, soups; leaves in Intensive use of fruit as vegetal rennet Intensive use of fresh or frozen fruit as Fruit eaten raw or dried; prehistorically Use of roasted fruit Apache by as food sales of hundreds of pounds of cheese for curdling milk into queso asadero for boiling eat; to roots as medicine; foliage spp.  haseolus angustissimus Taxon angustiloba Manihot arvensis Mentha microphylla Morus macrocentra Opuntia Opuntia phaeacantha Opuntia santa-rita Passiflora acutifolius Phaseolus P maculatus Phaseolus elaeagnifoliumSolanum lemmonii Stevia lemmonii Tagetes arizonica Vitis baccata Yucca Yucca elata Ziziphus obtusifolia † Local artisanal uses documented in situ. ‡ Economic uses emerging from regional ex situ collections. § Plant breeding and rootstock uses emerging from national germplasm collections. Table 4. Continued. 4. Table crop science, vol. 59, november–december 2019 2397 scales (Table 4). The 62 CWR species conserved in situ status, such as the Santa Cruz striped agave and comprise ?6% of the over 1000 CWR and wild utilized Arizona passionflower Passiflora[ arizonica (Killip) plant taxa in Arizona (Khoury et al., 2013; Khoury and D.H. Goldman]. Nabhan, 2019). Notably, some of the in situ popula- tions have been utilized by nearby Native American and 3. Many borderland CWR have adaptations to heat, Hispanic communities for centuries, with both oral histo- drought, salinity, or other abiotic and biotic stressors ries and archaeology documenting the use of wild plants likely to be exacerbated in United States agriculture like chiltepins at Rock Corral Canyon (Nabhan, 1978). due to climate change (Table 4). These CWR, such The low number of CWR species documented as the common sunflower Helianthus( annuus L.), in common between the two in situ sites is consistent Arizona walnut, and wild tepary bean, hold poten- with the high b diversity found throughout the Sonoran tial as breeding materials, hardy rootstocks, or new Desert, Chihuahuan Desert, and intervening Sky Island “crops” in and of themselves. montane landscapes of the United States–Mexico border- lands (McLaughlin, 1986). This high species turnover has 4. Borderland populations of a number of CWR are at implications for planning optimal in situ CWR protec- their northern range and climatic limits. Of these tion (e.g., reserve size and spacing). We recommend a populations, many contain unique genetic varia- binational, inter-agency conservation planning effort to tion or traits not found elsewhere in the species improve the in situ protection of CWR diversity and range (Votava et al., 2002). Furthermore, as access connectivity in the borderlands. to germplasm collected from Mexico decreases, With a few exceptions of common species, most of the through loss of accession availability from gene- CWR we evaluated were inadequately represented in ex banks or increasing restrictions on the movement situ collections, suggesting conservation gaps and limited of plant materials across international borders, these availability of genetic resources. Perhaps most discon- northern populations may become the only sources certing, the species with the greatest in situ vulnerability of genetic material available to plant breeders in the had little to no ex situ representation in national gene- United States. banks. Although regional seed and living plant collections provide educational and research opportunities for some 5. Borderland CWR have direct economic impor- of these species, the protection these collections offer is tance at local to regional scales (Table 4). Within likely insufficient given increasing in situ habitat loss and the Santa Cruz River watershed, CWR and wild environmental change. utilized species from 15 genera are being used in Improving the comprehensiveness of CWR conserva- 80 different food products from nearly 50 microen- tion, through both in situ and ex situ measures, is critical terprises (Nabhan et al., 2019). Without proper in given the mounting environmental, social, and polit- situ protection and management, harvesting could ical pressures in the United States–Mexico borderlands erode CWR genetic diversity and negatively affect (Liverman et al., 1999; Peters et al., 2018). We argue that resources for both direct local use and indirect use in the desert borderlands are disproportionately important plant breeding and crop improvement. relative to their number of CWR species for the following reasons: Trans Situ Conservation at Large Integrated in situ protection and ex situ collection is 1. A number of borderland CWR have high conser- increasingly proposed to conserve CWR genetic diversity vation priority in North America due their close and safeguard food security in the face of climate change relationship to internationally important crops and (Dempewolf et al., 2014). Trans situ conservation goes one limited representation in major ex situ collections step further, calling for a more dynamic integration of (Castañeda-Álvarez et al., 2016; Greene et al., 2018). multiple in situ and ex situ measures, from conservation Examples include wild chile, pitseed goosefoot to research to education, spanning local to global scales. (Chenopodium berlandieri Moq.), and desert mountain Just what would a trans situ approach to the conservation, manihot [Manihot angustiloba (Torr.) Müll. Arg.]. evaluation, and use of CWR add to the current mix of conservation strategies being used in the United States? 2. Compounding effects of climate change and accel- The short answer can be summarized in three words: erating habitat destruction and fragmentation in the complementarity, redundancy, and synergy (Becker et al., borderlands are increasing in situ extinction risk 1998; Meilleur and Hodgkin, 2004). (Peters et al., 2018). Some borderland CWR already Complementarity among in situ and ex situ strate- have elevated in situ vulnerability rankings due gies improves the conservation and availability of CWR to their limited distributions, rarity, or threatened genetic diversity for plant breeding and crop research

2398 crop science, vol. 59, november–december 2019 (Engels et al., 2008). In situ conservation protects not genetic diversity, adaptation, and ecological interac- just the target CWR species, but also the native envi- tions can lead to advances in crop improvement and in ronment within which the species continues to coevolve situ management. Strengthening collaboration between with its biotic associates. Some aspects of trait selection regional ex situ facilities and national genebanks could and crop diversification can only be answered by studying improve the ex situ conservation and accessibility of CWR in situ (Chen et al., 2017). Ex situ conservation of CWR genetic resources. National genebanks may not CWR genetic diversity in national and global genebanks, have the resources to adequately regenerate the numerous such as the NPGS, provide access to genetic materials for CWR with potential for crop improvement but do have use in plant breeding and crop improvement (Byrne et the infrastructure for large-scale germplasm distribution. al., 2018). Local and regional ex situ facilities (botanical Regional ex situ facilities with conditions similar to nearby gardens, arboreta, museums, and nurseries) located near in situ CWR populations are well positioned to research, in situ CWR populations offer complementary conser- regenerate, and regionally distribute locally adapted vation, research, and education opportunities (O’Donnell germplasm but may not be equipped for large-scale distri- and Sharrock, 2018). Their seed and living plant collec- bution. Widely varying infrastructure for genebanking at tions support the direct local use of appropriately adapted these facilities underscores a need for training and capacity and regionally relevant CWR. building to support local and regional ex situ collections Trans situ conservation builds redundancy across strat- (O’Donnell and Sharrock, 2018). egies and buffers threats from climatic, political, and Trans situ conservation must also address the occa- economic instabilities. Wild plants face a rising risk of sional tensions that arise when multiple in situ and ex situ extinction as climate change and human land use accel- components are simultaneously functioning. For instance, erate (Zhang et al., 2017b). Ex situ collections serve as in situ CWR conservation and management have histori- an important insurance policy for increasingly threatened cally received a miniscule proportion of the support in situ CWR populations (Li and Pritchard, 2009). Ex provided to ex situ conservation and use initiatives. Our situ sampling should aim to improve the representation case study illustrates the different, and perhaps at times of genetic and environmental diversity, and therefore the competing, cultural and economic uses of CWR (Table range of local adaptation, held in national genebanks and 4). It is unclear whether formal habitat protection impedes regional ex situ collections (Ramírez-Villegas et al., 2010; or, alternatively, safeguards traditional stewardship and Hoban and Schlarbaum, 2014; Khoury et al., 2015, 2019). use. Linking local community livelihoods and other rural These “backups” require maintenance, however, as ex development opportunities to local in situ conservation situ samples themselves are vulnerable to genetic erosion projects (Kux, 1991) may help alleviate some tensions. through genetic drift and viability selection (Fu, 2017). Ex In the case of the Wild Chile Botanical Area, the right situ samples and situ populations are never exact analogs to harvest the wild chile by local families who tradition- of one another and diverge genetically through time. ally used the area as gathering grounds was assured and Ex situ facilities must also cope with the effects of external commercial extraction was controlled. Studying climate change. As documented in another arid zone, the the effects of human harvest and management on CWR Bekaa Valley of Lebanon, aquifer depletion and soil sali- genetic diversity (González-Jara et al., 2011) can guide nization are currently threatening years of successful seed sustainable in situ use that supports both local economic regeneration partnerships and impacting germplasm reposi- productivity and crop improvement efforts. tories (Daghir, 2012; Duggan, 2017; Nabhan, unpublished Finally, there is one particular in situ conservation data, 2019). Degradation or closure of ex situ facilities is measure that remains understudied and underdeveloped: emerging as a secondary effect of the interactions among how can we more actively manage landscapes to favor the climate change, social conflict, warfare, and the resulting persistence and genetic diversity of CWR in situ? Histori- economic instability of agricultural regions and institu- cally, the USFS and USDA-ARS have had neither funds tions (Duggan, 2016, 2017). The loss of operations at the nor mandates to actively manage CWR like the wild chile International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry or its biotic associates. Only recently have the two agencies Areas (ICARDA) station near Aleppo, Syria, at the same begun collaborative efforts to support CWR conservation time that drought and destruction of irrigation infrastruc- through active in situ management and ex situ conserva- ture occurred (Gleick, 2014; Duggan, 2016) produced a tion (USFS, 2014). Such dynamic management for CWR negative feedback loop. Increasing the redundancy of acces- species has been recommended by Iriondo et al. (2008) sions within and among ex situ collections and facilities will and Maxted and Kell (2009), yet in the southern Arizona help avert massive losses in CWR genetic diversity. case study, we know little about which management prac- A number of synergies arise when integrating in situ tices most affect persistence of CWR in situ (Table 5). The and ex situ components. As illustrated by the wild chile presence of two in situ sites with different land use prac- research, integrating in situ and ex situ studies of CWR tices overseen by different agencies offers an opportunity

crop science, vol. 59, november–december 2019 2399 Table 5. Management practices potentially affecting case study crop wild relatives (CWR) in situ following Iriondo et al. (2008). History in Arizona Influence on CWR† Management practice USFS‡ USDA-ARS WCBA WGEW Managed burns Current, historical Current, historical Unlikely due to sheltered microsites Unlikely Removal of invasives Current, historical Current, historical Negligible (at present) Negligible (at present) Native woody shrub control by herbicides Historical Current, historical Could affect CWR and nurse plants Could affect CWR and nurse plants Water catchment in stock tanks Current, historical Current, historical Current minimal impact on water Current dramatic impact on water flow could indirectly affect CWR flow could affect nurse plant and and nurse plant water availability CWR water availability Water diversion for roads or pipelines Historical Historical Negligible Negligible Rotational grazing Current Current Negligible Negligible Mine exploration Historical Historical Unknown Unknown † WCBA, Wild Chile Botanical Area; WGEW, Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed.

‡ USFS, US Forest Service. tory of CWR. We are grateful to Chris Thiel of Coronado to identify which agency is more disposed to actively National Forest and Jack Dash of Desert Survivors Nursery, manage CWR through a trans situ framework. as well as Phil Heilman and Mary Nichols of Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed for their knowledge of the two in situ CONCLUSIONS sites. Steve Blackwell, Jessie Byrd, Dena Cowan, Heather Dial, We emphasize the importance of dynamically inte- Wendy Hodgson, Joy Hought, Matt Johnson, and John Weins grating multiple conservation measures through a trans provided data on regional ex situ collections. Melanie Schori situ framework to safeguard, recover, and utilize CWR and Kurt Endress assisted with accession queries from GRIN- genetic resources. Although it is theoretically possible that Global. Ben Wilder and Paul Mirocha helped host the Crop a single CWR may be simultaneously lost from holdings Wild Relatives conference in January 2019. We are grateful to associated with two or more conservation strategies, the the W.K. Kellogg Foundation for funding this research. positive synergies that accrue with trans situ coordina- tion offer benefits not provided by in situ or ex situ efforts References alone. In particular, local and regional ex situ facilities Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD). 2019. Species list. (botanical gardens, museums, arboreta, and nurseries) play Heritage Data Management System. AZGFD.https://www. an important role supporting research, conservation, and (accessed 3 May 2019). use of locally adapted plant materials that may be other- Balasubramanian, P., A. Vandenberg, P. Hucl, and L. Gusta. 2004. wise inaccessible from national and global genebanks. Resistance of Phaseolus species to ice crystallization at subzero Two important features emerge from trans situ temperature. Physiol. Plant. 120:451–457. doi:10.1111/j.0031- conservation. First, integrated in situ and ex situ studies of 9317.2004.00257.x CWR genetic diversity, adaptation, and ecological inter- Bayuelo-Jiménez, J.S., D.G. Debouck, and J.P. Lynch. 2002. actions can lead to advances in crop improvement and in Salinity tolerance in Phaseolus species during early veg- situ management. Second, the complementarity, redun- etative growth. Crop Sci. 42:2184–2192. doi:10.2135/crop- dancy, and synergy gained through a trans situ model sci2002.2184 Becker, H., L. McGraw, and K.B. Stelljes. 1998. Why in situ? are essential to weathering the uncertain future ahead. Agric. Res. 46(12):4–8. Current conservation gaps in the United States–Mexico Bemis, W.P., J.W. Berry, C.W. Weber, and T.W. Whitaker. 1978. borderlands pose opportunities for collaboration to better The buffalo gourd: A new potential horticultural crop. Hort- integrate in situ and ex situ measures. Given the mounting Science 13:235–240. threats from climate change, political and economic Bharucha, Z., and J. Pretty. 2010. The roles and values of wild uncertainty, habitat fragmentation, and loss of traditional foods in agricultural systems. Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B knowledge of desert-adapted resources, effective CWR Biol. Sci. 365:2913–2926. doi:10.1098/rstb.2010.0123 Bosland, P.W., and M.M. Gonzalez. 2000. The rediscovery of conservation will depend on cross-border collaboration Capsicum lanceolatum (), and the importance of among agricultural botanists, conservation biologists, land nature reserves in preserving cryptic biodiversity. Biodivers. managers, and local communities. Conserv. 9:1391–1397. doi:10.1023/A:1008930931976 Byrne, P.F., G.M. Volk, C. Gardner, M.A. Gore, P.W. Simon, Conflict of Interest and S. Smith. 2018. Sustaining the future of plant breeding: The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest. The critical role of the USDA-ARS National Plant Germ- plasm System. Crop Sci. 58:451–468. doi:10.2135/crop- Acknowledgments sci2017.05.0303 Thanks to Colin Khoury, Stephanie Greene, Karen Williams, Carlo, T.A., and J.J. Tewksbury. 2014. Directness and tempo of avian and Wendy Hodgson for assisting with the statewide inven- seed dispersal increases emergence of wild chiltepins in desert grasslands. J. Ecol. 102:248–255. doi:10.1111/1365-2745.12180

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