Margaret Mitchell, MSP Convener of the Justice Committee The Scottish Parliament Edinburgh EH99 1SP By Email:
[email protected] 8th July 2020 Dear Convenor, Thank you for your letter of 18 June 2020. I am very glad to provide the follow-up information you have requested after my appearance with the Crown Agent before the Justice Committee on 16 June 2020. 1. The Crown Agent mentioned the work of a group with SPS, Police Scotland and others on custody cases and remote video links. It would be helpful to have more details on the work of this group and when it expects to conclude with an operational service. The group to which the Crown Agent referred is the Virtual Custody Courts group, which is part of a new structure now established under the authority of the Justice Board and led by a Criminal Justice Board on which the chief executives of the key criminal justice organisations sit, to co-ordinate recovery activity in the criminal courts. A number of groups (each one led by a senior member of one of the criminal justice organisations) have been established within that structure to address different aspects of the recovery process. The group dealing with virtual custody courts is led by a senior police officer and the group dealing with virtual trial courts is led by a senior member of the Scottish Courts and Tribunal Service (SCTS). Other groups are focusing on the summary criminal process, community justice and, in due course once the Lord Justice Clerk’s working group has developed a model for jury trials in the High Court, jury trials in the Sheriff Court.