Clinic Notes compiled by Martin Bahar. Bahar is currently the Director of Scouting for the University of Southern California Men’s team. Bahar was previously an assistant coach at Fairfield University & Princeton University. Bahar can be reached at [email protected].

MARTIN BAHAR, USC BASKETBALL 1 PICKANDPOP.NET Global Basketball Marketing Director, Nike

• Servant leaders serve the needs of athletes. They lead [athletes] to where they haven’t been before.

• Everybody gets 24 hours a day when they get up---what do you do with your time? You have 86,400 seconds every day to be a better person than you were yesterday.

• Value of a relationship is not about me, it’s about we.

MARTIN BAHAR, USC BASKETBALL 2 PICKANDPOP.NET Cynthia Cooper-Dyke Head Women’s Basketball Coach, USC

• You cannot be a champion only when things are going well.

• Not every kid knows how hard they have to work—as a coach you have to let them know and show them.

MARTIN BAHAR, USC BASKETBALL 3 PICKANDPOP.NET Head Men’s Basketball Coach, Loyola Marymount

• Reenact the crime: Do NOT just tell kids their mistakes. Show them exactly what they did wrong on the court.

• A player’s self esteem is directly connected to the coach and what he says/thinks about him.

MARTIN BAHAR, USC BASKETBALL 4 PICKANDPOP.NET Kevin Eastman Vice President of Basketball Operations, LA Clippers

• Sustained thought creates the glue of your philosophy.

• Success lies in the simplicity; Confusion lies in sophistication.

• On the importance of putting preparation and thought into what you do: “Be there before you get there.”

• There are two types of people: know it all’s and learn it all’s.


1. How well they listen Successful 2. The notes they people put take sustained 3. The questions they ask thought into 4. The relationships the following: they develop

MARTIN BAHAR, USC BASKETBALL 6 PICKANDPOP.NET Head Men’s Basketball Coach, Villanova • Spacing is offense, offense is spacing.

• It is when you catch the ball that you are most open.

• Practice is creating habits that will enable you to be successful in the most difficult situations.


• Be the best version of you

• If [players] know we are about them as individuals, they’ll be more about each other

• If you’re afraid to coach your best player, you’re not coaching anybody.

• Servant leadership: If you make sure others eat first, you will eat more than you could ever want.

told a 23-year old John Calipari: “If you care about your kids and their success, you’ll always have a job.”

MARTIN BAHAR, USC BASKETBALL 8 PICKANDPOP.NET • If you are open, you must yell “one more” JOHN CALIPARI to your teammate with the ball. If the ball is not passed, Calipari stops pracce and asks why the ball was not passed in a mely fashion. Kentucky wanted 20 “one more’s” that lead to a shot in every game.

MARTIN BAHAR, USC BASKETBALL 9 PICKANDPOP.NET John Calipari’s 3 Things Small Guards Need:

1. Pick up 94 feet 2. Make open shots 3. Have a runner/floater