Notes from the , , & Wing Local Children and Young People’s Trust Partnership Board Meeting

2–4pm Weds 12th January 2011

Attendees: Ed Mallam, Operations Manager, Children’s Trust Delivery Unit, BCC Anna Durnin, Projects Officer, BCC Vivien Salisbury, Action4Youth Matt Partridge, District Council Annette Parkin, Vale Federation of Special Schools Simon Billeness, Youth Services, BCC Michaela Smith, Bucks Sport Helen Englefield, BCC Children’s Centre Coordinator Dan China, School Improvement Service Christine McLintock, Strategic Area Network Jackie Wesley, Localities and Communities Manager, LAF Mark Grindall, Localities and Communities Manager, LAF Stella Dutton, Bucks Healthcare Trust Kate Elliot, Aylesbury Academy Jane Plested, Barnardos Surestart Children’s Centre Robert Beadel, Educational Psychology Service

Apologies: Richard List, Bob Harrison, Connexions Joy O’Neill, Chair of Governors, Halton School Kesze Saunders, Operations Manager, Youth Offending Service Julie Montigue, Early Intervention & Prevention Manager, BCC Tina Wooller, Safeguarding Manager, Aylesbury College Samantha Hornsby, Chief Officer, Healthy Living Centre Donna Clarke, CAMHS Rosemarie Finley, PCT


Agenda Notes Action Item 1 The notes from the previous meeting were read and agreed as accurate by those present.

2 Terms of Reference have been updated following the initial meetings and distributed. They are not detailed but set out the purpose, function and membership of the Boards. The same ToRs will be used for all three Boards to keep them consistent. All present confirmed they were happy with the ToRs but that these will be reviewed as necessary.

All members must nominate a deputy to attend in their place and maintain consistency between attendance at meetings. Please forward names to AD. ALL

3 The majority of the suggestions put forward for additional members have been followed up with some due to be confirmed shortly. It was agreed that the group should not be too large and that guests with specialist knowledge should be invited to attend as appropriate rather than being full time members.

Query was raised about having a Councillor to sit on the board. Each organisation will put forward their preferred representative so this may vary between the Boards. MP will discuss and MP recommend a councillor if appropriate from AVDC.

DC noted that the School Improvement Service is in a state of flux and this will be the same for many other services. With this in mind membership may need to be reviewed when services have more stability.

Representation for Service Families was discussed again for this board and Marlow, Wycombe and Ridgeway. Joy O’Neill provided a contact which is being followed up and JW suggested Wilma Kingsbury, Community Development Lead at RAF Halton would be another useful member. RB is the link to Service Children for the Educational Psychology Service and also sits on the Working Group run by BCC. RB will raise at the next meeting RB how best the three Boards should link with the Working Group. EM advised no more invitees until RB has confirmed best way to link with Service Families. JON contacted Wilma Kingsbury.

4 Expressions of interest for Chairing this Board were invited. The Chair will also sit on the CYP Trust Board and will have support from EM and AD. A Vice Chair should also be elected.

Bob Harrison expressed an interest in Chairing which was put forward in his absence. Joy O’Neill indicated she could provide cover if no-one else came forward. MP suggested if a Councillor from AVDC joined the Local Board, they might be well placed to Chair.

It was agreed that Bob Harrison should Chair, to be reviewed in 1 BH, year. Joy O’Neill will be asked if she will take on the role of Vice- JO’N, Chair. EM

(Both Bob and Joy have agreed to undertake these roles).

5 EM provided an update. The CYP Trust Board has agreed the current priorities should remain, with addition of Child Poverty. The CYP Plan Group will meet on 25th Jan to look at this in more detail. The new plan will focus more on the vulnerable groups. There are nearly 100 indicators that sit below the priorities and these will be cut down. The outline plan has been agreed and this will be around 15 pages long and will only be available electronically. The plan is being developed alongside the Child Poverty Strategy which will be in place by April so this is the target date for the completion of the plan.

One suggestion has been to combine priorities; for example, “Family Focus” could be included under “Tackling Child Poverty”. Views on this were welcomed as the Local Boards should feed into the plan and are key in consultation. ALL

It was generally felt that the priorities should be kept separate as combining them might exclude certain groups who don’t fit neatly into the combined category. For example, “Closing the Gap” might be combined under “Tackling Child Poverty” but this could then exclude young people who receive support through School Action or School Action Plus.

CM suggested an easier way to express the priorities might be to list each of the 5 headings separately, with Child Poverty-specific targets for each listed first, followed by other targets specific to each priority. EM and MP will feedback this suggestion to the CYP Plan Group. EM/ MP 6 BCC’s Research and Consultation Team are producing 19 Local Area Profiles. Mock-ups were distributed at the last meeting and all comments were passed back to the team. Most of these have been taken on board so the profiles will include information on SEN, Free School Meals, Ethnicity and will be available by Ward on request. NEET data is received monthly and further Young Carers information is anticipated as this is only available on a district and county level. Service Families contact details have been passed on to be pursued by the team. The profiles will be updated annually and will be ready at the end of this month. The profiles will be available for public access.

Query was raised about the information stretching to 25 yr olds to capture young people in transition to adulthood. Could Job Centre Plus data be utilised? AD

Query whether the Local Boards will be able to see the final draft before they are publicised to see whether there are any gaps. AD

It was noted that for Special Schools the population comes from a much wider area as they don’t have a localised intake, so these profiles may not be representative for certain groups, including Grammar Schools. Feedback passed to Karen Bulmer

7 Pam Curtis had provided an update on the Child Poverty Strategy.

VS raised concern that the strapline, “everybody’s business,” is also used within Safeguarding and this may cause some AD confusion. Could a different line be used to keep them separate?

It was noted that lack of transport was raised as a huge factor in the Practitioner Workshop and there was some concern that this was not reflected. EM advised that the CYP Plan Group now has a senior Transport rep so it is hoped these issues can start to be AD addressed.

JP noted that rural disadvantage is not very evident which also links to transportation. A consultation on Transportation is out now which may lead to further routes being cut or funding being given to communities to decide how best to provide transport.

The consultation can be found at /budget_tfb.pdf

Feedback passed to Pam Curtis

8 Overviews were provided of some other key projects. Local Board Members are encouraged to provide information on anything they are working on that might be of interest.

It was noted that Investors in Families has recently lost their funding.

VS noted that the Youth Services consultation will have a critical impact on CYP. There will be a Localities workshop at the end of February which aims to explore community involvement in Youth Service provision and this will feed into the consultation.

The consultation can be found at /budget_youth_services.pdf

Some communities are taking on responsibilities for libraries, HS2, Youth Services etc and there is concern that in smaller communities these are the same people coming forward and that there will be too much to manage.

9 At the last meeting it was agreed that services should consider and put forward their priorities which, linked to the CYP Plan, will form the priorities for this Board to focus on. Some discussion ensued around how best to approach this and whether priorities for individual organisations should be used and how closely these link with CYP.

An added difficulty is the changing circumstances for many services and ensuring that the priorities are achievable in the current changeable climate. The importance of this being a practical group was noted.

It was felt that best way forward would be to await the CYP Plan, Child Poverty Strategy and Local Area Profiles and use these to set local priorities, identifying where other groups are already undertaking work and filling in the gaps. These documents will steer the overarching priorities but some practical, quick wins could also be included.

The Local Boards will act to implement the CYP Plan locally but there should be a bottom up influence so it is important for members to consider local priorities and flag up any gaps to the CYP Trust Board.

Board members agreed that the next meeting should be delayed to end Feb/ beg March and that at least the Child Poverty Strategy and the Local Profiles should be available in some form in good time beforehand. This meeting will focus on these documents and will aim to provide feedback to influence the final plans. The April meeting will then identify the plans and priorities for the local area.

10 Any items for the forward plan should be sent to EM or AD. ALL

11 Query whether Job Centre Plus representation would be helpful EM on this Local Board. EM will raise this. Not able to attend as member but happy to come to specific meetings or be copied in

Next Meeting: Tuesday 1st March 2 - 4 or Friday 4th March 2 - 4