Report of the 30 October – 2 November 2016 Trade Mission Tel Aviv,

Presentation of EMRC

Established in Brussels in 1992, EMRC is an international non-profit organisation, whose mission is to promote sustainable economic development in Africa through the creation of business partnerships with a focus on the private sector. EMRC includes a vast network of entrepreneurs, financiers and representatives from over a hundred countries worldwide.

Our Vision

Build lasting and sustainable business partnerships in Africa.

We are dedicated to strengthening the private sector to establish a sustainable and dynamic African economy.

Our Mission

For a strong private sector in Africa, SMEs and all stakeholders must benefit from quality learning, connections and a development support.

Our strategy is to provide decision makers from African public and private sectors pragmatic business platforms, opportunities for "networking", economic missions and resource development programmes.

At EMRC, we are committed to achieve the following objectives which are the cornerstones of our vision:

1. Contribute to the development of the private sector in Africa and promote the dynamic growth of the emerging markets of Africa; 2. Encourage the cooperation between the public and private sectors; 3. Mobilise innovation for an evolution of the African private sector; 4. Create an optimal environment for the creation of sustainable business partnerships; 5. Stimulate dialogue and promote knowledge sharing; 6. Stimulate innovation, trade and industrialization on the continent. We believe that personal contact and business meetings, during which information is shared and ideas exchanged, are the best way to encourage effective business partnerships, promote collaboration between stakeholders across continents and enhance mutual understanding on the global market.

Our Platforms

EMRC sees itself as a catalyst for the promotion of economic and trade relations between business leaders from around the world, and more specifically between EU and non-EU companies and individuals. Our forums and business events function as a platform where stakeholders can present their ideas and opinions, meet potential partners, policy makers and businesses worldwide.

To meet our mission, our activities focus around 4 areas:

Agricultural Trade Mission Africa-Israel Tel Aviv, Israel 30th October – 2nd November 2016

1. Forum 360°

Africa Finance & Investment Forum – AFIF (Africa Finance & Investment Forum) is a most pragmatic annual meeting for African SMEs, investors, financiers, market experts and decision makers.

The forum provides a 360° experience which includes exclusive training for entrepreneurs, a catalog of participants, a unique B2B Service (for all participants, speakers and partners) and an entrepreneurship award to encourage excellence.

AgriBusiness Forum – the AgriBusiness Forum aims to enhance agribusiness in Africa by bringing together investors, SMEs / SMIs, specialists and market developers.

The forum provides a 360° experience including a pre-training forum, a catalog of participants, tailor-made B2B services and the project incubator award competition to showcase innovation.

2. Economic Missions

Agricultural Trade Mission – The Agricultural Trade Mission Africa-Israel brings together the African and Israeli public and private sector to strengthen the African private sector and promote sustainable development by stimulating transfer of technologies and knowledge to encourage local production, facilitating access to international markets and creating partnerships.

This is a unique opportunity to learn about new agricultural technologies, to establish business relations and to discover some of the holiest sites in the world.

Economic Mission – The Economic Mission Africa-India aims to promote partnerships between Africa and India in the areas of agricultural research, conservation and management of soil and water, biofuels, management of fresh produce, knowledge centres, strengthening agricultural value chains and locating the right and simple equipment.

3. Trainings

The EMRC training programmes aim at strengthening the capacities of SME managers from the private and public companies and government officials, as well as to provide participants with a platform to develop their network of technical, business and financial partners. EMRC training programmes are organized in Europe, and on site in Africa.

4. Personalised Services

Prefeasibility and feasibility studies: aim to assess the importance and the technical and financial feasibility of the project (private and/or public). Business Plans: aim to structure your business project in a consistent and tangible manner.

Business Development: aims to identify financial, business and technology partners within the EMRC network and beyond.

Agricultural Trade Mission Africa-Israel Tel Aviv, Israel 30th October – 2nd November 2016

2 Mission Report – Economic Mission Africa-Israel 2016

The fourteenth edition of the Senior Management Economic Mission Africa-Israel took place in Israel between 30th October and 2nd November 2016. The event was organized in collaboration with MASHAV (Israel Center for International Cooperation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs), CINADCO (Center for International Agricultural Development Cooperation), Israel Institute of Exports and private companies (Rivulis, Agridera, Madan, Profit Agro).

The Mission brought together 23 participants from 13 countries (Belgium, Cameroon, Congo, Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Mali, Mozambique, Niger, Togo, Tanzania, Uganda, Zimbabwe), with a common interest in agriculture, water management and livestock, both in terms of equipment and materials as well as training and expertise.

The objectives of the mission were to discover the Israeli expertise in agriculture and farming technologies and to initiate projects in Africa involving Israeli entrepreneurs and experts. Networking, discussions, field visits made up the 4-day programme, and we continue to promote follow up contacts in Israel.


The first day, after distributing materials to participants, we went to Beit Dagan to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. We were warmly welcomed by Mr. Yakov Poleg, Director CINADCO (Center for Agricultural Development and International Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture), an organisation, which has always been supportive of our initiatives. Mr. Poleg presented the collaborative relationship between Israel and Africa, especially in the agricultural and training sectors, which began in the '50s, when Israel, as a young nation has understood the needs of the very young African countries and the development potential in the agricultural domain, in irrigation, seeds and readymade projects.

We then visited the Agridera, a seeds company, where Mr. Michael Ofran presented their products, improved seeds (tomatoes, seedless watermelons, corn, etc.) and how they work in Africa. We continued with a visit to their greenhouses that serve as laboratories. Mr. Ofran, Agronomist, proudly presented the company’s achievements while visiting the open fields of tomatoes, which are partly covered. The company offers integrated solutions to the projects, where all parameters are taken into account (following discussions with the local partners), in order to provide the highest agricultural productivity at the least cost.

Agricultural Trade Mission Africa-Israel Tel Aviv, Israel 30th October – 2nd November 2016

After lunch in an oriental restaurant, we continued to Be'er Tuvia, to Yaziv, to visit an animal feed plant, accompanied by Mr. Ron Zeevi, Director. This is the largest cooperative in Israel, established by farmers from the region who participate in the organization and the delivery of indispensable food & supplements for livestock.

The first day ended and delegates were able to get to know each other over a nice dinner in a restaurant situated on the Mediterranean Sea in Tel Aviv.


The second day, the delegation participated in a tour of Shefayim where is located MATC, the MASHAV Agricultural Training Center, with Mrs. Evelyn Rosenthal and Mr. Oded Halamit, Director of the center. The group had the opportunity to soak up the cooperative ideology and model of the kibbutz, a model that is now partly adopted in different regions in Africa. MATC provides training in various subjects such as irrigation systems, farm management and agricultural entrepreneurship, over a period that varies from two weeks to a month or more. The participants could understand the need to create training centers related to agricultural technologies in Africa.

After that, we continued to the (northern Israel), in Maagan Michael, to visit their aquaculture farms in ponds and in tanks, accompanied by Mr. Shmulik Asaf. The participants had the opportunity to watch first-hand the extensive and intensive aquaculture techniques, and consider ways to adapt them in their own countries. Extensive aquaculture, as it is practiced in Israel for all types of fish, can reduce costs, control diseases, and obtain high yields. This is an important sector in Israel, since imports account for more than half of local consumption.

After lunch at Kibbutz Maagan Michael, we headed towards , the site of Even Products, where we visited the cowshed and saw the galvanized steel water tanks – used to save drinking water for cows.

Mr. Moran Yanuka, Vice-President presented the company and the use of these tanks.

Agricultural Trade Mission Africa-Israel Tel Aviv, Israel 30th October – 2nd November 2016

We then continued to Kibbutz Gvat to visit Rivulis, one or Israel’s leading companies for drip irrigation, a system invented in Israel in the 50’ to address the lack of water and the need to increase agricultural productivity. The site visit and the works done by Rivulis were presented to us by Mr. Ilan Tamir, Director Business Development, and allowed us to better understand water management systems and how Rivulis works in Africa.

The day ended with a visit to the Jordan River, on the Sea of Galilee. Participants bathed in the river where Jesus Christ was baptized more than two thousand years ago. It was certainly a unique moment, magical, and one that all participants will remember for long.

Back in Tel Aviv, delegates dined at the beach of Tel Aviv, where they could share their expertise in a casual setting.


The day began at Hishtil, situated in Nechalim, in central Israel, where we visited a large nursery for vegetables, fruits and flowers.

Mr. Moti Dagan, Managing Director, explained the importance of taking good care of the seeds from sprouting and to obtain strong young plants, which will be subsequently sold, to be planted and developed.

We then continued to Mor Products, a company producing, packaging and exporting fruits and vegetables. The advanced processing techniques, cleaning and packaging were presented to us and we found there, too, how advanced technologies are used in Israel for a faster and more efficient production.

Agricultural Trade Mission Africa-Israel Tel Aviv, Israel 30th October – 2nd November 2016

After lunch in the town of , we went to Profit Agro, where we visited sophisticated greenhouses for green pepper and then visited the factory in Afula and discussed with Mr. Raviv Morag, CEO, of the advantages of growing in greenhouses in Africa.

In the evening, delegates had diner at one of the more elegant restaurants in the hotel in Tel Aviv and were able to discuss their activities and compare them with those of their Israeli counterparts.

DAY 4, Wednesday 2nd November – Visit of the Holy Sites: Jerusalem & Bethlehem

The last day of the Economic Mission was devoted to visits of the holy sites in Jerusalem and Bethlehem. In Jerusalem we walked along the Via Dolorosa and visited the main stations where Jesus walked before his death. We also visited the Western Wall and Al Aqsa Mosque. In Bethlehem, we visited the Church of the Nativity and admired the panoramic views of the mountains and valleys of Judea. This day was very eventful for all participants, who will certainly keep an unforgettable memory.

Agricultural Trade Mission Africa-Israel Tel Aviv, Israel 30th October – 2nd November 2016

3 Conclusions

The Economic Mission Africa-Israel 2016 was an important event in the context of strengthening the relations between the members of the African and Israeli private and public sectors. During the four days of the mission, participants had the opportunity to discover the different initiatives and efforts made by Israel to solve the climate problems, as well as the geopolitical, territorial and natural constraints of this young country.

Israel has experienced a turbulent history, and has encountered very harsh constraints in terms of natural resources, but it was able to take advantage of these obstacles and turn them into opportunities. Facing this tough reality, Israeli entrepreneurs have continually developed technological innovations that make Israel one of the most progressive countries in the world.

The presence of an African delegation of entrepreneurs, coming from countries which only recently gained independence, helped feed constructive debate and exchange ideas on pragmatic solutions that can be adopted in African countries. We see this economic mission as the starting point for partnerships and projects, and EMRC will be actively involved in the continuation and monitoring of the relations within the framework of this mission.

Finally, we would like to thank both the African participants as well as our Israeli partners that made this mission possible. We sincerely hope to see you soon in future EMRC initiatives.

With our warmest regards.

The EMRC team

Brussels, 10 November 2016

Agricultural Trade Mission Africa-Israel Tel Aviv, Israel 30th October – 2nd November 2016