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Rcg Capital Inc RCG CAPITAL INC. FILING STATEMENT September 14, 2011 Neither the TSX Venture Exchange Inc. nor any securities regulatory authority has in any way passed upon the merits of the Qualifying Transaction described in this Filing Statement. i TABLE OF CONTENTS GLOSSARY.................................................................................................................................................................. 1 FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS..................................................................................................................... 8 PRESENTATION OF MINERAL RESERVES AND PRODUCTION INFORMATION .......................................... 8 INFORMATION CONCERNING DAYTAL............................................................................................................... 9 INFORMATION CONCERNING ALMONTY SUB .................................................................................................. 9 EXCHANGE RATE INFORMATION......................................................................................................................... 9 DATE OF INFORMATION ......................................................................................................................................... 9 SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................................................ 10 The Transaction ..................................................................................................................................................... 10 The Acquisition ..................................................................................................................................................... 10 The Financing........................................................................................................................................................ 10 Interest of Insiders, Promoters or Control Persons ................................................................................................ 11 Arm's Length Transaction ..................................................................................................................................... 13 Available Funds..................................................................................................................................................... 13 Selected Pro-Forma Consolidated Financial Information...................................................................................... 14 Market for Securities ............................................................................................................................................. 14 Risk Factors........................................................................................................................................................... 14 Sponsor.................................................................................................................................................................. 15 Conflicts of Interest ............................................................................................................................................... 15 Interests of Experts ................................................................................................................................................ 15 Conditional Listing Approval................................................................................................................................ 15 RISK FACTORS......................................................................................................................................................... 15 Risks Relating to the Completion of the Transaction ............................................................................................ 15 Risks Relating to the Resulting Issuer's Business and Industry............................................................................. 16 INFORMATION CONCERNING THE ACQUISITION, THE FINANCING AND THE TRANSACTION........... 25 The Acquisition ..................................................................................................................................................... 25 The Financing........................................................................................................................................................ 26 The Transaction ..................................................................................................................................................... 27 INFORMATION CONCERNING RCG..................................................................................................................... 29 Corporate Structure................................................................................................................................................ 29 General Development of the Business................................................................................................................... 29 Selected Consolidated Financial Information and Management's Discussion and Analysis ................................. 29 Description of RCG Securities .............................................................................................................................. 32 Stock Option Plan.................................................................................................................................................. 33 Other Options ........................................................................................................................................................ 34 Prior Sales.............................................................................................................................................................. 34 Stock Exchange Price ............................................................................................................................................ 35 Arm's Length Transaction ..................................................................................................................................... 35 Legal Proceedings.................................................................................................................................................. 35 Auditor, Transfer Agent and Registrar .................................................................................................................. 35 Material Contracts ................................................................................................................................................. 36 INFORMATION CONCERNING ALMONTY SUB ................................................................................................ 36 Corporate Structure................................................................................................................................................ 36 General Development of the Business................................................................................................................... 36 Description of the Almonty Sub Securities ........................................................................................................... 37 Prior Sales.............................................................................................................................................................. 37 Legal Proceedings.................................................................................................................................................. 38 Material Contracts ................................................................................................................................................. 38 INFORMATION CONCERNING DAYTAL............................................................................................................. 39 Corporate Structure................................................................................................................................................ 39 Intercorporate Relationships.................................................................................................................................. 39 General Development of the Business................................................................................................................... 39 Narrative Description of the Business ................................................................................................................... 40 The Los Santos Project.......................................................................................................................................... 45 ii Selected Consolidated Financial Information and Management's Discussion and Analysis ................................. 82 Description of the Securities.................................................................................................................................. 83 Consolidated Capitalization................................................................................................................................... 83 Prior Sales.............................................................................................................................................................. 83 Stock Exchange Price ............................................................................................................................................ 83 Executive Compensation .......................................................................................................................................
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